Format Menu /text/shared/00/00040502.xhp This listing is split over the files 00040500, 00040501, 00040502 and 00040503.

Format Menu

Choose Format - Line (Impress and Draw).i64150 Choose Format - Text Box and Shape - Line (Writer). Choose Format - Object - Line (Calc). On Line and Filling bar, click
Icon Line Line
Choose Format - Text Box and Shape - Line - Line tab. Choose Format - Object - Line - Line tab. Choose Format - Title - Borders tab (charts). Choose Format - Legend - Borders tab (charts). Choose Format - Axis - Line tab (charts). Choose Format - Grid - Line tab (charts). Choose Format - Chart Wall - Borders tab (charts). Choose Format - Chart Floor - Borders tab (charts). Choose Format - Chart Area - Borders tab (charts). Choose View - Styles - open context menu and choose New/Edit Style - Line tab (presentation documents).
Choose Format - Text Box and Shape - Object - Line - Line Styles tab.
Choose Format - Line Choose Format - Text Box and Shape - Line - Arrow Styles tab. Right-click a selected object - choose Line - Arrow Styles tab. On the Drawing Object Properties bar, choose Arrow Styles tab, after clicking On the Drawing Object Properties bar or Image bar, choose Arrow Styles tab, after clicking On the Image bar or Line and Filling bar, choose Arrow Styles tab, after clicking
Choose Format - Text Box and Shape - Object - Area. On Line and Filling bar, click
Icon Area Area
Choose View - Styles (Command+TF11) - choose Paragraph, Frame or Page style - open context menu - choose New/Edit Style - Area tab. Choose Table - Properties - Background tab. Select the table object - Cell, Row or Table - which background area is to be filled. Choose Format - Page Style - Area tab. Choose Format - Text Box and Shape - Area - Area
Choose Styles - Manage Styles (Command+TF11) - choose Cell or Page style - open context menu - choose New/Edit Style - Background tab. Choose Format - Page Style - Background tab Choose Format - Cells - Background tab Choose Format - Object - Area - Area tab. Choose Format - Style - Edit Style - Area tab Choose Slide - Properties - Background tab Choose Format - Styles - Manage Styles (Command+TF11), choose Drawing or Presentation style - open context menu - choose New/Edit Style - Area tab. Choose Format - Object and Shape - Area - Area tab Choose Format - Style - Edit Style - Area tab Choose Format - Styles - Manage Styles (Command+TF11), choose Drawing style - open context menu - choose New/Edit Style - Area tab. Choose Page - Properties - Background tab. Choose Format - Area - Area tab Choose Format - Title - Area tab. Choose Format - Legend - Area tab. Choose Format - Chart Wall - Area tab. Choose Format - Chart Floor - Area. Choose Format - Chart Area - Area. When editing a form: When editing a report: Choose Format - Page - Background tab.
Choose Format - Area - Transparency tab (drawing documents). Choose Format - Object and Shape - Area - Transparency tab (presentation documents). Choose Format - Chart Wall - Transparency tab (chart documents). Choose Format - Chart Area - Transparency tab (chart documents). Choose Format - Chart Floor - Transparency tab (chart documents). Choose Format - Title - All Titles - Transparency tab (chart documents). Choose Format - Title - Main Title - Transparency tab (chart documents). Choose Format - Title - Subtitle - Transparency tab (chart documents). Choose Format - Title - Title (X Axis) - Transparency tab (chart documents). Choose Format - Title - Title (Y Axis) - Transparency tab (chart documents). Choose Format - Title - Title (Z Axis) - Transparency tab (chart documents) Choose Format - Object Properties - Data Point - Transparency - tab (chart documents). Choose Format - Object Properties - Data Series - Transparency tab (chart documents).
Choose Format - Paragraph - Transparency tab. Choose View - Styles - open context menu of an entry and choose New/Edit Style - Transparency tab.
Choose Format - Text Box and Shape - Object - Area - Shadow tab. Choose Format - Text Box and Shape - Object - Area - Gradients tab. Choose Format - Text Box and Shape - Object - Object and Shape - Area - Hatch tab. Choose Format - Page Style - Area Choose Page - Properties - Background Choose Slide - Properties - Background - Hatch tab. Choose Format - Text Box and Shape - Object - Area - Image tab. Choose Format - Text Box and Shape - Text Attributes Object - Text - Text. Choose Format - Text Box and Shape - Text Attributes Object - TextObject and ShapeText - Text tab. Choose Format - Text Box and Shape - Text Attributes Object - TextText - Text Animation tab.
Choose Format - Text Box and Shape - Object - Position and Size. F4 keyF4 key
Icon Position and Size Position and SizeUFI: in Form Design toolbar
Choose Format - Name. Choose Name. On the Image menu of the Image tab, choose Name. On the Object menu of the Object tab, choose Name.
Choose Format - Alt Text. On the Image menu of the Image tab, choose Alt Text. On the Object menu of the Object tab, choose Alt Text.
Click on textbox or shape to select, then... Choose Format - Text Box and Shape - Object - Object and Shape - Position and Size - Position and Size tab. Open context menu for selected object - choose Position and Size - Position and Size tab. Icon Position and Size Position and Size menu icon
Press F4 after selection to open the tab directly.
Choose Format - Text Box and Shape - Object - Position and Size - Rotation tab. Icon Rotate Rotate
Choose Format - Text Box and Shape - Object - Position and Size - Slant & Corner Radius tab. Choose Format - Text Box and Shape - Object - Position and Size - Callout tab. This is only available for textbox callouts, not for custom shapes callouts.
Choose Edit - Toggle Point Edit Mode. Toggle Point Edit Mode Choose Draw - Toggle Point Edit Mode. On the Draw menu of the Draw tab, choose Toggle Point Edit Mode.
Icon Toggle Point Edit Mode Toggle Point Edit Mode
F8 F8
Choose Format - Character (drawing functions). Open context menu - choose Character.
Open context menu - choose Size.
Open context menu - choose Style.
Choose Format - Text - Bold. Choose Text - Bold. Choose Home - Bold.
Icon Bold Bold
Choose Properties - Character - Bold. CommandCtrl + B
Choose Format - Text - Italic. Choose Text - Italic. Choose Home - Italic.
Icon Italic Italic
Choose Properties - Character - Italic. CommandCtrl + I
Choose Format - Text - Underline. Choose Format - Text - Double Underline. Choose Text - Underline. Choose Home - Underline.
Icon Underline Underline
Choose Properties - Character - Underline. CommandCtrl + D (Double underline).
Choose Format - Text - Strikethrough. Choose Text - Strikethrough. Choose Home - Strikethrough.
Icon Strikethrough Strikethrough
Choose Properties - Character - Strikethrough.
Choose Format - Text - Overline. Choose Text - Overline. On the Text menu of the Text tab, Choose Overline. On the Home menu of the Home tab, Choose Overline. Icon Overline Overline
Choose Format - Text - Shadow. Choose Text - Shadow. On the Text menu of the Text tab, Choose Shadow. Choose Home - Shadow. On the Home menu of the Home tab, Choose Shadow. Icon Shadow Shadow
Choose Properties - Character - Shadow.
Choose Format - Text - Outline Font Effect. On the Text menu of the Text tab, Choose Outline Font Effect. On the Home menu of the Home tab, Choose Outline Font Effect. Icon Outline Font Effect Outline Font Effect
Choose Format - Text - Superscript. Choose Home - Superscript. Icon Superscript Superscript
Choose Properties - Character - Superscript. CommandCtrl + Shift + P
Choose Format - Text - Subscript. Choose Home - Subscript. Icon Subscript Subscript
Choose Properties - Character - Subscript. CommandCtrl + Shift + B
Choose Format - Text - Increase Size. Choose Text - Increase Size. Choose Home - Increase Size.
Icon Increase Size Increase Size
Choose Properties - Character - Increase Size. CommandCtrl + ]
Choose Format - Text - Decrease Size. Choose Text - Decrease Size. Choose Home - Decrease Size.
Icon Decrease Size Decrease Size
Choose Properties - Character - Decrease Size. CommandCtrl + [
Choose Format - Text - UPPERCASE. On the Text menu of the Text tab, choose UPPERCASE. On the Home menu of the Home tab, choose UPPERCASE. Icon UPPERCASE UPPERCASE
Choose Format - Text - lowercase. On the Text menu of the Text tab, choose lowercase. On the Home menu of the Home tab, choose lowercase. Icon lowercase lowercase
Choose Format - Text - Cycle Case. On the Text menu of the Text tab, choose Cycle Case. On the Home menu of the Home tab, choose Cycle Case. Shift + F3
Choose Format - Text - Sentence case. On the Text menu of the Text tab, choose Sentence Case. On the Home menu of the Home tab, choose Sentence Case.
Choose Format - Text - Capitalize Every Word. On the Text menu of the Text tab, choose Capitalize Every Word. On the Home menu of the Home tab, choose Capitalize Every Word.
Choose Format - Text - tOGGLE cASE. On the Text menu of the Text tab, choose tOGGLE cASE. On the Home menu of the Home tab, choose tOGGLE cASE.
Choose Format - Text - Small Capitals. Icon Small Capitals Small Capitals
CommandCtrl + Shift + K
Choose Format - Spacing.
Choose Format - Spacing - Line Spacing: 1. Choose Home - Line Spacing - Line Spacing: 1. Icon Line Spacing: 1 Line Spacing: 1
On the Paragraph panel of the Properties deck, choose Line Spacing: 1.
Choose Format - Spacing - Line Spacing: 1.15. Choose Home - Line Spacing - Line Spacing: 1.15. Icon Line Spacing: 1.15 Line Spacing: 1.15
On the Paragraph panel of the Properties deck, choose Line Spacing: 1.15.
Choose Format - Spacing - Line Spacing: 1.5. Choose Home - Line Spacing - Line Spacing: 1.5. Icon Line Spacing: 1.5 Line Spacing: 1.5
On the Paragraph panel of the Properties deck, choose Line Spacing: 1.5.
Choose Format - Spacing - Line Spacing: 2. Choose Home - Line Spacing - Line Spacing: 2. Icon Line Spacing: 2 Line Spacing: 2
On the Paragraph panel of the Properties deck, choose Line Spacing: 2.
Choose Format - Spacing - Increase Paragraph Spacing. Choose Home - Line Spacing - Increase Paragraph Spacing.
Icon Increase Paragraph Spacing Increase Paragraph Spacing
On the Paragraph panel of the Properties deck, choose Increase Paragraph Spacing.
Choose Format - Spacing - Decrease Paragraph Spacing. Choose Home - Line Spacing - Decrease Paragraph Spacing.
Icon Decrease Paragraph Spacing Decrease Paragraph Spacing
On the Paragraph panel of the Properties deck, choose Decrease Paragraph Spacing.
Choose Format - Spacing - Increase Indent. Choose Home - Increase Indent.
Icon Increase Indent Increase Indent
On the Alignment panel of the Properties deck, choose Increase Indent. On the Paragraph panel of the Properties deck, choose Increase Indent.
Choose Format - Spacing - Decrease Indent. Choose Home - Decrease Indent.
Icon Decrease Indent Decrease Indent
On the Alignment panel of the Properties deck, choose Decrease Indent. On the Paragraph panel of the Properties deck, choose Decrease Indent.
Choose Format - Align Text - Left.
Choose Text (text selected).Home Select Properties - AlignmentParagraph deck.
Icon Align Left Align Left
CommandCtrl + L
Choose Format - Align Text - Right.
Icon Align Right Align Right
CommandCtrl + R
Choose Format - Align Text - Centered.
Icon Centered Align Center HorizontallyCentered
CommandCtrl + C
Choose Format - Align Text - Justified.
Icon Justified Justified
CommandCtrl + J
Click Fontwork icon on Drawing bar.
Choose Format - Group Shapes. Choose Group. Choose Draw tab.
Choose Shape - Group - Group Choose Format - Group Shapes - Group Choose Group. Choose Draw - Group.
Icon Group Group
Choose Shape - Group Shapes - Ungroup. Choose Format - Group Shapes - Ungroup. Choose Ungroup.
Icon Ungroup Ungroup
Choose Shape - Group Shapes - Exit Group. Choose Format - Group Shapes - Exit Group. Choose Exit Group. Choose Draw - Exit Group.
Icon Exit Group Exit Group
Choose Shape - Group Shapes - Enter Group. Choose Format - Group Shapes - Enter Group. Choose Enter Group. Choose Draw - Enter Group.
Icon Enter Group Enter Group