Add-in Functions, List of Analysis Functions Part Two/text/scalc/01/04060116.xhpimaginary numbers in analysis functionscomplex numbers in analysis functions
Add-in Functions, List of Analysis Functions Part Two
IMABS function
The result is the absolute value of a complex number.IMABS("ComplexNumber")ComplexNumber is a complex number that is entered in the form "x+yi" or "x+yj".
no blanks allowed, see i82522=IMABS("5+12j") returns 13.IMAGINARY function
The result is the imaginary coefficient of a complex number.IMAGINARY("ComplexNumber")=IMAGINARY("4+3j") returns 3.IMPOWER function
The result is the ComplexNumber raised to the power of Number.IMPOWER("ComplexNumber"; Number)Number is the exponent.=IMPOWER("2+3i";2) returns -5+12i.IMARGUMENT function
The result is the argument (the phi angle) of a complex number.IMARGUMENT("ComplexNumber")=IMARGUMENT("3+4j") returns 0.927295.
IMDIV function
The result is the division of two complex numbers.IMDIV("Numerator"; "Denominator")Numerator, Denominator are complex numbers that are entered in the form "x+yi" or "x+yj".=IMDIV("-238+240i";"10+24i") returns 5+12i.IMEXP function
The result is the power of e and the complex number. The constant e has a value of approximately 2.71828182845904.IMEXP("ComplexNumber")=IMEXP("1+j") returns 1.47+2.29j (rounded).IMCONJUGATE function
The result is the conjugated complex complement to a complex number.IMCONJUGATE("ComplexNumber")=IMCONJUGATE("1+j") returns 1-j.IMLN function
The result is the natural logarithm (to the base e) of a complex number. The constant e has a value of approximately 2.71828182845904.IMLN("ComplexNumber")=IMLN("1+j") returns 0.35+0.79j (rounded).IMLOG10 function
The result is the common logarithm (to the base 10) of a complex number.IMLOG10("ComplexNumber")=IMLOG10("1+j") returns 0.15+0.34j (rounded).IMLOG2 function
The result is the binary logarithm of a complex number.IMLOG2("ComplexNumber")=IMLOG2("1+j") returns 0.50+1.13j (rounded).IMPRODUCT function
The result is the product of a set of complex numbers.IMPRODUCT()=IMPRODUCT("3+4j";"5-3j") returns 27+11j.IMREAL function
The result is the real coefficient of a complex number.IMREAL("ComplexNumber")=IMREAL("1+3j") returns 1.
IMSUB function
The result is the subtraction of two complex numbers.IMSUB("ComplexNumber1"; "ComplexNumber2")=IMSUB("13+4j";"5+3j") returns 8+j.IMSUM function
The result is the sum of a set of complex numbers.IMSUM()=IMSUM("13+4j";"5+3j") returns 18+7j.IMSQRT function
The result is the square root of a complex number.IMSQRT("ComplexNumber")=IMSQRT("3+4i") returns 2+1i.COMPLEX function
The result is a complex number which is returned from a real coefficient and an imaginary coefficient.COMPLEX(RealNum; INum; Suffix)RealNum is the real coefficient of the complex number.INum is the imaginary coefficient of the complex number.Suffix is a list of options, "i" or "j".=COMPLEX(3;4;"j") returns 3+4j.OCT2BIN functionconverting;octal numbers, into binary numbersmw added one entry
The result is the binary number for the octal number entered.OCT2BIN(Number; Places)Number is the octal number. The number can have a maximum of 10 places. The most significant bit is the sign bit, the following bits return the value. Negative numbers are entered as two's complement.Places is the number of places to be output.=OCT2BIN(3;3) returns 011.OCT2DEC functionconverting;octal numbers, into decimal numbersmw added one entry
The result is the decimal number for the octal number entered.OCT2DEC(Number)Number is the octal number. The number can have a maximum of 10 places. The most significant bit is the sign bit, the following bits return the value. Negative numbers are entered as two's complement.=OCT2DEC(144) returns 100.OCT2HEX functionconverting;octal numbers, into hexadecimal numbersmw added one entry
The result is the hexadecimal number for the octal number entered.OCT2HEX(Number; Places)Number is the octal number. The number can have a maximum of 10 places. The most significant bit is the sign bit, the following bits return the value. Negative numbers are entered as two's complement.Places is the number of places to be output.=OCT2HEX(144;4) returns 0064.CONVERT function
Converts a value from one unit of measure to the corresponding value in another unit of measure. Enter the units of measures directly as text in quotation marks or as a reference. If you enter the units of measure in cells, they must correspond exactly with the following list which is case sensitive: For example, in order to enter a lower case l (for liter) in a cell, enter the apostrophe ' immediately followed by l.
Information units "bit" and "byte" may also be prefixed by one of the following IEC 60027-2 / IEEE 1541 prefixes:
ki kibi 1024Mi mebi 1048576Gi gibi 1073741824Ti tebi 1099511627776Pi pebi 1125899906842620Ei exbi 1152921504606850000Zi zebi 1180591620717410000000Yi yobi 1208925819614630000000000
CONVERT(Number; "FromUnit"; "ToUnit")Number is the number to be converted.FromUnit is the unit from which conversion is taking place.ToUnit is the unit to which conversion is taking place. Both units must be of the same type.=CONVERT(10;"HP";"PS") returns, rounded to two decimal places, 10.14. 10 HP equal 10.14 PS.=CONVERT(10;"km";"mi") returns, rounded to two decimal places, 6.21. 10 kilometers equal 6.21 miles. The k is the permitted prefix character for the factor 10^3.FACTDOUBLE functionfactorials;numbers with increments of twomw added one entry
Returns the double factorial of a number.FACTDOUBLE(Number)Returns Number!!, the double factorial of Number, where Number is an integer greater than or equal to zero.For even numbers FACTDOUBLE(n) returns:2*4*6*8* ... *nFor odd numbers FACTDOUBLE(n) returns:1*3*5*7* ... *nFACTDOUBLE(0) returns 1 by definition.=FACTDOUBLE(5) returns 15.=FACTDOUBLE(6) returns 48.=FACTDOUBLE(0) returns 1.see also FACT, MULTINOMIAL, PRODUCT