Font Position/text/shared/01/05020500.xhpSun Microsystems, Inc.positioning; fontsformats; positionseffects;font positionsfonts; positions in textspacing; font effectscharacters; spacingpair kerningkerning; in characterstext; kerningFont Position
PositionSpecify the position, scaling, rotation, and spacing for characters.PositionSet the subscript or superscript options for a character.SuperscriptReduces the font size of the selected text and raises the text above the baseline.NormalRemoves superscript or subscript formatting.SubscriptReduces the font size of the selected text and lowers the text below the baseline.Raise/lower byEnter the amount by which you want to raise or to lower the selected text in relation to the baseline. One hundred percent is equal to the height of the font.Relative font sizeEnter the amount by which you want to reduce the font size of the selected text.AutomaticAutomatically sets the amount by which the selected text is raised or lowered in relation to the baseline.Rotation / scalingSet the rotation and the scaling options for the selected text.0 degreesDoes not rotate the selected text.90 degreesRotates the selected text to the left by 90 degrees.270 degreesRotates the selected text to the right by 90 degrees.Fit to lineStretches or compresses the selected text so that it fits between the line that is above the text and the line that is below the text.Scale widthEnter the percentage of the font width by which to horizontally stretch or compress the selected text.SpacingSpecify the spacing between individual characters.SpacingSpecifies the spacing between the characters of the selected text. Enter the amount by which you want to expand or condense the text in the spin button.To increase the spacing, set a positive value; to reduce it, set a negative value.Pair kerningAutomatically adjust the character spacing for specific letter combinations.Kerning is only available for certain font types and requires that your printer support this option.