#. extracted from helpcontent2/source/text/swriter msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://bugs.libreoffice.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=LibreOffice&bug_status=UNCONFIRMED&component=UI\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2020-11-20 15:34+0100\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2021-10-22 02:36+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Adolfo Jayme Barrientos \n" "Language-Team: Catalan \n" "Language: ca\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n" "X-Accelerator-Marker: ~\n" "X-Generator: Weblate 4.8.1\n" "X-Language: ca\n" "X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1557994516.000000\n" #. P7iNX #: classificationbar.xhp msgctxt "" "classificationbar.xhp\n" "tit\n" "help.text" msgid "Document Classification" msgstr "Classificació del document" #. NqgkT #: classificationbar.xhp msgctxt "" "classificationbar.xhp\n" "hd_id3156324\n" "help.text" msgid "Document Classification " msgstr "Classificació del document " #. toEGG #: classificationbar.xhp msgctxt "" "classificationbar.xhp\n" "bm_id030820161847569710\n" "help.text" msgid "classification;BAILS levels classification;BAF category classification;security levels classification;document classification;classification bar document;classification" msgstr "classificació;nivells BAILS classificació;categoria BAF classificació;nivells de seguretat classificació;document classificació;barra de classificació document;classificació" #. vJRDP #: classificationbar.xhp msgctxt "" "classificationbar.xhp\n" "par_id030820161744119967\n" "help.text" msgid "Document classification and security is an important issue for businesses and governments." msgstr "La classificació i seguretat dels documents és un afer important per a les empreses i governs." #. o6ZJC #: classificationbar.xhp msgctxt "" "classificationbar.xhp\n" "par_id030820161744113553\n" "help.text" msgid "Information is exchanged between users and organizations that collaborate to pursue a business goal. Where sensitive information is involved, it is assumed that the parties will have agreed what information is sensitive and how such information will be identified and handled. Any recipient of a resource will rely upon the provider of the information to follow the agreed procedures to identify the sensitivity of the information." msgstr "La informació s'intercanvia entre usuaris i organitzacions que col·laboren per a aconseguir un objectiu comercial. Quan es tracti d'informació sensible, se suposa que les parts hauran acordat quina informació és sensible i com aquesta informació serà identificada i gestionada. Qualsevol destinatari d'un recurs confiarà en el proveïdor de la informació per a seguir els procediments acordats per tal d'identificar la confidencialitat de la informació." #. Ds7Zb #: classificationbar.xhp msgctxt "" "classificationbar.xhp\n" "par_id030820161744118823\n" "help.text" msgid "%PRODUCTNAME provides standardized means for such sensitivity information to be expressed and may be used between parties if interoperable systems are to be implemented. It provides a set of standard “fields” that can be used to hold sensitivity information. It does not attempt to define what the contents of these “fields” should be. This approach is an improvement upon the only alternative that exists at the moment, which is for the provider to use an arbitrary means to express sensitivity that may not be useful to a recipient." msgstr "El %PRODUCTNAME ofereix mitjans estandarditzats per a expressar la confidencialitat de la informació, els quals es poden utilitzar entre diverses parts si s'implementen sistemes interoperables entre si. El %PRODUCTNAME proporciona un conjunt de «camps» normalitzats que contenen les dades de confidencialitat. Això no pretén definir quins haurien de ser els continguts d'aquests «camps». Aquesta aproximació representa una millora respecte a l'única alternativa existent fins ara, que consisteix en que el proveïdor utilitza mitjans arbitraris per a expressar la confidencialitat, i això podria no ser pràctic per al destinatari." #. J3mB2 #: classificationbar.xhp msgctxt "" "classificationbar.xhp\n" "par_id030820161744121143\n" "help.text" msgid "While this standard has been developed with the intent that it would be applicable in any domain of activity, %PRODUCTNAME retained the aerospace and defense industry nomenclature and categories, where sensitivity marking results from national security, export control and intellectual property policies." msgstr "Encara que aquest estàndard s'ha desenvolupat amb la intenció que fos aplicable en qualsevol domini d'activitat, %PRODUCTNAME reté la nomenclatura i categories de la indústria aeroespacial i de defensa, on el marcatge de sensibilitat resulta de les polítiques de seguretat nacional, control de les exportacions i polítiques de propietat intel·lectual." #. mEAHm #: classificationbar.xhp msgctxt "" "classificationbar.xhp\n" "par_id030820161744123676\n" "help.text" msgid "%PRODUCTNAME implemented the open standards produced by TSCP (Transglobal Secure Collaboration Participation, Inc.) independent of a specific vendor. Two of them are interesting:" msgstr "%PRODUCTNAME ha implementat les estàndards oberts produïts per TSCP (Transglobal Secure Collaboration Participation, Inc.), que són independents de qualsevol fabricant. Un parell són interessants:" #. FGdfy #: classificationbar.xhp msgctxt "" "classificationbar.xhp\n" "par_id030820161744122593\n" "help.text" msgid "Business Authentication Framework (BAF) specifies how to describe the existing policy (which is probably some legal text) in a machine-readable format." msgstr "El Marc d'Autenticació Comercial (MAC) especifica com descriure la política existent (que probablement és un text legal) en un format llegible per una màquina." #. hYS6k #: classificationbar.xhp #, fuzzy msgctxt "" "classificationbar.xhp\n" "par_id030820161744126871\n" "help.text" msgid "Business Authorization Identification and Labeling Scheme (BAILS) specifies how to refer to such a BAF policy in a document. The concepts in BAILS are so generic that they can be applied to any format that supports document-level user-defined properties." msgstr "BAILS ) especifica com fer referència a una políticaBAFtal en un document. Els conceptes enBAILSsón tan genèrics que es poden aplicar a qualsevol format que admeti propietats definides per l'usuari a nivell de document." #. 6mz7n #: classificationbar.xhp msgctxt "" "classificationbar.xhp\n" "hd_id030820161800093929\n" "help.text" msgid "BAF Categories" msgstr "Categories del BAF" #. WiXYE #: classificationbar.xhp msgctxt "" "classificationbar.xhp\n" "bm_id030820161856432825\n" "help.text" msgid "classification;displayed in user interface classification;headers and footers classification;watermark classification;categories" msgstr "classificació;es mostra a la interfície d'usuari classificació;capçaleres i peus classificació;marca d'aigua classificació;categories" #. 3ADDM #: classificationbar.xhp msgctxt "" "classificationbar.xhp\n" "par_id030820161800092823\n" "help.text" msgid "The default BAF categories for %PRODUCTNAME are listed below." msgstr "Les categories del BAF incloses per defecte amb el %PRODUCTNAME s'indiquen tot seguit." #. N8CTV #: classificationbar.xhp msgctxt "" "classificationbar.xhp\n" "par_id030820161800098142\n" "help.text" msgid "Only the \"Intellectual Properties\" category will modify the layout of the document with a watermark, fields in the header and footer and an information bar on top of the document area. Each item inserted in the document is controlled by the classification configuration file." msgstr "Només la categoria \"Propietat intel·lectual\" modificarà la disposició del document amb una marca d'aigua, camps a la capçalera i al peu, i una barra d'informació a la part superior de l'àrea del document. Cada element inserit en el document està controlat pel fitxer de configuració de la classificació." #. HJDZH #: classificationbar.xhp msgctxt "" "classificationbar.xhp\n" "par_idN106B0\n" "help.text" msgid "Intellectual Property" msgstr "Propietat intel·lectual" #. pGCGZ #: classificationbar.xhp msgctxt "" "classificationbar.xhp\n" "par_idN106C0\n" "help.text" msgid "Intellectual property is a generic term for the nature of the contents of the document. Select this category for general purpose document classification." msgstr "«Propietat intel·lectual» és un terme genèric per al caràcter del contingut del document. Seleccioneu aquesta categoria per a classificar documents d'ús general." #. Wtdjj #: classificationbar.xhp msgctxt "" "classificationbar.xhp\n" "par_idN106CD\n" "help.text" msgid "National Security" msgstr "Seguretat nacional" #. vDSmN #: classificationbar.xhp msgctxt "" "classificationbar.xhp\n" "par_idN106DD\n" "help.text" msgid "Selects the category of this document for the national security policy type. The selected category is saved together with the document as BAILS metadata in the file properties and no modifications is carried in the document layout or the user interface." msgstr "Selecciona la categoria d'aquest document per al tipus de política de seguretat nacional. La categoria seleccionada es desa juntament amb el document com a metadades BAILS, però això no afecta la disposició del document ni la interfície d'usuari." #. E7kqD #: classificationbar.xhp msgctxt "" "classificationbar.xhp\n" "par_idN106EA\n" "help.text" msgid "Export Control" msgstr "Control d'exportació" #. DC8Yf #: classificationbar.xhp msgctxt "" "classificationbar.xhp\n" "par_idN106FA\n" "help.text" msgid "Selects the category of this document for the export control policy type. The selected category is saved together with the document as BAILS metadata in the file properties and no modifications is carried in the document layout or the user interface." msgstr "Seleccioneu la categoria d'aquest document per al tipus de política de control d'exportació. La categoria seleccionada es desa juntament amb el document com a metadades BAILS, però això no afecta la disposició del document ni la interfície d'usuari." #. iVEDx #: classificationbar.xhp msgctxt "" "classificationbar.xhp\n" "par_id030820161800091021\n" "help.text" msgid "Refer to your corporate data security policy and information security officers for support in document classification." msgstr "Consulteu la normativa en matèria de seguretat de dades i als responsables de la protecció de la informació de la vostra organització per a obtenir ajuda sobre com classificar els documents." #. Dzmda #: classificationbar.xhp msgctxt "" "classificationbar.xhp\n" "hd_id030820161747122444\n" "help.text" msgid "Default levels of classification" msgstr "Nivells de classificació per defecte" #. CAfDt #: classificationbar.xhp msgctxt "" "classificationbar.xhp\n" "bm_id030820161849574719\n" "help.text" msgid "classification levels;Internal use only classification levels;Confidential classification levels;General Business classification levels;Non-Business" msgstr "nivells de classificació;Ús intern nivells de classificació;Confidencial nivells de classificació;Negocis en general nivells de classificació;No-Negocis" #. zGVp8 #: classificationbar.xhp msgctxt "" "classificationbar.xhp\n" "par_id030820161747139337\n" "help.text" msgid "%PRODUCTNAME provides default levels of document classification (BAILS) shown below, sorted by increasing level of business sensitivity:" msgstr "%PRODUCTNAME proporciona nivells predeterminats de classificació de documents ( BAILS ) que es mostren a continuació, ordenats per un nivell creixent de sensibilitat empresarial" #. bhAGA #: classificationbar.xhp msgctxt "" "classificationbar.xhp\n" "par_id030820161747135421\n" "help.text" msgid "Non-Business: Information in document has no impact in business, if made public." msgstr "No professional: la informació del document no té impacte en el negoci si es fa pública." #. BJAGV #: classificationbar.xhp msgctxt "" "classificationbar.xhp\n" "par_id030820161747132341\n" "help.text" msgid "General Business: Minor impact. Information has impact in business, can generate embarrassments, minor damage in brand image, if made public." msgstr "Negocis en general: Menor impacte. La informació té impacte en el negoci, pot generar situacions compromeses, menor dany en la imatge de marca, si es fa pública." #. xGJN3 #: classificationbar.xhp msgctxt "" "classificationbar.xhp\n" "par_id030820161747139845\n" "help.text" msgid "Confidential: Modest impact. Information disclosed can damage business brand, can generate negative media coverage and loss of revenue." msgstr "Confidencial: impacte moderat. La informació que es reveli pot malmetre la marca empresarial, generar repercussió negativa als mitjans i pèrdua d'ingressos." #. FaGhw #: classificationbar.xhp msgctxt "" "classificationbar.xhp\n" "par_id030820161747138519\n" "help.text" msgid "Internal use only: Major damage. Negative national media, lawsuits, fines, long term brand damages." msgstr "Només per a ús intern: Danys greus. Repercussió negativa als mitjans de comunicació nacionals, accions judicials, multes, danys a la marca a llarg termini." #. wTzaa #: classificationbar.xhp msgctxt "" "classificationbar.xhp\n" "hd_id030820161747134459\n" "help.text" msgid "Customizing classification levels." msgstr "Personalització dels nivells de classificació." #. z6j8J #: classificationbar.xhp msgctxt "" "classificationbar.xhp\n" "bm_id030820161851045883\n" "help.text" msgid "custom;classification levels classification levels;customizing" msgstr "personalitzar;nivells de classificaciónivells de classificació;personalització" #. zP3TN #: classificationbar.xhp msgctxt "" "classificationbar.xhp\n" "par_id030820161747133280\n" "help.text" msgid "%PRODUCTNAME allows customization of the levels of classification for your business. To customize the number and the name of the levels, copy the file example.xml located in %PRODUCTNAME - PreferencesTools - Options - LibreOffice - Paths - Classification into a local folder and edit the contents." msgstr "%PRODUCTNAME permet personalitzar el nivells de classificació del vostre negoci. Per personalitzar el nombre i el nom dels nivells, copieu el fitxer localitzat a example.xml situat a %PRODUCTNAME - PreferènciesEines - Opcions - LibreOffice - Camins - Classificacióen una carpeta local i editeu el contingut." #. F3njz #: classificationbar.xhp msgctxt "" "classificationbar.xhp\n" "par_id03082016174713477\n" "help.text" msgid "Use the file with your %PRODUCTNAME locale in the name as example." msgstr "Feu servir com a exemple el fitxer corresponent a la configuració local de la vostra versió del %PRODUCTNAME." #. rx2Dm #: classificationbar.xhp msgctxt "" "classificationbar.xhp\n" "par_id030820161747137522\n" "help.text" msgid "Save the file and make the adequate changes to the classification path above to access the file." msgstr "Deseu el fitxer i efectueu les modificacions adequades al camí de classificació anterior per a accedir-hi." #. Z2iUo #: classificationbar.xhp msgctxt "" "classificationbar.xhp\n" "par_id030820161747135133\n" "help.text" msgid "Your system administrator can place the file in a network folder and make all users access the classification settings file." msgstr "L'administrador de sistemes pot col·locar aquest fitxer en una carpeta de la xarxa perquè tots els usuaris hi puguin accedir." #. 5DSiM #: classificationbar.xhp msgctxt "" "classificationbar.xhp\n" "hd_id03082016174713354\n" "help.text" msgid "Pasting contents in documents with different levels of classification." msgstr "Enganxament de contingut a documents amb nivells diferents de classificació" #. WxMFo #: classificationbar.xhp msgctxt "" "classificationbar.xhp\n" "bm_id030820161851512902\n" "help.text" msgid "document classification;pasting contents" msgstr "classificació de documents;enganxament de continguts" #. NdsxG #: classificationbar.xhp msgctxt "" "classificationbar.xhp\n" "par_id030820161747134188\n" "help.text" msgid "To prevent a breach in the security policy, contents with high classification level pasted to documents with lower classification level are not allowed. %PRODUCTNAME will display a warning message wherever it detects that the contents of the clipboard have higher security classification than the target document." msgstr "Per a evitar un incompliment de la política de seguretat, no està permés enganxar continguts amb un nivell de classificació elevat a documents amb un nivell de classificació inferior. El %PRODUCTNAME mostrarà un missatge d'avís quan detecti que el contingut del porta-retalls té una classificació de seguretat més alta que la del document de destinació." #. 9oBUS #: classificationbar.xhp msgctxt "" "classificationbar.xhp\n" "hd_id3150342\n" "help.text" msgid "Classification Bar" msgstr "Barra Classificació" #. fF68i #: classificationbar.xhp msgctxt "" "classificationbar.xhp\n" "bm_id030820161853495457\n" "help.text" msgid "Classification toolbar;display" msgstr "barra d'eines Classificació;visualització" #. gYggL #: classificationbar.xhp msgctxt "" "classificationbar.xhp\n" "par_id3150202\n" "help.text" msgid "The Classification bar contains tools to help secure document handling." msgstr "La barra de classificació conté eines que us ajuden en la gestió segura de documents." #. FtFz5 #: classificationbar.xhp #, fuzzy msgctxt "" "classificationbar.xhp\n" "par_id030820161754171423\n" "help.text" msgid "The Classification toolbar contains listboxes to help in selecting the security of the document, according to the BAF category policy and BAILS levels. %PRODUCTNAME will add custom fields in the document properties (File - Properties, Custom Properties tab) to store the classification policy as document metadata." msgstr "La barra d'eines de classificació conté quadres de llista per ajudar a seleccionar la seguretat del document d'acord amb la política de categories BAF i els nivells BAILS. %PRODUCTNAME afegirà camps personalitzats a les propietats del document (fitxer- Propietats Propietats personalitzades) per emmagatzemar la política de classificació com a metadades del document." #. eDVXe #: classificationbar.xhp msgctxt "" "classificationbar.xhp\n" "par_id030820161754175408\n" "help.text" msgid "Go to menu View - Toolbars and select Classification" msgstr "Aneu al menú Visualitza ▸ Barres d'eines i seleccioneu Classificació" #. WbAuh #: classificationbar.xhp msgctxt "" "classificationbar.xhp\n" "par_id030820161818081317\n" "help.text" msgid "TSCP (Transglobal Secure Collaboration Participation, Inc.) website." msgstr "Lloc web del consorci TSCP (Transglobal Secure Collaboration Participation, Inc.) (en anglès)." #. pTTL8 #: classificationbar.xhp msgctxt "" "classificationbar.xhp\n" "par_id030820161818082152\n" "help.text" msgid "Business Authentication Framework (BAF) document (PDF)" msgstr "Document sobre el Marc d’Autenticació Empresarial (BAF) (PDF, en anglès)." #. 47rPQ #: classificationbar.xhp msgctxt "" "classificationbar.xhp\n" "par_id030820161818085901\n" "help.text" msgid "Business Authorization Identification and Labeling Scheme (BAILS) document (PDF)" msgstr "Document sobre el Esquema d’Identificació i Etiquetatge d’Autoritzacions Empresarials (BAILS) (PDF, en anglès)" #. x2qZ6 #: mailmergetoolbar.xhp msgctxt "" "mailmergetoolbar.xhp\n" "tit\n" "help.text" msgid "Mail Merge Toolbar" msgstr "Barra d'eines Combinació de correu" #. 6B2FA #: mailmergetoolbar.xhp msgctxt "" "mailmergetoolbar.xhp\n" "hd_id201703240024554113\n" "help.text" msgid "Mail Merge Toolbar" msgstr "Barra d'eines Combinació de correu" #. HJAAB #: mailmergetoolbar.xhp msgctxt "" "mailmergetoolbar.xhp\n" "par_id201703240025596148\n" "help.text" msgid "The Mail Merge Toolbar contains commands for the final steps of the mail merge process." msgstr "La barra d'eines Combinació de correu conté ordres per a dur a terme els passos finals del procés de combinació de correu." #. 9Ecmk #: mailmergetoolbar.xhp msgctxt "" "mailmergetoolbar.xhp\n" "par_id030820161754175468\n" "help.text" msgid "Go to menu View - Toolbars and select Mail Merge" msgstr "Aneu al menú Visualitza ▸ Barres d'eines i seleccioneu Combinació de correu" #. BxVvc #: mailmergetoolbar.xhp msgctxt "" "mailmergetoolbar.xhp\n" "par_idN10559\n" "help.text" msgid "(Recipient number)" msgstr "(Número de destinatari)" #. 7GUxk #: mailmergetoolbar.xhp msgctxt "" "mailmergetoolbar.xhp\n" "par_idN1055A\n" "help.text" msgid "Enter the address record number of a recipient to preview the mail merge document for the recipient." msgstr "Introduïu el número de registre de l'adreça del destinatari per a previsualitzar-ne el document de combinació de correu." #. qhsJA #: mailmergetoolbar.xhp msgctxt "" "mailmergetoolbar.xhp\n" "par_idN10604\n" "help.text" msgid "Use the browse buttons to scroll through the address records." msgstr "Utilitzeu els botons de navegació per a desplaçar-vos a través dels registres d'adreça." #. AV749 #: mailmergetoolbar.xhp msgctxt "" "mailmergetoolbar.xhp\n" "par_idN1055D\n" "help.text" msgid "Exclude recipient" msgstr "Exclou el destinatari" #. RBXJC #: mailmergetoolbar.xhp msgctxt "" "mailmergetoolbar.xhp\n" "par_idN10561\n" "help.text" msgid "Excludes the current recipient from this mail merge." msgstr "Exclou el destinatari actual d'aquesta combinació de correu." #. TFyWt #: mailmergetoolbar.xhp msgctxt "" "mailmergetoolbar.xhp\n" "par_idN10564\n" "help.text" msgid "Edit Individual Documents" msgstr "Edita els documents individuals" #. Qm2ty #: mailmergetoolbar.xhp msgctxt "" "mailmergetoolbar.xhp\n" "par_idN10556\n" "help.text" msgid "Creates a single merged document with page breaks between each recipient. The names and the addresses of the recipients are contained in the document, which can be customized as needed." msgstr "Crea un únic document amb salts de pàgina entre cada destinatari. Els noms i les adreces dels destinataris són al document i es poden personalitzar en funció de les vostres necessitats." #. 5JFds #: main0000.xhp msgctxt "" "main0000.xhp\n" "tit\n" "help.text" msgid "Welcome to the $[officename] Writer Help" msgstr "Us donem la benvinguda a l'ajuda del $[officename] Writer" #. CsmWo #: main0000.xhp msgctxt "" "main0000.xhp\n" "hd_id3147233\n" "help.text" msgid "%PRODUCTNAME Writer Help" msgstr "Ajuda del %PRODUCTNAME Writer" #. 6ZEFS #: main0000.xhp msgctxt "" "main0000.xhp\n" "hd_id3147258\n" "help.text" msgid "Working With %PRODUCTNAME Writer" msgstr "Treball amb el %PRODUCTNAME Writer" #. QmbGy #: main0000.xhp msgctxt "" "main0000.xhp\n" "hd_id3149131\n" "help.text" msgid "Menus, Toolbars, and Keys" msgstr "Menús, barres d'eines i tecles" #. Z6Hed #: main0000.xhp msgctxt "" "main0000.xhp\n" "hd_id3149183\n" "help.text" msgid "Help about the Help" msgstr "Ajuda sobre l'ajuda" #. aFUnY #: main0100.xhp msgctxt "" "main0100.xhp\n" "tit\n" "help.text" msgid "Menus" msgstr "Menús" #. uiF3J #: main0100.xhp msgctxt "" "main0100.xhp\n" "hd_id3147274\n" "help.text" msgid "Menus" msgstr "Menús" #. b6Ayw #: main0100.xhp msgctxt "" "main0100.xhp\n" "par_id3149569\n" "help.text" msgid "The following section lists the help topics available for menus and dialogs." msgstr "La secció següent mostra una llista dels temes d'ajuda disponibles per als menús i els diàlegs." #. PvGHJ #: main0101.xhp msgctxt "" "main0101.xhp\n" "tit\n" "help.text" msgid "File" msgstr "Fitxer" #. FFwbe #: main0101.xhp msgctxt "" "main0101.xhp\n" "hd_id3147331\n" "help.text" msgid "File" msgstr "Fitxer" #. EjVHU #: main0101.xhp msgctxt "" "main0101.xhp\n" "par_id3147352\n" "help.text" msgid "These commands apply to the current document, open a new document, or close the application." msgstr "Aquestes ordres s'apliquen al document actual, obren un document nou o tanquen l'aplicació." #. 6hchv #: main0102.xhp msgctxt "" "main0102.xhp\n" "tit\n" "help.text" msgid "Edit" msgstr "Edita" #. tDGgN #: main0102.xhp msgctxt "" "main0102.xhp\n" "hd_id3149610\n" "help.text" msgid "Edit" msgstr "Edita" #. EXvjU #: main0102.xhp msgctxt "" "main0102.xhp\n" "par_id3149626\n" "help.text" msgid "This menu contains commands for editing the contents of the current document." msgstr "Aquest menú conté ordres per a editar el contingut del document actual." #. vTjje #: main0102.xhp msgctxt "" "main0102.xhp\n" "hd_id3147619\n" "help.text" msgid "Select Text" msgstr "Seleccioneu el text" #. Hug2v #: main0102.xhp msgctxt "" "main0102.xhp\n" "hd_id102920150120455108\n" "help.text" msgid "Go to Page" msgstr "Ves a la pàgina" #. GjSQM #: main0102.xhp msgctxt "" "main0102.xhp\n" "par_id102920150120456660\n" "help.text" msgid "Opens a dialog box to enter which page number should be shown. (CommandCtrl+G)" msgstr "Obre un diàleg per introduir quin número de pàgina s'ha de mostrar. (Ordre Ctrl +G )" #. xFstf #: main0102.xhp msgctxt "" "main0102.xhp\n" "hd_id11603124968334\n" "help.text" msgid "Comment" msgstr "Comentari" #. LCQEA #: main0102.xhp msgctxt "" "main0102.xhp\n" "par_id941603125587454\n" "help.text" msgid "Shows submenu that gives options to reply, resolve and delete comments." msgstr "Mostra el submenú que dóna opcions per respondre, resoldre i suprimir comentaris." #. DNBDk #: main0102.xhp msgctxt "" "main0102.xhp\n" "hd_id0914201501170124\n" "help.text" msgid "Fields" msgstr "Camps" #. XGXq3 #: main0102.xhp msgctxt "" "main0102.xhp\n" "hd_id0914201501170171\n" "help.text" msgid "Links to External Files" msgstr "Enllaços a fitxers externs" #. pFCu3 #: main0102.xhp msgctxt "" "main0102.xhp\n" "hd_id0914201502131542\n" "help.text" msgid "Object" msgstr "Objecte" #. NnPuy #: main0102.xhp msgctxt "" "main0102.xhp\n" "hd_id102920150120456626\n" "help.text" msgid "Direct Cursor Mode" msgstr "Mode de cursor directe" #. 96mxR #: main0102.xhp msgctxt "" "main0102.xhp\n" "par_id102920150120459176\n" "help.text" msgid "Allows a user to click at the beginning, middle, or end of any possible text line on a page and then begin typing." msgstr "Permet a un usuari fer clic al començament, al mig o al final de qualsevol línia de text d'una pàgina i aleshores començar a escriure-hi." #. zRW8E #: main0103.xhp msgctxt "" "main0103.xhp\n" "tit\n" "help.text" msgid "View" msgstr "Visualitza" #. 2D4pp #: main0103.xhp msgctxt "" "main0103.xhp\n" "hd_id3147233\n" "help.text" msgid "View" msgstr "Visualitza" #. ADRtY #: main0103.xhp msgctxt "" "main0103.xhp\n" "par_id3147249\n" "help.text" msgid "This menu contains commands for controlling the on-screen display of the document." msgstr "Aquest menú conté ordres per a controlar la visualització en pantalla del document." #. VDkey #: main0103.xhp msgctxt "" "main0103.xhp\n" "par_id102720150703473580\n" "help.text" msgid "Normal" msgstr "Normal" #. QDRrz #: main0103.xhp msgctxt "" "main0103.xhp\n" "par_id102720150703478401\n" "help.text" msgid "Web" msgstr "Web" #. nRv2U #: main0103.xhp msgctxt "" "main0103.xhp\n" "hd_id102720150854015048\n" "help.text" msgid "Scrollbars" msgstr "Barres de desplaçament" #. DW3uE #: main0103.xhp msgctxt "" "main0103.xhp\n" "par_id102720150854017277\n" "help.text" msgid "Show or hide the horizontal and vertical scroll bars that are used to change the viewable area of a document that doesn't fit within the window." msgstr "Mostra o amaga les barres de desplaçament horitzontal i vertical que s'usen per a canviar l'àrea visible d'un document que no cap a la finestra." #. Qcoew #: main0103.xhp msgctxt "" "main0103.xhp\n" "par_idN10613\n" "help.text" msgid "Table Boundaries" msgstr "Límits de la taula" #. cWSmD #: main0103.xhp msgctxt "" "main0103.xhp\n" "par_idN107CA\n" "help.text" msgid "Shows or hides the borders of table cells that have no set borders. The boundaries are only visible on screen and are not printed." msgstr "Mostra o amaga les vores de les cel·les de les taules que no tenen vores. Els límits només són visibles en la pantalla i no s'imprimeixen." #. BGHSk #: main0103.xhp msgctxt "" "main0103.xhp\n" "hd_id102720150854011929\n" "help.text" msgid "Images and Charts" msgstr "Imatges i diagrames" #. rFzz3 #: main0103.xhp msgctxt "" "main0103.xhp\n" "par_id102720150854013292\n" "help.text" msgid "Show or hide graphical objects like images and charts within a document." msgstr "Mostra o amaga els objectes gràfics d'un document, com ara imatges i diagrames." #. ewZgE #: main0103.xhp msgctxt "" "main0103.xhp\n" "hd_id102720150854019880\n" "help.text" msgid "Comments" msgstr "Comentaris" #. hjPDz #: main0103.xhp msgctxt "" "main0103.xhp\n" "par_id102720150854014989\n" "help.text" msgid "Show or hide a document's comments and replies to them." msgstr "Mostra o amaga els comentaris i respostes d'un document." #. EWoyn #: main0103.xhp msgctxt "" "main0103.xhp\n" "hd_id981573492083329\n" "help.text" msgid "Resolved comments" msgstr "Comentaris resolts" #. DGBcc #: main0103.xhp msgctxt "" "main0103.xhp\n" "par_id331573492076499\n" "help.text" msgid "Show or hide resolved comments." msgstr "Permet mostrar o amagar els comentaris resolts." #. EsnVW #: main0103.xhp msgctxt "" "main0103.xhp\n" "hd_id102720150854018740\n" "help.text" msgid "Show Whitespace" msgstr "Mostra l'espai en blanc" #. WJ3Vz #: main0103.xhp msgctxt "" "main0103.xhp\n" "par_id102720150854012820\n" "help.text" msgid "Displays the document with the top and bottom margins, header and footer and a gap between pages. Uncheck to collapse all the elements above and display document in a contiguous page stream. Hiding whitespace is only possible in Single-page view." msgstr "Mostra els marges superior i inferior, les zones de capçalera i peu i la separació entre les pàgines del document. Desmarqueu l'opció per a contreure aquests elements i que el document es mostri com un flux de pàgines ininterrompudes. Amagar l'espai en blanc només és possible en la visualització de pàgina única." #. eBSCq #: main0103.xhp msgctxt "" "main0103.xhp\n" "hd_id03302017034826145\n" "help.text" msgid "Track Changes" msgstr "Seguiment de canvis" #. 95G2n #: main0103.xhp msgctxt "" "main0103.xhp\n" "hd_id102720150908397549\n" "help.text" msgid "Gallery" msgstr "Galeria" #. NEqPZ #: main0103.xhp msgctxt "" "main0103.xhp\n" "hd_id3147265\n" "help.text" msgid "Zoom" msgstr "Escala" #. Dp7mC #: main0104.xhp msgctxt "" "main0104.xhp\n" "tit\n" "help.text" msgid "Insert" msgstr "Insereix" #. t5ghD #: main0104.xhp msgctxt "" "main0104.xhp\n" "hd_id3155341\n" "help.text" msgid "Insert" msgstr "Insereix" #. TgA97 #: main0104.xhp msgctxt "" "main0104.xhp\n" "par_id3155358\n" "help.text" msgid "The Insert menu contains commands for inserting new elements in your document. This includes images, media, charts, objects from other applications, hyperlink, comments, symbols, footnotes, and sections." msgstr "El menú Insereix conté ordres per a inserir elements nous en el document. Això inclou imatges, contingut multimèdia, diagrames, objectes d'altres aplicacions, enllaços, comentaris, símbols, notes al peu i seccions." #. paR8F #: main0104.xhp msgctxt "" "main0104.xhp\n" "hd_id030420160850525240\n" "help.text" msgid "Page Break" msgstr "Salt de pàgina" #. 8z5Gv #: main0104.xhp msgctxt "" "main0104.xhp\n" "par_id030420160850533104\n" "help.text" msgid "Inserts a manual page break at the current cursor position and places the cursor at the beginning of the next page." msgstr "Insereix un salt de pàgina manual en la posició actual del cursor i posa el cursor a l'inici de la pàgina següent." #. 4B4rE #: main0104.xhp msgctxt "" "main0104.xhp\n" "hd_id3158442\n" "help.text" msgid "Image" msgstr "Imatge" #. xiCSu #: main0104.xhp msgctxt "" "main0104.xhp\n" "hd_id3147788\n" "help.text" msgid "Section" msgstr "Secció" #. qjyHA #: main0104.xhp msgctxt "" "main0104.xhp\n" "hd_id3149428\n" "help.text" msgid "Text from File" msgstr "Text des d'un fitxer" #. PCTGV #: main0104.xhp msgctxt "" "main0104.xhp\n" "hd_id030720160706334584\n" "help.text" msgid "Textbox" msgstr "Quadre de text" #. zZBZz #: main0104.xhp msgctxt "" "main0104.xhp\n" "hd_id3147281\n" "help.text" msgid "Bookmark" msgstr "Adreça d'interès" #. Bed3E #: main0104.xhp msgctxt "" "main0104.xhp\n" "hd_id030420161125315689\n" "help.text" msgid "Horizontal Line" msgstr "Línia horitzontal" #. 7pGUa #: main0104.xhp msgctxt "" "main0104.xhp\n" "par_id030420161125315647\n" "help.text" msgid "Inserts a horizontal line at the current cursor position." msgstr "Insereix una línia horitzontal en la posició actual del cursor." #. Ee8Dk #: main0104.xhp msgctxt "" "main0104.xhp\n" "hd_id3149865\n" "help.text" msgid "Envelope" msgstr "Sobre" #. JP4tR #: main0105.xhp msgctxt "" "main0105.xhp\n" "tit\n" "help.text" msgid "Format" msgstr "Format" #. rNrGw #: main0105.xhp msgctxt "" "main0105.xhp\n" "hd_id3147820\n" "help.text" msgid "Format" msgstr "Format" #. XVBUU #: main0105.xhp msgctxt "" "main0105.xhp\n" "par_id3147218\n" "help.text" msgid "Contains commands for formatting the layout and the contents of your document." msgstr "Conté ordres per a formatar la disposició i els continguts del document." #. dWAnk #: main0105.xhp msgctxt "" "main0105.xhp\n" "hd_id551602974854459\n" "help.text" msgid "Align" msgstr "Alinea" #. 7FD3V #: main0105.xhp msgctxt "" "main0105.xhp\n" "par_id741602974888780\n" "help.text" msgid "Opens a submenu where you can align text and objects." msgstr "Obre un submenú des d'on podreu alinear text i objectes." #. 7iyia #: main0105.xhp msgctxt "" "main0105.xhp\n" "hd_id951602975070826\n" "help.text" msgid "Lists" msgstr "Llistes" #. SkZuS #: main0105.xhp msgctxt "" "main0105.xhp\n" "par_id461602975083850\n" "help.text" msgid "Opens a submenu where you can modify the structure of numbered and bulleted paragraphs." msgstr "Obre un submenú on podreu modificar l'estructura dels paràgrafs numerats i amb pics." #. 5EJHh #: main0105.xhp msgctxt "" "main0105.xhp\n" "hd_id3147261\n" "help.text" msgid "Character" msgstr "Caràcter" #. y8Ux2 #: main0105.xhp msgctxt "" "main0105.xhp\n" "hd_id3147286\n" "help.text" msgid "Paragraph" msgstr "Paràgraf" #. gYqLC #: main0105.xhp msgctxt "" "main0105.xhp\n" "hd_id3145784\n" "help.text" msgid "Bullets and Numbering" msgstr "Numeració i pics" #. E6Eut #: main0105.xhp msgctxt "" "main0105.xhp\n" "hd_id871602976197055\n" "help.text" msgid "Title Page" msgstr "Títol de la pàgina" #. DyKLQ #: main0105.xhp msgctxt "" "main0105.xhp\n" "par_id471602976213270\n" "help.text" msgid "Opens submenu where you can design a title page." msgstr "Obre el submenú on podreu dissenyar el títol de la pàgina." #. QKypm #: main0105.xhp msgctxt "" "main0105.xhp\n" "hd_id201602976343046\n" "help.text" msgid "Comments" msgstr "Comentaris" #. ercCs #: main0105.xhp msgctxt "" "main0105.xhp\n" "par_id61602976356685\n" "help.text" msgid "When comments are present, the character dialog is presented. Changes to font and font formatting are applied to all comments." msgstr "Quan hi ha comentaris, es presenta el diàleg de caràcters. Els canvis en la formatació i en la lletra tipogràfica s'apliquen a tots els comentaris." #. Sib7N #: main0105.xhp msgctxt "" "main0105.xhp\n" "hd_id3145743\n" "help.text" msgid "Columns" msgstr "Columnes" #. JThwL #: main0105.xhp #, fuzzy msgctxt "" "main0105.xhp\n" "hd_id11602979335965\n" "help.text" msgid "Watermark" msgstr "Marca d'aigua" #. QSMBC #: main0105.xhp msgctxt "" "main0105.xhp\n" "hd_id3145717\n" "help.text" msgid "Sections" msgstr "Seccions" #. yGb79 #: main0105.xhp msgctxt "" "main0105.xhp\n" "hd_id3149935\n" "help.text" msgid "Image" msgstr "Imatge" #. fqUFz #: main0105.xhp msgctxt "" "main0105.xhp\n" "hd_id881602977324204\n" "help.text" msgid "Text Box and Shape" msgstr "Quadre de text i forma" #. 5XtDF #: main0105.xhp msgctxt "" "main0105.xhp\n" "par_id451602977343955\n" "help.text" msgid "Opens a submenu to modify, position, shape, line, area, text attributes, and fontwork for a selected textbox or shape." msgstr "Obre un submenú per modificar la posició, la forma, la línia, l'àrea, els atributs del text i el fontwork d'un quadre de text o forma seleccionat." #. FUiBn #: main0105.xhp msgctxt "" "main0105.xhp\n" "hd_id881602977719329\n" "help.text" msgid "Frame and Object" msgstr "Marc i objecte" #. hLVBp #: main0105.xhp msgctxt "" "main0105.xhp\n" "par_id951602977746649\n" "help.text" msgid "Opens a submenu to link and unlink frames, and edit properties of a selected frame." msgstr "Obre un submenú per enllaçar i desenllaçar marcs i, editar les propietats d'un marc seleccionat." #. JWALC #: main0105.xhp msgctxt "" "main0105.xhp\n" "hd_id871602978482880\n" "help.text" msgid "Rotate or Flip" msgstr "Gira o capgira" #. BpkEj #: main0105.xhp msgctxt "" "main0105.xhp\n" "par_id561602978499640\n" "help.text" msgid "Opens a submenu where you can rotate or and flip a selected shape or image. Text boxes can only be rotated." msgstr "Obre un submenú on podeu girar o capgirar una forma o imatge seleccionada. Els quadres de text només es poden girar." #. r9nLs #: main0106.xhp msgctxt "" "main0106.xhp\n" "tit\n" "help.text" msgid "Tools" msgstr "Eines" #. s3r2f #: main0106.xhp msgctxt "" "main0106.xhp\n" "hd_id3147241\n" "help.text" msgid "Tools" msgstr "Eines" #. A3yKV #: main0106.xhp msgctxt "" "main0106.xhp\n" "par_id3147258\n" "help.text" msgid "Contains spelling tools, a gallery of object art that you can add to your document, as well as tools for configuring menus, and setting program preferences." msgstr "Conté eines ortogràfiques, una galeria d'objectes d'art que podeu afegir al document, i també eines per configurar els menús i les preferències de configuració del programa." #. 9FPWA #: main0106.xhp msgctxt "" "main0106.xhp\n" "hd_id3149965\n" "help.text" msgid "Chapter Numbering" msgstr "Numeració de capítols" #. QQbkx #: main0106.xhp msgctxt "" "main0106.xhp\n" "hd_id3145688\n" "help.text" msgid "Line Numbering" msgstr "Numeració de línies" #. r8bPC #: main0106.xhp msgctxt "" "main0106.xhp\n" "hd_id3145713\n" "help.text" msgid "Footnotes" msgstr "Notes al peu" #. ASZh8 #: main0106.xhp msgctxt "" "main0106.xhp\n" "hd_id3147346\n" "help.text" msgid "Sort" msgstr "Ordena" #. gAmTJ #: main0106.xhp msgctxt "" "main0106.xhp\n" "hd_id3149939\n" "help.text" msgid "AutoCorrect Options" msgstr "Opcions de correcció automàtica" #. qKqMR #: main0106.xhp msgctxt "" "main0106.xhp\n" "hd_id3156150\n" "help.text" msgid "ImageMap" msgstr "Mapa d'imatge" #. VY3FE #: main0106.xhp msgctxt "" "main0106.xhp\n" "hd_id3147406\n" "help.text" msgid "Customize" msgstr "Personalitza" #. KRfJh #: main0107.xhp msgctxt "" "main0107.xhp\n" "tit\n" "help.text" msgid "Window" msgstr "Finestra" #. z6TGf #: main0107.xhp msgctxt "" "main0107.xhp\n" "hd_id3147248\n" "help.text" msgid "Window" msgstr "Finestra" #. uGDRi #: main0107.xhp msgctxt "" "main0107.xhp\n" "par_id3147269\n" "help.text" msgid "Contains commands for manipulating and displaying document windows." msgstr "Conté ordres per a manipular i visualitzar les finestres dels documents." #. zC2qE #: main0110.xhp msgctxt "" "main0110.xhp\n" "tit\n" "help.text" msgid "Table" msgstr "Taula" #. v6SF2 #: main0110.xhp msgctxt "" "main0110.xhp\n" "par_idN10553\n" "help.text" msgid "Table" msgstr "Taula" #. DunBb #: main0110.xhp msgctxt "" "main0110.xhp\n" "par_idN10563\n" "help.text" msgid "Shows commands to insert, edit, and delete a table and its elements inside a text document." msgstr "Mostra ordres per a inserir, editar i suprimir una taula en un document de text." #. jBnDR #: main0110.xhp msgctxt "" "main0110.xhp\n" "par_idN105B5\n" "help.text" msgid "Insert Table" msgstr "Insereix una taula" #. YCMVU #: main0110.xhp msgctxt "" "main0110.xhp\n" "par_idN105B8\n" "help.text" msgid "Inserts a new table." msgstr "Insereix una taula nova." #. cwdAZ #: main0110.xhp msgctxt "" "main0110.xhp\n" "par_idN105AB\n" "help.text" msgid "Insert" msgstr "Insereix" #. APLoo #: main0110.xhp msgctxt "" "main0110.xhp\n" "par_idN105CD\n" "help.text" msgid "Columns" msgstr "Columnes" #. h5JGH #: main0110.xhp msgctxt "" "main0110.xhp\n" "par_idN105D0\n" "help.text" msgid "Inserts columns." msgstr "Insereix columnes." #. iMkmc #: main0110.xhp msgctxt "" "main0110.xhp\n" "par_idN105E5\n" "help.text" msgid "Rows" msgstr "Files" #. vVFw7 #: main0110.xhp msgctxt "" "main0110.xhp\n" "par_idN105E8\n" "help.text" msgid "Inserts rows." msgstr "Insereix files." #. ttkBa #: main0110.xhp msgctxt "" "main0110.xhp\n" "par_idN105AF\n" "help.text" msgid "Delete" msgstr "Suprimeix" #. QTm9i #: main0110.xhp msgctxt "" "main0110.xhp\n" "par_idN1063E\n" "help.text" msgid "Table" msgstr "Taula" #. 4ExJk #: main0110.xhp msgctxt "" "main0110.xhp\n" "par_idN1060A\n" "help.text" msgid "Deletes the current table." msgstr "Suprimeix la taula actual." #. TdA3g #: main0110.xhp msgctxt "" "main0110.xhp\n" "par_idN1060D\n" "help.text" msgid "Columns" msgstr "Columnes" #. egcgE #: main0110.xhp msgctxt "" "main0110.xhp\n" "par_idN10610\n" "help.text" msgid "Deletes the selected columns." msgstr "Suprimeix les columnes seleccionades." #. mkgZ4 #: main0110.xhp msgctxt "" "main0110.xhp\n" "par_idN1066A\n" "help.text" msgid "Rows" msgstr "Files" #. ADvQJ #: main0110.xhp msgctxt "" "main0110.xhp\n" "par_idN10616\n" "help.text" msgid "Deletes the selected rows." msgstr "Suprimeix les files seleccionades." #. vCbDT #: main0110.xhp msgctxt "" "main0110.xhp\n" "par_idN105B3\n" "help.text" msgid "Select" msgstr "Selecciona" #. TA2Qc #: main0110.xhp msgctxt "" "main0110.xhp\n" "par_idN10623\n" "help.text" msgid "Table" msgstr "Taula" #. MsH9h #: main0110.xhp msgctxt "" "main0110.xhp\n" "par_idN10626\n" "help.text" msgid "Selects the current table." msgstr "Selecciona la taula actual." #. vk5ie #: main0110.xhp msgctxt "" "main0110.xhp\n" "par_idN10629\n" "help.text" msgid "Column" msgstr "Columna" #. zB3JC #: main0110.xhp msgctxt "" "main0110.xhp\n" "par_idN1062C\n" "help.text" msgid "Selects the current column." msgstr "Selecciona la columna actual." #. HmSyb #: main0110.xhp msgctxt "" "main0110.xhp\n" "par_idN1062F\n" "help.text" msgid "Row" msgstr "Fila" #. WCPpF #: main0110.xhp msgctxt "" "main0110.xhp\n" "par_idN10632\n" "help.text" msgid "Selects the current row." msgstr "Selecciona la fila actual." #. EKDPA #: main0110.xhp msgctxt "" "main0110.xhp\n" "par_idN10635\n" "help.text" msgid "Cell" msgstr "Cel·la" #. gBmZP #: main0110.xhp msgctxt "" "main0110.xhp\n" "par_idN10638\n" "help.text" msgid "Selects the current cell." msgstr "Selecciona la cel·la actual." #. ChNkP #: main0110.xhp msgctxt "" "main0110.xhp\n" "par_idN105B7\n" "help.text" msgid "Merge Cells" msgstr "Fusiona les cel·les" #. T8apK #: main0110.xhp msgctxt "" "main0110.xhp\n" "par_idN105BB\n" "help.text" msgid "Split Cells" msgstr "Divideix les cel·les" #. PRj5i #: main0110.xhp msgctxt "" "main0110.xhp\n" "par_idN105F7\n" "help.text" msgid "Table AutoFormat" msgstr "Formatació automàtica de la taula" #. cKAES #: main0110.xhp msgctxt "" "main0110.xhp\n" "par_idN105FB\n" "help.text" msgid "Autofit" msgstr "Ajustament automàtic" #. kw7tN #: main0110.xhp msgctxt "" "main0110.xhp\n" "par_idN106B5\n" "help.text" msgid "Column width" msgstr "Amplada de la columna" #. cuCmA #: main0110.xhp msgctxt "" "main0110.xhp\n" "par_idN106B8\n" "help.text" msgid "Opens the Column Width dialog where you can change the width of a column." msgstr "Obre un quadre de diàleg per canviar l'amplada d'una columna." #. Y4m4U #: main0110.xhp msgctxt "" "main0110.xhp\n" "par_idN106BB\n" "help.text" msgid "Optimal Column Width" msgstr "Amplada òptima de la columna" #. yEGjw #: main0110.xhp msgctxt "" "main0110.xhp\n" "par_idN106D2\n" "help.text" msgid "Distribute Columns Evenly" msgstr "Distribueix les columnes uniformement" #. C4FY8 #: main0110.xhp msgctxt "" "main0110.xhp\n" "par_idN106E9\n" "help.text" msgid "Row Height" msgstr "Alçada de la fila" #. NE7NJ #: main0110.xhp msgctxt "" "main0110.xhp\n" "par_idN106EC\n" "help.text" msgid "Opens the Row Height dialog where you can change the height of a row." msgstr "Obre un quadre de diàleg per canviar l'alçada d'una fila." #. EF7XB #: main0110.xhp msgctxt "" "main0110.xhp\n" "par_idN106EF\n" "help.text" msgid "Optimal Row Height" msgstr "Alçada òptima de la fila" #. FqtLY #: main0110.xhp msgctxt "" "main0110.xhp\n" "par_idN10706\n" "help.text" msgid "Distribute Rows Evenly" msgstr "Distribueix les files uniformement" #. i3dxH #: main0110.xhp msgctxt "" "main0110.xhp\n" "par_idN1071D\n" "help.text" msgid "Break Across Pages" msgstr "Parteix al final de pàgines" #. hCuCp #: main0110.xhp msgctxt "" "main0110.xhp\n" "par_idN10720\n" "help.text" msgid "Allows a page break within the current row." msgstr "Permet un salt de pàgina en la línia actual." #. JAcVx #: main0110.xhp msgctxt "" "main0110.xhp\n" "par_idN105FF\n" "help.text" msgid "Repeat Heading Rows" msgstr "Repeteix l'encapçalament de les files" #. JgUrF #: main0110.xhp msgctxt "" "main0110.xhp\n" "par_idN1072D\n" "help.text" msgid "Repeats the table headers on subsequent pages if the table spans one or more pages." msgstr "Repeteix l'encapçalament en pàgines successives si la taula ocupa més d'una pàgina." #. kwKdS #: main0110.xhp msgctxt "" "main0110.xhp\n" "par_idN10603\n" "help.text" msgid "Convert" msgstr "Converteix" #. SCAJt #: main0110.xhp msgctxt "" "main0110.xhp\n" "par_idN1074C\n" "help.text" msgid "Text to Table" msgstr "Text a taula" #. tAGig #: main0110.xhp msgctxt "" "main0110.xhp\n" "par_idN1074F\n" "help.text" msgid "Opens a dialog where you can convert the selected text to a table. Opens a dialog where you can convert the selected text to a table." msgstr "Obre un diàleg on podeu convertir el text seleccionat en una taula. Obre un diàleg on podeu convertir el text seleccionat en una taula." #. C9Sn9 #: main0110.xhp msgctxt "" "main0110.xhp\n" "par_idN10763\n" "help.text" msgid "Table to Text" msgstr "Taula a text" #. LAbdZ #: main0110.xhp msgctxt "" "main0110.xhp\n" "par_idN10766\n" "help.text" msgid "Opens a dialog where you can convert the current table to text. Opens a dialog where you can convert the current table to text." msgstr "Obre un diàleg per a convertir la taula seleccionada en text. Obre un diàleg per a convertir la taula actual en text." #. HAZVY #: main0110.xhp msgctxt "" "main0110.xhp\n" "par_idN10607\n" "help.text" msgid "Sort" msgstr "Ordena" #. FHA2R #: main0110.xhp msgctxt "" "main0110.xhp\n" "par_idN1092F\n" "help.text" msgid "Formula" msgstr "Fórmula" #. xLmxB #: main0110.xhp msgctxt "" "main0110.xhp\n" "par_idN10933\n" "help.text" msgid "Opens the Formula bar to enter or edit a formula." msgstr "Obre la barra de fórmules per a introduir o editar una fórmula." #. KRMHM #: main0110.xhp msgctxt "" "main0110.xhp\n" "par_idN1060F\n" "help.text" msgid "Number Format" msgstr "Format numèric" #. xfWAX #: main0110.xhp msgctxt "" "main0110.xhp\n" "par_idN107AC\n" "help.text" msgid "Opens a dialog where you can specify the format of numbers in the table." msgstr "Obre un diàleg per a indicar el format dels nombres d'una taula." #. 9GBWo #: main0110.xhp msgctxt "" "main0110.xhp\n" "par_idN10617\n" "help.text" msgid "Table Properties" msgstr "Propietats de la taula" #. BvVtz #: main0115.xhp msgctxt "" "main0115.xhp\n" "tit\n" "help.text" msgid "Styles" msgstr "Estils" #. uvGcE #: main0115.xhp msgctxt "" "main0115.xhp\n" "par_idN10553\n" "help.text" msgid "Styles" msgstr "Estils" #. GLxFE #: main0115.xhp msgctxt "" "main0115.xhp\n" "par_idN10563\n" "help.text" msgid "Contains commands to apply, create, edit, update, load, and manage styles in a text document." msgstr "Conté ordres per a aplicar, crear, modificar, actualitzar, carregar i gestionar estils en un document de text." #. gsPnE #: main0115.xhp msgctxt "" "main0115.xhp\n" "hd_id121529878513674\n" "help.text" msgid "Text styles entries" msgstr "Entrades dels estils de text" #. DEUQy #: main0115.xhp msgctxt "" "main0115.xhp\n" "par_id411529878520742\n" "help.text" msgid "The entries includes most common paragraph, character and list styles. Click on the style to apply." msgstr "Les entrades inclouen els estils de paràgraf, caràcter i llista més comuns. Feu clic a l'estil per a aplicar-lo." #. foqCF #: main0115.xhp #, fuzzy msgctxt "" "main0115.xhp\n" "par_id451529878529005\n" "help.text" msgid "You can customize the list of styles entries using menu Tools - Customize. Because custom styles belongs to the actual document, remember to store the customized menu in the document scope." msgstr "Podeu personalitzar la llista d'entrades d'estils utilitzant el menú Eines - Personalitzeu . Com que els estils personalitzats pertanyen al document real recordeu d'emmagatzemar el menú personalitzat en l'àmbit del document." #. 7kWCz #: main0115.xhp msgctxt "" "main0115.xhp\n" "hd_id991529881414793\n" "help.text" msgid "Edit Style" msgstr "Edita l'estil" #. yrGy9 #: main0115.xhp msgctxt "" "main0115.xhp\n" "par_id111529881420452\n" "help.text" msgid "Opens the Paragraph Style dialog box of the current paragraph." msgstr "Obre el diàleg Estil de paràgraf per al paràgraf actual." #. XE62N #: main0115.xhp msgctxt "" "main0115.xhp\n" "hd_id111529881431158\n" "help.text" msgid "Update Style" msgstr "Actualitza l'estil" #. 5mGuj #: main0115.xhp msgctxt "" "main0115.xhp\n" "par_id971529881437377\n" "help.text" msgid "Update the paragraph style with the direct formatting applied to the current paragraph." msgstr "Actualitza l'estil de paràgraf amb la formatació directa aplicada al paràgraf actual." #. vNA8P #: main0115.xhp msgctxt "" "main0115.xhp\n" "hd_id191529881446409\n" "help.text" msgid "New style" msgstr "Estil nou" #. gYvit #: main0115.xhp msgctxt "" "main0115.xhp\n" "par_id331529881457275\n" "help.text" msgid "Adds a paragraph style with the settings of the current selection. You will be prompted to enter the style name." msgstr "Afegeix un estil de paràgraf amb els paràmetres de la selecció actual. Se us sol·licitarà el nom de l'estil." #. w4f6q #: main0115.xhp msgctxt "" "main0115.xhp\n" "hd_id351529881470044\n" "help.text" msgid "Load Styles" msgstr "Carrega els estils" #. gfThj #: main0115.xhp msgctxt "" "main0115.xhp\n" "par_id551529883682302\n" "help.text" msgid "Import styles from another document or template into the current document." msgstr "Importa els estils d'un altre document o plantilla al document actual." #. Fec4Z #: main0115.xhp msgctxt "" "main0115.xhp\n" "hd_id361529881482828\n" "help.text" msgid "Manage Styles" msgstr "Gestiona els estils" #. FoCBE #: main0115.xhp msgctxt "" "main0115.xhp\n" "par_id901529883673111\n" "help.text" msgid "Opens the Styles deck in the sidebar." msgstr "Obre el Tauler d'estils de la barra lateral." #. VmXct #: main0120.xhp msgctxt "" "main0120.xhp\n" "tit\n" "help.text" msgid "Form Menu" msgstr "Menú Formulari" #. CdBAU #: main0120.xhp msgctxt "" "main0120.xhp\n" "hd_id111529755027117\n" "help.text" msgid "Form" msgstr "Formulari" #. LQF4M #: main0120.xhp msgctxt "" "main0120.xhp\n" "par_id991529755027118\n" "help.text" msgid "Contains commands for activate form design mode, open control wizards and insert form controls in your text document." msgstr "Conté ordres per a activar el mode de disseny de formulari, obrir els auxiliar de controls i inserir controls de formulari en el document de text." #. AdXBE #: main0120.xhp msgctxt "" "main0120.xhp\n" "hd_id551529758534136\n" "help.text" msgid "Design Mode" msgstr "Mode de disseny" #. BFekR #: main0120.xhp msgctxt "" "main0120.xhp\n" "par_id791529758540932\n" "help.text" msgid "Enable or disable form design mode." msgstr "Activa o desactiva el mode de disseny de formularis." #. g2jWn #: main0120.xhp msgctxt "" "main0120.xhp\n" "hd_id121529758546072\n" "help.text" msgid "Control Wizards" msgstr "Auxiliars de controls" #. 8G87B #: main0120.xhp msgctxt "" "main0120.xhp\n" "par_id271529758552229\n" "help.text" msgid "Enable or disable control wizards." msgstr "Activa o desactiva els auxiliar de controls." #. CoDTS #: main0120.xhp msgctxt "" "main0120.xhp\n" "hd_id571529784049416\n" "help.text" msgid "More fields" msgstr "Més camps" #. cQUuS #: main0120.xhp msgctxt "" "main0120.xhp\n" "par_id951529784060420\n" "help.text" msgid "Date, time, numerical, currency and pattern form fields." msgstr "Camps de formulari de data, hora, numèric, moneda i emmascarat." #. cFn9D #: main0120.xhp msgctxt "" "main0120.xhp\n" "hd_id811529763403256\n" "help.text" msgid "Automatic Control Focus" msgstr "Focus de control automàtic" #. SKPin #: main0120.xhp msgctxt "" "main0120.xhp\n" "par_id281529763411414\n" "help.text" msgid "Enable or disable Automatic Control Focus" msgstr "Activa o desactiva el focus de control automàtic" #. 5DRv5 #: main0200.xhp msgctxt "" "main0200.xhp\n" "tit\n" "help.text" msgid "Toolbars" msgstr "Barres d'eines" #. UzCwB #: main0200.xhp msgctxt "" "main0200.xhp\n" "hd_id3145782\n" "help.text" msgid "Toolbars" msgstr "Barres d'eines" #. FURde #: main0200.xhp msgctxt "" "main0200.xhp\n" "par_id3145481\n" "help.text" msgid "This section provides an overview of the toolbars available in $[officename] Writer. " msgstr "Aquesta secció ofereix una perspectiva general de les barres d'eines disponibles al $[officename] Writer. " #. XUCUB #: main0202.xhp msgctxt "" "main0202.xhp\n" "tit\n" "help.text" msgid "Formatting Bar" msgstr "Barra de formatació" #. NtQSX #: main0202.xhp msgctxt "" "main0202.xhp\n" "hd_id3154270\n" "help.text" msgid "Formatting Bar" msgstr "Barra de formatació" #. nFs3x #: main0202.xhp msgctxt "" "main0202.xhp\n" "par_id3147762\n" "help.text" msgid "The Formatting bar contains several text formatting functions." msgstr "La barra Format conté diverses funcions de formatació de text." #. FUzck #: main0202.xhp msgctxt "" "main0202.xhp\n" "hd_id3149593\n" "help.text" msgid "Font Color" msgstr "Color de la lletra" #. 9sJ5w #: main0202.xhp msgctxt "" "main0202.xhp\n" "hd_id3149887\n" "help.text" msgid "Additional icons" msgstr "Icones addicionals" #. 9gZ3B #: main0202.xhp msgctxt "" "main0202.xhp\n" "hd_id0122200903085320\n" "help.text" msgid "Increase Font" msgstr "Augmenta la lletra" #. ozD6J #: main0202.xhp msgctxt "" "main0202.xhp\n" "par_id0122200903085371\n" "help.text" msgid "Increases the font size of the selected text." msgstr "Augmenta la mida de la lletra del text seleccionat." #. 3oD2m #: main0202.xhp msgctxt "" "main0202.xhp\n" "hd_id012220090308532\n" "help.text" msgid "Reduce Font" msgstr "Redueix la lletra" #. 222dq #: main0202.xhp msgctxt "" "main0202.xhp\n" "par_id0122200903085351\n" "help.text" msgid "Reduces the font size of the selected text." msgstr "Redueix la mida de la lletra del text seleccionat." #. Dyiwt #: main0202.xhp msgctxt "" "main0202.xhp\n" "par_id3149900\n" "help.text" msgid "If CTL support is enabled, two additional icons are visible." msgstr "Si la compatibilitat amb CTL està habilitada, es mostren dues icones addicionals." #. gHFFH #: main0202.xhp msgctxt "" "main0202.xhp\n" "hd_id3149946\n" "help.text" msgid "Left-To-Right" msgstr "D'esquerra a dreta" #. 9tEuw #: main0202.xhp #, fuzzy msgctxt "" "main0202.xhp\n" "par_idN10784\n" "help.text" msgid "left to right icon" msgstr "GAd'esquerra a dreta icona" #. Xg9vt #: main0202.xhp msgctxt "" "main0202.xhp\n" "par_id3149964\n" "help.text" msgid "The text is entered from left to right." msgstr "El text s'introdueix d'esquerra a dreta." #. TRxZq #: main0202.xhp msgctxt "" "main0202.xhp\n" "hd_id3147300\n" "help.text" msgid "Right-To-Left" msgstr "De dreta a esquerra" #. iE56r #: main0202.xhp #, fuzzy msgctxt "" "main0202.xhp\n" "par_idN107DF\n" "help.text" msgid "right to left icon" msgstr "GAde dreta a esquerra icona" #. TMwGp #: main0202.xhp msgctxt "" "main0202.xhp\n" "par_id3147625\n" "help.text" msgid "The text formatted in a complex text layout language is entered from right to left." msgstr "El text formatat en un llenguatge de disposició de text complexa s'introdueix de dreta a esquerra." #. BdpWg #: main0203.xhp msgctxt "" "main0203.xhp\n" "tit\n" "help.text" msgid "Image Bar" msgstr "Barra d'imatges" #. f3Y2P #: main0203.xhp msgctxt "" "main0203.xhp\n" "hd_id3154263\n" "help.text" msgid "Image Bar" msgstr "Barra d'imatges" #. Wsrvu #: main0203.xhp msgctxt "" "main0203.xhp\n" "par_id3147756\n" "help.text" msgid "The Image Bar contains functions for formatting and positioning selected bitmap graphics." msgstr "La barra Imatges conté funcions per formatar els gràfics de mapa de bits seleccionats i posicionar-los." #. j89Sr #: main0203.xhp msgctxt "" "main0203.xhp\n" "hd_id3145606\n" "help.text" msgid "Flip Vertically" msgstr "Inverteix verticalment" #. 9zaEc #: main0203.xhp msgctxt "" "main0203.xhp\n" "hd_id3145639\n" "help.text" msgid "Flip Horizontally" msgstr "Inverteix horitzontalment" #. wkrcU #: main0203.xhp msgctxt "" "main0203.xhp\n" "hd_id3145673\n" "help.text" msgid "Graphics Properties" msgstr "Propietats dels gràfics" #. Xtuxp #: main0204.xhp msgctxt "" "main0204.xhp\n" "tit\n" "help.text" msgid "Table Bar" msgstr "Barra Taula" #. rtMC4 #: main0204.xhp msgctxt "" "main0204.xhp\n" "hd_id3145587\n" "help.text" msgid "Table Bar" msgstr "Barra Taula" #. RA9Tm #: main0204.xhp msgctxt "" "main0204.xhp\n" "par_id3154252\n" "help.text" msgid "The Table Bar contains functions you need when working with tables. It appears when you move the cursor into a table." msgstr "La barra Taula conté les funcions que necessiteu quan treballeu amb taules. La barra apareix quan moveu el cursor cap a una taula." #. 7DJKV #: main0204.xhp msgctxt "" "main0204.xhp\n" "hd_id3147592\n" "help.text" msgid "Merge Cells" msgstr "Combina les cel·les" #. 6Rajq #: main0204.xhp msgctxt "" "main0204.xhp\n" "hd_id3147820\n" "help.text" msgid "Delete Row" msgstr "Suprimeix la fila" #. AmFfA #: main0204.xhp msgctxt "" "main0204.xhp\n" "hd_id3147231\n" "help.text" msgid "Delete Column" msgstr "Suprimeix la columna" #. jsTkZ #: main0204.xhp msgctxt "" "main0204.xhp\n" "hd_id943333820\n" "help.text" msgid "AutoFormat" msgstr "Formatació automàtica" #. 2E7uw #: main0204.xhp msgctxt "" "main0204.xhp\n" "hd_id947820\n" "help.text" msgid "Table Properties" msgstr "Propietats de la taula" #. AdtAc #: main0204.xhp msgctxt "" "main0204.xhp\n" "hd_id94007820\n" "help.text" msgid "Sort" msgstr "Ordena" #. BHJGW #: main0205.xhp msgctxt "" "main0205.xhp\n" "tit\n" "help.text" msgid "Drawing Object Properties Bar" msgstr "Barra Propietats de l'objecte de dibuix" #. Pggg3 #: main0205.xhp msgctxt "" "main0205.xhp\n" "hd_id3154275\n" "help.text" msgid "Drawing Object Properties Bar" msgstr "Barra Propietats de l'objecte de dibuix" #. k6L2d #: main0205.xhp msgctxt "" "main0205.xhp\n" "par_id3147578\n" "help.text" msgid "You can see the Drawing Object Properties bar in Writer and Calc. Select the menu View - Toolbars - Drawing Object Properties. The controls are enabled when a drawing object is selected. You see some different icons by default, whether the current document is a text document or a spreadsheet." msgstr "Podeu veure la barra Propietats de l'objecte de dibuix al Writer i al Calc. Seleccioneu el menú Visualitza ▸ Barres d'eines ▸ Propietats de l'objecte de dibuix. Els controls s'habiliten quan se selecciona un objete de dibuix. Per defecte, es mostren icones diferents si el document actual és un document de text o si és un full de càlcul." #. BB7ck #: main0205.xhp msgctxt "" "main0205.xhp\n" "hd_id3147784\n" "help.text" msgid "Line Style" msgstr "Estil de la línia" #. aswGL #: main0205.xhp msgctxt "" "main0205.xhp\n" "hd_id3147818\n" "help.text" msgid "Line Width" msgstr "Amplada de la línia" #. rkMsR #: main0205.xhp msgctxt "" "main0205.xhp\n" "hd_id3147229\n" "help.text" msgid "Line Color" msgstr "Color de la línia" #. TVDRJ #: main0205.xhp msgctxt "" "main0205.xhp\n" "hd_id3147280\n" "help.text" msgid "Area Style/Filling" msgstr "Estil/emplenament de l'àrea" #. KevCA #: main0206.xhp msgctxt "" "main0206.xhp\n" "tit\n" "help.text" msgid "Bullets and Numbering Bar" msgstr "Barra Pics i numeració" #. 8eDUT #: main0206.xhp msgctxt "" "main0206.xhp\n" "hd_id3154256\n" "help.text" msgid "Bullets and Numbering Bar" msgstr "Barra Pics i numeració" #. GnEX6 #: main0206.xhp msgctxt "" "main0206.xhp\n" "par_id3154277\n" "help.text" msgid "The Bullets and Numbering bar contains functions to modify the structure of numbered paragraphs, including changing the order of paragraphs and defining different paragraph levels." msgstr "La barra Pics i numeració conté funcions per modificar l'estructura dels paràgrafs numerats: podeu canviar l'ordre dels paràgrafs i la definició de diversos nivells de paràgraf." #. do6CG #: main0208.xhp #, fuzzy msgctxt "" "main0208.xhp\n" "tit\n" "help.text" msgid "Status Bar (Writer)" msgstr "Barra d'estat (Writer)" #. bwSYr #: main0208.xhp msgctxt "" "main0208.xhp\n" "hd_id3153397\n" "help.text" msgid "Status Bar" msgstr "Barra d'estat" #. ir7r2 #: main0208.xhp msgctxt "" "main0208.xhp\n" "par_id3153414\n" "help.text" msgid "The Status Bar contains information about the current document and offers various buttons with special functions." msgstr "La barra d'estat conté informació sobre el document actual i diversos botons amb funcions especials." #. 2GQ64 #: main0208.xhp msgctxt "" "main0208.xhp\n" "hd_id9648731\n" "help.text" msgid "Language" msgstr "Llengua" #. 922NG #: main0208.xhp #, fuzzy msgctxt "" "main0208.xhp\n" "par_id8193914\n" "help.text" msgid "Displays the language for the selected text. Click to open a menu where you can choose another language for the selected text or for the current paragraph." msgstr "GA mostra l'idioma del text seleccionat. Feu clic per obrir un menú on podeu triar una altra llengua per al text seleccionat o per al paràgraf actual." #. ADEdD #: main0208.xhp #, fuzzy msgctxt "" "main0208.xhp\n" "par_id221603808238822\n" "help.text" msgid "Choose None to exclude the text from spellchecking and hyphenation." msgstr "Trieu Cap per excloure el text de la verificació ortogràfica i la partició de mots." #. BrkYL #: main0208.xhp #, fuzzy msgctxt "" "main0208.xhp\n" "par_id691603808343437\n" "help.text" msgid "Choose Reset to Default Language to re-apply the default language for the selection or the paragraph." msgstr "Trieu Restableix a per a tornar a aplicar l'idioma per defecte per a la selecció o el paràgraf." #. YLVnp #: main0208.xhp #, fuzzy msgctxt "" "main0208.xhp\n" "par_id291603808357876\n" "help.text" msgid "Choose More to open the character formatting dialog with more options." msgstr "Trieu Més per obrir el diàleg de formatació de caràcters amb més opcions." #. zeCHC #: main0208.xhp msgctxt "" "main0208.xhp\n" "hd_id0821200911015962\n" "help.text" msgid "Digital Signature" msgstr "Signatura digital" #. HYMp2 #: main0208.xhp #, fuzzy msgctxt "" "main0208.xhp\n" "par_id0821200911015941\n" "help.text" msgid "Click to start digital signature process. You must have a digital certificate to complete the process. See also Digital Signatures." msgstr "Feu clic per iniciar el procés de signatura digital. Heu de tenir un certificat digital per completar el procés. Vegeu també Signatures digitals ." #. DqFNG #: main0208.xhp msgctxt "" "main0208.xhp\n" "hd_id8070314\n" "help.text" msgid "Zoom & View Layout" msgstr "Disposició de visualització i escala" #. p8GUN #: main0208.xhp msgctxt "" "main0208.xhp\n" "par_id7723929\n" "help.text" msgid "Three controls on the Writer Status Bar allow you to change the zoom and view layout of your text documents." msgstr "Hi ha tres controls a la barra d'estat del Writer que us permeten canviar l'escala i la disposició de la visualització dels documents de text." #. yMrhF #: main0208.xhp msgctxt "" "main0208.xhp\n" "par_id3666188\n" "help.text" msgid "The View Layout icons show from left to right: Single column mode. View mode with pages side by side. Book mode with two pages as in an open book." msgstr "Les icones de disposició de la visualització mostren, d'esquerra a dreta: mode d'una sola columna; mode de visualització amb les pàgines una al costat de l'altra; mode de llibre amb dues pàgines, com un llibre obert." #. yF8fU #: main0208.xhp msgctxt "" "main0208.xhp\n" "par_id8796349\n" "help.text" msgid "Drag the Zoom slider to the left to show more pages, drag to the right to zoom into a page and show a smaller area of the page." msgstr "Arrossegueu el botó d'escala cap a l'esquerra per mostrar més pàgines; arrossegueu-lo cap a la dreta per ampliar una pàgina i mostrar una àrea més petita d'aquesta." #. eAv78 #: main0210.xhp msgctxt "" "main0210.xhp\n" "tit\n" "help.text" msgid "Print Preview" msgstr "Previsualització d'impressió" #. cFC44 #: main0210.xhp msgctxt "" "main0210.xhp\n" "hd_id3145783\n" "help.text" msgid "Print Preview" msgstr "Previsualització d'impressió" #. nQ4Bj #: main0210.xhp msgctxt "" "main0210.xhp\n" "par_id3154253\n" "help.text" msgid "The Print Preview Bar appears when you view the current document in the print preview mode." msgstr "La barra Previsualització d'impressió apareix quan es visualitza el document actual en el mode de previsualització d'impressió." #. WmU6L #: main0213.xhp msgctxt "" "main0213.xhp\n" "tit\n" "help.text" msgid "Rulers" msgstr "Regles" #. f5jPw #: main0213.xhp msgctxt "" "main0213.xhp\n" "hd_id3154201\n" "help.text" msgid "Rulers" msgstr "Regles" #. V4yDp #: main0213.xhp msgctxt "" "main0213.xhp\n" "par_id3154218\n" "help.text" msgid "Rulers display the dimensions of the page, and the position of tabs, indents, borders and columns. You can modify all of these on the rulers using the mouse." msgstr "Els regles mostren les dimensions de la pàgina i la posició dels tabuladors, els sagnats, els marges i les columnes. Tots ells es poden modificar sobre els regles utilitzant el ratolí." #. NtELb #: main0213.xhp msgctxt "" "main0213.xhp\n" "par_id3154239\n" "help.text" msgid "By double-clicking on the ruler, you can open the Paragraph dialog and assign direct paragraph formatting for the current paragraph or all selected paragraphs." msgstr "Si feu doble clic sobre el regle obrireu el diàleg Paràgraf i podreu assignar la formatació directa del paràgraf actual o dels paràgrafs seleccionats." #. LqCV4 #: main0214.xhp msgctxt "" "main0214.xhp\n" "tit\n" "help.text" msgid "Formula Bar" msgstr "Barra de fórmules" #. Eqs6c #: main0214.xhp msgctxt "" "main0214.xhp\n" "hd_id3145782\n" "help.text" msgid "Formula Bar" msgstr "Barra de fórmules" #. aQsd3 #: main0214.xhp msgctxt "" "main0214.xhp\n" "par_id3154254\n" "help.text" msgid "The Formula Bar allows you to create and insert calculations into a text document. To activate the Formula Bar, press F2." msgstr "La barra de fórmules us permet crear i inserir càlculs en un document de text. Per activar la barra de fórmules, premeu F2." #. NmvGn #: main0215.xhp msgctxt "" "main0215.xhp\n" "tit\n" "help.text" msgid "Frame Bar" msgstr "Barra Marc" #. uWTF7 #: main0215.xhp msgctxt "" "main0215.xhp\n" "hd_id3154251\n" "help.text" msgid "Frame Bar" msgstr "Barra Marc" #. BfA2A #: main0215.xhp msgctxt "" "main0215.xhp\n" "par_id3154272\n" "help.text" msgid "When a frame is selected, the Frame Bar provides the most important functions for formatting and positioning the frame." msgstr "En seleccionar un marc, la barra Marc ofereix les funcions més bàsiques per formatar-lo i posicionar-lo." #. sDQ83 #: main0215.xhp msgctxt "" "main0215.xhp\n" "hd_id3147403\n" "help.text" msgid "Wrap Off" msgstr "Ajustament desactivat" #. Vus62 #: main0215.xhp msgctxt "" "main0215.xhp\n" "par_id3147419\n" "help.text" msgid "You can also choose this setting on the Wrap tab page." msgstr "També podeu triar aquest paràmetre a la pestanya Ajusta." #. n8sCd #: main0215.xhp msgctxt "" "main0215.xhp\n" "hd_id3153388\n" "help.text" msgid "Wrap On" msgstr "Activa l'ajustament" #. cqLEM #: main0215.xhp msgctxt "" "main0215.xhp\n" "par_id3153405\n" "help.text" msgid "This icon represents the Page Wrap option on the Wrap tab page." msgstr "Aquesta icona representa l'opció Ajustament de la pàgina a la pestanya Ajusta." #. euDxv #: main0215.xhp msgctxt "" "main0215.xhp\n" "hd_id3147782\n" "help.text" msgid "Wrap Through" msgstr "Ajusta a la línia" #. FMaCU #: main0215.xhp msgctxt "" "main0215.xhp\n" "par_id3147799\n" "help.text" msgid "You can also define this setting on the Wrap tab page." msgstr "També podeu definir aquest paràmetre a la pestanya Ajusta." #. UcRFJ #: main0215.xhp msgctxt "" "main0215.xhp\n" "hd_id3151285\n" "help.text" msgid "Background Color" msgstr "Color de fons" #. qz6bu #: main0215.xhp msgctxt "" "main0215.xhp\n" "hd_id3151320\n" "help.text" msgid "Frame Properties" msgstr "Propietats del marc" #. vjbUV #: main0216.xhp msgctxt "" "main0216.xhp\n" "tit\n" "help.text" msgid "OLE-Object Bar" msgstr "Barra Objecte OLE" #. W8UvK #: main0216.xhp msgctxt "" "main0216.xhp\n" "hd_id3150726\n" "help.text" msgid "OLE-Object Bar" msgstr "Barra d'objectes OLE" #. CQsLx #: main0216.xhp msgctxt "" "main0216.xhp\n" "par_id3150746\n" "help.text" msgid "The OLE-Object bar appears when objects are selected, and contains the most important functions for formatting and positioning objects." msgstr "La barra Objecte OLE apareix quan seleccioneu un objecte, i conté les funcions més importants per formatar i posicionar l'objecte." #. FGEsG #: main0216.xhp msgctxt "" "main0216.xhp\n" "hd_id3153377\n" "help.text" msgid "No Wrap" msgstr "Sense ajustament" #. wKChQ #: main0216.xhp msgctxt "" "main0216.xhp\n" "par_id3153394\n" "help.text" msgid " You can also choose this setting on the Wrap tab page." msgstr " També podeu triar aquests paràmetres a la pestanya Ajusta." #. CBeq4 #: main0216.xhp msgctxt "" "main0216.xhp\n" "hd_id3147766\n" "help.text" msgid "Wrap" msgstr "Ajusta" #. AAfik #: main0216.xhp msgctxt "" "main0216.xhp\n" "par_id3147782\n" "help.text" msgid " This icon corresponds to the Page Wrap option on the Wrap tab page." msgstr " Aquesta icona correspon a l'opció Ajustament de la pàgina de la pestanya Ajusta." #. G6qDF #: main0216.xhp msgctxt "" "main0216.xhp\n" "hd_id3147824\n" "help.text" msgid "Wrap Through" msgstr "Ajusta a la línia" #. BqZSu #: main0216.xhp msgctxt "" "main0216.xhp\n" "par_id3147218\n" "help.text" msgid " You can also achieve the same effect through the Wrap tab page." msgstr " Podeu aconseguir el mateix efecte a través de la pestanya Ajusta." #. nvB2E #: main0216.xhp msgctxt "" "main0216.xhp\n" "hd_id3151208\n" "help.text" msgid "Object Properties" msgstr "Propietats dels objectes" #. rDkoy #: main0220.xhp msgctxt "" "main0220.xhp\n" "tit\n" "help.text" msgid "Text Object Bar" msgstr "Barra Objecte de text" #. GApm7 #: main0220.xhp msgctxt "" "main0220.xhp\n" "hd_id3155366\n" "help.text" msgid "Text Object Bar" msgstr "Barra Objecte de text" #. AkAcR #: main0220.xhp msgctxt "" "main0220.xhp\n" "par_id3155386\n" "help.text" msgid "Contains formatting commands for text that is contained in a draw object. The Text Object bar appears when you double-click inside a draw object." msgstr "Conté ordres de formatació per a text que està contingut en un objecte de dibuix. La barra Objecte de text apareix quan feu doble clic en un objecte de dibuix." #. QqwCX #: main0220.xhp msgctxt "" "main0220.xhp\n" "hd_id3153416\n" "help.text" msgid "Superscript" msgstr "Superíndex" #. j6Aa4 #: main0220.xhp msgctxt "" "main0220.xhp\n" "hd_id3147787\n" "help.text" msgid "Subscript" msgstr "Subíndex" #. rAFmU #: main0220.xhp msgctxt "" "main0220.xhp\n" "hd_id3147265\n" "help.text" msgid "Select All" msgstr "Selecciona-ho tot" #. AzuEQ #: main0220.xhp msgctxt "" "main0220.xhp\n" "hd_id3145596\n" "help.text" msgid "Character" msgstr "Caràcter" #. mw4mp #: main0220.xhp msgctxt "" "main0220.xhp\n" "hd_id3145631\n" "help.text" msgid "Paragraph" msgstr "Paràgraf" #. tvQDK #: main0220.xhp msgctxt "" "main0220.xhp\n" "par_id3145649\n" "help.text" msgid "Here you can define the indents, spacing, alignment and line spacing for the paragraph currently selected." msgstr "Aquí podeu definir els sagnats, l'espaiat, l'alineació i l'interlineat per al paràgraf que està seleccionat actualment." #. Exd7Q #: main0503.xhp msgctxt "" "main0503.xhp\n" "tit\n" "help.text" msgid "$[officename] Writer Features" msgstr "Funcions del $[officename] Writer" #. E5FzX #: main0503.xhp msgctxt "" "main0503.xhp\n" "hd_id3154243\n" "help.text" msgid "$[officename] Writer Features" msgstr "Funcions del $[officename] Writer" #. DVNHm #: main0503.xhp msgctxt "" "main0503.xhp\n" "par_id3154263\n" "help.text" msgid "$[officename] Writer lets you design and produce text documents that can include graphics, tables, or charts. You can then save the documents in a variety of formats, including the standardized OpenDocument format (ODF), Microsoft Word .doc format, or HTML. And you can easily export your document to the Portable Document Format (PDF)." msgstr "El $[officename] Writer us permet dissenyar i produir documents de text que poden incloure gràfics, taules o diagrames. Podeu desar els documents en una gran varietat de formats, incloent-hi el format estandarditzat OpenDocument (ODF), el .doc del Microsoft Word o l'HTML. També podeu exportar fàcilment el document al format de document portàtil (PDF)." #. 4BzDB #: main0503.xhp msgctxt "" "main0503.xhp\n" "hd_id3147755\n" "help.text" msgid "Writing" msgstr "Escriptura" #. hRCfc #: main0503.xhp msgctxt "" "main0503.xhp\n" "par_id3147768\n" "help.text" msgid "$[officename] Writer lets you create both basic documents, such as memos, faxes, letters , resumes and merge documents, as well as long and complex or multi-part documents, complete with bibliographies, reference tables and indexes." msgstr "El $[officename] Writer us permet crear documents bàsics, com ara memòries, faxos, cartes i currículums, així com combinar documents, o bé documents llargs i complexos o amb múltiples parts, completats amb bibliografies, taules de referència i índexs." #. WwDut #: main0503.xhp msgctxt "" "main0503.xhp\n" "par_id3147797\n" "help.text" msgid "$[officename] Writer also includes such useful features as a spellchecker, a thesaurus, AutoCorrect, and hyphenation as well as a variety of templates for almost every purpose. You can also create your own templates using the wizards." msgstr "El $[officename] Writer també inclou funcions molt pràctiques com ara un verificador ortogràfic, un tesaurus, correcció automàtica i partició de mots, així com una gran varietat de plantilles per a la majoria de les necessitats. També podeu utilitzar els auxiliars per a crear les vostres pròpies plantilles." #. TCYhh #: main0503.xhp msgctxt "" "main0503.xhp\n" "hd_id3147225\n" "help.text" msgid "Designing and Structuring" msgstr "Disseny i estructura" #. dJx6j #: main0503.xhp msgctxt "" "main0503.xhp\n" "par_id3147239\n" "help.text" msgid "$[officename] offers a wide variety of options to design documents. Use the Styles window to create, assign and modify styles for paragraphs, individual characters, frames and pages. In addition, the Navigator helps you to quickly move around inside your documents, lets you look at your document in an outline view, and keeps track of the objects that you have inserted into your document." msgstr "El $[officename] ofereix un ventall ampli d'opcions per a dissenyar documents. Utilitzeu la finestra d'estils per a crear, assignar i modificar estils de paràgraf, caràcters individuals, marcs i pàgines. A més, el Navegador us ajuda a moure-us ràpidament pels documents, us permet visualitzar el document en una visualització d'esquema i fa un seguiment dels objectes que heu inserit en el document." #. 8ydGS #: main0503.xhp msgctxt "" "main0503.xhp\n" "par_id3147272\n" "help.text" msgid "You can also create various indexes and tables in text documents. You can define the structure and appearance of the indexes and tables according to your individual needs. Live hyperlinks and bookmarks let you jump directly to the corresponding items in the text." msgstr "També podeu crear diversos índexs i taules en els documents de text. Podeu definir l'estructura i l'aparença dels índexs i de les taules d'acord amb les vostres necessitats. Els enllaços i les adreces d'interès operatius us permeten saltar directament a l'element corresponent dins del text." #. Ewjax #: main0503.xhp msgctxt "" "main0503.xhp\n" "hd_id3145596\n" "help.text" msgid "Desktop Publishing with $[officename] Writer" msgstr "Autoedició amb el $[officename] Writer" #. aTuVb #: main0503.xhp #, fuzzy msgctxt "" "main0503.xhp\n" "par_id3145610\n" "help.text" msgid "$[officename] Writer contains numerous desktop publishing and drawing tools to assist you in creating professionally styled documents, such as brochures, newsletters and invitations. You can format your documents with multi-column layouts, frames, graphics, tables, and other objects." msgstr "El $[officename] Writer conté nombroses eines de publicació i de dibuix d'escriptori per ajudar-vos a crear documents d'estil professional com fullets butlletins butlletins i invitacions. Podeu formatar els vostres documents amb disposicions multicolumna marcs gràfics taules i altres objectes." #. EpFCE #: main0503.xhp msgctxt "" "main0503.xhp\n" "hd_id3145649\n" "help.text" msgid "Calculations" msgstr "Càlculs" #. C5S5Z #: main0503.xhp msgctxt "" "main0503.xhp\n" "par_id3145663\n" "help.text" msgid "Text documents in $[officename] have an integrated calculation function that helps you execute sophisticated calculations or logical links. You can easily create a table in a text document in order to perform calculations." msgstr "Els documents de text del $[officename] tenen integrada una funció de càlcul que us ajuda a realitzar càlculs complexos o enllaços lògics. Us resultarà molt fàcil crear una taula en un document de text per tal de fer càlculs." #. jKeQK #: main0503.xhp msgctxt "" "main0503.xhp\n" "hd_id3151192\n" "help.text" msgid "Creating Drawings" msgstr "Creació de dibuixos" #. KiGD7 #: main0503.xhp msgctxt "" "main0503.xhp\n" "par_id3151206\n" "help.text" msgid "The $[officename] Writer drawing tool lets you create drawings, graphics, legends, and other types of drawings directly in text documents." msgstr "L'eina de dibuix del $[officename] Writer us permet crear dibuixos, gràfics, signes i altres tipus de dibuixos directament en els documents de text." #. 3GNE9 #: main0503.xhp msgctxt "" "main0503.xhp\n" "hd_id3151229\n" "help.text" msgid "Inserting Graphics" msgstr "Inserció de gràfics" #. FREmJ #: main0503.xhp msgctxt "" "main0503.xhp\n" "par_id3151243\n" "help.text" msgid "You can insert pictures with different formats into a text document, including graphics with a JPG or GIF format. In addition, the Gallery provides a collection of clipart graphics, and the Fontwork Gallery creates stunning font effects." msgstr "Podeu inserir imatges amb formats diferents dins d'un document de text, incloent-hi gràfics amb format JPG o GIF. A més, la Galeria proporciona una col·lecció de gràfics predissenyats, i la Galeria Fontwork crea efectes impressionants sobre els tipus de lletra." #. pNEHk #: main0503.xhp msgctxt "" "main0503.xhp\n" "hd_id3155084\n" "help.text" msgid "Flexible Application Interface" msgstr "Interfície d'aplicació flexible" #. i8Y4i #: main0503.xhp msgctxt "" "main0503.xhp\n" "par_id3155098\n" "help.text" msgid "The program interface is designed so that you can configure it according to your preferences, including customizing icons and menus. You can position various program windows, such as the Styles window or the Navigator as floating windows anywhere on the screen. You can also dock some windows to the edge of the workspace." msgstr "La interfície de l'aplicació s'ha dissenyat de manera que la pugueu configurar d'acord amb les vostres preferències; podeu personalitzar les icones i els menús, entre d'altres. Podeu posicionar diverses finestres de l'aplicació, com ara la finestra d'estils o del Navegador, en qualsevol part de la pantalla. També podeu acoblar finestres al cantó de l'àrea de treball." #. AApwS #: main0503.xhp msgctxt "" "main0503.xhp\n" "hd_id3155123\n" "help.text" msgid "Drag&Drop" msgstr "Arrossega i deixa anar" #. m3Yu8 #: main0503.xhp msgctxt "" "main0503.xhp\n" "par_id3155137\n" "help.text" msgid "The drag-and-drop feature enables you to work quickly and efficiently with text documents in $[officename]. For example, you can drag-and-drop objects, such as graphics from the Gallery, from one location to another in the same document, or between open $[officename] documents." msgstr "La funció arrossega i deixa anar us permet treballar amb documents de text al $[officename] de manera ràpida i efectiva. Per exemple, podeu arrossegar i deixar anar objectes (com ara gràfics de la galeria) d'un lloc a un altre dins del mateix document, o entre documents del $[officename] oberts." #. D3wvZ #: main0503.xhp msgctxt "" "main0503.xhp\n" "hd_id3155162\n" "help.text" msgid "Help Functions" msgstr "Funcions d'ajuda" #. ENpQ8 #: main0503.xhp msgctxt "" "main0503.xhp\n" "par_id3145675\n" "help.text" msgid "You can use the Help system as a complete reference for $[officename] applications, including instructions for simple and complex tasks." msgstr "Podeu utilitzar el sistema d'ajuda com a referència completa per a les aplicacions del $[officename], que inclou instruccions per dur a terme tasques simples i complexes."