Graphic Filter Bar/text/shared/02/24010000.xhpSun Microsystems, Inc.Graphic Filter BarThis icon on the Image bar opens the Graphic Filter bar, where you can use various filters on the selected picture.
InvertInverts the color values of a color image, or the brightness values of a grayscale image. Apply the filter again to revert the effect.
SmoothSoftens or blurs the image by applying a low pass filter.low pass filter with a kernel of: 1-2-1, 2-5-2, 1-2-1
SharpenSharpens the image by applying a high pass filter.high pass filter with a kernel of: -1/-1/-1, -1/16/-1, -1/-1/-1
Remove NoiseRemoves noise by applying a median filter.See i70055
IconRemove Noise
SolarizationOpens a dialog for defining solarization. Solarization refers to an effect that looks like what can happen when there is too much light during photo development. The colors become partly inverted.
ParametersSpecifies the degree and type of solarization.Threshold ValueSpecifies the degree of brightness, in percent, above which the pixels are to be solarized.InvertSpecifies to also invert all pixels.AgingAll pixels are set to their gray values, and then the green and blue color channels are reduced by the amount you specify. The red color channel is not changed.
Aging DegreeDefines the intensity of aging, in percent. At 0% you see the gray values of all pixels. At 100% only the red color channel remains.ufi: cannot see any difference between 0% and 100% aging here...PosterizeOpens a dialog to determine the number of poster colors. This effect is based on the reduction of the number of colors. It makes photos look like paintings.
Poster ColorsSpecifies the number of colors to which the image is to be reduced.Pop ArtConverts an image to a pop-art format.
IconPop Art
Charcoal SketchDisplays the image as a charcoal sketch. The contours of the image are drawn in black, and the original colors are suppressed.
IconCharcoal Sketch
ReliefDisplays a dialog for creating reliefs. You can choose the position of the imaginary light source that determines the type of shadow created, and how the graphic image looks in relief.
Light SourceSpecifies the light source position. A dot represents the light source.MosaicJoins small groups of pixels into rectangular areas of the same color. The larger the individual rectangles are, the fewer details the graphic image has.
Element resolutionDetermines the number of pixels to be joined into rectangles.WidthDefines the width of the individual tiles.HeightDefines the height of the individual tiles.Enhance edgesEnhances, or sharpens, the edges of the object.