AGGREGATE function/text/scalc/01/func_aggregate.xhpAGGREGATE functionAGGREGATE functionThis function returns an aggregate result of the calculations in the range. You can use different aggregate functions listed below. The Aggregate function enables you to omit hidden rows, errors, SUBTOTAL and other AGGREGATE function results in the calculation.AGGREGATE function is applied to vertical ranges of data with activated AutoFilter. If AutoFilter is not activated, automatic recalculation of the function result does not work for newly hidden rows. It is not supposed to work with horizontal ranges, however it can be applied to them as well, but with limitations. In particular, the AGGREGATE function applied to a horizontal data range does not recognize hiding columns, however correctly omits errors and results of SUBTOTAL and other AGGREGATE functions embedded into the row. SyntaxAGGREGATE(Function; Option; Ref1 [; Ref2 [; …]])orAGGREGATE(Function; Option; Array [; k])Function – obligatory argument. A function index or a reference to a cell with value from 1 to 19, in accordance with the following table.
Option – obligatory argument. An option index or reference to a cell with value from 0 to 7 determines what to ignore in the range for the function.
Option indexOption applied0Ignore only nested SUBTOTAL and AGGREGATE functions 1Ignore only hidden rows, nested SUBTOTAL and AGGREGATE functions 2Ignore only errors, nested SUBTOTAL and AGGREGATE functions 3Ignore hidden rows, errors, nested SUBTOTAL and AGGREGATE functions4Ignore nothing5Ignore only hidden rows6Ignore only errors7Ignore only hidden rows and errors
Ref1 – obligatory argument. The first numeric argument (if the range is set by a list of values inside the function) or a reference to a cell that contains it. Ref2, 3, ... – optional. A numeric argument or a reference to a cell (up to 253 arguments), for which you need the aggregate value.Array – obligatory argument. The array can be specified by the boundaries of the range, the name of the named range or the column label.For using column labels “Automatically find columns and rows labels” function needs to be enabled.k – obligatory argument for the following functions: LARGE, SMALL, PERCENTILE.INC, QUARTILE.INC, PERCENTILE.EXC, QUARTILE.EXC. It is a numeric argument, which must correspond to the second argument of these functions.Examples
=AGGREGATE(4;2;A2:A9) Returns maximum value for the range A2:A9 = 34, whereas =MAX(A2:A9) returns the error Err:511.=AGGREGATE(9;5;A5:C5) Returns sum for the range A5:C5 = 29, even if some of the columns are hidden.=AGGREGATE(9;5;B2:B9) Returns sum of the column B = 115. If any row is hidden, the function omit its value, for example if the 7th row is hidden, the function returns 95.If you need to apply the function with a 3D range, this example shows how to do it.=AGGREGATE(13;3;Sheet1.B2:B9:Sheet3.B2:B9) The function returns mode of the values of second columns through sheets 1:3 (that have the same data) = 8.You can use reference to a cell or a range for every argument in the formula. The following example shows how it works. Besides, it shows that you can use column labels to specify an array.=AGGREGATE(E3;E5;'ColumnOne') If E3 = 13 and E5 = 5, the function returns mode of the first column = 10.AVERAGE, COUNT, COUNTA, MAX, MIN, PRODUCT, STDEV.S, STDEV.P, SUM, VAR.S, VAR.P, MEDIAN, MODE.SNGL, LARGE, SMALL, PERCENTILE.INC , QUARTILE.INC, PERCENTILE.EXC, QUARTILE.EXCAutomatically find column and row labels