Insert Menu /text/shared/00/00000404.xhp Insert Menu Choose Insert - Comment
Choose Insert - Media - Scan
Choose Insert - Media - Scan - Select Source
Choose Insert - Media - Scan - Request
Choose Insert - Special Character Choose Format - Bullets and Numbering - Customize - Character button Choose Format - Bullets and Numbering - Customize - Character button On the Standard or the Insert toolbar, click
Icon Special Character
Choose Insert - Media - Audio or Video
Audio or Video
Choose Insert - Object
Choose Insert - Object - OLE Object Open the Insert toolbar, click
Icon OLE Object
Choose Insert - Object - Formula Open the Insert toolbar, clickUFI: shortened the para
Icon Formula
Choose Format - Chart Type Choose Insert - Object - Chart
Choose Format - Chart Type Choose Insert - Object - Chart
Choose Format - Chart Type Choose Insert - Object - Chart
Choose Insert - Object - Chart Open the Insert toolbar, click
Icon Chart
Choose Insert - Image On the Standard toolbar, click
Icon Image
Choose Insert - Floating Frame Open the Insert toolbar, clickUFI: shortened the para
Icon Floating Frame
Open a file of a type that is unknown to %PRODUCTNAME and that is no text file
Icon Fontwork Gallery
Icon Basic Shapes
Icon Symbol Shapes
Icon Block Arrows
Icon Flowcharts
Icon Callouts
Icon Stars