Edit Menu
Choose Edit - Undo.
On the Standard bar or Table Data bar, click
Choose Edit - Redo.
On the Standard bar, click
Choose Edit - Repeat.
Choose Edit - Cut.
On the Standard bar, click
Choose Edit - Copy.
On the Standard bar, click
Choose Edit - Paste.
On the Standard bar, click
Choose Edit - Paste Special.
Choose Edit - Select All.
Choose Edit - Track Changes.
Choose Edit - Track Changes - Record.
Choose Edit - Track Changes - Show.
Choose Edit - Track Changes - Show.
Choose Edit - Track Changes - Manage.
Choose Edit - Track Changes - Manage - List tab.
Choose Tools - AutoCorrect - Apply and Edit Changes. The AutoCorrect dialog appears.
Click the Edit Changes button and navigate to the List tab.
Choose Edit - Track Changes - Manage - Filter tab.
Choose Edit - Track Changes - Merge Document.
Choose Edit - Track Changes - Compare Document.
Choose Edit - Track Changes - Comment.
Choose Edit - Track Changes - Manage - List tab.
Click an entry in the list and open the context menu.
Choose Edit Comment.
Choose Edit - Find.
Choose Edit - Find & Replace.
On the Standard bar, click
Choose Edit - Find & Replace - Attributes.
Choose Edit - Find & Replace - Format button.
Choose Edit - Find & Replace - Similarity search check box, then click the Similarities button.
On the Table Data bar, click Find icon, then Similarity search check box,
then click the Similarities button (database table view).
On the Form Design bar, click Record Search icon, then Similarity search check box,
then click the Similarities button (form view).
Choose View - Navigator.
On the Standard bar, click
Choose Tools - Bibliography Database.
Choose Edit - Links.
Choose Edit - Links to External Files - Modify... (DDE links only).
Select a frame, then choose Edit - Object - Properties.
Open context menu of selected frame, choose Properties.
Choose Edit - ImageMap in Writer and Calc or Tools - ImageMap in Impress and Draw.
Choose Edit - ImageMap in Writer and Calc or Tools - ImageMap in Impress and Draw,
then select a section of the ImageMap and click Properties - Description.
Choose Edit - Object.
Choose Edit - Object - Edit, also in the context menu of selected object.
Choose Edit - Object - Open.