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<helpdocument version="1.0">

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      <topic id="textswriterguideauto_numberingxml" indexer="include">
         <title xml-lang="en-US" id="tit">Creating Numbered or Bulleted Lists as You Type</title>
<bookmark xml-lang="en-US" branch="index" id="bm_id3147407"><bookmark_value>numbering; lists, while typing</bookmark_value>
      <bookmark_value>bullet lists;creating while typing</bookmark_value>
      <bookmark_value>lists;automatic numbering</bookmark_value>
      <bookmark_value>automatic bullets/numbers; AutoCorrect function</bookmark_value>
      <bookmark_value>bullets; using automatically</bookmark_value>
      <bookmark_value>paragraphs; automatic numbering</bookmark_value>
</bookmark><comment>MW deleted "applying;"</comment><comment>mw deleted "automatic bullets" and changed "automatic numbering;"</comment>
<paragraph xml-lang="en-US" id="hd_id3147407" role="heading" level="1"><variable id="auto_numbering"><link href="text/swriter/guide/auto_numbering.xhp" name="Creating Numbered or Bulleted Lists as You Type">Creating Numbered or Bulleted Lists as You Type</link>
      <paragraph xml-lang="en-US" id="par_id3155525" role="paragraph">$[officename] can automatically apply numbering or bullets as you type.</paragraph>
      <paragraph xml-lang="en-US" id="hd_id3154243" role="heading" level="2">To Enable Automatic Numbering and Bulleting</paragraph>
      <list type="ordered">
            <paragraph xml-lang="en-US" id="par_id3152830" role="listitem">Choose <item type="menuitem">Tools - AutoCorrect - AutoCorrect Options</item>, click the <item type="menuitem">Options</item> tab, and then select “Bulleted and numbered lists”.</paragraph>
            <paragraph xml-lang="en-US" id="par_id3152867" role="listitem">Choose <emph>Tools - AutoCorrect</emph>, and ensure that <emph>While Typing</emph> is selected.</paragraph>
      <paragraph xml-lang="en-US" id="par_id2357860" role="tip">The automatic numbering option is only applied to paragraphs that are formatted with the "Default", "Text body", or "Text body indent" paragraph style.</paragraph>
      <paragraph xml-lang="en-US" id="hd_id3152897" role="heading" level="2">To Create a Numbered or Bulleted List While You Type</paragraph>
      <list type="ordered">
            <paragraph xml-lang="en-US" id="par_id3147773" role="listitem">Type 1., i., or I. to start a numbered list. Type * or - to start a bulleted list. You can also type a right parenthesis after the number instead of a period , for example, 1) or i).</paragraph>
            <paragraph xml-lang="en-US" id="par_id3147794" role="listitem">Enter a space, type your text, and then press Enter. The new paragraph automatically receives the next number or bullet.</paragraph>
            <paragraph xml-lang="en-US" id="par_id3147814" role="listitem">Press Enter again to finish the list.</paragraph>
      <paragraph xml-lang="en-US" id="par_id3147287" role="note">You can start a numbered list with any number.</paragraph>
      <embed href="text/swriter/guide/insert_tab_innumbering.xhp#promotedemote"/>
      <section id="relatedtopics">
            <embed href="text/swriter/guide/using_numbering.xhp#using_numbering"/>
            <paragraph xml-lang="en-US" id="par_id3154083" role="paragraph"><link href="text/shared/01/06050000.xhp" name="Format - Numbering/Bullets">Format - Bullets and Numbering</link></paragraph>