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  <topic id="textshared0203200000xml" indexer="include">
    <title id="tit" xml-lang="en-US">Change Anchor</title>
<section id="verankerung">
<bookmark xml-lang="en-US" branch="index" id="bm_id3153323"><bookmark_value>anchors; changing</bookmark_value>
<bookmark xml-lang="en-US" branch="hid/.uno:ToggleAnchorType" id="bm_id571270" localize="false"/>
<paragraph role="heading" id="hd_id3153323" xml-lang="en-US" level="1"><link href="text/shared/02/03200000.xhp" name="Change Anchor">Change Anchor</link></paragraph>
<paragraph role="paragraph" id="par_id3150499" xml-lang="en-US"><variable id="verankerungtext"><ahelp hid=".uno:ToggleAnchorType">Allows you to switch between anchoring options.</ahelp>
</variable> The <emph>Change Anchor</emph> icon is only visible when an object such as a graphic or control field <switchinline select="appl"><caseinline select="WRITER">or frame</caseinline></switchinline> is selected.</paragraph>
<paragraph role="paragraph" id="par_id3155555" xml-lang="en-US">Further information about the anchoring is contained in the <link href="text/shared/01/05260000.xhp" name="Anchoring"><emph>Anchoring</emph></link> help section.</paragraph>
<switch select="appl">
<case select="WRITER"><embed href="text/shared/00/00040501.xhp#syverankerung"/>
<switch select="appl">
<case select="CALC"><embed href="text/shared/00/00040501.xhp#ankcalc"/>