#. extracted from sfx2 msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://bugs.libreoffice.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=LibreOffice&bug_status=UNCONFIRMED&component=UI\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2021-07-01 19:40+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2021-09-11 13:36+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Samson B \n" "Language-Team: Amharic \n" "Language: am\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n > 1;\n" "X-Accelerator-Marker: ~\n" "X-Generator: Weblate 4.8.1\n" "X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1559687799.000000\n" #. bHbFE #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:25 msgctxt "STR_TEMPLATE_FILTER" msgid "Templates" msgstr "ቴምፕሌቶች" #. FfusE #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:26 msgctxt "STR_SAVEDOC" msgid "~Save" msgstr "~ማስቀመጫ" #. CQKYg #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:27 msgctxt "STR_SAVEASDOC" msgid "Save ~As..." msgstr "ማሰቀመጫ ~እንደ..." #. BdP9V #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:28 msgctxt "STR_SAVEACOPY" msgid "Save a Copy..." msgstr "ኮፒ ማስቀመጫ..." #. vFaub #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:29 msgctxt "STR_CLOSEDOC" msgid "~Close" msgstr "~መዝጊያ" #. 5ZD4C #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:30 msgctxt "STR_OPEN" msgid "Open" msgstr "መክፈቻ" #. CDDvH #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:31 msgctxt "STR_EDIT_TEMPLATE" msgid "Edit" msgstr "ማረሚያ" #. G7prU #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:32 msgctxt "STR_DEFAULT_TEMPLATE" msgid "Set as Default" msgstr "እንደ ነባር ማሰናጃ" #. kZmDk #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:33 msgctxt "STR_RESET_DEFAULT" msgid "Reset Default" msgstr "ነባሩን እንደ ነበር መመለሻ" #. 5rD3D #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:34 msgctxt "STR_DELETE" msgid "Delete" msgstr "ማጥፊያ" #. jDdTD #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:35 msgctxt "STR_SFX_RENAME" msgid "Rename" msgstr "እንደገና መሰየሚያ" #. C2ngg #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:36 msgctxt "STR_CATEGORY_RENAME" msgid "Rename Category" msgstr "እንደገና መሰየሚያ ምድብ" #. w5nke #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:37 msgctxt "STR_RENAME_TEMPLATE" msgid "Enter New Name: " msgstr "አዲስ ስም ያስገቡ: " #. TVTsi #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:38 msgctxt "STR_TEMPLATE_TOOLTIP" msgid "" "Title: $1\n" "Category: $2" msgstr "" "አርእስት: $1\n" "ምድብ: $2" #. W2X7Y #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:39 msgctxt "STR_TEMPLATE_SELECTION" msgid "Select a Template" msgstr "ቴምፕሌት ይምረጡ" #. ihUZ6 #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:40 msgctxt "STR_AUTOMATICVERSION" msgid "Automatically saved version" msgstr "ራሱ በራሱ የ ተቀመጠ እትም" #. EfF2v #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:41 msgctxt "STR_EXPORTBUTTON" msgid "Export" msgstr "መላኪያ" #. q7FND #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:42 msgctxt "STR_LABEL_FILEFORMAT" msgid "File format:" msgstr "የ ፋይል አቀራረብ:" #. N7LVW #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:43 msgctxt "STR_HIDDENINFO_CONTAINS" msgid "" "This document contains:\n" "\n" msgstr "" "ይህ ሰነድ የያዘው :\n" "\n" #. 8tujE #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:44 msgctxt "STR_HIDDENINFO_RECORDCHANGES" msgid "Recorded changes" msgstr "የ ተመዘገቡ ለውጦች" #. LUUtP #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:45 msgctxt "STR_HIDDENINFO_NOTES" msgid "Notes" msgstr "ማስታወሻዎች" #. tDmMa #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:46 msgctxt "STR_HIDDENINFO_DOCVERSIONS" msgid "Document versions" msgstr "የ ሰነድ እትሞች" #. ZBKQD #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:47 msgctxt "STR_HIDDENINFO_CONTINUE_SAVING" msgid "Do you want to continue saving the document?" msgstr "ሰነዱን ማስቀመጥ መቀጠል ይፈልጋሉ?" #. BzbMB #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:48 msgctxt "STR_HIDDENINFO_CONTINUE_PRINTING" msgid "Do you want to continue printing the document?" msgstr "ሰነዱን ማተም መቀጠል ይፈልጋሉ?" #. ExQK6 #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:49 msgctxt "STR_HIDDENINFO_CONTINUE_SIGNING" msgid "Do you want to continue signing the document?" msgstr "ሰነዱን መፈረም መቀጠል ይፈልጋሉ?" #. TepyB #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:50 msgctxt "STR_HIDDENINFO_CONTINUE_CREATEPDF" msgid "Do you want to continue creating a PDF file?" msgstr "የ PDF ፋይል መፍጠር መቀጠል ይፈልጋሉ?" #. CbFjm #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:51 msgctxt "STR_NEW_FILENAME_SAVE" msgid "If you do not want to overwrite the original document, you should save your work under a new filename." msgstr "በ ዋናው ሰነድ ላይ ደርበው መጻፍ ካልፈለጉ: ሰነዱን በ አዲስ ስም ማስቀመጥ አለብዎት" #. 7stwX #. Used in the title of a shared document. #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:53 msgctxt "STR_SHARED" msgid " (shared)" msgstr " (የሚካፈሉት)" #. W5PzH #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:54 msgctxt "STR_XMLSEC_ODF12_EXPECTED" msgid "The document format version is set to ODF 1.1 (OpenOffice.org 2.x) in Tools-Options-Load/Save-General. Signing documents requires ODF 1.2 (OpenOffice.org 3.x)." msgstr "የ ሰነዱ አቀራረብ እትም የተዘጋጀው ወደ ODF 1.1 (OpenOffice.org 2.x) ነው: ከ መሳሪያዎች-ምርጫዎች-መጫኛ/ማስቀመጫ-ባጠቃላይ: ሰነዶችን ለ መፈረም ODF 1.2 (OpenOffice.org 3.x). ያስፈልጋል" #. tqPCH #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:55 msgctxt "STR_XMLSEC_QUERY_SAVESIGNEDBEFORESIGN" msgid "" "The document has to be saved before it can be signed. Saving the document removes all present signatures.\n" "Do you want to save the document?" msgstr "" "ሰነዱ ከ መፈረሙ በፊት መቀመጥ አለበት: ሰነዱን አሁን ማስቀመጥ የነበረቱን ፊርማዎች በሙሉ ያስወግዳቸዋል \n" "ሰነዱን ማስቀመጥ ይፈልጋሉ?" #. xnHJN #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:56 msgctxt "STR_QRYTEMPL_MESSAGE" msgid "The template '$(ARG1)' on which this document is based, has been modified. Do you want to update style based formatting according to the modified template?" msgstr "ይህ ቴምፕሌት '$(ARG1)' ይህ ሰነድ መሰረት ያደረገው ተሻሽሏል: ማሻሻል ይፈልጋሉ ዘዴውን መሰረት ባደረገ አቀራረብ በ ተሻሻለው ቴምፕሌት መሰረት?" #. ABmvY #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:57 msgctxt "STR_QRYTEMPL_UPDATE_BTN" msgid "~Update Styles" msgstr "ዘዴዎች ~ማሻሻያ" #. W4thg #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:58 msgctxt "STR_QRYTEMPL_KEEP_BTN" msgid "~Keep Old Styles" msgstr "አሮጌ ዘዴዎችን ~ማስቀመጫ" #. XdvXk #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:59 msgctxt "STR_ACTION_REFRESH" msgid "Refresh" msgstr "ማነቃቂያ" #. G7DAG #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:60 msgctxt "STR_CATEGORY_NEW" msgid "New Category" msgstr "አዲስ ምድብ" #. p46Ai #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:61 msgctxt "STR_CATEGORY_DELETE" msgid "Delete Category" msgstr "ምድብ ማጥፊያ" #. xfaom #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:62 msgctxt "STR_CATEGORY_SELECT" msgid "Select Category" msgstr "ምድብ ይምረጡ" #. YdoDu #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:63 msgctxt "STR_MSG_EXPORT_SUCCESS" msgid "$1 templates successfully exported." msgstr "$1 ቲምፕሌት ተሳክቶ ተልኳል" #. g6iDa #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:64 msgctxt "STR_MSG_QUERY_COPY" msgid "$1 could not be moved to the category \"$2\". Do you want to copy the template instead?" msgstr "$1 ወደ ምድብ ማንቀሳቀስ አልተቻለም \"$2\". በሱ ፋንታ ቴምፕሌቱን ኮፒ ማድረግ ይፈልጋሉ?" #. 9bJN3 #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:65 msgctxt "STR_CREATE_ERROR" msgid "Cannot create category: $1" msgstr "መፍጠር አልተቻለም ምድብ: $1" #. YR7aW #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:66 msgctxt "STR_ERROR_SAVEAS" msgid "Cannot save template: $1" msgstr "ቴምፕሌት ማስቀመጥ አልተቻለም: $1" #. vFwwF #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:67 msgctxt "STR_INPUT_NEW" msgid "Enter category name:" msgstr "የ ምድብ ስም ያስገቡ:" #. yxN3P #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:68 msgctxt "STR_MSG_ERROR_LOCAL_MOVE" msgid "" "Error moving the following templates to $1.\n" "$2" msgstr "" "ስህተት ተፈጥሯል እነዚህ ቴምፕሌቶች ሲንቀሳቀሱ ወደ $1.\n" "$2" #. Sh34g #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:69 msgctxt "STR_MSG_ERROR_EXPORT" msgid "" "Error exporting the following templates:\n" "$1" msgstr "" "ስህተት ተፈጥሯል እነዚህ ቴምፕሌቶች ሲላኩ:\n" "$1" #. NFsZu #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:70 msgctxt "STR_MSG_ERROR_IMPORT" msgid "" "Error importing the following templates to $1:\n" "$2" msgstr "" "ስህተት ተፈጥሯል እነዚህ ቴምፕሌቶ ሲመጡ ወደ $1:\n" "$2" #. g5zLe #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:71 msgctxt "STR_MSG_ERROR_DELETE_TEMPLATE" msgid "" "The following templates cannot be deleted:\n" "$1" msgstr "" "እነዚህን ቴምፕሌቶች ማጥፋት አይቻልም:\n" "$1" #. 89xV6 #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:72 msgctxt "STR_MSG_ERROR_DELETE_FOLDER" msgid "" "The following folders cannot be deleted:\n" "$1" msgstr "" "እነዚህን ፎልደሮች ማጥፋት አይቻልም:\n" "$1" #. kvCnH #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:73 msgctxt "STR_QMSG_SEL_FOLDER_DELETE" msgid "Do you want to delete the selected folders?" msgstr "የ ተመረጡትን ፎልደሮች ማጥፋት ይፈልጋሉ?" #. JWmWL #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:74 msgctxt "STR_QMSG_TEMPLATE_OVERWRITE" msgid "A template named $1 already exist in $2. Do you want to overwrite it?" msgstr "በዚህ ስም የ ተሰየመ ቴምፕሌት $1 ቀደም ሲል ነበር በ $2. ውስጥ በላዩ ላይ ደርበው መጻፍ ይፈልጋሉ?" #. 6MoGu #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:75 msgctxt "STR_QMSG_SEL_TEMPLATE_DELETE" msgid "Do you want to delete the selected templates?" msgstr "የ ተመረጡትን ፎልደሮች ማጥፋት ይፈልጋሉ?" #. WR2LD #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:76 msgctxt "STR_QMSG_ERROR_OPENING_FILE" msgid "An error occurred during opening the file. This may be caused by incorrect file contents.\n" msgstr "ፋይል በሚከፈት ጊዜ ስህተት ተፈጥሯል: ይህ ሊፈጠር የሚችለው በ ተሳሳተ የ ፋይል ይዞታዎች የተነሳ ነው\n" #. AsUee #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:77 msgctxt "STR_QMSG_ERROR_OPENING_FILE_DETAILS" msgid "The error details are:\n" msgstr "የ ስህተቱ ዝርዝር እነዚህ ናቸው:\n" #. D2XDV #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:78 msgctxt "STR_QMSG_ERROR_OPENING_FILE_CONTINUE" msgid "" "\n" "Proceeding with import may cause data loss or corruption, and application may become unstable or crash.\n" "\n" "Do you want to ignore the error and attempt to continue loading the file?" msgstr "" "\n" "በ ማምጫ ማስኬድ የ ዳታ መጥፋት ሊያስከትል ይችላል: እና መተግበሪያ ያለ መረጋጋት ሊያስከትል ይችላል: ሰለዚህ ይጋጫል\n" "\n" "እርስዎ ችግሩን መተው እና ፋይሉን ለ መጫን መሞከር መቀጠል ይፈልጋሉ?" #. g63UH #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:80 msgctxt "STR_HELP_WINDOW_TITLE" msgid "%PRODUCTNAME Help" msgstr "%PRODUCTNAME እርዳታ" #. Veb3m #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:81 msgctxt "STR_HELP_BUTTON_INDEX_ON" msgid "Show Navigation Pane" msgstr "የመቃኛ ክፍል ማሳያ" #. 3LGpr #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:82 msgctxt "STR_HELP_BUTTON_INDEX_OFF" msgid "Hide Navigation Pane" msgstr "የ መቃኛ ክፍል መደበቂያ" #. g8Vns #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:83 msgctxt "STR_HELP_BUTTON_START" msgid "First Page" msgstr "የመጀመሪያ ገጽ" #. YMoQp #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:84 msgctxt "STR_HELP_BUTTON_PREV" msgid "Previous Page" msgstr "ቀደም ያለው ገጽ" #. mGB7r #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:85 msgctxt "STR_HELP_BUTTON_NEXT" msgid "Next Page" msgstr "የሚቀጥለው ገጽ" #. dys7x #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:86 msgctxt "STR_HELP_BUTTON_PRINT" msgid "Print..." msgstr "ማተሚያ..." #. bmCzY #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:87 msgctxt "STR_HELP_BUTTON_ADDBOOKMARK" msgid "Add to Bookmarks..." msgstr "ወደ ምልክት ማድረጊያው መጨመሪያ..." #. SGFus #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:88 msgctxt "STR_HELP_BUTTON_SEARCHDIALOG" msgid "Find on this Page..." msgstr "በዚህ ገጽ ላይ መፈለጊያ..." #. qvTDZ #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:89 msgctxt "STR_HELP_BUTTON_SOURCEVIEW" msgid "HTML Source" msgstr "HTML Source" #. pHyBm #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:90 msgctxt "STR_HELP_MENU_TEXT_SELECTION_MODE" msgid "Select Text" msgstr "ጽሁፍ ይምረጡ" #. 5FCCv #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:91 msgctxt "STR_HELP_MENU_TEXT_COPY" msgid "~Copy" msgstr "~ኮፒ" #. TQd3C #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:92 msgctxt "STR_INFO_NOSEARCHRESULTS" msgid "No topics found." msgstr "ምንም አርእስት አልተገኘም" #. 9D6Ze #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:93 msgctxt "STR_INFO_NOSEARCHTEXTFOUND" msgid "The text you entered was not found." msgstr "ያስገቡት ጽሁፍ አልተገኘም" #. qLPDs #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:94 msgctxt "RID_HELP_ONSTARTUP_TEXT" msgid "~Display %PRODUCTNAME %MODULENAME Help at Startup" msgstr "~ማሳያ %PRODUCTNAME %MODULENAME እርዳታ በሚጀምር ጊዜ" #. TEgzB #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:96 msgctxt "STR_NONAME" msgid "Untitled" msgstr "ያልተሰየመ" #. fs5SN #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:97 msgctxt "STR_STANDARD_SHORTCUT" msgid "Standard" msgstr "መደበኛ" #. 6sRBN #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:98 msgctxt "STR_BYTES" msgid "Bytes" msgstr "ባይትስ" #. 6iirE #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:99 msgctxt "STR_KB" msgid "KB" msgstr "ኪ/ባ" #. VrFxn #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:100 msgctxt "STR_MB" msgid "MB" msgstr "ሜ/ባ" #. 9rBAW #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:101 msgctxt "STR_GB" msgid "GB" msgstr "ጌ/ባ" #. DqwaN #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:102 msgctxt "STR_QUERY_LASTVERSION" msgid "Cancel all changes?" msgstr "ሁሉንም ለውጦች ልሰርዛቸው?" #. cCrDG #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:103 msgctxt "STR_NO_WEBBROWSER_FOUND" msgid "" "Opening \"$(ARG1)\" failed with error code $(ARG2) and message: \"$(ARG3)\"\n" "Maybe no web browser could be found on your system. In that case, please check your Desktop Preferences or install a web browser (for example, Firefox) in the default location requested during the browser installation." msgstr "" "መክፈት \"$(ARG1)\" አልተቻለም: የ ስህተት ኮድ $(ARG2) እና መልእክት: \"$(ARG3)\"\n" "ምናልባት የ ዌብ መቃኛ በ እርስዎ ስርአት ውስጥ አልተገኘም ይሆናል: እባክዎን የ እርስዎን ዴስክቶፕ ምርጫዎች ይመርምሩ ወይንም የ ዌብ መቃኛ ይግጠሙ: (ለምሳሌ: Firefox) በ ነባር ቦታ የ መቃኛ መግጠሚያ በሚጠየቅበት አካባቢ" #. ADqLM #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:104 msgctxt "STR_NO_ABS_URI_REF" msgid "\"$(ARG1)\" cannot be passed to an external application to open it (e.g., it might not be an absolute URL, or might denote no existing file)." msgstr "" #. XDUCY #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:105 msgctxt "STR_GID_INTERN" msgid "Internal" msgstr "የ ውስጥ" #. 4g9hU #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:106 msgctxt "STR_GID_APPLICATION" msgid "Application" msgstr "መተግበሪያ" #. rBzxu #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:107 msgctxt "STR_GID_VIEW" msgid "View" msgstr "መመልከቻ" #. NQnym #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:108 msgctxt "STR_GID_DOCUMENT" msgid "Documents" msgstr "ሰነዶች" #. DbzDd #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:109 msgctxt "STR_GID_EDIT" msgid "Edit" msgstr "ማረሚያ" #. HqK5g #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:110 msgctxt "STR_GID_MACRO" msgid "BASIC" msgstr "መሰረታዊ" #. 3QkTL #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:111 msgctxt "STR_GID_OPTIONS" msgid "Options" msgstr "ምርጫዎች" #. GFEQ3 #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:112 msgctxt "STR_GID_MATH" msgid "Math" msgstr "ሂሳብ" #. rFALW #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:113 msgctxt "STR_GID_NAVIGATOR" msgid "Navigate" msgstr "መቃኛ" #. w7dmG #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:114 msgctxt "STR_GID_INSERT" msgid "Insert" msgstr "ማስገቢያ" #. fokQp #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:115 msgctxt "STR_GID_FORMAT" msgid "Format" msgstr "አቀራረብ" #. fLTV6 #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:116 msgctxt "STR_GID_TEMPLATE" msgid "Templates" msgstr "ቴምፕሌትስ" #. JAdCZ #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:117 msgctxt "STR_GID_TEXT" msgid "Text" msgstr "ጽሁፍ" #. PSfaP #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:118 msgctxt "STR_GID_FRAME" msgid "Frame" msgstr "ክፈፍ" #. 5V4iR #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:119 msgctxt "STR_GID_GRAPHIC" msgid "Image" msgstr "ምስል" #. DzBoB #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:120 msgctxt "STR_GID_TABLE" msgid "Table" msgstr "ሰንጠረዥ" #. Cmsi4 #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:121 msgctxt "STR_GID_ENUMERATION" msgid "Numbering" msgstr "ቁጥር መስጫ" #. CDFSE #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:122 msgctxt "STR_GID_DATA" msgid "Data" msgstr "ዳታ" #. CV9Pq #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:123 msgctxt "STR_GID_SPECIAL" msgid "Special Functions" msgstr "የተለዩ ተግባሮች" #. 5CfQs #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:124 msgctxt "STR_GID_IMAGE" msgid "Image" msgstr "ምስል" #. 5wvK9 #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:125 msgctxt "STR_GID_CHART" msgid "Chart" msgstr "ቻርት" #. pNE8F #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:126 msgctxt "STR_GID_EXPLORER" msgid "Explorer" msgstr "መቃኛ" #. yBawD #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:127 msgctxt "STR_GID_CONNECTOR" msgid "Connector" msgstr "አገናኝ" #. 3rGea #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:128 msgctxt "STR_GID_MODIFY" msgid "Modify" msgstr "ማሻሻያ" #. WcwGs #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:129 msgctxt "STR_GID_DRAWING" msgid "Drawing" msgstr "መሳያ" #. Ajo4w #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:130 msgctxt "STR_GID_CONTROLS" msgid "Controls" msgstr "መቆጣጠሪያ" #. L5coQ #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:131 msgctxt "STR_QUITAPP" msgid "E~xit %PRODUCTNAME" msgstr "መ~ውጫ %PRODUCTNAME" #. k2PBJ #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:132 msgctxt "RID_STR_HELP" msgid "Help" msgstr "እርዳታ" #. roDzu #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:133 msgctxt "RID_STR_HLPFILENOTEXIST" msgid "The help file for this topic is not installed." msgstr "ለዚህ አርእስት የ እርዳታ ፋይሉ አልተገጠመም" #. zjPS7 #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:134 msgctxt "STR_QUICKSTART_EXIT" msgid "Exit Quickstarter" msgstr "ከ በፍጥነት ማስጀመሪያ መውጫ" #. ecxqC #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:135 msgctxt "STR_QUICKSTART_TIP" msgid "%PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION Quickstarter" msgstr "%PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION በፍጥነት ማስጀመሪያ" #. G9Gqk #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:136 msgctxt "STR_QUICKSTART_FILEOPEN" msgid "Open Document..." msgstr "ሰነድ መክፈቻ..." #. wecTF #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:137 msgctxt "STR_QUICKSTART_FROMTEMPLATE" msgid "From Template..." msgstr "ከ ቴምፕሌት..." #. FzJCj #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:138 msgctxt "STR_QUICKSTART_PRELAUNCH" msgid "Load %PRODUCTNAME During System Start-Up" msgstr "መጫኛ %PRODUCTNAME ስርአቱ በሚጀምር-ጊዜ" #. hMejq #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:139 msgctxt "STR_QUICKSTART_LNKNAME" msgid "%PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION" msgstr "%PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION" #. CBB6Z #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:140 msgctxt "STR_QUICKSTART_FILE" msgid "File" msgstr "ፋይል" #. c6wAB #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:141 msgctxt "STR_QUICKSTART_STARTCENTER" msgid "Startcenter" msgstr "መሀከል መጀመሪያ" #. Uhn54 #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:142 msgctxt "STR_QUICKSTART_RECENTDOC" msgid "Recent Documents" msgstr "የ ቅርብ ጊዜ ሰነዶች" #. DirQf #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:143 msgctxt "STR_QUERY_UPDATE_LINKS" msgid "" "The document %{filename} contains one or more links to external data.\n" "\n" "Would you like to change the document, and update all links\n" "to get the most recent data?" msgstr "" #. zJGEM #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:144 msgctxt "STR_DDE_ERROR" msgid "DDE link to %1 for %2 area %3 are not available." msgstr "DDE አገናኝ ወደ %1 ለ %2 ቦታ %3 ዝግጁ አይደለም" #. zECGD #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:145 msgctxt "STR_SECURITY_WARNING_NO_HYPERLINKS" msgid "" "For security reasons, the hyperlink cannot be executed.\n" "The stated address will not be opened." msgstr "" "በደህንነት ምክንያት ፡ ይህ hyperlink cannot be executed.\n" "የ ተፈለገውን አድራሻ አይከፈትም" #. vcMzA #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:146 msgctxt "RID_SECURITY_WARNING_TITLE" msgid "Security Warning" msgstr "የደህንነት ማስጠንቀቂያ" #. vVCon #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:147 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_XMLSEC_QUERY_LOSINGSIGNATURE" msgid "" "Saving will remove all existing signatures.\n" "Do you want to continue saving the document?" msgstr "" "ማስቀመጥ ቀደም ሲል የነበሩትን ፊርማዎች ያስወግዳቸዋል \n" "ሰነዱን ማስቀመጥ መቀጠል ይፈልጋሉ?" #. cGnF9 #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:148 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_XMLSEC_QUERY_SAVEBEFORESIGN" msgid "" "The document has to be saved before it can be signed.\n" "Do you want to save the document?" msgstr "" "ሰነዱ ከ መፈረሙ በፊት መቀመጥ አለበት \n" "ሰነዱን ማስቀመጥ ይፈልጋሉ?" #. zNVEd #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:149 msgctxt "STR_QUERY_CANCELCHECKOUT" msgid "" "This will discard all changes on the server since check-out.\n" "Do you want to proceed?" msgstr "" "በ ሰርቨሩ ላይ ያለውን ለውጦች በሙሉ ያስወግዳል መጨረሻ-ከወጡበት ጊዜ ጀምሮ ያለውን \n" "መቀጠል ይፈልጋሉ?" #. jufLD #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:150 msgctxt "STR_INFO_WRONGDOCFORMAT" msgid "This document must be saved in OpenDocument file format before it can be digitally signed." msgstr "ይህ ሰነድ በ OpenDocument file format መቀመጥ አለበት: ዲጂታሊ ከመፈረሙ በፊት" #. ori9u #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:151 msgctxt "RID_XMLSEC_DOCUMENTSIGNED" msgid " (Signed)" msgstr " (የተፈረመ)" #. kgWZS #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:152 msgctxt "STR_EMBEDDED_TITLE" msgid " (Embedded document)" msgstr " (የ ተጣበቀ ሰነድ)" #. 3nT9T #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:153 msgctxt "STR_STANDARD" msgid "Standard" msgstr "መደበኛ" #. FjCuJ #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:154 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_FILELINK" msgid "Document" msgstr "ሰነድ" #. BfMd3 #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:155 msgctxt "STR_NONE" msgid "- None -" msgstr "- ምንም -" #. XBXvE #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:156 msgctxt "saveastemplatedlg|categorylist" msgid "None" msgstr "ምንም" #. PKtKA #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:157 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRAFIKLINK" msgid "Image" msgstr "ምስል" #. dUK2G #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:158 msgctxt "STR_SFX_FILTERNAME_ALL" msgid "All files" msgstr "ሁሉንም ፋይሎች" #. E39E2 #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:159 msgctxt "STR_SFX_FILTERNAME_PDF" msgid "PDF files" msgstr "የ PDF ፋይሎች" #. gCHbP #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:160 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_EDITGRFLINK" msgid "Link Image" msgstr "ምስል አገናኝ" #. u9H7a #. i66948 used in project scripting #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:162 msgctxt "STR_ERRUNOEVENTBINDUNG" msgid "" "An appropriate component method %1\n" "could not be found.\n" "\n" "Check spelling of method name." msgstr "" "ትክክለኛውን የአካሉን ዘዴ %1\n" "ማግኘት አልተቻለም \n" "\n" "የዘዴውን ስም አፃፃፍ ትክክል መሆኑን ይመርምሩ" #. 2FLYB #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:163 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRFILTER_OPENERROR" msgid "Image file cannot be opened" msgstr "የ ምስል ፋይሉን መክፈት አልተቻለም" #. 6eLsb #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:164 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRFILTER_IOERROR" msgid "Image file cannot be read" msgstr "የ ምስል ፋይሉን ማንበብ አልተቻለም" #. HGRsV #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:165 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRFILTER_FORMATERROR" msgid "Unknown image format" msgstr "ያልታወቀ የ ምስል አቀራረብ" #. YJhGK #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:166 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRFILTER_VERSIONERROR" msgid "This version of the image file is not supported" msgstr "የዚህ እትም ምስል ፋይል የተደገፈ አይደለም" #. Sn8KQ #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:167 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRFILTER_FILTERERROR" msgid "Image filter not found" msgstr "የ ምስል ማጣሪያ አልተገኘም" #. huEFV #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:168 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TXTFILTER_FILTERERROR" msgid "This is not a text document" msgstr "ይህ የ ጽሁፍ ሰነድ አይደለም" #. ejBgZ #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:169 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_END_REDLINING_WARNING" msgid "" "This action will exit the change recording mode.\n" "No information about changes will be recorded from now on.\n" "\n" "Exit change recording mode?\n" "\n" msgstr "" #. E2CcY #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:170 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_INCORRECT_PASSWORD" msgid "Incorrect password" msgstr "የተሳሳተ የመግቢያ ቃል" #. 7Ezso #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:171 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GPG_ENCRYPT_FAILURE" msgid "OpenPGP key not trusted, damaged, or encryption failure. Please try again." msgstr "OpenPGP key አይታመንም: የ ተበላሸ ነው: ወይንም መመስጠሪያው ተበላሽቷል: እባክዎን እንደገና ይሞክሩ" #. DQCUm #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:173 msgctxt "STR_PASSWD_MIN_LEN" msgid "(Minimum $(MINLEN) characters)" msgstr "(አነስተኛ $(MINLEN) ባህሪዎች)" #. ZKZnh #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:174 msgctxt "STR_PASSWD_MIN_LEN1" msgid "(Minimum 1 character)" msgstr "(አነስተኛ 1 ባህሪ)" #. B3WoF #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:175 msgctxt "STR_PASSWD_EMPTY" msgid "(The password can be empty)" msgstr "(የመግቢያ ቃሉ ባዶ ሊሆን ይችላል)" #. iBD9D #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:176 msgctxt "STR_MODULENOTINSTALLED" msgid "The action could not be executed. The %PRODUCTNAME program module needed for this action is currently not installed." msgstr "ተግባሩን ማስኬድ አልተቻለም የ %PRODUCTNAME ፕሮግራሙ ክፍል ለዚህ ተግባር እስከ አሁን አልተገጠመም" #. TXAV5 #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:178 msgctxt "STR_FILTER_NOT_INSTALLED" msgid "" "The selected filter $(FILTER) has not been installed.\n" "Would you like to do this now?" msgstr "" "የተመረጠው ማጣሪያ $(FILTER) አልተገጠመም\n" "ይህን አሁን መስራት ይፈልጋሉ?" #. gQhYY #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:179 msgctxt "STR_FILTER_CONSULT_SERVICE" msgid "" "The selected filter $(FILTER) is not included in your edition.\n" "You can find information about orders on our homepage." msgstr "" "የ ተመረጠው ማጣሪያ $(FILTER) በ እርስዎ እትም ውስጥ አልተካተተም \n" "በ ድህረ ገጻችን እቃዎችን ለማዘዝ መረጃ ማግኘት ይችላሉ" #. Y9yeS #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:181 msgctxt "STR_WELCOME_LINE1" msgid "Welcome to %PRODUCTNAME." msgstr "እንኳን ደህና መጡ ወደ %PRODUCTNAME." #. hyKnu #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:182 msgctxt "STR_WELCOME_LINE2" msgid "Drop a document here or pick an app from the left side to create one." msgstr "ሰነድ እዚህ ይጣሉ ወይንም መተግበሪያ ከ ግራ በኩል ያንሱ አዲስ ለ መፍጠር" #. oTVdA #. Translators: Target types in Auto-redaction dialog #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:185 msgctxt "STR_REDACTION_TARGET_TYPE_TEXT" msgid "Text" msgstr "ጽሁፍ" #. eG5qc #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:186 msgctxt "STR_REDACTION_TARGET_TYPE_REGEX" msgid "Regular expression" msgstr "መደበኛ አገላለጽ" #. TaDCG #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:187 msgctxt "STR_REDACTION_TARGET_TYPE_PREDEF" msgid "Predefined" msgstr "በቅድሚያ የ ተገለጸ" #. bDjwW #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:188 msgctxt "STR_REDACTION_TARGET_TYPE_UNKNOWN" msgid "Unknown" msgstr "ያልታወቀ" #. Ao6kC #. Translators: Column headers in Auto-redaction dialog's targets list #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:191 msgctxt "STR_REDACTION_TARGET_NAME" msgid "Target Name" msgstr "የ ኢላማው ስም" #. mGjsx #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:192 msgctxt "STR_REDACTION_TYPE" msgid "Type" msgstr "አይነት" #. gFKC4 #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:193 msgctxt "STR_REDACTION_CONTENT" msgid "Content" msgstr "ይዞታው" #. oSNPd #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:194 msgctxt "STR_REDACTION_CASE_SENSITIVE" msgid "Case Sensitive" msgstr "" #. FLcSM #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:195 msgctxt "STR_REDACTION_WHOLE_WORDS" msgid "Whole Words" msgstr "ጠቅላላ ቃል" #. YgzCk #. Translators: Values for the Case Sensitive and the Whole Words columns in Auto-redaction dialog #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:198 msgctxt "STR_REDACTION_YES" msgid "Yes" msgstr "አዎ" #. oZNaM #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:199 msgctxt "STR_REDACTION_NO" msgid "No" msgstr "አይ" #. FM3Gf #. Translators: Misc strings of the Auto Redaction dialog #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:202 msgctxt "STR_REDACTION_TARGET" msgid "Target" msgstr "ኢላማው" #. m2i7V #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:203 msgctxt "STR_REDACTION_LOAD_TARGETS" msgid "Load Targets" msgstr "ኢላማዎች መጫኛ" #. HgrwX #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:204 msgctxt "STR_REDACTION_SAVE_TARGETS" msgid "Save Targets" msgstr "ኢላማዎች ማስቀመጫ" #. MYMTF #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:205 msgctxt "STR_REDACTION_FIELDS_REQUIRED" msgid "All fields are required" msgstr "" #. rQS6M #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:206 msgctxt "STR_REDACTION_TARGET_NAME_CLASH" msgid "There is already a target with this name" msgstr "" #. s248s #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:207 msgctxt "STR_REDACTION_MULTI_EDIT" msgid "You have selected multiple targets, but only one target can be edited at once." msgstr "" #. BTayC #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:208 msgctxt "STR_REDACTION_MULTI_DELETE" msgid "Are you sure you would like to delete $(TARGETSCOUNT) targets at once?" msgstr "" #. qFqDC #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:209 msgctxt "STR_REDACTION_JSON_FILE_FILTER" msgid "Target Set (*.json)" msgstr "" #. EGCo6 #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:210 msgctxt "STR_REDACTION_EDIT_TARGET" msgid "Edit Target" msgstr "" #. ACY9D #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:211 msgctxt "STR_REDACTION_TARGET_ADD_ERROR" msgid "An error occurred while adding new target. Please report this incident." msgstr "" #. znVBU #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:212 msgctxt "STR_REDACTION_NO_DRAW_WARNING" msgid "Draw module is needed for redaction. Please make sure you have LibreOffice Draw installed and working correctly." msgstr "" #. FQ9kN #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:214 msgctxt "STR_SFX_FILEDLG_ACTUALVERSION" msgid "Current version" msgstr "የአሁኑ እትም" #. GFAEM #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:215 msgctxt "STR_SFX_EXPLORERFILE_EXPORT" msgid "Export" msgstr "መላኪያ" #. 2DBBC #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:216 msgctxt "STR_SFX_EXPLORERFILE_INSERT" msgid "Insert" msgstr "ማስገቢያ" #. VBKtt #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:217 msgctxt "STR_SFX_EXPLORERFILE_BUTTONINSERT" msgid "~Insert" msgstr "~ማስገቢያ" #. DcLFD #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:218 msgctxt "STR_SFX_IMPORT_ALL_IMAGES" msgid "" msgstr "<ሁሉንም ምስሎች>" #. tPDwc #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:219 msgctxt "STR_PB_SAVEACOPY" msgid "Save a Copy" msgstr "ኮፒ ማስቀመጫ" #. T9mMd #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:220 msgctxt "STR_PB_COMPAREDOC" msgid "Compare to" msgstr "ማወዳደሪያ ከ" #. 4qMCh #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:221 msgctxt "STR_PB_MERGEDOC" msgid "Merge with" msgstr "መቀላቀያ ከ" #. cDMBG #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:223 msgctxt "STR_SFX_NEWOFFICEDOC" msgid "%PRODUCTNAME document" msgstr "%PRODUCTNAME ሰነድ" #. 43QYo #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:224 msgctxt "SFX_ST_DURATION_FORMAT" msgid " Y: %1 M: %2 D: %3 H: %4 M: %5 S: %6" msgstr " አ: %1 ወ: %2 ቀ: %3 ሰ: %4 ደ: %5 ሰ: %6" #. jQX7C #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:225 msgctxt "STR_SFX_QUERY_WRONG_TYPE" msgid "" "The value entered does not match the specified type.\n" "The value will be stored as text." msgstr "" "ያስገቡት ዋጋ ከተመረጠው ዘዴ ጋር አይመሳሰልም \n" "ዋጋው እንደ ጽሁፍ ይቀመጣል" #. cinmA #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:227 msgctxt "STR_QUERY_OVERWRITE" msgid "Style already exists. Overwrite?" msgstr "ዘዴው ቀደም ሲል ነበር: በላዩ ላይ ደርቤ ልጻፍበት?" #. f627N #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:229 msgctxt "STR_RESET" msgid "~Reset" msgstr "~እንደ ነበር መመለሻ" #. EXGDb #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:230 msgctxt "STR_TABPAGE_INVALIDNAME" msgid "This name is already in use." msgstr "ይህን ስም ቀደም ሲል ተጠቅመውበታል" #. N5aeR #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:231 msgctxt "STR_TABPAGE_INVALIDSTYLE" msgid "This Style does not exist." msgstr "ይህ ዘዴ አልተገኘም" #. CYQwN #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:232 msgctxt "STR_TABPAGE_INVALIDPARENT" msgid "" "This Style cannot be used as a base Style,\n" "because it would result in a recursive reference." msgstr "" "ይህን ዘዴ እንደ መሰረታዊ ዘዴ ሊጠቀሙበት አይችሉም \n" "ምክንያቱም የድግግሞሽ ማመሳከሪያ ውጤት ያስከትላል" #. ECPSd #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:233 msgctxt "STR_POOL_STYLE_NAME" msgid "" "Name already exists as a default Style.\n" "Please choose another name." msgstr "" "ይህ ስም ቀደም ሲል በነባር ዘዴ ውስጥ ነበር \n" "እባክዎን ሌላ አዲስ ስም ይምረጡ" #. NWDmA #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:234 msgctxt "STR_DELETE_STYLE_USED" msgid "" "One or more of the selected styles is in use in this document.\n" "If you will delete it, text or objects using these styles will revert to the parent style.\n" "Do you still wish to delete these styles?\n" msgstr "" #. kuD77 #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:235 msgctxt "STR_DELETE_STYLE" msgid "Styles in use: " msgstr "የሚጠቀሙት ዘዴዎች: " #. 4JhEW #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:236 msgctxt "STR_SID_NAVIGATOR" msgid "Navigator" msgstr "መቃኛ" #. Acahp #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:237 msgctxt "STR_ERROR_WRONG_CONFIRM" msgid "Faulty password confirmation" msgstr "የተሳሳተ የመግቢያ ቃል ማረጋገጫ" #. 6uv4b #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:238 msgctxt "STR_PDF_EXPORT_SEND" msgid "Send" msgstr "መላኪያ" #. 9HHQw #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:239 msgctxt "STR_FONT_TABPAGE" msgid "Font" msgstr "ፊደል" #. 7baC6 #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:241 msgctxt "STR_VIEWVERSIONCOMMENT" msgid "View Version Comment" msgstr "የእትም አስተያየት መመልከቻ" #. LGiF8 #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:242 msgctxt "STR_NO_NAME_SET" msgid "(no name set)" msgstr "(ምንም ስም አልተሰናዳም)" #. rZ4Ao #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:244 msgctxt "STR_STYLE_FILTER_HIERARCHICAL" msgid "Hierarchical" msgstr "በ ቅደም ተከተል" #. 4VXDe #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:246 msgctxt "STR_MACRO_LOSS" msgid "Do you really want to cancel the recording? Any steps recorded up to this point will be lost." msgstr "በእርግጥ መመዝገቡን ማጥፋት ይፈልጋሉ? እስከ አሁን የተመዘገበው በሙሉ ይጠፋል" #. 9MnrK #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:247 msgctxt "STR_CANCEL_RECORDING" msgid "Cancel Recording" msgstr "ምዝገባውን መሰረዣ" #. m9FCm #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:249 msgctxt "RID_CNT_STR_WAITING" msgid "The templates are being initialized for first-time usage." msgstr "ቴምፕሌቶቹ ለ መጀመሪያ-ጊዜ መጠቀሚያ በ መነሳት ላይ ናቸው" #. F3ym2 #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:251 msgctxt "STR_NODEFPRINTER" msgid "" "No default printer found.\n" "Please choose a printer and try again." msgstr "" "ነባር ማተሚያ አልተገኘም \n" "እባክዎን ማተሚያ ይምረጡ እና እንደገና ይሞክሩ" #. a3NTu #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:252 msgctxt "STR_NOSTARTPRINTER" msgid "" "Could not start printer.\n" "Please check your printer configuration." msgstr "" "ማተሚያውን ማስጀመር አልተቻለም \n" "እባክዎን የማተሚያውን ማዋቀሪያ ይመርምሩ" #. acKHX #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:253 msgctxt "STR_ERROR_PRINTER_BUSY" msgid "Printer busy" msgstr "ማተሚያው በ ስራ ላይ ነው" #. hDEUj #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:254 msgctxt "STR_READONLY" msgid " (read-only)" msgstr " (ለማንበብ ብቻ)" #. uL87C #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:255 msgctxt "STR_PRINT_NEWORI" msgid "" "The page size and orientation have been modified.\n" "Would you like to save the new settings in the\n" "active document?" msgstr "" "የ ገጹ መጠን እና አቅጣጫ ተቀይሯል \n" "በ ንቁ ሰነድ ውስጥ አዲስ የተዘጋጀውን \n" "ማስቀመጥ ይፈልጋሉ?" #. cxuAH #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:256 msgctxt "STR_PRINT_NEWSIZE" msgid "" "The page size has been modified.\n" "Should the new settings be saved\n" "in the active document?" msgstr "" "የገጹ መጠን እና ተቀይሯል \n" "በንቁ ሰነድ ውስጥ አዲስ የተዘጋጀውን \n" "ማስቀመጥ ይፈልጋሉ?" #. 4QJxB #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:257 msgctxt "STR_PRINT_NEWORISIZE" msgid "" "The page size and orientation have been modified.\n" "Would you like to save the new settings in the\n" "active document?" msgstr "" "የ ገጹ መጠን እና አቅጣጫ ተቀይሯል \n" "በ ንቁ ሰነድ ውስጥ አዲስ የተዘጋጀውን \n" "ማስቀመጥ ይፈልጋሉ?" #. RXbfs #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:258 msgctxt "STR_CANT_CLOSE" msgid "" "The document cannot be closed because a\n" " print job is being carried out." msgstr "" "ሰነዱን መዝጋት አልተቻለም ምክንያቱም \n" " የህትመት ስራ እየተከናወነ ነው" #. YGyQP #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:259 msgctxt "STR_ERROR_SEND_MAIL" msgid "" "An error occurred in sending the message. Possible errors could be a missing user account or a defective setup.\n" "Please check the %PRODUCTNAME settings or your email program settings." msgstr "" "መልእክቱን በመላክ ላይ እንዳለ ስህተት ተፈጥሯል: ምናልባት ስህተቱ የ ተጠቃሚ መግለጫ ማጣት ወይንም የተሳሳተ ማሰናጃ ሊሆን ይችላል \n" "እባክዎን ማሰናጃውን %PRODUCTNAME ይመርምሩ: ወይንም የኢ-ሜይል ፕሮግራም ማሰናጃ ይመርምሩ" #. 3nzi6 #. Error codes look like "MAPI_E_FAILURE" or "1234" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:261 msgctxt "STR_ERROR_SEND_MAIL_CODE" msgid "" "An error occurred in sending the message. Possible errors could be a missing user account or a defective setup.\n" "\n" "Error code is $1" msgstr "" "መልእክት በ መላክ ላይ እንዳለ ስህተት ተፈጥሯል: ምናልባት ስህተቱ የ ተጠቃሚ መግለጫ ጎድሎት ይሆናል: ወይንም ማሰናጃው የ ተበላሸ ነው:\n" "\n" "የ ስህተቱ ኮድ ይህ ነው $1" #. ZWTDr #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:262 msgctxt "STR_ERROR_SEND_MAIL_HEADER" msgid "Error sending mail" msgstr "ደብዳቤ በ መላክ ላይ ስህተት ተፈጥሯል" #. QVS2D #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:263 msgctxt "STR_QUERY_OPENASTEMPLATE" msgid "This document cannot be edited, possibly due to missing access rights. Do you want to edit a copy of the document?" msgstr "ይህን ሰነድ ማረም አይቻልም ፡ ምክንያቱም በፍቃድ ማጣት ምክንያት: የሰነዱን ኮፒ ማረም ይፈልጋሉ?" #. ZdGNX #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:264 msgctxt "STR_QUERY_OPENASTEMPLATE_LOCKED" msgid "" "This document cannot be edited, because it is locked in another session.%LOCKINFO\n" "Do you want to edit a copy of the document?" msgstr "" #. n3sMB #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:265 msgctxt "STR_QUERY_OPENASTEMPLATE_ALLOW_IGNORE" msgid "You can also try to ignore the lock and open the file for editing." msgstr "" #. yaKxR #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:266 msgctxt "STR_QUERY_OPENASTEMPLATE_OPENCOPY_BTN" msgid "Open ~Copy" msgstr "~ኮፒ መክፈቻ" #. UYkFP #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:267 msgctxt "STR_QUERY_OPENASTEMPLATE_OPEN_BTN" msgid "~Open" msgstr "~መክፈቻ" #. GcSXH #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:268 msgctxt "STR_REPAIREDDOCUMENT" msgid " (repaired document)" msgstr " (የተጠገነ ሰነድ)" #. HPqkX #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:269 msgctxt "STR_NONCHECKEDOUT_DOCUMENT" msgid "This document is not checked out on the server." msgstr "ሰነዱ ከሰርቨሩ አልወጣም" #. uPc29 #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:270 msgctxt "STR_GET_INVOLVED_TEXT" msgid "Help us make %PRODUCTNAME even better!" msgstr "እባክዎን %PRODUCTNAME የ ተሻለ እንድንሆን ይርዱን!" #. PboiP #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:271 msgctxt "STR_GET_INVOLVED_BUTTON" msgid "Get involved" msgstr "ይሳተፉ" #. GuLGH #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:272 msgctxt "STR_DONATE_TEXT" msgid "Your donations support our worldwide community." msgstr "" #. KzgoD #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:273 msgctxt "STR_DONATE_BUTTON" msgid "Donate" msgstr "" #. G8bbK #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:274 msgctxt "STR_WHATSNEW" msgid "You are running version %PRODUCTVERSION of %PRODUCTNAME for the first time. Do you want to learn what's new?" msgstr "" #. J5UkB #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:275 msgctxt "STR_WHATSNEW_BUTTON" msgid "Release Notes" msgstr "" #. c7NPT #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:276 msgctxt "STR_READONLY_DOCUMENT" msgid "This document is open in read-only mode." msgstr "ሰነዱ የተከፈተው ለማንበብ-ብቻ ዘዴ ነው" #. KyyFk #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:277 msgctxt "STR_READONLY_PDF" msgid "This PDF is open in read-only mode to allow signing the existing file." msgstr "ይህ PDF የ ተከፈተው ለ ንባብ-ብቻ ነው የ ነበረውን ፋይል መፈረም እንዲችሉ" #. MENvD #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:278 msgctxt "STR_CLASSIFIED_DOCUMENT" msgid "The classification label of this document is %1." msgstr "ይህ የዚህ ሰነድ ምድብ ምልክት ነው %1." #. 3B3ij #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:279 msgctxt "STR_TARGET_DOC_NOT_CLASSIFIED" msgid "This document must be classified before the clipboard can be pasted." msgstr "ይህ ሰነድ መመደብ አለበት ቁራጭ ሰሌዳ ከ መለጠፉ በፊት" #. BYcYH #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:280 msgctxt "STR_DOC_CLASSIFICATION_TOO_LOW" msgid "This document has a lower classification level than the clipboard." msgstr "ይህ ሰነድ አነስተኛ መመደቢያ ደረጃ አለው ከ ቁራጭ ሰሌዳ ይልቅ" #. EJPzh #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:281 msgctxt "STR_CLASSIFIED_INTELLECTUAL_PROPERTY" msgid "Level" msgstr "ደረጃ" #. itVew #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:282 msgctxt "STR_CLASSIFIED_NATIONAL_SECURITY" msgid "National Security:" msgstr "የ አገር ደህንነት:" #. ZBXbG #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:283 msgctxt "STR_CLASSIFIED_EXPORT_CONTROL" msgid "Export Control:" msgstr "የ መላኪያ መቆጣጠሪያ:" #. QAnvx #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:284 msgctxt "STR_CHECKOUT" msgid "Check Out" msgstr "የ ወጣበት ጊዜ" #. PwPNw #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:285 msgctxt "STR_READONLY_EDIT" msgid "Edit Document" msgstr "ሰነድ ማረሚያ" #. FCeC5 #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:286 msgctxt "STR_READONLY_SIGN" msgid "Sign Document" msgstr "ሰነድ መፈረሚያ" #. MEfTq #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:287 msgctxt "STR_READONLY_FINISH_SIGN" msgid "Finish Signing" msgstr "" #. pkWmU #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:288 msgctxt "STR_SIGNATURE_BROKEN" msgid "This document has an invalid signature." msgstr "ይህ ሰነድ ዋጋ የሌለው ፊርማ አለው" #. Vd3CU #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:289 msgctxt "STR_SIGNATURE_INVALID" msgid "The signature was valid, but the document has been modified" msgstr "ፊርማው ዋጋ ያለው ነው: ነገር ግን ሰነዱ ተሻሽሏል:" #. 2HNfx #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:290 msgctxt "STR_SIGNATURE_NOTVALIDATED" msgid "At least one signature has problems: the certificate could not be validated." msgstr "" #. tjCmr #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:291 msgctxt "STR_SIGNATURE_PARTIAL_OK" msgid "At least one signature has problems: the document is only partially signed." msgstr "" #. mU6ot #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:292 msgctxt "STR_SIGNATURE_NOTVALIDATED_PARTIAL_OK" msgid "The certificate could not be validated and the document is only partially signed." msgstr "" #. FKDbE #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:293 msgctxt "STR_SIGNATURE_OK" msgid "This document is digitally signed and the signature is valid." msgstr "ይህ ሰነድ ዲጂታሊ የ ተፈረመ ነው: እና ፊርማው ዋጋ ያለው ነው" #. rMGka #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:294 msgctxt "STR_SIGNATURE_SHOW" msgid "Show Signatures" msgstr "ፊርማዎች ማሳያ" #. Wkvpi #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:296 msgctxt "STR_CLOSE_PANE" msgid "Close Pane" msgstr "ክፍል መዝጊያ" #. fDc7q #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:298 msgctxt "SFX_STR_SIDEBAR_MORE_OPTIONS" msgid "More Options" msgstr "ተጨማሪ ምርጫዎች" #. Csqeg #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:299 msgctxt "SFX_STR_SIDEBAR_CLOSE_DECK" msgid "Close Sidebar Deck" msgstr "የ ጎን መደርደሪያ መዝጊያ" #. S2DCY #. Translators: default Impress template names #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:302 msgctxt "STR_TEMPLATE_NAME1" msgid "Alizarin" msgstr "አሊዛሪን" #. FkuLG #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:303 msgctxt "STR_TEMPLATE_NAME2" msgid "Beehive" msgstr "የ ንብ እንጀራ" #. uwaPH #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:304 msgctxt "STR_TEMPLATE_NAME3" msgid "Blue Curve" msgstr "ሰማያዊ ክብ" #. hHRDz #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:305 msgctxt "STR_TEMPLATE_NAME4" msgid "Blueprint Plans" msgstr "የ ንድፍ እቅድ" #. AEtHT #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:306 msgctxt "STR_TEMPLATE_NAME5" msgid "Bright Blue" msgstr "ደማቅ ሰማያዊ" #. tPjXG #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:307 msgctxt "STR_TEMPLATE_NAME6" msgid "Classy Red" msgstr "ቀይ" #. QDNuB #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:308 msgctxt "STR_TEMPLATE_NAME7" msgid "DNA" msgstr "DNA" #. XBrCi #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:309 msgctxt "STR_TEMPLATE_NAME8" msgid "Focus" msgstr "ትኩረት" #. GADdA #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:310 msgctxt "STR_TEMPLATE_NAME9" msgid "Forestbird" msgstr "የ ጫካ ወፍ" #. o8F35 #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:311 msgctxt "STR_TEMPLATE_NAME10" msgid "Impress" msgstr "ማስደነቂያ" #. C5N9D #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:312 msgctxt "STR_TEMPLATE_NAME11" msgid "Inspiration" msgstr "ቀስቃሽ" #. fCKG9 #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:313 msgctxt "STR_TEMPLATE_NAME12" msgid "Lights" msgstr "ብርሃን" #. AiFo4 #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:314 msgctxt "STR_TEMPLATE_NAME13" msgid "Lush Green" msgstr "ለምለም አረንጓዴ" #. xo2gC #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:315 msgctxt "STR_TEMPLATE_NAME14" msgid "Metropolis" msgstr "ትልቅ ከተማ" #. FFDBk #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:316 msgctxt "STR_TEMPLATE_NAME15" msgid "Midnightblue" msgstr "እኩለ ሌሊት ሰማያዊ" #. yiCzk #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:317 msgctxt "STR_TEMPLATE_NAME16" msgid "Nature Illustration" msgstr "ተፈጥሮ ማሳያ" #. cCZzC #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:318 msgctxt "STR_TEMPLATE_NAME17" msgid "Pencil" msgstr "እርሳስ" #. Ji4Cw #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:319 msgctxt "STR_TEMPLATE_NAME18" msgid "Piano" msgstr "ፒያኖ" #. mrbiq #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:320 msgctxt "STR_TEMPLATE_NAME19" msgid "Portfolio" msgstr "ቦርሳ" #. ysBGy #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:321 msgctxt "STR_TEMPLATE_NAME20" msgid "Progress" msgstr "ሂደት" #. gtPt9 #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:322 msgctxt "STR_TEMPLATE_NAME21" msgid "Sunset" msgstr "ፀሐይ መጥለቂያ" #. 73Y2e #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:323 msgctxt "STR_TEMPLATE_NAME22" msgid "Vintage" msgstr "የ ጥንት" #. MSY8y #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:324 msgctxt "STR_TEMPLATE_NAME23" msgid "Vivid" msgstr "ደማቅ" #. QDZBz #. Translators: default Writer template names #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:326 msgctxt "STR_TEMPLATE_NAME24" msgid "CV" msgstr "ስራ ማመልከቻ" #. Koe3V #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:327 msgctxt "STR_TEMPLATE_NAME25" msgid "Resume" msgstr "መቀጠያ" #. hCpfD #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:328 msgctxt "STR_TEMPLATE_NAME26" msgid "Default" msgstr "ነባር" #. d7Hyk #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:329 msgctxt "STR_TEMPLATE_NAME27" msgid "Modern" msgstr "ዘመናዊ" #. CVJEC #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:330 msgctxt "STR_TEMPLATE_NAME28" msgid "Modern business letter sans-serif" msgstr "ዘመናዊ የ ንግድ ደብዳቤ sans-serif" #. 95GeB #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:331 msgctxt "STR_TEMPLATE_NAME29" msgid "Modern business letter serif" msgstr "ዘመናዊ የ ንግድ ደብዳቤ serif" #. XdU49 #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:332 msgctxt "STR_TEMPLATE_NAME30" msgid "Businesscard with logo" msgstr "የ ንግድ ካርድ ከ አርማ ጋር" #. UAmSj #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:333 msgctxt "STR_TEMPLATE_NAME31" msgid "Simple" msgstr "" #. W7NVH #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:334 msgctxt "STR_TEMPLATE_NAME32" msgid "BPMN" msgstr "" #. ZaGGB #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:336 msgctxt "STR_CLEAR_CHAR" msgid "Remove" msgstr "ማስወገጃ" #. JReRY #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:337 msgctxt "STR_CLEAR_ALL_CHAR" msgid "Clear All" msgstr "ሁሉንም ማጽጃ" #. yC8Gs #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:339 msgctxt "STR_PASSWORD_LEN" msgid "Password length" msgstr "የ መግቢያ ቃል እርዝመት" #. FKFmJ #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:340 msgctxt "STR_PASSWORD_WARNING" msgid "The password you have entered causes interoperability issues. Please enter a password that is shorter than 52 bytes, or longer than 55 bytes." msgstr "እርስዎ ያስገቡት የ መግቢያ ቃል የ መረጃ መለዋወጫ ችግር ይፈጥራል: እባክዎን የ መግቢያ ቃል ያስገቡ ያነሰ ከ 52 ባይትስ: ወይንም የ በለጠ ከ 55 ባይትስ:" #. jBQFN #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:342 msgctxt "STR_CTRLCLICKHYPERLINK" msgid "%{key}-click to open hyperlink: %{link}" msgstr "" #. jC3AK #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:343 msgctxt "STR_CLICKHYPERLINK" msgid "Click to open hyperlink: %{link}" msgstr "" #. eFJMp #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:345 msgctxt "STR_STYLEUSEDBY" msgid "(used by: %STYLELIST)" msgstr "" #. F5rSU #: sfx2/inc/dinfdlg.hrc:27 msgctxt "SFX_CB_PROPERTY_STRINGARRAY" msgid "Checked by" msgstr "የ ተመረመረው በ" #. BCYGG #: sfx2/inc/dinfdlg.hrc:28 msgctxt "SFX_CB_PROPERTY_STRINGARRAY" msgid "Client" msgstr "ደምበኛ" #. nSrT3 #: sfx2/inc/dinfdlg.hrc:29 msgctxt "SFX_CB_PROPERTY_STRINGARRAY" msgid "Date completed" msgstr "የ ተፈጸመበት ቀን" #. HEaEC #: sfx2/inc/dinfdlg.hrc:30 msgctxt "SFX_CB_PROPERTY_STRINGARRAY" msgid "Department" msgstr "ክፍል" #. TxAux #: sfx2/inc/dinfdlg.hrc:31 msgctxt "SFX_CB_PROPERTY_STRINGARRAY" msgid "Destinations" msgstr "መድረሻው" #. f3nqh #: sfx2/inc/dinfdlg.hrc:32 msgctxt "SFX_CB_PROPERTY_STRINGARRAY" msgid "Disposition" msgstr "አቀማመጥ" #. uznMD #: sfx2/inc/dinfdlg.hrc:33 msgctxt "SFX_CB_PROPERTY_STRINGARRAY" msgid "Division" msgstr "ማካፈያ" #. 6DuFF #: sfx2/inc/dinfdlg.hrc:34 msgctxt "SFX_CB_PROPERTY_STRINGARRAY" msgid "Document number" msgstr "የ ሰነድ ቁጥር" #. XXKuP #: sfx2/inc/dinfdlg.hrc:35 msgctxt "SFX_CB_PROPERTY_STRINGARRAY" msgid "Editor" msgstr "አራሚው" #. hRRmF #: sfx2/inc/dinfdlg.hrc:36 msgctxt "SFX_CB_PROPERTY_STRINGARRAY" msgid "Email" msgstr "ኢሜይል" #. xNvDx #: sfx2/inc/dinfdlg.hrc:37 msgctxt "SFX_CB_PROPERTY_STRINGARRAY" msgid "Forward to" msgstr "ወደ ፊት ለ" #. xwv85 #: sfx2/inc/dinfdlg.hrc:38 msgctxt "SFX_CB_PROPERTY_STRINGARRAY" msgid "Group" msgstr "ቡድን" #. u59Qp #: sfx2/inc/dinfdlg.hrc:39 msgctxt "SFX_CB_PROPERTY_STRINGARRAY" msgid "Info" msgstr "መረጃ" #. Ltq9H #: sfx2/inc/dinfdlg.hrc:40 msgctxt "SFX_CB_PROPERTY_STRINGARRAY" msgid "Language" msgstr "ቋንቋ" #. bv3HC #: sfx2/inc/dinfdlg.hrc:41 msgctxt "SFX_CB_PROPERTY_STRINGARRAY" msgid "Mailstop" msgstr "ፖስታ ቤት" #. AFGi2 #: sfx2/inc/dinfdlg.hrc:42 msgctxt "SFX_CB_PROPERTY_STRINGARRAY" msgid "Matter" msgstr "እቃ" #. wGAD6 #: sfx2/inc/dinfdlg.hrc:43 msgctxt "SFX_CB_PROPERTY_STRINGARRAY" msgid "Office" msgstr "ቢሮ" #. ZqphY #: sfx2/inc/dinfdlg.hrc:44 msgctxt "SFX_CB_PROPERTY_STRINGARRAY" msgid "Owner" msgstr "ባለቤት" #. mK8Th #: sfx2/inc/dinfdlg.hrc:45 msgctxt "SFX_CB_PROPERTY_STRINGARRAY" msgid "Project" msgstr "እቅድ" #. zFeHt #: sfx2/inc/dinfdlg.hrc:46 msgctxt "SFX_CB_PROPERTY_STRINGARRAY" msgid "Publisher" msgstr "አሳታሚው" #. pF2eJ #: sfx2/inc/dinfdlg.hrc:47 msgctxt "SFX_CB_PROPERTY_STRINGARRAY" msgid "Purpose" msgstr "አላማው" #. GTPFZ #: sfx2/inc/dinfdlg.hrc:48 msgctxt "SFX_CB_PROPERTY_STRINGARRAY" msgid "Received from" msgstr "የ ተቀበለው ከ" #. dvGyQ #: sfx2/inc/dinfdlg.hrc:49 msgctxt "SFX_CB_PROPERTY_STRINGARRAY" msgid "Recorded by" msgstr "የ ተመዘገበው በ" #. GjVXD #: sfx2/inc/dinfdlg.hrc:50 msgctxt "SFX_CB_PROPERTY_STRINGARRAY" msgid "Recorded date" msgstr "የ ተመዘገበበት ቀን" #. o5oXa #: sfx2/inc/dinfdlg.hrc:51 msgctxt "SFX_CB_PROPERTY_STRINGARRAY" msgid "Reference" msgstr "ማመሳከሪያ" #. ex26g #: sfx2/inc/dinfdlg.hrc:52 msgctxt "SFX_CB_PROPERTY_STRINGARRAY" msgid "Source" msgstr "ምንጭ" #. 4HSZB #: sfx2/inc/dinfdlg.hrc:53 msgctxt "SFX_CB_PROPERTY_STRINGARRAY" msgid "Status" msgstr "ሁኔታው" #. U3RdC #: sfx2/inc/dinfdlg.hrc:54 msgctxt "SFX_CB_PROPERTY_STRINGARRAY" msgid "Telephone number" msgstr "የ ስልክ ቁጥር" #. Geeuu #: sfx2/inc/dinfdlg.hrc:55 msgctxt "SFX_CB_PROPERTY_STRINGARRAY" msgid "Typist" msgstr "ፀሀፊ" #. xxHtR #: sfx2/inc/dinfdlg.hrc:56 msgctxt "SFX_CB_PROPERTY_STRINGARRAY" msgid "URL" msgstr "URL" #. CxTQY #: sfx2/inc/dinfdlg.hrc:69 msgctxt "SFX_CB_PROPERTY_STRINGARRAY" msgid "Text" msgstr "ጽሁፍ" #. MMGFi #: sfx2/inc/dinfdlg.hrc:70 msgctxt "SFX_CB_PROPERTY_STRINGARRAY" msgid "DateTime" msgstr "ቀን ሰአት" #. GvJMH #: sfx2/inc/dinfdlg.hrc:71 msgctxt "SFX_CB_PROPERTY_STRINGARRAY" msgid "Date" msgstr "ቀን" #. GyrbX #: sfx2/inc/dinfdlg.hrc:72 msgctxt "SFX_CB_PROPERTY_STRINGARRAY" msgid "Duration" msgstr "የሚፈጀው ጊዜ" #. CxZ4Z #: sfx2/inc/dinfdlg.hrc:73 msgctxt "SFX_CB_PROPERTY_STRINGARRAY" msgid "Number" msgstr "ቁጥር" #. CDgvL #: sfx2/inc/dinfdlg.hrc:74 msgctxt "SFX_CB_PROPERTY_STRINGARRAY" msgid "Yes or no" msgstr "አዎ ወይንም አይ" #. AxhLy #: sfx2/inc/doctempl.hrc:27 msgctxt "TEMPLATE_LONG_NAMES_ARY" msgid "My Templates" msgstr "የ እኔ ቴምፕሌቶች" #. 5aNp8 #: sfx2/inc/doctempl.hrc:28 msgctxt "TEMPLATE_LONG_NAMES_ARY" msgid "Styles" msgstr "ዘዴዎች" #. t5QK9 #: sfx2/inc/doctempl.hrc:29 msgctxt "TEMPLATE_LONG_NAMES_ARY" msgid "Business Correspondence" msgstr "የ ንግድ ስምምነት" #. Y79e8 #: sfx2/inc/doctempl.hrc:30 msgctxt "TEMPLATE_LONG_NAMES_ARY" msgid "Other Business Documents" msgstr "ሌሎች የ ንግድ ሰነዶች" #. 2RCC9 #: sfx2/inc/doctempl.hrc:31 msgctxt "TEMPLATE_LONG_NAMES_ARY" msgid "Personal Correspondence and Documents" msgstr "የ ግል ስምምነት እና ሰነዶች" #. 6Dgiz #: sfx2/inc/doctempl.hrc:32 msgctxt "TEMPLATE_LONG_NAMES_ARY" msgid "Forms and Contracts" msgstr "ፎርሞች እና ኮንትራቶች" #. VCKTG #: sfx2/inc/doctempl.hrc:33 msgctxt "TEMPLATE_LONG_NAMES_ARY" msgid "Finances" msgstr "ገንዘብ" #. HmqGP #: sfx2/inc/doctempl.hrc:34 msgctxt "TEMPLATE_LONG_NAMES_ARY" msgid "Education" msgstr "ትምህርት" #. xopM8 #: sfx2/inc/doctempl.hrc:35 msgctxt "TEMPLATE_LONG_NAMES_ARY" msgid "Presentation Backgrounds" msgstr "የ ማቅረቢይ መደቦች" #. tSQLA #: sfx2/inc/doctempl.hrc:36 msgctxt "TEMPLATE_LONG_NAMES_ARY" msgid "Presentations" msgstr "ማቅረቢያዎች" #. KuNzz #: sfx2/inc/doctempl.hrc:37 msgctxt "TEMPLATE_LONG_NAMES_ARY" msgid "Miscellaneous" msgstr "የተለያዩ" #. SC4E5 #: sfx2/inc/doctempl.hrc:38 msgctxt "TEMPLATE_LONG_NAMES_ARY" msgid "Labels" msgstr "ምልክቶች" #. AxfFu #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/addtargetdialog.ui:8 msgctxt "addtargetdialog|AddTargetDialog" msgid "Add Target" msgstr "" #. JC8Vd #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/addtargetdialog.ui:89 msgctxt "addtargetdialog|label_name" msgid "Name:" msgstr "" #. LXpbz #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/addtargetdialog.ui:120 msgctxt "addtargetdialog|label_type" msgid "Type:" msgstr "" #. Sy2A7 #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/addtargetdialog.ui:135 msgctxt "addtargetdialog|label_content" msgid "Content:" msgstr "" #. e5sY6 #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/addtargetdialog.ui:169 msgctxt "addtargetdialog|type" msgid "Text" msgstr "" #. dGQqg #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/addtargetdialog.ui:170 msgctxt "addtargetdialog|type" msgid "Regular expression" msgstr "" #. wgzA4 #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/addtargetdialog.ui:171 msgctxt "addtargetdialog|type" msgid "Predefined" msgstr "" #. nGjTR #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/addtargetdialog.ui:186 msgctxt "addtargetdialog|label_content_predef" msgid "Content:" msgstr "" #. 7uQgC #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/addtargetdialog.ui:204 msgctxt "addtargetdialog|content_predef" msgid "Credit card numbers" msgstr "" #. jze4C #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/addtargetdialog.ui:205 msgctxt "addtargetdialog|content_predef" msgid "Email addresses" msgstr "የ ኢሜይል አድራሻ" #. wDQAu #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/addtargetdialog.ui:206 msgctxt "addtargetdialog|content_predef" msgid "IP addresses" msgstr "" #. CpoEL #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/addtargetdialog.ui:207 msgctxt "addtargetdialog|content_predef" msgid "Dates (Numerical)" msgstr "" #. 3Nz2x #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/addtargetdialog.ui:208 msgctxt "addtargetdialog|content_predef" msgid "National Insurance Number (UK)" msgstr "" #. jSAay #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/addtargetdialog.ui:209 msgctxt "addtargetdialog|content_predef" msgid "Social Security Number (US)" msgstr "" #. kdZJN #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/addtargetdialog.ui:234 msgctxt "addtargetdialog|checkboxCaseSensitive" msgid "Match case" msgstr "ጉዳይ ማመሳሰያ" #. G2u3B #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/addtargetdialog.ui:249 msgctxt "addtargetdialog|checkboxWholeWords" msgid "Whole words only" msgstr "" #. JV66c #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/alienwarndialog.ui:7 msgctxt "alienwarndialog|AlienWarnDialog" msgid "Confirm File Format" msgstr "የ ፋይል አቀራረቡን ያረጋግጡ" #. kia7u #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/alienwarndialog.ui:13 msgctxt "alienwarndialog|AlienWarnDialog" msgid "This document may contain formatting or content that cannot be saved in the currently selected file format “%FORMATNAME”." msgstr "ይህ ሰነድ የያዘው አቀራረብ ወይንም ይዞታ አሁን በተመረጠው የፋይል አቀራረብ ዘዴ ማስቀመጥ አይቻልም “%FORMATNAME”." #. 3YA5c #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/alienwarndialog.ui:14 msgctxt "alienwarndialog|AlienWarnDialog" msgid "Use the default ODF file format to be sure that the document is saved correctly." msgstr "ነባር የ ODF ፋይል አቀራረብ ይጠቀሙ ሰነዱ በትክክል መቀመጡን ለማረጋገጥ" #. ocqdy #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/alienwarndialog.ui:25 msgctxt "alienwarndialog|cancel" msgid "Use %DEFAULTEXTENSION _Format" msgstr "ይጠቀሙ %DEFAULTEXTENSION _አቀራረብ" #. Fzgtz #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/alienwarndialog.ui:40 msgctxt "alienwarndialog|save" msgid "_Use %FORMATNAME Format" msgstr "_ይጠቀሙ %FORMATNAME አቀራረብ" #. Fgi6S #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/alienwarndialog.ui:65 msgctxt "alienwarndialog|ask" msgid "_Ask when not saving in ODF or default format" msgstr "በ ODF አቀራረብ ሳይቀምጥ ሲቀር _ጠይቀኝ" #. GVVQ6 #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/autoredactdialog.ui:24 msgctxt "autoredactdialog|AutoRedactDialog" msgid "Automatic Redaction" msgstr "" #. QCidi #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/autoredactdialog.ui:122 msgctxt "autoredactdialog|target" msgid "Target Name" msgstr "" #. szYkX #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/autoredactdialog.ui:135 msgctxt "autoredactdialog|description" msgid "Type" msgstr "አይነት" #. udcn4 #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/autoredactdialog.ui:148 msgctxt "autoredactdialog|target" msgid "Content" msgstr "ይዞታው" #. BBuAc #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/autoredactdialog.ui:161 msgctxt "autoredactdialog|target" msgid "Match case" msgstr "ጉዳይ ማመሳሰያ" #. obHtC #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/autoredactdialog.ui:174 msgctxt "autoredactdialog|target" msgid "Whole words" msgstr "ጠቅላላ ቃሎቹን" #. 4MVdG #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/autoredactdialog.ui:202 msgctxt "menuassignpage|contentslabel" msgid "_Redaction Targets" msgstr "" #. E4GWo #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/autoredactdialog.ui:222 msgctxt "autoredactdialog|btnLoadTargets" msgid "Load Targets" msgstr "" #. tpbYA #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/autoredactdialog.ui:235 msgctxt "autoredactdialog|btnSaveTargets" msgid "Save Targets" msgstr "" #. TQg85 #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/autoredactdialog.ui:261 msgctxt "autoredactdialog|add" msgid "Add Target" msgstr "" #. 4TvHR #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/autoredactdialog.ui:274 msgctxt "autoredactdialog|edit" msgid "Edit Target" msgstr "" #. knEqb #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/autoredactdialog.ui:287 msgctxt "autoredactdialog|delete" msgid "Delete Target" msgstr "ኢላማውን ማጥፊያ" #. iLkdK #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/bookmarkdialog.ui:8 msgctxt "bookmarkdialog|BookmarkDialog" msgid "Add to Bookmarks" msgstr "ወደ ምልክት ማድረጊያው መጨመሪያ" #. U6BGv #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/bookmarkdialog.ui:83 msgctxt "bookmarkdialog|alttitle" msgid "Rename Bookmark" msgstr "ምልክት ማድረጊያውን እንደገና መሰየሚያ" #. Fq2rD #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/bookmarkdialog.ui:102 msgctxt "bookmarkdialog|label2" msgid "Bookmark:" msgstr "ምልክት ማድረጊያ:" #. 3A3VL #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/bookmarkmenu.ui:12 msgctxt "bookmarkmenu|display" msgid "Display" msgstr "ማሳያ" #. VDDCt #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/bookmarkmenu.ui:26 msgctxt "bookmarkmenu|rename" msgid "Rename..." msgstr "እንደገና መሰየሚያ..." #. fCQ9n #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/bookmarkmenu.ui:34 msgctxt "bookmarkmenu|delete" msgid "Delete" msgstr "ማጥፊያ" #. WGFBK #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/charmapcontrol.ui:20 msgctxt "charmapcontrol|label1" msgid "Favorites" msgstr "የምወዳቸው" #. HAe2e #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/charmapcontrol.ui:261 msgctxt "charmapcontrol|label2" msgid "Recent" msgstr "የ ቅርብ ጊዜ" #. BQwCQ #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/charmapcontrol.ui:500 msgctxt "charmapcontrol|specialchardlg" msgid "More Characters…" msgstr "ተጨማሪ ባህሪዎች…" #. i2ZhQ #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/charviewmenu.ui:12 msgctxt "charviewmenu|clearchar" msgid "Remove" msgstr "ማስወገጃ" #. bKHTP #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/charviewmenu.ui:20 msgctxt "charviewmenu|clearallchar" msgid "Clear All" msgstr "ሁሉንም ማጽጃ" #. Y8jYN #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/checkin.ui:8 msgctxt "checkin|CheckinDialog" msgid "Check-In" msgstr "የገባበት - ጊዜ" #. ABZKD #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/checkin.ui:90 msgctxt "checkin|MajorVersion" msgid "New major version" msgstr "አዲስ ዋናው እትም" #. PYDWP #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/checkin.ui:107 msgctxt "checkin|label2" msgid "Version comment:" msgstr "የ እትም አስተያየት:" #. CEnTA #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/cmisline.ui:49 msgctxt "cmisline|type" msgid "Type" msgstr "አይነት" #. g2yBR #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/cmisline.ui:64 msgctxt "cmisline|yes" msgid "Yes" msgstr "አዎ" #. BWGuL #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/cmisline.ui:80 msgctxt "cmisline|no" msgid "No" msgstr "አይ" #. w2G7M #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/custominfopage.ui:15 msgctxt "custominfopage|add" msgid "Add _Property" msgstr "_ባህሪ መጨመሪያ" #. 85KDm #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/custominfopage.ui:23 msgctxt "custominfopage|extended_tip|add" msgid "Click to add a new row to the Properties list." msgstr "ይጫኑ አዲስ ረድፍ ወደ ባህሪዎች ዝርዝር ለ መጨመር" #. aB3bA #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/custominfopage.ui:42 msgctxt "custominfopage|name" msgid "Name" msgstr "ስም" #. Ja2JC #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/custominfopage.ui:55 msgctxt "custominfopage|type" msgid "Type" msgstr "አይነት" #. WxjS6 #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/custominfopage.ui:68 msgctxt "custominfopage|value" msgid "Value" msgstr "ዋጋ" #. kSFdB #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/custominfopage.ui:116 msgctxt "custominfopage|extended_tip|properties" msgid "Enter your custom contents. You can change the name, type, and contents of each row. You can add or remove rows. The items will be exported as metadata to other file formats." msgstr "እርስዎ ያስገቡ የ እርስዎን ይዞታዎች ማስተካከያ: እርስዎ ስም መቀየር ይችላሉ: አይነት: እና ይዞታዎች ለ እያንዳንዱ ረድፍ: እርስዎ መጨመር ይችላሉ ረድፎች: እቃው ይላካል እንደ metadata ወደ ሌሎች የ ፋይል አቀራረቦች " #. au5jH #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/custominfopage.ui:138 msgctxt "custominfopage|extended_tip|CustomInfoPage" msgid "Allows you to assign custom information fields to your document." msgstr "በ እርስዎ ሰነድ ውስጥ የ መረጃ ሜዳዎች ማስተካከያ መመደብ ያስችሎታል" #. pxEPn #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/descriptioninfopage.ui:18 msgctxt "descriptioninfopage|label27" msgid "_Title:" msgstr "_አርእስት:" #. HqzQo #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/descriptioninfopage.ui:32 msgctxt "descriptioninfopage|label28" msgid "_Subject:" msgstr "_ጉዳዩ:" #. gEGPn #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/descriptioninfopage.ui:46 msgctxt "descriptioninfopage|label29" msgid "_Keywords:" msgstr "_ቁልፍ ቃሎች:" #. Nayo4 #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/descriptioninfopage.ui:61 msgctxt "descriptioninfopage|label30" msgid "_Comments:" msgstr "_አስተያየቶች:" #. qw238 #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/descriptioninfopage.ui:79 msgctxt "descriptioninfopage|extended_tip|title" msgid "Enter a title for the document." msgstr "ለሰነዱ አርእስት ያስገቡ" #. rvZHi #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/descriptioninfopage.ui:96 msgctxt "descriptioninfopage|extended_tip|subject" msgid "Enter a subject for the document. You can use a subject to group documents with similar contents." msgstr "ለ ሰነዱ ጉዳይ ያስገቡ: እርስዎ መጠቀም ይችላሉ ተመሳሳይ ይዞታ ያላቸውን ሰነዶች በ ጉዳይ በ ቡድን ማድረግ " #. FoxGh #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/descriptioninfopage.ui:113 msgctxt "descriptioninfopage|extended_tip|keywords" msgid "Enter the words that you want to use to index the content of your document. Keywords must be separated by commas. A keyword can contain white space characters or semicolons." msgstr "ያስገቡ ቃሎች እርስዎ እንደ ማውጫ መጠቀም የሚፈልጉትን ለ እርስዎ ሰነድ ይዞታዎች: ቁልፍ ቃሎች በ ኮማ (,) መለያየት አለባቸው: ቁልፍ ቃሎች ነጭ የ ክፍተት ቦታ ባህሪዎች ወይንም ሴሚኮለን (;) መያዝ ይችላሉ " #. bo2q7 #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/descriptioninfopage.ui:137 msgctxt "descriptioninfopage|extended_tip|comments" msgid "Enter comments to help identify the document." msgstr "አስተያየቶች ያስገቡ ሰነዱን ለመለየት እንዲረዳዎት" #. sGW3Z #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/descriptioninfopage.ui:150 msgctxt "descriptioninfopage|extended_tip|DescriptionInfoPage" msgid "Contains descriptive information about the document." msgstr "ስለ ሰነዱ መግለጫ መረጃ ይዟል" #. zjFgn #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/documentfontspage.ui:31 msgctxt "documentfontspage|embedFonts" msgid "_Embed fonts in the document" msgstr "ፊደሎችን በ ሰነድ ውስጥ _ማጣበቂያ" #. FzuRv #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/documentfontspage.ui:40 msgctxt "documentfontspage|extended_tip|embedFonts" msgid "Mark this box to embed document fonts into the document file, for portability between different computer systems." msgstr "ምልክት ያድርጉ በዚህ ሳጥን ውስጥ ፊደሎች ለማጣበቅ ከ ሰነድ ጋር: ወደ ሰነድ ፋይል ውስጥ: በ ተለያዩ ኮምፒዩተሮች መካከል ለማንቀሳቀስ:" #. 6rfon #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/documentfontspage.ui:52 msgctxt "documentfontspage|embedUsedFonts" msgid "_Only embed fonts that are used in documents" msgstr "በ ሰነድ ውስጥ የ ተጣበቁ ፊደሎች _ብቻ ይጠቀማል" #. V8E5f #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/documentfontspage.ui:74 msgctxt "documentfontspage|fontEmbeddingLabel" msgid "Font Embedding" msgstr "" #. Gip6V #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/documentfontspage.ui:105 msgctxt "documentfontspage|embedLatinScriptFonts" msgid "_Latin fonts" msgstr "የ _ላቲን ፊደል" #. nFM92 #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/documentfontspage.ui:121 msgctxt "documentfontspage|embedAsianScriptFonts" msgid "_Asian fonts" msgstr "የ _እስያን ፊደል" #. nSg9b #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/documentfontspage.ui:137 msgctxt "documentfontspage|embedComplexScriptFonts" msgid "_Complex fonts" msgstr "_ውስብስብ ፊደል" #. EFytK #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/documentfontspage.ui:159 msgctxt "documentfontspage|fontScriptFrameLabel" msgid "Font scripts to embed" msgstr "የሚጣበቀው የ ፊደል ጽሁፍ" #. izc2Y #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/documentfontspage.ui:173 msgctxt "documentfontspage|extended_tip|DocumentFontsPage" msgid "Embed document fonts in the current file." msgstr "" #. CCxGn #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/documentinfopage.ui:19 msgctxt "documentinfopage|label13" msgid "_Created:" msgstr "_የተፈጠረው:" #. EZKmF #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/documentinfopage.ui:33 msgctxt "documentinfopage|label14" msgid "_Modified:" msgstr "_የተሻሻለው:" #. 4GLKx #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/documentinfopage.ui:47 msgctxt "documentinfopage|label15" msgid "_Digitally signed:" msgstr "_ዲጂታሊ የተፈረመ:" #. gJwUC #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/documentinfopage.ui:61 msgctxt "documentinfopage|label16" msgid "Last pri_nted:" msgstr "መጨረሻ የ ታተ_መው:" #. drz3P #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/documentinfopage.ui:75 msgctxt "documentinfopage|label17" msgid "Total _editing time:" msgstr "ጠቅላላ ለ _ማረም የፈጀው ጊዜ:" #. MEzSr #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/documentinfopage.ui:89 msgctxt "documentinfopage|label18" msgid "Re_vision number:" msgstr "የ ክለ_ሳ ቁጥር:" #. BgTqU #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/documentinfopage.ui:131 msgctxt "documentinfopage|showsigned" msgid "Multiply signed document" msgstr "የተፈረሙ ሰነዶችን ማባዣ" #. sGFJQ #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/documentinfopage.ui:183 msgctxt "documentinfopage|userdatacb" msgid "_Apply user data" msgstr "የተጠቃሚ ዳታ _መፈጸሚያ" #. WzBG6 #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/documentinfopage.ui:192 msgctxt "documentinfopage|extended_tip|userdatacb" msgid "Saves the user's full name with the file. You can edit the name by choosing Tools - Options - %PRODUCTNAME - User Data." msgstr "የ ተጠቃሚውን ሙሉ ስም ከ ፋይሉ ጋር ማስቀመጫ: ስሙን ማረም ይችላሉ በ መምረጥ መሳሪያ - ምርጫ - %PRODUCTNAME - የ ተጠቃሚ ዳታ " #. LCDUj #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/documentinfopage.ui:203 msgctxt "documentinfopage|thumbnailsavecb" msgid "Save preview image with this document" msgstr "የ ቅድመ እይታ ምስል በዚህ ሰነድ ውስጥ ማስቀመጫ" #. JFxmP #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/documentinfopage.ui:219 msgctxt "documentinfopage|reset" msgid "Reset Properties" msgstr "ባህሪዎች እንደ ነበር መመለሻ" #. HrN2U #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/documentinfopage.ui:226 msgctxt "documentinfopage|extended_tip|reset" msgid "Resets the editing time to zero, the creation date to the current date and time, and the version number to 1. The modification and printing dates are also deleted." msgstr "እንደ ነበር መመለሻ የ ማረሚያ ጊዜ ወደ ዜሮ: የ ተፈጠረበትን ቀን ወደ ዛሬ ቀን እና ሰአት: እና እትሙን ወደ ቁጥር 1. የ ተሻሻለበት ቀን እና የ ታተመበት ቀን በሙሉ ይጠፋል" #. qeWvU #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/documentinfopage.ui:238 msgctxt "documentinfopage|signature" msgid "Di_gital Signatures..." msgstr "ዲጂ_ታል ፊርማ..." #. rEEgJ #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/documentinfopage.ui:257 msgctxt "documentinfopage|label11" msgid "_Size:" msgstr "_መጠን:" #. WNFYB #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/documentinfopage.ui:270 msgctxt "documentinfopage|showsize" msgid "unknown" msgstr "ያልታወቀ" #. EgtLE #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/documentinfopage.ui:285 msgctxt "documentinfopage|label8" msgid "_Location:" msgstr "_አካባቢ:" #. 9xhwo #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/documentinfopage.ui:316 msgctxt "documentinfopage|label7" msgid "_Type:" msgstr "_አይነት:" #. ZLmAo #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/documentinfopage.ui:339 msgctxt "documentinfopage|changepass" msgid "Change _Password" msgstr "_የመግቢያ ቃል መቀየሪያ" #. oqAZE #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/documentinfopage.ui:357 msgctxt "documentinfopage|templateft" msgid "Template:" msgstr "ቴምፕሌት :" #. 5pXPV #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/documentinfopage.ui:406 msgctxt "documentinfopage|extended_tip|nameed" msgid "Displays the file name." msgstr "የ ፋይል ስም ማሳያ" #. VWjRu #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/documentinfopage.ui:432 msgctxt "documentinfopage|extended_tip|DocumentInfoPage" msgid "Contains basic information about the current file." msgstr "ስለ አሁኑ ፋይል መሰረታዊ መረጃ ይዟል" #. scgsx #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/documentpropertiesdialog.ui:8 msgctxt "documentpropertiesdialog|DocumentPropertiesDialog" msgid "Properties of “%1”" msgstr "ባህሪዎች የ “%1”" #. iTECQ #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/documentpropertiesdialog.ui:135 msgctxt "documentpropertiesdialog|general" msgid "General " msgstr "ባጠቃላይ " #. Vggig #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/documentpropertiesdialog.ui:182 msgctxt "documentpropertiesdialog|description" msgid "Description" msgstr "መግለጫ" #. HTaxP #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/documentpropertiesdialog.ui:230 msgctxt "documentpropertiesdialog|customprops" msgid "Custom Properties" msgstr "ባህሪዎች ማስተካከያ" #. DccDw #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/documentpropertiesdialog.ui:278 msgctxt "documentpropertiesdialog|cmisprops" msgid "CMIS Properties" msgstr "CMIS ባህሪዎች" #. q9i7y #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/documentpropertiesdialog.ui:326 msgctxt "documentpropertiesdialog|security" msgid "Security" msgstr "ደህንነት" #. 42uNG #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/editdocumentdialog.ui:7 msgctxt "editdocumentdialog|EditDocumentDialog" msgid "Confirm editing of document" msgstr "ሰነድ ማረሙን ያረጋግጡ" #. bdEZG #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/editdocumentdialog.ui:13 msgctxt "editdocumentdialog|EditDocumentDialog" msgid "Are you sure you want to edit the document?" msgstr "በ እርግጥ ሰነዱን ማረም ይፈልጋሉ?" #. AMrnx #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/editdocumentdialog.ui:14 msgctxt "editdocumentdialog|EditDocumentDialog" msgid "The original file can be signed without editing the document. Existing signatures on the document will be lost in case of saving an edited version." msgstr "ዋናውን ፋይል መፈረም ይቻላል ሰነዱ ምንም ሳይታረም: በ ሰነዱ ላይ የ ነበሩ ፊርማዎች ይጠፋሉ የ ታረመውን ሰነድ እትም በሚያስቀምጡ ጊዜ" #. wRps5 #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/editdocumentdialog.ui:25 msgctxt "editdocumentdialog|edit" msgid "Edit Document" msgstr "ሰነድ ማረሚያ" #. oWdm6 #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/editdocumentdialog.ui:42 msgctxt "editdocumentdialog|cancel" msgid "Cancel" msgstr "መሰረዣ" #. hrgcD #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/editdurationdialog.ui:43 msgctxt "editdurationdialog|EditDurationDialog" msgid "Edit Duration" msgstr "የሚፈጀውን ጊዜ ማረሚያ" #. 66AnB #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/editdurationdialog.ui:136 msgctxt "editdurationdialog|negative" msgid "_Negative" msgstr "_አሉታዊ" #. LeAmz #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/editdurationdialog.ui:154 msgctxt "editdurationdialog|label1" msgid "_Years:" msgstr "_አመቶች:" #. kFDdM #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/editdurationdialog.ui:168 msgctxt "editdurationdialog|label" msgid "_Months:" msgstr "_ወሮች:" #. CHLhB #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/editdurationdialog.ui:182 msgctxt "editdurationdialog|label3" msgid "_Days:" msgstr "_ቀኖች:" #. 2w5Dd #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/editdurationdialog.ui:196 msgctxt "editdurationdialog|label4" msgid "H_ours:" msgstr "ሰ_አቶች:" #. TtWAW #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/editdurationdialog.ui:210 msgctxt "editdurationdialog|label5" msgid "Min_utes:" msgstr "ደቂ_ቆች:" #. TieWF #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/editdurationdialog.ui:224 msgctxt "editdurationdialog|label6" msgid "_Seconds:" msgstr "_ሰከንዶች:" #. GxEZZ #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/editdurationdialog.ui:238 msgctxt "editdurationdialog|label7" msgid "Millise_conds:" msgstr "ሚሊ ሰከ_ንዶች:" #. FLFW8 #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/editdurationdialog.ui:347 msgctxt "editdurationdialog|label2" msgid "Duration" msgstr "የሚፈጀው ጊዜ" #. 9cAb5 #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/errorfindemaildialog.ui:7 msgctxt "errorfindemaildialog|ErrorFindEmailDialog" msgid "No email configuration" msgstr "የ ተሰናዳ ኢሜይል የለም" #. cFct7 #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/errorfindemaildialog.ui:14 msgctxt "errorfindemaildialog|ErrorFindEmailDialog" msgid "%PRODUCTNAME was unable to find a working email configuration." msgstr "%PRODUCTNAME የሚሰራ የ ተሰናዳ ኢሜይል አልተገኘም" #. xQi7X #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/errorfindemaildialog.ui:15 msgctxt "errorfindemaildialog|ErrorFindEmailDialog" msgid "Please save this document locally instead and attach it from within your email client." msgstr "እባክዎን ይህን ሰነድ ያስቀምጡ ከ ማያያዝዎት በፊት: ከ እርስዎ ኢሜይል ደንበኛ ጋር" #. DVQUS #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/floatingrecord.ui:7 msgctxt "floatingrecord|FloatingRecord" msgid "Record Macro" msgstr "ማክሮ መቅረጫ" #. Fa63R #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/helpbookmarkpage.ui:32 msgctxt "helpbookmarkpage|label1" msgid "_Bookmarks" msgstr "_ምልክት ማድረጊያዎች" #. kZqGE #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/helpbookmarkpage.ui:83 msgctxt "helpbookmarkpage|display" msgid "_Display" msgstr "_ማሳያ" #. S7ppr #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/helpcontrol.ui:77 msgctxt "helpcontrol|contents" msgid "Contents" msgstr "ይዞታዎች" #. vxPLh #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/helpcontrol.ui:126 msgctxt "helpcontrol|index" msgid "Index" msgstr "ማውጫ" #. HdGQi #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/helpcontrol.ui:176 msgctxt "helpcontrol|find" msgid "Find" msgstr "መፈለጊያ" #. 7fapN #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/helpcontrol.ui:226 msgctxt "helpcontrol|bookmarks" msgid "Bookmarks" msgstr "ምልክት ማድረጊያዎች" #. UQL8A #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/helpindexpage.ui:30 msgctxt "helpindexpage|display" msgid "_Display" msgstr "_ማሳያ" #. 4MkAM #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/helpindexpage.ui:122 msgctxt "helpindexpage|label1" msgid "_Search Term" msgstr "_መፈለጊያ ደንብ" #. wKLbH #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/helpmanual.ui:7 msgctxt "helpmanual|onlinehelpmanual" msgid "%PRODUCTNAME Help Not Installed" msgstr "%PRODUCTNAME እርዳታ አልተገጠመም" #. JBdnz #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/helpmanual.ui:12 msgctxt "helpmanual|onlinehelpmanual" msgid "The %PRODUCTNAME built-in help for current UI language ($UILOCALE) is not installed on your computer." msgstr "ይህ %PRODUCTNAME አብሮ-የ ተገነባ እርዳታ ለ አሁኑ የ ተጠቃሚ ገጽታ ቋንቋ ($UILOCALE) በ እርስዎ ኮምፒዩተር ላይ አልተገጠመም" #. DxMPr #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/helpmanual.ui:13 msgctxt "helpmanual|onlinehelpmanual" msgid "You may either install it from our website or your system’s repositories, or read an online version." msgstr "እርስዎ መግጠም ወይንም በ ድህረ ገጽ ላይ ወይንም በ እርስዎ ኮምፒዩተር በ መስመር ላይ እትሙን ማንበብ አለብዎት" #. AaeBL #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/helpmanual.ui:23 msgctxt "helpmanual|website" msgid "Read Help Online" msgstr "እርዳታ በ መስመር ላይ ያንብቡ" #. B2Wzh #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/helpmanual.ui:60 msgctxt "helpmanual|hidedialog" msgid "Do not show this dialog again" msgstr "ይህን ንግግር በድጋሚ አታሳይ" #. 8FjCk #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/helpsearchpage.ui:30 msgctxt "helpsearchpage|display" msgid "_Display" msgstr "_ማሳያ" #. JDsn3 #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/helpsearchpage.ui:46 msgctxt "helpsearchpage|label1" msgid "_Search term" msgstr "_መፈለጊያ ደንብ" #. ZiE8A #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/helpsearchpage.ui:141 msgctxt "helpsearchpage|completewords" msgid "_Complete words only" msgstr "_ሙሉ ቃላቶችን ብቻ" #. vzqdb #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/helpsearchpage.ui:156 msgctxt "helpsearchpage|headings" msgid "Find in _headings only" msgstr "በ _ራስጌዎች ብቻ መፈለጊያ" #. JDZho #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/helpwindow.ui:71 msgctxt "helpwindow|backward|tooltip_text" msgid "Previous Page" msgstr "" #. Gv3uP #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/helpwindow.ui:83 msgctxt "helpwindow|forward|tooltip_text" msgid "Next Page" msgstr "" #. uaBtK #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/helpwindow.ui:95 msgctxt "helpwindow|start|tooltip_text" msgid "First Page" msgstr "" #. TizVY #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/helpwindow.ui:117 msgctxt "helpwindow|print|tooltip_text" msgid "Print" msgstr "" #. 7wgqt #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/helpwindow.ui:129 msgctxt "helpwindow|bookmarks|tooltip_text" msgid "Add to Bookmarks" msgstr "" #. qPF9A #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/helpwindow.ui:141 msgctxt "helpwindow|searchdialog|tooltip_text" msgid "Find on this Page" msgstr "" #. VnXxR #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/infobar.ui:66 msgctxt "infobar|close|tooltip_text" msgid "Close Infobar" msgstr "" #. DpXCY #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/inputdialog.ui:87 msgctxt "inputdialog|label" msgid "Height:" msgstr "እርዝመት:" #. HwHjx #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/licensedialog.ui:8 msgctxt "licensedialog|LicenseDialog" msgid "Licensing and Legal information" msgstr "ስለ ፍቃድ እና ስለ ሕጋዊነቱ መረጃ" #. yLwba #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/licensedialog.ui:25 msgctxt "licensedialog|show" msgid "_Show License" msgstr "ፍቃድ _ማሳያ" #. aCvsy #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/licensedialog.ui:68 msgctxt "licensedialog|label" msgid "" "%PRODUCTNAME is made available subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. A copy of the MPL can be obtained at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.\n" "\n" "Third Party Code Additional copyright notices and license terms applicable to portions of the Software are set forth in the LICENSE.html file; choose Show License to see exact details in English.\n" "\n" "All trademarks and registered trademarks mentioned herein are the property of their respective owners.\n" "\n" "Copyright © 2000–2021 LibreOffice contributors. All rights reserved.\n" "\n" "This product was created by %OOOVENDOR, based on OpenOffice.org, which is Copyright 2000, 2011 Oracle and/or its affiliates. %OOOVENDOR acknowledges all community members, please see http://www.libreoffice.org/ for more details." msgstr "" #. QuVoN #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/linefragment.ui:57 msgctxt "linefragment|STR_SFX_REMOVE_PROPERTY" msgid "Remove Property" msgstr "ባህሪ ማስወገጃ" #. 8gPai #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/linefragment.ui:149 msgctxt "linefragment|SFX_ST_EDIT" msgid "..." msgstr "..." #. x4Fjd #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/linefragment.ui:185 msgctxt "linefragment|yes" msgid "Yes" msgstr "አዎ" #. mJFyB #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/linefragment.ui:201 msgctxt "linefragment|no" msgid "No" msgstr "አይ" #. muk9B #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/linkeditdialog.ui:8 msgctxt "linkeditdialog|title" msgid "Modify DDE Link" msgstr "የ DDE አገናኝ ማሻሻያ" #. CZn3G #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/linkeditdialog.ui:108 msgctxt "linkeditdialog|label2" msgid "_Application:" msgstr "_መተግበሪያ:" #. GZsEX #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/linkeditdialog.ui:122 msgctxt "linkeditdialog|label3" msgid "_File:" msgstr "_ፋይል:" #. 6Fx6h #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/linkeditdialog.ui:136 msgctxt "linkeditdialog|label4" msgid "_Category:" msgstr "_ምድብ:" #. hNqRS #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/linkeditdialog.ui:154 msgctxt "linkeditdialog|extended_tip|app" msgid "Lists the application that last saved the source file. %PRODUCTNAME applications have the server name soffice." msgstr "" #. cj9do #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/linkeditdialog.ui:172 msgctxt "linkeditdialog|extended_tip|file" msgid "Path to the source file. Relative paths must be expressed by full URI, for example, with file://." msgstr "" #. cMPNq #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/linkeditdialog.ui:190 msgctxt "linkeditdialog|extended_tip|category" msgid "Lists the section or object that the link refers to in the source file. If you want, you can enter a new section or object here." msgstr "" #. hiapi #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/linkeditdialog.ui:207 msgctxt "linkeditdialog|label1" msgid "Modify Link" msgstr "አገናኝ ማሻሻያ" #. ba2Tn #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/loadtemplatedialog.ui:24 msgctxt "loadtemplatedialog|LoadTemplateDialog" msgid "New" msgstr "አዲስ" #. MkW3E #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/loadtemplatedialog.ui:40 msgctxt "loadtemplatedialog|fromfile" msgid "From File..." msgstr "ከ ፋይል..." #. GE236 #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/loadtemplatedialog.ui:47 msgctxt "loadtemplatedialog|extended_tip|fromfile" msgid "Locate the file containing the styles that you want to load, and then click Open." msgstr "እርስዎ መጫን የሚፈልጉትን ዘዴዎች የያዘውን ፋይል ፈልገው ያግኙ እና ከዛ ይጫኑ እሺ " #. YCguC #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/loadtemplatedialog.ui:170 msgctxt "loadtemplatedialog|extended_tip|categories" msgid "Lists the available template categories. Click a category to view its contents in the Templates list." msgstr "ዝግጁ የሆኑ ቴምፕሌት ምድቦች ዝርዝር: ይጫኑ በ ምድብ ላይ ለ መመልከት ይዞታዎችን በ ቴምፕሌትዝርዝር" #. PZS7L #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/loadtemplatedialog.ui:183 msgctxt "loadtemplatedialog|label1" msgid "Categories" msgstr "ምድቦች" #. hkGaT #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/loadtemplatedialog.ui:243 msgctxt "loadtemplatedialog|extended_tip|templates" msgid "Lists the available templates for the selected category." msgstr "ዝግጁ የ ቴምፕሌቶች ዝርዝር ለ ተመረጠው ምድብ " #. hryGV #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/loadtemplatedialog.ui:256 msgctxt "loadtemplatedialog|label2" msgid "Templates" msgstr "ቴምፕሌቶች" #. Bm4Mx #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/loadtemplatedialog.ui:278 msgctxt "loadtemplatedialog|text" msgid "Te_xt" msgstr "ጽ_ሁፍ" #. VLWfZ #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/loadtemplatedialog.ui:287 msgctxt "loadtemplatedialog|extended_tip|text" msgid "Loads the paragraph and the character styles from the selected document into the current document." msgstr "የ አንቀጽ እና የ ባህሪ ዘዴዎች ከ ተመረጠው ሰነድ ላይ ወደ አሁኑ ሰነድ ውስጥ መጫኛ" #. d2q55 #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/loadtemplatedialog.ui:298 msgctxt "loadtemplatedialog|frame" msgid "_Frame" msgstr "_ክፈፍ" #. 4ZF6u #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/loadtemplatedialog.ui:307 msgctxt "loadtemplatedialog|extended_tip|frame" msgid "Loads the frame styles from the selected document into the current document." msgstr "የ ክፈፍ ዘዴዎች ከ ተመረጠው ሰነድ ወደ አሁኑ ሰነድ ውስጥ መጫኛ" #. GZchA #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/loadtemplatedialog.ui:318 msgctxt "loadtemplatedialog|pages" msgid "_Pages" msgstr "_ገጾች" #. o2C8c #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/loadtemplatedialog.ui:327 msgctxt "loadtemplatedialog|extended_tip|pages" msgid "Loads the page styles from the selected document into the current document." msgstr "የ ገጽ ዘዴዎች ከ ተመረጠው ሰነድ ወደ አሁኑ ሰነድ ውስጥ መጫኛ" #. Fc8cn #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/loadtemplatedialog.ui:338 msgctxt "loadtemplatedialog|numbering" msgid "N_umbering" msgstr "ቁ_ጥር መስጫ" #. HMyK2 #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/loadtemplatedialog.ui:347 msgctxt "loadtemplatedialog|extended_tip|numbering" msgid "Loads the numbering styles from the selected document into the current document." msgstr "የ ቁጥር መስጫ ዘዴዎች ከ ተመረጠው ሰነድ ወደ አሁኑ ሰነድ ውስጥ መጫኛ" #. VWzsG #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/loadtemplatedialog.ui:358 msgctxt "loadtemplatedialog|overwrite" msgid "_Overwrite" msgstr "_በላዩ ላይ መጻፊያ" #. A9ogA #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/loadtemplatedialog.ui:367 msgctxt "loadtemplatedialog|extended_tip|overwrite" msgid "Replaces styles in the current document that have the same name as the styles you are loading." msgstr "ዘዴዎችን መቀየሪያ በ አሁኑ ሰነድ ውስጥ ተመሳሳይ ስም ያላቸውን እንደ እርስዎ እንደሚጭኑት አይነት ዘዴዎች" #. YrYis #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/loadtemplatedialog.ui:390 msgctxt "loadtemplatedialog|alttitle" msgid "Load Styles" msgstr "ዘዴዎች መጫኛ" #. X5Pi5 #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/loadtemplatedialog.ui:427 msgctxt "loadtemplatedialog|label3" msgid "Pre_view" msgstr "ቅድመ_እይታ" #. hR7cK #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/loadtemplatedialog.ui:433 msgctxt "loadtemplatedialog|extended_tip|expander" msgid "Shows or hides a preview of a selected template." msgstr "የ ተመረጠውን ቴምፕሌት ቅድመ እይታ ማሳያ ወይንም መደበቂያ " #. CRcca #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/loadtemplatedialog.ui:463 msgctxt "loadtemplatedialog|extended_tip|LoadTemplateDialog" msgid "Imports formatting styles from another document or template into the current document." msgstr "የ አቀራረብ ዘዴ ማምጫ ከ ሌላ ሰነድ ወይንም ቴምፕሌት ወደ አሁኑ ሰነድ ውስጥ" #. EAhup #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/managestylepage.ui:38 msgctxt "managestylepage|nameft" msgid "_Name:" msgstr "_ስም:" #. VroAG #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/managestylepage.ui:52 msgctxt "managestylepage|nextstyleft" msgid "Ne_xt style:" msgstr "የሚ_ቀጥለው ዘዴ:" #. mJYgm #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/managestylepage.ui:66 msgctxt "managestylepage|linkedwithft" msgid "Inherit from:" msgstr "የተወረሰው ከ:" #. 9pGL9 #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/managestylepage.ui:80 msgctxt "managestylepage|categoryft" msgid "_Category:" msgstr "_ምድብ:" #. MMhJQ #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/managestylepage.ui:104 msgctxt "managestylepage|editstyle" msgid "Edit Style" msgstr "ዘዴ ማረሚያ" #. 7XGEs #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/managestylepage.ui:128 msgctxt "managestylepage|editlinkstyle" msgid "Edit Style" msgstr "ዘዴ ማረሚያ" #. cKjrA #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/managestylepage.ui:152 msgctxt "managestylepage|autoupdate" msgid "_AutoUpdate" msgstr "_ራሱ በራሱ ማሻሻያ" #. oTXJz #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/managestylepage.ui:200 msgctxt "managestylepage|label1" msgid "Style" msgstr "ዘዴ" #. NXG9o #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/managestylepage.ui:241 msgctxt "managestylepage|label2" msgid "Contains" msgstr "ይዟል" #. SyymG #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/newstyle.ui:16 msgctxt "newstyle|CreateStyleDialog" msgid "Create Style" msgstr "ዘዴ መፍጠሪያ" #. v9veF #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/newstyle.ui:161 msgctxt "newstyle|stylename-atkobject" msgid "Style Name" msgstr "የ ዘዴው ስም" #. R3JAg #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/newstyle.ui:178 msgctxt "newstyle|label1" msgid "Style Name" msgstr "የ ዘዴው ስም" #. R6zJz #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/notebookbar.ui:74 msgctxt "notebookbar|label9" msgid "File" msgstr "ፋይል" #. QAUXF #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/optprintpage.ui:39 msgctxt "optprintpage|printer" msgid "_Printer" msgstr "_ማተሚያ" #. PUG9y #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/optprintpage.ui:49 msgctxt "extended_tip|printer" msgid "Specifies whether the print settings apply to direct printing or to printing to a file." msgstr "የ ማተሚያ ማሰናጃ የሚፈጸመው በ ቀጥታ ለ ማተሚያው ነው ወይንም በ ፋይል ላይ ማተሚያ እንደሆን መወሰኛ" #. Eyv8g #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/optprintpage.ui:60 msgctxt "optprintpage|file" msgid "Print to _file" msgstr "ወደ _ፋይል ማተሚያ" #. TMHvE #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/optprintpage.ui:70 msgctxt "extended_tip|file" msgid "Specifies whether the print settings apply to direct printing or to printing to a file." msgstr "የ ማተሚያ ማሰናጃ የሚፈጸመው በ ቀጥታ ለ ማተሚያው ነው ወይንም በ ፋይል ላይ ማተሚያ እንደሆን መወሰኛ" #. C8jvp #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/optprintpage.ui:87 msgctxt "optprintpage|label4" msgid "Settings for" msgstr "" #. 2T5Af #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/optprintpage.ui:121 msgctxt "optprintpage|papersize" msgid "P_aper size" msgstr "የ_ወረቀት መጠን" #. yj4DA #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/optprintpage.ui:130 msgctxt "extended_tip|papersize" msgid "Mark this check box if a certain paper size is needed for printing the current document." msgstr "እዚህ ምልክት ያድርጉ የ ተወሰነ የ ወረቀት መጠን የሚያስፈልግ ከሆነ ለማተም የ አሁኑን ሰነድ " #. stDFq #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/optprintpage.ui:141 msgctxt "optprintpage|paperorient" msgid "Pap_er orientation" msgstr "የ ወረ_ቀት አቅጣጫ" #. FdFNk #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/optprintpage.ui:150 msgctxt "extended_tip|paperorient" msgid "Mark this check box if you need a certain paper orientation for printing the current document." msgstr "እዚህ ምልክት ያድርጉ የ ተወሰነ የ ወረቀት አቅጣጫ የሚያስፈልግ ከሆነ ለማተም የ አሁኑን ሰነድ " #. L6rtF #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/optprintpage.ui:161 msgctxt "optprintpage|trans" msgid "_Transparency" msgstr "_ግልጽነት" #. F6nF9 #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/optprintpage.ui:170 msgctxt "extended_tip|trans" msgid "Mark this check box if you always want to be warned if transparent objects are contained in the document." msgstr "እዚህ ምልክት ያድርጉ ሁልጊዜ ማስጠንቀቂያ እንዲያሳይ ግልጽ እቃዎች በ ሰነድ ውስጥ እንዳለ በ አሁኑን ሰነድ ውስጥ " #. C5jZN #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/optprintpage.ui:187 msgctxt "optprintpage|label2" msgid "Warnings" msgstr "" #. PJFLE #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/optprintpage.ui:219 msgctxt "optprintpage|reducegrad" msgid "Reduce _gradient" msgstr "_ከፍታዎች መቀነሻ" #. GC8dk #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/optprintpage.ui:228 msgctxt "extended_tip|reducegrad" msgid "If this field is marked, gradients are printed with reduced quality." msgstr "ይህ ሜዳ ምልክት ከ ተደረገበት: ከፍታዎች የሚታተሙት በ ዝቅተኛ ጥራት ነው" #. skDME #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/optprintpage.ui:256 msgctxt "optprintpage|reducegradstripes" msgid "Gradient _stripes:" msgstr "የከፍታ _መስመሮች:" #. k8zh7 #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/optprintpage.ui:266 msgctxt "extended_tip|reducegradstripes" msgid "Specifies the maximum number of gradient stripes for printing." msgstr "ይወስኑ ከፍተኛውን የ ከፍታ መስመሮች ለ ማተሚያ" #. 5HCxT #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/optprintpage.ui:284 msgctxt "extended_tip|reducegradstep" msgid "Specifies the maximum number of gradient stripes for printing." msgstr "ይወስኑ ከፍተኛውን የ ከፍታ መስመሮች ለ ማተሚያ" #. W8LE7 #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/optprintpage.ui:301 msgctxt "optprintpage|reducegradcolor" msgid "Intermediate _color" msgstr "መካከለኛ _ቀለም" #. TUbxx #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/optprintpage.ui:311 msgctxt "extended_tip|reducegradcolor" msgid "Specifies that gradients are only printed in a single intermediate color." msgstr "ከፍታዎች የሚታተሙት በ ነጠላ ቀለም መካከል ብቻ እንደሆነ መወሰኛ " #. myMLR #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/optprintpage.ui:336 msgctxt "optprintpage|label1" msgid "Reduce Gradient" msgstr "" #. abbre #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/optprintpage.ui:344 msgctxt "extended_tip|frame2" msgid "Defines which warnings appear before printing begins." msgstr "ማተም ከ መጀመሩ በፊት የትኛው ማስጠንቀቂያ እንደሚታይ መወሰኛ" #. qF2KM #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/optprintpage.ui:384 msgctxt "optprintpage|reducebitmapnormal" msgid "N_ormal print quality" msgstr "መ_ደበኛ የህትመት ጥራት" #. i5T3j #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/optprintpage.ui:394 msgctxt "extended_tip|reducebitmapnormal" msgid "High print quality corresponds to a resolution of 300dpi. Normal print quality corresponds to a resolution of 200dpi. " msgstr "ከፍተኛ የ ማተሚያ ጥራት ተመሳሳይ ነው ከ 300 ነጥብ በ ኢንች ውስጥ: መደበኛ የ ማተሚያ ጥራት ተመሳሳይ ነው ከ 200 ነጥብ በ ኢንች ውስጥ " #. EZGK5 #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/optprintpage.ui:411 msgctxt "optprintpage|reducebitmapresol" msgid "Reso_lution:" msgstr "ሪዞ_ሊሽን:" #. q3aJL #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/optprintpage.ui:421 msgctxt "extended_tip|reducebitmapresol" msgid "Specifies the maximum print quality in dpi. The resolution can only be reduced and not increased." msgstr "ከፍተኛ የ ህትመት ጥራት በ ነጥብ በ ኢንች ውስጥ መወሰኛ: ይህን ሪዞሊሽን መቀነስ እንጂ መጨመር አይቻልም " #. 6ALtE #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/optprintpage.ui:435 msgctxt "optprintpage|reducebitmapdpi" msgid "72 DPI" msgstr "72 DPI" #. FgpJ3 #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/optprintpage.ui:436 msgctxt "optprintpage|reducebitmapdpi" msgid "96 DPI" msgstr "96 DPI" #. d7BqR #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/optprintpage.ui:437 msgctxt "optprintpage|reducebitmapdpi" msgid "150 DPI (Fax)" msgstr "150 DPI (ፋክስ)" #. 46imh #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/optprintpage.ui:438 msgctxt "optprintpage|reducebitmapdpi" msgid "200 DPI (default)" msgstr "200 DPI (ነባር)" #. AsLSp #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/optprintpage.ui:439 msgctxt "optprintpage|reducebitmapdpi" msgid "300 DPI" msgstr "300 DPI" #. qZJg5 #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/optprintpage.ui:440 msgctxt "optprintpage|reducebitmapdpi" msgid "600 DPI" msgstr "600 DPI" #. 8KFUc #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/optprintpage.ui:444 msgctxt "extended_tip|reducebitmapdpi" msgid "Specifies the maximum print quality in dpi. The resolution can only be reduced and not increased." msgstr "ከፍተኛ የ ህትመት ጥራት በ ነጥብ በ ኢንች ውስጥ መወሰኛ: ይህን ሪዞሊሽን መቀነስ እንጂ መጨመር አይቻልም " #. YXTXc #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/optprintpage.ui:461 msgctxt "optprintpage|reducebitmapoptimal" msgid "_High print quality" msgstr "_ከፍተኛ የህትመት ጥራት" #. BdCpv #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/optprintpage.ui:471 msgctxt "extended_tip|reducebitmapoptimal" msgid "High print quality corresponds to a resolution of 300dpi. Normal print quality corresponds to a resolution of 200dpi. " msgstr "ከፍተኛ የ ማተሚያ ጥራት ተመሳሳይ ነው ከ 300 ነጥብ በ ኢንች ውስጥ: መደበኛ የ ማተሚያ ጥራት ተመሳሳይ ነው ከ 200 ነጥብ በ ኢንች ውስጥ " #. ySmQe #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/optprintpage.ui:490 msgctxt "optprintpage|reducebitmap" msgid "Reduce _bitmaps" msgstr "_bitmaps መቀነሻ" #. nNjfk #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/optprintpage.ui:499 msgctxt "extended_tip|reducebitmap" msgid "Specifies that bitmaps are printed with reduced quality. The resolution can only be reduced and not increased." msgstr "መወሰኛ ቢትማፕስ የሚታተመው በ ዝቅተኛ ጥራት እንደሆነ: ይህን ሪዞሊሽን መቀነስ እንጂ መጨመር አይቻልም " #. YxX2s #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/optprintpage.ui:516 msgctxt "optprintpage|label1" msgid "Reduce Bitmaps" msgstr "" #. B4C76 #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/optprintpage.ui:559 msgctxt "optprintpage|reducetransauto" msgid "Auto_matically" msgstr "ራሱ_በራሱ" #. ehRjn #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/optprintpage.ui:569 msgctxt "extended_tip|reducetransauto" msgid "Specifies that the transparency is only printed if the transparent area covers less than a quarter of the entire page." msgstr "መወሰኛ ግልጽነቱ የሚታተመው የ ግልጽ ቦታ የሚሸፍነው የ ገጹን እንድ አራተኛ ከ ሆነ ብቻ ነው " #. K7P4C #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/optprintpage.ui:580 msgctxt "optprintpage|reducetransnone" msgid "_No transparency" msgstr "ግልጽነት _የለም" #. ZuLVY #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/optprintpage.ui:590 msgctxt "extended_tip|reducetransnone" msgid "With this option transparency is never printed." msgstr "በዚህ ምርጫ ግልጽነት በፍጹም አይታተምም" #. 5qQBR #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/optprintpage.ui:609 msgctxt "optprintpage|reducetrans" msgid "_Reduce transparency" msgstr "ግልጽነቱን _መቀነሻ" #. yDstT #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/optprintpage.ui:618 msgctxt "extended_tip|reducetrans" msgid "If you mark this field the transparent objects will be printed like normal, non-transparent objects, depending on your selection in the following two option buttons." msgstr "እዚህ ሜዳ ውስጥ ምልክት ካደረጉ ግልጽ የሆኑ እቃዎች የሚታተሙት እንደ መደበኛ ነው: ምንም-ግልጽ ያልሆኑ እቃዎች: እንደ ሁኔታው እንደ እርስዎ ምርጫ በ እነዚህ ሁለት የ ምርጫ ቁልፎች ይወሰናል " #. B5Cpd #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/optprintpage.ui:635 msgctxt "optprintpage|label1" msgid "Reduce Transparency" msgstr "" #. GAFzh #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/optprintpage.ui:667 msgctxt "optprintpage|pdf" msgid "_PDF as standard print job format" msgstr "_ፒዲኤፍ እንደ መደበኛ የ ሕትመት ስራ ማቅረቢያ" #. wm7C7 #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/optprintpage.ui:682 msgctxt "optprintpage|converttogray" msgid "Con_vert colors to grayscale" msgstr "ቀለሞችን ወደ ግራጫማ መቀየ_ሪያ" #. UNSqH #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/optprintpage.ui:691 msgctxt "extended_tip|converttogray" msgid "Specifies that all colors are printed only as grayscale." msgstr "ይወስኑ ሁሉንም ቀለሞች ለ ማተሚያ በ ጥቁር እና ነጭ" #. CrFLq #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/optprintpage.ui:702 msgctxt "optprintpage|reducebitmaptrans" msgid "Include transparent objects" msgstr "ግልጽ እቃዎችን መጨመሪያ" #. FFAFJ #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/optprintpage.ui:711 msgctxt "extended_tip|reducebitmaptrans" msgid "If this field is marked, the reduction in print quality for bitmaps also applies to the transparent areas of objects." msgstr "እዚህ ሜዳ ውስጥ ምልክት ካደረጉ: የ ህትመት ጥራት መቀነሻ ለ ቢትማፕስ እንዲሁም ወደ ግልጽ ለሆኑ እቃዎች ቦታ ይፈጸማል " #. bWPko #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/optprintpage.ui:728 msgctxt "optprintpage|label4" msgid "Defaults" msgstr "ነባሮች" #. mMKbc #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/optprintpage.ui:750 msgctxt "extended_tip|OptPrintPage" msgid "Specifies the print setting options." msgstr "የ ማተሚያ ማሰናጃ ምርጫዎች መወሰኛ" #. QrtGb #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/password.ui:8 msgctxt "password|PasswordDialog" msgid "Enter Password" msgstr "የ መግቢያ ቃል ማስገቢያ" #. gATKy #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/password.ui:106 msgctxt "password|userft" msgid "User:" msgstr "ተጠቃሚ:" #. FRqiZ #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/password.ui:120 msgctxt "password|pass1ft" msgid "Password:" msgstr "የ መግቢያ ቃል:" #. HE8mc #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/password.ui:134 msgctxt "password|confirm1ft" msgid "Confirm:" msgstr "ማረጋገጫ:" #. EFJRk #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/password.ui:168 msgctxt "password|pass1ed-atkobject" msgid "Password" msgstr "የ መግቢያ ቃል" #. yVorz #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/password.ui:169 msgctxt "password|extended_tip|pass1ed" msgid "Type a password. A password is case sensitive." msgstr "የ መግቢያ ቃል ይጻፉ: የ መግቢያ ቃል ፊደል-መመጠኛ ነው " #. kEcVk #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/password.ui:189 msgctxt "password|extended_tip|confirm1ed" msgid "Re-enter the password." msgstr "የ መግቢያ ቃል እንደገና-ያስገቡ " #. JBCUB #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/password.ui:206 msgctxt "password|label1" msgid "Password" msgstr "የ መግቢያ ቃል" #. zDBUt #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/password.ui:242 msgctxt "password|pass2ft" msgid "Password:" msgstr "የ መግቢያ ቃል:" #. 8RcEw #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/password.ui:256 msgctxt "password|confirm2ft" msgid "Confirm:" msgstr "ማረጋገጫ:" #. EkHiq #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/password.ui:277 msgctxt "password|extended_tip|pass2ed" msgid "Type a password. A password is case sensitive." msgstr "የ መግቢያ ቃል ይጻፉ: የ መግቢያ ቃል ፊደል-መመጠኛ ነው " #. c4nGS #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/password.ui:297 msgctxt "password|extended_tip|confirm2ed" msgid "Re-enter the password." msgstr "የ መግቢያ ቃል እንደገና-ያስገቡ " #. mCxpj #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/password.ui:314 msgctxt "password|label2" msgid "Second Password" msgstr "ሁለተኛ የ መግቢያ ቃል" #. AFsUP #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/printeroptionsdialog.ui:8 msgctxt "printeroptionsdialog|PrinterOptionsDialog" msgid "Printer Options" msgstr "የ ማተሚያ ምርጫዎች" #. oAzTR #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/querysavedialog.ui:7 msgctxt "querysavedialog|QuerySaveDialog" msgid "Save Document?" msgstr "ሰነዱን ላስቀምጥ?" #. wFiA8 #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/querysavedialog.ui:13 msgctxt "querysavedialog|QuerySaveDialog" msgid "Save changes to document “$(DOC)” before closing?" msgstr "ለውጦቹን ሰነዱ ላይ ላስቀምጣቸው“$(DOC)” ከመዘጋቱ በፊት?" #. 7mtVz #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/querysavedialog.ui:14 msgctxt "querysavedialog|QuerySaveDialog" msgid "Your changes will be lost if you don’t save them." msgstr "የተቀየሩትን ካላስቀመጧቸው ለውጦቹ በሙሉ ይጠፋሉ" #. sQCdE #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/querysavedialog.ui:25 msgctxt "querysavedialog|discard" msgid "Do_n’t Save" msgstr "አታስ_ቀምጥ" #. 6WbvE #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/safemodequerydialog.ui:7 msgctxt "safemodequerydialog|SafeModeQueryDialog" msgid "Enter Safe Mode" msgstr "ወደ ጥንቃቄ ዘዴ ውስጥ መግቢያ" #. esgus #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/safemodequerydialog.ui:12 msgctxt "safemodequerydialog|label" msgid "Are you sure you want to restart %PRODUCTNAME and enter safe mode?" msgstr "በ እርግጥ እርስዎ እንደገና ማስነሳት %PRODUCTNAME እና ወደ ጥንቃቄ ዘዴ ውስጥ መግባት ይፈልጋሉ?" #. DpN8R #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/safemodequerydialog.ui:41 msgctxt "safemodequerydialog|restart" msgid "_Restart" msgstr "_እንደገና ማስጀመሪያ" #. ejCo9 #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/saveastemplatedlg.ui:14 msgctxt "saveastemplatedlg|SaveAsTemplateDialog" msgid "Save As Template" msgstr "እንደ ቴምፕሌት ማስቀመጫ" #. DExAh #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/saveastemplatedlg.ui:102 msgctxt "saveastemplatedlg|create_label" msgid "Template _Name" msgstr "የ ቴምፕሌት _ስም" #. Xo6BH #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/saveastemplatedlg.ui:125 msgctxt "saveastemplatedlg|extended_tip|name_entry" msgid "Enter a name for the template." msgstr "ለ ቴምፕሌት ስም ያስገቡ:" #. izWnA #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/saveastemplatedlg.ui:153 msgctxt "saveastemplatedlg|select_label" msgid "Template _Category" msgstr "የ ቴምፕሌት _ምድብ" #. JBPKb #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/saveastemplatedlg.ui:201 msgctxt "saveastemplatedlg|extended_tip|categorylb" msgid "Select a category in which to save the new template." msgstr "አዲሱ ቴምፕሌት የሚቀመጥበትን ምድብ ይምረጡ:" #. wpZGc #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/saveastemplatedlg.ui:221 msgctxt "saveastemplatedlg|defaultcb" msgid "_Set as default template" msgstr "እንደ ነባር ቴምፕሌት _ማሰናጃ" #. syB4y #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/saveastemplatedlg.ui:230 msgctxt "saveastemplatedlg|extended_tip|defaultcb" msgid "The new template will be used as the default template." msgstr "አዲሱን ቴምፕሌት እንደ ነባር ቴምፕሌት ይጠቀሙ " #. gH8PB #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/saveastemplatedlg.ui:258 msgctxt "saveastemplatedlg|extended_tip|SaveAsTemplateDialog" msgid "Saves the current document as a template." msgstr "የ አሁኑን ሰነድ እንደ ቴምፕሌት ማስቀመጫ " #. 9tSnA #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/searchdialog.ui:8 msgctxt "searchdialog|SearchDialog" msgid "Find on this Page" msgstr "በዚህ ገጽ ላይ መፈለጊያ" #. LAKYg #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/searchdialog.ui:26 msgctxt "searchdialog|search" msgid "_Find" msgstr "_መፈለጊያ" #. G5Qc9 #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/searchdialog.ui:99 msgctxt "searchdialog|label1" msgid "_Search for:" msgstr "_መፈለጊያ ደንብ:" #. TY5bL #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/searchdialog.ui:125 msgctxt "searchdialog|matchcase" msgid "Ma_tch case" msgstr "ጉዳይ ማመ_ሳሰያ" #. B2ksn #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/searchdialog.ui:140 msgctxt "searchdialog|wholewords" msgid "Whole wor_ds only" msgstr "ሙሉ ቃሎ_ችን ብቻ" #. ycWSx #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/searchdialog.ui:155 msgctxt "searchdialog|backwards" msgid "Bac_kwards" msgstr "ወደ_ኋላ" #. C7fSt #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/searchdialog.ui:170 msgctxt "searchdialog|wrap" msgid "Wrap _around" msgstr "_ዙሪያውን መጠቅለያ" #. onEmh #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/securityinfopage.ui:25 msgctxt "securityinfopage|readonly" msgid "_Open file read-only" msgstr "ፋይል ለንባብ-ብቻ _መክፈቻ" #. HCEUE #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/securityinfopage.ui:35 msgctxt "securityinfopage|extended_tip|readonly" msgid "Select to allow this document to be opened in read-only mode only." msgstr "ይምረጡ ይህ ሰነድ ሲከፈት በ ንባብ-ዘዴ ብቻ ለማስቻል" #. GvCw9 #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/securityinfopage.ui:46 msgctxt "securityinfopage|recordchanges" msgid "Record _changes" msgstr "_ለውጦችን መመዝገቢያ" #. pNhop #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/securityinfopage.ui:55 msgctxt "securityinfopage|extended_tip|recordchanges" msgid "Select to enable recording changes. This is the same as Edit - Track Changes - Record." msgstr "ይምረጡ ለውጦችን መመዝገብ እንዲችል ለማስቻል: ይህ ተመሳሳይ ነው ከ ማረሚያ - ለውጦችን መከታተያ - መመዝገቢያ ጋር:" #. Nv8rA #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/securityinfopage.ui:71 msgctxt "securityinfopage|protect" msgid "Protect..." msgstr "መጠበቂያ..." #. 6T6ZP #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/securityinfopage.ui:77 msgctxt "securityinfopage|extended_tip|protect" msgid "Protects the change recording state with a password. If change recording is protected for the current document, the button is named Unprotect. Click Unprotect and type the correct password to disable the protection." msgstr "ለውጥ ከ መመዝገብ መቀየር ይጠብቀዋል: ለውጥ መመዝገብ ከ ተጠበቀ ለ አሁኑ ሰነድ: ቁልፉ ይሰየማል አትጠብቅ ይጫኑ አትጠብቅ እና ይጻፉ ትክክለኛውን የ መግቢያ ቃል ጥበቃውን ለማሰናከል: " #. jgWP4 #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/securityinfopage.ui:89 msgctxt "securityinfopage|unprotect" msgid "_Unprotect..." msgstr "_አትጠብቅ..." #. UEdGx #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/securityinfopage.ui:96 msgctxt "securityinfopage|extended_tip|unprotect" msgid "Protects the change recording state with a password. If change recording is protected for the current document, the button is named Unprotect. Click Unprotect and type the correct password to disable the protection." msgstr "ለውጥ ከ መመዝገብ መቀየር ይጠብቀዋል: ለውጥ መመዝገብ ከ ተጠበቀ ለ አሁኑ ሰነድ: ቁልፉ ይሰየማል አትጠብቅ ይጫኑ አትጠብቅ እና ይጻፉ ትክክለኛውን የ መግቢያ ቃል ጥበቃውን ለማሰናከል:" #. JNezG #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/securityinfopage.ui:120 msgctxt "securityinfopage|label47" msgid "File Sharing Options" msgstr "የ ፋይል መጋሪያ ምርጫዎች" #. VXrJ5 #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/securityinfopage.ui:128 msgctxt "securityinfopage|extended_tip|SecurityInfoPage" msgid "Sets password options for the current document." msgstr "ለ አሁኑ ሰነድ የ መግቢያ ቃል ምርጫ ማሰናጃ" #. EDC9x #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/startcenter.ui:17 msgctxt "startcenter|clear_all" msgid "Clear Recent Documents" msgstr "የ ቅርብ ጊዜ ሰነዶች ማጽጃ" #. gCfQ9 #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/startcenter.ui:38 msgctxt "startcenter|filter_writer" msgid "Writer Templates" msgstr "የ መጻፊያ ቴምፕሌቶች" #. kj5ts #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/startcenter.ui:45 msgctxt "startcenter|filter_calc" msgid "Calc Templates" msgstr "የ ሰንጠረዥ ቴምፕሌቶች" #. HEYvU #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/startcenter.ui:52 msgctxt "startcenter|filter_impress" msgid "Impress Templates" msgstr "የ ማስደነቂያ ቴምፕሌቶች" #. uWEpu #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/startcenter.ui:59 msgctxt "startcenter|filter_draw" msgid "Draw Templates" msgstr "የ መሳያ ቴምፕሌቶች" #. e3TH8 #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/startcenter.ui:72 msgctxt "startcenter|manage" msgid "Manage Templates" msgstr "ቴምፕሌቶች አስተዳዳሪ" #. isnw8 #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/startcenter.ui:151 msgctxt "startcenter|open_all" msgid "_Open File" msgstr "ፋይል _መክፈቻ" #. 6zjop #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/startcenter.ui:172 msgctxt "startcenter|open_remote" msgid "Remote File_s" msgstr "የ ሩቅ ፋይሎ_ች" #. ZUnZ9 #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/startcenter.ui:205 msgctxt "startcenter|open_recent" msgid "_Recent Documents" msgstr "የ _ቅርብ ጊዜ ሰነዶች" #. BnkvG #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/startcenter.ui:229 msgctxt "startcenter|templates_all" msgid "T_emplates" msgstr "ቴ_ምፕሌት" #. JEkqY #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/startcenter.ui:270 msgctxt "startcenter|create_label" msgid "Create:" msgstr "መፍጠሪያ:" #. SY4iY #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/startcenter.ui:281 msgctxt "startcenter|writer_all" msgid "_Writer Document" msgstr "_መጻፊያ ሰነድ" #. Bvz5c #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/startcenter.ui:301 msgctxt "startcenter|calc_all" msgid "_Calc Spreadsheet" msgstr "_ሂሳብ ሰንጠረዥ" #. RxGP6 #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/startcenter.ui:321 msgctxt "startcenter|impress_all" msgid "_Impress Presentation" msgstr "_ማስደነቂያ ማቅረቢያ" #. 7fE2M #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/startcenter.ui:341 msgctxt "startcenter|draw_all" msgid "_Draw Drawing" msgstr "_መሳያ ስእል" #. 7wn8r #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/startcenter.ui:361 msgctxt "startcenter|math_all" msgid "_Math Formula" msgstr "_ሂሳብ መቀመሪያ" #. nnwDC #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/startcenter.ui:381 msgctxt "startcenter|database_all" msgid "_Base Database" msgstr "_ቤዝ ዳታቤዝ" #. ZEDmn #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/startcenter.ui:403 msgctxt "startcenter|althelplabel" msgid "He_lp" msgstr "እር_ዳታ" #. oqVes #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/startcenter.ui:474 msgctxt "startcenter|extensions" msgid "E_xtensions" msgstr "ተ_ጨማሪዎች" #. rDw4E #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/startcenter.ui:499 msgctxt "startcenter|label1" msgid "Application" msgstr "መተግበሪያ" #. UiDMp #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/startcenter.ui:519 msgctxt "startcenter|all_recent_label" msgid "Recent Files List" msgstr "የ ቅርብ ጊዜ ፋይሎች ዝርዝር" #. kho2B #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/startcenter.ui:532 msgctxt "startcenter|local_view_label" msgid "Templates List" msgstr "የ ቴምፕሌቶች ዝርዝር" #. UHrAZ #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/stylecontextmenu.ui:12 msgctxt "stylecontextmenu|new" msgid "New..." msgstr "አዲስ..." #. hnLax #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/stylecontextmenu.ui:20 msgctxt "stylecontextmenu|edit" msgid "Modify..." msgstr "ማሻሻያ..." #. TPTqm #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/stylecontextmenu.ui:28 msgctxt "stylecontextmenu|hide" msgid "Hide" msgstr "መደበቂያ" #. mrCMd #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/stylecontextmenu.ui:36 msgctxt "stylecontextmenu|show" msgid "Show" msgstr "ማሳያ" #. 7bAyD #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/stylecontextmenu.ui:44 msgctxt "stylecontextmenu|delete" msgid "Delete..." msgstr "ማጥፊያ..." #. N4BGe #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/tabbarcontents.ui:24 msgctxt "tabbar|locktaskpanel" msgid "Dock" msgstr "" #. GNBR3 #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/tabbarcontents.ui:33 msgctxt "tabbar|unlocktaskpanel" msgid "Undock" msgstr "" #. jXux4 #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/tabbarcontents.ui:42 msgctxt "tabbar|hidesidebar" msgid "Close Sidebar" msgstr "የ ጎን መደርደሪያ መዝጊያ" #. hEmHk #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/tabbarcontents.ui:50 msgctxt "tabbar|customization" msgid "Customization" msgstr "ማስተካከያ" #. 9Hfx6 #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/tabbarcontents.ui:66 msgctxt "tabbar|restoredefault" msgid "Restore Default" msgstr "ነባሩን መመለሻ" #. DBWZf #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/tabbarcontents.ui:93 msgctxt "tabbar|menubutton|tool_tip" msgid "Sidebar Settings" msgstr "የ ጎን መደርደሪያ ማሰናጃ" #. XBaqU #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/templatecategorydlg.ui:16 msgctxt "templatecategorydlg|TemplatesCategoryDialog" msgid "Select Category" msgstr "ምድብ ይምረጡ" #. HXfot #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/templatecategorydlg.ui:108 msgctxt "templatecategorydlg|select_label" msgid "Select from Existing Category" msgstr "የ ነበረውን ምድብ ይምረጡ" #. 7eShP #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/templatecategorydlg.ui:178 msgctxt "templatecategorydlg|create_label" msgid "or Create a New Category" msgstr "ወይንም አዲስ ምድብ ይፍጠሩ" #. nkvQN #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/templatedlg.ui:45 msgctxt "colsmenu|insert" msgid "Reset Default Template" msgstr "ነባር ቴምፕሌት እንደ ነበር መመለሻ" #. eUWTy #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/templatedlg.ui:61 msgctxt "templatedlg|TemplateDialog" msgid "Templates" msgstr "ቴምፕሌቶች" #. rhuYP #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/templatedlg.ui:92 msgctxt "templatedlg|hidedialogcb" msgid "Show this dialog at startup" msgstr "በሚጀምር ጊዜ ይህን ንግግር ማሳያ" #. 32zsB #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/templatedlg.ui:159 msgctxt "templatedlg|search_filter|tooltip_text" msgid "Search" msgstr "መፈለጊያ" #. sGZMC #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/templatedlg.ui:162 msgctxt "templatedlg|search_filter" msgid "Search..." msgstr "መፈለጊያ..." #. fXVNY #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/templatedlg.ui:184 msgctxt "templatedlg|filter_application|tooltip_text" msgid "Filter by Application" msgstr "በ መተግበሪያ ማጣሪያ" #. tqVhJ #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/templatedlg.ui:187 msgctxt "templatedlg|applist" msgid "All Applications" msgstr "ሁሉም መፈጸሚያዎች" #. 4CuhU #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/templatedlg.ui:188 msgctxt "templatedlg|applist" msgid "Documents" msgstr "ሰነዶች" #. eECt7 #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/templatedlg.ui:189 msgctxt "templatedlg|applist" msgid "Spreadsheets" msgstr "ሰንጠረዦች" #. ajLbV #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/templatedlg.ui:190 msgctxt "templatedlg|applist" msgid "Presentations" msgstr "ማቅረቢያዎች" #. LfUzB #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/templatedlg.ui:191 msgctxt "templatedlg|applist" msgid "Drawings" msgstr "መሳያዎች" #. t7zE7 #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/templatedlg.ui:205 msgctxt "templatedlg|filter_folder|tooltip_text" msgid "Filter by Category" msgstr "በ ምድብ ማጣሪያ" #. 93CGw #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/templatedlg.ui:207 msgctxt "templatedlg|folderlist" msgid "All Categories" msgstr "ሁሉም ምድቦች" #. NF9wE #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/templatedlg.ui:228 msgctxt "templatedlg|label1" msgid "Filter" msgstr "ማጣሪያ" #. j39jM #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/templatedlg.ui:335 msgctxt "templatedlg|thumbnailviewlabel" msgid "Template List" msgstr "የ ቴምፕሌት ዝርዝር" #. GkjAS #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/templatedlg.ui:353 msgctxt "templatedlg|action_menu|tooltip_text" msgid "Settings" msgstr "ማሰናጃዎች" #. hG7qW #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/templatedlg.ui:368 msgctxt "templatedlg|extensions_btn" msgid "_Extensions" msgstr "_ተጨማሪዎች" #. uC7Rk #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/templatedlg.ui:372 msgctxt "templatedlg|online_link|tooltip_text" msgid "Add more templates via extension" msgstr "" #. PXRa3 #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/templatedlg.ui:387 msgctxt "templatedlg|import_btn" msgid "Import" msgstr "ማምጫ" #. Lr9os #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/templatedlg.ui:391 msgctxt "templatedlg|import_btn|tooltip_text" msgid "Import Templates" msgstr "ቴምፕሌቶች ማምጫ" #. faL2n #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/templatedlg.ui:405 msgctxt "templatedlg|export_btn" msgid "Export" msgstr "መላኪያ" #. DbD3R #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/templatedlg.ui:409 msgctxt "templatedlg|export_btn|tooltip_text" msgid "Export Templates" msgstr "ቴምፕሌቶች መላኪያ" #. EZBF9 #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/templatedlg.ui:423 msgctxt "templatedlg|move_btn" msgid "Move" msgstr "ማንቀሳቀሻ" #. xQMAz #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/templatedlg.ui:427 msgctxt "templatedlg|move_btn|tooltip_text" msgid "Move Templates" msgstr "ቴምፕሌቶች ማንቀሳቀሻ" #. pm89q #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/templatepanel.ui:135 msgctxt "templatepanel|STR_STYLE_FILL_FORMAT_MODE" msgid "Fill Format Mode" msgstr "" #. GLRFT #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/templatepanel.ui:148 msgctxt "templatepanel|STR_STYLE_NEW_STYLE_FROM_SELECTION" msgid "New Style from Selection" msgstr "" #. tAdD9 #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/templatepanel.ui:161 msgctxt "templatepanel|STR_STYLE_NEW_STYLE_ACTION" msgid "Styles actions" msgstr "" #. Xk5tD #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/templatepanel.ui:174 msgctxt "templatepanel|STR_STYLE_UPDATE_STYLE" msgid "Update Style" msgstr "" #. irBvi #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/templatepanel.ui:231 sfx2/uiconfig/ui/templatepanel.ui:277 msgctxt "templatepanel|STR_STYLE_ELEMTLIST" msgid "Style List" msgstr "" #. FHud7 #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/templatepanel.ui:291 msgctxt "commontemplate|STR_PREVIEW_CHECKBOX" msgid "Show previews" msgstr "" #. p9AWW #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/versioncommentdialog.ui:8 msgctxt "versioncommentdialog|VersionCommentDialog" msgid "Insert Version Comment" msgstr "የ እትም አስተያየት ማስገቢያ" #. CPwta #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/versioncommentdialog.ui:103 msgctxt "versioncommentdialog|timestamp" msgid "Date and time: " msgstr "ቀን እና ሰአት: " #. 2mDfC #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/versioncommentdialog.ui:115 msgctxt "versioncommentdialog|author" msgid "Saved by: " msgstr "የተቀመጠው በ: " #. T5AY5 #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/versioncommentdialog.ui:164 msgctxt "versioncommentdialog|extended_tip|VersionCommentDialog" msgid "Enter a comment here when you are saving a new version. If you clicked Show to open this dialog, you cannot edit the comment." msgstr "" #. oBSSb #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/versionscmis.ui:51 msgctxt "versionscmis|compare" msgid "_Compare" msgstr "_ማወዳደሪያ" #. WyDoB #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/versionscmis.ui:65 msgctxt "versionscmis|show" msgid "_Show..." msgstr "_ማሳያ..." #. gRBJa #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/versionscmis.ui:185 msgctxt "versionscmis|datetime" msgid "Date and time" msgstr "ቀን እና ሰአት" #. 3VLw3 #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/versionscmis.ui:198 msgctxt "versionscmis|savedby" msgid "Saved by" msgstr "የተቀመጠው በ" #. FzBeT #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/versionscmis.ui:211 msgctxt "versionscmis|comments" msgid "Comments" msgstr "አስተያየቶች" #. c2cVg #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/versionscmis.ui:236 msgctxt "versionscmis|label2" msgid "Existing Versions" msgstr "የ ነበሩት እትሞች" #. A4BT2 #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/versionsofdialog.ui:33 msgctxt "versionsofdialog|cmis" msgid "CMIS" msgstr "CMIS" #. EqmYX #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/versionsofdialog.ui:54 msgctxt "versionsofdialog|extended_tip|delete" msgid "Deletes the selected version." msgstr "የተመረጠውን እትም ማጥፊያ" #. erGHD #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/versionsofdialog.ui:66 msgctxt "versionsofdialog|compare" msgid "_Compare" msgstr "_ማወዳደሪያ" #. TKEzJ #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/versionsofdialog.ui:73 msgctxt "versionsofdialog|extended_tip|compare" msgid "Compare the changes that were made in each version." msgstr "በ እያንዳንዱ እትም ውስጥ የተደረገውን ለውጥ ያወዳድሩ" #. UkbhC #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/versionsofdialog.ui:85 msgctxt "versionsofdialog|show" msgid "_Show..." msgstr "_ማሳያ..." #. 4SD7F #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/versionsofdialog.ui:92 msgctxt "versionsofdialog|extended_tip|show" msgid "Displays the entire comment for the selected version." msgstr "ለ ተመረጠው እትም ጠቅላላ አስተያየቱን ያሳያል" #. ASJac #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/versionsofdialog.ui:127 msgctxt "versionsofdialog|extended_tip|open" msgid "Opens the selected version in a read-only window." msgstr "" #. qKnKv #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/versionsofdialog.ui:189 msgctxt "versionsofdialog|save" msgid "Save _New Version" msgstr "_አዲስ እትም ማስቀመጫ" #. gTR6x #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/versionsofdialog.ui:196 msgctxt "versionsofdialog|extended_tip|save" msgid "Saves the current state of the document as a new version. If you want, you can also enter comments in the Insert Version Comment dialog before you save the new version." msgstr "" #. aCeEr #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/versionsofdialog.ui:207 msgctxt "versionsofdialog|always" msgid "_Always save a new version on closing" msgstr "_ሁል ጊዜ አዲስ እትም በሚዘጋ ጊዜ አስቀምጥ" #. GCMVZ #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/versionsofdialog.ui:216 msgctxt "versionsofdialog|extended_tip|always" msgid "If you have made changes to your document, %PRODUCTNAME automatically saves a new version when you close the document." msgstr "እርስዎ በ ሰነድ ውስጥ ለውጥ ከ ፈጸሙ %PRODUCTNAME ራሱ በራሱ አዲስ እትም ያስቀምጣል እርስዎ ሰነዱን ሲዘጉ " #. vuHjH #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/versionsofdialog.ui:233 msgctxt "versionsofdialog|label1" msgid "New Versions" msgstr "አዲስ እትሞች" #. nDGNv #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/versionsofdialog.ui:293 msgctxt "versionsofdialog|datetime" msgid "Date and time" msgstr "ቀን እና ሰአት" #. MBoBZ #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/versionsofdialog.ui:306 msgctxt "versionsofdialog|savedby" msgid "Saved by" msgstr "የተቀመጠው በ" #. kqEcm #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/versionsofdialog.ui:319 msgctxt "versionsofdialog|comments" msgid "Comments" msgstr "አስተያየቶች" #. GLD85 #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/versionsofdialog.ui:330 msgctxt "versionsofdialog|extended_tip|versions" msgid "Lists the existing versions of the current document, the date and the time they were created, the author and the associated comments." msgstr "የ አሁኑ ፋይል የ ነበሩ እትሞች ዝርዝር: የ ተፈጠሩበት ቀን እና ሰአት: ደራሲው እና የ ተዛመዱ አስተያየቶች " #. EbijK #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/versionsofdialog.ui:349 msgctxt "versionsofdialog|label2" msgid "Existing Versions" msgstr "የ ነበሩት እትሞች" #. 5BdCA #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/versionsofdialog.ui:384 msgctxt "versionsofdialog|extended_tip|VersionsOfDialog" msgid "Saves and organizes multiple versions of the current document in the same file. You can also open, delete and compare previous versions." msgstr ""