path: root/source/nl/dbaccess
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'source/nl/dbaccess')
13 files changed, 3787 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/source/nl/dbaccess/source/core/resource.po b/source/nl/dbaccess/source/core/resource.po
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..3d3de0f0880
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/nl/dbaccess/source/core/resource.po
@@ -0,0 +1,306 @@
+#. extracted from dbaccess/source/core/resource.oo
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://qa.openoffice.org/issues/enter_bug.cgi?comment=&component=l10n&form_name=enter_issue&short_desc=Localization+issue+in+file%3A+dbaccess%2Fsource%2Fcore%2Fresource.oo&subcomponent=ui\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-07-04 16:39+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-07-20 00:12+0200\n"
+"Last-Translator: vpanter <leo.moons@telenet.be>\n"
+"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
+"Language: nl\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
+"X-Generator: Pootle 2.1.6\n"
+"X-Accelerator-Marker: ~\n"
+#: strings.src#RID_STR_TRIED_OPEN_TABLE.string.text
+msgid "Tried to open the table $name$."
+msgstr "Geprobeerd de tabel $name$ te openen."
+#: strings.src#RID_STR_CONNECTION_INVALID.string.text
+msgid "No connection could be established."
+msgstr "Er kon geen verbinding tot stand worden gebracht."
+#: strings.src#RID_STR_TABLE_IS_FILTERED.string.text
+msgid "The table $name$ already exists. It is not visible because it has been filtered out."
+msgstr "De tabel $name$ bestaat reeds. Hij is alleen niet zichtbaar omdat hij is uitgefilterd."
+#: strings.src#RID_STR_NEED_CONFIG_WRITE_ACCESS.string.text
+msgid "You have no write access to the configuration data the object is based on."
+msgstr "U hebt geen schrijfrechten op de configuratiegegevens van het object."
+msgid "The connection to the external data source could not be established. An unknown error occurred. The driver is probably defective."
+msgstr "Er kan geen verbinding met de externe gegevensbron tot stand worden gebracht. Er is een onbekende fout opgetreden. Waarschijnlijk is het stuurprogramma niet in orde."
+#: strings.src#RID_STR_COULDNOTCONNECT_NODRIVER.string.text
+msgid "The connection to the external data source could not be established. No SDBC driver was found for the given URL."
+msgstr "De verbinding met de externe gegevensbron kan niet tot stand worden gebracht omdat er geen SDBC-stuurprogramma voor de opgegeven URL is gevonden."
+#: strings.src#RID_STR_COULDNOTLOAD_MANAGER.string.text
+msgid "The connection to the external data source could not be established. The SDBC driver manager could not be loaded."
+msgstr "De verbinding met de externe gegevensbron kan niet tot stand worden gebracht omdat het SDBC-stuurprogrammabeheer niet kan worden geladen."
+#: strings.src#RID_STR_FORM.string.text
+msgid "Form"
+msgstr "Formulier"
+#: strings.src#RID_STR_REPORT.string.text
+msgid "Report"
+msgstr "Rapport"
+#: strings.src#RID_STR_DATASOURCE_NOT_STORED.string.text
+msgid "The data source was not saved. Please use the interface XStorable to save the data source."
+msgstr "De gegevensbron was niet opgeslagen. Gebruik de interface XStorable om de gegevensbron op te slaan."
+#: strings.src#RID_STR_ONLY_QUERY.string.text
+msgid ""
+"The given command is not a SELECT statement.\n"
+"Only queries are allowed."
+msgstr ""
+"De gegeven opdracht is geen SELECT-instructie.\n"
+"Alleen query's zijn toegestaan."
+#: strings.src#RID_STR_NO_VALUE_CHANGED.string.text
+msgid "No values were modified."
+msgstr "Geen waarden gewijzigd."
+#: strings.src#RID_STR_NO_XROWUPDATE.string.text
+msgid "Values could not be inserted. The XRowUpdate interface is not supported by ResultSet."
+msgstr "Waarden kunnen niet worden ingevoegd. De XRowUpdate-interface wordt niet ondersteund door ResultSet."
+#: strings.src#RID_STR_NO_XRESULTSETUPDATE.string.text
+msgid "Values could not be inserted. The XResultSetUpdate interface is not supported by ResultSet."
+msgstr "Waarden kunnen niet worden ingevoegd. De XResultSetUpdate-interface wordt niet ondersteund door ResultSet."
+#: strings.src#RID_STR_NO_UPDATE_MISSING_CONDITION.string.text
+msgid "Values could not be modified, due to a missing condition statement."
+msgstr "Waarden kunnen niet worden gewijzigd, vanwege een ontbrekend voorwaardeninstructie."
+#: strings.src#RID_STR_NO_COLUMN_ADD.string.text
+msgid "The adding of columns is not supported."
+msgstr "Toevoegen van kolommen wordt niet ondersteund."
+#: strings.src#RID_STR_NO_COLUMN_DROP.string.text
+msgid "The dropping of columns is not supported."
+msgstr "Laten vervallen van kolommen wordt niet ondersteund."
+#: strings.src#RID_STR_NO_CONDITION_FOR_PK.string.text
+msgid "The WHERE condition could not be created for the primary key."
+msgstr "De WHERE-voorwaarde kan niet worden gemaakt voor de primaire sleutel."
+#: strings.src#RID_STR_COLUMN_UNKNOWN_PROP.string.text
+msgid "The column does not support the property '%value'."
+msgstr "De kolom ondersteunt niet de eigenschap '%value'."
+#: strings.src#RID_STR_COLUMN_NOT_SEARCHABLE.string.text
+msgid "The column is not searchable!"
+msgstr "De kolom is niet doorzoekbaar!"
+#: strings.src#RID_STR_NOT_SEQUENCE_INT8.string.text
+msgid "The value of the columns is not of the type Sequence<sal_Int8>."
+msgstr "De waarde van de kolommen is niet van het type Sequence<sal_Int8>."
+#: strings.src#RID_STR_COLUMN_NOT_VALID.string.text
+msgid "The column is not valid."
+msgstr "De kolom is ongeldig."
+#: strings.src#RID_STR_COLUMN_MUST_VISIBLE.string.text
+msgid "The column '%name' must be visible as a column."
+msgstr "De kolom '%name' moet zichtbaar zijn als een kolom."
+#: strings.src#RID_STR_NO_XQUERIESSUPPLIER.string.text
+msgid "The interface XQueriesSupplier is not available."
+msgstr "De interface XQueriesSupplier is niet beschikbaar."
+#: strings.src#RID_STR_NOT_SUPPORTED_BY_DRIVER.string.text
+msgid "The driver does not support this function."
+msgstr "Het stuurprogramma ondersteunt deze functie niet."
+#: strings.src#RID_STR_NO_ABS_ZERO.string.text
+msgid "An 'absolute(0)' call is not allowed."
+msgstr "Een 'absolute(0)' aanroep is niet toegestaan."
+#: strings.src#RID_STR_NO_RELATIVE.string.text
+msgid "Relative positioning is not allowed in this state."
+msgstr "Relatieve positionering is niet toegestaan in deze toestand."
+#: strings.src#RID_STR_NO_REFESH_AFTERLAST.string.text
+msgid "A row cannot be refreshed when the ResultSet is positioned after the last row."
+msgstr "Een rij kan niet worden vernieuwd wanneer de ResultSet achter de laatste rij is gepositioneerd."
+#: strings.src#RID_STR_NO_MOVETOINSERTROW_CALLED.string.text
+msgid "A new row cannot be inserted when the ResultSet is not first moved to the insert row."
+msgstr "Een nieuwe rij kan niet worden ingevoegd wanneer de ResultSet niet eerst naar de invoegrij is verplaatst."
+#: strings.src#RID_STR_NO_UPDATEROW.string.text
+msgid "A row cannot be modified in this state"
+msgstr "Een rij kan niet worden gewijzigd in deze status"
+#: strings.src#RID_STR_NO_DELETEROW.string.text
+msgid "A row cannot be deleted in this state."
+msgstr "Een rij kan niet worden verwijderd in deze toestand."
+#: strings.src#RID_STR_NO_TABLE_RENAME.string.text
+msgid "The driver does not support table renaming."
+msgstr "Het stuurprogramma ondersteunt niet het hernoemen van tabellen."
+#: strings.src#RID_STR_NO_ALTER_COLUMN_DEF.string.text
+msgid "The driver does not support the modification of column descriptions."
+msgstr "Het stuurprogramma ondersteunt niet het veranderen van kolombeschrijvingen."
+#: strings.src#RID_STR_COLUMN_ALTER_BY_NAME.string.text
+msgid "The driver does not support the modification of column descriptions by changing the name."
+msgstr "Het stuurprogramma ondersteunt niet het veranderen van kolombeschrijvingen door de naam te veranderen."
+#: strings.src#RID_STR_COLUMN_ALTER_BY_INDEX.string.text
+msgid "The driver does not support the modification of column descriptions by changing the index."
+msgstr "Het stuurprogramma ondersteunt niet het veranderen van kolombeschrijvingen door de index te veranderen."
+#: strings.src#RID_STR_FILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST.string.text
+msgid "The file \"$file$\" does not exist."
+msgstr "Het bestand \"$file$\" bestaat niet."
+#: strings.src#RID_STR_TABLE_DOES_NOT_EXIST.string.text
+msgid "There exists no table named \"$table$\"."
+msgstr "Er bestaat geen tabel met de naam \"$table$\"."
+#: strings.src#RID_STR_QUERY_DOES_NOT_EXIST.string.text
+msgid "There exists no query named \"$table$\"."
+msgstr "Er bestaat geen query met de naam \"$table$\"."
+#: strings.src#RID_STR_CONFLICTING_NAMES.string.text
+msgid "There are tables in the database whose names conflict with the names of existing queries. To make full use of all queries and tables, make sure they have distinct names."
+msgstr "De naam van sommige tabellen in de database conflicteert met de naam van bestaande query's. Zorg ervoor dat alle query's en tabellen duidelijk verschillende namen hebben om ze optimaal te kunnen benutten."
+#: strings.src#RID_STR_COMMAND_LEADING_TO_ERROR.string.text
+msgid ""
+"The SQL command leading to this error is:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"De SQL-opdracht die deze fout veroorzaakt is:\n"
+#: strings.src#RID_STR_STATEMENT_WITHOUT_RESULT_SET.string.text
+msgid "The SQL command does not describe a result set."
+msgstr "De SQL-opdracht beschrijft geen resultatenset."
+#: strings.src#RID_STR_NAME_MUST_NOT_BE_EMPTY.string.text
+msgid "The name must not be empty."
+msgstr "De naam mag niet leeg zijn."
+#: strings.src#RID_STR_NO_NULL_OBJECTS_IN_CONTAINER.string.text
+msgid "The container cannot contain NULL objects."
+msgstr "De container kan geen NULL-objecten bevatten."
+#: strings.src#RID_STR_NAME_ALREADY_USED.string.text
+msgid "There already is an object with the given name."
+msgstr "Er is al een object met de gegeven naam."
+#: strings.src#RID_STR_OBJECT_CONTAINER_MISMATCH.string.text
+msgid "This object cannot be part of this container."
+msgstr "Dit object kan geen deel uitmaken van deze container."
+#: strings.src#RID_STR_OBJECT_ALREADY_CONTAINED.string.text
+msgid "The object already is, with a different name, part of the container."
+msgstr "Dit object maakt, onder een andere naam, reeds deel uit van de container."
+#: strings.src#RID_STR_NAME_NOT_FOUND.string.text
+msgid "Unable to find the document '$name$'."
+msgstr "Document '$name$' werd niet gevonden."
+#: strings.src#RID_STR_ERROR_WHILE_SAVING.string.text
+msgid ""
+"Could not save the document to $location$:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Kon het document niet opslaan naar $location$:\n"
+#: strings.src#RID_NO_SUCH_DATA_SOURCE.string.text
+msgid ""
+"Error accessing data source '$name$':\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Fout bij toegang tot gegevensbron '$name$':\n"
+#: strings.src#RID_STR_NO_SUB_FOLDER.string.text
+msgid "There exists no folder named \"$folder$\"."
+msgstr "Er bestaat geen map genaamd \"$folder$\"."
+#: strings.src#RID_STR_NO_DELETE_BEFORE_AFTER.string.text
+msgid "Cannot delete the before-first or after-last row."
+msgstr "Kan de voorlaatste rij of de rij na de laatste niet verwijderen."
+#: strings.src#RID_STR_NO_DELETE_INSERT_ROW.string.text
+msgid "Cannot delete the insert-row."
+msgstr "Kan de invoeg-rij niet verwijderen."
+#: strings.src#RID_STR_RESULT_IS_READONLY.string.text
+msgid "Result set is read only."
+msgstr "De resultaten zijn alleen-lezen."
+#: strings.src#RID_STR_NO_DELETE_PRIVILEGE.string.text
+msgid "DELETE privilege not available."
+msgstr "Privilege DELETE is niet beschikbaar."
+#: strings.src#RID_STR_ROW_ALREADY_DELETED.string.text
+msgid "Current row is already deleted."
+msgstr "Huidige rij is al verwijderd."
+#: strings.src#RID_STR_UPDATE_FAILED.string.text
+msgid "Current row could not be updated."
+msgstr "Huidige rij kan niet worden bijgewerkt."
+#: strings.src#RID_STR_NO_INSERT_PRIVILEGE.string.text
+msgid "INSERT privilege not available."
+msgstr "Privilege INSERT is niet beschikbaar."
+#: strings.src#RID_STR_INTERNAL_ERROR.string.text
+msgid "Internal error: no statement object provided by the database driver."
+msgstr "Interne fout: geen instructie-object gegeven door besturingsprogramma van de database."
+#: strings.src#RID_STR_EXPRESSION1.string.text
+msgid "Expression1"
+msgstr "Expressie1"
+#: strings.src#RID_STR_NO_SQL_COMMAND.string.text
+msgid "No SQL command was provided."
+msgstr "Er werd geen SQL-opdracht gegeven."
+#: strings.src#RID_STR_INVALID_INDEX.string.text
+msgid "Invalid column index."
+msgstr "Ongeldige kolomindex."
+#: strings.src#RID_STR_INVALID_CURSOR_STATE.string.text
+msgid "Invalid cursor state."
+msgstr "Ongeldige cursorstatus."
+#: strings.src#RID_STR_CURSOR_BEFORE_OR_AFTER.string.text
+msgid "The cursor points to before the first or after the last row."
+msgstr "De cursor wijst naar vóór de eerste of na de laatste rij."
+#: strings.src#RID_STR_NO_BOOKMARK_BEFORE_OR_AFTER.string.text
+msgid "The rows before the first and after the last row don't have a bookmark."
+msgstr "De rijen vóór de eerste en na de laatste rij hebben geen bladwijzer."
+#: strings.src#RID_STR_NO_BOOKMARK_DELETED.string.text
+msgid "The current row is deleted, and thus doesn't have a bookmark."
+msgstr "De huidige rij is verwijderd en dus heeft die geen bladwijzer."
+#: strings.src#RID_STR_NO_EMBEDDING.string.text
+msgid "Embedding of database documents is not supported."
+msgstr "Inbedding van databasedocumenten wordt niet ondersteund."
+#: strings.src#RID_STR_CONNECTION_REQUEST.string.text
+msgid "A connection for the following URL was requested \"$name$\"."
+msgstr "Er werd een verbinding voor de volgende URL gevraagd \"$name$\"."
+#: strings.src#RID_STR_MISSING_EXTENSION.string.text
+msgid "The extension is not installed."
+msgstr "De extensie is niet geïnstalleerd."
diff --git a/source/nl/dbaccess/source/ext/macromigration.po b/source/nl/dbaccess/source/ext/macromigration.po
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..fac3d473e45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/nl/dbaccess/source/ext/macromigration.po
@@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
+#. extracted from dbaccess/source/ext/macromigration.oo
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://qa.openoffice.org/issues/enter_bug.cgi?comment=&component=l10n&form_name=enter_issue&short_desc=Localization+issue+in+file%3A+dbaccess%2Fsource%2Fext%2Fmacromigration.oo&subcomponent=ui\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-07-04 16:39+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-12-19 22:52+0200\n"
+"Last-Translator: Freek <f.de.kruijf@gmail.com>\n"
+"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
+"Language: nl\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
+"X-Generator: Translate Toolkit 1.9.0\n"
+"X-Accelerator-Marker: ~\n"
+#: macromigration.src#DLG_MACRO_MIGRATION.STR_STATE_CLOSE_SUB_DOCS.string.text
+msgid "Prepare"
+msgstr "Voorbereiden"
+#: macromigration.src#DLG_MACRO_MIGRATION.STR_STATE_BACKUP_DBDOC.string.text
+msgid "Backup Document"
+msgstr "Veiligheidskopie-document"
+#: macromigration.src#DLG_MACRO_MIGRATION.STR_STATE_MIGRATE.string.text
+msgid "Migrate"
+msgstr "Migreren"
+#: macromigration.src#DLG_MACRO_MIGRATION.STR_STATE_SUMMARY.string.text
+msgctxt "macromigration.src#DLG_MACRO_MIGRATION.STR_STATE_SUMMARY.string.text"
+msgid "Summary"
+msgstr "Overzicht"
+#: macromigration.src#DLG_MACRO_MIGRATION.modaldialog.text
+msgid "Database Document Macro Migration"
+msgstr "Databasedocument Macro Migratie"
+#: macromigration.src#TP_PREPARE.FT_HEADER.fixedtext.text
+msgid "Welcome to the Database Macro Migration Wizard"
+msgstr "Welkom bij de Database Macro Migratie-assistent"
+#: macromigration.src#TP_PREPARE.FT_INTRODUCTION.fixedtext.text
+msgid ""
+"This wizard will guide you through the task of migrating your macros.\n"
+"After you finished it, all macros which were formerly embedded into the forms and reports of the current database document will have been moved to the document itself. In this course, libraries will be renamed as needed.\n"
+"If your forms and reports contain references to those macros, they will be adjusted, where possible.\n"
+"Before the migration can start, all forms, reports, queries and tables belonging to the document must be closed. Press 'Next' to do so."
+msgstr ""
+"Deze assistent zal u door het migreren van uw macro's en scripts leiden.\n"
+"Alle macro's en scripts die eerst waren ingebed in uw formulieren en rapporten zullen zijn verplaatst naar het database-document als u het voltooid hebt. Tijdens deze verwerking zullen bibliotheken worden hernoemd zoals dat nodig is.\n"
+"Indien uw formulieren en rapporten verwijzingen bevatten naar deze macro's en scripts zullen zij, waar mogelijk, worden aangepast.\n"
+"Voordat de migratie kan beginnen moeten alle formulieren, rapporten, query's en tabellen zijn gesloten. Druk op 'Volgende' om dat te doen."
+#: macromigration.src#TP_PREPARE.FT_CLOSE_DOC_ERROR.fixedtext.text
+msgid "Not all objects could be closed. Please close them manually, and re-start the wizard."
+msgstr "Niet alle objecten konden worden gesloten. Sluit ze alstublieft handmatif en herstart de assistent."
+#: macromigration.src#TP_SAVE_DBDOC_AS.FT_HEADER.fixedtext.text
+msgid "Backup your Document"
+msgstr "Maak een veiligheidskopie van document"
+#: macromigration.src#TP_SAVE_DBDOC_AS.FT_EXPLANATION.fixedtext.text
+msgid "To allow you to go back to the state before the migration, the database document will be backed up to a location of your choice. Every change done by the wizard will be made to the original document, the backup will stay untouched."
+msgstr "Van het databasedocument zal een veiligheidskopie worden gemaakt op de locatie van uw keuze om u in staat te stellen terug te gaan naar de situatie van vóór de migratie. Elke door de assistent gemaakte wijziging zal worden gemaakt in het originele document, de veiligheidskopie blijft onaangetast."
+#: macromigration.src#TP_SAVE_DBDOC_AS.FT_SAVE_AS_LABEL.fixedtext.text
+msgid "Save To:"
+msgstr "Opslaan naar:"
+#: macromigration.src#TP_SAVE_DBDOC_AS.PB_BROWSE_SAVE_AS_LOCATION.pushbutton.text
+msgid "Browse ..."
+msgstr "Bladeren ..."
+#: macromigration.src#TP_SAVE_DBDOC_AS.FT_START_MIGRATION.fixedtext.text
+msgid "Press 'Next' to save a copy of your document, and to begin the migration."
+msgstr "Druk op 'Volgende' om een kopie van uw document op te slaan en te beginnen met de migratie."
+#: macromigration.src#TP_MIGRATE.FT_HEADER.fixedtext.text
+msgid "Migration Progress"
+msgstr "Migratievoortgang"
+#: macromigration.src#TP_MIGRATE.FT_OBJECT_COUNT.fixedtext.text
+msgid "The database document contains $forms$ form(s) and $reports$ report(s), which are currently being processed:"
+msgstr "Het databasedocument bevat $forms$ formulier(en) en $reports$ rapport(en), die momenteel worden verwerkt:"
+#: macromigration.src#TP_MIGRATE.FT_CURRENT_OBJECT_LABEL.fixedtext.text
+msgid "Current object:"
+msgstr "Huidig object:"
+#: macromigration.src#TP_MIGRATE.FT_CURRENT_PROGRESS_LABEL.fixedtext.text
+msgid "Current progress:"
+msgstr "Huidige voortgang:"
+#: macromigration.src#TP_MIGRATE.FT_ALL_PROGRESS_LABEL.fixedtext.text
+msgid "Overall progress:"
+msgstr "Algehele voortgang:"
+#: macromigration.src#TP_MIGRATE.FT_OBJECT_COUNT_PROGRESS.fixedtext.text
+msgctxt "macromigration.src#TP_MIGRATE.FT_OBJECT_COUNT_PROGRESS.fixedtext.text"
+msgid "document $current$ of $overall$"
+msgstr "document $current$ van $overall$"
+#: macromigration.src#TP_MIGRATE.FT_MIGRATION_DONE.fixedtext.text
+msgid "All forms and reports have been successfully processed. Press 'Next' to show a detailed summary."
+msgstr "Alle documenten zijn succesvol verwerkt. Druk op 'Volgende' om een gedetailleerd overzicht weer te geven."
+#: macromigration.src#TP_SUMMARY.FT_HEADER.fixedtext.text
+msgctxt "macromigration.src#TP_SUMMARY.FT_HEADER.fixedtext.text"
+msgid "Summary"
+msgstr "Overzicht"
+#: macromigration.src#TP_SUMMARY.STR_SUCCESSFUL.string.text
+msgid "The migration was successful. Below is a log of the actions which have been taken to your document."
+msgstr "De migratie werd succesvol uitgevoerd. Hieronder staat een log van de acties die op uw document werden uitgevoerd."
+#: macromigration.src#TP_SUMMARY.STR_UNSUCCESSFUL.string.text
+msgid "The migration was not successful. Examine the migration log below for details."
+msgstr "De migratie werd NIET succesvol uitgevoerd. Bekijk het migratie-log hieronder voor de details."
+#. This refers to a form document inside a database document.
+#: macromigration.src#STR_FORM.string.text
+msgid "Form '$name$'"
+msgstr "Formulier '$name$'"
+#. This refers to a report document inside a database document.
+#: macromigration.src#STR_REPORT.string.text
+msgid "Report '$name$'"
+msgstr "Rapport '$name$'"
+#: macromigration.src#STR_OVERALL_PROGRESS.string.text
+msgctxt "macromigration.src#STR_OVERALL_PROGRESS.string.text"
+msgid "document $current$ of $overall$"
+msgstr "document $current$ van $overall$"
+#: macromigration.src#STR_DATABASE_DOCUMENT.string.text
+msgid "Database Document"
+msgstr "Databasedocument"
+#: macromigration.src#STR_SAVED_COPY_TO.string.text
+msgid "saved copy to $location$"
+msgstr "kopie opgeslagen in $location$"
+#: macromigration.src#STR_MOVED_LIBRARY.string.text
+msgid "migrated $type$ library '$old$' to '$new$'"
+msgstr "verplaatst $type$ bibliotheek '$old$' naar '$new$'"
+#: macromigration.src#STR_LIBRARY_TYPE_AND_NAME.string.text
+msgid "$type$ library '$library$'"
+msgstr "$type$ bibliotheek '$library$'"
+#: macromigration.src#STR_MIGRATING_LIBS.string.text
+msgid "migrating libraries ..."
+msgstr "bibliotheken migreren ..."
+#: macromigration.src#STR_OOO_BASIC.string.text
+msgid "%PRODUCTNAME Basic"
+#: macromigration.src#STR_JAVA_SCRIPT.string.text
+msgid "JavaScript"
+msgstr "JavaScript"
+#: macromigration.src#STR_BEAN_SHELL.string.text
+msgid "BeanShell"
+msgstr "BeanShell"
+#: macromigration.src#STR_JAVA.string.text
+msgid "Java"
+msgstr "Java"
+#: macromigration.src#STR_PYTHON.string.text
+msgid "Python"
+msgstr "Python"
+#: macromigration.src#STR_DIALOG.string.text
+msgid "dialog"
+msgstr "dialoogvenster"
+#: macromigration.src#STR_ERRORS.string.text
+msgid "Error(s)"
+msgstr "Fout(en)"
+#: macromigration.src#STR_WARNINGS.string.text
+msgid "Warnings"
+msgstr "Waarschuwingen"
+#: macromigration.src#STR_EXCEPTION.string.text
+msgid "caught exception:"
+msgstr "uitzondering gevonden:"
+#: macromigration.src#ERR_INVALID_BACKUP_LOCATION.errorbox.text
+msgid "You need to choose a backup location other than the document location itself."
+msgstr "U moet een andere locatie voor de veiligheidskopie opgeven dan de locatie van het document zelf."
+#: macromigration.src#STR_INVALID_NUMBER_ARGS.string.text
+msgid "Invalid number of initialization arguments. Expected 1."
+msgstr "Ongeldig aantal argumenten voor initialisatie. Verwacht 1."
+#: macromigration.src#STR_NO_DATABASE.string.text
+msgid "No database document found in the initialization arguments."
+msgstr "Geen databasedocument gevonden in de argumenten voor de initialisatie."
+#: macromigration.src#STR_NOT_READONLY.string.text
+msgid "Not applicable to read-only documents."
+msgstr "Niet toe te passen op alleen-lezen documenten."
diff --git a/source/nl/dbaccess/source/sdbtools/resource.po b/source/nl/dbaccess/source/sdbtools/resource.po
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..79b0ed2ad46
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/nl/dbaccess/source/sdbtools/resource.po
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+#. extracted from dbaccess/source/sdbtools/resource.oo
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://qa.openoffice.org/issues/enter_bug.cgi?comment=&component=l10n&form_name=enter_issue&short_desc=Localization+issue+in+file%3A+dbaccess%2Fsource%2Fsdbtools%2Fresource.oo&subcomponent=ui\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-07-04 16:39+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-04-06 00:52+0200\n"
+"Last-Translator: Pjotr <>\n"
+"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
+"Language: nl\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
+"X-Generator: Translate Toolkit 1.9.0\n"
+"X-Accelerator-Marker: ~\n"
+#: sdbt_strings.src#STR_QUERY_AND_TABLE_DISTINCT_NAMES.string.text
+msgid "You cannot give a table and a query the same name. Please use a name which is not yet used by a query or table."
+msgstr "U kunt een tabel en een query niet dezelfde naam geven. Gebruik een naam die nog niet door een query of tabel gebruikt wordt."
+#: sdbt_strings.src#STR_BASENAME_TABLE.string.text
+msgid "Table"
+msgstr "Tabel"
+#: sdbt_strings.src#STR_BASENAME_QUERY.string.text
+msgid "Query"
+msgstr "Query"
+#: sdbt_strings.src#STR_CONN_WITHOUT_QUERIES_OR_TABLES.string.text
+msgid "The given connection is no valid query and/or tables supplier."
+msgstr "De opgegeven verbinding is geen geldige bron van query's en/of tabellen."
+#: sdbt_strings.src#STR_NO_TABLE_OBJECT.string.text
+msgid "The given object is no table object."
+msgstr "Het opgegeven object is geen tabelobject."
+#: sdbt_strings.src#STR_INVALID_COMPOSITION_TYPE.string.text
+msgid "Invalid composition type - need a value from com.sun.star.sdb.tools.CompositionType."
+msgstr "Ongeldig samenstellingstype - er is een waarde nodig van com.sun.star.sdb.tools.CompositionType."
+#: sdbt_strings.src#STR_INVALID_COMMAND_TYPE.string.text
+msgid "Invalid command type - only TABLE and QUERY from com.sun.star.sdb.CommandType are allowed."
+msgstr "Ongeldig type opdracht - alleen TABLE en QUERY van com.sun.star.sdb.CommandType zijn toegestaan."
diff --git a/source/nl/dbaccess/source/ui/app.po b/source/nl/dbaccess/source/ui/app.po
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..c88e1fc9d28
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/nl/dbaccess/source/ui/app.po
@@ -0,0 +1,292 @@
+#. extracted from dbaccess/source/ui/app.oo
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://qa.openoffice.org/issues/enter_bug.cgi?comment=&component=l10n&form_name=enter_issue&short_desc=Localization+issue+in+file%3A+dbaccess%2Fsource%2Fui%2Fapp.oo&subcomponent=ui\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-07-04 16:39+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-12-19 22:54+0200\n"
+"Last-Translator: Freek <f.de.kruijf@gmail.com>\n"
+"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
+"Language: nl\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
+"X-Generator: Translate Toolkit 1.9.0\n"
+"X-Accelerator-Marker: ~\n"
+#: app.src#RID_STR_NEW_FORM.string.text
+msgid "Create Form in Design View..."
+msgstr "Formulier maken in ontwerpweergave..."
+#: app.src#RID_STR_NEW_FORM_AUTO.string.text
+msgid "Use Wizard to Create Form..."
+msgstr "Formulier maken met assistent..."
+#: app.src#RID_STR_NEW_REPORT_AUTO.string.text
+msgid "Use Wizard to Create Report..."
+msgstr "Rapport maken met assistent..."
+#: app.src#RID_STR_NEW_REPORT.string.text
+msgid "Create Report in Design View..."
+msgstr "Rapport maken in ontwerpweergave..."
+#: app.src#RID_STR_NEW_QUERY.string.text
+msgid "Create Query in Design View..."
+msgstr "Query maken in ontwerpweergave..."
+#: app.src#RID_STR_NEW_QUERY_SQL.string.text
+msgid "Create Query in SQL View..."
+msgstr "Query maken in SQL-weergave..."
+#: app.src#RID_STR_NEW_QUERY_AUTO.string.text
+msgid "Use Wizard to Create Query..."
+msgstr "Query maken met assistent..."
+#: app.src#RID_STR_NEW_TABLE.string.text
+msgid "Create Table in Design View..."
+msgstr "Tabel maken in ontwerpweergave..."
+#: app.src#RID_STR_NEW_TABLE_AUTO.string.text
+msgid "Use Wizard to Create Table..."
+msgstr "Tabel maken met assistent..."
+#: app.src#RID_STR_NEW_VIEW.string.text
+msgid "Create View..."
+msgstr "Weergave maken..."
+#: app.src#RID_STR_FORMS_CONTAINER.string.text
+msgid "Forms"
+msgstr "Formulieren"
+#: app.src#RID_STR_REPORTS_CONTAINER.string.text
+msgid "Reports"
+msgstr "Rapporten"
+#: app.src#RID_MENU_APP_NEW.SID_APP_NEW_FORM.menuitem.text
+msgid "Form..."
+msgstr "Formulier..."
+#: app.src#RID_MENU_APP_NEW.SID_APP_NEW_REPORT.menuitem.text
+msgctxt "app.src#RID_MENU_APP_NEW.SID_APP_NEW_REPORT.menuitem.text"
+msgid "Report..."
+msgstr "Rapport..."
+#: app.src#RID_MENU_APP_NEW.SID_DB_NEW_VIEW_SQL.menuitem.text
+msgid "View (Simple)..."
+msgstr "Weergave (eenvoudig)..."
+#: app.src#RID_MENU_APP_EDIT.SID_DB_APP_PASTE_SPECIAL.menuitem.text
+msgid "Paste Special..."
+msgstr "Plakken speciaal..."
+#: app.src#RID_MENU_APP_EDIT.SID_DB_APP_DELETE.menuitem.text
+msgid "Delete"
+msgstr "Verwijderen"
+#: app.src#RID_MENU_APP_EDIT.SID_DB_APP_RENAME.menuitem.text
+msgid "Rename"
+msgstr "Naam wijzigen"
+#: app.src#RID_MENU_APP_EDIT.SID_DB_APP_EDIT.menuitem.text
+msgid "Edit"
+msgstr "Bewerken"
+#: app.src#RID_MENU_APP_EDIT.SID_DB_APP_EDIT_SQL_VIEW.menuitem.text
+msgid "Edit in SQL View..."
+msgstr "In SQL-weergave bewerken..."
+#: app.src#RID_MENU_APP_EDIT.SID_DB_APP_OPEN.menuitem.text
+msgid "Open"
+msgstr "Openen"
+msgid "Create as View"
+msgstr "Maken als weergave"
+msgid "Form Wizard..."
+msgstr "Assistent Formulier..."
+#: app.src#RID_MENU_APP_EDIT.SID_APP_NEW_REPORT_PRE_SEL.menuitem.text
+msgctxt "app.src#RID_MENU_APP_EDIT.SID_APP_NEW_REPORT_PRE_SEL.menuitem.text"
+msgid "Report..."
+msgstr "Rapport..."
+msgid "Report Wizard..."
+msgstr "Assistent Rapport..."
+#: app.src#RID_MENU_APP_EDIT.SID_SELECTALL.menuitem.text
+msgid "Select All"
+msgstr "Alles selecteren"
+msgid "Properties..."
+msgstr "Eigenschappen..."
+msgid "Connection Type..."
+msgstr "Verbindingstype..."
+msgid "Advanced Settings..."
+msgstr "Geavanceerde instellingen..."
+#: app.src#RID_MENU_APP_EDIT.MN_PROPS.menuitem.text
+msgid "~Database"
+msgstr "~Database"
+#: app.src#STR_QUERY_DELETE_DATASOURCE.string.text
+msgid "Do you want to delete the data source '%1'?"
+msgstr "Wilt u de gegevensbron %1 verwijderen?"
+#: app.src#STR_APP_TITLE.string.text
+msgid " - %PRODUCTNAME Base"
+msgstr " - %PRODUCTNAME Base"
+#: app.src#RID_STR_REPORTS_HELP_TEXT_WIZARD.string.text
+msgid "The wizard will guide you through the steps necessary to create a report."
+msgstr "De assistent zal u begeleiden bij de stappen die nodig zijn om een rapport te maken."
+#: app.src#RID_STR_FORMS_HELP_TEXT.string.text
+msgid "Create a form by specifying the record source, controls, and control properties."
+msgstr "Een formulier maken door de record-bron, besturingselementen en eigenschappen van besturingselementen te specificeren."
+#: app.src#RID_STR_REPORT_HELP_TEXT.string.text
+msgid "Create a report by specifying the record source, controls, and control properties."
+msgstr "Een rapport maken door de recordbron, besturingselementen en eigenschappen van besturingselementen te specificeren."
+#: app.src#RID_STR_FORMS_HELP_TEXT_WIZARD.string.text
+msgid "The wizard will guide you through the steps necessary to create a form."
+msgstr "De assistent zal u begeleiden bij de stappen die nodig zijn om een formulier te maken."
+#: app.src#RID_STR_QUERIES_HELP_TEXT.string.text
+msgid "Create a query by specifying the filters, input tables, field names, and properties for sorting or grouping."
+msgstr "Een query maken door de filters, invoertabellen, veldnamen en eigenschappen voor sorteren of groeperen te specificeren."
+#: app.src#RID_STR_QUERIES_HELP_TEXT_SQL.string.text
+msgid "Create a query entering an SQL statement directly."
+msgstr "Een query maken door direct een SQL-instructie in te voeren."
+#: app.src#RID_STR_QUERIES_HELP_TEXT_WIZARD.string.text
+msgid "The wizard will guide you through the steps necessary to create a query."
+msgstr "De assistent zal u begeleiden bij de stappen die nodig zijn om een query te maken."
+#: app.src#RID_STR_TABLES_HELP_TEXT_DESIGN.string.text
+msgid "Create a table by specifying the field names and properties, as well as the data types."
+msgstr "Een tabel maken door de veldnamen en eigenschappen, en de gegevenstypen te specificeren."
+#: app.src#RID_STR_TABLES_HELP_TEXT_WIZARD.string.text
+msgid "Choose from a selection of business and personal table samples, which you customize to create a table."
+msgstr "Een keuze maken uit zakelijke en persoonlijke tabelvoorbeelden, die u kunt aanpassen om een tabel te maken."
+#: app.src#RID_STR_VIEWS_HELP_TEXT_DESIGN.string.text
+msgid "Create a view by specifying the tables and field names you would like to have visible."
+msgstr "Een weergave maken door de tabellen en veldnamen die u wilt tonen te specificeren."
+#: app.src#RID_STR_VIEWS_HELP_TEXT_WIZARD.string.text
+msgid "Opens the view wizard"
+msgstr "Opent de assistent Weergave"
+#: app.src#STR_DATABASE.string.text
+msgid "Database"
+msgstr "Database"
+#: app.src#STR_TASKS.string.text
+msgid "Tasks"
+msgstr "Taken"
+#: app.src#STR_DESCRIPTION.string.text
+msgid "Description"
+msgstr "Beschrijving"
+#: app.src#STR_PREVIEW.string.text
+msgid "Preview"
+msgstr "Voorbeeld"
+#: app.src#STR_DISABLEPREVIEW.string.text
+msgid "Disable Preview"
+msgstr "Voorbeeldweergave uitschakelen"
+#: app.src#APP_SAVEMODIFIED.querybox.text
+msgid ""
+"The database has been modified.\n"
+"Do you want to save the changes?"
+msgstr ""
+"De database is gewijzigd.\n"
+"Wilt u de wijzigingen opslaan?"
+#: app.src#APP_CLOSEDOCUMENTS.querybox.text
+msgid ""
+"The connection type has been altered.\n"
+"For the changes to take effect, all forms, reports, queries and tables must be closed.\n"
+"Do you want to close all documents now?"
+msgstr ""
+"Het type verbinding is gewijzigd.\n"
+"Opdat de wijzigingen effectief worden, moeten alle formulieren, rapporten, query's en tabellen worden gesloten.\n"
+"Wilt u alle documenten nu sluiten?"
+msgid "None"
+msgstr "Geen"
+msgid "Document Information"
+msgstr "Documentinformatie"
+msgid "Document"
+msgstr "Document"
+#: app.src#RID_STR_FORM.string.text
+msgid "Form"
+msgstr "Formulier"
+#: app.src#RID_STR_REPORT.string.text
+msgid "Report"
+msgstr "Rapport"
+#: app.src#STR_FRM_LABEL.string.text
+msgid "F~orm name"
+msgstr "F~ormuliernaam"
+#: app.src#STR_RPT_LABEL.string.text
+msgid "~Report name"
+msgstr "~Rapportnaam"
+#: app.src#STR_FOLDER_LABEL.string.text
+msgid "F~older name"
+msgstr "M~apnaam"
+#: app.src#STR_SUB_DOCS_WITH_SCRIPTS.string.text
+msgid "The document contains forms or reports with embedded macros."
+msgstr "Het document bevat formulieren of rapporten met ingebedde macro's."
+#: app.src#STR_SUB_DOCS_WITH_SCRIPTS_DETAIL.string.text
+msgid ""
+"Macros should be embedded into the database document itself.\n"
+"You can continue to use your document as before, however, you are encouraged to migrate your macros. The menu item 'Tools / Migrate Macros ...' will assist you with this.\n"
+"Note that you won't be able to embed macros into the database document itself until this migration is done. "
+msgstr ""
+"Scripts en macro's zouden moeten zijn ingebed in het database-document zelf.\n"
+"U kunt doorgaan met het document te gebruiken zoals voorheen, u wordt echter geadviseerd uw scripts en macro's te migreren. Het menuitem 'Extra / Scripts en macro's migreren ...' zal u hierbij assisteren.\n"
+"Merk op dat u geen macro's of scripts in het database-document kunt inbedden totdat deze migratie is uitgevoerd. "
+#: app.src#RID_STR_EMBEDDED_DATABASE.string.text
+msgid "Embedded database"
+msgstr "Ingebedde database"
+#: app.src#RID_STR_NO_DIFF_CAT.string.text
+msgid "You cannot select different categories."
+msgstr "U kunt geen andere categorieën selecteren."
+#: app.src#RID_STR_UNSUPPORTED_OBJECT_TYPE.string.text
+msgid "Unsupported object type found ($type$)."
+msgstr "Niet ondersteund objecttype gevonden ($type$)."
diff --git a/source/nl/dbaccess/source/ui/browser.po b/source/nl/dbaccess/source/ui/browser.po
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..aa1eb95044c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/nl/dbaccess/source/ui/browser.po
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
+#. extracted from dbaccess/source/ui/browser.oo
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://qa.openoffice.org/issues/enter_bug.cgi?comment=&component=l10n&form_name=enter_issue&short_desc=Localization+issue+in+file%3A+dbaccess%2Fsource%2Fui%2Fbrowser.oo&subcomponent=ui\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-07-04 16:39+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-04-06 00:52+0200\n"
+"Last-Translator: Pjotr <>\n"
+"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
+"Language: nl\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
+"X-Generator: Translate Toolkit 1.9.0\n"
+"X-Accelerator-Marker: ~\n"
+#: bcommon.src#RID_STR_TBL_TITLE.string.text
+msgctxt "bcommon.src#RID_STR_TBL_TITLE.string.text"
+msgid "Table #"
+msgstr "Tabel #"
+msgid "Column ~Format..."
+msgstr "~Kolomopmaak..."
+msgid "Copy Column D~escription"
+msgstr "~Kolombeschrijving kopiëren"
+msgid "Table Format..."
+msgstr "Tabelopmaak..."
+msgid "Row Height..."
+msgstr "Rijhoogte..."
+#: sbagrid.src#RID_STR_UNDO_MODIFY_RECORD.string.text
+msgid "Undo: Data Input"
+msgstr "Ongedaan maken: gegevensinvoer"
+#: sbagrid.src#RID_STR_SAVE_CURRENT_RECORD.string.text
+msgid "Save current record"
+msgstr "Huidige record opslaan"
+#: sbagrid.src#STR_QRY_TITLE.string.text
+msgid "Query #"
+msgstr "Query #"
+#: sbagrid.src#STR_TBL_TITLE.string.text
+msgctxt "sbagrid.src#STR_TBL_TITLE.string.text"
+msgid "Table #"
+msgstr "Tabel #"
+#: sbagrid.src#STR_VIEW_TITLE.string.text
+msgid "View #"
+msgstr "Weergave #"
+#: sbagrid.src#STR_NAME_ALREADY_EXISTS.string.text
+msgid "The name \"#\" already exists."
+msgstr "De naam \"#\" bestaat reeds."
+#: sbagrid.src#STR_NO_COLUMNNAME_MATCHING.string.text
+msgid "No matching column names were found."
+msgstr "Geen overeenkomende kolomnamen gevonden."
+#: sbagrid.src#STR_ERROR_OCCURRED_WHILE_COPYING.string.text
+msgid "An error occurred. Do you want to continue copying?"
+msgstr "Er is een fout opgetreden. Wilt u doorgaan met kopiëren?"
+#: sbagrid.src#STR_DATASOURCE_GRIDCONTROL_NAME.string.text
+msgid "Data source table view"
+msgstr "Weergave gegevensbronnentabel"
+#: sbagrid.src#STR_DATASOURCE_GRIDCONTROL_DESC.string.text
+msgid "Shows the selected table or query."
+msgstr "Toont de geselecteerde tabel of query."
+#: sbabrw.src#QUERY_BRW_SAVEMODIFIED.querybox.text
+msgid ""
+"The current record has been changed.\n"
+"Do you want to save the changes?"
+msgstr ""
+"De huidige record is gewijzigd.\n"
+"Wilt u de wijzigingen opslaan?"
+#: sbabrw.src#QUERY_BRW_DELETE_ROWS.querybox.text
+msgid "Do you want to delete the selected data?"
+msgstr "Wilt u de geselecteerde gegevens verwijderen?"
+#: sbabrw.src#RID_STR_DATABROWSER_FILTERED.string.text
+msgid "(filtered)"
+msgstr "(gefilterd)"
+#: sbabrw.src#SBA_BROWSER_SETTING_ORDER.string.text
+msgid "Error setting the sort criteria"
+msgstr "Fout bij instellen van sorteercriteria"
+#: sbabrw.src#SBA_BROWSER_SETTING_FILTER.string.text
+msgid "Error setting the filter criteria"
+msgstr "Fout bij instellen van filtercriteria"
+#: sbabrw.src#RID_STR_CONNECTION_LOST.string.text
+msgid "Connection lost"
+msgstr "Verbinding verbroken"
+#: sbabrw.src#RID_STR_QUERIES_CONTAINER.string.text
+msgid "Queries"
+msgstr "Query's"
+#: sbabrw.src#RID_STR_TABLES_CONTAINER.string.text
+msgid "Tables"
+msgstr "Tabellen"
+#: sbabrw.src#MID_EDIT_DATABASE.#define.text
+msgid "Edit ~Database File..."
+msgstr "~Databasebestand bewerken..."
+#: sbabrw.src#MID_ADMINISTRATE.#define.text
+msgid "Registered databases ..."
+msgstr "Geregistreerde databases ..."
+#: sbabrw.src#MID_CLOSECONN.#define.text
+msgid "Disco~nnect"
+msgstr "~Verbinding verbreken"
+#: sbabrw.src#STR_TITLE_CONFIRM_DELETION.string.text
+msgid "Confirm Deletion"
+msgstr "Verwijdering Bevestigen"
+#: sbabrw.src#STR_QUERY_DELETE_TABLE.string.text
+msgid "Do you want to delete the table '%1'?"
+msgstr "Wilt u de tabel '%1' verwijderen?"
+#: sbabrw.src#QUERY_BRW_DELETE_QUERY_CONFIRM.querybox.text
+msgid "The query already exists. Do you want to delete it?"
+msgstr "De query bestaat al. Wilt u deze verwijderen?"
+#: sbabrw.src#QUERY_CONNECTION_LOST.querybox.text
+msgid "The connection to the database has been lost. Do you want to reconnect?"
+msgstr "De verbinding met de database is verbroken. Wilt u opnieuw verbinden?"
+#: sbabrw.src#STR_OPENTABLES_WARNINGS.string.text
+msgid "Warnings encountered"
+msgstr "Waarschuwingen opgetreden"
+#: sbabrw.src#STR_OPENTABLES_WARNINGS_DETAILS.string.text
+msgid "While retrieving the tables, warnings were reported by the database connection."
+msgstr "Bij het ophalen van de tabellen zijn waarschuwingen gemeld door de databaseverbinding."
+#: sbabrw.src#STR_CONNECTING_DATASOURCE.string.text
+msgid "Connecting to \"$name$\" ..."
+msgstr "Verbinden met \"$name$\" ..."
+#: sbabrw.src#STR_LOADING_QUERY.string.text
+msgid "Loading query $name$ ..."
+msgstr "Laden query $name$ ..."
+#: sbabrw.src#STR_LOADING_TABLE.string.text
+msgid "Loading table $name$ ..."
+msgstr "Laden tabel $name$ ..."
+#: sbabrw.src#STR_NO_TABLE_FORMAT_INSIDE.string.text
+msgid "No table format could be found."
+msgstr "Geen tabelopmaak gevonden."
+#: sbabrw.src#STR_COULDNOTCONNECT_DATASOURCE.string.text
+msgid "The connection to the data source \"$name$\" could not be established."
+msgstr "De verbinding met de gegevensbron \"$name$\" kon niet tot stand worden gebracht."
+msgid "Rebuild"
+msgstr "Opnieuw opbouwen"
diff --git a/source/nl/dbaccess/source/ui/control.po b/source/nl/dbaccess/source/ui/control.po
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..3d9c94d2f88
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/nl/dbaccess/source/ui/control.po
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+#. extracted from dbaccess/source/ui/control.oo
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://qa.openoffice.org/issues/enter_bug.cgi?comment=&component=l10n&form_name=enter_issue&short_desc=Localization+issue+in+file%3A+dbaccess%2Fsource%2Fui%2Fcontrol.oo&subcomponent=ui\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-07-04 16:40+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-04-06 00:52+0200\n"
+"Last-Translator: Pjotr <>\n"
+"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
+"Language: nl\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
+"X-Generator: Translate Toolkit 1.9.0\n"
+"X-Accelerator-Marker: ~\n"
+#: undosqledit.src#STR_QUERY_UNDO_MODIFYSQLEDIT.string.text
+msgid "Modify SQL statement(s)"
+msgstr "SQL-instructie(s) wijzigen"
+#: TableGrantCtrl.src#STR_TABLE_PRIV_NAME.string.text
+msgid "Table name"
+msgstr "Tabelnaam"
+#: TableGrantCtrl.src#STR_TABLE_PRIV_INSERT.string.text
+msgid "Insert data"
+msgstr "Gegevens invoegen"
+#: TableGrantCtrl.src#STR_TABLE_PRIV_DELETE.string.text
+msgid "Delete data"
+msgstr "Gegevens verwijderen"
+#: TableGrantCtrl.src#STR_TABLE_PRIV_UPDATE.string.text
+msgid "Modify data"
+msgstr "Gegevens wijzigen"
+#: TableGrantCtrl.src#STR_TABLE_PRIV_ALTER.string.text
+msgid "Alter structure"
+msgstr "Structuur wijzigen"
+#: TableGrantCtrl.src#STR_TABLE_PRIV_SELECT.string.text
+msgid "Read data"
+msgstr "Gegevens lezen"
+#: TableGrantCtrl.src#STR_TABLE_PRIV_REFERENCE.string.text
+msgid "Modify references"
+msgstr "Verwijzingen wijzigen"
+#: TableGrantCtrl.src#STR_TABLE_PRIV_DROP.string.text
+msgid "Drop structure"
+msgstr "Structuur wissen"
+#: tabletree.src#MENU_TABLETREE_POPUP.MID_SORT_ASCENDING.menuitem.text
+msgid "Sort Ascending"
+msgstr "Oplopend sorteren"
+#: tabletree.src#MENU_TABLETREE_POPUP.MID_SORT_DECENDING.menuitem.text
+msgid "Sort Descending"
+msgstr "Aflopend sorteren"
+#: tabletree.src#STR_COULDNOTCREATE_DRIVERMANAGER.string.text
+msgid "Cannot connect to the SDBC driver manager (#servicename#)."
+msgstr "Kan de verbinding met het SDBC-stuurprogrammabeheer (#servicename#) niet tot stand brengen."
+#: tabletree.src#STR_NOREGISTEREDDRIVER.string.text
+msgid "A driver is not registered for the URL #connurl#."
+msgstr "Geen stuurprogramma voor URL #connurl# geregistreerd."
+#: tabletree.src#STR_COULDNOTCONNECT.string.text
+msgid "No connection could be established for the URL #connurl#."
+msgstr "Er kan geen verbinding met de URL #connurl# tot stand worden gebracht."
+#: tabletree.src#STR_COULDNOTCONNECT_PLEASECHECK.string.text
+msgid "Please check the current settings, for example user name and password."
+msgstr "Controleer de huidige instellingen, zoals de gebruikersnaam en het wachtwoord."
+#: tabletree.src#STR_NOTABLEINFO.string.text
+msgid "Successfully connected, but information about database tables is not available."
+msgstr "Verbinding is tot stand gebracht, er zijn echter geen gegevens over tabellen in de database gevonden."
+#: tabletree.src#STR_ALL_TABLES.string.text
+msgid "All tables"
+msgstr "Alle tabellen"
+#: tabletree.src#STR_ALL_VIEWS.string.text
+msgid "All views"
+msgstr "Alle tabelmodi"
+#: tabletree.src#STR_ALL_TABLES_AND_VIEWS.string.text
+msgid "All tables and views"
+msgstr "Alle tabellen en tabelmodi"
diff --git a/source/nl/dbaccess/source/ui/dlg.po b/source/nl/dbaccess/source/ui/dlg.po
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..5be8f14707c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/nl/dbaccess/source/ui/dlg.po
@@ -0,0 +1,1598 @@
+#. extracted from dbaccess/source/ui/dlg.oo
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://qa.openoffice.org/issues/enter_bug.cgi?comment=&component=l10n&form_name=enter_issue&short_desc=Localization+issue+in+file%3A+dbaccess%2Fsource%2Fui%2Fdlg.oo&subcomponent=ui\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-07-04 16:39+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-07-30 11:49+0200\n"
+"Last-Translator: Freek <f.de.kruijf@gmail.com>\n"
+"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
+"Language: nl\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
+"X-Generator: Pootle 2.1.6\n"
+"X-Accelerator-Marker: ~\n"
+#: textconnectionsettings.src#DLG_TEXT_CONNECTION_SETTINGS.modaldialog.text
+msgid "Text Connection Settings"
+msgstr "Tekst verbindingsinstellingen"
+#: indexdialog.src#DLG_INDEXDESIGN.TLB_ACTIONS.ID_INDEX_NEW.toolboxitem.text
+msgid "New Index"
+msgstr "Nieuwe index"
+#: indexdialog.src#DLG_INDEXDESIGN.TLB_ACTIONS.ID_INDEX_DROP.toolboxitem.text
+msgid "Delete Current Index"
+msgstr "Huidige index verwijderen"
+#: indexdialog.src#DLG_INDEXDESIGN.TLB_ACTIONS.ID_INDEX_RENAME.toolboxitem.text
+msgid "Rename Current Index"
+msgstr "Naam huidige index wijzigen"
+#: indexdialog.src#DLG_INDEXDESIGN.TLB_ACTIONS.ID_INDEX_SAVE.toolboxitem.text
+msgid "Save Current Index"
+msgstr "Huidige index opslaan"
+#: indexdialog.src#DLG_INDEXDESIGN.TLB_ACTIONS.ID_INDEX_RESET.toolboxitem.text
+msgid "Reset Current Index"
+msgstr "Huidige index herstellen"
+#: indexdialog.src#DLG_INDEXDESIGN.FL_INDEXDETAILS.fixedline.text
+msgid "Index details"
+msgstr "Indexdetails"
+#: indexdialog.src#DLG_INDEXDESIGN.FT_DESC_LABEL.fixedtext.text
+msgid "Index identifier:"
+msgstr "Indexidentificator:"
+#: indexdialog.src#DLG_INDEXDESIGN.CB_UNIQUE.checkbox.text
+msgid "~Unique"
+msgstr "~Uniek"
+#: indexdialog.src#DLG_INDEXDESIGN.FT_FIELDS.fixedtext.text
+msgid "Fields"
+msgstr "Velden"
+#: indexdialog.src#DLG_INDEXDESIGN.PB_CLOSE.pushbutton.text
+msgctxt "indexdialog.src#DLG_INDEXDESIGN.PB_CLOSE.pushbutton.text"
+msgid "~Close"
+msgstr "~Sluiten"
+#: indexdialog.src#DLG_INDEXDESIGN.modaldialog.text
+msgctxt "indexdialog.src#DLG_INDEXDESIGN.modaldialog.text"
+msgid "Indexes"
+msgstr "Indices"
+#: indexdialog.src#STR_TAB_INDEX_SORTORDER.string.text
+msgctxt "indexdialog.src#STR_TAB_INDEX_SORTORDER.string.text"
+msgid "Sort order"
+msgstr "Sorteervolgorde"
+#: indexdialog.src#STR_TAB_INDEX_FIELD.string.text
+msgid "Index field"
+msgstr "Indexveld"
+#: indexdialog.src#STR_ORDER_ASCENDING.string.text
+msgid "Ascending"
+msgstr "Oplopend"
+#: indexdialog.src#STR_ORDER_DESCENDING.string.text
+msgid "Descending"
+msgstr "Aflopend"
+#: indexdialog.src#STR_CONFIRM_DROP_INDEX.string.text
+msgid "Do you really want to delete the index '$name$'?"
+msgstr "Wilt u de index '$name$' werkelijk verwijderen?"
+#: indexdialog.src#STR_LOGICAL_INDEX_NAME.string.text
+msgid "index"
+msgstr "index"
+#: indexdialog.src#ERR_NEED_INDEX_FIELDS.errorbox.text
+msgid "The index must contain at least one field."
+msgstr "De index moet minstens één veld bevatten."
+#: indexdialog.src#ERR_NEED_INDEX_FIELDS.errorbox.title
+msgid "Save Index"
+msgstr "Index opslaan"
+#: indexdialog.src#QUERY_SAVE_CURRENT_INDEX.querybox.text
+msgid "Do you want to save the changes made to the current index?"
+msgstr "Wilt u de wijzigingen in de huidige index opslaan?"
+#: indexdialog.src#QUERY_SAVE_CURRENT_INDEX.querybox.title
+msgid "Exit Index Design"
+msgstr "Index-ontwerp afsluiten"
+#: indexdialog.src#STR_INDEX_NAME_ALREADY_USED.string.text
+msgid "There is already another index named \"$name$\"."
+msgstr "Er bestaat reeds een andere index met de naam \"$name$\"."
+#: indexdialog.src#STR_INDEXDESIGN_DOUBLE_COLUMN_NAME.string.text
+msgid "In an index definition, no table column may occur more than once. However, you have entered column \"$name$\" twice."
+msgstr "In een indexdefinitie mag elke tabelkolom hoogstens eenmaal voorkomen. U hebt echter de kolom \"$name$\" tweemaal gebruikt."
+#: dlgattr.src#DLG_ATTR.1.pushbutton.text
+msgid "Bac~k"
+msgstr "~Vorige"
+#: dlgattr.src#DLG_ATTR.TP_ATTR_CHAR.string.text
+msgid "Font"
+msgstr "Lettertype"
+#: dlgattr.src#DLG_ATTR.TP_ATTR_NUMBER.string.text
+msgid "Format"
+msgstr "Formaat"
+#: dlgattr.src#DLG_ATTR.TP_ATTR_ALIGN.string.text
+msgid "Alignment"
+msgstr "Uitlijning"
+#: dlgattr.src#DLG_ATTR.ST_ROW.string.text
+msgid "Table Format"
+msgstr "Tabelopmaak"
+#: dlgattr.src#DLG_ATTR.tabdialog.text
+msgid "Field Format"
+msgstr "Veldopmaak"
+#: adtabdlg.src#DLG_JOIN_TABADD.RB_CASE_TABLES.radiobutton.text
+msgid "Tables"
+msgstr "Tabellen"
+#: adtabdlg.src#DLG_JOIN_TABADD.RB_CASE_QUERIES.radiobutton.text
+msgid "Queries"
+msgstr "Query's"
+#: adtabdlg.src#DLG_JOIN_TABADD.PB_ADDTABLE.pushbutton.text
+msgid "~Add"
+msgstr "Toe~voegen"
+#: adtabdlg.src#DLG_JOIN_TABADD.PB_CLOSE.cancelbutton.text
+msgctxt "adtabdlg.src#DLG_JOIN_TABADD.PB_CLOSE.cancelbutton.text"
+msgid "~Close"
+msgstr "~Sluiten"
+#: adtabdlg.src#DLG_JOIN_TABADD.STR_ADD_TABLES.string.text
+msgid "Add Tables"
+msgstr "Tabellen toevoegen"
+#: adtabdlg.src#DLG_JOIN_TABADD.STR_ADD_TABLE_OR_QUERY.string.text
+msgid "Add Table or Query"
+msgstr "Tabel of query toevoegen"
+#: paramdialog.src#DLG_PARAMETERS.FL_PARAMS.fixedline.text
+msgid "~Parameters"
+msgstr "~Parameters"
+#: paramdialog.src#DLG_PARAMETERS.FT_VALUE.fixedtext.text
+msgid "~Value"
+msgstr "~Waarde"
+#: paramdialog.src#DLG_PARAMETERS.BT_TRAVELNEXT.pushbutton.text
+msgid "~Next"
+msgstr "~Volgende"
+#: paramdialog.src#DLG_PARAMETERS.STR_COULD_NOT_CONVERT_PARAM.string.text
+msgid "The entry could not be converted to a valid value for the \"$name$\"column"
+msgstr "De ingevoerde gegevens kunnen niet worden geconverteerd naar een geldige waarde voor de kolom \"$name$\""
+#: paramdialog.src#DLG_PARAMETERS.modaldialog.text
+msgid "Parameter Input"
+msgstr "Parameter opgeven"
+#: dlgsave.src#DLG_SAVE_AS.FT_DESCRIPTION.fixedtext.text
+msgid "Please enter a name for the object to be created:"
+msgstr "Vul een naam in voor het object dat u wilt maken:"
+#: dlgsave.src#DLG_SAVE_AS.FT_CATALOG.fixedtext.text
+msgid "~Catalog"
+msgstr "~Catalogus"
+#: dlgsave.src#DLG_SAVE_AS.FT_SCHEMA.fixedtext.text
+msgid "~Schema"
+msgstr "~Schema"
+#: dlgsave.src#DLG_SAVE_AS.STR_TBL_LABEL.string.text
+msgid "~Table Name"
+msgstr "~Naam tabel"
+#: dlgsave.src#DLG_SAVE_AS.STR_VW_LABEL.string.text
+msgid "~Name of table view"
+msgstr "~Naam tabelweergave"
+#: dlgsave.src#DLG_SAVE_AS.STR_QRY_LABEL.string.text
+msgid "~Query name"
+msgstr "~Naam query"
+#: dlgsave.src#DLG_SAVE_AS.STR_TITLE_RENAME.string.text
+msgid "Rename to"
+msgstr "Hernoemen als"
+#: dlgsave.src#DLG_SAVE_AS.STR_TITLE_PASTE_AS.string.text
+msgid "Insert as"
+msgstr "Invoegen als"
+#: dlgsave.src#DLG_SAVE_AS.modaldialog.text
+msgid "Save As"
+msgstr "Opslaan als"
+#: sqlmessage.src#DLG_SQLEXCEPTIONCHAIN.FL_DETAILS.fixedline.text
+msgctxt "sqlmessage.src#DLG_SQLEXCEPTIONCHAIN.FL_DETAILS.fixedline.text"
+msgid "Details"
+msgstr "Details"
+#: sqlmessage.src#DLG_SQLEXCEPTIONCHAIN.FT_ERRORLIST.fixedtext.text
+msgid "Error ~list:"
+msgstr "Lijst met ~fouten:"
+#: sqlmessage.src#DLG_SQLEXCEPTIONCHAIN.FT_DESCRIPTION.fixedtext.text
+msgid "~Description:"
+msgstr "~Beschrijving:"
+msgid "SQL Status"
+msgstr "SQL-status"
+msgid "Error code"
+msgstr "Foutcode"
+#: sqlmessage.src#DLG_SQLEXCEPTIONCHAIN.modaldialog.text
+msgid "%PRODUCTNAME Base"
+msgstr "%PRODUCTNAME Base"
+#: sqlmessage.src#STR_EXPLAN_STRINGCONVERSION_ERROR.string.text
+msgid "A frequent reason for this error is an inappropriate character set setting for the language of your database. Check the setting by choosing Edit - Database - Properties."
+msgstr "Een veelvoorkomende reden voor deze fout is een verkeerde instelling van de tekenset voor de taal van uw database. Controleer de instellingen via menu Bewerken - Database - Eigenschappen."
+#: sqlmessage.src#STR_EXCEPTION_ERROR.string.text
+msgid "Error"
+msgstr "Fout"
+#: sqlmessage.src#STR_EXCEPTION_WARNING.string.text
+msgid "Warning"
+msgstr "Waarschuwing"
+#: sqlmessage.src#STR_EXCEPTION_INFO.string.text
+msgid "Information"
+msgstr "Informatie"
+#: sqlmessage.src#STR_EXCEPTION_DETAILS.string.text
+msgctxt "sqlmessage.src#STR_EXCEPTION_DETAILS.string.text"
+msgid "Details"
+msgstr "Details"
+#: CollectionView.src#DLG_COLLECTION_VIEW.BTN_EXPLORERFILE_NEWFOLDER.imagebutton.text
+msgctxt "CollectionView.src#DLG_COLLECTION_VIEW.BTN_EXPLORERFILE_NEWFOLDER.imagebutton.text"
+msgid "-"
+msgstr "-"
+#: CollectionView.src#DLG_COLLECTION_VIEW.BTN_EXPLORERFILE_NEWFOLDER.imagebutton.quickhelptext
+msgid "Create New Directory"
+msgstr "Nieuwe map maken"
+#: CollectionView.src#DLG_COLLECTION_VIEW.BTN_EXPLORERFILE_UP.imagebutton.text
+msgctxt "CollectionView.src#DLG_COLLECTION_VIEW.BTN_EXPLORERFILE_UP.imagebutton.text"
+msgid "-"
+msgstr "-"
+#: CollectionView.src#DLG_COLLECTION_VIEW.BTN_EXPLORERFILE_UP.imagebutton.quickhelptext
+msgid "Up One Level"
+msgstr "Eén niveau hoger"
+#: CollectionView.src#DLG_COLLECTION_VIEW.FT_EXPLORERFILE_FILENAME.fixedtext.text
+msgid "File ~name:"
+msgstr "Bestands~naam:"
+#: CollectionView.src#DLG_COLLECTION_VIEW.BTN_EXPLORERFILE_SAVE.pushbutton.text
+msgctxt "CollectionView.src#DLG_COLLECTION_VIEW.BTN_EXPLORERFILE_SAVE.pushbutton.text"
+msgid "Save"
+msgstr "Opslaan"
+#: CollectionView.src#DLG_COLLECTION_VIEW.STR_PATHNAME.string.text
+msgid "~Path:"
+msgstr "~Pad:"
+#: CollectionView.src#DLG_COLLECTION_VIEW.modaldialog.text
+msgctxt "CollectionView.src#DLG_COLLECTION_VIEW.modaldialog.text"
+msgid "Save"
+msgstr "Opslaan"
+#: CollectionView.src#STR_NEW_FOLDER.string.text
+msgid "Folder"
+msgstr "Map"
+#: CollectionView.src#STR_ALREADYEXISTOVERWRITE.string.text
+msgid "The file already exists. Overwrite?"
+msgstr "Het bestand bestaat reeds. Vervangen?"
+#: dbadminsetup.src#DLG_DATABASE_WIZARD.STR_DBWIZARDTITLE.string.text
+msgctxt "dbadminsetup.src#DLG_DATABASE_WIZARD.STR_DBWIZARDTITLE.string.text"
+msgid "Database Wizard"
+msgstr "Assistent Database"
+#: dbadminsetup.src#DLG_DATABASE_WIZARD.STR_PAGETITLE_INTROPAGE.string.text
+msgid "Select database"
+msgstr "Database selecteren"
+#: dbadminsetup.src#DLG_DATABASE_WIZARD.STR_PAGETITLE_DBASE.string.text
+msgid "Set up dBASE connection"
+msgstr "dBASE-verbinding instellen"
+#: dbadminsetup.src#DLG_DATABASE_WIZARD.STR_PAGETITLE_TEXT.string.text
+msgctxt "dbadminsetup.src#DLG_DATABASE_WIZARD.STR_PAGETITLE_TEXT.string.text"
+msgid "Set up a connection to text files"
+msgstr "Een verbinding naar tekstbestanden instellen"
+#: dbadminsetup.src#DLG_DATABASE_WIZARD.STR_PAGETITLE_MSACCESS.string.text
+msgid "Set up Microsoft Access connection"
+msgstr "Microsoft Access-verbinding instellen"
+#: dbadminsetup.src#DLG_DATABASE_WIZARD.STR_PAGETITLE_LDAP.string.text
+msgid "Set up LDAP connection"
+msgstr "LDAP-verbinding instellen"
+#: dbadminsetup.src#DLG_DATABASE_WIZARD.STR_PAGETITLE_ADO.string.text
+msgid "Set up ADO connection"
+msgstr "ADO verbinding instellen"
+#: dbadminsetup.src#DLG_DATABASE_WIZARD.STR_PAGETITLE_JDBC.string.text
+msgid "Set up JDBC connection"
+msgstr "JDBC verbinding instellen"
+#: dbadminsetup.src#DLG_DATABASE_WIZARD.STR_PAGETITLE_ORACLE.string.text
+msgid "Set up Oracle database connection"
+msgstr "Oracle database verbinding instellen"
+#: dbadminsetup.src#DLG_DATABASE_WIZARD.STR_PAGETITLE_MYSQL.string.text
+msgid "Set up MySQL connection"
+msgstr "MySQL-verbinding instellen"
+#: dbadminsetup.src#DLG_DATABASE_WIZARD.STR_PAGETITLE_ODBC.string.text
+msgid "Set up ODBC connection"
+msgstr "ODBC-verbinding instellen"
+msgid "Set up Spreadsheet connection"
+msgstr "Werkbladverbinding instellen"
+msgid "Set up user authentication"
+msgstr "Gebruikersverificatie instellen"
+msgid "Set up MySQL server data"
+msgstr "Instellen van servergegevens voor MySQL"
+#: dbadminsetup.src#DLG_DATABASE_WIZARD.STR_PAGETITLE_FINAL.string.text
+msgid "Save and proceed"
+msgstr "Opslaan en verder gaan"
+#: dbadminsetup.src#DLG_DATABASE_WIZARD.modaldialog.text
+msgctxt "dbadminsetup.src#DLG_DATABASE_WIZARD.modaldialog.text"
+msgid "Database Wizard"
+msgstr "Assistent Database"
+#: dbadminsetup.src#STR_DATABASEDEFAULTNAME.string.text
+msgid "New Database"
+msgstr "Nieuwe Database"
+#: dbadminsetup.src#PAGE_DBWIZARD_MYSQL_INTRO.FT_MYSQL_HEADERTEXT.fixedtext.text
+msgid "Set up a connection to a MySQL database"
+msgstr "Een verbinding instellen naar een MySQL-database"
+#: dbadminsetup.src#PAGE_DBWIZARD_MYSQL_INTRO.FT_MYSQL_HELPTEXT.fixedtext.text
+msgid ""
+"You can connect to a MySQL database using either ODBC or JDBC.\n"
+"Please contact your system administrator if you are unsure about the following settings."
+msgstr ""
+"U kunt een verbinding maken naar een MySQL-database via ODBC of JDBC.\n"
+"Neem contact op met uw systeembeheerder bij twijfel over de volgende instellingen."
+msgid "How do you want to connect to your MySQL database?"
+msgstr "Hoe wilt u de verbinding maken met uw MySQL-database?"
+#: dbadminsetup.src#PAGE_DBWIZARD_MYSQL_INTRO.RB_CONNECTVIAODBC.radiobutton.text
+msgid "Connect using ODBC (Open Database Connectivity)"
+msgstr "Verbinden met ODBC (Open Database Connectivity)"
+#: dbadminsetup.src#PAGE_DBWIZARD_MYSQL_INTRO.RB_CONNECTVIAJDBC.radiobutton.text
+msgid "Connect using JDBC (Java Database Connectivity)"
+msgstr "Verbinden met JDBC (Java Database Connectivity)"
+#: dbadminsetup.src#PAGE_DBWIZARD_MYSQL_INTRO.RB_CONNECTVIANATIVE.radiobutton.text
+msgid "Connect directly"
+msgstr "Direct verbinden"
+msgid "Set up the user authentication"
+msgstr "Gebruikerverificatie instellen"
+msgid "Some databases require you to enter a user name."
+msgstr "Sommige databases vereisen dat u een gebruikersnaam invoert."
+msgctxt "dbadminsetup.src#PAGE_DBWIZARD_AUTHENTIFICATION.FT_GENERALUSERNAME.fixedtext.text"
+msgid "~User name"
+msgstr "~Gebruikersnaam"
+msgid "Password re~quired"
+msgstr "Wachtwoord v~ereist"
+msgid "~Test Connection"
+msgstr "Verbinding ~testen"
+#: dbadminsetup.src#PAGE_DBWIZARD_FINAL.FT_FINALHEADER.fixedtext.text
+msgid "Decide how to proceed after saving the database"
+msgstr "Beslissen hoe verder te gaan na het opslaan van de database"
+#: dbadminsetup.src#PAGE_DBWIZARD_FINAL.FT_FINALHELPTEXT.fixedtext.text
+msgid "Do you want the wizard to register the database in %PRODUCTNAME?"
+msgstr "Wilt u dat de assistent de database in %PRODUCTNAME registreert?"
+#: dbadminsetup.src#PAGE_DBWIZARD_FINAL.RB_REGISTERDATASOURCE.radiobutton.text
+msgid "~Yes, register the database for me"
+msgstr "~Ja, de database registreren"
+#: dbadminsetup.src#PAGE_DBWIZARD_FINAL.RB_DONTREGISTERDATASOURCE.radiobutton.text
+msgid "N~o, do not register the database"
+msgstr "~Nee, de database niet registreren"
+#: dbadminsetup.src#PAGE_DBWIZARD_FINAL.FT_ADDITIONALSETTINGS.fixedtext.text
+msgid "After the database file has been saved, what do you want to do?"
+msgstr "Wat wilt u doen nadat het databasebestand is opgeslagen?"
+#: dbadminsetup.src#PAGE_DBWIZARD_FINAL.CB_OPENAFTERWARDS.checkbox.text
+msgid "Open the database for editing"
+msgstr "Open de database voor bewerking"
+#: dbadminsetup.src#PAGE_DBWIZARD_FINAL.CB_STARTTABLEWIZARD.checkbox.text
+msgid "Create tables using the table wizard"
+msgstr "Maak tabellen met behulp van de tabelassistent"
+#: dbadminsetup.src#PAGE_DBWIZARD_FINAL.FT_FINALTEXT.fixedtext.text
+msgid "Click 'Finish' to save the database."
+msgstr "Klik op 'Voltooien' om de database op te slaan."
+msgid "Set up connection to a MySQL database using JDBC"
+msgstr "Verbinding instellen naar een MySQL-database via JDBC"
+msgid ""
+"Please enter the required information to connect to a MySQL database using JDBC. Note that a JDBC driver class must be installed on your system and registered with %PRODUCTNAME.\n"
+"Please contact your system administrator if you are unsure about the following settings."
+msgstr ""
+"De benodigde informatie invoeren voor het verbinden met een MySQL-database via JDBC. Merk op dat er een JDBC-stuurprogrammaklasse op uw systeem moet zijn geïnstalleerd, en geregistreerd in %PRODUCTNAME.\n"
+"Neem contact op met uw systeembeheerder bij twijfel over de volgende instellingen."
+msgid "MySQL JDBC d~river class:"
+msgstr "MySQL JDBC-stuu~rprogrammaklasse:"
+#: dbadminsetup.src#PAGE_DBWIZARD_MYSQL_JDBC.STR_MYSQL_DEFAULT.string.text
+msgctxt "dbadminsetup.src#PAGE_DBWIZARD_MYSQL_JDBC.STR_MYSQL_DEFAULT.string.text"
+msgid "Default: 3306"
+msgstr "Standaard: 3306"
+#: dbadminsetup.src#PAGE_DBWIZARD_MYSQL_NATIVE.FT_SETUP_WIZARD_HEADER.fixedtext.text
+msgid "Set up connection to a MySQL database"
+msgstr "Verbinding naar een MySQL-database instellen"
+#: dbadminsetup.src#PAGE_DBWIZARD_MYSQL_NATIVE.FT_SETUP_WIZARD_HELP.fixedtext.text
+msgid "Please enter the required information to connect to a MySQL database."
+msgstr "Voer alstublieft de vereiste informatie in om met een MySQL-database te verbinden."
+#: dbadminsetup.src#PAGE_DBWIZARD_DBASE.STR_DBASE_HEADERTEXT.string.text
+msgid "Set up a connection to dBASE files"
+msgstr "Een verbinding instellen met dBASE-bestanden"
+#: dbadminsetup.src#PAGE_DBWIZARD_DBASE.STR_DBASE_HELPTEXT.string.text
+msgid "Select the folder where the dBASE files are stored."
+msgstr "De map selecteren waar de dBASE-bestanden zijn opgeslagen."
+#: dbadminsetup.src#PAGE_DBWIZARD_TEXT.STR_TEXT_HEADERTEXT.string.text
+msgctxt "dbadminsetup.src#PAGE_DBWIZARD_TEXT.STR_TEXT_HEADERTEXT.string.text"
+msgid "Set up a connection to text files"
+msgstr "Een verbinding instellen naar tekstbestanden"
+#: dbadminsetup.src#PAGE_DBWIZARD_TEXT.STR_TEXT_HELPTEXT.string.text
+msgid "Select the folder where the CSV (Comma Separated Values) text files are stored. %PRODUCTNAME Base will open these files in read-only mode."
+msgstr "De map selecteren waar de CSV (Comma Separated Values) tekstbestanden zijn opgeslagen. %PRODUCTNAME Base zal de bestanden in alleen-lezen modus openen."
+#: dbadminsetup.src#PAGE_DBWIZARD_TEXT.STR_TEXT_PATH_OR_FILE.string.text
+msgid "Path to text files"
+msgstr "Pad naar tekstbestanden"
+msgid "Set up a connection to a Microsoft Access database"
+msgstr "Een verbinding instellen met een Microsoft Access database"
+msgid "Please select the Microsoft Access file you want to access."
+msgstr "Het Microsoft Access bestand selecteren dat u wilt oproepen."
+#: dbadminsetup.src#PAGE_DBWIZARD_LDAP.FT_LDAP_HEADERTEXT.fixedtext.text
+msgid "Set up a connection to an LDAP directory"
+msgstr "Een verbinding instellen met een LDAP-directory"
+#: dbadminsetup.src#PAGE_DBWIZARD_LDAP.FT_LDAP_HELPTEXT.fixedtext.text
+msgid ""
+"Please enter the required information to connect to an LDAP directory.\n"
+"Please contact your system administrator if you are unsure about the following settings."
+msgstr ""
+"De benodigde informatie invoeren voor het verbinden met een LDAP-directory.\n"
+"Neem contact op met uw systeembeheerder bij twijfel over de volgende instellingen."
+#: dbadminsetup.src#PAGE_DBWIZARD_LDAP.STR_LDAP_DEFAULT.string.text
+msgid "Default: 389"
+msgstr "Standaard: 389"
+#: dbadminsetup.src#PAGE_DBWIZARD_LDAP.CB_WIZ_USESSL.checkbox.text
+msgid "Use ~secure connection (SSL)"
+msgstr "Be~veiligde verbinding (SSL) gebruiken"
+#: dbadminsetup.src#PAGE_DBWIZARD_ADO.STR_ADO_HEADERTEXT.string.text
+msgid "Set up a connection to an ADO database"
+msgstr "Een verbinding instellen met een ADO database"
+#: dbadminsetup.src#PAGE_DBWIZARD_ADO.STR_ADO_HELPTEXT.string.text
+msgid ""
+"Please enter the URL of the ADO data source you want to connect to.\n"
+"Click 'Browse' to configure provider-specific settings.\n"
+"Please contact your system administrator if you are unsure about the following settings."
+msgstr ""
+"Voer de URL in van de ADO-gegevensbron waarmee u een verbinding wilt maken.\n"
+"Klik op 'Bladeren' om provider-specifieke instellingen te configureren.\n"
+"Neem contact op met uw systeembeheerder als u niet zeker bent van de volgende instellingen."
+#: dbadminsetup.src#PAGE_DBWIZARD_ODBC.STR_ODBC_HEADERTEXT.string.text
+msgid "Set up a connection to an ODBC database"
+msgstr "Een verbinding instellen met een ODBC-database"
+#: dbadminsetup.src#PAGE_DBWIZARD_ODBC.STR_ODBC_HELPTEXT.string.text
+msgid ""
+"Enter the name of the ODBC database you want to connect to.\n"
+"Click 'Browse...' to select an ODBC database that is already registered in %PRODUCTNAME.\n"
+"Please contact your system administrator if you are unsure about the following settings."
+msgstr ""
+"De naam invoeren van de ODBC-database waarmee u wilt verbinden.\n"
+"Op 'Bladeren...' klikken om een al in %PRODUCTNAME geregistreerde ODBC-database te selecteren.\n"
+"Neem contact op met uw systeembeheerder bij twijfel over de volgende instellingen."
+#: dbadminsetup.src#PAGE_DBWIZARD_JDBC.STR_JDBC_HEADERTEXT.string.text
+msgid "Set up a connection to a JDBC database"
+msgstr "Een verbinding instellen met een JDBC-database"
+#: dbadminsetup.src#PAGE_DBWIZARD_JDBC.STR_JDBC_HELPTEXT.string.text
+msgid ""
+"Please enter the required information to connect to a JDBC database.\n"
+"Please contact your system administrator if you are unsure about the following settings."
+msgstr ""
+"De benodigde informatie invoeren voor het verbinden met een JDBC-database.\n"
+"Neem contact op met uw systeembeheerder bij twijfel over de volgende instellingen."
+#: dbadminsetup.src#PAGE_DBWIZARD_ORACLE.STR_ORACLE_HEADERTEXT.string.text
+msgid "Set up a connection to an Oracle database"
+msgstr "Een verbinding instellen met een Oracle-database"
+#: dbadminsetup.src#PAGE_DBWIZARD_ORACLE.STR_ORACLE_DEFAULT.string.text
+msgid "Default: 1521"
+msgstr "Standaard: 1521"
+msgid "Oracle JDBC ~driver class"
+msgstr "Oracle ~JDBC-stuurprogrammaklasse"
+#: dbadminsetup.src#PAGE_DBWIZARD_ORACLE.STR_ORACLE_HELPTEXT.string.text
+msgid ""
+"Please enter the required information to connect to an Oracle database.Note that a JDBC Driver Class must be installed on your system and registered with %PRODUCTNAME.\n"
+"Please contact your system administrator if you are unsure about the following settings."
+msgstr ""
+"De benodigde informatie invoeren voor het verbinden met een Oracle-database. Merk op dat er een JDBC-stuurprogrammaklasse op uw systeem moet zijn geïnstalleerd, en geregistreerd in %PRODUCTNAME.\n"
+"Neem contact op met uw systeembeheerder bij twijfel over de volgende instellingen."
+msgid "Set up a connection to spreadsheets"
+msgstr "Een verbinding instellen met werkbladen"
+msgid ""
+"Click 'Browse...' to select a %PRODUCTNAME spreadsheet or Microsoft Excel workbook.\n"
+"%PRODUCTNAME will open this file in read-only mode."
+msgstr ""
+"Klik op 'Bladeren...' om een %PRODUCTNAME-werkblad of Microsoft Excel-werkmap te selecteren.\n"
+"%PRODUCTNAME opent dit bestand in alleen-lezen modus."
+msgid "~Location and file name"
+msgstr "~Locatie en bestandsnaam"
+msgid "~Password required"
+msgstr "~Wachtwoord vereist"
+#: directsql.src#DLG_DIRECTSQL.FL_SQL.fixedline.text
+msgid "SQL command"
+msgstr "SQL-opdracht"
+#: directsql.src#DLG_DIRECTSQL.FT_SQL.fixedtext.text
+msgid "Command to execute"
+msgstr "Uit te voeren opdracht"
+#: directsql.src#DLG_DIRECTSQL.PB_EXECUTE.pushbutton.text
+msgid "Execute"
+msgstr "Uitvoeren"
+#: directsql.src#DLG_DIRECTSQL.FT_HISTORY.fixedtext.text
+msgid "Previous commands"
+msgstr "Vorige opdrachten"
+#: directsql.src#DLG_DIRECTSQL.FL_STATUS.fixedline.text
+msgid "Status"
+msgstr "Status"
+#: directsql.src#DLG_DIRECTSQL.PB_CLOSE.pushbutton.text
+msgid "Close"
+msgstr "Sluiten"
+#: directsql.src#DLG_DIRECTSQL.modaldialog.text
+msgid "Execute SQL Statement"
+msgstr "SQL-instructie uitvoeren"
+#: directsql.src#STR_COMMAND_EXECUTED_SUCCESSFULLY.string.text
+msgid "Command successfully executed."
+msgstr "Opdracht is uitgevoerd."
+#: directsql.src#STR_DIRECTSQL_CONNECTIONLOST.string.text
+msgid "The connection to the database has been lost. This dialog will be closed."
+msgstr "Er bestaat geen verbinding met de database. Dit dialoogvenster wordt gesloten."
+#: queryorder.src#DLG_ORDERCRIT.LB_ORDERVALUE1.1.stringlist.text
+msgctxt "queryorder.src#DLG_ORDERCRIT.LB_ORDERVALUE1.1.stringlist.text"
+msgid "ascending"
+msgstr "oplopend"
+#: queryorder.src#DLG_ORDERCRIT.LB_ORDERVALUE1.2.stringlist.text
+msgctxt "queryorder.src#DLG_ORDERCRIT.LB_ORDERVALUE1.2.stringlist.text"
+msgid "descending"
+msgstr "aflopend"
+#: queryorder.src#DLG_ORDERCRIT.LB_ORDERVALUE2.1.stringlist.text
+msgctxt "queryorder.src#DLG_ORDERCRIT.LB_ORDERVALUE2.1.stringlist.text"
+msgid "ascending"
+msgstr "oplopend"
+#: queryorder.src#DLG_ORDERCRIT.LB_ORDERVALUE2.2.stringlist.text
+msgctxt "queryorder.src#DLG_ORDERCRIT.LB_ORDERVALUE2.2.stringlist.text"
+msgid "descending"
+msgstr "aflopend"
+#: queryorder.src#DLG_ORDERCRIT.LB_ORDERVALUE3.1.stringlist.text
+msgctxt "queryorder.src#DLG_ORDERCRIT.LB_ORDERVALUE3.1.stringlist.text"
+msgid "ascending"
+msgstr "oplopend"
+#: queryorder.src#DLG_ORDERCRIT.LB_ORDERVALUE3.2.stringlist.text
+msgctxt "queryorder.src#DLG_ORDERCRIT.LB_ORDERVALUE3.2.stringlist.text"
+msgid "descending"
+msgstr "aflopend"
+#: queryorder.src#DLG_ORDERCRIT.FT_ORDERFIELD.fixedtext.text
+msgctxt "queryorder.src#DLG_ORDERCRIT.FT_ORDERFIELD.fixedtext.text"
+msgid "Field name"
+msgstr "Veldnaam"
+#: queryorder.src#DLG_ORDERCRIT.FT_ORDERAFTER1.fixedtext.text
+msgctxt "queryorder.src#DLG_ORDERCRIT.FT_ORDERAFTER1.fixedtext.text"
+msgid "and then"
+msgstr "vervolgens"
+#: queryorder.src#DLG_ORDERCRIT.FT_ORDERAFTER2.fixedtext.text
+msgctxt "queryorder.src#DLG_ORDERCRIT.FT_ORDERAFTER2.fixedtext.text"
+msgid "and then"
+msgstr "vervolgens"
+#: queryorder.src#DLG_ORDERCRIT.FT_ORDEROPER.fixedtext.text
+msgctxt "queryorder.src#DLG_ORDERCRIT.FT_ORDEROPER.fixedtext.text"
+msgid "Operator"
+msgstr "Operator"
+#: queryorder.src#DLG_ORDERCRIT.FT_ORDERDIR.fixedtext.text
+msgid "Order"
+msgstr "Volgorde"
+#: queryorder.src#DLG_ORDERCRIT.FL_ORDER.fixedline.text
+msgctxt "queryorder.src#DLG_ORDERCRIT.FL_ORDER.fixedline.text"
+msgid "Sort order"
+msgstr "Sorteervolgorde"
+#: queryorder.src#DLG_ORDERCRIT.STR_NOENTRY.string.text
+msgid "<none>"
+msgstr "<geen>"
+#: queryorder.src#DLG_ORDERCRIT.modaldialog.text
+msgid "Sort Order"
+msgstr "Sorteervolgorde"
+#: ConnectionPage.src#PAGE_CONNECTION.FL_SEPARATOR1.fixedline.text
+msgctxt "ConnectionPage.src#PAGE_CONNECTION.FL_SEPARATOR1.fixedline.text"
+msgid "General"
+msgstr "Algemeen"
+#: ConnectionPage.src#PAGE_CONNECTION.FT_HOSTNAME.fixedtext.text
+msgctxt "ConnectionPage.src#PAGE_CONNECTION.FT_HOSTNAME.fixedtext.text"
+msgid "~Host name"
+msgstr "~Hostnaam"
+#: ConnectionPage.src#PAGE_CONNECTION.FL_SEPARATOR2.fixedline.text
+msgctxt "ConnectionPage.src#PAGE_CONNECTION.FL_SEPARATOR2.fixedline.text"
+msgid "User authentication"
+msgstr "Gebruikersverificatie"
+#: ConnectionPage.src#PAGE_CONNECTION.FT_USERNAME.fixedtext.text
+msgctxt "ConnectionPage.src#PAGE_CONNECTION.FT_USERNAME.fixedtext.text"
+msgid "~User name"
+msgstr "~Gebruikersnaam"
+#: ConnectionPage.src#PAGE_CONNECTION.CB_PASSWORD_REQUIRED.checkbox.text
+msgctxt "ConnectionPage.src#PAGE_CONNECTION.CB_PASSWORD_REQUIRED.checkbox.text"
+msgid "Password required"
+msgstr "Wachtwoord vereist"
+#: ConnectionPage.src#PAGE_CONNECTION.FL_SEPARATOR3.fixedline.text
+msgid "JDBC properties"
+msgstr "JDBC eigenschappen"
+#: ConnectionPage.src#PAGE_CONNECTION.FT_JDBCDRIVERCLASS.fixedtext.text
+msgid "~JDBC driver class"
+msgstr "~JDBC-stuurprogrammaklasse"
+#: ConnectionPage.src#PAGE_CONNECTION.PB_TESTDRIVERCLASS.pushbutton.text
+msgid "Test Class"
+msgstr "Klasse testen"
+#: ConnectionPage.src#PAGE_CONNECTION.PB_TESTCONNECTION.pushbutton.text
+msgid "Test Connection"
+msgstr "Verbinding testen"
+#: ConnectionPage.src#STR_CONNECTION_TEST.string.text
+msgid "Connection Test"
+msgstr "Verbindingstest"
+#: ConnectionPage.src#STR_CONNECTION_SUCCESS.string.text
+msgid "The connection was established successfully."
+msgstr "De verbinding is tot stand gebracht."
+#: ConnectionPage.src#STR_CONNECTION_NO_SUCCESS.string.text
+msgid "The connection could not be established."
+msgstr "De verbinding kon niet tot stand worden gebracht."
+#: ConnectionPage.src#STR_JDBCDRIVER_SUCCESS.string.text
+msgid "The JDBC driver was loaded successfully."
+msgstr "Het JDBC-stuurprogramma is geladen."
+#: ConnectionPage.src#STR_JDBCDRIVER_NO_SUCCESS.string.text
+msgid "The JDBC driver could not be loaded."
+msgstr "Het JDBC-stuurprogramma kan niet worden geladen."
+#: ConnectionPage.src#STR_MSACCESS_FILTERNAME.string.text
+msgid "MS Access file"
+msgstr "MS Access-bestand"
+#: ConnectionPage.src#STR_MSACCESS_2007_FILTERNAME.string.text
+msgid "MS Access 2007 file"
+msgstr "MS Access 2007-bestand"
+msgid "User Settings"
+msgstr "Gebruikerinstellingen"
+#: UserAdminDlg.src#DLG_DATABASE_USERADMIN.tabdialog.text
+msgid "User administration"
+msgstr "Gebruikersbeheer"
+#: queryfilter.src#DLG_FILTERCRIT.LB_WHERECOND2.1.stringlist.text
+msgctxt "queryfilter.src#DLG_FILTERCRIT.LB_WHERECOND2.1.stringlist.text"
+msgid "AND"
+msgstr "EN"
+#: queryfilter.src#DLG_FILTERCRIT.LB_WHERECOND2.2.stringlist.text
+msgctxt "queryfilter.src#DLG_FILTERCRIT.LB_WHERECOND2.2.stringlist.text"
+msgid "OR"
+msgstr "OF"
+#: queryfilter.src#DLG_FILTERCRIT.LB_WHERECOND3.1.stringlist.text
+msgctxt "queryfilter.src#DLG_FILTERCRIT.LB_WHERECOND3.1.stringlist.text"
+msgid "AND"
+msgstr "EN"
+#: queryfilter.src#DLG_FILTERCRIT.LB_WHERECOND3.2.stringlist.text
+msgctxt "queryfilter.src#DLG_FILTERCRIT.LB_WHERECOND3.2.stringlist.text"
+msgid "OR"
+msgstr "OF"
+#: queryfilter.src#DLG_FILTERCRIT.FT_WHEREFIELD.fixedtext.text
+msgctxt "queryfilter.src#DLG_FILTERCRIT.FT_WHEREFIELD.fixedtext.text"
+msgid "Field name"
+msgstr "Veldnaam"
+#: queryfilter.src#DLG_FILTERCRIT.FT_WHERECOMP.fixedtext.text
+msgid "Condition"
+msgstr "Voorwaarde"
+#: queryfilter.src#DLG_FILTERCRIT.FT_WHEREVALUE.fixedtext.text
+msgid "Value"
+msgstr "Waarde"
+#: queryfilter.src#DLG_FILTERCRIT.FT_WHEREOPER.fixedtext.text
+msgctxt "queryfilter.src#DLG_FILTERCRIT.FT_WHEREOPER.fixedtext.text"
+msgid "Operator"
+msgstr "Operator"
+#: queryfilter.src#DLG_FILTERCRIT.FL_FIELDS.fixedline.text
+msgid "Criteria"
+msgstr "Criteria"
+#: queryfilter.src#DLG_FILTERCRIT.STR_NOENTRY.string.text
+msgid "- none -"
+msgstr "- geen -"
+#: queryfilter.src#DLG_FILTERCRIT.STR_COMPARE_OPERATORS.string.text
+msgid "=;<>;<;<=;>;>=;like;not like;null;not null"
+msgstr "=;<>;<;<=;>;>=;gelijk;niet gelijk aan;leeg;niet leeg"
+#: queryfilter.src#DLG_FILTERCRIT.modaldialog.text
+msgid "Standard Filter"
+msgstr "Standaardfilter"
+#: dlgsize.src#DLG_ROWHEIGHT.FT_VALUE.fixedtext.text
+msgid "~Height"
+msgstr "H~oogte"
+#: dlgsize.src#DLG_ROWHEIGHT.CB_STANDARD.checkbox.text
+msgctxt "dlgsize.src#DLG_ROWHEIGHT.CB_STANDARD.checkbox.text"
+msgid "~Automatic"
+msgstr "~Automatisch"
+#: dlgsize.src#DLG_ROWHEIGHT.modaldialog.text
+msgid "Row Height"
+msgstr "Rijhoogte"
+#: dlgsize.src#DLG_COLWIDTH.FT_VALUE.fixedtext.text
+msgid "~Width"
+msgstr "~Breedte"
+#: dlgsize.src#DLG_COLWIDTH.CB_STANDARD.checkbox.text
+msgctxt "dlgsize.src#DLG_COLWIDTH.CB_STANDARD.checkbox.text"
+msgid "~Automatic"
+msgstr "~Automatisch"
+#: dlgsize.src#DLG_COLWIDTH.modaldialog.text
+msgid "Column Width"
+msgstr "Kolombreedte"
+#: dbfindex.src#DLG_DBASE_INDEXES.FT_TABLES.fixedtext.text
+msgid "~Table"
+msgstr "~Tabel"
+#: dbfindex.src#DLG_DBASE_INDEXES.FL_INDEXES.fixedline.text
+msgid "Assignment"
+msgstr "Toewijzing"
+#: dbfindex.src#DLG_DBASE_INDEXES.FT_TABLEINDEXES.fixedtext.text
+msgid "T~able indexes"
+msgstr "Tabel~lenregister"
+#: dbfindex.src#DLG_DBASE_INDEXES.FT_ALLINDEXES.fixedtext.text
+msgid "~Free indexes"
+msgstr "~Vrije indices"
+#: dbfindex.src#DLG_DBASE_INDEXES.modaldialog.text
+msgctxt "dbfindex.src#DLG_DBASE_INDEXES.modaldialog.text"
+msgid "Indexes"
+msgstr "Indices"
+#: advancedsettings.src#AUTO_DATAHANDLING_AUTO_Y_.FL_DATAHANDLING.fixedline.text
+msgid "Options"
+msgstr "Opties"
+#: advancedsettings.src#AUTO_SQL92CHECK_AUTO_Y_.CB_SQL92CHECK.checkbox.text
+msgid "Use SQL92 naming constraints"
+msgstr "SQL92 naamconventies gebruiken"
+#: advancedsettings.src#AUTO_APPENDTABLEALIAS_AUTO_Y_.CB_APPENDTABLEALIAS.checkbox.text
+msgid "Append the table alias name on SELECT statements"
+msgstr "De aliasnaam van de tabel toevoegen aan SELECT-instructies"
+#: advancedsettings.src#AUTO_AS_BEFORE_CORR_NAME_AUTO_Y_.CB_AS_BEFORE_CORR_NAME.checkbox.text
+msgid "Use keyword AS before table alias names"
+msgstr "Het trefwoord AS gebruiken vóór aliasnamen van tabellen"
+#: advancedsettings.src#AUTO_ENABLEOUTERJOIN_AUTO_Y_.CB_ENABLEOUTERJOIN.checkbox.text
+msgid "Use Outer Join syntax '{OJ }'"
+msgstr "Gebruik Outer Join syntaxis '{OJ }'"
+#: advancedsettings.src#AUTO_IGNOREDRIVER_PRIV_AUTO_Y_.CB_IGNOREDRIVER_PRIV.checkbox.text
+msgid "Ignore the privileges from the database driver"
+msgstr "De privileges vanaf het databasestuurprogramma negeren"
+msgid "Replace named parameters with '?'"
+msgstr "Benoemde parameters vervangen door '?'"
+msgid "Display version columns (when available)"
+msgstr "Versiekolommen tonen (indien beschikbaar)"
+#: advancedsettings.src#AUTO_CATALOG_AUTO_Y_.CB_CATALOG.checkbox.text
+msgid "Use catalog name in SELECT statements"
+msgstr "Catalogusnaam gebruiken in SELECT-instructies"
+#: advancedsettings.src#AUTO_SCHEMA_AUTO_Y_.CB_SCHEMA.checkbox.text
+msgid "Use schema name in SELECT statements"
+msgstr "Schemanaam gebruiken in SELECT-instructies"
+msgid "Create index with ASC or DESC statement"
+msgstr "Index maken met ASC- of DESC-instructie"
+#: advancedsettings.src#AUTO_DOSLINEENDS_AUTO_Y_.CB_DOSLINEENDS.checkbox.text
+msgid "End text lines with CR+LF"
+msgstr "Tekstregels afsluiten met CR+LF"
+#: advancedsettings.src#AUTO_IGNORECURRENCY_AUTO_Y_.CB_IGNORECURRENCY.checkbox.text
+msgid "Ignore currency field information"
+msgstr "Valutaveldinformatie negeren"
+#: advancedsettings.src#AUTO_CHECKREQUIRED_AUTO_Y_.CB_CHECK_REQUIRED.checkbox.text
+msgid "Form data input checks for required fields"
+msgstr "Controle van ingevoerde formuliergegevens voor verplichte velden"
+#: advancedsettings.src#AUTO_ESCAPE_DATETIME_AUTO_Y_.CB_ESCAPE_DATETIME.checkbox.text
+msgid "Use ODBC conformant date/time literals"
+msgstr "Gebruik letterlijke datum/tijd die zich conformeert aan ODBC"
+#: advancedsettings.src#AUTO_PRIMARY_KEY_SUPPORT_AUTO_Y_.CB_PRIMARY_KEY_SUPPORT.checkbox.text
+msgid "Supports primary keys"
+msgstr "Ondersteunt primaire sleutels"
+msgid "Respect the result set type from the database driver"
+msgstr "Het meegegeven settype uit het stuurprogramma van de database accepteren"
+#: advancedsettings.src#WORKAROUND.1.stringlist.text
+msgid "Default"
+msgstr "Standaard"
+#: advancedsettings.src#WORKAROUND.2.stringlist.text
+msgid "SQL"
+msgstr "SQL"
+#: advancedsettings.src#WORKAROUND.3.stringlist.text
+msgid "Mixed"
+msgstr "Gemengd"
+#: advancedsettings.src#WORKAROUND.4.stringlist.text
+msgid "MS Access"
+msgstr "MS Access"
+#: advancedsettings.src#AUTO_BOOLEANCOMPARISON_AUTO_Y_.FT_BOOLEANCOMPARISON.fixedtext.text
+msgid "Comparison of Boolean values"
+msgstr "Vergelijking van Booleaanse waarden"
+#: advancedsettings.src#AUTO_MAXROWSCAN_AUTO_Y_.FT_MAXROWSCAN.fixedtext.text
+msgid "Rows to scan column types"
+msgstr "Rijen om naar kolomtypen te zoeken"
+#: advancedsettings.src#PAGE_GENERATED_VALUES.FL_SEPARATORAUTO.fixedline.text
+msgid "Settings"
+msgstr "Instellingen"
+#: advancedsettings.src#PAGE_GENERATED_VALUES.CB_RETRIEVE_AUTO.checkbox.text
+msgid "Re~trieve generated values"
+msgstr "Gegenereerde waarden op~halen"
+#: advancedsettings.src#PAGE_GENERATED_VALUES.FT_AUTOINCREMENTVALUE.fixedtext.text
+msgid "~Auto-increment statement"
+msgstr "Instructie ~automatisch-ophogen"
+#: advancedsettings.src#PAGE_GENERATED_VALUES.FT_RETRIEVE_AUTO.fixedtext.text
+msgid "~Query of generated values"
+msgstr "~Query van gegenereerde waarden"
+#: advancedsettings.src#DLG_DATABASE_ADVANCED.STR_GENERATED_VALUE.string.text
+msgid "Generated Values"
+msgstr "Gegenereerde waarden"
+#: advancedsettings.src#DLG_DATABASE_ADVANCED.STR_DS_BEHAVIOUR.string.text
+msgid "Special Settings"
+msgstr "Speciale instellingen"
+#: advancedsettings.src#DLG_DATABASE_ADVANCED.tabdialog.text
+msgid "Advanced Settings"
+msgstr "Geavanceerde instellingen"
+#: UserAdmin.src#TAB_PAGE_USERADMIN.FL_USER.fixedline.text
+msgid "User selection"
+msgstr "Gebruikerselectie"
+#: UserAdmin.src#TAB_PAGE_USERADMIN.FT_USER.fixedtext.text
+msgid "Us~er:"
+msgstr "Gebr~uiker:"
+#: UserAdmin.src#TAB_PAGE_USERADMIN.PB_NEWUSER.pushbutton.text
+msgid "~Add User..."
+msgstr "Gebruiker ~toevoegen..."
+#: UserAdmin.src#TAB_PAGE_USERADMIN.PB_CHANGEPWD.pushbutton.text
+msgid "Change ~Password..."
+msgstr "~Wachtwoord wijzigen..."
+#: UserAdmin.src#TAB_PAGE_USERADMIN.PB_DELETEUSER.pushbutton.text
+msgid "~Delete User..."
+msgstr "~Gebruiker verwijderen..."
+#: UserAdmin.src#TAB_PAGE_USERADMIN.FL_TABLE_GRANTS.fixedline.text
+msgid "Access rights for selected user"
+msgstr "Toegangsrechten voor geselecteerde gebruiker"
+#: UserAdmin.src#QUERY_USERADMIN_DELETE_USER.querybox.text
+msgid "Do you really want to delete the user?"
+msgstr "Wilt u deze gebruikersnaam werkelijk verwijderen?"
+#: UserAdmin.src#STR_USERADMIN_NOT_AVAILABLE.string.text
+msgid "The database does not support user administration."
+msgstr "De database ondersteunt geen gebruikersbeheer."
+#: UserAdmin.src#DLG_PASSWORD.FL_USER.fixedline.text
+msgid "User \"$name$: $\""
+msgstr "Gebruiker \"$name$: $\""
+#: UserAdmin.src#DLG_PASSWORD.FT_OLDPASSWORD.fixedtext.text
+msgid "Old p~assword"
+msgstr "Oud w~achtwoord"
+#: UserAdmin.src#DLG_PASSWORD.FT_PASSWORD.fixedtext.text
+msgid "~Password"
+msgstr "~Wachtwoord"
+#: UserAdmin.src#DLG_PASSWORD.FT_PASSWORD_REPEAT.fixedtext.text
+msgid "~Confirm password"
+msgstr "~Wachtwoord bevestigen"
+#: UserAdmin.src#DLG_PASSWORD.modaldialog.text
+msgid "Change Password"
+msgstr "Wachtwoord wijzigen"
+#: UserAdmin.src#STR_ERROR_PASSWORDS_NOT_IDENTICAL.string.text
+msgid "The passwords do not match. Please enter the password again."
+msgstr "De beide wachtwoorden komen niet overeen. Voer het wachtwoord nogmaals in."
+#: admincontrols.src#RID_MYSQL_NATIVE_SETTINGS.FT_MYSQL_DATABASE_NAME.fixedtext.text
+msgid "~Database name"
+msgstr "Naam ~database"
+#: admincontrols.src#RID_MYSQL_NATIVE_SETTINGS.RB_MYSQL_HOST_PORT.radiobutton.text
+msgid "Se~rver / Port"
+msgstr "Se~rver / Poort"
+#: admincontrols.src#RID_MYSQL_NATIVE_SETTINGS.FT_COMMON_HOST_NAME.fixedtext.text
+msgid "~Server"
+msgstr "~Server"
+#: admincontrols.src#RID_MYSQL_NATIVE_SETTINGS.FT_COMMON_PORT.fixedtext.text
+msgid "~Port"
+msgstr "~Poort"
+#: admincontrols.src#RID_MYSQL_NATIVE_SETTINGS.FT_COMMON_PORT_DEFAULT.fixedtext.text
+msgctxt "admincontrols.src#RID_MYSQL_NATIVE_SETTINGS.FT_COMMON_PORT_DEFAULT.fixedtext.text"
+msgid "Default: 3306"
+msgstr "Standaard: 3306"
+#: admincontrols.src#RID_MYSQL_NATIVE_SETTINGS.RB_MYSQL_SOCKET.radiobutton.text
+msgid "So~cket"
+msgstr "So~cket"
+#: admincontrols.src#RID_MYSQL_NATIVE_SETTINGS.RB_MYSQL_NAMED_PIPE.radiobutton.text
+msgid "Named p~ipe"
+msgstr "Benoemde p~ipe"
+msgid "Browse"
+msgstr "Bladeren"
+msgid "Database name"
+msgstr "Naam database"
+#: AutoControls_tmpl.hrc#AUTO_HOSTCONTROLGROUP_AUTO_Y__AUTO_HID_.FT_AUTOHOSTNAME.fixedtext.text
+msgid "Server"
+msgstr "Server"
+#: AutoControls_tmpl.hrc#AUTO_BASEDNCONTROLGROUP_AUTO_Y__AUTO_HID_.FT_AUTOBASEDN.fixedtext.text
+msgid "Base ~DN"
+msgstr "Basis-~DN"
+msgctxt "AutoControls_tmpl.hrc#AUTO_PORTCONTROLGROUP_AUTO_Y__AUTO_HID_.FT_AUTOPORTNUMBER.fixedtext.text"
+msgid "~Port number"
+msgstr "~Poortnummer"
+#: AutoControls_tmpl.hrc#AUTO_CHARSET__AUTO_Y__AUTOPAGE_X__.FL_DATACONVERT.fixedline.text
+msgid "Data conversion"
+msgstr "Gegevensconversie"
+#: AutoControls_tmpl.hrc#AUTO_CHARSET__AUTO_Y__AUTOPAGE_X__.FT_CHARSET.fixedtext.text
+msgid "~Character set"
+msgstr "~Tekenset"
+msgid "Specify the type of files you want to access"
+msgstr "Specificeer het type bestand dat u wilt openen"
+msgid "Plain text files (*.txt)"
+msgstr "Plain text-bestanden (*.txt)"
+msgid "'Comma separated value' files (*.csv)"
+msgstr "'Comma separated value'-bestanden (*.csv)"
+msgid "Custom:"
+msgstr "Aangepast:"
+msgid "Custom: *.abc"
+msgstr "Aangepast: *.abc"
+msgid "Row Format"
+msgstr "Regelindeling"
+msgid "Field separator"
+msgstr "Veldscheidingsteken"
+msgid "Text separator"
+msgstr "Tekstscheidingsteken"
+msgid "Decimal separator"
+msgstr "Decimaalteken"
+#: AutoControls_tmpl.hrc#FT_AUTOTHOUSANDSSEPARATOR.fixedtext.text
+msgid "Thousands separator"
+msgstr "Scheidingsteken voor duizendtallen"
+#: AutoControls_tmpl.hrc#CB_AUTOHEADER.checkbox.text
+msgid "~Text contains headers"
+msgstr "~Tekst bevat koptekst"
+#: AutoControls_tmpl.hrc#STR_AUTOTEXT_FIELD_SEP_NONE.string.text
+msgid "{None}"
+msgstr "{Geen}"
+#. EM Dec 2002: \'Space\' refers to what you get when you hit the space bar on your keyboard.
+#: AutoControls_tmpl.hrc#STR_AUTOFIELDSEPARATORLIST.string.text
+msgid ";\t59\t,\t44\t:\t58\t{Tab}\t9\t{Space}\t32"
+msgstr ";\t59\t,\t44\t:\t58\t{Tab}\t9\t{Spatie}\t32"
+#: AutoControls_tmpl.hrc#STR_AUTODELIMITER_MISSING.string.text
+msgid "#1 must be set."
+msgstr "#1 moet ingesteld zijn."
+#: AutoControls_tmpl.hrc#STR_AUTODELIMITER_MUST_DIFFER.string.text
+msgid "#1 and #2 must be different."
+msgstr "#1 en #2 moeten verschillend zijn."
+#: AutoControls_tmpl.hrc#STR_AUTONO_WILDCARDS.string.text
+msgid "Wildcards such as ?,* are not allowed in #1."
+msgstr "Jokertekens zoals ?,* zijn in #1 niet toegestaan."
+msgid "JDBC d~river class"
+msgstr "JDBC-stuu~rprogrammaklasse"
+msgid "Test class"
+msgstr "Klasse testen"
+#: AutoControls_tmpl.hrc#AUTO_SOCKETCONTROLGROUP_AUTO_Y_.FT_SOCKET.fixedtext.text
+msgid "Socket"
+msgstr "Socket"
+#: dbadmin2.src#STR_ENTER_CONNECTION_PASSWORD.string.text
+msgid "A password is needed to connect to the data source \"$name$\"."
+msgstr "Er is een wachtwoord vereist om met de gegevensbron $name$ te verbinden."
+#: dbadmin2.src#STR_ASK_FOR_DIRECTORY_CREATION.string.text
+msgid ""
+"The directory\n"
+"does not exist. Should it be created?"
+msgstr ""
+"De map\n"
+"bestaat niet. Wilt u deze maken?"
+#: dbadmin2.src#STR_COULD_NOT_CREATE_DIRECTORY.string.text
+msgid "The directory $name$ could not be created."
+msgstr "De map $name$ kan niet worden gemaakt."
+#: dbadmin2.src#DLG_DOMAINPASSWORD.FT_PASSWORD.fixedline.text
+msgid "Please enter the ~password for the user 'DOMAIN'."
+msgstr "Voer het ~wachtwoord voor de gebruiker 'DOMAIN' in."
+#: dbadmin2.src#DLG_DOMAINPASSWORD.modaldialog.text
+msgid "Convert Database"
+msgstr "Database converteren"
+#: dbadmin2.src#PAGE_TABLESUBSCRIPTION.FL_SEPARATOR1.fixedline.text
+msgid "Tables and table filter"
+msgstr "Tabellen en tabelfilter"
+msgid "Mark the tables that should be visible for the applications."
+msgstr "De tabellen markeren die zichtbaar moeten zijn voor de toepassingen."
+#: dbadmin2.src#PAGE_TABLESUBSCRIPTION.tabpage.text
+msgid "Tables Filter"
+msgstr "Tabellenfilter"
+msgid "Tables involved"
+msgstr "Betrokken tabellen"
+msgid "Fields involved"
+msgstr "Betrokken velden"
+#: RelationDlg.src#DLG_REL_PROPERTIES.FL_CASC_UPD.fixedline.text
+msgid "Update options"
+msgstr "Bijwerkopties"
+#: RelationDlg.src#DLG_REL_PROPERTIES.RB_NO_CASC_UPD.radiobutton.text
+msgctxt "RelationDlg.src#DLG_REL_PROPERTIES.RB_NO_CASC_UPD.radiobutton.text"
+msgid "~No action"
+msgstr "~Geen handeling"
+#: RelationDlg.src#DLG_REL_PROPERTIES.RB_CASC_UPD.radiobutton.text
+msgid "~Update cascade"
+msgstr "~Trapsgewijs bijwerken"
+#: RelationDlg.src#DLG_REL_PROPERTIES.RB_CASC_UPD_NULL.radiobutton.text
+msgctxt "RelationDlg.src#DLG_REL_PROPERTIES.RB_CASC_UPD_NULL.radiobutton.text"
+msgid "~Set null"
+msgstr "~Op nul instellen"
+#: RelationDlg.src#DLG_REL_PROPERTIES.RB_CASC_UPD_DEFAULT.radiobutton.text
+msgctxt "RelationDlg.src#DLG_REL_PROPERTIES.RB_CASC_UPD_DEFAULT.radiobutton.text"
+msgid "Set ~default"
+msgstr "Op ~standaard instellen"
+#: RelationDlg.src#DLG_REL_PROPERTIES.FL_CASC_DEL.fixedline.text
+msgid "Delete options"
+msgstr "Wisopties"
+#: RelationDlg.src#DLG_REL_PROPERTIES.RB_NO_CASC_DEL.radiobutton.text
+msgctxt "RelationDlg.src#DLG_REL_PROPERTIES.RB_NO_CASC_DEL.radiobutton.text"
+msgid "~No action"
+msgstr "G~een handeling"
+#: RelationDlg.src#DLG_REL_PROPERTIES.RB_CASC_DEL.radiobutton.text
+msgid "Delete ~cascade"
+msgstr "~Trapsgewijs verwijderen"
+#: RelationDlg.src#DLG_REL_PROPERTIES.RB_CASC_DEL_NULL.radiobutton.text
+msgctxt "RelationDlg.src#DLG_REL_PROPERTIES.RB_CASC_DEL_NULL.radiobutton.text"
+msgid "~Set null"
+msgstr "Op n~ul instellen"
+#: RelationDlg.src#DLG_REL_PROPERTIES.RB_CASC_DEL_DEFAULT.radiobutton.text
+msgctxt "RelationDlg.src#DLG_REL_PROPERTIES.RB_CASC_DEL_DEFAULT.radiobutton.text"
+msgid "Set ~default"
+msgstr "Op standaard ~instellen"
+#: RelationDlg.src#DLG_REL_PROPERTIES.modaldialog.text
+msgid "Relations"
+msgstr "Relaties"
+#: dsselect.src#DLG_DATASOURCE_SELECTION.FT_DESCRIPTION.fixedtext.text
+msgid "Choose a data source:"
+msgstr "Kies een gegevensbron:"
+#: dsselect.src#DLG_DATASOURCE_SELECTION.PB_MANAGE.pushbutton.text
+msgid "Organize..."
+msgstr "Beheren..."
+#: dsselect.src#DLG_DATASOURCE_SELECTION.PB_CREATE.pushbutton.text
+msgid "Create..."
+msgstr "Maken..."
+msgid "Local Databases"
+msgstr "Lokale gegevensbronnen"
+msgid "Choose a database"
+msgstr "Een database kiezen"
+#: dsselect.src#DLG_DATASOURCE_SELECTION.modaldialog.text
+msgid "Data Source"
+msgstr "Gegevensbron"
+#: AutoControls.src#STR_DBASE_PATH_OR_FILE.string.text
+msgid "Path to the dBASE files"
+msgstr "Pad naar de dBASE-bestanden"
+#: AutoControls.src#STR_FLAT_PATH_OR_FILE.string.text
+msgid "Path to the text files"
+msgstr "Pad naar de tekstbestanden"
+#: AutoControls.src#STR_CALC_PATH_OR_FILE.string.text
+msgid "Path to the spreadsheet document"
+msgstr "Pad naar het werkbladdocument"
+#: AutoControls.src#STR_NAME_OF_ODBC_DATASOURCE.string.text
+msgid "Name of the ODBC data source on your system"
+msgstr "Naam van de ODBC-gegevensbron op uw systeem"
+#: AutoControls.src#STR_MYSQL_DATABASE_NAME.string.text
+msgid "Name of the MySQL database"
+msgstr "Naam van de MySQL-database"
+#: AutoControls.src#STR_ORACLE_DATABASE_NAME.string.text
+msgid "Name of the Oracle database"
+msgstr "Naam van de Oracle-database"
+#: AutoControls.src#STR_MSACCESS_MDB_FILE.string.text
+msgid "Microsoft Access database file"
+msgstr "Microsoft Access-databasebestand"
+#: AutoControls.src#STR_NO_ADDITIONAL_SETTINGS.string.text
+msgid "No more settings are necessary. To verify that the connection is working, click the '%test' button."
+msgstr "De instellingen zijn compleet. Teneinde vast te stellen dat de verbinding werkt, klikt u op de '%test' knop."
+#: AutoControls.src#STR_COMMONURL.string.text
+msgid "Datasource URL"
+msgstr "URL van gegevensbron"
+#: AutoControls.src#STR_HOSTNAME.string.text
+msgctxt "AutoControls.src#STR_HOSTNAME.string.text"
+msgid "~Host name"
+msgstr "~Hostnaam"
+#: AutoControls.src#STR_MOZILLA_PROFILE_NAME.string.text
+msgid "~Mozilla profile name"
+msgstr "~Mozilla-profielnaam"
+#: AutoControls.src#STR_THUNDERBIRD_PROFILE_NAME.string.text
+msgid "~Thunderbird profile name"
+msgstr "~Thunderbird-profielnaam"
+#: dbadmin.src#AUTO_USECATALOG_AUTO_Y_.CB_USECATALOG.checkbox.text
+msgid "Use catalog for file-based databases"
+msgstr "Catalogus gebruiken voor op bestanden gebaseerde databases"
+msgctxt "dbadmin.src#AUTO_FIXEDLINE_CONNSETTINGS_AUTO_Y_.FL_SEPARATOR1.fixedline.text"
+msgid "Connection Settings"
+msgstr "Instellingen verbinding"
+#: dbadmin.src#AUTO_HOST_AND_PORT_AUTO_Y_.FT_HOSTNAME.fixedtext.text
+msgctxt "dbadmin.src#AUTO_HOST_AND_PORT_AUTO_Y_.FT_HOSTNAME.fixedtext.text"
+msgid "~Host name"
+msgstr "~Hostnaam"
+#: dbadmin.src#AUTO_HOST_AND_PORT_AUTO_Y_.FT_PORTNUMBER.fixedtext.text
+msgctxt "dbadmin.src#AUTO_HOST_AND_PORT_AUTO_Y_.FT_PORTNUMBER.fixedtext.text"
+msgid "~Port number"
+msgstr "~Poortnummer"
+msgid "Advanced Properties"
+msgstr "Geavanceerde eigenschappen"
+msgid "Additional Settings"
+msgstr "Overige instellingen"
+msgid "Connection settings"
+msgstr "Instellingen verbinding"
+#: dbadmin.src#DLG_DATABASE_ADMINISTRATION.tabdialog.text
+msgctxt "dbadmin.src#DLG_DATABASE_ADMINISTRATION.tabdialog.text"
+msgid "Database properties"
+msgstr "Database-eigenschappen"
+#: dbadmin.src#DLG_DATABASE_TYPE_CHANGE.modaldialog.text
+msgctxt "dbadmin.src#DLG_DATABASE_TYPE_CHANGE.modaldialog.text"
+msgid "Database properties"
+msgstr "Database-eigenschappen"
+#: dbadmin.src#PAGE_GENERAL.FT_GENERALHEADERTEXT.fixedtext.text
+msgid "Welcome to the %PRODUCTNAME Database Wizard"
+msgstr "Welkom bij de assistent Database van %PRODUCTNAME"
+#: dbadmin.src#PAGE_GENERAL.FT_GENERALHELPTEXT.fixedtext.text
+msgid "Use the Database Wizard to create a new database, open an existing database file, or connect to a database stored on a server."
+msgstr "Gebruik de assistent Database om een nieuwe database te maken, open een bestaand databasebestand, of open een database die op een server is opgeslagen."
+#: dbadmin.src#PAGE_GENERAL.FT_DATASOURCEHEADER.fixedtext.text
+msgid "What do you want to do?"
+msgstr "Wat wilt u doen?"
+#: dbadmin.src#PAGE_GENERAL.RB_CREATEDBDATABASE.radiobutton.text
+msgid "Create a n~ew database"
+msgstr "Een n~ieuwe database maken"
+#: dbadmin.src#PAGE_GENERAL.RB_OPENEXISTINGDOC.radiobutton.text
+msgid "Open an existing database ~file"
+msgstr "Een ~bestaand databasebestand openen"
+#: dbadmin.src#PAGE_GENERAL.FT_DOCLISTLABEL.fixedtext.text
+msgid "Recently used"
+msgstr "Onlangs gebruikt"
+#: dbadmin.src#PAGE_GENERAL.RB_GETEXISTINGDATABASE.radiobutton.text
+msgid "Connect to an e~xisting database"
+msgstr "Met een bestaande database ~verbinden"
+#: dbadmin.src#PAGE_GENERAL.FT_DATASOURCETYPE_PRE.fixedtext.text
+msgid "Select the type of database to which you want to establish a connection."
+msgstr "Het type database selecteren waarmee u een verbinding tot stand wilt brengen."
+#: dbadmin.src#PAGE_GENERAL.FT_DATATYPE.fixedtext.text
+msgid "Database ~type "
+msgstr "Database~type "
+#: dbadmin.src#PAGE_GENERAL.FT_DATATYPEAPPENDIX.fixedtext.text
+msgid "Database"
+msgstr "Database"
+#: dbadmin.src#PAGE_GENERAL.FT_DATASOURCETYPE_POST.fixedtext.text
+msgid ""
+"On the following pages, you can make detailed settings for the connection.\n"
+"The new settings you make will overwrite your existing settings."
+msgstr ""
+"Op de volgenda pagina's kunt u in detail instellingen maken voor de verbinding.\n"
+"De nieuwe instellingen zullen uw bestaande instellingen vervangen."
+#: dbadmin.src#PAGE_GENERAL.STR_MYSQLENTRY.string.text
+msgid "MySQL"
+msgstr "MySQL"
+#: dbadmin.src#PAGE_GENERAL.STR_PARENTTITLE.string.text
+msgid "Data Source Properties: #"
+msgstr "Eigenschappen gegevensbron: #"
+msgid "Could not load the program library #lib# or it is corrupted. The ODBC data source selection is not available."
+msgstr "De programmabibliotheek #lib# kan niet worden geladen of is defect. De functie ODBC gegevensbronnen kiezen is niet beschikbaar."
+msgid ""
+"This kind of data source is not supported on this platform.\n"
+"You are allowed to change the settings, but you probably will not be able to connect to the database."
+msgstr ""
+"Dit type gegevensbron wordt op dit platform niet ondersteund.\n"
+"U kunt wel de instellingen wijzigen, maar vermoedelijk geen verbinding met de database tot stand brengen."
+#: dbadmin.src#PAGE_GENERAL.tabpage.text
+msgctxt "dbadmin.src#PAGE_GENERAL.tabpage.text"
+msgid "General"
+msgstr "Algemeen"
+#: dbadmin.src#PAGE_DBASE.FL_SEPARATOR1.fixedline.text
+msgid "Optional settings"
+msgstr "Optionele instellingen"
+#: dbadmin.src#PAGE_DBASE.CB_SHOWDELETEDROWS.checkbox.text
+msgid "Display deleted records as well"
+msgstr "Ook verwijderde records weergeven"
+#: dbadmin.src#PAGE_DBASE.FT_SPECIAL_MESSAGE.fixedtext.text
+msgid "Note: When deleted, and thus inactive, records are displayed, you will not be able to delete records from the data source."
+msgstr "N.B.: Wanneer verwijderde, en dus inactieve records worden getoond, zult u niet in staat zijn records te verwijderen uit de gegevensbron."
+#: dbadmin.src#PAGE_DBASE.PB_INDICIES.pushbutton.text
+msgid "Indexes..."
+msgstr "Indices..."
+#: dbadmin.src#PAGE_ODBC.FL_SEPARATOR1.fixedline.text
+msgid "Optional Settings"
+msgstr "Optionele instellingen"
+#: dbadmin.src#PAGE_ODBC.FT_OPTIONS.fixedtext.text
+msgid "ODBC ~options"
+msgstr "~ODBC-opties"
+#: dbadmin.src#PAGE_MYSQL_JDBC.FT_JDBCDRIVERCLASS.fixedtext.text
+msgid "MySQL JDBC d~river class"
+msgstr "MySQL JDBC-stuu~rprogrammaklasse"
+#: dbadmin.src#PAGE_MYSQL_JDBC.PB_TESTDRIVERCLASS.pushbutton.text
+msgctxt "dbadmin.src#PAGE_MYSQL_JDBC.PB_TESTDRIVERCLASS.pushbutton.text"
+msgid "Test class"
+msgstr "Testklasse"
+#: dbadmin.src#PAGE_MYSQL_NATIVE.FL_SEPARATOR2.fixedline.text
+msgctxt "dbadmin.src#PAGE_MYSQL_NATIVE.FL_SEPARATOR2.fixedline.text"
+msgid "User authentication"
+msgstr "Gebruikersverificatie"
+#: dbadmin.src#PAGE_MYSQL_NATIVE.FT_USERNAME.fixedtext.text
+msgctxt "dbadmin.src#PAGE_MYSQL_NATIVE.FT_USERNAME.fixedtext.text"
+msgid "~User name"
+msgstr "~Gebruikersnaam"
+#: dbadmin.src#PAGE_MYSQL_NATIVE.CB_PASSWORD_REQUIRED.checkbox.text
+msgctxt "dbadmin.src#PAGE_MYSQL_NATIVE.CB_PASSWORD_REQUIRED.checkbox.text"
+msgid "Password required"
+msgstr "Wachtwoord vereist"
+#: dbadmin.src#PAGE_ORACLE_JDBC.FT_JDBCDRIVERCLASS.fixedtext.text
+msgid "Oracle JDBC d~river class"
+msgstr "Oracle JDBC-stuu~rprogrammaklasse"
+#: dbadmin.src#PAGE_ORACLE_JDBC.PB_TESTDRIVERCLASS.pushbutton.text
+msgctxt "dbadmin.src#PAGE_ORACLE_JDBC.PB_TESTDRIVERCLASS.pushbutton.text"
+msgid "Test class"
+msgstr "Testklasse"
+#: dbadmin.src#PAGE_LDAP.FL_SEPARATOR1.fixedline.text
+msgctxt "dbadmin.src#PAGE_LDAP.FL_SEPARATOR1.fixedline.text"
+msgid "Connection Settings"
+msgstr "Instellingen verbinding"
+#: dbadmin.src#PAGE_LDAP.FT_BASEDN.fixedtext.text
+msgid "~Base DN"
+msgstr "~Basis-DN"
+#: dbadmin.src#PAGE_LDAP.CB_USESSL.checkbox.text
+msgid "Use secure connection (SSL)"
+msgstr "Beveiligde verbinding (SSL) gebruiken"
+#: dbadmin.src#PAGE_LDAP.FT_PORTNUMBER.fixedtext.text
+msgctxt "dbadmin.src#PAGE_LDAP.FT_PORTNUMBER.fixedtext.text"
+msgid "~Port number"
+msgstr "~Poortnummer"
+#: dbadmin.src#PAGE_LDAP.FT_LDAPROWCOUNT.fixedtext.text
+msgid "Maximum number of ~records"
+msgstr "Maximum aantal ~records"
+#: dbadmin.src#PAGE_USERDRIVER.FT_HOSTNAME.fixedtext.text
+msgid "~Hostname"
+msgstr "~Hostnaam"
+#: dbadmin.src#PAGE_USERDRIVER.FT_PORTNUMBER.fixedtext.text
+msgctxt "dbadmin.src#PAGE_USERDRIVER.FT_PORTNUMBER.fixedtext.text"
+msgid "~Port number"
+msgstr "~Poortnummer"
+#: dbadmin.src#PAGE_USERDRIVER.FT_OPTIONS.fixedtext.text
+msgid "~Driver settings"
+msgstr "~Stuurprogrammainstellingen"
+#: dbadmin.src#STR_ERR_USE_CONNECT_TO.string.text
+msgid "Please choose 'Connect to an existing database' to connect to an existing database instead."
+msgstr "Kies 'Verbinden met een bestaande database' om, in plaats daarvan, te verbinden met een bestaande database."
diff --git a/source/nl/dbaccess/source/ui/inc.po b/source/nl/dbaccess/source/ui/inc.po
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..2187f783a61
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/nl/dbaccess/source/ui/inc.po
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+#. extracted from dbaccess/source/ui/inc.oo
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://qa.openoffice.org/issues/enter_bug.cgi?comment=&component=l10n&form_name=enter_issue&short_desc=Localization+issue+in+file%3A+dbaccess%2Fsource%2Fui%2Finc.oo&subcomponent=ui\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-07-04 16:39+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-04-06 00:52+0200\n"
+"Last-Translator: Pjotr <>\n"
+"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
+"Language: nl\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
+"X-Generator: Translate Toolkit 1.9.0\n"
+"X-Accelerator-Marker: ~\n"
+#: toolbox_tmpl.hrc#MID_SBA_QRY_REFRESH.#define.text
+msgid "Refresh"
+msgstr "Vernieuwen"
+#: toolbox_tmpl.hrc#MID_NEW_VIEW_DESIGN.#define.text
+msgid "New ~View Design"
+msgstr "Nieuw ~weergave-ontwerp"
+#: toolbox_tmpl.hrc#MID_NEW_TABLE_DESIGN.#define.text
+msgid "New ~Table Design"
+msgstr "Nieuw ~tabelontwerp"
+#: toolbox_tmpl.hrc#MID_QUERY_WIZARD.#define.text
+msgid "Query AutoPilot..."
+msgstr "Assistent Query..."
+#: toolbox_tmpl.hrc#MID_QUERY_NEW_DESIGN.#define.text
+msgid "New ~Query (Design View)"
+msgstr "Nieuwe ~query (ontwerpweergave)"
+#: toolbox_tmpl.hrc#MID_QUERY_EDIT_DESIGN.#define.text
+msgid "~Edit Query"
+msgstr "Query b~ewerken"
+#: toolbox_tmpl.hrc#MID_QUERY_NEW_SQL.#define.text
+msgid "New Query (~SQL View)"
+msgstr "Nieuwe query (~SQL-weergave)"
+#: toolbox_tmpl.hrc#MID_DBUI_QUERY_EDIT_JOINCONNECTION.#define.text
+msgid "Edit..."
+msgstr "Bewerken..."
+#: toolbox_tmpl.hrc#MID_COLUMN_WIDTH.#define.text
+msgid "Column ~Width..."
+msgstr "Kolom~breedte..."
+#: toolbox_tmpl.hrc#MID_DOCUMENT_CREATE_REPWIZ.#define.text
+msgid "Report Wizard..."
+msgstr "Rapportassistent..."
+#: toolbox_tmpl.hrc#MID_DOCUMENT_NEW_AUTOPILOT.#define.text
+msgid "Form AutoPilot..."
+msgstr "Assistent Formulier..."
diff --git a/source/nl/dbaccess/source/ui/misc.po b/source/nl/dbaccess/source/ui/misc.po
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d1e13444631
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/nl/dbaccess/source/ui/misc.po
@@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
+#. extracted from dbaccess/source/ui/misc.oo
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://qa.openoffice.org/issues/enter_bug.cgi?comment=&component=l10n&form_name=enter_issue&short_desc=Localization+issue+in+file%3A+dbaccess%2Fsource%2Fui%2Fmisc.oo&subcomponent=ui\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-07-04 16:40+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-07-20 00:13+0200\n"
+"Last-Translator: vpanter <leo.moons@telenet.be>\n"
+"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
+"Language: nl\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
+"X-Generator: Pootle 2.1.6\n"
+"X-Accelerator-Marker: ~\n"
+#: dbumiscres.src#RSC_CHARSETS.1.string.text
+msgid "System"
+msgstr "Systeem"
+#: dbumiscres.src#STR_ERROR_DURING_CREATION.string.text
+msgid "Error during creation"
+msgstr "Fout tijdens maken"
+#: dbumiscres.src#STR_UNEXPECTED_ERROR.string.text
+msgid "An unexpected error occurred. The operation could not be performed."
+msgstr "Er is een onverwachte fout opgetreden. De bewerking kan niet worden uitgevoerd."
+#: dbumiscres.src#STR_COULDNOTOPEN_LINKEDDOC.string.text
+msgid "The document \"$file$\" could not be opened."
+msgstr "Het document \"$file$\" kon niet worden geopend."
+#: dbumiscres.src#STR_MISSING_TABLES_XDROP.string.text
+msgid "The table cannot be deleted because the database connection does not support this."
+msgstr "De tabel kan niet worden verwijderd omdat deze niet wordt ondersteund door de database."
+#: dbumiscres.src#STR_BUTTON_TEXT_ALL.string.text
+msgctxt "dbumiscres.src#STR_BUTTON_TEXT_ALL.string.text"
+msgid "~All"
+msgstr "~Alles"
+#: dbumiscres.src#STR_UNDO_COLON.string.text
+msgid "Undo:"
+msgstr "Ongedaan maken:"
+#: dbumiscres.src#STR_REDO_COLON.string.text
+msgid "Redo:"
+msgstr "Opnieuw:"
+#: dbumiscres.src#STR_UNKNOWN_TYPE_FOUND.string.text
+msgid "No corresponding column type could be found for column '#1'."
+msgstr "Er kan geen overeenkomstig kolomtype worden gevonden voor kolom '#1'."
+#: dbumiscres.src#STR_FILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST.string.text
+msgid "The file \"$file$\" does not exist."
+msgstr "Het bestand $file$ bestaat niet."
+#: dbumiscres.src#STR_WARNINGS_DURING_CONNECT.string.text
+msgid "Warnings were encountered while connecting to the data source. Press \"$buttontext$\" to view them."
+msgstr "Waarschuwingen tijdens maken van verbinding met de gegevensbron. Klik op '$buttontext$' om ze te bekijken."
+#: dbumiscres.src#STR_NAMED_OBJECT_ALREADY_EXISTS.string.text
+msgid ""
+"The name '$#$' already exists.\n"
+"Please enter another name."
+msgstr ""
+"De naam $#$ bestaat reeds.\n"
+"Voer een nieuwe naam in."
+#: dbumiscres.src#RID_STR_EXTENSION_NOT_PRESENT.string.text
+msgid "The report, \"$file$\", requires the extension Oracle Report Builder."
+msgstr "Het rapport, \"$file$\", vereist de extensie Oracle Report Builder."
+#: WizardPages.src#STR_WIZ_COLUMN_SELECT_TITEL.string.text
+msgid "Apply columns"
+msgstr "Kolommen toepassen"
+#: WizardPages.src#STR_WIZ_TYPE_SELECT_TITEL.string.text
+msgid "Type formatting"
+msgstr "Opmaaktype"
+#: WizardPages.src#STR_WIZ_PKEY_ALREADY_DEFINED.string.text
+msgid "The following fields have already been set as primary keys:\n"
+msgstr "De volgende velden zijn reeds als primaire sleutel gedefinieerd:\n"
+#: WizardPages.src#STR_WIZ_NAME_MATCHING_TITEL.string.text
+msgid "Assign columns"
+msgstr "Kolommen toewijzen"
+#: WizardPages.src#WIZ_RTFCOPYTABLE.PB_HELP.helpbutton.text
+msgid "~Help"
+msgstr "~Help"
+#: WizardPages.src#WIZ_RTFCOPYTABLE.PB_CANCEL.cancelbutton.text
+msgid "~Cancel"
+msgstr "~Annuleren"
+#: WizardPages.src#WIZ_RTFCOPYTABLE.PB_PREV.pushbutton.text
+msgid "< ~Back"
+msgstr "< V~orige"
+#: WizardPages.src#WIZ_RTFCOPYTABLE.PB_NEXT.pushbutton.text
+msgid "~Next>"
+msgstr "~Volgende>"
+#: WizardPages.src#WIZ_RTFCOPYTABLE.PB_OK.okbutton.text
+msgid "C~reate"
+msgstr "~Maken"
+#: WizardPages.src#WIZ_RTFCOPYTABLE.modaldialog.text
+msgid "Copy RTF Table"
+msgstr "RTF-tabel kopiëren"
+#: WizardPages.src#TAB_WIZ_COLUMN_SELECT.FL_COLUMN_SELECT.fixedline.text
+msgid "Existing columns"
+msgstr "Bestaande kolommen"
+#: WizardPages.src#TAB_WIZ_TYPE_SELECT.FL_COLUMN_NAME.fixedline.text
+msgid "Column information"
+msgstr "Kolomgegevens"
+#: WizardPages.src#TAB_WIZ_TYPE_SELECT.FL_AUTO_TYPE.fixedline.text
+msgid "Automatic type recognition"
+msgstr "Autom. herkenning van type"
+#: WizardPages.src#TAB_WIZ_TYPE_SELECT.FT_AUTO.fixedtext.text
+msgid "Lines (ma~x)"
+msgstr "(max.) ~regels"
+msgid "Primary Key"
+msgstr "Primaire sleutel"
+#: WizardPages.src#TAB_WIZ_NAME_MATCHING.FT_TABLE_LEFT.fixedtext.text
+msgid "Source table: \n"
+msgstr "Brontabel: \n"
+#: WizardPages.src#TAB_WIZ_NAME_MATCHING.FT_TABLE_RIGHT.fixedtext.text
+msgid "Destination table: \n"
+msgstr "Doeltabel: \n"
+#: WizardPages.src#TAB_WIZ_NAME_MATCHING.PB_ALL.pushbutton.text
+msgctxt "WizardPages.src#TAB_WIZ_NAME_MATCHING.PB_ALL.pushbutton.text"
+msgid "~All"
+msgstr "A~lle"
+#: WizardPages.src#TAB_WIZ_NAME_MATCHING.PB_NONE.pushbutton.text
+msgid "Non~e"
+msgstr "~Geen"
+#: WizardPages.src#TAB_WIZ_COPYTABLE.FT_TABLENAME.fixedtext.text
+msgid "Ta~ble name"
+msgstr "~Tabelnaam"
+#: WizardPages.src#TAB_WIZ_COPYTABLE.FL_OPTIONS.fixedline.text
+msgid "Options"
+msgstr "Opties"
+#: WizardPages.src#TAB_WIZ_COPYTABLE.RB_DEFDATA.radiobutton.text
+msgid "De~finition and data"
+msgstr "~Definitie en gegevens"
+#: WizardPages.src#TAB_WIZ_COPYTABLE.RB_DEF.radiobutton.text
+msgid "Def~inition"
+msgstr "~Definitie"
+#: WizardPages.src#TAB_WIZ_COPYTABLE.RB_VIEW.radiobutton.text
+msgid "A~s table view"
+msgstr "Al~s tabelweergave"
+#: WizardPages.src#TAB_WIZ_COPYTABLE.RB_APPENDDATA.radiobutton.text
+msgid "Append ~data"
+msgstr "Gegevens ~toevoegen"
+#: WizardPages.src#TAB_WIZ_COPYTABLE.CB_USEHEADERLINE.checkbox.text
+msgid "Use first ~line as column names"
+msgstr "Gebruik eerste ~regel als kolomnamen"
+#: WizardPages.src#TAB_WIZ_COPYTABLE.CB_PRIMARY_COLUMN.checkbox.text
+msgid "Crea~te primary key"
+msgstr "~Primaire sleutel maken"
+#: WizardPages.src#TAB_WIZ_COPYTABLE.FT_KEYNAME.fixedtext.text
+msgid "Name"
+msgstr "Naam"
+#: WizardPages.src#STR_WIZ_TABLE_COPY.string.text
+msgctxt "WizardPages.src#STR_WIZ_TABLE_COPY.string.text"
+msgid "Copy table"
+msgstr "Tabel kopiëren"
+#: WizardPages.src#STR_COPYTABLE_TITLE_COPY.string.text
+msgctxt "WizardPages.src#STR_COPYTABLE_TITLE_COPY.string.text"
+msgid "Copy table"
+msgstr "Tabel kopiëren"
+#: WizardPages.src#STR_INVALID_TABLE_NAME.string.text
+msgid "This table name is not valid in the current database."
+msgstr "Dit is geen geldige tabelnaam in de huidige database."
+#: WizardPages.src#STR_SUGGEST_APPEND_TABLE_DATA.string.text
+msgid "Choose the option 'Append data' on the first page to append data to an existing table."
+msgstr "Kies de optie Gegevens toevoegen op de eerste pagina om gegevens aan een bestaande tabel toe te voegen."
+#: WizardPages.src#STR_INVALID_TABLE_NAME_LENGTH.string.text
+msgid "Please change the table name. It is too long."
+msgstr "De tabelnaam is te lang. Kiest u een kortere."
diff --git a/source/nl/dbaccess/source/ui/querydesign.po b/source/nl/dbaccess/source/ui/querydesign.po
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f6210001d25
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/nl/dbaccess/source/ui/querydesign.po
@@ -0,0 +1,315 @@
+#. extracted from dbaccess/source/ui/querydesign.oo
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://qa.openoffice.org/issues/enter_bug.cgi?comment=&component=l10n&form_name=enter_issue&short_desc=Localization+issue+in+file%3A+dbaccess%2Fsource%2Fui%2Fquerydesign.oo&subcomponent=ui\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-07-04 16:39+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-07-29 21:03+0200\n"
+"Last-Translator: Freek <f.de.kruijf@gmail.com>\n"
+"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
+"Language: nl\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
+"X-Generator: Pootle 2.1.6\n"
+"X-Accelerator-Marker: ~\n"
+#: query.src#STR_QUERY_UNDO_TABWINSHOW.string.text
+msgid "Add Table Window"
+msgstr "Tabelvenster toevoegen"
+#: query.src#STR_QUERY_UNDO_MOVETABWIN.string.text
+msgid "Move table window"
+msgstr "Tabelvenster verplaatsen"
+#: query.src#STR_QUERY_UNDO_INSERTCONNECTION.string.text
+msgid "Insert Join"
+msgstr "Join invoegen"
+#: query.src#STR_QUERY_UNDO_REMOVECONNECTION.string.text
+msgid "Delete Join"
+msgstr "Join verwijderen"
+#: query.src#STR_QUERY_UNDO_SIZETABWIN.string.text
+msgid "Resize table window"
+msgstr "Tabelvenster - grootte wijzigen"
+#: query.src#STR_QUERY_UNDO_TABFIELDDELETE.string.text
+msgid "Delete Column"
+msgstr "Kolom verwijderen"
+#: query.src#STR_QUERY_UNDO_TABFIELDMOVED.string.text
+msgid "Move column"
+msgstr "Kolumn verplaatsen"
+#: query.src#STR_QUERY_UNDO_TABFIELDCREATE.string.text
+msgid "Add Column"
+msgstr "Kolom toevoegen"
+#: query.src#RID_STR_TABLE_DOESNT_EXIST.string.text
+msgid "Invalid expression, table '$name$' does not exist."
+msgstr "De expressie is ongeldig omdat de tabel $name$ niet bestaat."
+#: query.src#RID_STR_FIELD_DOESNT_EXIST.string.text
+msgid "Invalid expression, field name '$name$' does not exist."
+msgstr "De expressie is ongeldig, de veldnaam '$name$' bestaat niet."
+#: query.src#RID_STR_TOMUCHTABLES.string.text
+msgid "The query covers #num# tables. The selected database type, however, can only process a maximum of #maxnum# table(s) per statement."
+msgstr "Query bevat #num# tabellen. Het geselecteerde databasetype kan echter maximaal #maxnum# tabel(len) per instructie verwerken."
+#: query.src#STR_QUERY_UNDO_TABWINDELETE.string.text
+msgid "Delete Table Window"
+msgstr "Tabelvenster verwijderen"
+#: query.src#STR_QUERY_UNDO_MODIFY_CELL.string.text
+msgid "Edit Column Description"
+msgstr "Kolombeschrijving bewerken"
+#: query.src#STR_QUERY_UNDO_SIZE_COLUMN.string.text
+msgid "Adjust column width"
+msgstr "Kolombreedte aanpassen"
+#: query.src#STR_QUERY_SORTTEXT.string.text
+msgid "(not sorted);ascending;descending"
+msgstr "(niet gesorteerd);oplopend;aflopend"
+#: query.src#STR_QUERY_FUNCTIONS.string.text
+msgid "(no function);Group"
+msgstr "(geen functie);Groeperen"
+#: query.src#STR_QUERY_NOTABLE.string.text
+msgid "(no table)"
+msgstr "(geen tabel)"
+#: query.src#STR_QRY_ORDERBY_UNRELATED.string.text
+msgid "The database only supports sorting for visible fields."
+msgstr "De database ondersteunt alleen de sortering voor zichtbare velden."
+msgid "Functions"
+msgstr "Functies"
+msgid "Table Name"
+msgstr "Tabelnaam"
+msgid "Alias"
+msgstr "Alias"
+msgid "Distinct Values"
+msgstr "Duidelijke waarden"
+#: query.src#STR_QUERY_HANDLETEXT.string.text
+msgid "Field;Alias;Table;Sort;Visible;Function;Criterion;Or;Or"
+msgstr "Veld;Alias;Tabel;Volgorde;Zichtbaar;Functie;Criterium;of;of"
+#: query.src#STR_QRY_TOO_MANY_COLUMNS.string.text
+msgid "There are too many columns."
+msgstr "Er zijn teveel kolommen."
+#: query.src#ERR_QRY_CRITERIA_ON_ASTERISK.errorbox.text
+msgid "A condition cannot be applied to field [*]"
+msgstr "Een voorwaarde voor veld [*] is niet mogelijk"
+#: query.src#STR_QRY_TOO_LONG_STATEMENT.string.text
+msgid "The SQL statement created is too long."
+msgstr "Deze SQL-instructie is te lang."
+#: query.src#STR_QRY_TOOCOMPLEX.string.text
+msgid "Query is too complex"
+msgstr "De query is te complex"
+#: query.src#STR_QRY_NOSELECT.string.text
+msgid "Nothing has been selected."
+msgstr "De selectie ontbreekt."
+#: query.src#STR_QRY_TOOMANYCOND.string.text
+msgid "Too many search criteria"
+msgstr "Teveel zoekcriteria"
+#: query.src#STR_QRY_SYNTAX.string.text
+msgid "SQL syntax error"
+msgstr "SQL-syntaxisfout"
+#: query.src#ERR_QRY_ORDERBY_ON_ASTERISK.errorbox.text
+msgid "[*] cannot be used as a sort criterion."
+msgstr "Er kan niet worden gesorteerd naar [*]."
+#: query.src#STR_QRY_TOO_MANY_TABLES.string.text
+msgid "There are too many tables."
+msgstr "Er zijn teveel tabellen."
+#: query.src#STR_QRY_NATIVE.string.text
+msgid "The statement will not be applied when querying in the SQL dialect of the database."
+msgstr "Bij een query in SQL-dialect van database wordt instructie niet overgenomen."
+#: query.src#ERR_QRY_AMB_FIELD.errorbox.text
+msgid "Field name not found or not unique"
+msgstr "Veldnaam niet gevonden of niet duidelijk"
+#: query.src#STR_QRY_ILLEGAL_JOIN.string.text
+msgid "Join could not be processed"
+msgstr "Join kan niet tot stand worden gebracht"
+#: query.src#STR_SVT_SQL_SYNTAX_ERROR.string.text
+msgid "Syntax error in SQL statement"
+msgstr "Foutieve syntaxis in SQL-instructie"
+#: query.src#STR_QUERYDESIGN_NO_VIEW_SUPPORT.string.text
+msgid "This database does not support table views."
+msgstr "Deze database ondersteunt geen tabelweergaven."
+#: query.src#STR_NO_ALTER_VIEW_SUPPORT.string.text
+msgid "This database does not support altering of existing table views."
+msgstr "Deze database ondersteunt geen wijziging van bestaande tabelweergaven."
+#: query.src#STR_QUERYDESIGN_NO_VIEW_ASK.string.text
+msgid "Do you want to create a query instead?"
+msgstr "Wilt u in plaats daarvan een query definiëren?"
+#: query.src#ERR_QRY_NOSTATEMENT.errorbox.text
+msgid "No query could be created."
+msgstr "Er kon geen query worden gemaakt."
+#: query.src#ERR_QRY_NOCRITERIA.errorbox.text
+msgid "No query could be created because no fields were selected."
+msgstr "Er kan geen query worden gemaakt omdat er geen velden zijn geselecteerd."
+#: query.src#STR_DATASOURCE_DELETED.string.text
+msgid "The corresponding data source has been deleted. Therefore, data relevant to that data source cannot be saved."
+msgstr "De bijbehorende gegevensbron is verwijderd. De desbetreffende gegevens kunnen niet worden opgeslagen."
+#: query.src#STR_QRY_COLUMN_NOT_FOUND.string.text
+msgid "The column '$name$' is unknown."
+msgstr "De kolom $name$ is onbekend."
+#: query.src#STR_QRY_JOIN_COLUMN_COMPARE.string.text
+msgid "Columns can only be compared using '='."
+msgstr "Kolommen kunnen alleen vergeleken worden met behulp van '='."
+#: query.src#STR_QRY_LIKE_LEFT_NO_COLUMN.string.text
+msgid "You must use a column name before 'LIKE'."
+msgstr "Aan de linkerkant van een LIKE-instructie is alleen een kolomnaam toegestaan."
+#: query.src#STR_QRY_CHECK_CASESENSITIVE.string.text
+msgid "The column could not be found. Please note that the database is case-sensitive."
+msgstr "Controleer of u de juiste kleine en hoofdletters opgegeven hebt."
+#: query.src#STR_QUERYDESIGN.string.text
+msgid " - %PRODUCTNAME Base: Query Design"
+msgstr " - %PRODUCTNAME Base: Queryontwerp"
+#: query.src#STR_VIEWDESIGN.string.text
+msgid " - %PRODUCTNAME Base: View Design"
+msgstr " - %PRODUCTNAME Base: Ontwerp weergeven"
+#. For $object$, one of the values of the RSC_QUERY_OBJECT_TYPE resource will be inserted.
+#: query.src#STR_QUERY_SAVEMODIFIED.string.text
+msgid ""
+"$object$ has been changed.\n"
+"Do you want to save the changes?"
+msgstr ""
+"$object$ is gewijzigd.\n"
+"Wilt u de wijzigingen opslaan?"
+#. For $object$, one of the values of the RSC_QUERY_OBJECT_TYPE resource (except "SQL command", which doesn't make sense here) will be inserted.
+#: query.src#STR_ERROR_PARSING_STATEMENT.string.text
+msgid "$object$ is based on an SQL command which could not be parsed."
+msgstr "$object$ is gebaseerd op een SQL-opdracht die niet geparsed kon worden."
+#. For $object$, one of the values of the RSC_QUERY_OBJECT_TYPE resource (except "SQL command", which doesn't make sense here) will be inserted.
+#: query.src#STR_INFO_OPENING_IN_SQL_VIEW.string.text
+msgid "$object$ will be opened in SQL view."
+msgstr "$object$ zal worden geopend in SQL-weergave."
+#: query.src#RSC_QUERY_OBJECT_TYPE.1.string.text
+msgid "The table view"
+msgstr "De tabelweergave"
+#: query.src#RSC_QUERY_OBJECT_TYPE.2.string.text
+msgid "The query"
+msgstr "De query"
+#: query.src#RSC_QUERY_OBJECT_TYPE.3.string.text
+msgid "The SQL statement"
+msgstr "De SQL-instructie"
+#: query.src#STR_STATEMENT_WITHOUT_RESULT_SET.string.text
+msgid "The query does not create a result set, and thus cannot be part of another query."
+msgstr "De query maakt geen resultatenset en kan daarom geen deel uitmaken van een andere query."
+#: query.src#STR_NO_DATASOURCE_OR_CONNECTION.string.text
+msgid "Both the ActiveConnection and the DataSourceName parameter are missing or wrong - cannot initialize the query designer."
+msgstr "Beide parameters ActiveConnection en DataSourceName ontbreken of zijn foutief - de queryontwerper kan niet worden geïnitialiseerd."
+#: querydlg.src#DLG_QRY_JOIN.WND_JOIN_CONTROL.FL_JOIN.fixedline.text
+msgid "Options"
+msgstr "Opties"
+#: querydlg.src#DLG_QRY_JOIN.WND_JOIN_CONTROL.FT_LISTBOXTITLE.fixedtext.text
+msgid "~Type"
+msgstr "~Type"
+#: querydlg.src#DLG_QRY_JOIN.WND_JOIN_CONTROL.LB_JOINTYPE.1.stringlist.text
+msgid "Inner join"
+msgstr "Inner join"
+#: querydlg.src#DLG_QRY_JOIN.WND_JOIN_CONTROL.LB_JOINTYPE.2.stringlist.text
+msgid "Left join"
+msgstr "Left join"
+#: querydlg.src#DLG_QRY_JOIN.WND_JOIN_CONTROL.LB_JOINTYPE.3.stringlist.text
+msgid "Right join"
+msgstr "Right join"
+#: querydlg.src#DLG_QRY_JOIN.WND_JOIN_CONTROL.LB_JOINTYPE.4.stringlist.text
+msgid "Full (outer) join"
+msgstr "Full (outer) join"
+#: querydlg.src#DLG_QRY_JOIN.WND_JOIN_CONTROL.LB_JOINTYPE.5.stringlist.text
+msgid "Cross join"
+msgstr "Cross join"
+#: querydlg.src#DLG_QRY_JOIN.WND_JOIN_CONTROL.CB_NATURAL.checkbox.text
+msgid "Natural"
+msgstr "Natuurlijk"
+#: querydlg.src#DLG_QRY_JOIN.WND_CONTROL.FL_INVOLVED_TABLES.fixedline.text
+msgid "Tables involved"
+msgstr "Betrokken tabellen"
+#: querydlg.src#DLG_QRY_JOIN.WND_CONTROL.FL_INVOLVED_FIELDS.fixedline.text
+msgid "Fields involved"
+msgstr "Betrokken velden"
+#: querydlg.src#DLG_QRY_JOIN.modaldialog.text
+msgid "Join Properties"
+msgstr "Join-eigenschappen"
+#: querydlg.src#STR_JOIN_TYPE_HINT.string.text
+msgid "Please note that some databases may not support this join type."
+msgstr "Merk op dat niet alle databases dit type join ondersteunen."
+#: querydlg.src#STR_QUERY_INNER_JOIN.string.text
+msgid "Includes only records for which the contents of the related fields of both tables are identical."
+msgstr "Bevat alleen records waarbij de inhoud van de gekoppelde velden in beide tabellen gelijk is."
+#: querydlg.src#STR_QUERY_LEFTRIGHT_JOIN.string.text
+msgid "Contains ALL records from table '%1' but only records from table '%2' where the values in the related fields are matching."
+msgstr "Bevat ALLE records uit '%1' en alleen de records uit '%2' waarbij de inhoud van de gekoppelde velden in beide tabellen gelijk is."
+#: querydlg.src#STR_QUERY_FULL_JOIN.string.text
+msgid "Contains ALL records from '%1' and from '%2'."
+msgstr "Bevat ALLE records uit '%1' en '%2'."
+#: querydlg.src#STR_QUERY_CROSS_JOIN.string.text
+msgid "Contains the cartesian product of ALL records from '%1' and from '%2'."
+msgstr "Bevat het cartesiaanse product van ALLE records van '%1' en van '%2'."
+#: querydlg.src#STR_QUERY_NATURAL_JOIN.string.text
+msgid "Contains only one column for each pair of equally-named columns from '%1' and from '%2'."
+msgstr "Bevat slechts één kolom voor ieder paar gelijkgenaamde kolommen uit '%1' en uit '%2'."
diff --git a/source/nl/dbaccess/source/ui/relationdesign.po b/source/nl/dbaccess/source/ui/relationdesign.po
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..47c9fe06cf0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/nl/dbaccess/source/ui/relationdesign.po
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+#. extracted from dbaccess/source/ui/relationdesign.oo
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://qa.openoffice.org/issues/enter_bug.cgi?comment=&component=l10n&form_name=enter_issue&short_desc=Localization+issue+in+file%3A+dbaccess%2Fsource%2Fui%2Frelationdesign.oo&subcomponent=ui\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-07-04 16:39+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-12-19 23:01+0200\n"
+"Last-Translator: Freek <f.de.kruijf@gmail.com>\n"
+"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
+"Language: nl\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
+"X-Generator: Translate Toolkit 1.9.0\n"
+"X-Accelerator-Marker: ~\n"
+#: relation.src#STR_QUERY_REL_EDIT_RELATION.string.text
+msgid "This relation already exists. Do you want to edit it or create a new one?"
+msgstr "Deze relatie bestaat al. Wilt u deze bewerken of een nieuwe maken?"
+#: relation.src#STR_QUERY_REL_EDIT.string.text
+msgid "Edit..."
+msgstr "Bewerken..."
+#: relation.src#STR_QUERY_REL_CREATE.string.text
+msgid "Create..."
+msgstr "Maken..."
+#: relation.src#STR_RELATIONDESIGN.string.text
+msgid " - %PRODUCTNAME Base: Relation design"
+msgstr " - %PRODUCTNAME Base: Relatie-ontwerp"
+#: relation.src#STR_RELATIONDESIGN_NOT_AVAILABLE.string.text
+msgid "The database does not support relations."
+msgstr "De database ondersteunt geen relaties! "
+#: relation.src#RELATION_DESIGN_SAVEMODIFIED.querybox.text
+msgid ""
+"The relation design has been changed.\n"
+"Do you want to save the changes?"
+msgstr ""
+"Het relatie-ontwerp is gewijzigd.\n"
+"Wilt u de wijzigingen opslaan?"
+#: relation.src#STR_QUERY_REL_DELETE_WINDOW.string.text
+msgid "When you delete this table all corresponding relations will be deleted as well. Continue?"
+msgstr "Als u deze tabel verwijdert, worden alle bijbehorende relaties eveneens verwijderd. Wilt u doorgaan?"
+#: relation.src#STR_QUERY_REL_COULD_NOT_CREATE.string.text
+msgid ""
+"The database could not create the relation. Maybe foreign keys for this kind of table aren't supported.\n"
+"Please check your documentation of the database."
+msgstr ""
+"De database kon de relatie niet aanmaken. Het is mogelijk dat vreemde sleutels voor dit soort tabel niet worden ondersteund.\n"
+"Controleer uw documentatie van de database."
diff --git a/source/nl/dbaccess/source/ui/tabledesign.po b/source/nl/dbaccess/source/ui/tabledesign.po
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..6f9574135d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/nl/dbaccess/source/ui/tabledesign.po
@@ -0,0 +1,362 @@
+#. extracted from dbaccess/source/ui/tabledesign.oo
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://qa.openoffice.org/issues/enter_bug.cgi?comment=&component=l10n&form_name=enter_issue&short_desc=Localization+issue+in+file%3A+dbaccess%2Fsource%2Fui%2Ftabledesign.oo&subcomponent=ui\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-07-04 16:39+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-07-20 00:14+0200\n"
+"Last-Translator: vpanter <leo.moons@telenet.be>\n"
+"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
+"Language: nl\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
+"X-Generator: Pootle 2.1.6\n"
+"X-Accelerator-Marker: ~\n"
+#: table.src#STR_TABLEDESIGN_DBFIELDTYPES.string.text
+msgid "Unknown;Text;Number;Date/Time;Date;Time;Yes/No;Currency;Memo;Counter;Image;Text (fix);Decimal;Binary (fix);Binary;BigInt;Double;Float;Real;Integer;Small Integer;Tiny Integer;SQL Null;Object;Distinct;Structure;Field;BLOB;CLOB;REF;OTHER;Bit (fix)"
+msgstr "Onbekend;Tekst;Nummer;Datum/Tijd;Datum;Tijd;Ja/Nee;Valuta;Memo;Teller;Afbeelding;Tekst (vast);Decimaal;Binair (vast);Binair;BigInt;Double;Float;Real;Geheel getal;Klein geheel getal;Zeer klein geheel getal;SQL Null;Object;Distinct;Structuur;Veld;BLOB;CLOB;VERW;ANDERS;Bit (vast)"
+#: table.src#STR_TABLEDESIGN_UNDO_PRIMKEY.string.text
+msgctxt "table.src#STR_TABLEDESIGN_UNDO_PRIMKEY.string.text"
+msgid "Insert/remove primary key"
+msgstr "Primaire sleutel invoegen/verwijderen"
+#: table.src#STR_VALUE_YES.string.text
+msgid "Yes"
+msgstr "Ja"
+#: table.src#STR_VALUE_NO.string.text
+msgid "No"
+msgstr "Nee"
+#: table.src#STR_VALUE_ASC.string.text
+msgid "Ascending"
+msgstr "Oplopend"
+#: table.src#STR_VALUE_DESC.string.text
+msgid "Descending"
+msgstr "Aflopend"
+#: table.src#STR_VALUE_NONE.string.text
+msgid "<none>"
+msgstr "<geen>"
+#: table.src#STR_TAB_FIELD_NAME.string.text
+msgid "Field name"
+msgstr "Veldnaam"
+#: table.src#STR_TAB_FIELD_COLUMN_NAME.string.text
+msgid "Field Name"
+msgstr "Veldnaam"
+#: table.src#STR_TAB_FIELD_DATATYPE.string.text
+msgid "Field ~type"
+msgstr "Veld~type"
+#: table.src#STR_TAB_FIELD_COLUMN_DATATYPE.string.text
+msgid "Field Type"
+msgstr "Veldtype"
+#: table.src#STR_TAB_FIELD_LENGTH.string.text
+msgid "Field length"
+msgstr "Veldlengte"
+#: table.src#STR_TAB_HELP_TEXT.string.text
+msgid "Description"
+msgstr "Omschrijving"
+#: table.src#STR_COLUMN_DESCRIPTION.string.text
+msgid "Column Description"
+msgstr "Kolombeschrijving"
+#: table.src#STR_TAB_FIELD_NULLABLE.string.text
+msgid "Input required"
+msgstr "Invoer vereist"
+#: table.src#STR_FIELD_AUTOINCREMENT.string.text
+msgid "~AutoValue"
+msgstr "~AutoWaarde"
+#: table.src#STR_TAB_PROPERTIES.string.text
+msgid "Field Properties"
+msgstr "Veldeigenschappen"
+#: table.src#STR_TABPAGE_GENERAL.string.text
+msgid "General"
+msgstr "Algemeen"
+#: table.src#STR_TAB_TABLE_DESCRIPTION.string.text
+msgid "Description:"
+msgstr "Omschrijving:"
+#: table.src#STR_TAB_TABLE_PROPERTIES.string.text
+msgid "Table properties"
+msgstr "Tabeleigenschappen"
+#: table.src#ERR_INVALID_LISTBOX_ENTRY.errorbox.text
+msgid "The text you entered is not a list element. "
+msgstr "De ingevoerde tekst is geen element van de lijst. "
+msgid "Insert Rows"
+msgstr "Rijen invoegen"
+msgid "Primary Key"
+msgstr "Primaire sleutel"
+#: table.src#STR_TABED_UNDO_CELLMODIFIED.string.text
+msgid "Modify cell"
+msgstr "Cel wijzigen"
+#: table.src#STR_TABED_UNDO_ROWDELETED.string.text
+msgid "Delete row"
+msgstr "Rij verwijderen"
+#: table.src#STR_TABED_UNDO_TYPE_CHANGED.string.text
+msgid "Modify field type"
+msgstr "Veldtype wijzigen"
+#: table.src#STR_TABED_UNDO_ROWINSERTED.string.text
+msgid "Insert row"
+msgstr "Rij invoegen"
+#: table.src#STR_TABED_UNDO_NEWROWINSERTED.string.text
+msgid "Insert new row"
+msgstr "Nieuwe rij invoegen"
+#: table.src#STR_TABED_UNDO_PRIMKEY.string.text
+msgctxt "table.src#STR_TABED_UNDO_PRIMKEY.string.text"
+msgid "Insert/remove primary key"
+msgstr "Primaire sleutel invoegen/verwijderen"
+#: table.src#STR_DEFAULT_VALUE.string.text
+msgid "~Default value"
+msgstr "~Standaardwaarde"
+#: table.src#STR_FIELD_REQUIRED.string.text
+msgid "~Entry required"
+msgstr "~Invoer vereist"
+#: table.src#STR_TEXT_LENGTH.string.text
+msgctxt "table.src#STR_TEXT_LENGTH.string.text"
+msgid "~Length"
+msgstr "~Lengte"
+#: table.src#STR_NUMERIC_TYPE.string.text
+msgid "~Type"
+msgstr "~Type"
+#: table.src#STR_LENGTH.string.text
+msgctxt "table.src#STR_LENGTH.string.text"
+msgid "~Length"
+msgstr "~Lengte"
+#: table.src#STR_SCALE.string.text
+msgid "Decimal ~places"
+msgstr "Aantal de~cimalen"
+#: table.src#STR_FORMAT.string.text
+msgid "Format example"
+msgstr "Opmaakvoorbeeld"
+#: table.src#STR_HELP_BOOL_DEFAULT.string.text
+msgid ""
+"Select a value that is to appear in all new records as default.\n"
+"If the field is not to have a default value, select the empty string."
+msgstr ""
+"Kies een waarde die in elke nieuwe ingevoegde record als standaard moet verschijnen.\n"
+"Kies een lege tekenreeks als u niet wilt dat het veld de standaardwaarde krijgt toegewezen."
+#: table.src#STR_HELP_DEFAULT_VALUE.string.text
+msgid ""
+"Enter a default value for this field.\n"
+"When you later enter data in the table, this string will be used in each new record for the field selected. It should, therefore, correspond to the cell format that needs to be entered below."
+msgstr ""
+"Geef hier een standaardwaarde voor dit veld op.\n"
+"Als u later gegevens invoert in de tabel, wordt deze tekenreeks in elke nieuwe record gebruikt voor het geselecteerde veld. De tekenreeks moet daarom corresponderen met de hierna te definiëren celopmaak."
+#: table.src#STR_HELP_FIELD_REQUIRED.string.text
+msgid "Activate this option if this field cannot contain NULL values, i.e. the user must always enter data."
+msgstr "Activeer deze optie als in dit veld geen NULL-waarde is toegestaan, d.w.z. dat de gebruiker hier altijd iets moet invullen."
+#: table.src#STR_HELP_TEXT_LENGTH.string.text
+msgid "Enter the maximum text length permitted."
+msgstr "Geef de maximaal toelaatbare tekstlengte op."
+#: table.src#STR_HELP_NUMERIC_TYPE.string.text
+msgid "Enter the number format."
+msgstr "Geef de getalnotatie op."
+#: table.src#STR_HELP_LENGTH.string.text
+msgid ""
+"Determine the length data can have in this field.\n"
+"If decimal fields, then the maximum length of the number to be entered, if binary fields, then the length of the data block.\n"
+"The value will be corrected accordingly when it exceeds the maximum for this database."
+msgstr ""
+"Geef de lengte van dit veldtype op.\n"
+"Voor decimale velden is dit de maximale lengte van het in te vullen getal, voor binaire velden de lengte van het gegevensblok.\n"
+"Als het veld langer is dan voor deze database maximaal is toegestaan, wordt de lengte gecorrigeerd."
+#: table.src#STR_HELP_SCALE.string.text
+msgid "Specify the number of decimal places permitted in this field."
+msgstr "Geef het aantal decimalen op."
+#: table.src#STR_HELP_FORMAT_CODE.string.text
+msgid "This is where you see how the data would be displayed in the current format (use the button on the right to modify the format)."
+msgstr "Hier ziet u hoe de gegevens in de huidige kolom eruit zouden zien met de momenteel ingestelde opmaak. (Deze opmaak kunt u wijzigen met de knop aan de rechterkant)."
+#: table.src#STR_HELP_FORMAT_BUTTON.string.text
+msgid "This is where you determine the output format of the data."
+msgstr "Hiermee kunt u instellen hoe u de gegevens in de tabel wilt opmaken."
+#: table.src#STR_HELP_AUTOINCREMENT.string.text
+msgid ""
+"Choose if this field should contain AutoIncrement values.\n"
+"You can not enter data in fields of this type. An intrinsic value will be assigned to each new record automatically (resulting from the increment of the previous record)."
+msgstr ""
+"U kunt dit veld een Automatisch vergroten-waarde toewijzen.\n"
+"In dat geval kunt u hierin geen gegevens typen, maar elke nieuwe record krijgt automatisch een eigen waarde toegewezen (die het resultaat is van het verhogen van de vorige)."
+#: table.src#PB_FORMAT.pushbutton.text
+msgid "~..."
+msgstr "~..."
+#: table.src#STR_TABLEDESIGN_DUPLICATE_NAME.string.text
+msgid "The table cannot be saved because column name \"$column$\" was assigned twice."
+msgstr "De tabel kan niet worden opgeslagen omdat de kolomnaam \"$column$\" reeds bestaat."
+#: table.src#STR_TBL_COLUMN_IS_KEYCOLUMN.string.text
+msgid "The column \"$column$\" belongs to the primary key. If the column is deleted, the primary key will also be deleted. Do you really want to continue?"
+msgstr "De kolom \"$column$\" behoort tot de primaire sleutel. Verwijdert u deze kolom, dan wordt ook de primaire sleutel verwijderd. Wilt u de kolom werkelijk verwijderen?"
+#: table.src#STR_TBL_COLUMN_IS_KEYCOLUMN_TITLE.string.text
+msgid "Primary Key Affected"
+msgstr "Betrokken primaire sleutel"
+#: table.src#STR_COLUMN_NAME.string.text
+msgid "Column"
+msgstr "Kolom"
+#: table.src#STR_QRY_CONTINUE.string.text
+msgid "Continue anyway?"
+msgstr "Wilt u toch doorgaan?"
+#: table.src#STR_STAT_WARNING.string.text
+msgid "Warning!"
+msgstr "Waarschuwing!"
+#: table.src#TABLE_DESIGN_SAVEMODIFIED.querybox.text
+msgid ""
+"The table has been changed.\n"
+"Do you want to save the changes?"
+msgstr ""
+"De tabel is gewijzigd.\n"
+"Wilt u de wijzigingen opslaan?"
+#: table.src#TABLE_QUERY_CONNECTION_LOST.querybox.text
+msgid ""
+"The connection to the database was lost! The table design can only be used with limited functionality without a connection.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"De verbinding met de database is verwijderd! Zonder deze verbinding kan de ontwerptabel slechts beperkt worden gebruikt.\n"
+"Wilt u de verbinding met de database weer tot stand brengen?"
+msgid "The table could not be saved due to problems connecting to the database."
+msgstr "De tabel kan niet worden opgeslagen omdat de koppeling met de database niet tot stand kan worden gebracht."
+msgid "The table filter could not be adjusted because the data source has been deleted."
+msgstr "De tabellenfilter kan niet worden aangepast omdat de gegevensbron is verwijderd."
+#: table.src#QUERY_SAVE_TABLE_EDIT_INDEXES.querybox.text
+msgid ""
+"Before you can edit the indexes of a table, you have to save it.\n"
+"Do you want to save the changes now?"
+msgstr ""
+"Voordat u de indices van een tabel kunt wijzigen, moeten deze worden opgeslagen.\n"
+"Wilt u de wijzigingen in de tabelstructuur nu opslaan?"
+#: table.src#STR_TABLEDESIGN_NO_PRIM_KEY_HEAD.string.text
+msgid "No primary key"
+msgstr "Geen primaire sleutel"
+#: table.src#STR_TABLEDESIGN_NO_PRIM_KEY.string.text
+msgid ""
+"A unique index or primary key is required for data record identification in this database.\n"
+"You can only enter data into this table when one of these two structural conditions has been met.\n"
+"Should a primary key be created now?"
+msgstr ""
+"In deze database is een 'unieke index', ofwel een primaire sleutel, vereist ter identificatie van records.\n"
+"U kunt alleen gegevens invoeren in de tabel als u voldoet aan één van deze beide criteria.\n"
+"Wilt u nu een primaire sleutel definiëren?"
+#: table.src#STR_TABLEDESIGN_TITLE.string.text
+msgid " - %PRODUCTNAME Base: Table Design"
+msgstr " - %PRODUCTNAME Base: Tabelontwerp"
+#: table.src#STR_TABLEDESIGN_ALTER_ERROR.string.text
+msgid "The column \"$column$\" could not be changed. Should the column instead be deleted and the new format appended?"
+msgstr "De kolom '$column$' kan niet worden gewijzigd. Wilt u de kolom in plaats daarvan verwijderen en van de nieuwe opmaak voorzien?"
+#: table.src#STR_TABLEDESIGN_SAVE_ERROR.string.text
+msgid "Error while saving the table design"
+msgstr "Fout tijdens opslaan van tabelontwerp"
+#: table.src#STR_TABLEDESIGN_COULD_NOT_DROP_COL.string.text
+msgid "The column $column$ could not be deleted."
+msgstr "De kolom $column$ kan niet worden verwijderd."
+#: table.src#TABLE_DESIGN_ALL_ROWS_DELETED.querybox.text
+msgid "You are trying to delete all the columns in the table. A table cannot exist without columns. Should the table be deleted from the database? If not, the table will remain unchanged."
+msgstr "U probeert alle kolommen in de tabel te verwijderen. Een tabel kan niet zonder kolommen bestaan. Wilt u de tabel verwijderen uit de database? Zo nee, wordt de tabel niet gewijzigd."
+#: table.src#STR_AUTOINCREMENT_VALUE.string.text
+msgid "A~uto-increment statement"
+msgstr "Instructies a~utomatisch vergroten"
+#: table.src#STR_HELP_AUTOINCREMENT_VALUE.string.text
+msgid ""
+"Enter an SQL statement for the auto-increment field.\n"
+"This statement will be directly transferred to the database when the table is created."
+msgstr ""
+"Voer een SQL-instructie in voor het veld voor automatisch vergroten.\n"
+"Deze instructie wordt direct overgebracht naar de database wanneer de tabel wordt gemaakt."
+#: table.src#STR_NO_TYPE_INFO_AVAILABLE.string.text
+msgid ""
+"No type information could be retrieved from the database.\n"
+"The table design mode is not available for this data source."
+msgstr ""
+"Er kan geen type-informatie worden verkregen uit de database.\n"
+"De tabelontwerpmodus is niet beschikbaar voor deze gegevensbron."
+#: table.src#STR_CHANGE_COLUMN_NAME.string.text
+msgid "change field name"
+msgstr "veldnaam wijzigen"
+#: table.src#STR_CHANGE_COLUMN_TYPE.string.text
+msgid "change field type"
+msgstr "veldtype wijzigen"
+#: table.src#STR_CHANGE_COLUMN_DESCRIPTION.string.text
+msgid "change field description"
+msgstr "veldbeschrijving wijzigen"
+#: table.src#STR_CHANGE_COLUMN_ATTRIBUTE.string.text
+msgid "change field attribute"
+msgstr "veldattribuut wijzigen"
diff --git a/source/nl/dbaccess/source/ui/uno.po b/source/nl/dbaccess/source/ui/uno.po
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f19b96f8bb3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/nl/dbaccess/source/ui/uno.po
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+#. extracted from dbaccess/source/ui/uno.oo
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://qa.openoffice.org/issues/enter_bug.cgi?comment=&component=l10n&form_name=enter_issue&short_desc=Localization+issue+in+file%3A+dbaccess%2Fsource%2Fui%2Funo.oo&subcomponent=ui\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-07-04 16:38+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-07-20 00:15+0200\n"
+"Last-Translator: vpanter <leo.moons@telenet.be>\n"
+"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
+"Language: nl\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
+"X-Generator: Pootle 2.1.6\n"
+"X-Accelerator-Marker: ~\n"
+#: dbinteraction.src#STR_REMEMBERPASSWORD_SESSION.string.text
+msgid "~Remember password until end of session"
+msgstr "~Wachtwoord onthouden tot einde van de sessie"
+#: dbinteraction.src#STR_REMEMBERPASSWORD_PERSISTENT.string.text
+msgid "~Remember password"
+msgstr "Wachtwoord ~opslaan"
+#: copytablewizard.src#STR_CTW_NO_VIEWS_SUPPORT.string.text
+msgid "The destination database does not support views."
+msgstr "De doeldatabase ondersteunt geen weergaven."
+#: copytablewizard.src#STR_CTW_NO_PRIMARY_KEY_SUPPORT.string.text
+msgid "The destination database does not support primary keys."
+msgstr "De doeldatabase ondersteunt geen primaire sleutels."
+#: copytablewizard.src#STR_CTW_INVALID_DATA_ACCESS_DESCRIPTOR.string.text
+msgid "no data access descriptor found, or no data access descriptor able to provide all necessary information"
+msgstr "geen gegevenstoegangsdescriptor gevonden, of geen die in staat is om alle benodigde informatie te leveren"
+#: copytablewizard.src#STR_CTW_ONLY_TABLES_AND_QUERIES_SUPPORT.string.text
+msgid "Only tables and queries are supported at the moment."
+msgstr "Momenteel worden alleen tabellen en query's ondersteund."
+#: copytablewizard.src#STR_CTW_COPY_SOURCE_NEEDS_BOOKMARKS.string.text
+msgid "The copy source's result set must support bookmarks."
+msgstr "De resultaatverzameling van de kopiebron moet bladwijzers ondersteunen."
+#: copytablewizard.src#STR_CTW_UNSUPPORTED_COLUMN_TYPE.string.text
+msgid "Unsupported source column type ($type$) at column position $pos$."
+msgstr "Niet ondersteund bronkolomtype ($type$) op kolompositie $pos$."
+#: copytablewizard.src#STR_CTW_ILLEGAL_PARAMETER_COUNT.string.text
+msgid "Illegal number of initialization parameters."
+msgstr "Ongeldig aantal initialisatieparameters."
+#: copytablewizard.src#STR_CTW_ERROR_DURING_INITIALIZATION.string.text
+msgid "An error occurred during initialization."
+msgstr "Er is een fout opgetreden bij het initialiseren."
+#: copytablewizard.src#STR_CTW_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_SETTING.string.text
+msgid "Unsupported setting in the copy source descriptor: $name$."
+msgstr "Niet ondersteunde instelling in de kopie van de bronbeschrijving: $name$."
+#: copytablewizard.src#STR_CTW_ERROR_NO_QUERY.string.text
+msgid "To copy a query, your connection must be able to provide queries."
+msgstr "Uw verbinding moet in staat zijn om queries te verschaffen om een query te kopiëren."
+#: copytablewizard.src#STR_CTW_ERROR_INVALID_INTERACTIONHANDLER.string.text
+msgid "The given interaction handler is invalid."
+msgstr "De opgegeven afhandeling voor de interactie is ongeldig."