path: root/source/dsb/desktop/messages.po
diff options
authorChristian Lohmaier <lohmaier+LibreOffice@googlemail.com>2018-10-22 00:28:11 +0200
committerChristian Lohmaier <lohmaier+LibreOffice@googlemail.com>2018-10-22 00:55:54 +0200
commit7ecee4ec3b466784f25e0a84cbb90a5ab992528e (patch)
treede477607ab4b6fff283d99355cf715c1a2e778c5 /source/dsb/desktop/messages.po
parent7bf607deb6711d47520579b6cdc0381cb71420da (diff)
update translations for 6.2.0 alpha1
also add Lower Sorbian and force-fix errors using pocheck Change-Id: I616de90d5159504de836211412a2266296b2f624
Diffstat (limited to 'source/dsb/desktop/messages.po')
1 files changed, 937 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/source/dsb/desktop/messages.po b/source/dsb/desktop/messages.po
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f4f5dbecffe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/dsb/desktop/messages.po
@@ -0,0 +1,937 @@
+#. extracted from desktop/inc
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://bugs.libreoffice.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=LibreOffice&bug_status=UNCONFIRMED&component=UI\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-09-03 13:23+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-09-04 12:54+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: Michael Wolf <milupo@sorbzilla.de>\n"
+"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
+"Language: dsb\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"X-Accelerator-Marker: ~\n"
+"X-Generator: Pootle 2.8\n"
+"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1536065674.000000\n"
+#: desktop/inc/strings.hrc:25
+msgid "Copying: "
+msgstr "Kopěrujo se: "
+#: desktop/inc/strings.hrc:26
+msgid "Error while adding: "
+msgstr "Zmólka pśi pśidawanju: "
+#: desktop/inc/strings.hrc:27
+msgid "Error while removing: "
+msgstr "Zmólka pśi wótnoźowanju: "
+#: desktop/inc/strings.hrc:28
+msgid "Extension has already been added: "
+msgstr "Rozšyrjenje jo se južo pśidało: "
+#: desktop/inc/strings.hrc:29
+msgid "There is no such extension deployed: "
+msgstr "Take rozšyrjenje njejo znate: "
+#: desktop/inc/strings.hrc:30
+msgid "Synchronizing repository for %NAME extensions"
+msgstr "Žrědło rozšyrjenja %NAME se synchronizěrujo"
+#: desktop/inc/strings.hrc:32
+msgid "Enabling: "
+msgstr "Zmóžnja se: "
+#: desktop/inc/strings.hrc:33
+msgid "Disabling: "
+msgstr "Znjemóžnja se: "
+#: desktop/inc/strings.hrc:34
+msgid "Cannot detect media-type: "
+msgstr "Medijowy typ njedajo se zwěsćiś: "
+#: desktop/inc/strings.hrc:35
+msgid "This media-type is not supported: "
+msgstr "Toś ten medijowy typ se njepódpěra: "
+#: desktop/inc/strings.hrc:36
+msgid "An error occurred while enabling: "
+msgstr "Pśi zmóžnjanju jo zmólka nastała: "
+#: desktop/inc/strings.hrc:37
+msgid "An error occurred while disabling: "
+msgstr "Pśi znjemóžnjanju jo zmólka nastała: "
+#: desktop/inc/strings.hrc:39
+msgid "Configuration Schema"
+msgstr "Konfiguraciska šema"
+#: desktop/inc/strings.hrc:40
+msgctxt "RID_STR_CONF_DATA"
+msgid "Configuration Data"
+msgstr "Konfiguraciske daty"
+#: desktop/inc/strings.hrc:42
+msgctxt "RID_STR_BASIC_LIB"
+msgid "%PRODUCTNAME Basic Library"
+msgstr "Biblioteka %PRODUCTNAME Basic"
+#: desktop/inc/strings.hrc:43
+msgid "Dialog Library"
+msgstr "Biblioteka Dialog"
+#: desktop/inc/strings.hrc:44
+msgid "The library name could not be determined."
+msgstr "Mě biblioteki njedajo se zwěsćiś."
+#: desktop/inc/strings.hrc:46
+msgid "Extension"
+msgstr "Rozšyrjenje"
+#: desktop/inc/strings.hrc:48
+msgid "UNO Dynamic Library Component"
+msgstr "Komponenta UNO Dynamic Library"
+#: desktop/inc/strings.hrc:49
+msgid "UNO Java Component"
+msgstr "Komponenta UNO Java"
+#: desktop/inc/strings.hrc:50
+msgid "UNO Python Component"
+msgstr "Komponenta UNO Python"
+#: desktop/inc/strings.hrc:51
+msgid "UNO Components"
+msgstr "Komponenty UNO"
+#: desktop/inc/strings.hrc:52
+msgid "UNO RDB Type Library"
+msgstr "UNO komponenta (RDB typ)"
+#: desktop/inc/strings.hrc:53
+msgid "UNO Java Type Library"
+msgstr "Biblioteka UNO Java Type"
+#: desktop/inc/strings.hrc:55
+msgctxt "RID_STR_SFWK_LIB"
+msgid "%MACROLANG Library"
+msgstr "Biblioteka %MACROLANG"
+#: desktop/inc/strings.hrc:57
+msgctxt "RID_STR_HELP"
+msgid "Help"
+msgstr "Pomoc"
+#: desktop/inc/strings.hrc:58
+msgid "The extension cannot be installed because:\n"
+msgstr "Rozšyrjenje njedajo se instalěrowaś, dokulaž:\n"
+#: desktop/inc/strings.hrc:59
+msgid "The extension will not be installed because an error occurred in the Help files:\n"
+msgstr "Rozšyrjenje njebuźo se instalěrowaś, dokulaž jo zmólka w datajach pomocy nastała:\n"
+#: desktop/inc/strings.hrc:61
+msgid "Add Extension(s)"
+msgstr "Rozšyrjenja pśidaś"
+#: desktop/inc/strings.hrc:62
+msgid "~Remove"
+msgstr "Wó~twónoźeś"
+#: desktop/inc/strings.hrc:63
+msgid "~Enable"
+msgstr "~Zmóžniś"
+#: desktop/inc/strings.hrc:64
+msgid "~Disable"
+msgstr "Z~njemóžniś"
+#: desktop/inc/strings.hrc:65
+msgid "~Update..."
+msgstr "~Aktualizěrowaś..."
+#: desktop/inc/strings.hrc:66
+#, c-format
+msgid "Adding %EXTENSION_NAME"
+msgstr "Pśidawa se %EXTENSION_NAME"
+#: desktop/inc/strings.hrc:67
+#, c-format
+msgid "Removing %EXTENSION_NAME"
+msgstr "%EXTENSION_NAME se wótwónoźujo"
+#: desktop/inc/strings.hrc:68
+#, c-format
+msgid "Enabling %EXTENSION_NAME"
+msgstr "%EXTENSION_NAME se zmóžnja"
+#: desktop/inc/strings.hrc:69
+#, c-format
+msgid "Disabling %EXTENSION_NAME"
+msgstr "%EXTENSION_NAME se znjemóžnja"
+#: desktop/inc/strings.hrc:70
+#, c-format
+msgid "Accept license for %EXTENSION_NAME"
+msgstr "Licencu za %EXTENSION_NAME akceptěrowaś"
+#: desktop/inc/strings.hrc:71
+msgid "Error: The status of this extension is unknown"
+msgstr "Zmólka: Status toś togo rozšyrjenja jo njeznaty"
+#: desktop/inc/strings.hrc:72
+msgctxt "RID_STR_CLOSE_BTN"
+msgid "Close"
+msgstr "Zacyniś"
+#: desktop/inc/strings.hrc:73
+msgctxt "RID_STR_EXIT_BTN"
+msgid "Quit"
+msgstr "Skóńcyś"
+#: desktop/inc/strings.hrc:74
+msgid ""
+"%PRODUCTNAME has been updated to a new version. Some shared %PRODUCTNAME extensions are not compatible with this version and need to be updated before %PRODUCTNAME can be started.\n"
+"Updating of shared extension requires administrator privileges. Contact your system administrator to update the following shared extensions:"
+msgstr ""
+"%PRODUCTNAME jo se na nowu wersiju aktualizěrował. Někotare rozšyrjenja za %PRODUCTNAME instalěrowane za wšykne wužywarje njejsu kompatibelne z toś teju wersiju a muse se aktualizěrowaś, nježli až %PRODUCTNAME dajo se startowaś.\n"
+"Trjebaśo pšawa administratora, aby rozšyrjenja aktualizěrował, kótarež su za wšykne wužywarje instalěrowane. Stajśo se ze swójim systemowym administratorom do zwiska, aby slědujuce, za wšykne wužywarje instalěrowane rozšyrjenja aktualizěrował:"
+#: desktop/inc/strings.hrc:77
+msgid "The extension cannot be enabled as the following system dependencies are not fulfilled:"
+msgstr "Rozšyrjenje njedajo se zmóžniś, dokulaž slědujuce systemowe wótwisnosći njejsu docynjone:"
+#: desktop/inc/strings.hrc:78
+msgid "This extension is disabled because you haven't accepted the license yet.\n"
+msgstr "Toś to rozšyrjenje jo znjemóžnjone, dokulaž hyšći njejsćo licencu akceptěrował.\n"
+#: desktop/inc/strings.hrc:79
+msgid "Show license"
+msgstr "Licencu pokazaś"
+#: desktop/inc/strings.hrc:80
+msgid ""
+"You are about to install the extension '%NAME'.\n"
+"Click 'OK' to proceed with the installation.\n"
+"Click 'Cancel' to stop the installation."
+msgstr ""
+"Cośo rownj rozšyrjenje '%NAME' instalěrowaś.\n"
+"Klikniśo na 'W pórěźe', aby z instalaciju pókšacował.\n"
+"Klikniśo na 'Pśetergnuś', aby instalaciju zastajił."
+#: desktop/inc/strings.hrc:83
+msgid "Extension installation is currently disabled. Please consult your system administrator for more information."
+msgstr "Instalacija rozšyrjenjow jo tuchylu znjemóžnjona. Pšosym stajśo se ze swójim systemowym administratorom za dalšne informacije do zwiska."
+#: desktop/inc/strings.hrc:85
+msgid "Extension removal is currently disabled. Please consult your system administrator for more information."
+msgstr "Wótwónoźowanje rozšyrjenjow jo tuchylu znjemóžnjone. Pšosym stajśo se ze swójim systemowym administratorom za dalšne informacije do zwiska."
+#: desktop/inc/strings.hrc:87
+msgid ""
+"You are about to remove the extension '%NAME'.\n"
+"Click 'OK' to remove the extension.\n"
+"Click 'Cancel' to stop removing the extension."
+msgstr ""
+"Cośo rowno rozšyrjenje '%NAME' wótwónoźiś.\n"
+"Klikniśo na 'W pórěźe', aby rozšyrjenje wótwónoźeł.\n"
+"Klikniśo na 'Pśetergnuś', aby wótwónoźowanje rozšyrjenja pśetergnuł."
+#: desktop/inc/strings.hrc:90
+msgid ""
+"Make sure that no further users are working with the same %PRODUCTNAME, when changing shared extensions in a multi user environment.\n"
+"Click 'OK' to remove the extension.\n"
+"Click 'Cancel' to stop removing the extension."
+msgstr ""
+"Zawěsććo, až žedne dalšne wužywarje z teju samskeju instalaciju %PRODUCTNAME njeźěłaju, gaž změnijośo za wšykne wužywarje instalěrowane rozšyrjenja we wěcejwužywarskej wokolinje.\n"
+"Klikniśo na 'W pórěźe', aby rozšyrjenje wótwónoźił.\n"
+"Klikniśo na 'Pśetergnuś', aby wótwónoźowanje rozšyrjenja pśetergnuł."
+#: desktop/inc/strings.hrc:94
+msgid ""
+"Make sure that no further users are working with the same %PRODUCTNAME, when changing shared extensions in a multi user environment.\n"
+"Click 'OK' to enable the extension.\n"
+"Click 'Cancel' to stop enabling the extension."
+msgstr ""
+"Zawěsććo, až žedne dalšne wužywarje z teju samskeju instalaciju %PRODUCTNAME njeźěłaju, gaž změnijośo za wšykne wužywarje instalěrowane rozšyrjenja we wěcejwužywarskej wokolinje.\n"
+"Klikniśo na 'W pórěźe', aby rozšyrjenje zmóžnił.\n"
+"Klikniśo na 'Pśetergnuś', aby zmóžnjanje rozšyrjenja pśetergnuł."
+#: desktop/inc/strings.hrc:98
+msgid ""
+"Make sure that no further users are working with the same %PRODUCTNAME, when changing shared extensions in a multi user environment.\n"
+"Click 'OK' to disable the extension.\n"
+"Click 'Cancel' to stop disabling the extension."
+msgstr ""
+"Zawěsććo, až žedne dalšne wužywarje z teju samskeju instalaciju %PRODUCTNAME njeźěłaju, gaž za wšykne wužiwarje instalěrowane rozšyrjenja we wěcejwužywarskej wokolinje změnijośo.\n"
+"Klikniśo na 'W pórěźe', aby rozšyrjenje znjemóžnił.\n"
+"Klikniśo na 'Pśetergnuś', aby znjemóžnjanje rozšyrjenja pśetergnuł."
+#: desktop/inc/strings.hrc:102
+msgid "The extension '%Name' does not work on this computer."
+msgstr "Rozšyrjenje '%Name' na toś tom licadle njefunkcioněrujo."
+#: desktop/inc/strings.hrc:104
+msgid "Installing extensions..."
+msgstr "Rozšyrjenja se instalěruju..."
+#: desktop/inc/strings.hrc:105
+msgid "Installation finished"
+msgstr "Instalacija jo se dokóńcyła"
+#: desktop/inc/strings.hrc:106
+msgid "No errors."
+msgstr "Žedne zmólki."
+#: desktop/inc/strings.hrc:107
+msgid "Error while downloading extension %NAME. "
+msgstr "Pśi ześěgowanju rozšyrjenja %NAME jo zmólka nastała. "
+#: desktop/inc/strings.hrc:108
+msgid "The error message is: "
+msgstr "Zmólkowa powěźeńka jo: "
+#: desktop/inc/strings.hrc:109
+msgid "Error while installing extension %NAME. "
+msgstr "Zmólka pśi instalěrowanju rozšyrjenja %NAME. "
+#: desktop/inc/strings.hrc:110
+msgid "The license agreement for extension %NAME was refused. "
+msgstr "Licencne dojadnanje za rozšyrjenje %NAME jo se wotpokazało. "
+#: desktop/inc/strings.hrc:111
+msgid "The extension will not be installed."
+msgstr "Rozšyrjenje njebuźo se instalěrowaś."
+#: desktop/inc/strings.hrc:113
+msgid "Unknown"
+msgstr "Njeznaty"
+#: desktop/inc/strings.hrc:114
+msgid "Extension requires at least OpenOffice.org reference version %VERSION"
+msgstr "Rozšyrjenje se nanejmjenjej referencnu wersiju %VERSION OpenOffice.org pomina"
+#: desktop/inc/strings.hrc:115
+msgid "Extension does not support OpenOffice.org reference versions greater than %VERSION"
+msgstr "Rozšyrjenje referencne wersije OpenOffice.org njepódpěra, kótarež su wětše ako %VERSION"
+#: desktop/inc/strings.hrc:116
+msgid "Extension requires at least %PRODUCTNAME version %VERSION"
+msgstr "Rozšyrjenje se nanejmjenjej %PRODUCTNAME wersije %VERSION pomina"
+#: desktop/inc/strings.hrc:118
+msgid ""
+"You are about to install version $NEW of the extension '$NAME'.\n"
+"The newer version $DEPLOYED is already installed.\n"
+"Click 'OK' to replace the installed extension.\n"
+"Click 'Cancel' to stop the installation."
+msgstr ""
+"Cośo wersiju $NEW rozšyrjenja '$NAME' instalěrowaś.\n"
+"Nowša wersija $DEPLOYED jo južo instalěrowana.\n"
+"Klikniśo na 'W pórěźe', aby instalěrowane rozšyrjenje wuměnił.\n"
+"Klikniśo na 'Pśetergnuś', aby instalaciju zastajił."
+#: desktop/inc/strings.hrc:122
+msgid ""
+"You are about to install version $NEW of the extension '$NAME'.\n"
+"The newer version $DEPLOYED, named '$OLDNAME', is already installed.\n"
+"Click 'OK' to replace the installed extension.\n"
+"Click 'Cancel' to stop the installation."
+msgstr ""
+"Cośo wersiju $NEW rozšyrjenja '$NAME' instalěrowaś.\n"
+"Nowša wersija $DEPLOYED, z mjenim '$OLDNAME', jo južo instalěrowana.\n"
+"Klikniśo na 'W pórěźe', aby instalěrowane rozšyrjenje wuměnił.\n"
+"Klikniśo na 'Pśetergnuś', aby instalaciju zastajił."
+#: desktop/inc/strings.hrc:126
+msgid ""
+"You are about to install version $NEW of the extension '$NAME'.\n"
+"That version is already installed.\n"
+"Click 'OK' to replace the installed extension.\n"
+"Click 'Cancel' to stop the installation."
+msgstr ""
+"Cośo wersiju $NEW rozšyrjenja '$NAME' instalěrowaś.\n"
+"Toś ta wersija jo južo instalěrowana.\n"
+"Klikniśo na 'W pórěźe', aby instalěrowane rozšyrjenje wuměnił.\n"
+"Klikniśo na 'Pśetergnuś', aby instalaciju zastajił."
+#: desktop/inc/strings.hrc:130
+msgid ""
+"You are about to install version $NEW of the extension '$NAME'.\n"
+"That version, named '$OLDNAME', is already installed.\n"
+"Click 'OK' to replace the installed extension.\n"
+"Click 'Cancel' to stop the installation."
+msgstr ""
+"Cośo wersiju $NEW rozšyrjenja '$NAME' instalěrowaś.\n"
+"Toś ta wersija z mjenim '$OLDNAME' jo južo instalěrowana.\n"
+"Klikniśo na 'W pórěźe', aby instalěrowane rozšyrjenje wuměnił.\n"
+"Klikniśo na 'Pśetergnuś', aby instalaciju zastajił."
+#: desktop/inc/strings.hrc:134
+msgid ""
+"You are about to install version $NEW of the extension '$NAME'.\n"
+"The older version $DEPLOYED is already installed.\n"
+"Click 'OK' to replace the installed extension.\n"
+"Click 'Cancel' to stop the installation."
+msgstr ""
+"Cośo wersiju $NEW rozšyrjenja '$NAME' instalěrowaś.\n"
+"Starša wersija $DEPLOYED jo južo instalěrowana.\n"
+"Klikniśo na 'W pórěźe', aby instalěrowane rozšyrjenje wuměnił.\n"
+"Klikniśo na 'Pśetergnuś', aby instalaciju zastajił."
+#: desktop/inc/strings.hrc:138
+msgid ""
+"You are about to install version $NEW of the extension '$NAME'.\n"
+"The older version $DEPLOYED, named '$OLDNAME', is already installed.\n"
+"Click 'OK' to replace the installed extension.\n"
+"Click 'Cancel' to stop the installation."
+msgstr ""
+"Chośo wersiju $NEW rozšyrjenja '$NAME' instalěrowaś.\n"
+"Starša wersija $DEPLOYED, z mjenim '$OLDNAME', jo južo instalěrowana.\n"
+"Klikniśo na 'W pórěźe', aby instalěrowane rozšyrjenje wuměnił.\n"
+"Klikniśo na 'Pśetergnuś', aby instalaciju zastajił."
+#: desktop/inc/strings.hrc:143
+msgid "No new updates are available."
+msgstr "Nowe aktualizacije njejsu k dispoziciji."
+#: desktop/inc/strings.hrc:144
+msgid "No installable updates are available. To see ignored or disabled updates, mark the check box 'Show all updates'."
+msgstr "Instalěrujobne aktualizacije k dispoziciji njejsu. Aby ignorěrowane abo znjemóžnjone aktualizacije wiźeł, stajśo kokulku do kontrolnego kašćika 'Wšykne aktualizacije pokazaś'."
+#: desktop/inc/strings.hrc:145
+msgid "An error occurred:"
+msgstr "Zmólka jo nastała:"
+#: desktop/inc/strings.hrc:146
+msgid "Unknown error."
+msgstr "Njeznata zmólka."
+#: desktop/inc/strings.hrc:147
+msgid "No more details are available for this update."
+msgstr "Žedne dalšne drobnostki za toś tu aktualizaciju k dispoziciji."
+#: desktop/inc/strings.hrc:148
+msgid "The extension cannot be updated because:"
+msgstr "Rozšyrjenje njedajo se aktualizěrowaś, dokulaž:"
+#: desktop/inc/strings.hrc:149
+msgid "Required %PRODUCTNAME version doesn't match:"
+msgstr "Trěbna wersija %PRODUCTNAME njepśitrjefijo:"
+#: desktop/inc/strings.hrc:150
+msgid "You have %PRODUCTNAME %VERSION"
+#: desktop/inc/strings.hrc:151
+msgid "browser based update"
+msgstr "Aktualizacija na zakłaźe wobglědowaka"
+#: desktop/inc/strings.hrc:152
+msgid "Version"
+msgstr "Wersija"
+#: desktop/inc/strings.hrc:153
+msgid "Ignore this Update"
+msgstr "Toś tu aktualizaciju ignorěrowaś"
+#: desktop/inc/strings.hrc:154
+msgid "Ignore all Updates"
+msgstr "Wšykne aktualizacije ignorěrowaś"
+#: desktop/inc/strings.hrc:155
+msgid "Enable Updates"
+msgstr "Aktualizacije zmóžniś"
+#: desktop/inc/strings.hrc:156
+msgid "This update will be ignored.\n"
+msgstr "Toś ta aktualizacija buźo se ignorěrowaś.\n"
+#: desktop/inc/strings.hrc:158
+msgid "The application cannot be started. "
+msgstr "Nałoženje njedajo se startowaś. "
+#: desktop/inc/strings.hrc:159
+msgid "The configuration directory \"$1\" could not be found."
+msgstr "Konfiguraciski zarědnik \"$1\" njedajo se namakaś."
+#: desktop/inc/strings.hrc:160
+msgid "The installation path is invalid."
+msgstr "Instalaciska sćažka jo njepłaśiwa."
+#: desktop/inc/strings.hrc:161
+msgid "An internal error occurred."
+msgstr "Nutśikowna zmólka jo nastała."
+#: desktop/inc/strings.hrc:162
+msgid "The configuration file \"$1\" is corrupt."
+msgstr "Konfiguraciska dataja \"$1\" jo wobškóźona."
+#: desktop/inc/strings.hrc:163
+msgid "The configuration file \"$1\" was not found."
+msgstr "Konfiguraciska dataja \"$1\" njejo se namakała."
+#: desktop/inc/strings.hrc:164
+msgid "The configuration file \"$1\" does not support the current version."
+msgstr "Konfiguraciska dataja \"$1\" aktualnu wersiju njepódpěra."
+#: desktop/inc/strings.hrc:165
+msgid "The user interface language cannot be determined."
+msgstr "Rěc wužywarskego pówjercha njedajo se zwěsćiś."
+#: desktop/inc/strings.hrc:166
+msgid "User installation could not be completed. "
+msgstr "Wužywarska instalacija njedajo se dokóńcyś. "
+#: desktop/inc/strings.hrc:167
+msgid "The configuration service is not available."
+msgstr "Konfiguraciska słužba njejo k dispoziciji."
+#: desktop/inc/strings.hrc:168
+msgid "Start the setup application to repair the installation from the CD or the folder containing the installation packages."
+msgstr "Startujśo instalaciski program z cejdejki abo ze zarědnika, kótaryž instalěrowańske pakśiki wopśimujo, aby instalaciju pórěźił."
+#: desktop/inc/strings.hrc:169
+msgid "A general error occurred while accessing your central configuration. "
+msgstr "Pśi pśistupje na wašu centralnu konfiguraciju jo powšykna zmólka nastała. "
+#: desktop/inc/strings.hrc:170
+msgid ""
+"%PRODUCTNAME cannot be started due to an error in accessing the %PRODUCTNAME configuration data.\n"
+"Please contact your system administrator."
+msgstr ""
+"Dla zmólki pśi pśistupje na konfiguraciske data %PRODUCTNAME njedajo se %PRODUCTNAME startowaś.\n"
+"Pšosym stajśo se ze swójim systemowym administratorom do zwiska."
+#: desktop/inc/strings.hrc:171
+msgid "The following internal error has occurred: "
+msgstr "Slědujuca nutśikowna zmólka jo nastała: "
+#: desktop/inc/strings.hrc:172
+msgid "%PRODUCTNAME must unfortunately be manually restarted once after installation or update."
+msgstr "%PRODUCTNAME musy se bóžko pó instalaciji abo aktualizaciji manuelnje znowego startowaś."
+#: desktop/inc/strings.hrc:173
+msgid ""
+"Either another instance of %PRODUCTNAME is accessing your personal settings or your personal settings are locked.\n"
+"Simultaneous access can lead to inconsistencies in your personal settings. Before continuing, you should make sure user '$u' closes %PRODUCTNAME on host '$h'.\n"
+"Do you really want to continue?"
+msgstr ""
+"Pak druga instanca %PRODUCTNAME ma pśistup na waše wósobinske nastajenja pak waše wósobinske nastajenja su zastajone.\n"
+"Rownocasny pśistup móžo k inkonsistencam we wašych nastajenjach dowjasć. Nježli až z tym pókšacujośo, wy měł zawěsćiś, až wužywaŕ '$u' %PRODUCTNAME na hosće '$h' zacynja.\n"
+"Cośo napšawdu pókšacowaś?"
+#: desktop/inc/strings.hrc:174
+#: desktop/inc/strings.hrc:175
+msgid "Printing is disabled. No documents can be printed."
+msgstr "Śišćanje jo znjemóžnjone. Dokumenty njedaju se śišćaś."
+#: desktop/inc/strings.hrc:176
+msgid "The path manager is not available.\n"
+msgstr "Sćažkowy zastojnik njejo k dispoziciji.\n"
+#: desktop/inc/strings.hrc:177
+msgid ""
+"%PRODUCTNAME user installation could not be completed due to insufficient free disk space. Please free more disc space at the following location and restart %PRODUCTNAME:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Wužywarska instalacija %PRODUCTNAME njedajo se dokóńcyś, dokulaž dosć lichego składa njejo. Pšosym stajśo wěcej lichego składa na slědujucem městnje k dispoziciji a startujśo %PRODUCTNAME znowego:\n"
+#: desktop/inc/strings.hrc:178
+msgid ""
+"%PRODUCTNAME user installation could not be processed due to missing access rights. Please make sure that you have sufficient access rights for the following location and restart %PRODUCTNAME:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Wužywarska instalacija %PRODUCTNAME njedajo se pśeźěłaś, dokulaž pśistupne pšawa feluju. Pšosym zawěsććo, až maśo pśistupne pšawa za slědujuce městno a startujśo %PRODUCTNAME znowego:\n"
+#: desktop/inc/strings.hrc:180
+msgid "Extension Software License Agreement of $NAME:"
+msgstr "Softwarowe licencne dojadnanje za rozšyrjenje $NAME:"
+#: desktop/inc/strings.hrc:181
+msgid "Read the complete License Agreement displayed above. Accept the License Agreement by typing \"yes\" on the console then press the Return key. Type \"no\" to decline and to abort the extension setup."
+msgstr "Pśecytajśo dopołne licencne dojadnanje, kótarež se górjejce pokazujo. Zapišćo \"Jo\" do konsole a tłocćo zapódawańsku tastu, aby licencne dojadnanje akceptěrował. Zapišćo \"Ně\", aby instalaciju rozšyrjenja pśetergnuł."
+#: desktop/inc/strings.hrc:185
+msgid "[Enter \"yes\" or \"no\"]:"
+msgstr "[\"Jo\" abo \"Ně\" zapódaś]:"
+#: desktop/inc/strings.hrc:186
+msgid "Your input was not correct. Please enter \"yes\" or \"no\":"
+msgstr "Wašo zapódajśo njejo korektne było. Pšosym zapódajśo \"jo\" abo \"ně\":"
+#: desktop/inc/strings.hrc:187
+msgid "YES"
+msgstr "JO"
+#: desktop/inc/strings.hrc:188
+msgid "Y"
+msgstr "J"
+#: desktop/inc/strings.hrc:189
+msgid "NO"
+msgstr "NĚ"
+#: desktop/inc/strings.hrc:190
+msgid "N"
+msgstr "N"
+#: desktop/inc/strings.hrc:191
+msgid "unopkg cannot be started. The lock file indicates it is already running. If this does not apply, delete the lock file at:"
+msgstr "unopkg njedajo se startowaś. Dataja lock južo běžy. Jolic to njepśetrjefijo, wulašujśo dataju lock:"
+#: desktop/inc/strings.hrc:193
+msgid "ERROR: "
+msgstr "ZMÓLKA: "
+#: desktop/uiconfig/ui/dependenciesdialog.ui:9
+msgctxt "dependenciesdialog|Dependencies"
+msgid "System dependencies check"
+msgstr "Kontrola systemowych wótwisnosćow"
+#: desktop/uiconfig/ui/dependenciesdialog.ui:60
+msgctxt "dependenciesdialog|label1"
+msgid "The extension cannot be installed as the following system dependencies are not fulfilled:"
+msgstr "Rozšyrjenje njedajo se instalěrowaś, dokulaž slědujuce systemowe wótwisnosći njejsu docynjone:"
+#: desktop/uiconfig/ui/extensionmanager.ui:9
+msgctxt "extensionmanager|ExtensionManagerDialog"
+msgid "Extension Manager"
+msgstr "Zastojnik rozšyrjenjow"
+#: desktop/uiconfig/ui/extensionmanager.ui:82
+msgctxt "extensionmanager|optionsbtn"
+msgid "_Options"
+msgstr "_Nastajenja"
+#: desktop/uiconfig/ui/extensionmanager.ui:96
+msgctxt "extensionmanager|updatebtn"
+msgid "Check for _Updates"
+msgstr "_Aktualizacije pytaś"
+#: desktop/uiconfig/ui/extensionmanager.ui:111
+msgctxt "extensionmanager|addbtn"
+msgid "_Add"
+msgstr "_Pśidaś"
+#: desktop/uiconfig/ui/extensionmanager.ui:128
+msgctxt "extensionmanager|removebtn"
+msgid "_Remove"
+msgstr "_Wótwónoźeś"
+#: desktop/uiconfig/ui/extensionmanager.ui:143
+msgctxt "extensionmanager|enablebtn"
+msgid "_Enable"
+msgstr "_Zmóžniś"
+#: desktop/uiconfig/ui/extensionmanager.ui:187
+msgctxt "extensionmanager|shared"
+msgid "Installed for all users"
+msgstr "Za wšych wužywarjow instalěrowany"
+#: desktop/uiconfig/ui/extensionmanager.ui:204
+msgctxt "extensionmanager|user"
+msgid "Installed for current user"
+msgstr "Za aktualnego wužywarja instalěrowany"
+#: desktop/uiconfig/ui/extensionmanager.ui:221
+msgctxt "extensionmanager|bundled"
+msgid "Bundled with %PRODUCTNAME"
+msgstr "Z %PRODUCTNAME librowany"
+#: desktop/uiconfig/ui/extensionmanager.ui:244
+msgctxt "extensionmanager|label1"
+msgid "Display Extensions"
+msgstr "Rozšyrjenja pokazaś"
+#: desktop/uiconfig/ui/extensionmanager.ui:266
+msgctxt "extensionmanager|progressft"
+msgid "Adding %EXTENSION_NAME"
+msgstr "%EXTENSION_NAME pśidaś"
+#: desktop/uiconfig/ui/extensionmanager.ui:301
+msgctxt "extensionmanager|getextensions"
+msgid "Get more extensions online..."
+msgstr "Wobstarajśo se dalšne rozšyrjenja online..."
+#: desktop/uiconfig/ui/installforalldialog.ui:12
+msgctxt "installforalldialog|InstallForAllDialog"
+msgid "For whom do you want to install the extension?"
+msgstr "Za kogo cośo rozšyrjenje instalěrowaś?"
+#: desktop/uiconfig/ui/installforalldialog.ui:13
+msgctxt "installforalldialog|InstallForAllDialog"
+msgid "Make sure that no further users are working with the same %PRODUCTNAME, when installing an extension for all users in a multi user environment."
+msgstr "Pśeznańśo se, až žedne druge wužywarje z teju samskeju instalaciju %PRODUCTNAME njeźěłaju, gaž rozšyrjenje za wšych wužywarjow we wěcejwužywarskej wokolinje instalěrujośo."
+#: desktop/uiconfig/ui/installforalldialog.ui:24
+msgctxt "installforalldialog|no"
+msgid "_For all users"
+msgstr "_Za wšykne wužywarje"
+#: desktop/uiconfig/ui/installforalldialog.ui:38
+msgctxt "installforalldialog|yes"
+msgid "_Only for me"
+msgstr "_Jano za mnjo"
+#: desktop/uiconfig/ui/licensedialog.ui:8
+msgctxt "licensedialog|LicenseDialog"
+msgid "Extension Software License Agreement"
+msgstr "Softwarowe licencne dojadnanje za rozšyrjenja"
+#: desktop/uiconfig/ui/licensedialog.ui:21
+msgctxt "licensedialog|accept"
+msgid "Accept"
+msgstr "Akceptěrowaś"
+#: desktop/uiconfig/ui/licensedialog.ui:36
+msgctxt "licensedialog|decline"
+msgid "Decline"
+msgstr "Wótpokazaś"
+#: desktop/uiconfig/ui/licensedialog.ui:67
+msgctxt "licensedialog|head"
+msgid "Please follow these steps to proceed with the installation of the extension:"
+msgstr "Pšosym wuwjeźćo toś te kšace, aby z instalaciju rozšyrjenja pókšacował:"
+#: desktop/uiconfig/ui/licensedialog.ui:90
+msgctxt "licensedialog|label2"
+msgid "1."
+msgstr "1."
+#: desktop/uiconfig/ui/licensedialog.ui:105
+msgctxt "licensedialog|label3"
+msgid "2."
+msgstr "2."
+#: desktop/uiconfig/ui/licensedialog.ui:149
+msgctxt "licensedialog|label4"
+msgid "Read the complete License Agreement. Use the scroll bar or the 'Scroll Down' button in this dialog to view the entire license text."
+msgstr "Pśecytajśoe dopołnje licencne dojadnanje. Wužywajśo suwatu rědku abo tłocašk 'Dołoj suwaś' w toś tom dialogu, aby se ceły licencny tekst woglědał."
+#: desktop/uiconfig/ui/licensedialog.ui:167
+msgctxt "licensedialog|label5"
+msgid "Accept the License Agreement for the extension by pressing the 'Accept' button."
+msgstr "Klikniśo na tłocašk 'Akceptěrowaś', aby licencne dojadnanje za rozšyrjenje akceptěrował."
+#: desktop/uiconfig/ui/licensedialog.ui:180
+msgctxt "licensedialog|down"
+msgid "_Scroll Down"
+msgstr "_Dołoj suwaś"
+#: desktop/uiconfig/ui/showlicensedialog.ui:7
+msgctxt "showlicensedialog|ShowLicenseDialog"
+msgid "Extension Software License Agreement"
+msgstr "Softwarowe licencne dojadnanje za rozšyrjenja"
+#: desktop/uiconfig/ui/updatedialog.ui:10
+msgctxt "updatedialog|UpdateDialog"
+msgid "Extension Update"
+msgstr "Aktualizacija rozšyrjenja"
+#: desktop/uiconfig/ui/updatedialog.ui:38
+msgctxt "updatedialog|INSTALL"
+msgid "_Install"
+msgstr "_Instalěrowaś"
+#: desktop/uiconfig/ui/updatedialog.ui:104
+msgctxt "updatedialog|UPDATE_LABEL"
+msgid "_Available extension updates"
+msgstr "_K dispoziciji stojece aktualizacije rozšyrjenjow"
+#: desktop/uiconfig/ui/updatedialog.ui:117
+msgctxt "updatedialog|UPDATE_CHECKING"
+msgid "Checking..."
+msgstr "Pyta se..."
+#: desktop/uiconfig/ui/updatedialog.ui:160
+msgctxt "updatedialog|UPDATE_ALL"
+msgid "_Show all updates"
+msgstr "_Wšykne aktualizacije pokazaś"
+#: desktop/uiconfig/ui/updatedialog.ui:196
+msgctxt "updatedialog|DESCRIPTION_LABEL"
+msgid "Description"
+msgstr "Wopisanje"
+#: desktop/uiconfig/ui/updatedialog.ui:214
+msgctxt "updatedialog|PUBLISHER_LABEL"
+msgid "Publisher:"
+msgstr "Wudawaŕ:"
+#: desktop/uiconfig/ui/updatedialog.ui:225
+msgctxt "updatedialog|PUBLISHER_LINK"
+msgid "button"
+msgstr "tłocašk"
+#: desktop/uiconfig/ui/updatedialog.ui:242
+msgctxt "updatedialog|RELEASE_NOTES_LABEL"
+msgid "What is new:"
+msgstr "Co jo nowe:"
+#: desktop/uiconfig/ui/updatedialog.ui:253
+msgctxt "updatedialog|RELEASE_NOTES_LINK"
+msgid "Release notes"
+msgstr "Wersijowe informacije"
+#: desktop/uiconfig/ui/updateinstalldialog.ui:8
+msgctxt "updateinstalldialog|UpdateInstallDialog"
+msgid "Download and Installation"
+msgstr "Ześěgnuś a instalěrowaś"
+#: desktop/uiconfig/ui/updateinstalldialog.ui:87
+msgctxt "updateinstalldialog|DOWNLOADING"
+msgid "Downloading extensions..."
+msgstr "Rozšyrjenja se ześěguju..."
+#: desktop/uiconfig/ui/updateinstalldialog.ui:125
+msgctxt "updateinstalldialog|RESULTS"
+msgid "Result"
+msgstr "Wuslědk"
+#: desktop/uiconfig/ui/updaterequireddialog.ui:9
+msgctxt "updaterequireddialog|UpdateRequiredDialog"
+msgid "Extension Update Required"
+msgstr "Aktualizěrowanje rozšyrjenja trěbne"
+#: desktop/uiconfig/ui/updaterequireddialog.ui:26
+msgctxt "updaterequireddialog|updatelabel"
+msgid "%PRODUCTNAME has been updated to a new version. Some installed %PRODUCTNAME extensions are not compatible with this version and need to be updated before they can be used."
+msgstr "%PRODUCTNAME jo se na nowu wersiju ktualizěrował. Někotare rozšyrjenja za %PRODUCTNAME njejsu kompatibelne z toś teju wersiju a muse se aktualizěrowaś, nježli až daju se wužywaś."
+#: desktop/uiconfig/ui/updaterequireddialog.ui:62
+msgctxt "updaterequireddialog|progresslabel"
+msgid "Adding %EXTENSION_NAME"
+msgstr "%EXTENSION_NAME pśidaś"
+#: desktop/uiconfig/ui/updaterequireddialog.ui:106
+msgctxt "updaterequireddialog|check"
+msgid "Check for _Updates..."
+msgstr "_Aktualizacije pytaś..."
+#: desktop/uiconfig/ui/updaterequireddialog.ui:122
+msgctxt "updaterequireddialog|disable"
+msgid "Disable all"
+msgstr "Wšykne znjemóžniś"