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  <topic id="textshared01notebook_barxml">
    <title id="tit" xml-lang="en-US">Using the notebook bar</title>


<bookmark xml-lang="en-US" branch="index" id="bm_id190920161758487840">
  <bookmark_value>notebook bar;contextual single toolbar</bookmark_value>
  <bookmark_value>notebook bar;contextual groups</bookmark_value>
  <bookmark_value>notebook bar;tabbed mode</bookmark_value>
  <bookmark_value>notebook bar;single toolbar</bookmark_value>
  <bookmark_value>notebook bar;default layout</bookmark_value>
  <bookmark_value>notebook bar;layouts</bookmark_value>
  <bookmark_value>notebook bar;toolbar</bookmark_value>
  <bookmark_value>notebook bar;sidebar</bookmark_value>
  <bookmark_value>sidebar;notebook bar</bookmark_value>
  <bookmark_value>toolbar;notebook bar</bookmark_value>

<section id="using_the_notebook_bar">
<h1 id="hd_id190920161731349683"><link href="text/shared/01/notebook_bar.xhp">User Interface</link></h1>
<paragraph role="paragraph" id="par_id791612306305954">Opens the Select Your Preferred User Interface dialog to let you choose the user interface layout for %PRODUCTNAME.</paragraph>

<paragraph id="par_id190920161732262244" role="paragraph" xml-lang="en-US"><ahelp hid=".">The notebook bar shows a different way to organize controls and icons than a collection of straight rows of icons, displaying contextual groups of commands and contents for a quicker usage and better user experience.</ahelp></paragraph>

<section id="howtoget">
<paragraph id="par_id190920161744066306" role="paragraph" xml-lang="en-US">Choose menu <menuitem>View - User Interface</menuitem></paragraph>

<h2 id="hd_id190920161911374012">User interface layouts</h2>
<paragraph id="par_id190920161744068946" role="paragraph" xml-lang="en-US">The <emph>User Interface</emph> entry defines which user interface elements are visible.</paragraph>

<h3 id="par_id190920161744068819">Standard toolbar</h3>
<paragraph role="paragraph" id="par_id851612307031565">Classic mode with two visible toolbars – standard and formatting. The sidebar is partially collapsed and shows only tabs. Intended for users who are familiar with the classic interface.</paragraph>

<h3 id="par_id190920161744069064">Tabbed</h3>
<paragraph role="paragraph" id="par_id651612308171162">In this mode, the bar is divided into tabs, where each tab displays a set of icons grouped by context. The context can also change depending on the object selected in the document, for example a table or an image. The Tabbed user interface is the most similar to the Ribbons used in Microsoft Office. It organizes functions in tabs and makes the main menu obsolete.</paragraph>

<h3 id="hd_id121612308178510">Tabbed compact</h3>
<paragraph role="paragraph" id="par_id91612308184979">The Tabbed Compact variant aims to be familiar with the Microsoft Office interface, yet occupying less space for smaller screens.</paragraph>

<h3 id="hd_id701612308190664">Groupedbar compact</h3>
<paragraph role="paragraph" id="par_id381612308201500">The Groupedbar Compact interface provides access to functions in groups, with icons for most-frequently used features, and dropdown menus for others. This compact variant favors vertical space.</paragraph>

<h3 id="par_id190920161744063712">Contextual single</h3>
<paragraph role="paragraph" id="par_id581612307790744">The Contextual Single interface shows functions in a single-line toolbar with context-dependent content.</paragraph>

<h3 id="par_id190920161744061192">Single toolbar</h3>
<paragraph role="paragraph" id="par_id531612307932017">Standard user interface but with single-line toolbar. Intended for use on small screens. The sidebar is collapsed.</paragraph>

<h3 id="par_id190920161744069136">Sidebar</h3>
<paragraph role="paragraph" id="par_id411612308221445">Standard user interface with expanded sidebar. Expert users who want to quickly change many different properties are advised to use this user interface.</paragraph>

<paragraph id="par_id190920161744063797" role="paragraph" xml-lang="en-US">When user activates additional toolbars, they will be saved in the user profile. Therefore, on returning from the notebook bar mode, all toolbars set visible before will show again.</paragraph>

<note id="par_id190920161744074224">The Tabbed and Groupedbar modes are also available as compact variants.</note>
<tip id="par_id190920161744076273">The notebook bar icon size is adjustable in <switchinline select="sys"><caseinline select="MAC"><menuitem>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</menuitem></caseinline><defaultinline><menuitem>Tools - Options</menuitem></defaultinline></switchinline><menuitem> - %PRODUCTNAME - View - Notebookbar icon size</menuitem> listbox.</tip>
<note id="par_id190920161744074862">The notebook bar cannot be customized.</note>
<warning id="par_id190920161744078275">The current implementation (%PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION) of the notebook bar is common to Writer, Calc, Draw and Impress modules. A change in the notebook bar in one module will affect the notebook bar of the other modules.</warning>

<section id="relatedtopics">
<paragraph id="par_id190920161744072842" role="paragraph" xml-lang="en-US"><link href="text/shared/guide/floating_toolbar.xhp">Toolbars</link></paragraph>
<paragraph role="paragraph" id="par_id921589901261168"><link href="text/shared/optionen/01010800.xhp">View</link> options</paragraph>