Function OPT_PROB_INMONEY /text/scalc/01/func_opt_prob_inmoney.xhp


Returns the probability that an asset will end up between two barrier levels at maturity, assuming that the stock price can be modeled as a process S that follows the stochastic differential equation, as follows. OPT_PROB_INMONEY equation µ is the asset’s percentage drift, vol is the percentage volatility of the stock, and dW is a random sample drawn from a normal distribution with a zero mean. W is a Wiener process or Brownian motion. If the optional Strike and PutCall arguments are included, then For a call option, the function returns the probability that the asset will end up between Strike and UpperBarrier. For a put option, the function returns the probability that the asset will end up between LowerBarrier and Strike. The function ignores the possibility of knock-out before maturity.
OPT_PROB_INMONEY(Spot; Volatility; Drift; Maturity; LowerBarrier; UpperBarrier [; Strike [; PutCall]]) =OPT_PROB_INMONEY(30;0.2;0.1;1;0;50) returns the value 0.9844. =OPT_PROB_INMONEY(70;0.3;0.15;1;60;0;80;"p") returns the value 0.3440. COM.SUN.STAR.SHEET.ADDIN.PRICINGFUNCTIONS.GETOPTPROBINMONEY