Selecting What to Print /text/swriter/guide/print_selection.xhp selecting; pages to print printing;page range printing;selection

Selecting What to Print

You can choose to print individual pages, a range of pages, or a selection from a document.

Printing a single page

Choose File - Print to open the Print dialog. In the Range and Copies section, select the Pages option. The text box will show the current page number. Enter the page number you want to print. The preview box on the left shows the selected page.

Printing a range of pages

Choose File - Print to open the Print dialog. In the Range and Copies section, select the Pages option. The text box will show the current page number. Enter the page numbers to print. • Use - for a range of pages (e.g., 1–4 will print all pages from 1 to 4). • Partial ranges are also permitted. Empty tablecells needed for layout, do not delete -5 prints all pages up to page 5. 10- prints from page 10 to end of document.
• Use , or ; for a list of pages (e.g., 1,3;7 will print pages 1, 3 and 7. Spaces are optional. 1, 3, 7 will also work). • Combinations are also possible (e.g., 1, 3, 5-10, 15- will print pages 1,3, 5 through 10, and 15 to end of document.
The preview box on the left shows the selected pages.

Printing a selection of text or graphics

Select the content to print. Choose File - Print to open the Print dialog. In the Range and Copies section, choose the Selection option. The preview box shows the selected material.