Sending Documents as E-mail/text/shared/guide/email.xhpdocuments; sending as e-mailsending; documents as e-maile-mail attachmentsfiles; sending as e-mailtext documents;sending as e-mailspreadsheets; sending as e-maildrawings; sending as e-mailpresentations; sending as e-mailattachments in e-mailsSending Documents as E-mailWorking in $[officename], you can send the current document as an e-mail attachment.Choose File - Send - E-mail Document.$[officename] opens your default e-mail program. If you want to send the current document with another e-mail program, you can select the program to use with Internet - E-mail in the Options dialog box.In your e-mail program, enter the recipient, subject and any text you want to add, then send the e-mail.In case you want to send the e-mail to a recipient who only has software that cannot read the OpenDocument format, you can send the current document in an often used proprietary format. For a text document, choose File - Send - E-mail as Microsoft Word. For a spreadsheet, choose File - Send - E-mail as Microsoft Excel. And for a presentation, choose File - Send - E-mail as Microsoft PowerPoint. If you want to send the document as a read-only file, choose File - Send - E-mail as PDF. These commands do not change your current document. Only a temporary copy is created and sent.