Inserting Objects From the Gallery /text/shared/guide/gallery_insert.xhp Gallery; inserting pictures from pictures; inserting from Gallery inserting; from Gallery into text objects; inserting from Gallery textures;inserting from Gallery backgrounds;inserting from Gallery inserting;objects from Gallery copying;from Gallery replacing;objects from Gallery Gallery;dragging pictures to draw objects draw objects;dropping Gallery pictures drag and drop;from Gallery to draw objects mw deleted "adding;"

Inserting an object into a document

Open the Gallery. Select a theme. Select an object using a single click. Drag the object into the document, or right-click to open the context menu and select Insert.

Replacing an object in a document

By dragging and dropping

Open the Gallery. Select a theme. Select an object using a single click. Drag the object over the one you want to replace while holding down the CommandCtrl key.

Using the context menu

Open the Gallery Select a theme. Left-click on the object you want to replace. Right-click on the object you want to replace it with and select Insert.

Inserting an object as a background graphic

Open the Gallery. Select a theme. Select an object by a single click. Open the context menu and choose Insert - Background - Page or Insert - Background - Paragraph. The option to insert an object as a background image is only available in %PRODUCTNAME Writer.