Background /text/shared/01/05030600.xhp
frames; backgrounds backgrounds; frames/sections/indexes sections; backgrounds indexes; backgrounds footers;backgrounds headers;backgrounds Background Set the background color or graphic.
You can specify the background for paragraphs, pages, headers, footers, text frames, tables, table cells, sections, and indexes. cells and pages.
As Select the type of background that you want to apply. Using a Color as a Background Color Background Click the color that you want to use as a background. To remove a background color, click No Fill. For Select the area that you want to apply the background color to. For example, when you define the background color for a table, you can choose to apply it to the table, the active cell, the row, or the column. This option is only available when you edit the background of a table or a paragraph style. Using a Graphic as a Background File Contains information about the graphic file. Display field Shows the path for the graphic file. Link Links to or embeds the graphic file in the current file. Preview Displays or hides a preview of the selected graphic. Browse Locate the graphic file that you want to use as a background, and then click Open. Type Specify the way that you want to display the background graphic. Position Select this option, and then click a location in the position grid. Area Stretches the graphic to fill the entire background of the selected object. Tile Repeats the graphic so that it covers the entire background of the selected object. Click a color. Click No Fill to remove a background or highlighting color. Click Automatic to reset a font color.