Custom Animation Pane/text/simpress/01/06060000.xhpSun Microsystems, Inc.sounds; for effectseffects; soundssounds; formatspresentations; ordering of effectslists;animationsanimations;list ofmw added "lists;" and "animations;"Custom Animation PaneAssigns effects to selected objects.Animation ListThe animation list displays all animations for the current slide. Each slide has one main animation that runs when the slide is shown.More animations may be present, which run when a shape is shown. If any of these animated shapes are present, they are listed in the lower half of the animation list. Tabs display the name of each shape that runs an animation.Each list entry can consist of the following columns, from left to right:An optional + character signals that the text paragraphs are animated.The second column shows the execution number of the animation.Column three shows a mouse icon if the animation is started by a mouse click, and a clock if the animation starts after the previous animation ends.In column four, an icon shows the animation effect.The fifth column shows the name of the shape for this animation effect and optionally the first characters of animated text.AddOpens the Custom Animation dialog to add another animation effect for the selected object on the slide.ChangeOpens the Custom Animation dialog to change the animation effect for the selected entry on the animation list.RemoveRemoves the selected animation effects from the animation list.StartDisplays the start property of the selected animation effect. The following start properties are available:On click - the animation stops at this effect until the next mouse click.With previous - the animation runs immediately.After previous - the animation runs as soon as the previous animation ends.UFI: removed help idPropertySelects the additional properties of the animation. Click the Options button to open the Effect Options dialog, where you can select and apply properties.SpeedSpecifies the speed or duration of the selected animation effect.Change orderClick one of the buttons to move the selected animation effect up or down in the list.PlayPlays the selected animation effect in the preview.Slide ShowStarts the slide show from the current slide.Automatic previewSelect to preview new or edited effects on the slide while you assign them.