ImageMap Editor/text/shared/01/02220000.xhpImageMap EditorAllows you to attach URLs to specific areas, called hotspots, on a graphic or a group of graphics. An image map is a group of one or more hotspots.You can draw three types of hotspots: rectangles, ellipses, and polygons. When you click a hotspot, the URL is opened in the browser window or frame that you specify. You can also specify the text that appears when your mouse rests on the hotspot.ApplyApplies the changes that you made to the image map.
OpenLoads an existing image map in the MAP-CERN, MAP-NCSA or SIP StarView ImageMap file format.
SaveSaves the image map in the MAP-CERN, MAP-NCSA or SIP StarView ImageMap file format.
SelectSelects a hotspot in the image map for editing.
RectangleDraws a rectangular hotspot where you drag in the graphic. After, you can enter the Address and the Text for the hotspot, and then select the Frame where you want the URL to open.
EllipseDraws an elliptical hotspot where you drag in the graphic. After, you can enter the Address and the Text for the hotspot, and then select the Frame where you want the URL to open.
PolygonDraws a polygonal hotspot in the graphic. Click this icon, drag in the graphic, and then click to define one side of the polygon. Move to where you want to place the end of the next side, and then click. Repeat until you have drawn all of the sides of the polygon. When you are finished, double-click to close the polygon. After, you can enter the Address and the Text for the hotspot, and then select the Frame where you want the URL to open.
Freeform PolygonDraws a hotspot that is based on a freeform polygon. Click this icon and move to where you want to draw the hotspot. Drag a freeform line and release to close the shape. After, you can enter the Address and the Text for the hotspot, and then select the Frame where you want the URL to open.
IconFreeform Polygon
Edit PointsLets you change the shape of the selected hotspot by editing the anchor points.
IconEdit points
Move PointsLets you move the individual anchor points of the selected hotspot.
IconMove Points
Insert PointsAdds an anchor point where you click on the outline of the hotspot.
IconInsert Points
Delete PointsDeletes the selected anchor point.
IconDelete Points
ActiveDisables or enables the hyperlink for the selected hotspot. A disabled hotspot is transparent.
MacroLets you assign a macro that runs when you click the selected hotspot in a browser.
PropertiesAllows you to define the properties of the selected hotspot.
IconUFI: see #60783Properties
Address:Enter the URL for the file that you want to open when you click the selected hotspot. If you want to jump to an anchor within the document, the address should be of the form "file:///C/document_name#anchor_name"This needs a rework as the document address example seems to be windows only and uses forbidden root directory again..Text:Enter the text that you want to display when the mouse rests on the hotspot in a browser. If you do not enter any text, the Address is displayed.Frame:Enter the name of the target frame that you want to open the URL in. You can also select a standard frame name from the list.List of frame typesGraphic Viewdon't hide the imagemap if extended tips are onDisplays the image map, so that you can click and edit the hotspots.Controlling the ImageMap Editor With the Keyboard