Calculate/text/shared/optionen/01060500.xhpreferences; iterative (Calc)calculating;iterative references (Calc)iterative references in spreadsheetsrecursions in spreadsheetsdates; default (Calc)dates; start 1900/01/01 (Calc)dates; start 1904/01/01 (Calc)case sensitivity;comparing cell contents (Calc)decimal places displayed (Calc)precision as shown (Calc)values; rounded as shown (Calc)rounding precision (Calc)search criteria for database functions in cellsExcel; search criteriaUFI: removed a double entrymw changed "cell contents;" to "case sensitivity;.."mw deleted "numbers;decimal places (Calc)"CalculateDefines the calculation settings for spreadsheets. Defines the behavior of spreadsheets with iterative references, the date settings, the number of decimal places, and if capitalization or lower cases are to be considered when searching within sheets.Iterative referencesIn this section you can delimit the number of approximation steps carried out during iterative calculations. In addition, you can specify the degree of precision of the answer.IterationsSpecifies whether formulas with iterative references (formulas that are continuously repeated until the problem is solved) are calculated after a specific number of repetitions. If the Iterations box is not marked, an iterative reference in the table will cause an error message.Example: calculating the cost of an item without the value-added tax.Type the text 'Selling price' in cell A5, the text 'Net' in cell A6, and the text 'Value-added tax' in cell A7.Now type a selling price (for example, 100) in cell B5. The net price should be shown in cell B6 and the value-added tax should be shown in cell B7. You know that the value-added tax is calculated as 'net price times 15%' and that you arrive at the net price by deducting the value-added tax from the selling price. Type the formula =B5-B7 in B6 to calculate the net price, and type the formula =B6*0.15 in cell B7 to calculate the value-added tax.Switch on the iterations to correctly calculate the formulas, otherwise a 'Circular reference' error message appears in the Status Bar.
AB5Selling Price1006Net=B5-B77Tax=B6*0.15
StepsSets the maximum number of iteration steps.Minimum ChangeSpecifies the difference between two consecutive iteration step results. If the result of the iteration is lower than the minimum change value, then the iteration will stop.DateSelect the start date for the internal conversion from days to numbers.12/30/1899 (default)Sets 12/30/1899 as day zero.01/01/1900 (StarCalc 1.0)Sets 1/1/1900 as day zero. Use this setting for StarCalc 1.0 spreadsheets containing date entries.01/01/1904Sets 1/1/1904 as day zero. Use this setting for spreadsheets that are imported in a foreign format.Case sensitiveSpecifies whether to distinguish between upper and lower case in texts when comparing cell contents.Example: Type the text 'Test' in cell A1; and the text 'test' in B1. Then type the formula "=A1=B1" in cell C1. If the Case sensitive box is marked, FALSE will appear in the cell; otherwise, TRUE will appear in the cell.The EXACT text function is always case-sensitive, independent of the settings in this dialog.Disable case sensitivity for spreadsheets that need to be interoperable with Microsoft Excel.Precision as shownSpecifies whether to make calculations using the rounded values displayed in the sheet. Charts will be shown with the displayed values. If the Precision as shown option is not marked, the displayed numbers are rounded, but they are calculated internally using the non-rounded number.Search criteria = and <> must apply to whole cellsSpecifies that the search criteria you set for the Calc database functions must match the whole cell exactly. When both, the Search criteria = and <> must apply to whole cells box and the Enable wildcards in formulas box are marked, $[officename] Calc behaves exactly as Microsoft Excel when searching cells in the database functions.
* in following position:Search result:winFinds win, but not win95, os2win, or upwindwin*Finds win and win95, but not os2win or upwind*winFinds win and os2win, but not win95 or upwind*win*Finds win, win95, os2win, and upwind
If Search criteria = and <> must apply to whole cells is not enabled, the "win" search pattern acts like "*win*". The search pattern can be at any position within the cell when searching with the Calc database functions.Enable whole cell match for spreadsheets that need to be interoperable with Microsoft Excel.Enable wildcards in formulasSpecifies that wildcards are enabled when searching and also for character string comparisons. This relates to the database functions, and to VLOOKUP, HLOOKUP, MATCH, AVERAGEIF, AVERAGEIFS, COUNTIF, COUNTIFS, SUMIF, SUMIFS and SEARCH.? (question mark) matches any single character* (asterisk) matches any sequence of characters, including an empty string~ (tilde) escapes the special meaning of a question mark, asterisk or tilde character that follows immediately after the tilde characterEnable wildcards in formulas for spreadsheets that need to be interoperable with Microsoft Excel.Enable regular expressions in formulasSpecifies that regular expressions instead of simple wildcards are enabled when searching and also for character string comparisons. This relates to the database functions, and to VLOOKUP, HLOOKUP, MATCH, AVERAGEIF, AVERAGEIFS, COUNTIF, COUNTIFS, SUMIF, SUMIFS and SEARCH.
Sorry, no more switches allowed inside AVIS tagsDo not enable regular expressions in formulas for spreadsheets that need to be interoperable with Microsoft Excel.No wildcards or regular expressions in formulasSpecifies that only literal strings are used when searching and also for character string comparisons. This relates to the database functions, and to VLOOKUP, HLOOKUP, MATCH, AVERAGEIF, AVERAGEIFS, COUNTIF, COUNTIFS, SUMIF, SUMIFS and SEARCH.
Do not disable wildcards in formulas for spreadsheets that need to be interoperable with Microsoft Excel.Automatically find column and row labelsSpecifies that you can use the text in any cell as a label for the column below the text or the row to the right of the text. The text must consist of at least one word and must not contain any operators.Example: Cell E5 contains the text "Europe". Below, in cell E6, is the value 100 and in cell E7 the value 200. If the Automatically find column and row labels box is marked, you can write the following formula in cell A1: =SUM(Europe).Limit decimals for general number formatYou can specify the maximum number of decimal places that are shown by default for cells with General number format. If not enabled, cells with General number format show as many decimal places as the column width allows.Decimal placesDefines the number of decimals to be displayed for numbers with the General number format. The numbers are displayed as rounded numbers, but are not saved as rounded numbers.