Styles/text/shared/01/styles.xhpThis help page should move to shared folder and reworked. OHStyles window;applying stylesstyles;previewspreviews;stylesStylist, see Styles windowStyles windowformats; Styles windowformatting; Styles windowpaint can for applying stylesstyles in spreadsheetsstyles; in Calc
Use the Styles deck of the Sidebar to apply, create, edit, and remove formatting styles. Double-click an entry to apply the style.To dock the Styles window, drag its title bar to the left or to the right side of the workspace. To undock the window, double-click a free space on its toolbar.By default, the Styles deck displays a preview of the available styles. The previews can be disabled by unchecking the Show Previews box below the list of styles.
Style Category
Paragraph Styles
Displays formatting styles for paragraphs. Use paragraph styles to apply the same formatting, such as font, numbering, and layout to the paragraphs in your document.
Icon Paragraph StylesParagraph Styles
Character Styles
Displays formatting styles for characters. Use character styles to apply font styles to selected text in a paragraph.
Icon Character StylesCharacter Styles
Icon Drawing StylesDrawing Styles
Frame Styles
Displays formatting styles for frames. Use frame styles to format frame layouts and position.
Icon Frame StylesFrame Styles
Page Styles
Displays formatting styles for pages. Use page styles to determine page layouts, including the presence of headers and footers.
Icon Page StylesPage Styles
List Styles
Displays formatting styles for numbered and bulleted lists. Use list styles to format number and bullet characters and to specify indents.
Icon List StylesList Styles
Table Styles
Displays formatting styles for tables. Use table styles to apply borders, backgrounds, fonts, alignment, and number formats to tables.
Icon Table StylesTable Styles
Presentation Styles
Show styles used in %PRODUCTNAME Impress AutoLayouts. You can only modify Presentation Styles.
Icon Presentation StylesPresentation Styles
Fill Format Mode
Applies the selected style to the object or
text that you select in the document. Click this icon, and then drag a selection in the document to apply the style. To exit this mode, click the icon again, or press Esc.
Icon Fill Format ModeFill Format Mode
Style actions menu
Opens a submenu with more commands.
Icon New Style from SelectionStyle actions menu
New Style from Selection
New Style from Selection
Creates a new style based on the formatting of the current paragraph, page, or selection.
Icon New Style from selectionNew Style from selection
Update Selected Style
Update Style
The manually formatted attributes of the text at the cursor position in the document will be added to the style that is selected in the Styles window.
Icon Update StyleUpdate Style
Show previews
Check this box to display style names as examples of their formatting.
Styles Window
The styles window displays a list of available styles. Double-click a style to apply it.
Context Menu
Hides the selected style from view in the Style window.Use the Hidden Styles filter to see a list of hidden styles.
Makes a hidden style visible in Style window.
Displays a color and a unique number code for each applied paragraph or character style in the document.Styles spotlighting is only available for paragraph and character styles.