Conditional Formatting - All cells /text/scalc/01/05120400.xhp

Condition - All cells

Applies the conditional formatting to the set of cells defined in the selected range. The formatting is applied based on the contents of the whole range.

Color Scale

Applies a color scale to a range consisting of displaying a bicolor or tricolor gradient on this range depending on the value of each cell.


The calculation of the color scale depends on 2 or 3 conditions, defined as follows: Min (Max): calculates using the minimum (maximum) values in the range.
Value: a fixed value. Enter the value in the text box. Percentile: A percentile is each of the 99 values which divide the sorted data in 100 equal parts, so that each part represents 1/100 of the sample population. A percentile return the value for a data series going from the smallest to the largest value in a set of data. For P = 25, the percentile means the first quartile. P = 50 is also the MEDIAN of the data set. Enter the percentile value in the text box. Valid values are from 0 to 100. Percent: a fixed value representing the percentage of the minimum (maximum) of the length defined by minimum and maximum values in the range. A minimum of 10% selects the values below 10% of the segment [Min,Max]. A maximum of 80% select values above 80% of the segment [Min,Max]. Valid values are from 0 (zero) to 100. Do not enter a percent (%) sign. Formula: A formula expression starting with the equal sign (=) that calculates a numeric value. Values can be numbers, dates or time. Enter the formula expression in the text box.

Data Bar

Data bar option will fill the cell with solid or gradient color corresponding to the numeric value in the cell.


The calculation of the bar area fill is based on the conditions below: Automatic: calculates using the minimum and maximum values in the range. Min (Max): calculates using the minimum (maximum) values in the range.

More Options

The Data Bar dialog opens to add details on the display of data bars.

Entry values

Same as the conditions above.

Bar Colors

Choose the color for positive and negative values.


Gradient: set a color scale between the color of positive (negative) values and white. Color: use the positive (negative) color for the entire data bar, no fade out gradient.


Set the position of the vertical axis for the data bar. Values are Automatic: position the vertical axis in the middle of the maximum and minimum values. Middle: set the vertical axis in the middle of the column. None: do not display a vertical axis.

Bar Lengths

Sets the minimum (maximum) length of the data bars, as a percentage of the column width.

Display bars only

Do not display values in the cell, only the data bars.

Icon Set

Add an icon to the cell based on the value relative to the specified thresholds. Several icon sets are available.

Available Icon Sets

3, 4 or 5 - arrows Color arrow up Color arrow slightly up Color arrow same Color arrow slightly down Color arrow down 3, 4 or 5 - gray arrows Gray arrow up Gray arrow slightly up Gray arrow same Gray arrow slightly down Gray arrow down 3 - flags Yellow flag Red flag Green flag 3 - traffic lights 1 and 2 (two different designs) Yellow traffic light 1 Red traffic light 1 Green traffic light 1 Yellow traffic light 2 Red traffic light 2 Green traffic light 2 3 - Smileys 1 and 2 Yellow positive smiley Yellow neutral smiley Yellow negative smiley Green positive smiley Yellow neutral smiley Red negative smiley 3 - symbols Shape triangle Shape diamond Shape circle Exclamation mark Cross Check mark Empty star Half star Full star Triangle up Same Triangle down 4 - circles from red to black Dark red Light red Light gray Dark gray 4 or 5 - ratings Empty bars One quarters bars Half bars Three quarters bars Full bars 5 - quarters Empty One quarter Half Three quarters Full 5 - boxes Empty One quarter Half Three quarters Full

Conditions for thresholds

Conditions to set the thresholds for each icon can be specified as follows
How to use Icon Set Conditional Formatting page in TDF Wiki. How to apply a Color Scale Conditional Formatting page in TDF Wiki.