path: root/source/sl/helpcontent2/source/text
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18 files changed, 4040 insertions, 1600 deletions
diff --git a/source/sl/helpcontent2/source/text/sbasic/python.po b/source/sl/helpcontent2/source/text/sbasic/python.po
index 1d66d3b2c2c..210fd252d69 100644
--- a/source/sl/helpcontent2/source/text/sbasic/python.po
+++ b/source/sl/helpcontent2/source/text/sbasic/python.po
@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: LibreOffice 7.3\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://bugs.libreoffice.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=LibreOffice&bug_status=UNCONFIRMED&component=UI\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-10-22 21:11+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2021-10-23 20:20+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-11-16 16:12+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2021-11-16 21:29+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Martin Srebotnjak <miles@filmsi.net>\n"
"Language-Team: sl.libreoffice.org\n"
"Language: sl\n"
@@ -487,7 +487,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "Control the processing of document save, document copy, print or mailmerge requests."
-msgstr "Nadzor nad postopki shranjevanja in kopiranja dokumenta, tiskanja ali zahtevami po spajanju dokumentov."
+msgstr "Nadzor nad postopki shranjevanja in kopiranja dokumenta ter zahtevami po tiskanju ali spajanju dokumentov."
#: python_document_events.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -495,7 +495,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "Recalculate table of contents, indexes or table entries of a Writer document when document is going to be closed"
-msgstr "Preračunavanje kazala vsebine, kazal ali vnosov tabele v dokumentu programa Writer, ko se bo dokument zaprl."
+msgstr "Preračunavanje kazal ali vnosov tabele v dokumentu programa Writer, ko se bo dokument zaprl."
#: python_document_events.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1964,10 +1964,74 @@ msgstr "<variable id=\"pythonlocations1\"><link href=\"text/sbasic/python/python
#: python_locations.xhp
msgctxt ""
+msgid "%PRODUCTNAME macros are grouped in module files, modules are usually grouped in library folders, and libraries are grouped in library containers although containers can contain modules too."
+msgstr "Makri %PRODUCTNAME so združeni v skupine v datotekah modulov, moduli so ponavadi združeni v mapah knjižnice, te pa so združene v vsebnikih knjižnic, čeprav lahko vsebniki vsebujejo tudi module."
+#: python_locations.xhp
+msgctxt ""
-msgid "The Python script files are stored in the filesystem, in folders controlled by %PRODUCTNAME. The macros can be started at installation, user or file level."
-msgstr "Skriptne datoteke Python so shranjene v datotečnem sistemu, v mapah, ki jih nadzira %PRODUCTNAME. Makre lahko zaženete na ravni namestitve, uporabnika ali datoteke."
+msgid "A library is used as a major grouping for either an entire category of macros, or for an entire application. Modules usually split functionality, such as user interaction and calculations. Individual macros are subroutines and functions. The Figure below shows an example of the hierarchical structure of macro libraries in %PRODUCTNAME."
+msgstr "Knjižnica se uporablja kot osrednje mesto zbiranja za celotno kategorijo makrov ali za celoten program. Moduli se običajno delijo glede na funkcionalnost, kot je npr. interakcija z uporabnikom ali izračuni. Posamezni makri so podprogrami in funkcije. Spodnja slika prikazuje primer hierarhične strukture knjižnic makrov v %PRODUCTNAME."
+#: python_locations.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "<image src=\"media/helpimg/sbasic/Library-Container.svg\" id=\"img_id121636285791637\" width=\"8cm\" height=\"5.5cm\"><alt id=\"alt_id471636279690940\">Library Container diagram</alt></image>"
+msgstr "<image src=\"media/helpimg/sbasic/Library-Container.svg\" id=\"img_id121636285791637\" width=\"8cm\" height=\"5.5cm\"><alt id=\"alt_id471636279690940\">Diagram vsebina knjižnice</alt></image>"
+#: python_locations.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "<emph>Figure:</emph> Macro Library hierarchy"
+msgstr "<emph>Slika:</emph> hierarhija knjižnice makrov"
+#: python_locations.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "The containers are accessible in all %PRODUCTNAME programs through the user interface. Go to <menuitem>Tools > Macros > Organize Macros > Python</menuitem>, to open the Python Macros dialog."
+msgstr "Vsebniki so dosegljivi v vseh programih %PRODUCTNAME prek uporabniškega vmesnika. Izberite <menuitem>Orodja > Makri > Organiziraj makre > Python</menuitem>, da odprete pogovorno okno Makri Python.***"
+#: python_locations.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Three library containers are shown in the Macro From list:"
+msgstr "Na seznamu Makro iz so prikazani trije vsebniki knjižnic:"
+#: python_locations.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "<emph>My Macros:</emph> personal macros available for the %PRODUCTNAME user"
+msgstr "<emph>Moji makri</emph>: osebni makri, ki so na voljo uporabniku %PRODUCTNAME."
+#: python_locations.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "<emph>%PRODUCTNAME Macros:</emph> system macros distributed with LibreOffice for every computer user"
+msgstr "<emph>Makri %PRODUCTNAME:</emph> sistemski makri, ki se namestijo skupaj z %PRODUCTNAME za vse uporabnike pisarniškega paketa."
+#: python_locations.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "<emph>Document macros:</emph> every document can contain macro libraries available in that document for all users"
+msgstr "<emph>Makri dokumenta:</emph> vsak dokument lahko vsebuje knjižnice makrov, ki so na voljo v tem dokumentu za vse njegove uporabnike."
#: python_locations.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -1990,8 +2054,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "%PRODUCTNAME Macros container"
-msgstr "Vsebnik makrov %PRODUCTNAME"
+msgid "%PRODUCTNAME Macros"
+msgstr "Makri %PRODUCTNAME"
#: python_locations.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -2094,56 +2158,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Like BASIC macros, Python macros can be organized in libraries, modules and macros."
-msgstr "Tako kot makre v Basicu lahko tudi makre v Pythonu organizirate v knjižnicah, modulih in makrih."
-#: python_locations.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Creating a Python Library"
-msgstr "Ustvarjanje knjižnice Python"
-#: python_locations.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Libraries are folders in the container tree. To create a library, add a folder in the target container. The library name is the folder name."
-msgstr "Knjižnice so mape v drevesu vsebnika. Če želite ustvariti knjižnico, dodajte mapo v ciljni vsebnik. Ime knjižnice je ime mape."
-#: python_locations.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Creating a Python Module."
-msgstr "Ustvarjanje modula Python."
-#: python_locations.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "A module is a python file in the library or the container. Create a module adding a file in the container."
-msgstr "Modul je datoteka Python v knjižnici ali vsebniku. Modul ustvarite tako, da dodate datoteko v vsebnik."
-#: python_locations.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Python macros"
-msgstr "Makri v jeziku Python"
-#: python_locations.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "A macro is a python object in the module."
-msgstr "Makro je v modulu Python predmet."
+msgid "Python macros can be organized in libraries, modules and macros. Use the Macro Library hierarchy as a guide when creating or installing new macros in module files, new module files in library folders or new library folders in containers."
+msgstr "Makre Python lahko organiziramo v knjižnice, module in makre. Uporabite hierarhijo knjižnice makrov kot vodilo pri ustvarjanju ali nameščanju novih makrov v datoteke modula, novih datotek modula v mapah knjižnice ali novih mapah knjižnice v vsebnikih."
#: python_platform.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -3230,5 +3246,5 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<link href=\"text/sbasic/shared/03/sf_exception.html?#PythonShell\" name=\"PythonShell method\"><literal>PythonShell</literal></link> function in <link href=\"text/sbasic/shared/03/sf_exception.html\" name=\"ScriptForge.Exception service\"><literal>ScriptForge.Exception</literal></link> service"
-msgstr "Funkcija <link href=\"text/sbasic/shared/03/sf_exception.html?#PythonShell\" name=\"Metoda PythonShell\"><literal>PythonShell</literal></link> v storitvi <link href=\"text/sbasic/shared/03/sf_exception.html\" name=\"Storitev ScriptForge.Exception\"><literal>ScriptForge.Exception</literal></link>"
+msgid "<link href=\"text/sbasic/shared/03/sf_exception.xhp?#PythonShell\" name=\"PythonShell method\"><literal>PythonShell</literal></link> function in <link href=\"text/sbasic/shared/03/sf_exception.xhp\" name=\"ScriptForge.Exception service\"><literal>ScriptForge.Exception</literal></link> service"
+msgstr "Funkcija <link href=\"text/sbasic/shared/03/sf_exception.xhp?#PythonShell\" name=\"Metoda PythonShell\"><literal>PythonShell</literal></link> v storitvi <link href=\"text/sbasic/shared/03/sf_exception.xhp\" name=\"Storitev ScriptForge.Exception\"><literal>ScriptForge.Exception</literal></link>"
diff --git a/source/sl/helpcontent2/source/text/sbasic/shared.po b/source/sl/helpcontent2/source/text/sbasic/shared.po
index 14941b7eab7..135e439164f 100644
--- a/source/sl/helpcontent2/source/text/sbasic/shared.po
+++ b/source/sl/helpcontent2/source/text/sbasic/shared.po
@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: LibreOffice 7.3\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://bugs.libreoffice.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=LibreOffice&bug_status=UNCONFIRMED&component=UI\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-10-22 21:11+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2021-10-23 20:35+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-11-16 16:12+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2021-11-16 22:24+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Martin Srebotnjak <miles@filmsi.net>\n"
"Language-Team: sl.libreoffice.org\n"
"Language: sl\n"
@@ -2311,7 +2311,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "Date literals allow to specify unambiguous date variables that are independent from the current language. Literals are enclosed between hash signs <literal>#</literal>. Possible formats are:"
-msgstr "Neposredni zapisi datumov omogočajo podajanje datumskih spremenljivk na nedvoumen način, neodvisen od krajevnih nastavitev. Dobesedni zapisi so zaobjeti z višaji (znak <literal>#</literal>). Možna zapisa sta:"
+msgstr "Neposredni zapisi datumov omogočajo podajanje datumskih spremenljivk na nedvoumen način, neodvisen od krajevnih nastavitev. Takšni zapisi so zaobjeti z višaji (znak <literal>#</literal>). Možna zapisa sta:"
#: 01020100.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -14964,6 +14964,46 @@ msgstr "Spremenljivki priredite predmet <emph>Nothing</emph>, če želite odstra
#: 03040000.xhp
msgctxt ""
+msgid "Print IsEmpty(sVar) ' Returns True"
+msgstr "Print IsEmpty(sVar) ' vrne Res (True)"
+#: 03040000.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Print oDoc ' Error"
+msgstr "Print oDoc ' Napaka"
+#: 03040000.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "MsgBox Named Constants"
+msgstr "Poimenovane konstante MsgBox"
+#: 03040000.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "GetAttr Named Constants"
+msgstr "Poimenovane konstante GetAttr"
+#: 03040000.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "VarType Named Constants"
+msgstr "Poimenovane konstante VarType"
+#: 03040000.xhp
+msgctxt ""
msgid "<bookmark_value>Visual Basic constants</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>VBA Exclusive constants</bookmark_value>"
@@ -14988,6 +15028,94 @@ msgstr "Naslednje konstante so na voljo, če je omogočen združljivostni način
#: 03040000.xhp
msgctxt ""
+msgid "<bookmark_value>VBA Variable Type Named Constants</bookmark_value>"
+msgstr "<bookmark_value>poimenovane konstante VarType VBA</bookmark_value>"
+#: 03040000.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "VBA Color Named Constants"
+msgstr "Poimenovane konstante barv VBA"
+#: 03040000.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Named constant"
+msgstr "Poimenovana konstanta"
+#: 03040000.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Red, Green, Blue<br/>composition"
+msgstr "Sestava iz<br/>rdeče, zelene, modre"
+#: 03040000.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Variable Type Named Constants"
+msgstr "Poimenovane konstante VarType"
+#: 03040000.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Named constant"
+msgstr "Poimenovana konstanta"
+#: 03040000.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Decimal value"
+msgstr "Decimalna vrednost"
+#: 03040000.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "FormatDateTime VBA Named Constants"
+msgstr "Poimenovane konstante VBA FormatDateTime"
+#: 03040000.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "StrConv VBA Named Constants"
+msgstr "Poimenovane konstante VBA StrConv"
+#: 03040000.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "WeekDayName VBA Named Constants"
+msgstr "Poimenovane konstante VBA WeekDayName"
+#: 03040000.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Miscellaneous VBA Named Constants"
+msgstr "Razne poimenovane konstante VBA"
+#: 03040000.xhp
+msgctxt ""
msgid "Named constant"
@@ -15113,38 +15241,6 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "VT - Vertical tab"
msgstr "VT – navpični tabulator (angl. vertical tab)"
-#: 03040000.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "<bookmark_value>VBA Variable Type Named Constants</bookmark_value>"
-msgstr "<bookmark_value>konstante variabilne vrste VBA</bookmark_value>"
-#: 03040000.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "VBA Variable Type Named Constants"
-msgstr "Konstante variabilne vrste VBA"
-#: 03040000.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Named constant"
-msgstr "Poimenovana konstanta"
-#: 03040000.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Decimal value"
-msgstr "Decimalna vrednost"
#: 03050000.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -17078,8 +17174,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<link href=\"text/sbasic/shared/03080101.xhp\" name=\"Atn Function\">Atn Function</link>"
-msgstr "<link href=\"text/sbasic/shared/03080101.xhp\" name=\"Funkcija Atn\">Funkcija Atn[med izvajanjem]</link>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"Atn_h1\"><link href=\"text/sbasic/shared/03080101.xhp\" name=\"Atn Function\">Atn Function</link></variable>"
+msgstr "<variable id=\"Atn_h1\"><link href=\"text/sbasic/shared/03080101.xhp\" name=\"Funkcija Atn\">Funkcija Atn</link></variable>"
#: 03080101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -17094,24 +17190,24 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "The arctangent is the inverse of the tangent function. The Atn Function returns the angle \"Alpha\", expressed in radians, using the tangent of this angle. The function can also return the angle \"Alpha\" by comparing the ratio of the length of the side that is opposite of the angle to the length of the side that is adjacent to the angle in a right-angled triangle."
-msgstr "Arkus tangens je inverzna funkcija tangensa. Funkcija Atn vrne kot »Alfa«, v radianih na osnovi tangensa tega kota. Funkcija Atn lahko tudi vrne kot »Alfa« na osnovi kvocienta dolžin nasprotne katete in soležne katete v pravokotnem trikotniku."
+msgid "The arctangent is the inverse of the tangent function. The <literal>Atn</literal> Function returns the angle \"Alpha\", expressed in radians, using the tangent of this angle. The function can also return the angle \"Alpha\" by comparing the ratio of the length of the side that is opposite of the angle to the length of the side that is adjacent to the angle in a right-angled triangle."
+msgstr "Arkus tangens je inverzna funkcija tangensa. Funkcija <literal>Atn</literal> vrne kot »Alfa«, v radianih na osnovi tangensa tega kota. Funkcija Atn lahko tudi vrne kot »Alfa« na osnovi kvocienta dolžin nasprotne katete in soležne katete v pravokotnem trikotniku."
#: 03080101.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Atn(side opposite the angle/side adjacent to angle)= Alpha"
-msgstr "Atn(nasprotna kateta/soležna kateta)= Alfa"
+msgid "<literal>Atn</literal>(side opposite the angle/side adjacent to angle)= Alpha"
+msgstr "<literal>Atn</literal>(nasprotna kateta/soležna kateta)= Alfa"
#: 03080101.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Atn (Number)"
-msgstr "Atn (Število)"
+msgid "Atn (Number As Double) As Double"
+msgstr "Atn(število As Double) As Double"
#: 03080101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -17126,8 +17222,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<emph>Number:</emph> Any numerical expression that represents the ratio of two sides of a right triangle. The Atn function returns the corresponding angle in radians (arctangent)."
-msgstr "<emph>Število:</emph> poljuben numeričen izraz, ki predstavlja kvocient dolžin obeh katet. Funkcija Atn vrne imenovani kot v radianih (arkus tangens)."
+msgid "<emph>Number:</emph> Any numerical expression that represents the ratio of two sides of a right triangle. The <literal>Atn</literal> function returns the corresponding angle in radians (arctangent)."
+msgstr "<emph>Število:</emph> poljuben numeričen izraz, ki predstavlja kvocient dolžin obeh katet. Funkcija <literal>Atn</literal> vrne ustrezni kot v radianih (arkus tangens)."
#: 03080101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -17158,8 +17254,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Pi is here the fixed circle constant with the rounded value 3.14159. Pi is a <link href=\"text/sbasic/shared/03040000.xhp#mathconstants\" name=\"pi\">Basic mathematical constant</link>."
-msgstr "Pi je nespremenljiva konstanta kroga z zaokroženo vrednostjo 3,14159. Pi je <link href=\"text/sbasic/shared/03040000.xhp#mathconstants\" name=\"Pi\">matematična konstanta Basica</link>."
+msgid "<literal>Pi</literal> is here the fixed circle constant with the rounded value 3.14159. <literal>Pi</literal> is a <link href=\"text/sbasic/shared/03040000.xhp#mathconstants\" name=\"pi\">Basic mathematical constant</link>."
+msgstr "<literal>Pi</literal> je nespremenljiva konstanta kroga z zaokroženo vrednostjo 3,14159. <literal>Pi</literal> je <link href=\"text/sbasic/shared/03040000.xhp#mathconstants\" name=\"Pi\">matematična konstanta Basica</link>."
#: 03080101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -17230,8 +17326,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<link href=\"text/sbasic/shared/03080102.xhp\" name=\"Cos Function\">Cos Function</link>"
-msgstr "<link href=\"text/sbasic/shared/03080102.xhp\" name=\"Funkcija Cos\">Funkcija Cos</link>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"Cos_h1\"><link href=\"text/sbasic/shared/03080102.xhp\" name=\"Cos Function\">Cos Function</link></variable>"
+msgstr "<variable id=\"Cos_h1\"><link href=\"text/sbasic/shared/03080102.xhp\" name=\"Funkcija Cos\">Funkcija Cos</link></variable>"
#: 03080102.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -17246,40 +17342,24 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Using the angle Alpha, the Cos-Function calculates the ratio of the length of the side that is adjacent to the angle, divided by the length of the hypotenuse in a right-angled triangle."
-msgstr "Funkcija Cos izračuna na osnovi kota Alfa kvocient dolžin soležne katete in hipotenuze v pravokotnem trikotniku."
+msgid "Using the angle Alpha, the <literal>Cos</literal> function calculates the ratio of the length of the side that is adjacent to the angle, divided by the length of the hypotenuse in a right-angled triangle."
+msgstr "Funkcija <literal>Cos</literal> izračuna na osnovi kota Alfa kvocient dolžin soležne katete in hipotenuze v pravokotnem trikotniku."
#: 03080102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Cos(Alpha) = Adjacent/Hypotenuse"
-msgstr "Cos(Alfa = soležna kateta/ hipotenuza"
-#: 03080102.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Syntax:"
-msgstr "Skladnja:"
+msgid "<literal>Cos</literal>(Alpha) = Adjacent/Hypotenuse"
+msgstr "<literal>Cos</literal>(alfa) = soležna kateta/hipotenuza"
#: 03080102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Cos (Number)"
-msgstr "Cos (Število)"
-#: 03080102.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Return value:"
-msgstr "Vrnjena vrednost:"
+msgid "Cos (Number As Double) As Double"
+msgstr "Cos(število As Double) As Double"
#: 03080102.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -17292,14 +17372,6 @@ msgstr "Double"
#: 03080102.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Parameters:"
-msgstr "Parametri:"
-#: 03080102.xhp
-msgctxt ""
msgid "<emph>Number:</emph> Numeric expression that specifies an angle in radians that you want to calculate the cosine for."
@@ -17334,16 +17406,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Pi is here the fixed circle constant with the rounded value 3.14159..."
-msgstr "Pi je pri tem konstanta z zaokroženo vrednostjo 3,14159 ..."
-#: 03080102.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Example:"
-msgstr "Primer:"
+msgid "<literal>Pi</literal> is here the fixed circle constant with the rounded value 3.14159..."
+msgstr "<literal>Pi</literal> je pri tem konstanta z zaokroženo vrednostjo 3,14159 ..."
#: 03080102.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -17414,8 +17478,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<link href=\"text/sbasic/shared/03080103.xhp\" name=\"Sin Function\">Sin Function</link>"
-msgstr "<link href=\"text/sbasic/shared/03080103.xhp\" name=\"Funkcija Sin\">Funkcija Sin</link>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"Sin_h1\"><link href=\"text/sbasic/shared/03080103.xhp\" name=\"Sin Function\">Sin Function</link></variable>"
+msgstr "<variable id=\"Sin_h1\"><link href=\"text/sbasic/shared/03080103.xhp\" name=\"Funkcija Sin\">Funkcija Sin</link></variable>"
#: 03080103.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -17430,40 +17494,24 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Using the angle Alpha, the Sin Function returns the ratio of the length of the opposite side of an angle to the length of the hypotenuse in a right-angled triangle."
-msgstr "Funkcija Sin izračuna na osnovi kota Alfa kvocient dolžin nasproti ležeče katete in hipotenuze v pravokotnem trikotniku."
+msgid "Using the angle Alpha, the <literal>Sin</literal> function returns the ratio of the length of the opposite side of an angle to the length of the hypotenuse in a right-angled triangle."
+msgstr "Funkcija <literal>Sin</literal> izračuna na osnovi kota Alfa kvocient dolžin nasproti ležeče katete in hipotenuze v pravokotnem trikotniku."
#: 03080103.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Sin(Alpha) = side opposite the angle/hypotenuse"
-msgstr "Sin(Alfa) = nasproti ležeča kateta/hipotenuza"
-#: 03080103.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Syntax:"
-msgstr "Skladnja:"
+msgid "<literal>Sin</literal>(Alpha) = side opposite the angle/hypotenuse"
+msgstr "<literal>Sin</literal>(Alfa) = nasproti ležeča kateta/hipotenuza"
#: 03080103.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Sin (Number)"
-msgstr "Sin (Število)"
-#: 03080103.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Return value:"
-msgstr "Vrnjena vrednost:"
+msgid "Sin (Number As Double) As Double"
+msgstr "Sin(število As Double) As Double"
#: 03080103.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -17476,14 +17524,6 @@ msgstr "Double"
#: 03080103.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Parameters:"
-msgstr "Parametri:"
-#: 03080103.xhp
-msgctxt ""
msgid "<emph>Number:</emph> Numeric expression that defines the angle in radians that you want to calculate the sine for."
@@ -17494,40 +17534,32 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "To convert degrees to radians, multiply degrees by Pi/180, and to convert radians to degrees, multiply radians by 180/Pi."
-msgstr "Če želite stopinje pretvoriti v radiane, pomnožite vrednost z pi/180. Za pretvorbo iz radianov v stopinje pomnožite radiane z 180/pi."
+msgid "To convert degrees to radians, multiply degrees by <literal>Pi</literal>/180, and to convert radians to degrees, multiply radians by 180/<literal>Pi</literal>."
+msgstr "Če želite stopinje pretvoriti v radiane, pomnožite vrednost z <literal>pi</literal>/180. Za pretvorbo iz radianov v stopinje pomnožite radiane z 180/<literal>pi</literal>."
#: 03080103.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "grad=(radiant*180)/pi"
-msgstr "gradi=(radiani*180)/pi"
+msgid "grad=(radiant*180)/<literal>Pi</literal>"
+msgstr "gradi=(radiani*180)/<literal>pi</literal>"
#: 03080103.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "radiant=(grad*pi)/180"
-msgstr "radiani=(gradi*pi)/180"
+msgid "radiant=(grad*<literal>Pi</literal>)/180"
+msgstr "radiani=(gradi*<literal>pi</literal>)/180"
#: 03080103.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Pi is approximately 3.141593."
-msgstr "Pi je približno 3,141593."
-#: 03080103.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Example:"
-msgstr "Primer:"
+msgid "<literal>Pi</literal> is approximately 3.141593."
+msgstr "<literal>Pi</literal> je približno 3,141593."
#: 03080103.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -17598,8 +17630,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<link href=\"text/sbasic/shared/03080104.xhp\" name=\"Tan Function\">Tan Function</link>"
-msgstr "<link href=\"text/sbasic/shared/03080104.xhp\" name=\"Funkcija Tan\">Funkcija Tan</link>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"Tan_h1\"><link href=\"text/sbasic/shared/03080104.xhp\" name=\"Tan Function\">Tan Function</link></variable>"
+msgstr "<variable id=\"Tan_h1\"><link href=\"text/sbasic/shared/03080104.xhp\" name=\"Funkcija Tan\">Funkcija Tan</link></variable>"
#: 03080104.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -17614,40 +17646,24 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Using the angle Alpha, the Tan Function calculates the ratio of the length of the side opposite the angle to the length of the side adjacent to the angle in a right-angled triangle."
-msgstr "Funkcija Tan izračuna na osnovi kota Alfa kvocient dolžin nasproti ležeče katete in soležne katete v pravokotnem trikotniku."
+msgid "Using the angle Alpha, the <literal>Tan</literal> function calculates the ratio of the length of the side opposite the angle to the length of the side adjacent to the angle in a right-angled triangle."
+msgstr "Funkcija <literal>Tan</literal> izračuna na osnovi kota Alfa kvocient dolžin nasproti ležeče katete in soležne katete v pravokotnem trikotniku."
#: 03080104.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Tan(Alpha) = side opposite the angle/side adjacent to angle"
-msgstr "Tan(Alfa) = nasprotna kateta/soležna kateta"
-#: 03080104.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Syntax:"
-msgstr "Skladnja:"
+msgid "<literal>Tan</literal>(Alpha) = side opposite the angle/side adjacent to angle"
+msgstr "<literal>Tan</literal>(Alfa) = nasprotna kateta/soležna kateta"
#: 03080104.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Tan (Number)"
-msgstr "Tan (Število)"
-#: 03080104.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Return value:"
-msgstr "Vrnjena vrednost:"
+msgid "Tan (Number As Double) As Double"
+msgstr "Tan(število As Double) As Double"
#: 03080104.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -17660,14 +17676,6 @@ msgstr "Double"
#: 03080104.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Parameters:"
-msgstr "Parametri:"
-#: 03080104.xhp
-msgctxt ""
msgid "<emph>Number:</emph> Any numeric expression that you want to calculate the tangent for (in radians)."
@@ -17678,40 +17686,32 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "To convert degrees to radians, multiply by Pi/180. To convert radians to degrees, multiply by 180/Pi."
-msgstr "Če želite stopinje pretvoriti v radiane, pomnožite vrednost z pi/180. Za pretvorbo iz radianov v stopinje pomnožite radiane z 180/pi."
+msgid "To convert degrees to radians, multiply by <literal>Pi</literal>/180. To convert radians to degrees, multiply by 180/<literal>Pi</literal>."
+msgstr "Če želite stopinje pretvoriti v radiane, pomnožite vrednost z <literal>pi</literal>/180. Za pretvorbo iz radianov v stopinje pomnožite radiane z 180/<literal>pi</literal>."
#: 03080104.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "degrees=(radiant*180)/Pi"
-msgstr "stopinje=(radiani*180)/pi"
+msgid "degrees=(radiant*180)/<literal>Pi</literal>"
+msgstr "stopinje=(radiani*180)/<literal>pi</literal>"
#: 03080104.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "radiant=(degrees*Pi)/180"
-msgstr "radiani=(stopinje*pi)/180"
+msgid "radiant=(degrees*<literal>Pi</literal>)/180"
+msgstr "radiani=(stopinje*<literal>pi</literal>)/180"
#: 03080104.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Pi is approximately 3.141593."
-msgstr "Pi je približno 3,141593."
-#: 03080104.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Example:"
-msgstr "Primer:"
+msgid "<literal>Pi</literal> is approximately 3.141593."
+msgstr "<literal>Pi</literal> je približno 3,141593."
#: 03080104.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -26790,8 +26790,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<link href=\"text/sbasic/shared/03120101.xhp\" name=\"Asc Function\">Asc Function</link>"
-msgstr "<link href=\"text/sbasic/shared/03120101.xhp\" name=\"Funkcija Asc\">Funkcija Asc</link>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"Asc_h1\"><link href=\"text/sbasic/shared/03120101.xhp\" name=\"Asc Function\">Asc Function</link></variable>"
+msgstr "<variable id=\"Asc_h1\"><link href=\"text/sbasic/shared/03120101.xhp\" name=\"Funkcije Asc\">Funkcija Asc</link></variable>"
#: 03120101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -26804,50 +26804,26 @@ msgstr "Vrne vrednost prvega znaka v nizu po ASCII (American Standard Code for I
#: 03120101.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Syntax:"
-msgstr "Skladnja:"
-#: 03120101.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Asc (Text As String)"
-msgstr "Asc (Besedilo As String)"
-#: 03120101.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Return value:"
-msgstr "Vrnjena vrednost:"
+msgid "Asc(string) As Long"
+msgstr "Asc(string) As Long"
#: 03120101.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Integer"
-msgstr "Integer"
-#: 03120101.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Parameters:"
-msgstr "Parametri:"
+msgid "Long"
+msgstr "Long"
#: 03120101.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<emph>Text:</emph> Any valid string expression. Only the first character in the string is relevant."
-msgstr "<emph>Besedilo:</emph> poljuben niz. Samo prvi znak v nizu ima v tej funkciji pomen."
+msgid "<emph>string</emph>: Any valid string expression. Only the first character in the string is relevant."
+msgstr "<emph>string:</emph> poljuben niz. Samo prvi znak v nizu ima v tej funkciji pomen."
#: 03120101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -26860,14 +26836,6 @@ msgstr "Uporabljajte funkcijo Asc, kadar morate zamenjati ključe z vrednostmi.
#: 03120101.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "Example:"
-msgstr "Primer:"
-#: 03120101.xhp
-msgctxt ""
msgid "Print ASC(\"A\") ' returns 65"
@@ -26878,8 +26846,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Print ASC(\"Z\") ' returns 90"
-msgstr "Print ASC(\"Z\") ' vrne 90"
+msgid "Print ASC(string:=\"Z\") ' returns 90"
+msgstr "Print ASC(string:=\"Z\") ' vrne 90"
#: 03120101.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -26889,14 +26857,6 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "Print ASC(\"Las Vegas\") ' returns 76, since only the first character is taken into account"
msgstr "Print ASC(\"Nova Gorica\") ' vrne 78, ker se upošteva samo en, to je prvi, znak"
-#: 03120101.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "<link href=\"text/sbasic/shared/03120102.xhp\">CHR</link>"
-msgstr "<link href=\"text/sbasic/shared/03120102.xhp\">CHR</link>"
#: 03120102.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -26918,8 +26878,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<link href=\"text/sbasic/shared/03120102.xhp\" name=\"Chr Function\">Chr Function</link>"
-msgstr "<link href=\"text/sbasic/shared/03120102.xhp\" name=\"Funkcija Chr\">Funkcija Chr</link>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"Chr_h1\"><link href=\"text/sbasic/shared/03120102.xhp\" name=\"Chr Function\">Chr Function</link></variable>"
+msgstr "<variable id=\"Chr_h1\"><link href=\"text/sbasic/shared/03120102.xhp\" name=\"Funkcije Chr\">Funkcija Chr</link></variable>"
#: 03120102.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -26934,8 +26894,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Chr(Expression As Integer)"
-msgstr "Chr(Izraz As Integer)"
+msgid "Chr[$](expression As Integer) As String"
+msgstr "Chr[$](izraz As Integer) As String"
#: 03120102.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -26990,8 +26950,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "MsgBox \"A \"+ Chr$(34)+\"short\" + Chr$(34)+\" trip.\""
-msgstr "MsgBox \"Nekako \"+ Chr$(34)+\"kratek\" + Chr$(34)+\" izlet.\""
+msgid "MsgBox \"A \"+ Chr$(34)+\"short\" + Chr(34)+\" trip.\""
+msgstr "MsgBox \"Nekako \"+ Chr$(34)+\"kratek\" + Chr(34)+\" izlet.\""
#: 03120102.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -27001,14 +26961,6 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "' The printout appears in the dialog as: A \"short\" trip."
msgstr "' Izpis v pogovornem oknu se prikaže kot: Nekako \"kratek\" izlet."
-#: 03120102.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "<link href=\"text/sbasic/shared/03120101.xhp\">ASC</link>"
-msgstr "<link href=\"text/sbasic/shared/03120101.xhp\">ASC</link>"
#: 03120103.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -27302,8 +27254,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<link href=\"text/sbasic/shared/03120111.xhp\" name=\"AscW Function [VBA]\">AscW Function [VBA]</link>"
-msgstr "<link href=\"text/sbasic/shared/03120111.xhp\" name=\"Funkcija AscW [VBA]\">Funkcija AscW [VBA]</link>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"AscW_h1\"><link href=\"text/sbasic/shared/03120111.xhp\" name=\"AscW Function [VBA]\">AscW Function [VBA]</link></variable>"
+msgstr "<variable id=\"AscW_h1\"><link href=\"text/sbasic/shared/03120111.xhp\" name=\"Funkcija AscW [VBA]\">Funkcija AscW [VBA]</link></variable>"
#: 03120111.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -27318,16 +27270,16 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Integer"
-msgstr "Integer"
+msgid "Long"
+msgstr "Long"
#: 03120111.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<emph>Text:</emph> Any valid string expression. Only the first character in the string is relevant."
-msgstr "<emph>Besedilo:</emph> poljuben niz. Samo prvi znak v nizu ima v tej funkciji pomen."
+msgid "<emph>string</emph>: Any valid string expression. Only the first character in the string is relevant."
+msgstr "<emph>string:</emph> poljuben niz. Samo prvi znak v nizu ima v tej funkciji pomen."
#: 03120111.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -27350,8 +27302,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Print AscW(\"Ω\") ' returns 937"
-msgstr "Print AscW(\"Ω\") ' vrne 937"
+msgid "Print AscW(string:=\"Ω\") ' returns 937"
+msgstr "Print AscW(string:=\"Ω\") ' vrne 937"
#: 03120111.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -27361,30 +27313,6 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "Print AscW(\"Αθήνα\") ' returns 913, since only the first character (Alpha) is taken into account"
msgstr "Print AscW(\"Αθήνα\") ' vrne 913, ker se upošteva samo en, to je prvi, znak (alfa)"
-#: 03120111.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "<link href=\"text/sbasic/shared/03120102.xhp\">Chr</link>"
-msgstr "<link href=\"text/sbasic/shared/03120102.xhp\">Chr</link>"
-#: 03120111.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "<link href=\"text/sbasic/shared/03120112.xhp\">ChrW</link>"
-msgstr "<link href=\"text/sbasic/shared/03120112.xhp\">ChrW</link>"
-#: 03120111.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "<link href=\"text/sbasic/shared/03120101.xhp\">Asc</link>"
-msgstr "<link href=\"text/sbasic/shared/03120101.xhp\">Asc</link>"
#: 03120112.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -27406,8 +27334,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<link href=\"text/sbasic/shared/03120112.xhp\" name=\"ChrW Function\">ChrW Function [VBA]</link>"
-msgstr "<link href=\"text/sbasic/shared/03120112.xhp\" name=\"Funkcija ChrW [VBA]\">Funkcija ChrW [VBA]</link>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"ChrW_h1\"><link href=\"text/sbasic/shared/03120112.xhp\" name=\"ChrW Function\">ChrW Function [VBA]</link></variable>"
+msgstr "<variable id=\"ChrW_h1\"><link href=\"text/sbasic/shared/03120112.xhp\" name=\"Funkcije ChrW\">Funkcija ChrW [VBA]</link></variable>"
#: 03120112.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -27422,8 +27350,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "ChrW(Expression As Integer)"
-msgstr "ChrW(Izraz As Integer)"
+msgid "ChrW(Expression As Integer) As String"
+msgstr "ChrW(Izraz As Integer) As String"
#: 03120112.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -27465,30 +27393,6 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "' The printout appears in the dialog as: From Α to Ω"
msgstr "' Izpis v pogovornem oknu se prikaže kot: To je Α in Ω"
-#: 03120112.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "<link href=\"text/sbasic/shared/03120102.xhp\">Chr</link>"
-msgstr "<link href=\"text/sbasic/shared/03120102.xhp\">Chr</link>"
-#: 03120112.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "<link href=\"text/sbasic/shared/03120101.xhp\">Asc</link>"
-msgstr "<link href=\"text/sbasic/shared/03120101.xhp\">Asc</link>"
-#: 03120112.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "<link href=\"text/sbasic/shared/03120111.xhp\">AscW</link>"
-msgstr "<link href=\"text/sbasic/shared/03120111.xhp\">AscW</link>"
#: 03120200.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -34783,7 +34687,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "The table below presents a list of all Calc Add-In functions and their respective UNO service names."
-msgstr "Spodnja tabela predstavlja seznam vseh funkcij dodatka Calc in imena njihovih ustreznih storitev UNO."
+msgstr "Spodnja tabela predstavlja seznam vseh funkcij dodatka Calc in ustrezna imena njihovih storitev UNO."
#: calc_functions.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -35734,8 +35638,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<bookmark_value>Collection Object</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>Collection;Count</bookmark_value>"
-msgstr "<bookmark_value>Collection;glej predmeti Collection</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>predmeti Collection;metoda Count</bookmark_value>"
+msgid "<bookmark_value>Collection Object</bookmark_value>"
+msgstr "<bookmark_value>predmeti Collection</bookmark_value>"
#: collection.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -35836,14 +35740,6 @@ msgstr "Dodajanje elementov"
#: collection.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<bookmark_value>Collection;Add</bookmark_value>"
-msgstr "<bookmark_value>predmeti Collection;metoda Add</bookmark_value>"
-#: collection.xhp
-msgctxt ""
msgid "The <literal>Add</literal> method can be used to add new items into the <literal>Collection</literal> object."
@@ -35863,7 +35759,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "<emph>key:</emph> string value used as the unique key used to identify this value."
-msgstr "<emph>key</emph>: niz, uporabljen kot enkratni ključ, s katerim boste identificirali element."
+msgstr "<emph>key:</emph> niz, uporabljen kot enkratni ključ, s katerim boste identificirali to vrednost."
#: collection.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -35924,14 +35820,6 @@ msgstr "Dostop do elementov"
#: collection.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<bookmark_value>Collection;Item</bookmark_value>"
-msgstr "<bookmark_value>predmeti Collection;metoda Item</bookmark_value>"
-#: collection.xhp
-msgctxt ""
msgid "Use the <literal>Item</literal> method to access a given item by its index or key."
@@ -35964,14 +35852,6 @@ msgstr "Odstranjevanje elementov"
#: collection.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<bookmark_value>Collection;Remove</bookmark_value>"
-msgstr "<bookmark_value>predmeti Collection;metoda Remove</bookmark_value>"
-#: collection.xhp
-msgctxt ""
msgid "Use the <literal>Remove</literal> method to delete items from a <literal>Collection</literal> object."
diff --git a/source/sl/helpcontent2/source/text/sbasic/shared/03.po b/source/sl/helpcontent2/source/text/sbasic/shared/03.po
index cfa349899c4..93c2b6e87af 100644
--- a/source/sl/helpcontent2/source/text/sbasic/shared/03.po
+++ b/source/sl/helpcontent2/source/text/sbasic/shared/03.po
@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: LibreOffice 7.3\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://bugs.libreoffice.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=LibreOffice&bug_status=UNCONFIRMED&component=UI\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-10-22 21:11+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2021-10-26 02:24+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-11-16 16:12+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2021-11-16 21:57+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Martin Srebotnjak <miles@filmsi.net>\n"
"Language-Team: sl.libreoffice.org\n"
"Language: sl\n"
@@ -2417,6 +2417,70 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "If form documents are organized in folders, it becomes necessary to include the folder name to specify the form document to be opened, as illustrated in the following example:"
msgstr "Če so dokumenti obrazca organizirani v mapah, je potrebno vključiti ime mape, da določite dokument obrazca, ki ga želite odpreti, kot je to nakazano v naslednjem primeru:"
+#: sf_base.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "This method sends the content of the given form document to a default printer or a printer defined by the <literal>SetPrinter()</literal> method."
+msgstr "Ta metoda pošlje vsebino danega dokumenta obrazca privzetemu tiskalniku ali tiskalniku, ki ga določa metoda <literal>SetPrinter()</literal>."
+#: sf_base.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Returns <literal>True</literal> if the document was successfully printed."
+msgstr "Vrne <literal>True</literal>, če je bil dokument uspešno natisnjen."
+#: sf_base.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "<emph>formdocument</emph>: A valid document form name as a case-sensitive string. The form document must be open. It is activated by the method."
+msgstr "<emph>formdocument</emph>: ime veljavnega dokumenta obrazca kot niz, razlikuje med velikimi in malimi črkami. Dokument obrazca mora biti odprt. Metoda ga aktivira."
+#: sf_base.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "<emph>pages</emph>: The pages to print as a string, like in the user interface. Example: \"1-4;10;15-18\". Default is all pages."
+msgstr "<emph>pages</emph>: strani, ki jih želite natisniti, kot niz, tako kot v uporabniškem vmesniku. Primer: »1-4;10;15-18«. Privzeta vrednost je tiskanje vseh strani."
+#: sf_base.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "<emph>copies</emph><emph/>: The number of copies. Default is 1."
+msgstr "<emph>copies</emph><emph/>: število kopij. Privzeto ima vrednost 1."
+#: sf_base.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Define the printer options for a form document. The form document must be open."
+msgstr "Določa možnosti tiskalnika za dokument obrazca. Dokument obrazca mora biti odprt."
+#: sf_base.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Returns <literal>True</literal> when successful."
+msgstr "Vrne <literal>True</literal>, če uspe."
+#: sf_base.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "<emph>formdocument</emph>: A valid document form name as a case-sensitive string."
+msgstr "<emph>formdocument:</emph> ime veljavnega dokumenta obrazca, razlikuje med velikimi in malimi črkami."
#: sf_basic.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -3804,6 +3868,30 @@ msgstr "Sklic na obseg, ki ga lahko uporabite kot argument za metode, kakršna j
#: sf_calc.xhp
msgctxt ""
+msgid "Yes"
+msgstr "Da"
+#: sf_calc.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "RangeName As String"
+msgstr "ImeObsega As String"
+#: sf_calc.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Returns the address of the smallest area that contains the specified range so that the area is surrounded by empty cells or sheet edges. This is equivalent to applying the <keycode>Ctrl + *</keycode> shortcut to the given range."
+msgstr "Vrne naslov najmanjšega področja, ki vsebuje navedeni obseg, tako da je področje obkroženo s praznimi celicami ali robovi delovnega lista. To je ekvivalentno uporabi tipk za bližnjice <keycode>krmilka + *</keycode> na danem obsegu."
+#: sf_calc.xhp
+msgctxt ""
msgid "Yes"
@@ -3908,6 +3996,38 @@ msgstr "Predmet UNO <literal>com.sun.star.Table.XCellRange</literal>"
#: sf_calc.xhp
msgctxt ""
+msgid "XSheetCellCursor"
+msgstr "XSheetCellCursor"
+#: sf_calc.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Yes"
+msgstr "Da"
+#: sf_calc.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "RangeName As String"
+msgstr "ImeObsega As String"
+#: sf_calc.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "A <literal>com.sun.star.sheet.XSheetCellCursor</literal> UNO object. After moving the cursor, the resulting range address can be accessed through the <literal>AbsoluteName</literal> UNO property of the cursor object, which returns a string value that can be used as argument for properties and methods of the Calc service."
+msgstr "Predmet UNO <literal>com.sun.star.sheet.XSheetCellCursor</literal>. Po premiku kazalke lahko do ciljnega naslova obsega dostopate prek lastnosti UNO <literal>AbsoluteName</literal> predmeta kazalke, ki vrne vrednost niza, ki jo lahko uporabite kot argument za lastnosti in metode storitve Calc."
+#: sf_calc.xhp
+msgctxt ""
msgid "Yes"
@@ -3924,7 +4044,7 @@ msgstr "ImeDelovnegaLista As String"
#: sf_calc.xhp
msgctxt ""
msgid "A <literal>com.sun.star.sheet.XSpreadsheet</literal> UNO object"
msgstr "Predmet UNO <literal>com.sun.star.sheet.XSpreadsheet</literal>"
@@ -3934,8 +4054,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Visit LibreOffice API Documentation's website to learn more about <link href=\"https://api.libreoffice.org/docs/idl/ref/interfacecom_1_1sun_1_1star_1_1table_1_1XCellRange.html\" name=\"XCellRange API\">XCellRange</link> and <link href=\"https://api.libreoffice.org/docs/idl/ref/interfacecom_1_1sun_1_1star_1_1sheet_1_1XSpreadsheet.html\" name=\"XSpreadsheet API\">XSpreadsheet</link> UNO objects."
-msgstr "Obiščite spletišče dokumentacije API LibreOffice, da izveste več o UNO-predmetih <link href=\"https://api.libreoffice.org/docs/idl/ref/interfacecom_1_1sun_1_1star_1_1table_1_1XCellRange.html\" name=\"API XCellRange\">XCellRange</link> in <link href=\"https://api.libreoffice.org/docs/idl/ref/interfacecom_1_1sun_1_1star_1_1sheet_1_1XSpreadsheet.html\" name=\"API XSpreadsheet\">XSpreadsheet</link>."
+msgid "Visit LibreOffice API Documentation's website to learn more about <link href=\"https://api.libreoffice.org/docs/idl/ref/interfacecom_1_1sun_1_1star_1_1table_1_1XCellRange.html\" name=\"XCellRange API\">XCellRange</link>, <link href=\"https://api.libreoffice.org/docs/idl/ref/interfacecom_1_1sun_1_1star_1_1sheet_1_1XSheetCellCursor.html\" name=\"XSheetCellCursor API\">XSheetCellCursor</link> and <link href=\"https://api.libreoffice.org/docs/idl/ref/interfacecom_1_1sun_1_1star_1_1sheet_1_1XSpreadsheet.html\" name=\"XSpreadsheet API\">XSpreadsheet</link> UNO objects."
+msgstr "Obiščite spletišče dokumentacije API LibreOffice, da izveste več o UNO-predmetih <link href=\"https://api.libreoffice.org/docs/idl/ref/interfacecom_1_1sun_1_1star_1_1table_1_1XCellRange.html\" name=\"XCellRange API\">XCellRange</link>, <link href=\"https://api.libreoffice.org/docs/idl/ref/interfacecom_1_1sun_1_1star_1_1sheet_1_1XSheetCellCursor.html\" name=\"XSheetCellCursor API\">XSheetCellCursor</link> in <link href=\"https://api.libreoffice.org/docs/idl/ref/interfacecom_1_1sun_1_1star_1_1sheet_1_1XSpreadsheet.html\" name=\"XSpreadsheet API\">XSpreadsheet</link> (vse v angl. jeziku)."
#: sf_calc.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -3956,10 +4076,66 @@ msgstr "Seznam metod v storitvi Calc"
#: sf_calc.xhp
msgctxt ""
+msgid "Returns a range address as a string based on sheet coordinates, i.e. row and column numbers."
+msgstr "Vrne naslov obsega kot niz v koordinatah delovnega lista, t.j. številki vrstice in stolpca."
+#: sf_calc.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "If only a pair of coordinates is given, then an address to a single cell is returned. Additional arguments can specify the bottom-right cell of a rectangular range."
+msgstr "Če je podan le par koordinat, potem vrne naslov posamezne celice. Dodatna argumenta lahko določata desno spodnjo celico pravokotnega obsega."
+#: sf_calc.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "<emph>row1, column1</emph>: Specify the row and column numbers of the top-left cell in the range to be considered. Row and column numbers start at 1."
+msgstr "<emph>row1, column1</emph>: določite številke vrstice in stolpca leve vrhnje celice v obravnavanem obsegu. Izhodiščni številki vrstic in stolpcev sta 1."
+#: sf_calc.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "<emph>row2, column2</emph>: Specify the row and column numbers of the bottom-right cell in the range to be considered. If these arguments are not provided, or if values smaller than <literal>row1</literal> and <literal>column1</literal> are given, then the address of the single cell range represented by <literal>row1</literal> and <literal>column1</literal> is returned."
+msgstr "<emph>row2, column2</emph>: določite številke vrstice in stolpca desne spodnje celice v obravnavanem obsegu. Če argumenta nista podana ali če sta podani vrednosti manjši od <literal>row1</literal> in <literal>column1</literal>, potem vrne naslov obsega posamezne celice, ki ga predstavljata parametra <literal>row1</literal> in <literal>column1</literal>."
+#: sf_calc.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "<emph>sheetname</emph>: The name of the sheet to be appended to the returned range address. The sheet must exist. The default value is \"~\" corresponding to the currently active sheet."
+msgstr "<emph>sheetname</emph>: ime delovnega lista, ki ga želite dodati vrnjenemu naslovu obsega. Delovni list mora obstajati. Privzeta vrednost je »~« in predstavlja trenutno dejavni delovni list."
+#: sf_calc.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "The examples below in Basic and Python consider that \"Sheet1\" is the currently active sheet."
+msgstr "Spodnja primera v Basicu in Pythonu predpostavljata, da je delovni list z imenom »Sheet1« trenutno dejaven delovni list."
+#: sf_calc.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "The method <literal>A1Style</literal> can be combined with any of the many properties and methods of the Calc service that require a range as argument, such as <literal>GetValue</literal>, <literal>GetFormula</literal>, <literal>ClearAll</literal>, etc."
+msgstr "Metodo <literal>A1Style</literal> lahko kombinirate s poljubno od številnih lastnosti in metod storitve Calc, ki zahtevajo za argument obseg, kot so <literal>GetValue</literal>, <literal>GetFormula</literal>, <literal>ClearAll</literal> itn."
+#: sf_calc.xhp
+msgctxt ""
-msgid "If the argument <literal>SheetName</literal> is provided, the given sheet is activated and it becomes the currently selected sheet. If the argument is absent, then the document window is activated."
-msgstr "Če je argument <literal>SheetName</literal> podan, je podani delovni list aktiviran in postane trenutni izbrani delovni list. Če argument manjka, se aktivira okno dokumenta."
+msgid "If the argument <literal>sheetname</literal> is provided, the given sheet is activated and it becomes the currently selected sheet. If the argument is absent, then the document window is activated."
+msgstr "Če je argument <literal>sheetname</literal> podan, je podani delovni list aktiviran in postane trenutni izbrani delovni list. Če argument manjka, se aktivira okno dokumenta."
#: sf_calc.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -3988,6 +4164,70 @@ msgstr "Aktiviranje delovnega lista je smiselno le za delo z dokumentom programa
#: sf_calc.xhp
msgctxt ""
+msgid "Returns either the list with the names of all chart objects in a given sheet or a single chart service instance."
+msgstr "Vrne seznam z imeni vseh predmetov grafikona na danem delovnem listu ali posamezno instanco storitve grafikona."
+#: sf_calc.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "If only <literal>sheetname</literal> is specified, an zero-based array of strings containing the names of all charts is returned."
+msgstr "Če je podan le argument <literal>sheetname</literal>, vrne ničelno polje nizov z imeni vseh grafikonov."
+#: sf_calc.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "If a <literal>chartname</literal> is provided, than a single object corresponding to the desired chart is returned. The specified chart must exist."
+msgstr "Če je podano ime grafikona kot parameter <literal>chartname</literal>, potem vrne posamezni predmet, ki ustreza želenemu grafikonu. Navedeni grafikon mora obstajati."
+#: sf_calc.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "<emph>sheetname</emph>: The name of the sheet from which the list of charts is to be retrieved or where the specified chart is located."
+msgstr "<emph>sheetname</emph>: ime delovnega lista, iz katerega bo pridobljen seznam grafikonov ali na katerem se nahaja navedeni grafikon."
+#: sf_calc.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "<emph>chartname</emph>: The user-defined name of the chart object to be returned. If the chart does not have a user-defined name, then the internal object name can be used. If this argument is absent, then the list of chart names in the specified sheet is returned."
+msgstr "<emph>chartname</emph>: uporabniško določeno ime predmeta grafikona, ki bo vrnjen. Če grafikon nima uporabniško določenega imena, potem lahko uporabite interno ime predmeta. Če je ta argument izpuščen, vrne seznam imen vseh grafikonov na navedenem delovnem listu."
+#: sf_calc.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Use the <menuitem>Navigator</menuitem> sidebar to check the names assigned to charts under the <menuitem>OLE objects</menuitem> category."
+msgstr "Uporabite zloženi zavihek <menuitem>Krmar</menuitem> v stranski vrstici, da preverite imena, dodeljena grafikonom, in sicer pod kategorijo <menuitem>Predmeti OLE</menuitem>."
+#: sf_calc.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "The example below shows the number of chart objects in \"Sheet1\"."
+msgstr "Spodnji primer prikazuje število predmetov grafikonov na delovnem listu z imenom »Sheet1«."
+#: sf_calc.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "The following example accesses the chart named \"MyChart\" in \"Sheet1\" and prints its type."
+msgstr "Naslednji primer dostopa do grafikona z imenom »MyChart« na delovnem listu »Sheet1« in izpiše njegovo vrsto."
+#: sf_calc.xhp
+msgctxt ""
msgid "Clears all the contents and formats of the given range."
@@ -4316,6 +4556,70 @@ msgstr "Kopiranje iz ene datoteke v drugo:"
#: sf_calc.xhp
msgctxt ""
+msgid "Creates a new chart object showing the data in the specified range. The returned chart object can be further manipulated using the <literal>Chart</literal> service."
+msgstr "Ustvari nov predmet grafikona, ki prikazuje podatke iz navedenega obsega. Z vrnjenim predmetom grafikona lahko nadalje upravljate z uporabo storitve <literal>Chart</literal>."
+#: sf_calc.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "<emph>chartname:</emph> The user-defined name of the chart to be created. The name must be unique in the same sheet."
+msgstr "<emph>chartname:</emph> uporabniško določeno ime grafikona, ki bo ustvarjen. Ime mora biti enkratno oz. na delovnem listu ne sme biti uporabljeno."
+#: sf_calc.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "<emph>sheetname:</emph> The name of the sheet where the chart will be placed."
+msgstr "<emph>sheetname</emph>: ime delovnega lista, na katerega želite umestiti grafikon."
+#: sf_calc.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "<emph>range:</emph> The range to be used as the data source for the chart. The range may refer to any sheet of the Calc document."
+msgstr "<emph>range:</emph> obseg, ki bo uporabljen kot vir podatkov za grafikon. Obseg se lahko nanaša na poljuben delovni list v dokumentu programa Calc."
+#: sf_calc.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "<emph>columnheader:</emph> When <literal>True</literal>, the topmost row of the range is used as labels for the category axis or the legend (Default = <literal>False</literal>)."
+msgstr "<emph>columnheader:</emph> če je <literal>True</literal>, bo vrhnja vrstica obsega služila za oznake na osi kategorij ali legendo (privzeta vrednost je <literal>False</literal>)."
+#: sf_calc.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "<emph>rowheader:</emph> When <literal>True</literal>, the leftmost column of the range is used as labels for the category axis or the legend. (Default = <literal>False</literal>)."
+msgstr "<emph>rowheader:</emph> če je <literal>True</literal>, bo skrajno levi stolpec služil za oznake na osi kategorij ali legendo (privzeta vrednost je <literal>False</literal>)."
+#: sf_calc.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "The examples below in Basic and Python create a chart using the data contained in the range \"A1:B5\" of \"Sheet1\" and place the chart in \"Sheet2\"."
+msgstr "Spodnja primera v Basicu in Pythonu ustvarita grafikon s podatki iz obsega »A1:B5« delovnega lista »Sheet1« in postavita grafikon na delovni list »Sheet2«."
+#: sf_calc.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Refer to the help page about ScriptForge's <link href=\"text/sbasic/shared/03/sf_chart.xhp\" name=\"Chart service\">Chart service</link> to learn more how to further manipulate chart objects. It is possible to change properties as the chart type, chart and axes titles and chart position."
+msgstr "Glejte stran pomoči o <link href=\"text/sbasic/shared/03/sf_chart.xhp\" name=\"Storitev Chart\">storitvi Chart</link> ScriptForge, da izveste več, kako nadalje upravljate s predmeti grafikona. Spremenite lahko lastnosti, kot so vrsta grafikona, naslov grafikona, naslov osi in položaj grafikona."
+#: sf_calc.xhp
+msgctxt ""
msgid "Apply the functions Average, Count, Max, Min and Sum, respectively, to all the cells containing numeric values on a given range."
@@ -4836,6 +5140,46 @@ msgstr "'SheetX.$C$3:$H$7 (A1 se zamakne za dve vrstici in stolpca s širino 5 v
#: sf_calc.xhp
msgctxt ""
+msgid "This method sends the content of the given sheet to a default printer or a printer defined by the <literal>SetPrinter()</literal> method of the <literal>Document</literal> Service."
+msgstr "Ta metoda pošlje vsebino danega delovnega lista privzetemu tiskalniku oz. tiskalniku, določenim z metodo <literal>SetPrinter()</literal> storitve <literal>Document</literal>."
+#: sf_calc.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Returns <literal>True</literal> if the sheet was successfully printed."
+msgstr "Vrne <literal>True</literal>, če je bil delovni list uspešno natisnjen."
+#: sf_calc.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "<emph>sheetname</emph>: The sheet to print, default is the active sheet."
+msgstr "<emph>sheetname</emph>: ime delovnega lista, ki ga želite natisniti, privzeta vrednot je dejavni delovni list."
+#: sf_calc.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "<emph>pages</emph>: The pages to print as a string, like in the user interface. Example: \"1-4;10;15-18\". Default is all pages."
+msgstr "<emph>pages</emph>: strani, ki jih želite natisniti, kot niz, tako kot v uporabniškem vmesniku. Primer: »1-4;10;15-18«. Privzeta vrednost je tiskanje vseh strani."
+#: sf_calc.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "<emph>copies</emph><emph/>: The number of copies. Default is 1."
+msgstr "<emph>copies</emph><emph/>: število kopij. Privzeto ima vrednost 1."
+#: sf_calc.xhp
+msgctxt ""
msgid "Removes an existing sheet from the document."
@@ -5217,6 +5561,622 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "'Sort range based on columns A (ascending) and C (descending)"
msgstr "'Razvrsti obseg glede na stolpca A (naraščajoče) in C (padajoče)"
+#: sf_chart.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "ScriptForge.Chart service"
+msgstr "Storitev ScriptForge.Chart"
+#: sf_chart.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "<variable id=\"ChartService\"><link href=\"text/sbasic/shared/03/sf_chart.xhp\" name=\"Chart service\"><literal>ScriptForge</literal>.<literal>Chart</literal> service</link></variable>"
+msgstr "<variable id=\"ChartService\"><link href=\"text/sbasic/shared/03/sf_chart.xhp\" name=\"Storitev Chart\">Storitev <literal>ScriptForge</literal>.<literal>Chart</literal></link></variable>"
+#: sf_chart.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "The <literal>Chart</literal> service provides a set of properties and methods to handle charts in Calc documents. With this service it is possible to:"
+msgstr "Storitev <literal>Chart</literal> zagotavlja nabor lastnosti in metod za ravnanje z grafikoni v dokumentih Calc. Ta storitev omogoča:"
+#: sf_chart.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Access chart objects in Calc documents and manipulate their properties."
+msgstr "Dostop do predmetov grafikonov v dokumentih programa Calc in upravljanje z njihovimi lastnostmi."
+#: sf_chart.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Create and insert new charts into a Calc document."
+msgstr "Ustvarjanje in vstavljanje novih grafikonov v dokumentih programa Calc."
+#: sf_chart.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Export charts as image files."
+msgstr "Izvoz grafikonov kot slikovnih datotek."
+#: sf_chart.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Chart names"
+msgstr "Imena grafikonov"
+#: sf_chart.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Charts may have two different names:"
+msgstr "Grafikoni imajo lahko dve različni imeni:"
+#: sf_chart.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "An <emph>internal name</emph> given by %PRODUCTNAME as soon as the chart object is created (usually \"Object 1\", \"Object 2\" and so on)."
+msgstr "<emph>Interno ime</emph>, ki ga določi %PRODUCTNAME ob izdelavi predmeta grafikona (običajno »Predmet 1«, »Predmet 2« itn.)."
+#: sf_chart.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "A <emph>user-defined name</emph>, which can be defined by right-clicking the chart and choosing <menuitem>Name</menuitem> in the context menu."
+msgstr "<emph>Uporabniško določeno ime</emph>, ki ga lahko določite z desnim klikom grafikona in izborom ukaza <menuitem>Ime</menuitem> v kontekstnem meniju."
+#: sf_chart.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "The <literal>Chart</literal> service primarily uses the user-defined name to access a chart object. If it does not exist, than the internal name is used."
+msgstr "Storitev <literal>Chart</literal> najprej uporabi uporabniško določeno ime za dostop do predmeta grafikona. Če to ne obstaja, uporabi interno ime."
+#: sf_chart.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Service invocation"
+msgstr "Priklic storitve"
+#: sf_chart.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "The <literal>Chart</literal> service is instantiated from a <literal>Calc</literal> service instance either using the <literal>Charts</literal> or <literal>CreateChart</literal> methods."
+msgstr "Storitev <literal>Chart</literal> je priklicana iz obstoječe instance storitve <literal>Calc</literal> prek njene metode <literal>Charts</literal> ali <literal>CreateChart</literal>."
+#: sf_chart.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "The example below creates a <literal>Chart</literal> service instance from an existing chart in the current Calc document:"
+msgstr "Spodnji primer ustvari instanco storitve <literal>Chart</literal>, ki se nanaša na obstoječi grafikon v trenutno dejavnem dokumentu Calc:"
+#: sf_chart.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "The following example instantiate the <literal>Chart</literal> service by creating a new chart object based on the data contained in the range \"Sheet1.A1:C10\"."
+msgstr "Naslednji primer ustvari instanco storitve <literal>Chart</literal> z ustvarjanjem novega predmeta grafikona glede na podatke iz obsega »Sheet1.A1:C10«."
+#: sf_chart.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Read the <link href=\"text/sbasic/shared/03/sf_calc.xhp#CreateChart\" name=\"CreateChart_link\">CreateChart</link> method description to learn more about its arguments."
+msgstr "Glejte opis metode <link href=\"text/sbasic/shared/03/sf_calc.xhp#CreateChart\" name=\"Metoda CreateChart\">CreateChart</link>, da izveste več o njenih argumentih."
+#: sf_chart.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "The examples above can be written in Python as follows:"
+msgstr "Zgornje primere lahko zapišemo v Pythonu na sledeč način:"
+#: sf_chart.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Properties"
+msgstr "Lastnosti"
+#: sf_chart.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Name"
+msgstr "Ime"
+#: sf_chart.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Readonly"
+msgstr "Samo za branje"
+#: sf_chart.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Type"
+msgstr "Vrsta"
+#: sf_chart.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Description"
+msgstr "Opis"
+#: sf_chart.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "No"
+msgstr "Ne"
+#: sf_chart.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Specifies the chart type as a string that can assume one of the following values: \"Pie\", \"Bar\", \"Donut\", \"Column\", \"Area\", \"Line\", \"XY\", \"Bubble\", \"Net\"."
+msgstr "Niz, ki določa vrsto grafikona in ima lahko eno od naslednjih vrednosti: »Pie« (tortni), »Bar« (stolpčni), »Donut« (kolobar), »Column« (stolpčni), »Area« (področje), »Line« (črtni), »XY«, »Bubble« (mehurčni), »Net« (mrežni)."
+#: sf_chart.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "No"
+msgstr "Ne"
+#: sf_chart.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "When <literal>True</literal> indicates that the chart is three-dimensional and each series is arranged in the z-direction."
+msgstr "Če je <literal>True</literal>, določa, da je grafikon tridimenzionalen in da je vsak niz razporejen v z-smeri."
+#: sf_chart.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "When <literal>False</literal> series are arranged considering only two dimensions."
+msgstr "Če je <literal>False</literal>, so nizi razporejeni zgolj glede na dve dimenziji."
+#: sf_chart.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "No"
+msgstr "Ne"
+#: sf_chart.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Specifies if the chart is displayed with 3D elements. If the value is a string, it must be either \"Bar\", \"Cylinder\", \"Cone\" or \"Pyramid\"."
+msgstr "Določa, ali je grafikon prikazan s 3D-elementi. Če je vrednost niz, mora imeti eno od naslednjih vrednosti: »Bar« (stolpec), »Cylinder« (valj), »Cone« (stožec) ali »Pyramid« (piramida)."
+#: sf_chart.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "If the boolean <literal>True</literal> value is specified, than the chart is displayed using 3D bars."
+msgstr "Če je podana logična vrednost <literal>True</literal>, bo grafikon prikazan kot 3D-stolpčni."
+#: sf_chart.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "No"
+msgstr "Ne"
+#: sf_chart.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Specifies how much pie segments are offset from the chart center as a percentage of the radius. Applicable to pie and donut charts only."
+msgstr "Določa, koliko so rezine tortnega grafikona odmaknjene iz središča grafikona, v odstotkih polmera. Parameter velja le za tortne in kolobarne grafikone."
+#: sf_chart.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "No"
+msgstr "Ne"
+#: sf_chart.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Boolean"
+msgstr "Logična vrednost"
+#: sf_chart.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "When <literal>True</literal>, specifies a filled net chart. Applicable to net charts only."
+msgstr "Če je <literal>True</literal>, določa zapolnjen mrežni grafikon. Parameter velja le za mrežne grafikone."
+#: sf_chart.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "No"
+msgstr "Ne"
+#: sf_chart.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Specifies whether or not the chart has a legend."
+msgstr "Določa, ali ima grafikon legendo."
+#: sf_chart.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "No"
+msgstr "Ne"
+#: sf_chart.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "When <literal>True</literal>, chart series are stacked and each category sums up to 100%. Applicable to Area, Bar, Bubble, Column and Net charts."
+msgstr "Če je <literal>True</literal>, so nizi grafikona zloženi in vsaka kategorija tvori skupaj 100 %. Parameter velja le za grafikone vrste Area, Bar, Bubble, Column in Net."
+#: sf_chart.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "No"
+msgstr "Ne"
+#: sf_chart.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "When <literal>True</literal>, chart series are stacked. Applicable to Area, Bar, Bubble, Column and Net charts."
+msgstr "Če je <literal>True</literal>, so nizi grafikona skladani. Ti parametri so primerni za grafikone Area, Bar, Bubble, Column in Net."
+#: sf_chart.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "No"
+msgstr "Ne"
+#: sf_chart.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Specifies the main title of the chart."
+msgstr "Določa glavni naslov grafikona."
+#: sf_chart.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "No"
+msgstr "Ne"
+#: sf_chart.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Specifies the title of the X axis."
+msgstr "Določa naslov osi X."
+#: sf_chart.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "No"
+msgstr "Ne"
+#: sf_chart.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Specifies the title of the Y axis."
+msgstr "Določa naslov osi Y."
+#: sf_chart.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Yes"
+msgstr "Da"
+#: sf_chart.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "UNO Object"
+msgstr "Predmet UNO"
+#: sf_chart.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Returns the object representing the chart, which is an instance of the <link href=\"https://docs.libreoffice.org/sc/html/classScChartObj.html\" name=\"ScChartObj\"><literal>ScChartObj</literal></link> class."
+msgstr "Vrne predmet, ki predstavlja grafikon, ki je instanca razreda <link href=\"https://docs.libreoffice.org/sc/html/classScChartObj.html\" name=\"ScChartObj\"><literal>ScChartObj</literal></link>."
+#: sf_chart.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Yes"
+msgstr "Da"
+#: sf_chart.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "UNO Object"
+msgstr "Predmet UNO"
+#: sf_chart.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Returns the <link href=\"https://api.libreoffice.org/docs/idl/ref/interfacecom_1_1sun_1_1star_1_1chart_1_1XDiagram.html\" name=\"XDiagram\"><literal>com.sun.star.chart.XDiagram</literal></link> object representing the diagram of the chart."
+msgstr "Vrne predmet <link href=\"https://api.libreoffice.org/docs/idl/ref/interfacecom_1_1sun_1_1star_1_1chart_1_1XDiagram.html\" name=\"XDiagram\"><literal>com.sun.star.chart.XDiagram</literal></link>, ki predstavlja diagram grafikona."
+#: sf_chart.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Yes"
+msgstr "Da"
+#: sf_chart.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "UNO Object"
+msgstr "Predmet UNO"
+#: sf_chart.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Returns the <link href=\"https://api.libreoffice.org/docs/idl/ref/interfacecom_1_1sun_1_1star_1_1drawing_1_1XShape.html\" name=\"XShape\"><literal>com.sun.star.drawing.XShape</literal></link> object representing the shape of the chart."
+msgstr "Vrne predmet <link href=\"https://api.libreoffice.org/docs/idl/ref/interfacecom_1_1sun_1_1star_1_1drawing_1_1XShape.html\" name=\"XShape\"><literal>com.sun.star.drawing.XShape</literal></link>, ki predstavlja obliko grafikona."
+#: sf_chart.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Yes"
+msgstr "Da"
+#: sf_chart.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "UNO Object"
+msgstr "Predmet UNO"
+#: sf_chart.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Returns the <link href=\"https://api.libreoffice.org/docs/idl/ref/interfacecom_1_1sun_1_1star_1_1table_1_1XTableChart.html\" name=\"XTableChart\"><literal>com.sun.star.table.XTableChart</literal></link> object representing the data being displayed in the chart."
+msgstr "Vrne predmet <link href=\"https://api.libreoffice.org/docs/idl/ref/interfacecom_1_1sun_1_1star_1_1table_1_1XTableChart.html\" name=\"XTableChart\"><literal>com.sun.star.table.XTableChart</literal></link>, ki predstavlja podatke, ki so prikazani v grafikonu."
+#: sf_chart.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Creating a chart"
+msgstr "Ustvarjanje grafikona"
+#: sf_chart.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Consider the following data in the range \"A1:B6\" of a sheet named \"Report\"."
+msgstr "Vzemimo za primer naslednje podatke v obsegu »A1:B6« delovnega lista z imenom »Report«."
+#: sf_chart.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "The examples below in Basic and Python show how to create a line chart from this data with legends."
+msgstr "Spodnja primera v Basicu in Pythonu kažeta, kako ustvarite črtni diagram iz teh podatkov z legendami."
+#: sf_chart.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "The chart does not need to be created in the same sheet where the data is located. It can be created in any existing sheet in the current file by specifying the sheet name in the second argument of the <literal>CreateChart</literal> method."
+msgstr "Grafikona ni potrebno ustvariti na istem delovnem listu, na katerem se nahajajo podatki. Ustvarite ga lahko na poljubnem obstoječem delovnem listu v trenutni datoteki, tako da navedete ime delovnega lista kot drugi argument metode <literal>CreateChart</literal>."
+#: sf_chart.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Methods"
+msgstr "Metode"
+#: sf_chart.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "List of Methods in the Chart Service"
+msgstr "Seznam metod v storitvi Chart"
+#: sf_chart.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Saves the chart as an image file in a specified location. Returns <literal>True</literal> if the image file could be successfully created."
+msgstr "Shrani grafikon kot slikovno datoteko na navedenem mestu. Vrne <literal>True</literal>, če je bila slikovna datoteka uspešno ustvarjena."
+#: sf_chart.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "<emph>filename</emph>: Identifies the path and file name where the image will be saved. It must follow the notation defined in <literal>SF_FileSystem.FileNaming</literal>."
+msgstr "<emph>filename</emph>: določa pot in ime datoteke, kamor bo shranjena slika. Slediti mora zapisu <literal>SF_FileSystem.FileNaming</literal>."
+#: sf_chart.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "<emph>imagetype</emph>: The name of the image type to be created. The following values are accepted: \"gif\", \"jpeg\", \"png\" (default), \"svg\" and \"tiff\"."
+msgstr "<emph>imagetype</emph>: ime vrste slike, ki jo želite ustvariti. Dovoljene so naslednje vrednosti: \"gif\", \"jpeg\", \"png\" (privzeto), \"svg\" in \"tiff\"."
+#: sf_chart.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "<emph>overwrite</emph>: Specifies if the destination file can be overwritten (Default = <literal>False</literal>)."
+msgstr "<emph>overwrite</emph>: določa, ali je ciljno datoteko možno prepisati (privzeta vrednost je <literal>False</literal>)."
+#: sf_chart.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Changes the position of the chart in the current sheet and modifies its width and height. Returns <literal>True</literal> if resizing was successful."
+msgstr "Spremeni položaj grafikona na trenutnem delovnem listu in spremeni njegovo širino in višino. Vrne <literal>True</literal>, če je spreminjanje velikosti uspelo."
+#: sf_chart.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "<emph>xpos, ypos:</emph> Specify the new X and Y positions of the chart. If any of these values are omitted or if negative values are provided, the corresponding positions are left unchanged."
+msgstr "<emph>xpos, ypos:</emph> določite novi vrednosti položaja grafikona (koordinati X in Y). Če katera od teh vrednosti ni podana ali ima negativno vrednost, ostane položaj takšne koordinate nespremenjen."
+#: sf_chart.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "<emph>width:</emph> Specify the new width of the chart. If this argument is omitted or if a negative value is provided, the chart width is left unchanged."
+msgstr "<emph>width:</emph> določite novo širino grafikona. Če je ta argument izpuščen ali ima negativno vrednost, ostane širina grafikona nespremenjena."
+#: sf_chart.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "<emph>height:</emph> Specify the new height of the chart. If this argument is omitted or if a negative value is provided, the chart height is left unchanged."
+msgstr "<emph>height:</emph> določite novo višino grafikona. Če je ta argument izpuščen ali ima negativno vrednost, ostane višina grafikona nespremenjena."
+#: sf_chart.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "All arguments are provided as integer values that correspond to 1/100 of a millimeter."
+msgstr "Vsi argumenti so podani kot celoštevilske vrednosti, ki ustrezajo stotinki milimetra oz. mikrometru."
+#: sf_chart.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "' Changes only X and Y position"
+msgstr "' Spremeni le položaj X in Y"
+#: sf_chart.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "' Changes only the chart width and height"
+msgstr "' Spremeni le širino in višino grafikona"
+#: sf_chart.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "' Keyword arguments are supported"
+msgstr "' Imenovani argumenti so podprti"
#: sf_database.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -9092,6 +10052,38 @@ msgstr "<emph>saveask</emph>: če je enako <literal>True</literal> (privzeto), p
#: sf_document.xhp
msgctxt ""
+msgid "This method sends the content of the document to a default printer or a printer defined by the <literal>SetPrinter</literal> method."
+msgstr "Ta metoda pošlje vsebino dokumenta privzetemu tiskalniku ali tiskalniku, ki ga določa metoda <literal>SetPrinter</literal>."
+#: sf_document.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Returns <literal>True</literal> if the document was successfully printed."
+msgstr "Vrne <literal>True</literal>, če je bil dokument uspešno natisnjen."
+#: sf_document.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "<emph>pages</emph>: The pages to print as a string, like in the user interface. Example: \"1-4;10;15-18\". Default is all pages."
+msgstr "<emph>pages</emph>: strani, ki jih želite natisniti, kot niz, tako kot v uporabniškem vmesniku. Primer: »1-4;10;15-18«. Privzeta vrednost je tiskanje vseh strani."
+#: sf_document.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "<emph>copies</emph><emph/>: The number of copies. Default is 1."
+msgstr "<emph>copies</emph><emph/>: število kopij. Privzeto ima vrednost 1."
+#: sf_document.xhp
+msgctxt ""
msgid "Runs a command on a document. The command is executed without arguments."
@@ -9297,6 +10289,46 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "<emph>filteroptions</emph> (*): An optional string of options associated with the filter."
msgstr "<emph>filteroptions</emph> (*): neobvezen niz možnosti, povezanih s filtrom."
+#: sf_document.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Defines the printer options for the document."
+msgstr "Določi možnosti tiskanja za dokument."
+#: sf_document.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Returns <literal>True</literal> when successful."
+msgstr "Vrne <literal>True</literal>, če uspe."
+#: sf_document.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "<emph>printer</emph>: The name of the printer queue where to print to. When absent, the default printer is set."
+msgstr "<emph>printer</emph>: ime tiskalniške vrste, kamor želite tiskati. Če ta argument manjka, je nastavljen privzeti tiskalnik."
+#: sf_document.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "<emph>orientation</emph>: Either <literal>PORTRAIT</literal> or <literal>LANDSCAPE</literal>. When absent, left unchanged with respect to the printer settings."
+msgstr "<emph>orientation</emph>: določa postavitev strani in ima dve možni vrednosti <literal>PORTRAIT</literal> (pokončno) in <literal>LANDSCAPE</literal> (ležeče). Če argument ni podan, ostane nespremenjen glede na nastavitve tiskalnika."
+#: sf_document.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "<emph>paperformat</emph>: One of the following string values <literal>A3</literal>, <literal>A4</literal>, <literal>A5</literal>, <literal>LETTER</literal>, <literal>LEGAL</literal>, <literal>TABLOID</literal>. Left unchanged when absent."
+msgstr "<emph>paperformat</emph>: določa velikost strani oz. papirja in ima eno od naslednjih možnih vrednosti kot niz: <literal>A3</literal>, <literal>A4</literal>, <literal>A5</literal>, <literal>LETTER</literal>, <literal>LEGAL</literal>, <literal>TABLOID</literal>. Če argument ni podan, ostane nespremenjena privzeta vrednost."
#: sf_exception.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -15495,7 +16527,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "The main purpose of the <literal>Services</literal> module is to provide access to the <literal>CreateScriptService</literal> method, which can be called in user scripts to instantiate services that are implemented using the ScriptForge framework."
-msgstr "Glavni namen modula <literal>Services</literal> je zagotavljati dostop do metode <literal>CreateScriptService</literal>, ki jo lahko kličete iz uporabniških skriptov, da instancirate storitve, ki so implementirane z uporabo ogrodja ScriptForge."
+msgstr "Glavni namen modula <literal>Services</literal> je zagotavljati dostop do metode <literal>CreateScriptService</literal>, ki jo lahko kličete iz uporabniških skriptov, da tvorite instanco storitev, ki so implementirane z uporabo ogrodja ScriptForge."
#: sf_services.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -16014,7 +17046,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<emph>args</emph>: The arguments to be passed to the called script.."
+msgid "<emph>args</emph>: The arguments to be passed to the called script."
msgstr "<emph>arg0, arg1, ...</emph>: podani argumenti za klicani skript."
#: sf_session.xhp
@@ -16951,7 +17983,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "<emph>casesensitive</emph>: The search can be case sensitive or not (Default = <literal>False</literal>)."
-msgstr "<emph>casesensitive</emph>: pri primerjanju lahko velja razlika med velikimi in malimi črkami ali ne (privzeto = <literal>False</literal>)."
+msgstr "<emph>casesensitive</emph>: pri primerjanju lahko velja razlika med velikimi in malimi črkami ali ne (privzeta vrednost je <literal>False</literal>)."
#: sf_string.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -18039,7 +19071,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "Beware of the differences between Basic and Python when representing strings. For example, in Basic two \"\" characters inside a string are interpreted as a single \" character. In Python, strings enclosed with single quotes can contain \" characters without having to double them."
-msgstr "Pazite na razlike med jezikoma Basic in Python pri reprezentaciji nizov. Primer: v Basicu sta dva znaka \"\" v nizu interpretirana kot en sam znak \". V Pythonu lahko nizi, zaobjeti z enojnimi narekovaji, vsebujejo znake \", ne da bi jih bilo potrebno podvajati."
+msgstr "Bodite pozorni na razlike med jezikoma Basic in Python pri reprezentaciji nizov. Primer: v Basicu sta dva znaka \"\" v nizu interpretirana kot en sam znak \". V Pythonu lahko nizi, zaobjeti z enojnimi narekovaji, vsebujejo znake \", ne da bi jih bilo potrebno podvajati."
#: sf_string.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -20062,8 +21094,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Send the content of the document to the printer. The printer might be defined previously by default, by the user or by the SetPrinter() method. Returns <literal>True</literal> when successful."
-msgstr "Pošlje vsebino dokumenta tiskalniku. Tiskalnik je lahko poprej privzeto definiran, ga definira uporabnik ali pa metoda SetPrinter(). Vrne <literal>True</literal>, če uspe."
+msgid "Send the content of the document to the printer. The printer might be defined previously by default, by the user or by the <link href=\"text/sbasic/03/sf_document.xhp#SetPrinter\" name=\"SetPrinter method\"><literal>SetPrinter()</literal></link> method of the <link href=\"text/sbasic/03/sf_document.xhp\" name=\"Document service\">Document</link> service. Returns <literal>True</literal> when successful."
+msgstr "Pošlje vsebino dokumenta tiskalniku. Tiskalnik je lahko poprej privzeto definiran, ga definira uporabnik ali pa metoda <link href=\"text/sbasic/03/sf_document.xhp#SetPrinter\" name=\"Metoda SetPrinter\"><literal>SetPrinter()</literal></link> storitve <link href=\"text/sbasic/03/sf_document.xhp\" name=\"Storitev Document\">Document</link>. Vrne <literal>True</literal>, če uspe."
#: sf_writer.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -20072,3 +21104,51 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "<emph>pages</emph>: The pages to print as a string, like in the user interface. Example: \"1-4;10;15-18\". Default = all pages"
msgstr "<emph>pages</emph>: strani, ki jih želite natisniti, kot niz, tako kot v uporabniškem vmesniku. Primer: »1-4;10;15-18«. Privzeta vrednost je tiskanje vseh strani."
+#: sf_writer.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "<emph>copies</emph>: The number of copies, default is 1."
+msgstr "<emph>copies</emph>: število kopij. Privzeto ima vrednost 1."
+#: sf_writer.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "<emph>printbackground</emph>: Prints the background image when <literal>True</literal> (default)."
+msgstr "<emph>printbackground</emph>: natisne sliko ozadja, če ima vrednost <literal>True</literal> (privzeto)."
+#: sf_writer.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "<emph>printblankpages</emph>: When <literal>False</literal> (default), omits empty pages."
+msgstr "<emph>printblankpages</emph>: če je <literal>True</literal> (privzeta vrednost), izpusti prazne strani."
+#: sf_writer.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "<emph>printevenpages</emph>: Prints even pages when <literal>True</literal> (default)."
+msgstr "<emph>printevenpages</emph>: natisne sode strani, če ima vrednost <literal>True</literal> (privzeto)."
+#: sf_writer.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "<emph>printoddpages</emph>: Print odd pages when <literal>True</literal> (default)."
+msgstr "<emph>printoddpages</emph>: natisne lihe strani, če ima vrednost <literal>True</literal> (privzeto)."
+#: sf_writer.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "<emph>printimages</emph>: Print graphic objects when <literal>True</literal> (default)."
+msgstr "<emph>printimages</emph>: natisne grafične predmete, če ima vrednost <literal>True</literal> (privzeto)."
diff --git a/source/sl/helpcontent2/source/text/scalc.po b/source/sl/helpcontent2/source/text/scalc.po
index be85db28fe5..75b6d620282 100644
--- a/source/sl/helpcontent2/source/text/scalc.po
+++ b/source/sl/helpcontent2/source/text/scalc.po
@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: LibreOffice 7.3\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://bugs.libreoffice.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=LibreOffice&bug_status=UNCONFIRMED&component=UI\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-10-22 21:11+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2021-10-23 20:52+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-11-16 16:12+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2021-11-16 19:06+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Martin Srebotnjak <miles@filmsi.net>\n"
"Language-Team: sl.libreoffice.org\n"
"Language: sl\n"
@@ -228,6 +228,22 @@ msgstr "Shrani formule celic namesto izračunanih vrednosti."
#: main0103.xhp
msgctxt ""
+msgid "Comments"
+msgstr "Komentarji"
+#: main0103.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Display the <link href=\"text/shared/01/04050000.xhp\" name=\"linkname\">cell comments</link> for the current spreadsheet document."
+msgstr "Prikaže <link href=\"text/shared/01/04050000.xhp\" name=\"Komentarji celic\">komentarje celic</link> v trenutnem dokumentu preglednice."
+#: main0103.xhp
+msgctxt ""
msgid "<link href=\"text/shared/01/gallery.xhp\">Gallery</link>"
@@ -567,7 +583,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "<link href=\"text/scalc/01/live_data_stream.xhp\" name=\"Streams_link\">Streams</link>"
-msgstr "<link href=\"text/scalc/01/live_data_stream.xhp\" name=\"Podatkovni toki\">Podatkovni toki</link>"
+msgstr "<link href=\"text/scalc/01/live_data_stream.xhp\" name=\"Toki\">Toki</link>"
#: main0116.xhp
msgctxt ""
diff --git a/source/sl/helpcontent2/source/text/scalc/01.po b/source/sl/helpcontent2/source/text/scalc/01.po
index 57238efe3c7..1c7a6fd524c 100644
--- a/source/sl/helpcontent2/source/text/scalc/01.po
+++ b/source/sl/helpcontent2/source/text/scalc/01.po
@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: LibreOffice 7.3\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://bugs.libreoffice.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=LibreOffice&bug_status=UNCONFIRMED&component=UI\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-10-22 21:11+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2021-10-26 02:41+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-11-16 16:12+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2021-11-16 19:21+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Martin Srebotnjak <miles@filmsi.net>\n"
"Language-Team: sl.libreoffice.org\n"
"Language: sl\n"
@@ -11438,8 +11438,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "TRUNC(Number; Count)"
-msgstr "TRUNC(število; števec)"
+msgid "TRUNC(Number[; Count])"
+msgstr "TRUNC(število[; števec])"
#: 04060106.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -11484,6 +11484,22 @@ msgstr "<item type=\"input\">=TRUNC(-1,234999;3)</item> vrne -1,234. Vse 9-ke so
#: 04060106.xhp
msgctxt ""
+msgid "<input>=TRUNC(-45.67)</input> returns -45. The default value for <emph>Count</emph> is 0."
+msgstr "<input>=TRUNC(-45.67)</input> vrne -45. Privzeta vrednost za <emph>števec</emph> je 0."
+#: 04060106.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Refer to the <link href=\"https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Documentation/Calc_Functions/TRUNC\" name=\"TRUNC_Wiki\">TRUNC</link> wiki page for more details about this function."
+msgstr "Za podrobnosti o tej funkciji glejte <link href=\"https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Documentation/Calc_Functions/TRUNC\" name=\"Stran wiki o funkciji TRUNC\">stran wiki o funkciji TRUNC</link> (v angl.)."
+#: 04060106.xhp
+msgctxt ""
msgid "<bookmark_value>LN function</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>natural logarithm</bookmark_value>"
@@ -11884,6 +11900,22 @@ msgstr "<emph>Koeficienti</emph> je niz koeficientov. Za vsak koeficient je niz
#: 04060106.xhp
msgctxt ""
+msgid "<input>=SERIESSUM(A1; 0; 1; {1; 2; 3})</input> calculates the value of 1+2x+3x<sup>2</sup>, where x is the value in cell A1. If A1 contains 1, the formula returns 6; if A1 contains 2, the formula returns 17; if A1 contains 3, the formula returns 34; and so on."
+msgstr "<input>=SERIESSUM(A1; 0; 1; {1; 2; 3})</input> izračuna vrednost 1+2x+3x<sup>2</sup>, kjer je x vrednost v celici A1. Če A1 vsebuje 1, formula vrne 6; če A1 vsebuje 2, formula vrne 17; če A1 vsebuje 3, formula vrne 34 itn."
+#: 04060106.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Refer to the <link href=\"https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Documentation/Calc_Functions/SERIESSUM\" name=\"SERIESSUM_Wiki\">SERIESSUM</link> wiki page for more details about this function."
+msgstr "Za podrobnosti o tej funkciji glejte <link href=\"https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Documentation/Calc_Functions/SERIESSUM\" name=\"Stran wiki o funkciji SERIESSUM\">stran wiki o funkciji SERIESSUM</link> (v angl.)."
+#: 04060106.xhp
+msgctxt ""
msgid "<bookmark_value>PRODUCT function</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>numbers;multiplying</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>multiplying;numbers</bookmark_value>"
@@ -12612,110 +12644,6 @@ msgstr "<item type=\"input\">=SINH(0)</item> vrne 0, kar je hiperbolični sinus
#: 04060106.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "<bookmark_value>SUM function</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>adding;numbers in cell ranges</bookmark_value>"
-msgstr "<bookmark_value>funkcija SUM</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>seštevanje;števila v obsegu celic</bookmark_value>"
-#: 04060106.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"sum_head\"><link href=\"text/scalc/01/04060106.xhp#Section16\">SUM</link></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"sum_head\"><link href=\"text/scalc/01/04060106.xhp#Section16\">SUM</link></variable>"
-#: 04060106.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_FUNC_SUMME\">Adds a set of numbers.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_FUNC_SUMME\">Sešteje nabor števil.</ahelp>"
-#: 04060106.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "SUM(<embedvar href=\"text/scalc/01/ful_func.xhp#number255_1\" markup=\"keep\"/>)"
-msgstr "SUM(<embedvar href=\"text/scalc/01/ful_func.xhp#number255_1\" markup=\"keep\"/>)"
-#: 04060106.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "If you enter the numbers <item type=\"input\">2</item>; <item type=\"input\">3 </item>and <item type=\"input\">4</item> in the Number 1; 2 and 3 text boxes, 9 will be returned as the result."
-msgstr "Če v besedilne okvire 1; 2 in 3 vnesete števila <item type=\"input\">2</item>; <item type=\"input\">3 </item>in <item type=\"input\">4</item>, je rezultat 9."
-#: 04060106.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "<item type=\"input\">=SUM(A1;A3;B5)</item> calculates the sum of the three cells. <item type=\"input\">=SUM (A1:E10)</item> calculates the sum of all cells in the A1 to E10 cell range."
-msgstr "<item type=\"input\">=SUM(A1;A3;B5)</item> izračuna vsoto treh celic. <item type=\"input\">=SUM (A1:E10)</item> izračuna vsoto vseh celic v obsegu celic od A1 do E10."
-#: 04060106.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Conditions linked by AND can be used with the function SUM() in the following manner:"
-msgstr "Pogoji, med seboj povezani z AND, se lahko uporabijo s funkcijo SUM() na naslednji način:"
-#: 04060106.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Example assumption: You have entered invoices into a table. Column A contains the date value of the invoice, column B the amounts. You want to find a formula that you can use to return the total of all amounts only for a specific month, e.g. only the amount for the period >=2008-01-01 to <2008-02-01. The range with the date values covers A1:A40, the range containing the amounts to be totaled is B1:B40. C1 contains the start date, 2008<item type=\"input\">-01-01</item>, of the invoices to be included and C2 the date, 2008<item type=\"input\">-02-01</item>, that is no longer included."
-msgstr "Primer predpostavke: V tabelo ste vnesli račune. Stolpec A vsebuje datum računa, stolpec B pa zneske. Želite formulo, s katero bi lahko izračunali skupni znesek za le določen mesec, npr. le za obdobje >=2008-01-01 do <2008-02-01. Datumi obsegajo vrednosti A1:A40, zneski pa B1:B40. C1 vsebuje začetni datum (2008<item type=\"input\">-01-01</item>) računov, ki smo jih upoštevali, C2, ki vsebuje datum 2008<item type=\"input\">-02-01</item>, pa ni več vključen."
-#: 04060106.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Enter the following formula as an array formula:"
-msgstr "Vnesite naslednjo formulo kot matrično formulo:"
-#: 04060106.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "<item type=\"input\">=SUM((A1:A40>=C1)*(A1:A40<C2)*B1:B40)</item>"
-msgstr "<item type=\"input\">=SUM((A1:A40>=C1)*(A1:A40<C2)*B1:B40)</item>"
-#: 04060106.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "In order to enter this as an array formula, you must press the Shift<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">+Command</caseinline><defaultinline>+ Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>+ Enter keys instead of simply pressing the Enter key to close the formula. The formula will then be shown in the <emph>Formula</emph> bar enclosed in braces."
-msgstr "Če želite to formulo vnesti kot matrično, pritisnite tipke dvigalka<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">+Cmd</caseinline><defaultinline>+krmilka</defaultinline></switchinline>+vnašalka, namesto da bi pritisnili le vnašalko, s čimer bi zaprli formulo. Formula se bo v oklepajih prikazala v vrstici <emph>Formula</emph>."
-#: 04060106.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "{=SUM((A1:A40>=C1)*(A1:A40<C2)*B1:B40)}"
-msgstr "{=SUM((A1:A40>=C1)*(A1:A40<C2)*B1:B40)}"
-#: 04060106.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "The formula is based on the fact that the result of a comparison is 1 if the criterion is met and 0 if it is not met. The individual comparison results will be treated as an array and used in matrix multiplication, and at the end the individual values will be totaled to give the result matrix."
-msgstr "Formula temelji na dejstvu, da je rezultat primerjave 1, če je pogoj dosežen, in 0, če ni dosežen. Posamezen rezultat primerjave bo obravnavan kot polje in bo uporabljen v množenju matrike, na koncu bodo posamezne vrednosti seštete in podale rezultat – matriko."
-#: 04060106.xhp
-msgctxt ""
msgid "<bookmark_value>SUMIF function</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>adding;specified numbers</bookmark_value>"
@@ -13279,15 +13207,15 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Converts to euros a currency value expressed in one of the legacy currencies of 19 member states of the European Union, and vice versa.</ahelp> The conversion uses the fixed exchange rates at which the legacy currencies entered the euro."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">V evre pretvori vrednost iz ene od opuščenih valut članic monetarne unije Evropske unije in obratno.</ahelp> Pretvorba uporablja fiksen menjalni tečaj, določen ob prehodu na evro."
+msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">V evre pretvori vrednost iz ene od opuščenih valut devetnajstih članic monetarne unije Evropske unije in obratno.</ahelp> Pretvorba uporablja fiksen menjalni tečaj, določen ob prehodu na evro."
#: 04060106.xhp
msgctxt ""
-msgid "We recommend using the more flexible EUROCONVERT function for converting between these currencies. For converting between many different units of measure, use the CONVERT function."
-msgstr "Za pretvorbo met temi valutami priporočamo rabo bolj prilagodljive funkcije EUROCONVERT. Za pretvorbo med različnimi merskimi enotami pa uporabite funkcijo CONVERT."
+msgid "We recommend using the more flexible EUROCONVERT function for converting between these currencies. CONVERT_OOO is not a standardized function and is not portable."
+msgstr "Za pretvorbo met temi valutami priporočamo rabo bolj prilagodljive funkcije EUROCONVERT. Funkcija CONVERT_OOO ni standardizirana funkcija in tako ni prenosljiva v sorodno programje."
#: 04060106.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -13327,7 +13255,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "<emph>Text1</emph> and <emph>Text2</emph> must each take one of the following values: \"ATS\", \"BEF\", \"CYP\", \"DEM\", \"EEK\", \"ESP\", \"EUR\", \"FIM\", \"FRF\", \"GRD\", \"IEP\", \"ITL\", \"LTL\", \"LUF\", \"LVL\", \"MTL\", \"NLG\", \"PTE\", \"SIT\", and \"SKK\"."
-msgstr "<emph>Besedilo1</emph> in <emph>besedilo2</emph> morata imeti eno od naslednjih vrednosti: \"ATS\", \"BEF\", \"CYP\", \"DEM\", \"EEK\", \"ESP\", \"EUR\", \"FIM\", \"FRF\", \"GRD\", \"IEP\", \"ITL\", \"LTL\", \"LUF\", \"LVL\", \"MTL\", \"NLG\", \"PTE\", \"SIT\" in \"SKK\"."
+msgstr "<emph>Besedilo1</emph> in <emph>besedilo2</emph> morata imeti eno od naslednjih vrednosti: \"ATS\", \"BEF\", \"CYP\", \"DEM\", \"EEK\", \"ESP\", \"EUR\", \"FIM\", \"FRF\", \"GRD\", \"IEP\", \"ITL\", \"LTL\", \"LUF\", \"LVL\", \"MTL\", \"NLG\", \"PTE\", \"SIT\" oz. \"SKK\"."
#: 04060106.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -13335,7 +13263,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "One, and only one, of <emph>Text1</emph> or <emph>Text2</emph> must be equal to \"EUR\"."
-msgstr "Natanko eden od parametrov, <emph>besedilo1</emph> ali <emph>besedilo2</emph> mora imeti vrednost \"EUR\"."
+msgstr "Natanko eden od parametrov <emph>besedilo1</emph> in <emph>besedilo2</emph> mora imeti vrednost \"EUR\"."
#: 04060106.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -16566,8 +16494,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_FUNC_SPALTE\">Returns the column number of a cell reference.</ahelp> If the reference is a cell the column number of the cell is returned; if the parameter is a cell area, the corresponding column numbers are returned in a single-row <link href=\"text/scalc/01/04060107.xhp#wasmatrix\" name=\"array\">array</link> if the formula is entered <link href=\"text/scalc/01/04060107.xhp#somatrixformel\" name=\"as an array formula\">as an array formula</link>. If the COLUMN function with an area reference parameter is not used for an array formula, only the column number of the first cell within the area is determined."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_FUNC_SPALTE\">Vrne številko stolpca sklica.</ahelp> Če je sklic celica, vrne številko stolpca celice; če je vrednost območje celic, vrne ustrezne številke stolpcev v obliki enovrstične <link href=\"text/scalc/01/04060107.xhp#wasmatrix\" name=\"matrika\">matrike</link>, če je formula vnešena <link href=\"text/scalc/01/04060107.xhp#somatrixformel\" name=\"kot matrična formula\">kot matrična formula</link>. Če funkcije COLUMN s parametrom sklica na območje ne uporabljamo za matrično formulo, funkcija vrne le številko stolpca prve celice znotraj območja."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_FUNC_SPALTE\">Returns the column number of a cell reference.</ahelp> If the reference is a cell the column number of the cell is returned; if the parameter is a cell area, the corresponding column numbers are returned in a single-row <link href=\"text/scalc/01/04060107.xhp#wasmatrix\" name=\"array\">array</link> if the formula is entered <link href=\"text/scalc/01/04060107.xhp#creating_array_formulas\" name=\"as an array formula\">as an array formula</link>. If the COLUMN function with an area reference parameter is not used for an array formula, only the column number of the first cell within the area is determined."
+msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_FUNC_SPALTE\">Vrne številko stolpca sklica.</ahelp> Če je sklic celica, vrne številko stolpca celice; če je vrednost območje celic, vrne ustrezne številke stolpcev v obliki enovrstične <link href=\"text/scalc/01/04060107.xhp#wasmatrix\" name=\"matrika\">matrike</link>, če je formula vnesena <link href=\"text/scalc/01/04060107.xhp#creating_array_formulas\" name=\"kot matrična formula\">kot matrična formula</link>. Če funkcije COLUMN s parametrom sklica na območje ne uporabljamo za matrično formulo, funkcija vrne le številko stolpca prve celice znotraj območja."
#: 04060109.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -16975,7 +16903,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "If Type = 1 or the third parameter is missing, the index of the last value that is smaller or equal to the search criterion is returned. For Type = -1, the first value that is larger or equal is returned."
-msgstr "Če vnesemo vrsta = 1 ali če tretji parameter izpustimo, funkcija vrne zadnjo vrednost, ki je manjša ali enaka iskalnemu pogoju. To velja tudi, če iskalna matrika ni razvrščena. Če je vrsta = -1, funkcija vrne prvo vrednost, ki je večja ali enaka."
+msgstr "Če vnesemo vrsta enaka 1 ali če tretji parameter izpustimo, funkcija vrne zadnjo vrednost, ki je manjša ali enaka iskalnemu pogoju. To velja tudi, če iskalna matrika ni razvrščena. Če je vrsta enaka -1, funkcija vrne prvo vrednost, ki je večja ali enaka."
#: 04060109.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -17502,8 +17430,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_FUNC_ZEILE\">Returns the row number of a cell reference.</ahelp> If the reference is a cell, it returns the row number of the cell. If the reference is a cell range, it returns the corresponding row numbers in a one-column <link href=\"text/scalc/01/04060107.xhp#wasmatrix\" name=\"Array\">Array</link> if the formula is entered <link href=\"text/scalc/01/04060107.xhp#somatrixformel\" name=\"as an array formula\">as an array formula</link>. If the ROW function with a range reference is not used in an array formula, only the row number of the first range cell will be returned."
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_FUNC_ZEILE\">Vrne številko vrstice sklica.</ahelp> Če je sklic celica, funkcija vrne številko vrstice, v kateri je celica. Če je sklic obseg celic, funkcija vrne ustrezne številke vrstic v enostolpični <link href=\"text/scalc/01/04060107.xhp#wasmatrix\" name=\"matrika\">matriki</link>, če formulo vnesemo kot <link href=\"text/scalc/01/04060107.xhp#somatrixformel\" name=\"matrična formula\">matrično formulo</link>. Če funkcije ROW s sklicem na obseg ne uporavimo kot matrično formulo, bo vrnila le številko vrstice prvega obsega celic."
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_FUNC_ZEILE\">Returns the row number of a cell reference.</ahelp> If the reference is a cell, it returns the row number of the cell. If the reference is a cell range, it returns the corresponding row numbers in a one-column <link href=\"text/scalc/01/04060107.xhp#wasmatrix\" name=\"Array\">Array</link> if the formula is entered <link href=\"text/scalc/01/04060107.xhp#creating_array_formulas\" name=\"as an array formula\">as an array formula</link>. If the ROW function with a range reference is not used in an array formula, only the row number of the first range cell will be returned."
+msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_FUNC_ZEILE\">Vrne številko vrstice sklica.</ahelp> Če je sklic celica, funkcija vrne številko vrstice, v kateri je celica. Če je sklic obseg celic, funkcija vrne ustrezne številke vrstic v enostolpični <link href=\"text/scalc/01/04060107.xhp#wasmatrix\" name=\"matrika\">matriki</link>, če formulo vnesemo kot <link href=\"text/scalc/01/04060107.xhp#creating_array_formulas\" name=\"matrična formula\">matrično formulo</link>. Če funkcije ROW s sklicem na obseg ne uporabimo kot matrično formulo, bo vrnila le številko vrstice prvega obsega celic."
#: 04060109.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -20535,7 +20463,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "<input>=ROT13(\"Gur Qbphzrag Sbhaqngvba jnf sbhaqrq va Frcgrzore 2010.\")</input> returns the string \"The Document Foundation was founded in September 2010.\". Notice how spaces, digits, and full stops are unaffected by ROT13."
-msgstr "<input>=ROT13(\"Gur Qbphzrag Sbhaqngvba jnf sbhaqrq va Frcgrzore 2010.\")</input> vrne niz »The Document Foundation was founded in September 2010.«. Vidite lahko, da funkcija ROT13 ne vpliva na presledke, števke in pike."
+msgstr "<input>=ROT13(\"Gur Qbphzrag Sbhaqngvba fb hfgnabivyv frcgrzoen 2010.\")</input> vrne niz »The Document Foundation so ustanovili septembra 2010.«. Vidite lahko, da funkcija ROT13 ne vpliva na presledke, števke in pike."
#: 04060111.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -34023,7 +33951,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "<ahelp hid=\"HID_FUNC_PHI\">Returns the value of the probability density function for a given value considering the standard normal distribution.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_FUNC_PHI\">Vrne vrednosti funkcije gostote porazdelitve za standardno normalno porazdelitev.</ahelp>"
+msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"HID_FUNC_PHI\">Vrne vrednost funkcije gostote porazdelitve za podano vrednost ob upoštevanju standardne normalne porazdelitve.</ahelp>"
#: 04060184.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -47343,7 +47271,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "<emph>CellValue</emph>: The value entered by the user, as a String."
-msgstr "<emph>VrednostCelice</emph>: vrednost, ki jo vnese uporabnik, podana kot niz."
+msgstr "<emph>CellValue</emph> (angl. VrednostCelice): vrednost, ki jo vnese uporabnik, podana kot niz."
#: 12120300.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -47351,7 +47279,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "<emph>CellAddress</emph>: The address of the cell where the value was entered, as a String prefixed with the sheet name (e.g: \"Sheet1.A1\")."
-msgstr "<emph>NaslovCelice</emph>: naslov celice, kjer je vnesena vrednost, podan kot niz s predpono imena delovnega lista (npr. »DelovniList1.A1«)."
+msgstr "<emph>CellAddress</emph> (angl. NaslovCelice): naslov celice, kjer je vnesena vrednost, podan kot niz s predpono imena delovnega lista (npr. »DelovniList1.A1«)."
#: 12120300.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -47367,7 +47295,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "msg = \"Invalid value: \" & \"'\" & CellValue & \"'\""
-msgstr "msg = \"Neveljavna vrednost: \" & \"'\" & VrednostCelice & \"'\""
+msgstr "msg = \"Neveljavna vrednost: \" & \"'\" & CellValue & \"'\""
#: 12120300.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -47375,7 +47303,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "msg = msg & \" in cell: \" & \"'\" & CellAddress & \"'\""
-msgstr "msg = msg & \" v celici: \" & \"'\" & NaslovCelice & \"'\""
+msgstr "msg = msg & \" v celici: \" & \"'\" & CellAddress & \"'\""
#: 12120300.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -56463,7 +56391,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "<emph>Decimal Separator</emph> is a single character that specifies the decimal separator in <emph>Text</emph>. It can be omitted if <emph>Text</emph> does not include any decimal or group separators."
-msgstr "<emph>Decimalno ločilo</emph> je enojni znak, ki določa descimalno ločilo v podanem <emph>Besedilu</emph>. Lahko ga izpustite, če <emph>Besedilo</emph> ne vključuje decimalnega ločila ali ločila skupin."
+msgstr "<emph>Decimalno ločilo</emph> je enojni znak, ki določa decimalno ločilo v podanem <emph>Besedilu</emph>. Lahko ga izpustite, če <emph>Besedilo</emph> ne vključuje decimalnega ločila ali ločila skupin."
#: func_numbervalue.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -57769,6 +57697,86 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "<link href=\"text/scalc/01/04060185.xhp#skew\">SKEW</link>"
msgstr "<link href=\"text/scalc/01/04060185.xhp#skew\">SKEW</link>"
+#: func_sum.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "SUM Function"
+msgstr "Funkcija SUM"
+#: func_sum.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "<bookmark_value>SUM function</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>adding;numbers in cell ranges</bookmark_value>"
+msgstr "<bookmark_value>funkcija SUM</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>seštevanje;števila v obsegu celic</bookmark_value>"
+#: func_sum.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "<variable id=\"sum_head\"><link href=\"text/scalc/01/func_sum.xhp\" name=\"function SUM\">SUM</link></variable>"
+msgstr "<variable id=\"sum_head\"><link href=\"text/scalc/01/func_sum.xhp\" name=\"Funkcija SUM\">SUM</link></variable>"
+#: func_sum.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "<variable id=\"func_sum_desc\"><ahelp hid=\".\">Adds a set of numbers.</ahelp></variable>"
+msgstr "<variable id=\"func_sum_desc\"><ahelp hid=\".\">Sešteje več števil.</ahelp></variable>"
+#: func_sum.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "SUM(<embedvar href=\"text/scalc/01/ful_func.xhp#number255_1\" markup=\"keep\"/>)"
+msgstr "SUM(<embedvar href=\"text/scalc/01/ful_func.xhp#number255_1\" markup=\"keep\"/>)"
+#: func_sum.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "<input>=SUM(2;3;4)</input> returns 9."
+msgstr "<input>=SUM(2;3;4)</input> vrne 9."
+#: func_sum.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "<item type=\"input\">=SUM(A1;A3;B5)</item> calculates the sum of the three cells."
+msgstr "<item type=\"input\">=SUM(A1;A3;B5)</item> izračuna vsoto treh navedenih celic."
+#: func_sum.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "<item type=\"input\">=SUM(A1:E10)</item> calculates the sum of all cells in the A1 to E10 cell range."
+msgstr "<item type=\"input\">=SUM(A1:E10)</item> izračuna vsoto vseh celic v obsegu celic od A1 do E10."
+#: func_sum.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "A formula such as <input>=SUM((A1:A40>=C1)*(A1:A40<C2)*B1:B40)</input> may be entered as an <link href=\"text/scalc/01/04060107.html#hd_id3148474\" name=\"ARRAY_FORMULA\">array formula</link> by pressing the Shift<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">+Command</caseinline><defaultinline>+Ctrl</defaultinline></switchinline>+Enter keys instead of simply pressing the Enter key to finish entering the formula. The formula will then be shown in the Formula bar enclosed in braces and operates by multiplying corresponding elements of the arrays together and returning their sum."
+msgstr "Če želite formulo, kakršna je <input>=SUM((A1:A40>=C1)*(A1:A40<C2)*B1:B40)</input>, vnesti kot <link href=\"text/scalc/01/04060107.html#hd_id3148474\" name=\"Matrična formula\">matrično formulo</link>, pritisnite kombinacijo tipk dvigalka<switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">+Cmd</caseinline><defaultinline>+krmilka</defaultinline></switchinline>+vnašalka, namesto da bi pritisnili le vnašalko, s čimer bi zaključili vnos v formulo. Formula se bo v oklepajih prikazala v vrstici Formula in deluje z množenjem ustreznih elementov polj skupaj in vrne njihovo vsoto."
+#: func_sum.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Refer to the <link href=\"https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Documentation/Calc_Functions/SUM\" name=\"SUM_Wiki\">SUM</link> wiki page for more details about this function."
+msgstr "Za podrobnosti o tej funkciji glejte <link href=\"https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Documentation/Calc_Functions/SUM\" name=\"Stran wiki o funkciji SUM\">stran wiki o funkciji SUM</link> (v angl.)."
#: func_sumifs.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -59807,7 +59815,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "<bookmark_value>Data Stream;Live data stream</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>Data Stream;Streams</bookmark_value>"
-msgstr "<bookmark_value>toki podatkov</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>podatki;toki</bookmark_value>"
+msgstr "<bookmark_value>toki podatkov;živi toki podatkov</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>podatki;toki podatkov</bookmark_value>"
#: live_data_stream.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -59838,8 +59846,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "This is an experimental feature and is disabled by default. To enable it, go to <menuitem>Tools - Options - Advanced</menuitem> and check the option <emph>Enable experimental features (may be unstable)</emph>."
-msgstr "To je poskusna funkcionalnost in je privzeto onemogočena. Če jo želite omogočiti, izberite <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><menuitem>%PRODUCTNAME – Nastavitve</menuitem></caseinline><defaultinline><menuitem>Orodja – Možnosti</menuitem></defaultinline></switchinline><menuitem> – %PRODUCTNAME – Napredno</menuitem> in potrdite polje <emph>Omogoči poskusne funkcionalnosti (lahko je nestabilno)</emph>.***"
+msgid "This is an experimental feature and is disabled by default. To enable it, go to <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><menuitem>%PRODUCTNAME - Preferences</menuitem></caseinline><defaultinline><menuitem>Tools - Options</menuitem></defaultinline></switchinline><menuitem> – %PRODUCTNAME – Advanced</menuitem> and check the option <emph>Enable experimental features (may be unstable)</emph>."
+msgstr "To je preskusna funkcionalnost in je privzeto onemogočena. Če jo želite kljub temu omogočiti, izberite <switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\"><menuitem>%PRODUCTNAME – Nastavitve</menuitem></caseinline><defaultinline><menuitem>Orodja – Možnosti</menuitem></defaultinline></switchinline><menuitem> – %PRODUCTNAME – Napredno</menuitem> in potrdite polje <emph>Omogoči poskusne funkcionalnosti (lahko je nestabilno)</emph>."
#: solver.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -62159,7 +62167,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "<ahelp hid=\"modules/scalc/ui/regressiondialog/RegressionDialog\">Performs linear, logarithmic, or power regression analysis of a data set comprising one dependent variable and multiple independent variables.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"modules/scalc/ui/regressiondialog/RegressionDialog\">Izdela linearno, logaritemsko ali eksponentno regresijsko analizo množice podatkov, sestavljenih iz ene odvisne spremenljivke in več neodvisnih spremenljivk.</ahelp>"
+msgstr "<ahelp hid=\"modules/scalc/ui/regressiondialog/RegressionDialog\">Izvede linearno, logaritemsko ali eksponentno regresijsko analizo množice podatkov, sestavljenih iz ene odvisne spremenljivke in več neodvisnih spremenljivk.</ahelp>"
#: statistics_regression.xhp
msgctxt ""
diff --git a/source/sl/helpcontent2/source/text/scalc/guide.po b/source/sl/helpcontent2/source/text/scalc/guide.po
index 9ef3baf5d1d..688248ef55c 100644
--- a/source/sl/helpcontent2/source/text/scalc/guide.po
+++ b/source/sl/helpcontent2/source/text/scalc/guide.po
@@ -3,14 +3,14 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: LibreOffice 7.3\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://bugs.libreoffice.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=LibreOffice&bug_status=UNCONFIRMED&component=UI\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-10-22 21:11+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-11-05 17:43+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2021-10-26 02:10+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Martin Srebotnjak <miles@filmsi.net>\n"
"Language-Team: sl.libreoffice.org\n"
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+++ b/source/sl/helpcontent2/source/text/sdatabase.po
@@ -3,14 +3,14 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: LibreOffice 7.3\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://bugs.libreoffice.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=LibreOffice&bug_status=UNCONFIRMED&component=UI\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-10-22 21:11+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2021-10-23 21:31+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-11-16 16:12+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2021-11-06 11:31+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Martin Srebotnjak <miles@filmsi.net>\n"
"Language-Team: sl.libreoffice.org\n"
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@@ -8505,6 +8505,1022 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "<link href=\"https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Database\" name=\"wiki.documentfoundation.org Database\">Wiki page about Base</link>"
msgstr "<link href=\"https://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/Zbirka_podatkov\" name=\"Zbirka podatkov\">Stran wiki o modulu Base</link>"
+#: menubar.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Menus"
+msgstr "Meniji"
+#: menubar.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "<variable id=\"titletext\"><link href=\"text/sdatabase/menubar.xhp\">Menus</link></variable>"
+msgstr "<variable id=\"titletext\"><link href=\"text/sdatabase/menubar.xhp\">Meniji</link></variable>"
+#: menubar.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "In the database window, you see a new set of menu commands for working on the current database file."
+msgstr "V oknu zbirke podatkov vidite nov niz menijskih ukazov za delo s trenutno datoteko zbirke podatkov."
+#: menuedit.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Edit"
+msgstr "Uredi"
+#: menuedit.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "<link href=\"text/sdatabase/menuedit.xhp\">Edit</link>"
+msgstr "<link href=\"text/sdatabase/menuedit.xhp\">Uredi</link>"
+#: menuedit.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "The Edit menu of a database window."
+msgstr "Meni za urejanje v oknu zbirke podatkov."
+#: menuedit.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Copy"
+msgstr "Kopiraj"
+#: menuedit.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Copies the selected object to the clipboard.</ahelp>"
+msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">Kopira izbrane predmete na odložišče.</ahelp>"
+#: menuedit.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Paste"
+msgstr "Prilepi"
+#: menuedit.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Inserts an item from the clipboard. If you want, you can insert forms and reports, including subfolders, from one database file to another.</ahelp>"
+msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">Vstavi predmet iz odložišča. Če želite, lahko vstavite obrazce, poročila, vključno s podmapami, iz ene datoteke zbirke podatkov v drugo.</ahelp>"
+#: menuedit.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Paste Special"
+msgstr "Posebno lepljenje"
+#: menuedit.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Inserts an item from the clipboard. If you want, you can insert forms and reports, including subfolders, from one database file to another.</ahelp>"
+msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">Vstavi predmet iz odložišča. Če želite, lahko vstavite obrazce, poročila, vključno s podmapami, iz ene datoteke zbirke podatkov v drugo.</ahelp>"
+#: menuedit.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Select All"
+msgstr "Izberi vse"
+#: menuedit.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Selects all entries, including subfolders, in the lower part of the database window.</ahelp>"
+msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">Izbere vse vnose in podmape, ki se nahajajo v spodnjem delu okna zbirke podatkov.</ahelp>"
+#: menuedit.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Edit"
+msgstr "Uredi"
+#: menuedit.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Opens a window where you can edit the selected table, query, form, or report.</ahelp>"
+msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">Odpre okno, v katerem lahko spremenite izbrano tabelo, poizvedbo, obrazec ali poročilo.</ahelp>"
+#: menuedit.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Delete"
+msgstr "Izbriši"
+#: menuedit.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Deletes the selected table, query, form, or report.</ahelp>"
+msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">Izbriše izbrano tabelo, poizvedbo, obrazec oz. poročilo.</ahelp>"
+#: menuedit.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Rename"
+msgstr "Preimenuj"
+#: menuedit.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Renames the selected object. Depending on the database, some names, characters, and name length might be invalid.</ahelp>"
+msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">Preimenuje izbran predmet. Nekatera imena, njihovi znaki in dolžina so glede na vrsto zbirke podatkov lahko neveljavni.</ahelp>"
+#: menuedit.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Open"
+msgstr "Odpri"
+#: menuedit.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Opens the selected object in the last saved state.</ahelp>"
+msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">Odpre izbrani predmet v nazadnje shranjenem stanju.</ahelp>"
+#: menuedit.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Create as View"
+msgstr "Ustvari kot pogled"
+#: menuedit.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Converts the selected query to a view. The original query remains in your database file and an additional view is generated on the database server. You must have write permission to add a view to a database.</ahelp>"
+msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">Preoblikuje izbrano poizvedbo v pogled. Izvorna poizvedba ostane v datoteki zbirke podatkov, ustvari se dodatni pogled na strežniku zbirke podatkov. Imeti morate dovoljenje za pisanje, da lahko pogled dodate zbirki podatkov.</ahelp>"
+#: menuedit.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Most databases use queries to filter or to sort database tables to display records on your computer. Views offer the same functionality as queries, but on the server side. If your database is on a server that supports views, you can use views to filter the records on the server to speed up the display time."
+msgstr "Večina zbirk podatkov uporablja poizvedbe za filtriranje ali razvrščanje tabel zbirke podatkov za prikaz zapisov. Pogledi omogočajo enako mero funkcionalnosti kot poizvedbe, vendar na strani strežnika. Če se vaša zbirka podatkov nahaja na strežniku, ki podpira poglede, lahko uporabite te poglede za filtriranje zapisov na strežniku in tako skrajšate čas izpisovanja."
+#: menuedit.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Form Wizard"
+msgstr "Čarovnik za obrazce"
+#: menuedit.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Starts the <link href=\"text/shared/autopi/01090000.xhp\">Form Wizard</link> for the selected table, query, or view.</ahelp>"
+msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">Zažene <link href=\"text/shared/autopi/01090000.xhp\">Čarovnika za obrazec</link> za izbrano tabelo, poizvedbo ali pogled.</ahelp>"
+#: menuedit.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Report Wizard"
+msgstr "Čarovnik za poročila"
+#: menuedit.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Starts the <link href=\"text/shared/autopi/01100000.xhp\">Report Wizard</link> for the selected table, query, or view.</ahelp>"
+msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">Zažene <link href=\"text/shared/autopi/01100000.xhp\">Čarovnika za poročilo</link> za izbrano tabelo, poizvedbo ali pogled.</ahelp>"
+#: menuedit.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Database"
+msgstr "Zbirka podatkov"
+#: menuedit.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Opens a submenu.</ahelp>"
+msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">Odpre podmeni.</ahelp>"
+#: menuedit.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Properties"
+msgstr "Lastnosti"
+#: menuedit.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Opens the Database Properties dialog.</ahelp>"
+msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">Odpre pogovorno okno Lastnosti zbirke podatkov.</ahelp>"
+#: menuedit.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Connection Type"
+msgstr "Vrsta povezave"
+#: menuedit.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Opens the Connection Type Wizard.</ahelp>"
+msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">Odpre čarovnika za vrsto povezave.</ahelp>"
+#: menuedit.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Advanced Properties"
+msgstr "Napredne lastnosti"
+#: menuedit.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Opens the Advanced Properties dialog.</ahelp>"
+msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">Odpre pogovorno okno Napredne lastnosti.</ahelp>"
+#: menufile.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "File"
+msgstr "Datoteka"
+#: menufile.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "<link href=\"text/sdatabase/menufile.xhp\">File</link>"
+msgstr "<link href=\"text/sdatabase/menufile.xhp\">Datoteka</link>"
+#: menufile.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "The File menu of a database window. Only entries specific to databases are listed."
+msgstr "Meni za datoteke v oknu zbirke podatkov. V tem meniju so podani le vnosi, ki se nanašajo na zbirke podatkov."
+#: menufile.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Save"
+msgstr "Shrani"
+#: menufile.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Saves the current database file, query, form or report. For the database file, you see the <link href=\"text/shared/01/01070000.xhp\">file save</link> dialog. For the other objects, you see the <link href=\"text/sdatabase/menufilesave.xhp\">Save</link> dialog."
+msgstr "Shrani trenutno datoteko zbirke podatkov, poizvedbo, obrazec ali poročilo. Za datoteko zbirke podatkov vidite pogovorno okno <link href=\"text/shared/01/01070000.xhp\">shrani datoteko</link>. Za druge predmete vidite pogovorno okno <link href=\"text/sdatabase/menufilesave.xhp\">Shrani</link>."
+#: menufile.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Save As"
+msgstr "Shrani kot"
+#: menufile.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Saves the current database file with another name. In the <link href=\"text/shared/01/01070000.xhp\">file save</link> dialog, select a path and file name to save."
+msgstr "Shrani datoteko trenutne zbirke podatkov pod drugim imenom. V pogovornem oknu <link href=\"text/shared/01/01070000.xhp\">Shrani datoteko</link> izberite pot in ime datoteke, ki jo želite shraniti."
+#: menufile.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Export"
+msgstr "Izvozi"
+#: menufile.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Exports the selected report or form to a text document. A dynamic report is exported as a copy of the database contents at the time of export."
+msgstr "Izvozi izbrano poročilo ali obrazec v dokument z besedilom. Dinamično poročilo je izvoženo kot kopija vsebin zbirke podatkov v času izvoza."
+#: menufile.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Send"
+msgstr "Pošlji"
+#: menufile.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Opens a submenu."
+msgstr "Odpre podmeni."
+#: menufile.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Email Document"
+msgstr "Dokument kot e-poštno sporočilo"
+#: menufile.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Opens the default email application to send a new email. The current database file is appended as an attachment. You can enter the subject, the recipients and a mail body."
+msgstr "Odpre privzeti program za e-pošto za pošiljanje nove e-pošte. Trenutna datoteka zbirke podatkov je priložena kot priponka. Vnesete lahko zadevo in naslov prejemnika ter izpolnite polje vsebine e-pisma."
+#: menufile.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Report as Email"
+msgstr "Poročilo kot e-pismo"
+#: menufile.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Opens the default email application to send a new email. The selected report is appended as an attachment. You can enter the subject, the recipients and a mail body. A dynamic report is exported as a copy of the database contents at the time of export.</ahelp>"
+msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">Odpre privzeti program za e-pošto za pošiljanje nove e-pošte. Izbrano poročilo je priloženo kot priponka. Vnesete lahko zadevo in naslov prejemnika ter izpolnite polje za besedilo e-pisma. Dinamično poročilo je izvoženo kot kopija vsebin zbirke podatkov v času izvoza.</ahelp>"
+#: menufile.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Report to Text Document"
+msgstr "Poročilo v dokument z besedilom"
+#: menufile.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Exports the selected report to a text document. A dynamic report is exported as a copy of the database contents at the time of export.</ahelp>"
+msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">Izvozi izbrano poročilo v dokument z besedilom. Dinamično poročilo je izvoženo kot kopija vsebin zbirke podatkov v času izvoza.</ahelp>"
+#: menufilesave.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Save"
+msgstr "Shrani"
+#: menufilesave.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Save"
+msgstr "Shrani"
+#: menufilesave.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "In this dialog, you can specify the position and name of a form that you save within a <link href=\"text/sdatabase/dabadoc.xhp\">database file</link>. The dialog opens automatically when you save a form the first time."
+msgstr "V tem pogovornem oknu lahko določite mesto in ime obrazca, ki ga boste shranili v <link href=\"text/sdatabase/dabadoc.xhp\">datoteko zbirke podatkov</link>. To pogovorno okno se odpre samodejno, ko prvič shranjujete obrazec."
+#: menufilesave.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Create New Directory"
+msgstr "Ustvari novo mapo"
+#: menufilesave.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Click to create a new folder within the database file.</ahelp>"
+msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">Kliknite, če želite ustvariti novo mapo v datoteki zbirke podatkov.</ahelp>"
+#: menufilesave.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Up One Level"
+msgstr "Eno raven višje"
+#: menufilesave.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Click to go up one level in the folder hierarchy.</ahelp>"
+msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">Kliknite, če se želite premakniti eno raven višje v hierarhiji mape.</ahelp>"
+#: menufilesave.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "File name"
+msgstr "Ime datoteke"
+#: menufilesave.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Enter the file name for the saved form.</ahelp>"
+msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">Vnesite ime datoteke za shranjeni obrazec.</ahelp>"
+#: menufilesave.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Save"
+msgstr "Shrani"
+#: menufilesave.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Click to save the form to the database file.</ahelp>"
+msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">Kliknite, če želite shraniti obrazec v datoteko zbirke podatkov.</ahelp>"
+#: menuinsert.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Insert"
+msgstr "Vstavi"
+#: menuinsert.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "<link href=\"text/sdatabase/menuinsert.xhp\">Insert</link>"
+msgstr "<link href=\"text/sdatabase/menuinsert.xhp\">Vstavi</link>"
+#: menuinsert.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "The Insert menu of a database window."
+msgstr "Meni za vstavljanje v oknu zbirke podatkov."
+#: menuinsert.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Form"
+msgstr "Obrazec"
+#: menuinsert.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Opens a new text document in form mode.</ahelp>"
+msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">Odpre nov dokument z besedilom v načinu obrazca.</ahelp>"
+#: menuinsert.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Report"
+msgstr "Poročilo"
+#: menuinsert.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Starts the <link href=\"text/shared/explorer/database/rep_main.xhp\">Report Builder</link> window for the selected table, view, or query.</ahelp>"
+msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">Zažene okno <link href=\"text/shared/explorer/database/rep_main.xhp\">Oblikovalca poročil</link> za izbrano tabelo, pogled ali poizvedbo.</ahelp>"
+#: menuinsert.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Query (Design View)"
+msgstr "Poizvedba (Pogled oblikovanja)"
+#: menuinsert.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Opens a new query in design mode.</ahelp>"
+msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">Odpre novo poizvedbo v načinu oblikovanja.</ahelp>"
+#: menuinsert.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Query (SQL View)"
+msgstr "Poizvedba (Pogled SQL)"
+#: menuinsert.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Opens a new query in SQL mode.</ahelp>"
+msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">Odpre novo poizvedbo v načinu SQL.</ahelp>"
+#: menuinsert.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Table Design"
+msgstr "Oblikovanje tabele"
+#: menuinsert.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Opens the table design view.</ahelp>"
+msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">Odpre pogled oblikovanja tabele.</ahelp>"
+#: menuinsert.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "View Design"
+msgstr "Pogled oblikovanja"
+#: menuinsert.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Opens a new view in design mode.</ahelp>"
+msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">Odpre nov pogled z načinom oblikovanja.</ahelp>"
+#: menuinsert.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "View (Simple)"
+msgstr "Pogled (Enostavni)"
+#: menuinsert.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Opens a new view in SQL mode.</ahelp>"
+msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">Odpre nov pogled v načinu SQL.</ahelp>"
+#: menuinsert.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Folder"
+msgstr "Mapa"
+#: menuinsert.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Opens a dialog where you can save a new folder in the database file.</ahelp>"
+msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">Odpre pogovorno okno, v katerega lahko shranite novo mapo v datoteki zbirke podatkov.</ahelp>"
+#: menutools.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Tools"
+msgstr "Orodja"
+#: menutools.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "<link href=\"text/sdatabase/menutools.xhp\">Tools</link>"
+msgstr "<link href=\"text/sdatabase/menutools.xhp\">Orodja</link>"
+#: menutools.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "The Tools menu of a database window."
+msgstr "Meni orodij v oknu zbirke podatkov."
+#: menutools.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Relationships"
+msgstr "Relacije"
+#: menutools.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Opens the <link href=\"text/sdatabase/05020000.xhp\">Relation Design</link> view and checks whether the database connection supports relations.</ahelp>"
+msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">Odpre pogled <link href=\"text/sdatabase/05020000.xhp\">Oblikovanje relacij</link> in preveri, če povezava zbirke podatkov podpira navedene relacije.</ahelp>"
+#: menutools.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "User Administration"
+msgstr "Upravljanje uporabnikov"
+#: menutools.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Opens the User Administration dialog if the database supports this feature.</ahelp>"
+msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">Odpre pogovorno okno Upravljanje uporabnikov, če zbirka podatkov podpira to lastnost.</ahelp>"
+#: menutools.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Table Filter"
+msgstr "Filter tabele"
+#: menutools.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Opens the Table Filter dialog where you can specify which tables of the database to show or to hide.</ahelp>"
+msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">Odpre pogovorno okno Filter tabele, v katerem lahko določite, katere tabele zbirke podatkov želite prikazati ali skriti.</ahelp>"
+#: menutools.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Select the tables that you want to filter in the <emph>Filter</emph> list."
+msgstr "Na seznamu <emph>Filter</emph> izberite tabele, ki jih želite filtrirati."
+#: menutools.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "If you select the topmost table in a hierarchy, all of the tables in the hierarchy are selected."
+msgstr "Če izberete najvišje postavljeno tabelo v hierarhiji, bodo izbrane vse tabele v hierarhiji."
+#: menutools.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "If you select a table that is at a lower level in the hierarchy, the tables that occur above it in the hierarchy are not selected."
+msgstr "Če izberete tabelo, ki je na nižji ravni v hierarhiji, tabele, ki so nad njo v hierarhiji, ne bodo izbrane."
+#: menutools.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "SQL"
+msgstr "SQL"
+#: menutools.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Opens the SQL dialog where you can enter SQL statements.</ahelp>"
+msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">Odpre pogovorno okno SQL, v katerega lahko vnesete izjave SQL.</ahelp>"
+#: menuview.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "View"
+msgstr "Pogled"
+#: menuview.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "<link href=\"text/sdatabase/menuview.xhp\">View</link>"
+msgstr "<link href=\"text/sdatabase/menuview.xhp\">Pogled</link>"
+#: menuview.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "The View menu of a database window."
+msgstr "Meni pogleda v oknu zbirke podatkov."
+#: menuview.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Database Objects"
+msgstr "Predmeti zbirke podatkov"
+#: menuview.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Opens a submenu.</ahelp>"
+msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">Odpre podmeni.</ahelp>"
+#: menuview.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Forms"
+msgstr "Obrazci"
+#: menuview.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Selects the forms container and shows all forms in the detail view.</ahelp>"
+msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">Izbere vsebnik obrazcev in prikaže vse obrazce v podrobnem pogledu.</ahelp>"
+#: menuview.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Reports"
+msgstr "Poročila"
+#: menuview.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Selects the reports container and shows all reports in the detail view.</ahelp>"
+msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">Izbere vsebnik poročil in prikaže vsa poročila v podrobnem pogledu.</ahelp>"
+#: menuview.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Queries"
+msgstr "Poizvedbe"
+#: menuview.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Selects the queries container and shows all queries in the detail view.</ahelp>"
+msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">Izbere vsebnik poizvedb in prikaže vse poizvedbe v podrobnem pogledu.</ahelp>"
+#: menuview.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Tables"
+msgstr "Tabele"
+#: menuview.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Selects the tables container and shows all tables in the detail view.</ahelp>"
+msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">Izbere vsebnik tabel in prikaže vse tabele v podrobnem pogledu.</ahelp>"
+#: menuview.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Sort"
+msgstr "Razvrsti"
+#: menuview.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Opens a submenu.</ahelp>"
+msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">Odpre podmeni.</ahelp>"
+#: menuview.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Ascending"
+msgstr "Naraščajoče"
+#: menuview.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Sorts the entries in the detail view in ascending order.</ahelp>"
+msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">Uredi vnose v podrobnem pogledu v naraščajočem vrstnem redu.</ahelp>"
+#: menuview.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Descending"
+msgstr "Padajoče"
+#: menuview.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Sorts the entries in the detail view in descending order.</ahelp>"
+msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">Uredi vnose v podrobnem pogledu v padajočem vrstnem redu.</ahelp>"
+#: menuview.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Preview"
+msgstr "Predogled"
+#: menuview.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Opens a submenu.</ahelp>"
+msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">Odpre podmeni.</ahelp>"
+#: menuview.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "None"
+msgstr "Brez"
+#: menuview.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Disables the preview in the database window.</ahelp>"
+msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">Onemogoči predogled v oknu zbirke podatkov.</ahelp>"
+#: menuview.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Document Information"
+msgstr "Podatki o dokumentu"
+#: menuview.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">The preview window displays the document information of a form or report.</ahelp>"
+msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">Predogled prikaže podatke o dokumentu, in sicer podatke o obrazcu ali poročilu.</ahelp>"
+#: menuview.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Document"
+msgstr "Dokument"
+#: menuview.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">The preview displays the document of a form or report.</ahelp>"
+msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">Predogled prikaže dokument obrazca ali poročila.</ahelp>"
+#: menuview.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Refresh Tables"
+msgstr "Osveži tabele"
+#: menuview.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Refreshes the tables. </ahelp>"
+msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">Osveži tabele. </ahelp>"
#: toolbars.xhp
msgctxt ""
diff --git a/source/sl/helpcontent2/source/text/sdraw/01.po b/source/sl/helpcontent2/source/text/sdraw/01.po
index 0fa60422a56..6d4bd482081 100644
--- a/source/sl/helpcontent2/source/text/sdraw/01.po
+++ b/source/sl/helpcontent2/source/text/sdraw/01.po
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: LibreOffice 7.2\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://bugs.libreoffice.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=LibreOffice&bug_status=UNCONFIRMED&component=UI\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-09-27 09:42+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-11-05 17:43+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2021-08-07 17:25+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Martin Srebotnjak <miles@filmsi.net>\n"
"Language-Team: sl.libreoffice.org\n"
@@ -542,7 +542,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Consolidation of lists requires attention to restore the list layout that has been affected by the position of the punctuation. This includes the case of numbering of style \"1.\", where he resulting list items are split after the dot."
+msgid "Consolidation of lists requires attention to restore the list layout that has been affected by the position of the punctuation. This includes the case of numbering of style \"1.\", where the resulting list items are split after the dot."
msgstr "Pri zbiranju besedil seznamov morate biti pozorni, da ohranite postavitev seznama, na katero sicer vpliva položaj ločil. Sem sodi tudi primer oštevilčevanja v slogu »1.«, kjer se nastali elementi seznama po piki delijo."
#: consolidatetext.xhp
diff --git a/source/sl/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/01.po b/source/sl/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/01.po
index 996e935f8f0..93b49a5ff09 100644
--- a/source/sl/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/01.po
+++ b/source/sl/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/01.po
@@ -3,14 +3,14 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: LibreOffice 7.3\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://bugs.libreoffice.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=LibreOffice&bug_status=UNCONFIRMED&component=UI\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-10-22 21:11+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-11-05 17:43+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2021-10-26 01:55+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Martin Srebotnjak <miles@filmsi.net>\n"
"Language-Team: sl.libreoffice.org\n"
-"Language: sl\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Language: sl\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=(n%100==1 ? 0 : n%100==2 ? 1 : n%100==3 || n%100==4 ? 2 : 3);\n"
"X-Generator: Virtaal 0.7.1\n"
"X-Accelerator-Marker: ~\n"
diff --git a/source/sl/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/05.po b/source/sl/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/05.po
index 270583623c9..4c9bbaafab2 100644
--- a/source/sl/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/05.po
+++ b/source/sl/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/05.po
@@ -3,14 +3,14 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: LibreOffice 7.3\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://bugs.libreoffice.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=LibreOffice&bug_status=UNCONFIRMED&component=UI\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-10-15 12:35+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2021-09-28 17:16+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-11-16 16:12+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2021-11-16 19:00+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Martin Srebotnjak <miles@filmsi.net>\n"
"Language-Team: sl.libreoffice.org\n"
+"Language: sl\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"Language: sl\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=(n%100==1 ? 0 : n%100==2 ? 1 : n%100==3 || n%100==4 ? 2 : 3);\n"
"X-Generator: Virtaal 0.7.1\n"
"X-Accelerator-Marker: ~\n"
@@ -1598,8 +1598,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "To find the next occurrence of the search term on the page, click on the <emph>Up arrow</emph> or <emph>Down arrow</emph> to find the previous or next occurrence."
-msgstr "Če želite najti naslednjo pojavitev iskanega niza na strani, kliknite <emph>puščico navzgor</emph> ali <emph>puščico navzdol</emph>, da poiščete prejšnjo ali naslednjo pojavitev."
+msgid "To find the previous occurrence of the search term on the page, click on the <emph>Up arrow</emph>. To find the next occurrence, click on the <emph>Down arrow</emph>."
+msgstr "Če želite najti prejšnjo pojavitev iskanega niza na strani, kliknite <emph>puščico navzgor</emph>. Kliknite <emph>puščico navzdol</emph>, da poiščete naslednjo pojavitev."
#: new_help.xhp
msgctxt ""
diff --git a/source/sl/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/explorer/database.po b/source/sl/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/explorer/database.po
index 893e01142d7..18a7878e212 100644
--- a/source/sl/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/explorer/database.po
+++ b/source/sl/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/explorer/database.po
@@ -3,1036 +3,20 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: LibreOffice 7.3\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://bugs.libreoffice.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=LibreOffice&bug_status=UNCONFIRMED&component=UI\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-10-22 21:11+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-11-05 17:43+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2021-10-23 21:35+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Martin Srebotnjak <miles@filmsi.net>\n"
"Language-Team: sl.libreoffice.org\n"
-"Language: sl\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Language: sl\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=(n%100==1 ? 0 : n%100==2 ? 1 : n%100==3 || n%100==4 ? 2 : 3);\n"
"X-Generator: Virtaal 0.7.1\n"
"X-Accelerator-Marker: ~\n"
"X-Poedit-SourceCharset: UTF-8\n"
"X-Project-Style: openoffice\n"
-#: menubar.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Menus"
-msgstr "Meniji"
-#: menubar.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"titletext\"><link href=\"text/shared/explorer/database/menubar.xhp\">Menus</link></variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"titletext\"><link href=\"text/shared/explorer/database/menubar.xhp\">Meniji</link></variable>"
-#: menubar.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "In the database window, you see a new set of menu commands for working on the current database file."
-msgstr "V oknu zbirke podatkov vidite nov niz menijskih ukazov za delo s trenutno datoteko zbirke podatkov."
-#: menuedit.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Edit"
-msgstr "Uredi"
-#: menuedit.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "<link href=\"text/shared/explorer/database/menuedit.xhp\">Edit</link>"
-msgstr "<link href=\"text/shared/explorer/database/menuedit.xhp\">Uredi</link>"
-#: menuedit.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "The Edit menu of a database window."
-msgstr "Meni za urejanje v oknu zbirke podatkov."
-#: menuedit.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Copy"
-msgstr "Kopiraj"
-#: menuedit.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Copies the selected object to the clipboard.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">Kopira izbrane predmete na odložišče.</ahelp>"
-#: menuedit.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Paste"
-msgstr "Prilepi"
-#: menuedit.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Inserts an item from the clipboard. If you want, you can insert forms and reports, including subfolders, from one database file to another.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">Vstavi predmet iz odložišča. Če želite, lahko vstavite obrazce, poročila, vključno s podmapami, iz ene datoteke zbirke podatkov v drugo.</ahelp>"
-#: menuedit.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Paste Special"
-msgstr "Posebno lepljenje"
-#: menuedit.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Inserts an item from the clipboard. If you want, you can insert forms and reports, including subfolders, from one database file to another.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">Vstavi predmet iz odložišča. Če želite, lahko vstavite obrazce, poročila, vključno s podmapami, iz ene datoteke zbirke podatkov v drugo.</ahelp>"
-#: menuedit.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Select All"
-msgstr "Izberi vse"
-#: menuedit.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Selects all entries, including subfolders, in the lower part of the database window.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">Izbere vse vnose in podmape, ki se nahajajo v spodnjem delu okna zbirke podatkov.</ahelp>"
-#: menuedit.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Edit"
-msgstr "Uredi"
-#: menuedit.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Opens a window where you can edit the selected table, query, form, or report.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">Odpre okno, v katerem lahko spremenite izbrano tabelo, poizvedbo, obrazec ali poročilo.</ahelp>"
-#: menuedit.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Delete"
-msgstr "Izbriši"
-#: menuedit.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Deletes the selected table, query, form, or report.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">Izbriše izbrano tabelo, poizvedbo, obrazec oz. poročilo.</ahelp>"
-#: menuedit.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Rename"
-msgstr "Preimenuj"
-#: menuedit.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Renames the selected object. Depending on the database, some names, characters, and name length might be invalid.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">Preimenuje izbran predmet. Nekatera imena, njihovi znaki in dolžina so glede na vrsto zbirke podatkov lahko neveljavni.</ahelp>"
-#: menuedit.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Open"
-msgstr "Odpri"
-#: menuedit.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Opens the selected object in the last saved state.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">Odpre izbrani predmet v nazadnje shranjenem stanju.</ahelp>"
-#: menuedit.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Create as View"
-msgstr "Ustvari kot pogled"
-#: menuedit.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Converts the selected query to a view. The original query remains in your database file and an additional view is generated on the database server. You must have write permission to add a view to a database.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">Preoblikuje izbrano poizvedbo v pogled. Izvorna poizvedba ostane v datoteki zbirke podatkov, ustvari se dodatni pogled na strežniku zbirke podatkov. Imeti morate dovoljenje za pisanje, da lahko pogled dodate zbirki podatkov.</ahelp>"
-#: menuedit.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Most databases use queries to filter or to sort database tables to display records on your computer. Views offer the same functionality as queries, but on the server side. If your database is on a server that supports views, you can use views to filter the records on the server to speed up the display time."
-msgstr "Večina zbirk podatkov uporablja poizvedbe za filtriranje ali razvrščanje tabel zbirke podatkov za prikaz zapisov. Pogledi omogočajo enako mero funkcionalnosti kot poizvedbe, vendar na strani strežnika. Če se vaša zbirka podatkov nahaja na strežniku, ki podpira poglede, lahko uporabite te poglede za filtriranje zapisov na strežniku in tako skrajšate čas izpisovanja."
-#: menuedit.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Form Wizard"
-msgstr "Čarovnik za obrazce"
-#: menuedit.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Starts the <link href=\"text/shared/autopi/01090000.xhp\">Form Wizard</link> for the selected table, query, or view.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">Zažene <link href=\"text/shared/autopi/01090000.xhp\">Čarovnika za obrazec</link> za izbrano tabelo, poizvedbo ali pogled.</ahelp>"
-#: menuedit.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Report Wizard"
-msgstr "Čarovnik za poročila"
-#: menuedit.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Starts the <link href=\"text/shared/autopi/01100000.xhp\">Report Wizard</link> for the selected table, query, or view.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">Zažene <link href=\"text/shared/autopi/01100000.xhp\">Čarovnika za poročilo</link> za izbrano tabelo, poizvedbo ali pogled.</ahelp>"
-#: menuedit.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Database"
-msgstr "Zbirka podatkov"
-#: menuedit.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Opens a submenu.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">Odpre podmeni.</ahelp>"
-#: menuedit.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Properties"
-msgstr "Lastnosti"
-#: menuedit.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Opens the Database Properties dialog.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">Odpre pogovorno okno Lastnosti zbirke podatkov.</ahelp>"
-#: menuedit.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Connection Type"
-msgstr "Vrsta povezave"
-#: menuedit.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Opens the Connection Type Wizard.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">Odpre čarovnika za vrsto povezave.</ahelp>"
-#: menuedit.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Advanced Properties"
-msgstr "Napredne lastnosti"
-#: menuedit.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Opens the Advanced Properties dialog.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">Odpre pogovorno okno Napredne lastnosti.</ahelp>"
-#: menufile.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "File"
-msgstr "Datoteka"
-#: menufile.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "<link href=\"text/shared/explorer/database/menufile.xhp\">File</link>"
-msgstr "<link href=\"text/shared/explorer/database/menufile.xhp\">Datoteka</link>"
-#: menufile.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "The File menu of a database window. Only entries specific to databases are listed."
-msgstr "Meni za datoteke v oknu zbirke podatkov. V tem meniju so podani le vnosi, ki se nanašajo na zbirke podatkov."
-#: menufile.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Save"
-msgstr "Shrani"
-#: menufile.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Saves the current database file, query, form or report. For the database file, you see the <link href=\"text/shared/01/01070000.xhp\">file save</link> dialog. For the other objects, you see the <link href=\"text/shared/explorer/database/menufilesave.xhp\">Save</link> dialog."
-msgstr "Shrani trenutno datoteko zbirke podatkov, poizvedbo, obrazec ali poročilo. Za datoteko zbirke podatkov vidite pogovorno okno <link href=\"text/shared/01/01070000.xhp\">shrani datoteko</link>. Za druge predmete vidite pogovorno okno <link href=\"text/shared/explorer/database/menufilesave.xhp\">Shrani</link>."
-#: menufile.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Save As"
-msgstr "Shrani kot"
-#: menufile.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Saves the current database file with another name. In the <link href=\"text/shared/01/01070000.xhp\">file save</link> dialog, select a path and file name to save."
-msgstr "Shrani datoteko trenutne zbirke podatkov pod drugim imenom. V pogovornem oknu <link href=\"text/shared/01/01070000.xhp\">Shrani datoteko</link> izberite pot in ime datoteke, ki jo želite shraniti."
-#: menufile.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Export"
-msgstr "Izvozi"
-#: menufile.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Exports the selected report or form to a text document. A dynamic report is exported as a copy of the database contents at the time of export."
-msgstr "Izvozi izbrano poročilo ali obrazec v dokument z besedilom. Dinamično poročilo je izvoženo kot kopija vsebin zbirke podatkov v času izvoza."
-#: menufile.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Send"
-msgstr "Pošlji"
-#: menufile.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Opens a submenu."
-msgstr "Odpre podmeni."
-#: menufile.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Email Document"
-msgstr "Dokument kot e-poštno sporočilo"
-#: menufile.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Opens the default email application to send a new email. The current database file is appended as an attachment. You can enter the subject, the recipients and a mail body."
-msgstr "Odpre privzeti program za e-pošto za pošiljanje nove e-pošte. Trenutna datoteka zbirke podatkov je priložena kot priponka. Vnesete lahko zadevo in naslov prejemnika ter izpolnite polje vsebine e-pisma."
-#: menufile.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Report as Email"
-msgstr "Poročilo kot e-pismo"
-#: menufile.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Opens the default email application to send a new email. The selected report is appended as an attachment. You can enter the subject, the recipients and a mail body. A dynamic report is exported as a copy of the database contents at the time of export.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">Odpre privzeti program za e-pošto za pošiljanje nove e-pošte. Izbrano poročilo je priloženo kot priponka. Vnesete lahko zadevo in naslov prejemnika ter izpolnite polje za besedilo e-pisma. Dinamično poročilo je izvoženo kot kopija vsebin zbirke podatkov v času izvoza.</ahelp>"
-#: menufile.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Report to Text Document"
-msgstr "Poročilo v dokument z besedilom"
-#: menufile.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Exports the selected report to a text document. A dynamic report is exported as a copy of the database contents at the time of export.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">Izvozi izbrano poročilo v dokument z besedilom. Dinamično poročilo je izvoženo kot kopija vsebin zbirke podatkov v času izvoza.</ahelp>"
-#: menufilesave.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Save"
-msgstr "Shrani"
-#: menufilesave.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Save"
-msgstr "Shrani"
-#: menufilesave.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "In this dialog, you can specify the position and name of a form that you save within a <link href=\"text/sdatabase/dabadoc.xhp\">database file</link>. The dialog opens automatically when you save a form the first time."
-msgstr "V tem pogovornem oknu lahko določite mesto in ime obrazca, ki ga boste shranili v <link href=\"text/sdatabase/dabadoc.xhp\">datoteko zbirke podatkov</link>. To pogovorno okno se odpre samodejno, ko prvič shranjujete obrazec."
-#: menufilesave.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Create New Directory"
-msgstr "Ustvari novo mapo"
-#: menufilesave.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Click to create a new folder within the database file.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">Kliknite, če želite ustvariti novo mapo v datoteki zbirke podatkov.</ahelp>"
-#: menufilesave.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Up One Level"
-msgstr "Eno raven višje"
-#: menufilesave.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Click to go up one level in the folder hierarchy.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">Kliknite, če se želite premakniti eno raven višje v hierarhiji mape.</ahelp>"
-#: menufilesave.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "File name"
-msgstr "Ime datoteke"
-#: menufilesave.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Enter the file name for the saved form.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">Vnesite ime datoteke za shranjeni obrazec.</ahelp>"
-#: menufilesave.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Save"
-msgstr "Shrani"
-#: menufilesave.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Click to save the form to the database file.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">Kliknite, če želite shraniti obrazec v datoteko zbirke podatkov.</ahelp>"
-#: menuinsert.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Insert"
-msgstr "Vstavi"
-#: menuinsert.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "<link href=\"text/shared/explorer/database/menuinsert.xhp\">Insert</link>"
-msgstr "<link href=\"text/shared/explorer/database/menuinsert.xhp\">Vstavi</link>"
-#: menuinsert.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "The Insert menu of a database window."
-msgstr "Meni za vstavljanje v oknu zbirke podatkov."
-#: menuinsert.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Form"
-msgstr "Obrazec"
-#: menuinsert.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Opens a new text document in form mode.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">Odpre nov dokument z besedilom v načinu obrazca.</ahelp>"
-#: menuinsert.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Report"
-msgstr "Poročilo"
-#: menuinsert.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Starts the <link href=\"text/shared/explorer/database/rep_main.xhp\">Report Builder</link> window for the selected table, view, or query.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">Zažene okno <link href=\"text/shared/explorer/database/rep_main.xhp\">Oblikovalca poročil</link> za izbrano tabelo, pogled ali poizvedbo.</ahelp>"
-#: menuinsert.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Query (Design View)"
-msgstr "Poizvedba (Pogled oblikovanja)"
-#: menuinsert.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Opens a new query in design mode.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">Odpre novo poizvedbo v načinu oblikovanja.</ahelp>"
-#: menuinsert.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Query (SQL View)"
-msgstr "Poizvedba (Pogled SQL)"
-#: menuinsert.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Opens a new query in SQL mode.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">Odpre novo poizvedbo v načinu SQL.</ahelp>"
-#: menuinsert.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Table Design"
-msgstr "Oblikovanje tabele"
-#: menuinsert.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Opens the table design view.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">Odpre pogled oblikovanja tabele.</ahelp>"
-#: menuinsert.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "View Design"
-msgstr "Pogled oblikovanja"
-#: menuinsert.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Opens a new view in design mode.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">Odpre nov pogled z načinom oblikovanja.</ahelp>"
-#: menuinsert.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "View (Simple)"
-msgstr "Pogled (Enostavni)"
-#: menuinsert.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Opens a new view in SQL mode.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">Odpre nov pogled v načinu SQL.</ahelp>"
-#: menuinsert.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Folder"
-msgstr "Mapa"
-#: menuinsert.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Opens a dialog where you can save a new folder in the database file.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">Odpre pogovorno okno, v katerega lahko shranite novo mapo v datoteki zbirke podatkov.</ahelp>"
-#: menutools.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Tools"
-msgstr "Orodja"
-#: menutools.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "<link href=\"text/shared/explorer/database/menutools.xhp\">Tools</link>"
-msgstr "<link href=\"text/shared/explorer/database/menutools.xhp\">Orodja</link>"
-#: menutools.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "The Tools menu of a database window."
-msgstr "Meni orodij v oknu zbirke podatkov."
-#: menutools.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Relationships"
-msgstr "Relacije"
-#: menutools.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Opens the <link href=\"text/sdatabase/05020000.xhp\">Relation Design</link> view and checks whether the database connection supports relations.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">Odpre pogled <link href=\"text/sdatabase/05020000.xhp\">Oblikovanje relacij</link> in preveri, če povezava zbirke podatkov podpira navedene relacije.</ahelp>"
-#: menutools.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "User Administration"
-msgstr "Upravljanje uporabnikov"
-#: menutools.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Opens the User Administration dialog if the database supports this feature.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">Odpre pogovorno okno Upravljanje uporabnikov, če zbirka podatkov podpira to lastnost.</ahelp>"
-#: menutools.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Table Filter"
-msgstr "Filter tabele"
-#: menutools.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Opens the Table Filter dialog where you can specify which tables of the database to show or to hide.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">Odpre pogovorno okno Filter tabele, v katerem lahko določite, katere tabele zbirke podatkov želite prikazati ali skriti.</ahelp>"
-#: menutools.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Select the tables that you want to filter in the <emph>Filter</emph> list."
-msgstr "Na seznamu <emph>Filter</emph> izberite tabele, ki jih želite filtrirati."
-#: menutools.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "If you select the topmost table in a hierarchy, all of the tables in the hierarchy are selected."
-msgstr "Če izberete najvišje postavljeno tabelo v hierarhiji, bodo izbrane vse tabele v hierarhiji."
-#: menutools.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "If you select a table that is at a lower level in the hierarchy, the tables that occur above it in the hierarchy are not selected."
-msgstr "Če izberete tabelo, ki je na nižji ravni v hierarhiji, tabele, ki so nad njo v hierarhiji, ne bodo izbrane."
-#: menutools.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "SQL"
-msgstr "SQL"
-#: menutools.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Opens the SQL dialog where you can enter SQL statements.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">Odpre pogovorno okno SQL, v katerega lahko vnesete izjave SQL.</ahelp>"
-#: menuview.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "View"
-msgstr "Pogled"
-#: menuview.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "<link href=\"text/shared/explorer/database/menuview.xhp\">View</link>"
-msgstr "<link href=\"text/shared/explorer/database/menuview.xhp\">Pogled</link>"
-#: menuview.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "The View menu of a database window."
-msgstr "Meni pogleda v oknu zbirke podatkov."
-#: menuview.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Database Objects"
-msgstr "Predmeti zbirke podatkov"
-#: menuview.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Opens a submenu.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">Odpre podmeni.</ahelp>"
-#: menuview.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Forms"
-msgstr "Obrazci"
-#: menuview.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Selects the forms container and shows all forms in the detail view.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">Izbere vsebnik obrazcev in prikaže vse obrazce v podrobnem pogledu.</ahelp>"
-#: menuview.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Reports"
-msgstr "Poročila"
-#: menuview.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Selects the reports container and shows all reports in the detail view.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">Izbere vsebnik poročil in prikaže vsa poročila v podrobnem pogledu.</ahelp>"
-#: menuview.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Queries"
-msgstr "Poizvedbe"
-#: menuview.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Selects the queries container and shows all queries in the detail view.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">Izbere vsebnik poizvedb in prikaže vse poizvedbe v podrobnem pogledu.</ahelp>"
-#: menuview.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Tables"
-msgstr "Tabele"
-#: menuview.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Selects the tables container and shows all tables in the detail view.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">Izbere vsebnik tabel in prikaže vse tabele v podrobnem pogledu.</ahelp>"
-#: menuview.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Sort"
-msgstr "Razvrsti"
-#: menuview.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Opens a submenu.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">Odpre podmeni.</ahelp>"
-#: menuview.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Ascending"
-msgstr "Naraščajoče"
-#: menuview.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Sorts the entries in the detail view in ascending order.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">Uredi vnose v podrobnem pogledu v naraščajočem vrstnem redu.</ahelp>"
-#: menuview.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Descending"
-msgstr "Padajoče"
-#: menuview.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Sorts the entries in the detail view in descending order.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">Uredi vnose v podrobnem pogledu v padajočem vrstnem redu.</ahelp>"
-#: menuview.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Preview"
-msgstr "Predogled"
-#: menuview.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Opens a submenu.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">Odpre podmeni.</ahelp>"
-#: menuview.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "None"
-msgstr "Brez"
-#: menuview.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Disables the preview in the database window.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">Onemogoči predogled v oknu zbirke podatkov.</ahelp>"
-#: menuview.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Document Information"
-msgstr "Podatki o dokumentu"
-#: menuview.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">The preview window displays the document information of a form or report.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">Predogled prikaže podatke o dokumentu, in sicer podatke o obrazcu ali poročilu.</ahelp>"
-#: menuview.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Document"
-msgstr "Dokument"
-#: menuview.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">The preview displays the document of a form or report.</ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">Predogled prikaže dokument obrazca ali poročila.</ahelp>"
-#: menuview.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Refresh Tables"
-msgstr "Osveži tabele"
-#: menuview.xhp
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "<ahelp hid=\".\">Refreshes the tables. </ahelp>"
-msgstr "<ahelp hid=\".\">Osveži tabele. </ahelp>"
#: migrate_macros.xhp
msgctxt ""
diff --git a/source/sl/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/guide.po b/source/sl/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/guide.po
index 22b463051a3..54bccefaa76 100644
--- a/source/sl/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/guide.po
+++ b/source/sl/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/guide.po
@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: LibreOffice 7.3\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://bugs.libreoffice.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=LibreOffice&bug_status=UNCONFIRMED&component=UI\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-10-22 21:11+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2021-10-23 22:21+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-11-16 16:12+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2021-11-16 20:53+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Martin Srebotnjak <miles@filmsi.net>\n"
"Language-Team: sl.libreoffice.org\n"
"Language: sl\n"
@@ -615,7 +615,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "<variable id=\"auto_redact_var\"><ahelp hid=\"sfx/ui/autoredactdialog/\">Use automatic redaction to define words and patterns that are automatically marked for redaction.</ahelp></variable> This makes it easier to redact %PRODUCTNAME documents that have multiple portions of text that need to be hidden due to sensitivity or privacy issues."
-msgstr "<variable id=\"auto_redact_var\"><ahelp hid=\"sfx/ui/autoredactdialog/\">Uporabite samodejno prekrivanje podatkov za določitev besed in vzorcev, ki se samodejno označijo za prekrivanje podatkov.</ahelp></variable> To olajša prekrivanje podatkov v dokumentih %PRODUCTNAME, ki imajo več delo besedila, ki jih je potrebno skriti zaradi njihove občutljivosti ali varovanja zasebnosti."
+msgstr "<variable id=\"auto_redact_var\"><ahelp hid=\"sfx/ui/autoredactdialog/\">Uporabite samodejno prekrivanje podatkov za določitev besed in vzorcev, za katere samodejno velja prekrivanje podatkov.</ahelp></variable> To olajša prekrivanje podatkov v dokumentih %PRODUCTNAME, ki imajo več delov besedila, ki jih je potrebno skriti zaradi njihove občutljivosti ali varovanja zasebnosti."
#: auto_redact.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -3598,8 +3598,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<link href=\"text/shared/guide/convertfilters.xhp\" name=\"conversion filter names\">File Conversion Filter Names</link>"
-msgstr "<link href=\"text/shared/guide/convertfilters.xhp\" name=\"Imena filtrov za pretvorbo datotek\">Imena filtrov za pretvorbo datotek</link>"
+msgid "<variable id=\"convertfilters_h1\"><link href=\"text/shared/guide/convertfilters.xhp\" name=\"conversion filter names\">File Conversion Filter Names</link></variable>"
+msgstr "<variable id=\"convertfilters_h1\"><link href=\"text/shared/guide/convertfilters.xhp\" name=\"Imena filtrov za pretvorbo datotek\">Imena filtrov za pretvorbo datotek</link></variable>"
#: convertfilters.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -4857,6 +4857,182 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "SVG - Scalable Vector Graphics"
msgstr "SVG – Scalable Vector Graphics"
+#: convertfilters.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "<bookmark_value>command line document conversion; filters for PDFIMPORT</bookmark_value>"
+msgstr "<bookmark_value>pretvorba dokumentov iz ukazne vrstice; filtri za IMPRESS</bookmark_value>"
+#: convertfilters.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Filters for PDFIMPORT"
+msgstr "Filtri za PDFIMPORT"
+#: convertfilters.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "PDF - Portable Document Format (Draw)"
+msgstr "PDF – Portable Document Format (Draw)"
+#: convertfilters.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "PDF - Portable Document Format (Impress)"
+msgstr "PDF – Portable Document Format (Impress)"
+#: convertfilters.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "PDF - Portable Document Format (Writer)"
+msgstr "PDF – Portable Document Format (Writer)"
+#: convertfilters.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "PDF - Portable Document Format"
+msgstr "PDF – Portable Document Format"
+#: convertfilters.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "PDF - Portable Document Format"
+msgstr "PDF – Portable Document Format"
+#: convertfilters.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "PDF - Portable Document Format"
+msgstr "PDF – Portable Document Format"
+#: convertfilters.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "PDF - Portable Document Format"
+msgstr "PDF – Portable Document Format"
+#: convertfilters.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "<bookmark_value>command line document conversion; filters for XSLTFILTER</bookmark_value>"
+msgstr "<bookmark_value>pretvorba dokumentov iz ukazne vrstice; filtri za XSLTFILTER</bookmark_value>"
+#: convertfilters.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Filters for XSLTFILTER"
+msgstr "Filtri za XSLFILTER"
+#: convertfilters.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "ADO Rowset XML"
+msgstr "Nabor vrstic XML ADO"
+#: convertfilters.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "DocBook"
+msgstr "Datoteka DocBook"
+#: convertfilters.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Microsoft Excel 2003 XML"
+msgstr "Microsoft Excel 2003 XML"
+#: convertfilters.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Word 2003 XML"
+msgstr "Word 2003 XML"
+#: convertfilters.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "XHTML"
+msgstr "XHTML"
+#: convertfilters.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "XHTML"
+msgstr "XHTML"
+#: convertfilters.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "XHTML"
+msgstr "XHTML"
+#: convertfilters.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "XHTML"
+msgstr "XHTML"
+#: convertfilters.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Unified Office Format text"
+msgstr "Besedilo Unified Office Format"
+#: convertfilters.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Unified Office Format spreadsheet"
+msgstr "Preglednica Unified Office Format"
+#: convertfilters.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Unified Office Format presentation"
+msgstr "Predstavitev Unified Office Format"
#: copy_drawfunctions.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -5121,6 +5297,422 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "If you drag the text to the outline view of a presentation, it will be inserted at the cursor location."
msgstr "Če besedilo povlečete v orisni pogled predstavitve, se bo vstavilo tam, kjer je kazalka."
+#: csv_params.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "CSV Filter parameters"
+msgstr "Parametri filtra CSV"
+#: csv_params.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "<bookmark_value>CSV;filter options</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>CSV;import options</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>CSV;export options</bookmark_value> <bookmark_value>CSV;command line filter options</bookmark_value>"
+msgstr "<bookmark_value>CSV;možnosti filtra</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>CSV;možnosti vrste datotek</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>CSV;možnosti uvoza</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>CSV;možnosti izvoza</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>CSV;možnosti filtra v ukazni vrstici</bookmark_value>"
+#: csv_params.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "<variable id=\"csv_params_h1\"><link href=\"text/shared/guide/csv_params.xhp\" name=\"filter options\">CSV Filter Options</link></variable>"
+msgstr "<variable id=\"csv_params_h1\"><link href=\"text/shared/guide/csv_params.xhp\" name=\"Možnosti filtra CSV\">Možnosti filtra CSV</link></variable>"
+#: csv_params.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "The CSV filter accepts an option string containing five to thirteen tokens, separated by commas. Tokens 6 to 13 are optional."
+msgstr "Filtru CSV lahko podamo niz možnosti, ki vsebuje od pet do trinajst podanih vrednosti, ločenih z vejicami. Podane vrednosti od 6 do 13 so neobvezne."
+#: csv_params.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Import from UTF-8, Language German, Comma separated, Text delimiter \", Quoted field as text. CSV file has columns formatted as date, number, number, number:"
+msgstr "Uvozi iz UTF-8, nemški jezik, ločeno z vejico, ločilo besedila \", citirano polje kot besedilo. Datoteka CSV ima stolpce oblikovanje kot datum, število, število, število:"
+#: csv_params.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Export to Windows-1252, Field delimiter : comma, Text delimiter : quote, Save cell contents as shown:"
+msgstr "Izvozi v nabor znakov Windows-1252, ločilo polj vejica, ločilo besedila narekovaj, shrani vsebino celice, kot je prikazana:"
+#: csv_params.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Token Position"
+msgstr "Položaj podane vrednosti"
+#: csv_params.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Definition"
+msgstr "Definicija"
+#: csv_params.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Meaning and Example of Token"
+msgstr "Pomen in primer podane vrednosti"
+#: csv_params.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Field Separator"
+msgstr "Ločilo polj"
+#: csv_params.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Field separator(s) as ASCII values. Multiple values are separated by the slash sign (\"/\"), that is, if the values are separated by semicolons and horizontal tabulators, the token would be 59/9. To treat several consecutive separators as one, then append '/MRG' to the token. If the file contains fixed width fields, then use 'FIX'. Example: 44 (,)"
+msgstr "Ločilo oz. ločila polj kot vrednosti ASCII. V primeru več vrednosti so le-te ločene z znakom poševnice (»/«), t.j. če so vrednosti ločene s podpičji in vodoravnimi tabulatorji, bi bila podana vrednost 59/9. Za obravnavo več zaporednih ločil kot enega, dodajte »/MRG« podani vrednosti. Če datoteka vsebuje polje fiksne dolžine, uporabite »FIX«. Primer: 44 (,)"
+#: csv_params.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Text Delimiter"
+msgstr "Ločilo besedila"
+#: csv_params.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "The text delimiter as ASCII value, that is, 34 for double quotes and 39 for single quotes. Example: 34 (\")."
+msgstr "Ločilo besedila, podano v vrednosti ASCII, t.j. 34 za dvojne narekovaje in 39 za enojne narekovaje. Primer: 34 (\")."
+#: csv_params.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Character Set"
+msgstr "Nabor znakov"
+#: csv_params.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "The character set code used in the file as described in the table below. Example: 0 (System)."
+msgstr "V datoteki uporabljeni nabor znakov, kot je opisano spodaj. Primer: 0 (sistemski)."
+#: csv_params.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Number of First Row"
+msgstr "Številka prve vrstice"
+#: csv_params.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Row number to start reading. Example: 3 (start from third row)."
+msgstr "Številka vrstice, s katero se pričenja branje. Primer: 3 (začetek s tretjo vrstico)."
+#: csv_params.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Cell Format Codes for Each Column"
+msgstr "Kode oblikovanja celic za vsak stolpec"
+#: csv_params.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "A sequence of column/formatting code, where the formatting code is given in the table below. Example: \"1/5/2/1/3/1/4/1\"."
+msgstr "Zaporedje kode stolpcev/oblikovanja, kjer je koda oblikovanja podana v spodnji tabeli. Primer: »1/5/2/1/3/1/4/1«."
+#: csv_params.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "If value separators are used, the form of this token is column/format[/column/format/…] where column is the number of the column, with 1 being the leftmost column. The format code is detailed below."
+msgstr "Če uporabljate ločila vrednosti, je oblika te podane vrednosti stolpec/oblikovanje[/stolpec/oblikovanje/…], kjer je stolpec številka stolpca, pri čemer je 1 stolpec na skrajni levi. Koda oblikovanja je podrobno razložena v nadaljevanju."
+#: csv_params.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "If the first token is FIX it has the form start/format[/start/format/…], where start is the number of the first character for this field, with 0 being the leftmost character in a line. The format is explained below."
+msgstr "Če je prva podana vrednost FIX, ima obliko začetek/oblikovanje[/začetek/oblikovanje/…], kjer je začetek številka prvega znaka za to polje, pri čemer je 0 znak na skrajni levi strani vrstice. Oblikovanje je podrobno razloženo v nadaljevanju."
+#: csv_params.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Language identifier"
+msgstr "Identifikator jezika"
+#: csv_params.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "String expressed in decimal notation. This token is the equivalent of the \"Language\" listbox in the user interface for CSV import. If the value is 0 or omitted, the language identifier of the user interface is used. The language identifier is based on the Microsoft language identifiers."
+msgstr "Niz, izražen v desetiškem zapisu. Ta vrednost je ekvivalentna vrednosti seznamskega polja »Jezik« v uporabniškem vmesniku pri uvozu CSV. Če je vrednost 0 ali pa je parameter izpuščen, je uporabljen identifikator jezika uporabniškega vmesnika. Identifikator jezika sloni na identifikatorjih jezika podjetja Microsoft."
+#: csv_params.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "CSV Import, CSV Export"
+msgstr "Uvoz CSV, izvoz CSV"
+#: csv_params.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "String, either <literal>false</literal> or <literal>true</literal>. Default value: <literal>false</literal>. This token is the equivalent of the check box \"Quoted field as text\"."
+msgstr "Niz, lahko je <literal>false</literal> ali <literal>true</literal>. Privzeta vrednost: <literal>false</literal>. Ta vrednost je ekvivalentna stanju potrditvenega polja »Navedeno polje kot besedilo«."
+#: csv_params.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "CSV Import, CSV Export"
+msgstr "Uvoz CSV, izvoz CSV"
+#: csv_params.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "<emph>Import:</emph> String, either <literal>false</literal> or <literal>true</literal>. Default value: <literal>false</literal>. This token is the equivalent of the check box \"Detect special numbers\"."
+msgstr "<emph>Uvoz:</emph> niz, lahko je <literal>false</literal> ali <literal>true</literal>. Privzeta vrednost je <literal>false</literal>. Ta vrednost je ekvivalentna stanju potrditvenega polja »Zaznaj posebne številke«."
+#: csv_params.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "<emph>Export:</emph> String, either false or true. Default value: <literal>true</literal>. This token has no UI equivalent. If <literal>true</literal>, the number cells are stored as numbers. If <literal>false</literal>, the numbers are stored as text, with text delimiters."
+msgstr "<emph>Izvoz:</emph> niz, lahko je <literal>false</literal> ali <literal>true</literal>. Privzeta vrednost je <literal>true</literal>. Ta vrednost nima ekvivalenta v uporabniškem vmesniku. Če je <literal>true</literal>, so številske celice shranjene kot številke. Če je <literal>false</literal>, so številke shranjene kot besedilo, z ločili besedila."
+#: csv_params.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "CSV Export"
+msgstr "Izvoz CSV"
+#: csv_params.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "String, either <literal>false</literal> or <literal>true</literal>. Default value:<literal>true</literal>. This token is the equivalent of the check box \"Save cell contents as shown\"."
+msgstr "Niz, lahko je <literal>false</literal> ali <literal>true</literal>. Privzeta vrednost: <literal>false</literal>. Ta vrednost je ekvivalentna stanju potrditvenega polja »Shrani vsebino celice, kot je prikazana«."
+#: csv_params.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "CSV Export"
+msgstr "Izvoz CSV"
+#: csv_params.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "String, either <literal>false</literal> or <literal>true</literal>. Default value: <literal>false</literal>. Export cell formulas."
+msgstr "Lahko je ime delovnega lista kot <literal>string</literal> ali <literal>object</literal>, ki ga poda lastnost <literal>.Sheet</literal>."
+#: csv_params.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "CSV Import"
+msgstr "Uvoz CSV"
+#: csv_params.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "String, either <literal>false</literal> or <literal>true</literal>. Default value: <literal>false</literal>. Remove spaces. Trim leading and trailing spaces, when reading the file."
+msgstr "Niz, lahko je <literal>false</literal> ali <literal>true</literal>. Privzeta vrednost: <literal>false</literal>. Odstrani presledke. Obreže vodilne in končne presledke pri branju datoteke."
+#: csv_params.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "CSV Export"
+msgstr "Izvoz CSV"
+#: csv_params.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Export the entire document to individual sheets .csv files or a specified sheet."
+msgstr "Izvozi celoten dokument v posamezne datoteke .csv za vsak delovni list oz. določen delovni list."
+#: csv_params.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "<emph>0</emph> or absent means the default behaviour, first sheet from command line, or current sheet in macro filter options, exported to sample.csv"
+msgstr "<emph>0</emph> ali izpust pomeni privzeto vedenje, prvi delovni list iz ukazne vrstice ali trenutni delovni list v možnostih filtra makra, izvožen v vzorec.csv."
+#: csv_params.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "<emph>-1</emph> for all sheets, each sheet is exported to an individual file of the base file name concatenated with the sheet name, for example sample-Sheet1.csv, sample-Sheet2.csv and sample-Sheet3.csv"
+msgstr "<emph>-1</emph> za vse delovne liste, vsak delovni list se izvozi v ločeno datoteko z osnovo imena datoteke, ki ji je dodano ime delovnega lista, npr. vzorec-DelovniList1.csv, vzorec-DelovniList2.csv in vzorec-DelovniList3.csv."
+#: csv_params.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "<emph>N</emph> export the N-th sheet within the range of number of sheets. Example: to export the second sheet, set 2 here to get sample-Sheet2.csv"
+msgstr "<emph>N</emph> izvozi N-ti delovni list iz obsega števil delovnih listov. Primer: če želite izvoziti drugi delovni list, tukaj določite 2, da dobite vzorec-DelovniList2.csv."
+#: csv_params.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "CSV Import"
+msgstr "Uvoz CSV"
+#: csv_params.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "String, either <literal>false</literal> or <literal>true</literal>. Default value: <literal>false</literal>. Determines whether formula expressions starting with a = equal sign character are to be evaluated as formulas or imported as textual data. If <literal>true</literal> evaluate formulas on input. If <literal>false</literal> formulas are input as text. If omitted (not present at all), the default value is <literal>true</literal> to keep the behaviour of old versions' options string that didn't have this token at all. If present and empty (or any other value than <literal>true</literal>) the default value is <literal>false</literal>."
+msgstr "Niz, lahko je <literal>false</literal> ali <literal>true</literal>. Privzeta vrednost je <literal>false</literal>. Določa, ali naj bodo izrazi formule, ki se začenjajo z enačajem (=), ovrednoteni kot formule ali uvoženi kot besedilni podatki. Če je <literal>true</literal>, se formule ob vnosu ovrednotijo. Če je <literal>false</literal>, se formule vnesejo kot besedilo. Če je izpuščeno (ni sploh podano), je privzeta vrednost <literal>true</literal>, da ohrani vedenje niza možnosti starejših izdaj, ki niso imele te nastavitve. Če je prisoten in prazen (ali pa ima poljubno drugo vrednost kot <literal>true</literal>), je privzeta vrednost <literal>false</literal>."
+#: csv_params.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Formatting Codes for Token 5"
+msgstr "Kode za oblikovanje za podani vnos št. 5"
+#: csv_params.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Meaning"
+msgstr "Pomen"
+#: csv_params.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Code"
+msgstr "Koda"
+#: csv_params.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Standard"
+msgstr "Standardno"
+#: csv_params.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Text"
+msgstr "Besedilo"
+#: csv_params.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "MM/DD/YY"
+msgstr "MM/DD/LL"
+#: csv_params.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "DD/MM/YY"
+msgstr "DD/MM/LL"
+#: csv_params.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "YY/MM/DD"
+msgstr "LL/MM/DD"
+#: csv_params.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Ignore field (do not import)"
+msgstr "Prezri polje (ne uvozi)"
+#: csv_params.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "US-English"
+msgstr "angleški (ZDA)"
+#: csv_params.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Character Set Codes for Token 3"
+msgstr "Kode jezikovnega nabora za vnos oz. podano vrednost št. 3"
#: ctl.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -7190,8 +7782,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<link href=\"text/shared/explorer/database/menubar.xhp\">Menu bar of a database file</link>"
-msgstr "<link href=\"text/shared/explorer/database/menubar.xhp\">Menijska vrstica datoteke zbirke podatkov</link>"
+msgid "<link href=\"text/sdatabase/menubar.xhp\">Menu bar of a database file</link>"
+msgstr "<link href=\"text/sdatabase/menubar.xhp\">Menijska vrstica datoteke zbirke podatkov</link>"
#: database_main.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -7335,7 +7927,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "The <emph>Development Tools</emph> are visible in all documents of %PRODUCTNAME Writer, Calc, Impress and Draw. The display is persistent and remain visible until deselected."
-msgstr "Možnost <emph>Razvojna orodja</emph> so vidna v menijih vseh dokumentov modulov %PRODUCTNAME Writer, Calc, Impress in Draw. Prikaz vztraja in je viden, dokler možnosti ponovno ne izberete."
+msgstr "Možnost <emph>Razvojna orodja</emph> je vidna v menijih vseh dokumentov modulov %PRODUCTNAME Writer, Calc, Impress in Draw. Prikaz vztraja in je viden, dokler možnosti ponovno ne izberete."
#: dev_tools.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -14865,6 +15457,838 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "Select the line and arrow color in the <emph>Line Color</emph> box."
msgstr "Izberite barvo črte in puščice v polju <emph>Barva črte</emph>."
+#: lotusdbasediff.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Lotus, dBase and Diff filter parameters"
+msgstr "Parametri filtrov Lotus, dBase in Diff"
+#: lotusdbasediff.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "<bookmark_value>Lotus;command line filter options</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>dBase;command line filter options</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>Diff;command line filter options</bookmark_value>"
+msgstr "<bookmark_value>Lotus;možnosti filtra v ukazni vrstici</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>dBase;možnosti filtra v ukazni vrstici</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>Diff;možnosti filtra v ukazni vrstici</bookmark_value>"
+#: lotusdbasediff.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "<variable id=\"lotusbasediff_h1\"><link href=\"text/shared/guide/lotusdbasediff.xhp\" name=\"LotusdBaseDiff\">Lotus, dBase and Diff filter parameters</link></variable>"
+msgstr "<variable id=\"lotusbasediff_h1\"><link href=\"text/shared/guide/lotusdbasediff.xhp\" name=\"Parametri filtrov Lotus, dBase in Diff\">Parametri filtrov Lotus, dBase in Diff</link></variable>"
+#: lotusdbasediff.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "The Lotus, dBase and Diff filters accept a string containing the numerical index of the used character set for single-byte characters, that is, 0 for the system character set. The numerical indexes assigned to the character sets are in the table below."
+msgstr "Uvozno-izvoznim filtrom Lotus, dBase in Diff lahko podate niz, ki vsebuje številski indeks uporabljenega nabora znakov za znake enojnega bajta oz. 0 za sistemski nabor znakov. Številski indeksi, dodeljeni naborom znakov, so predstavljeni v spodnji tabeli."
+#: lotusdbasediff.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "To import file myLotus.wk3 with DOS/OS2-850/International (Western) character set."
+msgstr "Če želite uvoziti datoteko mojLotus.wk3 z naborom znakov oz. kodno tabelo DOS/OS2-850/Mednarodna (zahodna):"
+#: lotusdbasediff.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "<literal>soffice --infilter=\"Lotus:4\" myLotus.wk3</literal>"
+msgstr "<literal>soffice --infilter=\"Lotus:4\" mojLotus.wk3</literal>"
+#: lotusdbasediff.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Character set"
+msgstr "Nabor znakov"
+#: lotusdbasediff.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Index"
+msgstr "Kazalo"
+#: lotusdbasediff.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Unknown"
+msgstr "Neznano"
+#: lotusdbasediff.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Windows-1252/WinLatin 1 (Western)"
+msgstr "Windows-1252/WinLatin 1 (zahodna)"
+#: lotusdbasediff.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Apple Macintosh (Western)"
+msgstr "Apple Macintosh (zahodna)"
+#: lotusdbasediff.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "DOS/OS2-437/US (Western)"
+msgstr "DOS/OS2-437/ZDA (zahodna)"
+#: lotusdbasediff.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "DOS/OS2-850/International (Western)"
+msgstr "DOS/OS2-850/Mednarodna (zahodna)"
+#: lotusdbasediff.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "DOS/OS2-860/Portuguese (Western)"
+msgstr "DOS/OS2-860/Portugalska (zahodna)"
+#: lotusdbasediff.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "DOS/OS2-861/Icelandic (Western)"
+msgstr "DOS/OS2-861/Islandska (zahodna)"
+#: lotusdbasediff.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "DOS/OS2-863/Canadian-French (Western)"
+msgstr "DOS/OS2-863/Kanadsko-francoska (zahodna)"
+#: lotusdbasediff.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "DOS/OS2-865/Nordic (Western)"
+msgstr "DOS/OS2-865/Nordijska (zahodna)"
+#: lotusdbasediff.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "System default"
+msgstr "Sistemsko privzeta"
+#: lotusdbasediff.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Symbol"
+msgstr "Simbol"
+#: lotusdbasediff.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "ASCII/US (Western)"
+msgstr "ASCII/ZDA (zahodna)"
+#: lotusdbasediff.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "ISO-8859-1 (Western)"
+msgstr "ISO-8859-1 (zahodna)"
+#: lotusdbasediff.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "ISO-8859-2 (Central European)"
+msgstr "ISO-8859-2 (srednjeevropska)"
+#: lotusdbasediff.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "ISO-8859-3 (Latin 3)"
+msgstr "ISO-8859-3 (latinična 3)"
+#: lotusdbasediff.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "ISO-8859-4 (Baltic)"
+msgstr "ISO-8859-4 (baltska)"
+#: lotusdbasediff.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "ISO-8859-5 (Cyrillic)"
+msgstr "ISO-8859-5 (cirilična)"
+#: lotusdbasediff.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "ISO-8859-6 (Arabic)"
+msgstr "ISO-8859-6 (arabska)"
+#: lotusdbasediff.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "ISO-8859-7 (Greek)"
+msgstr "ISO-8859-7 (grška)"
+#: lotusdbasediff.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "ISO-8859-8 (Hebrew)"
+msgstr "ISO-8859-8 (hebrejska)"
+#: lotusdbasediff.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "ISO-8859-9 (Turkish)"
+msgstr "ISO-8859-9 (turška)"
+#: lotusdbasediff.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "ISO-8859-14 (Western)"
+msgstr "ISO-8859-14 (zahodna)"
+#: lotusdbasediff.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "ISO-8859-15/EURO (Western)"
+msgstr "ISO-8859-15/EURO (zahodna)"
+#: lotusdbasediff.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "DOS/OS2-737 (Greek)"
+msgstr "DOS/OS2-737 (grška)"
+#: lotusdbasediff.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "DOS/OS2-775 (Baltic)"
+msgstr "DOS/OS2-775 (baltska)"
+#: lotusdbasediff.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "DOS/OS2-852 (Central European)"
+msgstr "DOS/OS2-852 (srednjeevropska)"
+#: lotusdbasediff.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "DOS/OS2-855 (Cyrillic)"
+msgstr "DOS/OS2-855 (cirilična)"
+#: lotusdbasediff.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "DOS/OS2-857 (Turkish)"
+msgstr "DOS/OS2-857 (turška)"
+#: lotusdbasediff.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "DOS/OS2-862 (Hebrew)"
+msgstr "DOS/OS2-862 (hebrejska)"
+#: lotusdbasediff.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "DOS/OS2-864 (Arabic)"
+msgstr "DOS/OS2-864 (arabska)"
+#: lotusdbasediff.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "DOS/OS2-866/Russian (Cyrillic)"
+msgstr "DOS/OS2-866/Ruska (cirilična)"
+#: lotusdbasediff.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "DOS/OS2-869/Modern (Greek)"
+msgstr "DOS/OS2-869/Moderna (grška)"
+#: lotusdbasediff.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "DOS/Windows-874 (Thai)"
+msgstr "DOS/Windows-874 (tajska)"
+#: lotusdbasediff.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Windows-1250/WinLatin 2 (Central European)"
+msgstr "Windows-1250/WinLatin 2 (srednjeevropska)"
+#: lotusdbasediff.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Windows-1251 (Cyrillic)"
+msgstr "Windows-1251 (cirilična)"
+#: lotusdbasediff.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Windows-1253 (Greek)"
+msgstr "Windows-1253 (grška)"
+#: lotusdbasediff.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Windows-1254 (Turkish)"
+msgstr "Windows-1254 (turška)"
+#: lotusdbasediff.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Windows-1255 (Hebrew)"
+msgstr "Windows-1255 (hebrejska)"
+#: lotusdbasediff.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Windows-1256 (Arabic)"
+msgstr "Windows-1256 (arabska)"
+#: lotusdbasediff.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Windows-1257 (Baltic)"
+msgstr "Windows-1257 (baltska)"
+#: lotusdbasediff.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Windows-1258 (Vietnamese)"
+msgstr "Windows-1258 (vietnamska)"
+#: lotusdbasediff.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Apple Macintosh (Arabic)"
+msgstr "Apple Macintosh (arabska)"
+#: lotusdbasediff.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Apple Macintosh (Central European)"
+msgstr "Apple Macintosh (srednjeevropska)"
+#: lotusdbasediff.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Apple Macintosh/Croatian (Central European)"
+msgstr "Apple Macintosh/Hrvaška (srednjeevropska)"
+#: lotusdbasediff.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Apple Macintosh (Cyrillic)"
+msgstr "Apple Macintosh (cirilična)"
+#: lotusdbasediff.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Not supported: Apple Macintosh (Devanagari)"
+msgstr "Nepodprto: Apple Macintosh (devangarijska)"
+#: lotusdbasediff.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Not supported: Apple Macintosh (Farsi)"
+msgstr "Nepodprto: Apple Macintosh (perzejska)"
+#: lotusdbasediff.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Apple Macintosh (Greek)"
+msgstr "Apple Macintosh (grška)"
+#: lotusdbasediff.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Not supported: Apple Macintosh (Gujarati)"
+msgstr "Nepodprto: Apple Macintosh (gudžaratska)"
+#: lotusdbasediff.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Not supported: Apple Macintosh (Gurmukhi)"
+msgstr "Nepodprto: Apple Macintosh (gumurška)"
+#: lotusdbasediff.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Apple Macintosh (Hebrew)"
+msgstr "Apple Macintosh (hebrejska)"
+#: lotusdbasediff.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Apple Macintosh/Icelandic (Western)"
+msgstr "Apple Macintosh/Islandska (zahodna)"
+#: lotusdbasediff.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Apple Macintosh/Romanian (Central European)"
+msgstr "Apple Macintosh/romunska (srednjeevropska)"
+#: lotusdbasediff.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Apple Macintosh (Thai)"
+msgstr "Apple Macintosh (tajska)"
+#: lotusdbasediff.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Apple Macintosh (Turkish)"
+msgstr "Apple Macintosh (turška)"
+#: lotusdbasediff.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Apple Macintosh/Ukrainian (Cyrillic)"
+msgstr "Apple Macintosh/ukrajinska (cirilična)"
+#: lotusdbasediff.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Apple Macintosh (Chinese Simplified)"
+msgstr "Apple Macintosh (kitajska, poenostavljena)"
+#: lotusdbasediff.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Apple Macintosh (Chinese Traditional)"
+msgstr "Apple Macintosh (kitajska, tradicionalna)"
+#: lotusdbasediff.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Apple Macintosh (Japanese)"
+msgstr "Apple Macintosh (japonska)"
+#: lotusdbasediff.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Apple Macintosh (Korean)"
+msgstr "Apple Macintosh (korejska)"
+#: lotusdbasediff.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Windows-932 (Japanese)"
+msgstr "Windows-932 (japonska)"
+#: lotusdbasediff.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Windows-936 (Chinese Simplified)"
+msgstr "Windows-936 (kitajska, poenostavljena)"
+#: lotusdbasediff.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Windows-Wansung-949 (Korean)"
+msgstr "Windows-Wansung-949 (korejska)"
+#: lotusdbasediff.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Windows-950 (Chinese Traditional)"
+msgstr "Windows-950 (kitajska, tradicionalna)"
+#: lotusdbasediff.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Shift-JIS (Japanese)"
+msgstr "Shift-JIS (japonska)"
+#: lotusdbasediff.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "GB-2312 (Chinese Simplified)"
+msgstr "GB-2312 (kitajska, poenostavljena)"
+#: lotusdbasediff.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "GBT-12345 (Chinese Traditional)"
+msgstr "GBT-12345 (kitajska, tradicionalna)"
+#: lotusdbasediff.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "GBK/GB-2312-80 (Chinese Simplified)"
+msgstr "GBK/GB-2312-80 (kitajska, poenostavljena)"
+#: lotusdbasediff.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "BIG5 (Chinese Traditional)"
+msgstr "BIG5 (kitajska, tradicionalna)"
+#: lotusdbasediff.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "EUC-JP (Japanese)"
+msgstr "EUC-JP (japonska)"
+#: lotusdbasediff.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "EUC-CN (Chinese Simplified)"
+msgstr "EUC-CN (kitajska, poenostavljena)"
+#: lotusdbasediff.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "EUC-TW (Chinese Traditional)"
+msgstr "EUC-TW (kitajska, tradicionalna)"
+#: lotusdbasediff.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "ISO-2022-JP (Japanese)"
+msgstr "ISO-2022-JP (japonska)"
+#: lotusdbasediff.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "ISO-2022-CN (Chinese Simplified)"
+msgstr "ISO-2022-CN (kitajska, poenostavljena)"
+#: lotusdbasediff.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "KOI8-R (Cyrillic)"
+msgstr "KOI8-R (cirilična)"
+#: lotusdbasediff.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Unicode (UTF-7)"
+msgstr "Unicode (UTF-7)"
+#: lotusdbasediff.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Unicode (UTF-8)"
+msgstr "Unicode (UTF-8)"
+#: lotusdbasediff.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "ISO-8859-10 (Central European)"
+msgstr "ISO-8859-10 (srednjeevropska)"
+#: lotusdbasediff.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "ISO-8859-13 (Central European)"
+msgstr "ISO-8859-13 (srednjeevropska)"
+#: lotusdbasediff.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "EUC-KR (Korean)"
+msgstr "EUC-KR (korejska)"
+#: lotusdbasediff.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "ISO-2022-KR (Korean)"
+msgstr "ISO-2022-KR (korejska)"
+#: lotusdbasediff.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "JIS 0201 (Japanese)"
+msgstr "JIS 0201 (japonska)"
+#: lotusdbasediff.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "JIS 0208 (Japanese)"
+msgstr "JIS 0208 (japonska)"
+#: lotusdbasediff.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "JIS 0212 (Japanese)"
+msgstr "JIS 0212 (japonska)"
+#: lotusdbasediff.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Windows-Johab-1361 (Korean)"
+msgstr "Windows-Johab-1361 (korejska)"
+#: lotusdbasediff.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "GB-18030 (Chinese Simplified)"
+msgstr "GB-18030 (kitajska, poenostavljena)"
+#: lotusdbasediff.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "BIG5-HKSCS (Chinese Traditional)"
+msgstr "BIG5-HKSCS (kitajska, tradicionalna)"
+#: lotusdbasediff.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "TIS 620 (Thai)"
+msgstr "TIS 620 (tajska)"
+#: lotusdbasediff.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "KOI8-U (Cyrillic)"
+msgstr "KOI8-U (cirilična)"
+#: lotusdbasediff.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "ISCII Devanagari (Indian)"
+msgstr "ISCII Devanagari (indijska)"
+#: lotusdbasediff.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Unicode (Java's modified UTF-8)"
+msgstr "Unicode (UTF-8)"
+#: lotusdbasediff.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Adobe Standard"
+msgstr "Adobe Standard"
+#: lotusdbasediff.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Adobe Symbol"
+msgstr "Adobe Symbol"
+#: lotusdbasediff.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "PT 154 (Windows Cyrillic Asian codepage developed in ParaType)"
+msgstr "PT 154 (cirilična azijska kodna stran Windows, razvita v ParaType)"
+#: lotusdbasediff.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Unicode UCS4"
+msgstr "Unicode UCS4"
+#: lotusdbasediff.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "Unicode UCS2"
+msgstr "Unicode UCS2"
#: macro_recording.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -19999,7 +21423,7 @@ msgctxt ""
msgid "For additional replacements see the replacements table under <emph>Tools - AutoCorrect - AutoCorrect Options</emph><emph>- </emph><link href=\"text/shared/01/06040200.xhp\" name=\"Replace\"><emph>Replace</emph></link>. Here you can, among other things, replace a shortcut automatically by a dash, even in another font."
-msgstr "Za dodatne zamenjave glejte tabelo zamenjav pod <emph>Orodje – Samopopravki – Možnosti samopopravkov – </emph><link href=\"text/shared/01/06040200.xhp\" name=\"Zamenjaj\"><emph>Zamenjaj</emph></link>. Tukaj lahko med drugim bližnjico samodejno zamenjate s pomišljajem, tudi v drugi pisavi."
+msgstr "Za dodatne zamenjave glejte tabelo zamenjav pod <emph>Orodja – Samopopravki – Možnosti samopopravkov – </emph><link href=\"text/shared/01/06040200.xhp\" name=\"Zamenjaj\"><emph>Zamenjaj</emph></link>. Tukaj lahko med drugim bližnjico samodejno zamenjate s pomišljajem, tudi v drugi pisavi."
#: space_hyphen.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -20446,8 +21870,8 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "Select <emph>Run</emph> from the Windows Start menu."
-msgstr "V meniju Windows Start izberite <emph>Zaženi</emph>."
+msgid "Search for <emph>Run</emph> in the Windows Start menu."
+msgstr "V meniju Windows Start poiščite <emph>Zaženi</emph>."
#: start_parameters.xhp
msgctxt ""
@@ -21126,8 +22550,24 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "<variable id=\"seefilters\">See the <link href=\"text/shared/guide/convertfilters.xhp\" name=\"list of document filters\">list of document filters</link> for file conversion.</variable>"
-msgstr "<variable id=\"seefilters\">Glejte <link href=\"text/shared/guide/convertfilters.xhp\" name=\"Seznam filtrov za dokumente\">seznam filtrov za dokumente</link> za pretvorbo dokumentov.</variable>"
+msgid "See the <link href=\"text/shared/guide/convertfilters.xhp\" name=\"list of document filters\">list of document filters</link> for file conversion."
+msgstr "Glejte <link href=\"text/shared/guide/convertfilters.xhp\" name=\"Seznam filtrov\">seznam filtrov</link> za pretvorbo dokumentov."
+#: start_parameters.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "The list of <link href=\"text/shared/guide/lotusdbasediff.xhp\" name=\"lotusparams\">filter options for Lotus, dBase and Diff files</link>."
+msgstr "Seznam <link href=\"text/shared/guide/lotusdbasediff.xhp\" name=\"Parametri filtra za datoteke Lotus, dBase in Diff\">možnosti filtra za datoteke Lotus, dBase in Diff</link>."
+#: start_parameters.xhp
+msgctxt ""
+msgid "The list of <link href=\"text/shared/guide/csv_params.xhp\" name=\"csvparams\">filter options for CSV files</link>."
+msgstr "Seznam <link href=\"text/shared/guide/csv_params.xhp\" name=\"Parametri filtra za datoteke CSV\">možnosti filtra za datoteke CSV</link>."
#: start_parameters.xhp
msgctxt ""
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"PO-Revision-Date: 2021-10-26 02:27+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Martin Srebotnjak <miles@filmsi.net>\n"
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"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://bugs.libreoffice.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=LibreOffice&bug_status=UNCONFIRMED&component=UI\n"
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"PO-Revision-Date: 2021-10-23 22:57+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Martin Srebotnjak <miles@filmsi.net>\n"
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"PO-Revision-Date: 2021-10-23 23:00+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Martin Srebotnjak <miles@filmsi.net>\n"
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"Project-Id-Version: LibreOffice 7.3\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://bugs.libreoffice.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=LibreOffice&bug_status=UNCONFIRMED&component=UI\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-10-22 21:11+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-11-05 17:43+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2021-10-26 01:32+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Martin Srebotnjak <miles@filmsi.net>\n"
"Language-Team: sl.libreoffice.org\n"
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"Project-Id-Version: LibreOffice 7.3\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://bugs.libreoffice.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=LibreOffice&bug_status=UNCONFIRMED&component=UI\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-10-22 21:11+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-11-16 16:12+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2021-10-23 23:15+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Martin Srebotnjak <miles@filmsi.net>\n"
"Language-Team: sl.libreoffice.org\n"
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@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ msgctxt ""
-msgid "An anchor moves with the element it is attached to as the document is edited. An object retains it's position relative to the reference point determined by it's anchor, such that, whenever the reference point moves or changes, the object moves relative to it."
+msgid "An anchor moves with the element it is attached to as the document is edited. An object retains its position relative to the reference point determined by its anchor, such that, whenever the reference point moves or changes, the object moves relative to it."
msgstr "Sidro se premika z elementom, na katerega je pripeto, ko urejate dokument. Predmet ohranja svoj položaj relativno na sklicno točko, ki jo določa njegovo sidro, tako da se, kadar koli se sklicna točka premakne ali spremeni, predmet premakne relativno nanjo."
#: anchor_object.xhp