path: root/source/gl/scaddins/source/pricing.po
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Diffstat (limited to 'source/gl/scaddins/source/pricing.po')
1 files changed, 245 insertions, 249 deletions
diff --git a/source/gl/scaddins/source/pricing.po b/source/gl/scaddins/source/pricing.po
index 46df161fd6c..1fda8b1740f 100644
--- a/source/gl/scaddins/source/pricing.po
+++ b/source/gl/scaddins/source/pricing.po
@@ -3,743 +3,742 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://bugs.libreoffice.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=LibreOffice&bug_status=UNCONFIRMED&component=UI\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-05-02 00:06+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-10-21 17:59+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: Antón <meixome@certima.net>\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-04-12 14:13+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-04-24 21:36+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: Xosé <xosecalvo@gmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
"Language: gl\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
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-"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1413914370.000000\n"
+"X-Generator: Pootle 2.8\n"
+"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1493069818.000000\n"
#: pricing.src
msgctxt ""
+"Pricing of a barrier option\n"
msgid "Pricing of a barrier option"
msgstr "Prezo dunha opción barreira"
#: pricing.src
msgctxt ""
msgid "spot"
msgstr "prezo ao contado"
#: pricing.src
msgctxt ""
+"Price/value of the underlying asset\n"
msgid "Price/value of the underlying asset"
msgstr "Prezo/valor do activo subxacente"
#: pricing.src
msgctxt ""
msgid "vol"
msgstr "vol"
#: pricing.src
msgctxt ""
+"Annual volatility of the underlying asset\n"
msgid "Annual volatility of the underlying asset"
msgstr "Volatilidade anual do activo subxacente"
#: pricing.src
msgctxt ""
msgid "r"
msgstr "r"
#: pricing.src
msgctxt ""
+"Interest rate (continuously compounded)\n"
msgid "Interest rate (continuously compounded)"
msgstr "Taxa de xuro (xuro composto)"
#: pricing.src
msgctxt ""
msgid "rf"
msgstr "rf"
#: pricing.src
msgctxt ""
+"Foreign interest rate (continuously compounded)\n"
msgid "Foreign interest rate (continuously compounded)"
msgstr "Taxa de xuros externa (xuro composto)"
#: pricing.src
msgctxt ""
msgid "T"
msgstr "T"
#: pricing.src
msgctxt ""
+"Time to maturity of the option in years\n"
msgid "Time to maturity of the option in years"
msgstr "Tempo de vencemento da opción en anos"
#: pricing.src
msgctxt ""
msgid "strike"
msgstr "prezo no mercado"
#: pricing.src
msgctxt ""
+"Strike level of the option\n"
msgid "Strike level of the option"
msgstr "Nivel do prezo no mercado da opción"
#: pricing.src
msgctxt ""
msgid "barrier_low"
msgstr "barreira_base"
#: pricing.src
msgctxt ""
+"Lower barrier (set to 0 for no lower barrier)\n"
msgid "Lower barrier (set to 0 for no lower barrier)"
msgstr "Barreira inferior (0 para a barreira máis baixa)"
#: pricing.src
msgctxt ""
msgid "barrier_up"
msgstr "barreira_tope"
#: pricing.src
msgctxt ""
+"Upper barrier (set to 0 for no upper barrier)\n"
msgid "Upper barrier (set to 0 for no upper barrier)"
msgstr "Barreira superior (0 para a barreira máis alta)"
#: pricing.src
msgctxt ""
msgid "rebate"
msgstr "desconto"
#: pricing.src
msgctxt ""
+"Amount of money paid at maturity if barrier was hit\n"
msgid "Amount of money paid at maturity if barrier was hit"
msgstr "Montante pagado ao vencemento cando se acada algunha das barreiras"
#: pricing.src
msgctxt ""
msgid "put/call"
msgstr "venda/compra"
#: pricing.src
msgctxt ""
+"String to define if the option is a (p)ut or a (c)all\n"
msgid "String to define if the option is a (p)ut or a (c)all"
msgstr "Cadea que define se a opción é posición de venda (p) ou unha compra (c)"
#: pricing.src
msgctxt ""
+"knock in/out\n"
msgid "knock in/out"
msgstr "barreira de activación/desactivación"
#: pricing.src
msgctxt ""
+"String to define if the option is of type knock-(i)n or knock-(o)ut\n"
msgid "String to define if the option is of type knock-(i)n or knock-(o)ut"
msgstr "Cadea que define se a opción é de tipo activador (i) ou desactivador (o)"
#: pricing.src
msgctxt ""
msgid "barrier_type"
msgstr "tipo_barreira"
#: pricing.src
msgctxt ""
+"String to define whether the barrier is observed (c)ontinuously or only at the (e)nd/maturity\n"
msgid "String to define whether the barrier is observed (c)ontinuously or only at the (e)nd/maturity"
msgstr "Cadea que define se a barreira se considera (c)ontinuamente ou soamente ao r(e)mate/vencemento"
#: pricing.src
msgctxt ""
msgid "greek"
msgstr "grega"
#: pricing.src
msgctxt ""
+"Optional parameter, if left out then the function simply returns the option price; if set, the function returns price sensitivities (Greeks) to one of the input parameters; possible values are (d)elta, (g)amma, (t)heta, v(e)ga, v(o)lga, v(a)nna, (r)ho, rho(f)\n"
msgid "Optional parameter, if left out then the function simply returns the option price; if set, the function returns price sensitivities (Greeks) to one of the input parameters; possible values are (d)elta, (g)amma, (t)heta, v(e)ga, v(o)lga, v(a)nna, (r)ho, rho(f)"
msgstr "Parámetro opcional. Cando se omite, a función devolve o prezo da opción; cando se define, a función devolve as sensibilidades do prezo (gregas) para un dos parámetros de entrada; os valores posíbeis son (d)elta, (g)amma, (t)heta, v(e)ga, v(o)lga, v(a)nna, (r)ho, rho(f)"
#: pricing.src
msgctxt ""
+"Pricing of a touch/no-touch option\n"
msgid "Pricing of a touch/no-touch option"
msgstr "Prezo dunha opción con aproximación/sen aproximación"
#: pricing.src
msgctxt ""
msgid "spot"
msgstr "prezo ao contado"
#: pricing.src
msgctxt ""
+"Price/value of the underlying asset\n"
msgid "Price/value of the underlying asset"
msgstr "Prezo/valor do activo subxacente"
#: pricing.src
msgctxt ""
msgid "vol"
msgstr "vol"
#: pricing.src
msgctxt ""
+"Annual volatility of the underlying asset\n"
msgid "Annual volatility of the underlying asset"
msgstr "Volatilidade anual do activo subxacente"
#: pricing.src
msgctxt ""
msgid "r"
msgstr "r"
#: pricing.src
msgctxt ""
+"Interest rate (continuously compounded)\n"
msgid "Interest rate (continuously compounded)"
msgstr "Taxa de xuro (xuro composto)"
#: pricing.src
msgctxt ""
msgid "rf"
msgstr "rf"
#: pricing.src
msgctxt ""
+"Foreign interest rate (continuously compounded)\n"
msgid "Foreign interest rate (continuously compounded)"
msgstr "Taxa de xuros externa (xuro composto)"
#: pricing.src
msgctxt ""
msgid "T"
msgstr "T"
#: pricing.src
msgctxt ""
+"Time to maturity of the option in years\n"
msgid "Time to maturity of the option in years"
msgstr "Tempo de vencemento da opción en anos"
#: pricing.src
msgctxt ""
msgid "barrier_low"
msgstr "barreira_base"
#: pricing.src
msgctxt ""
+"Lower barrier (set to 0 for no lower barrier)\n"
msgid "Lower barrier (set to 0 for no lower barrier)"
msgstr "Barreira inferior (0 para a barreira máis baixa)"
#: pricing.src
msgctxt ""
msgid "barrier_up"
msgstr "barreira_tope"
#: pricing.src
msgctxt ""
+"Upper barrier (set to 0 for no upper barrier)\n"
msgid "Upper barrier (set to 0 for no upper barrier)"
msgstr "Barreira superior (0 para a barreira máis alta)"
#: pricing.src
msgctxt ""
msgid "foreign/domestic"
msgstr "externa/doméstica"
#: pricing.src
msgctxt ""
+"String to define if the option pays one unit of (d)omestic currency (cash or nothing) or (f)oreign currency (asset or nothing)\n"
msgid "String to define if the option pays one unit of (d)omestic currency (cash or nothing) or (f)oreign currency (asset or nothing)"
msgstr "Cade que define se a opción paga unha unidade de moeda (d)oméstica (en efectivo ou nada) ou en (f) moeda estranxeira (activo ou nada)"
#: pricing.src
msgctxt ""
+"knock in/out\n"
msgid "knock in/out"
msgstr "barreira de activación/desactivación"
#: pricing.src
msgctxt ""
+"String to define if the option is of type knock-(i)n (touch) or knock-(o)ut (no-touch)\n"
msgid "String to define if the option is of type knock-(i)n (touch) or knock-(o)ut (no-touch)"
msgstr "Cadea que define cando a opción é de tipo activador (i) ou desactivadora (o)"
#: pricing.src
msgctxt ""
msgid "barrier_type"
msgstr "tipo_barreira"
#: pricing.src
msgctxt ""
+"String to define whether the barrier is observed (c)ontinuously or only at the (e)nd/maturity\n"
msgid "String to define whether the barrier is observed (c)ontinuously or only at the (e)nd/maturity"
msgstr "Cadea que define cando se considera a barreira (c)ontinuamente ou soamente no r(e)mate/vencemento"
#: pricing.src
msgctxt ""
msgid "greek"
msgstr "grega"
#: pricing.src
msgctxt ""
+"Optional parameter, if left out then the function simply returns the option price; if set, the function returns price sensitivities (Greeks) to one of the input parameters; possible values are (d)elta, (g)amma, (t)heta, v(e)ga, v(o)lga, v(a)nna, (r)ho, rho(f)\n"
msgid "Optional parameter, if left out then the function simply returns the option price; if set, the function returns price sensitivities (Greeks) to one of the input parameters; possible values are (d)elta, (g)amma, (t)heta, v(e)ga, v(o)lga, v(a)nna, (r)ho, rho(f)"
msgstr "Parámetro opcional. Cando non se define, a función devolve o prezo da opción; cando se define, a función devolve as sensibilidades do prezo (gregas) para un dos parámetros indicados; os valores posíbeis son (d)elta, (g)amma, (t)heta, v(e)ga, v(o)lga, v(a)nna, (r)ho, rho(f)"
#: pricing.src
msgctxt ""
+"Probability that an asset hits a barrier assuming it follows dS/S = mu dt + vol dW\n"
msgid "Probability that an asset hits a barrier assuming it follows dS/S = mu dt + vol dW"
msgstr "Probabilidade de que un activo acade unha barreira, seguindo a ecuación dS/S = mu dt + vol dW"
#: pricing.src
msgctxt ""
msgid "spot"
msgstr "prezo ao contado"
#: pricing.src
msgctxt ""
+"Price/value S of the underlying asset\n"
msgid "Price/value S of the underlying asset"
msgstr "Prezo/valor S do activo de base"
#: pricing.src
msgctxt ""
msgid "vol"
msgstr "vol"
#: pricing.src
msgctxt ""
+"Annual volatility of the underlying asset\n"
msgid "Annual volatility of the underlying asset"
msgstr "Volatilidade anual do activo de base"
#: pricing.src
msgctxt ""
msgid "drift"
msgstr "derivado"
#: pricing.src
msgctxt ""
+"Parameter mu in dS/S = mu dt + vol dW\n"
msgid "Parameter mu in dS/S = mu dt + vol dW"
msgstr "Parámetro mu en dS/S = mu dt + vol dW"
#: pricing.src
msgctxt ""
msgid "T"
msgstr "T"
#: pricing.src
msgctxt ""
+"Time to maturity\n"
msgid "Time to maturity"
msgstr "Tempo para o vencemento"
#: pricing.src
msgctxt ""
msgid "barrier_low"
msgstr "barreira_base"
#: pricing.src
msgctxt ""
+"Lower barrier (set to 0 for no lower barrier)\n"
msgid "Lower barrier (set to 0 for no lower barrier)"
msgstr "Barreira inferior (0 para a barreira máis baixa)"
#: pricing.src
msgctxt ""
msgid "barrier_up"
msgstr "barreira_tope"
#: pricing.src
msgctxt ""
+"Upper barrier (set to 0 for no upper barrier)\n"
msgid "Upper barrier (set to 0 for no upper barrier)"
msgstr "Barreira superior (0 para a barreira máis alta)"
#: pricing.src
msgctxt ""
+"Probability that an asset will at maturity end up between two barrier levels, assuming it follows dS/S = mu dt + vol dW (if the last two optional parameters (strike, put/call) are specified, the probability of S_T in [strike, upper barrier] for a call and S_T in [lower barrier, strike] for a put will be returned)\n"
msgid "Probability that an asset will at maturity end up between two barrier levels, assuming it follows dS/S = mu dt + vol dW (if the last two optional parameters (strike, put/call) are specified, the probability of S_T in [strike, upper barrier] for a call and S_T in [lower barrier, strike] for a put will be returned)"
msgstr "Probabilidade de que un activo acadará no seu vencemento a estar entre dous niveis de barreras, segundo a ecuación dS/S = mu dt + vol dW (De se especificaren os parámetros opcionais «prezo de exercicio» e «venda/compra», devolverá a probabilidade de S_T en [prezo de exercicio, barreira superior]) para una compra e S_T en [barreira inferior, prezo de exercicio] para una venda)."
#: pricing.src
msgctxt ""
msgid "spot"
msgstr "prezo ao contado"
#: pricing.src
msgctxt ""
+"Price/value of the asset\n"
msgid "Price/value of the asset"
msgstr "Prezo/valor do activo"
#: pricing.src
msgctxt ""
msgid "vol"
msgstr "vol"
#: pricing.src
msgctxt ""
+"Annual volatility of the asset\n"
msgid "Annual volatility of the asset"
msgstr "Volatilidade anual do activo"
#: pricing.src
msgctxt ""
msgid "drift"
msgstr "derivado"
#: pricing.src
msgctxt ""
+"Parameter mu from dS/S = mu dt + vol dW\n"
msgid "Parameter mu from dS/S = mu dt + vol dW"
msgstr "Parámento mu de dS/S = mu dt + vol dW"
#: pricing.src
msgctxt ""
msgid "T"
msgstr "T"
#: pricing.src
msgctxt ""
+"Time to maturity in years\n"
msgid "Time to maturity in years"
msgstr "Tempo para o vencemento en anos"
#: pricing.src
msgctxt ""
msgid "barrier_low"
msgstr "barreira_base"
#: pricing.src
msgctxt ""
+"Lower barrier (set to 0 for no lower barrier)\n"
msgid "Lower barrier (set to 0 for no lower barrier)"
msgstr "Barreira inferior (0 para a barreira máis baixa)"
#: pricing.src
msgctxt ""
msgid "barrier_up"
msgstr "barreira_tope"
#: pricing.src
msgctxt ""
+"Upper barrier (set to 0 for no upper barrier)\n"
msgid "Upper barrier (set to 0 for no upper barrier)"
msgstr "Barreira superior (0 para a barreira máis alta)"
#: pricing.src
msgctxt ""
msgid "put/call"
msgstr "venda/compra"
#: pricing.src
msgctxt ""
+"Optional (p)ut/(c)all indicator\n"
msgid "Optional (p)ut/(c)all indicator"
msgstr "Opcional (p) venda/(c)ompra"
#: pricing.src
msgctxt ""
msgid "strike"
msgstr "prezo no mercado"
#: pricing.src
msgctxt ""
+"Optional strike level\n"
msgid "Optional strike level"
msgstr "Nivel opcional do prezo de mercado"
#: pricing.src
msgctxt ""
@@ -748,7 +747,6 @@ msgstr "OPT_BARRIER"
#: pricing.src
msgctxt ""
msgid "OPT_TOUCH"
@@ -757,7 +755,6 @@ msgstr "OPT_TOUCH"
#: pricing.src
msgctxt ""
msgid "OPT_PROB_HIT"
@@ -766,7 +763,6 @@ msgstr "OPT_PROB_HIT"
#: pricing.src
msgctxt ""