path: root/source/gd/cui
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'source/gd/cui')
1 files changed, 4573 insertions, 7089 deletions
diff --git a/source/gd/cui/messages.po b/source/gd/cui/messages.po
index 08783bab8a4..f7b53e9e457 100644
--- a/source/gd/cui/messages.po
+++ b/source/gd/cui/messages.po
@@ -1,7176 +1,3839 @@
+#. extracted from cui/uiconfig/ui
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://bugs.libreoffice.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=LibreOffice&bug_status=UNCONFIRMED&component=UI\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-05-17 15:41+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2016-12-24 01:33+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: Michael Bauer <fios@akerbeltz.org>\n"
-"Language-Team: Akerbeltz\n"
-"Language: gd\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-10-04 11:48+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
+"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
+"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=(n==1 || n==11) ? 0 : (n==2 || n==12) ? 1 : (n > 2 && n < 20) ? 2 : 3;\n"
"X-Accelerator-Marker: ~\n"
"X-Generator: LibreOffice\n"
-"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1482543185.000000\n"
-"X-Project-Style: openoffice\n"
-#. zvqUJ
-#: border.src
-msgid "Set No Borders"
-msgstr "Na suidhich iomaill"
-#: border.src
-msgid "Set Outer Border Only"
-msgstr "Suidhich an t-iomall a-muigh a-mhàin"
-#. ygU8P
-#: border.src
-msgid "Set Outer Border and Horizontal Lines"
-msgstr "Suidhich an t-iomall a-muigh 's loidhnichean còmhnard"
-#. q5KJ8
-#: border.src
-msgid "Set Outer Border and All Inner Lines"
-msgstr "Suidhich an t-iomall a-muigh 's gach loidhne a-staigh"
-#. H5s9X
-#: border.src
-msgid "Set Outer Border Without Changing Inner Lines"
-msgstr ""
-"Suidhich an t-iomall a-muigh gun na loidhnichean a-staigh atharrachadh"
-#. T5crG
-#: border.src
-msgid "Set Diagonal Lines Only"
-msgstr "Suidhich loidhnichean trastanach a-mhàin"
-#. S6AAA
-#: border.src
-msgid "Set All Four Borders"
-msgstr "Suidhich gach aon dhe na ceithir iomaill"
-#. tknFJ
-#: border.src
-msgid "Set Left and Right Borders Only"
-msgstr "Suidhich an iomall deis is an t-iomall clì a-mhàin"
-#. hSmnW
-#: border.src
-msgid "Set Top and Bottom Borders Only"
-msgstr "Suidhich an iomall aig a' bharr is an t-iomall aig a' bhonn a-mhàin"
-#. Dy2UG
-#: border.src
-msgid "Set Left Border Only"
-msgstr "Suidhich an t-iomall clì a-mhàin"
-#. nCjXG
-#: border.src
-msgid "Set Top and Bottom Borders, and All Inner Lines"
-msgstr ""
-"Suidhich na h-iomaill aig a' bharr 's aig a' bhonn agus gach loidhne "
-#. 46Fq7
-#: border.src
-msgid "Set Left and Right Borders, and All Inner Lines"
-msgstr ""
-"Suidhich an t-iomall clì is an t-iomall deis agus gach loidhne a-staigh"
-#. cZX7G
-#: border.src
-msgid "No Shadow"
-msgstr "Gun sgàil"
-#. bzAHG
-#: border.src
-msgid "Cast Shadow to Bottom Right"
-msgstr "Tilg sgàil gun bhonn air an làimh dheis"
-#. FjBGC
-#: border.src
-msgid "Cast Shadow to Top Right"
-msgstr "Tilg sgàil gun bharr air an làimh dheis"
-#. 5BkoC
-#: border.src
-msgid "Cast Shadow to Bottom Left"
-msgstr "Tilg sgàil gun bhonn air an làimh chlì"
-#. GYB8M
-#: border.src
-msgid "Cast Shadow to Top Left"
-msgstr "Tilg sgàil gun bharr air an làimh chlì"
-#. BGGvD
-#: frmdirlbox.src
-msgid "Left-to-right (LTR)"
-msgstr "Clì gu deas (LTR)"
-#. Ct9UG
-#: frmdirlbox.src
-msgid "Right-to-left (RTL)"
-msgstr "Deas gu clì (RTL)"
-#. XFhAz
-#: frmdirlbox.src
-msgid "Use superordinate object settings"
-msgstr "Cleachd roghainnean os-òrdanaichte oibseict"
-#. G2Jyh
-#: frmdirlbox.src
-msgid "Left-to-right (horizontal)"
-msgstr "On chlì gun deis (air a' chòmhnard)"
-#. b6Guf
-#: frmdirlbox.src
-msgid "Right-to-left (horizontal)"
-msgstr "On deis gun chlì (air a' chòmhnard)"
-#. yQGoC
-#: frmdirlbox.src
-msgid "Right-to-left (vertical)"
-msgstr "On deis gun chlì (gu inghearach)"
-#. k7B2r
-#: frmdirlbox.src
-msgid "Left-to-right (vertical)"
-msgstr "On chlì gun deis (gu inghearach)"
-#. UCFD6
-#: strings.src
-msgid "Please enter a name for the gradient:"
-msgstr "Cuir a-steach ainm airson a' chaiseid:"
-#. UDvKR
-#: strings.src
-msgid "Please enter a name for the bitmap:"
-msgstr "Cuir a-steach ainm airson a' bhitmap:"
-#. QXqJD
-#: strings.src
-msgid "Please enter a name for the external bitmap:"
-msgstr "Cuir a-steach ainm airson a' bhitmap air an taobh a-muigh:"
-#. SrS6X
-#: strings.src
-msgid "Please enter a name for the pattern:"
-msgstr "Cuir a-steach ainm airson a’ phàtrain:"
-#. yD7AW
-#: strings.src
-msgid "Please enter a name for the line style:"
-msgstr "Cuir a-steach ainm airson na stoidhle loidhne:"
-#. FQDrh
-#: strings.src
-msgid ""
-"The line style was modified without saving. \n"
-"Modify the selected line style or add a new line style."
-msgstr ""
-"Chaidh an stoidhle loidhne atharrachadh gun sàbhaladh. \n"
-"Atharraich an stoidhle loidhne no cuir bitmap ùr ris."
-#. Z5Dkg
-#: strings.src
-msgid "Please enter a name for the hatching:"
-msgstr "Cuir a-steach ainm airson a' ghreannachaidh:"
-#. rvyBi
-#: strings.src
-msgid "Modify"
-msgstr "Atharraich"
-#. ZDhBm
-#: strings.src
-msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_ADD"
-msgid "Add"
-msgstr "Cuir ris"
-#. QgAFH
-#: strings.src
-msgid "Please enter a name for the new color:"
-msgstr "Cuir a-steach ainm ùr airson an datha:"
-#. GKnJR
-#: strings.src
-msgid "Table"
-msgstr "Clàr"
-#. J6FBw
-#: strings.src
-msgid "Please enter a name for the new arrowhead:"
-msgstr "Cuir a-steach ainm airson a' chinn-saighde ùir:"
-#. xD9BU
-#: strings.src
-msgid "No %1"
-msgstr "Gun %1"
-#. NMGqL
-#: strings.src
-msgid "Family"
-msgstr "Teaghlach"
-#. VTJGq
-#: strings.src
-msgid "Font"
-msgstr "Cruth-clò"
-#. EDcuk
-#: strings.src
-msgid "Style"
-msgstr "Stoidhle"
-#. LDDaB
-#: strings.src
-msgid "Typeface"
-msgstr "Aodann-clò"
-#. Zr8Xa
-#: strings.src
-msgid "Highlight Color"
-msgstr "Dath an t-soillseachaidh"
-#. BcWHA
-#: strings.src
-msgid "Use replacement table"
-msgstr "Cleachd clàr a' chuir an àite"
-#. L8BEE
-#: strings.src
-msgid "Correct TWo INitial CApitals"
-msgstr "Ceartaich DÀ LItir MHòr AIg TOiseach FAcail"
-#. p5h3s
-#: strings.src
-msgid "Capitalize first letter of every sentence"
-msgstr "Dèan litir mhòr de gach litir aig toiseach abairt"
-#. prrWd
-#: strings.src
-msgid "Automatic *bold*, /italic/, -strikeout- and _underline_"
-msgstr ""
-#. a89xT
-#: strings.src
-msgid "Ignore double spaces"
-msgstr "Leig seachad àitichean bàna dùbailte"
-#. qEA6h
-#: strings.src
-msgid "URL Recognition"
-msgstr "Aithneachadh nan URL"
-#. JfySE
-#: strings.src
-msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_DASH"
-msgid "Replace dashes"
-msgstr "Cuir an àite nan strìochagan"
-#. u2BuA
-#: strings.src
-msgid "Correct accidental use of cAPS LOCK key"
-msgstr ""
-"Dèan ceartachadh ma thèid an iuchair cAPS LOCK a chleachdadh gu tubaisteach"
-#. GZqG9
-#: strings.src
-msgid ""
-"Add non-breaking space before specific punctuation marks in French text"
-msgstr ""
-"Cuir a-steach tàthan neo-bhristidh ro chomharran-puingeachaidh sònraichte "
-"ann an teacsa Fraingis"
-#. NDmW9
-#: strings.src
-msgid "Format ordinal numbers suffixes (1st -> 1^st)"
-msgstr "Fòrmataich leasachain de dh'àireamhan òrdail (1d -> 1^d)"
-#. Rc6Zg
-#: strings.src
-msgid "Remove blank paragraphs"
-msgstr "Thoir air falbh paragrafan bàna"
-#. F6HCc
-#: strings.src
-msgid "Replace Custom Styles"
-msgstr "Cuir an àite nan stoidhlean gnàthaichte"
-#. vL6yM
-#: strings.src
-msgid "Replace bullets with: "
-msgstr "Cuir na leanas an àite nam peilear: "
-#. DzBTQ
-#: strings.src
-msgid "Combine single line paragraphs if length greater than"
-msgstr ""
-"Cuir còmhla paragrafan anns nach eil ach aon loidhne ma bhios iad nas fhaide"
-" na"
-#. 9UBAe
-#: strings.src
-msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_NUM"
-msgid "Bulleted and numbered lists. Bullet symbol: "
-msgstr "Liostaichean peilearaichte ’s àireamhaichte. Comharra a’ pheileir: "
-#: strings.src
-msgid "Apply border"
-msgstr "Cuir an sàs iomall"
-#. bXpcq
-#: strings.src
-msgid "Create table"
-msgstr "Cruthaich clàr"
-#. RvEBo
-#: strings.src
-msgid "Apply Styles"
-msgstr "Cuir an sàs stoidhlean"
-#. 6MGUe
-#: strings.src
-msgid "Delete spaces and tabs at beginning and end of paragraph"
-msgstr ""
-"Sguab às àitichean bàna is tabaichean aig toiseach is deireadh a' pharagraif"
-#. R9Kke
-#: strings.src
-msgid "Delete spaces and tabs at end and start of line"
-msgstr ""
-"Sguab às àitichean bàna is tabaichean aig toiseach is deireadh na loidhne"
-#. GFpkR
-#: strings.src
-msgid "Connector"
-msgstr "Ceangladair"
-#. XDp8d
-#: strings.src
-msgid "Dimension line"
-msgstr "Loidhne meudachd"
-#. rArar
-#: strings.src
-msgid "The selected module could not be loaded."
-msgstr "Cha b' urrainn dhuinn am mòideal a thagh thu a luchdadh."
-#. Mxt3D
-#: strings.src
-msgid "Start Quote"
-msgstr ""
-#. o8nY6
-#: strings.src
-msgid "End Quote"
-msgstr ""
-#. VNK5b
-#: cfg.src
-msgid "New Menu %n"
-msgstr "Clàr-taice ùr %n"
-#. dJXBJ
-#: cfg.src
-msgid "New Toolbar %n"
-msgstr "Bàr-inneil ùr %n"
-#. PCa2G
-#: cfg.src
-msgid "Move Menu"
-msgstr "Gluais clàr-taice"
-#. KbZFf
-#: cfg.src
-msgid "Add Submenu"
-msgstr "Cuir fo-chlàr-taice ris"
-#. w2qNv
-#: cfg.src
-msgid "Submenu name"
-msgstr "Ainm an fho-chlàir-thaice"
-#. 8E7ck
-#: cfg.src
-msgid ""
-"To add a command to a menu, select the category and then the command. You "
-"can also drag the command to the Commands list of the Menus tab page in the "
-"Customize dialog."
-msgstr ""
-"Gus àithne a chur ri clàr-taice, tagh an roinn-seòrsa agus an uairsin an "
-"àithne. 'S urrainn dhut an àithne a shlaodadh gu liosta nan àitheantan dhen "
-"duilleag taba nan clàr-taice sa chòmhradh 'Gnàthaich'."
-#. qJgZw
-#: cfg.src
-msgid "Are you sure to delete the image?"
-msgstr "A bheil thu cinnteach gu bheil thu airson an dealbh a sguabadh às?"
-#. d6e9K
-#: cfg.src
-msgid ""
-"The icon %ICONNAME is already contained in the image list.\n"
-"Would you like to replace the existing icon?"
-msgstr ""
-"Tha an ìomhaigheag %ICONNAME ann an liosta nan dealbhan mu thràth..\n"
-"A bheil thu airson a chur an àite na h-ìomhaigheige làithreach?"
-#. FRvQe
-#: cfg.src
-msgid "Confirm Icon Replacement"
-msgstr "Dearbhaich a chur 'na h-àite"
-#. xC2Wc
-#: cfg.src
-msgid "Yes to All"
-msgstr "\"Tha\" airson a h-uile"
-#. HiSAE
-#: cfg.src
-msgstr "Bàraichean-inneil %PRODUCTNAME %MODULENAME"
-#. P4L6L
-#: cfg.src
-msgid "%PRODUCTNAME %MODULENAME Context Menus"
-msgstr "Clàrah-taice co-theacsail %PRODUCTNAME %MODULENAME"
-#. 4xJvV
-#: cfg.src
-msgid "Toolbar"
-msgstr "Bàr-inneil"
-#. yFCdF
-#: cfg.src
-msgid "Toolbar Content"
-msgstr "Susbaint a' bhàir-inneil"
-#. AH8BC
-#: cfg.src
-msgid "Commands"
-msgstr "Àitheantan"
-#. jCwDZ
-#: cfg.src
-msgid ""
-"There are no more commands on the toolbar. Do you want to delete the "
-msgstr ""
-"Chan eil àithne sam bith air fhàgail air a' chlàr-taice. A bheil thu airson "
-"am bàr-inneal a sguabadh às?"
-#. saf9m
-#: cfg.src
-msgid ""
-"The menu configuration for %SAVE IN SELECTION% will be reset to the default "
-"settings. Do you want to continue?"
-msgstr ""
-"Thèid rèiteachadh a' chlàir-thaice airson %SAVE IN SELECTION% aiseag dha na "
-"roghainnean bunaiteach. A bheil thu airson leantainn ort?"
-#. RYeCk
-#: cfg.src
-msgid ""
-"The toolbar configuration for %SAVE IN SELECTION% will be reset to the "
-"default settings. Do you want to continue?"
-msgstr ""
-"Thèid rèiteachadh a' bhàir-inneal airson %SAVE IN SELECTION% aiseag dha na "
-"roghainnean bunaiteach. A bheil thu airson leantainn ort?"
-#. JgGvm
-#: cfg.src
-msgid ""
-"This will delete all changes previously made to this toolbar. Do you really "
-"want to reset the toolbar?"
-msgstr ""
-"Sguabaidh seo às gach rud a dh'atharraich thu air a' bhàr-inneal gu ruige "
-"seo. A bheil thu cinnteach gu bheil thu airson am bàr-inneal ath-"
-#. CPW5b
-#: cfg.src
-msgid "Function is already included in this popup."
-msgstr "Tha am foincsean seo taobh a-staigh na priob-uinneige seo mu thràth."
-#. G2mu7
-#: cfg.src
-msgid "~New name"
-msgstr "Ai~nm ùr"
-#. Ahhg9
-#: cfg.src
-msgid "Rename Menu"
-msgstr "Thoir ainm ùr air a’ chlàr-taice"
-#. CmDaN
-#: cfg.src
-msgid "Rename Toolbar"
-msgstr "Thoir ainm ùr air a’ bhàr-inneal"
-#. hFEBv
-#: macropg.src
-msgid "Start Application"
-msgstr "Tòisich prògram"
-#. 6tUvx
-#: macropg.src
-msgid "Close Application"
-msgstr "Dùin am prògram"
-#. 6NsQz
-#: macropg.src
-msgid "New Document"
-msgstr "Sgrìobhainn ùr"
-#. G6b2e
-#: macropg.src
-msgid "Document closed"
-msgstr "Sgrìobhainn dhùinte"
-#. yvsTa
-#: macropg.src
-msgid "Document is going to be closed"
-msgstr "Thèid an sgrìobhainn a dhùnadh"
-#. DKpfj
-#: macropg.src
-msgid "Open Document"
-msgstr "Fosgail sgrìobhainn"
-#. DTDDm
-#: macropg.src
-msgid "Save Document"
-msgstr "Sàbhail an sgrìobhainn"
-#. Trc82
-#: macropg.src
-msgid "Save Document As"
-msgstr "Sàbhail an sgrìobhainn mar"
-#. GCbZt
-#: macropg.src
-msgid "Document has been saved"
-msgstr "Chaidh an sgrìobhainn a shàbhaladh"
-#. mYtMa
-#: macropg.src
-msgid "Document has been saved as"
-msgstr "Chaidh an sgrìobhainn a shàbhaladh mar"
-#. t8F8W
-#: macropg.src
-msgid "Activate Document"
-msgstr "Cuir an sgrìobhainn thuige"
-#. T7QE3
-#: macropg.src
-msgid "Deactivate Document"
-msgstr "Cuir an sgrìobhainn dheth"
-#. AQXyC
-#: macropg.src
-msgid "Print Document"
-msgstr "Clò-bhuail an sgrìobhainn"
-#. 8uXuz
-#: macropg.src
-msgid "'Modified' status was changed"
-msgstr "Chaidh an inbhe 'Atharraichte' atharrachadh"
-#. 5CKDG
-#: macropg.src
-msgid "Printing of form letters started"
-msgstr "Chaidh tòiseachadh air clò-bhualadh nan litrichean foirme"
-#. AZ2io
-#: macropg.src
-msgid "Printing of form letters finished"
-msgstr "Deiseil le clò-bhualadh nan litrichean foirme"
-#. dHtbz
-#: macropg.src
-msgid "Merging of form fields started"
-msgstr "Thòisicheadh air co-aonadh raointean an fhoirm"
-#. uGCdD
-#: macropg.src
-msgid "Merging of form fields finished"
-msgstr "Deiseil le co-aonadh raointean an fhoirm"
-#. srLLa
-#: macropg.src
-msgid "Changing the page count"
-msgstr "Ag atharrachadh cunntadh nan duilleagan"
-#. AsuQF
-#: macropg.src
-msgid "Loaded a sub component"
-msgstr "Fo-chom-pàirt air a luchdadh"
-#. Gf22f
-#: macropg.src
-msgid "Closed a sub component"
-msgstr "Fo-chom-pàirt air a dhùnadh"
-#. QayEb
-#: macropg.src
-msgid "Fill parameters"
-msgstr "Paramadairean lìonaidh"
-#. mL59X
-#: macropg.src
-msgid "Execute action"
-msgstr "Coilean an gnìomh"
-#. KtHBE
-#: macropg.src
-msgid "After updating"
-msgstr "As dèidh ùrachaidh"
-#. b6CCj
-#: macropg.src
-msgid "Before updating"
-msgstr "Mus ùraichear"
-#. KTBcp
-#: macropg.src
-msgid "Before record action"
-msgstr "Mus clàraichear rud"
-#. Fhyio
-#: macropg.src
-msgid "After record action"
-msgstr "As dèidh clàrachaidh"
-#. PmJgM
-#: macropg.src
-msgid "Confirm deletion"
-msgstr "Dearbhaich an sguabadh às"
-#. gcREA
-#: macropg.src
-msgid "Error occurred"
-msgstr "Thachair mearachd"
-#. oAwDt
-#: macropg.src
-msgid "While adjusting"
-msgstr "Fhad 's a thathar 'ga chur air gleus"
-#. AyfwP
-#: macropg.src
-msgid "When receiving focus"
-msgstr "Nuair a chuirear fòcas air"
-#. BD96B
-#: macropg.src
-msgid "When losing focus"
-msgstr "Nuair a chailleas e am fòcas"
-#. wEhfE
-#: macropg.src
-msgid "Item status changed"
-msgstr "Dh'atharraich cor an nì"
-#. FRW7b
-#: macropg.src
-msgid "Key pressed"
-msgstr "Iuchair air a bhrùthadh"
-#. 4kZCD
-#: macropg.src
-msgid "Key released"
-msgstr "Iuchair air a leigeil às"
-#. ZiS2D
-#: macropg.src
-msgid "When loading"
-msgstr "Nuair a luchdaichear"
-#. vEjAG
-#: macropg.src
-msgid "Before reloading"
-msgstr "Mus luchdaichear"
-#. 5FvrE
-#: macropg.src
-msgid "When reloading"
-msgstr "Nuair a luchdaichear a-rithist"
-#. CDcYt
-#: macropg.src
-msgid "Mouse moved while key pressed"
-msgstr "Ghluais an luchag fhad 's a bha iuchair 'ga brùthadh"
-#. CPpyk
-#: macropg.src
-msgid "Mouse inside"
-msgstr "Luchag a-staigh"
-#. 4hGfp
-#: macropg.src
-msgid "Mouse outside"
-msgstr "Luchag a-muigh"
-#. QEuWr
-#: macropg.src
-msgid "Mouse moved"
-msgstr "Ghluais an luchag"
-#. 8YA3S
-#: macropg.src
-msgid "Mouse button pressed"
-msgstr "Putan na luchaige 'ga bhrùthadh"
-#. RMuJe
-#: macropg.src
-msgid "Mouse button released"
-msgstr "Putan na luchaige 'ga leigeil às"
-#. 5iPHQ
-#: macropg.src
-msgid "Before record change"
-msgstr "Mus dèid an reacord atharrachadh"
-#. yrBiz
-#: macropg.src
-msgid "After record change"
-msgstr "As dèidh atharrachadh an reacoird"
-#. bdBH4
-#: macropg.src
-msgid "After resetting"
-msgstr "As dèidh ath-shuidheachaidh"
-#. eVsFk
-#: macropg.src
-msgid "Prior to reset"
-msgstr "Mus dèid ath-shuidheachadh"
-#. 2oAoV
-#: macropg.src
-msgid "Approve action"
-msgstr "Ceadaich an gnìomh"
-#. hQAzK
-#: macropg.src
-msgid "Before submitting"
-msgstr "Mus cuirear a-null e"
-#. CFPSo
-#: macropg.src
-msgid "Text modified"
-msgstr "Teacsa air atharrachadh"
-#. 2ADMH
-#: macropg.src
-msgid "Before unloading"
-msgstr "Mus dèid a dhì-luchdadh"
-#. F8BL3
-#: macropg.src
-msgid "When unloading"
-msgstr "Nuair a dhì-luchdaichear"
-#. M6fPe
-#: macropg.src
-msgid "Changed"
-msgstr "Air atharrachadh"
-#. gZyVB
-#: macropg.src
-msgid "Document created"
-msgstr "Sgrìobhainn air chruthachadh"
-#. BcPDW
-#: macropg.src
-msgid "Document loading finished"
-msgstr "Deiseil le luchdadh na sgrìobhainne"
-#. ir7AQ
-#: macropg.src
-msgid "Saving of document failed"
-msgstr "Dh'fhàillig sàbhaladh na sgrìobhainne"
-#. BFtTF
-#: macropg.src
-msgid "'Save as' has failed"
-msgstr "Dh'fhàillig an 'Sàbhail mar'"
-#. N9e6u
-#: macropg.src
-msgid "Storing or exporting copy of document"
-msgstr "A' stòradh no ag às-phortachadh lethbhreac na sgrìobhainne"
-#. okb9H
-#: macropg.src
-msgid "Document copy has been created"
-msgstr "Chaidh lethbhreac dhen sgrìobhainn a chruthachadh"
-#. DrYTY
-#: macropg.src
-msgid "Creating of document copy failed"
-msgstr "Dh'fhàillig cruthachadh lethbhreac dhen sgrìobhainn"
-#: macropg.src
-msgid "View created"
-msgstr "Chaidh an sealladh a chruthachadh"
-#. XN9Az
-#: macropg.src
-msgid "View is going to be closed"
-msgstr "Thèid an sealladh a dhùnadh"
-#. a9qty
-#: macropg.src
-msgid "View closed"
-msgstr "Sealladh air a dhùnadh"
-#. dDunN
-#: macropg.src
-msgid "Document title changed"
-msgstr "Dh'atharraich tiotal na sgrìobhainne"
-#. 6D6BS
-#: macropg.src
-msgid "Selection changed"
-msgstr "Dh'atharraich an taghadh"
-#. XArW3
-#: macropg.src
-msgid "Double click"
-msgstr "Briogadh dùbailte"
-#. oDkyz
-#: macropg.src
-msgid "Right click"
-msgstr "Briogadh deas"
-#. tVSz9
-#: macropg.src
-msgid "Formulas calculated"
-msgstr "Foirmlean air àireamhachadh"
-#. ESxTQ
-#: macropg.src
-msgid "Content changed"
-msgstr "Susbaint air atharrachadh"
-#. ciqJ9
-#: cuires.src
-msgid "No alternatives found."
-msgstr "Cha deach roghainn eile a lorg."
-#. smWax
-#: cuires.src
-msgid "Select File for Floating Frame"
-msgstr "Tagh faidhle airson an fhrèam air fleod"
-#. kcqWo
-#: cuires.src
-msgid "All categories"
-msgstr "Gach roinn-seòrsa"
-#. mkEjQ
-#: cuires.src
-msgid "My Macros"
-msgstr "Na macrothan agam"
-#. Cv5m8
-#: cuires.src
-msgid "%PRODUCTNAME Macros"
-msgstr "Macrothan %PRODUCTNAME"
-#. Ne7wd
-#: cuires.src
-msgid "Add Commands"
-msgstr "Cuir àithne ris"
-#. AFniE
-#: cuires.src
-msgid "Run"
-msgstr "Ruith"
-#. whwAN
-#: cuires.src
-msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_ROW"
-msgid "Insert Rows"
-msgstr "Cuir a-steach ràghan"
-#. AvBBC
-#: cuires.src
-msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_PPI"
-msgid "(%1 PPI)"
-msgstr "(%1 PPI)"
-#. thimC
-#: cuires.src
-msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COL"
-msgid "Insert Columns"
-msgstr "Cuir a-steach colbhan"
-#. QrFJZ
-#: cuires.src
-msgid "Automatic"
-msgstr "Fèin-obrachail"
-#. X9CWA
-#: cuires.src
-msgid "Link"
-msgstr "Ceangal"
-#. QCgnw
-#: cuires.src
-msgid "Load Keyboard Configuration"
-msgstr "Luchdaich co-dhealbhachd meur-chlàir"
-#. eWQoY
-#: cuires.src
-msgid "Save Keyboard Configuration"
-msgstr "Sàbhail co-dhealbhachd meur-chlàir"
-#. ggFZE
-#: cuires.src
-msgid "Configuration (*.cfg)"
-msgstr "Rèiteachadh (*.cfg)"
-#. DigQB
-#: cuires.src
-msgid "Targets do not exist in the document."
-msgstr "Chan eil targaid sam bith san sgrìobhainn."
-#. pCbRV
-#: cuires.src
-msgid "Couldn't open the document."
-msgstr "Cha b' urrainn dhuinn an sgrìobhainn fhosgladh."
-#. zAUfq
-#: cuires.src
-msgid "[Enter text here]"
-msgstr "[Cuir teacsa an-seo]"
-#. ResDx
-#: cuires.src
-msgid "Hangul"
-msgstr "Hangul"
-#. 3t3AC
-#: cuires.src
-msgid "Hanja"
-msgstr "Hanja"
-#. 88dts
-#: cuires.src
-msgid "BASIC Macros"
-msgstr ""
-#. XKYHn
-#: cuires.src
-msgid "Styles"
-msgstr ""
-#. Zimeo
-#: fmsearch.src
-msgid "anywhere in the field"
-msgstr "àite sam bith san raon"
-#. qCKMY
-#: fmsearch.src
-msgid "beginning of field"
-msgstr "toiseach an raoin"
-#: fmsearch.src
-msgid "end of field"
-msgstr "deireadh an raoin"
-#. FZwxu
-#: fmsearch.src
-msgid "entire field"
-msgstr "an raon iomlan"
-#. AFUFs
-#: fmsearch.src
-msgctxt "RID_STR_FROM_TOP"
-msgid "From top"
-msgstr "On bharr"
-#. FBDbX
-#: fmsearch.src
-msgid "From bottom"
-msgstr "On bhonn"
-#. brdgV
-#: fmsearch.src
-msgid "No records corresponding to your data found."
-msgstr "Chan eil reacord sam bith a' freagairt ris na shònraich thu."
-#. VkTjA
-#: fmsearch.src
-msgid "An unknown error occurred. The search could not be finished."
-msgstr ""
-"Thachair mearachd neo-aithnichte. Cha b' urrainn dhuinn an lorg a "
-#. jiQdw
-#: fmsearch.src
-msgid "Overflow, search continued at the beginning"
-msgstr "A' cur thairis 's a leantainn air adhart on toiseach"
-#. EzK3y
-#: fmsearch.src
-msgid "Overflow, search continued at the end"
-msgstr "A' cur thairis 's a leantainn air adhart aig an deireadh"
-#. zwiat
-#: fmsearch.src
-msgid "counting records"
-msgstr "a' cunntach nan reacord"
-#. 7cVWa
-#: gallery.src
-msgid "<No Files>"
-msgstr "<Gun fhaidhlichean>"
-#. AnJUu
-#: gallery.src
-msgid "Object;Objects"
-msgstr "Oibseact;Oibseactan"
-#: gallery.src
-msgid "(read-only)"
-msgstr "(ri leughadh a-mhàin)"
-#. sAwgA
-#: gallery.src
-msgid "<All Files>"
-msgstr "<A h-uile faidhle>"
-#. YkCky
-#: gallery.src
-msgid "This ID already exists..."
-msgstr "Tha an ID seo ann mu thràth..."
-#. GN45E
-#: hyperdlg.src
-msgid "Close"
-msgstr "Dùin"
-#. dkH9d
-#: hyperdlg.src
-msgid "Mouse over object"
-msgstr "Nuair a bhios an luchag os cionn an oibseict"
-#. 4QYHe
-#: hyperdlg.src
-msgid "Trigger hyperlink"
-msgstr "Gnìomhaich an ceangal-lìn"
-#. WMQPj
-#: hyperdlg.src
-msgid "Mouse leaves object"
-msgstr "Nuair a dh'fhàgas an luchag an oibseict"
-#. E8XCn
-#: hyperdlg.src
-msgid "Please type in a valid file name."
-msgstr "Cuir a-steach ainm faidhle dligheach."
-#. HGSZ9
-#: hyperdlg.src
-msgid "Internet"
-msgstr "Eadar-lìon"
-#. dyGGc
-#: hyperdlg.src
-msgid ""
-"This is where you create a hyperlink to a Web page or FTP server connection."
-msgstr ""
-"Seo far an cruthaich thu ceangal-lìn gu duilleag-lìn no frithealaiche FTP."
-#. Q7tLE
-#: hyperdlg.src
-msgid "Mail"
-msgstr "Post"
-#. MKK8G
-#: hyperdlg.src
-msgid "This is where you create a hyperlink to an e-mail address."
-msgstr "Seo far an cruthaich thu ceangal-lìn gu seòladh puist-d."
-#. u8CAy
-#: hyperdlg.src
-msgid "Document"
-msgstr "Sgrìobhainn"
-#. GFLnz
-#: hyperdlg.src
-msgid ""
-"This is where you create a hyperlink to an existing document or a target "
-"within a document."
-msgstr ""
-"Seo far an cruthaich thu ceangal-lìn gu sgrìobhainn a tha ann mu thràth no "
-"targaid am broinn sgrìobhainne."
-#. zi7AZ
-#: hyperdlg.src
-msgid "New Document"
-msgstr "Sgrìobhainn ùr"
-#. 5TUkK
-#: hyperdlg.src
-msgid "This is where you create a new document to which the new link points."
-msgstr "Seo far an cruthaich thu sgrìobhainn ùr a thèid an ceangal ùr thuice."
-#. ES4Pj
-#: hyperdlg.src
-msgid "Button"
-msgstr "Putan"
-#: hyperdlg.src
-msgid "Text"
-msgstr "Teacsa"
-#. 9nkb2
-#: hyperdlg.src
-msgid "The file already exists. Overwrite?"
-msgstr ""
-"Tha am faidhle ann mu thràth. A bheil thu airson sgrìobhadh thairis air?"
-#. w3AUk
-#: multipat.src
-msgid "The path %1 already exists."
-msgstr "Tha an t-slighe %1 ann mu thràth."
-#. 54BsS
-#: multipat.src
-msgid "Select Archives"
-msgstr "Tagh tasg-lannan"
-#. NDB5V
-#: multipat.src
-msgid "Archives"
-msgstr "Tasg-lannan"
-#. ffPAq
-#: multipat.src
-msgid "The file %1 already exists."
-msgstr "Tha am faidhle %1 ann mu thràth."
-#. 5FyxP
-#: multipat.src
-msgid "Add Image"
-msgstr "Cuir dealbh ris"
-#. eUzGk
-#: passwdomdlg.src
-msgid ""
-"The confirmation password did not match the password. Set the password again"
-" by entering the same password in both boxes."
-msgstr ""
-"Chan eil am facal-faire dearbhaidh a' freagairt ris an fhacal-fhaire. "
-"Suidhich am facal-faire a-rithist 's tu a' cur a-steach an dearbh-fhacal-"
-"faire san dà bhogsa."
-#. mN9jE
-#: passwdomdlg.src
-msgid ""
-"The confirmation passwords did not match the original passwords. Set the "
-"passwords again."
-msgstr ""
-"Cha robh na faclan-faire dearbhaidh a' freagairt ris na faclan-faire tùsail."
-" Suidhibh na faclan-faire a-rithist."
-#. 48ez3
-#: passwdomdlg.src
-msgid ""
-"Please enter a password to open or to modify, or check the open read-only "
-"option to continue."
-msgstr ""
-"Cuir a-steach facal-faire gus fhosgladh no atharrachadh no cuir cromag ris "
-"an roghainnean 'Ri leughadh a-mhàin' gus leantainn ort."
-#. aAbAN
-#: passwdomdlg.src
-msgid "Set the password by entering the same password in both boxes."
-msgstr ""
-"Suidhich am facal-faire ’s tu a’ cur a-steach an dearbh fhacal-faire san dà "
-#. QJKgF
-#: screenshotannotationdlg.src
-msgid "Save Screenshot As..."
-msgstr "Sàbhail an glacadh-sgrìn mar..."
-#. gg9gD
-#: scriptdlg.src
-msgid "Do you want to delete the following object?"
-msgstr "A bheil thu airson an t-oibseact a leanas a sguabadh às?"
-#. 42ivC
-#: scriptdlg.src
-msgid "Confirm Deletion"
-msgstr "Dearbhaich an sguabadh às"
-#. kn5KE
-#: scriptdlg.src
-msgid "The selected object could not be deleted."
-msgstr "Cha do ghabh an t-oibseact a thagh thu a sguabadh às."
-#. T7T8x
-#: scriptdlg.src
-msgid "Error Deleting Object"
-msgstr "Mearachd le sguabadh às an oibseict"
-#. SCgXy
-#: scriptdlg.src
-msgid "The object could not be created."
-msgstr "Cha do ghabh an t-oibseact a chruthachadh."
-#. TmiCU
-#: scriptdlg.src
-msgid " Object with the same name already exists."
-msgstr " Tha oibseact air a bheil an dearbh-ainm ann mu thràth."
-#. ffc5M
-#: scriptdlg.src
-msgid "Error Creating Object"
-msgstr "Mearachd le cruthachadh an oibseict"
-#. hpB8B
-#: scriptdlg.src
-msgid "The object could not be renamed."
-msgstr "Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn ainm ùr a thoirt air an oibseact."
-#. eevjm
-#: scriptdlg.src
-msgid "Error Renaming Object"
-msgstr "Mearachd le ainm ùr a chur air an oibseact"
-#. fTHFY
-#: scriptdlg.src
-msgid "%PRODUCTNAME Error"
-msgstr "Mearachd %PRODUCTNAME"
-#. e6BgS
-#: scriptdlg.src
-msgid "The scripting language %LANGUAGENAME is not supported."
-msgstr "Chan eil taic ann dhan chànan sgriobtaidh %LANGUAGENAME."
-#. EUek9
-#: scriptdlg.src
-msgid "An error occurred while running the %LANGUAGENAME script %SCRIPTNAME."
-msgstr "Thachair mearachd rè ruith an sgriobt %SCRIPTNAME %LANGUAGENAME."
-#. KVQAh
-#: scriptdlg.src
-msgid ""
-"An exception occurred while running the %LANGUAGENAME script %SCRIPTNAME."
-msgstr "Thachair eisgeachd rè ruith an sgriobt %SCRIPTNAME %LANGUAGENAME."
-#. 5bFCQ
-#: scriptdlg.src
-msgid ""
-"An error occurred while running the %LANGUAGENAME script %SCRIPTNAME at "
-"line: %LINENUMBER."
-msgstr ""
-"Thachair mearachd rè ruith an sgriobt %SCRIPTNAME %LANGUAGENAME aig loidhne:"
-#. KTptU
-#: scriptdlg.src
-msgid ""
-"An exception occurred while running the %LANGUAGENAME script %SCRIPTNAME at "
-"line: %LINENUMBER."
-msgstr ""
-"Thachair eisgeachd rè ruith an sgriobt %SCRIPTNAME %LANGUAGENAME aig "
-"loidhne: %LINENUMBER."
-#. BZDbp
-#: scriptdlg.src
-msgid ""
-"A Scripting Framework error occurred while running the %LANGUAGENAME script "
-msgstr ""
-"Thachair mearachd leis an fhrèam-obrach sgriobtaidh rè ruith an sgriobt "
-#. AAghx
-#: scriptdlg.src
-msgid "Type:"
-msgstr "Seòrsa:"
-#. GAsca
-#: scriptdlg.src
-msgid "Message:"
-msgstr "Teachdaireachd:"
-#. Fko49
-#: svuidlg.src
-msgctxt "STR_AUTOLINK"
-msgid "Automatic"
-msgstr "Gu fèin-obrachail"
-#. WYHFb
-#: svuidlg.src
-msgid "Manual"
-msgstr "A làimh"
-#. PFN4j
-#: svuidlg.src
-msgid "Not available"
-msgstr "Chan eil seo ri fhaighinn"
-#. 5ymS3
-#: svuidlg.src
-msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the selected link?"
-msgstr ""
-"A bheil thu cinnteach gu bheil thu airson an ceangal a thagh thu a sguabadh "
-#. wyMwT
-#: svuidlg.src
-msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the selected link?"
-msgstr ""
-"A bheil thu cinnteach gu bheil thu airson an ceangal a thagh thu a sguabadh "
-#. CN74h
-#: svuidlg.src
-msgid "Waiting"
-msgstr "A' feitheamh"
-#. EPuek
-#: connpooloptions.src
-msgid "Driver name"
-msgstr "Ainm an draibheir"
-#. RFXeR
-#: connpooloptions.src
-msgid "Pool"
-msgstr "Linn"
-#. fx9RA
-#: connpooloptions.src
-msgid "Timeout"
-msgstr "Crìoch ama"
-#. HzhXp
-#: connpooloptions.src
-msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_YES"
-msgid "Yes"
-msgstr "Tha"
-#. RuQiB
-#: connpooloptions.src
-msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_NO"
-msgid "No"
-msgstr "Chan eil"
-#. nGkWh
-#: dbregister.src
-msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TYPE"
-msgid "Registered name"
-msgstr "Ainm clàraichte"
-#. pPzse
-#: dbregister.src
-msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_PATH"
-msgid "Database file"
-msgstr "Faidhle stòir-dhàta"
-#. irLeD
-#: doclinkdialog.src
-msgid ""
-"The file\n"
-"does not exist."
-msgstr ""
-"Chan eil am faidhle\n"
-#. iQYnX
-#: doclinkdialog.src
-msgid ""
-"The file\n"
-"does not exist in the local file system."
-msgstr ""
-"Chan eil am faidhle\n"
-"ann an siostam nam faidhle ionadail."
-#. 4PaJ2
-#: doclinkdialog.src
-msgid ""
-"The name '$file$' is already used for another database.\n"
-"Please choose a different name."
-msgstr ""
-"Tha stòr-dàta eile a' cleachdadh an ainm $file$ mu thràth.\n"
-"Saoil an tagh thu ainm eile?"
-#. KFB7q
-#: doclinkdialog.src
-msgid "Do you want to delete the entry?"
-msgstr "A bheil thu airson an reacord a sguabadh às?"
-#. CAaFf
-#: optchart.src
-msgid "Data Series $(ROW)"
-msgstr "Sreath dàta $(ROW)"
-#. XEFrB
-#: optcolor.src
-msgid "Do you really want to delete the color scheme?"
-msgstr ""
-"A bheil thu cinnteach gu bheil thu airson sgeama nan dathan a sguabadh às?"
-#. ybdED
-#: optcolor.src
-msgid "Color Scheme Deletion"
-msgstr "Sguabadh às sgeama nan dathan"
-#. DoNBE
-#: optcolor.src
-msgid "Save scheme"
-msgstr "Sàbhail an sgeama"
-#. tFrki
-#: optcolor.src
-msgid "Name of color scheme"
-msgstr "Ainm sgeama nan dathan"
-#. dDtDU
-#: optdict.src
-msgid ""
-"The specified name already exists.\n"
-"Please enter a new name."
-msgstr ""
-"Tha an t-ainm a shònraich thu ann mu thràth.\n"
-"Cuir a-steach ainm ùr."
-#. LPb5d
-#: optdict.src
-msgctxt "STR_MODIFY"
-msgid "~Replace"
-msgstr "Cui~r 'na àite"
-#. anivV
-#: optdict.src
-msgid "Do you want to change the '%1' dictionary language?"
-msgstr "A bheil thu airson cànan an fhaclair '%1' atharrachadh?"
-#. cKvfS
-#: optfltr.src
-msgid "[L]"
-msgstr "[L]"
-#. WaMmc
-#: optfltr.src
-msgid "[S]"
-msgstr "[S]"
-#. ZcxRY
-#: optfltr.src
-msgid "MathType to %PRODUCTNAME Math or reverse"
-msgstr "MathType gu %PRODUCTNAME Math no a chaochladh"
-#. Ttggs
-#: optfltr.src
-msgid "WinWord to %PRODUCTNAME Writer or reverse"
-msgstr "WinWord gu %PRODUCTNAME Writer no a chaochladh"
-#: optfltr.src
-msgid "Excel to %PRODUCTNAME Calc or reverse"
-msgstr "Excel gu %PRODUCTNAME Calc no a chaochladh"
-#. VmuND
-#: optfltr.src
-msgid "PowerPoint to %PRODUCTNAME Impress or reverse"
-msgstr "PowerPoint gu %PRODUCTNAME Impress no a chaochladh"
-#. sE8as
-#: optfltr.src
-msgid "SmartArt to %PRODUCTNAME shapes or reverse"
-msgstr "SmartArt gu cruthan %PRODUCTNAME no a chaochladh"
-#. fsbAN
-#: optinet2.src
-msgid ""
-"Invalid value!\n"
-"The maximum value for a port number is 65535."
-msgstr ""
-"Luach mì-dhligheach.\n"
-"'S e 65535 an luach as motha a tha ceadaichte airson port."
-#. weKUF
-#: optjava.src
-msgid ""
-"The folder you selected does not contain a Java runtime environment.\n"
-"Please select a different folder."
-msgstr ""
-"Cha eil Java Runtime Environment sa phasgan a thagh thu.\n"
-"Nach tagh thu pasgan eile?"
-#. jFLdB
-#: optjava.src
-msgid ""
-"The Java runtime environment you selected is not the required version.\n"
-"Please select a different folder."
-msgstr ""
-"Chan eil an tionndadh de Java Runtime Environment a thagh thu am fear air a bheil feum.\n"
-"Nach tagh thu pasgan eile?"
-#. GZBBn
-#: optjava.src
-msgid ""
-"Please restart %PRODUCTNAME now so the new or modified values can take "
-msgstr ""
-"Ath-thòisich %PRODUCTNAME an-dràsta ach am bi na dh’atharraich thu an "
-#. 79uiz
-#: optjava.src
-msgid "Edit Parameter"
-msgstr "Deasaich am paramadair"
-#. BAGbe
-#: optlingu.src
-msgid "Spelling"
-msgstr "Litreachadh"
-#. uBohu
-#: optlingu.src
-msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_HYPH"
-msgid "Hyphenation"
-msgstr "Tàthanachadh"
-#. XGkt6
-#: optlingu.src
-msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_THES"
-msgid "Thesaurus"
-msgstr "Co-fhaclair"
-#. EFrDA
-#: optlingu.src
-msgid "Grammar"
-msgstr "Gràmar"
-#. zbEv9
-#: optlingu.src
-msgid "Check uppercase words"
-msgstr "Ceartaich faclan le tùs-litrichean mòra"
-#. BbDNe
-#: optlingu.src
-msgid "Check words with numbers "
-msgstr "Ceartaich faclan anns a' bheil àireamhan "
-#. bPDyB
-#: optlingu.src
-msgid "Check special regions"
-msgstr "Ceartaich na raointean sònraichte"
-#. XjifG
-#: optlingu.src
-msgid "Check spelling as you type"
-msgstr "Ceartaich an litreachadh fhad 's a bhios tu a' sgrìobhadh"
-#. J3ENq
-#: optlingu.src
-msgid "Check grammar as you type"
-msgstr "Ceartaich an gràmar fhad 's a bhios tu a' sgrìobhadh"
-#. f6v3L
-#: optlingu.src
-msgid "Minimal number of characters for hyphenation: "
-msgstr "Àireamh as lugha de charactaran airson tàthanachadh: "
-#. BCrEf
-#: optlingu.src
-msgid "Characters before line break: "
-msgstr "Caractaran ro bhriseadh-loidhne: "
-#. Kgioh
-#: optlingu.src
-msgid "Characters after line break: "
-msgstr "Caractaran as dèidh briseadh-loidhne: "
-#. AewrH
-#: optlingu.src
-msgid "Hyphenate without inquiry"
-msgstr "Tàthanaich gun cheist"
-#. qCKn9
-#: optlingu.src
-msgid "Hyphenate special regions"
-msgstr "Tàthanaich na raointean sònraichte"
-#. E6GDh
-#: optpath.src
-msgid "Configuration"
-msgstr "Rèiteachadh"
-#. z7dmW
-#: optpath.src
-msgid "My Documents"
-msgstr "Mo sgrìobhainnean"
-#. wnMWp
-#: optpath.src
-msgid "Images"
-msgstr "Dealbhan"
-#. AnM4M
-#: optpath.src
-msgid "Icons"
-msgstr "Ìomhaigheagan"
-#. bpvbo
-#: optpath.src
-msgid "Palettes"
-msgstr "Paileadan"
-#. shiKT
-#: optpath.src
-msgid "Backups"
-msgstr "Lethbhric-ghlèidhidh"
-#. ai8eF
-#: optpath.src
-msgid "Modules"
-msgstr "Mòidealan"
-#. WyhJD
-#: optpath.src
-msgid "Templates"
-msgstr "Teamplaidean"
-#. mNj9y
-#: optpath.src
-msgid "AutoText"
-msgstr "Fèin-teacsa"
-#. co7GJ
-#: optpath.src
-msgid "Dictionaries"
-msgstr "Faclairean"
-#. MbjWM
-#: optpath.src
-msgid "Help"
-msgstr "Cobhair"
-#. u2bQB
-#: optpath.src
-msgid "Gallery"
-msgstr "Gailearaidh"
-#. 2umbs
-#: optpath.src
-msgid "Message Storage"
-msgstr "Stòras nan teachdaireachdan"
-#. oMdF8
-#: optpath.src
-msgid "Temporary files"
-msgstr "Faidhlichean sealach"
-#. 4DDzW
-#: optpath.src
-msgid "Plug-ins"
-msgstr "Plugain"
-#. v5YHp
-#: optpath.src
-msgid "Folder Bookmarks"
-msgstr "Comharran-lìn phasgan"
-#. AJkga
-#: optpath.src
-msgid "Filters"
-msgstr "Criathragan"
-#. 2DKUC
-#: optpath.src
-msgid "Add-ins"
-msgstr "Tuilleadain"
-#. Tm2DM
-#: optpath.src
-msgid "User Configuration"
-msgstr "Rèiteachadh cleachdaiche"
-#. ATuL4
-#: optpath.src
-msgid "User-defined dictionaries"
-msgstr "Faclairean a shònraich cleachdaiche"
-#. qxBAu
-#: optpath.src
-msgid "Classification"
-msgstr "Seòrsa"
-#. FrDws
-#: optpath.src
-msgid "AutoCorrect"
-msgstr "Fèin-cheartachadh"
-#. jD48Q
-#: optpath.src
-msgid "Writing aids"
-msgstr "Innealan-taic sgrìobhaidh"
-#. Q2QAg
-#: personalization.src
-msgid "Selected Theme: "
-msgstr "An t-ùrlar a thagh thu: "
-#. mvAvC
-#: personalization.src
-msgid "Searching, please wait..."
-msgstr "A' dèanamh lorg, fuirich ort..."
-#. DYi9o
-#: personalization.src
-msgid "Cannot open %1, please try again later."
-msgstr ""
-"Cha b' urrainn dhuinn %1 fhosgladh, feuch ris a-rithist an ceann greis."
-#. WJiET
-#: personalization.src
-msgid "No results found."
-msgstr "Cha deach toradh sam bith a lorg."
-#. ty3FS
-#: personalization.src
-msgid "Applying Theme..."
-msgstr "A' cur an gnìomh an ùrlair..."
-#. uGAGa
-#: personalization.src
-msgid "LibreOffice"
-msgstr "LibreOffice"
-#. tE79S
-#: personalization.src
-msgid "Abstract"
-msgstr "Gearr-chunntas"
-#. D2V8B
-#: personalization.src
-msgid "Color"
-msgstr "Dath"
-#. idX7t
-#: personalization.src
-msgid "Music"
-msgstr "Ceòl"
-#. oNEyH
-#: personalization.src
-msgid "Nature"
-msgstr "Nàdar"
-#. YnCvD
-#: personalization.src
-msgid "Solid"
-msgstr "Soladach"
-#. ubU8d
-#: treeopt.src
-msgstr "%PRODUCTNAME"
-#. Fbf7Z
-#: treeopt.src
-msgid "User Data"
-msgstr "Dàta a’ chleachdaiche"
-#. G55YZ
-#: treeopt.src
-msgid "General"
-msgstr "Coitcheann"
-#. mpAJ5
-#: treeopt.src
-msgid "Memory"
-msgstr "Cuimhne"
-#. yg7Ea
-#: treeopt.src
-msgid "View"
-msgstr "Sealladh"
-#. 5MaGb
-#: treeopt.src
-msgid "Print"
-msgstr "Clò-bhuail"
-#. DkZfH
-#: treeopt.src
-msgid "Paths"
-msgstr "Slighean"
-#. sbB4G
-#: treeopt.src
-msgid "Fonts"
-msgstr "Cruthan-clò"
-#. BrLBB
-#: treeopt.src
-msgid "Security"
-msgstr "Tèarainteachd"
-#. hxXbS
-#: treeopt.src
-msgid "Personalization"
-msgstr "Pearsantachadh"
-#. BB6YA
-#: treeopt.src
-msgid "Application Colors"
-msgstr "Dathan na h-aplacaid"
-#. MqVzs
-#: treeopt.src
-msgid "Accessibility"
-msgstr "So-ruigsinneachd"
-#. 2gTGD
-#: treeopt.src
-msgid "Advanced"
-msgstr "Adhartach"
-#. uteRa
-#: treeopt.src
-msgid "Basic IDE Options"
-msgstr "Roghainnean IDE bunaiteach"
-#. DrYub
-#: treeopt.src
-msgid "Online Update"
-msgstr "Ùrachadh air loidhne"
-#. VEDeF
-#: treeopt.src
-msgid "OpenCL"
-msgstr "OpenCL"
-#. bF9Xt
-#: treeopt.src
-msgid "Language Settings"
-msgstr "Roghainnean cànain"
-#. AEJ37
-#: treeopt.src
-msgid "Languages"
-msgstr "Cànain"
-#. Po8qw
-#: treeopt.src
-msgid "Writing Aids"
-msgstr "Innealan-taic sgrìobhaidh"
-#. eCRhr
-#: treeopt.src
-msgid "Searching in Japanese"
-msgstr "Roghainnean luirg na Seapanaise"
-#. TDZ2D
-#: treeopt.src
-msgid "Asian Layout"
-msgstr "Co-dhealbhachd Àiseanach"
-#. iCEUL
-#: treeopt.src
-msgid "Complex Text Layout"
-msgstr "Co-dhealbhachd teacsa iom-fhillte"
-#. SmpKz
-#: treeopt.src
-msgctxt "SID_INET_DLG"
-msgid "Internet"
-msgstr "Eadar-lìon"
-#. GdHv2
-#: treeopt.src
-msgctxt "SID_INET_DLG"
-msgid "Proxy"
-msgstr "Progsaidh"
-#. czKoF
-#: treeopt.src
-msgctxt "SID_INET_DLG"
-msgid "E-mail"
-msgstr "Post-d"
-#. j4BDi
-#: treeopt.src
-msgid "%PRODUCTNAME Writer"
-msgstr "%PRODUCTNAME Writer"
-#. oK57R
-#: treeopt.src
-msgid "General"
-msgstr "Coitcheann"
-#. i7TLJ
-#: treeopt.src
-msgid "View"
-msgstr "Sealladh"
-#. GxV74
-#: treeopt.src
-msgid "Formatting Aids"
-msgstr "Innealan-taic fòrmataidh"
-#. bDGEa
-#: treeopt.src
-msgid "Grid"
-msgstr "Griod"
-#. Eiuek
-#: treeopt.src
-msgid "Basic Fonts (Western)"
-msgstr "Cruthan-clò bunaiteach (Siarach)"
-#. D3zJf
-#: treeopt.src
-msgid "Basic Fonts (Asian)"
-msgstr "Cruthan-clò bunaiteach (Àiseanach)"
-#. m9Fzc
-#: treeopt.src
-msgid "Basic Fonts (CTL)"
-msgstr "Cruthan-clò bunaiteach (CTL)"
-#. hWtPK
-#: treeopt.src
-msgid "Print"
-msgstr "Clò-bhuail"
-#. GaX3t
-#: treeopt.src
-msgid "Table"
-msgstr "Clàr"
-#. Uzv5j
-#: treeopt.src
-msgid "Changes"
-msgstr "Atharraichean"
-#. JmFxQ
-#: treeopt.src
-msgid "Comparison"
-msgstr "Coimeas"
-#. V7Y3n
-#: treeopt.src
-msgid "Compatibility"
-msgstr "Co-chòrdalachd"
-#. NZRvS
-#: treeopt.src
-msgid "AutoCaption"
-msgstr "Caipsean fèin-obrachail"
-#. e5pTU
-#: treeopt.src
-msgid "Mail Merge E-mail"
-msgstr "Post-d co-aonaichte"
-#. rFFEP
-#: treeopt.src
-msgid "%PRODUCTNAME Writer/Web"
-msgstr "%PRODUCTNAME Writer/Web"
-#. pxeoH
-#: treeopt.src
-msgid "View"
-msgstr "Sealladh"
-#. B5xmZ
-#: treeopt.src
-msgid "Formatting Aids"
-msgstr "Innealan-taic fòrmataidh"
-#. hnMUZ
-#: treeopt.src
-msgid "Grid"
-msgstr "Griod"
-#. D4uGi
-#: treeopt.src
-msgid "Print"
-msgstr "Clò-bhuail"
-#. eGWAD
-#: treeopt.src
-msgid "Table"
-msgstr "Clàr"
-#. 6jDFu
-#: treeopt.src
-msgid "Background"
-msgstr "Cùlaibh"
-#. cu5iQ
-#: treeopt.src
-msgid "%PRODUCTNAME Math"
-msgstr "%PRODUCTNAME Math"
-#. sreez
-#: treeopt.src
-msgid "Settings"
-msgstr "Roghainnean"
-#. YjnFt
-#: treeopt.src
-msgid "%PRODUCTNAME Calc"
-msgstr "%PRODUCTNAME Calc"
-#. 3So2Y
-#: treeopt.src
-msgid "General"
-msgstr "Coitcheann"
-#. ki5BV
-#: treeopt.src
-msgid "Defaults"
-msgstr "Bun-roghainnean"
-#. FcsJw
-#: treeopt.src
-msgid "View"
-msgstr "Sealladh"
-#. edo6p
-#: treeopt.src
-msgid "Calculate"
-msgstr "Àireamhaich"
-#. Aum8G
-#: treeopt.src
-msgid "Formula"
-msgstr "Foirmle"
-#. CghkF
-#: treeopt.src
-msgid "Sort Lists"
-msgstr "Liostaichean seòrsachaidh"
-#. FsE49
-#: treeopt.src
-msgid "Changes"
-msgstr "Atharraichean"
-#. D7LGd
-#: treeopt.src
-msgid "Compatibility"
-msgstr "Co-chòrdalachd"
-#: treeopt.src
-msgid "Grid"
-msgstr "Griod"
-#. 8RKH4
-#: treeopt.src
-msgid "Print"
-msgstr "Clò-bhuail"
-#. DSmNS
-#: treeopt.src
-msgid "%PRODUCTNAME Impress"
-msgstr "%PRODUCTNAME Impress"
-#. tKfJG
-#: treeopt.src
-msgid "General"
-msgstr "Coitcheann"
-#. c4KDN
-#: treeopt.src
-msgid "View"
-msgstr "Sealladh"
-#. mAg5e
-#: treeopt.src
-msgid "Grid"
-msgstr "Griod"
-#. DkjJA
-#: treeopt.src
-msgid "Print"
-msgstr "Clò-bhuail"
-#. YD2Ca
-#: treeopt.src
-msgid "%PRODUCTNAME Draw"
-msgstr "%PRODUCTNAME Draw"
-#. iMxcN
-#: treeopt.src
-msgid "General"
-msgstr "Coitcheann"
-#. NdvwJ
-#: treeopt.src
-msgid "View"
-msgstr "Sealladh"
-#. 6TCca
-#: treeopt.src
-msgid "Grid"
-msgstr "Griod"
-#. 8gjDP
-#: treeopt.src
-msgid "Print"
-msgstr "Clò-bhuail"
-#. X6Nmr
-#: treeopt.src
-msgid "Charts"
-msgstr "Cairtean"
-#. wuqtU
-#: treeopt.src
-msgid "Default Colors"
-msgstr "Na dathan bunaiteach"
-#. QxH7n
-#: treeopt.src
-msgctxt "SID_FILTER_DLG"
-msgid "Load/Save"
-msgstr "Luchdaich/Sàbhail"
-#. UiXpC
-#: treeopt.src
-msgctxt "SID_FILTER_DLG"
-msgid "General"
-msgstr "Coitcheann"
-#. wxTEY
-#: treeopt.src
-msgctxt "SID_FILTER_DLG"
-msgid "VBA Properties"
-msgstr "Roghainnean VBA"
-#. M38Xh
-#: treeopt.src
-msgctxt "SID_FILTER_DLG"
-msgid "Microsoft Office"
-msgstr "Microsoft Office"
-#. jRPQv
-#: treeopt.src
-msgctxt "SID_FILTER_DLG"
-msgid "HTML Compatibility"
-msgstr "Co-chòrdalachd HTML"
-#. pFM3G
-#: treeopt.src
-msgid "%PRODUCTNAME Base"
-msgstr "%PRODUCTNAME Base"
-#. wuA45
-#: treeopt.src
-msgid "Connections"
-msgstr "Ceanglaichean"
-#. KcEWi
-#: treeopt.src
-msgid "Databases"
-msgstr "Stòr-dàtannan"
-#. YjEAy
-#: aboutconfigdialog.ui
+#: aboutconfigdialog.ui:9
msgctxt "aboutconfigdialog|AboutConfig"
msgid "Expert Configuration"
msgstr "Rèiteachadh le sàr-eòlaich"
-#. EhpWF
-#: aboutconfigdialog.ui
+#: aboutconfigdialog.ui:48
msgctxt "aboutconfigdialog|searchButton"
msgid "_Search"
msgstr "_Lorg"
-#. BMohC
-#: aboutconfigdialog.ui
+#: aboutconfigdialog.ui:81
msgctxt "aboutconfigdialog|preference"
msgid "Preference Name"
msgstr "Ainm an reifreans"
-#. PiV9t
-#: aboutconfigdialog.ui
+#: aboutconfigdialog.ui:96
msgctxt "aboutconfigdialog|property"
msgid "Property"
msgstr "Roghainn"
-#. g6RFE
-#: aboutconfigdialog.ui
+#: aboutconfigdialog.ui:109
msgctxt "aboutconfigdialog|type"
msgid "Type"
msgstr "Seòrsa"
-#. BYBgx
-#: aboutconfigdialog.ui
+#: aboutconfigdialog.ui:122
msgctxt "aboutconfigdialog|value"
msgid "Value"
msgstr "Luach"
-#. GBiPy
-#: aboutconfigdialog.ui
+#: aboutconfigdialog.ui:169
msgctxt "aboutconfigdialog|edit"
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "Deasaich"
-#. 2uM3W
-#: aboutconfigdialog.ui
+#: aboutconfigdialog.ui:182
+#, fuzzy
msgctxt "aboutconfigdialog|reset"
msgid "Reset"
msgstr "Ath-shuidhich"
-#. B8FF9
-#: aboutconfigvaluedialog.ui
+#: aboutconfigvaluedialog.ui:9
msgctxt "aboutconfigvaluedialog|AboutConfigValueDialog"
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Ainm"
-#. SPnss
-#: aboutconfigvaluedialog.ui
+#: aboutconfigvaluedialog.ui:87
msgctxt "aboutconfigvaluedialog|label1"
msgid "Value:"
msgstr "Luach:"
-#. q8p26
-#: aboutdialog.ui
+#: aboutdialog.ui:6
msgctxt "aboutdialog|textbuffer1"
-#. fFDEn
-#: aboutdialog.ui
+#: aboutdialog.ui:11
msgctxt "aboutdialog|AboutDialog"
msgid "About %PRODUCTNAME"
msgstr "Mu %PRODUCTNAME"
-#. xTXty
-#: aboutdialog.ui
+#: aboutdialog.ui:25
msgctxt "aboutdialog|credits"
msgid "Cre_dits"
msgstr "Crei_deasan"
-#. SqECU
-#: aboutdialog.ui
+#: aboutdialog.ui:40
msgctxt "aboutdialog|website"
msgid "_Website"
msgstr "_Làrach-lìn"
-#. xkBD8
-#: aboutdialog.ui
+#: aboutdialog.ui:109
msgctxt "aboutdialog|logoreplacement"
-#. XZmEs
-#: aboutdialog.ui
+#: aboutdialog.ui:128
msgctxt "aboutdialog|buildid"
msgid "Build ID: $BUILDID"
msgstr "Build ID: $BUILDID"
-#. Ru2AA
-#: aboutdialog.ui
+#: aboutdialog.ui:141
msgctxt "aboutdialog|locale"
msgid "Locale: $LOCALE"
msgstr "Sgeama ionadail: $LOCALE"
-#. TxdMF
-#: aboutdialog.ui
+#: aboutdialog.ui:174
msgctxt "aboutdialog|buildIdLink"
msgid "See Log: $GITHASH"
msgstr ""
-#. KFo3i
-#: aboutdialog.ui
+#: aboutdialog.ui:191
msgctxt "aboutdialog|description"
-msgid ""
-"%PRODUCTNAME is a modern, easy-to-use, open source productivity suite for "
-"word processing, spreadsheets, presentations and more."
-msgstr ""
-"Tha %PRODUCTNAME 'na shreath phrògraman oifis a tha ùr-nòsach, furasta ri "
-"chleachdadh agus le còd fosgailte a bheir dhut comas teacsaichean a "
-"sgrìobhadh, cliath-dhuilleagan is taisbeanaidhean a chruthachadh is mòran a "
+msgid "%PRODUCTNAME is a modern, easy-to-use, open source productivity suite for word processing, spreadsheets, presentations and more."
+msgstr "Tha %PRODUCTNAME 'na shreath phrògraman oifis a tha ùr-nòsach, furasta ri chleachdadh agus le còd fosgailte a bheir dhut comas teacsaichean a sgrìobhadh, cliath-dhuilleagan is taisbeanaidhean a chruthachadh is mòran a bharrachd."
-#. 5vpFS
-#: aboutdialog.ui
+#: aboutdialog.ui:214
msgctxt "aboutdialog|copyright"
msgid "Copyright © 2000–2017 LibreOffice contributors."
msgstr ""
-#. Lz9nx
-#: aboutdialog.ui
+#: aboutdialog.ui:228
msgctxt "aboutdialog|libreoffice"
msgid "LibreOffice was based on OpenOffice.org."
msgstr "Bha LibreOffice stèidhichte air OpenOffice.org."
-#. cvY7p
-#: aboutdialog.ui
+#: aboutdialog.ui:242
msgctxt "aboutdialog|derived"
-msgid ""
-"%PRODUCTNAME is derived from LibreOffice which was based on OpenOffice.org."
-msgstr ""
-"Tha %PRODUCTNAME stèidhichte air LibreOffice a tha e fhèin stèidhichte air "
+msgid "%PRODUCTNAME is derived from LibreOffice which was based on OpenOffice.org."
+msgstr "Tha %PRODUCTNAME stèidhichte air LibreOffice a tha e fhèin stèidhichte air OpenOffice.org."
-#. WCnhx
-#: aboutdialog.ui
+#: aboutdialog.ui:256
msgctxt "aboutdialog|vendor"
msgid "This release was supplied by %OOOVENDOR."
msgstr "Chaidh am bathar seo a sholar le %OOOVENDOR."
-#. GesDU
-#: aboutdialog.ui
+#: aboutdialog.ui:276
msgctxt "aboutdialog|link"
msgid "https://www.libreoffice.org/about-us/credits/"
msgstr "http://gd.libreoffice.org/mu-libreoffice/creideisean/"
-#. qRPnL
-#: accelconfigpage.ui
+#: accelconfigpage.ui:54
msgctxt "accelconfigpage|label21"
-msgid "Shortcut Keys"
-msgstr "Iuchraichean nan ath-ghoiridean"
+msgid "Shortcu_t Keys"
+msgstr ""
-#. rEN3b
-#: accelconfigpage.ui
+#: accelconfigpage.ui:80
msgctxt "accelconfigpage|office"
-#. jjhUE
-#: accelconfigpage.ui
+#: accelconfigpage.ui:97
msgctxt "accelconfigpage|module"
msgid "$(MODULE)"
msgstr "$(MODULE)"
-#. R2nhJ
-#: accelconfigpage.ui
+#: accelconfigpage.ui:129
msgctxt "accelconfigpage|change"
msgid "_Modify"
msgstr "_Atharraich"
-#. 6MwWq
-#: accelconfigpage.ui
+#: accelconfigpage.ui:157
msgctxt "accelconfigpage|load"
msgid "_Load..."
msgstr "_Luchdaich..."
-#. Uq7F5
-#: accelconfigpage.ui
+#: accelconfigpage.ui:172
msgctxt "accelconfigpage|save"
msgid "_Save..."
msgstr "_Sàbhail..."
-#. T5FGo
-#: accelconfigpage.ui
+#: accelconfigpage.ui:247
+msgctxt "accelconfigpage|searchEntry"
+msgid "Type to search"
+msgstr ""
+#: accelconfigpage.ui:267
msgctxt "accelconfigpage|label23"
msgid "_Category"
msgstr "_Roinn-seòrsa"
-#. xfWzA
-#: accelconfigpage.ui
+#: accelconfigpage.ui:281
msgctxt "accelconfigpage|label24"
msgid "_Function"
msgstr "_Foincsean"
-#. 7PCeb
-#: accelconfigpage.ui
+#: accelconfigpage.ui:295
msgctxt "accelconfigpage|label25"
msgid "_Keys"
msgstr "_Iuchraichean"
-#. KQTN5
-#: accelconfigpage.ui
+#: accelconfigpage.ui:365
msgctxt "accelconfigpage|label22"
-msgid "Functions"
-msgstr "Foincseanan"
+msgid "F_unctions"
+msgstr ""
-#. vanfV
-#: acorexceptpage.ui
+#: acorexceptpage.ui:50
msgctxt "acorexceptpage|autoabbrev"
msgid "_AutoInclude"
msgstr "_Gabh a-steach gu fèin-obrachail"
-#. tpV8t
-#: acorexceptpage.ui
+#: acorexceptpage.ui:83
msgctxt "acorexceptpage|newabbrev-atkobject"
msgid "New abbreviations"
msgstr "Ath-ghoiridean ùra"
-#. CEdQa
-#: acorexceptpage.ui
+#: acorexceptpage.ui:95
msgctxt "acorexceptpage|replace"
msgid "_Replace"
msgstr "Cui_r 'na àite"
-#. st6Jc
-#: acorexceptpage.ui
+#: acorexceptpage.ui:119
msgctxt "acorexceptpage|delabbrev-atkobject"
msgid "Delete abbreviations"
msgstr "Sguab às ath-ghoiridean"
-#. VoLnB
-#: acorexceptpage.ui
+#: acorexceptpage.ui:167
msgctxt "acorexceptpage|label1"
msgid "Abbreviations (no Subsequent Capital)"
msgstr "Giorrachaidhean (gun litir mhòr 'na dhèidh)"
-#. kAzxB
-#: acorexceptpage.ui
+#: acorexceptpage.ui:220
msgctxt "acorexceptpage|autodouble"
msgid "A_utoInclude"
msgstr "Gabh a-steach g_u fèin-obrachail"
-#. 7saGw
-#: acorexceptpage.ui
+#: acorexceptpage.ui:253
msgctxt "acorexceptpage|newdouble-atkobject"
msgid "New words with two initial capitals"
msgstr "Faclan ùra le dà litir mhòr aig an toiseach"
-#. 5Y2Wh
-#: acorexceptpage.ui
+#: acorexceptpage.ui:265
msgctxt "acorexceptpage|replace1"
msgid "_Replace"
msgstr "Cui_r 'na àite"
-#. MxRgg
-#: acorexceptpage.ui
+#: acorexceptpage.ui:289
msgctxt "acorexceptpage|deldouble-atkobject"
msgid "Delete words with two initial capitals"
msgstr "Sguab às faclan le dà litir mhòr aig an toiseach"
-#. 7FgqY
-#: acorexceptpage.ui
+#: acorexceptpage.ui:337
msgctxt "acorexceptpage|label2"
msgid "Words With TWo INitial CApitals"
msgstr "Faclan le DÀ LItir MHòr AIg AN TOiseach"
-#. qjPVK
-#: acorreplacepage.ui
+#: acorreplacepage.ui:38
msgctxt "acorreplacepage|replace"
msgid "_Replace"
msgstr "Cui_r 'na àite"
-#. GLT9J
-#: acorreplacepage.ui
+#: acorreplacepage.ui:121
msgctxt "acorreplacepage|label1"
msgid "Repla_ce"
msgstr "_Cuir 'na àite"
-#. Fihah
-#: acorreplacepage.ui
+#: acorreplacepage.ui:141
msgctxt "acorreplacepage|label2"
msgid "_With:"
msgstr "_Le:"
-#. 25PQc
-#: acorreplacepage.ui
+#: acorreplacepage.ui:154
msgctxt "acorreplacepage|textonly"
msgid "_Text only"
msgstr "_Teacsa a-mhàin"
-#. BuMBh
-#: agingdialog.ui
+#: agingdialog.ui:16
msgctxt "agingdialog|AgingDialog"
msgid "Aging"
msgstr "Aoiseachadh"
-#. bJvBm
-#: agingdialog.ui
+#: agingdialog.ui:137
msgctxt "agingdialog|label2"
msgid "Aging degree:"
msgstr "Ceum aoiseachaidh:"
-#. 6FVBe
-#: agingdialog.ui
+#: agingdialog.ui:160
msgctxt "agingdialog|label1"
msgid "Parameters"
msgstr "Paramadairean"
-#. nxZTH
-#: applyautofmtpage.ui
+#: applyautofmtpage.ui:27
msgctxt "applyautofmtpage|edit"
msgid "_Edit..."
msgstr "D_easaich..."
-#. sYxng
-#: applyautofmtpage.ui
+#: applyautofmtpage.ui:46
msgctxt "applyautofmtpage|label1"
msgid "[M]: Replace while modifying existing text"
msgstr "[M]: Cuir 'nan àite fhad 's a thathar a' deasachadh teacsa làithreach"
-#. FtXg9
-#: applyautofmtpage.ui
+#: applyautofmtpage.ui:60
msgctxt "applyautofmtpage|label2"
msgid "[T]: AutoCorrect while typing"
msgstr "[T]: Fèin-cheartaich fhad 's a thathar a' sgrìobhadh"
-#. NujUD
-#: applyautofmtpage.ui
+#: applyautofmtpage.ui:88
msgctxt "applyautofmtpage|m"
msgid "[M]"
msgstr "[M]"
-#. qanx6
-#: applyautofmtpage.ui
+#: applyautofmtpage.ui:101
msgctxt "applyautofmtpage|t"
msgid "[T]"
msgstr "[T]"
-#. EjG2g
-#: applylocalizedpage.ui
+#: applylocalizedpage.ui:30
msgctxt "applylocalizedpage|m"
msgid "[M]"
msgstr "[M]"
-#. YUBPr
-#: applylocalizedpage.ui
+#: applylocalizedpage.ui:43
msgctxt "applylocalizedpage|t"
msgid "[T]"
msgstr "[T]"
-#. srHxL
-#: applylocalizedpage.ui
+#: applylocalizedpage.ui:118
msgctxt "applylocalizedpage|singlereplace"
msgid "Repla_ce"
msgstr "_Cuir 'na àite"
-#. EQrEN
-#: applylocalizedpage.ui
+#: applylocalizedpage.ui:138
msgctxt "applylocalizedpage|startquoteft"
msgid "_Start quote:"
msgstr "Comharra-labhairt toi_sich:"
-#. ASq8L
-#: applylocalizedpage.ui
+#: applylocalizedpage.ui:162
msgctxt "applylocalizedpage|startsingle-atkobject"
msgid "Start quote of single quotes"
msgstr "Comharra-labhairt toisich de chomharran-labhairt singilte"
-#: applylocalizedpage.ui
+#: applylocalizedpage.ui:178
msgctxt "applylocalizedpage|singlestartex"
msgid "Default"
msgstr "Bun-roghainn"
-#. RindW
-#: applylocalizedpage.ui
+#: applylocalizedpage.ui:197
msgctxt "applylocalizedpage|defaultsingle"
msgid "_Default"
msgstr "_Bun-roghainn"
-#. QY58F
-#: applylocalizedpage.ui
+#: applylocalizedpage.ui:205
msgctxt "applylocalizedpage|defaultsingle-atkobject"
msgid "Single quotes default"
msgstr "Comharran-labhairt singilte bunaiteach"
-#. GRDaT
-#: applylocalizedpage.ui
+#: applylocalizedpage.ui:221
msgctxt "applylocalizedpage|endquoteft"
msgid "_End quote:"
msgstr "Comharra-labhairt d_eiridh:"
-#. Am27U
-#: applylocalizedpage.ui
+#: applylocalizedpage.ui:245
msgctxt "applylocalizedpage|endsingle-atkobject"
msgid "End quote of single quotes"
msgstr "Comharra-labhairt deiridh de chomharran-labhairt singilte"
-#. M4BCQ
-#: applylocalizedpage.ui
+#: applylocalizedpage.ui:261
msgctxt "applylocalizedpage|singleendex"
msgid "Default"
msgstr "Bun-roghainn"
-#. VBKmS
-#: applylocalizedpage.ui
+#: applylocalizedpage.ui:286
msgctxt "applylocalizedpage|label1"
msgid "Single Quotes"
msgstr "Comharran-labhairt singilte"
-#. Kadoe
-#: applylocalizedpage.ui
+#: applylocalizedpage.ui:318
msgctxt "applylocalizedpage|doublereplace"
msgid "Repla_ce"
msgstr "_Cuir 'na àite"
-#. MAW53
-#: applylocalizedpage.ui
+#: applylocalizedpage.ui:338
msgctxt "applylocalizedpage|label6"
msgid "_Start quote:"
msgstr "Comharra-labhairt toi_sich:"
-#. BEFQi
-#: applylocalizedpage.ui
+#: applylocalizedpage.ui:362
msgctxt "applylocalizedpage|startdouble-atkobject"
msgid "Start quote of double quotes"
msgstr "Comharra-labhairt toisich de chomharran-labhairt dùbailte"
-#. oqBJC
-#: applylocalizedpage.ui
+#: applylocalizedpage.ui:378
msgctxt "applylocalizedpage|doublestartex"
msgid "Default"
msgstr "Bun-roghainn"
-#. F7yr9
-#: applylocalizedpage.ui
+#: applylocalizedpage.ui:397
msgctxt "applylocalizedpage|defaultdouble"
msgid "_Default"
msgstr "_Bun-roghainn"
-#. KFTqi
-#: applylocalizedpage.ui
+#: applylocalizedpage.ui:405
msgctxt "applylocalizedpage|defaultdouble-atkobject"
msgid "Double quotes default"
msgstr "Comharran-labhairt dùbailte bunaiteach"
-#. cDwwK
-#: applylocalizedpage.ui
+#: applylocalizedpage.ui:421
msgctxt "applylocalizedpage|label8"
msgid "_End quote:"
msgstr "Comharra-labhairt d_eiridh:"
-#. 85hDi
-#: applylocalizedpage.ui
+#: applylocalizedpage.ui:445
msgctxt "applylocalizedpage|enddouble-atkobject"
msgid "End quote of double quotes"
msgstr "Comharra-labhairt deiridh de chomharran-labhairt dùbailte"
-#. FBndB
-#: applylocalizedpage.ui
+#: applylocalizedpage.ui:461
msgctxt "applylocalizedpage|doubleendex"
msgid "Default"
msgstr "Bun-roghainn"
-#. BDqUY
-#: applylocalizedpage.ui
+#: applylocalizedpage.ui:486
msgctxt "applylocalizedpage|label10"
msgid "Double Quotes"
msgstr "Comharran-labhairt dùbailte"
-#. BXzDP
-#: areadialog.ui
+#: areadialog.ui:8
msgctxt "areadialog|AreaDialog"
msgid "Area"
msgstr "Raon"
-#. eVAJs
-#: areadialog.ui
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msgctxt "areadialog|RID_SVXPAGE_AREA"
msgid "Area"
msgstr "Raon"
-#. GvZjP
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msgctxt "areadialog|RID_SVXPAGE_SHADOW"
msgid "Shadow"
msgstr "Sgàil"
-#. 4XRBr
-#: areadialog.ui
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msgctxt "areadialog|RID_SVXPAGE_TRANSPARENCE"
msgid "Transparency"
msgstr "Trìd-shoilleireachd"
-#. 2kC9i
-#: areatabpage.ui
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msgctxt "areatabpage|btnnone"
msgid "None"
msgstr "Chan eil gin"
-#. AiEuM
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msgctxt "areatabpage|btncolor"
msgid "Color"
msgstr "Dath"
-#. zXDcA
-#: areatabpage.ui
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msgctxt "areatabpage|btngradient"
msgid "Gradient"
msgstr "Caisead"
-#. 5y6vj
-#: areatabpage.ui
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msgid "Hatch"
msgstr "Tar-ghreannachadh"
-#. MDHs7
-#: areatabpage.ui
+#: areatabpage.ui:81
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msgid "Bitmap"
msgstr "Bitmap"
-#. 9q7GD
-#: areatabpage.ui
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msgid "Pattern"
msgstr "Pàtran"
-#. GSXcM
-#: asiantypography.ui
+#: asiantypography.ui:25
msgctxt "asiantypography|checkForbidList"
msgid "Apply list of forbidden characters to the beginning and end of lines"
-msgstr ""
-"Cuir an sàs liosta de charactaran toirmisgte aig toiseach is deireadh "
+msgstr "Cuir an sàs liosta de charactaran toirmisgte aig toiseach is deireadh loidhnichean"
-#. Pxxtv
-#: asiantypography.ui
+#: asiantypography.ui:41
msgctxt "asiantypography|checkHangPunct"
msgid "Allow hanging punctuation"
msgstr "Ceadaich puingeachadh crochte"
-#: asiantypography.ui
+#: asiantypography.ui:57
msgctxt "asiantypography|checkApplySpacing"
msgid "Apply spacing between Asian, Latin and complex text"
msgstr "Cuir an sàs beàrnadh eadar teacsa Àiseanach, Laideann is iom-fhillte"
-#. Xr8Ls
-#: asiantypography.ui
+#: asiantypography.ui:79
msgctxt "asiantypography|labelLineChange"
msgid "Line Change"
msgstr "Atharrachadh loidhne"
-#. yjBU4
-#: assigncomponentdialog.ui
+#: assigncomponentdialog.ui:10
msgctxt "assigncomponentdialog|AssignComponent"
msgid "Assign Component"
msgstr "Iomruin com-pàirt"
-#. EAbGN
-#: assigncomponentdialog.ui
+#: assigncomponentdialog.ui:91
msgctxt "assigncomponentdialog|label1"
msgid "Component method name:"
msgstr "Ainm a' mhodh chom-pàirte:"
-#. anHSu
-#: autocorrectdialog.ui
+#: autocorrectdialog.ui:9
msgctxt "autocorrectdialog|AutoCorrectDialog"
msgid "AutoCorrect"
msgstr "Fèin-cheartaich"
-#. HBfWE
-#: autocorrectdialog.ui
+#: autocorrectdialog.ui:104
msgctxt "autocorrectdialog|label1"
msgid "Replacements and exceptions for language:"
msgstr "Cur an àite 's eisgeachdan airson:"
-#. Qpig7
-#: autocorrectdialog.ui
+#: autocorrectdialog.ui:143
msgctxt "autocorrectdialog|replace"
msgid "Replace"
msgstr "Cuir 'na àite"
-#. gFjcV
-#: autocorrectdialog.ui
+#: autocorrectdialog.ui:156
msgctxt "autocorrectdialog|exceptions"
msgid "Exceptions"
msgstr "Eisgeachdan"
-#: autocorrectdialog.ui
+#: autocorrectdialog.ui:170
msgctxt "autocorrectdialog|options"
msgid "Options"
msgstr "Roghainnean"
-#. PgrDz
-#: autocorrectdialog.ui
+#: autocorrectdialog.ui:184
msgctxt "autocorrectdialog|apply"
msgid "Options"
msgstr "Roghainnean"
-#. TCyBg
-#: autocorrectdialog.ui
+#: autocorrectdialog.ui:198
msgctxt "autocorrectdialog|localized"
msgid "Localized Options"
msgstr "Roghainnean ionadailichte"
-#. G4rrm
-#: autocorrectdialog.ui
+#: autocorrectdialog.ui:212
msgctxt "autocorrectdialog|wordcompletion"
msgid "Word Completion"
msgstr "Slànachadh fhaclan"
-#. 2HJ6n
-#: autocorrectdialog.ui
+#: autocorrectdialog.ui:226
msgctxt "autocorrectdialog|smarttags"
msgid "Smart Tags"
msgstr "Tagaichean tapaidh"
-#. 4ETjs
-#: backgroundpage.ui
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+msgid "Color"
+msgstr "Dath"
+#: backgroundpage.ui:24
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+msgid "Image"
+msgstr "Dealbh"
+#: backgroundpage.ui:45
msgctxt "backgroundpage|asft"
msgid "A_s:"
msgstr "Ma_r:"
-#. LBHfA
-#: backgroundpage.ui
+#: backgroundpage.ui:71
msgctxt "backgroundpage|forft"
msgid "F_or:"
msgstr "D_ha:"
-#: backgroundpage.ui
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msgctxt "backgroundpage|tablelb"
msgid "Cell"
msgstr "Cealla"
-#. PcFM4
-#: backgroundpage.ui
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msgctxt "backgroundpage|tablelb"
msgid "Row"
msgstr "Ràgh"
-#. iFtHN
-#: backgroundpage.ui
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msgctxt "backgroundpage|tablelb"
msgid "Table"
msgstr "Clàr"
-#. PijhM
-#: backgroundpage.ui
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msgctxt "backgroundpage|background_label"
msgid "Background Color"
msgstr "Dath a’ chùlaibh"
-#. eBEnp
-#: backgroundpage.ui
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msgctxt "backgroundpage|unlinkedft"
msgid "Unlinked image"
msgstr "Dealbh gun cheangal"
-#. rNE9z
-#: backgroundpage.ui
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msgctxt "backgroundpage|findgraphicsft"
msgid "Find images"
msgstr "Lorg dealbhan"
-#. jFyoe
-#: backgroundpage.ui
+#: backgroundpage.ui:302
msgctxt "backgroundpage|browse"
msgid "_Browse..."
msgstr "_Brabhsaich..."
-#. 4mpJu
-#: backgroundpage.ui
+#: backgroundpage.ui:315
msgctxt "backgroundpage|link"
msgid "_Link"
msgstr "_Ceangal"
-#. i7osu
-#: backgroundpage.ui
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msgid "File"
msgstr "Faidhle"
-#: backgroundpage.ui
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msgid "_Position"
msgstr "I_onad"
-#. QEND2
-#: backgroundpage.ui
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msgid "Ar_ea"
msgstr "R_aon"
-#. aQXso
-#: backgroundpage.ui
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msgid "_Tile"
msgstr "Leaca_g"
-#. GGBhL
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msgid "Type"
msgstr "Seòrsa"
-#. WusYG
-#: backgroundpage.ui
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msgid "Pre_view"
msgstr "_Ro-shealladh"
-#. NAJVf
-#: backgroundpage.ui
-msgctxt "backgroundpage|liststore1"
-msgid "Color"
-msgstr "Dath"
-#: backgroundpage.ui
-msgctxt "backgroundpage|liststore1"
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-msgstr "Dealbh"
-#. C46DC
-#: baselinksdialog.ui
+#: baselinksdialog.ui:9
+#, fuzzy
msgctxt "baselinksdialog|BaseLinksDialog"
msgid "Edit Links"
msgstr "Deasaich na ceanglaichean"
-#. SEEGs
-#: baselinksdialog.ui
+#: baselinksdialog.ui:54
msgctxt "baselinksdialog|UPDATE_NOW"
msgid "_Update"
msgstr "Ùraic_h"
-#. MCZSo
-#: baselinksdialog.ui
+#: baselinksdialog.ui:69
msgctxt "baselinksdialog|OPEN"
msgid "_Open"
msgstr "F_osgail"
-#. siGFm
-#: baselinksdialog.ui
+#: baselinksdialog.ui:84
msgctxt "baselinksdialog|CHANGE_SOURCE"
msgid "_Modify..."
msgstr "_Atharraich..."
-#. RDZHa
-#: baselinksdialog.ui
+#: baselinksdialog.ui:99
msgctxt "baselinksdialog|BREAK_LINK"
msgid "_Break Link"
msgstr "_Bris an ceangal"
-#. A6Mz4
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+#: baselinksdialog.ui:147
msgctxt "baselinksdialog|FILES"
msgid "Source file"
msgstr "Tùs-fhaidhle"
-#. orUCD
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msgid "Element:"
msgstr "Eileamaid:"
-#. 5Hr79
-#: baselinksdialog.ui
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msgctxt "baselinksdialog|TYPE"
msgid "Type"
msgstr "Seòrsa"
-#. rnFJV
-#: baselinksdialog.ui
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msgctxt "baselinksdialog|STATUS"
msgid "Status"
msgstr "Staid"
-#. uU6Dx
-#: baselinksdialog.ui
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+#: baselinksdialog.ui:217
+msgctxt "baselinksdialog|TB_LINKS-atkobject"
msgid "Edit Links"
-msgstr "Deasaich na ceanglaichean"
+msgstr ""
-#. VUouK
-#: baselinksdialog.ui
+#: baselinksdialog.ui:246
msgctxt "baselinksdialog|FILES2"
msgid "Source file"
msgstr "Tùs-fhaidhle"
-#. ZukQV
-#: baselinksdialog.ui
+#: baselinksdialog.ui:262
msgctxt "baselinksdialog|SOURCE2"
msgid "Element:"
msgstr "Eileamaid:"
-#. jg4VW
-#: baselinksdialog.ui
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msgctxt "baselinksdialog|TYPE2"
msgid "Type:"
msgstr "Seòrsa:"
-#. BPXPn
-#: baselinksdialog.ui
+#: baselinksdialog.ui:290
msgctxt "baselinksdialog|UPDATE"
msgid "Update:"
msgstr "Ùraich:"
-#. NpTPK
-#: baselinksdialog.ui
+#: baselinksdialog.ui:345
msgctxt "baselinksdialog|AUTOMATIC"
msgid "_Automatic"
msgstr "Gu _fèin-obrachail"
-#. GzGG5
-#: baselinksdialog.ui
+#: baselinksdialog.ui:365
msgctxt "baselinksdialog|MANUAL"
msgid "Ma_nual"
msgstr "A lài_mh"
-#. D264D
-#: bitmaptabpage.ui
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msgctxt "bitmaptabpage|BTN_IMPORT"
msgid "Add / Import"
msgstr "Ion-phortaich / Às-phortaich"
-#. UYRCn
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msgid "Bitmap"
msgstr "Bitmap"
-#. CFtG8
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msgid "Style:"
msgstr "Stoidhle:"
-#. 2qj3G
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msgctxt "bitmaptabpage|bitmapstyle"
msgid "Original"
msgstr "Tùsail"
-#. 7yAyA
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msgid "Filled"
msgstr "Lìonta"
-#. tksrC
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msgctxt "bitmaptabpage|bitmapstyle"
msgid "Stretched"
msgstr "Sìnte"
-#. yoGqT
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msgctxt "bitmaptabpage|bitmapstyle"
msgid "Zoomed"
msgstr "Sùmaichte"
-#. sZsHX
-#: bitmaptabpage.ui
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msgctxt "bitmaptabpage|bitmapstyle"
msgid "Custom"
msgstr "Gnàthaichte"
-#. exzsR
-#: bitmaptabpage.ui
+#: bitmaptabpage.ui:129
msgctxt "bitmaptabpage|bitmapstyle"
msgid "Tiled"
msgstr "Leacaichte"
-#. dHVHq
-#: bitmaptabpage.ui
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msgctxt "bitmaptabpage|label4"
msgid "Size:"
msgstr "Meud:"
-#. 548D8
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msgctxt "bitmaptabpage|label5"
msgid "W:"
msgstr "L:"
-#. E7PHr
-#: bitmaptabpage.ui
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msgctxt "bitmaptabpage|label6"
msgid "H:"
msgstr "À:"
-#. D7XC6
-#: bitmaptabpage.ui
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msgctxt "bitmaptabpage|scaletsb"
msgid "Scale"
msgstr "Sgèile"
-#. r9QEy
-#: bitmaptabpage.ui
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msgctxt "bitmaptabpage|label7"
msgid "Position:"
msgstr "Ionad:"
-#. qqHXj
-#: bitmaptabpage.ui
+#: bitmaptabpage.ui:270
msgctxt "bitmaptabpage|positionlb"
msgid "Top Left"
msgstr "Barr clì"
-#. SuAZu
-#: bitmaptabpage.ui
+#: bitmaptabpage.ui:271
msgctxt "bitmaptabpage|positionlb"
msgid "Top Center"
msgstr "Sa mheadhan aig a’ bharr"
-#. CiwFK
-#: bitmaptabpage.ui
+#: bitmaptabpage.ui:272
msgctxt "bitmaptabpage|positionlb"
msgid "Top Right"
msgstr "Air an taobh deas aig a’ bharr"
-#. gB3qr
-#: bitmaptabpage.ui
+#: bitmaptabpage.ui:273
msgctxt "bitmaptabpage|positionlb"
msgid "Center Left"
msgstr "Sa mheadhan air an taobh chlì"
-#. 6nG4k
-#: bitmaptabpage.ui
+#: bitmaptabpage.ui:274
msgctxt "bitmaptabpage|positionlb"
msgid "Center"
msgstr "Sa mheadhan"
-#. 5uwBi
-#: bitmaptabpage.ui
+#: bitmaptabpage.ui:275
msgctxt "bitmaptabpage|positionlb"
msgid "Center Right"
msgstr "Sa mheadhan air an taobh deas"
-#. 9bWMT
-#: bitmaptabpage.ui
+#: bitmaptabpage.ui:276
msgctxt "bitmaptabpage|positionlb"
msgid "Bottom Left"
msgstr "Air an taobh chlì aig a’ bhonn"
-#. BFD9u
-#: bitmaptabpage.ui
+#: bitmaptabpage.ui:277
msgctxt "bitmaptabpage|positionlb"
msgid "Bottom Center"
msgstr "Sa mheadhan aig a’ bhonn"
-#. TGk6s
-#: bitmaptabpage.ui
+#: bitmaptabpage.ui:278
msgctxt "bitmaptabpage|positionlb"
msgid "Bottom Right"
msgstr "Air an taobh deas aig a’ bhonn"
-#. s3kat
-#: bitmaptabpage.ui
+#: bitmaptabpage.ui:305
msgctxt "bitmaptabpage|label9"
msgid "Tiling Position:"
msgstr "Ionad leacachaidh:"
-#. qJBQs
-#: bitmaptabpage.ui
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msgctxt "bitmaptabpage|label10"
msgid "X:"
msgstr "X:"
-#. DS5qJ
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msgid "Y:"
msgstr "Y:"
-#. oDXfi
-#: bitmaptabpage.ui
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msgctxt "bitmaptabpage|label15"
msgid "Tiling Offset:"
msgstr "Offset leacachaidh:"
-#. GEMsd
-#: bitmaptabpage.ui
+#: bitmaptabpage.ui:409
msgctxt "bitmaptabpage|tileofflb"
msgid "Row"
msgstr "Ràgh"
-#. NFEF6
-#: bitmaptabpage.ui
+#: bitmaptabpage.ui:410
msgctxt "bitmaptabpage|tileofflb"
msgid "Column"
msgstr "Colbh"
-#. CAdor
-#: bitmaptabpage.ui
+#: bitmaptabpage.ui:453
msgctxt "bitmaptabpage|label2"
msgid "Options"
msgstr "Roghainnean"
-#. EqVUn
-#: bitmaptabpage.ui
+#: bitmaptabpage.ui:496
+#, fuzzy
msgctxt "bitmaptabpage|CTL_BITMAP_PREVIEW-atkobject"
msgid "Example"
msgstr "Ball-eisimpleir"
-#. uFFCW
-#: bitmaptabpage.ui
+#: bitmaptabpage.ui:514
+#, fuzzy
msgctxt "bitmaptabpage|label8"
msgid "Preview"
msgstr "Ro-shealladh"
-#. E3FFR
-#: blackorwhitelistentrydialog.ui
+#: blackorwhitelistentrydialog.ui:14
+msgctxt "blackorwhitelistentrydialog|os-liststore"
+msgid "Any"
+msgstr "Gin dhiubh"
+#: blackorwhitelistentrydialog.ui:188
msgctxt "blackorwhitelistentrydialog|label4"
msgid "Operating system:"
msgstr "An siostam-obrachaidh:"
-#. TCSFy
-#: blackorwhitelistentrydialog.ui
+#: blackorwhitelistentrydialog.ui:201
msgctxt "blackorwhitelistentrydialog|label5"
msgid "Version:"
msgstr "Tionndadh:"
-#. Bm5M5
-#: blackorwhitelistentrydialog.ui
+#: blackorwhitelistentrydialog.ui:214
msgctxt "blackorwhitelistentrydialog|label6"
msgid "OpenCL vendor:"
msgstr "Reiceadair OpenCL:"
-#. Mu3FY
-#: blackorwhitelistentrydialog.ui
+#: blackorwhitelistentrydialog.ui:227
msgctxt "blackorwhitelistentrydialog|label7"
msgid "Device:"
msgstr "Uidheam:"
-#. MQ4B7
-#: blackorwhitelistentrydialog.ui
+#: blackorwhitelistentrydialog.ui:240
msgctxt "blackorwhitelistentrydialog|label8"
msgid "Driver version:"
msgstr "Tionndadh an draibheir:"
-#. VxVBK
-#: blackorwhitelistentrydialog.ui
+#: blackorwhitelistentrydialog.ui:258
msgctxt "blackorwhitelistentrydialog|bledittitle"
msgid "Edit OpenCL Blacklist Entry"
msgstr "Deasaich innteart na dubh-liosta OpenCL"
-#. 87CDw
-#: blackorwhitelistentrydialog.ui
+#: blackorwhitelistentrydialog.ui:269
msgctxt "blackorwhitelistentrydialog|bladdtitle"
msgid "Create OpenCL Blacklist Entry"
msgstr "Cruthaich innteart na dubh-liosta OpenCL"
-#. QWF5M
-#: blackorwhitelistentrydialog.ui
+#: blackorwhitelistentrydialog.ui:280
msgctxt "blackorwhitelistentrydialog|wledittitle"
msgid "Edit OpenCL Whitelist Entry"
msgstr "Deasaich innteart na geal-liosta OpenCL "
-#. Y5tn9
-#: blackorwhitelistentrydialog.ui
+#: blackorwhitelistentrydialog.ui:291
msgctxt "blackorwhitelistentrydialog|wladdtitle"
msgid "Create OpenCL Whitelist Entry"
msgstr "Cruthaich innteart na geal-liosta OpenCL "
-#. 7mQJL
-#: blackorwhitelistentrydialog.ui
+#: blackorwhitelistentrydialog.ui:306
msgctxt "blackorwhitelistentrydialog|label1"
msgid "OpenCL Information"
msgstr "Fiosrachadh OpenCL"
-#: blackorwhitelistentrydialog.ui
-msgctxt "blackorwhitelistentrydialog|os-liststore"
-msgid "Any"
-msgstr "Gin dhiubh"
-#. AYRA3
-#: borderareatransparencydialog.ui
+#: borderareatransparencydialog.ui:8
msgctxt "borderareatransparencydialog|BorderAreaTransparencyDialog"
msgid "Border / Background"
msgstr "Iomall / Cùlaibh"
-#. ogcAy
-#: borderareatransparencydialog.ui
+#: borderareatransparencydialog.ui:100
msgctxt "borderareatransparencydialog|borders"
msgid "Borders"
msgstr "Iomallan"
-#. nDGCh
-#: borderareatransparencydialog.ui
+#: borderareatransparencydialog.ui:113
msgctxt "borderareatransparencydialog|area"
msgid "Area"
msgstr "Raon"
-#. gmozB
-#: borderareatransparencydialog.ui
+#: borderareatransparencydialog.ui:127
msgctxt "borderareatransparencydialog|transparence"
msgid "Transparency"
msgstr "Trìd-shoilleireachd"
-#. kvArx
-#: borderbackgrounddialog.ui
+#: borderbackgrounddialog.ui:8
msgctxt "borderbackgrounddialog|BorderBackgroundDialog"
msgid "Border / Background"
msgstr "Iomall / Cùlaibh"
-#. gVV2M
-#: borderbackgrounddialog.ui
+#: borderbackgrounddialog.ui:100
msgctxt "borderbackgrounddialog|borders"
msgid "Borders"
msgstr "Iomallan"
-#. Wamfp
-#: borderbackgrounddialog.ui
+#: borderbackgrounddialog.ui:113
msgctxt "borderbackgrounddialog|background"
msgid "Background"
msgstr "Cùlaibh"
-#. 8B7Rg
-#: borderpage.ui
+#: borderpage.ui:71
msgctxt "borderpage|userdefft"
msgid "_User-defined:"
msgstr "_Air a shònrachadh le cleachdaiche:"
-#. sRXeg
-#: borderpage.ui
+#: borderpage.ui:85
msgctxt "borderpage|label14"
msgid "Pr_esets:"
msgstr "Roghainn_ean ro-shocraichte:"
-#. WTqFr
-#: borderpage.ui
+#: borderpage.ui:110
msgctxt "borderpage|rmadjcellbordersft"
msgid "_Adjacent Cells:"
msgstr "Ce_allan ri thaobh:"
-#. FHdEF
-#: borderpage.ui
+#: borderpage.ui:121
msgctxt "borderpage|rmadjcellborders"
msgid "Remove border"
msgstr "Thoir an t-iomall air falbh"
-#. 2PwAL
-#: borderpage.ui
+#: borderpage.ui:141
msgctxt "borderpage|label8"
msgid "Line Arrangement"
msgstr "Rian na loidhne"
-#. GwAqX
-#: borderpage.ui
+#: borderpage.ui:175
msgctxt "borderpage|label15"
msgid "St_yle:"
msgstr "Sto_idhle:"
-#. 8UGAB
-#: borderpage.ui
+#: borderpage.ui:189
msgctxt "borderpage|label16"
msgid "_Width:"
msgstr "_Leud:"
-#. Dweon
-#: borderpage.ui
+#: borderpage.ui:203
msgctxt "borderpage|label17"
msgid "_Color:"
msgstr "_Dath:"
-#. uwByw
-#: borderpage.ui
+#: borderpage.ui:253
msgctxt "borderpage|label9"
msgid "Line"
msgstr "Loidhne"
-#. VeC3F
-#: borderpage.ui
+#: borderpage.ui:340
msgctxt "borderpage|leftft"
msgid "_Left:"
msgstr "C_lì:"
-#. nULKu
-#: borderpage.ui
+#: borderpage.ui:354
msgctxt "borderpage|rightft"
msgid "Right:"
msgstr "Deas:"
-#. aFSka
-#: borderpage.ui
+#: borderpage.ui:368
msgctxt "borderpage|topft"
msgid "_Top:"
msgstr "Ba_rr:"
-#. fRE8t
-#: borderpage.ui
+#: borderpage.ui:382
msgctxt "borderpage|bottomft"
msgid "_Bottom:"
msgstr "_Bonn:"
-#. M8CGp
-#: borderpage.ui
+#: borderpage.ui:393
msgctxt "borderpage|sync"
msgid "Synchronize"
msgstr "Sioncronaich"
-#. YVBaD
-#: borderpage.ui
+#: borderpage.ui:414
msgctxt "borderpage|label10"
-msgid "Spacing to Contents"
-msgstr "Beàrnadh ris an t-susbaint"
+msgid "Padding"
+msgstr ""
-#. 76zLX
-#: borderpage.ui
+#: borderpage.ui:457
msgctxt "borderpage|label22"
msgid "_Position:"
msgstr "I_onad:"
-#. C7T8B
-#: borderpage.ui
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msgctxt "borderpage|distanceft"
msgid "Distan_ce:"
msgstr "A_star:"
-#. gEF6E
-#: borderpage.ui
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msgctxt "borderpage|shadowcolorft"
msgid "C_olor:"
msgstr "_Dath:"
-#. RsGNr
-#: borderpage.ui
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msgctxt "borderpage|label11"
msgid "Shadow Style"
msgstr "Stoidhle na sgàile"
-#. BLQ4v
-#: borderpage.ui
+#: borderpage.ui:570
msgctxt "borderpage|mergewithnext"
msgid "_Merge with next paragraph"
msgstr "C_o-aonaich leis an ath-pharagraf"
-#. xkm5N
-#: borderpage.ui
+#: borderpage.ui:585
msgctxt "borderpage|mergeadjacent"
msgid "_Merge adjacent line styles"
msgstr "Co-_aonaich stoidhlean loidhne a tha ri taobh a chèile"
-#. b2Ym7
-#: borderpage.ui
+#: borderpage.ui:606
msgctxt "borderpage|label12"
msgid "Properties"
msgstr "Roghainnean"
-#. GVjnt
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msgctxt "breaknumberoption|BreakNumberOption"
msgid "Hyphenation"
msgstr "Tàthanachadh"
-#. 8Fp43
-#: breaknumberoption.ui
+#: breaknumberoption.ui:97
msgctxt "breaknumberoption|beforelabel"
msgid "Characters Before Break"
msgstr "Caractaran ron bhriseadh"
-#. p6cfZ
-#: breaknumberoption.ui
+#: breaknumberoption.ui:136
msgctxt "breaknumberoption|afterlabel"
msgid "Characters After Break"
msgstr "Caractaran as dèidh a' bhrisidh"
-#. sAo4B
-#: breaknumberoption.ui
+#: breaknumberoption.ui:175
msgctxt "breaknumberoption|minimallabel"
msgid "Minimal Word Length"
msgstr "Faid as lugha de dh'fhacal"
-#. 3C4Fe
-#: calloutdialog.ui
+#: calloutdialog.ui:8
msgctxt "calloutdialog|CalloutDialog"
msgid "Position and Size"
msgstr "Ionad is meud"
-#. te8F8
-#: calloutdialog.ui
+#: calloutdialog.ui:100
msgctxt "calloutdialog|RID_SVXPAGE_POSITION_SIZE"
msgid "Position and Size"
msgstr "Ionad is meud"
-#. VWZTj
-#: calloutdialog.ui
+#: calloutdialog.ui:113
msgctxt "calloutdialog|RID_SVXPAGE_SWPOSSIZE"
msgid "Position and Size"
msgstr "Ionad is meud"
-#. sCFW5
-#: calloutdialog.ui
+#: calloutdialog.ui:127
msgctxt "calloutdialog|RID_SVXPAGE_CAPTION"
msgid "Callout"
msgstr "Gairm"
-#. cAZqx
-#: calloutpage.ui
+#: calloutpage.ui:20
+msgctxt "calloutpage|liststore1"
+msgid "Optimal"
+msgstr "Cho math 's a ghabhas"
+#: calloutpage.ui:24
+msgctxt "calloutpage|liststore1"
+msgid "From top"
+msgstr "On bharr"
+#: calloutpage.ui:28
+msgctxt "calloutpage|liststore1"
+msgid "From left"
+msgstr "On taobh chlì"
+#: calloutpage.ui:32
+msgctxt "calloutpage|liststore1"
+msgid "Horizontal"
+msgstr "Còmhnard"
+#: calloutpage.ui:36
+msgctxt "calloutpage|liststore1"
+msgid "Vertical"
+msgstr "Inghearach"
+#: calloutpage.ui:74
msgctxt "calloutpage|label2"
msgid "_Extension:"
msgstr "L_eudachan:"
-#. SFvEw
-#: calloutpage.ui
+#: calloutpage.ui:123
msgctxt "calloutpage|lengthft"
msgid "_Length:"
msgstr "_Faid:"
-#. Yb2kZ
-#: calloutpage.ui
+#: calloutpage.ui:140
msgctxt "calloutpage|optimal"
msgid "_Optimal"
msgstr "Ch_o math 's a ghabhas"
-#. dD3os
-#: calloutpage.ui
+#: calloutpage.ui:164
msgctxt "calloutpage|positionft"
msgid "_Position:"
msgstr "I_onad:"
-#. EXWoL
-#: calloutpage.ui
+#: calloutpage.ui:178
msgctxt "calloutpage|byft"
msgid "_By:"
msgstr "_Le:"
-#. R7VbC
-#: calloutpage.ui
+#: calloutpage.ui:192
msgctxt "calloutpage|position"
msgid "Top"
msgstr "Barr"
-#. G4QwP
-#: calloutpage.ui
+#: calloutpage.ui:193
msgctxt "calloutpage|position"
msgid "Middle"
msgstr "Meadhan"
-#. WU9cc
-#: calloutpage.ui
+#: calloutpage.ui:194
msgctxt "calloutpage|position"
msgid "Bottom"
msgstr "Bonn"
-#. XAgVD
-#: calloutpage.ui
+#: calloutpage.ui:195
msgctxt "calloutpage|position"
msgid "Left"
msgstr "Clì"
-#. W5B2V
-#: calloutpage.ui
+#: calloutpage.ui:196
msgctxt "calloutpage|position"
msgid "Center"
msgstr "Meadhan"
-#. NNBsv
-#: calloutpage.ui
+#: calloutpage.ui:197
msgctxt "calloutpage|position"
msgid "Right"
msgstr "Deas"
-#. jG4AE
-#: calloutpage.ui
+#: calloutpage.ui:234
msgctxt "calloutpage|label1"
msgid "_Spacing:"
msgstr "_Beàrnadh:"
-#. wvzCN
-#: calloutpage.ui
+#: calloutpage.ui:312
msgctxt "calloutpage|linetypes"
msgid "Straight Line"
msgstr "Loidhne dhìreach"
-#. bQMyC
-#: calloutpage.ui
+#: calloutpage.ui:313
msgctxt "calloutpage|linetypes"
msgid "Angled Line"
msgstr "Loidhne cheàrnaichte"
-#. LFs2D
-#: calloutpage.ui
+#: calloutpage.ui:314
msgctxt "calloutpage|linetypes"
msgid "Angled Connector Line"
msgstr "Loidhne-cheangail cheàrnaichte"
-#. vfBPx
-#: calloutpage.ui
-msgctxt "calloutpage|liststore1"
-msgid "Optimal"
-msgstr "Cho math 's a ghabhas"
+#: cellalignment.ui:24
+msgctxt "cellalignment|liststoreHorzAlign"
+msgid "Default"
+msgstr "Bun-roghainn"
-#. HjpWL
-#: calloutpage.ui
-msgctxt "calloutpage|liststore1"
-msgid "From top"
-msgstr "On bharr"
+#: cellalignment.ui:28
+msgctxt "cellalignment|liststoreHorzAlign"
+msgid "Left"
+msgstr "Clì"
-#. CQsFs
-#: calloutpage.ui
-msgctxt "calloutpage|liststore1"
-msgid "From left"
-msgstr "On taobh chlì"
+#: cellalignment.ui:32
+msgctxt "cellalignment|liststoreHorzAlign"
+msgid "Center"
+msgstr "Meadhan"
-#. ZjSVS
-#: calloutpage.ui
-msgctxt "calloutpage|liststore1"
-msgid "Horizontal"
-msgstr "Còmhnard"
+#: cellalignment.ui:36
+msgctxt "cellalignment|liststoreHorzAlign"
+msgid "Right"
+msgstr "Deas"
-#. bzD84
-#: calloutpage.ui
-msgctxt "calloutpage|liststore1"
-msgid "Vertical"
-msgstr "Inghearach"
+#: cellalignment.ui:40
+msgctxt "cellalignment|liststoreHorzAlign"
+msgid "Justified"
+msgstr "Blocaichte"
+#: cellalignment.ui:44
+msgctxt "cellalignment|liststoreHorzAlign"
+msgid "Filled"
+msgstr "Lìonta"
+#: cellalignment.ui:48
+msgctxt "cellalignment|liststoreHorzAlign"
+msgid "Distributed"
+msgstr "Sgaoilte"
+#: cellalignment.ui:62
+msgctxt "cellalignment|liststoreVertAlign"
+msgid "Default"
+msgstr "Bun-roghainn"
+#: cellalignment.ui:66
+msgctxt "cellalignment|liststoreVertAlign"
+msgid "Top"
+msgstr "Barr"
-#. vQp3A
-#: cellalignment.ui
+#: cellalignment.ui:70
+msgctxt "cellalignment|liststoreVertAlign"
+msgid "Middle"
+msgstr "Meadhan"
+#: cellalignment.ui:74
+msgctxt "cellalignment|liststoreVertAlign"
+msgid "Bottom"
+msgstr "Bonn"
+#: cellalignment.ui:78
+msgctxt "cellalignment|liststoreVertAlign"
+msgid "Justified"
+msgstr "Blocaichte"
+#: cellalignment.ui:82
+msgctxt "cellalignment|liststoreVertAlign"
+msgid "Distributed"
+msgstr "Sgaoilte"
+#: cellalignment.ui:123
msgctxt "cellalignment|labelDegrees"
msgid "_Degrees:"
msgstr "_Ceuman:"
-#. La2Pc
-#: cellalignment.ui
+#: cellalignment.ui:136
msgctxt "cellalignment|labelRefEdge"
msgid "_Reference edge:"
msgstr "_Oir reifreans:"
-#. Gwudo
-#: cellalignment.ui
+#: cellalignment.ui:196
msgctxt "cellalignment|checkVertStack"
msgid "Vertically s_tacked"
msgstr "Ai_r a stacadh gu h-inghearach"
-#. XBFYt
-#: cellalignment.ui
+#: cellalignment.ui:212
msgctxt "cellalignment|checkAsianMode"
msgid "Asian layout _mode"
msgstr "_Modh co-dhealbhachd Àiseanach"
-#. Kh9JE
-#: cellalignment.ui
+#: cellalignment.ui:241
msgctxt "cellalignment|labelTextOrient"
msgid "Text Orientation"
msgstr "Comhair an teacsa"
-#. eM4r3
-#: cellalignment.ui
+#: cellalignment.ui:275
msgctxt "cellalignment|checkWrapTextAuto"
msgid "_Wrap text automatically"
msgstr "_Paisg an teacsa gu fèin-obrachail"
-#: cellalignment.ui
+#: cellalignment.ui:292
msgctxt "cellalignment|checkShrinkFitCellSize"
msgid "_Shrink to fit cell size"
msgstr "Crùb gu meud a' _chealla"
-#. Phw2T
-#: cellalignment.ui
+#: cellalignment.ui:308
msgctxt "cellalignment|checkHyphActive"
msgid "Hyphenation _active"
msgstr "Th_a an tàthanachadh gnìomhach"
-#. pQLTe
-#: cellalignment.ui
+#: cellalignment.ui:334
msgctxt "cellalignment|LabelTxtDir"
msgid "Te_xt direction:"
msgstr "Taobhadh an tea_csa:"
-#. jDFtf
-#: cellalignment.ui
+#: cellalignment.ui:369
msgctxt "cellalignment|labelProperties"
msgid "Properties"
msgstr ""
-#. XDvh9
-#: cellalignment.ui
+#: cellalignment.ui:418
msgctxt "cellalignment|labelHorzAlign"
msgid "Hori_zontal"
msgstr "Air a' _chòmhnard"
-#. SDF4B
-#: cellalignment.ui
+#: cellalignment.ui:432
msgctxt "cellalignment|labelVertAlign"
msgid "_Vertical"
msgstr "Gu _h-inghearach"
-#. rdTV9
-#: cellalignment.ui
+#: cellalignment.ui:446
msgctxt "cellalignment|labelIndent"
msgid "I_ndent"
msgstr "_Eagaich"
-#. FT9GJ
-#: cellalignment.ui
+#: cellalignment.ui:487
msgctxt "cellalignment|LabelTextAlig"
msgid "Text Alignment"
msgstr "Co-thaobhadh an teacsa"
-#. CDKBz
-#: cellalignment.ui
+#: cellalignment.ui:507
msgctxt "cellalignment|labelSTR_BOTTOMLOCK"
msgid "Text Extension From Lower Cell Border"
msgstr "Leudachadh teacsa o iomall ìochdarach a' chealla"
-#. 7MTSt
-#: cellalignment.ui
+#: cellalignment.ui:518
msgctxt "cellalignment|labelSTR_TOPLOCK"
msgid "Text Extension From Upper Cell Border"
msgstr "Leudachadh teacsa o iomall uachdarach a' chealla"
-#. HJYjP
-#: cellalignment.ui
+#: cellalignment.ui:529
msgctxt "cellalignment|labelSTR_CELLLOCK"
msgid "Text Extension Inside Cell"
msgstr "Leudachadh teacsa am broinn a' chealla"
-#: cellalignment.ui
+#: cellalignment.ui:540
msgctxt "cellalignment|labelABCD"
msgid "ABCD"
msgstr "ABCD"
-#. FUsYk
-#: cellalignment.ui
-msgctxt "cellalignment|liststoreHorzAlign"
-msgid "Default"
-msgstr "Bun-roghainn"
-#. tweuQ
-#: cellalignment.ui
-msgctxt "cellalignment|liststoreHorzAlign"
-msgid "Left"
-msgstr "Clì"
-#. RGwHA
-#: cellalignment.ui
-msgctxt "cellalignment|liststoreHorzAlign"
-msgid "Center"
-msgstr "Meadhan"
-#. W9PDc
-#: cellalignment.ui
-msgctxt "cellalignment|liststoreHorzAlign"
-msgid "Right"
-msgstr "Deas"
-#. sFf4x
-#: cellalignment.ui
-msgctxt "cellalignment|liststoreHorzAlign"
-msgid "Justified"
-msgstr "Blocaichte"
-#. yJ33b
-#: cellalignment.ui
-msgctxt "cellalignment|liststoreHorzAlign"
-msgid "Filled"
-msgstr "Lìonta"
-#. CF59Y
-#: cellalignment.ui
-msgctxt "cellalignment|liststoreHorzAlign"
-msgid "Distributed"
-msgstr "Sgaoilte"
-#. Cu2BM
-#: cellalignment.ui
-msgctxt "cellalignment|liststoreVertAlign"
-msgid "Default"
-msgstr "Bun-roghainn"
-#. dNANA
-#: cellalignment.ui
-msgctxt "cellalignment|liststoreVertAlign"
-msgid "Top"
-msgstr "Barr"
-#. 8qsJF
-#: cellalignment.ui
-msgctxt "cellalignment|liststoreVertAlign"
-msgid "Middle"
-msgstr "Meadhan"
-#. eGhGU
-#: cellalignment.ui
-msgctxt "cellalignment|liststoreVertAlign"
-msgid "Bottom"
-msgstr "Bonn"
-#. TGeEd
-#: cellalignment.ui
-msgctxt "cellalignment|liststoreVertAlign"
-msgid "Justified"
-msgstr "Blocaichte"
-#. s7QDA
-#: cellalignment.ui
-msgctxt "cellalignment|liststoreVertAlign"
-msgid "Distributed"
-msgstr "Sgaoilte"
-#. xPtim
-#: certdialog.ui
+#: certdialog.ui:9
msgctxt "certdialog|CertDialog"
msgid "Certificate Path"
msgstr "Slighe an teisteanais"
-#. 3NRNS
-#: certdialog.ui
+#: certdialog.ui:78
msgctxt "certdialog|add"
msgid "_Add..."
msgstr "_Cuir ris..."
-#. GFGjC
-#: certdialog.ui
+#: certdialog.ui:129
msgctxt "certdialog|label2"
-msgid ""
-"Select or add the correct Network Security Services Certificate directory to"
-" use for digital signatures:"
-msgstr ""
-"Tagh no cuir ris pasgan nan teisteanasan airson seirbheisean tèarainteachd "
-"an lìonraidh a thèid a chleachdadh airson soidhnidhean digiteach:"
+msgid "Select or add the correct Network Security Services Certificate directory to use for digital signatures:"
+msgstr "Tagh no cuir ris pasgan nan teisteanasan airson seirbheisean tèarainteachd an lìonraidh a thèid a chleachdadh airson soidhnidhean digiteach:"
-#. BbEyB
-#: certdialog.ui
+#: certdialog.ui:151
msgctxt "certdialog|manual"
msgid "manual"
msgstr "a làimh"
-#. 7NJfB
-#: certdialog.ui
+#: certdialog.ui:165
msgctxt "certdialog|profile"
msgid "Profile"
msgstr "Pròifil"
-#. YBT5H
-#: certdialog.ui
+#: certdialog.ui:179
msgctxt "certdialog|dir"
msgid "Directory"
msgstr "Pasgan"
-#. zWhfK
-#: certdialog.ui
+#: certdialog.ui:192
msgctxt "certdialog|certdir"
msgid "Select a Certificate directory"
msgstr "Tagh pasgan teisteanais"
-#. Bt5Lw
-#: certdialog.ui
+#: certdialog.ui:235
msgctxt "certdialog|label1"
msgid "Certificate Path"
msgstr "Slighe an teisteanais"
-#. WQxtG
-#: charnamepage.ui
+#: charnamepage.ui:46
msgctxt "charnamepage|westlangft-nocjk"
msgid "Language:"
msgstr "Cànan:"
-#. CLyfM
-#: charnamepage.ui
+#: charnamepage.ui:106
msgctxt "charnamepage|westfontnameft-nocjk"
msgid "Family:"
msgstr "Teaghlach:"
-#. fruNh
-#: charnamepage.ui
+#: charnamepage.ui:145
msgctxt "charnamepage|weststyleft-nocjk"
msgid "Style:"
msgstr "Stoidhle:"
-#. YcKtn
-#: charnamepage.ui
+#: charnamepage.ui:185
msgctxt "charnamepage|westsizeft-nocjk"
msgid "Size:"
msgstr "Meud:"
-#. RC44r
-#: charnamepage.ui
+#: charnamepage.ui:227
msgctxt "charnamepage|westfontnameft-cjk"
msgid "Family:"
msgstr "Teaghlach:"
-#. DCjYw
-#: charnamepage.ui
+#: charnamepage.ui:242
msgctxt "charnamepage|weststyleft-cjk"
msgid "Style:"
msgstr "Stoidhle:"
-#. nKfjE
-#: charnamepage.ui
+#: charnamepage.ui:257
msgctxt "charnamepage|westsizeft-cjk"
msgid "Size:"
msgstr "Meud:"
-#. jJc8T
-#: charnamepage.ui
+#: charnamepage.ui:272
msgctxt "charnamepage|westlangft-cjk"
msgid "Language:"
msgstr "Cànan:"
-#. LYK4e
-#: charnamepage.ui
+#: charnamepage.ui:346
msgctxt "charnamepage|label4"
msgid "Western Text Font"
msgstr "Cruth-clò airson teacsa Siarach"
-#. TfGto
-#: charnamepage.ui
+#: charnamepage.ui:385
msgctxt "charnamepage|eastfontnameft"
msgid "Family:"
msgstr "Teaghlach:"
-#. JDE4o
-#: charnamepage.ui
+#: charnamepage.ui:400
msgctxt "charnamepage|eaststyleft"
msgid "Style:"
msgstr "Stoidhle:"
-#. q4WZB
-#: charnamepage.ui
+#: charnamepage.ui:415
msgctxt "charnamepage|eastsizeft"
msgid "Size:"
msgstr "Meud:"
-#. 6MVEP
-#: charnamepage.ui
+#: charnamepage.ui:430
msgctxt "charnamepage|eastlangft"
msgid "Language:"
msgstr "Cànan:"
-#. vAo4E
-#: charnamepage.ui
+#: charnamepage.ui:503
msgctxt "charnamepage|label5"
msgid "Asian Text Font"
msgstr "Cruth-clò airson teacsa Àiseanach"
-#. QbEC7
-#: charnamepage.ui
+#: charnamepage.ui:542
msgctxt "charnamepage|ctlfontnameft"
msgid "Family:"
msgstr "Teaghlach:"
-#. h8PBu
-#: charnamepage.ui
+#: charnamepage.ui:557
msgctxt "charnamepage|ctlstyleft"
msgid "Style:"
msgstr "Stoidhle:"
-#. FSm5y
-#: charnamepage.ui
+#: charnamepage.ui:572
msgctxt "charnamepage|ctlsizeft"
msgid "Size:"
msgstr "Meud:"
-#. j6bmf
-#: charnamepage.ui
+#: charnamepage.ui:587
msgctxt "charnamepage|ctllangft"
msgid "Language:"
msgstr "Cànan:"
-#. C8hPj
-#: charnamepage.ui
+#: charnamepage.ui:661
msgctxt "charnamepage|label6"
msgid "CTL Font"
msgstr "Cruth-clò CTL"
-#. mz4RX
-#: charnamepage.ui
-msgctxt "charnamepage|preview"
+#: charnamepage.ui:688
+msgctxt "charnamepage|preview-atkobject"
msgid "Preview"
-msgstr "Ro-shealladh"
+msgstr ""
-#. LE7Wp
-#: colorconfigwin.ui
+#: colorconfigwin.ui:14
msgctxt "colorconfigwin|docboundaries"
msgid "Text boundaries"
msgstr "Crìochan an teacsa"
-#. CQrvm
-#: colorconfigwin.ui
+#: colorconfigwin.ui:33
msgctxt "colorconfigwin|doccolor"
msgid "Document background"
msgstr "Cùlaibh na sgrìobhainne"
-#. hDvCW
-#: colorconfigwin.ui
+#: colorconfigwin.ui:65
msgctxt "colorconfigwin|general"
msgid "General"
msgstr "Coitcheann"
-#. dWQqH
-#: colorconfigwin.ui
+#: colorconfigwin.ui:92
msgctxt "colorconfigwin|appback"
msgid "Application background"
msgstr "Cùlaibh a' phrògram"
-#. XAMAa
-#: colorconfigwin.ui
+#: colorconfigwin.ui:101
msgctxt "colorconfigwin|objboundaries"
msgid "Object boundaries"
msgstr "Crìochan an oibseict"
-#. KsUa5
-#: colorconfigwin.ui
+#: colorconfigwin.ui:126
msgctxt "colorconfigwin|tblboundaries"
msgid "Table boundaries"
msgstr "Crìochan a' chlàir"
-#. TkNp4
-#: colorconfigwin.ui
+#: colorconfigwin.ui:155
msgctxt "colorconfigwin|font"
msgid "Font color"
msgstr "Dath a’ chruth-chlò"
-#. EhDTB
-#: colorconfigwin.ui
+#: colorconfigwin.ui:174
msgctxt "colorconfigwin|unvisitedlinks"
msgid "Unvisited links"
msgstr "Ceanglaichean gun tadhal orra"
-#. UTPiE
-#: colorconfigwin.ui
+#: colorconfigwin.ui:199
msgctxt "colorconfigwin|visitedlinks"
msgid "Visited links"
msgstr "Ceanglaichean a thadhladh orra"
-#. RP2Vp
-#: colorconfigwin.ui
+#: colorconfigwin.ui:228
msgctxt "colorconfigwin|autospellcheck"
msgid "AutoSpellcheck"
msgstr "Fèin-dhearbhaich an litreachaidh"
-#. CpXy5
-#: colorconfigwin.ui
+#: colorconfigwin.ui:241
msgctxt "colorconfigwin|smarttags"
msgid "Smart Tags"
msgstr "Tagaichean tapaidh"
-#. ZZcPY
-#: colorconfigwin.ui
+#: colorconfigwin.ui:283
msgctxt "colorconfigwin|writer"
msgid "Text Document"
msgstr "Sgrìobhainn teacsa"
-#. 3bVoq
-#: colorconfigwin.ui
+#: colorconfigwin.ui:310
msgctxt "colorconfigwin|writergrid"
msgid "Grid"
msgstr "Griod"
-#. wBw2w
-#: colorconfigwin.ui
+#: colorconfigwin.ui:353
msgctxt "colorconfigwin|script"
msgid "Script Indicator"
msgstr "Taisbeanair sgriobt"
-#. RydzU
-#: colorconfigwin.ui
+#: colorconfigwin.ui:362
msgctxt "colorconfigwin|field"
msgid "Field shadings"
msgstr "Sgàileadh an raoin"
-#. DqZGn
-#: colorconfigwin.ui
+#: colorconfigwin.ui:377
msgctxt "colorconfigwin|index"
msgid "Index and table shadings"
msgstr "Sgàileadh a' chlàir-amais 's nan clàr"
-#. fitqS
-#: colorconfigwin.ui
+#: colorconfigwin.ui:392
msgctxt "colorconfigwin|section"
msgid "Section boundaries"
msgstr "Iomallan na h-earrainn"
-#. wHL6h
-#: colorconfigwin.ui
+#: colorconfigwin.ui:431
msgctxt "colorconfigwin|hdft"
msgid "Headers and Footer delimiter"
msgstr "Sgaradairean nam bann-cinn 's nam bann-coise"
-#. dCEBJ
-#: colorconfigwin.ui
+#: colorconfigwin.ui:454
msgctxt "colorconfigwin|pagebreak"
msgid "Page and column breaks"
msgstr "Brisidhean nan duilleag 's nan colbh"
-#. yrTZF
-#: colorconfigwin.ui
+#: colorconfigwin.ui:477
msgctxt "colorconfigwin|direct"
msgid "Direct Cursor"
msgstr "Cùrsair dìreach"
-#. XxGeg
-#: colorconfigwin.ui
+#: colorconfigwin.ui:489
msgctxt "colorconfigwin|html"
msgid "HTML Document"
msgstr "Sgrìobhainn HTML"
-#. NcJi8
-#: colorconfigwin.ui
+#: colorconfigwin.ui:516
msgctxt "colorconfigwin|sgml"
msgid "SGML syntax highlighting"
msgstr "Soillseachadh a' cho-chàraidh SGML"
-#. uYB5C
-#: colorconfigwin.ui
+#: colorconfigwin.ui:539
msgctxt "colorconfigwin|htmlcomment"
msgid "Comment highlighting"
msgstr "Soillseachadh nam beachdan"
-#. 82UJf
-#: colorconfigwin.ui
+#: colorconfigwin.ui:562
msgctxt "colorconfigwin|htmlkeyword"
msgid "Keyword highlighting"
msgstr "Soillseachadh nam faclan-luirg"
-#. otYwD
-#: colorconfigwin.ui
+#: colorconfigwin.ui:585
+#, fuzzy
msgctxt "colorconfigwin|unknown"
msgid "Text"
msgstr "Teacsa"
-#. mA6HV
-#: colorconfigwin.ui
+#: colorconfigwin.ui:597
msgctxt "colorconfigwin|calc"
msgid "Spreadsheet"
msgstr "Cliath-dhuilleag"
-#. GFFes
-#: colorconfigwin.ui
+#: colorconfigwin.ui:624
msgctxt "colorconfigwin|calcgrid"
msgid "Grid lines"
msgstr "Loidhnichean a' ghriod"
-#. MGvyJ
-#: colorconfigwin.ui
+#: colorconfigwin.ui:647
msgctxt "colorconfigwin|brk"
msgid "Page breaks"
msgstr "Brisidhean na duilleige"
-#. aNnBE
-#: colorconfigwin.ui
+#: colorconfigwin.ui:670
msgctxt "colorconfigwin|brkmanual"
msgid "Manual page breaks"
msgstr "Brisidhean-duilleige a làimh"
-#. PVzmm
-#: colorconfigwin.ui
+#: colorconfigwin.ui:693
msgctxt "colorconfigwin|brkauto"
msgid "Automatic page breaks"
msgstr "Brisidhean-duilleige fèin-obrachail"
-#. NgGUC
-#: colorconfigwin.ui
+#: colorconfigwin.ui:716
msgctxt "colorconfigwin|det"
msgid "Detective"
msgstr "Lorgaire"
-#. 5Mp8g
-#: colorconfigwin.ui
+#: colorconfigwin.ui:739
msgctxt "colorconfigwin|deterror"
msgid "Detective error"
msgstr "Mearachd an lorgaire"
-#. K5CDH
-#: colorconfigwin.ui
+#: colorconfigwin.ui:762
msgctxt "colorconfigwin|ref"
msgid "References"
msgstr "Reifreansan"
-#. ebAgi
-#: colorconfigwin.ui
+#: colorconfigwin.ui:785
msgctxt "colorconfigwin|notes"
msgid "Notes background"
msgstr "Cùlaibh nan nòtaichean"
-#. oKFnR
-#: colorconfigwin.ui
+#: colorconfigwin.ui:797
msgctxt "colorconfigwin|draw"
msgid "Drawing / Presentation"
msgstr "Tarraing / Taisbeanadh"
-#. C8q88
-#: colorconfigwin.ui
+#: colorconfigwin.ui:824
msgctxt "colorconfigwin|drawgrid"
msgid "Grid"
msgstr "Griod"
-#. 4JokA
-#: colorconfigwin.ui
+#: colorconfigwin.ui:836
msgctxt "colorconfigwin|basic"
msgid "Basic Syntax Highlighting"
msgstr "Soillseachadh bunaiteach a' cho-chàraidh"
-#. yELpi
-#: colorconfigwin.ui
+#: colorconfigwin.ui:863
msgctxt "colorconfigwin|basicid"
msgid "Identifier"
msgstr "Aithnichear"
-#. 5uQto
-#: colorconfigwin.ui
+#: colorconfigwin.ui:886
msgctxt "colorconfigwin|basiccomment"
msgid "Comment"
msgstr "Beachd"
-#. 73qea
-#: colorconfigwin.ui
+#: colorconfigwin.ui:909
msgctxt "colorconfigwin|basicnumber"
msgid "Number"
msgstr "Àireamh"
-#. rHmNM
-#: colorconfigwin.ui
+#: colorconfigwin.ui:932
msgctxt "colorconfigwin|basicstring"
msgid "String"
msgstr "Sreang"
-#. Kf9eR
-#: colorconfigwin.ui
+#: colorconfigwin.ui:955
msgctxt "colorconfigwin|basicop"
msgid "Operator"
msgstr "Gnìomharaiche"
-#. EFQpW
-#: colorconfigwin.ui
+#: colorconfigwin.ui:978
msgctxt "colorconfigwin|basickeyword"
msgid "Reserved expression"
msgstr "Reserved Expression"
-#. QEuyS
-#: colorconfigwin.ui
+#: colorconfigwin.ui:1001
msgctxt "colorconfigwin|error"
msgid "Error"
msgstr "Mearachd"
-#: colorconfigwin.ui
+#: colorconfigwin.ui:1013
msgctxt "colorconfigwin|sql"
msgid "SQL Syntax Highlighting"
msgstr "Soillseachadh co-chàraidh SQL"
-#: colorconfigwin.ui
+#: colorconfigwin.ui:1040
msgctxt "colorconfigwin|sqlid"
msgid "Identifier"
msgstr "Aithnichear"
-#. nAF39
-#: colorconfigwin.ui
+#: colorconfigwin.ui:1063
msgctxt "colorconfigwin|sqlnumber"
msgid "Number"
msgstr "Àireamh"
-#. B6Bku
-#: colorconfigwin.ui
+#: colorconfigwin.ui:1086
msgctxt "colorconfigwin|sqlstring"
msgid "String"
msgstr "Sreang"
-#. FPDgu
-#: colorconfigwin.ui
+#: colorconfigwin.ui:1109
msgctxt "colorconfigwin|sqlop"
msgid "Operator"
msgstr "Gnìomharaiche"
-#. 4t4Ww
-#: colorconfigwin.ui
+#: colorconfigwin.ui:1132
msgctxt "colorconfigwin|sqlkeyword"
msgid "Keyword"
msgstr "Facal-faire"
-#. qbVhS
-#: colorconfigwin.ui
+#: colorconfigwin.ui:1155
msgctxt "colorconfigwin|sqlparam"
msgid "Parameter"
msgstr "Paramadair"
-#. B7ubh
-#: colorconfigwin.ui
+#: colorconfigwin.ui:1178
msgctxt "colorconfigwin|sqlcomment"
msgid "Comment"
msgstr "Beachd"
-#. HshHE
-#: colorconfigwin.ui
+#: colorconfigwin.ui:1187
msgctxt "colorconfigwin|shadows"
msgid "Shadows"
msgstr "Sgàilean"
-#. ZFBK2
-#: colorpage.ui
+#: colorpage.ui:60
msgctxt "colorpage|label21"
msgid "Palette:"
msgstr "Pailead:"
-#. fKSac
-#: colorpage.ui
+#: colorpage.ui:101
msgctxt "colorpage|label20"
msgid "Recent Colors"
msgstr "Dathan o chionn goirid"
-#. MwnMh
-#: colorpage.ui
+#: colorpage.ui:156
msgctxt "colorpage|RGB"
msgid "RGB"
msgstr "RGB"
-#. Yq5RX
-#: colorpage.ui
+#: colorpage.ui:172
msgctxt "colorpage|CMYK"
msgid "CMYK"
msgstr "CMYK"
-#. wnZGh
-#: colorpage.ui
+#: colorpage.ui:188
msgctxt "colorpage|delete"
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Sguab às"
-#. m2Qm7
-#: colorpage.ui
+#: colorpage.ui:206
msgctxt "colorpage|label22"
msgid "Custom Palette"
msgstr "Pailead gnàthaichte"
-#. 5jjvt
-#: colorpage.ui
+#: colorpage.ui:258
msgctxt "colorpage|label1"
msgid "Colors"
msgstr "Dathan"
-#. CvMfT
-#: colorpage.ui
+#: colorpage.ui:303
msgctxt "colorpage|oldpreview-atkobject"
msgid "Old Color"
msgstr "An seann-dath"
-#. 2m4w9
-#: colorpage.ui
+#: colorpage.ui:333
msgctxt "colorpage|label7"
msgid "B"
msgstr "B"
-#. DwaiD
-#: colorpage.ui
+#: colorpage.ui:348
msgctxt "colorpage|label8"
msgid "G"
msgstr "G"
-#. hYiqy
-#: colorpage.ui
+#: colorpage.ui:363
msgctxt "colorpage|label9"
msgid "R"
msgstr "R"
-#. MKq8c
-#: colorpage.ui
+#: colorpage.ui:378
msgctxt "colorpage|label18"
msgid "Hex"
msgstr "Hex"
-#. nnSGG
-#: colorpage.ui
+#: colorpage.ui:458
msgctxt "colorpage|label10"
msgid "_C"
msgstr "_C"
-#. LCfVw
-#: colorpage.ui
+#: colorpage.ui:473
msgctxt "colorpage|label16"
msgid "_K"
msgstr "_K"
-#. qmNUp
-#: colorpage.ui
+#: colorpage.ui:488
msgctxt "colorpage|label17"
msgid "_Y"
msgstr "_Y"
-#. TSEpY
-#: colorpage.ui
+#: colorpage.ui:554
msgctxt "colorpage|label15"
msgid "_M"
msgstr "_M"
-#. VnCYq
-#: colorpage.ui
+#: colorpage.ui:579
msgctxt "colorpage|label5"
msgid "Active"
msgstr "Gnìomhach"
-#. AwBVq
-#: colorpage.ui
+#: colorpage.ui:625
msgctxt "colorpage|newpreview-atkobject"
msgid "New Color"
msgstr "An dath ùr"
-#. yFQFh
-#: colorpage.ui
+#: colorpage.ui:656
msgctxt "colorpage|B_custom"
msgid "Blue"
msgstr "Gorm"
-#. 3DcMm
-#: colorpage.ui
+#: colorpage.ui:671
msgctxt "colorpage|R_custom"
msgid "Red"
msgstr "Dearg"
-#. 2o8Uw
-#: colorpage.ui
+#: colorpage.ui:685
msgctxt "colorpage|label4"
msgid "_B"
msgstr "_B"
-#. HXuEA
-#: colorpage.ui
+#: colorpage.ui:699
msgctxt "colorpage|label3"
msgid "_G"
msgstr "_G"
-#. Kd4oX
-#: colorpage.ui
+#: colorpage.ui:713
msgctxt "colorpage|label2"
msgid "_R"
msgstr "_R"
-#. FgaZg
-#: colorpage.ui
+#: colorpage.ui:728
msgctxt "colorpage|G_custom"
msgid "Green"
msgstr "Uaine"
-#. FZ69n
-#: colorpage.ui
+#: colorpage.ui:742
msgctxt "colorpage|label19"
msgid "_Hex"
msgstr "_Hex"
-#: colorpage.ui
+#: colorpage.ui:786
msgctxt "colorpage|label11"
msgid "_C"
msgstr "_C"
-#. r3QVM
-#: colorpage.ui
+#: colorpage.ui:801
msgctxt "colorpage|label12"
msgid "_M"
msgstr "_M"
-#. 9C3nc
-#: colorpage.ui
+#: colorpage.ui:815
msgctxt "colorpage|label13"
msgid "_K"
msgstr "_K"
-#. KeYG5
-#: colorpage.ui
+#: colorpage.ui:858
msgctxt "colorpage|label14"
msgid "_Y"
msgstr "_Y"
-#. WPVmD
-#: colorpage.ui
+#: colorpage.ui:905
msgctxt "colorpage|edit"
msgid "Pick"
msgstr "Tagh"
-#. DpUCG
-#: colorpage.ui
+#: colorpage.ui:927
msgctxt "colorpage|label6"
msgid "New"
msgstr "Ùr"
-#. MnQ4Q
-#: colorpickerdialog.ui
+#: colorpickerdialog.ui:26
msgctxt "colorpickerdialog|ColorPicker"
msgid "Pick a Color"
msgstr "Tagh dath"
-#. mjiGo
-#: colorpickerdialog.ui
+#: colorpickerdialog.ui:244
msgctxt "colorpickerdialog|redRadiobutton"
msgid "_Red:"
msgstr "_Dearg:"
-#. TkTSB
-#: colorpickerdialog.ui
+#: colorpickerdialog.ui:262
msgctxt "colorpickerdialog|greenRadiobutton"
msgid "_Green:"
msgstr "_Uaine:"
-#. 5FGfv
-#: colorpickerdialog.ui
+#: colorpickerdialog.ui:279
msgctxt "colorpickerdialog|blueRadiobutton"
msgid "_Blue:"
msgstr "_Gorm:"
-#. 2nFsj
-#: colorpickerdialog.ui
+#: colorpickerdialog.ui:335
msgctxt "colorpickerdialog|label2"
msgid "Hex _#:"
msgstr "Hex _#:"
-#. sD6YC
-#: colorpickerdialog.ui
+#: colorpickerdialog.ui:363
msgctxt "colorpickerdialog|label1"
msgid "RGB"
msgstr "RGB"
-#. wGrVM
-#: colorpickerdialog.ui
+#: colorpickerdialog.ui:402
msgctxt "colorpickerdialog|hueRadiobutton"
msgid "H_ue:"
msgstr "T_uar:"
-#. C4GE3
-#: colorpickerdialog.ui
+#: colorpickerdialog.ui:420
msgctxt "colorpickerdialog|satRadiobutton"
msgid "_Saturation:"
msgstr "_Sàthachd:"
-#. NXs9w
-#: colorpickerdialog.ui
+#: colorpickerdialog.ui:437
msgctxt "colorpickerdialog|brightRadiobutton"
msgid "Bright_ness:"
msgstr "_Soilleireachd:"
-#. B7RjF
-#: colorpickerdialog.ui
+#: colorpickerdialog.ui:496
msgctxt "colorpickerdialog|label3"
msgid "HSB"
msgstr "HSB"
-#. sesZZ
-#: colorpickerdialog.ui
+#: colorpickerdialog.ui:537
msgctxt "colorpickerdialog|label5"
msgid "_Cyan:"
msgstr "_Saidhean:"
-#. Gw7rx
-#: colorpickerdialog.ui
+#: colorpickerdialog.ui:552
msgctxt "colorpickerdialog|label6"
msgid "_Magenta:"
msgstr "_Magenta:"
-#. Uv2KG
-#: colorpickerdialog.ui
+#: colorpickerdialog.ui:567
msgctxt "colorpickerdialog|label7"
msgid "_Yellow:"
msgstr "_Buidhe:"
-#. aFvbe
-#: colorpickerdialog.ui
+#: colorpickerdialog.ui:582
msgctxt "colorpickerdialog|label8"
msgid "_Key:"
msgstr "_Iuchair:"
-#. mxFDw
-#: colorpickerdialog.ui
+#: colorpickerdialog.ui:647
msgctxt "colorpickerdialog|label4"
msgid "CMYK"
msgstr "CMYK"
-#. vDFei
-#: comment.ui
+#: comment.ui:7
msgctxt "comment|CommentDialog"
msgid "Insert Comment"
msgstr "Cuir a-steach beachd"
-#. 22CJX
-#: comment.ui
+#: comment.ui:153
msgctxt "comment|label2"
msgid "Author"
msgstr "Ùghdar"
-#. QNkY6
-#: comment.ui
+#: comment.ui:185
msgctxt "comment|label4"
msgid "_Text"
msgstr "_Teacsa"
-#. bEtYk
-#: comment.ui
+#: comment.ui:228
+#, fuzzy
msgctxt "comment|label5"
msgid "_Insert"
msgstr "Cu_ir a-steach"
-#. eGHyF
-#: comment.ui
+#: comment.ui:241
msgctxt "comment|author"
msgid "Author"
msgstr "Ùghdar"
-#. VjKDs
-#: comment.ui
+#: comment.ui:264
msgctxt "comment|alttitle"
msgid "Edit Comment"
msgstr "Deasaich am beachd"
-#. JKZFi
-#: comment.ui
+#: comment.ui:280
msgctxt "comment|label1"
msgid "Contents"
msgstr "Susbaint"
-#. B73bz
-#: connectortabpage.ui
+#: connectortabpage.ui:34
msgctxt "connectortabpage|FT_TYPE"
msgid "_Type:"
msgstr "S_eòrsa:"
-#. VnKTH
-#: connectortabpage.ui
+#: connectortabpage.ui:85
msgctxt "connectortabpage|FT_LINE_1"
msgid "Line _1:"
msgstr "Loidhne _1:"
-#. VHqZH
-#: connectortabpage.ui
+#: connectortabpage.ui:99
msgctxt "connectortabpage|FT_LINE_2"
msgid "Line _2:"
msgstr "Loidhne _2:"
-#. vx3j2
-#: connectortabpage.ui
+#: connectortabpage.ui:113
msgctxt "connectortabpage|FT_LINE_3"
msgid "Line _3:"
msgstr "Loidhne _3:"
-#. xvCfy
-#: connectortabpage.ui
+#: connectortabpage.ui:170
msgctxt "connectortabpage|label2"
msgid "Line Skew"
msgstr "Sgiubha loidhne"
-#. hAdsA
-#: connectortabpage.ui
+#: connectortabpage.ui:206
msgctxt "connectortabpage|FT_HORZ_1"
msgid "_Begin horizontal:"
msgstr "_Tòisich gu còmhnard:"
-#. jENzB
-#: connectortabpage.ui
+#: connectortabpage.ui:220
msgctxt "connectortabpage|FT_HORZ_2"
msgid "End _horizontal:"
msgstr "_Crìochnaich gu còmhnard:"
-#. WSBhJ
-#: connectortabpage.ui
+#: connectortabpage.ui:234
msgctxt "connectortabpage|FT_VERT_1"
msgid "Begin _vertical:"
msgstr "Tòisich gu _h-inghearach:"
-#. bGjTC
-#: connectortabpage.ui
+#: connectortabpage.ui:248
msgctxt "connectortabpage|FT_VERT_2"
msgid "_End vertical:"
msgstr "Crìochnaich gu h-i_nghearach:"
-#. idTk6
-#: connectortabpage.ui
+#: connectortabpage.ui:318
msgctxt "connectortabpage|label3"
msgid "Line Spacing"
msgstr "Beàrnadh eadar dà loidhne"
-#. 6hSVr
-#: connectortabpage.ui
+#: connectortabpage.ui:342
msgctxt "connectortabpage|CTL_PREVIEW|tooltip_text"
msgid "Preview"
msgstr "Ro-shealladh"
-#. z3Hzq
-#: connectortabpage.ui
-msgctxt "connectortabpage|CTL_PREVIEW"
+#: connectortabpage.ui:347
+msgctxt "connectortabpage|CTL_PREVIEW-atkobject"
msgid "Example"
-msgstr "Ball-eisimpleir"
+msgstr ""
-#. ezicB
-#: connpooloptions.ui
+#: connpooloptions.ui:39
msgctxt "connpooloptions|connectionpooling"
msgid "Connection pooling enabled"
msgstr "Tha linn nan ceangal an comas"
-#. GHbky
-#: connpooloptions.ui
+#: connpooloptions.ui:68
msgctxt "connpooloptions|driverslabel"
msgid "Drivers known in %PRODUCTNAME"
msgstr "Draibhearan a tha aithnichte ann an %PRODUCTNAME"
-#. Yohxk
-#: connpooloptions.ui
+#: connpooloptions.ui:102
msgctxt "connpooloptions|driverlabel"
msgid "Current driver:"
msgstr "An draibhear làithreach:"
-#. RGWQy
-#: connpooloptions.ui
+#: connpooloptions.ui:133
msgctxt "connpooloptions|enablepooling"
msgid "Enable pooling for this driver"
msgstr "Cuir an comas linn nan ceangal airson an draibheir seo"
-#. uzbLN
-#: connpooloptions.ui
+#: connpooloptions.ui:159
msgctxt "connpooloptions|timeoutlabel"
msgid "_Timeout (seconds)"
msgstr "_Crìoch ama (diogan)"
-#. 9ctBe
-#: connpooloptions.ui
+#: connpooloptions.ui:208
msgctxt "connpooloptions|label1"
msgid "Connection Pool"
msgstr "Linn nan ceangal"
-#. XfFi7
-#: croppage.ui
+#: croppage.ui:53
msgctxt "croppage|keepscale"
msgid "Keep _scale"
msgstr "Glèidh an _sgèile"
-#. fCWwt
-#: croppage.ui
+#: croppage.ui:71
msgctxt "croppage|keepsize"
msgid "Keep image si_ze"
msgstr "_Glèidh meud an deilbh"
-#. JcdEh
-#: croppage.ui
+#: croppage.ui:97
msgctxt "croppage|label2"
msgid "_Left:"
msgstr "C_lì:"
-#. J8z8h
-#: croppage.ui
+#: croppage.ui:124
msgctxt "croppage|label3"
msgid "_Right:"
msgstr "Dea_s:"
-#. GxnM4
-#: croppage.ui
+#: croppage.ui:163
msgctxt "croppage|label4"
msgid "_Top:"
msgstr "B_arr:"
-#. VAUDo
-#: croppage.ui
+#: croppage.ui:177
msgctxt "croppage|label5"
msgid "_Bottom:"
msgstr "_Bonn:"
-#. 8CoGW
-#: croppage.ui
+#: croppage.ui:226
msgctxt "croppage|label1"
msgid "Crop"
msgstr "Bearr"
-#. VG8gn
-#: croppage.ui
+#: croppage.ui:261
msgctxt "croppage|label6"
msgid "_Width:"
msgstr "_Leud:"
-#. bcKhi
-#: croppage.ui
+#: croppage.ui:287
msgctxt "croppage|label7"
msgid "_Height:"
msgstr "Àir_de:"
-#. JVnvr
-#: croppage.ui
+#: croppage.ui:316
msgctxt "croppage|label10"
msgid "Scale"
msgstr "Sgèile"
-#. Brcxv
-#: croppage.ui
+#: croppage.ui:351
msgctxt "croppage|label8"
msgid "_Width:"
msgstr "_Leud:"
-#. tacwF
-#: croppage.ui
+#: croppage.ui:378
msgctxt "croppage|label9"
msgid "_Height:"
msgstr "Àir_de:"
-#. aBkuE
-#: croppage.ui
+#: croppage.ui:408
msgctxt "croppage|label11"
msgid "Image Size"
msgstr "Meud an deilbh"
-#: croppage.ui
+#: croppage.ui:460
msgctxt "croppage|origsize"
msgid "_Original Size"
msgstr "A_m meud tùsail"
-#. AFMP6
-#: cuiimapdlg.ui
+#: cuiimapdlg.ui:8
msgctxt "cuiimapdlg|IMapDialog"
msgid "Properties"
msgstr "Roghainnean"
-#. DcBMH
-#: cuiimapdlg.ui
+#: cuiimapdlg.ui:96
msgctxt "cuiimapdlg|label1"
msgid "_URL:"
msgstr "_URL:"
-#. FLKr9
-#: cuiimapdlg.ui
+#: cuiimapdlg.ui:138
msgctxt "cuiimapdlg|label2"
msgid "F_rame:"
msgstr "F_rèama:"
-#. V8Zgo
-#: cuiimapdlg.ui
+#: cuiimapdlg.ui:186
msgctxt "cuiimapdlg|label3"
msgid "_Name:"
msgstr "_Ainm:"
-#. BAXQk
-#: cuiimapdlg.ui
+#: cuiimapdlg.ui:228
msgctxt "cuiimapdlg|label4"
msgid "Alternative _text:"
msgstr "Rogh_ainn teacsa eile:"
-#. bsgYj
-#: cuiimapdlg.ui
+#: cuiimapdlg.ui:270
msgctxt "cuiimapdlg|label5"
msgid "_Description:"
msgstr "_Tuairisgeul:"
-#. 8LR3s
-#: customizedialog.ui
+#: customizedialog.ui:8
msgctxt "customizedialog|CustomizeDialog"
msgid "Customize"
msgstr "Gnàthaich"
-#: customizedialog.ui
+#: customizedialog.ui:99
msgctxt "customizedialog|menus"
msgid "Menus"
msgstr "Clàir-thaice"
-#. CGNCy
-#: customizedialog.ui
+#: customizedialog.ui:112
+msgctxt "customizedialog|toolbars"
+msgid "Toolbars"
+msgstr "Bàraichean-inneal"
+#: customizedialog.ui:126
msgctxt "customizedialog|contextmenus"
msgid "Context Menus"
msgstr "Clàran-taice co-theacsail"
-#. G6BaU
-#: customizedialog.ui
+#: customizedialog.ui:140
msgctxt "customizedialog|keyboard"
msgid "Keyboard"
msgstr "Meur-chlàr7"
-#. neKvC
-#: customizedialog.ui
-msgctxt "customizedialog|toolbars"
-msgid "Toolbars"
-msgstr "Bàraichean-inneal"
-#. hBm4Z
-#: customizedialog.ui
+#: customizedialog.ui:154
msgctxt "customizedialog|events"
msgid "Events"
msgstr "Tachartasan"
-#. ssUfL
-#: databaselinkdialog.ui
+#: databaselinkdialog.ui:9
msgctxt "databaselinkdialog|DatabaseLinkDialog"
msgid "Create Database Link"
msgstr "Cruthaich ceangal ri stòr-dàta"
-#. XAYvY
-#: databaselinkdialog.ui
+#: databaselinkdialog.ui:88
msgctxt "databaselinkdialog|browse"
msgid "Browse..."
msgstr "Brabhsaich..."
-#. kvNEy
-#: databaselinkdialog.ui
+#: databaselinkdialog.ui:104
msgctxt "databaselinkdialog|label1"
msgid "_Database file:"
msgstr "Faidhle stòir-_dhàta:"
-#. X5UnF
-#: databaselinkdialog.ui
+#: databaselinkdialog.ui:148
msgctxt "databaselinkdialog|label4"
msgid "Registered _name:"
msgstr "Ai_nm clàraichte:"
-#. FrRyU
-#: databaselinkdialog.ui
+#: databaselinkdialog.ui:179
msgctxt "databaselinkdialog|alttitle"
msgid "Edit Database Link"
msgstr "Deasaich an ceangal ris an stòr-dàta"
-#. w8NyN
-#: dbregisterpage.ui
+#: dbregisterpage.ui:62
msgctxt "dbregisterpage|new"
msgid "_New..."
msgstr "Ù_r..."
-#. zqFjG
-#: dbregisterpage.ui
+#: dbregisterpage.ui:76
msgctxt "dbregisterpage|delete"
msgid "_Delete"
msgstr "_Sguab às"
-#. eiE2E
-#: dbregisterpage.ui
+#: dbregisterpage.ui:90
msgctxt "dbregisterpage|edit"
msgid "_Edit..."
msgstr "D_easaich..."
-#. Q3nF4
-#: dbregisterpage.ui
+#: dbregisterpage.ui:117
msgctxt "dbregisterpage|label1"
msgid "Registered Databases"
msgstr "Stòir-dhàta chlàraichte"
-#. RB56k
-#: dimensionlinestabpage.ui
+#: dimensionlinestabpage.ui:53
msgctxt "dimensionlinestabpage|FT_LINE_DIST"
msgid "Line _distance:"
msgstr "As_tar loidhne:"
-#. tQ8gk
-#: dimensionlinestabpage.ui
+#: dimensionlinestabpage.ui:67
msgctxt "dimensionlinestabpage|FT_HELPLINE_OVERHANG"
msgid "Guide _overhang:"
msgstr "A_omadh na treòrach:"
-#. JvLym
-#: dimensionlinestabpage.ui
+#: dimensionlinestabpage.ui:81
msgctxt "dimensionlinestabpage|FT_HELPLINE_DIST"
msgid "_Guide distance:"
msgstr "Astar na _treòrach:"
-#. NFjhV
-#: dimensionlinestabpage.ui
+#: dimensionlinestabpage.ui:95
msgctxt "dimensionlinestabpage|FT_HELPLINE1_LEN"
msgid "_Left guide:"
msgstr "An treòir ch_lì:"
-#. Xwg2v
-#: dimensionlinestabpage.ui
+#: dimensionlinestabpage.ui:109
msgctxt "dimensionlinestabpage|FT_HELPLINE2_LEN"
msgid "_Right guide:"
msgstr "An t_reòir dheas:"
-#. pt5Gm
-#: dimensionlinestabpage.ui
+#: dimensionlinestabpage.ui:123
msgctxt "dimensionlinestabpage|FT_DECIMALPLACES"
msgid "Decimal _places:"
msgstr "Àitichean _deicheach:"
-#. t7MZu
-#: dimensionlinestabpage.ui
+#: dimensionlinestabpage.ui:134
msgctxt "dimensionlinestabpage|TSB_BELOW_REF_EDGE"
msgid "Measure _below object"
msgstr "To_mhais dìreach fon oibseact"
-#. uruYG
-#: dimensionlinestabpage.ui
+#: dimensionlinestabpage.ui:236
msgctxt "dimensionlinestabpage|label1"
msgid "Line"
msgstr "Loidhne"
-#. E3CgJ
-#: dimensionlinestabpage.ui
+#: dimensionlinestabpage.ui:272
msgctxt "dimensionlinestabpage|FT_POSITION"
msgid "_Text position"
msgstr "Ionad an _teacsa"
-#. t8Ewg
-#: dimensionlinestabpage.ui
+#: dimensionlinestabpage.ui:307
msgctxt "dimensionlinestabpage|TSB_AUTOPOSV"
msgid "_AutoVertical"
msgstr "Inghe_arach gu fèin-obrachail"
-#. KykMq
-#: dimensionlinestabpage.ui
+#: dimensionlinestabpage.ui:324
msgctxt "dimensionlinestabpage|TSB_AUTOPOSH"
msgid "A_utoHorizontal"
msgstr "Cò_mhnard gu fèin-obrachail"
-#. yQtE3
-#: dimensionlinestabpage.ui
+#: dimensionlinestabpage.ui:350
msgctxt "dimensionlinestabpage|TSB_PARALLEL"
msgid "_Parallel to line"
msgstr "_Co-shìnte ris an loidhne"
-#. QNscD
-#: dimensionlinestabpage.ui
+#: dimensionlinestabpage.ui:367
msgctxt "dimensionlinestabpage|TSB_SHOW_UNIT"
msgid "Show _measurement units"
msgstr "Seall na _h-aonadan tomhais"
-#. gX83d
-#: dimensionlinestabpage.ui
+#: dimensionlinestabpage.ui:404
msgctxt "dimensionlinestabpage|label2"
msgid "Legend"
msgstr "Clàr-mìneachaidh"
-#. TmRKU
-#: dimensionlinestabpage.ui
+#: dimensionlinestabpage.ui:427
msgctxt "dimensionlinestabpage|STR_MEASURE_AUTOMATIC"
msgid "Automatic"
msgstr "Gu fèin-obrachail"
-#. o3vUV
-#: distributiondialog.ui
+#: distributiondialog.ui:8
msgctxt "distributiondialog|DistributionDialog"
msgid "Distribution"
msgstr "Sgaoileadh"
-#. wG8jp
-#: distributionpage.ui
+#: distributionpage.ui:36
msgctxt "distributionpage|hornone"
msgid "_None"
msgstr "Cha_n eil gin"
-#. pB5Ai
-#: distributionpage.ui
+#: distributionpage.ui:53
msgctxt "distributionpage|horleft"
msgid "_Left"
msgstr "C_lì"
-#. pBR9z
-#: distributionpage.ui
+#: distributionpage.ui:69
msgctxt "distributionpage|horcenter"
msgid "_Center"
msgstr "Meadha_n"
-#. 6zCGK
-#: distributionpage.ui
+#: distributionpage.ui:85
msgctxt "distributionpage|horright"
msgid "_Right"
msgstr "_Deas"
-#. b9pAA
-#: distributionpage.ui
+#: distributionpage.ui:127
msgctxt "distributionpage|hordistance"
msgid "_Spacing"
msgstr "_Beàrnadh"
-#. 674zH
-#: distributionpage.ui
+#: distributionpage.ui:178
msgctxt "distributionpage|label"
msgid "Horizontal"
msgstr "Còmhnard"
-#. x6Mf8
-#: distributionpage.ui
+#: distributionpage.ui:211
msgctxt "distributionpage|vernone"
msgid "N_one"
msgstr "Chan ei_l gin"
-#. AqXxA
-#: distributionpage.ui
+#: distributionpage.ui:227
msgctxt "distributionpage|vertop"
msgid "_Top"
msgstr "Ba_rr"
-#: distributionpage.ui
+#: distributionpage.ui:243
msgctxt "distributionpage|vercenter"
msgid "C_enter"
msgstr "M_eadhan"
-#. WrxKw
-#: distributionpage.ui
+#: distributionpage.ui:260
msgctxt "distributionpage|verdistance"
msgid "S_pacing"
msgstr "Beàrna_dh"
-#. FPUuF
-#: distributionpage.ui
+#: distributionpage.ui:276
msgctxt "distributionpage|verbottom"
msgid "_Bottom"
msgstr "_Bonn"
-#. 74ACK
-#: distributionpage.ui
+#: distributionpage.ui:353
msgctxt "distributionpage|label1"
msgid "Vertical"
msgstr "Inghearach"
-#. KxUJj
-#: editdictionarydialog.ui
+#: editdictionarydialog.ui:8
msgctxt "editdictionarydialog|EditDictionaryDialog"
msgid "Edit Custom Dictionary"
msgstr "Deasaich am faclair gnàthaichte"
-#. PV8x9
-#: editdictionarydialog.ui
+#: editdictionarydialog.ui:95
msgctxt "editdictionarydialog|book_label"
msgid "_Book:"
msgstr "_Leabhar:"
-#. HAsZg
-#: editdictionarydialog.ui
+#: editdictionarydialog.ui:110
msgctxt "editdictionarydialog|lang_label"
msgid "_Language:"
msgstr "Cà_nan:"
-#. WWwmQ
-#: editdictionarydialog.ui
+#: editdictionarydialog.ui:182
msgctxt "editdictionarydialog|word_label"
msgid "_Word"
msgstr "_Facal"
-#. okMAh
-#: editdictionarydialog.ui
+#: editdictionarydialog.ui:198
msgctxt "editdictionarydialog|replace_label"
msgid "_Replace By"
msgstr "Cuir na _leanas 'na àite"
-#. D7JJT
-#: editdictionarydialog.ui
+#: editdictionarydialog.ui:251
msgctxt "editdictionarydialog|newreplace"
msgid "_New"
msgstr "Ù_r"
-#. K2Sst
-#: editdictionarydialog.ui
+#: editdictionarydialog.ui:265
msgctxt "editdictionarydialog|delete"
msgid "_Delete"
msgstr "Sgua_b às"
-#. XEUyG
-#: editmodulesdialog.ui
+#: editmodulesdialog.ui:9
msgctxt "editmodulesdialog|EditModulesDialog"
msgid "Edit Modules"
msgstr "Deasaich mòidealan"
-#. hcGaw
-#: editmodulesdialog.ui
+#: editmodulesdialog.ui:84
msgctxt "editmodulesdialog|moredictslink"
msgid "Get more dictionaries online..."
msgstr "Faigh barrachd fhaclairean air loidhne..."
-#. ibDJj
-#: editmodulesdialog.ui
+#: editmodulesdialog.ui:108
msgctxt "editmodulesdialog|label2"
msgid "Language:"
msgstr "Cànan:"
-#. 9zC9B
-#: editmodulesdialog.ui
+#: editmodulesdialog.ui:153
msgctxt "editmodulesdialog|up"
msgid "Move Up"
msgstr "Gluais suas"
-#. aGo9M
-#: editmodulesdialog.ui
+#: editmodulesdialog.ui:167
msgctxt "editmodulesdialog|down"
msgid "Move Down"
msgstr "Gluais sìos"
-#. Vr5kM
-#: editmodulesdialog.ui
+#: editmodulesdialog.ui:181
msgctxt "editmodulesdialog|back"
msgid "_Back"
msgstr "_Air ais"
-#. ZF8AG
-#: editmodulesdialog.ui
+#: editmodulesdialog.ui:228
msgctxt "editmodulesdialog|label1"
msgid "Options"
msgstr "Roghainnean"
-#. omW2n
-#: effectspage.ui
-msgctxt "effectspage|fontcolorft"
-msgid "Font color:"
-msgstr "Dath a’ chruth-chlò:"
-#. QnTvd
-#: effectspage.ui
-msgctxt "effectspage|effectsft"
-msgid "Effects:"
-msgstr "Èifeachdan:"
-#. ce9M4
-#: effectspage.ui
-msgctxt "effectspage|reliefft"
-msgid "Relief:"
-msgstr "Rilif:"
-#. BD3Ka
-#: effectspage.ui
-msgctxt "effectspage|label46"
-msgid "Overlining:"
-msgstr "Thar-loidhneadh:"
-#. WtjES
-#: effectspage.ui
-msgctxt "effectspage|label47"
-msgid "Strikethrough:"
-msgstr "Loidhne troimhe:"
-#. tCP45
-#: effectspage.ui
-msgctxt "effectspage|label48"
-msgid "Underlining:"
-msgstr "Fo-loidhneadh:"
-#. mPyRn
-#: effectspage.ui
-msgctxt "effectspage|overlinecolorft"
-msgid "Overline color:"
-msgstr "Dath na thar-loidhne:"
-#. ahDnT
-#: effectspage.ui
-msgctxt "effectspage|underlinecolorft"
-msgid "Underline color:"
-msgstr "Dath na fo-loidhne:"
-#. 5pMfK
-#: effectspage.ui
-msgctxt "effectspage|outlinecb"
-msgid "Outline"
-msgstr "Oir-loidhne"
-#. 3NAaA
-#: effectspage.ui
-msgctxt "effectspage|blinkingcb"
-msgid "Blinking"
-msgstr "Priobadh"
-#. KraW7
-#: effectspage.ui
-msgctxt "effectspage|hiddencb"
-msgid "Hidden"
-msgstr "Air a chur am falach"
-#. VYaEr
-#: effectspage.ui
-msgctxt "effectspage|individualwordscb"
-msgid "Individual words"
-msgstr "Faclan fa leth"
-#. D848F
-#: effectspage.ui
-msgctxt "effectspage|positionft"
-msgid "Position:"
-msgstr "Ionad:"
-#: effectspage.ui
-msgctxt "effectspage|emphasisft"
-msgid "Emphasis mark:"
-msgstr "Comharra cuideim:"
-#. umH7r
-#: effectspage.ui
-msgctxt "effectspage|shadowcb"
-msgid "Shadow"
-msgstr "Sgàil"
-#. aAbzm
-#: effectspage.ui
-msgctxt "effectspage|a11ywarning"
-msgid ""
-"Accessibility option \"Use automatic font color for screen display\" is "
-"active. Font color attributes are not currently used to display text."
-msgstr ""
-"Tha an roghainn so-inntrigeachd “Cleachd dath crutha-chlò fèin-obrachail "
-"airson taisbeanadh na sgrìn” an comas. Chan eil buadhan dathan chruthan-clò "
-"’gan cleachdadh an-dràsta fhèin airson taisbeanadh teacsa."
-#. ZPT4E
-#: effectspage.ui
-msgctxt "effectspage|preview"
-msgid "Preview"
-msgstr "Ro-shealladh"
-#. HSdYT
-#: effectspage.ui
+#: effectspage.ui:13
msgctxt "effectspage|liststore1"
msgid "(Without)"
msgstr "(As aonais)"
-#. aR6FC
-#: effectspage.ui
+#: effectspage.ui:16
msgctxt "effectspage|liststore1"
msgid "Capitals"
msgstr "Litrichean mòra"
-#. BtCF3
-#: effectspage.ui
+#: effectspage.ui:19
msgctxt "effectspage|liststore1"
msgid "Lowercase"
msgstr "Litrichean beaga"
-#. qA8Rb
-#: effectspage.ui
+#: effectspage.ui:22
msgctxt "effectspage|liststore1"
msgid "Title"
msgstr "Tiotal"
-#. uuZUC
-#: effectspage.ui
+#: effectspage.ui:25
msgctxt "effectspage|liststore1"
msgid "Small capitals"
msgstr "Meanbh-litrichean mòra"
-#. GJExJ
-#: effectspage.ui
+#: effectspage.ui:36
msgctxt "effectspage|liststore2"
msgid "(Without)"
msgstr "(As aonais)"
-#. 2zc6A
-#: effectspage.ui
+#: effectspage.ui:39
msgctxt "effectspage|liststore2"
msgid "Embossed"
msgstr "Copanaichte"
-#. Vq3YD
-#: effectspage.ui
+#: effectspage.ui:42
msgctxt "effectspage|liststore2"
msgid "Engraved"
msgstr "Gràbhalaichte"
-#. G8SPK
-#: effectspage.ui
+#: effectspage.ui:53
msgctxt "effectspage|liststore3"
msgid "(Without)"
msgstr "(As aonais)"
-#. V3aSU
-#: effectspage.ui
+#: effectspage.ui:56
msgctxt "effectspage|liststore3"
msgid "Dot"
msgstr "Dotag"
-#. sek6h
-#: effectspage.ui
+#: effectspage.ui:59
msgctxt "effectspage|liststore3"
msgid "Circle"
msgstr "Cearcall"
-#. rbdan
-#: effectspage.ui
+#: effectspage.ui:62
msgctxt "effectspage|liststore3"
msgid "Disc"
msgstr "Diosga"
-#. CCKAv
-#: effectspage.ui
+#: effectspage.ui:65
msgctxt "effectspage|liststore3"
msgid "Accent"
msgstr "Aicinn"
-#. Z6WHC
-#: effectspage.ui
+#: effectspage.ui:78
msgctxt "effectspage|liststore4"
msgid "Above text"
msgstr "Os cionn an teacsa"
-#. 4dQqG
-#: effectspage.ui
+#: effectspage.ui:82
msgctxt "effectspage|liststore4"
msgid "Below text"
msgstr "Fon teacsa"
-#. FgNij
-#: effectspage.ui
+#: effectspage.ui:96
msgctxt "effectspage|liststore5"
msgid "(Without)"
msgstr "(As aonais)"
-#. Q4YtH
-#: effectspage.ui
+#: effectspage.ui:100
msgctxt "effectspage|liststore5"
msgid "Single"
msgstr "Singilte"
-#. 9ndBZ
-#: effectspage.ui
+#: effectspage.ui:104
msgctxt "effectspage|liststore5"
msgid "Double"
msgstr "Dùbailte"
-#. p5Q9A
-#: effectspage.ui
+#: effectspage.ui:108
msgctxt "effectspage|liststore5"
msgid "Bold"
msgstr "Trom"
-#. bcZBk
-#: effectspage.ui
+#: effectspage.ui:112
msgctxt "effectspage|liststore5"
msgid "With /"
msgstr "Le /"
-#. GJKbv
-#: effectspage.ui
+#: effectspage.ui:116
msgctxt "effectspage|liststore5"
msgid "With X"
msgstr "Le X"
-#. EGta9
-#: effectspage.ui
+#: effectspage.ui:130
msgctxt "effectspage|liststore6"
msgid "(Without)"
msgstr "(As aonais)"
-#. wvpKK
-#: effectspage.ui
+#: effectspage.ui:134
msgctxt "effectspage|liststore6"
msgid "Single"
msgstr "Singilte"
-#. dCubb
-#: effectspage.ui
+#: effectspage.ui:138
msgctxt "effectspage|liststore6"
msgid "Double"
msgstr "Dùbailte"
-#. JFKfG
-#: effectspage.ui
+#: effectspage.ui:142
msgctxt "effectspage|liststore6"
msgid "Bold"
msgstr "Trom"
-#. m7Jwh
-#: effectspage.ui
+#: effectspage.ui:146
msgctxt "effectspage|liststore6"
msgid "Dotted"
msgstr "Dotagaichte"
-#. iC5t6
-#: effectspage.ui
+#: effectspage.ui:150
msgctxt "effectspage|liststore6"
msgid "Dotted (Bold)"
msgstr "Dotagaichte (Trom)"
-#. uGcdw
-#: effectspage.ui
+#: effectspage.ui:154
msgctxt "effectspage|liststore6"
msgid "Dash"
msgstr "Strìochag"
-#: effectspage.ui
+#: effectspage.ui:158
msgctxt "effectspage|liststore6"
msgid "Dash (Bold)"
msgstr "Strìochag (throm)"
-#. FCcKo
-#: effectspage.ui
+#: effectspage.ui:162
msgctxt "effectspage|liststore6"
msgid "Long Dash"
msgstr "Strìochag fhada"
-#. 7UBEL
-#: effectspage.ui
+#: effectspage.ui:166
msgctxt "effectspage|liststore6"
msgid "Long Dash (Bold)"
msgstr "Strìochag fhada (throm)"
-#. a58XD
-#: effectspage.ui
+#: effectspage.ui:170
msgctxt "effectspage|liststore6"
msgid "Dot Dash"
msgstr "Dotag is strìochag"
-#. MhBD8
-#: effectspage.ui
+#: effectspage.ui:174
msgctxt "effectspage|liststore6"
msgid "Dot Dash (Bold)"
msgstr "Dotag is strìochag (throm)"
-#. AcyEi
-#: effectspage.ui
+#: effectspage.ui:178
msgctxt "effectspage|liststore6"
msgid "Dot Dot Dash"
msgstr "Dotag, dotag is strìochag"
-#. BRq6u
-#: effectspage.ui
+#: effectspage.ui:182
msgctxt "effectspage|liststore6"
msgid "Dot Dot Dash (Bold)"
msgstr "Dotag, dotag is strìochag (throm)"
-#. kEEBv
-#: effectspage.ui
+#: effectspage.ui:186
msgctxt "effectspage|liststore6"
msgid "Wave"
msgstr "Tonn"
-#. XDicz
-#: effectspage.ui
+#: effectspage.ui:190
msgctxt "effectspage|liststore6"
msgid "Wave (Bold)"
msgstr "Tonn (Trom)"
-#. ZxdxD
-#: effectspage.ui
+#: effectspage.ui:194
msgctxt "effectspage|liststore6"
msgid "Double Wave"
msgstr "Tonn dùbailte"
-#. GypUU
-#: embossdialog.ui
+#: effectspage.ui:218
+msgctxt "effectspage|fontcolorft"
+msgid "Font color:"
+msgstr "Dath a’ chruth-chlò:"
+#: effectspage.ui:232
+msgctxt "effectspage|effectsft"
+msgid "Effects:"
+msgstr "Èifeachdan:"
+#: effectspage.ui:246
+msgctxt "effectspage|reliefft"
+msgid "Relief:"
+msgstr "Rilif:"
+#: effectspage.ui:260
+msgctxt "effectspage|label46"
+msgid "Overlining:"
+msgstr "Thar-loidhneadh:"
+#: effectspage.ui:274
+msgctxt "effectspage|label47"
+msgid "Strikethrough:"
+msgstr "Loidhne troimhe:"
+#: effectspage.ui:288
+msgctxt "effectspage|label48"
+msgid "Underlining:"
+msgstr "Fo-loidhneadh:"
+#: effectspage.ui:302
+msgctxt "effectspage|overlinecolorft"
+msgid "Overline color:"
+msgstr "Dath na thar-loidhne:"
+#: effectspage.ui:316
+msgctxt "effectspage|underlinecolorft"
+msgid "Underline color:"
+msgstr "Dath na fo-loidhne:"
+#: effectspage.ui:413
+msgctxt "effectspage|outlinecb"
+msgid "Outline"
+msgstr "Oir-loidhne"
+#: effectspage.ui:428
+msgctxt "effectspage|blinkingcb"
+msgid "Blinking"
+msgstr "Priobadh"
+#: effectspage.ui:443
+msgctxt "effectspage|hiddencb"
+msgid "Hidden"
+msgstr "Air a chur am falach"
+#: effectspage.ui:458
+msgctxt "effectspage|individualwordscb"
+msgid "Individual words"
+msgstr "Faclan fa leth"
+#: effectspage.ui:496
+msgctxt "effectspage|positionft"
+msgid "Position:"
+msgstr "Ionad:"
+#: effectspage.ui:510
+msgctxt "effectspage|emphasisft"
+msgid "Emphasis mark:"
+msgstr "Comharra cuideim:"
+#: effectspage.ui:522
+msgctxt "effectspage|shadowcb"
+msgid "Shadow"
+msgstr "Sgàil"
+#: effectspage.ui:562
+msgctxt "effectspage|a11ywarning"
+msgid "Accessibility option \"Use automatic font color for screen display\" is active. Font color attributes are not currently used to display text."
+msgstr "Tha an roghainn so-inntrigeachd “Cleachd dath crutha-chlò fèin-obrachail airson taisbeanadh na sgrìn” an comas. Chan eil buadhan dathan chruthan-clò ’gan cleachdadh an-dràsta fhèin airson taisbeanadh teacsa."
+#: effectspage.ui:611
+msgctxt "effectspage|preview-atkobject"
+msgid "Preview"
+msgstr ""
+#: embossdialog.ui:9
msgctxt "embossdialog|EmbossDialog"
msgid "Emboss"
msgstr "Copanaich"
-#. uAQBB
-#: embossdialog.ui
+#: embossdialog.ui:120
msgctxt "embossdialog|label2"
msgid "_Light source:"
msgstr "Tùs an t-so_lais:"
-#. GPyhz
-#: embossdialog.ui
+#: embossdialog.ui:155
msgctxt "embossdialog|label1"
msgid "Parameters"
msgstr "Paramadairean"
-#. FoFqz
-#: eventassigndialog.ui
+#: eventassigndialog.ui:8
msgctxt "eventassigndialog|EventAssignDialog"
msgid "Assign Macro"
msgstr "Iomruin macro"
-#. d229E
-#: eventassignpage.ui
+#: eventassignpage.ui:47
msgctxt "eventassignpage|existingmacrosft"
msgid "Existing Macros"
msgstr "Macrothan a tha ann"
-#. y7Vyi
-#: eventassignpage.ui
+#: eventassignpage.ui:97
msgctxt "eventassignpage|macrotoft"
msgid "Macro From"
msgstr "Macro o"
-#. BgFFN
-#: eventassignpage.ui
+#: eventassignpage.ui:159
msgctxt "eventassignpage|eventft"
msgid "Event"
msgstr "Tachartas"
-#. ginEm
-#: eventassignpage.ui
+#: eventassignpage.ui:172
msgctxt "eventassignpage|assignft"
msgid "Assigned Action"
msgstr "Gnìomh iomruinte"
-#. P3GeQ
-#: eventassignpage.ui
+#: eventassignpage.ui:197
msgctxt "eventassignpage|libraryft1"
msgid "Assignments"
msgstr "Iomruineadh"
-#. dcPPB
-#: eventassignpage.ui
+#: eventassignpage.ui:220
msgctxt "eventassignpage|assign"
msgid "Assign"
msgstr "Iomruin"
-#. nwUkL
-#: eventassignpage.ui
+#: eventassignpage.ui:234
+#, fuzzy
msgctxt "eventassignpage|delete"
msgid "Remove"
msgstr "Thoir air falbh"
-#. 83DK5
-#: eventsconfigpage.ui
+#: eventsconfigpage.ui:31
msgctxt "eventsconfigpage|label1"
msgid "Assign:"
msgstr "Iomruin:"
-#. DBtDc
-#: eventsconfigpage.ui
+#: eventsconfigpage.ui:49
msgctxt "eventsconfigpage|macro"
msgid "M_acro..."
msgstr "M_acro..."
-#. gxSRb
-#: eventsconfigpage.ui
+#: eventsconfigpage.ui:63
msgctxt "eventsconfigpage|delete"
msgid "_Remove"
msgstr "_Thoir air falbh"
-#. Ebcvv
-#: eventsconfigpage.ui
+#: eventsconfigpage.ui:105
msgctxt "eventsconfigpage|label2"
msgid "Save in:"
msgstr "Sàbhail ann an:"
-#. C6KwW
-#: eventsconfigpage.ui
+#: eventsconfigpage.ui:156
msgctxt "eventsconfigpage|eventft"
msgid "Event"
msgstr "Tachartas"
-#. daKJA
-#: eventsconfigpage.ui
+#: eventsconfigpage.ui:168
msgctxt "eventsconfigpage|actionft"
msgid "Assigned Action"
msgstr "Gnìomh iomruinte"
-#. BvWSS
-#: fmsearchdialog.ui
+#: fmsearchdialog.ui:8
msgctxt "fmsearchdialog|RecordSearchDialog"
msgid "Record Search"
msgstr "Clàraich an lorg"
-#. BiFWr
-#: fmsearchdialog.ui
+#: fmsearchdialog.ui:21
msgctxt "fmsearchdialog|pbSearchAgain"
msgid "S_earch"
msgstr "L_org"
-#. sC6j6
-#: fmsearchdialog.ui
+#: fmsearchdialog.ui:142
msgctxt "fmsearchdialog|rbSearchForText"
msgid "_Text:"
msgstr "_Teacsa:"
-#. CrVGp
-#: fmsearchdialog.ui
+#: fmsearchdialog.ui:166
msgctxt "fmsearchdialog|rbSearchForNull"
msgid "Field content is _NULL"
msgstr "Tha susbaint an raoin 'na _NULL"
-#. zxjuF
-#: fmsearchdialog.ui
+#: fmsearchdialog.ui:185
msgctxt "fmsearchdialog|rbSearchForNotNull"
msgid "Field content is not NU_LL"
msgstr "Chan eil susbaint an raoin 'na NU_LL"
-#. X9FQy
-#: fmsearchdialog.ui
+#: fmsearchdialog.ui:216
msgctxt "fmsearchdialog|flSearchFor"
msgid "_Search for"
msgstr "_Lorg"
-#. PGaCY
-#: fmsearchdialog.ui
+#: fmsearchdialog.ui:272
msgctxt "fmsearchdialog|rbSingleField"
msgid "_Single field:"
msgstr "Raon _singilte:"
-#. aLBBD
-#: fmsearchdialog.ui
+#: fmsearchdialog.ui:309
msgctxt "fmsearchdialog|rbAllFields"
msgid "_All fields"
msgstr "_A h-uile raon"
-#. 64yD3
-#: fmsearchdialog.ui
+#: fmsearchdialog.ui:335
msgctxt "fmsearchdialog|ftForm"
msgid "Form:"
msgstr "Foirm:"
-#. B2SYL
-#: fmsearchdialog.ui
+#: fmsearchdialog.ui:409
msgctxt "fmsearchdialog|label2"
msgid "Where to Search"
msgstr "An t-àite far an dèid a lorg"
-#. yqEse
-#: fmsearchdialog.ui
+#: fmsearchdialog.ui:460
msgctxt "fmsearchdialog|ftPosition"
msgid "_Position:"
msgstr "I_onad:"
-#. c6ZbD
-#: fmsearchdialog.ui
+#: fmsearchdialog.ui:496
msgctxt "fmsearchdialog|HalfFullFormsCJK"
msgid "Match character wi_dth"
msgstr "Maids leu_d a' charactar"
-#. EedjA
-#: fmsearchdialog.ui
+#: fmsearchdialog.ui:517
msgctxt "fmsearchdialog|SoundsLikeCJK"
msgid "Sounds like (_Japanese)"
msgstr "Fuaimneachadh coltach ri (_Seapanais)"
-#. 2Gsbd
-#: fmsearchdialog.ui
+#: fmsearchdialog.ui:533
msgctxt "fmsearchdialog|SoundsLikeCJKSettings"
msgid "Similarities..."
msgstr "Ionnannachdan…"
-#. Ra8jW
-#: fmsearchdialog.ui
+#: fmsearchdialog.ui:558
msgctxt "fmsearchdialog|cbApprox"
msgid "S_imilarity search"
msgstr "Lorg _ionnannachd"
-#. DNGxj
-#: fmsearchdialog.ui
+#: fmsearchdialog.ui:574
msgctxt "fmsearchdialog|pbApproxSettings"
msgid "Similarities..."
msgstr "Ionnannachdan…"
-#. 6BpAF
-#: fmsearchdialog.ui
+#: fmsearchdialog.ui:595
msgctxt "fmsearchdialog|cbCase"
msgid "_Match case"
msgstr "Aire do litrichean _mòra 's beaga"
-#. X5q2K
-#: fmsearchdialog.ui
+#: fmsearchdialog.ui:611
msgctxt "fmsearchdialog|cbStartOver"
msgid "Fr_om top"
msgstr "On _bharr"
-#. WP3XA
-#: fmsearchdialog.ui
+#: fmsearchdialog.ui:627
msgctxt "fmsearchdialog|cbRegular"
msgid "_Regular expression"
msgstr "Eas-preisean _riaghailteach"
-#. qzKAB
-#: fmsearchdialog.ui
+#: fmsearchdialog.ui:643
msgctxt "fmsearchdialog|cbUseFormat"
msgid "Appl_y field format"
msgstr "Cuir an sàs _fòrmat raoin"
-#. 2GvF5
-#: fmsearchdialog.ui
+#: fmsearchdialog.ui:659
msgctxt "fmsearchdialog|cbBackwards"
msgid "Search _backwards"
msgstr "_Lorg an comhair a chùil"
-#. 4ixJZ
-#: fmsearchdialog.ui
+#: fmsearchdialog.ui:675
msgctxt "fmsearchdialog|cbWildCard"
msgid "_Wildcard expression"
msgstr "_Eas-preisean saoraige"
-#. xHRxu
-#: fmsearchdialog.ui
+#: fmsearchdialog.ui:704
msgctxt "fmsearchdialog|flOptions"
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Roghainnean"
-#. wBBss
-#: fmsearchdialog.ui
+#: fmsearchdialog.ui:740
msgctxt "fmsearchdialog|ftRecordLabel"
msgid "Record:"
msgstr "Reacord:"
-#. UBLpq
-#: fmsearchdialog.ui
+#: fmsearchdialog.ui:751
msgctxt "fmsearchdialog|ftRecord"
msgid "record count"
msgstr "àireamh nan reacordan"
-#. 8EDSy
-#: fmsearchdialog.ui
+#: fmsearchdialog.ui:777
msgctxt "fmsearchdialog|flState"
msgid "State"
msgstr "Staid"
-#: formatcellsdialog.ui
+#: formatcellsdialog.ui:8
msgctxt "formatcellsdialog|FormatCellsDialog"
msgid "Table Properties"
msgstr ""
-#. aCkau
-#: formatcellsdialog.ui
+#: formatcellsdialog.ui:100
msgctxt "formatcellsdialog|name"
msgid "Font"
msgstr "Cruth-clò"
-#. zJZxA
-#: formatcellsdialog.ui
+#: formatcellsdialog.ui:113
msgctxt "formatcellsdialog|effects"
msgid "Font Effects"
msgstr "Èifeachdan cruth-clò"
-#. Pz8yJ
-#: formatcellsdialog.ui
+#: formatcellsdialog.ui:127
msgctxt "formatcellsdialog|border"
msgid "Borders"
msgstr "Iomallan"
-#. wk9fG
-#: formatcellsdialog.ui
+#: formatcellsdialog.ui:141
msgctxt "formatcellsdialog|area"
msgid "Background"
msgstr "Cùlaibh"
-#. dpU36
-#: formatnumberdialog.ui
+#: formatnumberdialog.ui:8
msgctxt "formatnumberdialog|FormatNumberDialog"
msgid "Format Number"
msgstr "Fòrmataich an àireamh"
-#. wynwf
-#: galleryapplyprogress.ui
+#: galleryapplyprogress.ui:8
msgctxt "galleryapplyprogress|GalleryApplyProgress"
msgid "Apply"
msgstr "Cuir an sàs"
-#. Ezb6M
-#: galleryapplyprogress.ui
+#: galleryapplyprogress.ui:73
msgctxt "galleryapplyprogress|label2"
msgid "File"
msgstr "Faidhle"
-#. QgZAZ
-#: galleryfilespage.ui
+#: galleryfilespage.ui:30
msgctxt "galleryfilespage|label1"
msgid "_File type:"
msgstr "S_eòrsa an fhaidhle:"
-#. mDSQY
-#: galleryfilespage.ui
-msgctxt "galleryfilespage|files"
+#: galleryfilespage.ui:77
+#, fuzzy
+msgctxt "galleryfilespage|files-atkobject"
msgid "Files Found"
msgstr "Faidhlichean a chaidh a lorg"
-#. UnmAz
-#: galleryfilespage.ui
+#: galleryfilespage.ui:104
msgctxt "galleryfilespage|preview"
msgid "Pr_eview"
msgstr "Ro-sh_ealladh"
-#. Pv8pP
-#: galleryfilespage.ui
-msgctxt "galleryfilespage|image"
+#: galleryfilespage.ui:125
+msgctxt "galleryfilespage|image-atkobject"
msgid "Preview"
-msgstr "Ro-shealladh"
+msgstr ""
-#. iGEBB
-#: galleryfilespage.ui
+#: galleryfilespage.ui:149
msgctxt "galleryfilespage|findfiles"
msgid "_Find Files..."
msgstr "Lorg _faidhlichean..."
-#. oNFEr
-#: galleryfilespage.ui
+#: galleryfilespage.ui:177
msgctxt "galleryfilespage|addall"
msgid "A_dd All"
msgstr "Cuir a _h-uile ris"
-#. kfNzx
-#: gallerygeneralpage.ui
+#: gallerygeneralpage.ui:22
msgctxt "gallerygeneralpage|label1"
msgid "Modified:"
msgstr "Air atharrachadh:"
-#. 4Aw7C
-#: gallerygeneralpage.ui
+#: gallerygeneralpage.ui:63
msgctxt "gallerygeneralpage|label2"
msgid "Type:"
msgstr "Seòrsa:"
-#. EF8go
-#: gallerygeneralpage.ui
+#: gallerygeneralpage.ui:90
msgctxt "gallerygeneralpage|label3"
msgid "Location:"
msgstr "Ionad:"
-#. BEhhQ
-#: gallerygeneralpage.ui
+#: gallerygeneralpage.ui:104
msgctxt "gallerygeneralpage|label4"
msgid "Contents:"
msgstr "Susbaint:"
-#. B2YS6
-#: gallerygeneralpage.ui
+#: gallerygeneralpage.ui:162
msgctxt "gallerygeneralpage|image-atkobject"
msgid "Theme Name"
msgstr "Ainm an ùrlair"
-#. US2Dq
-#: gallerysearchprogress.ui
+#: gallerysearchprogress.ui:8
msgctxt "gallerysearchprogress|GallerySearchProgress"
msgid "Find"
msgstr "Lorg"
-#. wvuEx
-#: gallerysearchprogress.ui
+#: gallerysearchprogress.ui:78
msgctxt "gallerysearchprogress|label1"
msgid "File Type"
msgstr "Seòrsa an fhaidhle"
-#. TBqGy
-#: gallerysearchprogress.ui
+#: gallerysearchprogress.ui:115
msgctxt "gallerysearchprogress|label2"
msgid "Directory"
msgstr "Pasgan"
-#. uwvrB
-#: gallerythemedialog.ui
+#: gallerythemedialog.ui:8
msgctxt "gallerythemedialog|GalleryThemeDialog"
msgid "Properties of "
msgstr "Roghainnean "
-#. GG8AX
-#: gallerythemedialog.ui
+#: gallerythemedialog.ui:100
msgctxt "gallerythemedialog|general"
msgid "General"
msgstr "Coitcheann"
-#. BfeDE
-#: gallerythemedialog.ui
+#: gallerythemedialog.ui:113
msgctxt "gallerythemedialog|files"
msgid "Files"
msgstr "Faidhlichean"
-#. uxYNX
-#: gallerythemeiddialog.ui
+#: gallerythemeiddialog.ui:8
msgctxt "gallerythemeiddialog|GalleryThemeIDDialog"
msgid "Theme ID"
msgstr "ID a' chuspair"
-#. dDD78
-#: gallerythemeiddialog.ui
+#: gallerythemeiddialog.ui:27
msgctxt "gallerythemeiddialog|label2"
msgid "ID:"
msgstr "ID:"
-#. fJdBH
-#: gallerytitledialog.ui
+#: gallerytitledialog.ui:8
msgctxt "gallerytitledialog|GalleryTitleDialog"
msgid "Enter Title"
msgstr "Cuir a-steach tiotal"
-#. DBmvf
-#: gallerytitledialog.ui
+#: gallerytitledialog.ui:26
msgctxt "gallerytitledialog|label2"
msgid "Title:"
msgstr "Tiotal:"
-#. dMeZG
-#: galleryupdateprogress.ui
+#: galleryupdateprogress.ui:8
msgctxt "galleryupdateprogress|GalleryUpdateProgress"
msgid "Update"
msgstr "Ùrachadh"
-#. fEk5d
-#: galleryupdateprogress.ui
+#: galleryupdateprogress.ui:74
msgctxt "galleryupdateprogress|label2"
msgid "File"
msgstr "Faidhle"
-#. QfZFH
-#: gradientpage.ui
+#: gradientpage.ui:79
msgctxt "gradientpage|modify"
msgid "_Modify"
msgstr "_Atharraich"
-#. 7ipyi
-#: gradientpage.ui
+#: gradientpage.ui:106
msgctxt "gradientpage|label1"
msgid "Gradient"
msgstr "Caisead"
-#. GPnwG
-#: gradientpage.ui
+#: gradientpage.ui:150
msgctxt "gradientpage|typeft"
msgid "_Type:"
msgstr "S_eòrsa:"
-#. 8Qjgv
-#: gradientpage.ui
+#: gradientpage.ui:164
msgctxt "gradientpage|gradienttypelb"
msgid "Linear"
msgstr "Loidhneach"
-#. fgBSm
-#: gradientpage.ui
+#: gradientpage.ui:165
msgctxt "gradientpage|gradienttypelb"
msgid "Axial"
msgstr "Aisealach"
-#. FGjhA
-#: gradientpage.ui
+#: gradientpage.ui:166
msgctxt "gradientpage|gradienttypelb"
msgid "Radial"
msgstr "Rèideal"
-#. VGtK3
-#: gradientpage.ui
+#: gradientpage.ui:167
msgctxt "gradientpage|gradienttypelb"
msgid "Ellipsoid"
msgstr "Eileapsoideach"
-#. 7FRe4
-#: gradientpage.ui
+#: gradientpage.ui:168
msgctxt "gradientpage|gradienttypelb"
msgid "Quadratic"
msgstr "Ceàrnagach"
-#. wQDTv
-#: gradientpage.ui
+#: gradientpage.ui:169
msgctxt "gradientpage|gradienttypelb"
msgid "Square"
msgstr "Ceàrnag"
-#: gradientpage.ui
+#: gradientpage.ui:198
msgctxt "gradientpage|incrementft"
msgid "Increment:"
msgstr "Ioncramaid"
-#. 3myAF
-#: gradientpage.ui
+#: gradientpage.ui:238
msgctxt "gradientpage|autoincrement"
msgid "Automatic"
msgstr "Gu fèin-obrachail"
-#. cGXmA
-#: gradientpage.ui
+#: gradientpage.ui:278
msgctxt "gradientpage|angleft"
msgid "A_ngle:"
msgstr "Ceàr_n:"
-#. WpGU3
-#: gradientpage.ui
+#: gradientpage.ui:308
msgctxt "gradientpage|centerft"
msgid "Center ( X / Y ) :"
msgstr "Meadhan ( X / Y ) :"
-#. ZZ7yo
-#: gradientpage.ui
+#: gradientpage.ui:380
msgctxt "gradientpage|borderft"
msgid "_Border:"
msgstr "_Iomall:"
-#. HeGTE
-#: gradientpage.ui
+#: gradientpage.ui:442
msgctxt "gradientpage|colorfromft"
msgid "_From:"
msgstr "_O:"
-#. JhbsD
-#: gradientpage.ui
+#: gradientpage.ui:532
msgctxt "gradientpage|colortoft"
msgid "_To:"
msgstr "_Gu:"
-#. 58WB2
-#: gradientpage.ui
+#: gradientpage.ui:560
msgctxt "gradientpage|propfl"
msgid "Options"
msgstr "Roghainnean"
-#. 5mDZm
-#: gradientpage.ui
+#: gradientpage.ui:604
msgctxt "gradientpage|previewctl-atkobject"
msgid "Example"
msgstr "Ball-eisimpleir"
-#. e2Ai2
-#: gradientpage.ui
+#: gradientpage.ui:622
msgctxt "gradientpage|label2"
msgid "Preview"
msgstr "Ro-shealladh"
-#. 26WXC
-#: hangulhanjaadddialog.ui
+#: hangulhanjaadddialog.ui:8
msgctxt "hangulhanjaadddialog|HangulHanjaAddDialog"
msgid "New Dictionary"
msgstr "Faclair ùr"
-#. iqNN4
-#: hangulhanjaadddialog.ui
+#: hangulhanjaadddialog.ui:97
msgctxt "hangulhanjaadddialog|label2"
msgid "_Name:"
msgstr "_Ainm:"
-#. S2WpP
-#: hangulhanjaadddialog.ui
+#: hangulhanjaadddialog.ui:129
msgctxt "hangulhanjaadddialog|label1"
msgid "Dictionary"
msgstr "Faclair"
-#. yNExs
-#: hangulhanjaconversiondialog.ui
+#: hangulhanjaconversiondialog.ui:7
msgctxt "hangulhanjaconversiondialog|HangulHanjaConversionDialog"
msgid "Hangul/Hanja Conversion"
msgstr "Iompachadh Hangul/Hanja"
-#. kh2or
-#: hangulhanjaconversiondialog.ui
+#: hangulhanjaconversiondialog.ui:96
msgctxt "hangulhanjaconversiondialog|label1"
msgid "Original"
msgstr "Tùsail"
-#. P2Lhg
-#: hangulhanjaconversiondialog.ui
+#: hangulhanjaconversiondialog.ui:132
msgctxt "hangulhanjaconversiondialog|label3"
msgid "Word"
msgstr "Facal"
-#. JQfs4
-#: hangulhanjaconversiondialog.ui
+#: hangulhanjaconversiondialog.ui:153
msgctxt "hangulhanjaconversiondialog|find"
msgid "_Find"
msgstr "_Lorg"
-#. 3NS8C
-#: hangulhanjaconversiondialog.ui
+#: hangulhanjaconversiondialog.ui:181
msgctxt "hangulhanjaconversiondialog|label4"
msgid "Suggestions"
msgstr "Molaidhean"
-#. ECK62
-#: hangulhanjaconversiondialog.ui
+#: hangulhanjaconversiondialog.ui:219
msgctxt "hangulhanjaconversiondialog|label5"
msgid "Format"
msgstr "Fòrmat"
-#. ZG2Bm
-#: hangulhanjaconversiondialog.ui
+#: hangulhanjaconversiondialog.ui:229
msgctxt "hangulhanjaconversiondialog|simpleconversion"
msgid "_Hangul/Hanja"
msgstr "_Hangul/Hanja"
-#. xwknP
-#: hangulhanjaconversiondialog.ui
+#: hangulhanjaconversiondialog.ui:247
msgctxt "hangulhanjaconversiondialog|hangulbracket"
msgid "Hanja (Han_gul)"
msgstr "Hanja (Han_gul)"
-#. 6guxd
-#: hangulhanjaconversiondialog.ui
+#: hangulhanjaconversiondialog.ui:264
msgctxt "hangulhanjaconversiondialog|hanjabracket"
msgid "Hang_ul (Hanja)"
msgstr "Hang_ul (Hanja)"
-#. TK2oD
-#: hangulhanjaconversiondialog.ui
+#: hangulhanjaconversiondialog.ui:295
msgctxt "hangulhanjaconversiondialog|hanja_above"
msgid "Hanja"
msgstr "Hanja"
-#. MShnU
-#: hangulhanjaconversiondialog.ui
+#: hangulhanjaconversiondialog.ui:312
msgctxt "hangulhanjaconversiondialog|hanja_below"
msgid "Hanja"
msgstr "Hanja"
-#. c3B3Q
-#: hangulhanjaconversiondialog.ui
+#: hangulhanjaconversiondialog.ui:328
msgctxt "hangulhanjaconversiondialog|hangul_above"
msgid "Hangul"
msgstr "Hangul"
-#. YLBsF
-#: hangulhanjaconversiondialog.ui
+#: hangulhanjaconversiondialog.ui:344
msgctxt "hangulhanjaconversiondialog|hangul_below"
msgid "Hangul"
msgstr "Hangul"
-#. 6CDaz
-#: hangulhanjaconversiondialog.ui
+#: hangulhanjaconversiondialog.ui:375
msgctxt "hangulhanjaconversiondialog|label6"
msgid "Conversion"
msgstr "Iompachadh"
-#. mctf7
-#: hangulhanjaconversiondialog.ui
+#: hangulhanjaconversiondialog.ui:385
msgctxt "hangulhanjaconversiondialog|hangulonly"
msgid "Hangul _only"
msgstr "Hangul _a-mhàin"
-#. r3HDY
-#: hangulhanjaconversiondialog.ui
+#: hangulhanjaconversiondialog.ui:402
msgctxt "hangulhanjaconversiondialog|hanjaonly"
msgid "Hanja onl_y"
msgstr "_Hanja a-mhàin"
-#. db8Nj
-#: hangulhanjaconversiondialog.ui
+#: hangulhanjaconversiondialog.ui:440
msgctxt "hangulhanjaconversiondialog|ignore"
msgid "_Ignore"
msgstr "Le_ig seachad"
-#. QTqcN
-#: hangulhanjaconversiondialog.ui
+#: hangulhanjaconversiondialog.ui:456
msgctxt "hangulhanjaconversiondialog|ignoreall"
msgid "Always I_gnore"
msgstr "Lei_g seachad an-còmhnaidh"
-#. MVirc
-#: hangulhanjaconversiondialog.ui
+#: hangulhanjaconversiondialog.ui:470
msgctxt "hangulhanjaconversiondialog|replace"
msgid "_Replace"
msgstr "Cui_r 'na àite"
-#. DwnC2
-#: hangulhanjaconversiondialog.ui
+#: hangulhanjaconversiondialog.ui:484
msgctxt "hangulhanjaconversiondialog|replaceall"
msgid "Always R_eplace"
msgstr "Cuir 'na àit_e an-còmhnaidh"
-#. 7eniE
-#: hangulhanjaconversiondialog.ui
+#: hangulhanjaconversiondialog.ui:501
msgctxt "hangulhanjaconversiondialog|replacebychar"
msgid "Replace b_y character"
msgstr "C_uir 'na àite a-rèir caractair"
-#. UWu2Z
-#: hangulhanjaconversiondialog.ui
+#: hangulhanjaconversiondialog.ui:517
msgctxt "hangulhanjaconversiondialog|options"
msgid "Options"
msgstr "Roghainnean"
-#. XiQXK
-#: hangulhanjaeditdictdialog.ui
+#: hangulhanjaeditdictdialog.ui:9
msgctxt "hangulhanjaeditdictdialog|HangulHanjaEditDictDialog"
msgid "Edit Custom Dictionary"
msgstr "Deasaich am faclair gnàthaichte"
-#. AnsSG
-#: hangulhanjaeditdictdialog.ui
+#: hangulhanjaeditdictdialog.ui:107
msgctxt "hangulhanjaeditdictdialog|label4"
msgid "Book"
msgstr "Leabhar"
-#. uPgna
-#: hangulhanjaeditdictdialog.ui
+#: hangulhanjaeditdictdialog.ui:213
msgctxt "hangulhanjaeditdictdialog|label2"
msgid "Original"
msgstr "Tùsail"
-#. ZiDNN
-#: hangulhanjaeditdictdialog.ui
+#: hangulhanjaeditdictdialog.ui:326
msgctxt "hangulhanjaeditdictdialog|label3"
msgid "Suggestions"
msgstr "Molaidhean"
-#. Kyy78
-#: hangulhanjaoptdialog.ui
+#: hangulhanjaoptdialog.ui:8
msgctxt "hangulhanjaoptdialog|HangulHanjaOptDialog"
msgid "Hangul/Hanja Options"
msgstr "Roghainnean Hangul/Hanja"
-#. TLs2q
-#: hangulhanjaoptdialog.ui
+#: hangulhanjaoptdialog.ui:107
+#, fuzzy
msgctxt "hangulhanjaoptdialog|new"
msgid "New..."
msgstr "Ùr..."
-#. UbGjT
-#: hangulhanjaoptdialog.ui
+#: hangulhanjaoptdialog.ui:121
msgctxt "hangulhanjaoptdialog|edit"
msgid "Edit..."
msgstr "Deasaich..."
-#. DmfuX
-#: hangulhanjaoptdialog.ui
+#: hangulhanjaoptdialog.ui:172
msgctxt "hangulhanjaoptdialog|label1"
msgid "User-defined Dictionaries"
msgstr "Faclairean a shònraich cleachdaiche"
-#. DEoRc
-#: hangulhanjaoptdialog.ui
+#: hangulhanjaoptdialog.ui:203
msgctxt "hangulhanjaoptdialog|ignorepost"
msgid "Ignore post-positional word"
msgstr "Leig seachad facal 'na dhèidh"
-#: hangulhanjaoptdialog.ui
+#: hangulhanjaoptdialog.ui:218
msgctxt "hangulhanjaoptdialog|showrecentfirst"
msgid "Show recently used entries first"
msgstr "Seall na chaidh a chleachdadh o chionn ghoirid an toiseach"
-#. MKAyM
-#: hangulhanjaoptdialog.ui
+#: hangulhanjaoptdialog.ui:232
msgctxt "hangulhanjaoptdialog|autoreplaceunique"
msgid "Replace all unique entries automatically"
msgstr "Cuir an àite gach reacord àraid gu fèin-obrachail"
-#. Bdqne
-#: hangulhanjaoptdialog.ui
+#: hangulhanjaoptdialog.ui:252
msgctxt "hangulhanjaoptdialog|label2"
msgid "Options"
msgstr "Roghainnean"
-#. TGiD7
-#: hatchpage.ui
+#: hatchpage.ui:81
msgctxt "hatchpage|modify"
msgid "_Modify"
msgstr "_Atharraich"
-#. U8bWc
-#: hatchpage.ui
+#: hatchpage.ui:108
msgctxt "hatchpage|label2"
msgid "Hatch"
msgstr "Tar-ghreannachadh"
-#. HNCBu
-#: hatchpage.ui
+#: hatchpage.ui:148
msgctxt "hatchpage|distanceft"
msgid "_Spacing:"
msgstr "_Beàrnadh:"
-#. spGWy
-#: hatchpage.ui
+#: hatchpage.ui:175
msgctxt "hatchpage|angleft"
msgid "A_ngle:"
msgstr "Ceàr_n:"
-#. sEriJ
-#: hatchpage.ui
+#: hatchpage.ui:229
msgctxt "hatchpage|linetypeft"
msgid "_Line type:"
msgstr "Seòrsa na _loidhne:"
-#. mv3sN
-#: hatchpage.ui
+#: hatchpage.ui:243
msgctxt "hatchpage|linetypelb"
msgid "Single"
msgstr "Singilte"
-#. 7DR7B
-#: hatchpage.ui
+#: hatchpage.ui:244
msgctxt "hatchpage|linetypelb"
msgid "Crossed"
msgstr "Air a chroiseadh"
-#: hatchpage.ui
+#: hatchpage.ui:245
msgctxt "hatchpage|linetypelb"
msgid "Triple"
msgstr "Trìoblaichte"
-#. VyTto
-#: hatchpage.ui
+#: hatchpage.ui:259
msgctxt "hatchpage|linecolorft"
msgid "Line _color:"
msgstr "_Dath na loidhne:"
-#. 3hgCJ
-#: hatchpage.ui
+#: hatchpage.ui:281
msgctxt "hatchpage|backgroundcolor"
msgid "Background Color"
msgstr "Dath a’ chùlaibh"
-#. uvmDA
-#: hatchpage.ui
+#: hatchpage.ui:313
msgctxt "hatchpage|propfl"
msgid "Options"
msgstr "Roghainnean"
-#. D8ovo
-#: hatchpage.ui
+#: hatchpage.ui:357
msgctxt "hatchpage|previewctl-atkobject"
msgid "Example"
msgstr "Ball-eisimpleir"
-#. GbfFA
-#: hatchpage.ui
+#: hatchpage.ui:375
msgctxt "hatchpage|label1"
msgid "Preview"
msgstr "Ro-shealladh"
-#. QqjhD
-#: hyperlinkdialog.ui
+#: hyperlinkdialog.ui:11
msgctxt "hyperlinkdialog|HyperlinkDialog"
msgid "Hyperlink"
msgstr "Ceangal-lìn"
-#. n9DBf
-#: hyperlinkdialog.ui
+#: hyperlinkdialog.ui:42
msgctxt "hyperlinkdialog|apply"
msgid "Apply"
msgstr "Cuir an sàs"
-#. FN68B
-#: hyperlinkdialog.ui
+#: hyperlinkdialog.ui:84
msgctxt "hyperlinkdialog|reset"
msgid "Reset"
msgstr "Ath-shuidhich"
-#. rYEqo
-#: hyperlinkdocpage.ui
+#: hyperlinkdocpage.ui:39
msgctxt "hyperlinkdocpage|path_label"
msgid "_Path:"
msgstr "Slig_he:"
-#. c2SLD
-#: hyperlinkdocpage.ui
+#: hyperlinkdocpage.ui:62
msgctxt "hyperlinkdocpage|fileopen"
msgid "Open File"
msgstr "Fosgail faidhle"
-#. zqiYj
-#: hyperlinkdocpage.ui
+#: hyperlinkdocpage.ui:67
msgctxt "hyperlinkdocpage|fileopen|tooltip_text"
msgid "Open File"
msgstr "Fosgail faidhle"
-#. Ewn6K
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msgid "Document"
msgstr "Sgrìobhainn"
-#. pedja
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msgid "Targ_et:"
msgstr "Ta_rgaid:"
-#. hUini
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msgctxt "hyperlinkdocpage|url_label"
msgid "URL:"
msgstr "URL:"
-#. 8iV3g
-#: hyperlinkdocpage.ui
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msgid "Target in Document"
msgstr "Targaid san sgrìobhainn"
-#. zH7Fk
-#: hyperlinkdocpage.ui
+#: hyperlinkdocpage.ui:149
msgctxt "hyperlinkdocpage|browse|tooltip_text"
msgid "Target in Document"
msgstr "Targaid san sgrìobhainn"
-#. oUByt
-#: hyperlinkdocpage.ui
+#: hyperlinkdocpage.ui:173
msgctxt "hyperlinkdocpage|url"
msgid "Test text"
msgstr "Teacsa deuchainne"
-#. 8Gbv5
-#: hyperlinkdocpage.ui
+#: hyperlinkdocpage.ui:191
msgctxt "hyperlinkdocpage|label3"
msgid "Target in Document"
msgstr "Targaid san sgrìobhainn"
-#. VQxYG
-#: hyperlinkdocpage.ui
+#: hyperlinkdocpage.ui:230
msgctxt "hyperlinkdocpage|frame_label"
msgid "F_rame:"
msgstr "F_rèama:"
-#. cFnPM
-#: hyperlinkdocpage.ui
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msgctxt "hyperlinkdocpage|indication_label"
msgid "Te_xt:"
msgstr "Tea_csa:"
-#. o2Fic
-#: hyperlinkdocpage.ui
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msgctxt "hyperlinkdocpage|name_label"
msgid "N_ame:"
msgstr "_Ainm:"
-#. y3amv
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msgctxt "hyperlinkdocpage|form_label"
msgid "F_orm:"
msgstr "F_oirm:"
-#. sAAC7
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msgid "Events"
msgstr "Tachartasan"
-#. frjow
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msgid "Further Settings"
msgstr "Roghainnean a bharrachd"
-#. BpE9F
-#: hyperlinkinternetpage.ui
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msgctxt "hyperlinkinternetpage|linktyp_internet"
msgid "_Web"
msgstr "_Lìon"
-#. HybDr
-#: hyperlinkinternetpage.ui
+#: hyperlinkinternetpage.ui:59
msgctxt "hyperlinkinternetpage|linktyp_ftp"
msgid "_FTP"
msgstr "_FTP"
-#. qgyrE
-#: hyperlinkinternetpage.ui
+#: hyperlinkinternetpage.ui:86
msgctxt "hyperlinkinternetpage|target_label"
msgid "_URL:"
msgstr "_URL:"
-#. YLtwS
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+#: hyperlinkinternetpage.ui:113
msgctxt "hyperlinkinternetpage|login_label"
msgid "_Login name:"
msgstr "Ainm c_làraidh a-steach:"
-#. GGnn8
-#: hyperlinkinternetpage.ui
+#: hyperlinkinternetpage.ui:128
msgctxt "hyperlinkinternetpage|password_label"
msgid "_Password:"
msgstr "_Facal-faire:"
-#. HHhGY
-#: hyperlinkinternetpage.ui
+#: hyperlinkinternetpage.ui:164
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msgid "Anonymous _user"
msgstr "Cleachdaiche gun _urra"
-#. MoZP7
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msgctxt "hyperlinkinternetpage|label2"
msgid "Hyperlink Type"
msgstr "Seòrsa a' cheangail-lìn"
-#. x4GDd
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msgid "F_rame:"
msgstr "F_rèama:"
-#. XhMm4
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msgctxt "hyperlinkinternetpage|indication_label"
msgid "Te_xt:"
msgstr "Te_acsa:"
-#. aFZx3
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msgctxt "hyperlinkinternetpage|name_label"
msgid "N_ame:"
msgstr "_Ainm:"
-#. UG2wE
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+#: hyperlinkinternetpage.ui:303
msgctxt "hyperlinkinternetpage|form_label"
msgid "F_orm:"
msgstr "F_oirm:"
-#. MyGFB
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msgctxt "hyperlinkinternetpage|script|tooltip_text"
msgid "Events"
msgstr "Tachartasan"
-#: hyperlinkinternetpage.ui
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msgctxt "hyperlinkinternetpage|label1"
msgid "Further Settings"
msgstr "Roghainnean a bharrachd"
-#. GKAsu
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msgctxt "hyperlinkmailpage|receiver_label"
msgid "Re_cipient:"
msgstr "Faigh_tear:"
-#. n3cuM
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msgctxt "hyperlinkmailpage|adressbook"
msgid "Data Sources…"
msgstr "Tùsan an dàta…"
-#. B5Axh
-#: hyperlinkmailpage.ui
+#: hyperlinkmailpage.ui:67
msgctxt "hyperlinkmailpage|adressbook|tooltip_text"
msgid "Data Sources..."
msgstr "Tùsan-dàta..."
-#. NJi4c
-#: hyperlinkmailpage.ui
+#: hyperlinkmailpage.ui:81
msgctxt "hyperlinkmailpage|subject_label"
msgid "_Subject:"
msgstr "Cu_spair:"
-#. eCvXD
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msgctxt "hyperlinkmailpage|label2"
msgid "Mail"
msgstr "Post"
-#. Rx7bX
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msgctxt "hyperlinkmailpage|frame_label"
msgid "F_rame:"
msgstr "F_rèama:"
-#. E6CWA
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msgctxt "hyperlinkmailpage|indication_label"
msgid "Te_xt:"
msgstr "Tea_csa:"
-#. BjAaB
-#: hyperlinkmailpage.ui
+#: hyperlinkmailpage.ui:188
msgctxt "hyperlinkmailpage|name_label"
msgid "N_ame:"
msgstr "_Ainm:"
-#. zkpdN
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+#: hyperlinkmailpage.ui:231
msgctxt "hyperlinkmailpage|form_label"
msgid "F_orm:"
msgstr "F_oirm:"
-#. 7wzYs
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msgctxt "hyperlinkmailpage|script|tooltip_text"
msgid "Events"
msgstr "Tachartasan"
-#. BmHDh
-#: hyperlinkmailpage.ui
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msgctxt "hyperlinkmailpage|label1"
msgid "Further Settings"
msgstr "Roghainnean a bharrachd"
-#. FiqBU
-#: hyperlinkmarkdialog.ui
+#: hyperlinkmarkdialog.ui:9
msgctxt "hyperlinkmarkdialog|HyperlinkMark"
msgid "Target in Document"
msgstr "Targaid san sgrìobhainn"
-#. JRUcA
-#: hyperlinkmarkdialog.ui
+#: hyperlinkmarkdialog.ui:22
msgctxt "hyperlinkmarkdialog|apply"
msgid "_Apply"
msgstr "Cuir _an sàs"
-#. jWKYr
-#: hyperlinkmarkdialog.ui
+#: hyperlinkmarkdialog.ui:39
msgctxt "hyperlinkmarkdialog|close"
msgid "_Close"
msgstr "_Dùin"
-#. bysQe
-#: hyperlinkmarkdialog.ui
-msgctxt "hyperlinkmarkdialog|TreeListBox"
+#: hyperlinkmarkdialog.ui:72
+#, fuzzy
+msgctxt "hyperlinkmarkdialog|TreeListBox-atkobject"
msgid "Mark Tree"
msgstr "Comharraich a' chraobh"
-#. tHygQ
-#: hyperlinknewdocpage.ui
+#: hyperlinknewdocpage.ui:44
msgctxt "hyperlinknewdocpage|editnow"
msgid "Edit _now"
msgstr "Deasaich a_n-dràsta"
-#. YAeDk
-#: hyperlinknewdocpage.ui
+#: hyperlinknewdocpage.ui:61
msgctxt "hyperlinknewdocpage|editlater"
msgid "Edit _later"
msgstr "Deasaich às a dhèidh _seo"
-#. DqCc6
-#: hyperlinknewdocpage.ui
+#: hyperlinknewdocpage.ui:89
msgctxt "hyperlinknewdocpage|file_label"
msgid "_File:"
msgstr "_Faidhle:"
-#. jJbSK
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+#: hyperlinknewdocpage.ui:112
msgctxt "hyperlinknewdocpage|create"
msgid "Select Path"
msgstr "Tagh slighe"
-#. PDNz4
-#: hyperlinknewdocpage.ui
+#: hyperlinknewdocpage.ui:117
msgctxt "hyperlinknewdocpage|create|tooltip_text"
msgid "Select Path"
msgstr "Tagh slighe"
-#. NKd9R
-#: hyperlinknewdocpage.ui
+#: hyperlinknewdocpage.ui:132
msgctxt "hyperlinknewdocpage|types_label"
msgid "File _type:"
msgstr "Seòrsa an fhai_dhle:"
-#. 9TYuE
-#: hyperlinknewdocpage.ui
+#: hyperlinknewdocpage.ui:172
msgctxt "hyperlinknewdocpage|label2"
msgid "New Document"
msgstr "Sgrìobhainn ùr"
-#. uChAF
-#: hyperlinknewdocpage.ui
+#: hyperlinknewdocpage.ui:211
msgctxt "hyperlinknewdocpage|frame_label"
msgid "F_rame:"
msgstr "F_rèama:"
-#. NG5VC
-#: hyperlinknewdocpage.ui
+#: hyperlinknewdocpage.ui:226
msgctxt "hyperlinknewdocpage|indication_label"
msgid "Te_xt:"
msgstr "Tea_csa:"
-#. SVEq9
-#: hyperlinknewdocpage.ui
+#: hyperlinknewdocpage.ui:241
msgctxt "hyperlinknewdocpage|name_label"
msgid "N_ame:"
msgstr "_Ainm:"
-#. cSknQ
-#: hyperlinknewdocpage.ui
+#: hyperlinknewdocpage.ui:283
msgctxt "hyperlinknewdocpage|form_label"
msgid "F_orm:"
msgstr "F_oirm:"
-#. 5xVHb
-#: hyperlinknewdocpage.ui
+#: hyperlinknewdocpage.ui:309
msgctxt "hyperlinknewdocpage|script|tooltip_text"
msgid "Events"
msgstr "Tachartasan"
-#. MS2Cn
-#: hyperlinknewdocpage.ui
+#: hyperlinknewdocpage.ui:347
msgctxt "hyperlinknewdocpage|label1"
msgid "Further Settings"
msgstr "Roghainnean a bharrachd"
-#. XkDqc
-#: hyphenate.ui
+#: hyphenate.ui:19
msgctxt "hyphenate|HyphenateDialog"
msgid "Hyphenation"
msgstr "Tàthanachadh"
-#. N4zDD
-#: hyphenate.ui
+#: hyphenate.ui:48
msgctxt "hyphenate|hyphall"
msgid "Hyphenate All"
msgstr "Tàthanaich a h-uile"
-#. TraEA
-#: hyphenate.ui
+#: hyphenate.ui:98
msgctxt "hyphenate|ok"
msgid "Hyphenate"
msgstr "Tàthanaich"
-#. gEGtP
-#: hyphenate.ui
+#: hyphenate.ui:112
msgctxt "hyphenate|continue"
msgid "Skip"
msgstr "Leum thairis air"
-#. dsjvf
-#: hyphenate.ui
+#: hyphenate.ui:148
msgctxt "hyphenate|label1"
msgid "Word:"
msgstr "Facal:"
-#. ce8xK
-#: iconchangedialog.ui
+#: iconchangedialog.ui:10
msgctxt "iconchangedialog|IconChange"
-#. HGCp4
-#: iconchangedialog.ui
+#: iconchangedialog.ui:75
msgctxt "iconchangedialog|label1"
msgid ""
"The files listed below could not be imported.\n"
@@ -7179,32 +3842,27 @@ msgstr ""
"Cha do ghabh na faidhlichean gu h-ìosal ion-phortadh.\n"
"Cha deach fòrmat nam faidhlichean a thuigsinn."
-#. NA8j5
-#: iconselectordialog.ui
+#: iconselectordialog.ui:10
msgctxt "iconselectordialog|IconSelector"
msgid "Change Icon"
msgstr "Atharraich an ìomhaigheag"
-#. qZXP7
-#: iconselectordialog.ui
+#: iconselectordialog.ui:125
msgctxt "iconselectordialog|label1"
msgid "_Icons"
msgstr "Ìomha_igheagan"
-#. ZyFG4
-#: iconselectordialog.ui
+#: iconselectordialog.ui:148
msgctxt "iconselectordialog|importButton"
msgid "I_mport..."
msgstr "Ion-p_hortaich…"
-#. 46d7Z
-#: iconselectordialog.ui
+#: iconselectordialog.ui:163
msgctxt "iconselectordialog|deleteButton"
msgid "_Delete..."
msgstr "_Sguab às..."
-#. C4HU9
-#: iconselectordialog.ui
+#: iconselectordialog.ui:197
msgctxt "iconselectordialog|noteLabel"
msgid ""
@@ -7215,1490 +3873,1223 @@ msgstr ""
"Bu chòir do dh'ìomhaigheag a bhith 16x16 pixel airson na càileachd as fhearr.\n"
"Thèid ìomhaigheagan de mheud eile a sgèileadh gu fèin-obrachail."
-#. zCiFk
-#: insertfloatingframe.ui
+#: insertfloatingframe.ui:13
msgctxt "insertfloatingframe|InsertFloatingFrameDialog"
msgid "Floating Frame Properties"
msgstr "Buadhan an fhrèam air fleod"
-#. 6Zg6E
-#: insertfloatingframe.ui
+#: insertfloatingframe.ui:65
msgctxt "insertfloatingframe|label6"
msgid "Name:"
msgstr "Ainm:"
-#. QFERc
-#: insertfloatingframe.ui
+#: insertfloatingframe.ui:78
msgctxt "insertfloatingframe|label7"
msgid "Contents:"
msgstr "Susbaint:"
-#. ExCGU
-#: insertfloatingframe.ui
+#: insertfloatingframe.ui:87
msgctxt "insertfloatingframe|buttonbrowse"
msgid "Browse..."
msgstr "Brabhsaich..."
-#. CFNgz
-#: insertfloatingframe.ui
+#: insertfloatingframe.ui:130
msgctxt "insertfloatingframe|scrollbaron"
msgid "On"
msgstr "Air"
-#: insertfloatingframe.ui
+#: insertfloatingframe.ui:147
msgctxt "insertfloatingframe|scrollbaroff"
msgid "Off"
msgstr "Dheth"
-#. iucHE
-#: insertfloatingframe.ui
+#: insertfloatingframe.ui:163
msgctxt "insertfloatingframe|scrollbarauto"
msgid "Automatic"
msgstr "Fèin-obrachail"
-#. NTDhm
-#: insertfloatingframe.ui
+#: insertfloatingframe.ui:185
msgctxt "insertfloatingframe|label1"
msgid "Scroll Bar"
msgstr "Bàr-sgrolaidh"
-#. 9DUFs
-#: insertfloatingframe.ui
+#: insertfloatingframe.ui:218
msgctxt "insertfloatingframe|borderon"
msgid "On"
msgstr "Air"
-#. P9vwv
-#: insertfloatingframe.ui
+#: insertfloatingframe.ui:235
msgctxt "insertfloatingframe|borderoff"
msgid "Off"
msgstr "Dheth"
-#. xBDSb
-#: insertfloatingframe.ui
+#: insertfloatingframe.ui:260
msgctxt "insertfloatingframe|label2"
msgid "Border"
msgstr "Iomall"
-#. RAz7e
-#: insertfloatingframe.ui
+#: insertfloatingframe.ui:297
msgctxt "insertfloatingframe|widthlabel"
msgid "Width:"
msgstr "Leud:"
-#. DMLy9
-#: insertfloatingframe.ui
+#: insertfloatingframe.ui:310
msgctxt "insertfloatingframe|heightlabel"
msgid "Height:"
msgstr "Àirde:"
-#. EEPAq
-#: insertfloatingframe.ui
+#: insertfloatingframe.ui:345
msgctxt "insertfloatingframe|defaultwidth"
msgid "Default"
msgstr "Bun-roghainn"
-#. dQ8BY
-#: insertfloatingframe.ui
+#: insertfloatingframe.ui:359
msgctxt "insertfloatingframe|defaultheight"
msgid "Default"
msgstr "Bun-roghainn"
-#. JJC7G
-#: insertfloatingframe.ui
+#: insertfloatingframe.ui:379
msgctxt "insertfloatingframe|label3"
-msgid "Spacing to Contents"
-msgstr "Beàrnadh ris an t-susbaint"
+msgid "Padding"
+msgstr ""
-#. DHyVM
-#: insertoleobject.ui
+#: insertoleobject.ui:8
msgctxt "insertoleobject|InsertOLEObjectDialog"
msgid "Insert OLE Object"
msgstr "Cuir a-steach oibseact OLE"
-#. APCbM
-#: insertoleobject.ui
+#: insertoleobject.ui:86
msgctxt "insertoleobject|createnew"
msgid "Create new"
msgstr "Cruthaich fear ùr"
-#. g7yF2
-#: insertoleobject.ui
+#: insertoleobject.ui:102
msgctxt "insertoleobject|createfromfile"
msgid "Create from file"
msgstr "Cruthaich o fhaidhle"
-#. JcNDd
-#: insertoleobject.ui
+#: insertoleobject.ui:151
msgctxt "insertoleobject|label1"
msgid "Object Type"
msgstr "Seòrsa oibseict"
-#. GYhtz
-#: insertoleobject.ui
+#: insertoleobject.ui:197
msgctxt "insertoleobject|urlbtn"
msgid "Search…"
msgstr "Lorg…"
-#. PL3Eq
-#: insertoleobject.ui
+#: insertoleobject.ui:210
msgctxt "insertoleobject|linktofile"
msgid "Link to file"
msgstr "Dèan ceangal ri faidhle"
-#. G8yfb
-#: insertoleobject.ui
+#: insertoleobject.ui:224
msgctxt "insertoleobject|asicon"
msgid "Display as icon"
msgstr ""
-#. ry68g
-#: insertoleobject.ui
+#: insertoleobject.ui:245
msgctxt "insertoleobject|label2"
msgid "File"
msgstr "Faidhle"
-#. BCgnf
-#: insertrowcolumn.ui
+#: insertrowcolumn.ui:15
msgctxt "insertrowcolumn|InsertRowColumnDialog"
msgid "Insert Row"
msgstr "Cuir a-steach ràgh"
-#. ULGtA
-#: insertrowcolumn.ui
+#: insertrowcolumn.ui:106
msgctxt "insertrowcolumn|label3"
msgid "_Number:"
msgstr "À_ireamh:"
-#. nEwTY
-#: insertrowcolumn.ui
+#: insertrowcolumn.ui:138
msgctxt "insertrowcolumn|label1"
msgid "Insert"
msgstr "Cuir a-steach"
-#. xdCAE
-#: insertrowcolumn.ui
+#: insertrowcolumn.ui:169
msgctxt "insertrowcolumn|insert_before"
msgid "_Before"
msgstr "_Roimhe"
-#. ZmEKX
-#: insertrowcolumn.ui
+#: insertrowcolumn.ui:187
msgctxt "insertrowcolumn|insert_after"
msgid "A_fter"
msgstr "'N_a dhèidh"
-#. mS7YV
-#: insertrowcolumn.ui
+#: insertrowcolumn.ui:210
msgctxt "insertrowcolumn|label2"
msgid "Position"
msgstr "Ionad"
-#. 3AdX5
-#: javaclasspathdialog.ui
+#: javaclasspathdialog.ui:8
msgctxt "javaclasspathdialog|JavaClassPath"
msgid "Class Path"
msgstr "Slighe a' chlas"
-#. cCAqB
-#: javaclasspathdialog.ui
+#: javaclasspathdialog.ui:93
msgctxt "javaclasspathdialog|label1"
msgid "A_ssigned folders and archives"
msgstr "Pa_sgain is tasg-lannan iomruinte"
-#. 5cgAY
-#: javaclasspathdialog.ui
+#: javaclasspathdialog.ui:144
msgctxt "javaclasspathdialog|archive"
msgid "_Add Archive..."
msgstr "Cuir t_asg-lann ris..."
-#: javaclasspathdialog.ui
+#: javaclasspathdialog.ui:158
msgctxt "javaclasspathdialog|folder"
msgid "Add _Folder"
msgstr "Cuir _pasgan ris"
-#. YNHm3
-#: javaclasspathdialog.ui
+#: javaclasspathdialog.ui:172
msgctxt "javaclasspathdialog|remove"
msgid "_Remove"
msgstr "_Thoir air falbh"
-#. LU9ad
-#: javastartparametersdialog.ui
+#: javastartparametersdialog.ui:8
msgctxt "javastartparametersdialog|JavaStartParameters"
msgid "Java Start Parameters"
msgstr "Paramadairean tòiseachadh Java"
-#. AkVB2
-#: javastartparametersdialog.ui
+#: javastartparametersdialog.ui:94
msgctxt "javastartparametersdialog|label4"
msgid "Java start _parameter"
msgstr "_Paramadair tòiseachadh Java"
-#. bbrtf
-#: javastartparametersdialog.ui
+#: javastartparametersdialog.ui:120
msgctxt "javastartparametersdialog|label5"
msgid "Assig_ned start parameters"
msgstr "Paramadairea_n tòiseachaidh iomruinte"
-#. 87Ysi
-#: javastartparametersdialog.ui
+#: javastartparametersdialog.ui:159
msgctxt "javastartparametersdialog|label6"
msgid "For example: -Dmyprop=c:\\\\program files\\\\java"
msgstr "Mar eisimpleir: -Dmyprop=c:\\\\program files\\\\java"
-#. F3A9L
-#: javastartparametersdialog.ui
+#: javastartparametersdialog.ui:168
msgctxt "javastartparametersdialog|assignbtn"
msgid "_Add"
msgstr "_Cuir ris"
-#. sNSWD
-#: javastartparametersdialog.ui
+#: javastartparametersdialog.ui:188
msgctxt "javastartparametersdialog|editbtn"
msgid "_Edit"
msgstr "D_easaich"
-#. fUGmG
-#: javastartparametersdialog.ui
+#: javastartparametersdialog.ui:203
msgctxt "javastartparametersdialog|removebtn"
msgid "_Remove"
msgstr "_Thoir air falbh"
-#. RdoKs
-#: linedialog.ui
+#: linedialog.ui:8
msgctxt "linedialog|LineDialog"
msgid "Line"
msgstr "Loidhne"
-#. 4FPRn
-#: linedialog.ui
+#: linedialog.ui:100
msgctxt "linedialog|RID_SVXPAGE_LINE"
msgid "Line"
msgstr "Loidhne"
-#. mJtTZ
-#: linedialog.ui
+#: linedialog.ui:113
msgctxt "linedialog|RID_SVXPAGE_SHADOW"
msgid "Shadow"
msgstr "Sgàil"
-#. CxFty
-#: linedialog.ui
+#: linedialog.ui:127
msgctxt "linedialog|RID_SVXPAGE_LINE_DEF"
msgid "Line Styles"
msgstr "Stoidhlean loidhne"
-#. pEuvF
-#: linedialog.ui
+#: linedialog.ui:141
msgctxt "linedialog|RID_SVXPAGE_LINEEND_DEF"
msgid "Arrow Styles"
msgstr "Stoidhlean shaighdean"
-#. wkVvG
-#: lineendstabpage.ui
+#: lineendstabpage.ui:49
msgctxt "lineendstabpage|FT_TITLE"
msgid "_Title:"
msgstr "_Tiotal:"
-#. iGG25
-#: lineendstabpage.ui
+#: lineendstabpage.ui:65
msgctxt "lineendstabpage|FT_LINE_END_STYLE"
msgid "Arrow _style:"
msgstr "Stoidhle na _saighde:"
-#. y6SSb
-#: lineendstabpage.ui
+#: lineendstabpage.ui:111
msgctxt "lineendstabpage|FI_TIP"
msgid "Add a selected object to create new arrow styles."
-msgstr ""
-"Cuir ris an t-oibseact a thagh thu gus stoidhlean shaighdean ùra a "
+msgstr "Cuir ris an t-oibseact a thagh thu gus stoidhlean shaighdean ùra a chruthachadh."
-#. rgBEv
-#: lineendstabpage.ui
+#: lineendstabpage.ui:152
msgctxt "lineendstabpage|BTN_MODIFY"
msgid "_Modify"
msgstr "_Atharraich"
-#. V4C5Z
-#: lineendstabpage.ui
+#: lineendstabpage.ui:190
msgctxt "lineendstabpage|BTN_LOAD|tooltip_text"
msgid "Load arrow styles"
msgstr "Luchdaich stoidhlean shaighdean"
-#. CUTxx
-#: lineendstabpage.ui
+#: lineendstabpage.ui:208
msgctxt "lineendstabpage|BTN_SAVE|tooltip_text"
msgid "Save arrow styles"
msgstr "Sàbhail stoidhlean nan saighdean"
-#. hEYzS
-#: lineendstabpage.ui
+#: lineendstabpage.ui:276
msgctxt "lineendstabpage|label1"
msgid "Organize Arrow Styles"
msgstr "Rianaich stoidhlean nan saighdean"
-#. rBY7A
-#: linestyletabpage.ui
+#: linestyletabpage.ui:34
+msgctxt "linestyletabpage|liststoreTYPE"
+msgid "Dots"
+msgstr "Dotagan"
+#: linestyletabpage.ui:38
+msgctxt "linestyletabpage|liststoreTYPE"
+msgid "Dash"
+msgstr "Strìochag"
+#: linestyletabpage.ui:92
msgctxt "linestyletabpage|FT_LINESTYLE"
msgid "Line _style:"
msgstr "_Stoidhle na loidhne:"
-#. F3Hkn
-#: linestyletabpage.ui
+#: linestyletabpage.ui:130
msgctxt "linestyletabpage|FT_TYPE"
msgid "_Type:"
msgstr "S_eòrsa:"
-#. FELjh
-#: linestyletabpage.ui
+#: linestyletabpage.ui:146
msgctxt "linestyletabpage|FT_NUMBER"
msgid "_Number:"
msgstr "À_ireamh:"
-#. ApA5k
-#: linestyletabpage.ui
+#: linestyletabpage.ui:162
msgctxt "linestyletabpage|FT_LENGTH"
msgid "_Length:"
msgstr "_Faid:"
-#. UyY5P
-#: linestyletabpage.ui
+#: linestyletabpage.ui:178
msgctxt "linestyletabpage|FT_DISTANCE"
msgid "_Spacing:"
msgstr "_Beàrnadh:"
-#. Ki2tD
-#: linestyletabpage.ui
+#: linestyletabpage.ui:191
msgctxt "linestyletabpage|CBX_SYNCHRONIZE"
msgid "_Fit to line width"
msgstr "Co-_fhreagair gu leud na loidhne"
-#. MAsFg
-#: linestyletabpage.ui
+#: linestyletabpage.ui:354
msgctxt "linestyletabpage|BTN_MODIFY"
msgid "_Modify"
msgstr "_Atharraich"
-#. FmGAy
-#: linestyletabpage.ui
+#: linestyletabpage.ui:392
msgctxt "linestyletabpage|BTN_LOAD|tooltip_text"
msgid "Load Line Styles"
msgstr "Luchdaich stoidhlean loidhnichean"
-#. JCDCi
-#: linestyletabpage.ui
+#: linestyletabpage.ui:410
msgctxt "linestyletabpage|BTN_SAVE|tooltip_text"
msgid "Save Line Styles"
msgstr "Sàbhail stoidhlean nan loidhnichean"
-#. VGiHW
-#: linestyletabpage.ui
+#: linestyletabpage.ui:465
msgctxt "linestyletabpage|label1"
msgid "Properties"
msgstr "Roghainnean"
-#. LyV8a
-#: linestyletabpage.ui
-msgctxt "linestyletabpage|liststoreTYPE"
-msgid "Dots"
-msgstr "Dotagan"
+#: linetabpage.ui:30
+msgctxt "linetabpage|liststoreCAP_STYLE"
+msgid "Flat"
+msgstr "Rèidh"
-#. uq5bZ
-#: linestyletabpage.ui
-msgctxt "linestyletabpage|liststoreTYPE"
-msgid "Dash"
-msgstr "Strìochag"
+#: linetabpage.ui:34
+msgctxt "linetabpage|liststoreCAP_STYLE"
+msgid "Round"
+msgstr "Cruinn"
+#: linetabpage.ui:38
+msgctxt "linetabpage|liststoreCAP_STYLE"
+msgid "Square"
+msgstr "Ceàrnagach"
+#: linetabpage.ui:52
+msgctxt "linetabpage|liststoreEDGE_STYLE"
+msgid "Rounded"
+msgstr "Cruinnte"
+#: linetabpage.ui:56
+msgctxt "linetabpage|liststoreEDGE_STYLE"
+msgid "- none -"
+msgstr "- chan eil gin -"
+#: linetabpage.ui:60
+msgctxt "linetabpage|liststoreEDGE_STYLE"
+msgid "Mitered"
+msgstr "Bairrinichte"
-#. vFEBA
-#: linetabpage.ui
+#: linetabpage.ui:64
+msgctxt "linetabpage|liststoreEDGE_STYLE"
+msgid "Beveled"
+msgstr "Beibhealaichte"
+#: linetabpage.ui:109
msgctxt "linetabpage|FT_LINE_STYLE"
msgid "_Style:"
msgstr "_Stoidhle:"
-#. WBP2J
-#: linetabpage.ui
+#: linetabpage.ui:148
msgctxt "linetabpage|FT_COLOR"
msgid "Colo_r:"
msgstr "Da_th:"
-#. PtQxP
-#: linetabpage.ui
+#: linetabpage.ui:186
msgctxt "linetabpage|FT_LINE_WIDTH"
msgid "_Width:"
msgstr "_Leud:"
-#. MzAeD
-#: linetabpage.ui
+#: linetabpage.ui:228
msgctxt "linetabpage|FT_TRANSPARENT"
msgid "_Transparency:"
msgstr "_Trìd-shoilleireachd:"
-#. 6TFWn
-#: linetabpage.ui
+#: linetabpage.ui:267
msgctxt "linetabpage|label1"
msgid "Line Properties"
msgstr "Roghainnean na loidhne"
-#. HyxSJ
-#: linetabpage.ui
+#: linetabpage.ui:315
msgctxt "linetabpage|FT_LINE_ENDS_STYLE"
msgid "Start st_yle:"
msgstr "Stoidhle an t_oisich:"
-#. cCsuG
-#: linetabpage.ui
+#: linetabpage.ui:355
msgctxt "linetabpage|label5"
msgid "End sty_le:"
msgstr "Stoidhle an _deiridh:"
-#. 5RYtu
-#: linetabpage.ui
+#: linetabpage.ui:377
msgctxt "linetabpage|FT_LINE_START_WIDTH"
msgid "Wi_dth:"
msgstr "Le_ud:"
-#. aZYyn
-#: linetabpage.ui
+#: linetabpage.ui:404
msgctxt "linetabpage|TSB_CENTER_START"
msgid "Ce_nter"
msgstr "Meadhana_ich"
-#. zm8Ga
-#: linetabpage.ui
+#: linetabpage.ui:438
msgctxt "linetabpage|FT_LINE_END_WIDTH"
msgid "W_idth:"
msgstr "Leu_d:"
-#. g2gLY
-#: linetabpage.ui
+#: linetabpage.ui:465
msgctxt "linetabpage|TSB_CENTER_END"
msgid "C_enter"
msgstr "Meadhana_ich"
-#. pQfyE
-#: linetabpage.ui
+#: linetabpage.ui:497
msgctxt "linetabpage|CBX_SYNCHRONIZE"
msgid "Synchroni_ze ends"
msgstr "Sioncro_naich na cinn"
-#. sged5
-#: linetabpage.ui
+#: linetabpage.ui:519
msgctxt "linetabpage|label2"
msgid "Arrow Styles"
msgstr "Stoidhlean shaighdean"
-#. BdoBN
-#: linetabpage.ui
+#: linetabpage.ui:555
msgctxt "linetabpage|FT_EDGE_STYLE"
msgid "_Corner style:"
msgstr "Stoidhle a_n oisein:"
-#. kCtQm
-#: linetabpage.ui
+#: linetabpage.ui:571
msgctxt "linetabpage|FT_CAP_STYLE"
msgid "Ca_p style:"
msgstr "_Stoidhle a' chinn:"
-#. Y4Gmw
-#: linetabpage.ui
+#: linetabpage.ui:616
msgctxt "linetabpage|label3"
msgid "Corner and Cap Styles"
msgstr "Stoidhlean nan oisean is nan ceann"
-#. 4YTBE
-#: linetabpage.ui
+#: linetabpage.ui:649
msgctxt "linetabpage|MB_SYMBOL_BITMAP"
msgid "Select..."
msgstr "Tagh..."
-#. LaBcU
-#: linetabpage.ui
+#: linetabpage.ui:671
msgctxt "linetabpage|FT_SYMBOL_WIDTH"
msgid "Widt_h:"
msgstr "Le_ud:"
-#. yhVmm
-#: linetabpage.ui
+#: linetabpage.ui:699
msgctxt "linetabpage|CB_SYMBOL_RATIO"
msgid "_Keep ratio"
msgstr "_Glèidh an co-mheas"
-#. oV6GJ
-#: linetabpage.ui
+#: linetabpage.ui:719
msgctxt "linetabpage|FT_SYMBOL_HEIGHT"
msgid "Hei_ght:"
msgstr "Àir_de:"
-#. 9eaQs
-#: linetabpage.ui
+#: linetabpage.ui:759
msgctxt "linetabpage|label4"
msgid "Icon"
msgstr "Ìomhaigheag"
-#. 4LeEu
-#: linetabpage.ui
-msgctxt "linetabpage|CTL_PREVIEW"
+#: linetabpage.ui:798
+msgctxt "linetabpage|CTL_PREVIEW-atkobject"
msgid "Example"
-msgstr "Ball-eisimpleir"
+msgstr ""
-#. xjb8g
-#: linetabpage.ui
+#: linetabpage.ui:824
msgctxt "linetabpage|menuitem1"
msgid "_No Symbol"
msgstr "Gu_n samhla"
-#. 2q5YF
-#: linetabpage.ui
+#: linetabpage.ui:832
msgctxt "linetabpage|menuitem2"
msgid "_Automatic"
msgstr "Gu _fèin-obrachail"
-#. WA9YD
-#: linetabpage.ui
+#: linetabpage.ui:840
msgctxt "linetabpage|menuitem3"
msgid "_From file..."
msgstr "_O fhaidhle..."
-#. DYone
-#: linetabpage.ui
+#: linetabpage.ui:848
msgctxt "linetabpage|menuitem4"
msgid "_Gallery"
msgstr "_Gailearaidh"
-#. EvAFu
-#: linetabpage.ui
+#: linetabpage.ui:856
msgctxt "linetabpage|menuitem5"
msgid "_Symbols"
msgstr "_Samhlaidhean"
-#. biCBC
-#: linetabpage.ui
-msgctxt "linetabpage|liststoreCAP_STYLE"
-msgid "Flat"
-msgstr "Rèidh"
-#. GqrYS
-#: linetabpage.ui
-msgctxt "linetabpage|liststoreCAP_STYLE"
-msgid "Round"
-msgstr "Cruinn"
-#. 3hNSB
-#: linetabpage.ui
-msgctxt "linetabpage|liststoreCAP_STYLE"
-msgid "Square"
-msgstr "Ceàrnagach"
-#. Qx3Ur
-#: linetabpage.ui
-msgctxt "linetabpage|liststoreEDGE_STYLE"
-msgid "Rounded"
-msgstr "Cruinnte"
-#. XH7Z6
-#: linetabpage.ui
-msgctxt "linetabpage|liststoreEDGE_STYLE"
-msgid "- none -"
-msgstr "- chan eil gin -"
-#. HZoVf
-#: linetabpage.ui
-msgctxt "linetabpage|liststoreEDGE_STYLE"
-msgid "Mitered"
-msgstr "Bairrinichte"
-#. RjDyz
-#: linetabpage.ui
-msgctxt "linetabpage|liststoreEDGE_STYLE"
-msgid "Beveled"
-msgstr "Beibhealaichte"
-#: macroassigndialog.ui
+#: macroassigndialog.ui:8
msgctxt "macroassigndialog|MacroAssignDialog"
msgid "Assign Action"
msgstr "Iomruin gnìomh"
-#. NGu7X
-#: macroassignpage.ui
+#: macroassignpage.ui:57
msgctxt "macroassignpage|eventft"
msgid "Event"
msgstr "Tachartas"
-#. Z8XAp
-#: macroassignpage.ui
+#: macroassignpage.ui:70
msgctxt "macroassignpage|assignft"
msgid "Assigned Action"
msgstr "Gnìomh iomruinte"
-#. jfate
-#: macroassignpage.ui
+#: macroassignpage.ui:95
msgctxt "macroassignpage|libraryft1"
msgid "Assignments"
msgstr "Iomruineadh"
-#. YG6nV
-#: macroassignpage.ui
+#: macroassignpage.ui:130
msgctxt "macroassignpage|assign"
msgid "M_acro..."
msgstr "M_acro..."
-#. nhxq7
-#: macroassignpage.ui
+#: macroassignpage.ui:144
msgctxt "macroassignpage|component"
msgid "Com_ponent..."
msgstr "Co-_phàirt..."
-#: macroassignpage.ui
+#: macroassignpage.ui:158
msgctxt "macroassignpage|delete"
msgid "Remove"
msgstr "Thoir air falbh"
-#. CqT9E
-#: macroassignpage.ui
+#: macroassignpage.ui:216
msgctxt "macroassignpage|label1"
msgid "Assign"
msgstr "Iomruin"
-#: macroselectordialog.ui
+#: macroselectordialog.ui:8
msgctxt "macroselectordialog|MacroSelectorDialog"
msgid "Macro Selector"
msgstr "Roghnaichear mhacrothan"
-#. sgKzf
-#: macroselectordialog.ui
+#: macroselectordialog.ui:37
msgctxt "macroselectordialog|add"
msgid "Add"
msgstr "Cuir ris"
-#. fpfnw
-#: macroselectordialog.ui
+#: macroselectordialog.ui:114
msgctxt "macroselectordialog|helpmacro"
-msgid ""
-"Select the library that contains the macro you want. Then select the macro "
-"under 'Macro name'."
-msgstr ""
-"Tagh an leabharlann far a bheil am macro a tha thu ag iarraidh. Tagh am "
-"macro an uairsin fo 'Ainm macro'."
+msgid "Select the library that contains the macro you want. Then select the macro under 'Macro name'."
+msgstr "Tagh an leabharlann far a bheil am macro a tha thu ag iarraidh. Tagh am macro an uairsin fo 'Ainm macro'."
-#. nVAE3
-#: macroselectordialog.ui
+#: macroselectordialog.ui:130
msgctxt "macroselectordialog|helptoolbar"
-msgid ""
-"To add a command to a toolbar, select the category and then the command. "
-"Then drag the command to the Commands list of the Toolbars tab page in the "
-"Customize dialog."
-msgstr ""
-"Gus àithne a chur ri clàr-taice, tagh an roinn-seòrsa agus an uairsin an "
-"àithne. Slaod an àithne gu liosta nan àitheantan dhen duilleag taba nan "
-"clàr-taice sa chòmhradh 'Gnàthaich' an uairsin."
+msgid "To add a command to a toolbar, select the category and then the command. Then drag the command to the Commands list of the Toolbars tab page in the Customize dialog."
+msgstr "Gus àithne a chur ri clàr-taice, tagh an roinn-seòrsa agus an uairsin an àithne. Slaod an àithne gu liosta nan àitheantan dhen duilleag taba nan clàr-taice sa chòmhradh 'Gnàthaich' an uairsin."
-#. SuCLc
-#: macroselectordialog.ui
+#: macroselectordialog.ui:184
msgctxt "macroselectordialog|libraryft"
msgid "Library"
msgstr "Leabhar-lann"
-#. ah4q5
-#: macroselectordialog.ui
+#: macroselectordialog.ui:199
msgctxt "macroselectordialog|categoryft"
msgid "Category"
msgstr "Roinn-seòrsa"
-#. QvKmS
-#: macroselectordialog.ui
+#: macroselectordialog.ui:256
msgctxt "macroselectordialog|macronameft"
msgid "Macro Name"
msgstr "Ainm macro"
-#. 2pAF6
-#: macroselectordialog.ui
+#: macroselectordialog.ui:272
msgctxt "macroselectordialog|commandsft"
msgid "Commands"
msgstr "Àitheantan"
-#. gsUCh
-#: macroselectordialog.ui
+#: macroselectordialog.ui:341
msgctxt "macroselectordialog|label1"
msgid "Description"
msgstr "Tuairisgeul"
-#. DpEG7
-#: menuassignpage.ui
-msgctxt "menuassignpage|toolrename"
-msgid "Rename..."
+#: menuassignpage.ui:49
+msgctxt "menuassignpage|contentslabel"
+msgid "_Search"
msgstr ""
-#. F5thG
-#: menuassignpage.ui
-msgctxt "menuassignpage|toolrestore"
-msgid "Restore Default Command"
+#: menuassignpage.ui:65
+msgctxt "menuassignpage|contentslabel"
+msgid "Categor_y"
msgstr ""
-#. Q34AD
-#: menuassignpage.ui
-msgctxt "menuassignpage|toolchange"
-msgid "Change Icon..."
+#: menuassignpage.ui:80
+msgctxt "menuassignpage|contentslabel"
+msgid "_Function"
msgstr ""
-#. B92oF
-#: menuassignpage.ui
-msgctxt "menuassignpage|toolreset"
-msgid "Reset Icon"
+#: menuassignpage.ui:95
+msgctxt "menuassignpage|label33"
+msgid "Description"
msgstr ""
-#. CLJdC
-#: menuassignpage.ui
-msgctxt "menuassignpage|toplevelft"
-msgid "Menu"
-msgstr "Clàr-taice"
-#. UFRnW
-#: menuassignpage.ui
-msgctxt "menuassignpage|toolbarstyleft"
-msgid "Style"
-msgstr "Stoidhle"
-#. k7QME
-#: menuassignpage.ui
-msgctxt "menuassignpage|iconsandtextrb"
-msgid "Icons & Text"
-msgstr "Ìomhaigheagan ⁊ teacsa"
-#. ukuYq
-#: menuassignpage.ui
-msgctxt "menuassignpage|iconsrb"
-msgid "Icons"
-msgstr "Ìomhaigheagan"
+#: menuassignpage.ui:107
+msgctxt "menuassignpage|searchEntry"
+msgid "Type to search"
+msgstr ""
-#. DAAF5
-#: menuassignpage.ui
-msgctxt "menuassignpage|textrb"
-msgid "Text"
-msgstr "Teacsa"
+#: menuassignpage.ui:150
+msgctxt "menuassignpage|desc"
+msgid "Local help is not installed."
+msgstr ""
-#. DiRgB
-#: menuassignpage.ui
-msgctxt "menuassignpage|toplevelbutton"
-msgid "New..."
-msgstr "Ùr..."
+#: menuassignpage.ui:180
+msgctxt "menuassignpage|add"
+msgid "Add item"
+msgstr ""
-#. cmNqS
-#: menuassignpage.ui
-msgctxt "menuassignpage|menuedit"
-msgid "Menu"
-msgstr "Clàr-taice"
+#: menuassignpage.ui:210
+msgctxt "menuassignpage|remove"
+msgid "Remove item"
+msgstr ""
-#. U59uo
-#: menuassignpage.ui
-msgctxt "menuassignpage|label26"
-msgstr "Clàir-thaice %PRODUCTNAME %MODULENAME"
+#: menuassignpage.ui:257
+msgctxt "menuassignpage|functionbtn"
+msgid "_Function"
+msgstr ""
-#. 9vfHQ
-#: menuassignpage.ui
-msgctxt "menuassignpage|label33"
-msgid "_Save In"
-msgstr "_Sàbhail ann an"
+#: menuassignpage.ui:294
+msgctxt "menuassignpage|plusbtn"
+msgid "_+"
+msgstr ""
-#. qFpej
-#: menuassignpage.ui
-msgctxt "menuassignpage|contentslabel"
-msgid "Entries"
-msgstr "Innteartan"
+#: menuassignpage.ui:309
+msgctxt "menuassignpage|minusbtn"
+msgid "_-"
+msgstr ""
-#. xySvN
-#: menuassignpage.ui
-msgctxt "menuassignpage|resetbtn"
-msgid "Reset"
-msgstr "Ath-shuidhich"
+#: menuassignpage.ui:378
+msgctxt "menuassignpage|insert"
+msgid "_Insert"
+msgstr ""
-#. MdfQh
-#: menuassignpage.ui
+#: menuassignpage.ui:396
msgctxt "menuassignpage|modify"
-msgid "Modify"
-msgstr "Atharraich"
-#. FVkxy
-#: menuassignpage.ui
-msgctxt "menuassignpage|deletebtn"
-msgid "Remove"
-msgstr "Thoir air falbh"
+msgid "_Modify"
+msgstr ""
-#. CrB8c
-#: menuassignpage.ui
-msgctxt "menuassignpage|add"
-msgid "Add Command"
-msgstr "Cuir àithne ris"
+#: menuassignpage.ui:414
+msgctxt "menuassignpage|resetbtn"
+msgid "Rese_t"
+msgstr ""
-#. LtzLZ
-#: menuassignpage.ui
-msgctxt "menuassignpage|addseparatorbtn"
-msgid "Add Separator"
-msgstr "Cuir sgaradh or ris"
+#: menuassignpage.ui:523
+msgctxt "menuassignpage|insertseparator"
+msgid "Insert Separator"
+msgstr ""
-#. YAH8N
-#: menuassignpage.ui
-msgctxt "menuassignpage|addsubmenubtn"
-msgid "Add Submenu"
-msgstr "Cuir fo-chlàr-taice ris"
+#: menuassignpage.ui:531
+msgctxt "menuassignpage|insertsubmenu"
+msgid "Insert Submenu"
+msgstr ""
-#. sh72n
-#: menuassignpage.ui
-msgctxt "menuassignpage|label27"
-msgid "Menu Content"
-msgstr "Susbaint a' chlàir-thaice"
-#. hKQfV
-#: menuassignpage.ui
-msgctxt "menuassignpage|label28"
-msgid "_Description"
-msgstr "_Tuairisgeul"
-#: menuassignpage.ui
-msgctxt "menuassignpage|move"
-msgid "Move..."
-msgstr "Gluais..."
-#. RF75c
-#: menuassignpage.ui
-msgctxt "menuassignpage|rename"
+#: menuassignpage.ui:543
+#, fuzzy
+msgctxt "menuassignpage|renameItem"
msgid "Rename..."
msgstr "Thoir ainm ùr air..."
-#. W3EKj
-#: menuassignpage.ui
-msgctxt "menuassignpage|delete"
-msgid "Delete..."
-msgstr "Sguab às..."
-#. nSKjF
-#: menuassignpage.ui
-msgctxt "menuassignpage|modtoolrename"
-msgid "Rename..."
+#: menuassignpage.ui:551
+msgctxt "menuassignpage|changeIcon"
+msgid "Change Icon..."
msgstr ""
-#. 2eAC7
-#: menuassignpage.ui
-msgctxt "menuassignpage|modtooldelete"
-msgid "Delete"
+#: menuassignpage.ui:559
+msgctxt "menuassignpage|resetIcon"
+msgid "Reset Icon"
msgstr ""
-#. x2Bby
-#: menuassignpage.ui
-msgctxt "menuassignpage|modrename"
-msgid "Rename..."
-msgstr "Thoir ainm ùr air..."
+#: menuassignpage.ui:567
+msgctxt "menuassignpage|restoreItem"
+msgid "Restore Default Command"
+msgstr ""
-#. Mcir5
-#: mosaicdialog.ui
+#: mosaicdialog.ui:16
msgctxt "mosaicdialog|MosaicDialog"
msgid "Mosaic"
msgstr "Mosàig"
-#. yVvs9
-#: mosaicdialog.ui
+#: mosaicdialog.ui:144
msgctxt "mosaicdialog|label2"
msgid "_Width:"
msgstr "_Leud:"
-#. TsqoC
-#: mosaicdialog.ui
+#: mosaicdialog.ui:168
msgctxt "mosaicdialog|height"
msgid "2"
msgstr "2"
-#. Ca8nA
-#: mosaicdialog.ui
+#: mosaicdialog.ui:182
msgctxt "mosaicdialog|label3"
msgid "_Height:"
msgstr "Àir_de:"
-#. HPBw2
-#: mosaicdialog.ui
+#: mosaicdialog.ui:199
msgctxt "mosaicdialog|edges"
msgid "E_nhance edges"
msgstr "Meudaich _na h-oirean"
-#. LKQEa
-#: mosaicdialog.ui
+#: mosaicdialog.ui:226
msgctxt "mosaicdialog|label1"
msgid "Parameters"
msgstr "Paramadairean"
-#. NcNCG
-#: movemenu.ui
+#: movemenu.ui:19
msgctxt "movemenu|MoveMenuDialog"
msgid "New Menu"
msgstr "Clàr-taice ùr"
-#. kJERC
-#: movemenu.ui
+#: movemenu.ui:103
msgctxt "movemenu|menunameft"
msgid "Menu name:"
msgstr "Ainm a' clàir-thaice:"
-#. YV2LE
-#: movemenu.ui
+#: movemenu.ui:197
msgctxt "movemenu|label1"
msgid "Menu _position:"
msgstr "Ionad a' _chlàir-thaice:"
-#. HZFF5
-#: movemenu.ui
+#: movemenu.ui:244
msgctxt "movemenu|up-atkobject"
msgid "Up"
msgstr "Suas"
-#. nRLog
-#: movemenu.ui
+#: movemenu.ui:262
msgctxt "movemenu|down-atkobject"
msgid "Down"
msgstr "Sìos"
-#. qoE4K
-#: multipathdialog.ui
+#: multipathdialog.ui:9
msgctxt "multipathdialog|MultiPathDialog"
msgid "Select Paths"
msgstr "Tagh slighean"
-#. yfGYp
-#: multipathdialog.ui
+#: multipathdialog.ui:107
msgctxt "multipathdialog|add"
msgid "_Add..."
msgstr "_Cuir ris..."
-#. BdYBz
-#: multipathdialog.ui
+#: multipathdialog.ui:164
msgctxt "multipathdialog|pathlist"
msgid "Path list:"
msgstr "Liosta nan slighean:"
-#. AsnM3
-#: multipathdialog.ui
+#: multipathdialog.ui:185
msgctxt "multipathdialog|label1"
msgid "Mark the Default Path for New Files"
msgstr "Comharraich an t-slighe bhunaiteach airson fhaidhlichean ùra"
-#. pB3Yj
-#: namedialog.ui
+#: namedialog.ui:8
msgctxt "namedialog|NameDialog"
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Ainm"
-#. ZQHDc
-#: newlibdialog.ui
+#: newlibdialog.ui:8
msgctxt "newlibdialog|NewLibDialog"
msgid "Create Library"
msgstr "Cruthaich leabhar-lann"
-#. Kza8K
-#: newlibdialog.ui
+#: newlibdialog.ui:28
msgctxt "newlibdialog|newlibft"
msgid "Enter the name for the new library."
msgstr "Cuir a-steach an t-ainm airson na leabhar-lainn ùr."
-#. 8D4QY
-#: newlibdialog.ui
+#: newlibdialog.ui:57
msgctxt "newlibdialog|newmacroft"
msgid "Enter the name for the new macro."
msgstr "Cuir a-steach an t-ainm airson a' mhacro ùir."
-#. xZRVY
-#: newlibdialog.ui
+#: newlibdialog.ui:73
msgctxt "newlibdialog|renameft"
msgid "Enter the new name for the selected object."
msgstr "Cuir a-steach an t-ainm airson an oibseict a thagh thu."
-#. awAso
-#: newlibdialog.ui
+#: newlibdialog.ui:88
msgctxt "newlibdialog|altmacrotitle"
msgid "Create Macro"
msgstr "Cruthaich macro"
-#. 3WDAH
-#: newlibdialog.ui
+#: newlibdialog.ui:102
msgctxt "newlibdialog|altrenametitle"
msgid "Rename"
msgstr "Thoir ainm ùr air"
-#. 77zVE
-#: newtabledialog.ui
+#: newtabledialog.ui:22
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msgstr "Àireamh _de cholbhan:"
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msgid "_Number of rows:"
msgstr "Àiream_h de ràghan:"
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msgstr "Ainm"
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msgstr "Ainm a' _bhàr-inneal:"
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msgstr "Thoir air falbh"
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msgstr "I_onadan an t-seòrsaiche:"
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-msgstr "Airgeadra"
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-msgstr "Ceann-là"
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-msgstr "Gu fèin-obrachail"
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msgstr "Co-thaobhadh:"
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msgstr "Barr na bun-loidhne"
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msgstr "Meadhan na bun-loidhne"
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msgstr "Bonn na bun-loidhne"
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msgid "Bottom of character"
msgstr "Bonn a' charactair"
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msgstr "Meadhan na loidhne"
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msgstr "Bonn na loidhne"
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msgid "Select..."
msgstr "Tagh..."
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msgstr "Clì"
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msgstr "Meadhanaichte"
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msgstr "Deas"
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msgid "Select..."
msgstr "Tagh..."
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msgstr "Roimhe:"
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msgstr "'Na dhèidh:"
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msgstr "Co-th_aobhadh:"
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msgstr "Àireamhachadh"
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msgstr "Àireamha_chadh leanailteach"
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msgid "All Levels"
msgstr "A h-uile leibheil"
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msgid "From file..."
msgstr "On fhaidhle..."
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+msgstr "Chan eil gin"
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msgstr "Leibheil"
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msgstr "Na leanas an dèidh an àireamhachaidh:"
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msgstr "Eag:"
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msgstr "Dà_imheach"
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msgstr "Leud an àireamhachaidh:"
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msgctxt "numberingpositionpage|numdist"
msgid ""
"Minimum space between\n"
@@ -8707,1825 +5098,1398 @@ msgstr ""
"An t-àite as lugha eadar\n"
"àireamhachadh is teacsa:"
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msgid "N_umbering alignment:"
msgstr "C_o-thaobhadh an àireamhachaidh:"
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msgstr "Ionad is beàrnadh"
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msgstr "Bun-roghainn"
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-#. FzFuR
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-msgstr "Meadhanaichte"
-#. BF5Nt
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-msgstr "Deas"
-#. tsTNP
-#: numberingpositionpage.ui
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-msgstr "Taba-stad"
-#. 3EFaG
-#: numberingpositionpage.ui
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-msgstr "Àite bàn"
-#. GviqT
-#: numberingpositionpage.ui
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-msgstr "Chan eil gin"
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msgstr "Ainm"
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msgid "_Name:"
msgstr "_Ainm:"
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msgid "Description"
msgstr "Tuairisgeul"
-#. FYqhw
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msgstr "_Tuairisgeul:"
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msgid "Support _assistive technology tools (program restart required)"
-msgstr ""
-"Cuir t_aic ri innealan teicneolas taice (bidh feum air ath-thòiseachadh a' "
+msgstr "Cuir t_aic ri innealan teicneolas taice (bidh feum air ath-thòiseachadh a' phrògraim)"
-#. EZqPM
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-"_Cleachd an cùrsair taghadh teacsa ann an sgrìobhainnean teacsa a tha ri "
-"leughadh a-mhàin"
+msgstr "_Cleachd an cùrsair taghadh teacsa ann an sgrìobhainnean teacsa a tha ri leughadh a-mhàin"
-#. APEfF
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msgstr "Ceada_ich dealbhan beòtha"
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msgid "Allow animated _text"
msgstr "Ceadaich _teacsa beò"
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msgstr "Roghainnean eile"
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msgid "Automatically _detect high contrast mode of operating system"
-msgstr ""
-"Mothaich _do mhodhan àrd-iomsgaradh an t-siostaim-obrachaidh gu fèin-"
+msgstr "Mothaich _do mhodhan àrd-iomsgaradh an t-siostaim-obrachaidh gu fèin-obrachail"
-#. Sc8Cq
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msgstr "_Cleachd dath crutha-clò fèin-obrachail dhan taisbeanadh sgrìne"
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msgstr "Cleachd dathan an t-siostaim airson ro-shealladh d_uilleige"
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msgid "Options for High Contrast Appearance"
msgstr "Na roghainnean airson coltas àrd-iomsgaradh"
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+msgstr "Tha na _Java Runtime Environments (JRE) a leanas air an stàladh mu thràth:"
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msgid "_Add..."
msgstr "_Cuir ris..."
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msgid "_Parameters..."
msgstr "_Paramadairean..."
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msgid "_Class Path..."
msgstr "Slighe a' _chlas..."
-#. MxHGu
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msgstr "Reiceadair"
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msgstr "Gleusan"
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msgid "with accessibility support"
msgstr "le taic ruigsinneachd"
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msgid "Select a Java Runtime Environment"
msgstr "Tagh Java Runtime Environment"
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msgstr "Àite: "
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-#: optadvancedpage.ui
+#: optadvancedpage.ui:280
msgctxt "optadvancedpage|label1"
msgid "Java Options"
msgstr "Roghainnean Java"
-#. rEtsc
-#: optadvancedpage.ui
+#: optadvancedpage.ui:315
msgctxt "optadvancedpage|experimental"
msgid "Enable experimental features (may be unstable)"
-msgstr ""
-"Cuir an comas gleusan deuchainneach (dh’fhaoidte nach bi seo seasmhach)"
+msgstr "Cuir an comas gleusan deuchainneach (dh’fhaoidte nach bi seo seasmhach)"
-#. rMVcA
-#: optadvancedpage.ui
+#: optadvancedpage.ui:330
msgctxt "optadvancedpage|macrorecording"
msgid "Enable macro recording (may be limited)"
msgstr "Cuir an comas clàradh mhacrothan (dh’fhaoidte gum bi seo cuingichte)"
-#. NgRXw
-#: optadvancedpage.ui
+#: optadvancedpage.ui:344
msgctxt "optadvancedpage|expertconfig"
msgid "Open Expert Configuration"
msgstr "Fosgail rèiteachadh le sàr-eòlaiche"
-#. ZLtrh
-#: optadvancedpage.ui
+#: optadvancedpage.ui:364
msgctxt "optadvancedpage|label12"
msgid "Optional Features"
msgstr "Gleusan roghainneil"
-#. dmvLE
-#: optappearancepage.ui
+#: optappearancepage.ui:35
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msgid "_Scheme:"
msgstr "Sgea_ma:"
-#. jzELX
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msgid "Color Scheme"
msgstr "Sgeama dhathan"
-#. BtFUJ
-#: optappearancepage.ui
+#: optappearancepage.ui:133
msgctxt "optappearancepage|uielements"
msgid "User interface elements"
msgstr "Cleachd eileamaidean na h-eadar-aghaidh"
-#. nrHHF
-#: optappearancepage.ui
+#: optappearancepage.ui:145
msgctxt "optappearancepage|colorsetting"
msgid "Color setting"
msgstr "Roghainn nan dathan"
-#. n5BWe
-#: optappearancepage.ui
-msgctxt "optappearancepage|preview"
-msgid "Preview"
-msgstr "Ro-shealladh"
-#. Jms9Q
-#: optappearancepage.ui
+#: optappearancepage.ui:156
msgctxt "optappearancepage|on"
msgid "On"
msgstr "Air"
-#: optappearancepage.ui
+#: optappearancepage.ui:189
msgctxt "optappearancepage|label2"
msgid "Custom Colors"
msgstr "Dathan gnàthaichte"
-#. nRFne
-#: optasianpage.ui
+#: optasianpage.ui:31
msgctxt "optasianpage|charkerning"
msgid "_Western text only"
msgstr ""
-#. WEFrz
-#: optasianpage.ui
+#: optasianpage.ui:49
msgctxt "optasianpage|charpunctkerning"
msgid "Western _text and Asian punctuation"
msgstr "_Teacsa Siarach is puingeachadh Àiseanach"
-#. 4wTpB
-#: optasianpage.ui
+#: optasianpage.ui:73
msgctxt "optasianpage|label1"
msgid "Kerning"
msgstr "Fo-ghearradh"
-#. mboKG
-#: optasianpage.ui
+#: optasianpage.ui:105
msgctxt "optasianpage|nocompression"
msgid "_No compression"
msgstr "Gu_n dùmhlachadh"
-#. GvJuV
-#: optasianpage.ui
+#: optasianpage.ui:123
msgctxt "optasianpage|punctcompression"
msgid "_Compress punctuation only"
msgstr "Dùmhlai_ch am puingeachadh a-mhàin"
-#. aGY7H
-#: optasianpage.ui
+#: optasianpage.ui:141
msgctxt "optasianpage|punctkanacompression"
msgid "Compress punctuation and Japanese Kana"
msgstr "Dùmhlaich puingeachadh is Kana Seapanach"
-#. DAgwH
-#: optasianpage.ui
+#: optasianpage.ui:165
msgctxt "optasianpage|label2"
msgid "Character Spacing"
msgstr "Beàrnadh charactaran"
-#. CeSy8
-#: optasianpage.ui
+#: optasianpage.ui:226
msgctxt "optasianpage|standard"
msgid "_Default"
msgstr "_Bun-roghainn"
-#. WmjE9
-#: optasianpage.ui
+#: optasianpage.ui:251
msgctxt "optasianpage|languageft"
msgid "_Language:"
msgstr "Cà_nan:"
-#. 3Airv
-#: optasianpage.ui
+#: optasianpage.ui:265
msgctxt "optasianpage|startft"
msgid "Not _at start of line:"
msgstr "Chan ann _aig toiseach na loidhne:"
-#. TiFfn
-#: optasianpage.ui
+#: optasianpage.ui:279
msgctxt "optasianpage|endft"
msgid "Not at _end of line:"
msgstr "Chan ann aig d_eireadh na loidhne:"
-#. dSvmP
-#: optasianpage.ui
+#: optasianpage.ui:324
msgctxt "optasianpage|hintft"
msgid "Without user-defined line break symbols"
msgstr "Gun samhlaidhean briseadh-loidhne a shònraich cleachdaiche"
-#. BCwCp
-#: optasianpage.ui
+#: optasianpage.ui:340
msgctxt "optasianpage|label3"
msgid "First and Last Characters"
msgstr "Ciad charactaran 's feadhainn dheireannach"
-#. DpgnD
-#: optbasicidepage.ui
+#: optbasicidepage.ui:29
msgctxt "optbasicidepage|codecomplete_enable"
msgid "Enable code completion"
msgstr "Cuir an comas slànachadh còd"
-#. B8fvE
-#: optbasicidepage.ui
+#: optbasicidepage.ui:49
msgctxt "optbasicidepage|label1"
msgid "Code Completion"
msgstr "Slànachadh còd"
-#. kaYLZ
-#: optbasicidepage.ui
+#: optbasicidepage.ui:81
msgctxt "optbasicidepage|autoclose_proc"
msgid "Autoclose procedures"
msgstr "Modhan-obrach co-shlànachaidh fhèin-obrachail"
-#. qKTPa
-#: optbasicidepage.ui
+#: optbasicidepage.ui:95
msgctxt "optbasicidepage|autoclose_paren"
msgid "Autoclose parenthesis"
msgstr "Co-shlànaich eadar-ràdhan gu fèin-obrachail"
-#. EExBY
-#: optbasicidepage.ui
+#: optbasicidepage.ui:109
msgctxt "optbasicidepage|autoclose_quotes"
msgid "Autoclose quotes"
msgstr "Co-shlànaich comharran-labhairt gu fèin-obrachail"
-#. CCtUM
-#: optbasicidepage.ui
+#: optbasicidepage.ui:123
msgctxt "optbasicidepage|autocorrect"
msgid "Autocorrection"
msgstr "Fèin-cheartachadh"
-#. dJWhM
-#: optbasicidepage.ui
+#: optbasicidepage.ui:144
msgctxt "optbasicidepage|label2"
msgid "Code Suggestion"
msgstr "Moladh còd"
-#. iUBCy
-#: optbasicidepage.ui
+#: optbasicidepage.ui:176
msgctxt "optbasicidepage|extendedtypes_enable"
msgid "Use extended types"
msgstr "Cleachd Extended Types"
-#. rG8Fi
-#: optbasicidepage.ui
+#: optbasicidepage.ui:196
msgctxt "optbasicidepage|label3"
msgid "Language Features"
msgstr "Gleusan cànain"
-#. vTZjC
-#: optchartcolorspage.ui
+#: optchartcolorspage.ui:42
msgctxt "optchartcolorspage|label20"
msgid "Chart Colors"
msgstr "Datha na cairt"
-#. WA57y
-#: optchartcolorspage.ui
+#: optchartcolorspage.ui:128
msgctxt "optchartcolorspage|default"
msgid "_Default"
msgstr "_Bun-roghainn"
-#. KoHHw
-#: optchartcolorspage.ui
+#: optchartcolorspage.ui:156
msgctxt "optchartcolorspage|label1"
msgid "Color Table"
msgstr "Clàr nan dathan"
-#. fVDQp
-#: optctlpage.ui
+#: optctlpage.ui:31
msgctxt "optctlpage|sequencechecking"
msgid "Use se_quence checking"
msgstr "Cleachd s_grùdadh sreatha-leanmhainn"
-#. DTWHd
-#: optctlpage.ui
+#: optctlpage.ui:56
msgctxt "optctlpage|restricted"
msgid "Restricted"
msgstr "Cuingichte"
-#. wkSPW
-#: optctlpage.ui
+#: optctlpage.ui:70
msgctxt "optctlpage|typeandreplace"
msgid "_Type and replace"
msgstr "_Sgrìobh is cuir 'na àite"
-#. 4fM2r
-#: optctlpage.ui
+#: optctlpage.ui:99
msgctxt "optctlpage|label1"
msgid "Sequence Checking"
msgstr "Sgrùdadh sreatha-leanmhainn"
-#. oBBi6
-#: optctlpage.ui
+#: optctlpage.ui:134
msgctxt "optctlpage|label3"
msgid "Movement:"
msgstr "Gluasad:"
-#. R7YUB
-#: optctlpage.ui
+#: optctlpage.ui:144
msgctxt "optctlpage|movementlogical"
msgid "Lo_gical"
msgstr "Loi_digeach"
-#. aEwYW
-#: optctlpage.ui
+#: optctlpage.ui:161
msgctxt "optctlpage|movementvisual"
msgid "_Visual"
msgstr "_Lèirsinneach"
-#. 78DkF
-#: optctlpage.ui
+#: optctlpage.ui:186
msgctxt "optctlpage|label2"
msgid "Cursor Control"
msgstr "Smachd a' chùrsair"
-#. LcTwD
-#: optctlpage.ui
+#: optctlpage.ui:220
msgctxt "optctlpage|label5"
msgid "_Numerals:"
msgstr "Àireamha_n:"
-#. BdfCk
-#: optctlpage.ui
+#: optctlpage.ui:235
msgctxt "optctlpage|numerals"
msgid "Arabic (1, 2, 3…)"
msgstr "Arabach (1, 2, 3…)"
-#. 2n6dr
-#: optctlpage.ui
+#: optctlpage.ui:236
msgctxt "optctlpage|numerals"
msgid "Eastern Arabic (٣ ,٢ ,١…)"
msgstr "Arabach an Ear (٣ ,٢ ,١…)"
-#. uFBEA
-#: optctlpage.ui
+#: optctlpage.ui:237
msgctxt "optctlpage|numerals"
msgid "System"
msgstr "Siostam"
-#. 93jgb
-#: optctlpage.ui
+#: optctlpage.ui:238
msgctxt "optctlpage|numerals"
msgid "Context"
msgstr "Co-theacsa"
-#. kWczF
-#: optctlpage.ui
+#: optctlpage.ui:254
msgctxt "optctlpage|label4"
msgid "General Options"
msgstr "Roghainnean coitcheann"
-#. DhS5b
-#: optemailpage.ui
+#: optemailpage.ui:26
msgctxt "optemailpage|label2"
msgid "_E-mail program:"
msgstr "_Prògram a' phuist-d:"
-#: optemailpage.ui
+#: optemailpage.ui:55
msgctxt "optemailpage|browse"
msgid "Browse..."
msgstr "Brabhsaich..."
-#. EHBa5
-#: optemailpage.ui
+#: optemailpage.ui:89
msgctxt "optemailpage|browsetitle"
msgid "All files"
msgstr "A h-uile faidhle"
-#. scEyS
-#: optemailpage.ui
+#: optemailpage.ui:116
msgctxt "optemailpage|suppress"
msgid "Suppress hidden elements of documents"
msgstr "Mùch eileamaidean falaichte ann an sgrìobhainnean"
-#. L8Vpv
-#: optemailpage.ui
+#: optemailpage.ui:171
msgctxt "optemailpage|label1"
msgid "Sending Documents as E-mail Attachments"
msgstr "A' cur nan sgrìobhainnean mar cheanglachan phost-dealain"
-#. x5kfq
-#: optfltrembedpage.ui
+#: optfltrembedpage.ui:52
msgctxt "optfltrembedpage|label2"
msgid "[L]: Load and convert the object"
msgstr "[L]: Luchdaich is iompaich an t-oibseact"
-#. PiDB7
-#: optfltrembedpage.ui
+#: optfltrembedpage.ui:65
msgctxt "optfltrembedpage|label3"
msgid "[S]: Convert and save the object"
msgstr "[S]: Iompaich is sàbhail an t-oibseact"
-#. f2hGQ
-#: optfltrembedpage.ui
+#: optfltrembedpage.ui:81
msgctxt "optfltrembedpage|label1"
msgid "Embedded Objects"
msgstr "Oibseactan leabaichte"
-#. nvE89
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+#: optfltrembedpage.ui:116
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msgid "Export as:"
msgstr "Às-phortaich mar:"
-#. FEeH6
-#: optfltrembedpage.ui
+#: optfltrembedpage.ui:131
msgctxt "optfltrembedpage|highlighting"
msgid "Highlighting"
msgstr "Soillseachadh"
-#. Dnrx7
-#: optfltrembedpage.ui
+#: optfltrembedpage.ui:147
msgctxt "optfltrembedpage|shading"
msgid "Shading"
msgstr "Sgàileadh"
-#. gKwdG
-#: optfltrembedpage.ui
+#: optfltrembedpage.ui:175
msgctxt "optfltrembedpage|label4"
msgid "Character Highlighting"
msgstr "Soillearachadh charactaran"
-#. ttAk5
-#: optfltrpage.ui
+#: optfltrpage.ui:29
msgctxt "optfltrpage|wo_basic"
msgid "Load Basic _code"
msgstr "Luchdaich an _còd Basic"
-#. AChYC
-#: optfltrpage.ui
+#: optfltrpage.ui:46
msgctxt "optfltrpage|wo_exec"
msgid "E_xecutable code"
msgstr "Còd _so-ghnìomhaichte"
-#. avyQV
-#: optfltrpage.ui
+#: optfltrpage.ui:64
msgctxt "optfltrpage|wo_saveorig"
msgid "Save _original Basic code"
msgstr "Sàbhail an còd Basic _tùsail"
-#: optfltrpage.ui
+#: optfltrpage.ui:87
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msgid "Microsoft Word 97/2000/XP"
msgstr "Microsoft Word 97/2000/XP"
-#. Z88Ms
-#: optfltrpage.ui
+#: optfltrpage.ui:119
msgctxt "optfltrpage|ex_basic"
msgid "Lo_ad Basic code"
msgstr "Luchd_aich an còd Basic"
-#. S6ozV
-#: optfltrpage.ui
+#: optfltrpage.ui:136
msgctxt "optfltrpage|ex_exec"
msgid "E_xecutable code"
msgstr "Còd _so-ghnìomhaichte"
-#. K6YYX
-#: optfltrpage.ui
+#: optfltrpage.ui:154
msgctxt "optfltrpage|ex_saveorig"
msgid "Sa_ve original Basic code"
msgstr "Sà_bhail an còd Basic tùsail"
-#. EiCAN
-#: optfltrpage.ui
+#: optfltrpage.ui:177
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msgid "Microsoft Excel 97/2000/XP"
msgstr "Microsoft Excel 97/2000/XP"
-#. z9TKA
-#: optfltrpage.ui
+#: optfltrpage.ui:209
msgctxt "optfltrpage|pp_basic"
msgid "Load Ba_sic code"
msgstr "Luchdaich an còd Ba_sic"
-#. VSdyY
-#: optfltrpage.ui
+#: optfltrpage.ui:226
msgctxt "optfltrpage|pp_saveorig"
msgid "Sav_e original Basic code"
msgstr "Sàb_hail an còd Basic tùsail"
-#. csr26
-#: optfltrpage.ui
+#: optfltrpage.ui:249
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msgid "Microsoft PowerPoint 97/2000/XP"
msgstr "Microsoft PowerPoint 97/2000/XP"
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-#: optfontspage.ui
+#: optfontspage.ui:59
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msgid "_Font:"
msgstr "Cr_uth-clò:"
-#. TAig5
-#: optfontspage.ui
+#: optfontspage.ui:73
msgctxt "optfontspage|label3"
msgid "Re_place with:"
msgstr "C_uir na leanas 'na àite:"
-#. ctZBz
-#: optfontspage.ui
+#: optfontspage.ui:110
msgctxt "optfontspage|always"
msgid "Always"
msgstr "An-còmhnaidh"
-#. pyVz3
-#: optfontspage.ui
+#: optfontspage.ui:121
msgctxt "optfontspage|screenonly"
msgid "Screen only"
msgstr "Sgrìn a-mhàin"
-#. bMguF
-#: optfontspage.ui
+#: optfontspage.ui:132
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msgid "Font"
msgstr "Cruth-clò"
-#. FELgv
-#: optfontspage.ui
+#: optfontspage.ui:143
msgctxt "optfontspage|replacewith"
msgid "Replace with"
msgstr "Cuir na leanas 'na àite"
-#. 7ECDC
-#: optfontspage.ui
+#: optfontspage.ui:205
msgctxt "optfontspage|usetable"
msgid "_Apply replacement table"
msgstr "Cleachd clàr gus crutha_n-clò a chur an àite a chèile"
-#. wDa4A
-#: optfontspage.ui
+#: optfontspage.ui:227
msgctxt "optfontspage|label4"
msgid "Replacement Table"
msgstr "An clàr gus rudan a chur an àite rudan"
-#. z93yC
-#: optfontspage.ui
+#: optfontspage.ui:266
msgctxt "optfontspage|label8"
msgid "Fon_ts:"
msgstr "Cr_uthan-clò:"
-#. L9aT3
-#: optfontspage.ui
+#: optfontspage.ui:281
msgctxt "optfontspage|label9"
msgid "_Size:"
msgstr "_Meud:"
-#. KXCQg
-#: optfontspage.ui
+#: optfontspage.ui:295
msgctxt "optfontspage|fontname"
msgid "Automatic"
msgstr "Fèin-obrachail"
-#. Cc5tn
-#: optfontspage.ui
+#: optfontspage.ui:305
msgctxt "optfontspage|nonpropfontonly"
msgid "_Non-proportional fonts only"
msgstr "Cruthan-clò nach _eil co-rèireach a-mhàin"
-#. AafuA
-#: optfontspage.ui
+#: optfontspage.ui:341
msgctxt "optfontspage|label1"
msgid "Font Settings for HTML, Basic and SQL Sources"
msgstr "Roghainnean nan cruthan-clò airson tùsan HTML, Basic is SQL"
-#. AFEDo
-#: optgeneralpage.ui
+#: optgeneralpage.ui:31
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msgid "_Extended tips"
msgstr "Gliocasan l_eudaichte"
-#. BR6gf
-#: optgeneralpage.ui
+#: optgeneralpage.ui:46
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|label1"
msgid "Help"
msgstr "Cobhair"
-#. aqdMJ
-#: optgeneralpage.ui
+#: optgeneralpage.ui:77
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msgid "_Use %PRODUCTNAME dialogs"
msgstr "Cle_achd còmhraidhean %PRODUCTNAME"
-#. ySSsA
-#: optgeneralpage.ui
+#: optgeneralpage.ui:111
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|label2"
msgid "Open/Save Dialogs"
msgstr "Còmhraidhean fosglaidh ⁊ sàbhalaidh"
-#. JAW5C
-#: optgeneralpage.ui
+#: optgeneralpage.ui:137
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|printdlg"
msgid "Use %PRODUCTNAME _dialogs"
msgstr "Cleach_d còmhraidhean %PRODUCTNAME"
-#. F6nzA
-#: optgeneralpage.ui
+#: optgeneralpage.ui:152
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|label3"
msgid "Print Dialogs"
msgstr "Còmhraidhean a' chlò-bhualaidh"
-#: optgeneralpage.ui
+#: optgeneralpage.ui:178
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|docstatus"
msgid "_Printing sets \"document modified\" status"
msgstr "_Suidhichidh an clò-bhualadh a' choir \"sgrìobhainn air atharrachadh\""
-#. 4yo9c
-#: optgeneralpage.ui
+#: optgeneralpage.ui:193
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|label4"
msgid "Document Status"
msgstr "Staid na sgrìobhainne"
-#. zEUCi
-#: optgeneralpage.ui
+#: optgeneralpage.ui:226
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|label6"
msgid "_Interpret as years between "
msgstr "_Leugh mar àireamh de bhliadhna eadar "
-#. AhF6m
-#: optgeneralpage.ui
+#: optgeneralpage.ui:252
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|toyear"
msgid "and "
msgstr "agus "
-#. 7r6RF
-#: optgeneralpage.ui
+#: optgeneralpage.ui:267
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|label5"
msgid "Year (Two Digits)"
msgstr "Bliadhna (dà fhigear)"
-#. FqdXe
-#: optgeneralpage.ui
+#: optgeneralpage.ui:293
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|collectusageinfo"
msgid "Collect usage data and send it to The Document Foundation"
msgstr "Cruinnich dàta cleachdaidh is cuir gun Document Foundation e"
-#. rS3dG
-#: optgeneralpage.ui
+#: optgeneralpage.ui:308
msgctxt "optgeneralpage|label7"
msgid "Help Improve %PRODUCTNAME"
msgstr "Cuidich leinn a’ leasachadh %PRODUCTNAME"
-#. FsiDE
-#: opthtmlpage.ui
+#: opthtmlpage.ui:90
msgctxt "opthtmlpage|size7FT"
msgid "Size _7:"
msgstr "Meud _7:"
-#. SfHVG
-#: opthtmlpage.ui
+#: opthtmlpage.ui:119
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msgid "Size _6:"
msgstr "Meud _6:"
-#. mbGGc
-#: opthtmlpage.ui
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msgid "Size _5:"
msgstr "Meud _5:"
-#. PwaSa
-#: opthtmlpage.ui
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msgid "Size _4:"
msgstr "Meud _4:"
-#. FSRpm
-#: opthtmlpage.ui
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msgid "Size _3:"
msgstr "Meud _3:"
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msgid "Size _2:"
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msgid "Size _1:"
msgstr "Meud _1:"
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msgid "Font Sizes"
msgstr "Meudan nan cruthan-clò"
-#. JRQrk
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msgid "Ignore _font settings"
msgstr "Leig seachad roghainnean nan _cruthan-clò"
-#. 7bZSP
-#: opthtmlpage.ui
+#: opthtmlpage.ui:365
msgctxt "opthtmlpage|unknowntag"
msgid "_Import unknown HTML tags as fields"
msgstr "_Ion-portaich tagaichean HTML neo-aithnichte mar raointean"
-#. VFTrU
-#: opthtmlpage.ui
+#: opthtmlpage.ui:383
msgctxt "opthtmlpage|numbersenglishus"
msgid "_Use '%ENGLISHUSLOCALE' locale for numbers"
msgstr "Cleachd an sgeama i_onadail '%ENGLISHUSLOCALE' airson àireamhan"
-#. Fnsdh
-#: opthtmlpage.ui
+#: opthtmlpage.ui:407
msgctxt "opthtmlpage|label2"
msgid "Import"
msgstr "Ion-phortaich"
-#. UajLE
-#: opthtmlpage.ui
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msgid "Character _set:"
msgstr "_Seata nan caractaran:"
-#. nJtoS
-#: opthtmlpage.ui
+#: opthtmlpage.ui:489
msgctxt "opthtmlpage|savegrflocal"
msgid "_Copy local images to Internet"
msgstr "_Cuir lethbhreacan de dhealbhan ionadail air an eadar-lìon"
-#. Xc4iM
-#: opthtmlpage.ui
+#: opthtmlpage.ui:507
msgctxt "opthtmlpage|printextension"
msgid "_Print layout"
msgstr "Co-dhealbhachd a' chlò-_bhualaidh"
-#. Wwuvt
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msgid "Display _warning"
msgstr "Seall _rabhadh"
-#. puyKW
-#: opthtmlpage.ui
+#: opthtmlpage.ui:544
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msgid "LibreOffice _Basic"
msgstr "LibreOffice _Basic"
-#. sEnBN
-#: opthtmlpage.ui
+#: opthtmlpage.ui:568
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msgid "Export"
msgstr "Às-phortaich"
-#. ecN5A
-#: optionsdialog.ui
+#: optionsdialog.ui:11
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msgid "Options"
msgstr "Roghainnean"
-#. CgiEq
-#: optjsearchpage.ui
+#: optjsearchpage.ui:33
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msgid "_uppercase/lowercase"
msgstr "_litrichean mòra/beaga"
-#. MkLv3
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+#: optjsearchpage.ui:50
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msgid "_full-width/half-width forms"
msgstr "_cruthan làn-leud/leth-leud"
-#. FPFmB
-#: optjsearchpage.ui
+#: optjsearchpage.ui:67
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msgid "_hiragana/katakana"
msgstr "_hiragana/katakana"
-#. vx6x8
-#: optjsearchpage.ui
+#: optjsearchpage.ui:84
msgctxt "optjsearchpage|matchcontractions"
msgid "_contractions (yo-on, sokuon)"
msgstr "_giorrachaidhean (yōon, sokuon)"
-#. DLxj9
-#: optjsearchpage.ui
+#: optjsearchpage.ui:101
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msgid "_minus/dash/cho-on"
msgstr "_minus/strìochag/chōon"
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+#: optjsearchpage.ui:118
msgctxt "optjsearchpage|matchrepeatcharmarks"
msgid "'re_peat character' marks"
msgstr "co_mharran \"ath-dhèan caractar\""
-#. 62963
-#: optjsearchpage.ui
+#: optjsearchpage.ui:135
msgctxt "optjsearchpage|matchvariantformkanji"
msgid "_variant-form kanji (itaiji)"
msgstr "_kanji air cruth caochlaideach (itaiji)"
-#. ghXPH
-#: optjsearchpage.ui
+#: optjsearchpage.ui:152
msgctxt "optjsearchpage|matcholdkanaforms"
msgid "_old Kana forms"
msgstr "seann fh_oirmichean Kana"
-#. Wxc7u
-#: optjsearchpage.ui
+#: optjsearchpage.ui:169
msgctxt "optjsearchpage|matchdiziduzu"
msgid "_di/zi, du/zu"
msgstr "_di/zi, du/zu"
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+#: optjsearchpage.ui:186
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msgid "_ba/va, ha/fa"
msgstr "_ba/va, ha/fa"
-#: optjsearchpage.ui
+#: optjsearchpage.ui:203
msgctxt "optjsearchpage|matchtsithichidhizi"
msgid "_tsi/thi/chi, dhi/zi"
msgstr "_tsi/thi/chi, dhi/zi"
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+#: optjsearchpage.ui:220
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msgid "h_yu/fyu, byu/vyu"
msgstr "h_yu/fyu, byu/vyu"
-#. MsCme
-#: optjsearchpage.ui
+#: optjsearchpage.ui:237
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msgid "_se/she, ze/je"
msgstr "_se/she, ze/je"
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+#: optjsearchpage.ui:254
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msgstr "_ia/iya (piano/piyano)"
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+#: optjsearchpage.ui:271
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msgid "_ki/ku (tekisuto/tekusuto)"
msgstr "_ki/ku (tekisuto/tekusuto)"
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-#: optjsearchpage.ui
+#: optjsearchpage.ui:288
msgctxt "optjsearchpage|matchprolongedsoundmark"
msgid "Prolon_ged vowels (ka-/kaa)"
msgstr "Fuaimrea_gan fadaichte (ka-/kā)"
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-#: optjsearchpage.ui
+#: optjsearchpage.ui:311
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msgid "Treat as Equal"
msgstr "Dèilig ris mar rud co-ionnann"
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+#: optjsearchpage.ui:345
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msgid "Pu_nctuation characters"
msgstr "Caractara_n puingeachaidh"
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+#: optjsearchpage.ui:362
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msgstr "Caractaran _geal-spàis"
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msgstr "Dotagan _meadhain"
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msgstr "Leig seachad"
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msgstr "_Eadar-aghaidh a' chleachdaiche:"
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+#: optlanguagespage.ui:51
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msgid "Locale setting:"
msgstr "Roghainn an sgeama ionadail:"
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+#: optlanguagespage.ui:65
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msgid "Decimal separator key:"
msgstr "An sgaradair deicheach:"
-#. cuqUB
-#: optlanguagespage.ui
+#: optlanguagespage.ui:79
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msgid "_Default currency:"
msgstr "A_n t-airgeadra bunaiteach:"
-#. XmgPh
-#: optlanguagespage.ui
+#: optlanguagespage.ui:93
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msgid "Date acceptance _patterns:"
msgstr "_Pàtrain aithneachadh cheann-là:"
-#. WoNAA
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+#: optlanguagespage.ui:154
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msgid "_Same as locale setting ( %1 )"
msgstr "_Co-ionnann ris an sgeama ionadail ( %1 )"
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-#: optlanguagespage.ui
+#: optlanguagespage.ui:175
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msgid "Language Of"
msgstr "An cànan aig"
-#. 3JLVm
-#: optlanguagespage.ui
+#: optlanguagespage.ui:246
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msgid "For the current document only"
msgstr "Airson na sgrìobhainne làithreach a-mhàin"
-#. zeaKX
-#: optlanguagespage.ui
+#: optlanguagespage.ui:261
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msgid "Complex _text layout:"
msgstr ""
-#. mpLF7
-#: optlanguagespage.ui
+#: optlanguagespage.ui:276
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msgid "Asian:"
msgstr "Àiseanach:"
-#. QwDAK
-#: optlanguagespage.ui
+#: optlanguagespage.ui:294
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msgid "Western:"
msgstr "Siarach:"
-#. K62Ex
-#: optlanguagespage.ui
+#: optlanguagespage.ui:311
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msgid "Default Languages for Documents"
msgstr "An cànan bunaiteach airson sgrìobhainnean"
-#. 25J4E
-#: optlanguagespage.ui
+#: optlanguagespage.ui:342
msgctxt "optlanguagespage|ignorelanguagechange"
msgid "Ignore s_ystem input language"
msgstr "Leig seachad cànan ion-chur an t-siostai_m"
-#. 83eTv
-#: optlanguagespage.ui
+#: optlanguagespage.ui:363
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msgid "Enhanced Language Support"
msgstr "Taic cànain leasaichte"
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+#: optlingupage.ui:47
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msgid "_Available language modules:"
msgstr "Mòidealan cànain _a tha ri am faighinn:"
-#. 8kxYC
-#: optlingupage.ui
+#: optlingupage.ui:74
msgctxt "optlingupage|lingumodulesedit"
msgid "_Edit..."
msgstr "D_easaich..."
-#. va3tH
-#: optlingupage.ui
+#: optlingupage.ui:82
msgctxt "optlingupage|lingumodulesedit-atkobject"
msgid "Edit Available language modules"
msgstr "Deasaich na mòidealan cànain a tha ri am faighinn"
-#. QfwG5
-#: optlingupage.ui
+#: optlingupage.ui:112
msgctxt "optlingupage|lingudictsft"
msgid "_User-defined dictionaries:"
msgstr "_Faclairean a shònraich cleachdaiche:"
-#. qBrCR
-#: optlingupage.ui
+#: optlingupage.ui:146
msgctxt "optlingupage|lingudictsnew"
msgid "_New..."
msgstr "Ù_r..."
-#. mCu3q
-#: optlingupage.ui
+#: optlingupage.ui:160
msgctxt "optlingupage|lingudictsedit"
msgid "Ed_it..."
msgstr "_Deasaich..."
-#. B7nKn
-#: optlingupage.ui
+#: optlingupage.ui:167
msgctxt "optlingupage|lingudictsedit-atkobject"
msgid "Edit User-defined dictionaries"
msgstr "Deasaich faclairean a shònraich cleachdaiche"
-#. WCFD5
-#: optlingupage.ui
+#: optlingupage.ui:179
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msgid "_Delete"
msgstr "_Sguab às"
-#. cZpBx
-#: optlingupage.ui
+#: optlingupage.ui:218
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msgid "_Options:"
msgstr "R_oghainnean:"
-#. XCpcE
-#: optlingupage.ui
+#: optlingupage.ui:230
msgctxt "optlingupage|moredictslink"
msgid "Get more dictionaries online..."
msgstr "Faigh barrachd fhaclairean air loidhne..."
-#. 58e5v
-#: optlingupage.ui
+#: optlingupage.ui:262
msgctxt "optlingupage|linguoptionsedit"
msgid "Edi_t..."
msgstr "Dea_saich..."
-#. 5MSSC
-#: optlingupage.ui
+#: optlingupage.ui:270
msgctxt "optlingupage|linguoptionsedit-atkobject"
msgid "Edit Options"
msgstr "Roghainnean deasachaidh"
-#. ZEoNA
-#: optlingupage.ui
+#: optlingupage.ui:296
msgctxt "optlingupage|label1"
msgid "Writing Aids"
msgstr "Innealan-taic sgrìobhaidh"
-#. 4iwQz
-#: optmemorypage.ui
-msgctxt "optmemorypage|label6"
-msgid "_Use for %PRODUCTNAME:"
-msgstr "_Cleachd airson %PRODUCTNAME:"
-#. yFp2Z
-#: optmemorypage.ui
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-msgid "_Memory per object:"
-msgstr "Cui_mhne airson gach oibseact:"
-#. 8Zaiv
-#: optmemorypage.ui
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-msgid "Remove _from memory after:"
-msgstr "Thoir air falbh _on chuimhne an dèidh:"
-#. UDpHN
-#: optmemorypage.ui
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-msgid "MB"
-msgstr "MB"
-#. F7oAj
-#: optmemorypage.ui
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-msgstr "MB"
-#. mTfQk
-#: optmemorypage.ui
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-msgstr "hh:mm"
-#. sNsf3
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-msgid "Image Cache"
-msgstr "Tasgadan nan dealbhan"
-#. ggBYE
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-msgid "Number of objects:"
-msgstr "Àireamh de dh'oibseactan:"
-#. EjEAq
-#: optmemorypage.ui
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-msgid "Cache for Inserted Objects"
-msgstr "Tasgadan nan oibseactan a chuireadh ann"
-#. 8UgGC
-#: optmemorypage.ui
-msgctxt "optmemorypage|quicklaunch"
-msgid "Load %PRODUCTNAME during system start-up"
-msgstr "Luchdaich %PRODUCTNAME rè tòiseachadh an t-siostaim"
-#. H87Ci
-#: optmemorypage.ui
-msgctxt "optmemorypage|systray"
-msgid "Enable systray Quickstarter"
-msgstr "Cuir an grad-thòisiche an comas ann an treidhe an t-siostaim"
-#: optmemorypage.ui
-msgctxt "optmemorypage|label4"
-msgid "%PRODUCTNAME Quickstarter"
-msgstr "Grad-thòisiche %PRODUCTNAME"
-#. ADZ8E
-#: optnewdictionarydialog.ui
+#: optnewdictionarydialog.ui:9
msgctxt "optnewdictionarydialog|OptNewDictionaryDialog"
msgid "New Dictionary"
msgstr "Faclair ùr"
-#. XucrZ
-#: optnewdictionarydialog.ui
+#: optnewdictionarydialog.ui:121
msgctxt "optnewdictionarydialog|name_label"
msgid "_Name:"
msgstr "_Ainm:"
-#. ypeEr
-#: optnewdictionarydialog.ui
+#: optnewdictionarydialog.ui:135
msgctxt "optnewdictionarydialog|language_label"
msgid "_Language:"
msgstr "Cà_nan:"
-#. SmQV7
-#: optnewdictionarydialog.ui
+#: optnewdictionarydialog.ui:146
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msgid "_Exception (-)"
msgstr "_Eisgeachd (-)"
-#. CpgB2
-#: optnewdictionarydialog.ui
+#: optnewdictionarydialog.ui:168
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msgid "Dictionary"
msgstr "Faclair"
-#. n6vQH
-#: optonlineupdatepage.ui
+#: optonlineupdatepage.ui:28
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msgid "_Check for updates automatically"
msgstr "Thoir sùil airson ùra_chaidhean gu fèin-obrachail"
-#. Hbe2C
-#: optonlineupdatepage.ui
+#: optonlineupdatepage.ui:54
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msgid "Every da_y"
msgstr "_Gach latha"
-#. 3zd7m
-#: optonlineupdatepage.ui
+#: optonlineupdatepage.ui:71
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msgid "Every _week"
msgstr "Gac_h seachdain"
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-#: optonlineupdatepage.ui
+#: optonlineupdatepage.ui:87
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msgid "Every _month"
msgstr "Gach _mìos"
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-#: optonlineupdatepage.ui
+#: optonlineupdatepage.ui:114
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msgid "Last checked: %DATE%, %TIME%"
msgstr "Thugadh sùil turas mu dheireadh: %DATE%, %TIME%"
-#. pGuvH
-#: optonlineupdatepage.ui
+#: optonlineupdatepage.ui:125
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msgid "Check _Now"
msgstr "Thoir _sùil an-dràsta"
-#. DWDdu
-#: optonlineupdatepage.ui
+#: optonlineupdatepage.ui:140
msgctxt "optonlineupdatepage|autodownload"
msgid "_Download updates automatically"
msgstr "Luchdaich a-nuas na h-ùrachaidhean gu _fèin-obrachail"
-#. iCVFj
-#: optonlineupdatepage.ui
+#: optonlineupdatepage.ui:172
msgctxt "optonlineupdatepage|destpathlabel"
msgid "Download destination:"
msgstr "Ceann-uidhe an luchdaidh a-nuas:"
-#. AmVMh
-#: optonlineupdatepage.ui
+#: optonlineupdatepage.ui:182
msgctxt "optonlineupdatepage|changepath"
msgid "Ch_ange..."
msgstr "Atha_rraich..."
-#. JqAh4
-#: optonlineupdatepage.ui
+#: optonlineupdatepage.ui:220
msgctxt "optonlineupdatepage|extrabits"
msgid "_Send OS version and basic hardware information"
msgstr "Cuir tionndadh an O_S ⁊ fiosrachadh simplidh mun bhathar-chruaidh"
-#. b95Sc
-#: optonlineupdatepage.ui
+#: optonlineupdatepage.ui:224
msgctxt "optonlineupdatepage|extrabits|tooltip_text"
-msgid ""
-"This information lets us make optimizations for your hardware and operating "
-msgstr ""
-"Bheir am fiosrachadh seo comas dhuinn am prògram a chur air gleus airson a’ "
-"bhathair-chruaidh ’s an OS agad."
+msgid "This information lets us make optimizations for your hardware and operating system."
+msgstr "Bheir am fiosrachadh seo comas dhuinn am prògram a chur air gleus airson a’ bhathair-chruaidh ’s an OS agad."
-#. f2Wtr
-#: optonlineupdatepage.ui
+#: optonlineupdatepage.ui:244
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msgid "User Agent:"
msgstr "Àidseant a’ chleachdaiche:"
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-#: optonlineupdatepage.ui
+#: optonlineupdatepage.ui:256
msgctxt "optonlineupdatepage|useragent_changed"
msgid "Hit apply to update"
msgstr "Buail “Cuir an sàs” gus ùrachadh"
-#. rw57A
-#: optonlineupdatepage.ui
+#: optonlineupdatepage.ui:288
msgctxt "optonlineupdatepage|neverchecked"
msgid "Last checked: Not yet"
msgstr "Thugadh sùil an turas mu dheireadh: Cha dugadh gu ruige seo"
-#. 3J5As
-#: optonlineupdatepage.ui
+#: optonlineupdatepage.ui:305
msgctxt "optonlineupdatepage|label1"
msgid "Online Update Options"
msgstr "Roghainnean an ùrachaidh air loidhne"
-#. UNoeu
-#: optopenclpage.ui
+#: optopenclpage.ui:30
msgctxt "optopenclpage|useswinterpreter"
msgid "Allow use of Software Interpreter (even when OpenCL is not available)"
-msgstr ""
-"Ceadaich eadar-theangadair bathair-bhog (fiù mur eile OpenCL ri làimh)"
+msgstr "Ceadaich eadar-theangadair bathair-bhog (fiù mur eile OpenCL ri làimh)"
-#. QYxCN
-#: optopenclpage.ui
+#: optopenclpage.ui:46
msgctxt "optopenclpage|useopencl"
msgid "Allow use of OpenCL"
msgstr "Ceadaich cleachdadh de OpenCL"
-#. MAc4P
-#: optopenclpage.ui
+#: optopenclpage.ui:64
msgctxt "optopenclpage|openclused"
msgid "OpenCL is available for use."
msgstr "Tha OpenCL ri do làimh."
-#. fAEQH
-#: optopenclpage.ui
+#: optopenclpage.ui:76
msgctxt "optopenclpage|openclnotused"
msgid "OpenCL is not used."
msgstr "Chan eil OpenCL ’ga chleachdadh."
-#. xWE5i
-#: optopenclpage.ui
+#: optopenclpage.ui:92
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msgid "OpenCL Options"
msgstr "Roghainnean OpenCL"
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msgid "Type"
msgstr "Seòrsa"
-#. RBNVu
-#: optpathspage.ui
+#: optpathspage.ui:53
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msgid "Path"
msgstr "Slighe"
-#. 3vXzF
-#: optpathspage.ui
+#: optpathspage.ui:66
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msgid "Edit Paths: %1"
msgstr "Deasaich slighean: %1"
-#. rfDum
-#: optpathspage.ui
+#: optpathspage.ui:116
msgctxt "optpathspage|label1"
msgid "Paths used by %PRODUCTNAME"
msgstr "Slighean 'ga chleachdadh le %PRODUCTNAME"
-#. k8MmB
-#: optpathspage.ui
+#: optpathspage.ui:137
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msgid "_Default"
msgstr "_Bun-roghainn"
-#. q8JFc
-#: optpathspage.ui
+#: optpathspage.ui:151
msgctxt "optpathspage|edit"
msgid "_Edit..."
msgstr "D_easaich..."
-#. pQEWv
-#: optproxypage.ui
+#: optproxypage.ui:32
msgctxt "optproxypage|label2"
msgid "Proxy s_erver:"
msgstr "Frith_ealaiche progsaidh:"
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-#: optproxypage.ui
+#: optproxypage.ui:138
msgctxt "optproxypage|proxymode"
msgid "None"
msgstr "Chan eil gin"
-#. 9BdbA
-#: optproxypage.ui
+#: optproxypage.ui:139
msgctxt "optproxypage|proxymode"
msgid "System"
msgstr "Siostam"
-#. 8D2Di
-#: optproxypage.ui
+#: optproxypage.ui:140
msgctxt "optproxypage|proxymode"
msgid "Manual"
msgstr "A làimh"
-#. pkdvs
-#: optproxypage.ui
+#: optproxypage.ui:153
msgctxt "optproxypage|httpft"
msgid "HT_TP proxy:"
msgstr "Progsaidh HT_TP:"
-#. dGMMs
-#: optproxypage.ui
+#: optproxypage.ui:166
msgctxt "optproxypage|httpportft"
msgid "_Port:"
msgstr "_Port:"
-#. 5tuq7
-#: optproxypage.ui
+#: optproxypage.ui:180
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msgid "HTTP_S proxy:"
msgstr "Progsaidh HTTP_S:"
-#. egcgL
-#: optproxypage.ui
+#: optproxypage.ui:194
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msgid "_FTP proxy:"
msgstr "Progsaidh _FTP:"
-#. ZaUmG
-#: optproxypage.ui
+#: optproxypage.ui:208
msgctxt "optproxypage|noproxyft"
msgid "_No proxy for:"
msgstr "Gu_n phrogsaidh airson:"
-#. UynC6
-#: optproxypage.ui
+#: optproxypage.ui:221
msgctxt "optproxypage|httpsportft"
msgid "P_ort:"
msgstr "P_ort:"
-#. kmBDu
-#: optproxypage.ui
+#: optproxypage.ui:234
msgctxt "optproxypage|ftpportft"
msgid "P_ort:"
msgstr "P_ort:"
-#. RW6E4
-#: optproxypage.ui
+#: optproxypage.ui:248
msgctxt "optproxypage|noproxydesc"
msgid "Separator ;"
msgstr "Sgaradair ;"
-#. FzAg6
-#: optproxypage.ui
+#: optproxypage.ui:270
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msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Roghainnean"
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+#: optsavepage.ui:36
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msgid "Load printer settings with the document"
msgstr "Luchdaich roghainnean a' chlò-bhualaidh an cois na sgrìobhainne"
-#. VdFnA
-#: optsavepage.ui
+#: optsavepage.ui:52
msgctxt "optsavepage|load_settings"
msgid "Load user-specific settings with the document"
-msgstr ""
-"Luchdaich roghainnean sònraichte a' chleachdaiche an cois na sgrìobhainne"
+msgstr "Luchdaich roghainnean sònraichte a' chleachdaiche an cois na sgrìobhainne"
-#. js6Gn
-#: optsavepage.ui
+#: optsavepage.ui:74
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msgid "Load"
msgstr "Luchdaich"
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msgid "Save _AutoRecovery information every:"
msgstr "Sàbhail fiosr_achadh fèin-aiseig gach:"
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-#: optsavepage.ui
+#: optsavepage.ui:140
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msgid "minutes"
msgstr "mionaid(ean)"
-#. UKeCt
-#: optsavepage.ui
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msgstr "Sàbhail an sgrìobhainn gu fèin-obrachail cuideachd"
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+#: optsavepage.ui:171
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msgstr "Sàbhail URLaichean dàimheach ri siostam nam faidhlichean"
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+#: optsavepage.ui:186
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msgstr "D_easaich roghainnean na sgrìobhainne mus nithear sàbhaladh"
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+#: optsavepage.ui:201
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msgstr "Sàbhail URLaichean dàimheach ris an eadar-lìon"
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+#: optsavepage.ui:216
msgctxt "optsavepage|backup"
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msgstr "_Cruthaich lethbhreac-glèidhidh an-còmhnaidh"
-#. NaGCU
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+#: optsavepage.ui:237
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msgid "Save"
msgstr "Sàbhail"
-#. TDBAs
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+#: optsavepage.ui:269
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msgid "Warn when not saving in ODF or default format"
-msgstr ""
-"Thoir rabhadh mur eil faidhle 'ga shàbhaladh ann an ODF no san fhòrmat "
+msgstr "Thoir rabhadh mur eil faidhle 'ga shàbhaladh ann an ODF no san fhòrmat bhunaiteach"
-#. YjRps
-#: optsavepage.ui
+#. EN-US, the term 'extended' must not be translated.
+#: optsavepage.ui:293
msgctxt "optsavepage|odfwarning_label"
msgid "Not using ODF 1.2 Extended may cause information to be lost."
-msgstr ""
-"Faodaidh gun caill thu fiosrachadh mura cleachd thu ODF 1.2 Leudaichte."
+msgstr "Faodaidh gun caill thu fiosrachadh mura cleachd thu ODF 1.2 Leudaichte."
-#. 6Tfns
-#: optsavepage.ui
+#: optsavepage.ui:323
msgctxt "optsavepage|odfversion"
msgid "1.0/1.1"
msgstr "1.0/1.1"
-#. BJSfi
-#: optsavepage.ui
+#: optsavepage.ui:324
msgctxt "optsavepage|odfversion"
msgid "1.2"
msgstr "1.2"
-#. k3jkA
-#: optsavepage.ui
+#: optsavepage.ui:325
msgctxt "optsavepage|odfversion"
msgid "1.2 Extended (compatibility mode)"
msgstr "1.2 Leudaichte (modh co-chòrdalachd)"
-#. CjUEz
-#: optsavepage.ui
+#: optsavepage.ui:326
msgctxt "optsavepage|odfversion"
msgid "1.2 Extended (recommended)"
msgstr "1.2 Leudaichte (molta)"
-#. cxPqV
-#: optsavepage.ui
+#: optsavepage.ui:339
msgctxt "optsavepage|label5"
msgid "ODF format version:"
msgstr "Tionndadh fòrmat ODF:"
-#. bF5dA
-#: optsavepage.ui
+#: optsavepage.ui:353
msgctxt "optsavepage|saveas_label"
msgid "Always sa_ve as:"
msgstr "Sàbhail mar na _leanas an-còmhnaidh:"
-#. p3xHz
-#: optsavepage.ui
+#: optsavepage.ui:367
msgctxt "optsavepage|doctype"
msgid "Text document"
msgstr "Sgrìobhainn teacsa"
-#. F2tP4
-#: optsavepage.ui
+#: optsavepage.ui:368
msgctxt "optsavepage|doctype"
msgid "HTML document"
msgstr "Sgrìobhainn HTML"
-#. hA5Di
-#: optsavepage.ui
+#: optsavepage.ui:369
msgctxt "optsavepage|doctype"
msgid "Master document"
msgstr "Prìomh-sgrìobhainn"
-#. Dfgxy
-#: optsavepage.ui
+#: optsavepage.ui:370
msgctxt "optsavepage|doctype"
msgid "Spreadsheet"
msgstr "Cliath-dhuilleag"
-#. EEvDc
-#: optsavepage.ui
+#: optsavepage.ui:371
msgctxt "optsavepage|doctype"
msgid "Presentation"
msgstr "Taisbeanadh"
-#. XgyzS
-#: optsavepage.ui
+#: optsavepage.ui:372
msgctxt "optsavepage|doctype"
msgid "Drawing"
msgstr "Tarraing"
-#. 4DDpx
-#: optsavepage.ui
+#: optsavepage.ui:373
msgctxt "optsavepage|doctype"
msgid "Formula"
msgstr "Foirmle"
-#. 29FUf
-#: optsavepage.ui
+#: optsavepage.ui:396
msgctxt "optsavepage|label6"
msgid "D_ocument type:"
msgstr "Seòrsa na sgrì_obhainne:"
-#. CgCxr
-#: optsavepage.ui
+#: optsavepage.ui:413
msgctxt "optsavepage|label3"
msgid "Default File Format and ODF Settings"
msgstr "Fòrmat bunaiteach is roghainnean ODF"
-#. ArEZy
-#: optsecuritypage.ui
+#: optsecuritypage.ui:36
msgctxt "optsecuritypage|label9"
-msgid ""
-"Maintain a list of Time Stamping Authority (TSA) URLs to be used for digital"
-" signatures in PDF export."
-msgstr ""
-"Cum liosta da URLaichean aig Time Stamping Authorities (TSA) a thèid a "
-"chleachdadh airson soidhneadh digiteach rè às-phortadh PDFaichean."
+msgid "Maintain a list of Time Stamping Authority (TSA) URLs to be used for digital signatures in PDF export."
+msgstr "Cum liosta da URLaichean aig Time Stamping Authorities (TSA) a thèid a chleachdadh airson soidhneadh digiteach rè às-phortadh PDFaichean."
-#. nXJ6o
-#: optsecuritypage.ui
+#: optsecuritypage.ui:49
msgctxt "optsecuritypage|tsas"
msgid "_TSAs..."
msgstr "_TSAs..."
-#. vrbum
-#: optsecuritypage.ui
+#: optsecuritypage.ui:71
msgctxt "optsecuritypage|label10"
msgid "TSAs"
msgstr "TSAs"
-#. dgPTb
-#: optsecuritypage.ui
+#: optsecuritypage.ui:111
msgctxt "optsecuritypage|label7"
-msgid ""
-"Select the Network Security Services certificate directory to use for "
-"digital signatures."
-msgstr ""
-"Tagh pasgan nan teisteanasan airson seirbheisean tèarainteachd an lìonraidh "
-"a thèid a chleachdadh airson soidhnidhean digiteach."
+msgid "Select the Network Security Services certificate directory to use for digital signatures."
+msgstr "Tagh pasgan nan teisteanasan airson seirbheisean tèarainteachd an lìonraidh a thèid a chleachdadh airson soidhnidhean digiteach."
-#. DPGqn
-#: optsecuritypage.ui
+#: optsecuritypage.ui:124
msgctxt "optsecuritypage|cert"
msgid "_Certificate..."
msgstr "_Teisteanas..."
-#. UCYi2
-#: optsecuritypage.ui
+#: optsecuritypage.ui:146
msgctxt "optsecuritypage|label8"
msgid "Certificate Path"
msgstr "Slighe a' cheadachais"
-#. pDQrj
-#: optsecuritypage.ui
+#: optsecuritypage.ui:186
msgctxt "optsecuritypage|label5"
-msgid ""
-"Adjust the security level for executing macros and specify trusted macro "
-msgstr ""
-"Cuir air gleus ìre na tèarainteachd airson gnìomhachadh mhacrothan agus "
-"sònraich luchd-leasachaidh mhacrothan a tha earbsa agad annta."
+msgid "Adjust the security level for executing macros and specify trusted macro developers."
+msgstr "Cuir air gleus ìre na tèarainteachd airson gnìomhachadh mhacrothan agus sònraich luchd-leasachaidh mhacrothan a tha earbsa agad annta."
-#. wBcDQ
-#: optsecuritypage.ui
+#: optsecuritypage.ui:199
msgctxt "optsecuritypage|macro"
msgid "Macro Securit_y..."
msgstr "Tèarainteachd nam _macro..."
-#. rDJXk
-#: optsecuritypage.ui
+#: optsecuritypage.ui:221
msgctxt "optsecuritypage|label3"
msgid "Macro Security"
msgstr "Tèarainteachd nam macro"
-#. UGTda
-#: optsecuritypage.ui
+#: optsecuritypage.ui:263
msgctxt "optsecuritypage|savepassword"
msgid "Persistently _save passwords for web connections"
msgstr "Sàbhail _faclan-faire airson ceanglaichean-lìn an-còmhnaidh"
-#. Gyqwf
-#: optsecuritypage.ui
+#: optsecuritypage.ui:292
msgctxt "optsecuritypage|usemasterpassword"
msgid "Protected _by a master password (recommended)"
msgstr "'Ga dhìon le _prìomh-fhacal-faire (molta)"
-#. ipcrn
-#: optsecuritypage.ui
+#: optsecuritypage.ui:313
msgctxt "optsecuritypage|masterpasswordtext"
-msgid ""
-"Passwords are protected by a master password. You will be asked to enter it "
-"once per session, if %PRODUCTNAME retrieves a password from the protected "
-"password list."
-msgstr ""
-"Bidh faclan-faire fo dhìon prìomh-fhacail-fhaire. Bidh agad a chur a-steach "
-"turas gach seisean ma dh'iarras %PRODUCTNAME facal-faire o liosta nam "
-"faclan-faire fo dhìon."
+msgid "Passwords are protected by a master password. You will be asked to enter it once per session, if %PRODUCTNAME retrieves a password from the protected password list."
+msgstr "Bidh faclan-faire fo dhìon prìomh-fhacail-fhaire. Bidh agad a chur a-steach turas gach seisean ma dh'iarras %PRODUCTNAME facal-faire o liosta nam faclan-faire fo dhìon."
-#. 7gzb7
-#: optsecuritypage.ui
+#: optsecuritypage.ui:330
msgctxt "optsecuritypage|nopasswordsave"
msgid ""
"Disabling the function to persistently store passwords deletes the list of passwords stored and resets the master password.\n"
@@ -10536,764 +6500,652 @@ msgstr ""
"A bheil thu airson liosta nam faclan-faire a sguabadh às agus am prìomh-fhacal-faire aiseag?"
-#. hwg3F
-#: optsecuritypage.ui
+#: optsecuritypage.ui:367
msgctxt "optsecuritypage|connections"
msgid "Connect_ions..."
msgstr "Ceangla_ichean..."
-#. SWrMn
-#: optsecuritypage.ui
+#: optsecuritypage.ui:384
msgctxt "optsecuritypage|masterpassword"
msgid "_Master Password..."
msgstr "_Prìomh-fhacal-faire..."
-#. UtNEn
-#: optsecuritypage.ui
+#: optsecuritypage.ui:415
msgctxt "optsecuritypage|label2"
msgid "Passwords for Web Connections"
msgstr "Faclan-faire airson ceanglaichean-lìn"
-#. EYFvA
-#: optsecuritypage.ui
+#: optsecuritypage.ui:455
msgctxt "optsecuritypage|label4"
-msgid ""
-"Adjust security related options and define warnings for hidden information "
-"in documents. "
-msgstr ""
-"Cuir air gleus na roghainnean tèarainteachd agus sònraich rabhaidhean a "
-"thaobh fiosrachadh falaichte ann an sgrìobhainnean. "
+msgid "Adjust security related options and define warnings for hidden information in documents. "
+msgstr "Cuir air gleus na roghainnean tèarainteachd agus sònraich rabhaidhean a thaobh fiosrachadh falaichte ann an sgrìobhainnean. "
-#. CBnzU
-#: optsecuritypage.ui
+#: optsecuritypage.ui:468
msgctxt "optsecuritypage|options"
msgid "O_ptions..."
msgstr "_Roghainnean..."
-#. GqVkJ
-#: optsecuritypage.ui
+#: optsecuritypage.ui:490
msgctxt "optsecuritypage|label1"
msgid "Security Options and Warnings"
msgstr "Roghainnean is rabhaidhean tèarainteachd"
-#. FPuvb
-#: optuserpage.ui
+#: optuserpage.ui:28
msgctxt "optuserpage|companyft"
msgid "_Company:"
msgstr "_Companaidh:"
-#. 33C7p
-#: optuserpage.ui
+#: optuserpage.ui:42
msgctxt "optuserpage|nameft"
msgid "First/last _name/initials:"
msgstr "Ai_nm/Sloinneadh/Tùs-litrichean:"
-#. Rgktm
-#: optuserpage.ui
+#: optuserpage.ui:56
msgctxt "optuserpage|streetft"
msgid "_Street:"
msgstr "_Sràid:"
-#. 3P3Eq
-#: optuserpage.ui
+#: optuserpage.ui:70
msgctxt "optuserpage|cityft"
msgid "City/state/_zip:"
msgstr "Baile/Siorrachd no Còigeamh/Cò_d-puist:"
-#. 63aAc
-#: optuserpage.ui
+#: optuserpage.ui:84
msgctxt "optuserpage|countryft"
msgid "Country/re_gion:"
msgstr "Dùthaich/_Roinn-dùthcha:"
-#. bBdEE
-#: optuserpage.ui
+#: optuserpage.ui:98
msgctxt "optuserpage|titleft"
msgid "_Title/position:"
msgstr "_Tiotal/Dreuchd:"
-#. AmX9k
-#: optuserpage.ui
+#: optuserpage.ui:112
msgctxt "optuserpage|phoneft"
msgid "Telephone (home/_work):"
msgstr "Fòn (Dachaigh/_Obair):"
-#. SaoaM
-#: optuserpage.ui
+#: optuserpage.ui:117
msgctxt "optuserpage|phoneft-atkobject"
msgid "Home telephone number"
msgstr "Fòn dachaigh"
-#. wFe6B
-#: optuserpage.ui
+#: optuserpage.ui:131
msgctxt "optuserpage|faxft"
msgid "Fa_x/e-mail:"
msgstr "Facs/Po_st-d:"
-#. ZYaYQ
-#: optuserpage.ui
+#: optuserpage.ui:154
msgctxt "optuserpage|firstname-atkobject"
msgid "First name"
msgstr "Ainm"
-#. JTuZi
-#: optuserpage.ui
+#: optuserpage.ui:172
msgctxt "optuserpage|lastname-atkobject"
msgid "Last name"
msgstr "Sloinneadh"
-#. Yxa9C
-#: optuserpage.ui
+#: optuserpage.ui:190
msgctxt "optuserpage|shortname-atkobject"
msgid "Initials"
msgstr "Tùs-litrichean"
-#. r3vzi
-#: optuserpage.ui
+#: optuserpage.ui:219
msgctxt "optuserpage|city-atkobject"
msgid "City"
msgstr "Baile"
-#. mtqYc
-#: optuserpage.ui
+#: optuserpage.ui:237
msgctxt "optuserpage|state-atkobject"
msgid "State"
msgstr "Sgìre/Còigeamh"
-#. 5BGCZ
-#: optuserpage.ui
+#: optuserpage.ui:255
msgctxt "optuserpage|zip-atkobject"
msgid "Zip code"
msgstr "Còd-puist"
-#. HEdwA
-#: optuserpage.ui
+#: optuserpage.ui:285
msgctxt "optuserpage|title-atkobject"
msgid "Title"
msgstr "Tiotal"
-#. HrEay
-#: optuserpage.ui
+#: optuserpage.ui:303
msgctxt "optuserpage|position-atkobject"
msgid "Position"
msgstr "Ionad"
-#. NubaL
-#: optuserpage.ui
+#: optuserpage.ui:332
msgctxt "optuserpage|home-atkobject"
msgid "Home telephone number"
msgstr "Fòn dachaigh"
-#. Csar7
-#: optuserpage.ui
+#: optuserpage.ui:350
msgctxt "optuserpage|work-atkobject"
msgid "Work telephone number"
msgstr "Fòn obrach"
-#. 5iGzz
-#: optuserpage.ui
+#: optuserpage.ui:380
msgctxt "optuserpage|fax-atkobject"
msgid "FAX number"
msgstr "Àireamh an fhacs"
-#. ivjYN
-#: optuserpage.ui
+#: optuserpage.ui:398
msgctxt "optuserpage|email-atkobject"
msgid "email address"
msgstr "Seòladh puist-d"
-#. eygE2
-#: optuserpage.ui
+#: optuserpage.ui:415
msgctxt "optuserpage|usefordocprop"
msgid "Use data for document properties"
msgstr "Cleachd an dàta airson roghainnean na sgrìobhainnea"
-#. 9GAjr
-#: optuserpage.ui
+#: optuserpage.ui:432
msgctxt "optuserpage|rusnameft"
msgid "Last name/first _name/father’s name/initials:"
msgstr "Sloinneadh/Ainm/Ainm athar/Tùs-_litrichean:"
-#. evFFG
-#: optuserpage.ui
+#: optuserpage.ui:455
msgctxt "optuserpage|ruslastname-atkobject"
msgid "Last name"
msgstr "Sloinneadh"
-#. TofG2
-#: optuserpage.ui
+#: optuserpage.ui:473
msgctxt "optuserpage|rusfathersname-atkobject"
msgid "Father's name"
msgstr "Ainm athar"
-#. CVPtf
-#: optuserpage.ui
+#: optuserpage.ui:491
msgctxt "optuserpage|russhortname-atkobject"
msgid "Initials"
msgstr "Tùs-litrichean"
-#. uhqYu
-#: optuserpage.ui
+#: optuserpage.ui:509
msgctxt "optuserpage|rusfirstname-atkobject"
msgid "First name"
msgstr "Ainm"
-#. 4qdC2
-#: optuserpage.ui
+#: optuserpage.ui:529
msgctxt "optuserpage|eastnameft"
msgid "Last/first _name/initials:"
msgstr "Sloinneadh/Ai_nm/Tùs-litrichean:"
-#. rGFEG
-#: optuserpage.ui
+#: optuserpage.ui:552
msgctxt "optuserpage|eastlastname-atkobject"
msgid "Last name"
msgstr "Sloinneadh"
-#. sYqKM
-#: optuserpage.ui
+#: optuserpage.ui:570
msgctxt "optuserpage|eastfirstname-atkobject"
msgid "First name"
msgstr "Ainm"
-#. 7APUf
-#: optuserpage.ui
+#: optuserpage.ui:588
msgctxt "optuserpage|eastshortname-atkobject"
msgid "Initials"
msgstr "Tùs-litrichean"
-#. NGEU9
-#: optuserpage.ui
+#: optuserpage.ui:608
msgctxt "optuserpage|russtreetft"
msgid "_Street/apartment number:"
msgstr "Àireamh _sràide/àrais:"
-#. JBC8S
-#: optuserpage.ui
+#: optuserpage.ui:631
msgctxt "optuserpage|russtreet-atkobject"
msgid "Street"
msgstr "Sràid"
-#. AU5Aj
-#: optuserpage.ui
+#: optuserpage.ui:649
msgctxt "optuserpage|apartnum-atkobject"
msgid "Apartment number"
msgstr "Àireamh an àrais"
-#. 8kEFB
-#: optuserpage.ui
+#: optuserpage.ui:669
msgctxt "optuserpage|icityft"
msgid "_Zip/city:"
msgstr "Cò_d-puist/Baile:"
-#. r7D6o
-#: optuserpage.ui
+#: optuserpage.ui:692
msgctxt "optuserpage|icity-atkobject"
msgid "City"
msgstr "Baile"
-#. dwuLm
-#: optuserpage.ui
+#: optuserpage.ui:710
msgctxt "optuserpage|izip-atkobject"
msgid "Zip code"
msgstr "Còd-puist"
-#. 9v6o6
-#: optuserpage.ui
+#: optuserpage.ui:808
msgctxt "optuserpage|label1"
msgid "Address"
msgstr "Seòladh"
-#. stYtM
-#: optviewpage.ui
+#: optviewpage.ui:47
msgctxt "optviewpage|grid3|tooltip_text"
msgid "Requires restart"
msgstr "Feum air ath-thòiseachadh"
-#. R2ZAF
-#: optviewpage.ui
+#: optviewpage.ui:51
msgctxt "optviewpage|useaccel"
msgid "Use hard_ware acceleration"
msgstr "Cleachd luathachadh _bathar-cruaidh"
-#. 2MWvd
-#: optviewpage.ui
+#: optviewpage.ui:66
msgctxt "optviewpage|useaa"
msgid "Use anti-a_liasing"
msgstr "Cleachd _anti-aliasing"
-#. XDTwA
-#: optviewpage.ui
+#: optviewpage.ui:81
msgctxt "optviewpage|useopengl"
msgid "Use OpenGL for all rendering"
msgstr "Cleachd OpenCL airson an reandaraidh air fad"
-#. u3QCS
-#: optviewpage.ui
+#: optviewpage.ui:95
msgctxt "optviewpage|forceopengl"
msgid "Ignore OpenGL blacklist"
msgstr "Leig seachad dubh-liosta OpenGL"
-#. 5ty3F
-#: optviewpage.ui
+#: optviewpage.ui:99
msgctxt "optviewpage|forceopengl|tooltip_text"
msgid "Requires restart. Enabling this may expose driver bugs"
-msgstr ""
-"Bidh feum air ath-thòiseachadh. Ma chuireas tu seo an comas, dh’fhaoidte gun"
-" nochd seo bugaichean dhraibhearan."
+msgstr "Bidh feum air ath-thòiseachadh. Ma chuireas tu seo an comas, dh’fhaoidte gun nochd seo bugaichean dhraibhearan."
-#. tP52B
-#: optviewpage.ui
+#: optviewpage.ui:113
msgctxt "optviewpage|openglenabled"
msgid "GL is currently enabled."
msgstr "Tha GL an comas."
-#. zyf37
-#: optviewpage.ui
+#: optviewpage.ui:125
msgctxt "optviewpage|opengldisabled"
msgid "GL is currently disabled."
msgstr "Tha GL à comas."
-#. sy9iz
-#: optviewpage.ui
+#: optviewpage.ui:141
msgctxt "optviewpage|label2"
msgid "Graphics Output"
msgstr "Às-chur ghrafaigean"
-#. MkBGP
-#: optviewpage.ui
+#: optviewpage.ui:175
msgctxt "optviewpage|label13"
msgid "Icons in men_us:"
msgstr "Ìomhaigheagan ann a_n clàran-taice:"
-#. evVAC
-#: optviewpage.ui
+#: optviewpage.ui:189
msgctxt "optviewpage|contextmenushortcuts"
msgid "Automatic"
msgstr "Gu fèin-obrachail"
-#. 36Dg2
-#: optviewpage.ui
+#: optviewpage.ui:190
msgctxt "optviewpage|contextmenushortcuts"
msgid "Hide"
msgstr "Falaich"
-#. aE3Cq
-#: optviewpage.ui
+#: optviewpage.ui:191
msgctxt "optviewpage|contextmenushortcuts"
msgid "Show"
msgstr "Seall"
-#. MmGQL
-#: optviewpage.ui
+#: optviewpage.ui:204
msgctxt "optviewpage|label10"
msgid "Shortcuts in context menus:"
msgstr "Ath-ghoiridean ann an clàran-taice co-theacsail:"
-#. XKRM7
-#: optviewpage.ui
+#: optviewpage.ui:218
msgctxt "optviewpage|menuicons"
msgid "Automatic"
msgstr "Fèin-obrachail"
-#. Fbyi9
-#: optviewpage.ui
+#: optviewpage.ui:219
msgctxt "optviewpage|menuicons"
msgid "Hide"
msgstr "Falaich"
-#. WTgFx
-#: optviewpage.ui
+#: optviewpage.ui:220
msgctxt "optviewpage|menuicons"
msgid "Show"
msgstr "Seall"
-#. FC7XW
-#: optviewpage.ui
+#: optviewpage.ui:236
msgctxt "optviewpage|label3"
msgid "Menu"
msgstr "Clàr-taice"
-#. B6DLD
-#: optviewpage.ui
+#: optviewpage.ui:267
msgctxt "optviewpage|showfontpreview"
msgid "Show p_review of fonts"
msgstr "Seall _ro-shealladh nan cruthan-clò"
-#. uZALs
-#: optviewpage.ui
+#: optviewpage.ui:288
msgctxt "optviewpage|label5"
msgid "Font Lists"
msgstr "Liostaichean nan cruthan-clò"
-#. mjFDT
-#: optviewpage.ui
+#: optviewpage.ui:343
msgctxt "optviewpage|label8"
msgid "Toolbar icon _size:"
msgstr "_Meud ìomhaigheagan a’ bhàr-inneal:"
-#. 8CiB5
-#: optviewpage.ui
+#: optviewpage.ui:358
msgctxt "optviewpage|iconstyle"
msgid "Automatic"
msgstr "Fèin-obrachail"
-#. HEZbQ
-#: optviewpage.ui
+#: optviewpage.ui:359
msgctxt "optviewpage|iconstyle"
msgid "Galaxy"
msgstr "Reul-chrios"
-#: optviewpage.ui
+#: optviewpage.ui:360
msgctxt "optviewpage|iconstyle"
msgid "High Contrast"
msgstr "Iomsgaradh àrd"
-#: optviewpage.ui
+#: optviewpage.ui:361
msgctxt "optviewpage|iconstyle"
msgid "Crystal"
msgstr "Criostal"
-#. GYEwo
-#: optviewpage.ui
+#: optviewpage.ui:362
msgctxt "optviewpage|iconstyle"
msgid "Tango"
msgstr "Tango"
-#. fr4NS
-#: optviewpage.ui
+#: optviewpage.ui:363
msgctxt "optviewpage|iconstyle"
msgid "Oxygen"
msgstr "Oxygen"
-#. CGhUk
-#: optviewpage.ui
+#: optviewpage.ui:364
msgctxt "optviewpage|iconstyle"
msgid "Classic"
msgstr "Clasaigeach"
-#. biYuj
-#: optviewpage.ui
+#: optviewpage.ui:365
msgctxt "optviewpage|iconstyle"
msgid "Sifr"
msgstr "Sifr"
-#. Erw8o
-#: optviewpage.ui
+#: optviewpage.ui:366
msgctxt "optviewpage|iconstyle"
msgid "Breeze"
msgstr "Oiteag"
-#. MtYwg
-#: optviewpage.ui
+#: optviewpage.ui:367
msgctxt "optviewpage|iconstyle"
msgid "Tango Testing"
msgstr "Deuchainn Tango"
-#. R5bS2
-#: optviewpage.ui
+#: optviewpage.ui:380
msgctxt "optviewpage|iconsize"
msgid "Automatic"
msgstr "Fèin-obrachail"
-#. LEpgg
-#: optviewpage.ui
+#: optviewpage.ui:381
msgctxt "optviewpage|iconsize"
msgid "Small"
msgstr "Beag"
-#. q4LX3
-#: optviewpage.ui
+#: optviewpage.ui:382
msgctxt "optviewpage|iconsize"
msgid "Large"
msgstr "Mòr"
-#. oYDs8
-#: optviewpage.ui
+#: optviewpage.ui:383
msgctxt "optviewpage|iconsize"
msgid "Extra Large"
msgstr "Anabarrach mòr"
-#. anMTd
-#: optviewpage.ui
+#: optviewpage.ui:396
msgctxt "optviewpage|label6"
msgid "Icon s_tyle:"
msgstr "S_toidhle na h-ìomhaigheige:"
-#. 2FKuk
-#: optviewpage.ui
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msgstr "Beag"
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msgstr "Putan meadhanach n_a luchaige:"
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msgstr "Putan bunaiteach"
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msgstr "Meadhan a' chòmhraidh"
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msgstr "Gun suidheachadh fèin-obrachail"
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msgstr "Sgroladh fèin-obrachail"
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msgstr "Cuir ann na tha air an stòr-bhòrd"
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msgstr "Dre_ach-tìre"
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msgstr "Com_hair an teacsa"
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msgstr "_Treidhe a' phàipeir:"
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msgctxt "pageformatpage|labelMsg"
msgid ""
"The margin settings are out of print range.\n"
@@ -11304,2803 +7156,4435 @@ msgstr ""
"A bheil thu fhathast airson na roghainnean seo a shuidheachadh ann?"
-#. 46djR
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+msgstr "Clì"
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-msgstr "Clì a-mhàin"
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+msgstr "Barr"
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+msgstr "Meadhan"
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+msgstr "Bonn"
+#: paragalignpage.ui:85
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msgstr "Ball-eisimpleir"
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msgstr "C_lì"
-#. uuHyT
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msgstr "_Deas"
-#. anEQu
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msgstr "Greimich ri griod an teac_sa (ma bhios sin beò)"
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msgstr "An _loidhne mu dheireadh:"
-#. CNoLa
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msgstr "Deas/_Bonn"
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msgid "_Left/Top"
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msgstr "Co-th_aobhadh:"
-#. JPEFz
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msgctxt "paragalignpage|labelFL_VERTALIGN"
msgid "Text-to-text"
msgstr "Teacsa gu teacsa"
-#. wcho5
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msgstr "Com_hair an teacsa:"
-#. pfaYp
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msgid "Properties"
msgstr "Roghainnean"
-#. VtT4c
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-msgstr "Bun-roghainn"
-#. 87t7F
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-msgstr "Clì"
-#. d23Ct
-#: paragalignpage.ui
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-msgstr "Meadhanaichte"
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-#. QJdX9
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-msgstr "Blocaichte"
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+msgstr "1.15 loidhne"
-#. XsDLG
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-msgid "Automatic"
-msgstr "Gu fèin-obrachail"
+#: paraindentspacing.ui:45
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+msgid "1.5 Lines"
+msgstr "1.5 loidhne"
-#. fPsyD
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-msgid "Base line"
-msgstr "Bun-loidhne"
+#: paraindentspacing.ui:49
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+msgstr "Dùbailte"
-#. 34jBi
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-msgid "Top"
-msgstr "Barr"
+#: paraindentspacing.ui:53
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+msgstr "Co-rèireach"
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-msgstr "Meadhan"
+#: paraindentspacing.ui:57
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+msgid "At least"
+msgstr "Beàrnadh as lugha"
-#. 5robg
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-msgid "Bottom"
-msgstr "Bonn"
+#: paraindentspacing.ui:61
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+msgstr "Beàrn eadar dà loidhne"
-#: paraindentspacing.ui
+#: paraindentspacing.ui:91
msgctxt "paraindentspacing|drawingareaWN_EXAMPLE-atkobject"
msgid "Example"
msgstr "Ball-eisimpleir"
-#. saei7
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msgctxt "paraindentspacing|labelFT_LEFTINDENT"
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msgstr "_Ron teacsa:"
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msgid "After _text:"
msgstr "As _dèidh an teacsa:"
-#. 396YJ
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msgctxt "paraindentspacing|labelFT_FLINEINDENT"
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msgstr "A' _chiad loidhne:"
-#. jwo9n
-#: paraindentspacing.ui
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msgid "_Automatic"
msgstr "Gu _fèin-obrachail"
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msgctxt "paraindentspacing|labelST_LINEDIST_ABS"
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msgstr "Socraichte"
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msgstr "Eag"
-#. RMdgy
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msgstr "Os _cionn a' pharagraif:"
-#. mTi8C
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msgstr "Fon _pharagraf:"
-#. ZobLB
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msgctxt "paraindentspacing|checkCB_CONTEXTUALSPACING"
msgid "Don't add space between paragraphs of the same style"
msgstr "Na cuir ris àite eadar paragrafan air a bheil an aon stoidhle"
-#. hWQWQ
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msgctxt "paraindentspacing|labelFL_VERTALIGN"
msgid "Spacing"
msgstr "Beàrnadh"
-#. 9fdqy
-#: paraindentspacing.ui
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msgctxt "paraindentspacing|labelFT_LINEDIST"
msgid "of"
msgstr "de"
-#. GxJB6
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msgctxt "paraindentspacing|labelFL_PROPERTIES"
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msgstr "Beàrnadh eadar dà loidhne"
-#. pkKMg
-#: paraindentspacing.ui
+#: paraindentspacing.ui:489
msgctxt "paraindentspacing|checkCB_REGISTER"
msgid "A_ctivate"
msgstr "_Cuir an gnìomh"
-#. CZshb
-#: paraindentspacing.ui
+#: paraindentspacing.ui:503
msgctxt "paraindentspacing|label3"
msgid "Register-true"
msgstr "Register-true"
-#. vuFhh
-#: paraindentspacing.ui
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-msgid "Single"
-msgstr "Singilte"
-#. 5qPNL
-#: paraindentspacing.ui
-msgctxt "paraindentspacing|liststoreLB_LINEDIST"
-msgid "1.15 Lines"
-msgstr "1.15 loidhne"
-#. GxLCB
-#: paraindentspacing.ui
-msgctxt "paraindentspacing|liststoreLB_LINEDIST"
-msgid "1.5 Lines"
-msgstr "1.5 loidhne"
-#. cD4RR
-#: paraindentspacing.ui
-msgctxt "paraindentspacing|liststoreLB_LINEDIST"
-msgid "Double"
-msgstr "Dùbailte"
-#. 98csB
-#: paraindentspacing.ui
-msgctxt "paraindentspacing|liststoreLB_LINEDIST"
-msgid "Proportional"
-msgstr "Co-rèireach"
-#. XN6ri
-#: paraindentspacing.ui
-msgctxt "paraindentspacing|liststoreLB_LINEDIST"
-msgid "At least"
-msgstr "Beàrnadh as lugha"
-#. NYeFC
-#: paraindentspacing.ui
-msgctxt "paraindentspacing|liststoreLB_LINEDIST"
-msgid "Leading"
-msgstr "Beàrn eadar dà loidhne"
-#. pbs4W
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+#: paratabspage.ui:49
msgctxt "paratabspage|label1"
msgid "Position"
msgstr "Ionad"
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msgstr "Dei_cheach"
-#. JHWqh
-#: paratabspage.ui
+#: paratabspage.ui:157
msgctxt "paratabspage|radiobuttonBTN_TABTYPE_LEFT"
msgid "_Left"
msgstr "_Clì"
-#. tBrC5
-#: paratabspage.ui
+#: paratabspage.ui:174
msgctxt "paratabspage|radiobuttonST_LEFTTAB_ASIAN"
msgid "_Left/Top"
msgstr "C_lì/Barr"
-#. dtaBp
-#: paratabspage.ui
+#: paratabspage.ui:201
msgctxt "paratabspage|radiobuttonBTN_TABTYPE_RIGHT"
msgid "Righ_t"
msgstr "Dea_s"
-#. tGgBU
-#: paratabspage.ui
+#: paratabspage.ui:217
msgctxt "paratabspage|radiobuttonST_RIGHTTAB_ASIAN"
msgid "Righ_t/Bottom"
msgstr "Deas/_Bonn"
-#. fDVEt
-#: paratabspage.ui
+#: paratabspage.ui:239
msgctxt "paratabspage|radiobuttonBTN_TABTYPE_CENTER"
msgid "C_entered"
msgstr "Meadhanaich_te"
-#. SaPSF
-#: paratabspage.ui
+#: paratabspage.ui:263
msgctxt "paratabspage|labelFT_TABTYPE_DECCHAR"
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msgstr "_Caractar"
-#. ACYhN
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msgid "Type"
msgstr "Seòrsa"
-#. vFnHY
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msgctxt "paratabspage|radiobuttonBTN_FILLCHAR_NO"
msgid "N_one"
msgstr "Chan ei_l gin"
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-#: paratabspage.ui
+#: paratabspage.ui:334
msgctxt "paratabspage|radiobuttonBTN_FILLCHAR_POINTS"
msgid "_........"
msgstr "_........"
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msgstr "_--------"
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msgid "______"
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-#: paratabspage.ui
+#: paratabspage.ui:385
msgctxt "paratabspage|radiobuttonBTN_FILLCHAR_OTHER"
msgid "C_haracter"
msgstr "Ca_ractar"
-#. EsqLF
-#: paratabspage.ui
+#: paratabspage.ui:425
msgctxt "paratabspage|label3"
msgid "Fill Character"
msgstr "Caractar lìonaidh"
-#. uG6Rn
-#: paratabspage.ui
+#: paratabspage.ui:463
msgctxt "paratabspage|buttonBTN_DELALL"
msgid "Delete _all"
msgstr "Sguab às a _h-uile"
-#. WCcAj
-#: paratabspage.ui
+#: paratabspage.ui:492
msgctxt "paratabspage|label4"
msgid "points"
msgstr "puingean"
-#. GcMMk
-#: paratabspage.ui
+#: paratabspage.ui:505
msgctxt "paratabspage|label5"
msgid "dashes"
msgstr "strìochagan"
-#. CYnkr
-#: paratabspage.ui
+#: paratabspage.ui:518
msgctxt "paratabspage|label6"
msgid "underscores"
msgstr "fo-loidhnichean"
-#. qAMT2
-#: password.ui
+#: password.ui:8
msgctxt "password|PasswordDialog"
msgid "Set Password"
msgstr "Suidhich facal-faire"
-#. ujTNz
-#: password.ui
+#: password.ui:90
msgctxt "password|label5"
msgid "Confirm password"
msgstr "Dearbhaich am facal-faire"
-#. wqXmU
-#: password.ui
+#: password.ui:106
msgctxt "password|label4"
msgid "_Enter password to open"
msgstr "Cuir a-st_each facal-faire airson fhosgladh"
-#. vMhFF
-#: password.ui
+#: password.ui:150
msgctxt "password|label1"
-msgid ""
-"Note: After a password has been set, the document will only open with the "
-"password. Should you lose the password, there will be no way to recover the "
-"document. Please also note that this password is case-sensitive."
-msgstr ""
-"An aire: An dèidh dhut facal-faire a shuidheachadh, chan fhosgail an "
-"sgrìobhainn ach ma chuirear a-steach am facal-faire. Ma chailleas tu e, chan"
-" eil dòigh fon ghrèin airson a thilleadh dhut. Thoir an aire cuideachd gu "
-"bheil air do litrichean beaga 's mòra."
+msgid "Note: After a password has been set, the document will only open with the password. Should you lose the password, there will be no way to recover the document. Please also note that this password is case-sensitive."
+msgstr "An aire: An dèidh dhut facal-faire a shuidheachadh, chan fhosgail an sgrìobhainn ach ma chuirear a-steach am facal-faire. Ma chailleas tu e, chan eil dòigh fon ghrèin airson a thilleadh dhut. Thoir an aire cuideachd gu bheil air do litrichean beaga 's mòra."
-#. scLkF
-#: password.ui
+#: password.ui:185
msgctxt "password|readonly"
msgid "Open file read-only"
msgstr "Fosgail am faidhle a chum leughaidh a-mhàin"
-#. f5Ydx
-#: password.ui
+#: password.ui:204
msgctxt "password|label7"
msgid "Enter password to allow editing"
msgstr "Cuir a-steach am facal-faire airson cead deasachaidh"
-#. AgwpD
-#: password.ui
+#: password.ui:234
msgctxt "password|label8"
msgid "Confirm password"
msgstr "Dearbhaich am facal-faire"
-#. SEgNR
-#: password.ui
+#: password.ui:267
msgctxt "password|label6"
msgid "File Sharing Password"
msgstr "Facal-faire co-roinneadh fhaidhlichean"
-#. Sjh3k
-#: password.ui
+#: password.ui:279
msgctxt "password|label3"
msgid "_Options"
msgstr "R_oghainnean"
-#. FfyCu
-#: password.ui
+#: password.ui:299
msgctxt "password|label2"
msgid "File Encryption Password"
msgstr "Facal-faire crioptachadh fhaidhlichean"
-#. oGoKp
-#: pastespecial.ui
+#: pastespecial.ui:7
msgctxt "pastespecial|PasteSpecialDialog"
msgid "Paste Special"
msgstr "Cuir ann air dòigh shònraichte"
-#. F4wjw
-#: pastespecial.ui
+#: pastespecial.ui:87
msgctxt "pastespecial|label2"
msgid "Source:"
msgstr "Tùs:"
-#. gjnwU
-#: pastespecial.ui
+#: pastespecial.ui:157
msgctxt "pastespecial|label1"
msgid "Selection"
msgstr "An taghadh"
-#. 68KjX
-#: patterntabpage.ui
+#: patterntabpage.ui:65
msgctxt "patterntabpage|BTN_MODIFY"
msgid "_Modify"
msgstr "_Atharraich"
-#. SnESZ
-#: patterntabpage.ui
+#: patterntabpage.ui:92
msgctxt "patterntabpage|label3"
msgid "Pattern"
msgstr "Pàtran"
-#. qr5PS
-#: patterntabpage.ui
+#: patterntabpage.ui:135
msgctxt "patterntabpage|label4"
msgid "Pattern Editor:"
msgstr "Deasaiche nam pàtran:"
-#. 7nWqN
-#: patterntabpage.ui
+#: patterntabpage.ui:151
msgctxt "patterntabpage|CTL_PIXEL-atkobject"
msgid "Pattern Editor"
msgstr "Deasaiche nam pàtran"
-#. BvHTn
-#: patterntabpage.ui
+#: patterntabpage.ui:179
msgctxt "patterntabpage|label5"
msgid "Foreground Color:"
msgstr "Dath a’ bheulaibh:"
-#. S8mpk
-#: patterntabpage.ui
+#: patterntabpage.ui:217
msgctxt "patterntabpage|label6"
msgid "Background Color:"
msgstr "Dath a’ chùlaibh:"
-#. hg7RL
-#: patterntabpage.ui
+#: patterntabpage.ui:252
msgctxt "patterntabpage|label1"
msgid "Options"
msgstr "Roghainnean"
-#. 2U7Pc
-#: patterntabpage.ui
+#: patterntabpage.ui:295
msgctxt "patterntabpage|CTL_PREVIEW-atkobject"
msgid "Example"
msgstr "Ball-eisimpleir"
-#. wCrAc
-#: patterntabpage.ui
+#: patterntabpage.ui:313
msgctxt "patterntabpage|label2"
msgid "Preview"
msgstr "Ro-shealladh"
-#. WCjNN
-#: percentdialog.ui
+#: percentdialog.ui:13
msgctxt "percentdialog|PercentDialog"
msgid "Combine"
msgstr "Co-mheasgaich"
-#. ane2B
-#: percentdialog.ui
+#: percentdialog.ui:94
msgctxt "percentdialog|label1"
msgid "Minimum Size"
msgstr "Meud as lugha"
-#. 9RySH
-#: personalization_tab.ui
+#: personalization_tab.ui:31
msgctxt "personalization_tab|no_persona"
msgid "Default look, do not use Themes"
msgstr "Coltas bunaiteach, na cleachd ùrlaran"
-#. GvMbV
-#: personalization_tab.ui
+#: personalization_tab.ui:47
msgctxt "personalization_tab|default_persona"
msgid "Pre-installed Theme (if available)"
msgstr "Ùrlar ro-stàlaichte (ma tha gin ri làimh)"
-#. jmrRF
-#: personalization_tab.ui
+#: personalization_tab.ui:119
msgctxt "personalization_tab|own_persona"
msgid "Own Theme"
msgstr "An t-ùrlar agam fhìn"
-#. ACbUC
-#: personalization_tab.ui
+#: personalization_tab.ui:146
msgctxt "personalization_tab|select_persona"
msgid "Select Theme"
msgstr "Tagh ùrlar"
-#. iMCDC
-#: personalization_tab.ui
+#: personalization_tab.ui:168
msgctxt "personalization_tab|extensions_label"
msgid "Or, select from the Themes installed via extensions:"
-msgstr ""
-"No tagh ùrlar am measg na feadhainn a chaidh a stàladh slighe leudachain:"
+msgstr "No tagh ùrlar am measg na feadhainn a chaidh a stàladh slighe leudachain:"
-#. 8w4A7
-#: personalization_tab.ui
+#: personalization_tab.ui:220
msgctxt "personalization_tab|personas_label"
msgid "Firefox Themes"
msgstr "Ùrlaran Firefox"
-#. K4D8E
-#: pickbulletpage.ui
+#: pickbulletpage.ui:34
msgctxt "pickbulletpage|label25"
msgid "Selection"
msgstr "An taghadh"
-#. GkQdm
-#: pickgraphicpage.ui
+#: pickgraphicpage.ui:45
msgctxt "pickgraphicpage|errorft"
msgid "The Gallery theme 'Bullets' is empty (no images)."
-msgstr ""
-"Tha an t-ùrlar \"Peilearan\" sa ghailearaidh falamh (chan eil grafaig sam "
-"bith ann)."
+msgstr "Tha an t-ùrlar \"Peilearan\" sa ghailearaidh falamh (chan eil grafaig sam bith ann)."
-#. NrrxW
-#: pickgraphicpage.ui
+#: pickgraphicpage.ui:57
msgctxt "pickgraphicpage|browseBtn"
msgid "Add and Resize"
msgstr "Cuir ris is atharraich am meud"
-#. bX3Eo
-#: pickgraphicpage.ui
+#: pickgraphicpage.ui:75
msgctxt "pickgraphicpage|label25"
msgid "Selection"
msgstr "An taghadh"
-#. 9JnpQ
-#: picknumberingpage.ui
+#: picknumberingpage.ui:34
msgctxt "picknumberingpage|label25"
msgid "Selection"
msgstr "An taghadh"
-#. i8h33
-#: pickoutlinepage.ui
+#: pickoutlinepage.ui:34
msgctxt "pickoutlinepage|label25"
msgid "Selection"
msgstr "An taghadh"
-#. WubdZ
-#: positionpage.ui
+#: positionpage.ui:57
msgctxt "positionpage|superscript"
msgid "Superscript"
msgstr "Os-sgrìobhte"
-#. hRP6U
-#: positionpage.ui
+#: positionpage.ui:73
msgctxt "positionpage|normal"
msgid "Normal"
msgstr "Àbhaisteach"
-#. wJ2MC
-#: positionpage.ui
+#: positionpage.ui:89
msgctxt "positionpage|subscript"
msgid "Subscript"
msgstr "Fo-sgrìobhte"
-#. GAG3d
-#: positionpage.ui
+#: positionpage.ui:121
msgctxt "positionpage|raiselower"
msgid "Raise/lower by"
msgstr "Àrdaich/Ìslich le"
-#. Ac85F
-#: positionpage.ui
+#: positionpage.ui:157
msgctxt "positionpage|automatic"
msgid "Automatic"
msgstr "Fèin-obrachail"
-#. wV5kS
-#: positionpage.ui
+#: positionpage.ui:173
msgctxt "positionpage|relativefontsize"
msgid "Relative font size"
msgstr "Meud dàimheach a' chrutha-chlò"
-#. iG3EE
-#: positionpage.ui
+#: positionpage.ui:201
msgctxt "positionpage|label20"
msgid "Position"
msgstr "Ionad"
-#. EAyZn
-#: positionpage.ui
+#: positionpage.ui:239
msgctxt "positionpage|0deg"
msgid "0 degrees"
msgstr "0 ceum"
-#. pZMQA
-#: positionpage.ui
+#: positionpage.ui:255
msgctxt "positionpage|90deg"
msgid "90 degrees"
msgstr "90 ceum"
-#. KfSjU
-#: positionpage.ui
+#: positionpage.ui:271
msgctxt "positionpage|270deg"
msgid "270 degrees"
msgstr "270 ceum"
-#. vAV4A
-#: positionpage.ui
+#: positionpage.ui:287
msgctxt "positionpage|fittoline"
msgid "Fit to line"
msgstr "Co-fhreagair gun loidhne"
-#. bA7nm
-#: positionpage.ui
+#: positionpage.ui:316
msgctxt "positionpage|label24"
msgid "Scale width"
msgstr "Sgèilich an leud"
-#. oVZ7s
-#: positionpage.ui
+#: positionpage.ui:359
msgctxt "positionpage|rotateandscale"
msgid "Rotation / Scaling"
msgstr "Cuairteachadh / Sgèileadh"
-#. k8oBH
-#: positionpage.ui
+#: positionpage.ui:375
msgctxt "positionpage|scale"
msgid "Scaling"
msgstr "Sgèileadh"
-#. CChzM
-#: positionpage.ui
+#: positionpage.ui:428
msgctxt "positionpage|pairkerning"
msgid "Pair kerning"
msgstr "Fo-ghearradh nam paidhrichean"
-#. ZKU6Z
-#: positionpage.ui
+#: positionpage.ui:449
msgctxt "positionpage|label22"
msgid "Spacing"
msgstr "Beàrnadh"
-#. zBm7n
-#: positionpage.ui
-msgctxt "positionpage|preview"
+#: positionpage.ui:478
+msgctxt "positionpage|preview-atkobject"
msgid "Preview"
-msgstr "Ro-shealladh"
+msgstr ""
-#. dckjJ
-#: positionsizedialog.ui
+#: positionsizedialog.ui:8
msgctxt "positionsizedialog|PositionAndSizeDialog"
msgid "Position and Size"
msgstr "Ionad is meud"
-#. K8BFJ
-#: positionsizedialog.ui
+#: positionsizedialog.ui:101
msgctxt "positionsizedialog|RID_SVXPAGE_POSITION_SIZE"
msgid "Position and Size"
msgstr "Ionad is meud"
-#. WZtUp
-#: positionsizedialog.ui
+#: positionsizedialog.ui:114
msgctxt "positionsizedialog|RID_SVXPAGE_SWPOSSIZE"
msgid "Position and Size"
msgstr "Ionad is meud"
-#. p8FjL
-#: positionsizedialog.ui
+#: positionsizedialog.ui:128
msgctxt "positionsizedialog|RID_SVXPAGE_ANGLE"
msgid "Rotation"
msgstr "Cuairteachadh"
-#. F5Xuj
-#: positionsizedialog.ui
+#: positionsizedialog.ui:142
msgctxt "positionsizedialog|RID_SVXPAGE_SLANT"
msgid "Slant & Corner Radius"
msgstr "Claonadh ⁊ rèideas a' cheàrna"
-#. kSZwJ
-#: possizetabpage.ui
+#: possizetabpage.ui:40
msgctxt "possizetabpage|FT_POS_X"
msgid "Position _X:"
msgstr "An t-ionad _x:"
-#. XScrN
-#: possizetabpage.ui
+#: possizetabpage.ui:56
msgctxt "possizetabpage|FT_POS_Y"
msgid "Position _Y:"
msgstr "An t-ionad _y:"
-#. 35vDU
-#: possizetabpage.ui
+#: possizetabpage.ui:112
msgctxt "possizetabpage|FT_POSREFERENCE"
msgid "_Base point:"
msgstr "_Bun-phuing:"
-#. Vxpqo
-#: possizetabpage.ui
+#: possizetabpage.ui:150
msgctxt "possizetabpage|label1"
msgid "Position"
msgstr "Ionad"
-#. pFULX
-#: possizetabpage.ui
+#: possizetabpage.ui:192
msgctxt "possizetabpage|FT_WIDTH"
msgid "Wi_dth:"
msgstr "_Leud:"
-#. jGiQW
-#: possizetabpage.ui
+#: possizetabpage.ui:208
msgctxt "possizetabpage|FT_HEIGHT"
msgid "H_eight:"
msgstr "Àird_e:"
-#. VTzYW
-#: possizetabpage.ui
+#: possizetabpage.ui:251
msgctxt "possizetabpage|CBX_SCALE"
msgid "_Keep ratio"
msgstr "_Glèidh an co-mheas"
-#. 4A7Le
-#: possizetabpage.ui
+#: possizetabpage.ui:283
msgctxt "possizetabpage|FT_SIZEREFERENCE"
msgid "Base _point:"
msgstr "Bun-_phuing:"
-#. C2Xds
-#: possizetabpage.ui
+#: possizetabpage.ui:321
msgctxt "possizetabpage|label2"
msgid "Size"
msgstr "Meud"
-#. 2mfBD
-#: possizetabpage.ui
+#: possizetabpage.ui:360
msgctxt "possizetabpage|TSB_POSPROTECT"
msgid "Positio_n"
msgstr "Io_nad"
-#. qD3T7
-#: possizetabpage.ui
+#: possizetabpage.ui:377
msgctxt "possizetabpage|TSB_SIZEPROTECT"
msgid "_Size"
msgstr "_Meud"
-#. 4Ezcc
-#: possizetabpage.ui
+#: possizetabpage.ui:401
msgctxt "possizetabpage|label3"
msgid "Protect"
msgstr "Dìon"
-#. vpzXL
-#: possizetabpage.ui
+#: possizetabpage.ui:434
msgctxt "possizetabpage|TSB_AUTOGROW_WIDTH"
msgid "_Fit width to text"
msgstr "Co-_fhreagair an leud ris an teacsa"
-#. XPXA3
-#: possizetabpage.ui
+#: possizetabpage.ui:451
msgctxt "possizetabpage|TSB_AUTOGROW_HEIGHT"
msgid "Fit _height to text"
msgstr "_Co-fhreagair an àirde ris an teacsa"
-#. A4B3x
-#: possizetabpage.ui
+#: possizetabpage.ui:475
msgctxt "possizetabpage|label4"
msgid "Adapt"
msgstr "Freagarraich"
-#. BydCX
-#: posterdialog.ui
+#: posterdialog.ui:16
msgctxt "posterdialog|PosterDialog"
msgid "Posterize"
msgstr "Postairich"
-#. 2ncug
-#: posterdialog.ui
+#: posterdialog.ui:136
msgctxt "posterdialog|label2"
msgid "Poster colors:"
msgstr "Dathan postair:"
-#. 3iZDQ
-#: posterdialog.ui
+#: posterdialog.ui:159
msgctxt "posterdialog|label1"
msgid "Parameters"
msgstr "Paramadairean"
-#. 3HNDZ
-#: querychangelineenddialog.ui
+#: querychangelineenddialog.ui:8
msgctxt "querychangelineenddialog|AskChangeLineEndDialog"
msgid "Save Arrowhead?"
msgstr "A bheil thu airson an ceann-saighde a shàbhaladh?"
-#. Lr2rh
-#: querychangelineenddialog.ui
+#: querychangelineenddialog.ui:14
msgctxt "querychangelineenddialog|AskChangeLineEndDialog"
msgid "The arrowhead was modified without saving."
msgstr "Chaidh an ceann-saighde atharrachadh ach cha deach a shàbhaladh."
-#. KbgCe
-#: querychangelineenddialog.ui
+#: querychangelineenddialog.ui:15
msgctxt "querychangelineenddialog|AskChangeLineEndDialog"
msgid "Would you like to save the arrowhead now?"
msgstr "A bheil thu airson an ceann-saighde a shàbhaladh an-dràsta?"
-#. cew2A
-#: querydeletebitmapdialog.ui
+#: querydeletebitmapdialog.ui:8
msgctxt "querydeletebitmapdialog|AskDelBitmapDialog"
msgid "Delete Bitmap?"
msgstr "A bheil thu airson am bitmap a sguabadh às?"
-#. 9EZrV
-#: querydeletebitmapdialog.ui
+#: querydeletebitmapdialog.ui:14
msgctxt "querydeletebitmapdialog|AskDelBitmapDialog"
msgid "Are you sure you want to delete the bitmap?"
msgstr "A bheil thu cinnteach gu bheil thu airson am bitmap a sguabadh às?"
-#. 3eai8
-#: querydeletechartcolordialog.ui
+#: querydeletechartcolordialog.ui:8
msgctxt "querydeletechartcolordialog|QueryDeleteChartColorDialog"
msgid "Delete Color?"
msgstr "A bheil thu airson an dath a sguabadh às?"
-#. RUXnG
-#: querydeletechartcolordialog.ui
+#: querydeletechartcolordialog.ui:14
msgctxt "querydeletechartcolordialog|QueryDeleteChartColorDialog"
msgid "Do you really want to delete the chart color?"
-msgstr ""
-"A bheil thu cinnteach gu bheil thu airson dath na cairte a sguabadh às?"
+msgstr "A bheil thu cinnteach gu bheil thu airson dath na cairte a sguabadh às?"
-#. XyDCV
-#: querydeletechartcolordialog.ui
+#: querydeletechartcolordialog.ui:15
msgctxt "querydeletechartcolordialog|QueryDeleteChartColorDialog"
msgid "This action cannot be undone."
msgstr "Chan urrainn dhut seo a neo-dhèanamh."
-#. tDhhU
-#: querydeletecolordialog.ui
+#: querydeletecolordialog.ui:7
msgctxt "querydeletecolordialog|AskDelColorDialog"
msgid "Delete color?"
msgstr "A bheil thu airson an dath a sguabadh às?"
-#. mULEd
-#: querydeletecolordialog.ui
+#: querydeletecolordialog.ui:13
msgctxt "querydeletecolordialog|AskDelColorDialog"
msgid "Do you want to delete the color?"
msgstr "A bheil thu airson an dath a sguabadh às?"
-#. CJz4E
-#: querydeletedictionarydialog.ui
+#: querydeletedictionarydialog.ui:8
msgctxt "querydeletedictionarydialog|QueryDeleteDictionaryDialog"
msgid "Delete Dictionary?"
msgstr "A bheil thu airson am faclair a sguabadh às?"
-#. eTBd6
-#: querydeletedictionarydialog.ui
+#: querydeletedictionarydialog.ui:14
msgctxt "querydeletedictionarydialog|QueryDeleteDictionaryDialog"
msgid "Do you really want to delete the dictionary?"
msgstr "A bheil thu cinnteach gu bheil thu airson am faclair a sguabadh às?"
-#. C5Jn9
-#: querydeletedictionarydialog.ui
+#: querydeletedictionarydialog.ui:15
msgctxt "querydeletedictionarydialog|QueryDeleteDictionaryDialog"
msgid "This action cannot be undone."
msgstr "Cha ghabh seo a neo-dhèanamh."
-#. 5qG4Z
-#: querydeletegradientdialog.ui
+#: querydeletegradientdialog.ui:8
msgctxt "querydeletegradientdialog|AskDelGradientDialog"
msgid "Delete gradient?"
msgstr "A bheil thu airson an caisead a sguabadh às?"
-#. GNRDb
-#: querydeletegradientdialog.ui
+#: querydeletegradientdialog.ui:14
msgctxt "querydeletegradientdialog|AskDelGradientDialog"
msgid "Do you want to delete the gradient?"
msgstr "A bheil thu airson an caisead a sguabadh às?"
-#. ct8Th
-#: querydeletehatchdialog.ui
+#: querydeletehatchdialog.ui:8
msgctxt "querydeletehatchdialog|AskDelHatchDialog"
msgid "Delete Hatching?"
msgstr "A bheil thu airson an greannachadh a sguabadh às?"
-#. xsuqB
-#: querydeletehatchdialog.ui
+#: querydeletehatchdialog.ui:14
msgctxt "querydeletehatchdialog|AskDelHatchDialog"
msgid "Do you want to delete the hatching?"
msgstr "A bheil thu airson an greannachadh a sguabadh às?"
-#. Yu6Ve
-#: querydeletelineenddialog.ui
+#: querydeletelineenddialog.ui:8
msgctxt "querydeletelineenddialog|AskDelLineEndDialog"
msgid "Delete Arrowhead?"
msgstr "A bheil thu airson an ceann-saighde a sguabadh às?"
-#. r73GB
-#: querydeletelineenddialog.ui
+#: querydeletelineenddialog.ui:14
msgctxt "querydeletelineenddialog|AskDelLineEndDialog"
msgid "Do you really want to delete the arrowhead?"
-msgstr ""
-"A bheil thu cinnteach gu bheil thu airson an ceann-saighde a sguabadh às?"
+msgstr "A bheil thu cinnteach gu bheil thu airson an ceann-saighde a sguabadh às?"
-#. 4AubG
-#: querydeletelineenddialog.ui
+#: querydeletelineenddialog.ui:15
msgctxt "querydeletelineenddialog|AskDelLineEndDialog"
msgid "This action cannot be undone."
msgstr "Cha ghabh seo a neo-dhèanamh."
-#. J4bz4
-#: querydeletelinestyledialog.ui
+#: querydeletelinestyledialog.ui:8
msgctxt "querydeletelinestyledialog|AskDelLineStyleDialog"
msgid "Delete Line Style?"
msgstr "A bheil thu airson an stoidhle loidhne a sguabadh às?"
-#. qLsV8
-#: querydeletelinestyledialog.ui
+#: querydeletelinestyledialog.ui:14
msgctxt "querydeletelinestyledialog|AskDelLineStyleDialog"
msgid "Do you want to delete the line style?"
msgstr "A bheil thu airson an stoidhle loidhne a sguabadh às?"
-#. E8Wsm
-#: queryduplicatedialog.ui
+#: queryduplicatedialog.ui:8
msgctxt "queryduplicatedialog|DuplicateNameDialog"
msgid "Duplicate Name"
msgstr "Ainm dùblaichte"
-#. 22ALm
-#: queryduplicatedialog.ui
+#: queryduplicatedialog.ui:14
msgctxt "queryduplicatedialog|DuplicateNameDialog"
msgid "The name you have entered already exists."
msgstr "Tha an t-ainm a chuir thu a-steach ann mu thràth."
-#. 2DhPe
-#: queryduplicatedialog.ui
+#: queryduplicatedialog.ui:15
msgctxt "queryduplicatedialog|DuplicateNameDialog"
msgid "Please choose another name."
msgstr "Saoil an tagh thu ainm eile?"
-#. W5Kgo
-#: querynoloadedfiledialog.ui
+#: querynoloadedfiledialog.ui:8
msgctxt "querynoloadedfiledialog|NoLoadedFileDialog"
msgid "No Loaded File"
msgstr "Cha deach faidhle a luchdadh"
-#. xEMFi
-#: querynoloadedfiledialog.ui
+#: querynoloadedfiledialog.ui:14
msgctxt "querynoloadedfiledialog|NoLoadedFileDialog"
msgid "The file could not be loaded!"
msgstr "Cha b' urrainn dhuinn am faidhle seo a luchdadh!"
-#. ahnt9
-#: querynosavefiledialog.ui
+#: querynosavefiledialog.ui:8
msgctxt "querynosavefiledialog|NoSaveFileDialog"
msgid "No Saved File"
msgstr "Cha deach faidhle a shàbhaladh"
-#. DEBtQ
-#: querynosavefiledialog.ui
+#: querynosavefiledialog.ui:14
msgctxt "querynosavefiledialog|NoSaveFileDialog"
msgid "The file could not be saved!"
msgstr "Cha b' urrainn dhuinn am faidhle seo a shàbhaladh!"
-#. BqCPM
-#: querysavelistdialog.ui
+#: querysavelistdialog.ui:8
msgctxt "querysavelistdialog|AskSaveList"
msgid "Save List?"
msgstr "A bheil thu airson an liosta a shàbhaladh?"
-#. Jxvdx
-#: querysavelistdialog.ui
+#: querysavelistdialog.ui:14
msgctxt "querysavelistdialog|AskSaveList"
msgid "The list was modified without saving."
msgstr "Chaidh an liosta atharrachadh ach cha deach a shàbhaladh."
-#: querysavelistdialog.ui
+#: querysavelistdialog.ui:15
msgctxt "querysavelistdialog|AskSaveList"
msgid "Would you like to save the list now?"
msgstr "A bheil thu airson an liosta a shàbhaladh an-dràsta?"
-#. aGFC7
-#: queryupdategalleryfilelistdialog.ui
+#: queryupdategalleryfilelistdialog.ui:8
msgctxt "queryupdategalleryfilelistdialog|QueryUpdateFileListDialog"
msgid "Update File List?"
msgstr "A bheil thu airson liosta nam faidhlichean ùrachadh?"
-#. oZ4ni
-#: queryupdategalleryfilelistdialog.ui
+#: queryupdategalleryfilelistdialog.ui:14
msgctxt "queryupdategalleryfilelistdialog|QueryUpdateFileListDialog"
msgid "Do you want to update the file list?"
msgstr "A bheil thu airson liosta nam faidhle ùrachadh?"
-#. YmYUq
-#: recordnumberdialog.ui
+#: recordnumberdialog.ui:7
msgctxt "recordnumberdialog|RecordNumberDialog"
msgid "Record Number"
msgstr "Àireamh an reacoird"
-#. EPb8D
-#: recordnumberdialog.ui
+#: recordnumberdialog.ui:25
msgctxt "recordnumberdialog|label2"
msgid "go to record"
msgstr "rach dhan reacord"
-#. aEKBj
-#: rotationtabpage.ui
+#: rotationtabpage.ui:52
msgctxt "rotationtabpage|FT_POS_X"
msgid "Position _X:"
msgstr "An t-ionad _x:"
-#. yEEEo
-#: rotationtabpage.ui
+#: rotationtabpage.ui:66
msgctxt "rotationtabpage|FT_POS_Y"
msgid "Position _Y:"
msgstr "An t-ionad _y:"
-#. GpHXD
-#: rotationtabpage.ui
+#: rotationtabpage.ui:118
msgctxt "rotationtabpage|FT_POSPRESETS"
msgid "_Default settings:"
msgstr "_Roghainnean bunaiteach:"
-#. 6tTrN
-#: rotationtabpage.ui
+#: rotationtabpage.ui:132
msgctxt "rotationtabpage|CTL_RECT|tooltip_text"
msgid "Rotation point"
msgstr "Puing cuairteachaidh"
-#. mNM6u
-#: rotationtabpage.ui
+#: rotationtabpage.ui:157
msgctxt "rotationtabpage|label1"
msgid "Pivot Point"
msgstr "Puing maighdeige"
-#. w4tmF
-#: rotationtabpage.ui
+#: rotationtabpage.ui:199
msgctxt "rotationtabpage|FT_ANGLE"
msgid "_Angle:"
msgstr "_Ceàrn:"
-#. LrED9
-#: rotationtabpage.ui
+#: rotationtabpage.ui:241
msgctxt "rotationtabpage|FT_ANGLEPRESETS"
msgid "Default _settings:"
msgstr "_Roghainnean bunaiteach:"
-#. G7xCD
-#: rotationtabpage.ui
+#: rotationtabpage.ui:255
msgctxt "rotationtabpage|CTL_ANGLE|tooltip_text"
msgid "Rotation Angle"
msgstr "Ceàrn cuairteachaidh"
-#. Hg259
-#: rotationtabpage.ui
+#: rotationtabpage.ui:280
msgctxt "rotationtabpage|label2"
msgid "Rotation Angle"
msgstr "Ceàrn cuairteachaidh"
-#. r67NG
-#: screenshotannotationdialog.ui
+#: screenshotannotationdialog.ui:8
msgctxt "screenshotannotationdialog|ScreenshotAnnotationDialog"
msgid "Interactive Screenshot Annotation"
msgstr "Nòta eadar-ghnìomhach airson glacadh-sgrìn"
-#. Qu2bh
-#: screenshotannotationdialog.ui
+#: screenshotannotationdialog.ui:39
msgctxt "screenshotannotationdialog|save"
msgid "Save Screenshot..."
msgstr "Sàbhail an glacadh-sgrìn..."
-#. BsP7f
-#: screenshotannotationdialog.ui
+#: screenshotannotationdialog.ui:67
msgctxt "screenshotannotationdialog|label2"
msgid "Click the widgets to add annotation:"
msgstr "Briog air na widgets airson nòta a chur ris:"
-#. F4dCG
-#: screenshotannotationdialog.ui
+#: screenshotannotationdialog.ui:93
msgctxt "screenshotannotationdialog|label1"
msgid "Paste the following markup into the help file:"
msgstr "Cuir am markup a leanas do dh’fhaidhle na cobharach:"
-#. 4bEGu
-#: scriptorganizer.ui
+#: scriptorganizer.ui:7
msgctxt "scriptorganizer|ScriptOrganizerDialog"
msgid "%MACROLANG Macros"
msgstr "Macrothan %MACROLANG"
-#. FrF4C
-#: scriptorganizer.ui
+#: scriptorganizer.ui:20
msgctxt "scriptorganizer|run"
msgid "Run"
msgstr "Ruith"
-#. nVYFP
-#: scriptorganizer.ui
+#: scriptorganizer.ui:49
msgctxt "scriptorganizer|create"
msgid "Create..."
msgstr "Cruthaich..."
-#. 8iqip
-#: scriptorganizer.ui
+#: scriptorganizer.ui:79
msgctxt "scriptorganizer|rename"
msgid "Rename..."
msgstr "Thoir ainm ùr air..."
-#. vvvff
-#: scriptorganizer.ui
+#: scriptorganizer.ui:93
msgctxt "scriptorganizer|delete"
msgid "Delete..."
msgstr "Sguab às..."
-#. fQdom
-#: scriptorganizer.ui
+#: scriptorganizer.ui:160
msgctxt "scriptorganizer|macrosft"
msgid "Macros"
msgstr "Macrothan"
-#. U3sDy
-#: searchattrdialog.ui
+#: searchattrdialog.ui:9
msgctxt "searchattrdialog|SearchAttrDialog"
msgid "Attributes"
msgstr "Buadhan"
-#. tKm8C
-#: searchformatdialog.ui
+#: searchformatdialog.ui:8
msgctxt "searchformatdialog|SearchFormatDialog"
-msgid "Text Format"
-msgstr "Fòrmat an teacsa"
+msgid "Text Format "
+msgstr ""
-#. Ndgf2
-#: searchformatdialog.ui
+#: searchformatdialog.ui:100
msgctxt "searchformatdialog|font"
msgid "Font"
msgstr "Cruth-clò"
-#. KE2vY
-#: searchformatdialog.ui
+#: searchformatdialog.ui:113
msgctxt "searchformatdialog|fonteffects"
msgid "Font Effects"
msgstr "Èifeachdan cruth-clò"
-#. Wk2sQ
-#: searchformatdialog.ui
+#: searchformatdialog.ui:127
msgctxt "searchformatdialog|position"
msgid "Position"
msgstr "Ionad"
-#. UFYCm
-#: searchformatdialog.ui
+#: searchformatdialog.ui:141
msgctxt "searchformatdialog|asianlayout"
msgid "Asian Layout"
msgstr "Co-dhealbhachd Àiseanach"
-#. iWUYD
-#: searchformatdialog.ui
+#: searchformatdialog.ui:155
msgctxt "searchformatdialog|labelTP_PARA_STD"
msgid "Indents & Spacing"
msgstr "Eagan ⁊ Beàrnadh"
-#. jSB7P
-#: searchformatdialog.ui
+#: searchformatdialog.ui:170
msgctxt "searchformatdialog|labelTP_PARA_ALIGN"
msgid "Alignment"
msgstr "Co-thaobhadh"
-#. bEqdf
-#: searchformatdialog.ui
+#: searchformatdialog.ui:185
msgctxt "searchformatdialog|labelTP_PARA_EXT"
msgid "Text Flow"
msgstr "Sruthadh an teacsa"
-#. TChw9
-#: searchformatdialog.ui
+#: searchformatdialog.ui:199
msgctxt "searchformatdialog|labelTP_PARA_ASIAN"
msgid "Asian Typography"
msgstr "Clò-ghrafachd Àiseanach"
-#. CjCNz
-#: searchformatdialog.ui
+#: searchformatdialog.ui:213
msgctxt "searchformatdialog|background"
msgid "Highlighting"
msgstr "Soillseachadh"
-#. nVjsf
-#: securityoptionsdialog.ui
+#: securityoptionsdialog.ui:8
msgctxt "securityoptionsdialog|SecurityOptionsDialog"
msgid "Security Options and Warnings"
msgstr "Roghainnean is rabhaidhean tèarainteachd"
-#. yGPGa
-#: securityoptionsdialog.ui
+#: securityoptionsdialog.ui:105
msgctxt "securityoptionsdialog|savesenddocs"
msgid "_When saving or sending"
msgstr "Aig à_m sàbhalaidh no cuir"
-#. 6f6yg
-#: securityoptionsdialog.ui
+#: securityoptionsdialog.ui:120
msgctxt "securityoptionsdialog|whensigning"
msgid "When _signing"
msgstr "Aig àm _soidhnidh"
-#. D6Lsv
-#: securityoptionsdialog.ui
+#: securityoptionsdialog.ui:135
msgctxt "securityoptionsdialog|whenprinting"
msgid "When _printing"
msgstr "Aig àm clò-_bhualaidh"
-#. 8BnPF
-#: securityoptionsdialog.ui
+#: securityoptionsdialog.ui:150
msgctxt "securityoptionsdialog|whenpdf"
msgid "When creating PDF _files"
msgstr "Aig àm cruthachadh faidhlichean PD_F"
-#. pfCsh
-#: securityoptionsdialog.ui
+#: securityoptionsdialog.ui:227
msgctxt "securityoptionsdialog|label3"
-msgid ""
-"Warn if document contains recorded changes, versions, hidden information or "
-msgstr ""
-"Thoir rabhadh ma bhios atharrachaidhean, tionndaidhean, fiosrachadh "
-"falaichte no nòtaichean san sgrìobhainn a chaidh a chlàrachadh:"
+msgid "Warn if document contains recorded changes, versions, hidden information or notes:"
+msgstr "Thoir rabhadh ma bhios atharrachaidhean, tionndaidhean, fiosrachadh falaichte no nòtaichean san sgrìobhainn a chaidh a chlàrachadh:"
-#. 3yxBp
-#: securityoptionsdialog.ui
+#: securityoptionsdialog.ui:242
msgctxt "securityoptionsdialog|label1"
msgid "Security Warnings"
msgstr "Rabhaidhean tèarainteachd"
-#. 8Vywd
-#: securityoptionsdialog.ui
+#: securityoptionsdialog.ui:276
msgctxt "securityoptionsdialog|removepersonal"
msgid "_Remove personal information on saving"
msgstr "Thoi_r air falbh fiosrachadh pearsanta aig àm sàbhalaidh"
-#. y5FFs
-#: securityoptionsdialog.ui
+#: securityoptionsdialog.ui:292
msgctxt "securityoptionsdialog|password"
msgid "Recommend password protection on sa_ving"
msgstr "An dìon le facal-faire a mholar aig àm sà_bhalaidh"
-#. 63XEG
-#: securityoptionsdialog.ui
+#: securityoptionsdialog.ui:308
msgctxt "securityoptionsdialog|ctrlclick"
msgid "Ctrl-click required _to follow hyperlinks"
msgstr "Ctrl-briogadh gus ceangal-lìn f_hosgladh"
-#. Ubb9Q
-#: securityoptionsdialog.ui
+#: securityoptionsdialog.ui:324
msgctxt "securityoptionsdialog|blockuntrusted"
-msgid ""
-"Block any links from documents not among the trusted locations (see Macro "
-msgstr ""
-"Bac ceangal sam bith nach eil air liosta nan ionadan earbsach ann an "
-"sgrìobhainnean (faic tèarainteachd nam macro)"
+msgid "Block any links from documents not among the trusted locations (see Macro Security)"
+msgstr "Bac ceangal sam bith nach eil air liosta nan ionadan earbsach ann an sgrìobhainnean (faic tèarainteachd nam macro)"
-#. vQGT6
-#: securityoptionsdialog.ui
+#: securityoptionsdialog.ui:395
msgctxt "securityoptionsdialog|label2"
msgid "Security Options"
msgstr "Roghainnean tèarainteachd"
-#. xDUeg
-#: select_persona_dialog.ui
+#: select_persona_dialog.ui:8
msgctxt "select_persona_dialog|SelectPersonaDialog"
msgid "Select Firefox Theme"
msgstr "Tagh ùrlar Firefox"
-#. vebf3
-#: select_persona_dialog.ui
+#: select_persona_dialog.ui:56
msgctxt "select_persona_dialog|search_personas"
msgid "_Go"
msgstr "_Siuthad"
-#. bLEuc
-#: select_persona_dialog.ui
+#: select_persona_dialog.ui:86
msgctxt "select_persona_dialog|label1"
msgid "Search Term or Firefox Theme URL"
msgstr "Briathar-luirg no URL an ùrlair Firefox"
-#. SosPh
-#: select_persona_dialog.ui
+#: select_persona_dialog.ui:228
msgctxt "select_persona_dialog|label6"
msgid "Categories"
msgstr "Roinnean-seòrsa"
-#. md3EB
-#: selectpathdialog.ui
+#: selectpathdialog.ui:8
msgctxt "selectpathdialog|SelectPathDialog"
msgid "Select Paths"
msgstr "Tagh slighean"
-#. oN39A
-#: selectpathdialog.ui
+#: selectpathdialog.ui:106
msgctxt "selectpathdialog|add"
msgid "_Add..."
msgstr "_Cuir ris..."
-#. oADTt
-#: selectpathdialog.ui
+#: selectpathdialog.ui:168
msgctxt "selectpathdialog|label1"
msgid "Paths"
msgstr "Slighean"
-#. UzFeh
-#: shadowtabpage.ui
+#: shadowtabpage.ui:45
msgctxt "shadowtabpage|TSB_SHOW_SHADOW"
msgid "_Use shadow"
msgstr "Cleachd _sgàil"
-#. 4BFuT
-#: shadowtabpage.ui
+#: shadowtabpage.ui:123
msgctxt "shadowtabpage|FT_DISTANCE"
msgid "_Distance:"
msgstr "As_tar:"
-#: shadowtabpage.ui
+#: shadowtabpage.ui:159
msgctxt "shadowtabpage|FT_TRANSPARENT"
msgid "_Transparency:"
msgstr "_Trìd-shoilleireachd:"
-#. 5ZBde
-#: shadowtabpage.ui
+#: shadowtabpage.ui:180
msgctxt "shadowtabpage|FT_SHADOW_COLOR"
msgid "_Color:"
msgstr "_Dath:"
-#. SYFAn
-#: shadowtabpage.ui
+#: shadowtabpage.ui:223
msgctxt "shadowtabpage|CTL_COLOR_PREVIEW-atkobject"
msgid "Example"
msgstr "Ball-eisimpleir"
-#. JsPjd
-#: shadowtabpage.ui
+#: shadowtabpage.ui:248
msgctxt "shadowtabpage|label"
msgid "Properties"
msgstr "Roghainnean"
-#. C7Ct3
-#: showcoldialog.ui
+#: showcoldialog.ui:8
msgctxt "showcoldialog|ShowColDialog"
msgid "Show Columns"
msgstr "Seall na colbhan"
-#. AcDS7
-#: showcoldialog.ui
+#: showcoldialog.ui:70
msgctxt "showcoldialog|label1"
-msgid ""
-"The following columns are currently hidden. Please mark the fields you want "
-"to show and choose OK."
-msgstr ""
-"Tha na colbhan a leanas falaichte aig an àm seo. Comharraich na raointean a "
-"bu toigh leat sealltainn is tagh 'Ceart ma-thà'."
+msgid "The following columns are currently hidden. Please mark the fields you want to show and choose OK."
+msgstr "Tha na colbhan a leanas falaichte aig an àm seo. Comharraich na raointean a bu toigh leat sealltainn is tagh 'Ceart ma-thà'."
-#. 2LCZd
-#: similaritysearchdialog.ui
+#: similaritysearchdialog.ui:14
msgctxt "similaritysearchdialog|SimilaritySearchDialog"
msgid "Similarity Search"
msgstr "Lorg ionnannachd"
-#. rtS5w
-#: similaritysearchdialog.ui
+#: similaritysearchdialog.ui:95
msgctxt "similaritysearchdialog|label2"
msgid "_Exchange characters:"
msgstr "Cuir na caractaran s_eo an àite a chèile:"
-#. MDhTd
-#: similaritysearchdialog.ui
+#: similaritysearchdialog.ui:109
msgctxt "similaritysearchdialog|label3"
msgid "_Add characters:"
msgstr "Cuir na c_aractaran seo ris:"
-#. LZcB3
-#: similaritysearchdialog.ui
+#: similaritysearchdialog.ui:123
msgctxt "similaritysearchdialog|label4"
msgid "_Remove characters:"
msgstr "Thoi_r na caractaran seo air falbh:"
-#. 22YmN
-#: similaritysearchdialog.ui
+#: similaritysearchdialog.ui:134
msgctxt "similaritysearchdialog|relaxbox"
msgid "_Combine"
msgstr "_Co-mheasgaich"
-#. VNDAt
-#: slantcornertabpage.ui
+#: slantcornertabpage.ui:50
msgctxt "slantcornertabpage|label5"
msgid "_X:"
msgstr "_X:"
-#. CkJx5
-#: slantcornertabpage.ui
+#: slantcornertabpage.ui:89
msgctxt "slantcornertabpage|label6"
msgid "_Y:"
msgstr "_Y:"
-#. gpixF
-#: slantcornertabpage.ui
+#: slantcornertabpage.ui:127
msgctxt "slantcornertabpage|label3"
msgid "Control Point 1"
msgstr "Puing-smachd 1"
-#. krHiw
-#: slantcornertabpage.ui
+#: slantcornertabpage.ui:161
msgctxt "slantcornertabpage|FT_RADIUS"
msgid "_Radius:"
msgstr "_Rèideas:"
-#. WVN9Y
-#: slantcornertabpage.ui
+#: slantcornertabpage.ui:192
msgctxt "slantcornertabpage|label1"
msgid "Corner Radius"
msgstr "Rèideas an oisein"
-#. oVtU3
-#: slantcornertabpage.ui
+#: slantcornertabpage.ui:226
msgctxt "slantcornertabpage|FT_ANGLE"
msgid "_Angle:"
msgstr "_Ceàrn:"
-#. ATpxT
-#: slantcornertabpage.ui
+#: slantcornertabpage.ui:257
msgctxt "slantcornertabpage|label2"
msgid "Slant"
msgstr "Claonadh"
-#. mtFaZ
-#: slantcornertabpage.ui
+#: slantcornertabpage.ui:298
msgctxt "slantcornertabpage|label4"
msgid "_X:"
msgstr "_X:"
-#. 3EL7K
-#: slantcornertabpage.ui
+#: slantcornertabpage.ui:337
msgctxt "slantcornertabpage|label7"
msgid "_Y:"
msgstr "_Y:"
-#. FzWQs
-#: slantcornertabpage.ui
+#: slantcornertabpage.ui:375
msgctxt "slantcornertabpage|label8"
msgid "Control Point 2"
msgstr "Puing-smachd 2"
-#. 6HGgg
-#: smarttagoptionspage.ui
+#: smarttagoptionspage.ui:21
msgctxt "smarttagoptionspage|main"
msgid "Label text with smart tags"
msgstr "Cuir tagaichean tapaidh ris an teacsa"
-#. vfc7b
-#: smarttagoptionspage.ui
+#: smarttagoptionspage.ui:61
msgctxt "smarttagoptionspage|properties"
msgid "Properties..."
msgstr "Roghainnean..."
-#. 4xp5D
-#: smarttagoptionspage.ui
+#: smarttagoptionspage.ui:100
msgctxt "smarttagoptionspage|label1"
msgid "Currently Installed Smart Tags"
msgstr "Tagaichean tapaidh a tha air an stàladh an-dràsta"
-#. y7D3W
-#: smoothdialog.ui
+#: smoothdialog.ui:16
msgctxt "smoothdialog|SmoothDialog"
msgid "Smooth"
msgstr "Rèidh"
-#. BwUut
-#: smoothdialog.ui
+#: smoothdialog.ui:138
msgctxt "smoothdialog|label2"
msgid "_Smooth radius:"
msgstr "Rèidea_s rèidh:"
-#. b62Mc
-#: smoothdialog.ui
+#: smoothdialog.ui:161
msgctxt "smoothdialog|label1"
msgid "Parameters"
msgstr "Paramadairean"
-#. xAH4y
-#: solarizedialog.ui
+#: solarizedialog.ui:14
msgctxt "solarizedialog|SolarizeDialog"
msgid "Solarization"
msgstr "Grianachadh"
-#. Cjvhw
-#: solarizedialog.ui
+#: solarizedialog.ui:135
msgctxt "solarizedialog|label2"
msgid "Threshold _value:"
msgstr "_Luach na stairsnich:"
-#. zN2jC
-#: solarizedialog.ui
+#: solarizedialog.ui:146
msgctxt "solarizedialog|invert"
msgid "_Invert"
msgstr "A_is-thionndaidh"
-#. vd8sF
-#: solarizedialog.ui
+#: solarizedialog.ui:173
msgctxt "solarizedialog|label1"
msgid "Parameters"
msgstr "Paramadairean"
-#. JpXVy
-#: specialcharacters.ui
+#: specialcharacters.ui:10
msgctxt "specialcharacters|SpecialCharactersDialog"
msgid "Special Characters"
msgstr "Caractaran sònraichte"
-#. 5Aw7x
-#: specialcharacters.ui
-msgctxt "specialcharacters|ok"
+#: specialcharacters.ui:24
+msgctxt "specialcharacters|insert"
msgid "_Insert"
-msgstr "Cu_ir a-steach"
-#. mPCRR
-#: specialcharacters.ui
-msgctxt "specialcharacters|fontft"
-msgid "Font:"
-msgstr "Cruth-clò:"
+msgstr ""
-#. CLtzq
-#: specialcharacters.ui
+#: specialcharacters.ui:110
msgctxt "specialcharacters|subsetft"
msgid "Subset:"
msgstr "Fo-sheata:"
-#. b7UEJ
-#: specialcharacters.ui
-msgctxt "specialcharacters|symboltext"
-msgid "Characters:"
-msgstr "Caractaran:"
+#: specialcharacters.ui:134
+msgctxt "specialcharacters|fontft"
+msgid "Font:"
+msgstr "Cruth-clò:"
+#: specialcharacters.ui:158
+msgctxt "specialcharacters|srchft"
+msgid "Search:"
+msgstr ""
-#. LxRMr
-#: specialcharacters.ui
+#: specialcharacters.ui:218
msgctxt "specialcharacters|hexlabel"
msgid "Hexadecimal:"
msgstr "Sia-dheicheach:"
-#: specialcharacters.ui
+#: specialcharacters.ui:269
msgctxt "specialcharacters|decimallabel"
msgid "Decimal:"
msgstr "Deicheach:"
-#. 3Bpmn
-#: spellingdialog.ui
+#: specialcharacters.ui:290
+msgctxt "specialcharacters|favbtn"
+msgid "Add to Favorites"
+msgstr ""
+#: specialcharacters.ui:294
+msgctxt "specialcharacters|favbtn|tooltip_text"
+msgid "Maximum Limit: 16 Characters"
+msgstr ""
+#: specialcharacters.ui:341
+msgctxt "specialcharacters|symboltext1"
+msgid "Recent Characters:"
+msgstr ""
+#: specialcharacters.ui:572
+msgctxt "specialcharacters|favbtn|symboltext2"
+msgid "Favorite Characters:"
+msgstr ""
+#: spellingdialog.ui:9
msgctxt "spellingdialog|SpellingDialog"
-msgid "Spelling and Grammar: $LANGUAGE ($LOCATION)"
-msgstr "Litreachadh is gràmar: $LANGUAGE ($LOCATION)"
+msgid "Spelling: $LANGUAGE ($LOCATION)"
+msgstr ""
-#. FcbQv
-#: spellingdialog.ui
+#: spellingdialog.ui:38
msgctxt "spellingdialog|options"
msgid "_Options..."
msgstr "_Roghainnean..."
-#. DoqLo
-#: spellingdialog.ui
+#: spellingdialog.ui:110
msgctxt "spellingdialog|ignore"
msgid "_Ignore Once"
msgstr "_Leig seachad 1x"
-#. 5LDdh
-#: spellingdialog.ui
+#: spellingdialog.ui:138
msgctxt "spellingdialog|change"
msgid "Co_rrect"
msgstr "_Ceartaich"
-#. dZvFo
-#: spellingdialog.ui
+#: spellingdialog.ui:152
msgctxt "spellingdialog|changeall"
msgid "Correct A_ll"
msgstr "Ceartaich na _h-uile"
-#. GYcSJ
-#: spellingdialog.ui
+#: spellingdialog.ui:166
msgctxt "spellingdialog|autocorrect"
msgid "Alwa_ys Correct"
msgstr "Cearta_ich an-còmhnaidh"
-#. 7Lgq7
-#: spellingdialog.ui
+#: spellingdialog.ui:180
msgctxt "spellingdialog|checkgrammar"
msgid "Chec_k grammar"
msgstr "Ceartaich an _gràmar"
-#. 32F96
-#: spellingdialog.ui
+#: spellingdialog.ui:196
msgctxt "spellingdialog|ignoreall"
msgid "I_gnore All"
msgstr "Leig _seachad a h-uile"
-#: spellingdialog.ui
+#: spellingdialog.ui:210
msgctxt "spellingdialog|ignorerule"
msgid "I_gnore Rule"
msgstr "Leig seachad a_n riaghailt"
-#. qLx9c
-#: spellingdialog.ui
+#: spellingdialog.ui:226
msgctxt "spellingdialog|languageft"
msgid "Text languag_e:"
msgstr "Cànan an t_eacsa:"
-#: spellingdialog.ui
+#: spellingdialog.ui:252
msgctxt "spellingdialog|explainlink"
msgid "More..."
msgstr "Barrachd..."
-#. bxC8G
-#: spellingdialog.ui
+#: spellingdialog.ui:268
msgctxt "spellingdialog|resumeft"
msgid "Res_ume"
msgstr "Lean _air"
-#. D2E4f
-#: spellingdialog.ui
+#: spellingdialog.ui:280
msgctxt "spellingdialog|nosuggestionsft"
msgid "(no suggestions)"
msgstr "(gun mholadh sam bith)"
-#. dCCnN
-#: spellingdialog.ui
+#: spellingdialog.ui:292
msgctxt "spellingdialog|alttitleft"
msgid "Spelling: $LANGUAGE ($LOCATION)"
msgstr "Litreachadh: $LANGUAGE ($LOCATION)"
-#. evAcz
-#: spellingdialog.ui
+#: spellingdialog.ui:319
msgctxt "spellingdialog|add"
msgid "_Add to Dictionary"
msgstr "Cuir ris an _fhaclair"
-#. CEWcz
-#: spellingdialog.ui
+#: spellingdialog.ui:333
msgctxt "spellingdialog|addmb"
msgid "_Add to Dictionary"
msgstr "Cuir ris _an fhaclair"
-#. 4E4ES
-#: spellingdialog.ui
+#: spellingdialog.ui:349
msgctxt "spellingdialog|suggestionsft"
msgid "_Suggestions"
msgstr "M_olaidhean"
-#. gPGys
-#: spellingdialog.ui
+#: spellingdialog.ui:365
msgctxt "spellingdialog|notindictft"
msgid "_Not in dictionary"
msgstr "Cha_n eil seo san fhaclair"
-#. R7k8J
-#: spellingdialog.ui
+#: spellingdialog.ui:386
msgctxt "spellingdialog|paste"
msgid "Paste"
msgstr "Cuir ann"
-#. vTAkA
-#: spellingdialog.ui
+#: spellingdialog.ui:400
msgctxt "spellingdialog|insert"
msgid "Special Character"
msgstr "Caractar sònraichte"
-#. fM6Vt
-#: spelloptionsdialog.ui
+#: spelloptionsdialog.ui:8
msgctxt "spelloptionsdialog|SpellOptionsDialog"
msgid "Options"
msgstr "Roghainnean"
-#. mEDem
-#: splitcellsdialog.ui
+#: splitcellsdialog.ui:25
msgctxt "splitcellsdialog|SplitCellsDialog"
msgid "Split Cells"
msgstr "Sgoilt na ceallan"
-#. PaQvp
-#: splitcellsdialog.ui
+#: splitcellsdialog.ui:117
msgctxt "splitcellsdialog|label3"
msgid "_Split cell into:"
msgstr "_Sgoilt an cealla ann an:"
-#. FwTkG
-#: splitcellsdialog.ui
+#: splitcellsdialog.ui:146
msgctxt "splitcellsdialog|label1"
msgid "Split"
msgstr "Sgoilt"
-#. gYiR4
-#: splitcellsdialog.ui
+#: splitcellsdialog.ui:178
msgctxt "splitcellsdialog|hori"
msgid "H_orizontally"
msgstr "Air a _chòmhnard"
-#. MADh2
-#: splitcellsdialog.ui
+#: splitcellsdialog.ui:196
msgctxt "splitcellsdialog|vert"
msgid "_Vertically"
msgstr "Gu _h-inghearach"
-#. Qev7K
-#: splitcellsdialog.ui
+#: splitcellsdialog.ui:218
msgctxt "splitcellsdialog|prop"
msgid "_Into equal proportions"
msgstr "Ann an co-rè_irean co-ionnann"
-#. wtDLA
-#: splitcellsdialog.ui
+#: splitcellsdialog.ui:241
msgctxt "splitcellsdialog|label2"
msgid "Direction"
msgstr "Comhair"
-#. hbDka
-#: storedwebconnectiondialog.ui
+#: storedwebconnectiondialog.ui:9
msgctxt "storedwebconnectiondialog|StoredWebConnectionDialog"
msgid "Stored Web Connection Information"
msgstr "Fiosrachadh a' cheangail-lìn a tha san stòras"
-#. EtCBG
-#: storedwebconnectiondialog.ui
+#: storedwebconnectiondialog.ui:70
msgctxt "storedwebconnectiondialog|label1"
msgid "Web login information (passwords are never shown)"
-msgstr ""
-"Fiosrachadh logadh a-steach an lìn (cha dèid faclan-faire a shealltainn "
+msgstr "Fiosrachadh logadh a-steach an lìn (cha dèid faclan-faire a shealltainn idir)"
-#. U5Eus
-#: storedwebconnectiondialog.ui
+#: storedwebconnectiondialog.ui:87
msgctxt "storedwebconnectiondialog|website"
msgid "Website"
msgstr "Làrach-lìn"
-#. zmCQx
-#: storedwebconnectiondialog.ui
+#: storedwebconnectiondialog.ui:98
msgctxt "storedwebconnectiondialog|username"
msgid "User name"
msgstr "Ainm cleachdaiche"
-#. QZk9A
-#: storedwebconnectiondialog.ui
+#: storedwebconnectiondialog.ui:148
msgctxt "storedwebconnectiondialog|removeall"
msgid "Remove _All"
msgstr "Thoir air falbh n_a h-uile"
-#. 37PzL
-#: storedwebconnectiondialog.ui
+#: storedwebconnectiondialog.ui:162
msgctxt "storedwebconnectiondialog|change"
msgid "_Change Password..."
msgstr "Atharrai_ch am facal-faire..."
-#. ADAyE
-#: swpossizepage.ui
+#: swpossizepage.ui:75
msgctxt "swpossizepage|widthft"
msgid "_Width:"
msgstr "_Leud:"
-#. D2QY9
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msgctxt "swpossizepage|heightft"
msgid "H_eight:"
msgstr "Àird_e:"
-#. UpdQN
-#: swpossizepage.ui
+#: swpossizepage.ui:130
msgctxt "swpossizepage|ratio"
msgid "_Keep ratio"
msgstr "_Glèidh an co-mheas"
-#. Dhk9o
-#: swpossizepage.ui
+#: swpossizepage.ui:151
msgctxt "swpossizepage|label2"
msgid "Size"
msgstr "Meud"
-#. okeh5
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msgctxt "swpossizepage|topage"
msgid "To _page"
msgstr "Ris an duille_ag"
-#. 7GtoG
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+#: swpossizepage.ui:224
msgctxt "swpossizepage|topara"
msgid "To paragrap_h"
msgstr "Ris a' _pharagraf"
-#. Uj9Pu
-#: swpossizepage.ui
+#: swpossizepage.ui:240
msgctxt "swpossizepage|tochar"
msgid "To cha_racter"
msgstr "Ris a' _charactar"
-#. GNmu5
-#: swpossizepage.ui
+#: swpossizepage.ui:256
msgctxt "swpossizepage|aschar"
msgid "_As character"
msgstr "Mar c_haractar"
-#. e4F9d
-#: swpossizepage.ui
+#: swpossizepage.ui:272
msgctxt "swpossizepage|toframe"
msgid "To _frame"
msgstr "Ris an _fhrèam"
-#. ckR4Z
-#: swpossizepage.ui
+#: swpossizepage.ui:294
msgctxt "swpossizepage|label1"
msgid "Anchor"
msgstr "Acair"
-#. 7XWqU
-#: swpossizepage.ui
+#: swpossizepage.ui:335
msgctxt "swpossizepage|horiposft"
msgid "Hori_zontal:"
msgstr "Air a' _chòmhnard:"
-#. nCjCJ
-#: swpossizepage.ui
+#: swpossizepage.ui:349
msgctxt "swpossizepage|horibyft"
msgid "b_y:"
msgstr "_le:"
-#. JAihS
-#: swpossizepage.ui
+#: swpossizepage.ui:363
msgctxt "swpossizepage|vertbyft"
msgid "_by:"
msgstr "_le:"
-#. bEU2H
-#: swpossizepage.ui
+#: swpossizepage.ui:377
msgctxt "swpossizepage|horitoft"
msgid "_to:"
msgstr "_gu:"
-#. NKeEB
-#: swpossizepage.ui
+#: swpossizepage.ui:424
msgctxt "swpossizepage|vertposft"
msgid "_Vertical:"
msgstr "Gu _h-inghearach:"
-#. 5jQc3
-#: swpossizepage.ui
+#: swpossizepage.ui:461
msgctxt "swpossizepage|verttoft"
msgid "t_o:"
msgstr "g_u:"
-#. ZFE5p
-#: swpossizepage.ui
+#: swpossizepage.ui:482
msgctxt "swpossizepage|mirror"
msgid "_Mirror on even pages"
msgstr "Sgàthanaich air duilleagan cothro_m"
-#. iTRvh
-#: swpossizepage.ui
+#: swpossizepage.ui:499
msgctxt "swpossizepage|followtextflow"
msgid "Follow te_xt flow"
msgstr "Lean ri sruthadh an tea_csa"
-#. hKBGx
-#: swpossizepage.ui
+#: swpossizepage.ui:522
msgctxt "swpossizepage|label11"
msgid "Position"
msgstr "Ionad"
-#. 3PMgB
-#: swpossizepage.ui
+#: swpossizepage.ui:553
msgctxt "swpossizepage|pos"
msgid "Positio_n"
msgstr "Io_nad"
-#. YuVkA
-#: swpossizepage.ui
+#: swpossizepage.ui:569
msgctxt "swpossizepage|size"
msgid "_Size"
msgstr "_Meud"
-#. 7MV8R
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msgctxt "swpossizepage|label3"
msgid "Protect"
msgstr "Dìon"
-#. gGV4j
-#: textanimtabpage.ui
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+msgid "No Effect"
+msgstr "Gun èifeachd"
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+msgid "Blink"
+msgstr "Priobadh"
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+msgid "Scroll Through"
+msgstr "Sgrolaich troimhe"
+#: textanimtabpage.ui:61
+msgctxt "textanimtabpage|liststoreEFFECT"
+msgid "Scroll Back and Forth"
+msgstr "Sgrolaich air ais is air adhart"
+#: textanimtabpage.ui:65
+msgctxt "textanimtabpage|liststoreEFFECT"
+msgid "Scroll In"
+msgstr "Sgrolaich a-steach"
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msgid "E_ffect:"
msgstr "Èifeac_hd:"
-#. FpCUy
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msgid "Direction:"
msgstr "Comhair:"
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msgctxt "textanimtabpage|BTN_UP|tooltip_text"
msgid "To top"
msgstr "Gun bharr"
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msgctxt "textanimtabpage|BTN_UP-atkobject"
msgid "Up"
msgstr "Suas"
-#. xD7QC
-#: textanimtabpage.ui
+#: textanimtabpage.ui:176
msgctxt "textanimtabpage|BTN_RIGHT|tooltip_text"
msgid "To right"
msgstr "Gun taobh deas"
-#. VN5hz
-#: textanimtabpage.ui
+#: textanimtabpage.ui:182
msgctxt "textanimtabpage|BTN_RIGHT-atkobject"
msgid "Right"
msgstr "Deas"
-#. qufE7
-#: textanimtabpage.ui
+#: textanimtabpage.ui:197
msgctxt "textanimtabpage|BTN_LEFT|tooltip_text"
msgid "To left"
msgstr "Gun taobh chlì"
-#. XGbGL
-#: textanimtabpage.ui
+#: textanimtabpage.ui:203
msgctxt "textanimtabpage|BTN_LEFT-atkobject"
msgid "Left"
msgstr "Clì"
-#. Y9HDp
-#: textanimtabpage.ui
+#: textanimtabpage.ui:218
msgctxt "textanimtabpage|BTN_DOWN|tooltip_text"
msgid "To bottom"
msgstr "Gun bhonn"
-#. AaxJ6
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msgctxt "textanimtabpage|BTN_DOWN-atkobject"
msgid "Down"
msgstr "Sìos"
-#. yTfAi
-#: textanimtabpage.ui
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msgctxt "textanimtabpage|TSB_START_INSIDE"
msgid "S_tart inside"
msgstr "_Tòisich a-staigh"
-#. AojvU
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msgctxt "textanimtabpage|TSB_STOP_INSIDE"
msgid "Text _visible when exiting"
msgstr "Bidh an teacsa _follaiseach nuair a dhùinear e"
-#. mH7ec
-#: textanimtabpage.ui
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msgctxt "textanimtabpage|FT_COUNT"
msgid "Animation cycles:"
msgstr "Cuairtean a' bheòthachaidh:"
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msgctxt "textanimtabpage|TSB_ENDLESS"
msgid "_Continuous"
msgstr "L_eantainneach"
-#. FGuFE
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msgctxt "textanimtabpage|FT_AMOUNT"
msgid "Increment:"
msgstr "Ioncramaid:"
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msgctxt "textanimtabpage|TSB_PIXEL"
msgid "_Pixels"
msgstr "_Piogsailean"
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msgctxt "textanimtabpage|FT_DELAY"
msgid "Delay:"
msgstr "Dàil:"
-#. cKvSH
-#: textanimtabpage.ui
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msgctxt "textanimtabpage|TSB_AUTO"
msgid "_Automatic"
msgstr "Gu _fèin-obrachail"
-#. pbjT5
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msgctxt "textanimtabpage|label2"
msgid "Properties"
msgstr "Roghainnean"
-#. C7DcB
-#: textanimtabpage.ui
-msgctxt "textanimtabpage|liststoreEFFECT"
-msgid "No Effect"
-msgstr "Gun èifeachd"
-#. AQTEq
-#: textanimtabpage.ui
-msgctxt "textanimtabpage|liststoreEFFECT"
-msgid "Blink"
-msgstr "Priobadh"
-#. kPDEP
-#: textanimtabpage.ui
-msgctxt "textanimtabpage|liststoreEFFECT"
-msgid "Scroll Through"
-msgstr "Sgrolaich troimhe"
-#. hhrPE
-#: textanimtabpage.ui
-msgctxt "textanimtabpage|liststoreEFFECT"
-msgid "Scroll Back and Forth"
-msgstr "Sgrolaich air ais is air adhart"
-#. bG3am
-#: textanimtabpage.ui
-msgctxt "textanimtabpage|liststoreEFFECT"
-msgid "Scroll In"
-msgstr "Sgrolaich a-steach"
-#. 4iDya
-#: textattrtabpage.ui
+#: textattrtabpage.ui:43
msgctxt "textattrtabpage|TSB_AUTOGROW_WIDTH"
msgid "Fit wi_dth to text"
msgstr "Co-fhreagair an leu_d ris an teacsa"
-#. AFJcc
-#: textattrtabpage.ui
+#: textattrtabpage.ui:59
msgctxt "textattrtabpage|TSB_AUTOGROW_HEIGHT"
msgid "Fit h_eight to text"
msgstr "Co-fhr_eagair an àirde ris an teacsa"
-#. gKSp5
-#: textattrtabpage.ui
+#: textattrtabpage.ui:75
msgctxt "textattrtabpage|TSB_FIT_TO_SIZE"
msgid "_Fit to frame"
msgstr "Co-_fhreagair ris an fhrèam"
-#. HNhqB
-#: textattrtabpage.ui
+#: textattrtabpage.ui:91
msgctxt "textattrtabpage|TSB_CONTOUR"
msgid "_Adjust to contour"
msgstr "Gleus a-rèir _a' chontur"
-#. ZxFbp
-#: textattrtabpage.ui
+#: textattrtabpage.ui:113
msgctxt "textattrtabpage|label1"
msgid "Drawing Object Text"
msgstr "Teacsa an oibseict tarraing"
-#. E7JrK
-#: textattrtabpage.ui
+#: textattrtabpage.ui:146
msgctxt "textattrtabpage|TSB_WORDWRAP_TEXT"
msgid "_Word wrap text in shape"
msgstr "_Paisg na faclan sa chruth"
-#. T4kEz
-#: textattrtabpage.ui
+#: textattrtabpage.ui:162
msgctxt "textattrtabpage|TSB_AUTOGROW_SIZE"
msgid "_Resize shape to fit text"
msgstr "Atharraich an cruth a-_rèir an teacsa"
-#. CWdDn
-#: textattrtabpage.ui
+#: textattrtabpage.ui:190
msgctxt "textattrtabpage|label8"
msgid "Custom Shape Text"
msgstr "Teacsa a’ chrutha ghnàthaichte"
-#. 7Ad2Q
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+#: textattrtabpage.ui:237
msgctxt "textattrtabpage|label4"
msgid "_Left:"
msgstr "C_lì:"
-#. dMFkF
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msgctxt "textattrtabpage|label5"
msgid "_Right:"
msgstr "_Deas:"
-#. nxccs
-#: textattrtabpage.ui
+#: textattrtabpage.ui:265
msgctxt "textattrtabpage|label6"
msgid "_Top:"
msgstr "Ba_rr:"
-#. avsGr
-#: textattrtabpage.ui
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msgctxt "textattrtabpage|label7"
msgid "_Bottom:"
msgstr "_Bonn:"
-#. aYFEA
-#: textattrtabpage.ui
+#: textattrtabpage.ui:349
msgctxt "textattrtabpage|label2"
msgid "Spacing to Borders"
msgstr "Beàrnadh gu na h-iomaill"
-#. PUoRb
-#: textattrtabpage.ui
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msgctxt "textattrtabpage|TSB_FULL_WIDTH"
msgid "Full _width"
msgstr "Làn-_leud"
-#. BP2Vk
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msgctxt "textattrtabpage|label3"
msgid "Text Anchor"
msgstr "Acair an teacsa"
-#. 3Huae
-#: textdialog.ui
+#: textdialog.ui:8
msgctxt "textdialog|TextDialog"
msgid "Text"
msgstr "Teacsa"
-#. X6YuB
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msgctxt "textdialog|RID_SVXPAGE_TEXTATTR"
msgid "Text"
msgstr "Teacsa"
-#. 7UaHg
-#: textdialog.ui
+#: textdialog.ui:113
msgctxt "textdialog|RID_SVXPAGE_TEXTANIMATION"
msgid "Text Animation"
msgstr "Beòthachadh teacsa"
-#. N89ek
-#: textflowpage.ui
+#: textflowpage.ui:53
msgctxt "textflowpage|checkAuto"
msgid "A_utomatically"
msgstr "G_u fèin-obrachail"
-#. c6KN2
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+#: textflowpage.ui:118
msgctxt "textflowpage|labelLineEnd"
msgid "C_haracters at line end"
msgstr "Caractaran aig deiread_h na loidhne"
-#. AGfNV
-#: textflowpage.ui
+#: textflowpage.ui:132
msgctxt "textflowpage|labelLineBegin"
msgid "Cha_racters at line begin"
msgstr "Ca_ractairean aig toiseach na loidhne"
-#. FTX7o
-#: textflowpage.ui
+#: textflowpage.ui:146
msgctxt "textflowpage|labelMaxNum"
msgid "_Maximum number of consecutive hyphens"
msgstr "Àireamh as _motha de thàthain an dèidh a chèile"
-#. stYh3
-#: textflowpage.ui
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msgctxt "textflowpage|LabelHyphenation"
msgid "Hyphenation"
msgstr "Tàthanachadh"
-#. ZLB8K
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msgctxt "textflowpage|checkInsert"
msgid "_Insert"
msgstr "Cu_ir a-steach"
-#. JiDat
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msgctxt "textflowpage|checkPageStyle"
msgid "With page st_yle:"
msgstr "Le _stoidhle na duilleige:"
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msgid "_Type:"
msgstr "S_eòrsa:"
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msgctxt "textflowpage|labelPageNum"
msgid "Page _number:"
msgstr "Àireamh _na duilleige:"
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msgid "Position:"
msgstr "Ionad:"
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msgctxt "textflowpage|comboPageStyle-atkobject"
msgid "Page Style"
msgstr "Stoidhle na duilleige"
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msgctxt "textflowpage|comboBreakType"
msgid "Page"
msgstr "Duilleag"
-#. MeAgB
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msgid "Column"
msgstr "Colbh"
-#. 8RF2z
-#: textflowpage.ui
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msgid "Before"
msgstr "Roimhe"
-#. vMWKU
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msgctxt "textflowpage|comboBreakPosition"
msgid "After"
msgstr "'Na dhèidh"
-#. B657G
-#: textflowpage.ui
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msgid "Breaks"
msgstr "Brisidhean"
-#. MEpn4
-#: textflowpage.ui
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msgctxt "textflowpage|checkSplitPara"
msgid "_Do not split paragraph"
msgstr "_Na sgoilt am paragraf"
-#. vWpZR
-#: textflowpage.ui
+#: textflowpage.ui:391
msgctxt "textflowpage|checkKeepPara"
msgid "_Keep with next paragraph"
msgstr "C_um leis an ath-pharagraf"
-#. dQZQ7
-#: textflowpage.ui
+#: textflowpage.ui:407
msgctxt "textflowpage|checkOrphan"
msgid "_Orphan control"
msgstr "Smachd air _dìlleachdanan"
-#. pnW52
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msgctxt "textflowpage|checkWidow"
msgid "_Widow control"
msgstr "Smachd air _banntraichean"
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msgctxt "textflowpage|labelOrphan"
msgid "lines"
msgstr "Loidhnichean"
-#. 6swWD
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msgid "lines"
msgstr "Loidhnichean"
-#. nXryi
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msgctxt "textflowpage|labelOptions"
msgid "Options"
msgstr "Roghainnean"
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msgctxt "thesaurus|ThesaurusDialog"
msgid "Thesaurus"
msgstr "Teasaras"
-#. BBvLD
-#: thesaurus.ui
+#: thesaurus.ui:43
msgctxt "thesaurus|replace"
msgid "_Replace"
msgstr "Cui_r 'na àite"
-#. x792E
-#: thesaurus.ui
+#: thesaurus.ui:89
msgctxt "thesaurus|label1"
msgid "Current word:"
msgstr "Am facal làithreach:"
-#. GQz9P
-#: thesaurus.ui
+#: thesaurus.ui:104
msgctxt "thesaurus|label2"
msgid "Alternatives:"
msgstr "Roghainn eile:"
-#. DqB5k
-#: thesaurus.ui
+#: thesaurus.ui:119
msgctxt "thesaurus|label3"
msgid "Replace with:"
msgstr "Cuir na leanas 'na àite:"
-#. WChLB
-#: transparencytabpage.ui
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+msgid "Linear"
+msgstr "Loidhneach"
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+msgid "Axial"
+msgstr "Aisealach"
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+msgid "Radial"
+msgstr "Rèideal"
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+msgid "Ellipsoid"
+msgstr "Eileapsoideach"
+#: transparencytabpage.ui:41
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+msgid "Quadratic"
+msgstr "Ceàrnagach"
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+msgid "Square"
+msgstr "Ceàrnagach"
+#: transparencytabpage.ui:85
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msgid "_No transparency"
msgstr "Gu_n trìd-shoilleireachd"
-#. DEU8f
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msgid "_Transparency:"
msgstr "_Trìd-shoilleireachd:"
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msgctxt "transparencytabpage|RBT_TRANS_GRADIENT"
msgid "_Gradient"
msgstr "_Caisead"
-#. EmYEU
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msgctxt "transparencytabpage|FT_TRGR_TYPE"
msgid "Ty_pe:"
msgstr "Seò_rsa:"
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msgctxt "transparencytabpage|FT_TRGR_CENTER_X"
msgid "Center _X:"
msgstr "Meadhan _X:"
-#. Nsx4p
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msgctxt "transparencytabpage|FT_TRGR_CENTER_Y"
msgid "Center _Y:"
msgstr "Meadhan _Y:"
-#. RWNkA
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msgctxt "transparencytabpage|FT_TRGR_ANGLE"
msgid "_Angle:"
msgstr "_Ceàrn:"
-#. uRCB3
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msgctxt "transparencytabpage|FT_TRGR_BORDER"
msgid "_Border:"
msgstr "_Iomall:"
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-#: transparencytabpage.ui
+#: transparencytabpage.ui:371
msgctxt "transparencytabpage|FT_TRGR_START_VALUE"
msgid "_Start value:"
msgstr "An luach toi_sich:"
-#. opX8T
-#: transparencytabpage.ui
+#: transparencytabpage.ui:392
msgctxt "transparencytabpage|FT_TRGR_END_VALUE"
msgid "_End value:"
msgstr "An luach d_eiridh:"
-#. vFPGU
-#: transparencytabpage.ui
+#: transparencytabpage.ui:435
msgctxt "transparencytabpage|CTL_BITMAP_PREVIEW-atkobject"
msgid "Example"
msgstr "Ball-eisimpleir"
-#. AiQzg
-#: transparencytabpage.ui
+#: transparencytabpage.ui:453
msgctxt "transparencytabpage|CTL_TRANS_PREVIEW-atkobject"
msgid "Example"
msgstr "Ball-eisimpleir"
-#. UMCGy
-#: transparencytabpage.ui
+#: transparencytabpage.ui:494
msgctxt "transparencytabpage|FL_PROP"
msgid "Area Transparency Mode"
msgstr "Modh trìd-shoilleireachd raoin"
-#. YgMd8
-#: transparencytabpage.ui
-msgctxt "transparencytabpage|liststoreTYPE"
-msgid "Linear"
-msgstr "Loidhneach"
-#. 8CgMQ
-#: transparencytabpage.ui
-msgctxt "transparencytabpage|liststoreTYPE"
-msgid "Axial"
-msgstr "Aisealach"
-#. hyMck
-#: transparencytabpage.ui
-msgctxt "transparencytabpage|liststoreTYPE"
-msgid "Radial"
-msgstr "Rèideal"
-#. mEnF6
-#: transparencytabpage.ui
-msgctxt "transparencytabpage|liststoreTYPE"
-msgid "Ellipsoid"
-msgstr "Eileapsoideach"
-#. GDBS5
-#: transparencytabpage.ui
-msgctxt "transparencytabpage|liststoreTYPE"
-msgid "Quadratic"
-msgstr "Ceàrnagach"
-#. NgYW8
-#: transparencytabpage.ui
-msgctxt "transparencytabpage|liststoreTYPE"
-msgid "Square"
-msgstr "Ceàrnagach"
-#. vUHk9
-#: tsaurldialog.ui
+#: tsaurldialog.ui:7
msgctxt "tsaurldialog|TSAURLDialog"
msgid "Time Stamping Authority URLs"
msgstr "URLaichean aig Time Stamping Authorities"
-#. A6Jbf
-#: tsaurldialog.ui
+#: tsaurldialog.ui:35
msgctxt "tsaurldialog|delete"
msgid "_Delete..."
msgstr "_Sguab às..."
-#. osDWc
-#: tsaurldialog.ui
+#: tsaurldialog.ui:51
msgctxt "tsaurldialog|add"
msgid "_Add..."
msgstr "_Cuir ris..."
-#. px3EH
-#: tsaurldialog.ui
+#: tsaurldialog.ui:131
msgctxt "tsaurldialog|label2"
msgid "Add or delete Time Stamp Authority URLs"
msgstr "Cuir ris no sguab às URLaichean aig Time Stamp Authorities"
-#. fUEE7
-#: tsaurldialog.ui
+#: tsaurldialog.ui:167
msgctxt "tsaurldialog|enteraurl"
msgid "Enter a Time Stamp Authority URL"
msgstr "Cuir URL aig Time Stamp Authority ann"
-#: tsaurldialog.ui
+#: tsaurldialog.ui:197
msgctxt "tsaurldialog|label1"
msgid "TSA URL"
msgstr "URL TSA"
-#. esrrh
-#: twolinespage.ui
-msgctxt "twolinespage|twolines"
-msgid "Write in double lines"
-msgstr "Sgrìobh ann an loidhnichean dùbailte"
-#. 9PsoZ
-#: twolinespage.ui
-msgctxt "twolinespage|label2"
-msgid "Double-lined"
-msgstr "Le loidhnichean dùbailte"
-#. nwAhC
-#: twolinespage.ui
-msgctxt "twolinespage|label29"
-msgid "Initial character"
-msgstr "Caractar tòiseachaidh"
-#. mgaQM
-#: twolinespage.ui
-msgctxt "twolinespage|label30"
-msgid "Final character"
-msgstr "Caractar deiridh"
-#. Zf7C6
-#: twolinespage.ui
-msgctxt "twolinespage|label28"
-msgid "Enclosing Character"
-msgstr "Caractar cuairteachaidh"
-#. gBPF3
-#: twolinespage.ui
-msgctxt "twolinespage|preview"
-msgid "Preview"
-msgstr "Ro-shealladh"
-#. NFYmd
-#: twolinespage.ui
+#: twolinespage.ui:14
msgctxt "twolinespage|liststore1"
msgid "(None)"
msgstr "(Chan eil gin)"
-#. oUwW4
-#: twolinespage.ui
+#: twolinespage.ui:18
msgctxt "twolinespage|liststore1"
msgid "("
msgstr "("
-#. mSyZB
-#: twolinespage.ui
+#: twolinespage.ui:22
msgctxt "twolinespage|liststore1"
msgid "["
msgstr "["
-#. aDAks
-#: twolinespage.ui
+#: twolinespage.ui:26
msgctxt "twolinespage|liststore1"
msgid "<"
msgstr "<"
-#. uVPNB
-#: twolinespage.ui
+#: twolinespage.ui:30
msgctxt "twolinespage|liststore1"
msgid "{"
msgstr "{"
-#. 6TmK5
-#: twolinespage.ui
+#: twolinespage.ui:34
msgctxt "twolinespage|liststore1"
msgid "Other Characters..."
msgstr "Caractaran eile..."
-#. ycpAX
-#: twolinespage.ui
+#: twolinespage.ui:48
msgctxt "twolinespage|liststore2"
msgid "(None)"
msgstr "(Chan eil gin)"
-#. ts6EG
-#: twolinespage.ui
+#: twolinespage.ui:52
msgctxt "twolinespage|liststore2"
msgid ")"
msgstr ")"
-#. REFgT
-#: twolinespage.ui
+#: twolinespage.ui:56
msgctxt "twolinespage|liststore2"
msgid "]"
msgstr "]"
-#. wFPzF
-#: twolinespage.ui
+#: twolinespage.ui:60
msgctxt "twolinespage|liststore2"
msgid ">"
msgstr ">"
-#. HFeFt
-#: twolinespage.ui
+#: twolinespage.ui:64
msgctxt "twolinespage|liststore2"
msgid "}"
msgstr "}"
-#. YcMQR
-#: twolinespage.ui
+#: twolinespage.ui:68
msgctxt "twolinespage|liststore2"
msgid "Other Characters..."
msgstr "Caractaran eile..."
-#. VFi7o
-#: wordcompletionpage.ui
+#: twolinespage.ui:93
+msgctxt "twolinespage|twolines"
+msgid "Write in double lines"
+msgstr "Sgrìobh ann an loidhnichean dùbailte"
+#: twolinespage.ui:107
+msgctxt "twolinespage|label2"
+msgid "Double-lined"
+msgstr "Le loidhnichean dùbailte"
+#: twolinespage.ui:142
+msgctxt "twolinespage|label29"
+msgid "Initial character"
+msgstr "Caractar tòiseachaidh"
+#: twolinespage.ui:155
+msgctxt "twolinespage|label30"
+msgid "Final character"
+msgstr "Caractar deiridh"
+#: twolinespage.ui:206
+msgctxt "twolinespage|label28"
+msgid "Enclosing Character"
+msgstr "Caractar cuairteachaidh"
+#: twolinespage.ui:233
+msgctxt "twolinespage|preview-atkobject"
+msgid "Preview"
+msgstr ""
+#: wordcompletionpage.ui:43
msgctxt "wordcompletionpage|delete"
msgid "_Delete Entry"
msgstr "Sgua_b às an t-innteart"
-#. YAb3D
-#: wordcompletionpage.ui
+#: wordcompletionpage.ui:87
msgctxt "wordcompletionpage|label1"
msgid "_Max. entries:"
msgstr "Àireamh as _motha de dh'innteartan:"
-#. RJa2G
-#: wordcompletionpage.ui
+#: wordcompletionpage.ui:126
msgctxt "wordcompletionpage|label2"
msgid "Mi_n. word length:"
msgstr "Fad as lugha fhacla_n:"
-#. F6ECQ
-#: wordcompletionpage.ui
+#: wordcompletionpage.ui:172
msgctxt "wordcompletionpage|appendspace"
msgid "_Append space"
msgstr "Cuir àite bàn ris _an deireadh"
-#. YyYGC
-#: wordcompletionpage.ui
+#: wordcompletionpage.ui:187
msgctxt "wordcompletionpage|showastip"
msgid "_Show as tip"
msgstr "_Seall mar ghliocas"
-#. WFeum
-#: wordcompletionpage.ui
+#: wordcompletionpage.ui:210
msgctxt "wordcompletionpage|enablewordcomplete"
msgid "Enable word _completion"
msgstr "_Cuir an comas slànachadh fhaclan"
-#. Akygd
-#: wordcompletionpage.ui
+#: wordcompletionpage.ui:246
msgctxt "wordcompletionpage|whenclosing"
-msgid ""
-"_When closing a document, remove the words collected from it from the list"
-msgstr ""
-"_Nuair a dhùinear sgrìobhainn, thoir air falbh na faclan a chaidh a "
-"chruinneachadh on liosta"
+msgid "_When closing a document, remove the words collected from it from the list"
+msgstr "_Nuair a dhùinear sgrìobhainn, thoir air falbh na faclan a chaidh a chruinneachadh on liosta"
-#. f7oAK
-#: wordcompletionpage.ui
+#: wordcompletionpage.ui:269
msgctxt "wordcompletionpage|collectwords"
msgid "C_ollect words"
msgstr "Cr_uinnich faclan"
-#. SzABn
-#: wordcompletionpage.ui
+#: wordcompletionpage.ui:299
msgctxt "wordcompletionpage|label3"
msgid "Acc_ept with:"
msgstr "Gabh ris l_e:"
-#. gzUCC
-#: zoomdialog.ui
+#: zoomdialog.ui:14
msgctxt "zoomdialog|ZoomDialog"
msgid "Zoom & View Layout"
msgstr "Sùm ⁊ co-dhealbhachd an t-seallaidh"
-#. JSuui
-#: zoomdialog.ui
+#: zoomdialog.ui:103
msgctxt "zoomdialog|optimal"
msgid "Optimal"
msgstr "Pisichte"
-#. RfuDU
-#: zoomdialog.ui
+#: zoomdialog.ui:120
msgctxt "zoomdialog|fitwandh"
msgid "Fit width and height"
msgstr "Freagair a mheud 's àirde"
-#. P9XGA
-#: zoomdialog.ui
+#: zoomdialog.ui:137
msgctxt "zoomdialog|fitw"
msgid "Fit width"
msgstr "Co-fhreagair ris an leud"
-#. qeWB6
-#: zoomdialog.ui
+#: zoomdialog.ui:154
msgctxt "zoomdialog|100pc"
msgid "100%"
msgstr "100%"
-#. DE7hS
-#: zoomdialog.ui
+#: zoomdialog.ui:176
msgctxt "zoomdialog|variable"
msgid "Variable:"
msgstr "Caochladair:"
-#. 4BE2v
-#: zoomdialog.ui
-msgctxt "zoomdialog|zoomsb"
+#: zoomdialog.ui:204
+#, fuzzy
+msgctxt "zoomdialog|zoomsb-atkobject"
msgid "Variable"
msgstr "Caochlaideach"
-#. 8iPB6
-#: zoomdialog.ui
+#: zoomdialog.ui:229
msgctxt "zoomdialog|label2"
msgid "Zoom Factor"
msgstr "Ìre an t-sùm"
-#. CzsKr
-#: zoomdialog.ui
+#: zoomdialog.ui:262
msgctxt "zoomdialog|automatic"
msgid "Automatic"
msgstr "Fèin-obrachail"
-#: zoomdialog.ui
+#: zoomdialog.ui:279
msgctxt "zoomdialog|singlepage"
msgid "Single page"
msgstr "Duilleag shingilte"
-#. FdNqb
-#: zoomdialog.ui
+#: zoomdialog.ui:301
msgctxt "zoomdialog|columns"
msgid "Columns:"
msgstr "Colbhan:"
-#. opsyv
-#: zoomdialog.ui
+#: zoomdialog.ui:332
msgctxt "zoomdialog|columnssb-atkobject"
msgid "Columns"
msgstr "Colbhan"
-#. rhLet
-#: zoomdialog.ui
+#: zoomdialog.ui:356
msgctxt "zoomdialog|bookmode"
msgid "Book mode"
msgstr "Modh leabhair"
-#. pdZqi
-#: zoomdialog.ui
+#: zoomdialog.ui:383
msgctxt "zoomdialog|label1"
msgid "View Layout"
msgstr "Co-dhealbhachd an t-seallaidh"
+#: personalization.hrc:31
+msgid "LibreOffice"
+msgstr "LibreOffice"
+#: personalization.hrc:32
+msgid "Abstract"
+msgstr "Gearr-chunntas"
+#: personalization.hrc:33
+msgid "Color"
+msgstr "Dath"
+#: personalization.hrc:34
+msgid "Music"
+msgstr "Ceòl"
+#: personalization.hrc:35
+msgid "Nature"
+msgstr "Nàdar"
+#: personalization.hrc:36
+msgid "Solid"
+msgstr "Soladach"
+#: strings.hrc:24
+msgid "Configuration"
+msgstr "Rèiteachadh"
+#: strings.hrc:25
+msgid "My Documents"
+msgstr "Mo sgrìobhainnean"
+#: strings.hrc:26
+msgid "Images"
+msgstr "Dealbhan"
+#: strings.hrc:27
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Icons"
+msgstr "Ìomhaigheagan"
+#: strings.hrc:28
+msgid "Palettes"
+msgstr "Paileadan"
+#: strings.hrc:29
+msgid "Backups"
+msgstr "Lethbhric-ghlèidhidh"
+#: strings.hrc:30
+msgid "Modules"
+msgstr "Mòidealan"
+#: strings.hrc:31
+msgid "Templates"
+msgstr "Teamplaidean"
+#: strings.hrc:32
+msgid "AutoText"
+msgstr "Fèin-teacsa"
+#: strings.hrc:33
+msgid "Dictionaries"
+msgstr "Faclairean"
+#: strings.hrc:34
+msgid "Help"
+msgstr "Cobhair"
+#: strings.hrc:35
+msgid "Gallery"
+msgstr "Gailearaidh"
+#: strings.hrc:36
+msgid "Message Storage"
+msgstr "Stòras nan teachdaireachdan"
+#: strings.hrc:37
+msgid "Temporary files"
+msgstr "Faidhlichean sealach"
+#: strings.hrc:38
+msgid "Plug-ins"
+msgstr "Plugain"
+#: strings.hrc:39
+msgid "Folder Bookmarks"
+msgstr "Comharran-lìn phasgan"
+#: strings.hrc:40
+msgid "Filters"
+msgstr "Criathragan"
+#: strings.hrc:41
+msgid "Add-ins"
+msgstr "Tuilleadain"
+#: strings.hrc:42
+msgid "User Configuration"
+msgstr "Rèiteachadh cleachdaiche"
+#: strings.hrc:43
+msgid "User-defined dictionaries"
+msgstr "Faclairean a shònraich cleachdaiche"
+#: strings.hrc:44
+msgid "Classification"
+msgstr "Seòrsa"
+#: strings.hrc:45
+msgid "AutoCorrect"
+msgstr "Fèin-cheartachadh"
+#: strings.hrc:46
+msgid "Writing aids"
+msgstr "Innealan-taic sgrìobhaidh"
+#. %n will be replaced at runtime by a number starting with 1 and increasing as necessary
+#: strings.hrc:48
+#, c-format
+msgid "New Menu %n"
+msgstr "Clàr-taice ùr %n"
+#. %n will be replaced at runtime by a number starting with 1 and increasing as necessary
+#: strings.hrc:50
+#, c-format
+msgid "New Toolbar %n"
+msgstr "Bàr-inneil ùr %n"
+#: strings.hrc:51
+msgid "Move Menu"
+msgstr "Gluais clàr-taice"
+#: strings.hrc:52
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Add Submenu"
+msgstr "Cuir fo-chlàr-taice ris"
+#: strings.hrc:53
+msgid "Submenu name"
+msgstr "Ainm an fho-chlàir-thaice"
+#: strings.hrc:54
+msgid "Are you sure to delete the image?"
+msgstr "A bheil thu cinnteach gu bheil thu airson an dealbh a sguabadh às?"
+#: strings.hrc:55
+msgid ""
+"The icon %ICONNAME is already contained in the image list.\n"
+"Would you like to replace the existing icon?"
+msgstr ""
+"Tha an ìomhaigheag %ICONNAME ann an liosta nan dealbhan mu thràth..\n"
+"A bheil thu airson a chur an àite na h-ìomhaigheige làithreach?"
+#: strings.hrc:56
+msgid "Confirm Icon Replacement"
+msgstr "Dearbhaich a chur 'na h-àite"
+#: strings.hrc:57
+msgid "Yes to All"
+msgstr "\"Tha\" airson a h-uile"
+#: strings.hrc:58
+msgid "There are no more commands on the toolbar. Do you want to delete the toolbar?"
+msgstr "Chan eil àithne sam bith air fhàgail air a' chlàr-taice. A bheil thu airson am bàr-inneal a sguabadh às?"
+#. Translators: Do not translate %SAVE IN SELECTION% It is a placeholder
+#. and will be replaced at runtime by the name of the selected application
+#. or document.
+#: strings.hrc:63
+msgid "The menu configuration for %SAVE IN SELECTION% will be reset to the default settings. Do you want to continue?"
+msgstr "Thèid rèiteachadh a' chlàir-thaice airson %SAVE IN SELECTION% aiseag dha na roghainnean bunaiteach. A bheil thu airson leantainn ort?"
+#: strings.hrc:64
+msgid "The toolbar configuration for %SAVE IN SELECTION% will be reset to the default settings. Do you want to continue?"
+msgstr "Thèid rèiteachadh a' bhàir-inneal airson %SAVE IN SELECTION% aiseag dha na roghainnean bunaiteach. A bheil thu airson leantainn ort?"
+#: strings.hrc:65
+msgid "This will delete all changes previously made to this toolbar. Do you really want to reset the toolbar?"
+msgstr "Sguabaidh seo às gach rud a dh'atharraich thu air a' bhàr-inneal gu ruige seo. A bheil thu cinnteach gu bheil thu airson am bàr-inneal ath-shuidheachadh?"
+#: strings.hrc:66
+msgid "This will delete all changes previously made to this context menu. Do you really want to reset?"
+msgstr ""
+#: strings.hrc:67
+msgid "Function is already included in this popup."
+msgstr "Tha am foincsean seo taobh a-staigh na priob-uinneige seo mu thràth."
+#: strings.hrc:68
+msgid "~New name"
+msgstr "Ai~nm ùr"
+#: strings.hrc:69
+msgid "Rename Menu"
+msgstr "Thoir ainm ùr air a’ chlàr-taice"
+#: strings.hrc:70
+msgid "Rename Toolbar"
+msgstr "Thoir ainm ùr air a’ bhàr-inneal"
+#: strings.hrc:72
+msgid "Close"
+msgstr "Dùin"
+#: strings.hrc:73
+msgid "Mouse over object"
+msgstr "Nuair a bhios an luchag os cionn an oibseict"
+#: strings.hrc:74
+msgid "Trigger hyperlink"
+msgstr "Gnìomhaich an ceangal-lìn"
+#: strings.hrc:75
+msgid "Mouse leaves object"
+msgstr "Nuair a dh'fhàgas an luchag an oibseict"
+#: strings.hrc:76
+msgid "Please type in a valid file name."
+msgstr "Cuir a-steach ainm faidhle dligheach."
+#: strings.hrc:77
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Internet"
+msgstr "Eadar-lìon"
+#: strings.hrc:78
+msgid "This is where you create a hyperlink to a Web page or FTP server connection."
+msgstr "Seo far an cruthaich thu ceangal-lìn gu duilleag-lìn no frithealaiche FTP."
+#: strings.hrc:79
+msgid "Mail"
+msgstr "Post"
+#: strings.hrc:80
+msgid "This is where you create a hyperlink to an e-mail address."
+msgstr "Seo far an cruthaich thu ceangal-lìn gu seòladh puist-d."
+#: strings.hrc:81
+msgid "Document"
+msgstr "Sgrìobhainn"
+#: strings.hrc:82
+msgid "This is where you create a hyperlink to an existing document or a target within a document."
+msgstr "Seo far an cruthaich thu ceangal-lìn gu sgrìobhainn a tha ann mu thràth no targaid am broinn sgrìobhainne."
+#: strings.hrc:83
+msgid "New Document"
+msgstr "Sgrìobhainn ùr"
+#: strings.hrc:84
+msgid "This is where you create a new document to which the new link points."
+msgstr "Seo far an cruthaich thu sgrìobhainn ùr a thèid an ceangal ùr thuice."
+#: strings.hrc:85
+msgid "Button"
+msgstr "Putan"
+#: strings.hrc:86
+msgid "Text"
+msgstr "Teacsa"
+#: strings.hrc:87
+msgid "The file already exists. Overwrite?"
+msgstr "Tha am faidhle ann mu thràth. A bheil thu airson sgrìobhadh thairis air?"
+#: strings.hrc:89
+msgid "No alternatives found."
+msgstr "Cha deach roghainn eile a lorg."
+#: strings.hrc:90
+msgid "Select File for Floating Frame"
+msgstr "Tagh faidhle airson an fhrèam air fleod"
+#: strings.hrc:91
+msgid "All categories"
+msgstr "Gach roinn-seòrsa"
+#: strings.hrc:92
+msgid "My Macros"
+msgstr "Na macrothan agam"
+#: strings.hrc:93
+msgid "%PRODUCTNAME Macros"
+msgstr "Macrothan %PRODUCTNAME"
+#: strings.hrc:94
+msgid "Add Commands"
+msgstr "Cuir àithne ris"
+#: strings.hrc:95
+msgid "Run"
+msgstr "Ruith"
+#: strings.hrc:96
+msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_ROW"
+msgid "Insert Rows"
+msgstr "Cuir a-steach ràghan"
+#: strings.hrc:97
+msgid "Remove from Favorites"
+msgstr ""
+#: strings.hrc:98
+msgid "Add to Favorites"
+msgstr ""
+#. PPI is pixel per inch, %1 is a number
+#: strings.hrc:100
+msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_PPI"
+msgid "(%1 PPI)"
+msgstr "(%1 PPI)"
+#: strings.hrc:101
+msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COL"
+msgid "Insert Columns"
+msgstr "Cuir a-steach colbhan"
+#: strings.hrc:102
+msgid "Automatic"
+msgstr "Fèin-obrachail"
+#: strings.hrc:103
+msgid "Link"
+msgstr "Ceangal"
+#: strings.hrc:104
+msgid "Load Keyboard Configuration"
+msgstr "Luchdaich co-dhealbhachd meur-chlàir"
+#: strings.hrc:105
+msgid "Save Keyboard Configuration"
+msgstr "Sàbhail co-dhealbhachd meur-chlàir"
+#: strings.hrc:106
+msgid "Configuration (*.cfg)"
+msgstr "Rèiteachadh (*.cfg)"
+#: strings.hrc:107
+msgid "Targets do not exist in the document."
+msgstr "Chan eil targaid sam bith san sgrìobhainn."
+#: strings.hrc:108
+msgid "Couldn't open the document."
+msgstr "Cha b' urrainn dhuinn an sgrìobhainn fhosgladh."
+#: strings.hrc:109
+msgid "[Enter text here]"
+msgstr "[Cuir teacsa an-seo]"
+#: strings.hrc:110
+msgid "Hangul"
+msgstr "Hangul"
+#: strings.hrc:111
+msgid "Hanja"
+msgstr "Hanja"
+#: strings.hrc:112
+msgid "BASIC Macros"
+msgstr ""
+#: strings.hrc:113
+msgid "Styles"
+msgstr ""
+#: strings.hrc:115
+msgid "Start Application"
+msgstr "Tòisich prògram"
+#: strings.hrc:116
+msgid "Close Application"
+msgstr "Dùin am prògram"
+#: strings.hrc:117
+msgid "New Document"
+msgstr "Sgrìobhainn ùr"
+#: strings.hrc:118
+msgid "Document closed"
+msgstr "Sgrìobhainn dhùinte"
+#: strings.hrc:119
+msgid "Document is going to be closed"
+msgstr "Thèid an sgrìobhainn a dhùnadh"
+#: strings.hrc:120
+msgid "Open Document"
+msgstr "Fosgail sgrìobhainn"
+#: strings.hrc:121
+msgid "Save Document"
+msgstr "Sàbhail an sgrìobhainn"
+#: strings.hrc:122
+msgid "Save Document As"
+msgstr "Sàbhail an sgrìobhainn mar"
+#: strings.hrc:123
+msgid "Document has been saved"
+msgstr "Chaidh an sgrìobhainn a shàbhaladh"
+#: strings.hrc:124
+msgid "Document has been saved as"
+msgstr "Chaidh an sgrìobhainn a shàbhaladh mar"
+#: strings.hrc:125
+msgid "Activate Document"
+msgstr "Cuir an sgrìobhainn thuige"
+#: strings.hrc:126
+msgid "Deactivate Document"
+msgstr "Cuir an sgrìobhainn dheth"
+#: strings.hrc:127
+msgid "Print Document"
+msgstr "Clò-bhuail an sgrìobhainn"
+#: strings.hrc:128
+msgid "'Modified' status was changed"
+msgstr "Chaidh an inbhe 'Atharraichte' atharrachadh"
+#: strings.hrc:129
+msgid "Printing of form letters started"
+msgstr "Chaidh tòiseachadh air clò-bhualadh nan litrichean foirme"
+#: strings.hrc:130
+msgid "Printing of form letters finished"
+msgstr "Deiseil le clò-bhualadh nan litrichean foirme"
+#: strings.hrc:131
+msgid "Merging of form fields started"
+msgstr "Thòisicheadh air co-aonadh raointean an fhoirm"
+#: strings.hrc:132
+msgid "Merging of form fields finished"
+msgstr "Deiseil le co-aonadh raointean an fhoirm"
+#: strings.hrc:133
+msgid "Changing the page count"
+msgstr "Ag atharrachadh cunntadh nan duilleagan"
+#: strings.hrc:134
+msgid "Loaded a sub component"
+msgstr "Fo-chom-pàirt air a luchdadh"
+#: strings.hrc:135
+msgid "Closed a sub component"
+msgstr "Fo-chom-pàirt air a dhùnadh"
+#: strings.hrc:136
+msgid "Fill parameters"
+msgstr "Paramadairean lìonaidh"
+#: strings.hrc:137
+msgid "Execute action"
+msgstr "Coilean an gnìomh"
+#: strings.hrc:138
+msgid "After updating"
+msgstr "As dèidh ùrachaidh"
+#: strings.hrc:139
+msgid "Before updating"
+msgstr "Mus ùraichear"
+#: strings.hrc:140
+msgid "Before record action"
+msgstr "Mus clàraichear rud"
+#: strings.hrc:141
+msgid "After record action"
+msgstr "As dèidh clàrachaidh"
+#: strings.hrc:142
+msgid "Confirm deletion"
+msgstr "Dearbhaich an sguabadh às"
+#: strings.hrc:143
+msgid "Error occurred"
+msgstr "Thachair mearachd"
+#: strings.hrc:144
+msgid "While adjusting"
+msgstr "Fhad 's a thathar 'ga chur air gleus"
+#: strings.hrc:145
+msgid "When receiving focus"
+msgstr "Nuair a chuirear fòcas air"
+#: strings.hrc:146
+msgid "When losing focus"
+msgstr "Nuair a chailleas e am fòcas"
+#: strings.hrc:147
+msgid "Item status changed"
+msgstr "Dh'atharraich cor an nì"
+#: strings.hrc:148
+msgid "Key pressed"
+msgstr "Iuchair air a bhrùthadh"
+#: strings.hrc:149
+msgid "Key released"
+msgstr "Iuchair air a leigeil às"
+#: strings.hrc:150
+msgid "When loading"
+msgstr "Nuair a luchdaichear"
+#: strings.hrc:151
+msgid "Before reloading"
+msgstr "Mus luchdaichear"
+#: strings.hrc:152
+msgid "When reloading"
+msgstr "Nuair a luchdaichear a-rithist"
+#: strings.hrc:153
+msgid "Mouse moved while key pressed"
+msgstr "Ghluais an luchag fhad 's a bha iuchair 'ga brùthadh"
+#: strings.hrc:154
+msgid "Mouse inside"
+msgstr "Luchag a-staigh"
+#: strings.hrc:155
+msgid "Mouse outside"
+msgstr "Luchag a-muigh"
+#: strings.hrc:156
+msgid "Mouse moved"
+msgstr "Ghluais an luchag"
+#: strings.hrc:157
+msgid "Mouse button pressed"
+msgstr "Putan na luchaige 'ga bhrùthadh"
+#: strings.hrc:158
+msgid "Mouse button released"
+msgstr "Putan na luchaige 'ga leigeil às"
+#: strings.hrc:159
+msgid "Before record change"
+msgstr "Mus dèid an reacord atharrachadh"
+#: strings.hrc:160
+msgid "After record change"
+msgstr "As dèidh atharrachadh an reacoird"
+#: strings.hrc:161
+msgid "After resetting"
+msgstr "As dèidh ath-shuidheachaidh"
+#: strings.hrc:162
+msgid "Prior to reset"
+msgstr "Mus dèid ath-shuidheachadh"
+#: strings.hrc:163
+msgid "Approve action"
+msgstr "Ceadaich an gnìomh"
+#: strings.hrc:164
+msgid "Before submitting"
+msgstr "Mus cuirear a-null e"
+#: strings.hrc:165
+msgid "Text modified"
+msgstr "Teacsa air atharrachadh"
+#: strings.hrc:166
+msgid "Before unloading"
+msgstr "Mus dèid a dhì-luchdadh"
+#: strings.hrc:167
+msgid "When unloading"
+msgstr "Nuair a dhì-luchdaichear"
+#: strings.hrc:168
+msgid "Changed"
+msgstr "Air atharrachadh"
+#: strings.hrc:169
+msgid "Document created"
+msgstr "Sgrìobhainn air chruthachadh"
+#: strings.hrc:170
+msgid "Document loading finished"
+msgstr "Deiseil le luchdadh na sgrìobhainne"
+#: strings.hrc:171
+msgid "Saving of document failed"
+msgstr "Dh'fhàillig sàbhaladh na sgrìobhainne"
+#: strings.hrc:172
+msgid "'Save as' has failed"
+msgstr "Dh'fhàillig an 'Sàbhail mar'"
+#: strings.hrc:173
+msgid "Storing or exporting copy of document"
+msgstr "A' stòradh no ag às-phortachadh lethbhreac na sgrìobhainne"
+#: strings.hrc:174
+msgid "Document copy has been created"
+msgstr "Chaidh lethbhreac dhen sgrìobhainn a chruthachadh"
+#: strings.hrc:175
+msgid "Creating of document copy failed"
+msgstr "Dh'fhàillig cruthachadh lethbhreac dhen sgrìobhainn"
+#: strings.hrc:176
+msgid "View created"
+msgstr "Chaidh an sealladh a chruthachadh"
+#: strings.hrc:177
+msgid "View is going to be closed"
+msgstr "Thèid an sealladh a dhùnadh"
+#: strings.hrc:178
+msgid "View closed"
+msgstr "Sealladh air a dhùnadh"
+#: strings.hrc:179
+msgid "Document title changed"
+msgstr "Dh'atharraich tiotal na sgrìobhainne"
+#: strings.hrc:180
+msgid "Selection changed"
+msgstr "Dh'atharraich an taghadh"
+#: strings.hrc:181
+msgid "Double click"
+msgstr "Briogadh dùbailte"
+#: strings.hrc:182
+msgid "Right click"
+msgstr "Briogadh deas"
+#: strings.hrc:183
+msgid "Formulas calculated"
+msgstr "Foirmlean air àireamhachadh"
+#: strings.hrc:184
+msgid "Content changed"
+msgstr "Susbaint air atharrachadh"
+#: strings.hrc:186
+msgid "anywhere in the field"
+msgstr "àite sam bith san raon"
+#: strings.hrc:187
+msgid "beginning of field"
+msgstr "toiseach an raoin"
+#: strings.hrc:188
+msgid "end of field"
+msgstr "deireadh an raoin"
+#: strings.hrc:189
+msgid "entire field"
+msgstr "an raon iomlan"
+#: strings.hrc:190
+msgctxt "RID_STR_FROM_TOP"
+msgid "From top"
+msgstr "On bharr"
+#: strings.hrc:191
+msgid "From bottom"
+msgstr "On bhonn"
+#: strings.hrc:192
+msgid "No records corresponding to your data found."
+msgstr "Chan eil reacord sam bith a' freagairt ris na shònraich thu."
+#: strings.hrc:193
+msgid "An unknown error occurred. The search could not be finished."
+msgstr "Thachair mearachd neo-aithnichte. Cha b' urrainn dhuinn an lorg a chrìochnachadh."
+#: strings.hrc:194
+msgid "Overflow, search continued at the beginning"
+msgstr "A' cur thairis 's a leantainn air adhart on toiseach"
+#: strings.hrc:195
+msgid "Overflow, search continued at the end"
+msgstr "A' cur thairis 's a leantainn air adhart aig an deireadh"
+#: strings.hrc:196
+msgid "counting records"
+msgstr "a' cunntach nan reacord"
+#: strings.hrc:198
+msgid "<No Files>"
+msgstr "<Gun fhaidhlichean>"
+#: strings.hrc:199
+msgid "Object;Objects"
+msgstr "Oibseact;Oibseactan"
+#: strings.hrc:200
+msgid "(read-only)"
+msgstr "(ri leughadh a-mhàin)"
+#: strings.hrc:201
+msgid "<All Files>"
+msgstr "<A h-uile faidhle>"
+#: strings.hrc:202
+msgid "This ID already exists..."
+msgstr "Tha an ID seo ann mu thràth..."
+#: strings.hrc:204
+msgid "The path %1 already exists."
+msgstr "Tha an t-slighe %1 ann mu thràth."
+#: strings.hrc:205
+msgid "Select Archives"
+msgstr "Tagh tasg-lannan"
+#: strings.hrc:206
+msgid "Archives"
+msgstr "Tasg-lannan"
+#: strings.hrc:207
+msgid "The file %1 already exists."
+msgstr "Tha am faidhle %1 ann mu thràth."
+#: strings.hrc:208
+msgid "Add Image"
+msgstr "Cuir dealbh ris"
+#: strings.hrc:210
+msgid "The confirmation password did not match the password. Set the password again by entering the same password in both boxes."
+msgstr "Chan eil am facal-faire dearbhaidh a' freagairt ris an fhacal-fhaire. Suidhich am facal-faire a-rithist 's tu a' cur a-steach an dearbh-fhacal-faire san dà bhogsa."
+#: strings.hrc:211
+msgid "The confirmation passwords did not match the original passwords. Set the passwords again."
+msgstr "Cha robh na faclan-faire dearbhaidh a' freagairt ris na faclan-faire tùsail. Suidhibh na faclan-faire a-rithist."
+#: strings.hrc:212
+msgid "Please enter a password to open or to modify, or check the open read-only option to continue."
+msgstr "Cuir a-steach facal-faire gus fhosgladh no atharrachadh no cuir cromag ris an roghainnean 'Ri leughadh a-mhàin' gus leantainn ort."
+#: strings.hrc:213
+msgid "Set the password by entering the same password in both boxes."
+msgstr "Suidhich am facal-faire ’s tu a’ cur a-steach an dearbh fhacal-faire san dà bhogsa."
+#: strings.hrc:215
+msgctxt "STR_AUTOLINK"
+msgid "Automatic"
+msgstr "Gu fèin-obrachail"
+#: strings.hrc:216
+msgid "Manual"
+msgstr "A làimh"
+#: strings.hrc:217
+msgid "Not available"
+msgstr "Chan eil seo ri fhaighinn"
+#: strings.hrc:218
+msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the selected link?"
+msgstr "A bheil thu cinnteach gu bheil thu airson an ceangal a thagh thu a sguabadh às?"
+#: strings.hrc:219
+msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the selected link?"
+msgstr "A bheil thu cinnteach gu bheil thu airson an ceangal a thagh thu a sguabadh às?"
+#: strings.hrc:220
+msgid "Waiting"
+msgstr "A' feitheamh"
+#: strings.hrc:222
+msgid "Save Screenshot As..."
+msgstr "Sàbhail an glacadh-sgrìn mar..."
+#. $(ROW) can be a number or the caption of the row in quotes
+#: strings.hrc:225
+msgid "Data Series $(ROW)"
+msgstr "Sreath dàta $(ROW)"
+#: strings.hrc:227
+msgid "Driver name"
+msgstr "Ainm an draibheir"
+#: strings.hrc:228
+msgid "Pool"
+msgstr "Linn"
+#: strings.hrc:229
+msgid "Timeout"
+msgstr "Crìoch ama"
+#: strings.hrc:230
+msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_YES"
+msgid "Yes"
+msgstr "Tha"
+#: strings.hrc:231
+msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_NO"
+msgid "No"
+msgstr "Chan eil"
+#: strings.hrc:233
+msgid ""
+"The file\n"
+"does not exist."
+msgstr ""
+"Chan eil am faidhle\n"
+#: strings.hrc:234
+msgid ""
+"The file\n"
+"does not exist in the local file system."
+msgstr ""
+"Chan eil am faidhle\n"
+"ann an siostam nam faidhle ionadail."
+#: strings.hrc:235
+msgid ""
+"The name '$file$' is already used for another database.\n"
+"Please choose a different name."
+msgstr ""
+"Tha stòr-dàta eile a' cleachdadh an ainm $file$ mu thràth.\n"
+"Saoil an tagh thu ainm eile?"
+#: strings.hrc:236
+msgid "Do you want to delete the entry?"
+msgstr "A bheil thu airson an reacord a sguabadh às?"
+#: strings.hrc:238
+msgid "Do you want to delete the following object?"
+msgstr "A bheil thu airson an t-oibseact a leanas a sguabadh às?"
+#: strings.hrc:239
+msgid "Confirm Deletion"
+msgstr "Dearbhaich an sguabadh às"
+#: strings.hrc:240
+msgid "The selected object could not be deleted."
+msgstr "Cha do ghabh an t-oibseact a thagh thu a sguabadh às."
+#: strings.hrc:241
+msgid "Error Deleting Object"
+msgstr "Mearachd le sguabadh às an oibseict"
+#: strings.hrc:242
+msgid "The object could not be created."
+msgstr "Cha do ghabh an t-oibseact a chruthachadh."
+#: strings.hrc:243
+msgid " Object with the same name already exists."
+msgstr " Tha oibseact air a bheil an dearbh-ainm ann mu thràth."
+#: strings.hrc:244
+msgid "Error Creating Object"
+msgstr "Mearachd le cruthachadh an oibseict"
+#: strings.hrc:245
+msgid "The object could not be renamed."
+msgstr "Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn ainm ùr a thoirt air an oibseact."
+#: strings.hrc:246
+msgid "Error Renaming Object"
+msgstr "Mearachd le ainm ùr a chur air an oibseact"
+#: strings.hrc:247
+msgid "%PRODUCTNAME Error"
+msgstr "Mearachd %PRODUCTNAME"
+#: strings.hrc:248
+#, c-format
+msgid "The scripting language %LANGUAGENAME is not supported."
+msgstr "Chan eil taic ann dhan chànan sgriobtaidh %LANGUAGENAME."
+#: strings.hrc:249
+#, c-format
+msgid "An error occurred while running the %LANGUAGENAME script %SCRIPTNAME."
+msgstr "Thachair mearachd rè ruith an sgriobt %SCRIPTNAME %LANGUAGENAME."
+#: strings.hrc:250
+#, c-format
+msgid "An exception occurred while running the %LANGUAGENAME script %SCRIPTNAME."
+msgstr "Thachair eisgeachd rè ruith an sgriobt %SCRIPTNAME %LANGUAGENAME."
+#: strings.hrc:251
+msgid "An error occurred while running the %LANGUAGENAME script %SCRIPTNAME at line: %LINENUMBER."
+msgstr "Thachair mearachd rè ruith an sgriobt %SCRIPTNAME %LANGUAGENAME aig loidhne: %LINENUMBER."
+#: strings.hrc:252
+msgid "An exception occurred while running the %LANGUAGENAME script %SCRIPTNAME at line: %LINENUMBER."
+msgstr "Thachair eisgeachd rè ruith an sgriobt %SCRIPTNAME %LANGUAGENAME aig loidhne: %LINENUMBER."
+#: strings.hrc:253
+#, c-format
+msgid "A Scripting Framework error occurred while running the %LANGUAGENAME script %SCRIPTNAME."
+msgstr "Thachair mearachd leis an fhrèam-obrach sgriobtaidh rè ruith an sgriobt %SCRIPTNAME %LANGUAGENAME."
+#: strings.hrc:254
+msgid "Type:"
+msgstr "Seòrsa:"
+#: strings.hrc:255
+msgid "Message:"
+msgstr "Teachdaireachd:"
+#: strings.hrc:257
+msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TYPE"
+msgid "Registered name"
+msgstr "Ainm clàraichte"
+#: strings.hrc:258
+msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_PATH"
+msgid "Database file"
+msgstr "Faidhle stòir-dhàta"
+#. abbreviation for "[Load]"
+#: strings.hrc:261
+msgid "[L]"
+msgstr "[L]"
+#. abbreviation for "[Save]"
+#: strings.hrc:263
+msgid "[S]"
+msgstr "[S]"
+#: strings.hrc:264
+msgid "MathType to %PRODUCTNAME Math or reverse"
+msgstr "MathType gu %PRODUCTNAME Math no a chaochladh"
+#: strings.hrc:265
+msgid "WinWord to %PRODUCTNAME Writer or reverse"
+msgstr "WinWord gu %PRODUCTNAME Writer no a chaochladh"
+#: strings.hrc:266
+msgid "Excel to %PRODUCTNAME Calc or reverse"
+msgstr "Excel gu %PRODUCTNAME Calc no a chaochladh"
+#: strings.hrc:267
+msgid "PowerPoint to %PRODUCTNAME Impress or reverse"
+msgstr "PowerPoint gu %PRODUCTNAME Impress no a chaochladh"
+#: strings.hrc:268
+msgid "SmartArt to %PRODUCTNAME shapes or reverse"
+msgstr "SmartArt gu cruthan %PRODUCTNAME no a chaochladh"
+#: strings.hrc:270
+msgid ""
+"The specified name already exists.\n"
+"Please enter a new name."
+msgstr ""
+"Tha an t-ainm a shònraich thu ann mu thràth.\n"
+"Cuir a-steach ainm ùr."
+#: strings.hrc:271
+msgctxt "STR_MODIFY"
+msgid "~Replace"
+msgstr "Cui~r 'na àite"
+#: strings.hrc:272
+msgid "Do you want to change the '%1' dictionary language?"
+msgstr "A bheil thu airson cànan an fhaclair '%1' atharrachadh?"
+#: strings.hrc:274
+msgid "Do you really want to delete the color scheme?"
+msgstr "A bheil thu cinnteach gu bheil thu airson sgeama nan dathan a sguabadh às?"
+#: strings.hrc:275
+msgid "Color Scheme Deletion"
+msgstr "Sguabadh às sgeama nan dathan"
+#: strings.hrc:276
+msgid "Save scheme"
+msgstr "Sàbhail an sgeama"
+#: strings.hrc:277
+msgid "Name of color scheme"
+msgstr "Ainm sgeama nan dathan"
+#: strings.hrc:279
+msgid "Spelling"
+msgstr "Litreachadh"
+#: strings.hrc:280
+msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_HYPH"
+msgid "Hyphenation"
+msgstr "Tàthanachadh"
+#: strings.hrc:281
+msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_THES"
+msgid "Thesaurus"
+msgstr "Co-fhaclair"
+#: strings.hrc:282
+msgid "Grammar"
+msgstr "Gràmar"
+#: strings.hrc:283
+msgid "Check uppercase words"
+msgstr "Ceartaich faclan le tùs-litrichean mòra"
+#: strings.hrc:284
+msgid "Check words with numbers "
+msgstr "Ceartaich faclan anns a' bheil àireamhan "
+#: strings.hrc:285
+msgid "Check special regions"
+msgstr "Ceartaich na raointean sònraichte"
+#: strings.hrc:286
+msgid "Check spelling as you type"
+msgstr "Ceartaich an litreachadh fhad 's a bhios tu a' sgrìobhadh"
+#: strings.hrc:287
+msgid "Check grammar as you type"
+msgstr "Ceartaich an gràmar fhad 's a bhios tu a' sgrìobhadh"
+#: strings.hrc:288
+msgid "Minimal number of characters for hyphenation: "
+msgstr "Àireamh as lugha de charactaran airson tàthanachadh: "
+#: strings.hrc:289
+msgid "Characters before line break: "
+msgstr "Caractaran ro bhriseadh-loidhne: "
+#: strings.hrc:290
+msgid "Characters after line break: "
+msgstr "Caractaran as dèidh briseadh-loidhne: "
+#: strings.hrc:291
+msgid "Hyphenate without inquiry"
+msgstr "Tàthanaich gun cheist"
+#: strings.hrc:292
+msgid "Hyphenate special regions"
+msgstr "Tàthanaich na raointean sònraichte"
+#: strings.hrc:294
+msgid ""
+"The folder you selected does not contain a Java runtime environment.\n"
+"Please select a different folder."
+msgstr ""
+"Cha eil Java Runtime Environment sa phasgan a thagh thu.\n"
+"Nach tagh thu pasgan eile?"
+#: strings.hrc:295
+msgid ""
+"The Java runtime environment you selected is not the required version.\n"
+"Please select a different folder."
+msgstr ""
+"Chan eil an tionndadh de Java Runtime Environment a thagh thu am fear air a bheil feum.\n"
+"Nach tagh thu pasgan eile?"
+#: strings.hrc:296
+msgid "Please restart %PRODUCTNAME now so the new or modified values can take effect."
+msgstr "Ath-thòisich %PRODUCTNAME an-dràsta ach am bi na dh’atharraich thu an gnìomh."
+#: strings.hrc:297
+msgid "Edit Parameter"
+msgstr "Deasaich am paramadair"
+#: strings.hrc:299
+msgid ""
+"Invalid value!\n"
+"The maximum value for a port number is 65535."
+msgstr ""
+"Luach mì-dhligheach.\n"
+"'S e 65535 an luach as motha a tha ceadaichte airson port."
+#: strings.hrc:301
+msgid "Left-to-right (LTR)"
+msgstr "Clì gu deas (LTR)"
+#: strings.hrc:302
+msgid "Right-to-left (RTL)"
+msgstr "Deas gu clì (RTL)"
+#: strings.hrc:303
+msgid "Use superordinate object settings"
+msgstr "Cleachd roghainnean os-òrdanaichte oibseict"
+#. page direction
+#: strings.hrc:305
+msgid "Left-to-right (horizontal)"
+msgstr "On chlì gun deis (air a' chòmhnard)"
+#: strings.hrc:306
+msgid "Right-to-left (horizontal)"
+msgstr "On deis gun chlì (air a' chòmhnard)"
+#: strings.hrc:307
+msgid "Right-to-left (vertical)"
+msgstr "On deis gun chlì (gu inghearach)"
+#: strings.hrc:308
+msgid "Left-to-right (vertical)"
+msgstr "On chlì gun deis (gu inghearach)"
+#: strings.hrc:310
+msgid "Please enter a name for the gradient:"
+msgstr "Cuir a-steach ainm airson a' chaiseid:"
+#: strings.hrc:311
+msgid "Please enter a name for the bitmap:"
+msgstr "Cuir a-steach ainm airson a' bhitmap:"
+#: strings.hrc:312
+msgid "Please enter a name for the external bitmap:"
+msgstr "Cuir a-steach ainm airson a' bhitmap air an taobh a-muigh:"
+#: strings.hrc:313
+msgid "Please enter a name for the pattern:"
+msgstr "Cuir a-steach ainm airson a’ phàtrain:"
+#: strings.hrc:314
+msgid "Please enter a name for the line style:"
+msgstr "Cuir a-steach ainm airson na stoidhle loidhne:"
+#: strings.hrc:315
+msgid ""
+"The line style was modified without saving. \n"
+"Modify the selected line style or add a new line style."
+msgstr ""
+"Chaidh an stoidhle loidhne atharrachadh gun sàbhaladh. \n"
+"Atharraich an stoidhle loidhne no cuir bitmap ùr ris."
+#: strings.hrc:316
+msgid "Please enter a name for the hatching:"
+msgstr "Cuir a-steach ainm airson a' ghreannachaidh:"
+#: strings.hrc:317
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Modify"
+msgstr "Atharraich"
+#: strings.hrc:318
+msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_ADD"
+msgid "Add"
+msgstr "Cuir ris"
+#: strings.hrc:319
+msgid "Please enter a name for the new color:"
+msgstr "Cuir a-steach ainm ùr airson an datha:"
+#: strings.hrc:320
+msgid "Table"
+msgstr "Clàr"
+#: strings.hrc:321
+msgid "Please enter a name for the new arrowhead:"
+msgstr "Cuir a-steach ainm airson a' chinn-saighde ùir:"
+#: strings.hrc:322
+msgid "No %1"
+msgstr "Gun %1"
+#: strings.hrc:323
+msgid "Family"
+msgstr "Teaghlach"
+#: strings.hrc:324
+msgid "Font"
+msgstr "Cruth-clò"
+#: strings.hrc:325
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Style"
+msgstr "Stoidhle"
+#: strings.hrc:326
+msgid "Typeface"
+msgstr "Aodann-clò"
+#: strings.hrc:327
+msgid "Highlight Color"
+msgstr "Dath an t-soillseachaidh"
+#: strings.hrc:328
+msgid "Use replacement table"
+msgstr "Cleachd clàr a' chuir an àite"
+#: strings.hrc:329
+msgid "Correct TWo INitial CApitals"
+msgstr "Ceartaich DÀ LItir MHòr AIg TOiseach FAcail"
+#: strings.hrc:330
+msgid "Capitalize first letter of every sentence"
+msgstr "Dèan litir mhòr de gach litir aig toiseach abairt"
+#: strings.hrc:331
+msgid "Automatic *bold*, /italic/, -strikeout- and _underline_"
+msgstr ""
+#: strings.hrc:332
+msgid "Ignore double spaces"
+msgstr "Leig seachad àitichean bàna dùbailte"
+#: strings.hrc:333
+msgid "URL Recognition"
+msgstr "Aithneachadh nan URL"
+#: strings.hrc:334
+msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_DASH"
+msgid "Replace dashes"
+msgstr "Cuir an àite nan strìochagan"
+#: strings.hrc:335
+msgid "Correct accidental use of cAPS LOCK key"
+msgstr "Dèan ceartachadh ma thèid an iuchair cAPS LOCK a chleachdadh gu tubaisteach"
+#: strings.hrc:336
+msgid "Add non-breaking space before specific punctuation marks in French text"
+msgstr "Cuir a-steach tàthan neo-bhristidh ro chomharran-puingeachaidh sònraichte ann an teacsa Fraingis"
+#: strings.hrc:337
+msgid "Format ordinal numbers suffixes (1st -> 1^st)"
+msgstr "Fòrmataich leasachain de dh'àireamhan òrdail (1d -> 1^d)"
+#: strings.hrc:338
+msgid "Remove blank paragraphs"
+msgstr "Thoir air falbh paragrafan bàna"
+#: strings.hrc:339
+msgid "Replace Custom Styles"
+msgstr "Cuir an àite nan stoidhlean gnàthaichte"
+#: strings.hrc:340
+msgid "Replace bullets with: "
+msgstr "Cuir na leanas an àite nam peilear: "
+#: strings.hrc:341
+msgid "Combine single line paragraphs if length greater than"
+msgstr "Cuir còmhla paragrafan anns nach eil ach aon loidhne ma bhios iad nas fhaide na"
+#: strings.hrc:342
+msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_NUM"
+msgid "Bulleted and numbered lists. Bullet symbol: "
+msgstr "Liostaichean peilearaichte ’s àireamhaichte. Comharra a’ pheileir: "
+#: strings.hrc:343
+msgid "Apply border"
+msgstr "Cuir an sàs iomall"
+#: strings.hrc:344
+msgid "Create table"
+msgstr "Cruthaich clàr"
+#: strings.hrc:345
+msgid "Apply Styles"
+msgstr "Cuir an sàs stoidhlean"
+#: strings.hrc:346
+msgid "Delete spaces and tabs at beginning and end of paragraph"
+msgstr "Sguab às àitichean bàna is tabaichean aig toiseach is deireadh a' pharagraif"
+#: strings.hrc:347
+msgid "Delete spaces and tabs at end and start of line"
+msgstr "Sguab às àitichean bàna is tabaichean aig toiseach is deireadh na loidhne"
+#: strings.hrc:348
+msgid "Connector"
+msgstr "Ceangladair"
+#: strings.hrc:349
+msgid "Dimension line"
+msgstr "Loidhne meudachd"
+#: strings.hrc:350
+msgid "The selected module could not be loaded."
+msgstr "Cha b' urrainn dhuinn am mòideal a thagh thu a luchdadh."
+#: strings.hrc:351
+msgid "Start Quote"
+msgstr ""
+#: strings.hrc:352
+msgid "End Quote"
+msgstr ""
+#: strings.hrc:354
+msgid "Selected Theme: "
+msgstr "An t-ùrlar a thagh thu: "
+#: strings.hrc:355
+msgid "Searching, please wait..."
+msgstr "A' dèanamh lorg, fuirich ort..."
+#: strings.hrc:356
+msgid "Cannot open %1, please try again later."
+msgstr "Cha b' urrainn dhuinn %1 fhosgladh, feuch ris a-rithist an ceann greis."
+#: strings.hrc:357
+msgid "No results found."
+msgstr "Cha deach toradh sam bith a lorg."
+#: strings.hrc:358
+msgid "Applying Theme..."
+msgstr "A' cur an gnìomh an ùrlair..."
+#: strings.hrc:360
+msgid "Set No Borders"
+msgstr "Na suidhich iomaill"
+#: strings.hrc:361
+msgid "Set Outer Border Only"
+msgstr "Suidhich an t-iomall a-muigh a-mhàin"
+#: strings.hrc:362
+msgid "Set Outer Border and Horizontal Lines"
+msgstr "Suidhich an t-iomall a-muigh 's loidhnichean còmhnard"
+#: strings.hrc:363
+msgid "Set Outer Border and All Inner Lines"
+msgstr "Suidhich an t-iomall a-muigh 's gach loidhne a-staigh"
+#: strings.hrc:364
+msgid "Set Outer Border Without Changing Inner Lines"
+msgstr "Suidhich an t-iomall a-muigh gun na loidhnichean a-staigh atharrachadh"
+#: strings.hrc:365
+msgid "Set Diagonal Lines Only"
+msgstr "Suidhich loidhnichean trastanach a-mhàin"
+#: strings.hrc:366
+msgid "Set All Four Borders"
+msgstr "Suidhich gach aon dhe na ceithir iomaill"
+#: strings.hrc:367
+msgid "Set Left and Right Borders Only"
+msgstr "Suidhich an iomall deis is an t-iomall clì a-mhàin"
+#: strings.hrc:368
+msgid "Set Top and Bottom Borders Only"
+msgstr "Suidhich an iomall aig a' bharr is an t-iomall aig a' bhonn a-mhàin"
+#: strings.hrc:369
+msgid "Set Left Border Only"
+msgstr "Suidhich an t-iomall clì a-mhàin"
+#: strings.hrc:370
+msgid "Set Top and Bottom Borders, and All Inner Lines"
+msgstr "Suidhich na h-iomaill aig a' bharr 's aig a' bhonn agus gach loidhne a-staigh"
+#: strings.hrc:371
+msgid "Set Left and Right Borders, and All Inner Lines"
+msgstr "Suidhich an t-iomall clì is an t-iomall deis agus gach loidhne a-staigh"
+#: strings.hrc:372
+msgid "No Shadow"
+msgstr "Gun sgàil"
+#: strings.hrc:373
+msgid "Cast Shadow to Bottom Right"
+msgstr "Tilg sgàil gun bhonn air an làimh dheis"
+#: strings.hrc:374
+msgid "Cast Shadow to Top Right"
+msgstr "Tilg sgàil gun bharr air an làimh dheis"
+#: strings.hrc:375
+msgid "Cast Shadow to Bottom Left"
+msgstr "Tilg sgàil gun bhonn air an làimh chlì"
+#: strings.hrc:376
+msgid "Cast Shadow to Top Left"
+msgstr "Tilg sgàil gun bharr air an làimh chlì"
+#: treeopt.hrc:30
+msgstr ""
+#: treeopt.hrc:31
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "User Data"
+msgstr "Dàta a’ chleachdaiche"
+#: treeopt.hrc:32
+msgid "General"
+msgstr ""
+#: treeopt.hrc:33
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "View"
+msgstr "Sealladh"
+#: treeopt.hrc:34
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Print"
+msgstr "Clò-bhuail"
+#: treeopt.hrc:35
+msgid "Paths"
+msgstr ""
+#: treeopt.hrc:36
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Fonts"
+msgstr "Cruthan-clò"
+#: treeopt.hrc:37
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Security"
+msgstr "Tèarainteachd"
+#: treeopt.hrc:38
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Personalization"
+msgstr "Pearsantachadh"
+#: treeopt.hrc:39
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Application Colors"
+msgstr "Dathan na h-aplacaid"
+#: treeopt.hrc:40
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Accessibility"
+msgstr "So-ruigsinneachd"
+#: treeopt.hrc:41
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Advanced"
+msgstr "Adhartach"
+#: treeopt.hrc:42
+msgid "Basic IDE"
+msgstr ""
+#: treeopt.hrc:43
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Online Update"
+msgstr "Ùrachadh air loidhne"
+#: treeopt.hrc:44
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "OpenCL"
+msgstr "OpenCL"
+#: treeopt.hrc:49
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Language Settings"
+msgstr "Roghainnean cànain"
+#: treeopt.hrc:50
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Languages"
+msgstr "Cànain"
+#: treeopt.hrc:51
+msgid "Writing Aids"
+msgstr ""
+#: treeopt.hrc:52
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Searching in Japanese"
+msgstr "Roghainnean luirg na Seapanaise"
+#: treeopt.hrc:53
+msgid "Asian Layout"
+msgstr ""
+#: treeopt.hrc:54
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Complex Text Layout"
+msgstr "Co-dhealbhachd teacsa iom-fhillte"
+#: treeopt.hrc:59
+msgctxt "SID_INET_DLG_RES"
+msgid "Internet"
+msgstr ""
+#: treeopt.hrc:60
+#, fuzzy
+msgctxt "SID_INET_DLG_RES"
+msgid "Proxy"
+msgstr "Progsaidh"
+#: treeopt.hrc:61
+#, fuzzy
+msgctxt "SID_INET_DLG_RES"
+msgid "E-mail"
+msgstr "Post-d"
+#: treeopt.hrc:66
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "%PRODUCTNAME Writer"
+msgstr "%PRODUCTNAME Writer"
+#: treeopt.hrc:67
+msgid "General"
+msgstr ""
+#: treeopt.hrc:68
+msgid "View"
+msgstr ""
+#: treeopt.hrc:69
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Formatting Aids"
+msgstr "Innealan-taic fòrmataidh"
+#: treeopt.hrc:70
+msgid "Grid"
+msgstr ""
+#: treeopt.hrc:71
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Basic Fonts (Western)"
+msgstr "Cruthan-clò bunaiteach (Siarach)"
+#: treeopt.hrc:72
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Basic Fonts (Asian)"
+msgstr "Cruthan-clò bunaiteach (Àiseanach)"
+#: treeopt.hrc:73
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Basic Fonts (CTL)"
+msgstr "Cruthan-clò bunaiteach (CTL)"
+#: treeopt.hrc:74
+msgid "Print"
+msgstr ""
+#: treeopt.hrc:75
+msgid "Table"
+msgstr ""
+#: treeopt.hrc:76
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Changes"
+msgstr "Atharraichean"
+#: treeopt.hrc:77
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Comparison"
+msgstr "Coimeas"
+#: treeopt.hrc:78
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Compatibility"
+msgstr "Co-chòrdalachd"
+#: treeopt.hrc:79
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "AutoCaption"
+msgstr "Caipsean fèin-obrachail"
+#: treeopt.hrc:80
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Mail Merge E-mail"
+msgstr "Post-d co-aonaichte"
+#: treeopt.hrc:85
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "%PRODUCTNAME Writer/Web"
+msgstr "%PRODUCTNAME Writer/Web"
+#: treeopt.hrc:86
+msgid "View"
+msgstr ""
+#: treeopt.hrc:87
+msgid "Formatting Aids"
+msgstr ""
+#: treeopt.hrc:88
+msgid "Grid"
+msgstr ""
+#: treeopt.hrc:89
+msgid "Print"
+msgstr ""
+#: treeopt.hrc:90
+msgid "Table"
+msgstr ""
+#: treeopt.hrc:91
+msgid "Background"
+msgstr ""
+#: treeopt.hrc:96
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "%PRODUCTNAME Math"
+msgstr "%PRODUCTNAME Math"
+#: treeopt.hrc:97
+msgid "Settings"
+msgstr ""
+#: treeopt.hrc:102
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "%PRODUCTNAME Calc"
+msgstr "%PRODUCTNAME Calc"
+#: treeopt.hrc:103
+msgid "General"
+msgstr ""
+#: treeopt.hrc:104
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Defaults"
+msgstr "Bun-roghainnean"
+#: treeopt.hrc:105
+msgid "View"
+msgstr ""
+#: treeopt.hrc:106
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Calculate"
+msgstr "Àireamhaich"
+#: treeopt.hrc:107
+msgid "Formula"
+msgstr ""
+#: treeopt.hrc:108
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Sort Lists"
+msgstr "Liostaichean seòrsachaidh"
+#: treeopt.hrc:109
+msgid "Changes"
+msgstr ""
+#: treeopt.hrc:110
+msgid "Compatibility"
+msgstr ""
+#: treeopt.hrc:111
+msgid "Grid"
+msgstr ""
+#: treeopt.hrc:112
+msgid "Print"
+msgstr ""
+#: treeopt.hrc:117
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "%PRODUCTNAME Impress"
+msgstr "%PRODUCTNAME Impress"
+#: treeopt.hrc:118
+msgid "General"
+msgstr ""
+#: treeopt.hrc:119
+msgid "View"
+msgstr ""
+#: treeopt.hrc:120
+msgid "Grid"
+msgstr ""
+#: treeopt.hrc:121
+msgid "Print"
+msgstr ""
+#: treeopt.hrc:126
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "%PRODUCTNAME Draw"
+msgstr "%PRODUCTNAME Draw"
+#: treeopt.hrc:127
+msgid "General"
+msgstr ""
+#: treeopt.hrc:128
+msgid "View"
+msgstr ""
+#: treeopt.hrc:129
+msgid "Grid"
+msgstr ""
+#: treeopt.hrc:130
+msgid "Print"
+msgstr ""
+#: treeopt.hrc:135
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Charts"
+msgstr "Cairtean"
+#: treeopt.hrc:136
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Default Colors"
+msgstr "Na dathan bunaiteach"
+#: treeopt.hrc:141
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Load/Save"
+msgstr "Luchdaich/Sàbhail"
+#: treeopt.hrc:142
+msgid "General"
+msgstr ""
+#: treeopt.hrc:143
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "VBA Properties"
+msgstr "Roghainnean VBA"
+#: treeopt.hrc:144
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Microsoft Office"
+msgstr "Microsoft Office"
+#: treeopt.hrc:145
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "HTML Compatibility"
+msgstr "Co-chòrdalachd HTML"
+#: treeopt.hrc:150
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "%PRODUCTNAME Base"
+msgstr "%PRODUCTNAME Base"
+#: treeopt.hrc:151
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Connections"
+msgstr "Ceanglaichean"
+#: treeopt.hrc:152
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Databases"
+msgstr "Stòr-dàtannan"