Using the notebook bar /text/shared/01/notebook_bar.xhp
notebook bar;contextual single toolbar notebook bar;contextual groups notebook bar;tabbed mode notebook bar;single toolbar notebook bar;default layout notebook bar;layouts notebook bar;toolbar notebook bar;sidebar sidebar;notebook bar toolbar;notebook bar Using the notebook bar The notebook bar is a new form of displaying commands icons for a quicker usage
By default, %PRODUCTNAME commands are grouped in cascading menus and in toolbars filled with icons. The notebook bar shows a different way to organize controls and icons than a collection of straight rows of icons, displaying contextual groups of commands and contents. With the notebook bar, frequently used commands are grouped in an arrangement that will make it quicker to access, avoiding lengthy menu navigation and toolbars command icon lookup. The notebook bar is available in Writer, Calc and Impress. The user interface has now several available layouts. Two entries in the View menu controls the notebook bar: Toolbar Layout and Notebook bar.
Choose menu View - Toolbar layout - Notebook bar
User interface layouts The Toolbar Layout entry defines which user interface elements are visible. The available layouts are: Default – classic mode with two visible toolbars – standard and formatting. The sidebar is partially collapsed and shows only tabs. Single toolbar – one toolbar with all frequently used features. The sidebar is collapsed. Sidebar – The sidebar is fully opened and only one toolbar is showed – formatting toolbar. Notebook bar – all toolbar and sidebar are hidden and the notebook bar is placed on the top. The menu entry: View - Notebook bar is active only in this mode and user can then choose the notebook bar layout. When user activates additional toolbars, they will be saved in the user profile. Therefore, on returning to the notebook bar mode, all toolbars set visible before will show again. Available Notebook bar modes Tabbed – In this mode, the bar is divided into tabs, where each tab displays a set of icons grouped by context. The context can also change depending on the object selected in the document, for example a table or an image. In the tabbed mode the menu bar is hidden by default. To display the menu bar, select the “≡” icon at the top-left position of the window and choose Menu bar. Contextual groups – The notebook bar is divided into 4 groups. The File, Clipboard and Format groups are fixed. The Insert group contents are replaced with commands that depends on the nature of the selected object in the document, as for a table, an image or an OLE object. Contextual single toolbar – Displays a single centered toolbar with context-dependent contents. The notebook bar icon size is adjustable in Tools - Options - LibreOffice - View - Notebook bar listbox. The notebook bar cannot be customized. The current implementation (%PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION) of the notebook bar is common to Writer, Calc and Impress modules. A change in the notebook bar in one module will affect the notebook bar of the other modules.