File Menu
File Menu
Choose File - Preview in Web Browser.
Choose .
New icon on the Standard bar (the icon shows the type of the new document).
Key CommandCtrl+N
Menu .
Key Shift+CommandCtrl+N
Choose File - New - Labels.
Choose tab.
Choose File - New - Labels - Options tab.
Choose File - New - Business Cards - Options tab.
Choose File - New - Business Cards.
Choose File - New - Business Cards - Medium tab.
Choose File - New - Business Cards - Business Cards tab.
Choose File - New - Business Cards - Private tab.
Choose File - New - Business Cards - Business tab.
Choose .
On the Standard bar, click
Menu , File type Text Encoded selected.
Menu , File type Text Encoded selected.
Choose File - Wizards.
Choose File - Wizards - Letter.
Choose File - Wizards - Letter - Page Design.
Choose File - Wizards - Letter - Letterhead Layout.
Choose File - Wizards - Letter - Printed Items.
Choose File - Wizards - Letter - Recipient and Sender.
Choose File - Wizards - Letter - Footer.
Choose File - Wizards - Letter - Name and Location.
Choose File - Wizards - Fax.
Choose File - Wizards - Fax - Page Design.
Choose File - Wizards - Fax - Items to include.
Choose File - Wizards - Fax - Sender and Recipient.
Choose File - Wizards - Fax - Footer.
Choose File - Wizards - Fax - Name and Location.
Choose File - Wizards - Agenda.
Choose File - Wizards - Agenda - Page Design.
Choose File - Wizards - Agenda - General information.
Choose File - Wizards - Agenda - Headings to include.
Choose File - Wizards - Agenda - Names.
Choose File - Wizards - Agenda - Agenda items.
Choose File - Wizards - Agenda - Name and Location.
Click Use Wizard to Create Form in a database file window.
Click Use Wizard to Create Report in a database file window.
In form design, click the Group Box icon on the toolbar
and use the mouse to create a frame.
In form design, click the Group Box icon on the toolbar
and use the mouse to create a frame - Wizards page 1.
In form design, click the Group Box icon on the toolbar
and use the mouse to create a frame - Wizards page 2.
In form design, click the Group Box icon on the toolbar
and use the mouse to create a frame - Wizards page 3.
In form design, click the Group Box icon on the toolbar
and use the mouse to create a frame - Wizards page 4, there must be a database connection.
In form design, click the Group Box icon on the toolbar
and use the mouse to create a frame - Last page of wizards.
Choose File - Wizards - Document Converter.
Choose File - Wizards - Document Converter.
Choose File - Wizards - Document Converter.
Choose File - Wizards - Euro Converter.
Menu File - Wizards - Address Data Source.
Address Data Source Wizards - Additional settings
Address Data Source Wizards - Table selection
Address Data Source Wizards - Data source title
Address Data Source Wizards - Field assignment
Choose File - Close.
Choose .
Open Standard or Table Data bar, click
$[officename] Draw or $[officename] Impress menu File - Export, select HTML Document file type. The dialog opens automatically.
$[officename] Draw or $[officename] Impress menu File - Export, select HTML file type, page 1 of the wizard.
$[officename] Draw or $[officename] Impress menu File - Export, select HTML file type, page 2 of the wizard.
$[officename] Draw or $[officename] Impress menu File - Export, select HTML file type, page 3 of the wizard.
$[officename] Draw or $[officename] Impress menu File - Export, select HTML file type, page 4 of the wizard.
$[officename] Draw or $[officename] Impress menu File - Export, select HTML file type, page 5 of the wizard.
$[officename] Draw or $[officename] Impress menu File - Export, select HTML file type, page 6 of the wizard.
Choose , select a graphics file type. The dialog opens after you click Save.
Choose .
Choose .
Choose .
Choose tab.
Choose .
Choose and, in the Certificate Path area, click .
Choose .
Choose .
Choose tab, click Digital Signatures button.
Double-click or right-click the Signature field on the Status bar.
Choose tab, press Digital Signatures button, then click Sign Document button.
Choose tab.
Choose tab.
Choose tab.
Choose tab.
Choose tab.
Choose tab.
Menu .
Icon Print preview
Print Preview
Choose .
Menu .
Choose .
Icon Email Document
Email Document
Choose .
Choose .
Icon Export as EPUB
Export Directly as EPUB
Choose tab.
Choose tab.
Choose tab.
Choose tab.
Choose tab.
Choose tab.
Choose .
Icon Export Directly as PDF
Export Directly as PDF
Choose .
Choose .
Choose .
On the Standard bar, click
On the Print Preview bar of a text document, click
Icon Print Page Preview
Print Page Preview
Choose .
Choose .
Choose , select Text CSV.
Choose (Calc).
Copy data to clipboard, then choose (Calc).
Choose , if EPS is selected as file type, this dialog opens automatically.
Choose , if PBM, PPM or PGM is selected as file type, the dialog opens automatically.
Choose File - Versions.