FIXED Function /text/scalc/01/func_fixed.xhp FIXED function


Returns a number as text with a specified number of decimal places and optional thousands separators.
FIXED(Number; [Decimals = 2 [; NoThousandsSeparators = FALSE]]) Number is rounded to Decimals places (after the decimal separator) and the result formatted as text, using locale-specific settings. Decimals (optional) refers to the number of decimal places to be displayed. If Decimals is negative, Number is rounded to ABS(Decimals) places to the left from the decimal point. If Decimals is a fraction, it is truncated actually ignoring what is the closest integer. NoThousandsSeparators (optional) determines whether the thousands separator is used. If it is TRUE or non-zero, then group separators are omitted from the resulting string. If the parameter is equal to 0 or if it is missing altogether, the thousands separators of your current locale setting are displayed. =FIXED(1234567.89;3) returns 1,234,567.890 as a text string. =FIXED(123456.789;;TRUE) returns 123456.79 as a text string. =FIXED(12345.6789;-2) returns 12,300 as a text string. =FIXED(12134567.89;-3;1) returns 12135000 as a text string. =FIXED(12345.789;3/4) returns 12,346 as a text string. =FIXED(12345.789;8/5) returns 12,345.8 as a text string.
FIXED wiki page.