List /text/shared/01/02230401.xhp
List Accept or reject individual changes.
The List tab displays all of the changes that were recorded in the current document. If you want to filter this list, click the Filter tab, and then select your filter criteria. If the list contains nested changes, the dependencies are shown regardless of the filter. Nested changes occur where changes made by different authors overlap. Click the plus sign beside an entry in the list to view all of the changes that were recorded for a cell. If one of the nested changes for a cell matches a filter criterion, all of the changes for the cell are displayed. When you filter the change list, the entries in the list appear in different colors according to the following table: Color Meaning black The entry matches a filter criterion. blue One or more subentries matches a filter criterion. gray The subentry does not match a filter criterion. green The subentry matches a filter criterion.
Selection field Lists the changes that were recorded in the document. When you select an entry in the list, the change is highlighted in the document. To sort the list, click a column heading. Hold down CommandCtrl while you click to select multiple entries in the list. To edit the comment for an entry in the list, right-click the entry, and then choose Edit - Comment. After you accept or reject a change, the entries of the list are re-ordered according to "Accepted" or "Rejected" status. Action Lists the changes that were made in the document. Position Lists the cells with contents that were changed. Author Lists the user who made the change. Date Lists the date and time that the change was made. Comment Lists the comments that are attached to the change. Accept Accepts the selected change and removes the highlighting from the change in the document. Reject Rejects the selected change and removes the highlighting from the change in the document. Accept All Accepts all of the changes and removes the highlighting from the document. Reject All Rejects all of the changes and removes the highlighting from the document. To reverse the acceptance or rejection of a change, choose Undo on the Edit menu. Undo If you made changes by choosing Tools - AutoCorrect - Apply and Edit Changes, the Undo button appears in the dialog. Reverse the last Accept or Reject command. There are additional commands in the context menu of the list: Edit comment Edit the comment for the selected change. Sort Sorts the list according to the column headings. Action Sorts the list according to the type of change. Author Sorts the list according to the author. Date Sorts the list according to the date and time. Comment Sorts the list according to the comments that are attached to the changes. Document Position Sorts the list in a descending order according to the position of the changes in the document. This is the default sorting method.