RIGHTB Function /text/scalc/01/func_rightb.xhp RIGHTB function


Returns the last character or characters of a text with double bytes characters sets (DBCS).
RIGHTB("Text" [; Number_bytes]) Text is the text of which the right part is to be determined. Number_bytes (optional) specifies the number of characters you want RIGHTB to extract, based on bytes. If this parameter is not defined, one byte is returned. RIGHTB("中国";1) returns " " (1 byte is only half a DBCS character and a space character is returned instead). RIGHTB("中国";2) returns "国" (2 bytes constitute one complete DBCS character). RIGHTB("中国";3) returns " 国" (3 bytes constitute one half DBCS character and one whole DBCS character; a space is returned for the first half). RIGHTB("中国";4) returns "中国" (4 bytes constitute two complete DBCS characters). RIGHTB("office";3) returns "ice" (3 non-DBCS characters each consisting of 1 byte).