path: root/source/eo/readlicense_oo
diff options
authorChristian Lohmaier <lohmaier+LibreOffice@googlemail.com>2024-11-19 12:29:45 +0100
committerChristian Lohmaier <lohmaier+LibreOffice@googlemail.com>2024-11-19 12:40:35 +0100
commitfdabff5f73e16046cb570561051304029eef48f9 (patch)
tree3530eeafc5ee4beb40b1b81028cbd12c563c6884 /source/eo/readlicense_oo
parent50f69fbf1374ebbe4f284d37c8280e972a2abd88 (diff)
update translations for master / 25.2 alpha1
and force-fix errors using pocheck Change-Id: I667061bab346925defe899a544153314133b6bc5
Diffstat (limited to 'source/eo/readlicense_oo')
1 files changed, 16 insertions, 16 deletions
diff --git a/source/eo/readlicense_oo/docs.po b/source/eo/readlicense_oo/docs.po
index c420abcd606..aecbf5a2f84 100644
--- a/source/eo/readlicense_oo/docs.po
+++ b/source/eo/readlicense_oo/docs.po
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: LibreOffice 3.5.x\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://bugs.libreoffice.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=LibreOffice&bug_status=UNCONFIRMED&component=UI\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-12-04 15:07+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-11-19 11:21+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-04-14 01:34+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Donald Rogers <donr2648@fastmail.fm>\n"
"Language-Team: Esperanto <https://translations.documentfoundation.org/projects/libo_ui-master/readlicense_oodocs/eo/>\n"
@@ -286,14 +286,14 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "For instructions on how to install a language pack (after having installed the US English version of ${PRODUCTNAME}), please read the section below entitled Installing a Language Pack."
msgstr "Por instrukcioj pri kiel instali lingvan pakaĵon (instalinte la usonanglan version de ${PRODUCTNAME}), bonvolu legi la sekvan sekcion nomitan Instali Lingvan Pakaĵon."
-#. EvKZu
+#. vaFti
#: readme.xrm
msgctxt ""
-msgid "When you unpack the downloaded archive, you will see that the contents have been decompressed into a sub-directory. Open a file manager window, and change directory to the one starting with \"LibreOffice_\", followed by the version number and some platform information."
-msgstr "Kiam vi malpakas la elŝutitan arĥivon, vi vidos ke la enhavo estas maldensigita en subdosierujon. Malfermu dosieradministrilan fenestron, kaj ŝanĝu dosierujon al tiu kies nomo komenciĝas per \"LibreOffice_\", sekvata de la versionumero kaj platforma informo."
+msgid "When you unpack the downloaded archive, you will see that the contents have been decompressed into a sub-directory. Open a file manager window, and change directory to the one starting with \"${PRODUCTNAME}_\", followed by the version number and some platform information."
+msgstr ""
#. MkcLD
#: readme.xrm
@@ -313,14 +313,14 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "Right-click within the directory and choose \"Open in Terminal\". A terminal window will open. From the command line of the terminal window, enter the following command (you will be prompted to enter your root user's password before the command will execute):"
msgstr "Dekstre alklaku en la subdosierujo kaj elektu je \"Malfermi en terminalo\". Terminala fenestro malfermiĝos. En la komanda linio de la terminala fenestro, enigu la jenan komandon (ĝi invitos vin enigi vian ĉefuzantan pasvorton antaŭ ol la komando ruliĝos)."
-#. 369gg
+#. cLuuD
#: readme.xrm
msgctxt ""
-msgid "The following commands will install LibreOffice and the desktop integration packages (you may just copy and paste them into the terminal screen rather than trying to type them):"
-msgstr "La sekvaj komandoj instalos LibreOffice kaj la labortablajn integrajn pakaĵojn. (Vi povas simple kopii kaj alglui ilin en la terminalon anstataŭ provi tajpi ilin)."
+msgid "The following commands will install ${PRODUCTNAME} and the desktop integration packages (you may just copy and paste them into the terminal screen rather than trying to type them):"
+msgstr ""
#. AhETV
#: readme.xrm
@@ -358,14 +358,14 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "For instructions on how to install a language pack (after having installed the US English version of ${PRODUCTNAME}), please read the section below entitled Installing a Language Pack."
msgstr "Por instrukcioj pri kiel instali lingvan pakaĵon (instalinte la usonanglan version de ${PRODUCTNAME}), bonvolu legi la sekvan sekcion nomitan Instali Lingvan Pakaĵon."
-#. gKEeg
+#. tVrBM
#: readme.xrm
msgctxt ""
-msgid "When you unpack the downloaded archive, you will see that the contents have been decompressed into a sub-directory. Open a file manager window, and change directory to the one starting with \"LibreOffice_\", followed by the version number and some platform information."
-msgstr "Kiam vi malpakas la elŝutitan arĥivon, vi vidos ke la enhavo estas maldensigita en subdosierujon. Malfermu dosieradministrilan fenestron, kaj ŝanĝu dosierujon al tiu kies nomo komenciĝas per \"LibreOffice_\", sekvata de la versionumero kaj platforma informo."
+msgid "When you unpack the downloaded archive, you will see that the contents have been decompressed into a sub-directory. Open a file manager window, and change directory to the one starting with \"${PRODUCTNAME}_\", followed by the version number and some platform information."
+msgstr ""
#. 7wgn6
#: readme.xrm
@@ -448,14 +448,14 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "It should be easily possible to install ${PRODUCTNAME} on other Linux distributions not specifically covered in these installation instructions. The main aspect for which differences might be encountered is desktop integration."
msgstr "Devus ebli facile instali je ${PRODUCTNAME} en aliaj Linuksaj distribuoj ne specife traktitaj en ĉi tiuj instrukcioj. La ĉefa aspekto por kiu diferencoj eble troviĝos, temas pri labortabla integrado."
-#. SAEkj
+#. p8NNY
#: readme.xrm
msgctxt ""
-msgid "The RPMS (or DEBS, respectively) directory also contains a package named libreoffice${PRODUCTVERSION}-freedesktop-menus-${PRODUCTVERSION}.0.1-1.noarch.rpm (or libreoffice${PRODUCTVERSION}-debian-menus_${PRODUCTVERSION}.0.1-1_all.deb, respectively, or similar). This is a package for all Linux distributions that support the Freedesktop.org specifications/recommendations (<a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freedesktop.org\">https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freedesktop.org</a>), and is provided for installation on other Linux distributions not covered in the aforementioned instructions."
-msgstr "La dosierujo RPMS (aŭ DEBS) ankaŭ enhavas pakaĵon nomitan libreoffice${PRODUCTVERSION}-freedesktop-menus-${PRODUCTVERSION}.0.1-1.noarch.rpm (aŭ libreoffice${PRODUCTVERSION}-debian-menus_${PRODUCTVERSION}.0.1-1_all.deb, respektive aŭ simile). Ĉi tiu estas pakaĵo por ĉiuj distribuoj kiuj subtenas la specifojn/rekomendojn de Freedesktop.org (<a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freedesktop.org\">https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freedesktop.org</a>), kaj liverita por instalado en aliaj linuksaj distribuoj ne traktitaj en la antaŭe menciitaj instrukcioj."
+msgid "The RPMS (or DEBS, respectively) directory also contains a package named ${LCPRODUCTNAME}${PRODUCTVERSION}-freedesktop-menus-${PRODUCTVERSION}.0.1-1.noarch.rpm (or ${LCPRODUCTNAME}${PRODUCTVERSION}-debian-menus_${PRODUCTVERSION}.0.1-1_all.deb, respectively, or similar). This is a package for all Linux distributions that support the Freedesktop.org specifications/recommendations (<a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freedesktop.org\">https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freedesktop.org</a>), and is provided for installation on other Linux distributions not covered in the aforementioned instructions."
+msgstr ""
#. irqxi
#: readme.xrm
@@ -484,14 +484,14 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "Change directory to the directory in which you extracted your downloaded language pack."
msgstr "Ŝanĝu dosierujon al tiu dosierujo en kiu vi eltiris vian elŝutitan lingvan pakaĵon."
-#. Dq9xE
+#. npbiQ
#: readme.xrm
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Now change directory to the directory that was created during the extraction process. For instance, for the French language pack for a 32-bit Debian/Ubuntu-based system, the directory is named LibreOffice_, plus some version information, plus Linux_x86_langpack-deb_fr."
-msgstr "Nun ŝanĝu dosierujon al tiu dosierujo kreita dum la eltirado. Ekzemple, por la franca lingva pako por 32-bita Debian/Ubuntu-bazita sistemo, la dosierujo estas nomita LibreOffice_, plus versia informo, plus Linux_x86_langpack-deb_fr."
+msgid "Now change directory to the directory that was created during the extraction process. For instance, for the French language pack for a 32-bit Debian/Ubuntu-based system, the directory is named ${PRODUCTNAME}_, plus some version information, plus Linux_x86_langpack-deb_fr."
+msgstr ""
#: readme.xrm