Chinese Conversion/text/shared/01/06010600.xhpUFI: former Chinese Translation dialog, issue 58212Chinese writing systemssimplified Chinese;conversion to traditional Chinesetraditional Chinese;conversion to simplified ChineseChinese ConversionConverts the selected Chinese text from one Chinese writing system to the other. If no text is selected, the entire document is converted. You can only use this command if you enable Asian language support in Tools - Options - Language Settings - Languages.Conversion DirectionSelect the conversion direction.Traditional Chinese to simplified ChineseConverts traditional Chinese text characters to simplified Chinese text characters. Click OK to convert the selected text. If no text is selected, the whole document is converted.Simplified Chinese to traditional ChineseConverts simplified Chinese text characters to traditional Chinese text characters. Click OK to convert the selected text. If no text is selected, the whole document is converted.Common TermsCommon terms are words that have the same meaning in traditional and simplified Chinese but are written with different characters.Translate common termsConverts words with two or more characters that are in the list of common terms. After the list is scanned, the remaining text is converted character by character.Edit termsOpens the Edit Dictionary dialog where you can edit the list of conversion terms.