path: root/source/ka
diff options
authorChristian Lohmaier <lohmaier+LibreOffice@googlemail.com>2017-01-10 20:44:23 +0100
committerChristian Lohmaier <lohmaier+LibreOffice@googlemail.com>2017-01-10 21:01:17 +0100
commit86d6efcc43918d0c1252b02e808f921cbc4f5a34 (patch)
tree2421dd01f7189d566d5bd6d46cd1547272ed2c05 /source/ka
parentc54ca62057567513359adf7d7dce38167b54eb29 (diff)
update translations for 5.3.0 rc2
and force-fix errors using pocheck Change-Id: Iaa074827e5f9e841a2f013a7de4e5e902fe88824
Diffstat (limited to 'source/ka')
14 files changed, 552 insertions, 2858 deletions
diff --git a/source/ka/basic/source/classes.po b/source/ka/basic/source/classes.po
index 883b5b5a7ed..685e070c961 100644
--- a/source/ka/basic/source/classes.po
+++ b/source/ka/basic/source/classes.po
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
"X-Accelerator-Marker: ~\n"
-"X-Generator: Pootle 2.8\n"
+"X-Generator: LibreOffice\n"
"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1449851986.000000\n"
#: sb.src
@@ -1351,1082 +1351,3 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "The library could not be removed from memory."
msgstr "შეუძლებელია ბიბლიოთეკის წაშლა მახსოვრობიდან."
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Invalid number of arguments."
-msgstr "არგუმენტების არასწორი რაოდენობა."
-#: sb.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Syntax error."
-msgstr "სინტაქსური შეცომა."
-#: sb.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Return without Gosub."
-msgstr "Return Gosub-ის გარეშე."
-#: sb.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Incorrect entry; please retry."
-msgstr "ჩანაწერი არასწორია; გთხოვთ თავიდან ცადოთ."
-#: sb.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Invalid procedure call."
-msgstr "არასწორი პროცედურის გამოძახება."
-#: sb.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Overflow."
-msgstr "გადავსება."
-#: sb.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Not enough memory."
-msgstr "არ არის საკმარისი მეხსიერება."
-#: sb.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Array already dimensioned."
-msgstr "მასივს უკვე გააჩნია განზომილებები."
-#: sb.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Index out of defined range."
-msgstr "ინდექსი განსაზღვრული შუალედის გარეთაა."
-#: sb.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Duplicate definition."
-msgstr "ორმაგი დეფინიცია."
-#: sb.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Division by zero."
-msgstr "ნულზე გაყოფა."
-#: sb.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Variable not defined."
-msgstr "ცვლადი არ არის განსაზღვრული."
-#: sb.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Data type mismatch."
-msgstr "მონაცემთა ტიპების აცდენა."
-#: sb.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Invalid parameter."
-msgstr "არასწორი პარამეტრი."
-#: sb.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Process interrupted by user."
-msgstr "პროცესი შეწყვეტილია მომხმარებლის მიერ."
-#: sb.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Resume without error."
-msgstr "შეცდომის გარეშე გაგრძელება."
-#: sb.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Not enough stack memory."
-msgstr "არასაკმარისი სტეკური მეხსიერება."
-#: sb.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Sub-procedure or function procedure not defined."
-msgstr "ქვე-პროცედურა ან ფუნქცია არ არის განსაზვრული."
-#: sb.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Error loading DLL file."
-msgstr "შეცდომა DLL ფაილის ჩატვირთვისას."
-#: sb.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Wrong DLL call convention."
-msgstr "DLL-ის არასწორი გამოძახების კონვენცია."
-#: sb.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Internal error $(ARG1)."
-msgstr "შიდა შეცდომა $(ARG1)."
-#: sb.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Invalid file name or file number."
-msgstr "ფაილის სახელი ან ნომერი არასწორია."
-#: sb.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "File not found."
-msgstr "ფაილი ვერ მოიძებნა."
-#: sb.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Incorrect file mode."
-msgstr "ფაილის რეჟიმი არასწორია."
-#: sb.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "File already open."
-msgstr "ფაილი უკვე გახსნილია."
-#: sb.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Device I/O error."
-msgstr "მოწყობილობის I/O შეცდომა."
-#: sb.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "File already exists."
-msgstr "ფაილი უკვე არსებობს."
-#: sb.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Incorrect record length."
-msgstr "ჩანაწერის სიგრძე არასწორია."
-#: sb.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Disk or hard drive full."
-msgstr "მყარი დისკი სავსეა."
-#: sb.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Reading exceeds EOF."
-msgstr "წაკითხვა აჭარბებს EOF-ს."
-#: sb.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Incorrect record number."
-msgstr "ჩანაწერის ნომერი არასწორია."
-#: sb.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Too many files."
-msgstr "ძალიან ბევრი ფაილი."
-#: sb.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Device not available."
-msgstr "მოწყობილობა მიუწვდომელია."
-#: sb.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Access denied."
-msgstr "შეღწევა შეუძლებელია."
-#: sb.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Disk not ready."
-msgstr "დისკი არ არის მზად."
-#: sb.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Not implemented."
-msgstr "არ არის ჩადებული."
-#: sb.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Renaming on different drives impossible."
-msgstr "სახელის შეცვლა სხვა დისკზე შეუძლებელია."
-#: sb.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Path/File access error."
-msgstr "ფაილის/გზის მიწვდომის შეცდომა."
-#: sb.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Path not found."
-msgstr "მდებარეობა ვერ მოიძებნა."
-#: sb.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Object variable not set."
-msgstr "ობიექტის ცვლადი არ არის დაყენებული."
-#: sb.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Invalid string pattern."
-msgstr "სტრიქონის შაბლონი არასწორია."
-#: sb.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Use of zero not permitted."
-msgstr "ნულის გამოყენება დაუშვებელია."
-#: sb.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "DDE Error."
-msgstr "DDE შეცდომა."
-#: sb.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Awaiting response to DDE connection."
-msgstr "ველოდები DDE კავშირის პასუხს."
-#: sb.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "No DDE channels available."
-msgstr "DDE არხები მიუწვდომელია."
-#: sb.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "No application responded to DDE connect initiation."
-msgstr "პროგრამა არ გამოეხმაურა DDE კავშირის ინიციატივა."
-#: sb.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Too many applications responded to DDE connect initiation."
-msgstr "DDE კავშირის ინიციატივას გამოეხმაურა ზედმეტად ბევრი პროგრამა."
-#: sb.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "DDE channel locked."
-msgstr "DDE არხი ჩაკეტილია."
-#: sb.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "External application cannot execute DDE operation."
-msgstr "გარე პროგრამას არ შეუძლია გაუშვას DDE ოპერაცია."
-#: sb.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Timeout while waiting for DDE response."
-msgstr "DDE გამოხმაურების ლოდინში მოხდა დროის გასვლა."
-#: sb.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "User pressed ESCAPE during DDE operation."
-msgstr "DDE ოპერაციის დროს მომხმარებელმა დააჭირა ESCAPE ღილაკს."
-#: sb.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "External application busy."
-msgstr "გარე პროგრამა დაკავებულია."
-#: sb.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "DDE operation without data."
-msgstr "DDE ოპერაცია მონაცემების გარეშე."
-#: sb.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Data are in wrong format."
-msgstr "მონაცემები არასწორ ფორმატშია."
-#: sb.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "External application has been terminated."
-msgstr "გარე პროგრამა შეწყდა."
-#: sb.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "DDE connection interrupted or modified."
-msgstr "DDE შეერთება შეწყდა ან შეიცვალა."
-#: sb.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "DDE method invoked with no channel open."
-msgstr "DDE მეთოდი აღიძრა არხის გახსნის გარეშე."
-#: sb.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Invalid DDE link format."
-msgstr "DDE კავშირის ფორმატი არასწორეა."
-#: sb.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "DDE message has been lost."
-msgstr "DDE შეტყობინება დაიკარგა."
-#: sb.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Paste link already performed."
-msgstr "ჩასმის ბმული უკვე შესრულდა."
-#: sb.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Link mode cannot be set due to invalid link topic."
-msgstr "არასწორი ბმულის სათაურის გამო რეჟიმის გამოყენება შეუძლებელია."
-#: sb.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "DDE requires the DDEML.DLL file."
-msgstr "DDE-ს ჭირდება DDEML.DDL ფაილს."
-#: sb.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Module cannot be loaded; invalid format."
-msgstr "მოდული ვერ ჩაიტვირთა; ფორმატი არასწორია."
-#: sb.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Invalid object index."
-msgstr "ობიექტის ინდექსი არასწორია."
-#: sb.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Object is not available."
-msgstr "ობიექტი მიუწვდომელია."
-#: sb.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Incorrect property value."
-msgstr "თვისების არასწორი მნიშვნელობა."
-#: sb.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "This property is read-only."
-msgstr "ეს თვისება მხოლოდ წაკითხვადია."
-#: sb.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "This property is write only."
-msgstr "ეს თვისება მხოლოდ ჩაწერადია."
-#: sb.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Invalid object reference."
-msgstr "არასწირი ობიექტის მიმართვა."
-#: sb.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Property or method not found: $(ARG1)."
-msgstr "თვისება ან მეთოდი არ მოიძებნა."
-#: sb.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Object required."
-msgstr "ობიექტი საჭიროა."
-#: sb.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Invalid use of an object."
-msgstr "ობიექტი არასწორედ გამოიყენება."
-#: sb.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "OLE Automation is not supported by this object."
-msgstr "ამ ობიექტს არ გააჩნია OLE -ს ავტომატირების მხარდაჭერა."
-#: sb.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "This property or method is not supported by the object."
-msgstr "ობიექტს არ გააჩნია ამ თვისების ან მეთოდის მხარაჭერა."
-#: sb.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "OLE Automation Error."
-msgstr "შეცდომა OLE ავტომატიზაციისას."
-#: sb.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "This action is not supported by given object."
-msgstr "მოცემულ ობიექტს არ გააჩნია ამ მოქმედების მხარაჭერა."
-#: sb.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Named arguments are not supported by given object."
-msgstr "მოცემულ ობიექტს არ გააჩნია დასახელებული არგუმენტების მარდაჭერა."
-#: sb.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "The current locale setting is not supported by the given object."
-msgstr "მოცემულ ობიექტს არ გააჩნია მიმდინარე ადგილის პარამეტრების მხარდაჭერა."
-#: sb.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Named argument not found."
-msgstr "დასახელებული არგუმენტი ვერ მოიძებნა."
-#: sb.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Argument is not optional."
-msgstr "არგუმენტი სავალდებულოა."
-#: sb.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Invalid number of arguments."
-msgstr "არგუმენტების არასწორი რაოდენობა."
-#: sb.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Object is not a list."
-msgstr "ობიექტი სია არ არის."
-#: sb.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Invalid ordinal number."
-msgstr "რიგობითი რიცხვი არასწორია."
-#: sb.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Specified DLL function not found."
-msgstr "მითითებული DDL ფუნქცია ვერ მოიძებნა."
-#: sb.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Invalid clipboard format."
-msgstr "გაცვლის ბუფერის ფორმატი არასწორია."
-#: sb.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Object does not have this property."
-msgstr "ეს თვისება ობიექტს არ გააჩნია."
-#: sb.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Object does not have this method."
-msgstr "ეს მეთოდი ობიექტს არ გააჩნია."
-#: sb.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Required argument lacking."
-msgstr "საჭირო არგუმენტი აკლია."
-#: sb.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Error executing a method."
-msgstr "შეცდომა მეთოდის შესრულებისას."
-#: sb.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Unable to set property."
-msgstr "თვისების მინიჭება შეუძლებელია."
-#: sb.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Unable to determine property."
-msgstr "თვისების განსაზღვრა შეუძლებელია."
-#: sb.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Unexpected symbol: $(ARG1)."
-msgstr "მოულოდნელი სიმბოლო: $(ARG1)."
-#: sb.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Expected: $(ARG1)."
-msgstr "მოულოდნელი: $(ARG1)."
-#: sb.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Symbol expected."
-msgstr "მოსალოდნელია სიმბოლო."
-#: sb.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Variable expected."
-msgstr "მოსალოდნელია ცვლადი."
-#: sb.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Label expected."
-msgstr "მოსალოდნელია წარწერა."
-#: sb.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Value cannot be applied."
-msgstr "მნიშვნელობა ვერ მიენიჭა."
-#: sb.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Variable $(ARG1) already defined."
-msgstr "ცვლადი $(ARG1) უკვე განსაზღვრულია."
-#: sb.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Sub procedure or function procedure $(ARG1) already defined."
-msgstr "ქვეპროცედურა ან ფუნქციის პროცედურა $(ARG1) უკვე განსაზღვრულია."
-#: sb.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Label $(ARG1) already defined."
-msgstr "Label $(ARG1) უკვე განსაზღვრულია."
-#: sb.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Variable $(ARG1) not found."
-msgstr "ცვლადი $(ARG1) ვერ მოიძებნა."
-#: sb.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Array or procedure $(ARG1) not found."
-msgstr "მასივი ან პროცედურა $(ARG1) ვერ მოიძებნა."
-#: sb.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Procedure $(ARG1) not found."
-msgstr "პროცედურა $(ARG1) ვერ მოიძებნა."
-#: sb.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Label $(ARG1) undefined."
-msgstr "Label $(ARG1) განუსაზღვრელია."
-#: sb.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Unknown data type $(ARG1)."
-msgstr "მონაცემების ტიპი $(ARG1) უცნობია."
-#: sb.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Exit $(ARG1) expected."
-msgstr "Exit $(ARG1) მოსალოდნელია."
-#: sb.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Statement block still open: $(ARG1) missing."
-msgstr "დებულების ბლოკი კვლავ ღიაა: $(ARG1) აკლია."
-#: sb.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Parentheses do not match."
-msgstr "ფრჩხილები არ ემთხვევა."
-#: sb.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Symbol $(ARG1) already defined differently."
-msgstr "Symbol $(ARG1) უკვე სხვანაირად განისაზღვრა."
-#: sb.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Parameters do not correspond to procedure."
-msgstr "პარამეტრები პროცედურას არ შეესაბამება."
-#: sb.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Invalid character in number."
-msgstr "სიმბოლო რიცხვში არასწორა."
-#: sb.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Array must be dimensioned."
-msgstr "მასივი უნდა იყოს განზომილებიანი."
-#: sb.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Else/Endif without If."
-msgstr "Else/Endif If-ის გარეშე."
-#: sb.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "$(ARG1) not allowed within a procedure."
-msgstr "$(ARG1) დაუშვებელია პროცედურის შიგნით."
-#: sb.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "$(ARG1) not allowed outside a procedure."
-msgstr "$(ARG1) დაუშვებელია პროცედურის გარეთ."
-#: sb.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Dimension specifications do not match."
-msgstr "განზომილების სპეციფიკაციები არ ემთხვევა."
-#: sb.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Unknown option: $(ARG1)."
-msgstr "უცნობი პარამეტრი: $(ARG1)."
-#: sb.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Constant $(ARG1) redefined."
-msgstr "მუდმივა $(ARG1) თავიდან განისაზღვრა."
-#: sb.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Program too large."
-msgstr "პროგრამა ძალიან დიდია."
-#: sb.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Strings or arrays not permitted."
-msgstr "სტრინგები ან მასივები დაუშვებელია."
diff --git a/source/ka/dbaccess/source/ui/dlg.po b/source/ka/dbaccess/source/ui/dlg.po
index 468b14af7e8..746d0d43d5c 100644
--- a/source/ka/dbaccess/source/ui/dlg.po
+++ b/source/ka/dbaccess/source/ui/dlg.po
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
"X-Accelerator-Marker: ~\n"
-"X-Generator: Pootle 2.8\n"
+"X-Generator: LibreOffice\n"
"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1449852560.000000\n"
#: AutoControls.src
@@ -836,10 +836,3 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "Details"
msgstr "დეტალები"
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Datasource URL"
-msgstr "URL მონაცემთა წყარო"
diff --git a/source/ka/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/01.po b/source/ka/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/01.po
index ae7e79f0717..93f654883d1 100644
--- a/source/ka/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/01.po
+++ b/source/ka/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/01.po
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://bugs.libreoffice.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=LibreOffice&bug_status=UNCONFIRMED&component=UI\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2016-12-21 15:39+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2016-12-27 21:50+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2016-07-06 07:33+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Anonymous Pootle User\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
@@ -5041,180 +5041,184 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<bookmark_value>printers; properties</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>settings; printers</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>properties; printers</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>default printer; setting up</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>printers; default printer</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>page formats; restriction</bookmark_value>"
-msgstr "<bookmark_value>პრინტერის პარამეტრები</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>პრინტერის პარამეტრები; printers</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>პრინტერის თვისებები</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>ნაგულისხმევი პრინტერის დაყენება</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>პრინტერები; ნაგულისხმევი პრინტერი</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>გვერდის ფორმატი; შეზღუდვები</bookmark_value>"
+msgid "<bookmark_value>printers; properties</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>settings; printers</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>properties; printers</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>default printer; setting up</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>printers; default printer</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>page formats; restriction</bookmark_value>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01140000.xhp
-#, fuzzy
msgctxt ""
msgid "<link href=\"text/shared/01/01140000.xhp\" name=\"Printer Settings\">Printer Settings</link>"
-msgstr "<link href=\"text/shared/01/01060000.xhp\" name=\"Save\">დამახსოვრება</link>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01140000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"druckereinstellungtext\"><ahelp hid=\"SVTOOLS:MODALDIALOG:DLG_SVT_PRNDLG_PRNSETUPDLG\">Select the default printer for the current document.</ahelp></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"druckereinstellungtext\"><ahelp hid=\"SVTOOLS:MODALDIALOG:DLG_SVT_PRNDLG_PRNSETUPDLG\">მონიშნეთ ნაგულისხმევი პრინტერი მიმდინარე დოკუმენტისთვის.</ahelp></variable>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"druckereinstellungtext\"><ahelp hid=\"svt/ui/printersetupdialog/PrinterSetupDialog\">Select the default printer for the current document.</ahelp> </variable>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01140000.xhp
msgctxt ""
msgid "You might experience a slight delay when you change the default printer for a document that contains embedded $[officename] OLE objects."
-msgstr "შესაძლებელია, რომ ინტეგრირებული $[officename] OLE ობიექტების შემცველი დოკუმენტისთვის ნაგულისხმევი პრინტერის შეცვლისას მცირედი შეყოვნება მოხდეს."
+msgstr ""
#: 01140000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"WIN\">Printer </caseinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"WIN\">პრინტერი </caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "Printer"
+msgstr ""
#: 01140000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"WIN\">Lists the information that applies to the selected printer. </caseinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"WIN\">მონიშნულ პრინტერზე მისადაგებული ინფორმაციის ჩამონათვალი. </caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "Lists the information that applies to the selected printer."
+msgstr ""
#: 01140000.xhp
msgctxt ""
msgid "If the list is empty, you need to install a default printer for your operating system. Refer to the online help for your operating system for instructions on how to install and setup a default printer."
-msgstr "თუ ეს ჩამონათვალი ცარიელია, თქვენ დაგჭირდებათ ნაგულისხმევი პრინტერის დაყენება საოპერაციო სისტემაში. ნაგულისხმევი პრინტერის საინსტალაციო და ასაწყობი ინსტრუქციებისთვის მიმართეთ თქვენი საოპერაციო სისტემის online დახმარებას."
+msgstr ""
#: 01140000.xhp
msgctxt ""
msgid "Name"
-msgstr "სახელები"
+msgstr ""
#: 01140000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"SVTOOLS:LISTBOX:DLG_SVT_PRNDLG_PRNSETUPDLG:LB_NAMES\">Lists the installed printers on your operating system. To change the default printer, select a printer name from the list.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"SVTOOLS:LISTBOX:DLG_SVT_PRNDLG_PRNSETUPDLG:LB_NAMES\">საოპერაციო სისტემაში დაინსტალირებული პრინტერების ჩამონათვალი. ნაგულისხმევი პრიტნერის შესაცვლელად მონიშნეთ პრინტერის სახელი ჩამონათვალში.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"svt/ui/printersetupdialog/name\">Lists the installed printers on your operating system. To change the default printer, select a printer name from the list.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01140000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"WIN\">Status </caseinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"WIN\">სტატუსი </caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "Status"
+msgstr ""
#: 01140000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"WIN\">Describes the current status of the selected printer. </caseinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"WIN\">მონიშნული პრინტერის მიმდინარე სტატუსის აღწერა.</caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "Describes the current status of the selected printer."
+msgstr ""
#: 01140000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"WIN\">Type </caseinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"WIN\">პრინტერი </caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "Type"
+msgstr ""
#: 01140000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"WIN\">Displays the type of printer that you selected. </caseinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"WIN\">მონიშნული პრინტერის ტიპის ჩვენება. </caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "Displays the type of printer that you selected."
+msgstr ""
#: 01140000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"WIN\">Location </caseinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"WIN\">მდებარეობა </caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "Location"
+msgstr ""
#: 01140000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"WIN\">Displays the port for the selected printer. </caseinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"WIN\">მონიშნული პრინტერის პორტის ჩვენება. </caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "Displays the port for the selected printer."
+msgstr ""
#: 01140000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"WIN\">Comments </caseinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"WIN\">კომენტარები </caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "Comments"
+msgstr ""
#: 01140000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"WIN\">Displays additional information for the printer. </caseinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"WIN\">პრინტერის დამატებითი ინფორმაციის ჩვენება. </caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "Displays additional information for the printer."
+msgstr ""
#: 01140000.xhp
msgctxt ""
msgid "Properties"
-msgstr "თვისებები"
+msgstr ""
#: 01140000.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"WIN\"><ahelp hid=\"SVTOOLS:PUSHBUTTON:DLG_SVT_PRNDLG_PRNSETUPDLG:BTN_PROPERTIES\">Changes the printer settings of your operating system for the current document.</ahelp></caseinline></switchinline>"
-msgstr "<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"WIN\"><ahelp hid=\"SVTOOLS:PUSHBUTTON:DLG_SVT_PRNDLG_PRNSETUPDLG:BTN_PROPERTIES\">საოპერაციო სისტემაში მიმდინარე დოკუმენტისთვის პრინტერის პაამეტრების შეცვლა.</ahelp></caseinline></switchinline>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"svt/ui/printersetupdialog/properties\">Changes the printer settings of your operating system for the current document.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01140000.xhp
msgctxt ""
msgid "Ensure that the Landscape or Portrait layout option set in the printer properties dialog matches the page format that you set by choosing <emph>Format - Page</emph>."
-msgstr "პრინტერის თვისებების დიალოგში ლანდშაფტური და პორტრეტული განლაგების პარამეტრები უნდა შეესაბამებოდეს თქვენს მიერ არჩეულ გვერდის ფორმატს <emph>ფორმატი - გვერდი</emph>."
+msgstr ""
+#: 01140000.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Options"
+msgstr ""
+#: 01140000.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"svt/ui/printersetupdialog/options\">Opens the <emph>Printer Options</emph> dialog where you can override the global printer options set on the <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><emph>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</emph></caseinline><defaultinline><emph>Tools - Options</emph></defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - %PRODUCTNAME </emph><switchinline select=\"appl\"><caseinline select=\"WRITER\"><emph>Writer</emph></caseinline><caseinline select=\"CALC\"><emph>Calc</emph></caseinline><defaultinline>Writer/Web</defaultinline></switchinline><emph> - Print</emph> panel for the current document.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
+#: 01140000.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "The <emph>Options</emph> button is only available in %PRODUCTNAME Writer and Calc."
+msgstr ""
#: 01160000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -43597,7 +43601,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"sfx/ui/documentfontspage/DocumentInfoPage\">Embed document fonts in the current file.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"sfx/ui/documentfontspage/DocumentFontsPage\">Embed document fonts in the current file.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: prop_font_embed.xhp
diff --git a/source/ka/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/optionen.po b/source/ka/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/optionen.po
index 6ea71c5e203..d9c92af98ea 100644
--- a/source/ka/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/optionen.po
+++ b/source/ka/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/optionen.po
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://bugs.libreoffice.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=LibreOffice&bug_status=UNCONFIRMED&component=UI\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2016-11-09 14:10+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2016-12-27 21:50+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2016-07-06 07:51+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Anonymous Pootle User\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
@@ -12,9 +12,9 @@ msgstr ""
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
-"X-Generator: LibreOffice\n"
"X-Accelerator-Marker: ~\n"
-"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1467791504.000000\n"
+"X-Generator: LibreOffice\n"
+"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1467791476.000000\n"
#: 01000000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2257,8 +2257,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Colors"
-msgstr "ფერები"
+msgid "Color"
+msgstr ""
#: 01010500.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2272,327 +2272,200 @@ msgstr "<bookmark_value>ფერები; მოდელები</bookmark_v
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<link href=\"text/shared/optionen/01010500.xhp\" name=\"Colors\">Colors</link>"
-msgstr "<link href=\"text/shared/optionen/01010500.xhp\" name=\"Colors\">ფერები</link>"
+msgid "<link href=\"text/shared/optionen/01010500.xhp\" name=\"Color\">Color</link>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01010500.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/colorpage/ColorPage\">Allows you to select a color from a color table, edit an existing color, or define new colors.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/colorpage/ColorPage\">Allows you to select a color from a color palette, edit an existing color, or define new colors.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 01010500.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Color table"
+msgid "Colors"
msgstr ""
#: 01010500.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Name"
-msgstr "სახელი"
+msgid "Palette"
+msgstr ""
#: 01010500.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/colorpage/name\">Specifies the name of a selected color. You can also type a name in this field when defining a new color.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/colorpage/paletteselector\">Specifies the name of a selected palette. You can select a different palette here.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 01010500.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Color"
-msgstr "ფერები"
+msgid "Color Set"
+msgstr ""
#: 01010500.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/colorpage/colorlb\">Contains a list of available colors. To select a color, choose one from the list.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/colorpage/colorlb\">შეიცავს ხელმისაწვდომ ფერთა სიას. ფერის ასარჩევად, მონიშნეთ იგი სიაში.</ahelp>"
-#: 01010500.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Color table"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/colorpage/colorset\">Contains a list of available colors. Click on the desired one in the list to select it.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 01010500.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/colorpage/modellb\">To modify, select the color model: Red-Green-Blue (RGB) or Cyan-Magenta-Yellow-BlacK (CMYK).</ahelp>"
+msgid "Recent Colors"
msgstr ""
#: 01010500.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "%PRODUCTNAME uses only the RGB color model for printing in color. The CMYK controls are provided only to ease the input of color values using CMYK notation."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/colorpage/recentcolorset\">Displays the last twelve colors selected and applied.</ahelp> Upon selecting a new color it is added to the left of the list. If the list is full and a new color is selected then the rightmost color is deleted."
msgstr ""
#: 01010500.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "If you select RGB, the initials of the three colors will appear and you can set the color from 0 to 255 with the spin button."
+msgid "Add"
msgstr ""
#: 01010500.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "R"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/colorpage/add\">Adds the new color to the <emph>Custom</emph> palette.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 01010500.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/colorpage/R\">Red</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/colorpage/R\">წითელი</ahelp>"
-#: 01010500.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "G"
+msgid "Delete"
msgstr ""
#: 01010500.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/colorpage/G\">Green</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/colorpage/G\">მწვანე</ahelp>"
-#: 01010500.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "B"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/colorpage/delete\">Deletes the selected color without confirmation.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 01010500.xhp
-#, fuzzy
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/colorpage/B\">Blue</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/colorpage/K\">შავი</ahelp>"
-#: 01010500.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "If you select CMYK, the initials of the four colors will appear and you can set the color from 0 to 255 with the spin button."
+msgid "You can only delete colors from the <emph>custom</emph> palette."
msgstr ""
#: 01010500.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "C"
+msgid "New"
msgstr ""
#: 01010500.xhp
-#, fuzzy
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/colorpage/C\">Cyan</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/colorpage/G\">მწვანე</ahelp>"
-#: 01010500.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "M"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/colorpage/newpreview\">Displays a preview of the color selected from the color palette and the changes you make with the controls below.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 01010500.xhp
-#, fuzzy
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/colorpage/M\">Magenta</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/colorpage/G\">მწვანე</ahelp>"
-#: 01010500.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Y"
+msgid "R"
msgstr ""
#: 01010500.xhp
-#, fuzzy
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/colorpage/Y\">Yellow</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/colorpage/R\">წითელი</ahelp>"
-#: 01010500.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "K"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/colorpage/R_custom\">The color code of the red component of the color. Possible values are between 0 and 255.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 01010500.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/colorpage/K\">Black</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/colorpage/K\">შავი</ahelp>"
-#: 01010500.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Add"
-msgstr "დამატება"
-#: 01010500.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/colorpage/add\">Adds a new color.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/colorpage/add\">ახალ ფერს ამატებს.</ahelp>"
-#: 01010500.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Modify"
-msgstr "შეცვლა"
-#: 01010500.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/colorpage/modify\">Changes the current color.</ahelp> Note that the color is overwritten without a confirmation."
+msgid "G"
msgstr ""
#: 01010500.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<link href=\"text/shared/optionen/01010501.xhp\" name=\"Edit\">Edit</link>"
-msgstr "<link href=\"text/shared/optionen/01010501.xhp\" name=\"Edit\">რედაქტირება</link>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/colorpage/G_custom\">The color code of the green component of the color. Possible values are between 0 and 255.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 01010500.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Load Color List"
-msgstr "ფერი სიის ჩატვირთვა"
+msgid "B"
+msgstr ""
#: 01010500.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/colorpage/load\">Accesses the <emph>Open</emph> dialog, which allows you to select a color palette</ahelp>."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/colorpage/B_custom\">The color code of the blue component of the color. Possible values are between 0 and 255.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 01010500.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Save Color List"
-msgstr "ფერი სიის შენახვა"
+msgid "Hex"
+msgstr ""
#: 01010500.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/colorpage/save\">Opens the <emph>Save As</emph> dialog, which enables you to save the current color table under a specified name.</ahelp> If you do not choose this command, the current color table will be automatically saved as default and re-loaded the next time you start $[officename]."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/colorpage/hex_custom\">The color code of the color expressed as a hexadecimal value.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 01010500.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "The <emph>Load color list</emph> and <emph>Save color list </emph>icons are visible only if you select the <emph>Colors</emph> tab with the <emph>Format - Area</emph> command."
+msgid "<link href=\"text/shared/optionen/01010501.xhp\" name=\"Pick\">Pick</link><ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/colorpage/edit\"><embed href=\"text/shared/optionen/01010501.xhp#farbentext\"/></ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 01010501.xhp
@@ -5356,7 +5229,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"703988739\">Select to see a warning dialog when you try to save or send a document that contains recorded changes, versions, or comments.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/securityoptionsdialog/savesenddocs\">Select to see a warning dialog when you try to save or send a document that contains recorded changes, versions, or comments.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 01030300.xhp
@@ -5372,7 +5245,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"703988740\">Select to see a warning dialog when you try to print a document that contains recorded changes or comments.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/securityoptionsdialog/whenprinting\">Select to see a warning dialog when you try to print a document that contains recorded changes or comments.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 01030300.xhp
@@ -5388,7 +5261,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"703988741\">Select to see a warning dialog when you try to sign a document that contains recorded changes, versions, fields, references to other sources (for example linked sections or linked pictures), or comments.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/securityoptionsdialog/whensigning\">Select to see a warning dialog when you try to sign a document that contains recorded changes, versions, fields, references to other sources (for example linked sections or linked pictures), or comments.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 01030300.xhp
@@ -5404,7 +5277,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"703988742\">Select to see a warning dialog when you try to export a document to PDF format that displays recorded changes in Writer, or that displays comments.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/securityoptionsdialog/whenpdf\">Select to see a warning dialog when you try to export a document to PDF format that displays recorded changes in Writer, or that displays comments.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 01030300.xhp
@@ -5420,7 +5293,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"703988743\">Select to always remove user data from the file properties. If this option is not selected, you can still remove the personal information for the current document with the <emph>Reset Properties</emph> button on <emph>File - Properties - General</emph>.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/securityoptionsdialog/removepersonal\">Select to always remove user data from the file properties. If this option is not selected, you can still remove the personal information for the current document with the <emph>Reset Properties</emph> button on <emph>File - Properties - General</emph>.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 01030300.xhp
@@ -5436,7 +5309,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"703988744\">Select to always enable the <emph>Save with password</emph> option in the file save dialogs. Deselect the option to save files by default without password.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/securityoptionsdialog/password\">Select to always enable the <emph>Save with password</emph> option in the file save dialogs. Deselect the option to save files by default without password.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 01030300.xhp
@@ -5452,7 +5325,23 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">If enabled, you must hold down the Ctrl key while clicking a hyperlink to follow that link. If not enabled, a click opens the hyperlink.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/securityoptionsdialog/ctrlclick\">If enabled, you must hold down the Ctrl key while clicking a hyperlink to follow that link. If not enabled, a click opens the hyperlink.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
+#: 01030300.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Block any links from documents not among the trusted locations (see Macro Security)"
+msgstr ""
+#: 01030300.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"cui/ui/securityoptionsdialog/blockuntrusted\">Blocks the use of links pointing to images not in the trusted locations defined on the <link href=\"text/shared/optionen/macrosecurity_ts.xhp\" name=\"Trusted Sources\">Trusted Sources</link> tab of the Macro Security dialog.</ahelp> This can increase security in case you work with documents from untrusted sources (e.g. the internet) and are worried about vulnerabilities in image processing software components. Blocking the use of links means that images are not loaded in documents, only a placeholder frame is visible."
msgstr ""
#: 01030300.xhp
diff --git a/source/ka/helpcontent2/source/text/smath.po b/source/ka/helpcontent2/source/text/smath.po
index 8606bf9db59..f16914e970d 100644
--- a/source/ka/helpcontent2/source/text/smath.po
+++ b/source/ka/helpcontent2/source/text/smath.po
@@ -3,18 +3,18 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://bugs.libreoffice.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=LibreOffice&bug_status=UNCONFIRMED&component=UI\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-08-25 12:34+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-05-27 10:30+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: system user <>\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2016-12-27 21:50+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-08-25 13:04+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: Anonymous Pootle User\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
"Language: ka\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
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-"X-Generator: Pootle 2.7\n"
"X-Accelerator-Marker: ~\n"
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+"X-Generator: LibreOffice\n"
+"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1440507843.000000\n"
#: main0000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -249,9 +249,8 @@ msgstr "<link href=\"text/smath/main0103.xhp\" name=\"View\">ხედვა</li
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Sets the display scale and defines which elements you want to be visible. Most of the commands that you can enter into the <emph>Commands</emph> window can also be accessed through a mouse click if you have already opened the Elements window with <link href=\"text/smath/01/03090000.xhp\" name=\"View - Elements\"><emph>View - Elements</emph></link>."
+msgid "Sets the display scale and defines which elements you want to be visible. Most of the commands that you can enter into the <emph>Commands</emph> window can also be accessed through a mouse click if you have already opened the Elements pane with <link href=\"text/smath/01/03090000.xhp\" name=\"View - Elements\"><emph>View - Elements</emph></link>."
msgstr ""
#: main0103.xhp
@@ -619,7 +618,6 @@ msgstr "ფორმულები კონტექსტში"
msgctxt ""
-msgid "To make working with formulas easier, use the context menus, which can be called up with a right mouse click. This applies especially to the Commands window. This context menu contains all the commands that are found in the Elements window, and also operators, and so on, which can be inserted into your formula by mouse-click without having to key them into the Commands window."
+msgid "To make working with formulas easier, use the context menus, which can be called up with a right mouse click. This applies especially to the Commands window. This context menu contains all the commands that are found in the Elements pane, and also operators, and so on, which can be inserted into your formula by mouse-click without having to key them into the Commands window."
msgstr ""
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index ae9632a1715..810cbc49fb8 100644
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+++ b/source/ka/helpcontent2/source/text/smath/00.po
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://bugs.libreoffice.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=LibreOffice&bug_status=UNCONFIRMED&component=UI\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2016-11-09 14:10+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2016-12-27 21:50+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-11-10 22:33+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Anonymous Pootle User\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
@@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ msgstr ""
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
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"X-Accelerator-Marker: ~\n"
+"X-Generator: LibreOffice\n"
"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1447194826.000000\n"
#: 00000004.xhp
@@ -312,31 +312,13 @@ msgstr "გახსენით კონტექსტის მენიუ
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>View - Elements</emph> - in the Elements window, click"
+msgid "Choose <emph>View - Elements</emph>; then on the Elements pane select <emph>Unary/Binary Operators</emph> from the listbox."
msgstr ""
#: 00000004.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<image id=\"img_id3151310\" src=\"res/helpimg/starmath/im21101.png\" width=\"0.3335inch\" height=\"0.3335inch\"><alt id=\"alt_id3151310\">Icon</alt></image>"
-msgstr ""
-#: 00000004.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Unary/Binary Operators"
-msgstr "უნარული/ბინარული ოპერატორები"
-#: 00000004.xhp
-msgctxt ""
@@ -347,31 +329,13 @@ msgstr "გახსენით კონტექსტის მენიუ
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>View - Elements</emph> - in the Elements window, click"
+msgid "Choose <emph>View - Elements</emph>; then on the Elements pane select <emph>Relations</emph> from the listbox."
msgstr ""
#: 00000004.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<image id=\"img_id3151103\" src=\"res/helpimg/starmath/bi21309.png\" width=\"0.3335inch\" height=\"0.3335inch\"><alt id=\"alt_id3151103\">Icon</alt></image>"
-msgstr ""
-#: 00000004.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Relations"
-msgstr "კავშირები"
-#: 00000004.xhp
-msgctxt ""
@@ -382,31 +346,13 @@ msgstr "გახსენით კონტექსტის მენიუ
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>View - Elements</emph> - in the Elements window, click"
+msgid "Choose <emph>View - Elements</emph>; then on the Elements pane select <emph>Operators</emph> from the listbox."
msgstr ""
#: 00000004.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<image id=\"img_id3146927\" src=\"res/helpimg/starmath/im21105.png\" width=\"0.3335inch\" height=\"0.3335inch\"><alt id=\"alt_id3146927\">Icon</alt></image>"
-msgstr ""
-#: 00000004.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Operators"
-msgstr "ოპერატორები"
-#: 00000004.xhp
-msgctxt ""
@@ -417,31 +363,13 @@ msgstr "გახსენით კონტექსტის მენიუ
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>View - Elements</emph> - in the Elements window, click"
+msgid "Choose <emph>View - Elements</emph>; then on the Elements pane select <emph>Functions</emph> from the listbox."
msgstr ""
#: 00000004.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<image id=\"img_id3154825\" src=\"res/helpimg/starmath/im21104.png\" width=\"0.25inch\" height=\"0.25inch\"><alt id=\"alt_id3154825\">Icon</alt></image>"
-msgstr ""
-#: 00000004.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Functions"
-msgstr "ფუნქციები"
-#: 00000004.xhp
-msgctxt ""
@@ -452,31 +380,13 @@ msgstr "გახსენით კონტექსტის მენიუ
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>View - Elements</emph> - in the Elements window, click"
+msgid "Choose <emph>View - Elements</emph>; then on the Elements pane select <emph>Brackets</emph> from the listbox."
msgstr ""
#: 00000004.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<image id=\"img_id3148733\" src=\"res/helpimg/starmath/im21107.png\" width=\"0.3335inch\" height=\"0.3335inch\"><alt id=\"alt_id3148733\">Icon</alt></image>"
-msgstr ""
-#: 00000004.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Brackets"
-msgstr "ფრჩხილები"
-#: 00000004.xhp
-msgctxt ""
@@ -487,31 +397,13 @@ msgstr "გახსენით კონტექსტის მენიუ
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>View - Elements</emph> - in the Elements window, click"
+msgid "Choose <emph>View - Elements</emph>; then on the Elements pane select <emph>Attributes</emph> from the listbox."
msgstr ""
#: 00000004.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<image id=\"img_id3154390\" src=\"res/helpimg/starmath/at21706.png\" width=\"0.3335inch\" height=\"0.3335inch\"><alt id=\"alt_id3154390\">Icon</alt></image>"
-msgstr ""
-#: 00000004.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Attributes"
-msgstr "ატრიბუტები"
-#: 00000004.xhp
-msgctxt ""
@@ -522,31 +414,13 @@ msgstr "გახსენით კონტექსტის მენიუ
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>View - Elements</emph> - in the Elements window, click"
-msgstr ""
-#: 00000004.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "<image id=\"img_id3151036\" src=\"res/helpimg/starmath/im21108.png\" width=\"0.3335inch\" height=\"0.3335inch\"><alt id=\"alt_id3151036\">Icon</alt></image>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>View - Elements</emph>; then on the Elements pane select <emph>Formats</emph> from the listbox."
msgstr ""
#: 00000004.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Formats"
-msgstr "ფორმატები"
-#: 00000004.xhp
-msgctxt ""
@@ -557,31 +431,13 @@ msgstr "გახსენით კონტექსტის მენიუ
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>View - Elements</emph> - in the Elements window, click"
+msgid "Choose <emph>View - Elements</emph>; then on the Elements pane select <emph>Set Operations</emph> from the listbox."
msgstr ""
#: 00000004.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<image id=\"img_id3151384\" src=\"res/helpimg/starmath/op21401.png\" width=\"0.3335inch\" height=\"0.3335inch\"><alt id=\"alt_id3151384\">Icon</alt></image>"
-msgstr ""
-#: 00000004.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Set Operations"
-msgstr "ოპერაციების დაყენება"
-#: 00000004.xhp
-msgctxt ""
@@ -721,29 +577,12 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Choose <emph>View - Elements</emph> - in the Elements window, click"
-msgstr ""
-#: 00000004.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "<image id=\"img_id3154722\" src=\"res/helpimg/starmath/im21117.png\" width=\"0.3335inch\" height=\"0.3335inch\"><alt id=\"alt_id3154722\">Icon</alt></image>"
+msgid "Choose <emph>View - Elements</emph>; then on the Elements pane select <emph>Others</emph> from the listbox."
msgstr ""
#: 00000004.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Others"
-msgstr "სხვები"
-#: 00000004.xhp
-msgctxt ""
msgid "<image id=\"img_id3145632\" src=\"cmd/sc_formelcursor.png\" width=\"0.222inch\" height=\"0.222inch\"><alt id=\"alt_id3145632\">Icon</alt></image>"
diff --git a/source/ka/helpcontent2/source/text/smath/01.po b/source/ka/helpcontent2/source/text/smath/01.po
index 230bc9ae7c5..977cfe497f9 100644
--- a/source/ka/helpcontent2/source/text/smath/01.po
+++ b/source/ka/helpcontent2/source/text/smath/01.po
@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://bugs.libreoffice.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=LibreOffice&bug_status=UNCONFIRMED&component=UI\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2016-11-09 14:10+0100\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2016-07-06 07:56+0000\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2016-12-27 21:50+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2016-05-07 02:37+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Anonymous Pootle User\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
"Language: ka\n"
@@ -12,9 +12,9 @@ msgstr ""
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
-"X-Generator: LibreOffice\n"
"X-Accelerator-Marker: ~\n"
-"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1467791772.000000\n"
+"X-Generator: LibreOffice\n"
+"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1462588646.000000\n"
#: 02080000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -440,19 +440,17 @@ msgstr "<link href=\"text/smath/01/03090100.xhp\" name=\"Unary/Binary Operators\
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"smath/ui/floatingelements/RID_UNBINOPS_CAT\">You can choose various unary and binary operators to build your $[officename] Math formula. Unary refers to operators that affect one placeholder. Binary refers to operators that connect two placeholders. The lower area of the Elements window displays the individual operators.</ahelp> The <link href=\"text/shared/00/00000001.xhp#kontextmenue\" name=\"context menu\">context menu</link> of the <emph>Commands</emph> window also contains a list of these operators, as well as additional operators. If you need an operator that is not contained in the Elements window, use the context menu or type it directly in the <emph>Commands</emph> window."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"smath/ui/floatingelements/RID_UNBINOPS_CAT\">შეგიძლიათ აირჩიოთ სხვადასხვა უნარული და ბინარული ოპერატორები თქვენი $[officename] Math ფორმულას ასაწყობად. უნარული ეწოდება ოპერატორებს, რომლებიც ერთ ჩანაცვლების ველზე ახდენენ გავლენას. ბინარული ეწოდება ოპერატორებს, რომლებიც აკავშირებენ ორ ჩანაცვლების ველს. არჩევის ფანჯრის ქვედა არე აჩვენებს ინდივიდუალურ ოპერატორებს. </ahelp> <link href=\"text/shared/00/00000001.xhp#kontextmenue\" name=\"context menu\">ფანჯარა</link> <emph>ბრძანებები</emph>-ს კონტექსტის მენიუ ასევე შეიცავს ამ ოპერატორების, და დამატებითი ოპერატორების სიას. თუ გჭირდებათ ოპერატორი, რომელსაც არ შეიცავს არჩევის ფანჯარა, გამოიყენეთ კონტექსტის მენიუ ან ჩაწერეთ პირდაპირ ფანჯარაში <emph>ბრძანებები</emph> ."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"smath/ui/floatingelements/RID_UNBINOPS_CAT\">You can choose various unary and binary operators to build your $[officename] Math formula. Unary refers to operators that affect one placeholder. Binary refers to operators that connect two placeholders. The lower area of the Elements pane displays the individual operators.</ahelp> The <link href=\"text/shared/00/00000001.xhp#kontextmenue\" name=\"context menu\">context menu</link> of the <emph>Commands</emph> window also contains a list of these operators, as well as additional operators. If you need an operator that is not contained in the Elements pane, use the context menu or type it directly in the <emph>Commands</emph> window."
+msgstr ""
#: 03090100.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "The following is a complete list of the unary and binary operators. The symbol next to the operator indicates that it can be accessed through the Elements window (choose <emph>View - Elements</emph>) or through the context menu of the Commands window."
-msgstr "უნარული და ბინარული ოპერატორების სრული სია. ოპერატორის გვერდით არსებული სიმბოლო აჩვენებს, რომ ის ხელმისაწვდომია არჩევის ფანჯრიდან (აირჩიეთ<emph>ხედი - არჩევა</emph>) ან ბრძანების ფანჯრის კონტექსტის მენიუდან."
+msgid "The following is a complete list of the unary and binary operators. The symbol next to the operator indicates that it can be accessed through the Elements pane (choose <emph>View - Elements</emph>) or through the context menu of the Commands window."
+msgstr ""
#: 03090100.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -468,8 +466,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<image id=\"img_id3156399\" src=\"starmath/res/un21201.png\" width=\"0.3335inch\" height=\"0.3335inch\"><alt id=\"alt_id3156399\">Icon</alt></image>"
-msgstr "<image id=\"img_id3156399\" src=\"starmath/res/un21201.png\" width=\"0.3335inch\" height=\"0.3335inch\"><alt id=\"alt_id3156399\">ხატულა</alt></image>"
+msgid "<image id=\"img_id3156399\" src=\"res/helpimg/starmath/un21201.png\" width=\"0.3335inch\" height=\"0.3335inch\"><alt id=\"alt_id3156399\">Icon</alt></image>"
+msgstr ""
#: 03090100.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -494,8 +492,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<image id=\"img_id3148776\" src=\"starmath/res/un21202.png\" width=\"0.3335inch\" height=\"0.3335inch\"><alt id=\"alt_id3148776\">Icon</alt></image>"
-msgstr "<image id=\"img_id3148776\" src=\"starmath/res/un21202.png\" width=\"0.3335inch\" height=\"0.3335inch\"><alt id=\"alt_id3148776\">ხატულა</alt></image>"
+msgid "<image id=\"img_id3148776\" src=\"res/helpimg/starmath/un21202.png\" width=\"0.3335inch\" height=\"0.3335inch\"><alt id=\"alt_id3148776\">Icon</alt></image>"
+msgstr ""
#: 03090100.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -520,8 +518,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<image id=\"img_id3150757\" src=\"starmath/res/un21203.png\" width=\"0.3335inch\" height=\"0.3335inch\"><alt id=\"alt_id3150757\">Icon</alt></image>"
-msgstr "<image id=\"img_id3150757\" src=\"starmath/res/un21203.png\" width=\"0.3335inch\" height=\"0.3335inch\"><alt id=\"alt_id3150757\">ხატულა</alt></image>"
+msgid "<image id=\"img_id3150757\" src=\"res/helpimg/starmath/un21203.png\" width=\"0.3335inch\" height=\"0.3335inch\"><alt id=\"alt_id3150757\">Icon</alt></image>"
+msgstr ""
#: 03090100.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -546,8 +544,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<image id=\"img_id3145410\" src=\"starmath/res/un21204.png\" width=\"0.3335inch\" height=\"0.3335inch\"><alt id=\"alt_id3145410\">Icon</alt></image>"
-msgstr "<image id=\"img_id3145410\" src=\"starmath/res/un21204.png\" width=\"0.3335inch\" height=\"0.3335inch\"><alt id=\"alt_id3145410\">ხატულა</alt></image>"
+msgid "<image id=\"img_id3145410\" src=\"res/helpimg/starmath/un21204.png\" width=\"0.3335inch\" height=\"0.3335inch\"><alt id=\"alt_id3145410\">Icon</alt></image>"
+msgstr ""
#: 03090100.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -572,8 +570,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<image id=\"img_id3151098\" src=\"starmath/res/un21205.png\" width=\"0.3335inch\" height=\"0.3335inch\"><alt id=\"alt_id3151098\">Icon</alt></image>"
-msgstr "<image id=\"img_id3151098\" src=\"starmath/res/un21205.png\" width=\"0.3335inch\" height=\"0.3335inch\"><alt id=\"alt_id3151098\">ხატულა</alt></image>"
+msgid "<image id=\"img_id3151098\" src=\"res/helpimg/starmath/un21205.png\" width=\"0.3335inch\" height=\"0.3335inch\"><alt id=\"alt_id3151098\">Icon</alt></image>"
+msgstr ""
#: 03090100.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -598,8 +596,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<image id=\"img_id3155898\" src=\"starmath/res/un21206.png\" width=\"0.3335inch\" height=\"0.3335inch\"><alt id=\"alt_id3155898\">Icon</alt></image>"
-msgstr "<image id=\"img_id3155898\" src=\"starmath/res/un21206.png\" width=\"0.3335inch\" height=\"0.3335inch\"><alt id=\"alt_id3155898\">ხატულა</alt></image>"
+msgid "<image id=\"img_id3155898\" src=\"res/helpimg/starmath/un21206.png\" width=\"0.3335inch\" height=\"0.3335inch\"><alt id=\"alt_id3155898\">Icon</alt></image>"
+msgstr ""
#: 03090100.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -624,8 +622,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<image id=\"img_id3149308\" src=\"starmath/res/un21207.png\" width=\"0.3335inch\" height=\"0.3335inch\"><alt id=\"alt_id3149308\">Icon</alt></image>"
-msgstr "<image id=\"img_id3149308\" src=\"starmath/res/un21207.png\" width=\"0.3335inch\" height=\"0.3335inch\"><alt id=\"alt_id3149308\">ხატულა</alt></image>"
+msgid "<image id=\"img_id3149308\" src=\"res/helpimg/starmath/un21207.png\" width=\"0.3335inch\" height=\"0.3335inch\"><alt id=\"alt_id3149308\">Icon</alt></image>"
+msgstr ""
#: 03090100.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -650,8 +648,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<image id=\"img_id3148982\" src=\"starmath/res/un21208.png\" width=\"0.3335inch\" height=\"0.3335inch\"><alt id=\"alt_id3148982\">Icon</alt></image>"
-msgstr "<image id=\"img_id3148982\" src=\"starmath/res/un21208.png\" width=\"0.3335inch\" height=\"0.3335inch\"><alt id=\"alt_id3148982\">ხატულა</alt></image>"
+msgid "<image id=\"img_id3148982\" src=\"res/helpimg/starmath/un21208.png\" width=\"0.3335inch\" height=\"0.3335inch\"><alt id=\"alt_id3148982\">Icon</alt></image>"
+msgstr ""
#: 03090100.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -676,8 +674,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<image id=\"img_id3155140\" src=\"starmath/res/un21209.png\" width=\"0.3335inch\" height=\"0.3335inch\"><alt id=\"alt_id3155140\">Icon</alt></image>"
-msgstr "<image id=\"img_id3155140\" src=\"starmath/res/un21209.png\" width=\"0.3335inch\" height=\"0.3335inch\"><alt id=\"alt_id3155140\">ხატულა</alt></image>"
+msgid "<image id=\"img_id3155140\" src=\"res/helpimg/starmath/un21209.png\" width=\"0.3335inch\" height=\"0.3335inch\"><alt id=\"alt_id3155140\">Icon</alt></image>"
+msgstr ""
#: 03090100.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -702,8 +700,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<image id=\"img_id3149168\" src=\"starmath/res/un21210.png\" width=\"0.3335inch\" height=\"0.3335inch\"><alt id=\"alt_id3149168\">Icon</alt></image>"
-msgstr "<image id=\"img_id3149168\" src=\"starmath/res/un21210.png\" width=\"0.3335inch\" height=\"0.3335inch\"><alt id=\"alt_id3149168\">ხატულა</alt></image>"
+msgid "<image id=\"img_id3149168\" src=\"res/helpimg/starmath/un21210.png\" width=\"0.3335inch\" height=\"0.3335inch\"><alt id=\"alt_id3149168\">Icon</alt></image>"
+msgstr ""
#: 03090100.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -728,8 +726,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<image id=\"img_id3148765\" src=\"starmath/res/un21211.png\" width=\"0.3335inch\" height=\"0.3335inch\"><alt id=\"alt_id3148765\">Icon</alt></image>"
-msgstr "<image id=\"img_id3148765\" src=\"starmath/res/un21211.png\" width=\"0.3335inch\" height=\"0.3335inch\"><alt id=\"alt_id3148765\">ხატულა</alt></image>"
+msgid "<image id=\"img_id3148765\" src=\"res/helpimg/starmath/un21211.png\" width=\"0.3335inch\" height=\"0.3335inch\"><alt id=\"alt_id3148765\">Icon</alt></image>"
+msgstr ""
#: 03090100.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -754,8 +752,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<image id=\"img_id3147418\" src=\"starmath/res/un21212.png\" width=\"0.3335inch\" height=\"0.3335inch\"><alt id=\"alt_id3147418\">Icon</alt></image>"
-msgstr "<image id=\"img_id3147418\" src=\"starmath/res/un21212.png\" width=\"0.3335inch\" height=\"0.3335inch\"><alt id=\"alt_id3147418\">ხატულა</alt></image>"
+msgid "<image id=\"img_id3147418\" src=\"res/helpimg/starmath/un21212.png\" width=\"0.3335inch\" height=\"0.3335inch\"><alt id=\"alt_id3147418\">Icon</alt></image>"
+msgstr ""
#: 03090100.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -780,8 +778,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<image id=\"img_id3149566\" src=\"starmath/res/un21213.png\" width=\"0.25inch\" height=\"0.25inch\"><alt id=\"alt_id3149566\">Icon</alt></image>"
-msgstr "<image id=\"img_id3149566\" src=\"starmath/res/un21213.png\" width=\"0.25inch\" height=\"0.25inch\"><alt id=\"alt_id3149566\">ხატულა</alt></image>"
+msgid "<image id=\"img_id3149566\" src=\"res/helpimg/starmath/un21213.png\" width=\"0.25inch\" height=\"0.25inch\"><alt id=\"alt_id3149566\">Icon</alt></image>"
+msgstr ""
#: 03090100.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -806,8 +804,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<image id=\"img_id3147116\" src=\"starmath/res/un21214.png\" width=\"0.3335inch\" height=\"0.3335inch\"><alt id=\"alt_id3147116\">Icon</alt></image>"
-msgstr "<image id=\"img_id3147116\" src=\"starmath/res/un21214.png\" width=\"0.3335inch\" height=\"0.3335inch\"><alt id=\"alt_id3147116\">ხატულა</alt></image>"
+msgid "<image id=\"img_id3147116\" src=\"res/helpimg/starmath/un21214.png\" width=\"0.3335inch\" height=\"0.3335inch\"><alt id=\"alt_id3147116\">Icon</alt></image>"
+msgstr ""
#: 03090100.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -832,8 +830,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<image id=\"img_id3148440\" src=\"starmath/res/un21215.png\" width=\"0.3335inch\" height=\"0.3335inch\"><alt id=\"alt_id3148440\">Icon</alt></image>"
-msgstr "<image id=\"img_id3148440\" src=\"starmath/res/un21215.png\" width=\"0.3335inch\" height=\"0.3335inch\"><alt id=\"alt_id3148440\">ხატულა</alt></image>"
+msgid "<image id=\"img_id3148440\" src=\"res/helpimg/starmath/un21215.png\" width=\"0.3335inch\" height=\"0.3335inch\"><alt id=\"alt_id3148440\">Icon</alt></image>"
+msgstr ""
#: 03090100.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -858,8 +856,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<image id=\"img_id3150173\" src=\"starmath/res/un21221.png\" width=\"0.3335inch\" height=\"0.3335inch\"><alt id=\"alt_id3150173\">Icon</alt></image>"
-msgstr "<image id=\"img_id3150173\" src=\"starmath/res/un21221.png\" width=\"0.3335inch\" height=\"0.3335inch\"><alt id=\"alt_id3150173\">ხატულა</alt></image>"
+msgid "<image id=\"img_id3150173\" src=\"res/helpimg/starmath/un21221.png\" width=\"0.3335inch\" height=\"0.3335inch\"><alt id=\"alt_id3150173\">Icon</alt></image>"
+msgstr ""
#: 03090100.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1011,8 +1009,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"modules/smath/ui/floatingelements/RID_RELATIONS_CAT\">You can choose among various relations to structure your <emph>$[officename] Math</emph> formula. The relation functions are displayed in the lower part of the Elements window.</ahelp> The list is also in the <link href=\"text/shared/00/00000001.xhp#kontextmenue\" name=\"context menu\">context menu</link> of the <emph>Commands</emph> window. All relations that are not contained in the Elements window or in the context menu can be typed manually in the Commands window."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"modules/smath/ui/floatingelements/RID_RELATIONS_CAT\">შეგიძლიათ აარჩიოთ სხვადასხვა ფარდობებს შორის თქვენი <emph>$[officename] Math</emph> ფორმულის ასაგებად. ფარდობის ფუნქციები ნაჩვენებია არჩევის ფანჯრის ქვედა ნაწილში.</ahelp> სია ასევე მოცემულია ფანჯარა<link href=\"text/shared/00/00000001.xhp#kontextmenue\" name=\"context menu\">ბრძანებები</link>-ს <emph>კონტექსტის მენიუ</emph>-ში. ფარდობები, რომლების არ არის მოცემული არჩევის ფანჯარაში ან კონტექსტის მენიუში შეგიძლიათ ხელით ჩაწეროთ ბრძანების ფანჯარაში."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"modules/smath/ui/floatingelements/RID_RELATIONS_CAT\">You can choose among various relations to structure your <emph>$[officename] Math</emph> formula. The relation functions are displayed in the lower part of the Elements pane.</ahelp> The list is also in the <link href=\"text/shared/00/00000001.xhp#kontextmenue\" name=\"context menu\">context menu</link> of the <emph>Commands</emph> window. All relations that are not contained in the Elements pane or in the context menu can be typed manually in the Commands window."
+msgstr ""
#: 03090200.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1020,8 +1018,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "The following is a complete list of the relations. The symbol next to the name of the relation indicates that it can be accessed through the Elements window (choose <emph>View - Elements</emph>) or through the context menu of the <emph>Commands</emph> window."
-msgstr "ფარდობების სრული სია. ფარდობის სახელის გვერდით მოცემული სიმბოლო მიანიშნებს, რომ ფარდობა ხელმისაწვდომია არჩევის ფანჯარაში (აირჩიეთ <emph>ხედი - არჩევა</emph>) ან ფანჯარა <emph>ბრძანებები</emph>-ის კონტექსტის მენიუში."
+msgid "The following is a complete list of the relations. The symbol next to the name of the relation indicates that it can be accessed through the Elements pane (choose <emph>View - Elements</emph>) or through the context menu of the <emph>Commands</emph> window."
+msgstr ""
#: 03090200.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1869,19 +1867,17 @@ msgstr "<link href=\"text/smath/01/03090300.xhp\" name=\"Operators\">ოპე
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"smath/ui/floatingelements/RID_OPERATORS_CAT\">You can choose among various operators to structure your <emph>$[officename] Math</emph> formula. All available operators appear in the lower part of the Elements window.</ahelp> They are also listed in the <link href=\"text/shared/00/00000001.xhp#kontextmenue\" name=\"context menu\">context menu</link> of the <emph>Commands</emph> window. All operators not contained in the Elements window or in the context menu must be typed manually in the <emph>Commands</emph> window."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"smath/ui/floatingelements/RID_OPERATORS_CAT\">ასევე შეგიძლიათ აირჩიოთ სხვადასხვა ოპერატორებს შორის თქვენი <emph>$[officename] Math</emph> ფორმულის ასაგებად. ყველა შესაძლო ოპერატორი მოცმეულია არჩევის ფანჯრის ქვედა ნაწილში. .</ahelp> ასევე მოცემულია ფანჯარა <emph>ბრძანებების</emph><link href=\"text/shared/00/00000001.xhp#kontextmenue\" name=\"context menu\">კონტექსტის მენიუ</link>-ში. ყველა ოპერატორი, რომელიც არ არის მოცემული არჩევის ფანჯარაში ან კონტექსტის მენიუში, ხელით უნდა აკრიფოთ ფანჯარაში <emph>ბრძანებები</emph>."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"smath/ui/floatingelements/RID_OPERATORS_CAT\">You can choose among various operators to structure your <emph>$[officename] Math</emph> formula. All available operators appear in the lower part of the Elements pane.</ahelp> They are also listed in the <link href=\"text/shared/00/00000001.xhp#kontextmenue\" name=\"context menu\">context menu</link> of the <emph>Commands</emph> window. All operators not contained in the Elements pane or in the context menu must be typed manually in the <emph>Commands</emph> window."
+msgstr ""
#: 03090300.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "The following is a list of the available operators. An icon next to the operator name indicates that it can be accessed through the Elements window (choose <emph>View - Elements</emph>) or through the context menu of the <emph>Commands</emph> window."
-msgstr "შესაძლებელი ოპერატორები. ხატულა ოპერატორის სახელის გვერდით მიანიშნებს, რომ ის ხელმისაწვდომია არჩევის ფანჯრიდან (აირჩიეთ <emph>ხედი - არჩევა</emph>) ან ფანჯარა <emph>ბრძანებების</emph> კონტექსტის მენიუში."
+msgid "The following is a list of the available operators. An icon next to the operator name indicates that it can be accessed through the Elements pane (choose <emph>View - Elements</emph>) or through the context menu of the <emph>Commands</emph> window."
+msgstr ""
#: 03090300.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2313,10 +2309,9 @@ msgstr "<link href=\"text/smath/01/03090200.xhp\" name=\"Relations\">ფარ
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"modules/smath/ui/floatingelements/RID_FUNCTIONS_CAT\">Choose a function in the lower part of the window.</ahelp> These functions are also listed in the <link href=\"text/shared/00/00000001.xhp#kontextmenue\" name=\"context menu\">context menu</link> of the <emph>Commands</emph> window. Any functions not contained in the Elements window need to be typed manually in the Commands window."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_RELATIONS_CAT\">შეგიძლიათ აარჩიოთ სხვადასხვა ფარდობებს შორის თქვენი <emph>$[officename] Math</emph> ფორმულის ასაგებად. ფარდობის ფუნქციები ნაჩვენებია არჩევის ფანჯრის ქვედა ნაწილში.</ahelp> სია ასევე მოცემულია ფანჯარა<link href=\"text/shared/00/00000001.xhp#kontextmenue\" name=\"context menu\">ბრძანებები</link>-ს <emph>კონტექსტის მენიუ</emph>-ში. ფარდობები, რომლების არ არის მოცემული არჩევის ფანჯარაში ან კონტექსტის მენიუში შეგიძლიათ ხელით ჩაწეროთ ბრძანების ფანჯარაში."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"modules/smath/ui/floatingelements/RID_FUNCTIONS_CAT\">Choose a function in the lower part of the window.</ahelp> These functions are also listed in the <link href=\"text/shared/00/00000001.xhp#kontextmenue\" name=\"context menu\">context menu</link> of the <emph>Commands</emph> window. Any functions not contained in the Elements pane need to be typed manually in the Commands window."
+msgstr ""
#: 03090400.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2324,8 +2319,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "The following is a list of all functions that appear in the <emph>Elements</emph> window. The icon next to the function indicates that it can be accessed through the Elements window (menu View - Elements) or through the context menu of the <emph>Commands</emph> window."
-msgstr "შესაძლებელი ოპერატორები. ხატულა ოპერატორის სახელის გვერდით მიანიშნებს, რომ ის ხელმისაწვდომია არჩევის ფანჯრიდან (აირჩიეთ <emph>ხედი - არჩევა</emph>) ან ფანჯარა <emph>ბრძანებების</emph> კონტექსტის მენიუში."
+msgid "The following is a list of all functions that appear in the <emph>Elements</emph> pane. The icon next to the function indicates that it can be accessed through the Elements pane (menu View - Elements) or through the context menu of the <emph>Commands</emph> window."
+msgstr ""
#: 03090400.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -3034,19 +3029,17 @@ msgstr "<link href=\"text/swriter/01/06990000.xhp\" name=\"Update\">განა
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"smath/ui/floatingelements/RID_BRACKETS_CAT\">You can choose among various bracket types to structure a <emph>$[officename] Math</emph> formula. Bracket types are displayed in the lower part of the Elements window.</ahelp> These brackets are also listed in the <link href=\"text/shared/00/00000001.xhp#kontextmenue\" name=\"context menu\">context menu</link> of the <emph>Commands</emph> window. All brackets that are not contained in the Elements window or in the context menu can be typed manually in the <emph>Commands</emph> window."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_RELATIONS_CAT\">შეგიძლიათ აარჩიოთ სხვადასხვა ფარდობებს შორის თქვენი <emph>$[officename] Math</emph> ფორმულის ასაგებად. ფარდობის ფუნქციები ნაჩვენებია არჩევის ფანჯრის ქვედა ნაწილში.</ahelp> სია ასევე მოცემულია ფანჯარა<link href=\"text/shared/00/00000001.xhp#kontextmenue\" name=\"context menu\">ბრძანებები</link>-ს <emph>კონტექსტის მენიუ</emph>-ში. ფარდობები, რომლების არ არის მოცემული არჩევის ფანჯარაში ან კონტექსტის მენიუში შეგიძლიათ ხელით ჩაწეროთ ბრძანების ფანჯარაში."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"smath/ui/floatingelements/RID_BRACKETS_CAT\">You can choose among various bracket types to structure a <emph>$[officename] Math</emph> formula. Bracket types are displayed in the lower part of the Elements pane.</ahelp> These brackets are also listed in the <link href=\"text/shared/00/00000001.xhp#kontextmenue\" name=\"context menu\">context menu</link> of the <emph>Commands</emph> window. All brackets that are not contained in the Elements pane or in the context menu can be typed manually in the <emph>Commands</emph> window."
+msgstr ""
#: 03090500.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "The following is a complete list of all available bracket types. The icon next to the bracket type indicates that it can be accessed through the Elements window (menu View - Elements) or through the context menu of the <emph>Commands</emph> window."
-msgstr "შესაძლებელი ოპერატორები. ხატულა ოპერატორის სახელის გვერდით მიანიშნებს, რომ ის ხელმისაწვდომია არჩევის ფანჯრიდან (აირჩიეთ <emph>ხედი - არჩევა</emph>) ან ფანჯარა <emph>ბრძანებების</emph> კონტექსტის მენიუში."
+msgid "The following is a complete list of all available bracket types. The icon next to the bracket type indicates that it can be accessed through the Elements pane (menu View - Elements) or through the context menu of the <emph>Commands</emph> window."
+msgstr ""
#: 03090500.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -3716,19 +3709,17 @@ msgstr "<variable id=\"func_win\"><link href=\"text/smath/01/03090000.xhp\" name
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"smath/ui/floatingelements/RID_ATTRIBUTES_CAT\">You can choose from various attributes for <emph>%PRODUCTNAME</emph> <emph>Math</emph> formulas. Some attributes are displayed in the lower part of the Elements window.</ahelp> These attributes are also listed in the <link href=\"text/shared/00/00000001.xhp#kontextmenue\" name=\"context menu\">context menu</link> of the <emph>Commands</emph> window. All attributes not contained in the Elements window or in the context menu must be typed manually in the <emph>Commands</emph> window."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_OPERATORS_CAT\">ასევე შეგიძლიათ აირჩიოთ სხვადასხვა ოპერატორებს შორის თქვენი <emph>$[officename] Math</emph> ფორმულის ასაგებად. ყველა შესაძლო ოპერატორი მოცმეულია არჩევის ფანჯრის ქვედა ნაწილში. .</ahelp> ასევე მოცემულია ფანჯარა <emph>ბრძანებების</emph><link href=\"text/shared/00/00000001.xhp#kontextmenue\" name=\"context menu\">კონტექსტის მენიუ</link>-ში. ყველა ოპერატორი, რომელიც არ არის მოცემული არჩევის ფანჯარაში ან კონტექსტის მენიუში, ხელით უნდა აკრიფოთ ფანჯარაში <emph>ბრძანებები</emph>."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"smath/ui/floatingelements/RID_ATTRIBUTES_CAT\">You can choose from various attributes for <emph>%PRODUCTNAME</emph> <emph>Math</emph> formulas. Some attributes are displayed in the lower part of the Elements pane.</ahelp> These attributes are also listed in the <link href=\"text/shared/00/00000001.xhp#kontextmenue\" name=\"context menu\">context menu</link> of the <emph>Commands</emph> window. All attributes not contained in the Elements pane or in the context menu must be typed manually in the <emph>Commands</emph> window."
+msgstr ""
#: 03090600.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "The following is a complete list of all attributes available in <item type=\"productname\">%PRODUCTNAME</item> Math. The symbol next to the attribute indicates that it can be accessed through the Elements window (choose <emph>View - Elements</emph>) or through the context menu of the <emph>Commands</emph> window."
-msgstr "შესაძლებელი ოპერატორები. ხატულა ოპერატორის სახელის გვერდით მიანიშნებს, რომ ის ხელმისაწვდომია არჩევის ფანჯრიდან (აირჩიეთ <emph>ხედი - არჩევა</emph>) ან ფანჯარა <emph>ბრძანებების</emph> კონტექსტის მენიუში."
+msgid "The following is a complete list of all attributes available in <item type=\"productname\">%PRODUCTNAME</item> Math. The symbol next to the attribute indicates that it can be accessed through the Elements pane (choose <emph>View - Elements</emph>) or through the context menu of the <emph>Commands</emph> window."
+msgstr ""
#: 03090600.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -4441,7 +4432,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"smath/ui/floatingelements/RID_FORMAT_CAT\">You can choose among various options for formatting a $[officename] Math formula. The format options are displayed in the lower half of the Formula Elements window.</ahelp> These options are also listed in the <link href=\"text/shared/00/00000001.xhp#kontextmenue\" name=\"context menu\">context menu</link> of the <emph>Commands</emph> window."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"smath/ui/floatingelements/RID_FORMAT_CAT\">You can choose among various options for formatting a $[officename] Math formula. The format options are displayed in the lower half of the Formula Elements pane.</ahelp> These options are also listed in the <link href=\"text/shared/00/00000001.xhp#kontextmenue\" name=\"context menu\">context menu</link> of the <emph>Commands</emph> window."
msgstr ""
#: 03090700.xhp
@@ -4450,8 +4441,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "The following is a complete list of all available formatting options in $[officename] Math. The icon next to the formatting option indicates that it can be accessed through the Elements window (menu <emph>View - Elements</emph>) or through the context menu of the <emph>Commands</emph> window."
-msgstr "შესაძლებელი ოპერატორები. ხატულა ოპერატორის სახელის გვერდით მიანიშნებს, რომ ის ხელმისაწვდომია არჩევის ფანჯრიდან (აირჩიეთ <emph>ხედი - არჩევა</emph>) ან ფანჯარა <emph>ბრძანებების</emph> კონტექსტის მენიუში."
+msgid "The following is a complete list of all available formatting options in $[officename] Math. The icon next to the formatting option indicates that it can be accessed through the Elements pane (menu <emph>View - Elements</emph>) or through the context menu of the <emph>Commands</emph> window."
+msgstr ""
#: 03090700.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -5026,8 +5017,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"smath/ui/floatingelements/RID_SETOPERATIONS_CAT\">Assign different set operators to the characters in your <emph>$[officename] Math</emph> formula. The individual operators are shown in the lower section of the Elements window</ahelp>. Call the <link href=\"text/shared/00/00000001.xhp#kontextmenue\" name=\"context menu\">context menu</link> in the <emph>Commands</emph> window to see an identical list of the individual functions. Any operators not found in the Elements window have to be entered directly in the Commands window. You can also directly insert other parts of the formula even if symbols already exist for them."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_OPERATORS_CAT\">ასევე შეგიძლიათ აირჩიოთ სხვადასხვა ოპერატორებს შორის თქვენი <emph>$[officename] Math</emph> ფორმულის ასაგებად. ყველა შესაძლო ოპერატორი მოცმეულია არჩევის ფანჯრის ქვედა ნაწილში. .</ahelp> ასევე მოცემულია ფანჯარა <emph>ბრძანებების</emph><link href=\"text/shared/00/00000001.xhp#kontextmenue\" name=\"context menu\">კონტექსტის მენიუ</link>-ში. ყველა ოპერატორი, რომელიც არ არის მოცემული არჩევის ფანჯარაში ან კონტექსტის მენიუში, ხელით უნდა აკრიფოთ ფანჯარაში <emph>ბრძანებები</emph>."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"smath/ui/floatingelements/RID_SETOPERATIONS_CAT\">Assign different set operators to the characters in your <emph>$[officename] Math</emph> formula. The individual operators are shown in the lower section of the Elements pane</ahelp>. Call the <link href=\"text/shared/00/00000001.xhp#kontextmenue\" name=\"context menu\">context menu</link> in the <emph>Commands</emph> window to see an identical list of the individual functions. Any operators not found in the Elements pane have to be entered directly in the Commands window. You can also directly insert other parts of the formula even if symbols already exist for them."
+msgstr ""
#: 03090800.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -5035,7 +5026,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "After clicking the <emph>Set Operations</emph> icon in the Elements window additional icons will be shown in the lower part of this window. Simply click a symbol to incorporate the operator in the formula being edited in the Commands window."
+msgid "After clicking the <emph>Set Operations</emph> icon in the Elements pane additional icons will be shown in the lower part of this window. Simply click a symbol to incorporate the operator in the formula being edited in the Commands window."
msgstr ""
#: 03090800.xhp
@@ -6122,7 +6113,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Set brackets were previously inserted in the Elements window or directly in the Commands window as \"left lbrace <?> right rbrace\". Now, a left and a right set bracket can also be inserted using \"lbrace\" and \"rbrace\", with or without wildcards."
+msgid "Set brackets were previously inserted in the Elements pane or directly in the Commands window as \"left lbrace <?> right rbrace\". Now, a left and a right set bracket can also be inserted using \"lbrace\" and \"rbrace\", with or without wildcards."
msgstr ""
#: 03091100.xhp
@@ -6972,9 +6963,8 @@ msgstr ""
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Symbol in Elements Window"
+msgid "Symbol in Elements pane"
msgstr ""
#: 03091501.xhp
@@ -6991,8 +6981,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<image id=\"Graphic10\" src=\"starmath/res/un21209.png\" width=\"0.3335inch\" height=\"0.3335inch\"><alt id=\"alt_\">Icon</alt></image>"
-msgstr "<image id=\"img_id3155140\" src=\"starmath/res/un21209.png\" width=\"0.3335inch\" height=\"0.3335inch\"><alt id=\"alt_id3155140\">ხატულა</alt></image>"
+msgid "<image id=\"Graphic10\" src=\"res/helpimg/starmath/un21209.png\" width=\"0.3335inch\" height=\"0.3335inch\"><alt id=\"alt_\">Icon</alt></image>"
+msgstr ""
#: 03091501.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -7008,8 +6998,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<image id=\"Graphic21\" src=\"starmath/res/un21202.png\" width=\"0.3335inch\" height=\"0.3335inch\"><alt id=\"alt_\">Icon</alt></image>"
-msgstr "<image id=\"img_id3148776\" src=\"starmath/res/un21202.png\" width=\"0.3335inch\" height=\"0.3335inch\"><alt id=\"alt_id3148776\">ხატულა</alt></image>"
+msgid "<image id=\"Graphic21\" src=\"res/helpimg/starmath/un21202.png\" width=\"0.3335inch\" height=\"0.3335inch\"><alt id=\"alt_\">Icon</alt></image>"
+msgstr ""
#: 03091501.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -7025,8 +7015,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<image id=\"Graphic4\" src=\"starmath/res/un21204.png\" width=\"0.3335inch\" height=\"0.3335inch\"><alt id=\"alt_\">Icon</alt></image>"
-msgstr "<image id=\"img_id3145410\" src=\"starmath/res/un21204.png\" width=\"0.3335inch\" height=\"0.3335inch\"><alt id=\"alt_id3145410\">ხატულა</alt></image>"
+msgid "<image id=\"Graphic4\" src=\"res/helpimg/starmath/un21204.png\" width=\"0.3335inch\" height=\"0.3335inch\"><alt id=\"alt_\">Icon</alt></image>"
+msgstr ""
#: 03091501.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -7042,8 +7032,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<image id=\"Graphic13\" src=\"starmath/res/un21212.png\" width=\"0.3335inch\" height=\"0.3335inch\"><alt id=\"alt_\">Icon</alt></image>"
-msgstr "<image id=\"img_id3147418\" src=\"starmath/res/un21212.png\" width=\"0.3335inch\" height=\"0.3335inch\"><alt id=\"alt_id3147418\">ხატულა</alt></image>"
+msgid "<image id=\"Graphic13\" src=\"res/helpimg/starmath/un21212.png\" width=\"0.3335inch\" height=\"0.3335inch\"><alt id=\"alt_\">Icon</alt></image>"
+msgstr ""
#: 03091501.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -7059,8 +7049,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<image id=\"Graphic7\" src=\"starmath/res/un21208.png\" width=\"0.3335inch\" height=\"0.3335inch\"><alt id=\"alt_\">Icon</alt></image>"
-msgstr "<image id=\"img_id3148776\" src=\"starmath/res/un21202.png\" width=\"0.3335inch\" height=\"0.3335inch\"><alt id=\"alt_id3148776\">ხატულა</alt></image>"
+msgid "<image id=\"Graphic7\" src=\"res/helpimg/starmath/un21208.png\" width=\"0.3335inch\" height=\"0.3335inch\"><alt id=\"alt_\">Icon</alt></image>"
+msgstr ""
#: 03091501.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -7076,8 +7066,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<image id=\"Graphic6\" src=\"starmath/res/un21205.png\" width=\"0.3335inch\" height=\"0.3335inch\"><alt id=\"alt_\">Icon</alt></image>"
-msgstr "<image id=\"img_id3156399\" src=\"starmath/res/un21201.png\" width=\"0.3335inch\" height=\"0.3335inch\"><alt id=\"alt_id3156399\">ხატულა</alt></image>"
+msgid "<image id=\"Graphic6\" src=\"res/helpimg/starmath/un21205.png\" width=\"0.3335inch\" height=\"0.3335inch\"><alt id=\"alt_\">Icon</alt></image>"
+msgstr ""
#: 03091501.xhp
#, fuzzy
@@ -7094,8 +7084,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<image id=\"Graphic2\" src=\"starmath/res/un21201.png\" width=\"0.3335inch\" height=\"0.3335inch\"><alt id=\"alt_\">Icon</alt></image>"
-msgstr "<image id=\"img_id3156399\" src=\"starmath/res/un21201.png\" width=\"0.3335inch\" height=\"0.3335inch\"><alt id=\"alt_id3156399\">ხატულა</alt></image>"
+msgid "<image id=\"Graphic2\" src=\"res/helpimg/starmath/un21201.png\" width=\"0.3335inch\" height=\"0.3335inch\"><alt id=\"alt_\">Icon</alt></image>"
+msgstr ""
#: 03091501.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -7111,8 +7101,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<image id=\"Graphic3\" src=\"starmath/res/un21203.png\" width=\"0.3335inch\" height=\"0.3335inch\"><alt id=\"alt_\">Icon</alt></image>"
-msgstr "<image id=\"img_id3150757\" src=\"starmath/res/un21203.png\" width=\"0.3335inch\" height=\"0.3335inch\"><alt id=\"alt_id3150757\">ხატულა</alt></image>"
+msgid "<image id=\"Graphic3\" src=\"res/helpimg/starmath/un21203.png\" width=\"0.3335inch\" height=\"0.3335inch\"><alt id=\"alt_\">Icon</alt></image>"
+msgstr ""
#: 03091501.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -7136,8 +7126,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<image id=\"Graphic14\" src=\"starmath/res/un21214.png\" width=\"0.3335inch\" height=\"0.3335inch\"><alt id=\"alt_\">Icon</alt></image>"
-msgstr "<image id=\"img_id3147116\" src=\"starmath/res/un21214.png\" width=\"0.3335inch\" height=\"0.3335inch\"><alt id=\"alt_id3147116\">ხატულა</alt></image>"
+msgid "<image id=\"Graphic14\" src=\"res/helpimg/starmath/un21214.png\" width=\"0.3335inch\" height=\"0.3335inch\"><alt id=\"alt_\">Icon</alt></image>"
+msgstr ""
#: 03091501.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -7203,8 +7193,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<image id=\"Graphic8\" src=\"starmath/res/un21206.png\" width=\"0.3335inch\" height=\"0.3335inch\"><alt id=\"alt_\">Icon</alt></image>"
-msgstr "<image id=\"img_id3155898\" src=\"starmath/res/un21206.png\" width=\"0.3335inch\" height=\"0.3335inch\"><alt id=\"alt_id3155898\">ხატულა</alt></image>"
+msgid "<image id=\"Graphic8\" src=\"res/helpimg/starmath/un21206.png\" width=\"0.3335inch\" height=\"0.3335inch\"><alt id=\"alt_\">Icon</alt></image>"
+msgstr ""
#: 03091501.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -7220,8 +7210,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<image id=\"Graphic16\" src=\"starmath/res/un21221.png\" width=\"0.3335inch\" height=\"0.3335inch\"><alt id=\"alt_\">Icon</alt></image>"
-msgstr "<image id=\"img_id3156399\" src=\"starmath/res/un21201.png\" width=\"0.3335inch\" height=\"0.3335inch\"><alt id=\"alt_id3156399\">ხატულა</alt></image>"
+msgid "<image id=\"Graphic16\" src=\"res/helpimg/starmath/un21221.png\" width=\"0.3335inch\" height=\"0.3335inch\"><alt id=\"alt_\">Icon</alt></image>"
+msgstr ""
#: 03091501.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -7237,8 +7227,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<image id=\"Graphic12\" src=\"starmath/res/un21211.png\" width=\"0.3335inch\" height=\"0.3335inch\"><alt id=\"alt_\">Icon</alt></image>"
-msgstr "<image id=\"img_id3148765\" src=\"starmath/res/un21211.png\" width=\"0.3335inch\" height=\"0.3335inch\"><alt id=\"alt_id3148765\">ხატულა</alt></image>"
+msgid "<image id=\"Graphic12\" src=\"res/helpimg/starmath/un21211.png\" width=\"0.3335inch\" height=\"0.3335inch\"><alt id=\"alt_\">Icon</alt></image>"
+msgstr ""
#: 03091501.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -7254,8 +7244,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<image id=\"Graphic5\" src=\"starmath/res/un21213.png\" width=\"0.25inch\" height=\"0.25inch\"><alt id=\"alt_\">Icon</alt></image>"
-msgstr "<image id=\"img_id3149566\" src=\"starmath/res/un21213.png\" width=\"0.25inch\" height=\"0.25inch\"><alt id=\"alt_id3149566\">ხატულა</alt></image>"
+msgid "<image id=\"Graphic5\" src=\"res/helpimg/starmath/un21213.png\" width=\"0.25inch\" height=\"0.25inch\"><alt id=\"alt_\">Icon</alt></image>"
+msgstr ""
#: 03091501.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -7347,8 +7337,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<image id=\"Graphic15\" src=\"starmath/res/un21215.png\" width=\"0.3335inch\" height=\"0.3335inch\"><alt id=\"alt_\">Icon</alt></image>"
-msgstr "<image id=\"img_id3151098\" src=\"starmath/res/un21205.png\" width=\"0.3335inch\" height=\"0.3335inch\"><alt id=\"alt_id3151098\">ხატულა</alt></image>"
+msgid "<image id=\"Graphic15\" src=\"res/helpimg/starmath/un21215.png\" width=\"0.3335inch\" height=\"0.3335inch\"><alt id=\"alt_\">Icon</alt></image>"
+msgstr ""
#: 03091501.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -7381,8 +7371,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<image id=\"Graphic11\" src=\"starmath/res/un21210.png\" width=\"0.3335inch\" height=\"0.3335inch\"><alt id=\"alt_\">Icon</alt></image>"
-msgstr "<image id=\"img_id3149168\" src=\"starmath/res/un21210.png\" width=\"0.3335inch\" height=\"0.3335inch\"><alt id=\"alt_id3149168\">ხატულა</alt></image>"
+msgid "<image id=\"Graphic11\" src=\"res/helpimg/starmath/un21210.png\" width=\"0.3335inch\" height=\"0.3335inch\"><alt id=\"alt_\">Icon</alt></image>"
+msgstr ""
#: 03091501.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -7398,8 +7388,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<image id=\"Graphic9\" src=\"starmath/res/un21207.png\" width=\"0.3335inch\" height=\"0.3335inch\"><alt id=\"alt_\">Icon</alt></image>"
-msgstr "<image id=\"img_id3149308\" src=\"starmath/res/un21207.png\" width=\"0.3335inch\" height=\"0.3335inch\"><alt id=\"alt_id3149308\">ხატულა</alt></image>"
+msgid "<image id=\"Graphic9\" src=\"res/helpimg/starmath/un21207.png\" width=\"0.3335inch\" height=\"0.3335inch\"><alt id=\"alt_\">Icon</alt></image>"
+msgstr ""
#: 03091501.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -7480,9 +7470,8 @@ msgstr ""
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Symbol in Elements Window"
+msgid "Symbol in Elements pane"
msgstr ""
#: 03091502.xhp
@@ -8124,9 +8113,8 @@ msgstr ""
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Symbol in Elements Window"
+msgid "Symbol in Elements pane"
msgstr ""
#: 03091503.xhp
@@ -8564,9 +8552,8 @@ msgstr ""
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Symbol in Elements Window"
+msgid "Symbol in Elements pane"
msgstr ""
#: 03091504.xhp
@@ -9058,9 +9045,8 @@ msgstr ""
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Symbol in Elements Window"
+msgid "Symbol in Elements pane"
msgstr ""
#: 03091505.xhp
@@ -9356,9 +9342,8 @@ msgstr ""
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Symbol in Elements Window"
+msgid "Symbol in Elements pane"
msgstr ""
#: 03091506.xhp
@@ -9798,9 +9783,8 @@ msgstr ""
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Symbol in Elements Window"
+msgid "Symbol in Elements pane"
msgstr ""
#: 03091507.xhp
@@ -10216,7 +10200,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Symbol in Elements Window"
+msgid "Symbol in Elements pane"
msgstr ""
#: 03091508.xhp
@@ -10671,9 +10655,8 @@ msgstr ""
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Symbol in Elements Window"
+msgid "Symbol in Elements pane"
msgstr ""
#: 03091509.xhp
diff --git a/source/ka/helpcontent2/source/text/smath/04.po b/source/ka/helpcontent2/source/text/smath/04.po
index 6c065eefd32..66601e6d99f 100644
--- a/source/ka/helpcontent2/source/text/smath/04.po
+++ b/source/ka/helpcontent2/source/text/smath/04.po
@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://bugs.libreoffice.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=LibreOffice&bug_status=UNCONFIRMED&component=UI\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-11-20 13:02+0100\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-04-05 23:54+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2016-12-27 21:50+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-05-24 10:04+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Anonymous Pootle User\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
"Language: ka\n"
@@ -12,8 +12,9 @@ msgstr ""
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
-"X-Generator: LibreOffice\n"
"X-Accelerator-Marker: ~\n"
+"X-Generator: LibreOffice\n"
+"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1369389871.000000\n"
#: 01020000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -170,10 +171,9 @@ msgstr "განახლება"
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Navigation in the Elements Window"
-msgstr "ბრძანების ფანჯარაში ფორმულის შექმნა"
+msgid "Navigation in the Elements pane"
+msgstr ""
#: 01020000.xhp
msgctxt ""
diff --git a/source/ka/helpcontent2/source/text/smath/guide.po b/source/ka/helpcontent2/source/text/smath/guide.po
index 54e07cc499c..27eed65b003 100644
--- a/source/ka/helpcontent2/source/text/smath/guide.po
+++ b/source/ka/helpcontent2/source/text/smath/guide.po
@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://bugs.libreoffice.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=LibreOffice&bug_status=UNCONFIRMED&component=UI\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-11-20 13:02+0100\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-04-05 23:54+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2016-12-27 21:50+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-05-24 10:04+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Anonymous Pootle User\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
"Language: ka\n"
@@ -12,8 +12,9 @@ msgstr ""
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
-"X-Generator: LibreOffice\n"
"X-Accelerator-Marker: ~\n"
+"X-Generator: LibreOffice\n"
+"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1369389871.000000\n"
#: align.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -421,27 +422,24 @@ msgstr ""
msgctxt ""
-msgid "You can compose formulas using the Elements window. Open it with the menu <emph>View - Elements</emph> if it is not already open."
+msgid "You can compose formulas using the Elements pane. Open it with the menu <emph>View - Elements</emph> if it is not already open."
msgstr ""
#: keyboard.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "If the Elements window is open, use F6 to switch from the Commands window to the Elements window and back."
+msgid "If the Elements pane is open, use F6 to switch from the Commands window to the Elements pane and back."
msgstr ""
#: keyboard.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Elements window"
+msgid "Elements pane"
msgstr ""
#: limits.xhp
@@ -497,7 +495,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "You see the Math input window and the Elements window. If you don't see the Elements window, you can enable it in the View menu."
+msgid "You see the Math input window and the Elements pane on the left."
msgstr ""
#: limits.xhp
@@ -505,16 +503,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "In the upper part of the Elements window, click the <emph>Operators</emph> icon."
-msgstr "გახსენით კონტექსტის მენიუ ბრძანების ფანჯარაში-აირჩიეთ <emph>ოპერატორები</emph>"
+msgid "From the list on the upper part of the Elements pane, select the <emph>Operators</emph> item."
+msgstr ""
#: limits.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "In the lower part of the Elements window, click the <emph>Sum</emph> icon."
-msgstr "ჩაურთავს ცვლადის მიმდინარე მნიშვნელობას, რომელსაც აწკაპუნებთ <emph>Selection </emph>სიაში."
+msgid "In the lower part of the Elements pane, click the <emph>Sum</emph> icon."
+msgstr ""
#: limits.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -585,7 +583,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "In the same way, you can enter an Integral formula with limits. When you click an icon from the Elements window, the assigned text command is inserted in the input window. If you know the text commands, you can enter the commands directly in the input window."
+msgid "In the same way, you can enter an Integral formula with limits. When you click an icon from the Elements pane, the assigned text command is inserted in the input window. If you know the text commands, you can enter the commands directly in the input window."
msgstr ""
#: limits.xhp
@@ -617,7 +615,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "A small gap exists between f(x) and dx, which you can also enter using the Elements window: click the <emph>Format</emph> icon, then the <emph>Small Gap</emph> icon."
+msgid "A small gap exists between f(x) and dx, which you can also enter using the Elements pane: select the <emph>Formats</emph> item from the list on the top, then the <emph>Small Gap</emph> icon."
msgstr ""
#: limits.xhp
diff --git a/source/ka/helpcontent2/source/text/swriter/01.po b/source/ka/helpcontent2/source/text/swriter/01.po
index 6f06839772c..2961bc72173 100644
--- a/source/ka/helpcontent2/source/text/swriter/01.po
+++ b/source/ka/helpcontent2/source/text/swriter/01.po
@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://bugs.libreoffice.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=LibreOffice&bug_status=UNCONFIRMED&component=UI\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2016-11-09 14:10+0100\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2016-07-06 08:08+0000\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2016-12-27 21:50+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2016-07-06 08:05+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Anonymous Pootle User\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
"Language: ka\n"
@@ -12,9 +12,9 @@ msgstr ""
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
-"X-Generator: LibreOffice\n"
"X-Accelerator-Marker: ~\n"
-"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1467792491.000000\n"
+"X-Generator: LibreOffice\n"
+"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1467792334.000000\n"
#: 01120000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -15193,37 +15193,33 @@ msgstr "მონახაზის დანომრვა"
msgctxt ""
msgid "<link href=\"text/swriter/01/05030800.xhp\" name=\"Numbering\">Outline & Numbering</link>"
-msgstr "<link href=\"text/swriter/01/05030800.xhp\" name=\"Numbering\">მონახაზი/დანომრვა</link>"
+msgstr ""
#: 05030800.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_NUMPARA\">Adds or removes outline level, numbering, or bullets from the paragraph. You can also select the style of numbering to use, and reset the numbering in a numbered list.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_NUMPARA\">ამატებს ან შლის დანომრვას ან ბულეტებს პარაგრაფიდან. შეგიძლიათ ასევე აირჩიოთ დანომრვის გამოსაყენებელი სტილი და გადატვირთოთ დანომრვა დანომრილ სიაში.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"modules/swriter/ui/numparapage/NumParaPage\">Adds or removes outline level, numbering, or bullets from the paragraph. You can also select the style of numbering to use, and reset the numbering in a numbered list.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 05030800.xhp
-#, fuzzy
msgctxt ""
-msgid "To change the numbering options for paragraphs that use the same paragraph style, choose <emph>View - Styles and Formatting</emph>, and then click the <emph>Paragraph Styles </emph>icon. Right-click the style in the list, choose <emph>Modify</emph>, and then click the<emph> Outline & Numbering</emph> tab."
-msgstr "დანომრვის პარამეტრების შესაცვლელად პარაგრაფებისთვის, რომლებიც იგივე პარაგრაფის სტილს გამოიყენებენ, ამოირჩიეთ <emph>Format - Styles and Formatting</emph>, და შემდეგ დააწკაპუნეთ <emph>Paragraph Styles </emph>ხატულაზე. ორჯერ დააწკაპუნეთ სტილზე სიაში, ამოირჩიეთ <emph>Modify</emph>,და შემდეგ დააწკაპუნეთ<emph> Outline/Numbering</emph> ჩანართზე."
+msgid "To change the numbering options for paragraphs that use the same paragraph style, choose <emph>View - Styles and Formatting</emph>, and then click the <emph>Paragraph Styles</emph> icon. Right-click the style in the list, choose <emph>Modify</emph>, and then click the <emph>Outline & Numbering</emph> tab."
+msgstr ""
#: 05030800.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "To change the numbering options for selected paragraphs, choose <emph>Format -</emph><link href=\"text/shared/01/05030000.xhp\" name=\"Paragraph\"><emph>Paragraph</emph></link>, and then click the<emph> Outline & Numbering</emph> tab."
-msgstr "მონიშნული პარაგრაფების დანომვის პარამეტრების შესაცვლელად ამოირჩიეთ <emph>Format -</emph><link href=\"text/shared/01/05030000.xhp\" name=\"Paragraph\"><emph>Paragraph</emph></link>, და შემდეგ დააწკაპუნეთ <emph> Outline/Numbering</emph> ჩანართზე."
+msgid "To change the numbering options for selected paragraphs, choose <emph>Format - </emph><link href=\"text/shared/01/05030000.xhp\" name=\"Paragraph\"><emph>Paragraph</emph></link>, and then click the <emph>Outline & Numbering</emph> tab."
+msgstr ""
#: 05030800.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -15238,86 +15234,93 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Assigns an outline level from 1 to 10 to the selected paragraphs or Paragraph Style.</ahelp> Select <emph>Body text</emph> to reset the outline level."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"modules/swriter/ui/numparapage/comboLB_OUTLINE_LEVEL\">Assigns an outline level from 1 to 10 to the selected paragraphs or Paragraph Style.</ahelp> Select <emph>Body text</emph> to reset the outline level."
msgstr ""
#: 05030800.xhp
msgctxt ""
msgid "Numbering"
-msgstr "დანომრვა"
+msgstr ""
#: 05030800.xhp
msgctxt ""
msgid "Numbering Style"
-msgstr "დანომრვის სტილი"
+msgstr ""
#: 05030800.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"SW:LISTBOX:TP_NUMPARA:LB_NUMBER_STYLE\">Select the <link href=\"text/swriter/01/05130004.xhp\" name=\"Numbering Style\">Numbering Style</link> that you want to apply to the paragraph.</ahelp> These styles are also listed in the <link href=\"text/swriter/01/05140000.xhp\" name=\"Styles and Formatting\">Styles and Formatting</link> window if you click the <emph>Numbering Style</emph> icon."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"SW:LISTBOX:TP_NUMPARA:LB_NUMBER_STYLE\">მონიშნეთ <link href=\"text/swriter/01/05130004.xhp\" name=\"Numbering Style\">Numbering Style</link> რომლის გაქტიურებაც გსურთ პარაგრაფზე.</ahelp> ეს სტილები ჩამოთვლილია ასევე<link href=\"text/swriter/01/05140000.xhp\" name=\"Styles and Formatting\">Styles and Formatting</link> ფანჯარაში თუ დააწკაპუნებთ <emph>Numbering Style</emph> ხატულაზე,"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"modules/swriter/ui/numparapage/comboLB_NUMBER_STYLE\">Select the <link href=\"text/swriter/01/05130004.xhp\" name=\"Numbering Style\">Numbering Style</link> that you want to apply to the paragraph.</ahelp> These styles are also listed in the <link href=\"text/swriter/01/05140000.xhp\" name=\"Styles and Formatting\">Styles and Formatting</link> window if you click the <emph>Numbering Style</emph> icon."
+msgstr ""
+#: 05030800.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Edit Style"
+msgstr ""
+#: 05030800.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"modules/swriter/ui/numparapage/editnumstyle\">Edit the properties of the selected numbering style.</ahelp> These properties will apply to all paragraphs formatted with the given numbering style."
+msgstr ""
#: 05030800.xhp
msgctxt ""
msgid "This section only appears when you edit the properties of the current paragraph by choosing <emph>Format - Paragraph</emph>."
-msgstr "ეს სექცია გამოჩნდება მხოლოდ მაშინ, როდესაც ჩაასწორებთ მიმდინარე პარაგრაფის პარამეტრებს <emph>Format - Paragraph</emph>-ის ამორჩევით."
+msgstr ""
#: 05030800.xhp
msgctxt ""
msgid "Restart at this paragraph"
-msgstr "ამ პარაგრაფზე გადატვირთვა"
+msgstr ""
#: 05030800.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"SW:TRISTATEBOX:TP_NUMPARA:CB_NEW_START\">Restarts the numbering at the current paragraph.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"SW:TRISTATEBOX:TP_NUMPARA:CB_NEW_START\">გადატვირთავს დანომრვას მიმდინარე პარაგრაფში.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"modules/swriter/ui/numparapage/checkCB_NEW_START\">Restarts the numbering at the current paragraph.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 05030800.xhp
msgctxt ""
msgid "Start with"
-msgstr "დაწყება"
+msgstr ""
#: 05030800.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"SW_TRISTATEBOX_TP_NUMPARA_CB_NUMBER_NEW_START\">Select this check box, and then enter the number that you want to assign to the paragraph.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"SW_TRISTATEBOX_TP_NUMPARA_CB_NUMBER_NEW_START\">მონიშნეთ თოლია და შემდეგ შეიყვანეთ პარაგრაფზე გასააქტიურებელი სასურველი ნომერი.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"modules/swriter/ui/numparapage/checkCB_NUMBER_NEW_START\">Select this check box, and then enter the number that you want to assign to the paragraph.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 05030800.xhp
msgctxt ""
msgid "\"Start with\" spin button"
msgstr ""
@@ -15326,82 +15329,73 @@ msgstr ""
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"SW:NUMERICFIELD:TP_NUMPARA:NF_NEW_START\">Enter the number that you want to assign to the paragraph.</ahelp> The following paragraphs are numbered consecutively from the number that you enter here."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"SW:NUMERICFIELD:TP_NUMPARA:NF_NEW_START\">შეიყვანეთ ნომერი, რომლის მინიჭებაც გსურთ პარაგრაფზე.</ahelp> შემდეგი პარაგრაფები დანომრილია მიმდევრობით ნომრებისგან, რომლებსაც აქ შეიყვანთ."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"modules/swriter/ui/numparapage/spinNF_NEW_START\">Enter the number that you want to assign to the paragraph.</ahelp> The following paragraphs are numbered consecutively from the number that you enter here."
+msgstr ""
#: 05030800.xhp
msgctxt ""
msgid "Line numbering"
-msgstr "სტრიქონის დანომრვა"
+msgstr ""
#: 05030800.xhp
msgctxt ""
msgid "Specify the <link href=\"text/swriter/01/06180000.xhp\" name=\"Line numbering\">Line numbering</link> options. To add line numbers to your document, choose <emph>Tools - Line Numbering</emph>."
-msgstr "განსაზღვრეთ <link href=\"text/swriter/01/06180000.xhp\" name=\"Line numbering\">Line numbering</link> პარამეტრები. სტრიქონების ნომრების დასამატებლად დოკუმენტში ამოირჩიეთ <emph>Tools - Line Numbering</emph>."
+msgstr ""
#: 05030800.xhp
msgctxt ""
msgid "Include this paragraph in line numbering"
-msgstr "ჩაურთეთ ეს პარაგრაფი სტრიქონების დანომრვაში"
+msgstr ""
#: 05030800.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"SW:TRISTATEBOX:TP_NUMPARA:CB_COUNT_PARA\">Includes the current paragraph in the line numbering.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"SW:TRISTATEBOX:TP_NUMPARA:CB_COUNT_PARA\">ჩაურთავს მიმდინარე პარაგრაფს სტრიქონის დანომრვაში.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"modules/swriter/ui/numparapage/checkCB_COUNT_PARA\">Includes the current paragraph in the line numbering.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 05030800.xhp
msgctxt ""
msgid "Restart at this paragraph"
-msgstr "ამ პარაგრაფზე გადატვირთვა"
+msgstr ""
#: 05030800.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"SW:TRISTATEBOX:TP_NUMPARA:CB_RESTART_PARACOUNT\">Restarts the line numbering at the current paragraph, or at the number that you enter.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"SW:TRISTATEBOX:TP_NUMPARA:CB_RESTART_PARACOUNT\">Restarts the line numbering at the current paragraph, or at the number that you enter.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"modules/swriter/ui/numparapage/checkCB_RESTART_PARACOUNT\">Restarts the line numbering at the current paragraph, or at the number that you enter.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 05030800.xhp
msgctxt ""
msgid "Start with"
-msgstr "დაწყება"
+msgstr ""
#: 05030800.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"SW:NUMERICFIELD:TP_NUMPARA:NF_RESTART_PARA\">Enter the number at which to restart the line numbering</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"SW:NUMERICFIELD:TP_NUMPARA:NF_RESTART_PARA\">შეიყვანეთ რიცხვი, რომელზეც გსუთ სტრიქონის დანომრვის გადატვირთვა</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"modules/swriter/ui/numparapage/spinNF_RESTART_PARA\">Enter the number at which to restart the line numbering</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 05040000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -15851,199 +15845,209 @@ msgstr "სქოლიო"
msgctxt ""
msgid "<link href=\"text/swriter/01/05040600.xhp\" name=\"Footnote\">Footnote</link>"
-msgstr "<link href=\"text/swriter/01/05040600.xhp\" name=\"Footnote\">სქოლიო</link>"
+msgstr ""
#: 05040600.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_FOOTNOTE_PAGE\">Specifies the layout options for footnotes, including the line that separates the footnote from the main body of document.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_FOOTNOTE_PAGE\">განსაზღვრავს განლაგების პარამეტრებს სქოლიოებისთვის იმ სტრიქონის ჩათვლით, რომელიც გამოჰყოფს სქოლიოს დოკუმენტის ძირიტადი ტექსტისგან.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"modules/swriter/ui/footnoteareapage/FootnoteAreaPage\">Specifies the layout options for footnotes, including the line that separates the footnote from the main body of document.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 05040600.xhp
msgctxt ""
msgid "Footnote area"
-msgstr "სქოლიოს არე"
+msgstr ""
#: 05040600.xhp
msgctxt ""
msgid "Set the height of the footnote area."
-msgstr "სქოლიოს არეს სიმაღლის დაყენება."
+msgstr ""
#: 05040600.xhp
msgctxt ""
msgid "Not larger than page area"
-msgstr "არაუმეტეს გვერდის არეზის ზომისა"
+msgstr ""
#: 05040600.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"SW:RADIOBUTTON:TP_FOOTNOTE_PAGE:RB_MAXHEIGHT_PAGE\">Automatically adjusts the height of the footnote area depending on the number of footnotes.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"SW:RADIOBUTTON:TP_FOOTNOTE_PAGE:RB_MAXHEIGHT_PAGE\">ავტომატურად მოარგებს სქოლიოს სიმაღლის არეს სქოლიოთა რაოდენობის მიხედვით. </ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"modules/swriter/ui/footnoteareapage/maxheightpage\">Automatically adjusts the height of the footnote area depending on the number of footnotes.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 05040600.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Maximum Footnote Height"
-msgstr "სქოლიოს მაქსიმალური სიმაღლე"
+msgid "Maximum footnote height"
+msgstr ""
#: 05040600.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Sets a maximum height for the footnote area. Enable this option, then enter the height.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"modules/swriter/ui/footnoteareapage/maxheight\">Sets a maximum height for the footnote area. Enable this option, then enter the height.</ahelp>"
msgstr ""
#: 05040600.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"SW:METRICFIELD:TP_FOOTNOTE_PAGE:ED_MAXHEIGHT\">Enter the maximum height for the footnote area.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"SW:METRICFIELD:TP_FOOTNOTE_PAGE:ED_MAXHEIGHT\">შეიყვანეთ სქოლიოს არეს მაქსიმალური სიმაღლე.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"modules/swriter/ui/footnoteareapage/maxheightsb\">Enter the maximum height for the footnote area.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 05040600.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Distance from text"
-msgstr "დისტანცია ტექსტიდან"
+msgid "Space to text"
+msgstr ""
#: 05040600.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"SW:METRICFIELD:TP_FOOTNOTE_PAGE:ED_DIST\">Enter the amount of space to leave between the bottom page margin and the first line of text in the footnote area.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"SW:METRICFIELD:TP_FOOTNOTE_PAGE:ED_DIST\">შეიყვანეთ გვერდის ქვედა ველსა და სქოლიოს არის ტექსტის პირველი სტრიქონს შორის დასატოვებელი სივრცის რაოდენობა.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"modules/swriter/ui/footnoteareapage/spacetotext\">Enter the amount of space to leave between the bottom page margin and the first line of text in the footnote area.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 05040600.xhp
msgctxt ""
msgid "Separator Line"
-msgstr "გამყოფი სტრიქონი"
+msgstr ""
#: 05040600.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Specifies the position and length of the separator line."
-msgstr "განსაზღვრავს გამყოფი სტრიქონის პოზიციასა და სიგრძეს."
+msgid "Specifies the position and other properties of the separator line."
+msgstr ""
#: 05040600.xhp
msgctxt ""
msgid "Position"
-msgstr "პოზიცია"
+msgstr ""
#: 05040600.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"SW:LISTBOX:TP_FOOTNOTE_PAGE:DLB_LINEPOS\">Select the horizontal alignment for the line that separates the main text from the footnote area.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"SW:LISTBOX:TP_FOOTNOTE_PAGE:DLB_LINEPOS\">მონიშნეთ ჰორიზონტალური გასწორება სტრიქონისთვის, რომელიც გამოჰყოფს ძირითად ტექსტს სქოლიოს არედან.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"modules/swriter/ui/footnoteareapage/position\">Select the horizontal alignment for the line that separates the main text from the footnote area.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 05040600.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Length"
-msgstr "სიგრძე"
+msgid "Style"
+msgstr ""
#: 05040600.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"SW:METRICFIELD:TP_FOOTNOTE_PAGE:ED_LINEWIDTH\">Enter the length of the separator line as a percentage of the page width area.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"SW:METRICFIELD:TP_FOOTNOTE_PAGE:ED_LINEWIDTH\">შეიყვანეთ გამყოფი სტრიქონის სიგრძე გვერდის არის სიგანის პროცენტულობად.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"modules/swriter/ui/footnoteareapage/style\">Select the formatting style for the separator line. If you do not want a separator line, choose \"None\".</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 05040600.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Weight"
-msgstr "წონა"
+msgid "Thickness"
+msgstr ""
#: 05040600.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"SW:LISTBOX:TP_FOOTNOTE_PAGE:DLB_LINETYPE\">Select the formatting style for the separator line. If you do not want a separator line, choose \"0.0 pt\".</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"SW:LISTBOX:TP_FOOTNOTE_PAGE:DLB_LINETYPE\">მონიშნეთ ფორმატირების სტილი გამყოფი სტრიქონისთვის. თუ არ გსურთ გამყოფი სტრიქონი, მონიშნეთ \"0.0 pt\".</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"modules/swriter/ui/footnoteareapage/thickness\">Select the thickness of the separator line.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
+#: 05040600.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Color"
+msgstr ""
+#: 05040600.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"modules/swriter/ui/footnoteareapage/color\">Select the color of the separator line.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
+#: 05040600.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Length"
+msgstr ""
+#: 05040600.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"modules/swriter/ui/footnoteareapage/length\">Enter the length of the separator line as a percentage of the page width area.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 05040600.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Spacing"
-msgstr "სივრცეები"
+msgid "Spacing to footnote contents"
+msgstr ""
#: 05040600.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"SW:METRICFIELD:TP_FOOTNOTE_PAGE:ED_LINEDIST\">Enter the amount of space to leave between the separator line and the first line of the footnote area.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"SW:METRICFIELD:TP_FOOTNOTE_PAGE:ED_LINEDIST\">შეიყვანეთ გვერდის გამყოფ სტრიქონსა და სქოლიოს არის ტექსტის პირველი სტრიქონს შორის დასატოვებელი სივრცის რაოდენობა.</ahelp>"
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"modules/swriter/ui/footnoteareapage/spacingtocontents\">Enter the amount of space to leave between the separator line and the first line of the footnote area.</ahelp>"
+msgstr ""
#: 05040600.xhp
msgctxt ""
msgid "To specify the spacing between two footnotes, choose <item type=\"menuitem\">Format - Paragraph</item>, and then click the <emph>Indents & Spacing</emph> tab."
-msgstr "ორ სქოლიოს შორის სივრცის განსასაზღვრად ამოირჩიეთ <emph>ფორმატი - პარაგრაფი და შემდეგ დააწკაპუნეთ შეწევებისა და დაშორებების </emph>ჩანართზე."
+msgstr ""
#: 05040700.xhp
msgctxt ""
diff --git a/source/ka/officecfg/registry/data/org/openoffice/Office/UI.po b/source/ka/officecfg/registry/data/org/openoffice/Office/UI.po
index 206925185ab..da7b544b726 100644
--- a/source/ka/officecfg/registry/data/org/openoffice/Office/UI.po
+++ b/source/ka/officecfg/registry/data/org/openoffice/Office/UI.po
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://bugs.libreoffice.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=LibreOffice&bug_status=UNCONFIRMED&component=UI\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2016-12-01 12:12+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2016-12-27 21:51+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2016-12-03 02:05+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Anonymous Pootle User\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
"X-Accelerator-Marker: ~\n"
-"X-Generator: Pootle 2.8\n"
+"X-Generator: LibreOffice\n"
"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1480730707.000000\n"
#: BaseWindowState.xcu
@@ -25054,6 +25054,105 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "Standard"
msgstr "სტანდარტული"
+#: ToolbarMode.xcu
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Default"
+msgstr ""
+#: ToolbarMode.xcu
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Single toolbar"
+msgstr ""
+#: ToolbarMode.xcu
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Sidebar"
+msgstr ""
+#: ToolbarMode.xcu
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Notebookbar"
+msgstr ""
+#: ToolbarMode.xcu
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Default"
+msgstr ""
+#: ToolbarMode.xcu
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Single toolbar"
+msgstr ""
+#: ToolbarMode.xcu
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Sidebar"
+msgstr ""
+#: ToolbarMode.xcu
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Notebookbar"
+msgstr ""
+#: ToolbarMode.xcu
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Default"
+msgstr ""
+#: ToolbarMode.xcu
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Single toolbar"
+msgstr ""
+#: ToolbarMode.xcu
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Notebookbar"
+msgstr ""
#: WriterCommands.xcu
msgctxt ""
@@ -25512,6 +25611,15 @@ msgstr "~ბმულები"
msgctxt ""
+msgid "~Record"
+msgstr "ჩ~ანაწერი"
+#: WriterCommands.xcu
+msgctxt ""
msgid "Record Track Changes"
@@ -25539,6 +25647,15 @@ msgstr ""
msgctxt ""
+msgid "~Show"
+msgstr "ჩ~ვენება"
+#: WriterCommands.xcu
+msgctxt ""
msgid "Show Track Changes"
@@ -25566,6 +25683,15 @@ msgstr ""
msgctxt ""
+msgid "~Comment..."
+msgstr "~კომენტარი..."
+#: WriterCommands.xcu
+msgctxt ""
msgid "Insert ODF Track Change Comment"
@@ -32222,1059 +32348,3 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "Fontwork Shape"
msgstr "ტექსტური ეფექტების ფორმები"
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "AutoPilot: Presentation"
-msgstr "ავტოპილოტი: პრეზენტაცია"
-#, fuzzy
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Insert Pivot Table..."
-msgstr "~ტექსტი ცხრილად..."
-#, fuzzy
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Chart From File..."
-msgstr "~ელექტრონული ცხრილი ფაილიდან..."
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Toggle Edit Mode"
-msgstr "შეყვანის რეჟიმის დაყენება"
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "~Define Print Area"
-msgstr "~ბეჭდვის არეს განსაზღვრა"
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "~Edit Print Area..."
-msgstr "~ბეჭდვის არეს რედაქტირება..."
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Relative/Absolute References"
-msgstr "საერთო/აბსოლუტური მითითება"
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "~Add Print Area"
-msgstr "~ბეჭდვის არეს დამატება"
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "~Insert Name..."
-msgstr "ს~ახელის ჩასმა..."
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "~Insert..."
-msgstr "ჩ~ასმა..."
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Append Sheet"
-msgstr "ელექტრონული ცხრილის მიერთება"
-#, fuzzy
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Custom Animation"
-msgstr "მორგებული ანიმაცია..."
-#, fuzzy
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "~Hyperlink..."
-msgstr "~ბმული..."
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Description..."
-msgstr "აღწერა..."
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Name..."
-msgstr "ჯგუფის დასათაურება..."
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Lines and Arrows"
-msgstr "ხაზები და ისრები"
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Line Starts with Arrow"
-msgstr "ხაზი იწყება ისრით"
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Line Ends with Arrow"
-msgstr "ხაზი მთავრდება ისრით"
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Line with Arrows"
-msgstr "ხაზი ისრებით"
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Line with Arrow/Circle"
-msgstr "ხაზი ისირთ/წრით"
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Line with Circle/Arrow"
-msgstr "ხაზი წრით/ისრით"
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Line with Arrow/Square"
-msgstr "ხაზი ისირთ/ოთკუთხედით"
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Line with Square/Arrow"
-msgstr "ხაზი ოთკუთხედით/ისრით"
-#, fuzzy
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Random Bars"
-msgstr "შემთხვევითი ზოლი"
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Block Arrows"
-msgstr "ისრების ჯგუფი"
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Flowcharts"
-msgstr "გრაფიკული დიაგრამა"
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Callouts"
-msgstr "მიმთითებლები"
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Stars"
-msgstr "ვარსკვლავები"
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Align Left"
-msgstr "გასწორება მარცხნივ"
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Align Right"
-msgstr "სწორება მარჯვნივ"
-#, fuzzy
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Center Horizontally"
-msgstr "ცენტრირება ჰორიზონტალურად"
-#, fuzzy
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Chart from File"
-msgstr "~ელექტრონული ცხრილი ფაილიდან..."
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Bullets On/Off"
-msgstr "ბულეტები ჩართულია/გამორთულია"
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "St~yles and Formatting"
-msgstr "ს~ტილები და ფორმატირება"
-#, fuzzy
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "~Update Style"
-msgstr "სტილის განახლება"
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Open Hyperlink"
-msgstr "ბმულის გახსნა"
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Show Draw Functions"
-msgstr "ხატვის ფუნქციების ჩვენება"
-#, fuzzy
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "~Hyperlink..."
-msgstr "~ბმული..."
-#, fuzzy
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Clone Formatting"
-msgstr "გვერდის ფორმატირება"
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "~Display Grid"
-msgstr "~ბადის ჩვენება"
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Co~mpare Document..."
-msgstr "დო~კუმენტის შედარება..."
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Merge Documen~t..."
-msgstr "დოკ~უმენტების შერწყმა..."
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Decrease Indent"
-msgstr "დაშორების შემცირება"
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Increase Indent"
-msgstr "დაშორების გადიდება"
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "S~pecial Character..."
-msgstr "ს~პეციალური სიმბოლო..."
-#, fuzzy
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "~Export as PDF..."
-msgstr "ექსპორტი როგორც P~DF..."
-#, fuzzy
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Export as PDF"
-msgstr "ექსპორტი როგორც P~DF..."
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Help ~Agent"
-msgstr "დახმარების ~აგენტი"
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Extrusion On/Off"
-msgstr "გამოდევნა ჩართულია/გამორთულია"
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Align Top"
-msgstr "სწორება ზევით"
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Align Bottom"
-msgstr "სწორება ქვევით"
-#, fuzzy
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Custom Animation"
-msgstr "მორგებული ანიმაცია..."
-#, fuzzy
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Styles"
-msgstr "სტი~ლები"
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Page"
-msgstr "გვერდი"
-#, fuzzy
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Custom Animation"
-msgstr "მორგებული ანიმაცია..."
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Comments"
-msgstr "შიგთავსი"
-#, fuzzy
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Indexes and ~Tables"
-msgstr "ინდე~ქსირება და ცხრილები"
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Current ~Index"
-msgstr "~მიმდინარე ინდექსი"
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Reject Change"
-msgstr "დაიწუნე ცვლილება: $1"
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Accept Change"
-msgstr "მიიღე ცვლილებები: $1"
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Pr~evious Change"
-msgstr "წინა გვერდი"
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "~Record Changes"
-msgstr "~ცვლილებების ჩაწერა"
-#, fuzzy
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "~Show Changes"
-msgstr "~ცვლილებების ჩვენება..."
-#, fuzzy
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "~Manage Changes..."
-msgstr "სა~ხელის შექმნა..."
-#, fuzzy
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "~Hyperlink"
-msgstr "~ბმული"
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Insert Hyperlink"
-msgstr "ბმულის ჩასმა"
-#, fuzzy
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Insert Page Break"
-msgstr "სტრიქონის ~გამყოფის ჩასმა"
-#, fuzzy
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "~Page Break"
-msgstr "~ხელით გაწყვეტა"
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Comme~nt"
-msgstr "შიგთავსი"
-#, fuzzy
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Insert ~Table..."
-msgstr "უ~ჯრების ჩასმა"
-#, fuzzy
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Insert Field"
-msgstr "ველების ჩასმა"
-#, fuzzy
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Fiel~d"
-msgstr "ვე~ლები"
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Hyperlinks Active"
-msgstr "ბმულები აქტიურია"
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Description..."
-msgstr "აღწერა..."
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Name..."
-msgstr "ჯგუფის დასათაურება..."
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Clear ~Direct Formatting"
-msgstr "ფორმატირების გასუფთავება"
-#, fuzzy
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "~Non-printing Characters"
-msgstr "~სიმბოლო არაბეჭდვადია"
-#: GenericCommands.xcu
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Audio or ~Video..."
-msgstr ""
-#: WriterCommands.xcu
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Insert Endnote"
-msgstr ""
-#: GenericCommands.xcu
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "~Automatic Spell Checking"
-msgstr ""
-#: WriterCommands.xcu
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Insert Footnote"
-msgstr ""
-#: WriterCommands.xcu
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "~Protect Changes..."
-msgstr ""
-#: GenericCommands.xcu
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "~E-mail Document..."
-msgstr ""
-#: WriterCommands.xcu
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "~Comment on Change..."
-msgstr ""
-#: GenericCommands.xcu
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Center Vertically"
-msgstr ""
-#: CalcCommands.xcu
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Format as General"
-msgstr ""
-#: CalcCommands.xcu
-#, fuzzy
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Date"
-msgstr "თ~არიღი"
-#: CalcCommands.xcu
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "General"
-msgstr ""
-#: CalcCommands.xcu
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Format as Date"
-msgstr ""
-#: CalcCommands.xcu
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Format as Currency"
-msgstr ""
-#: CalcCommands.xcu
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Format as Percent"
-msgstr ""
-#: CalcCommands.xcu
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Scientific"
-msgstr ""
-#: CalcCommands.xcu
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Number"
-msgstr ""
-#: CalcCommands.xcu
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Format as Number"
-msgstr ""
-#: CalcCommands.xcu
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Currency"
-msgstr ""
-#: CalcCommands.xcu
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Percent"
-msgstr ""
-#: CalcCommands.xcu
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Format as Scientific"
-msgstr ""
-#: CalcCommands.xcu
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Time"
-msgstr "დრო"
-#: CalcCommands.xcu
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Format as Time"
-msgstr ""
-#: GenericCommands.xcu
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Decrease Paragraph Spacing"
-msgstr ""
-#: GenericCommands.xcu
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Manage Templates"
-msgstr ""
-#: GenericCommands.xcu
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Increase Paragraph Spacing"
-msgstr ""
-#: CalcCommands.xcu
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "~Named Expressions"
-msgstr ""
-#: GenericCommands.xcu
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Increase Font Size"
-msgstr ""
-#: GenericCommands.xcu
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Decrease Font Size"
-msgstr ""
-#: GenericCommands.xcu
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "~Edit Style..."
-msgstr ""
-#: WriterCommands.xcu
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "~Endnote"
-msgstr ""
-#: WriterCommands.xcu
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "~Footnote"
-msgstr ""
-#: GenericCommands.xcu
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Crop"
-msgstr ""
-#: GenericCommands.xcu
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Open Remote ~File..."
-msgstr ""
-#: GenericCommands.xcu
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Save to Remote Ser~ver"
-msgstr ""
-#: WriterCommands.xcu
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Insert Frame"
-msgstr ""
-#: WriterCommands.xcu
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Apply Paragraph Style"
-msgstr ""
-#: GenericCommands.xcu
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Outline Presets"
-msgstr ""
-#: GenericCommands.xcu
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "~New Style..."
-msgstr ""
-#: WriterCommands.xcu
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Insert Table of Contents, Index or Bibliography"
-msgstr ""
-#: CalcCommands.xcu
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Ro~w"
-msgstr ""
-#: CalcWindowState.xcu
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Classification"
-msgstr ""
-#: ImpressWindowState.xcu
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Classification"
-msgstr ""
-#: WriterCommands.xcu
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Show Track Changes Bar"
-msgstr ""
-#: WriterCommands.xcu
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Edit Hyperlink..."
-msgstr ""
-#: WriterWindowState.xcu
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Classification"
-msgstr ""
-#: GenericCommands.xcu
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Media ~Gallery"
-msgstr ""
diff --git a/source/ka/sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui.po b/source/ka/sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui.po
index 3a2396f5728..e7b8a10084d 100644
--- a/source/ka/sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui.po
+++ b/source/ka/sc/uiconfig/scalc/ui.po
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: LibO 40l10n\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://bugs.libreoffice.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=LibreOffice&bug_status=UNCONFIRMED&component=UI\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2016-12-01 12:11+0100\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2016-10-18 14:03+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2016-12-23 22:34+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Anonymous Pootle User\n"
"Language-Team: none\n"
"Language: ka\n"
@@ -12,9 +12,9 @@ msgstr ""
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
-"X-Generator: LibreOffice\n"
"X-Accelerator-Marker: ~\n"
-"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1476799398.000000\n"
+"X-Generator: LibreOffice\n"
+"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1482532491.000000\n"
#: advancedfilterdialog.ui
msgctxt ""
@@ -6295,22 +6295,24 @@ msgid "Style"
msgstr ""
#: notebookbar_groups.ui
+#, fuzzy
msgctxt ""
msgid " "
-msgstr ""
+msgstr " "
#: notebookbar_groups.ui
+#, fuzzy
msgctxt ""
msgid " "
-msgstr ""
+msgstr " "
#: notebookbar_groups.ui
msgctxt ""
diff --git a/source/ka/sw/source/ui/dochdl.po b/source/ka/sw/source/ui/dochdl.po
index 31bdc3a48f3..0818ce7dab7 100644
--- a/source/ka/sw/source/ui/dochdl.po
+++ b/source/ka/sw/source/ui/dochdl.po
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
"X-Accelerator-Marker: ~\n"
-"X-Generator: Pootle 2.8\n"
+"X-Generator: LibreOffice\n"
"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1449855217.000000\n"
#: dochdl.src
@@ -88,10 +88,3 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "DDE link"
msgstr "DDE ბმული"
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "A table cannot be inserted into another table. However, you can paste the data into the document when the cursor is not in a table."
-msgstr "ცხრილის სხვა ცხრილში ჩასმა შეუძლებელია. თუმცა, თქვენ შეგიძლიათ ჩასვათ მონაცემები დოკუმენტში, როდესაც კურსორი არ არის ცხრილში."
diff --git a/source/ka/sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui.po b/source/ka/sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui.po
index 59882079ab9..b4fe464f1c2 100644
--- a/source/ka/sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui.po
+++ b/source/ka/sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui.po
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: LibO 40l10n\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://bugs.libreoffice.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=LibreOffice&bug_status=UNCONFIRMED&component=UI\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2016-12-10 23:39+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2016-12-27 21:50+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2016-05-08 16:34+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Anonymous Pootle User\n"
"Language-Team: none\n"
@@ -987,11 +987,11 @@ msgstr "მდებარეობა"
#: bulletsandnumbering.ui
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Options"
-msgstr "პარამეტრები"
+msgid "Customize"
+msgstr ""
#: businessdatapage.ui
msgctxt ""
@@ -15814,11 +15814,11 @@ msgstr "მდებარეობა"
#: templatedialog16.ui
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Options"
-msgstr "პარამეტრები"
+msgid "Customize"
+msgstr ""
#: templatedialog2.ui
msgctxt ""