Error Codes in %PRODUCTNAME Calc/text/scalc/05/02140000.xhperror codes;list ofmw deleted "%PRODUCTNAME Calc;error codes"Error Codes in %PRODUCTNAME CalcThe following table is an overview of the error messages for %PRODUCTNAME Calc. If the error occurs in the cell that contains the cursor, the error message is displayed on the Status Bar.### error messageinvalid references; error messageserror messages;invalid references#REF error messageinvalid names; error messages#NAME error message
Error CodeMessageExplanation###noneThe cell is not wide enough to display the contents.501Invalid characterCharacter in a formula is not valid.502Invalid argumentFunction argument is not valid. For example, a negative number for the SQRT() function, for this please use IMSQRT().503 #NUM!Invalid floating point operationA calculation results in an overflow of the defined value range.504Parameter list errorFunction parameter is not valid, for example, text instead of a number, or a domain reference instead of cell reference.508Error: Pair missingMissing bracket, for example, closing brackets, but no opening brackets509Missing operatorOperator is missing, for example, "=2(3+4) * ", where the operator between "2" and "(" is missing.510Missing variableVariable is missing, for example when two operators are together "=1+*2".511Missing variableFunction requires more variables than are provided, for example, AND() and OR().512Formula overflowCompiler: the total number of internal tokens, (that is, operators, variables, brackets) in the formula exceeds 8192.513String overflowCompiler: an identifier in the formula exceeds 64 KB in size. Interpreter: a result of a string operation exceeds 64 KB in size.514Internal overflowSort operation attempted on too much numerical data (max. 100000) or a calculation stack overflow.516Internal syntax errorMatrix is expected on the calculation stack, but is not available.517Internal syntax errorUnknown code, for example, a document with a newer function is loaded in an older version that does not contain the function.518Internal syntax errorVariable is not available519 #VALUENo result (#VALUE is in the cell rather than Err:519!)The formula yields a value that does not correspond to the definition; or a cell that is referenced in the formula contains text instead of a number.i63264520Internal syntax errorCompiler creates an unknown compiler code.521Internal syntax errorNo result.522Circular referenceFormula refers directly or indirectly to itself and the Iterations option is not set under %PRODUCTNAME - Preferences
Tools - Options - %PRODUCTNAME Calc - Calculate.UFI: fixes #i23854#523The calculation procedure does not convergeFunction missed a targeted value, or iterative references do not reach the minimum change within the maximum steps that are set.UFI: see #33769#524 #REFinvalid references (instead of Err:524 cell contains #REF)Compiler: a column or row description name could not be resolved. Interpreter: in a formula, the column, row, or sheet that contains a referenced cell is missing.525 #NAME?invalid names (instead of Err:525 cell contains #NAME?)An identifier could not be evaluated, for example, no valid reference, no valid domain name, no column/row label, no macro, incorrect decimal divider, add-in not found.526Internal syntax errorObsolete, no longer used, but could come from old documents if the result is a formula from a domain.527Internal overflowInterpreter: References, such as when a cell references a cell, are too encapsulated.532 #DIV/0!Division by zeroDivision operator / if the denominator is 0 Some more functions return this error, for example: VARP with less than 1 argument STDEVP with less than 1 argument VAR with less than 2 arguments STDEV with less than 2 arguments STANDARDIZE with stdev=0 NORMDIST with stdev=0