WRAPROWS function /text/scalc/01/func_wraprows.xhp WRAPROWS function


Converts a single row or column into multiple rows (a 2-dimensional array) by specifying the number of values in each row.
=WRAPROWS(Range; Wrap_count [; Pad_with]) Range: the range to wrap. Wrap_count: the maximum number of values in each column. Pad_with: (optional) a specified value to pad if there are insufficient number of values. By default, it returns #N/A to fill in the cells. The formula {=WRAPROWS(A1:A15;4)} returns the array below. The missing values are replaced by #N/A. AAA BBB CCC DDD EEE FFF GGG HHH III JJJ KKK LLL MMM NNN OOO
WRAPROWS wiki page.