Chart Wizard - Data Range /text/schart/01/wiz_data_range.xhp data ranges in charts mw added one entry Chart Wizard - Data Range On this page of the Chart Wizard you can select one single source of data range. This range may consist of more than one rectangular range of cells.context menu Data Ranges Opens the Data Ranges dialog where you can edit Data Range and Data Series. Use the Chart Wizard - Data Series page if you need more control over the data ranges.
This dialog is only available for charts based on a Calc or Writer table.

To specify a data range

Select the data range. Do one of the following: Enter the data range in the text box. In Calc, an example data range would be "$Sheet1.$B$3:$B$14". Note that a data range may consist of more than one region in a spreadsheet, e.g. "$Sheet1.A1:A5;$Sheet1.D1:D5" is also a valid data range. In Writer, an example data range would be "Table1.A1:E4". In Calc, click Select data range to minimize the dialog, then drag over a cell area to select the data range.Hold down the Ctrl key and drag to select multiple ranges. --- see issue 71894 If you want a data range of multiple cell areas that are not next to each other, enter the first range, then manually add a semicolon at the end of the text box, then enter the other ranges. Use a semicolon as delimiter between ranges. Click one of the options for data series in rows or in columns. Check whether the data range has labels in the first row or in the first column or both. In the preview you can see how the final chart will range text box & shrinky Enter the data range that you want to include in your chart. To minimize this dialog while you select the data range in Calc, click the Select data range series in rows Data series get their data from consecutive rows in the selected range. For scatter charts, the first data series will contain x-values for all series. All other data series are used as y-values, one for each series in columns Data series get their data from consecutive columns in the selected range. For scatter charts, the first data column will contain x-values for all series. All other data columns are used as y-values, one for each series.first row as label For data series in columns: The first row in the range is used as names for data series. For data series in rows: The first row in the range is used as categories. The remaining rows comprise the data series. If this check box is not selected, all rows are data series.first column as label For data series in columns: The first column in the range is used as names for data series. For data series in rows: The first column in the range is used as categories. The remaining columns comprise the data columns. If this check box is not selected, all columns are data columns.