#. extracted from svx msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://bugs.libreoffice.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=LibreOffice&bug_status=UNCONFIRMED&component=UI\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2018-12-17 16:28+0100\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2018-12-05 07:36+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Joan Montané <joan@montane.cat>\n" "Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n" "Language: ca\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" "X-Accelerator-Marker: ~\n" "X-Generator: LibreOffice\n" "X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1543995403.000000\n" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:25 msgctxt "STR_ObjNameSingulNONE" msgid "Drawing object" msgstr "Objecte de dibuix" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:26 msgctxt "STR_ObjNamePluralNONE" msgid "Drawing objects" msgstr "Objectes de dibuix" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:27 msgctxt "STR_ObjNameSingulGRUP" msgid "Group object" msgstr "Objecte de grup" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:28 msgctxt "STR_ObjNamePluralGRUP" msgid "Group objects" msgstr "Objectes de grup" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:29 msgctxt "STR_ObjNameSingulGRUPEMPTY" msgid "Blank group object" msgstr "Objecte de grup en blanc" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:30 msgctxt "STR_ObjNamePluralGRUPEMPTY" msgid "Blank group objects" msgstr "Objectes de grup en blanc" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:31 msgctxt "STR_ObjNameSingulLINE" msgid "Line" msgstr "Línia" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:32 msgctxt "STR_ObjNameSingulLINE_Hori" msgid "Horizontal line" msgstr "Línia horitzontal" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:33 msgctxt "STR_ObjNameSingulLINE_Vert" msgid "Vertical line" msgstr "Línia vertical" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:34 msgctxt "STR_ObjNameSingulLINE_Diag" msgid "Diagonal line" msgstr "Línia diagonal" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:35 msgctxt "STR_ObjNamePluralLINE" msgid "Lines" msgstr "Línies" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:36 msgctxt "STR_ObjNameSingulRECT" msgid "Rectangle" msgstr "Rectangle" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:37 msgctxt "STR_ObjNamePluralRECT" msgid "Rectangles" msgstr "Rectangles" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:38 msgctxt "STR_ObjNameSingulQUAD" msgid "Square" msgstr "Quadrat" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:39 msgctxt "STR_ObjNamePluralQUAD" msgid "Squares" msgstr "Quadrats" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:40 msgctxt "STR_ObjNameSingulPARAL" msgid "Parallelogram" msgstr "Paral·lelogram" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:41 msgctxt "STR_ObjNamePluralPARAL" msgid "Parallelograms" msgstr "Paral·lelograms" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:42 msgctxt "STR_ObjNameSingulRECTRND" msgid "Rounded rectangle" msgstr "Rectangle arrodonit" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:43 msgctxt "STR_ObjNamePluralRECTRND" msgid "Rounded Rectangles" msgstr "Rectangles arrodonits" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:44 msgctxt "STR_ObjNameSingulQUADRND" msgid "rounded square" msgstr "Quadrat arrodonit" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:45 msgctxt "STR_ObjNamePluralQUADRND" msgid "Rounded Squares" msgstr "Quadrats arrodonits" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:46 msgctxt "STR_ObjNameSingulPARALRND" msgid "Rounded Parallelogram" msgstr "Paral·lelogram arrodonit" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:47 msgctxt "STR_ObjNamePluralPARALRND" msgid "Rounded parallelograms" msgstr "Paral·lelograms arrodonits" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:48 msgctxt "STR_ObjNameSingulCIRC" msgid "Circle" msgstr "Cercle" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:49 msgctxt "STR_ObjNamePluralCIRC" msgid "Circles" msgstr "Cercles" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:50 msgctxt "STR_ObjNameSingulSECT" msgid "Circle sector" msgstr "Sector del cercle" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:51 msgctxt "STR_ObjNamePluralSECT" msgid "Circle sectors" msgstr "Sectors del cercle" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:52 msgctxt "STR_ObjNameSingulCARC" msgid "Arc" msgstr "Arc" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:53 msgctxt "STR_ObjNamePluralCARC" msgid "Arcs" msgstr "Arcs" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:54 msgctxt "STR_ObjNameSingulCCUT" msgid "Circle segment" msgstr "Segment del cercle" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:55 msgctxt "STR_ObjNamePluralCCUT" msgid "Circle segments" msgstr "Segments del cercle" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:56 msgctxt "STR_ObjNameSingulCIRCE" msgid "Ellipse" msgstr "El·lipse" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:57 msgctxt "STR_ObjNamePluralCIRCE" msgid "Ellipses" msgstr "El·lipses" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:58 msgctxt "STR_ObjNameSingulSECTE" msgid "Ellipse Pie" msgstr "Diagrama de sectors el·líptic" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:59 msgctxt "STR_ObjNamePluralSECTE" msgid "Ellipse Pies" msgstr "Diagrames de sectors el·líptics" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:60 msgctxt "STR_ObjNameSingulCARCE" msgid "Elliptical arc" msgstr "Arc el·líptic" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:61 msgctxt "STR_ObjNamePluralCARCE" msgid "Elliptical arcs" msgstr "Arcs el·líptics" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:62 msgctxt "STR_ObjNameSingulCCUTE" msgid "Ellipse Segment" msgstr "Segment de l'el·lipse" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:63 msgctxt "STR_ObjNamePluralCCUTE" msgid "Ellipse Segments" msgstr "Segments de l'el·lipse" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:64 msgctxt "STR_ObjNameSingulPOLY" msgid "Polygon" msgstr "Polígon" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:65 msgctxt "STR_ObjNameSingulPOLY_PointCount" msgid "Polygon %2 corners" msgstr "Polígon amb %2 cantonades" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:66 msgctxt "STR_ObjNamePluralPOLY" msgid "Polygons" msgstr "Polígons" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:67 msgctxt "STR_ObjNameSingulPLIN" msgid "Polyline" msgstr "Línia poligonal" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:68 msgctxt "STR_ObjNameSingulPLIN_PointCount" msgid "Polyline with %2 corners" msgstr "Línia poligonal amb %2 cantonades" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:69 msgctxt "STR_ObjNamePluralPLIN" msgid "Polylines" msgstr "Línies poligonals" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:70 msgctxt "STR_ObjNameSingulPATHLINE" msgid "Bézier curve" msgstr "Corba de Bézier" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:71 msgctxt "STR_ObjNamePluralPATHLINE" msgid "Bézier curves" msgstr "Corbes de Bézier" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:72 msgctxt "STR_ObjNameSingulPATHFILL" msgid "Bézier curve" msgstr "Corba de Bézier" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:73 msgctxt "STR_ObjNamePluralPATHFILL" msgid "Bézier curves" msgstr "Corbes de Bézier" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:74 msgctxt "STR_ObjNameSingulFREELINE" msgid "Freeform Line" msgstr "Línia de forma lliure" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:75 msgctxt "STR_ObjNamePluralFREELINE" msgid "Freeform Lines" msgstr "Línies de forma lliure" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:76 msgctxt "STR_ObjNameSingulFREEFILL" msgid "Freeform Line" msgstr "Línia de forma lliure" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:77 msgctxt "STR_ObjNamePluralFREEFILL" msgid "Freeform Lines" msgstr "Línies de forma lliure" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:78 msgctxt "STR_ObjNameSingulCOMBLINE" msgid "Curve" msgstr "Corba" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:79 msgctxt "STR_ObjNameSingulNATSPLN" msgid "Natural Spline" msgstr "Spline natural" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:80 msgctxt "STR_ObjNamePluralNATSPLN" msgid "Natural Splines" msgstr "Splines naturals" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:81 msgctxt "STR_ObjNameSingulPERSPLN" msgid "Periodic Spline" msgstr "Spline periòdic" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:82 msgctxt "STR_ObjNamePluralPERSPLN" msgid "Periodic Splines" msgstr "Splines periòdics" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:83 msgctxt "STR_ObjNameSingulTEXT" msgid "Text Frame" msgstr "Marc de text" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:84 msgctxt "STR_ObjNamePluralTEXT" msgid "Text Frame" msgstr "Marc de text" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:85 msgctxt "STR_ObjNameSingulTEXTLNK" msgid "Linked text frame" msgstr "Marc de text enllaçat" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:86 msgctxt "STR_ObjNamePluralTEXTLNK" msgid "Linked text frames" msgstr "Marcs de text enllaçat" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:87 msgctxt "STR_ObjNameSingulTITLETEXT" msgid "Title text" msgstr "Text del títol" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:88 msgctxt "STR_ObjNamePluralTITLETEXT" msgid "Title texts" msgstr "Textos del títol" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:89 msgctxt "STR_ObjNameSingulOUTLINETEXT" msgid "Outline Text" msgstr "Text de l'esquema" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:90 msgctxt "STR_ObjNamePluralOUTLINETEXT" msgid "Outline Texts" msgstr "Textos de l'esquema" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:91 msgctxt "STR_ObjNameSingulGRAF" msgid "Image" msgstr "Imatge" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:92 msgctxt "STR_ObjNamePluralGRAF" msgid "Images" msgstr "Imatges" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:93 msgctxt "STR_ObjNameSingulGRAFLNK" msgid "Linked image" msgstr "Imatge enllaçada" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:94 msgctxt "STR_ObjNamePluralGRAFLNK" msgid "Linked images" msgstr "Imatges enllaçades" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:95 msgctxt "STR_ObjNameSingulGRAFNONE" msgid "Blank image object" msgstr "Objecte d'imatge buit" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:96 msgctxt "STR_ObjNamePluralGRAFNONE" msgid "Blank image objects" msgstr "Objectes d'imatge buits" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:97 msgctxt "STR_ObjNameSingulGRAFNONELNK" msgid "Blank linked image" msgstr "Imatge enllaçada buida" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:98 msgctxt "STR_ObjNamePluralGRAFNONELNK" msgid "Blank linked images" msgstr "Imatges enllaçades buides" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:99 msgctxt "STR_ObjNameSingulGRAFMTF" msgid "Metafile" msgstr "Metafitxer" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:100 msgctxt "STR_ObjNamePluralGRAFMTF" msgid "Metafiles" msgstr "Metafitxers" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:101 msgctxt "STR_ObjNameSingulGRAFMTFLNK" msgid "Linked Metafile" msgstr "Metafitxer enllaçat" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:102 msgctxt "STR_ObjNamePluralGRAFMTFLNK" msgid "Linked Metafiles" msgstr "Metafitxers enllaçats" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:103 msgctxt "STR_ObjNameSingulGRAFBMP" msgid "Image" msgstr "Imatge" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:104 msgctxt "STR_ObjNameSingulGRAFBMPTRANS" msgid "Image with transparency" msgstr "Imatge amb transparència" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:105 msgctxt "STR_ObjNameSingulGRAFBMPLNK" msgid "Linked Image" msgstr "Imatge enllaçada" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:106 msgctxt "STR_ObjNameSingulGRAFBMPTRANSLNK" msgid "Linked image with transparency" msgstr "Imatge enllaçada amb transparència" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:107 msgctxt "STR_ObjNamePluralGRAFBMP" msgid "Images" msgstr "Imatges" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:108 msgctxt "STR_ObjNamePluralGRAFBMPTRANS" msgid "Images with transparency" msgstr "Imatges amb transparència" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:109 msgctxt "STR_ObjNamePluralGRAFBMPLNK" msgid "Linked images" msgstr "Imatges enllaçades" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:110 msgctxt "STR_ObjNamePluralGRAFBMPTRANSLNK" msgid "Linked images with transparency" msgstr "Imatges enllaçades amb transparència" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:111 msgctxt "STR_ObjNameSingulCUSTOMSHAPE" msgid "Shape" msgstr "Forma" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:112 msgctxt "STR_ObjNamePluralCUSTOMSHAPE" msgid "Shapes" msgstr "Formes" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:113 msgctxt "STR_ObjNameSingulGRAFSVG" msgid "SVG" msgstr "SVG" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:114 msgctxt "STR_ObjNamePluralGRAFSVG" msgid "SVGs" msgstr "SVG" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:115 msgctxt "STR_ObjNameSingulGRAFWMF" msgid "WMF" msgstr "WMF" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:116 msgctxt "STR_ObjNamePluralGRAFWMF" msgid "WMFs" msgstr "WMF" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:117 msgctxt "STR_ObjNameSingulGRAFEMF" msgid "EMF" msgstr "EMF" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:118 msgctxt "STR_ObjNamePluralGRAFEMF" msgid "EMFs" msgstr "EMF" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:119 msgctxt "STR_ObjNameSingulOLE2" msgid "embedded object (OLE)" msgstr "objecte incrustat (OLE)" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:120 msgctxt "STR_ObjNamePluralOLE2" msgid "Embedded objects (OLE)" msgstr "Objectes incrustats (OLE)" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:121 msgctxt "STR_ObjNameSingulUno" msgid "Control" msgstr "Control" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:122 msgctxt "STR_ObjNamePluralUno" msgid "Controls" msgstr "Controls" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:123 msgctxt "STR_ObjNameSingulFrame" msgid "Frame" msgstr "Marc" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:124 msgctxt "STR_ObjNamePluralFrame" msgid "Frames" msgstr "Marcs" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:125 msgctxt "STR_ObjNameSingulEDGE" msgid "Object Connectors" msgstr "Connectors de l'objecte" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:126 msgctxt "STR_ObjNamePluralEDGE" msgid "Object Connectors" msgstr "Connectors de l'objecte" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:127 msgctxt "STR_ObjNameSingulCAPTION" msgid "Callout" msgstr "Llegenda" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:128 msgctxt "STR_ObjNamePluralCAPTION" msgid "Callouts" msgstr "Llegendes" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:129 msgctxt "STR_ObjNameSingulPAGE" msgid "Preview object" msgstr "Previsualitza l'objecte" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:130 msgctxt "STR_ObjNamePluralPAGE" msgid "Preview objects" msgstr "Previsualitza els objectes" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:131 msgctxt "STR_ObjNameSingulMEASURE" msgid "Dimension line" msgstr "Línia de dimensió" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:132 msgctxt "STR_ObjNamePluralMEASURE" msgid "Dimensioning objects" msgstr "Objectes d'acotació" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:133 msgctxt "STR_ObjNamePlural" msgid "Drawing objects" msgstr "Objectes de dibuix" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:134 msgctxt "STR_ObjNameNoObj" msgid "No draw object" msgstr "Cap objecte de dibuix" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:135 msgctxt "STR_ObjNameSingulPlural" msgid "Draw object(s)" msgstr "Objectes de dibuix" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:136 msgctxt "STR_ObjNameSingulCube3d" msgid "3D cube" msgstr "cub 3D" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:137 msgctxt "STR_ObjNamePluralCube3d" msgid "3D cubes" msgstr "cubs 3D" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:138 msgctxt "STR_ObjNameSingulExtrude3d" msgid "Extrusion object" msgstr "Objecte d'extrusió" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:139 msgctxt "STR_ObjNamePluralExtrude3d" msgid "Extrusion objects" msgstr "Objectes d'extrusió" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:140 msgctxt "STR_ObjNameSingulLathe3d" msgid "Rotation object" msgstr "Objecte de gir" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:141 msgctxt "STR_ObjNamePluralLathe3d" msgid "Rotation objects" msgstr "Objectes de gir" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:142 msgctxt "STR_ObjNameSingulObj3d" msgid "3D object" msgstr "objecte 3D" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:143 msgctxt "STR_ObjNamePluralObj3d" msgid "3D objects" msgstr "objectes 3D" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:144 msgctxt "STR_ObjNameSingulScene3d" msgid "3D scene" msgstr "escena 3D" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:145 msgctxt "STR_ObjNamePluralScene3d" msgid "3D scenes" msgstr "escenes 3D" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:146 msgctxt "STR_ObjNameSingulSphere3d" msgid "Sphere" msgstr "Esfera" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:147 msgctxt "STR_ObjNamePluralSphere3d" msgid "Spheres" msgstr "Esferes" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:148 msgctxt "STR_EditWithCopy" msgid "with copy" msgstr "amb còpia" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:149 msgctxt "STR_EditPosSize" msgid "Set position and size for %1" msgstr "Defineix la posició i la mida per a %1" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:150 msgctxt "STR_EditDelete" msgid "Delete %1" msgstr "Suprimeix %1" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:151 msgctxt "STR_EditMovToTop" msgid "Move %1 forward" msgstr "Mou %1 cap endavant" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:152 msgctxt "STR_EditMovToBtm" msgid "Move %1 further back" msgstr "Mou %1 més enrere" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:153 msgctxt "STR_EditPutToTop" msgid "Move %1 to front" msgstr "Mou %1 cap endavant" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:154 msgctxt "STR_EditPutToBtm" msgid "Move %1 to back" msgstr "Mou %1 cap enrere" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:155 msgctxt "STR_EditRevOrder" msgid "Reverse order of %1" msgstr "Inverteix l'ordre de %1" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:156 msgctxt "STR_EditMove" msgid "Move %1" msgstr "Mou %1" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:157 msgctxt "STR_EditResize" msgid "Resize %1" msgstr "Canvia la mida de %1" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:158 msgctxt "STR_EditRotate" msgid "Rotate %1" msgstr "Gira %1" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:159 msgctxt "STR_EditMirrorHori" msgid "Flip %1 horizontal" msgstr "Inverteix %1 horitzontalment" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:160 msgctxt "STR_EditMirrorVert" msgid "Flip %1 vertical" msgstr "Inverteix %1 verticalment" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:161 msgctxt "STR_EditMirrorDiag" msgid "Flip %1 diagonal" msgstr "Inverteix %1 en diagonal" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:162 msgctxt "STR_EditMirrorFree" msgid "Flip %1 freehand" msgstr "Inverteix %1 a mà alçada" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:163 msgctxt "STR_EditShear" msgid "Distort %1 (slant)" msgstr "Distorsiona (inclina) %1" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:164 msgctxt "STR_EditCrook" msgid "Arrange %1 in circle" msgstr "Organitza %1 en cercle" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:165 msgctxt "STR_EditCrookContortion" msgid "Curve %1 in circle" msgstr "Corba %1 en cercle" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:166 msgctxt "STR_EditDistort" msgid "Distort %1" msgstr "Distorsiona %1" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:167 msgctxt "STR_EditRipUp" msgid "Undo %1" msgstr "Desfés %1" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:168 msgctxt "STR_EditSetPointsSmooth" msgid "Modify bézier properties of %1" msgstr "Modifica les propietats Bézier de %1" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:169 msgctxt "STR_EditSetSegmentsKind" msgid "Modify bézier properties of %1" msgstr "Modifica les propietats Bézier de %1" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:170 msgctxt "STR_EditSetGlueEscDir" msgid "Set exit direction for %1" msgstr "Defineix la direcció de sortida de %1" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:171 msgctxt "STR_EditSetGluePercent" msgid "Set relative attribute at %1" msgstr "Defineix l'atribut relatiu a %1" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:172 msgctxt "STR_EditSetGlueAlign" msgid "Set reference point for %1" msgstr "Defineix el punt de referència per a %1" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:173 msgctxt "STR_EditGroup" msgid "Group %1" msgstr "Agrupa %1" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:174 msgctxt "STR_EditUngroup" msgid "Ungroup %1" msgstr "Desagrupa %1" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:175 msgctxt "STR_EditSetAttributes" msgid "Apply attributes to %1" msgstr "Aplica els atributs a %1" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:176 msgctxt "STR_EditSetStylesheet" msgid "Apply Styles to %1" msgstr "Aplica els estils a %1" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:177 msgctxt "STR_EditDelStylesheet" msgid "Remove Style from %1" msgstr "Suprimeix l'estil de %1" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:178 msgctxt "STR_EditConvToPoly" msgid "Convert %1 to polygon" msgstr "Converteix %1 en un polígon" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:179 msgctxt "STR_EditConvToPolys" msgid "Convert %1 to polygons" msgstr "Converteix %1 en polígons" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:180 msgctxt "STR_EditConvToCurve" msgid "Convert %1 to curve" msgstr "Converteix %1 en una corba" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:181 msgctxt "STR_EditConvToCurves" msgid "Convert %1 to curves" msgstr "Converteix %1 en corbes" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:182 msgctxt "STR_EditConvToContour" msgid "Convert %1 to contour" msgstr "Converteix %1 en una vora" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:183 msgctxt "STR_EditConvToContours" msgid "Convert %1 to contours" msgstr "Converteix %1 en vores" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:184 msgctxt "STR_EditAlign" msgid "Align %1" msgstr "Alinea %1" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:185 msgctxt "STR_EditAlignVTop" msgid "Align %1 to top" msgstr "Alinea %1 a la part superior" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:186 msgctxt "STR_EditAlignVBottom" msgid "Align %1 to bottom" msgstr "Alinea %1 a la part inferior" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:187 msgctxt "STR_EditAlignVCenter" msgid "Horizontally center %1" msgstr "Centra %1 horitzontalment" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:188 msgctxt "STR_EditAlignHLeft" msgid "Align %1 to left" msgstr "Alinea %1 a l'esquerra" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:189 msgctxt "STR_EditAlignHRight" msgid "Align %1 to right" msgstr "Alinea %1 a la dreta" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:190 msgctxt "STR_EditAlignHCenter" msgid "Vertically center %1" msgstr "Centra %1 verticalment" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:191 msgctxt "STR_EditAlignCenter" msgid "Center %1" msgstr "Centra %1" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:192 msgctxt "STR_EditTransform" msgid "Transform %1" msgstr "Transforma %1" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:193 msgctxt "STR_EditCombine_PolyPoly" msgid "Combine %1" msgstr "Combina %1" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:194 msgctxt "STR_EditMergeMergePoly" msgid "Merge %1" msgstr "Fusiona %1" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:195 msgctxt "STR_EditMergeSubstractPoly" msgid "Subtract %1" msgstr "Resta %1" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:196 msgctxt "STR_EditMergeIntersectPoly" msgid "Intersect %1" msgstr "Interseca %1" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:197 msgctxt "STR_DistributeMarkedObjects" msgid "Distribute selected objects" msgstr "Distribueix els objectes seleccionats" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:198 msgctxt "STR_EqualizeWidthMarkedObjects" msgid "Equalize Width %1" msgstr "Iguala l'amplada de %1" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:199 msgctxt "STR_EqualizeHeightMarkedObjects" msgid "Equalize Height %1" msgstr "Iguala l'alçada de %1" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:200 msgctxt "STR_EditCombine_OnePoly" msgid "Combine %1" msgstr "Combina %1" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:201 msgctxt "STR_EditDismantle_Polys" msgid "Split %1" msgstr "Divideix %1" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:202 msgctxt "STR_EditDismantle_Lines" msgid "Split %1" msgstr "Divideix %1" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:203 msgctxt "STR_EditImportMtf" msgid "Split %1" msgstr "Divideix %1" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:204 msgctxt "STR_ExchangePaste" msgid "Insert object(s)" msgstr "Insereix objectes" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:205 msgctxt "STR_DragInsertPoint" msgid "Insert point to %1" msgstr "Insereix un punt a %1" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:206 msgctxt "STR_DragInsertGluePoint" msgid "Insert glue point to %1" msgstr "Insereix un punt d'adhesió a %1" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:207 msgctxt "STR_DragMethMovHdl" msgid "Move reference-point" msgstr "Mou el punt de referència" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:208 msgctxt "STR_DragMethObjOwn" msgid "Geometrically change %1" msgstr "Canvia geomètricament %1" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:209 msgctxt "STR_DragMethMove" msgid "Move %1" msgstr "Mou %1" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:210 msgctxt "STR_DragMethResize" msgid "Resize %1" msgstr "Canvia la mida de %1" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:211 msgctxt "STR_DragMethRotate" msgid "Rotate %1" msgstr "Gira %1" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:212 msgctxt "STR_DragMethMirrorHori" msgid "Flip %1 horizontal" msgstr "Inverteix %1 horitzontalment" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:213 msgctxt "STR_DragMethMirrorVert" msgid "Flip %1 vertical" msgstr "Inverteix %1 verticalment" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:214 msgctxt "STR_DragMethMirrorDiag" msgid "Flip %1 diagonal" msgstr "Inverteix %1 en diagonal" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:215 msgctxt "STR_DragMethMirrorFree" msgid "Flip %1 freehand" msgstr "Inverteix %1 a mà alçada" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:216 msgctxt "STR_DragMethGradient" msgid "Interactive gradient for %1" msgstr "Degradat interactiu per a %1" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:217 msgctxt "STR_DragMethTransparence" msgid "Interactive transparency for %1" msgstr "Transparència interactiva per a %1" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:218 msgctxt "STR_DragMethShear" msgid "Distort %1 (slant)" msgstr "Distorsiona (inclina) %1" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:219 msgctxt "STR_DragMethCrook" msgid "Arrange %1 in circle" msgstr "Organitza %1 en cercle" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:220 msgctxt "STR_DragMethCrookContortion" msgid "Curve %1 in circle" msgstr "Corba %1 en cercle" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:221 msgctxt "STR_DragMethDistort" msgid "Distort %1" msgstr "Distorsiona %1" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:222 msgctxt "STR_DragMethCrop" msgid "Crop %1" msgstr "Escapça %1" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:223 msgctxt "STR_DragRectEckRad" msgid "Alter radius by %1" msgstr "Altera el radi per %1" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:224 msgctxt "STR_DragPathObj" msgid "Change %1" msgstr "Canvia %1" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:225 msgctxt "STR_DragRectResize" msgid "Resize %1" msgstr "Canvia la mida de %1" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:226 msgctxt "STR_DragCaptFram" msgid "Move %1" msgstr "Mou %1" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:227 msgctxt "STR_DragCaptTail" msgid "Move end point of %1" msgstr "Mou el punt final de %1" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:228 msgctxt "STR_DragCircAngle" msgid "Adjust angle by %1" msgstr "Ajusta l'angle per %1" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:229 msgctxt "STR_DragEdgeTail" msgid "Change %1" msgstr "Canvia %1" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:230 msgctxt "STR_ViewTextEdit" msgid "TextEdit: Paragraph %1, Row %2, Column %3" msgstr "TextEdit: paràgraf %1, fila %2, columna %3" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:231 msgctxt "STR_ViewMarked" msgid "%1 selected" msgstr "%1 seleccionat" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:232 msgctxt "STR_ViewMarkedPoint" msgid "Point from %1" msgstr "Punt de %1" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:233 msgctxt "STR_ViewMarkedPoints" msgid "%2 points from %1" msgstr "%2 punts de %1" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:234 msgctxt "STR_ViewMarkedGluePoint" msgid "Glue point from %1" msgstr "Punt d'adhesió de %1" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:235 msgctxt "STR_ViewMarkedGluePoints" msgid "%2 glue points from %1" msgstr "%2 punts d'adhesió de %1" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:236 msgctxt "STR_ViewMarkObjs" msgid "Mark objects" msgstr "Marca els objectes" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:237 msgctxt "STR_ViewMarkMoreObjs" msgid "Mark additional objects" msgstr "Marca els objectes addicionals" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:238 msgctxt "STR_ViewMarkPoints" msgid "Mark points" msgstr "Marca els punts" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:239 msgctxt "STR_ViewMarkMorePoints" msgid "Mark additional points" msgstr "Marca els punts addicionals" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:240 msgctxt "STR_ViewMarkGluePoints" msgid "Mark glue points" msgstr "Marca els punts d'adhesió" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:241 msgctxt "STR_ViewMarkMoreGluePoints" msgid "Mark additional glue points" msgstr "Marca els punts d'adhesió addicionals" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:242 msgctxt "STR_ViewCreateObj" msgid "Create %1" msgstr "Crea %1" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:243 msgctxt "STR_UndoInsertObj" msgid "Insert %1" msgstr "Insereix %1" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:244 msgctxt "STR_UndoCopyObj" msgid "Copy %1" msgstr "Copia %1" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:245 msgctxt "STR_UndoObjOrdNum" msgid "Change object order of %1" msgstr "Canvia l'ordre dels objectes de %1" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:246 msgctxt "STR_UndoObjSetText" msgid "Edit text of %1" msgstr "Edita el text de %1" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:247 msgctxt "STR_UndoNewPage" msgid "Insert page" msgstr "Insereix la pàgina" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:248 msgctxt "STR_UndoDelPage" msgid "Delete page" msgstr "Suprimeix la pàgina" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:249 msgctxt "STR_UndoCopPage" msgid "Copy page" msgstr "Copia la pàgina" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:250 msgctxt "STR_UndoMovPage" msgid "Change order of pages" msgstr "Canvia l'ordre de les pàgines" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:251 msgctxt "STR_UndoDelPageMasterDscr" msgid "Clear background page assignment" msgstr "Buida les assignacions de la pàgina de fons" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:252 msgctxt "STR_UndoChgPageMasterDscr" msgid "Change background page assignment" msgstr "Canvia les assignacions de la pàgina de fons" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:253 msgctxt "STR_UndoMergeModel" msgid "Insert document" msgstr "Insereix el document" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:254 msgctxt "STR_UndoNewLayer" msgid "Insert Layer" msgstr "Insereix una capa" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:255 msgctxt "STR_UndoDelLayer" msgid "Delete layer" msgstr "Suprimeix la capa" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:256 msgctxt "STR_UndoMovLayer" msgid "Change order of layers" msgstr "Canvia l'ordre de les capes" #. Undo/Redo for setting object's name (#i73249#) #: include/svx/strings.hrc:258 msgctxt "STR_UndoObjName" msgid "Change object name of %1 to" msgstr "Canvia el nom de l'objecte %1 a" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:259 msgctxt "STR_UndoObjTitle" msgid "Change object title of %1" msgstr "Canvia el títol de l'objecte %1" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:260 msgctxt "STR_UndoObjDescription" msgid "Change object description of %1" msgstr "Canvia la descripció de l'objecte %1" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:261 msgctxt "STR_ItemValON" msgid "on" msgstr "activat" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:262 msgctxt "STR_ItemValOFF" msgid "off" msgstr "desactivat" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:263 msgctxt "STR_ItemValYES" msgid "yes" msgstr "sí" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:264 msgctxt "STR_ItemValNO" msgid "No" msgstr "No" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:265 msgctxt "STR_ItemValCAPTIONTYPE1" msgid "Type 1" msgstr "Tipus 1" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:266 msgctxt "STR_ItemValCAPTIONTYPE2" msgid "Type 2" msgstr "Tipus 2" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:267 msgctxt "STR_ItemValCAPTIONTYPE3" msgid "Type 3" msgstr "Tipus 3" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:268 msgctxt "STR_ItemValCAPTIONTYPE4" msgid "Type 4" msgstr "Tipus 4" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:269 msgctxt "STR_ItemValCAPTIONESCHORI" msgid "Horizontal" msgstr "Horitzontal" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:270 msgctxt "STR_ItemValCAPTIONESCVERT" msgid "Vertical" msgstr "Vertical" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:271 msgctxt "STR_ItemValCAPTIONESCBESTFIT" msgid "Automatic" msgstr "Automàtic" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:272 msgctxt "STR_ItemValFITTOSIZENONE" msgid "Off" msgstr "Desactivat" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:273 msgctxt "STR_ItemValFITTOSIZEPROP" msgid "Proportional" msgstr "Proporcional" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:274 msgctxt "STR_ItemValFITTOSIZEALLLINES" msgid "Fit to size (all rows separately) " msgstr "Ajusta a la mida (totes les files per separat) " #: include/svx/strings.hrc:275 msgctxt "STR_ItemValFITTOSIZERESIZEAT" msgid "Use hard attributes" msgstr "Utilitza atributs durs" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:276 msgctxt "STR_ItemValTEXTVADJTOP" msgid "Top" msgstr "Principi" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:277 msgctxt "STR_ItemValTEXTVADJCENTER" msgid "Center" msgstr "Centre" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:278 msgctxt "STR_ItemValTEXTVADJBOTTOM" msgid "Bottom" msgstr "Inferior" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:279 msgctxt "STR_ItemValTEXTVADJBLOCK" msgid "Use entire height" msgstr "Utilitza tota l'alçada" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:280 msgctxt "STR_ItemValTEXTVADJSTRETCH" msgid "Stretched" msgstr "Ampliat" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:281 msgctxt "STR_ItemValTEXTHADJLEFT" msgid "Left" msgstr "Esquerra" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:282 msgctxt "STR_ItemValTEXTHADJCENTER" msgid "Center" msgstr "Centre" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:283 msgctxt "STR_ItemValTEXTHADJRIGHT" msgid "Right" msgstr "Dreta" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:284 msgctxt "STR_ItemValTEXTHADJBLOCK" msgid "Use entire width" msgstr "Utilitza tota l'amplada" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:285 msgctxt "STR_ItemValTEXTHADJSTRETCH" msgid "Stretched" msgstr "Ampliat" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:286 msgctxt "STR_ItemValTEXTANI_NONE" msgid "off" msgstr "desactivat" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:287 msgctxt "STR_ItemValTEXTANI_BLINK" msgid "flash" msgstr "flaix" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:288 msgctxt "STR_ItemValTEXTANI_SCROLL" msgid "Scroll Through" msgstr "Desplaçament lateral o vertical" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:289 msgctxt "STR_ItemValTEXTANI_ALTERNATE" msgid "alternating" msgstr "alternant" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:290 msgctxt "STR_ItemValTEXTANI_SLIDE" msgid "Scroll In" msgstr "Desplaçament cap a l'interior" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:291 msgctxt "STR_ItemValTEXTANI_LEFT" msgid "left" msgstr "esquerra" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:292 msgctxt "STR_ItemValTEXTANI_UP" msgid "up" msgstr "amunt" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:293 msgctxt "STR_ItemValTEXTANI_RIGHT" msgid "right" msgstr "dreta" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:294 msgctxt "STR_ItemValTEXTANI_DOWN" msgid "down" msgstr "avall" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:295 msgctxt "STR_ItemValEDGE_ORTHOLINES" msgid "Standard Connector" msgstr "Connector estàndard" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:296 msgctxt "STR_ItemValEDGE_THREELINES" msgid "Line Connector" msgstr "Connector de la línia" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:297 msgctxt "STR_ItemValEDGE_ONELINE" msgid "Straight Connector" msgstr "Connector directe" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:298 msgctxt "STR_ItemValEDGE_BEZIER" msgid "Curved Connector" msgstr "Connector corbat" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:299 msgctxt "STR_ItemValMEASURE_STD" msgid "Standard" msgstr "Estàndard" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:300 msgctxt "STR_ItemValMEASURE_RADIUS" msgid "Radius" msgstr "Radi" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:301 msgctxt "STR_ItemValMEASURE_TEXTHAUTO" msgid "automatic" msgstr "automàtic" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:302 msgctxt "STR_ItemValMEASURE_TEXTLEFTOUTSIDE" msgid "left outside" msgstr "esquerra exterior" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:303 msgctxt "STR_ItemValMEASURE_TEXTINSIDE" msgid "inside (centered)" msgstr "interior (centrat)" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:304 msgctxt "STR_ItemValMEASURE_TEXTRIGHTOUTSID" msgid "right outside" msgstr "dreta exterior" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:305 msgctxt "STR_ItemValMEASURE_TEXTVAUTO" msgid "automatic" msgstr "automàtic" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:306 msgctxt "STR_ItemValMEASURE_ABOVE" msgid "on the line" msgstr "a la línia" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:307 msgctxt "STR_ItemValMEASURETEXT_BREAKEDLINE" msgid "broken line" msgstr "línia interrompuda" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:308 msgctxt "STR_ItemValMEASURE_BELOW" msgid "below the line" msgstr "per sota de la línia" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:309 msgctxt "STR_ItemValMEASURETEXT_VERTICALCEN" msgid "centered" msgstr "centrat" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:310 msgctxt "STR_ItemValCIRC_FULL" msgid "full circle" msgstr "cercle complet" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:311 msgctxt "STR_ItemValCIRC_SECT" msgid "Circle Pie" msgstr "Diagrama de sectors circular" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:312 msgctxt "STR_ItemValCIRC_CUT" msgid "Circle segment" msgstr "Segment del cercle" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:313 msgctxt "STR_ItemValCIRC_ARC" msgid "Arc" msgstr "Arc" #. Strings for the templates dialog #: include/svx/strings.hrc:315 msgctxt "SIP_UNKNOWN_ATTR" msgid "Unknown attribute" msgstr "Atribut desconegut" #. Strings for the templates dialog #: include/svx/strings.hrc:317 msgctxt "SIP_XA_LINESTYLE" msgid "Line style" msgstr "Estil de línia" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:318 msgctxt "SIP_XA_LINEDASH" msgid "Line pattern" msgstr "Patró de línia" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:319 msgctxt "SIP_XA_LINEWIDTH" msgid "Line width" msgstr "Amplada de la línia" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:320 msgctxt "SIP_XA_LINECOLOR" msgid "Line color" msgstr "Color de la línia" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:321 msgctxt "SIP_XA_LINESTART" msgid "Line head" msgstr "Cap de la línia" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:322 msgctxt "SIP_XA_LINEEND" msgid "Line end" msgstr "Final de la línia" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:323 msgctxt "SIP_XA_LINESTARTWIDTH" msgid "Line head width" msgstr "Amplada del cap de línia" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:324 msgctxt "SIP_XA_LINEENDWIDTH" msgid "Line end width" msgstr "Amplada del final de línia" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:325 msgctxt "SIP_XA_LINESTARTCENTER" msgid "Center arrowhead" msgstr "Centra l'extrem inicial de la fletxa" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:326 msgctxt "SIP_XA_LINEENDCENTER" msgid "Center arrowend" msgstr "Centra l'extrem final de la fletxa" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:327 msgctxt "SIP_XA_LINETRANSPARENCE" msgid "Line transparency" msgstr "Transparència de la línia" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:328 msgctxt "SIP_XA_LINEJOINT" msgid "Line joint" msgstr "Juntura de la línia" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:329 msgctxt "SIP_XATTRSET_LINE" msgid "Line attributes" msgstr "Atributs de la línia" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:330 msgctxt "SIP_XA_FILLSTYLE" msgid "Fill style" msgstr "Estil d'emplenament" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:331 msgctxt "SIP_XA_FILLCOLOR" msgid "Fillcolor" msgstr "Color d'emplenament" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:332 msgctxt "SIP_XA_FILLGRADIENT" msgid "Gradient" msgstr "Degradat" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:333 msgctxt "SIP_XA_FILLHATCH" msgid "Hatching" msgstr "Ombreig" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:334 msgctxt "SIP_XA_FILLBITMAP" msgid "Fillbitmap" msgstr "Mapa de bits d'emplenament" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:335 msgctxt "SIP_XA_FILLTRANSPARENCE" msgid "Transparency" msgstr "Transparència" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:336 msgctxt "SIP_XA_GRADIENTSTEPCOUNT" msgid "Number of gradient steps" msgstr "Nombre de passos de degradat" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:337 msgctxt "SIP_XA_FILLBMP_TILE" msgid "Tile fill" msgstr "Emplenament en mosaic" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:338 msgctxt "SIP_XA_FILLBMP_POS" msgid "Fillbitmap position" msgstr "Posició del mapa de bits d'emplenament" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:339 msgctxt "SIP_XA_FILLBMP_SIZEX" msgid "Fillbitmap width" msgstr "Amplada del mapa de bits d'emplenament" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:340 msgctxt "SIP_XA_FILLBMP_SIZEY" msgid "Height of fillbitmap" msgstr "Alçada del mapa de bits d'emplenament" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:341 msgctxt "SIP_XA_FILLFLOATTRANSPARENCE" msgid "Transparent gradient" msgstr "Degradat transparent" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:342 msgctxt "SIP_XA_SECONDARYFILLCOLOR" msgid "Fill reserved for 2" msgstr "Emplenament reservat per al 2" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:343 msgctxt "SIP_XA_FILLBMP_SIZELOG" msgid "Tile size not in %" msgstr "La mida del mosaic no està en %" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:344 msgctxt "SIP_XA_FILLBMP_TILEOFFSETX" msgid "Tile offset X in %" msgstr "Desplaçament del mosaic X en %" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:345 msgctxt "SIP_XA_FILLBMP_TILEOFFSETY" msgid "Tile offset Y in %" msgstr "Desplaçament del mosaic Y en %" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:346 msgctxt "SIP_XA_FILLBMP_STRETCH" msgid "Bitmap scaling" msgstr "Canvi de mida del mapa de bits" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:347 msgctxt "SIP_XA_FILLBMP_POSOFFSETX" msgid "Tile position X in %" msgstr "Posició mosaic X en %" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:348 msgctxt "SIP_XA_FILLBMP_POSOFFSETY" msgid "Tile position Y in %" msgstr "Posició mosaic Y en %" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:349 msgctxt "SIP_XA_FILLBACKGROUND" msgid "Background fill" msgstr "Emplenament del fons" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:350 msgctxt "SIP_XATTRSET_FILL" msgid "Area attributes" msgstr "Atributs de l'àrea" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:351 msgctxt "SIP_XA_FORMTXTSTYLE" msgid "Fontwork style" msgstr "Estil del Fontwork" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:352 msgctxt "SIP_XA_FORMTXTADJUST" msgid "Fontwork alignment" msgstr "Alineació del Fontwork" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:353 msgctxt "SIP_XA_FORMTXTDISTANCE" msgid "Fontwork spacing" msgstr "Espaiat del Fontwork" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:354 msgctxt "SIP_XA_FORMTXTSTART" msgid "Fontwork font begin" msgstr "Inici de tipus de lletra del Fontwork" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:355 msgctxt "SIP_XA_FORMTXTMIRROR" msgid "Fontwork mirror" msgstr "Rèplica del Fontwork" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:356 msgctxt "SIP_XA_FORMTXTOUTLINE" msgid "Fontwork outline" msgstr "Contorn del Fontwork" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:357 msgctxt "SIP_XA_FORMTXTSHADOW" msgid "Fontwork shadow" msgstr "Ombra del Fontwork" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:358 msgctxt "SIP_XA_FORMTXTSHDWCOLOR" msgid "Fontwork shadow color" msgstr "Color de l'ombra del Fontwork" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:359 msgctxt "SIP_XA_FORMTXTSHDWXVAL" msgid "Fontwork shadow offset X" msgstr "Desplaçament en X de l'ombra del Fontwork" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:360 msgctxt "SIP_XA_FORMTXTSHDWYVAL" msgid "Fontwork shadow offset Y" msgstr "Desplaçament en Y de l'ombra del Fontwork" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:361 msgctxt "SIP_XA_FORMTXTHIDEFORM" msgid "Hide fontwork outline" msgstr "Amaga el contorn del Fontwork" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:362 msgctxt "SIP_XA_FORMTXTSHDWTRANSP" msgid "Fontwork shadow transparency" msgstr "Transparència de l'ombra del Fontwork" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:363 msgctxt "SIP_SA_SHADOW" msgid "Shadow" msgstr "Ombra" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:364 msgctxt "SIP_SA_SHADOWCOLOR" msgid "Shadow color" msgstr "Color de l'ombra" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:365 msgctxt "SIP_SA_SHADOWXDIST" msgid "Shadow spacing X" msgstr "Espaiat X de l'ombra" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:366 msgctxt "SIP_SA_SHADOWYDIST" msgid "Shadow spacing Y" msgstr "Espaiat Y de l'ombra" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:367 msgctxt "SIP_SA_SHADOWTRANSPARENCE" msgid "Shadow transparency" msgstr "Transparència de l'ombra" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:368 msgctxt "SIP_SA_SHADOW3D" msgid "3D shadow" msgstr "Ombra 3D" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:369 msgctxt "SIP_SA_SHADOWPERSP" msgid "Perspective shadow" msgstr "Ombra en perspectiva" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:370 msgctxt "SIP_SA_CAPTIONTYPE" msgid "Type of legend" msgstr "Tipus de llegenda" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:371 msgctxt "SIP_SA_CAPTIONFIXEDANGLE" msgid "Fixed legend angle" msgstr "Angle de la llegenda fix" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:372 msgctxt "SIP_SA_CAPTIONANGLE" msgid "Legend angle" msgstr "Angle de la llegenda" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:373 msgctxt "SIP_SA_CAPTIONGAP" msgid "Legend lines spacing" msgstr "Espaiat de línies de la llegenda" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:374 msgctxt "SIP_SA_CAPTIONESCDIR" msgid "Legend exit alignment" msgstr "Alineació de la sortida de la llegenda" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:375 msgctxt "SIP_SA_CAPTIONESCISREL" msgid "Relative exit legend" msgstr "Llegenda relativa de la sortida" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:376 msgctxt "SIP_SA_CAPTIONESCREL" msgid "Relative exit legend" msgstr "Llegenda relativa de la sortida" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:377 msgctxt "SIP_SA_CAPTIONESCABS" msgid "Absolute exit of legend" msgstr "Sortida absoluta de la llegenda" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:378 msgctxt "SIP_SA_CAPTIONLINELEN" msgid "Legend line length" msgstr "Longitud de línia de la llegenda" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:379 msgctxt "SIP_SA_CAPTIONFITLINELEN" msgid "AutoLength of legend lines" msgstr "Longitud automàtica de línia de la llegenda" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:380 msgctxt "SIP_SA_ECKENRADIUS" msgid "Corner radius" msgstr "Radi de la cantonada" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:381 msgctxt "SIP_SA_TEXT_MINFRAMEHEIGHT" msgid "Minimal frame height" msgstr "Alçada mínima del marc" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:382 msgctxt "SIP_SA_TEXT_AUTOGROWHEIGHT" msgid "AutoFit height" msgstr "Ajusta automàticament l'alçada" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:383 msgctxt "SIP_SA_TEXT_FITTOSIZE" msgid "Fit text to frame" msgstr "Ajusta el text al marc" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:384 msgctxt "SIP_SA_TEXT_LEFTDIST" msgid "Left text frame spacing" msgstr "Espaiat esquerre del marc del text" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:385 msgctxt "SIP_SA_TEXT_RIGHTDIST" msgid "Right text frame spacing" msgstr "Espaiat dret del marc del text" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:386 msgctxt "SIP_SA_TEXT_UPPERDIST" msgid "Upper text frame spacing" msgstr "Espaiat superior del marc del text" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:387 msgctxt "SIP_SA_TEXT_LOWERDIST" msgid "Lower text frame spacing" msgstr "Espaiat inferior del marc del text" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:388 msgctxt "SIP_SA_TEXT_VERTADJUST" msgid "Vertical text anchor" msgstr "Àncora de text vertical" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:389 msgctxt "SIP_SA_TEXT_MAXFRAMEHEIGHT" msgid "Maximal frame height" msgstr "Alçada màxima del marc" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:390 msgctxt "SIP_SA_TEXT_MINFRAMEWIDTH" msgid "Minimal frame width" msgstr "Amplada mínima del marc" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:391 msgctxt "SIP_SA_TEXT_MAXFRAMEWIDTH" msgid "Maximal frame width" msgstr "Amplada màxima del marc" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:392 msgctxt "SIP_SA_TEXT_AUTOGROWWIDTH" msgid "AutoFit width" msgstr "Ajusta automàticament l'amplada" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:393 msgctxt "SIP_SA_TEXT_HORZADJUST" msgid "Horizontal text anchor" msgstr "Àncora de text horitzontal" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:394 msgctxt "SIP_SA_TEXT_ANIKIND" msgid "Ticker" msgstr "Teletip" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:395 msgctxt "SIP_SA_TEXT_ANIDIRECTION" msgid "Ticker direction" msgstr "Direcció del teletip" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:396 msgctxt "SIP_SA_TEXT_ANISTARTINSIDE" msgid "Ticker start inside" msgstr "Inici del teletip dins de" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:397 msgctxt "SIP_SA_TEXT_ANISTOPINSIDE" msgid "Ticker stop inside" msgstr "Aturada del teletip dins de" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:398 msgctxt "SIP_SA_TEXT_ANICOUNT" msgid "Number of ticker runs" msgstr "Nombre d'execucions del teletip" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:399 msgctxt "SIP_SA_TEXT_ANIDELAY" msgid "Speed of ticker" msgstr "Velocitat del teletip" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:400 msgctxt "SIP_SA_TEXT_ANIAMOUNT" msgid "Ticker step size" msgstr "Mida del pas de teletip" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:401 msgctxt "SIP_SA_TEXT_CONTOURFRAME" msgid "Outline text flow" msgstr "Flux de text del contorn" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:402 msgctxt "SIP_SA_XMLATTRIBUTES" msgid "User-defined attributes" msgstr "Atributs definits per l'usuari" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:403 msgctxt "SIP_SA_TEXT_USEFIXEDCELLHEIGHT" msgid "Use font-independent line spacing" msgstr "Utilitza interlineat independent del tipus de lletra" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:404 msgctxt "SIP_SA_WORDWRAP" msgid "Word wrap text in shape" msgstr "Ajustament automàtic de la línia en el text" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:405 msgctxt "SIP_SA_CHAINNEXTNAME" msgid "Next link in text chain" msgstr "Enllaç següent en la cadena de text" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:406 msgctxt "SIP_SA_EDGEKIND" msgid "Type of connector" msgstr "Tipus de connector" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:407 msgctxt "SIP_SA_EDGENODE1HORZDIST" msgid "Horz. spacing object 1" msgstr "Espaiat horitzontal de l'objecte 1" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:408 msgctxt "SIP_SA_EDGENODE1VERTDIST" msgid "Vert. spacing object 1" msgstr "Espaiat vertical de l'objecte 1" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:409 msgctxt "SIP_SA_EDGENODE2HORZDIST" msgid "Horz. spacing object 2" msgstr "Espaiat horitzontal de l'objecte 2" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:410 msgctxt "SIP_SA_EDGENODE2VERTDIST" msgid "Vert. spacing object 2" msgstr "Espaiat vertical de l'objecte 2" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:411 msgctxt "SIP_SA_EDGENODE1GLUEDIST" msgid "Glue spacing object 1" msgstr "Espaiat d'adhesió de l'objecte 1" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:412 msgctxt "SIP_SA_EDGENODE2GLUEDIST" msgid "Glue spacing object 2" msgstr "Espaiat d'adhesió de l'objecte 2" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:413 msgctxt "SIP_SA_EDGELINEDELTACOUNT" msgid "Number of movable lines" msgstr "Nombre de línies desplaçables" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:414 msgctxt "SIP_SA_EDGELINE1DELTA" msgid "Offset line 1" msgstr "Línia de desplaçament 1" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:415 msgctxt "SIP_SA_EDGELINE2DELTA" msgid "Offset line 2" msgstr "Línia de desplaçament 2" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:416 msgctxt "SIP_SA_EDGELINE3DELTA" msgid "Offset line 3" msgstr "Línia de desplaçament 3" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:417 msgctxt "SIP_SA_MEASUREKIND" msgid "Type of dimensioning" msgstr "Tipus d'acotació" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:418 msgctxt "SIP_SA_MEASURETEXTHPOS" msgid "Dimension value - horizontal position" msgstr "Valor de la dimensió - posició horitzontal" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:419 msgctxt "SIP_SA_MEASURETEXTVPOS" msgid "Dimension value - vertical position" msgstr "Valor de la dimensió - posició vertical" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:420 msgctxt "SIP_SA_MEASURELINEDIST" msgid "Dimension line space" msgstr "Dimensió de l'espai de la línia" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:421 msgctxt "SIP_SA_MEASUREHELPLINEOVERHANG" msgid "Dimension help line overhang" msgstr "Dimensió del sobresortint d'ajuda" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:422 msgctxt "SIP_SA_MEASUREHELPLINEDIST" msgid "Dimension help line spacing" msgstr "Dimensió de l'interlineat d'ajuda" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:423 msgctxt "SIP_SA_MEASUREHELPLINE1LEN" msgid "Backlog of dimension help line 1" msgstr "Línia d'ajuda 1 del registre de dimensió" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:424 msgctxt "SIP_SA_MEASUREHELPLINE2LEN" msgid "Backlog of dimension help line 2" msgstr "Línia d'ajuda 2 del registre de dimensió" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:425 msgctxt "SIP_SA_MEASUREBELOWREFEDGE" msgid "Lower edge dimensioning" msgstr "Acotació de la vora inferior" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:426 msgctxt "SIP_SA_MEASURETEXTROTA90" msgid "Dimension value across dimension line" msgstr "Valor de la dimensió a través de la línia de dimensió" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:427 msgctxt "SIP_SA_MEASURETEXTUPSIDEDOWN" msgid "Rotate dimension value by 180 degree" msgstr "Gira el valor de la dimensió a 180°" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:428 msgctxt "SIP_SA_MEASUREOVERHANG" msgid "Dimension line overhang" msgstr "Dimensiona el sobresortint" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:429 msgctxt "SIP_SA_MEASUREUNIT" msgid "Measure unit" msgstr "Unitat de mesura" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:430 msgctxt "SIP_SA_MEASURESCALE" msgid "Additional scale factor" msgstr "Factor d'escala addicional" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:431 msgctxt "SIP_SA_MEASURESHOWUNIT" msgid "Measure unit display" msgstr "Visualització de la unitat de mesura" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:432 msgctxt "SIP_SA_MEASUREFORMATSTRING" msgid "Dimension value format" msgstr "Dimensiona el format del valor" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:433 msgctxt "SIP_SA_MEASURETEXTAUTOANGLE" msgid "AutoPositioning of the dimension value" msgstr "Posicionament automàtic del valor de la dimensió" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:434 msgctxt "SIP_SA_MEASURETEXTAUTOANGLEVIEW" msgid "Angle for the automatic positioning of the dimension value" msgstr "Angle per al posicionament automàtic del valor de la dimensió" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:435 msgctxt "SIP_SA_MEASURETEXTISFIXEDANGLE" msgid "Determination of the dimension value angle" msgstr "Determinació del valor de la dimensió de l'angle" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:436 msgctxt "SIP_SA_MEASURETEXTFIXEDANGLE" msgid "Angle of the dimension value" msgstr "Angle del valor de dimensió" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:437 msgctxt "SIP_SA_MEASUREDECIMALPLACES" msgid "Decimal places" msgstr "Nombre de decimals" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:438 msgctxt "SIP_SA_CIRCKIND" msgid "Type of circle" msgstr "Tipus de cercle" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:439 msgctxt "SIP_SA_CIRCSTARTANGLE" msgid "Start angle" msgstr "Angle inicial" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:440 msgctxt "SIP_SA_CIRCENDANGLE" msgid "End angle" msgstr "Angle final" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:441 msgctxt "SIP_SA_OBJMOVEPROTECT" msgid "Protected object position" msgstr "Posició de l'objecte protegit" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:442 msgctxt "SIP_SA_OBJSIZEPROTECT" msgid "Protected object size" msgstr "Mida de l'objecte protegit" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:443 msgctxt "SIP_SA_OBJPRINTABLE" msgid "Object, printable" msgstr "Objecte, imprimible" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:444 msgctxt "SIP_SA_OBJVISIBLE" msgid "Object, visible" msgstr "Objecte, visible" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:445 msgctxt "SIP_SA_LAYERID" msgid "Level ID" msgstr "Identificador de nivell" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:446 msgctxt "SIP_SA_LAYERNAME" msgid "Layer" msgstr "Capa" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:447 msgctxt "SIP_SA_OBJECTNAME" msgid "Object name" msgstr "Nom de l'objecte" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:448 msgctxt "SIP_SA_ALLPOSITIONX" msgid "Position X, complete" msgstr "Posició X, completa" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:449 msgctxt "SIP_SA_ALLPOSITIONY" msgid "Position Y, complete" msgstr "Posició Y, completa" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:450 msgctxt "SIP_SA_ALLSIZEWIDTH" msgid "Total Width" msgstr "Amplada total" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:451 msgctxt "SIP_SA_ALLSIZEHEIGHT" msgid "Height, complete" msgstr "Alçada, completa" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:452 msgctxt "SIP_SA_ONEPOSITIONX" msgid "Single position X" msgstr "Posició X única" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:453 msgctxt "SIP_SA_ONEPOSITIONY" msgid "Single position Y" msgstr "Posició Y única" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:454 msgctxt "SIP_SA_ONESIZEWIDTH" msgid "Single width" msgstr "Amplada simple" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:455 msgctxt "SIP_SA_ONESIZEHEIGHT" msgid "Single height" msgstr "Alçada única" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:456 msgctxt "SIP_SA_LOGICSIZEWIDTH" msgid "Logical width" msgstr "Amplada lògica" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:457 msgctxt "SIP_SA_LOGICSIZEHEIGHT" msgid "Logical height" msgstr "Alçada lògica" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:458 msgctxt "SIP_SA_ROTATEANGLE" msgid "Single rotation angle" msgstr "Angle de gir simple" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:459 msgctxt "SIP_SA_SHEARANGLE" msgid "Single shear angle" msgstr "Angle de retallament simple" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:460 msgctxt "SIP_SA_MOVEX" msgid "Move horizontally" msgstr "Mou horitzontalment" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:461 msgctxt "SIP_SA_MOVEY" msgid "Move vertically" msgstr "Mou verticalment" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:462 msgctxt "SIP_SA_RESIZEXONE" msgid "Resize X, single" msgstr "Canvia la mida d'X, senzill" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:463 msgctxt "SIP_SA_RESIZEYONE" msgid "Resize Y, single" msgstr "Canvia la mida d'Y, senzill" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:464 msgctxt "SIP_SA_ROTATEONE" msgid "Single rotation" msgstr "Gir simple" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:465 msgctxt "SIP_SA_HORZSHEARONE" msgid "Single horizontal shear" msgstr "Retallament únic horitzontal" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:466 msgctxt "SIP_SA_VERTSHEARONE" msgid "Single vertical shear" msgstr "Retallament únic vertical" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:467 msgctxt "SIP_SA_RESIZEXALL" msgid "Resize X, complete" msgstr "Canvia la mida d'X, complet" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:468 msgctxt "SIP_SA_RESIZEYALL" msgid "Resize Y, complete" msgstr "Canvia la mida d'Y, complet" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:469 msgctxt "SIP_SA_ROTATEALL" msgid "Rotate all" msgstr "Gira'ls tots" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:470 msgctxt "SIP_SA_HORZSHEARALL" msgid "Shear horizontal, complete" msgstr "Retallament horitzontal, complet" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:471 msgctxt "SIP_SA_VERTSHEARALL" msgid "Shear vertical, complete" msgstr "Retallament vertical, complet" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:472 msgctxt "SIP_SA_TRANSFORMREF1X" msgid "Reference point 1 X" msgstr "Punt de referència 1 X" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:473 msgctxt "SIP_SA_TRANSFORMREF1Y" msgid "Reference point 1 Y" msgstr "Punt de referència 1 Y" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:474 msgctxt "SIP_SA_TRANSFORMREF2X" msgid "Reference point 2 X" msgstr "Punt de referència 2 X" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:475 msgctxt "SIP_SA_TRANSFORMREF2Y" msgid "Reference point 2 Y" msgstr "Punt de referència 2 Y" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:476 msgctxt "SIP_EE_PARA_HYPHENATE" msgid "Hyphenation" msgstr "Partició de mots" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:477 msgctxt "SIP_EE_PARA_BULLETSTATE" msgid "Display bullets" msgstr "Visualitza els pics" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:478 msgctxt "SIP_EE_PARA_OUTLLRSPACE" msgid "Numbering indents" msgstr "Sagnats de la numeració" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:479 msgctxt "SIP_EE_PARA_OUTLLEVEL" msgid "Numbering level" msgstr "Nivell de numeració" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:480 msgctxt "SIP_EE_PARA_BULLET" msgid "Bullets and Numberings" msgstr "Pics i numeració" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:481 msgctxt "SIP_EE_PARA_LRSPACE" msgid "Indents" msgstr "Sagnats" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:482 msgctxt "SIP_EE_PARA_ULSPACE" msgid "Paragraph spacing" msgstr "Espaiat de paràgrafs" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:483 msgctxt "SIP_EE_PARA_SBL" msgid "Line spacing" msgstr "Interlineat" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:484 msgctxt "SIP_EE_PARA_JUST" msgid "Paragraph alignment" msgstr "Alineació de paràgrafs" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:485 msgctxt "SIP_EE_PARA_TABS" msgid "Tabulators" msgstr "Tabuladors" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:486 msgctxt "SIP_EE_CHAR_COLOR" msgid "Font color" msgstr "Color de la lletra" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:487 msgctxt "SIP_EE_CHAR_FONTINFO" msgid "Character set" msgstr "Joc de caràcters" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:488 msgctxt "SIP_EE_CHAR_FONTHEIGHT" msgid "Font size" msgstr "Mida de la lletra" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:489 msgctxt "SIP_EE_CHAR_FONTWIDTH" msgid "Font width" msgstr "Amplada de la lletra" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:490 msgctxt "SIP_EE_CHAR_WEIGHT" msgid "Bold (thickness)" msgstr "Negreta (gruix)" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:491 msgctxt "SIP_EE_CHAR_UNDERLINE" msgid "Underline" msgstr "Subratllat" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:492 msgctxt "SIP_EE_CHAR_OVERLINE" msgid "Overline" msgstr "Sobreratllat" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:493 msgctxt "SIP_EE_CHAR_STRIKEOUT" msgid "Strikethrough" msgstr "Ratllat" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:494 msgctxt "SIP_EE_CHAR_ITALIC" msgid "Italic" msgstr "Cursiva" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:495 msgctxt "SIP_EE_CHAR_OUTLINE" msgid "Outline" msgstr "Esquema" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:496 msgctxt "SIP_EE_CHAR_SHADOW" msgid "Font shadow" msgstr "Ombra de la lletra" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:497 msgctxt "SIP_EE_CHAR_ESCAPEMENT" msgid "Superscript/subscript" msgstr "Superíndex/subíndex" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:498 msgctxt "SIP_EE_CHAR_PAIRKERNING" msgid "Kerning" msgstr "Interlletratge" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:499 msgctxt "SIP_EE_CHAR_KERNING" msgid "Manual kerning" msgstr "Interlletratge manual" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:500 msgctxt "SIP_EE_CHAR_WLM" msgid "No underline for spaces" msgstr "Sense subratllat per als espais" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:501 msgctxt "SIP_EE_FEATURE_TAB" msgid "Tabulator" msgstr "Tabulador" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:502 msgctxt "SIP_EE_FEATURE_LINEBR" msgid "Optional line break" msgstr "Salt de línia opcional" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:503 msgctxt "SIP_EE_FEATURE_NOTCONV" msgid "Non-convertible character" msgstr "Caràcter no convertible" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:504 msgctxt "SIP_EE_FEATURE_FIELD" msgid "Fields" msgstr "Camps" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:505 msgctxt "SIP_SA_GRAFRED" msgid "Red" msgstr "Vermell" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:506 msgctxt "SIP_SA_GRAFGREEN" msgid "Green" msgstr "Verd" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:507 msgctxt "SIP_SA_GRAFBLUE" msgid "Blue" msgstr "Blau" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:508 msgctxt "SIP_SA_GRAFLUMINANCE" msgid "Brightness" msgstr "Brillantor" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:509 msgctxt "SIP_SA_GRAFCONTRAST" msgid "Contrast" msgstr "Contrast" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:510 msgctxt "SIP_SA_GRAFGAMMA" msgid "Gamma" msgstr "Gamma" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:511 msgctxt "SIP_SA_GRAFTRANSPARENCE" msgid "Transparency" msgstr "Transparència" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:512 msgctxt "SIP_SA_GRAFINVERT" msgid "Invert" msgstr "Inverteix" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:513 msgctxt "SIP_SA_GRAFMODE" msgid "Image mode" msgstr "Mode imatge" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:514 msgctxt "SIP_SA_GRAFCROP" msgid "Crop" msgstr "Escapça" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:515 msgctxt "STR_ObjNameSingulMEDIA" msgid "Media object" msgstr "Objecte multimèdia" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:516 msgctxt "STR_ObjNamePluralMEDIA" msgid "Media objects" msgstr "Objectes multimèdia" #. drawing layer table strings #: include/svx/strings.hrc:518 msgctxt "STR_TABLE_INSCOL" msgid "Insert column" msgstr "Insereix una columna" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:519 msgctxt "STR_TABLE_INSROW" msgid "Insert row" msgstr "Insereix una fila" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:520 msgctxt "STR_UNDO_COL_DELETE" msgid "Delete column" msgstr "Suprimeix la columna" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:521 msgctxt "STR_UNDO_ROW_DELETE" msgid "Delete row" msgstr "Suprimeix la fila" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:522 msgctxt "STR_TABLE_SPLIT" msgid "Split cells" msgstr "Divideix les cel·les" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:523 msgctxt "STR_TABLE_MERGE" msgid "Merge cells" msgstr "Fusiona les cel·les" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:524 msgctxt "STR_TABLE_NUMFORMAT" msgid "Format cell" msgstr "Formata la cel·la" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:525 msgctxt "STR_TABLE_DISTRIBUTE_ROWS" msgid "Distribute rows" msgstr "Distribueix les files" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:526 msgctxt "STR_TABLE_DISTRIBUTE_COLUMNS" msgid "Distribute columns" msgstr "Distribueix les columnes" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:527 msgctxt "STR_TABLE_DELETE_CELL_CONTENTS" msgid "Delete cell contents" msgstr "Suprimeix el contingut de la cel·la" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:528 msgctxt "STR_TABLE_STYLE" msgid "Table style" msgstr "Estil de taula" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:529 msgctxt "STR_TABLE_STYLE_SETTINGS" msgid "Table style settings" msgstr "Paràmetres de l'estil de taula" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:530 msgctxt "STR_ObjNameSingulTable" msgid "Table" msgstr "Taula" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:531 msgctxt "STR_ObjNamePluralTable" msgid "Tables" msgstr "Taules" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:532 msgctxt "STR_ObjNameSingulFONTWORK" msgid "Font work" msgstr "Font work" #. Strings for the Draw-Dialog -------------------------------------------- #: include/svx/strings.hrc:534 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_SOLID" msgid "Continuous" msgstr "Continu" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:535 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRADIENT" msgid "Gradient" msgstr "Degradat" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:536 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BITMAP" msgid "Bitmap" msgstr "Mapa de bits" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:537 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_PATTERN" msgid "Pattern" msgstr "Patró" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:538 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_PATTERN_UNTITLED" msgid "Untitled Pattern" msgstr "Patró sense títol" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:539 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_LINESTYLE" msgid "Line Style" msgstr "Estil de línia" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:540 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_INVISIBLE" msgid "None" msgstr "Cap" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:541 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR" msgid "Color" msgstr "Color" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:542 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_HATCH" msgid "Hatching" msgstr "Ombreig" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:543 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_LINEEND" msgid "Arrowheads" msgstr "Extrems de fletxa" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:544 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_ARROW" msgid "Arrow" msgstr "Fletxa" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:545 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_SQUARE" msgid "Square" msgstr "Quadrat" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:546 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_CIRCLE" msgid "Circle" msgstr "Cercle" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:547 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_NONE" msgid "- none -" msgstr "- cap -" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:548 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TRANSPARENCE" msgid "Transparency" msgstr "Transparència" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:549 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_CENTERED" msgid "Centered" msgstr "Centrat" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:550 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_NOTCENTERED" msgid "Not centered" msgstr "Sense centrar" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:551 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRAFMODE_STANDARD" msgid "Default" msgstr "Per defecte" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:552 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRAFMODE_GREYS" msgid "Grayscale" msgstr "Escala de grisos" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:553 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRAFMODE_MONO" msgid "Black/White" msgstr "Negre/blanc" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:554 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRAFMODE_WATERMARK" msgid "Watermark" msgstr "Filigrana" #. Default colors #: include/svx/strings.hrc:556 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_DEFAULT_FONTCOLOR" msgid "Dark Red 2" msgstr "Vermell fosc 2" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:557 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_DEFAULT_FRAMELINE" msgid "Blue" msgstr "Blau" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:558 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_DEFAULT_HIGHLIGHT" msgid "Yellow" msgstr "Groc" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:559 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_DEFAULT_SHAPE_STROKE" msgid "Dark Blue 1" msgstr "Blau fosc 1" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:560 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_DEFAULT_SHAPE_FILLING" msgid "Light Blue 2" msgstr "Blau clar 2" #. Elements of the standard color palette #: include/svx/strings.hrc:562 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_BLACK" msgid "Black" msgstr "Negre" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:563 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_GREY" msgid "Gray" msgstr "Gris" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:564 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_WHITE" msgid "White" msgstr "Blanc" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:565 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_YELLOW" msgid "Yellow" msgstr "Groc" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:566 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_GOLD" msgid "Gold" msgstr "Or" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:567 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_ORANGE" msgid "Orange" msgstr "Taronja" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:568 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_BRICK" msgid "Brick" msgstr "Maó" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:569 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_RED" msgid "Red" msgstr "Vermell" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:570 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_MAGENTA" msgid "Magenta" msgstr "Magenta" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:571 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_PURPLE" msgid "Purple" msgstr "Porpre" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:572 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_INDIGO" msgid "Indigo" msgstr "Indi" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:573 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_BLUE" msgid "Blue" msgstr "Blau" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:574 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_TEAL" msgid "Teal" msgstr "Jade" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:575 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_GREEN" msgid "Green" msgstr "Verd" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:576 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_LIME" msgid "Lime" msgstr "Llima" #. Light variants of the standard color palette #: include/svx/strings.hrc:578 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_LIGHTGRAY" msgid "Light Gray" msgstr "Gris clar" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:579 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_LIGHTYELLOW" msgid "Light Yellow" msgstr "Groc clar" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:580 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_LIGHTGOLD" msgid "Light Gold" msgstr "Or clar" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:581 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_LIGHTORANGE" msgid "Light Orange" msgstr "Taronja clar" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:582 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_LIGHTBRICK" msgid "Light Brick" msgstr "Maó clar" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:583 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_LIGHTRED" msgid "Light Red" msgstr "Vermell clar" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:584 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_LIGHTMAGENTA" msgid "Light Magenta" msgstr "Magenta clar" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:585 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_LIGHTPURPLE" msgid "Light Purple" msgstr "Porpra clar" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:586 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_LIGHTINDIGO" msgid "Light Indigo" msgstr "Indi clar" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:587 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_LIGHTBLUE" msgid "Light Blue" msgstr "Blau clar" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:588 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_LIGHTTEAL" msgid "Light Teal" msgstr "Jade clar" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:589 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_LIGHTGREEN" msgid "Light Green" msgstr "Verd clar" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:590 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_LIGHTLIME" msgid "Light Lime" msgstr "Llima clar" #. Dark variants of the standard color palette #: include/svx/strings.hrc:592 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_DARKGRAY" msgid "Dark Gray" msgstr "Gris fosc" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:593 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_DARKYELLOW" msgid "Dark Yellow" msgstr "Groc fosc" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:594 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_DARKGOLD" msgid "Dark Gold" msgstr "Or fosc" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:595 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_DARKORANGE" msgid "Dark Orange" msgstr "Taronja fosc" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:596 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_DARKBRICK" msgid "Dark Brick" msgstr "Maó bosc" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:597 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_DARKRED" msgid "Dark Red" msgstr "Vermell fosc" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:598 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_DARKMAGENTA" msgid "Dark Magenta" msgstr "Magenta fosc" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:599 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_DARKPURPLE" msgid "Dark Purple" msgstr "Porpra fosc" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:600 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_DARKINDIGO" msgid "Dark Indigo" msgstr "Indi fosc" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:601 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_DARKBLUE" msgid "Dark Blue" msgstr "Blau fosc" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:602 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_DARKTEAL" msgid "Dark Teal" msgstr "Jade fosc" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:603 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_DARKGREEN" msgid "Dark Green" msgstr "Verd fosc" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:604 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_DARKLIME" msgid "Dark Lime" msgstr "Llima fosc" #. Elements of the Tonal color palette #: include/svx/strings.hrc:606 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_VIOLET" msgid "Violet" msgstr "Violeta" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:607 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_VIOLET_OUG" msgid "Violet (Out of Gamut)" msgstr "Violeta (fora de gamma)" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:608 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_BLUE_OUG" msgid "Blue (Out of Gamut)" msgstr "Blau (fora de gamma)" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:609 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_AZURE_OUG" msgid "Azure (Out of Gamut)" msgstr "Atzur (fora de gamma)" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:610 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_SPRINGGREEN_OUG" msgid "Spring Green (Out of Gamut)" msgstr "Verd primavera (fora de gamma)" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:611 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_GREEN_OUG" msgid "Green (Out of Gamut)" msgstr "Verd (fora de gamma)" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:612 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_CHARTREUSEGREEN_OUG" msgid "Chartreuse Green (Out of Gamut)" msgstr "Verd chartreuse (fora de gamma)" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:613 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_ORANGE_OUG" msgid "Orange (Out of Gamut)" msgstr "Taronja (fora de gamma)" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:614 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_RED_OUG" msgid "Red (Out of Gamut)" msgstr "Vermell (fora de gamma)" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:615 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_ROSE_OUG" msgid "Rose (Out of Gamut)" msgstr "Rosa (fora de gamma)" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:616 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_AZURE" msgid "Azure" msgstr "Atzur" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:617 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_CYAN" msgid "Cyan" msgstr "Cian" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:618 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_SPRINGGREEN" msgid "Spring Green" msgstr "Verd primavera" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:619 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_CHARTREUSEGREEN" msgid "Chartreuse Green" msgstr "Verd chartreuse" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:620 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_ROSE" msgid "Rose" msgstr "Rosa" #. Old default color names, probably often used in saved files #: include/svx/strings.hrc:622 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_BLUE_CLASSIC" msgid "Blue classic" msgstr "Blau clàssic" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:623 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_BLUEGREY" msgid "Blue gray" msgstr "Gris blavós" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:624 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_BORDEAUX" msgid "Bordeaux" msgstr "Bordeus" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:625 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_PALE_YELLOW" msgid "Pale yellow" msgstr "Groc pastel" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:626 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_PALE_GREEN" msgid "Pale green" msgstr "Verd pastel" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:627 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_DARKVIOLET" msgid "Dark violet" msgstr "Violeta fosc" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:628 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_SALMON" msgid "Salmon" msgstr "Salmó" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:629 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_SEABLUE" msgid "Sea blue" msgstr "Blau marí" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:630 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_CHART" msgid "Chart" msgstr "Diagrama" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:631 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_SKYBLUE" msgid "Sky blue" msgstr "Blau cel" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:632 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_YELLOWGREEN" msgid "Yellow green" msgstr "Groc verd" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:633 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_PINK" msgid "Pink" msgstr "Rosa" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:634 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_TURQUOISE" msgid "Turquoise" msgstr "Turquesa" #. 16 old AutoFormat Table Styles #: include/svx/strings.hrc:636 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TBLAFMT_3D" msgid "3D" msgstr "3D" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:637 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TBLAFMT_BLACK1" msgid "Black 1" msgstr "Negre 1" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:638 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TBLAFMT_BLACK2" msgid "Black 2" msgstr "Negre 2" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:639 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TBLAFMT_BLUE" msgid "Blue" msgstr "Blau" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:640 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TBLAFMT_BROWN" msgid "Brown" msgstr "Marró" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:641 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TBLAFMT_CURRENCY" msgid "Currency" msgstr "Moneda" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:642 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TBLAFMT_CURRENCY_3D" msgid "Currency 3D" msgstr "Moneda 3D" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:643 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TBLAFMT_CURRENCY_GRAY" msgid "Currency Gray" msgstr "Gris moneda" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:644 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TBLAFMT_CURRENCY_LAVENDER" msgid "Currency Lavender" msgstr "Lavanda moneda" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:645 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TBLAFMT_CURRENCY_TURQUOISE" msgid "Currency Turquoise" msgstr "Turquesa moneda" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:646 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TBLAFMT_GRAY" msgid "Gray" msgstr "Gris" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:647 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TBLAFMT_GREEN" msgid "Green" msgstr "Verd" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:648 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TBLAFMT_LAVENDER" msgid "Lavender" msgstr "Lavanda" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:649 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TBLAFMT_RED" msgid "Red" msgstr "Vermell" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:650 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TBLAFMT_TURQUOISE" msgid "Turquoise" msgstr "Turquesa" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:651 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TBLAFMT_YELLOW" msgid "Yellow" msgstr "Groc" #. 10 new AutoFormat Table Styles since LibreOffice 6.0 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:653 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TBLAFMT_LO6_ACADEMIC" msgid "Academic" msgstr "Acadèmic" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:654 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TBLAFMT_LO6_BOX_LIST_BLUE" msgid "Box List Blue" msgstr "Quadre de llista blau" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:655 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TBLAFMT_LO6_BOX_LIST_GREEN" msgid "Box List Green" msgstr "Quadre de llista verd" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:656 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TBLAFMT_LO6_BOX_LIST_RED" msgid "Box List Red" msgstr "Quadre de llista vermell" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:657 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TBLAFMT_LO6_BOX_LIST_YELLOW" msgid "Box List Yellow" msgstr "Quadre de llista groc" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:658 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TBLAFMT_LO6_ELEGANT" msgid "Elegant" msgstr "Elegant" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:659 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TBLAFMT_LO6_FINANCIAL" msgid "Financial" msgstr "Financer" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:660 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TBLAFMT_LO6_SIMPLE_GRID_COLUMNS" msgid "Simple Grid Columns" msgstr "Columnes en graella simple" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:661 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TBLAFMT_LO6_SIMPLE_GRID_ROWS" msgid "Simple Grid Rows" msgstr "Files en graella simple" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:662 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TBLAFMT_LO6_SIMPLE_LIST_SHADED" msgid "Simple List Shaded" msgstr "Llista simple ombrejada" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:663 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_LINEJOINT_MIDDLE" msgid "Line joint averaged" msgstr "Mitjana de juntes de línia" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:664 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_LINEJOINT_BEVEL" msgid "Line joint bevel" msgstr "Junta de línies unida" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:665 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_LINEJOINT_MITER" msgid "Line joint miter" msgstr "Junta de línies tallada" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:666 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_LINEJOINT_ROUND" msgid "Line joint round" msgstr "Junta de línies rodona" #. the familiar name for it #: include/svx/strings.hrc:668 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_LINECAP_BUTT" msgid "Line cap flat" msgstr "Extrem de línia pla" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:669 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_LINECAP_ROUND" msgid "Line cap round" msgstr "Extrem de línia arrodonit" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:670 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_LINECAP_SQUARE" msgid "Line cap square" msgstr "Extrem de línia quadrat" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:671 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT0" msgid "Gradient" msgstr "Degradat" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:672 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT1" msgid "Linear blue/white" msgstr "Lineal blau/blanc" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:673 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT2" msgid "Linear magenta/green" msgstr "Lineal magenta/verd" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:674 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT3" msgid "Linear yellow/brown" msgstr "Lineal marró/groc" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:675 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT4" msgid "Radial green/black" msgstr "Radial verd/negre" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:676 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT5" msgid "Radial red/yellow" msgstr "Radial vermell/groc" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:677 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT6" msgid "Rectangular red/white" msgstr "Rectangular vermell/blanc" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:678 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT7" msgid "Square yellow/white" msgstr "Quadrat groc/blanc" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:679 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT8" msgid "Ellipsoid blue gray/light blue" msgstr "El·lipsoide gris blavós/blau clar" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:680 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT9" msgid "Axial light red/white" msgstr "Axial vermell clar/blanc" #. l means left #: include/svx/strings.hrc:682 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT10" msgid "Diagonal 1l" msgstr "Diagonal 1e" #. r means right #: include/svx/strings.hrc:684 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT11" msgid "Diagonal 1r" msgstr "Diagonal 1d" #. l means left #: include/svx/strings.hrc:686 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT12" msgid "Diagonal 2l" msgstr "Diagonal 2e" #. r means right #: include/svx/strings.hrc:688 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT13" msgid "Diagonal 2r" msgstr "Diagonal 2d" #. l means left #: include/svx/strings.hrc:690 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT14" msgid "Diagonal 3l" msgstr "Diagonal 3e" #. r means right #: include/svx/strings.hrc:692 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT15" msgid "Diagonal 3r" msgstr "Diagonal 3d" #. l means left #: include/svx/strings.hrc:694 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT16" msgid "Diagonal 4l" msgstr "Diagonal 4e" #. r means right #: include/svx/strings.hrc:696 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT17" msgid "Diagonal 4r" msgstr "Diagonal 4d" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:697 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT18" msgid "Diagonal Blue" msgstr "Diagonal blau" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:698 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT19" msgid "Diagonal Green" msgstr "Diagonal verd" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:699 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT20" msgid "Diagonal Orange" msgstr "Diagonal taronja" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:700 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT21" msgid "Diagonal Red" msgstr "Diagonal vermell" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:701 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT22" msgid "Diagonal Turquoise" msgstr "Diagonal turquesa" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:702 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT23" msgid "Diagonal Violet" msgstr "Diagonal violeta" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:703 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT24" msgid "From a Corner" msgstr "Des d'una cantonada" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:704 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT25" msgid "From a Corner, Blue" msgstr "Des d'una cantonada, blau" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:705 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT26" msgid "From a Corner, Green" msgstr "Des d'una cantonada, verd" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:706 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT27" msgid "From a Corner, Orange" msgstr "Des d'una cantonada, taronja" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:707 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT28" msgid "From a Corner, Red" msgstr "Des d'una cantonada, vermell" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:708 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT29" msgid "From a Corner, Turquoise" msgstr "Des d'una cantonada, turquesa" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:709 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT30" msgid "From a Corner, Violet" msgstr "Des d'una cantonada, violeta" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:710 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT31" msgid "From the Middle" msgstr "Des del mig" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:711 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT32" msgid "From the Middle, Blue" msgstr "Des del mig, blau" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:712 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT33" msgid "From the Middle, Green" msgstr "Des del mig, verd" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:713 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT34" msgid "From the Middle, Orange" msgstr "Des del mig, taronja" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:714 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT35" msgid "From the Middle, Red" msgstr "Des del mig, vermell" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:715 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT36" msgid "From the Middle, Turquoise" msgstr "Des del mig, turquesa" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:716 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT37" msgid "From the Middle, Violet" msgstr "Des del mig, violeta" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:717 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT38" msgid "Horizontal" msgstr "Horitzontal" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:718 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT39" msgid "Horizontal Blue" msgstr "Horitzontal blau" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:719 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT40" msgid "Horizontal Green" msgstr "Horitzontal verd" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:720 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT41" msgid "Horizontal Orange" msgstr "Horitzontal taronja" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:721 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT42" msgid "Horizontal Red" msgstr "Horitzontal vermell" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:722 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT43" msgid "Horizontal Turquoise" msgstr "Horitzontal turquesa" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:723 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT44" msgid "Horizontal Violet" msgstr "Horitzontal violeta" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:724 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT45" msgid "Radial" msgstr "Radial" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:725 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT46" msgid "Radial Blue" msgstr "Radial blau" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:726 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT47" msgid "Radial Green" msgstr "Radial verd" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:727 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT48" msgid "Radial Orange" msgstr "Radial taronja" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:728 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT49" msgid "Radial Red" msgstr "Radial vermell" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:729 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT50" msgid "Radial Turquoise" msgstr "Radial turquesa" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:730 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT51" msgid "Radial Violet" msgstr "Radial violeta" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:731 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT52" msgid "Vertical" msgstr "Vertical" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:732 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT53" msgid "Vertical Blue" msgstr "Vertical blau" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:733 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT54" msgid "Vertical Green" msgstr "Vertical verd" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:734 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT55" msgid "Vertical Orange" msgstr "Vertical taronja" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:735 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT56" msgid "Vertical Red" msgstr "Vertical vermell" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:736 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT57" msgid "Vertical Turquoise" msgstr "Vertical turquesa" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:737 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT58" msgid "Vertical Violet" msgstr "Vertical violeta" #. gradients of unknown provenience #: include/svx/strings.hrc:739 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT59" msgid "Gray Gradient" msgstr "Degradat gris" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:740 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT60" msgid "Yellow Gradient" msgstr "Degradat groc" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:741 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT61" msgid "Orange Gradient" msgstr "Degradat taronja" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:742 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT62" msgid "Red Gradient" msgstr "Degradat vermell" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:743 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT63" msgid "Pink Gradient" msgstr "Degradat rosa" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:744 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT64" msgid "Sky" msgstr "Cel" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:745 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT65" msgid "Cyan Gradient" msgstr "Degradat cian" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:746 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT66" msgid "Blue Gradient" msgstr "Degradat blau" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:747 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT67" msgid "Purple Pipe" msgstr "Tub porpra" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:748 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT68" msgid "Night" msgstr "Nit" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:749 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT69" msgid "Green Gradient" msgstr "Degradat verd" #. actual gradients defined for 6.1 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:751 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT70" msgid "Pastel Bouquet" msgstr "Buquet pastel" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:752 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT71" msgid "Pastel Dream" msgstr "Somni pastel" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:753 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT72" msgid "Blue Touch" msgstr "Toc blau" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:754 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT73" msgid "Blank with Gray" msgstr "Blanc amb gris" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:755 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT74" msgid "Spotted Gray" msgstr "Gris clapejat" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:756 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT75" msgid "London Mist" msgstr "Boirina londinenca" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:757 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT76" msgid "Teal to Blue" msgstr "Verd blavós" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:758 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT77" msgid "Midnight" msgstr "Mitjanit" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:759 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT78" msgid "Deep Ocean" msgstr "Oceà profund" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:760 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT79" msgid "Submarine" msgstr "Submarí" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:761 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT80" msgid "Green Grass" msgstr "Herba verda" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:762 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT81" msgid "Neon Light" msgstr "Llum de neó" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:763 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT82" msgid "Sunshine" msgstr "Raigs de sol" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:764 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT83" msgid "Present" msgstr "Present" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:765 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT84" msgid "Mahagoni" msgstr "Caoba" #. /gradients #: include/svx/strings.hrc:767 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_HATCH0" msgid "Black 45 Degrees Wide" msgstr "Negre 45 graus ample" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:768 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_HATCH1" msgid "Black 45 Degrees" msgstr "Negre 45 graus" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:769 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_HATCH2" msgid "Black -45 Degrees" msgstr "Negre -45 graus" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:770 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_HATCH3" msgid "Black 90 Degrees" msgstr "Negre 90 graus" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:771 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_HATCH4" msgid "Red Crossed 45 Degrees" msgstr "Vermell encreuat 45 graus" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:772 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_HATCH5" msgid "Red Crossed 0 Degrees" msgstr "Vermell encreuat 0 graus" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:773 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_HATCH6" msgid "Blue Crossed 45 Degrees" msgstr "Blau encreuat 45 graus" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:774 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_HATCH7" msgid "Blue Crossed 0 Degrees" msgstr "Blau encreuat 0 graus" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:775 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_HATCH8" msgid "Blue Triple 90 Degrees" msgstr "Blau triple 90 graus" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:776 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_HATCH9" msgid "Black 0 Degrees" msgstr "Negre 0 graus" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:777 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_HATCH10" msgid "Hatching" msgstr "Ombreig" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:778 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP0" msgid "Empty" msgstr "Buit" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:779 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP1" msgid "Painted White" msgstr "Pintat blanc" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:780 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP2" msgid "Paper Texture" msgstr "Textura paper" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:781 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP3" msgid "Paper Crumpled" msgstr "Paper arrugat" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:782 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP4" msgid "Paper Graph" msgstr "Paper mil·limetrat" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:783 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP5" msgid "Parchment Paper" msgstr "Paper de pergamí" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:784 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP6" msgid "Fence" msgstr "Tanca" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:785 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP7" msgid "Wooden Board" msgstr "Tauló de fusta" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:786 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP8" msgid "Maple Leaves" msgstr "Fulles d'auró" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:787 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP9" msgid "Lawn" msgstr "Gespa" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:788 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP10" msgid "Colorful Pebbles" msgstr "Còdols de color" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:789 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP11" msgid "Coffee Beans" msgstr "Grans de cafè" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:790 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP12" msgid "Little Clouds" msgstr "Núvols petits" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:791 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP13" msgid "Bathroom Tiles" msgstr "Rajoles de bany" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:792 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP14" msgid "Wall of Rock" msgstr "Mur de pedra" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:793 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP15" msgid "Zebra" msgstr "Zebra" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:794 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP16" msgid "Color Stripes" msgstr "Franges de colors" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:795 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP17" msgid "Gravel" msgstr "Grava" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:796 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP18" msgid "Parchment Studio" msgstr "Paper de pergamí 2" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:797 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP19" msgid "Night Sky" msgstr "Cel nocturn" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:798 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP20" msgid "Pool" msgstr "Billar" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:799 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP21" msgid "Bitmap" msgstr "Mapa de bits" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:800 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP22" msgid "5 Percent" msgstr "5 per cent" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:801 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP23" msgid "10 Percent" msgstr "10 per cent" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:802 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP24" msgid "20 Percent" msgstr "20 percent" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:803 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP25" msgid "25 Percent" msgstr "25 per cent" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:804 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP26" msgid "30 Percent" msgstr "30 per cent" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:805 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP27" msgid "40 Percent" msgstr "40 per cent" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:806 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP28" msgid "50 Percent" msgstr "50 per cent" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:807 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP29" msgid "60 Percent" msgstr "60 per cent" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:808 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP30" msgid "70 Percent" msgstr "70 per cent" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:809 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP31" msgid "75 Percent" msgstr "75 per cent" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:810 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP32" msgid "80 Percent" msgstr "80 per cent" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:811 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP33" msgid "90 Percent" msgstr "90 per cent" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:812 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP34" msgid "Light Downward Diagonal" msgstr "Diagonal descendent fina" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:813 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP35" msgid "Light Upward Diagonal" msgstr "Diagonal ascendent fina" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:814 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP36" msgid "Dark Downward Diagonal" msgstr "Diagonal descendent gruixuda" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:815 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP37" msgid "Dark Upward Diagonal" msgstr "Diagonal ascendent gruixuda" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:816 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP38" msgid "Wide Downward Diagonal" msgstr "Diagonal descendent ampla" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:817 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP39" msgid "Wide Upward Diagonal" msgstr "Diagonal ascendent ampla" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:818 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP40" msgid "Light Vertical" msgstr "Vertical fina" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:819 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP41" msgid "Light Horizontal" msgstr "Horitzontal fina" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:820 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP42" msgid "Narrow Vertical" msgstr "Vertical estreta" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:821 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP43" msgid "Narrow Horizontal" msgstr "Horitzontal estreta" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:822 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP44" msgid "Dark Vertical" msgstr "Vertical gruixuda" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:823 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP45" msgid "Dark Horizontal" msgstr "Horitzontal gruixuda" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:824 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP46" msgid "Dashed Downward Diagonal" msgstr "Diagonal descendent discontínua" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:825 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP47" msgid "Dashed Upward Diagonal" msgstr "Diagonal ascendent discontínua" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:826 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP48" msgid "Dashed Horizontal" msgstr "Horitzontal discontínua" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:827 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP49" msgid "Dashed Vertical" msgstr "Vertical discontíua" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:828 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP50" msgid "Small Confetti" msgstr "Confeti petit" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:829 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP51" msgid "Large Confetti" msgstr "Confeti gran" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:830 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP52" msgid "Zig Zag" msgstr "Ziga-zaga" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:831 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP53" msgid "Wave" msgstr "Ona" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:832 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP54" msgid "Diagonal Brick" msgstr "Maó diagonal" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:833 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP55" msgid "Horizontal Brick" msgstr "Maó horitzontal" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:834 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP56" msgid "Weave" msgstr "Trama" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:835 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP57" msgid "Plaid" msgstr "Tartà" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:836 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP58" msgid "Divot" msgstr "Gleva" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:837 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP59" msgid "Dotted Grid" msgstr "Graella puntejada" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:838 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP60" msgid "Dotted Diamond" msgstr "Diamant puntejat" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:839 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP61" msgid "Shingle" msgstr "Graveta" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:840 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP62" msgid "Trellis" msgstr "Enreixat" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:841 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP63" msgid "Sphere" msgstr "Esfera" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:842 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP64" msgid "Small Grid" msgstr "Graella petita" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:843 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP65" msgid "Large Grid" msgstr "Graella gran" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:844 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP66" msgid "Small Checker Board" msgstr "Escaquer petit" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:845 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP67" msgid "Large Checker Board" msgstr "Escaquer gran" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:846 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP68" msgid "Outlined Diamond" msgstr "Diamant resseguit" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:847 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP69" msgid "Solid Diamond" msgstr "Diamant ple" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:848 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP70" msgid "Vertical" msgstr "Vertical" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:849 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP71" msgid "Horizontal" msgstr "Horitzontal" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:850 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP72" msgid "Downward Diagonal" msgstr "Diagonal descendent" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:851 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP73" msgid "Upward Diagonal" msgstr "Diagonal ascendent" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:852 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP74" msgid "Cross" msgstr "Creu" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:853 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP75" msgid "Diagonal Cross" msgstr "Creu en diagonal" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:854 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_DASH0" msgid "Ultrafine Dashed" msgstr "Traços molt fins" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:855 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_DASH1" msgid "Fine Dashed" msgstr "Traços fins" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:856 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_DASH2" msgid "2 Dots 3 Dashes" msgstr "2 punts 3 traces" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:857 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_DASH3" msgid "Fine Dotted" msgstr "Amb puntejat fi" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:858 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_DASH4" msgid "Line with Fine Dots" msgstr "Traç amb punts fins" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:859 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_DASH5" msgid "Fine Dashed" msgstr "Traços fins" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:860 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_DASH6" msgid "3 Dashes 3 Dots" msgstr "3 traces 3 punts" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:861 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_DASH7" msgid "Ultrafine Dotted" msgstr "Puntejat molt fi" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:862 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_DASH8" msgid "Line Style 9" msgstr "Estil de línia 9" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:863 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_DASH9" msgid "2 Dots 1 Dash" msgstr "2 punts 1 traç" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:864 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_DASH10" msgid "Dashed" msgstr "Traçat" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:865 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_DASH11" msgid "Dashed" msgstr "Traçat" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:866 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_DASH12" msgid "Line Style" msgstr "Estil de línia" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:867 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_IMAP_ALL_FILTER" msgid "All formats" msgstr "Tots els formats" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:868 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_LEND0" msgid "Arrow concave" msgstr "Fletxa còncava" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:869 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_LEND1" msgid "Square 45" msgstr "Quadrat 45" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:870 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_LEND2" msgid "Small arrow" msgstr "Fletxa petita" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:871 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_LEND3" msgid "Dimension lines" msgstr "Línies de dimensió" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:872 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_LEND4" msgid "Double Arrow" msgstr "Fletxa doble" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:873 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_LEND5" msgid "Rounded short arrow" msgstr "Fletxa curta arrodonida" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:874 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_LEND6" msgid "Symmetric arrow" msgstr "Fletxa simètrica" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:875 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_LEND7" msgid "Line arrow" msgstr "Fletxa línia" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:876 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_LEND8" msgid "Rounded large arrow" msgstr "Fletxa gran arrodonida" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:877 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_LEND9" msgid "Circle" msgstr "Cercle" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:878 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_LEND10" msgid "Square" msgstr "Quadrat" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:879 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_LEND11" msgid "Arrow" msgstr "Fletxa" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:880 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_LEND12" msgid "Short line arrow" msgstr "Línia curta de fletxa" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:881 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_LEND13" msgid "Triangle unfilled" msgstr "Triangle buit" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:882 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_LEND14" msgid "Diamond unfilled" msgstr "Diamant buit" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:883 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_LEND15" msgid "Diamond" msgstr "Diamant" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:884 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_LEND16" msgid "Circle unfilled" msgstr "Cercle buit" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:885 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_LEND17" msgid "Square 45 unfilled" msgstr "Quadrat 45 buit" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:886 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_LEND18" msgid "Square unfilled" msgstr "Quadrat buit" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:887 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_LEND19" msgid "Half circle unfilled" msgstr "Mig cercle buit" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:888 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_LEND20" msgid "Arrowhead" msgstr "Extrem de fletxa" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:889 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TRASNGR0" msgid "Transparency" msgstr "Transparència" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:890 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_LIBRE_GREEN_1" msgid "Green 1 (%PRODUCTNAME Main Color)" msgstr "Verd 1 (color principal del %PRODUCTNAME)" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:891 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_LIBRE_GREEN_ACCENT" msgid "Green Accent" msgstr "Verd accentuat" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:892 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_LIBRE_BLUE_ACCENT" msgid "Blue Accent" msgstr "Blau accentuat" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:893 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_LIBRE_ORANGE_ACCENT" msgid "Orange Accent" msgstr "Taronja accentuat" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:894 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_LIBRE_PURPLE" msgid "Purple" msgstr "Porpre" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:895 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_LIBRE_PURPLE_ACCENT" msgid "Purple Accent" msgstr "Porpre accentuat" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:896 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_LIBRE_YELLOW_ACCENT" msgid "Yellow Accent" msgstr "Groc accentuat" #. Tango colors, see: http://tango.freedesktop.org/Tango_Icon_Theme_Guidelines #: include/svx/strings.hrc:899 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_TANGO_BUTTER" msgid "Tango: Butter" msgstr "Tango: mantega" #. Tango colors, see: http://tango.freedesktop.org/Tango_Icon_Theme_Guidelines #: include/svx/strings.hrc:901 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_TANGO_ORANGE" msgid "Tango: Orange" msgstr "Tango: taronja" #. Tango colors, see: http://tango.freedesktop.org/Tango_Icon_Theme_Guidelines #: include/svx/strings.hrc:903 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_TANGO_CHOCOLATE" msgid "Tango: Chocolate" msgstr "Tango: xocolata" #. Tango colors, see: http://tango.freedesktop.org/Tango_Icon_Theme_Guidelines #: include/svx/strings.hrc:905 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_TANGO_CHAMELEON" msgid "Tango: Chameleon" msgstr "Tango: camaleó" #. Tango colors, see: http://tango.freedesktop.org/Tango_Icon_Theme_Guidelines #: include/svx/strings.hrc:907 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_TANGO_SKY_BLUE" msgid "Tango: Sky Blue" msgstr "Tango: blau cel" #. Tango colors, see: http://tango.freedesktop.org/Tango_Icon_Theme_Guidelines #: include/svx/strings.hrc:909 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_TANGO_PLUM" msgid "Tango: Plum" msgstr "Tango: pruna" #. Tango colors, see: http://tango.freedesktop.org/Tango_Icon_Theme_Guidelines #: include/svx/strings.hrc:911 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_TANGO_SCARLET_RED" msgid "Tango: Scarlet Red" msgstr "Tango: vermell escarlata" #. Tango colors, see: http://tango.freedesktop.org/Tango_Icon_Theme_Guidelines #: include/svx/strings.hrc:913 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_TANGO_ALUMINIUM" msgid "Tango: Aluminium" msgstr "Tango: alumini" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:914 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GALLERYPROPS_GALTHEME" msgid "Gallery Theme" msgstr "Tema de la galeria" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:915 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GALLERY_THEMEITEMS" msgid "Theme Items" msgstr "Elements del tema" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:916 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GALLERY_PREVIEW" msgid "Preview" msgstr "Previsualització" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:917 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_SUCCESSRECOV" msgid "Successfully recovered" msgstr "S'ha recuperat correctament" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:918 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_ORIGDOCRECOV" msgid "Original document recovered" msgstr "S'ha recuperat el document original" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:919 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_RECOVFAILED" msgid "Recovery failed" msgstr "Ha fallat la recuperació" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:920 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_RECOVINPROGR" msgid "Recovery in progress" msgstr "S'està recuperant" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:921 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_NOTRECOVYET" msgid "Not recovered yet" msgstr "Encara no s'ha recuperat" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:922 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_RECOVERY_INPROGRESS" msgid "%PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION has begun recovering your documents. Depending on the size of the documents this process can take some time." msgstr "El %PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION ha començat a recuperar els documents. Segons la mida dels documents, aquest procés pot trigar una estona." #: include/svx/strings.hrc:923 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_RECOVERYONLY_FINISH_DESCR" msgid "Recovery of your documents was finished. Click 'Finish' to see your documents." msgstr "La recuperació dels documents ha finalitzat. Feu clic a «Finalitza» per a veure els documents." #: include/svx/strings.hrc:924 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_RECOVERYONLY_FINISH" msgid "~Finish" msgstr "~Finalitza" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:925 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_WIDTH_LAST_CUSTOM" msgid "Last Custom Value" msgstr "Últim valor personalitzat" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:926 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_PT" msgid "pt" msgstr "pt" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:928 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_EXPORT_GRAPHIC_TITLE" msgid "Image Export" msgstr "Exportació d'imatge" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:929 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_SAVEAS_IMAGE" msgid "Save as Image" msgstr "Desa com a imatge" #. Strings for the Draw Dialog -------------------------------------------- #: include/svx/strings.hrc:932 msgctxt "RID_SVX_3D_UNDO_EXCHANGE_PASTE" msgid "Insert object(s)" msgstr "Insereix objectes" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:933 msgctxt "RID_SVX_3D_UNDO_ROTATE" msgid "Rotate 3D object" msgstr "Gira l'objecte 3D" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:934 msgctxt "RID_SVX_3D_UNDO_EXTRUDE" msgid "Create extrusion object" msgstr "Crea un objecte d'extrusió" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:935 msgctxt "RID_SVX_3D_UNDO_LATHE" msgid "Create rotation object" msgstr "Crea un objecte de gir" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:936 msgctxt "RID_SVX_3D_UNDO_BREAK_LATHE" msgid "Split 3D object" msgstr "Divideix l'objecte 3D" #. Language-Strings ------------------------------------------------------ #: include/svx/strings.hrc:939 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_LANGUAGE_ALL" msgid "[All]" msgstr "[Tots]" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:941 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GALLERY_FILTER" msgid "Graphics filter" msgstr "Filtre gràfic" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:942 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GALLERY_NEWTHEME" msgid "New Theme" msgstr "Tema nou" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:943 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GALLERY_CREATETHEME" msgid "New Theme..." msgstr "Tema nou..." #: include/svx/strings.hrc:944 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GALLERY_TITLE" msgid "Title" msgstr "Títol" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:945 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GALLERY_ICONVIEW" msgid "Icon View" msgstr "Mostra les icones" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:946 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GALLERY_LISTVIEW" msgid "Detailed View" msgstr "Mostra els detalls" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:948 msgctxt "RID_GALLERYSTR_THEME_3D" msgid "3D Effects" msgstr "Efectes 3D" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:949 msgctxt "RID_GALLERYSTR_THEME_ANIMATIONS" msgid "Animations" msgstr "Animacions" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:950 msgctxt "RID_GALLERYSTR_THEME_BULLETS" msgid "Bullets" msgstr "Pics" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:951 msgctxt "RID_GALLERYSTR_THEME_OFFICE" msgid "Office" msgstr "Oficina" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:952 msgctxt "RID_GALLERYSTR_THEME_FLAGS" msgid "Flags" msgstr "Senyaladors" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:953 msgctxt "RID_GALLERYSTR_THEME_FLOWCHARTS" msgid "Flow Charts" msgstr "Diagrames de flux" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:954 msgctxt "RID_GALLERYSTR_THEME_EMOTICONS" msgid "Emoticons" msgstr "Emoticones" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:955 msgctxt "RID_GALLERYSTR_THEME_PHOTOS" msgid "Images" msgstr "Imatges" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:956 msgctxt "RID_GALLERYSTR_THEME_BACKGROUNDS" msgid "Backgrounds" msgstr "Fons" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:957 msgctxt "RID_GALLERYSTR_THEME_HOMEPAGE" msgid "Homepage" msgstr "Pàgina inicial" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:958 msgctxt "RID_GALLERYSTR_THEME_INTERACTION" msgid "Interaction" msgstr "Interacció" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:959 msgctxt "RID_GALLERYSTR_THEME_MAPS" msgid "Maps" msgstr "Mapes" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:960 msgctxt "RID_GALLERYSTR_THEME_PEOPLE" msgid "People" msgstr "Gent" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:961 msgctxt "RID_GALLERYSTR_THEME_SURFACES" msgid "Surfaces" msgstr "Superfícies" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:962 msgctxt "RID_GALLERYSTR_THEME_COMPUTERS" msgid "Computers" msgstr "Ordinadors" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:963 msgctxt "RID_GALLERYSTR_THEME_DIAGRAMS" msgid "Diagrams" msgstr "Diagrames" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:964 msgctxt "RID_GALLERYSTR_THEME_ENVIRONMENT" msgid "Environment" msgstr "Entorn" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:965 msgctxt "RID_GALLERYSTR_THEME_FINANCE" msgid "Finance" msgstr "Finances" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:966 msgctxt "RID_GALLERYSTR_THEME_TRANSPORT" msgid "Transport" msgstr "Transport" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:967 msgctxt "RID_GALLERYSTR_THEME_TXTSHAPES" msgid "Textshapes" msgstr "Formes de text" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:968 msgctxt "RID_GALLERYSTR_THEME_SOUNDS" msgid "Sounds" msgstr "Sons" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:969 msgctxt "RID_GALLERYSTR_THEME_SYMBOLS" msgid "Symbols" msgstr "Símbols" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:970 msgctxt "RID_GALLERYSTR_THEME_MYTHEME" msgid "My Theme" msgstr "El meu tema" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:971 msgctxt "RID_GALLERYSTR_THEME_ARROWS" msgid "Arrows" msgstr "Fletxes" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:972 msgctxt "RID_GALLERYSTR_THEME_BALLOONS" msgid "Balloons" msgstr "Globus" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:973 msgctxt "RID_GALLERYSTR_THEME_KEYBOARD" msgid "Keyboard" msgstr "Teclat" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:974 msgctxt "RID_GALLERYSTR_THEME_TIME" msgid "Time" msgstr "Hora" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:975 msgctxt "RID_GALLERYSTR_THEME_PRESENTATION" msgid "Presentation" msgstr "Presentació" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:976 msgctxt "RID_GALLERYSTR_THEME_CALENDAR" msgid "Calendar" msgstr "Calendari" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:977 msgctxt "RID_GALLERYSTR_THEME_NAVIGATION" msgid "Navigation" msgstr "Navegació" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:978 msgctxt "RID_GALLERYSTR_THEME_COMMUNICATION" msgid "Communication" msgstr "Comunicació" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:979 msgctxt "RID_GALLERYSTR_THEME_FINANCES" msgid "Finances" msgstr "Finances" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:980 msgctxt "RID_GALLERYSTR_THEME_COMPUTER" msgid "Computers" msgstr "Ordinadors" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:981 msgctxt "RID_GALLERYSTR_THEME_CLIMA" msgid "Climate" msgstr "Clima" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:982 msgctxt "RID_GALLERYSTR_THEME_EDUCATION" msgid "School & University" msgstr "Escola i universitat" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:983 msgctxt "RID_GALLERYSTR_THEME_TROUBLE" msgid "Problem Solving" msgstr "Solució de problemes" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:984 msgctxt "RID_GALLERYSTR_THEME_SCREENBEANS" msgid "Screen Beans" msgstr "Screen Beans" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:986 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_ALIGN_LEFT" msgid "~Left Align" msgstr "A~linea a l'esquerra" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:987 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_ALIGN_CENTER" msgid "~Center" msgstr "~Centra" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:988 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_ALIGN_RIGHT" msgid "~Right Align" msgstr "~Alinea a la dreta" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:989 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_ALIGN_WORD" msgid "~Word Justify" msgstr "~Justifica" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:990 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_ALIGN_STRETCH" msgid "S~tretch Justify" msgstr "Jus~tificat condensat" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:991 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_CHARS_SPACING_VERY_TIGHT" msgid "~Very Tight" msgstr "M~olt estret" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:992 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_CHARS_SPACING_TIGHT" msgid "~Tight" msgstr "Es~tret" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:993 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_CHARS_SPACING_NORMAL" msgid "~Normal" msgstr "~Normal" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:994 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_CHARS_SPACING_LOOSE" msgid "~Loose" msgstr "Amp~le" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:995 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_CHARS_SPACING_VERY_LOOSE" msgid "Very ~Loose" msgstr "~Molt ample" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:996 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_CHARS_SPACING_CUSTOM" msgid "~Custom..." msgstr "~Personalitza..." #: include/svx/strings.hrc:997 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_CHARS_SPACING_KERN_PAIRS" msgid "~Kern Character Pairs" msgstr "~Interlletratge dels parells de caràcters" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:999 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_QRY_PRINT_TITLE" msgid "Printing selection" msgstr "Impressió de la selecció" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1000 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_QRY_PRINT_MSG" msgid "Do you want to print the selection or the entire document?" msgstr "Voleu imprimir la selecció o bé tot el document?" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1001 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_QRY_PRINT_ALL" msgid "~All" msgstr "~Tot" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1002 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_QRY_PRINT_SELECTION" msgid "~Selection" msgstr "~Selecció" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1004 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_PERSPECTIVE" msgid "~Perspective" msgstr "~Perspectiva" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1005 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_PARALLEL" msgid "P~arallel" msgstr "P~aral·lel" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1006 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_DIRECTION_NW" msgid "Extrusion North-West" msgstr "Extrusió nord-oest" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1007 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_DIRECTION_N" msgid "Extrusion North" msgstr "Extrusió nord" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1008 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_DIRECTION_NE" msgid "Extrusion North-East" msgstr "Extrusió nord-est" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1009 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_DIRECTION_W" msgid "Extrusion West" msgstr "Extrusió oest" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1010 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_DIRECTION_NONE" msgid "Extrusion Backwards" msgstr "Extrusió cap enrere" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1011 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_DIRECTION_E" msgid "Extrusion East" msgstr "Extrusió est" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1012 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_DIRECTION_SW" msgid "Extrusion South-West" msgstr "Extrusió sud-oest" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1013 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_DIRECTION_S" msgid "Extrusion South" msgstr "Extrusió sud" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1014 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_DIRECTION_SE" msgid "Extrusion South-East" msgstr "Extrusió sud-est" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1015 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BRIGHT" msgid "~Bright" msgstr "~Lluminós" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1016 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_NORMAL" msgid "~Normal" msgstr "~Normal" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1017 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_DIM" msgid "~Dim" msgstr "~Fosc" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1018 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_WIREFRAME" msgid "~Wire Frame" msgstr "~Model de línies" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1019 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_MATTE" msgid "~Matt" msgstr "~Mat" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1020 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_PLASTIC" msgid "~Plastic" msgstr "~Plàstic" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1021 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_METAL" msgid "Me~tal" msgstr "Me~tall" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1022 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_DEPTH_0" msgid "~0 cm" msgstr "~0 cm" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1023 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_DEPTH_1" msgid "~1 cm" msgstr "~1 cm" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1024 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_DEPTH_2" msgid "~2.5 cm" msgstr "~2,5 cm" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1025 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_DEPTH_3" msgid "~5 cm" msgstr "~5 cm" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1026 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_DEPTH_4" msgid "10 ~cm" msgstr "10 ~cm" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1027 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_DEPTH_0_INCH" msgid "0 inch" msgstr "0 polzades" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1028 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_DEPTH_1_INCH" msgid "0.~5 inch" msgstr "0,~5 polzades" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1029 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_DEPTH_2_INCH" msgid "~1 inch" msgstr "~1 polzada" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1030 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_DEPTH_3_INCH" msgid "~2 inch" msgstr "~2 polzades" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1031 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_DEPTH_4_INCH" msgid "~4 inch" msgstr "~4 polzades" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1032 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_CUSTOM" msgid "~Custom..." msgstr "~Personalitza..." #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1033 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_INFINITY" msgid "~Infinity" msgstr "~Infinit" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1035 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_NOFILL" msgid "No Fill" msgstr "Sense emplenament" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1036 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TRANSPARENT" msgid "Transparent" msgstr "Transparent" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1037 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_DEFAULT" msgid "Default" msgstr "Predeterminat" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1038 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_FRAME" msgid "Borders" msgstr "Vores" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1039 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_FRAME_STYLE" msgid "Border Style" msgstr "Estil de la vora" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1040 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_MORENUMBERING" msgid "More Numbering..." msgstr "Més numeració..." #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1041 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_MOREBULLETS" msgid "More Bullets..." msgstr "Més pics..." #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1042 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BY_AUTHOR" msgid "By author" msgstr "Per autor" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1043 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_PAGES" msgid "Pages" msgstr "Pàgines" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1044 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_CLEARFORM" msgid "Clear formatting" msgstr "Neteja la formatació" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1045 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_MORE_STYLES" msgid "More Styles..." msgstr "Més estils..." #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1046 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_MORE" msgid "More Options..." msgstr "Més opcions..." #. This is duplicated in GenericCommands.xcu in officecfg. #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1048 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_CHARFONTNAME" msgid "Font Name" msgstr "Nom del tipus de lletra" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1049 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_CHARFONTNAME_NOTAVAILABLE" msgid "Font Name. The current font is not available and will be substituted." msgstr "Nom del tipus de lletra. El tipus de lletra actual no es troba disponible i serà substituït." #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1050 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_CUSTOM_PAL" msgid "custom" msgstr "personalitzat" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1051 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_DOC_COLORS" msgid "Document colors" msgstr "Colors del document" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1052 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_DOC_COLOR_PREFIX" msgid "Document Color" msgstr "Color del document" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1054 msgctxt "RID_SVX_EXTRUSION_BAR" msgid "Extrusion" msgstr "Extrusió" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1055 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_UNDO_APPLY_EXTRUSION_ON_OFF" msgid "Apply Extrusion On/Off" msgstr "Activa/desactiva extrusió" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1056 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_UNDO_APPLY_EXTRUSION_ROTATE_DOWN" msgid "Tilt Down" msgstr "Inclina cap avall" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1057 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_UNDO_APPLY_EXTRUSION_ROTATE_UP" msgid "Tilt Up" msgstr "Inclina cap amunt" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1058 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_UNDO_APPLY_EXTRUSION_ROTATE_LEFT" msgid "Tilt Left" msgstr "Inclina cap a l'esquerra" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1059 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_UNDO_APPLY_EXTRUSION_ROTATE_RIGHT" msgid "Tilt Right" msgstr "Inclina cap a la dreta" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1060 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_UNDO_APPLY_EXTRUSION_DEPTH" msgid "Change Extrusion Depth" msgstr "Canvia la profunditat d'extrusió" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1061 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_UNDO_APPLY_EXTRUSION_ORIENTATION" msgid "Change Orientation" msgstr "Canvia l'orientació" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1062 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_UNDO_APPLY_EXTRUSION_PROJECTION" msgid "Change Projection Type" msgstr "Canvia el tipus de projecció" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1063 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_UNDO_APPLY_EXTRUSION_LIGHTING" msgid "Change Lighting" msgstr "Canvia la il·luminació" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1064 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_UNDO_APPLY_EXTRUSION_BRIGHTNESS" msgid "Change Brightness" msgstr "Canvia la lluminositat" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1065 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_UNDO_APPLY_EXTRUSION_SURFACE" msgid "Change Extrusion Surface" msgstr "Canvia l'extrusió de la superfície" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1066 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_UNDO_APPLY_EXTRUSION_COLOR" msgid "Change Extrusion Color" msgstr "Canvia el color de l'extrusió" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1068 msgctxt "RID_SVXFLOAT3D_FAVORITE" msgid "Favorite" msgstr "Preferit" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1069 msgctxt "RID_SVXFLOAT3D_FIX_R" msgid "R:" msgstr "R:" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1070 msgctxt "RID_SVXFLOAT3D_FIX_G" msgid "G:" msgstr "G:" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1071 msgctxt "RID_SVXFLOAT3D_FIX_B" msgid "B:" msgstr "B:" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1073 msgctxt "RID_SVX_FONTWORK_BAR" msgid "Fontwork" msgstr "Fontwork" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1074 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_UNDO_APPLY_FONTWORK_SHAPE" msgid "Apply Fontwork Shape" msgstr "Aplica la forma del Fontwork" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1075 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_UNDO_APPLY_FONTWORK_SAME_LETTER_HEIGHT" msgid "Apply Fontwork Same Letter Heights" msgstr "Aplica la mateixa alçada de lletra Fontwork" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1076 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_UNDO_APPLY_FONTWORK_ALIGNMENT" msgid "Apply Fontwork Alignment" msgstr "Aplica l'alineació del Fontwork" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1077 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_UNDO_APPLY_FONTWORK_CHARACTER_SPACING" msgid "Apply Fontwork Character Spacing" msgstr "Aplica l'espaiat entre caràcters del Fontwork" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1079 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_A11Y_3D_MATERIAL_COLOR" msgid "3D material color" msgstr "Color del material 3D" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1080 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_A11Y_FILLSTYLE_NONE" msgid "None" msgstr "Cap" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1081 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_A11Y_FILLSTYLE_SOLID" msgid "Solid" msgstr "Sòlid" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1082 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_A11Y_FILLSTYLE_HATCH" msgid "With hatching" msgstr "Ombreig" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1083 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_A11Y_FILLSTYLE_GRADIENT" msgid "Gradient" msgstr "Degradat" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1084 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_A11Y_FILLSTYLE_BITMAP" msgid "Bitmap" msgstr "Mapa de bits" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1085 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_A11Y_WITH" msgid "with" msgstr "amb" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1086 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_A11Y_STYLE" msgid "Style" msgstr "Estil" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1087 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_A11Y_AND" msgid "and" msgstr "i" #. SvxRectCtl #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1089 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_RECTCTL_ACC_CORN_NAME" msgid "Corner control" msgstr "Control de la cantonada" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1090 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_RECTCTL_ACC_CORN_DESCR" msgid "Selection of a corner point." msgstr "Selecció d'un punt de cantonada." #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1091 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_RECTCTL_ACC_CHLD_LT" msgid "Top left" msgstr "Part superior esquerra" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1092 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_RECTCTL_ACC_CHLD_MT" msgid "Top middle" msgstr "Part superior central" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1093 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_RECTCTL_ACC_CHLD_RT" msgid "Top right" msgstr "Part superior dreta" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1094 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_RECTCTL_ACC_CHLD_LM" msgid "Left center" msgstr "Part central esquerra" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1095 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_RECTCTL_ACC_CHLD_MM" msgid "Center" msgstr "Centre" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1096 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_RECTCTL_ACC_CHLD_RM" msgid "Right center" msgstr "Part central dreta" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1097 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_RECTCTL_ACC_CHLD_LB" msgid "Bottom left" msgstr "Part inferior esquerra" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1098 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_RECTCTL_ACC_CHLD_MB" msgid "Bottom middle" msgstr "Part inferior central" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1099 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_RECTCTL_ACC_CHLD_RB" msgid "Bottom right" msgstr "Part inferior dreta" #. SvxGraphCtrlAccessibleContext #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1101 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRAPHCTRL_ACC_NAME" msgid "Contour control" msgstr "Control de la vora" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1102 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRAPHCTRL_ACC_DESCRIPTION" msgid "This is where you can edit the contour." msgstr "Aquí podeu editar la vora." #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1103 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_CHARACTER_SELECTION" msgid "Special character selection" msgstr "Selecció de caràcters especials" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1104 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_CHAR_SEL_DESC" msgid "Select special characters in this area." msgstr "Seleccioneu caràcters especials en aquesta àrea." #. The space behind is a must. #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1106 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_CHARACTER_CODE" msgid "Character code " msgstr "Codi del caràcter " #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1108 msgctxt "RID_ERR_FIELDREQUIRED" msgid "Input required in field '#'. Please enter a value." msgstr "Es requereix una entrada en el camp '#'. Introduïu un valor." #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1109 msgctxt "RID_STR_FORMS" msgid "Forms" msgstr "Formularis" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1110 msgctxt "RID_STR_NO_PROPERTIES" msgid "No control selected" msgstr "No s'ha seleccionat cap control" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1111 msgctxt "RID_STR_PROPERTIES_CONTROL" msgid "Properties: " msgstr "Propietats: " #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1112 msgctxt "RID_STR_PROPERTIES_FORM" msgid "Form Properties" msgstr "Propietats del formulari" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1113 msgctxt "RID_STR_FMEXPLORER" msgid "Form Navigator" msgstr "Navegador de formularis" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1114 msgctxt "RID_STR_FORM" msgid "Form" msgstr "Formulari" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1115 msgctxt "RID_STR_STDFORMNAME" msgid "Form" msgstr "Formulari" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1116 msgctxt "RID_STR_PROPTITLE_HIDDEN" msgid "Hidden Control" msgstr "Control amagat" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1117 msgctxt "RID_STR_CONTROL" msgid "Control" msgstr "Control" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1118 msgctxt "RID_STR_REC_TEXT" msgid "Record" msgstr "Registre" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1119 msgctxt "RID_STR_REC_FROM_TEXT" msgid "of" msgstr "de" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1120 msgctxt "RID_STR_FIELDSELECTION" msgid "Add field:" msgstr "Afegeix un camp:" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1121 msgctxt "RID_STR_WRITEERROR" msgid "Error writing data to database" msgstr "S'ha produït un error d'escriptura en la base de dades" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1122 msgctxt "RID_STR_SYNTAXERROR" msgid "Syntax error in query expression" msgstr "S'ha produït un error de sintaxi en l'expressió de consulta" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1123 msgctxt "RID_STR_DELETECONFIRM_RECORD" msgid "You intend to delete 1 record." msgstr "Esteu intentant suprimir un registre." #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1124 msgctxt "RID_STR_DELETECONFIRM_RECORDS" msgid "# records will be deleted." msgstr "Se suprimiran # registres." #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1125 msgctxt "RID_STR_DELETECONFIRM" msgid "" "If you click Yes, you won't be able to undo this operation.\n" "Do you want to continue anyway?" msgstr "" "Si feu clic a Sí, l'operació no es podrà desfer.\n" "Voleu continuar igualment?" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1126 msgctxt "RID_STR_NAVIGATIONBAR" msgid "Navigation bar" msgstr "Barra de navegació" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1127 msgctxt "RID_STR_COLUMN" msgid "Col" msgstr "Col." #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1128 msgctxt "RID_STR_UNDO_PROPERTY" msgid "Set property '#'" msgstr "Defineix la propietat «#»" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1129 msgctxt "RID_STR_UNDO_CONTAINER_INSERT" msgid "Insert in container" msgstr "Insereix al contenidor" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1130 msgctxt "RID_STR_UNDO_CONTAINER_REMOVE" msgid "Delete #" msgstr "Suprimeix #" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1131 msgctxt "RID_STR_UNDO_CONTAINER_REMOVE_MULTIPLE" msgid "Delete # objects" msgstr "Suprimeix # objectes" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1132 msgctxt "RID_STR_UNDO_CONTAINER_REPLACE" msgid "Replace a container element" msgstr "Reemplaça un element del contenidor" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1133 msgctxt "RID_STR_UNDO_MODEL_REPLACE" msgid "Replace Control" msgstr "Reemplaça el control" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1134 msgctxt "RID_STR_PROPTITLE_PUSHBUTTON" msgid "Push Button" msgstr "Botó per prémer" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1135 msgctxt "RID_STR_PROPTITLE_RADIOBUTTON" msgid "Option Button" msgstr "Botó d'opció" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1136 msgctxt "RID_STR_PROPTITLE_CHECKBOX" msgid "Check Box" msgstr "Casella de selecció" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1137 msgctxt "RID_STR_PROPTITLE_FIXEDTEXT" msgid "Label Field" msgstr "Camp d'etiqueta" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1138 msgctxt "RID_STR_PROPTITLE_GROUPBOX" msgid "Group Box" msgstr "Quadre de grup" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1139 msgctxt "RID_STR_PROPTITLE_EDIT" msgid "Text Box" msgstr "Quadre de text" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1140 msgctxt "RID_STR_PROPTITLE_FORMATTED" msgid "Formatted Field" msgstr "Camp formatat" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1141 msgctxt "RID_STR_PROPTITLE_LISTBOX" msgid "List Box" msgstr "Quadre de llista" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1142 msgctxt "RID_STR_PROPTITLE_COMBOBOX" msgid "Combo Box" msgstr "Quadre combinat" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1143 msgctxt "RID_STR_PROPTITLE_IMAGEBUTTON" msgid "Image Button" msgstr "Botó gràfic" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1144 msgctxt "RID_STR_PROPTITLE_IMAGECONTROL" msgid "Image Control" msgstr "Control d'imatge" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1145 msgctxt "RID_STR_PROPTITLE_FILECONTROL" msgid "File Selection" msgstr "Selecció de fitxer" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1146 msgctxt "RID_STR_PROPTITLE_DATEFIELD" msgid "Date Field" msgstr "Camp de data" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1147 msgctxt "RID_STR_PROPTITLE_TIMEFIELD" msgid "Time Field" msgstr "Camp d'hora" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1148 msgctxt "RID_STR_PROPTITLE_NUMERICFIELD" msgid "Numeric Field" msgstr "Camp numèric" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1149 msgctxt "RID_STR_PROPTITLE_CURRENCYFIELD" msgid "Currency Field" msgstr "Camp de moneda" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1150 msgctxt "RID_STR_PROPTITLE_PATTERNFIELD" msgid "Pattern Field" msgstr "Camp emmascarat" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1151 msgctxt "RID_STR_PROPTITLE_DBGRID" msgid "Table Control " msgstr "Control de taula " #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1152 msgctxt "RID_STR_PROPTITLE_SCROLLBAR" msgid "Scrollbar" msgstr "Barra de desplaçament" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1153 msgctxt "RID_STR_PROPTITLE_SPINBUTTON" msgid "Spin Button" msgstr "Botó de selecció de valor" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1154 msgctxt "RID_STR_PROPTITLE_NAVBAR" msgid "Navigation Bar" msgstr "Barra de navegació" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1155 msgctxt "RID_STR_PROPTITLE_MULTISELECT" msgid "Multiselection" msgstr "Selecció múltiple" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1156 msgctxt "RID_STR_NODATACONTROLS" msgid "No data-related controls in the current form!" msgstr "No hi ha cap control de dades en el formulari actual." #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1157 msgctxt "RID_STR_POSTFIX_DATE" msgid " (Date)" msgstr " (Data)" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1158 msgctxt "RID_STR_POSTFIX_TIME" msgid " (Time)" msgstr " (Temps)" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1159 msgctxt "RID_STR_FILTER_NAVIGATOR" msgid "Filter navigator" msgstr "Navegador de filtres" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1160 msgctxt "RID_STR_FILTER_FILTER_FOR" msgid "Filter for" msgstr "Filtra" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1161 msgctxt "RID_STR_FILTER_FILTER_OR" msgid "Or" msgstr "O" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1162 msgctxt "RID_STR_NOCONTROLS_FOR_EXTERNALDISPLAY" msgid "Valid bound controls which can be used in the table view do not exist in the current form." msgstr "El formulari actual no conté controls vàlids que es puguin utilitzar per visualitzar una taula." #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1163 msgctxt "RID_STR_AUTOFIELD" msgid "<AutoField>" msgstr "<Camp automàtic>" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1164 msgctxt "RID_STR_SVT_SQL_SYNTAX_ERROR" msgid "Syntax error in SQL statement" msgstr "S'ha produït un error de sintaxi en l'expressió SQL" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1165 msgctxt "RID_STR_SVT_SQL_SYNTAX_VALUE_NO_LIKE" msgid "The value #1 cannot be used with LIKE." msgstr "El valor #1 no es pot utilitzar amb COM." #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1166 msgctxt "RID_STR_SVT_SQL_SYNTAX_FIELD_NO_LIKE" msgid "LIKE cannot be used with this field." msgstr "COM no es pot utilitzar amb aquest camp." #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1167 msgctxt "RID_STR_SVT_SQL_SYNTAX_ACCESS_DAT_NO_VALID" msgid "The value entered is not a valid date. Please enter a date in a valid format, for example, MM/DD/YY." msgstr "La data no és vàlida. Introduïu-la en un format vàlid, per exemple, dd/mm/aa." #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1168 msgctxt "RID_STR_SVT_SQL_SYNTAX_INT_NO_VALID" msgid "The field cannot be compared with an integer." msgstr "El camp no es pot comparar amb un enter." #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1169 msgctxt "RID_STR_SVT_SQL_SYNTAX_TABLE" msgid "The database does not contain a table named \"#\"." msgstr "La base de dades no conté la taula «#»." #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1170 msgctxt "RID_STR_SVT_SQL_SYNTAX_TABLE_OR_QUERY" msgid "The database does contain neither a table nor a query named \"#\"." msgstr "La base de dades no conté cap taula o consulta que es digui «#»." #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1171 msgctxt "RID_STR_SVT_SQL_SYNTAX_TABLE_EXISTS" msgid "The database already contains a table or view with name \"#\"." msgstr "La base de dades ja conté una taula o vista que es diu «#»." #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1172 msgctxt "RID_STR_SVT_SQL_SYNTAX_QUERY_EXISTS" msgid "The database already contains a query with name \"#\"." msgstr "La base de dades ja conté una consulta amb el nom «#»." #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1173 msgctxt "RID_STR_SVT_SQL_SYNTAX_COLUMN" msgid "The column \"#1\" is unknown in the table \"#2\"." msgstr "La columna «#1» és desconeguda a la taula «#2»." #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1174 msgctxt "RID_STR_SVT_SQL_SYNTAX_REAL_NO_VALID" msgid "The field cannot be compared with a floating point number." msgstr "El camp no es pot comparar amb un nombre de coma flotant." #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1175 msgctxt "RID_STR_SVT_SQL_SYNTAX_CRIT_NO_COMPARE" msgid "The entered criterion cannot be compared with this field." msgstr "El criteri indicat no es pot comparar amb aquest camp." #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1176 msgctxt "RID_STR_DATANAVIGATOR" msgid "Data Navigator" msgstr "Navegador de dades" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1177 msgctxt "RID_STR_READONLY_VIEW" msgid " (read-only)" msgstr " (només de lectura)" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1178 msgctxt "RID_STR_ALREADYEXISTOVERWRITE" msgid "The file already exists. Overwrite?" msgstr "El fitxer ja existeix. Voleu sobreescriure'l?" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1179 msgctxt "RID_STR_OBJECT_LABEL" msgid "#object# label" msgstr "Etiqueta de l'objecte #object#" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1181 msgctxt "RID_STR_QRY_REMOVE_MODEL" msgid "" "Deleting the model '$MODELNAME' affects all controls currently bound to this model.\n" "Do you really want to delete this model?" msgstr "" "La supressió del model «$MODELNAME» afectarà tots els controls que hi estan vinculats.\n" "Segur que voleu suprimir aquest model?" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1182 msgctxt "RID_STR_QRY_REMOVE_INSTANCE" msgid "" "Deleting the instance '$INSTANCENAME' affects all controls currently bound to this instance.\n" "Do you really want to delete this instance?" msgstr "" "La supressió de la instància «$INSTANCENAME» afectarà tots els controls que hi estan vinculats.\n" "Segur que voleu suprimir aquesta instància?" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1183 msgctxt "RID_STR_QRY_REMOVE_ELEMENT" msgid "" "Deleting the element '$ELEMENTNAME' affects all controls currently bound to this element.\n" "Do you really want to delete this element?" msgstr "" "La supressió de l'element «$ELEMENTNAME» afectarà tots els controls que hi estan vinculats.\n" "Segur que voleu suprimir aquest element?" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1184 msgctxt "RID_STR_QRY_REMOVE_ATTRIBUTE" msgid "Do you really want to delete the attribute '$ATTRIBUTENAME'?" msgstr "Segur que voleu suprimir l'atribut «$ATTRIBUTENAME»?" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1185 msgctxt "RID_STR_QRY_REMOVE_SUBMISSION" msgid "" "Deleting the submission '$SUBMISSIONNAME' affects all controls currently bound to this submission.\n" "\n" "Do you really want to delete this submission?" msgstr "" "La supressió de la tramesa «$SUBMISSIONNAME» afectarà tots els controls que hi estan vinculats.\n" "\n" "Segur que voleu suprimir aquesta tramesa?" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1186 msgctxt "RID_STR_QRY_REMOVE_BINDING" msgid "" "Deleting the binding '$BINDINGNAME' affects all controls currently bound to this binding.\n" "\n" "Do you really want to delete this binding?" msgstr "" "La supressió de la vinculació «$BINDINGNAME» afectarà tots els controls que hi estan vinculats.\n" "\n" "Segur que voleu suprimir aquesta vinculació?" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1187 msgctxt "RID_STR_INVALID_XMLNAME" msgid "The name '%1' is not valid in XML. Please enter a different name." msgstr "«%1» no és un nom d'XML vàlid. Introduïu un nom diferent." #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1188 msgctxt "RID_STR_INVALID_XMLPREFIX" msgid "The prefix '%1' is not valid in XML. Please enter a different prefix." msgstr "«%1» no és un prefix d'XML vàlid. Introduïu un prefix diferent." #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1189 msgctxt "RID_STR_DOUBLE_MODELNAME" msgid "The name '%1' already exists. Please enter a new name." msgstr "El nom «%1» ja existeix. Trieu-ne un altre." #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1190 msgctxt "RID_STR_EMPTY_SUBMISSIONNAME" msgid "The submission must have a name." msgstr "La tramesa ha de tenir un nom." #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1191 msgctxt "RID_STR_METHOD_POST" msgid "Post" msgstr "Publica" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1192 msgctxt "RID_STR_METHOD_PUT" msgid "Put" msgstr "Posa" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1193 msgctxt "RID_STR_METHOD_GET" msgid "Get" msgstr "Aconsegueix" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1194 msgctxt "RID_STR_REPLACE_NONE" msgid "None" msgstr "Cap" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1195 msgctxt "RID_STR_REPLACE_INST" msgid "Instance" msgstr "Instància" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1196 msgctxt "RID_STR_REPLACE_DOC" msgid "Document" msgstr "Document" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1197 msgctxt "RID_STR_DATANAV_SUBM_BIND" msgid "Binding: " msgstr "Vinculant: " #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1198 msgctxt "RID_STR_DATANAV_SUBM_REF" msgid "Reference: " msgstr "Referència: " #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1199 msgctxt "RID_STR_DATANAV_SUBM_ACTION" msgid "Action: " msgstr "Acció: " #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1200 msgctxt "RID_STR_DATANAV_SUBM_METHOD" msgid "Method: " msgstr "Mètode: " #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1201 msgctxt "RID_STR_DATANAV_SUBM_REPLACE" msgid "Replace: " msgstr "Reemplaça: " #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1202 msgctxt "RID_STR_DATANAV_ADD_ELEMENT" msgid "Add Element" msgstr "Afegeix un element" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1203 msgctxt "RID_STR_DATANAV_EDIT_ELEMENT" msgid "Edit Element" msgstr "Edita un element" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1204 msgctxt "RID_STR_DATANAV_REMOVE_ELEMENT" msgid "Delete Element" msgstr "Suprimeix un element" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1205 msgctxt "RID_STR_DATANAV_ADD_ATTRIBUTE" msgid "Add Attribute" msgstr "Afegeix un atribut" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1206 msgctxt "RID_STR_DATANAV_EDIT_ATTRIBUTE" msgid "Edit Attribute" msgstr "Edita un atribut" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1207 msgctxt "RID_STR_DATANAV_REMOVE_ATTRIBUTE" msgid "Delete Attribute" msgstr "Suprimeix un atribut" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1208 msgctxt "RID_STR_DATANAV_ADD_BINDING" msgid "Add Binding" msgstr "Afegeix una vinculació" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1209 msgctxt "RID_STR_DATANAV_EDIT_BINDING" msgid "Edit Binding" msgstr "Edita una vinculació" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1210 msgctxt "RID_STR_DATANAV_REMOVE_BINDING" msgid "Delete Binding" msgstr "Suprimeix una vinculació" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1211 msgctxt "RID_STR_DATANAV_ADD_SUBMISSION" msgid "Add Submission" msgstr "Afegeix una tramesa" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1212 msgctxt "RID_STR_DATANAV_EDIT_SUBMISSION" msgid "Edit Submission" msgstr "Edita una tramesa" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1213 msgctxt "RID_STR_DATANAV_REMOVE_SUBMISSION" msgid "Delete Submission" msgstr "Suprimeix una tramesa" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1214 msgctxt "RID_STR_ELEMENT" msgid "Element" msgstr "Element" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1215 msgctxt "RID_STR_ATTRIBUTE" msgid "Attribute" msgstr "Atribut" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1216 msgctxt "RID_STR_BINDING" msgid "Binding" msgstr "Vinculació" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1217 msgctxt "RID_STR_BINDING_EXPR" msgid "Binding expression" msgstr "Expressió vinculant" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1219 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_QUERY_EXIT_RECOVERY" msgid "Are you sure you want to discard the %PRODUCTNAME document recovery data?" msgstr "Esteu segur que voleu descartar la recuperació de documents del %PRODUCTNAME?" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1221 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_RULER_TAB_LEFT" msgid "Left" msgstr "Esquerra" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1222 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_RULER_TAB_RIGHT" msgid "Right" msgstr "Dreta" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1223 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_RULER_TAB_CENTER" msgid "Center" msgstr "Centre" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1224 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_RULER_TAB_DECIMAL" msgid "Decimal" msgstr "Decimal" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1226 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_INSERT_HELPTEXT" msgid "Insert mode. Click to change to overwrite mode." msgstr "Mode d'inserció. Feu clic per a canviar al mode de sobreescriptura." #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1227 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_OVERWRITE_HELPTEXT" msgid "Overwrite mode. Click to change to insert mode." msgstr "Mode de sobreescriptura. Feu clic per a canviar al mode d'inserció." #. To be shown in the status bar when in overwrite mode, please try to make it not longer than the word 'Overwrite'. #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1229 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_OVERWRITE_TEXT" msgid "Overwrite" msgstr "Sobreescriu" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1230 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_XMLSEC_SIG_OK" msgid "Digital Signature: The document signature is OK." msgstr "Signatura digital: la signatura del document és correcta." #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1231 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_XMLSEC_SIG_OK_NO_VERIFY" msgid "Digital Signature: The document signature is OK, but the certificates could not be validated." msgstr "Signatura digital: la signatura del document és correcta, però no s'ha pogut validar el certificat." #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1232 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_XMLSEC_SIG_NOT_OK" msgid "Digital Signature: The document signature does not match the document content. We strongly recommend you to do not trust this document." msgstr "Signatura digital: la signatura no es correspon amb el contingut del document. Us recomanem que no hi confieu." #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1233 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_XMLSEC_NO_SIG" msgid "Digital Signature: The document is not signed." msgstr "Signatura digital: el document no està signat." #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1234 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_XMLSEC_SIG_CERT_OK_PARTIAL_SIG" msgid "Digital Signature: The document signature and the certificate are OK, but not all parts of the document are signed." msgstr "Signatura digital: la signatura del document i el certificat són correctes, però no totes les parts del document estan signades." #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1235 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_DOC_MODIFIED_YES" msgid "The document has been modified. Click to save the document." msgstr "El document s'ha modificat. Feu clic per a desar el document." #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1236 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_DOC_MODIFIED_NO" msgid "The document has not been modified since the last save." msgstr "El document no s'ha modificat des de l'última vegada que s'ha desat." #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1237 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_DOC_LOAD" msgid "Loading document..." msgstr "S'està carregant el document..." #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1238 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_FIT_SLIDE" msgid "Fit slide to current window." msgstr "Ajusta la dispositiva a la finestra actual." #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1239 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_WARN_MISSING_SMARTART" msgid "Could not load all SmartArts. Saving in Microsoft Office 2010 or later would avoid this issue." msgstr "No s'han pogut carregar tots els objectes d'SmartArt. Aquest problema s'evita si deseu en format del Microsoft Office 2010 o posterior." #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1240 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_ZOOMTOOL_HINT" msgid "Zoom factor. Right-click to change zoom factor or click to open Zoom dialog." msgstr "Factor d'escala. Feu clic dret per a canviar el factor d'ampliació o feu clic per a obrir el diàleg d'escala." #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1241 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_ZOOM_IN" msgid "Zoom In" msgstr "Apropa" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1242 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_ZOOM_OUT" msgid "Zoom Out" msgstr "Allunya" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1243 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_ZOOM_25" msgid "25%" msgstr "25%" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1244 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_ZOOM_50" msgid "50%" msgstr "50%" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1245 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_ZOOM_75" msgid "75%" msgstr "75%" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1246 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_ZOOM_100" msgid "100%" msgstr "100%" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1247 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_ZOOM_150" msgid "150%" msgstr "150%" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1248 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_ZOOM_200" msgid "200%" msgstr "200%" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1249 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_ZOOM_WHOLE_PAGE" msgid "Entire Page" msgstr "Tota la pàgina" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1250 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_ZOOM_PAGE_WIDTH" msgid "Page Width" msgstr "Amplada de la pàgina" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1251 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_ZOOM_OPTIMAL_VIEW" msgid "Optimal View" msgstr "Visualització òptima" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1252 msgctxt "RID_SIDEBAR_EMPTY_PANEL_TEXT" msgid "Properties for the task that you are performing are not available for the current selection" msgstr "Les propietats de la tasca que esteu realitzant no es troben disponibles per a la selecció actual" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1254 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_SEARCH_STYLES" msgid "Including Styles" msgstr "Estils inclosos" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1255 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_WRITER_STYLES" msgid "Paragraph St~yles" msgstr "Estils de ~paràgrafs" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1256 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_CALC_STYLES" msgid "Cell St~yles" msgstr "Estils de ~cel·la" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1257 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_SEARCH" msgid "Search for formatting" msgstr "Cerca formatació" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1258 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_REPLACE" msgid "Replace with formatting" msgstr "Reemplaça per la formatació" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1259 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_SEARCH_END" msgid "Reached the end of the document" msgstr "S'ha arribat a la fi del document" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1260 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_SEARCH_END_WRAPPED" msgid "Reached the end of the document, continued from the beginning" msgstr "S'ha arribat al final del document, es continua des del principi" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1261 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_SEARCH_END_SHEET" msgid "Reached the end of the sheet" msgstr "S'ha arribat a la fi del full" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1262 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_SEARCH_NOT_FOUND" msgid "Search key not found" msgstr "No s'ha trobat l'expressió cercada" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1263 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_SEARCH_NAV_ELEMENT_NOT_FOUND" msgid "Navigation Element not found" msgstr "No s'ha trobat element de navegació" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1264 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_SEARCH_START" msgid "Reached the beginning of the document" msgstr "S'ha arribat a l'inici del document" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1265 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_SEARCH_START_WRAPPED" msgid "Reached the beginning of the document, continued from the end" msgstr "S'ha arribat al començament del document, es continua des del final" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1267 msgctxt "RID_SVXDLG_BMPMASK_STR_PALETTE" msgid "Color Palette" msgstr "Paleta de colors" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1269 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_ERR_OLD_PASSWD" msgid "Invalid password" msgstr "La contrasenya no és correcta" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1270 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_ERR_REPEAT_PASSWD" msgid "Passwords do not match" msgstr "Les contrasenyes no coincideixen" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1272 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BULLET_DESCRIPTION_0" msgid "Solid small circular bullets" msgstr "Pics circulars, petits i plens" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1273 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BULLET_DESCRIPTION_1" msgid "Solid large circular bullets" msgstr "Pics circulars, grans i plens" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1274 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BULLET_DESCRIPTION_2" msgid "Solid diamond bullets" msgstr "Pics en diamant i plens" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1275 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BULLET_DESCRIPTION_3" msgid "Solid large square bullets" msgstr "Pics quadrats, grans i plens" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1276 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BULLET_DESCRIPTION_4" msgid "Right pointing arrow bullets filled out" msgstr "Pics en fletxa cap a la dreta, plens" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1277 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BULLET_DESCRIPTION_5" msgid "Right pointing arrow bullets" msgstr "Pics en fletxa cap a la dreta" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1278 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BULLET_DESCRIPTION_6" msgid "Cross mark bullets" msgstr "Pics en forma creu" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1279 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BULLET_DESCRIPTION_7" msgid "Check mark bullets" msgstr "Pics de marca de verificació" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1280 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_SINGLENUM_DESCRIPTION_0" msgid "Number 1) 2) 3)" msgstr "Número 1) 2) 3)" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1281 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_SINGLENUM_DESCRIPTION_1" msgid "Number 1. 2. 3." msgstr "Número 1. 2. 3." #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1282 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_SINGLENUM_DESCRIPTION_2" msgid "Number (1) (2) (3)" msgstr "Número (1) (2) (3)" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1283 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_SINGLENUM_DESCRIPTION_3" msgid "Uppercase Roman number I. II. III." msgstr "Xifra romana en majúscula I. II. III." #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1284 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_SINGLENUM_DESCRIPTION_4" msgid "Uppercase letter A) B) C)" msgstr "Lletra majúscula A) B) C)" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1285 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_SINGLENUM_DESCRIPTION_5" msgid "Lowercase letter a) b) c)" msgstr "Lletra minúscula a) b) c)" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1286 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_SINGLENUM_DESCRIPTION_6" msgid "Lowercase letter (a) (b) (c)" msgstr "Lletra minúscula (a) (b) (c)" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1287 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_SINGLENUM_DESCRIPTION_7" msgid "Lowercase Roman number i. ii. iii." msgstr "Xifra romana en minúscula i. ii. iii." #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1288 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_OUTLINENUM_DESCRIPTION_0" msgid "Numeric, numeric, lowercase letters, solid small circular bullet" msgstr "Numèric; numèric; lletres minúscules; pic circular, petit i ple" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1289 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_OUTLINENUM_DESCRIPTION_1" msgid "Numeric, lowercase letters, solid small circular bullet" msgstr "Numèric; lletres minúscules; pic circular, petit i ple" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1290 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_OUTLINENUM_DESCRIPTION_2" msgid "Numeric, lowercase letters, lowercase Roman, uppercase letters, solid small circular bullet" msgstr "Numèric; lletres minúscules; xifres romanes en minúscula; lletres majúscules; pic circular, petit i ple" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1291 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_OUTLINENUM_DESCRIPTION_3" msgid "Numeric" msgstr "Numèric" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1292 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_OUTLINENUM_DESCRIPTION_4" msgid "Uppercase Roman, uppercase letters, lowercase Roman, lowercase letters, solid small circular bullet" msgstr "Xifres romanes en majúscula; lletres majúscules; xifres romanes en minúscula; lletres minúscules; pic circular, petit i ple" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1293 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_OUTLINENUM_DESCRIPTION_5" msgid "Uppercase letters, uppercase Roman, lowercase letters, lowercase Roman, solid small circular bullet" msgstr "Lletres majúscules; xifres romanes en majúscula; lletres minúscules; xifres romanes en minúscula; pic circular, petit i ple" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1294 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_OUTLINENUM_DESCRIPTION_6" msgid "Numeric with all sublevels" msgstr "Numèric amb tots els subnivells" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1295 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_OUTLINENUM_DESCRIPTION_7" msgid "Right pointing bullet, right pointing arrow bullet, solid diamond bullet, solid small circular bullet" msgstr "Pic en fletxa cap a la dreta; pic en fletxa cap a la dreta plena; pic en diamant ple; pics circulars, petits i plens" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1297 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_SAFEMODE_ZIP_FAILURE" msgid "The zip file could not be created." msgstr "No s'ha pogut crear el fitxer zip." #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1299 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_STYLEFAMILY_TABLEDESIGN" msgid "Table Design Styles" msgstr "Estils de disseny de taula" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1301 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_NUM_UNDO_ACTIONS" msgid "Actions to undo: $(ARG1)" msgstr "Accions per desfer: $(ARG1)" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1302 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_NUM_UNDO_ACTION" msgid "Actions to undo: $(ARG1)" msgstr "Accions per desfer: $(ARG1)" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1303 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_NUM_REDO_ACTIONS" msgid "Actions to redo: $(ARG1)" msgstr "Accions per refer: $(ARG1)" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1304 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_NUM_REDO_ACTION" msgid "Actions to redo: $(ARG1)" msgstr "Accions per refer: $(ARG1)" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1306 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_FINDBAR_FIND" msgid "Find" msgstr "Cerca" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1307 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_FINDBAR_MATCHCASE" msgid "Match Case" msgstr "Coincidència de majúscules i minúscules" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1308 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_FINDBAR_SEARCHFORMATTED" msgid "Formatted Display" msgstr "Cadena formatada" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1310 msgctxt "STR_IMAGE_ORIGINAL_SIZE" msgid "$(WIDTH) x $(HEIGHT) ($(WIDTH_IN_PX) x $(HEIGHT_IN_PX) px)" msgstr "$(WIDTH) x $(HEIGHT) ($(WIDTH_IN_PX) x $(HEIGHT_IN_PX) px)" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1311 msgctxt "STR_IMAGE_VIEW_SIZE" msgid "$(WIDTH) x $(HEIGHT) at $(DPI) DPI" msgstr "$(WIDTH) × $(HEIGHT) a $(DPI) PPP" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1312 msgctxt "STR_IMAGE_CAPACITY" msgid "$(CAPACITY) kiB" msgstr "$(CAPACITY) kiB" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1313 msgctxt "STR_IMAGE_GIF" msgid "Gif image" msgstr "Imatge GIF" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1314 msgctxt "STR_IMAGE_JPEG" msgid "Jpeg image" msgstr "Imatge JPEG" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1315 msgctxt "STR_IMAGE_PNG" msgid "PNG image" msgstr "Imatge PNG" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1316 msgctxt "STR_IMAGE_TIFF" msgid "TIFF image" msgstr "Imatge TIFF" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1317 msgctxt "STR_IMAGE_WMF" msgid "WMF image" msgstr "Imatge WMF" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1318 msgctxt "STR_IMAGE_MET" msgid "MET image" msgstr "Imatge MET" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1319 msgctxt "STR_IMAGE_PCT" msgid "PCT image" msgstr "Imatge PICT" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1320 msgctxt "STR_IMAGE_SVG" msgid "SVG image" msgstr "Imatge SVG" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1321 msgctxt "STR_IMAGE_BMP" msgid "BMP image" msgstr "Imatge BMP" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1322 msgctxt "STR_IMAGE_UNKNOWN" msgid "Unknown" msgstr "Desconegut" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1324 msgctxt "STR_SWITCH" msgid "Switch" msgstr "Commuta" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1326 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_UNDO_GRAFMODE" msgid "Image Mode" msgstr "Mode d'imatge" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1327 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_UNDO_GRAFRED" msgid "Red" msgstr "Vermell" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1328 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_UNDO_GRAFGREEN" msgid "Green" msgstr "Verd" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1329 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_UNDO_GRAFBLUE" msgid "Blue" msgstr "Blau" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1330 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_UNDO_GRAFLUMINANCE" msgid "Brightness" msgstr "Lluminositat" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1331 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_UNDO_GRAFCONTRAST" msgid "Contrast" msgstr "Contrast" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1332 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_UNDO_GRAFGAMMA" msgid "Gamma" msgstr "Gamma" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1333 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_UNDO_GRAFTRANSPARENCY" msgid "Transparency" msgstr "Transparència" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1334 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRAFCROP" msgid "Crop" msgstr "Escapça" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1336 msgctxt "RID_SVXITEMS_ORI_STANDARD" msgid "Default orientation" msgstr "Orientació per defecte" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1337 msgctxt "RID_SVXITEMS_ORI_TOPBOTTOM" msgid "From top to bottom" msgstr "De dalt a baix" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1338 msgctxt "RID_SVXITEMS_ORI_BOTTOMTOP" msgid "Bottom to Top" msgstr "De baix a dalt" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1339 msgctxt "RID_SVXITEMS_ORI_STACKED" msgid "Stacked" msgstr "Apilat" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1340 msgctxt "RID_SVXITEMS_MARGIN_LEFT" msgid "Left margin: " msgstr "Marge esquerre: " #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1341 msgctxt "RID_SVXITEMS_MARGIN_TOP" msgid "Top margin: " msgstr "Marge superior: " #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1342 msgctxt "RID_SVXITEMS_MARGIN_RIGHT" msgid "Right margin: " msgstr "Marge dret: " #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1343 msgctxt "RID_SVXITEMS_MARGIN_BOTTOM" msgid "Bottom margin: " msgstr "Marge inferior: " #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1344 msgctxt "RID_SVXITEMS_PAGE_COMPLETE" msgid "Page Description: " msgstr "Descripció de la pàgina: " #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1345 msgctxt "RID_SVXITEMS_PAGE_NUM_CHR_UPPER" msgid "Capitals" msgstr "Majúscules" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1346 msgctxt "RID_SVXITEMS_PAGE_NUM_CHR_LOWER" msgid "Lowercase" msgstr "Minúscules" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1347 msgctxt "RID_SVXITEMS_PAGE_NUM_ROM_UPPER" msgid "Uppercase Roman" msgstr "Majúscules romanes" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1348 msgctxt "RID_SVXITEMS_PAGE_NUM_ROM_LOWER" msgid "Lowercase Roman" msgstr "Minúscules romanes" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1349 msgctxt "RID_SVXITEMS_PAGE_NUM_ARABIC" msgid "Arabic" msgstr "Àrab" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1350 msgctxt "RID_SVXITEMS_PAGE_NUM_NONE" msgid "None" msgstr "Cap" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1351 msgctxt "RID_SVXITEMS_PAGE_LAND_TRUE" msgid "Landscape" msgstr "Horitzontal" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1352 msgctxt "RID_SVXITEMS_PAGE_LAND_FALSE" msgid "Portrait" msgstr "Vertical" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1353 msgctxt "RID_SVXITEMS_PAGE_USAGE_LEFT" msgid "Left" msgstr "Esquerra" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1354 msgctxt "RID_SVXITEMS_PAGE_USAGE_RIGHT" msgid "Right" msgstr "Dreta" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1355 msgctxt "RID_SVXITEMS_PAGE_USAGE_ALL" msgid "All" msgstr "Tot" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1356 msgctxt "RID_SVXITEMS_PAGE_USAGE_MIRROR" msgid "Mirrored" msgstr "Reflectit" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1357 msgctxt "RID_SVXITEMS_AUTHOR_COMPLETE" msgid "Author: " msgstr "Autor: " #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1358 msgctxt "RID_SVXITEMS_DATE_COMPLETE" msgid "Date: " msgstr "Data: " #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1359 msgctxt "RID_SVXITEMS_TEXT_COMPLETE" msgid "Text: " msgstr "Text: " #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1360 msgctxt "RID_SVXITEMS_BRUSH_CHAR" msgid "Character background" msgstr "Fons del caràcter" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1362 msgctxt "STR_COLORTABLE" msgid "Color Palette" msgstr "Paleta de colors" #. String for saving modified image (instead of original) #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1365 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_SAVE_MODIFIED_IMAGE" msgid "" "The image has been modified. By default the original image will be saved.\n" "Do you want to save the modified version instead?" msgstr "" "La imatge s'ha modificat. Per defecte, es desarà la imatge original.\n" "Voleu desar la versió modificada?" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1367 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Basic Latin" msgstr "Llatí bàsic" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1368 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Latin-1" msgstr "Llatí-1" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1369 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Latin Extended-A" msgstr "Llatí ampliat A" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1370 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Latin Extended-B" msgstr "Llatí ampliat B" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1371 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "IPA Extensions" msgstr "Extensions de l'IPA" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1372 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Spacing Modifier Letters" msgstr "Lletres modificadores d'espaiat" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1373 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Combining Diacritical Marks" msgstr "Combinació de caràcters diacrítics" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1374 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Basic Greek" msgstr "Grec bàsic" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1375 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Greek Symbols And Coptic" msgstr "Símbols grecs i coptes" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1376 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Cyrillic" msgstr "Ciríl·lic" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1377 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Armenian" msgstr "Armeni" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1378 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Basic Hebrew" msgstr "Hebreu bàsic" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1379 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Hebrew Extended" msgstr "Hebreu ampliat" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1380 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Basic Arabic" msgstr "Àrab bàsic" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1381 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Arabic Extended" msgstr "Àrab ampliat" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1382 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Devanagari" msgstr "Devanagari" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1383 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Bengali" msgstr "Bengalí" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1384 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Gurmukhi" msgstr "Gurmukhi" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1385 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Gujarati" msgstr "Gujarati" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1386 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Odia" msgstr "oriya" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1387 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Tamil" msgstr "Tàmil" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1388 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Telugu" msgstr "Telugu" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1389 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Kannada" msgstr "kanarès" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1390 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Malayalam" msgstr "Malaiàlam" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1391 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Thai" msgstr "Tai" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1392 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Lao" msgstr "Laosià" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1393 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Basic Georgian" msgstr "Georgià bàsic" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1394 include/svx/strings.hrc:1650 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Georgian Extended" msgstr "Georgià ampliat" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1395 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Hangul Jamo" msgstr "Hangul Jamo" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1396 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Latin Extended Additionals" msgstr "Llatí ampliat addicional" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1397 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Greek Extended" msgstr "Grec ampliat" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1398 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "General punctuation" msgstr "Puntuació general" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1399 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Superscripts and Subscripts" msgstr "Superíndexs i subíndexs" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1400 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Currency Symbols" msgstr "Símbols de monedes" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1401 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Combining Diacritical Symbols" msgstr "Combinació de símbols diacrítics" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1402 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Letterlike Symbols" msgstr "Símbols tipus carta" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1403 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Number Forms" msgstr "Símbols numèrics" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1404 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Arrows" msgstr "Fletxes" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1405 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Mathematical Operators" msgstr "Operadors matemàtics" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1406 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Miscellaneous Technical" msgstr "Caràcters tècnics diversos" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1407 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Control Pictures" msgstr "Imatges de control" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1408 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Optical Character Recognition" msgstr "Reconeixement òptic de caràcters" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1409 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Enclosed Alphanumerics" msgstr "Alfanumèrics delimitats" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1410 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Box Drawing" msgstr "Dibuix de quadres" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1411 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Block Elements" msgstr "Elements de bloc" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1412 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Geometric Shapes" msgstr "Formes geomètriques" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1413 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Miscellaneous Symbols" msgstr "Símbols diversos" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1414 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Dingbats" msgstr "Caràcters decoratius" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1415 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "CJK Symbols And Punctuation" msgstr "Símbols i puntuació CJK" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1416 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Hiragana" msgstr "Hiragana" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1417 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Katakana" msgstr "Katakana" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1418 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Bopomofo" msgstr "Bopomofo" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1419 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Hangul Compatibility Jamo" msgstr "Jamo amb compatibilitat Hangul" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1420 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "CJK Miscellaneous" msgstr "CJK: diversos" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1421 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Enclosed CJK Letters And Months" msgstr "Caràcters i mesos CJK delimitats" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1422 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "CJK Compatibility" msgstr "Compatibilitat amb CJK" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1423 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Hangul" msgstr "Hangul" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1424 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "CJK Unified Ideographs" msgstr "Ideogrames unificats CJK" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1425 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "CJK Unified Ideographs Extension A" msgstr "Ideogrames unificats CJK ampliació A" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1426 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Private Use Area" msgstr "Àrea d'ús privat" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1427 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "CJK Compatibility Ideographs" msgstr "Ideogrames de compatibilitat amb CJK" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1428 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Alphabetic Presentation Forms" msgstr "Formes de presentació alfabètiques" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1429 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Arabic Presentation Forms-A" msgstr "Formes de presentació de l'àrab (A)" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1430 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Combining Half Marks" msgstr "Marques mitjanes de combinació" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1431 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "CJK Compatibility Forms" msgstr "Formes de compatibilitat amb CJK" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1432 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Small Form Variants" msgstr "Variants de petites formes" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1433 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Arabic Presentation Forms-B" msgstr "Formes de presentació de l'àrab (B)" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1434 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Half-width and Full-width Forms" msgstr "Formes d'amplada mitjana i d'amplada completa" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1435 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Specials" msgstr "Especials" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1436 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Yi Syllables" msgstr "Síl·labes Yi" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1437 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Yi Radicals" msgstr "Radicals Yi" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1438 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Old Italic" msgstr "Cursiva antiga" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1439 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Gothic" msgstr "Gòtic" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1440 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Deseret" msgstr "Deseret" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1441 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Byzantine Musical Symbols" msgstr "Símbols musicals bizantins" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1442 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Musical Symbols" msgstr "Símbols musicals" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1443 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Mathematical Alphanumeric Symbols" msgstr "Símbols matemàtics alfanumèrics" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1444 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B" msgstr "Ideogrames unificats del CJK ampliació B" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1445 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "CJK Unified Ideographs Extension C" msgstr "Ideogrames unificats del CJK ampliació C" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1446 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "CJK Unified Ideographs Extension D" msgstr "Ideogrames unificats del CJK ampliació D" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1447 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "CJK Compatibility Ideographs Supplement" msgstr "Ideogrames de compatibilitat amb CJK (suplement)" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1448 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Tags" msgstr "Etiquetes" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1449 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Cyrillic Supplement" msgstr "Ciríl·lic (suplement)" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1450 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Variation Selectors" msgstr "Selectors de variació" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1451 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Supplementary Private Use Area-A" msgstr "Àrea d'ús privat - A (suplement)" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1452 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Supplementary Private Use Area-B" msgstr "Àrea d'ús privat - B (suplement)" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1453 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Limbu" msgstr "Limbu" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1454 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Tai Le" msgstr "Tai Le" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1455 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Khmer Symbols" msgstr "Símbols khmer" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1456 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Phonetic Extensions" msgstr "Extensions fonètiques" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1457 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Miscellaneous Symbols And Arrows" msgstr "Fletxes i símbols miscel·lanis" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1458 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Yijing Hexagram Symbols" msgstr "Símbols hexagrames yijing" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1459 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Linear B Syllabary" msgstr "Conjunt de síl·labes lineal B" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1460 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Linear B Ideograms" msgstr "Ideogrames lineal B" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1461 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Aegean Numbers" msgstr "Nombres egeus" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1462 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Ugaritic" msgstr "Ugarític" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1463 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Shavian" msgstr "Shavià" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1464 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Osmanya" msgstr "Osmanià" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1465 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Sinhala" msgstr "Singalès" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1466 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Tibetan" msgstr "Tibetà" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1467 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Myanmar" msgstr "Myanmar" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1468 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Khmer" msgstr "Khmer" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1469 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Ogham" msgstr "Ogàmic" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1470 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Runic" msgstr "Rúnic" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1471 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Syriac" msgstr "Siríac" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1472 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Thaana" msgstr "Thaana" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1473 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Ethiopic" msgstr "Etíop" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1474 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Cherokee" msgstr "Xerokee" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1475 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Canadian Aboriginal Syllables" msgstr "Síl·labes aborígens canadenques" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1476 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Mongolian" msgstr "Mongol" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1477 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-A" msgstr "Símbols matemàtics diversos - A" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1478 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Supplemental Arrows-A" msgstr "Fletxes suplementàries - A" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1479 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Braille Patterns" msgstr "Plantilles Braille" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1480 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Supplemental Arrows-B" msgstr "Fletxes suplementàries - B" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1481 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-B" msgstr "Símbols matemàtics diversos - B" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1482 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "CJK Radical Supplement" msgstr "Radical CJK (suplement)" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1483 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Kangxi Radicals" msgstr "Radicals Kangxi" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1484 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Ideographic Description Characters" msgstr "Caràcters de descripció ideogràfica" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1485 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Tagalog" msgstr "Tagàlog" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1486 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Hanunoo" msgstr "Hanunoo" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1487 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Tagbanwa" msgstr "Tagbanwa" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1488 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Buhid" msgstr "Buhid" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1489 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Kanbun" msgstr "Kanbun" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1490 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Bopomofo Extended" msgstr "Bopomofo ampliat" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1491 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Katakana Phonetics" msgstr "Fonètica katakana" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1492 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "CJK Strokes" msgstr "Traços CJK" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1493 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Cypriot Syllabary" msgstr "Conjunt de síl·labes xipriotes" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1494 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Tai Xuan Jing Symbols" msgstr "Símbols tai xuan jing" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1495 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Variation Selectors Supplement" msgstr "Selectors de variació (suplement)" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1496 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Ancient Greek Musical Notation" msgstr "Notació musical del grec antic" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1497 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Ancient Greek Numbers" msgstr "Nombres grecs antics" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1498 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Arabic Supplement" msgstr "Àrab (suplement)" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1499 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Buginese" msgstr "buginès" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1500 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Combining Diacritical Marks Supplement" msgstr "Combinació de caràcters diacrítics (suplement)" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1501 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Coptic" msgstr "Copte" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1502 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Ethiopic Extended" msgstr "Etíop ampliat" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1503 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Ethiopic Supplement" msgstr "Etíop (suplement)" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1504 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Georgian Supplement" msgstr "Georgià (suplement)" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1505 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Glagolitic" msgstr "Glagolític" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1506 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Kharoshthi" msgstr "Kharosthi" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1507 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Modifier Tone Letters" msgstr "Lletres modificadores del to" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1508 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "New Tai Lue" msgstr "Tai Lue nou" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1509 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Old Persian" msgstr "Persa antic" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1510 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Phonetic Extensions Supplement" msgstr "Extensions fonètiques (suplement)" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1511 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Supplemental Punctuation" msgstr "Puntuació suplementària" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1512 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Syloti Nagri" msgstr "Syloti Nagri" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1513 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Tifinagh" msgstr "Tifinagh" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1514 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Vertical Forms" msgstr "Formes verticals" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1515 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Nko" msgstr "Nko" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1516 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Balinese" msgstr "Balinès" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1517 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Latin Extended-C" msgstr "Llatí ampliat-C" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1518 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Latin Extended-D" msgstr "Llatí ampliat-D" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1519 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Phags-Pa" msgstr "Phags-Pa" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1520 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Phoenician" msgstr "Fenici" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1521 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Cuneiform" msgstr "Cuneïforme" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1522 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Cuneiform Numbers And Punctuation" msgstr "Nombres i puntuació cuneïforme" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1523 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Counting Rod Numerals" msgstr "Numerals de palets per comptar" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1524 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Sundanese" msgstr "Sondanès" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1525 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Lepcha" msgstr "Lepcha" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1526 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Ol Chiki" msgstr "Ol Chiki" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1527 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Cyrillic Extended-A" msgstr "Ciríl·lic ampliat-A" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1528 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Vai" msgstr "Vai" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1529 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Cyrillic Extended-B" msgstr "Ciríl·lic ampliat-B" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1530 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Saurashtra" msgstr "Saurashtra" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1531 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Kayah Li" msgstr "Kayah Li" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1532 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Rejang" msgstr "Rejang" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1533 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Cham" msgstr "Txam" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1534 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Ancient Symbols" msgstr "Símbols antics" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1535 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Phaistos Disc" msgstr "Disc de Festos" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1536 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Lycian" msgstr "Lici" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1537 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Carian" msgstr "Cari" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1538 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Lydian" msgstr "Lidi" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1539 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Mahjong Tiles" msgstr "Fitxes del mahjong" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1540 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Domino Tiles" msgstr "Fitxes del dòmino" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1541 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Samaritan" msgstr "Samarità" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1542 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics Extended" msgstr "Sil·làbics aborígens canadencs ampliats" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1543 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Tai Tham" msgstr "Tai Tham" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1544 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Vedic Extensions" msgstr "Extensions vèdiques" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1545 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Lisu" msgstr "Lisu" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1546 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Bamum" msgstr "Bamum" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1547 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Common Indic Number Forms" msgstr "Formes numèriques índiques comunes" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1548 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Devanagari Extended" msgstr "Devanagari ampliat" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1549 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Hangul Jamo Extended-A" msgstr "Hangul Jamo ampliat - A" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1550 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Javanese" msgstr "Javanès" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1551 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Myanmar Extended-A" msgstr "Myanmar ampliat - A" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1552 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Tai Viet" msgstr "Tai Viet" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1553 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Meetei Mayek" msgstr "Meetei mayek" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1554 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Hangul Jamo Extended-B" msgstr "Hangul Jamo ampliat - B" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1555 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Imperial Aramaic" msgstr "Arameu imperial" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1556 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Old South Arabian" msgstr "àrab del sud antic" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1557 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Avestan" msgstr "avèstic" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1558 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Inscriptional Parthian" msgstr "Part d'inscripció" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1559 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Inscriptional Pahlavi" msgstr "Pahlavi d'inscripció" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1560 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Old Turkic" msgstr "Turc antic" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1561 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Rumi Numeral Symbols" msgstr "símbols numèrics rumi" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1562 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Kaithi" msgstr "kaithi" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1563 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Egyptian Hieroglyphs" msgstr "Jeroglífics egipcis" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1564 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Enclosed Alphanumeric Supplement" msgstr "Alfanumèrics delimitats (suplement)" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1565 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Enclosed Ideographic Supplement" msgstr "Ideogràfic delimitat (suplement)" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1566 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Mandaic" msgstr "mandaic" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1567 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Batak" msgstr "batak" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1568 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Ethiopic Extended-A" msgstr "etíop ampliat - A" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1569 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Brahmi" msgstr "brahmi" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1570 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Bamum Supplement" msgstr "Bamum (suplement)" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1571 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Kana Supplement" msgstr "Kana (suplement)" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1572 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Playing Cards" msgstr "Cartes de joc" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1573 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Miscellaneous Symbols And Pictographs" msgstr "Símbols i pictogrames miscel·lanis" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1574 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Emoticons" msgstr "Emoticones" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1575 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Transport And Map Symbols" msgstr "Símbols de transport i mapes" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1576 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Alchemical Symbols" msgstr "Símbols d'alquímia" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1577 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Arabic Extended-A" msgstr "Àrab ampliat-A" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1578 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Arabic Mathematical Alphabetic Symbols" msgstr "Símbols alfabètics matemàtics àrabs" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1579 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Chakma" msgstr "Chakma" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1580 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Meetei Mayek Extensions" msgstr "Extensions Meetei Mayek" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1581 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Meroitic Cursive" msgstr "Meroític cursiva" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1582 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Meroitic Hieroglyphs" msgstr "Jeroglífics meroítics" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1583 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Miao" msgstr "Miao" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1584 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Sharada" msgstr "Sharada" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1585 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Sora Sompeng" msgstr "Sora Sompeng" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1586 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Sundanese Supplement" msgstr "Sondanès (suplement)" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1587 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Takri" msgstr "Takri" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1588 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Bassa Vah" msgstr "Bassa vah" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1589 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Caucasian Albanian" msgstr "albanès caucàsic" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1590 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Coptic Epact Numbers" msgstr "Nombres epactes coptes" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1591 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Combining Diacritical Marks Extended" msgstr "Marques diacrítiques combinables (suplement)" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1592 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Duployan" msgstr "Taquigrafia de Duployé" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1593 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Elbasan" msgstr "Elbasan" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1594 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Geometric Shapes Extended" msgstr "Formes geomètriques (suplement)" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1595 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Grantha" msgstr "Grantha" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1596 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Khojki" msgstr "Khojki" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1597 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Khudawadi" msgstr "Khudawadi" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1598 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Latin Extended-E" msgstr "Llatí ampliat - E" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1599 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Linear A" msgstr "Lineal A" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1600 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Mahajani" msgstr "Mahajani" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1601 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Manichaean" msgstr "Maniqueu" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1602 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Mende Kikakui" msgstr "Mende Kikakui" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1603 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Modi" msgstr "Modi" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1604 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Mro" msgstr "Mro" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1605 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Myanmar Extended-B" msgstr "Mianmar ampliat - B" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1606 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Nabataean" msgstr "Nabateu" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1607 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Old North Arabian" msgstr "Àrab del nord antic" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1608 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Old Permic" msgstr "Pèrmic antic" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1609 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Ornamental Dingbats" msgstr "Floritures ornamentals" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1610 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Pahawh Hmong" msgstr "Pahawh Hmong" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1611 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Palmyrene" msgstr "Palmirè" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1612 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Pau Cin Hau" msgstr "Pau Cin Hau" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1613 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Psalter Pahlavi" msgstr "pahlavi de salteri" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1614 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Shorthand Format Controls" msgstr "Controls de format de taquigrafia" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1615 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Siddham" msgstr "Siddham" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1616 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Sinhala Archaic Numbers" msgstr "Nombres arcaics del singalès" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1617 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Supplemental Arrows-C" msgstr "Fletxes suplementàries - C" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1618 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Tirhuta" msgstr "Tirhuta" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1619 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Warang Citi" msgstr "Warang Citi" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1620 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Ahom" msgstr "Ahom" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1621 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Anatolian Hieroglyphs" msgstr "Jeroglífics anatòlics" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1622 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Cherokee Supplement" msgstr "Xerokee (suplement)" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1623 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "CJK Unified Ideographs Extension E" msgstr "Ideogrames unificats CJK ampliació E" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1624 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Early Dynastic Cuneiform" msgstr "Cuneïforme dinàstic arcaic" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1625 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Hatran" msgstr "Arameu de Hatra" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1626 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Multani" msgstr "Multani" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1627 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Old Hungarian" msgstr "hongarès antic" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1628 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Supplemental Symbols And Pictographs" msgstr "Símbols i pictogrames suplementaris" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1629 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Sutton Signwriting" msgstr "Transcripció Sutton de llengües de signes" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1630 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Adlam" msgstr "adlam" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1631 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Bhaiksuki" msgstr "bhaiksuki" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1632 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Cyrillic Extended-C" msgstr "Ciríl·lic ampliat - C" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1633 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Glagolitic Supplement" msgstr "Suplement glagolític" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1634 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Ideographic Symbols and Punctuation" msgstr "Símbols ideogràfics i puntuació" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1635 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Marchen" msgstr "marchen" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1636 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Mongolian Supplement" msgstr "Suplement mongol" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1637 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Newa" msgstr "newa" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1638 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Osage" msgstr "osage" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1639 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Tangut" msgstr "tangut" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1640 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Tangut Components" msgstr "components de tangut" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1641 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "CJK Unified Ideographs Extension F" msgstr "Ideogrames unificats del CJK ampliació F" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1642 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Kana Extended-A" msgstr "kana ampliat-A" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1643 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Masaram Gondi" msgstr "Gondi de Masaram" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1644 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Nushu" msgstr "nushu" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1645 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Soyombo" msgstr "soyombo" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1646 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Syriac Supplement" msgstr "Suplement siríac" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1647 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Zanabazar Square" msgstr "Quadrat de Zanabazar" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1648 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Chess Symbols" msgstr "Símbols dels escacs" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1649 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Dogra" msgstr "dogra" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1651 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Gunjala Gondi" msgstr "gunjala gondi" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1652 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Hanifi Rohingya" msgstr "hanifi rohingya" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1653 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Indic Siyaq Numbers" msgstr "Nombres índics siyaq" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1654 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Makasar" msgstr "macassarès" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1655 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Mayan Numerals" msgstr "Nombres maies" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1656 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Medefaidrin" msgstr "medefaidrin" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1657 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Old Sogdian" msgstr "sogdià antic" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1658 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Sogdian" msgstr "sogdià" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1660 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_FRAMEDIR_LTR" msgid "Left-to-right (LTR)" msgstr "D'esquerra a dreta (LTR)" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1661 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_FRAMEDIR_RTL" msgid "Right-to-left (RTL)" msgstr "De dreta a esquerra (RTL)" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1662 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_FRAMEDIR_SUPER" msgid "Use superordinate object settings" msgstr "Utilitza la configuració d'objectes superordinats" #. page direction #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1664 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_PAGEDIR_LTR_HORI" msgid "Left-to-right (horizontal)" msgstr "D'esquerra a dreta (horitzontal)" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1665 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_PAGEDIR_RTL_HORI" msgid "Right-to-left (horizontal)" msgstr "De dreta a esquerra (horitzontal)" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1666 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_PAGEDIR_RTL_VERT" msgid "Right-to-left (vertical)" msgstr "De dreta a esquerra (vertical)" #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1667 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_PAGEDIR_LTR_VERT" msgid "Left-to-right (vertical)" msgstr "D'esquerra a dreta (vertical)" #: include/svx/svxitems.hrc:33 msgctxt "RID_ATTR_NAMES" msgid "Scale" msgstr "Escala" #: include/svx/svxitems.hrc:34 msgctxt "RID_ATTR_NAMES" msgid "Brush" msgstr "Pinzell" #: include/svx/svxitems.hrc:35 msgctxt "RID_ATTR_NAMES" msgid "Tab stops" msgstr "Tabulacions" #: include/svx/svxitems.hrc:36 msgctxt "RID_ATTR_NAMES" msgid "Character" msgstr "Caràcter" #: include/svx/svxitems.hrc:37 msgctxt "RID_ATTR_NAMES" msgid "Font" msgstr "Tipus de lletra" #: include/svx/svxitems.hrc:38 msgctxt "RID_ATTR_NAMES" msgid "Font posture" msgstr "Posició de la lletra" #: include/svx/svxitems.hrc:39 msgctxt "RID_ATTR_NAMES" msgid "Font weight" msgstr "Pes de la lletra" #: include/svx/svxitems.hrc:40 msgctxt "RID_ATTR_NAMES" msgid "Shadowed" msgstr "Ombrejat" #: include/svx/svxitems.hrc:41 msgctxt "RID_ATTR_NAMES" msgid "Individual words" msgstr "Paraules individuals" #: include/svx/svxitems.hrc:42 msgctxt "RID_ATTR_NAMES" msgid "Outline" msgstr "Contorn" #: include/svx/svxitems.hrc:43 msgctxt "RID_ATTR_NAMES" msgid "Strikethrough" msgstr "Ratllat" #: include/svx/svxitems.hrc:44 msgctxt "RID_ATTR_NAMES" msgid "Underline" msgstr "Subratllat" #: include/svx/svxitems.hrc:45 msgctxt "RID_ATTR_NAMES" msgid "Font size" msgstr "Mida de la lletra" #: include/svx/svxitems.hrc:46 msgctxt "RID_ATTR_NAMES" msgid "Font color" msgstr "Color de la lletra" #: include/svx/svxitems.hrc:47 msgctxt "RID_ATTR_NAMES" msgid "Kerning" msgstr "Interlletratge" #: include/svx/svxitems.hrc:48 msgctxt "RID_ATTR_NAMES" msgid "Effects" msgstr "Efectes" #: include/svx/svxitems.hrc:49 msgctxt "RID_ATTR_NAMES" msgid "Language" msgstr "Llengua" #: include/svx/svxitems.hrc:50 msgctxt "RID_ATTR_NAMES" msgid "Position" msgstr "Posició" #: include/svx/svxitems.hrc:51 msgctxt "RID_ATTR_NAMES" msgid "Character blinking" msgstr "Parpelleig del caràcter" #: include/svx/svxitems.hrc:52 msgctxt "RID_ATTR_NAMES" msgid "Character set color" msgstr "Color" #: include/svx/svxitems.hrc:53 msgctxt "RID_ATTR_NAMES" msgid "Overline" msgstr "Sobreratllat" #: include/svx/svxitems.hrc:54 msgctxt "RID_ATTR_NAMES" msgid "Alignment" msgstr "Alineació" #: include/svx/svxitems.hrc:55 msgctxt "RID_ATTR_NAMES" msgid "Line spacing" msgstr "Interlineat" #: include/svx/svxitems.hrc:56 msgctxt "RID_ATTR_NAMES" msgid "Page Break" msgstr "Salt de pàgina" #: include/svx/svxitems.hrc:57 msgctxt "RID_ATTR_NAMES" msgid "Hyphenation" msgstr "Partició de mots" #: include/svx/svxitems.hrc:58 msgctxt "RID_ATTR_NAMES" msgid "Do not split paragraph" msgstr "No divideixis el paràgraf" #: include/svx/svxitems.hrc:59 msgctxt "RID_ATTR_NAMES" msgid "Orphans" msgstr "Línies vídues" #: include/svx/svxitems.hrc:60 msgctxt "RID_ATTR_NAMES" msgid "Widows" msgstr "Línies òrfenes" #: include/svx/svxitems.hrc:61 msgctxt "RID_ATTR_NAMES" msgid "Paragraph spacing" msgstr "Espaiat del paràgraf" #: include/svx/svxitems.hrc:62 msgctxt "RID_ATTR_NAMES" msgid "Paragraph indent" msgstr "Sagnat del paràgraf" #: include/svx/svxitems.hrc:63 msgctxt "RID_ATTR_NAMES" msgid "Indent" msgstr "Sagnat" #: include/svx/svxitems.hrc:64 msgctxt "RID_ATTR_NAMES" msgid "Spacing" msgstr "Espaiat" #: include/svx/svxitems.hrc:65 msgctxt "RID_ATTR_NAMES" msgid "Page" msgstr "Pàgina" #: include/svx/svxitems.hrc:66 msgctxt "RID_ATTR_NAMES" msgid "Page Style" msgstr "Estil de la pàgina" #: include/svx/svxitems.hrc:67 msgctxt "RID_ATTR_NAMES" msgid "Keep with next paragraph" msgstr "Mantén els paràgrafs junts" #: include/svx/svxitems.hrc:68 msgctxt "RID_ATTR_NAMES" msgid "Blinking" msgstr "Parpelleig" #: include/svx/svxitems.hrc:69 msgctxt "RID_ATTR_NAMES" msgid "Register-true" msgstr "Conforme al registre" #: include/svx/svxitems.hrc:70 msgctxt "RID_ATTR_NAMES" msgid "Character background" msgstr "Fons del caràcter" #: include/svx/svxitems.hrc:71 msgctxt "RID_ATTR_NAMES" msgid "Asian font" msgstr "Tipus de lletra asiàtic" #: include/svx/svxitems.hrc:72 msgctxt "RID_ATTR_NAMES" msgid "Size of Asian font" msgstr "Mida de lletra asiàtica" #: include/svx/svxitems.hrc:73 msgctxt "RID_ATTR_NAMES" msgid "Language of Asian font" msgstr "Llengua de lletra asiàtica" #: include/svx/svxitems.hrc:74 msgctxt "RID_ATTR_NAMES" msgid "Posture of Asian font" msgstr "Posició de lletra asiàtica" #: include/svx/svxitems.hrc:75 msgctxt "RID_ATTR_NAMES" msgid "Weight of Asian font" msgstr "Pes de lletra asiàtica" #: include/svx/svxitems.hrc:76 msgctxt "RID_ATTR_NAMES" msgid "CTL" msgstr "CTL" #: include/svx/svxitems.hrc:77 msgctxt "RID_ATTR_NAMES" msgid "Size of complex scripts" msgstr "Mida d'scripts complexos" #: include/svx/svxitems.hrc:78 msgctxt "RID_ATTR_NAMES" msgid "Language of complex scripts" msgstr "Llenguatge d'scripts complexos" #: include/svx/svxitems.hrc:79 msgctxt "RID_ATTR_NAMES" msgid "Posture of complex scripts" msgstr "Posició d'scripts complexos" #: include/svx/svxitems.hrc:80 msgctxt "RID_ATTR_NAMES" msgid "Weight of complex scripts" msgstr "Pes d'scripts complexos" #: include/svx/svxitems.hrc:81 msgctxt "RID_ATTR_NAMES" msgid "Double-lined" msgstr "Línies dobles activades" #: include/svx/svxitems.hrc:82 msgctxt "RID_ATTR_NAMES" msgid "Emphasis mark" msgstr "Marca d'èmfasi" #: include/svx/svxitems.hrc:83 msgctxt "RID_ATTR_NAMES" msgid "Text spacing" msgstr "Espaiat del text" #: include/svx/svxitems.hrc:84 msgctxt "RID_ATTR_NAMES" msgid "Hanging punctuation" msgstr "Puntuació sortint" #: include/svx/svxitems.hrc:85 msgctxt "RID_ATTR_NAMES" msgid "Forbidden characters" msgstr "Caràcters prohibits" #: include/svx/svxitems.hrc:86 msgctxt "RID_ATTR_NAMES" msgid "Rotation" msgstr "Gir" #: include/svx/svxitems.hrc:87 msgctxt "RID_ATTR_NAMES" msgid "Character scaling" msgstr "Escalat del caràcter" #: include/svx/svxitems.hrc:88 msgctxt "RID_ATTR_NAMES" msgid "Relief" msgstr "Relleu" #: include/svx/svxitems.hrc:89 msgctxt "RID_ATTR_NAMES" msgid "Vertical text alignment" msgstr "Alineació vertical del text" #: svx/inc/fieldunit.hrc:30 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_FIELDUNIT_TABLE" msgid "Millimeter" msgstr "Mil·límetre" #: svx/inc/fieldunit.hrc:31 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_FIELDUNIT_TABLE" msgid "Centimeter" msgstr "Centímetre" #: svx/inc/fieldunit.hrc:32 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_FIELDUNIT_TABLE" msgid "Meter" msgstr "Metre" #: svx/inc/fieldunit.hrc:33 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_FIELDUNIT_TABLE" msgid "Kilometer" msgstr "Quilòmetre" #: svx/inc/fieldunit.hrc:34 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_FIELDUNIT_TABLE" msgid "Inch" msgstr "Polzada" #: svx/inc/fieldunit.hrc:35 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_FIELDUNIT_TABLE" msgid "Foot" msgstr "Peu" #: svx/inc/fieldunit.hrc:36 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_FIELDUNIT_TABLE" msgid "Miles" msgstr "Milles" #: svx/inc/fieldunit.hrc:37 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_FIELDUNIT_TABLE" msgid "Pica" msgstr "Pica" #: svx/inc/fieldunit.hrc:38 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_FIELDUNIT_TABLE" msgid "Point" msgstr "Punt" #: svx/inc/fieldunit.hrc:39 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_FIELDUNIT_TABLE" msgid "Char" msgstr "Caràcter" #: svx/inc/fieldunit.hrc:40 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_FIELDUNIT_TABLE" msgid "Line" msgstr "Línia" #: svx/inc/fmstring.hrc:27 msgctxt "RID_RSC_SQL_INTERNATIONAL" msgid "LIKE" msgstr "LIKE" #: svx/inc/fmstring.hrc:28 msgctxt "RID_RSC_SQL_INTERNATIONAL" msgid "NOT" msgstr "NOT" #: svx/inc/fmstring.hrc:29 msgctxt "RID_RSC_SQL_INTERNATIONAL" msgid "EMPTY" msgstr "EMPTY" #: svx/inc/fmstring.hrc:30 msgctxt "RID_RSC_SQL_INTERNATIONAL" msgid "TRUE" msgstr "TRUE" #: svx/inc/fmstring.hrc:31 msgctxt "RID_RSC_SQL_INTERNATIONAL" msgid "FALSE" msgstr "FALSE" #: svx/inc/fmstring.hrc:32 msgctxt "RID_RSC_SQL_INTERNATIONAL" msgid "IS" msgstr "IS" #: svx/inc/fmstring.hrc:33 msgctxt "RID_RSC_SQL_INTERNATIONAL" msgid "BETWEEN" msgstr "BETWEEN" #: svx/inc/fmstring.hrc:34 msgctxt "RID_RSC_SQL_INTERNATIONAL" msgid "OR" msgstr "OR" #: svx/inc/fmstring.hrc:35 msgctxt "RID_RSC_SQL_INTERNATIONAL" msgid "AND" msgstr "AND" #: svx/inc/fmstring.hrc:36 msgctxt "RID_RSC_SQL_INTERNATIONAL" msgid "Average" msgstr "Average" #: svx/inc/fmstring.hrc:37 msgctxt "RID_RSC_SQL_INTERNATIONAL" msgid "Count" msgstr "Count" #: svx/inc/fmstring.hrc:38 msgctxt "RID_RSC_SQL_INTERNATIONAL" msgid "Maximum" msgstr "Maximum" #: svx/inc/fmstring.hrc:39 msgctxt "RID_RSC_SQL_INTERNATIONAL" msgid "Minimum" msgstr "Minimum" #: svx/inc/fmstring.hrc:40 msgctxt "RID_RSC_SQL_INTERNATIONAL" msgid "Sum" msgstr "Sum" #: svx/inc/fmstring.hrc:41 msgctxt "RID_RSC_SQL_INTERNATIONAL" msgid "Every" msgstr "Every" #: svx/inc/fmstring.hrc:42 msgctxt "RID_RSC_SQL_INTERNATIONAL" msgid "Any" msgstr "Any" #: svx/inc/fmstring.hrc:43 msgctxt "RID_RSC_SQL_INTERNATIONAL" msgid "Some" msgstr "Some" #: svx/inc/fmstring.hrc:44 msgctxt "RID_RSC_SQL_INTERNATIONAL" msgid "STDDEV_POP" msgstr "STDDEV_POP" #: svx/inc/fmstring.hrc:45 msgctxt "RID_RSC_SQL_INTERNATIONAL" msgid "STDDEV_SAMP" msgstr "STDDEV_SAMP" #: svx/inc/fmstring.hrc:46 msgctxt "RID_RSC_SQL_INTERNATIONAL" msgid "VAR_SAMP" msgstr "VAR_SAMP" #: svx/inc/fmstring.hrc:47 msgctxt "RID_RSC_SQL_INTERNATIONAL" msgid "VAR_POP" msgstr "VAR_POP" #: svx/inc/fmstring.hrc:48 msgctxt "RID_RSC_SQL_INTERNATIONAL" msgid "Collect" msgstr "Collect" #: svx/inc/fmstring.hrc:49 msgctxt "RID_RSC_SQL_INTERNATIONAL" msgid "Fusion" msgstr "Fusion" #: svx/inc/fmstring.hrc:50 msgctxt "RID_RSC_SQL_INTERNATIONAL" msgid "Intersection" msgstr "Intersection" #: svx/inc/frmsel.hrc:29 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_FRMSEL_TEXTS" msgid "Border setting" msgstr "Opcions de la vora" #: svx/inc/frmsel.hrc:30 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_FRMSEL_TEXTS" msgid "Left border line" msgstr "Línia de vora esquerra" #: svx/inc/frmsel.hrc:31 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_FRMSEL_TEXTS" msgid "Right border line" msgstr "Línia de vora dreta" #: svx/inc/frmsel.hrc:32 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_FRMSEL_TEXTS" msgid "Top border line" msgstr "Línia de vora superior" #: svx/inc/frmsel.hrc:33 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_FRMSEL_TEXTS" msgid "Bottom border line" msgstr "Línia de vora inferior" #: svx/inc/frmsel.hrc:34 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_FRMSEL_TEXTS" msgid "Horizontal border line" msgstr "Línia de vora horitzontal" #: svx/inc/frmsel.hrc:35 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_FRMSEL_TEXTS" msgid "Vertical border line" msgstr "Línia de vora vertical" #: svx/inc/frmsel.hrc:36 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_FRMSEL_TEXTS" msgid "Diagonal border line from top left to bottom right" msgstr "Línia diagonal de vora des de la part superior esquerra a la part inferior dreta" #: svx/inc/frmsel.hrc:37 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_FRMSEL_TEXTS" msgid "Diagonal border line from bottom left to top right" msgstr "Línia diagonal de vora des de la part inferior esquerra a la part superior dreta" #: svx/inc/frmsel.hrc:42 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_FRMSEL_DESCRIPTIONS" msgid "Border setting" msgstr "Opcions de la vora" #: svx/inc/frmsel.hrc:43 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_FRMSEL_DESCRIPTIONS" msgid "Left border line" msgstr "Línia de vora esquerra" #: svx/inc/frmsel.hrc:44 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_FRMSEL_DESCRIPTIONS" msgid "Right border line" msgstr "Línia de vora dreta" #: svx/inc/frmsel.hrc:45 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_FRMSEL_DESCRIPTIONS" msgid "Top border line" msgstr "Línia de vora superior" #: svx/inc/frmsel.hrc:46 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_FRMSEL_DESCRIPTIONS" msgid "Bottom border line" msgstr "Línia de vora inferior" #: svx/inc/frmsel.hrc:47 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_FRMSEL_DESCRIPTIONS" msgid "Horizontal border line" msgstr "Línia de vora horitzontal" #: svx/inc/frmsel.hrc:48 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_FRMSEL_DESCRIPTIONS" msgid "Vertical border line" msgstr "Línia de vora vertical" #: svx/inc/frmsel.hrc:49 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_FRMSEL_DESCRIPTIONS" msgid "Diagonal border line from top left to bottom right" msgstr "Línia diagonal de vora des de la part superior esquerra a la part inferior dreta" #: svx/inc/frmsel.hrc:50 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_FRMSEL_DESCRIPTIONS" msgid "Diagonal border line from bottom left to top right" msgstr "Línia diagonal de vora des de la part inferior esquerra a la part superior dreta" #: svx/inc/numberingtype.hrc:29 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_NUMBERINGTYPE" msgid "None" msgstr "Cap" #. SVX_NUM_NUMBER_NONE #: svx/inc/numberingtype.hrc:30 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_NUMBERINGTYPE" msgid "Bullet" msgstr "Pics" #. SVX_NUM_CHAR_SPECIAL #: svx/inc/numberingtype.hrc:31 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_NUMBERINGTYPE" msgid "Graphics" msgstr "Imatges" #. SVX_NUM_BITMAP #: svx/inc/numberingtype.hrc:32 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_NUMBERINGTYPE" msgid "Linked graphics" msgstr "Imatges enllaçades" #. SVX_NUM_BITMAP|0x80 #: svx/inc/numberingtype.hrc:33 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_NUMBERINGTYPE" msgid "1, 2, 3, ..." msgstr "1, 2, 3..." #. SVX_NUM_ARABIC #: svx/inc/numberingtype.hrc:34 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_NUMBERINGTYPE" msgid "A, B, C, ..." msgstr "A, B, C..." #. SVX_NUM_CHARS_UPPER_LETTER #: svx/inc/numberingtype.hrc:35 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_NUMBERINGTYPE" msgid "a, b, c, ..." msgstr "a, b, c..." #. SVX_NUM_CHARS_LOWER_LETTER #: svx/inc/numberingtype.hrc:36 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_NUMBERINGTYPE" msgid "I, II, III, ..." msgstr "I, II, III..." #. SVX_NUM_ROMAN_UPPER #: svx/inc/numberingtype.hrc:37 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_NUMBERINGTYPE" msgid "i, ii, iii, ..." msgstr "i, ii, iii..." #. SVX_NUM_ROMAN_LOWER #: svx/inc/numberingtype.hrc:38 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_NUMBERINGTYPE" msgid "1st, 2nd, 3rd, ..." msgstr "1r, 2n, 3r, ..." #. TEXT_NUMBER #: svx/inc/numberingtype.hrc:39 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_NUMBERINGTYPE" msgid "One, Two, Three, ..." msgstr "Un, dos, tres, ..." #. TEXT_CARDINAL #: svx/inc/numberingtype.hrc:40 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_NUMBERINGTYPE" msgid "First, Second, Third, ..." msgstr "Primer, segon, tercer, ..." #. TEXT_ORDINAL #: svx/inc/numberingtype.hrc:41 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_NUMBERINGTYPE" msgid "A, .., AA, .., AAA, ..." msgstr "A,... AA,... AAA..." #. SVX_NUM_CHARS_UPPER_LETTER_N #: svx/inc/numberingtype.hrc:42 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_NUMBERINGTYPE" msgid "a, .., aa, .., aaa, ..." msgstr "a, .., aa, .., aaa..." #. SVX_NUM_CHARS_LOWER_LETTER_N #: svx/inc/numberingtype.hrc:43 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_NUMBERINGTYPE" msgid "Native Numbering" msgstr "Numeració nativa" #. NATIVE_NUMBERING #: svx/inc/numberingtype.hrc:44 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_NUMBERINGTYPE" msgid "А, Б, .., Аа, Аб, ... (Bulgarian)" msgstr "А, Б, .., Аа, Аб... (búlgar)" #. CHARS_CYRILLIC_UPPER_LETTER_BG #: svx/inc/numberingtype.hrc:45 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_NUMBERINGTYPE" msgid "а, б, .., аа, аб, ... (Bulgarian)" msgstr "а, б, .., аа, аб... (búlgar)" #. CHARS_CYRILLIC_LOWER_LETTER_BG #: svx/inc/numberingtype.hrc:46 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_NUMBERINGTYPE" msgid "А, Б, .., Аа, Бб, ... (Bulgarian)" msgstr "А, Б, .., Аа, Бб... (búlgar)" #. CHARS_CYRILLIC_UPPER_LETTER_N_BG #: svx/inc/numberingtype.hrc:47 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_NUMBERINGTYPE" msgid "а, б, .., аа, бб, ... (Bulgarian)" msgstr "а, б, .., аа, бб... (búlgar)" #. CHARS_CYRILLIC_LOWER_LETTER_N_BG #: svx/inc/numberingtype.hrc:48 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_NUMBERINGTYPE" msgid "А, Б, .., Аа, Аб, ... (Russian)" msgstr "А, Б, .., Аа, Аб... (rus)" #. CHARS_CYRILLIC_UPPER_LETTER_RU #: svx/inc/numberingtype.hrc:49 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_NUMBERINGTYPE" msgid "а, б, .., аа, аб, ... (Russian)" msgstr "а, б, .., аа, аб... (rus)" #. CHARS_CYRILLIC_LOWER_LETTER_RU #: svx/inc/numberingtype.hrc:50 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_NUMBERINGTYPE" msgid "А, Б, .., Аа, Бб, ... (Russian)" msgstr "А, Б, .., Аа, Бб... (rus)" #. CHARS_CYRILLIC_UPPER_LETTER_N_RU #: svx/inc/numberingtype.hrc:51 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_NUMBERINGTYPE" msgid "а, б, .., аа, бб, ... (Russian)" msgstr "а, б, .., аа, бб... (rus)" #. CHARS_CYRILLIC_LOWER_LETTER_N_RU #: svx/inc/numberingtype.hrc:52 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_NUMBERINGTYPE" msgid "А, Б, .., Аа, Аб, ... (Serbian)" msgstr "А, Б, .., Аа, Аб... (serbi)" #. CHARS_CYRILLIC_UPPER_LETTER_SR #: svx/inc/numberingtype.hrc:53 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_NUMBERINGTYPE" msgid "а, б, .., аа, аб, ... (Serbian)" msgstr "а, б, .., аа, аб... (serbi)" #. CHARS_CYRILLIC_LOWER_LETTER_SR #: svx/inc/numberingtype.hrc:54 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_NUMBERINGTYPE" msgid "А, Б, .., Аа, Бб, ... (Serbian)" msgstr "А, Б, .., Аа, Бб... (serbi)" #. CHARS_CYRILLIC_UPPER_LETTER_N_SR #: svx/inc/numberingtype.hrc:55 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_NUMBERINGTYPE" msgid "а, б, .., аа, бб, ... (Serbian)" msgstr "а, б, .., аа, бб... (serbi)" #. CHARS_CYRILLIC_LOWER_LETTER_N_SR #: svx/inc/numberingtype.hrc:56 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_NUMBERINGTYPE" msgid "Α, Β, Γ, ... (Greek Upper Letter)" msgstr "Α, Β, Γ... (lletra grega en majúscules)" #. CHARS_GREEK_UPPER_LETTER #: svx/inc/numberingtype.hrc:57 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_NUMBERINGTYPE" msgid "α, β, γ, ... (Greek Lower Letter)" msgstr "α, β, γ... (lletra grega en minúscules)" #. CHARS_GREEK_LOWER_LETTER #: svx/inc/numberingtype.hrc:58 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_NUMBERINGTYPE" msgid "א...י, יא...כ, ..." msgstr "א...י, יא...כ..." #. NUMBER_HEBREW #: svx/inc/numberingtype.hrc:59 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_NUMBERINGTYPE" msgid "א...ת, אא...תת, ..." msgstr "א...ת, אא...תת..." #. CHARS_HEBREW #: svx/inc/numberingtype.hrc:60 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_NUMBERINGTYPE" msgid "١, ٢, ٣, ٤, ... (Arabic)" msgstr "١, ٢, ٣, ٤, ... (àrab)" #. NUMBER_ARABIC_INDIC #: svx/inc/numberingtype.hrc:61 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_NUMBERINGTYPE" msgid "۱, ۲, ۳, ۴, ... (Farsi)" msgstr "۱, ۲, ۳, ۴, ... (persa)" #. NUMBER_EAST_ARABIC_INDIC #: svx/inc/numberingtype.hrc:62 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_NUMBERINGTYPE" msgid "१, २, ३, ..." msgstr "१, २, ३, ..." #: svx/inc/samecontent.hrc:18 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_SAMECONTENT" msgid "All Pages" msgstr "Totes les pàgines" #: svx/inc/samecontent.hrc:19 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_SAMECONTENT" msgid "First Page" msgstr "Primera pàgina" #: svx/inc/samecontent.hrc:20 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_SAMECONTENT" msgid "Left and Right Pages" msgstr "Pàgines esquerra i dreta" #: svx/inc/samecontent.hrc:21 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_SAMECONTENT" msgid "First, Left and Right Pages" msgstr "Primera pàgina i pàgines esquerra i dreta" #: svx/inc/spacing.hrc:19 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_SPACING_INCH" msgid "None" msgstr "Cap" #: svx/inc/spacing.hrc:20 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_SPACING_INCH" msgid "Extra Small (1/16\")" msgstr "Molt petit (1/16\")" #: svx/inc/spacing.hrc:21 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_SPACING_INCH" msgid "Small (1/8\")" msgstr "Petit (1/8\")" #: svx/inc/spacing.hrc:22 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_SPACING_INCH" msgid "Small Medium (1/4\")" msgstr "Mitjà petit (1/4\")" #: svx/inc/spacing.hrc:23 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_SPACING_INCH" msgid "Medium (3/8\")" msgstr "Mitjà (3/8\")" #: svx/inc/spacing.hrc:24 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_SPACING_INCH" msgid "Medium Large (1/2\")" msgstr "Mitjà gran (1/2\")" #: svx/inc/spacing.hrc:25 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_SPACING_INCH" msgid "Large (3/4\")" msgstr "Gran (3⁄4\")" #: svx/inc/spacing.hrc:26 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_SPACING_INCH" msgid "Extra Large (1\")" msgstr "Molt gran (1\")" #: svx/inc/spacing.hrc:33 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_SPACING_CM" msgid "None" msgstr "Cap" #: svx/inc/spacing.hrc:34 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_SPACING_CM" msgid "Extra Small (0.16cm)" msgstr "Molt petit (0,16 cm)" #: svx/inc/spacing.hrc:35 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_SPACING_CM" msgid "Small (0.32cm)" msgstr "Petit (0,32 cm)" #: svx/inc/spacing.hrc:36 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_SPACING_CM" msgid "Small Medium (0.64cm)" msgstr "Mitjà petit (0,64 cm)" #: svx/inc/spacing.hrc:37 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_SPACING_CM" msgid "Medium (0.95cm)" msgstr "Mitjà (0,95 cm)" #: svx/inc/spacing.hrc:38 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_SPACING_CM" msgid "Medium Large (1.27cm)" msgstr "Mitjà gran (1,27 cm)" #: svx/inc/spacing.hrc:39 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_SPACING_CM" msgid "Large (1.9cm)" msgstr "Gran (1,9 cm)" #: svx/inc/spacing.hrc:40 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_SPACING_CM" msgid "Extra Large (2.54cm)" msgstr "Molt gran (2,54 cm)" #: svx/inc/spacing.hrc:47 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_MARGINS_INCH" msgid "None" msgstr "Cap" #: svx/inc/spacing.hrc:48 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_MARGINS_INCH" msgid "Extra Small (1/16\")" msgstr "Molt petit (1/16\")" #: svx/inc/spacing.hrc:49 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_MARGINS_INCH" msgid "Small (1/8\")" msgstr "Petit (1/8\")" #: svx/inc/spacing.hrc:50 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_MARGINS_INCH" msgid "Small Medium (1/4\")" msgstr "Mitjà petit (1/4\")" #: svx/inc/spacing.hrc:51 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_MARGINS_INCH" msgid "Medium (3/8\")" msgstr "Mitjà (3/8\")" #: svx/inc/spacing.hrc:52 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_MARGINS_INCH" msgid "Medium Large (1/2\")" msgstr "Mitjà gran (1/2\")" #: svx/inc/spacing.hrc:53 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_MARGINS_INCH" msgid "Large (3/4\")" msgstr "Gran (3⁄4\")" #: svx/inc/spacing.hrc:54 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_MARGINS_INCH" msgid "Extra Large (1\")" msgstr "Molt gran (1\")" #: svx/inc/spacing.hrc:61 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_MARGINS_CM" msgid "None" msgstr "Cap" #: svx/inc/spacing.hrc:62 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_MARGINS_CM" msgid "Extra Small (0.16cm)" msgstr "Molt petit (0,16 cm)" #: svx/inc/spacing.hrc:63 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_MARGINS_CM" msgid "Small (0.32cm)" msgstr "Petit (0,32 cm)" #: svx/inc/spacing.hrc:64 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_MARGINS_CM" msgid "Small Medium (0.64cm)" msgstr "Mitjà petit (0,64 cm)" #: svx/inc/spacing.hrc:65 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_MARGINS_CM" msgid "Medium (0.95cm)" msgstr "Mitjà (0,95 cm)" #: svx/inc/spacing.hrc:66 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_MARGINS_CM" msgid "Medium Large (1.27cm)" msgstr "Mitjà gran (1,27 cm)" #: svx/inc/spacing.hrc:67 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_MARGINS_CM" msgid "Large (1.9cm)" msgstr "Gran (1,9 cm)" #: svx/inc/spacing.hrc:68 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_MARGINS_CM" msgid "Extra Large (2.54cm)" msgstr "Molt gran (2,54 cm)" #: svx/inc/svxerr.hrc:33 msgctxt "RID_SVXERRCTX" msgid "$(ERR) executing the thesaurus." msgstr "$(ERR) en executar el tesaurus." #: svx/inc/svxerr.hrc:35 msgctxt "RID_SVXERRCTX" msgid "$(ERR) executing the spellcheck." msgstr "$(ERR) en executar la verificació ortogràfica." #: svx/inc/svxerr.hrc:37 msgctxt "RID_SVXERRCTX" msgid "$(ERR) executing the hyphenation." msgstr "$(ERR) en executar la partició de mots." #: svx/inc/svxerr.hrc:39 msgctxt "RID_SVXERRCTX" msgid "$(ERR) creating a dictionary." msgstr "$(ERR) en crear el diccionari." #: svx/inc/svxerr.hrc:41 msgctxt "RID_SVXERRCTX" msgid "$(ERR) setting background attribute." msgstr "$(ERR) en definir l'atribut de fons." #: svx/inc/svxerr.hrc:43 msgctxt "RID_SVXERRCTX" msgid "$(ERR) loading the graphics." msgstr "$(ERR) en carregar el gràfic." #: svx/inc/svxerr.hrc:51 msgctxt "RID_SVXERRCODE" msgid "" "$(ARG1) is not supported by the spellcheck function or is not presently active.\n" "Please check your installation and, if necessary, install the required language module\n" "or activate it under 'Tools - Options - Language Settings - Writing Aids'." msgstr "" "$(ARG1) no està disponible per a la verificació ortogràfica o no s'ha activat.\n" "Reviseu la instal·lació i, si cal, instal·leu el mòdul de la llengua desitjada\n" "o activeu-lo a «Eines ▸ Opcions ▸ Configuració de la llengua ▸ Ajudes a l'escriptura»." #: svx/inc/svxerr.hrc:53 msgctxt "RID_SVXERRCODE" msgid "Spellcheck is not available." msgstr "La verificació ortogràfica no està disponible." #: svx/inc/svxerr.hrc:55 msgctxt "RID_SVXERRCODE" msgid "The custom dictionary $(ARG1) cannot be created." msgstr "No es pot crear el diccionari personalitzat $(ARG1)." #: svx/inc/svxerr.hrc:57 msgctxt "RID_SVXERRCODE" msgid "The graphic $(ARG1) could not be found." msgstr "No s'ha pogut trobar el gràfic $(ARG1)." #: svx/inc/svxerr.hrc:59 msgctxt "RID_SVXERRCODE" msgid "An unlinked graphic could not be loaded." msgstr "No s'ha pogut carregar el gràfic no enllaçat." #: svx/inc/svxerr.hrc:61 msgctxt "RID_SVXERRCODE" msgid "A language has not been fixed for the selected term." msgstr "No s'ha determinat la llengua del terme seleccionat." #: svx/inc/svxerr.hrc:63 msgctxt "RID_SVXERRCODE" msgid "All changes to the Basic Code are lost. The original VBA Macro Code is saved instead." msgstr "Es perdran totes les modificacions del Basic Code del document. En el seu lloc es desarà el codi macro VBA original." #: svx/inc/svxerr.hrc:65 msgctxt "RID_SVXERRCODE" msgid "The original VBA Basic Code contained in the document will not be saved." msgstr "No es desarà el Basic Code VBA del document." #: svx/inc/svxerr.hrc:67 msgctxt "RID_SVXERRCODE" msgid "The password is incorrect. The document cannot be opened." msgstr "La contrasenya és incorrecta. No s'ha pogut obrir el document." #: svx/inc/svxerr.hrc:69 msgctxt "RID_SVXERRCODE" msgid "The encryption method used in this document is not supported. Only Microsoft Office 97/2000 compatible password encryption is supported." msgstr "El mètode d'encriptació d'aquest document no està permès, només l'encriptació de contrasenya compatible amb Microsoft Office 97/2000." #: svx/inc/svxerr.hrc:71 msgctxt "RID_SVXERRCODE" msgid "The loading of password-encrypted Microsoft PowerPoint presentations is not supported." msgstr "No es poden carregar documents de PowerPoint encriptats amb contrasenyes." #: svx/inc/svxerr.hrc:73 msgctxt "RID_SVXERRCODE" msgid "" "Password protection is not supported when documents are saved in a Microsoft Office format.\n" "Do you want to save the document without password protection?" msgstr "" "La protecció amb contrasenya no està permesa quant els documents desats en format Microsoft Office.\n" "Voleu desar el document sense contrasenya?" #: svx/inc/swframeposstrings.hrc:28 msgctxt "RID_SVXSW_FRAMEPOSITIONS" msgid "Left" msgstr "Esquerra" #: svx/inc/swframeposstrings.hrc:29 msgctxt "RID_SVXSW_FRAMEPOSITIONS" msgid "Right" msgstr "Dreta" #: svx/inc/swframeposstrings.hrc:30 msgctxt "RID_SVXSW_FRAMEPOSITIONS" msgid "From left" msgstr "Des de l'esquerra" #: svx/inc/swframeposstrings.hrc:31 msgctxt "RID_SVXSW_FRAMEPOSITIONS" msgid "Inside" msgstr "Dins" #: svx/inc/swframeposstrings.hrc:32 msgctxt "RID_SVXSW_FRAMEPOSITIONS" msgid "Outside" msgstr "Fora" #: svx/inc/swframeposstrings.hrc:33 msgctxt "RID_SVXSW_FRAMEPOSITIONS" msgid "From inside" msgstr "Des de dins" #: svx/inc/swframeposstrings.hrc:34 msgctxt "RID_SVXSW_FRAMEPOSITIONS" msgid "Paragraph area" msgstr "Àrea del paràgraf" #: svx/inc/swframeposstrings.hrc:35 svx/inc/swframeposstrings.hrc:50 msgctxt "RID_SVXSW_FRAMEPOSITIONS" msgid "Paragraph text area" msgstr "Àrea del text del paràgraf" #: svx/inc/swframeposstrings.hrc:36 msgctxt "RID_SVXSW_FRAMEPOSITIONS" msgid "Left page border" msgstr "Vora esquerra de la pàgina" #: svx/inc/swframeposstrings.hrc:37 msgctxt "RID_SVXSW_FRAMEPOSITIONS" msgid "Right page border" msgstr "Vora dreta de la pàgina" #: svx/inc/swframeposstrings.hrc:38 msgctxt "RID_SVXSW_FRAMEPOSITIONS" msgid "Left paragraph border" msgstr "Vora esquerra del paràgraf" #: svx/inc/swframeposstrings.hrc:39 msgctxt "RID_SVXSW_FRAMEPOSITIONS" msgid "Right paragraph border" msgstr "Vora dreta del paràgraf" #: svx/inc/swframeposstrings.hrc:40 msgctxt "RID_SVXSW_FRAMEPOSITIONS" msgid "Inner page border" msgstr "Vora interior de la pàgina" #: svx/inc/swframeposstrings.hrc:41 msgctxt "RID_SVXSW_FRAMEPOSITIONS" msgid "Outer page border" msgstr "Vora exterior de la pàgina" #: svx/inc/swframeposstrings.hrc:42 msgctxt "RID_SVXSW_FRAMEPOSITIONS" msgid "Inner paragraph border" msgstr "Vora interior del paràgraf" #: svx/inc/swframeposstrings.hrc:43 msgctxt "RID_SVXSW_FRAMEPOSITIONS" msgid "Outer paragraph border" msgstr "Vora exterior del paràgraf" #: svx/inc/swframeposstrings.hrc:44 msgctxt "RID_SVXSW_FRAMEPOSITIONS" msgid "Entire page" msgstr "Pàgina sencera" #: svx/inc/swframeposstrings.hrc:45 msgctxt "RID_SVXSW_FRAMEPOSITIONS" msgid "Page text area" msgstr "Àrea de pàgina de text" #: svx/inc/swframeposstrings.hrc:46 msgctxt "RID_SVXSW_FRAMEPOSITIONS" msgid "Base line" msgstr "Línia base" #: svx/inc/swframeposstrings.hrc:47 msgctxt "RID_SVXSW_FRAMEPOSITIONS" msgid "Character" msgstr "Caràcter" #: svx/inc/swframeposstrings.hrc:48 msgctxt "RID_SVXSW_FRAMEPOSITIONS" msgid "Row" msgstr "Fila" #: svx/inc/swframeposstrings.hrc:49 msgctxt "RID_SVXSW_FRAMEPOSITIONS" msgid "Margin" msgstr "Marge" #: svx/inc/swframeposstrings.hrc:51 msgctxt "RID_SVXSW_FRAMEPOSITIONS" msgid "Left frame border" msgstr "Vora esquerra del marc" #: svx/inc/swframeposstrings.hrc:52 msgctxt "RID_SVXSW_FRAMEPOSITIONS" msgid "Right frame border" msgstr "Vora dreta del marc" #: svx/inc/swframeposstrings.hrc:53 msgctxt "RID_SVXSW_FRAMEPOSITIONS" msgid "Entire frame" msgstr "Tot el marc" #: svx/inc/swframeposstrings.hrc:54 msgctxt "RID_SVXSW_FRAMEPOSITIONS" msgid "Frame text area" msgstr "Àrea de text del marc" #: svx/inc/swframeposstrings.hrc:55 msgctxt "RID_SVXSW_FRAMEPOSITIONS" msgid "Inner frame border" msgstr "Vora interior del marc" #: svx/inc/swframeposstrings.hrc:56 msgctxt "RID_SVXSW_FRAMEPOSITIONS" msgid "Outer frame border" msgstr "Vora exterior del marc" #: svx/inc/swframeposstrings.hrc:57 msgctxt "RID_SVXSW_FRAMEPOSITIONS" msgid "Top" msgstr "Part superior" #: svx/inc/swframeposstrings.hrc:58 msgctxt "RID_SVXSW_FRAMEPOSITIONS" msgid "Bottom" msgstr "Part inferior" #: svx/inc/swframeposstrings.hrc:59 svx/inc/swframeposstrings.hrc:60 msgctxt "RID_SVXSW_FRAMEPOSITIONS" msgid "Center" msgstr "Centre" #: svx/inc/swframeposstrings.hrc:61 msgctxt "RID_SVXSW_FRAMEPOSITIONS" msgid "From top" msgstr "Des de la part superior" #: svx/inc/swframeposstrings.hrc:62 msgctxt "RID_SVXSW_FRAMEPOSITIONS" msgid "From bottom" msgstr "Des de baix" #: svx/inc/swframeposstrings.hrc:63 msgctxt "RID_SVXSW_FRAMEPOSITIONS" msgid "Below" msgstr "A sota" #: svx/inc/swframeposstrings.hrc:64 msgctxt "RID_SVXSW_FRAMEPOSITIONS" msgid "From right" msgstr "De la dreta" #: svx/inc/swframeposstrings.hrc:65 msgctxt "RID_SVXSW_FRAMEPOSITIONS" msgid "Top page border" msgstr "Vora superior de la pàgina" #: svx/inc/swframeposstrings.hrc:66 msgctxt "RID_SVXSW_FRAMEPOSITIONS" msgid "Bottom page border" msgstr "Vora inferior de la pàgina" #: svx/inc/swframeposstrings.hrc:67 msgctxt "RID_SVXSW_FRAMEPOSITIONS" msgid "Top paragraph border" msgstr "Vora superior del paràgraf" #: svx/inc/swframeposstrings.hrc:68 msgctxt "RID_SVXSW_FRAMEPOSITIONS" msgid "Bottom paragraph border" msgstr "Vora inferior del paràgraf" #: svx/inc/swframeposstrings.hrc:69 msgctxt "RID_SVXSW_FRAMEPOSITIONS" msgid "Line of text" msgstr "Línia de text" #: svx/inc/tabwin.hrc:27 msgctxt "RID_RSC_TABWIN_PREFIX" msgid "Table" msgstr "Taula" #: svx/inc/tabwin.hrc:28 msgctxt "RID_RSC_TABWIN_PREFIX" msgid "Query" msgstr "Consulta" #: svx/inc/tabwin.hrc:29 msgctxt "RID_RSC_TABWIN_PREFIX" msgid "SQL" msgstr "SQL" #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:32 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Western Europe (Windows-1252/WinLatin 1)" msgstr "Europeu occidental (Windows-1252/WinLatin 1)" #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:33 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Western Europe (Apple Macintosh)" msgstr "Europeu occidental (Apple Macintosh)" #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:34 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Western Europe (DOS/OS2-850/International)" msgstr "Europeu occidental (DOS/OS2-850/Internacional)" #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:35 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Western Europe (DOS/OS2-437/US)" msgstr "Europeu occidental (DOS/OS2-437/US)" #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:36 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Western Europe (DOS/OS2-860/Portuguese)" msgstr "Europeu occidental (DOS/OS2-860/Portuguès)" #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:37 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Western Europe (DOS/OS2-861/Icelandic)" msgstr "Europeu occidental (DOS/OS2-861/Islandès)" #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:38 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Western Europe (DOS/OS2-863/French (Can.))" msgstr "Europeu occidental (DOS/OS2-863/Francès (Can.))" #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:39 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Western Europe (DOS/OS2-865/Nordic)" msgstr "Europeu occidental (DOS/OS2-865/Nòrdic)" #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:40 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Western Europe (ASCII/US)" msgstr "Europeu occidental (ASCII/US)" #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:41 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Western Europe (ISO-8859-1)" msgstr "Europeu occidental (ISO-8859-1)" #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:42 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Eastern Europe (ISO-8859-2)" msgstr "Europeu oriental (ISO-8859-2)" #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:43 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Latin 3 (ISO-8859-3)" msgstr "Llatí 3 (ISO-8859-3)" #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:44 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Baltic (ISO-8859-4)" msgstr "Bàltic (ISO-8859-4)" #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:45 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Cyrillic (ISO-8859-5)" msgstr "Ciríl·lic (ISO-8859-5)" #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:46 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Arabic (ISO-8859-6)" msgstr "Àrab (ISO-8859-6)" #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:47 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Greek (ISO-8859-7)" msgstr "Grec (ISO-8859-7)" #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:48 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Hebrew (ISO-8859-8)" msgstr "Hebreu (ISO-8859-8)" #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:49 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Turkish (ISO-8859-9)" msgstr "Turc (ISO-8859-9)" #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:50 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Western Europe (ISO-8859-14)" msgstr "Europeu occidental (ISO-8859-14)" #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:51 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Western Europe (ISO-8859-15/EURO)" msgstr "Europeu occidental (ISO-8859-15/EURO)" #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:52 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Greek (DOS/OS2-737)" msgstr "Grec (DOS/OS2-737)" #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:53 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Baltic (DOS/OS2-775)" msgstr "Bàltic (DOS/OS2-775)" #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:54 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Eastern Europe (DOS/OS2-852)" msgstr "Europeu oriental (DOS/OS2-852)" #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:55 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Cyrillic (DOS/OS2-855)" msgstr "Ciríl·lic (DOS/OS2-855)" #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:56 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Turkish (DOS/OS2-857)" msgstr "Turc (DOS/OS2-857)" #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:57 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Hebrew (DOS/OS2-862)" msgstr "Hebreu (DOS/OS2-862)" #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:58 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Arabic (DOS/OS2-864)" msgstr "Àrab (DOS/OS2-864)" #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:59 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Cyrillic (DOS/OS2-866/Russian)" msgstr "Ciríl·lic (DOS/OS2-866/Rus)" #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:60 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Greek (DOS/OS2-869/Modern)" msgstr "Grec (DOS/OS2-869/Modern)" #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:61 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Eastern Europe (Windows-1250/WinLatin 2)" msgstr "Europeu oriental (Windows-1250/WinLatin 2)" #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:62 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Cyrillic (Windows-1251)" msgstr "Ciríl·lic (Windows-1251)" #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:63 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Greek (Windows-1253)" msgstr "Grec (Windows-1253)" #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:64 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Turkish (Windows-1254)" msgstr "Turc (Windows-1254)" #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:65 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Hebrew (Windows-1255)" msgstr "Hebreu (Windows-1255)" #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:66 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Arabic (Windows-1256)" msgstr "Àrab (Windows-1256)" #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:67 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Baltic (Windows-1257)" msgstr "Bàltic (Windows-1257)" #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:68 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Vietnamese (Windows-1258)" msgstr "Vietnamita (Windows-1258)" #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:69 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Eastern Europe (Apple Macintosh)" msgstr "Europeu oriental (Apple Macintosh)" #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:70 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Eastern Europe (Apple Macintosh/Croatian)" msgstr "Europa oriental (Apple Macintosh/Croat)" #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:71 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Cyrillic (Apple Macintosh)" msgstr "Ciríl·lic (Apple Macintosh)" #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:72 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Greek (Apple Macintosh)" msgstr "Grec (Apple Macintosh)" #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:73 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Western Europe (Apple Macintosh/Icelandic)" msgstr "Europeu occidental (Apple Macintosh/Islandès)" #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:74 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Eastern Europe (Apple Macintosh/Romanian)" msgstr "Europeu oriental (Apple Macintosh/Romanès)" #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:75 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Turkish (Apple Macintosh)" msgstr "Turc (Apple Macintosh)" #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:76 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Cyrillic (Apple Macintosh/Ukrainian)" msgstr "Ciríl·lic (Apple Macintosh/Ucraïnès)" #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:77 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Chinese simplified (Apple Macintosh)" msgstr "Xinès simplificat (Apple Macintosh)" #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:78 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Chinese traditional (Apple Macintosh)" msgstr "Xinès tradicional (Apple Macintosh)" #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:79 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Japanese (Apple Macintosh)" msgstr "Japonès (Apple Macintosh)" #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:80 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Korean (Apple Macintosh)" msgstr "Coreà (Apple Macintosh)" #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:81 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Japanese (Windows-932)" msgstr "Japonès (Windows-932)" #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:82 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Chinese simplified (Windows-936)" msgstr "Xinès simplificat (Windows-936)" #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:83 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Korean (Windows-949)" msgstr "Coreà (Windows-949)" #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:84 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Chinese traditional (Windows-950)" msgstr "Xinès tradicional (Windows-950)" #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:85 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Japanese (Shift-JIS)" msgstr "Japonès (Shift-JIS)" #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:86 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Chinese simplified (GB-2312)" msgstr "Xinès simplificat (GB-2312)" #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:87 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Chinese simplified (GB-18030)" msgstr "Xinès simplificat (GB-18030)" #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:88 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Chinese traditional (GBT-12345)" msgstr "Xinès tradicional (GBT-12345)" #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:89 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Chinese simplified (GBK/GB-2312-80)" msgstr "Xinès simplificat (GBK/GB-2312-80)" #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:90 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Chinese traditional (Big5)" msgstr "Xinès tradicional (Big5)" #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:91 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Chinese traditional (BIG5-HKSCS)" msgstr "Xinès tradicional (BIG5-HKSCS)" #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:92 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Japanese (EUC-JP)" msgstr "Japonès (EUC-JP)" #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:93 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Chinese simplified (EUC-CN)" msgstr "Xinès simplificat (EUC-CN)" #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:94 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Chinese traditional (EUC-TW)" msgstr "Xinès tradicional (EUC-TW)" #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:95 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Japanese (ISO-2022-JP)" msgstr "Japonès (ISO-2022-JP)" #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:96 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Chinese simplified (ISO-2022-CN)" msgstr "Xinès simplificat (ISO-2022-CN)" #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:97 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Cyrillic (KOI8-R)" msgstr "Ciríl·lic (KOI8-R)" #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:98 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Unicode (UTF-7)" msgstr "Unicode (UTF-7)" #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:99 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Unicode (UTF-8)" msgstr "Unicode (UTF-8)" #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:100 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Eastern Europe (ISO-8859-10)" msgstr "Europeu oriental (ISO-8859-10)" #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:101 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Eastern Europe (ISO-8859-13)" msgstr "Europeu oriental (ISO-8859-13)" #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:102 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Korean (EUC-KR)" msgstr "Coreà (EUC-KR)" #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:103 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Korean (ISO-2022-KR)" msgstr "Coreà (ISO-2022-KR)" #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:104 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Korean (Windows-Johab-1361)" msgstr "Coreà (Windows-Johab-1361)" #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:105 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Unicode (UTF-16)" msgstr "Unicode (UTF-16)" #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:106 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Thai (ISO-8859-11/TIS-620)" msgstr "Tai (ISO-8859-11/TIS-620)" #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:107 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Thai (Windows-874)" msgstr "Tai (Windows-874)" #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:108 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Cyrillic (KOI8-U)" msgstr "Ciríl·lic (KOI8-U)" #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:109 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Cyrillic (PT154)" msgstr "Ciríl·lic (PT154)" #: svx/source/dialog/page.hrc:30 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_PAPERSIZE_STD" msgid "A6" msgstr "A6" #: svx/source/dialog/page.hrc:31 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_PAPERSIZE_STD" msgid "A5" msgstr "A5" #: svx/source/dialog/page.hrc:32 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_PAPERSIZE_STD" msgid "A4" msgstr "A4" #: svx/source/dialog/page.hrc:33 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_PAPERSIZE_STD" msgid "A3" msgstr "A3" #: svx/source/dialog/page.hrc:34 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_PAPERSIZE_STD" msgid "B6 (ISO)" msgstr "B6 (ISO)" #: svx/source/dialog/page.hrc:35 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_PAPERSIZE_STD" msgid "B5 (ISO)" msgstr "B5 (ISO)" #: svx/source/dialog/page.hrc:36 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_PAPERSIZE_STD" msgid "B4 (ISO)" msgstr "B4 (ISO)" #: svx/source/dialog/page.hrc:37 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_PAPERSIZE_STD" msgid "Letter" msgstr "Carta" #: svx/source/dialog/page.hrc:38 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_PAPERSIZE_STD" msgid "Legal" msgstr "Legal" #: svx/source/dialog/page.hrc:39 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_PAPERSIZE_STD" msgid "Long Bond" msgstr "Long Bond" #: svx/source/dialog/page.hrc:40 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_PAPERSIZE_STD" msgid "Tabloid" msgstr "Tabloide" #: svx/source/dialog/page.hrc:41 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_PAPERSIZE_STD" msgid "B6 (JIS)" msgstr "B6 (JIS)" #: svx/source/dialog/page.hrc:42 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_PAPERSIZE_STD" msgid "B5 (JIS)" msgstr "B5 (JIS)" #: svx/source/dialog/page.hrc:43 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_PAPERSIZE_STD" msgid "B4 (JIS)" msgstr "B4 (JIS)" #: svx/source/dialog/page.hrc:44 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_PAPERSIZE_STD" msgid "16 Kai" msgstr "16 kai" #: svx/source/dialog/page.hrc:45 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_PAPERSIZE_STD" msgid "32 Kai" msgstr "32 kai" #: svx/source/dialog/page.hrc:46 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_PAPERSIZE_STD" msgid "Big 32 Kai" msgstr "32 kai gran" #: svx/source/dialog/page.hrc:47 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_PAPERSIZE_STD" msgid "User" msgstr "Usuari" #: svx/source/dialog/page.hrc:48 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_PAPERSIZE_STD" msgid "DL Envelope" msgstr "Sobre DL" #: svx/source/dialog/page.hrc:49 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_PAPERSIZE_STD" msgid "C6 Envelope" msgstr "Sobre C6" #: svx/source/dialog/page.hrc:50 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_PAPERSIZE_STD" msgid "C6/5 Envelope" msgstr "Sobre C6/5" #: svx/source/dialog/page.hrc:51 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_PAPERSIZE_STD" msgid "C5 Envelope" msgstr "Sobre C5" #: svx/source/dialog/page.hrc:52 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_PAPERSIZE_STD" msgid "C4 Envelope" msgstr "Sobre C4" #: svx/source/dialog/page.hrc:53 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_PAPERSIZE_STD" msgid "#6¾ Envelope" msgstr "Sobre del núm. 6¾" #: svx/source/dialog/page.hrc:54 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_PAPERSIZE_STD" msgid "#7¾ (Monarch) Envelope" msgstr "Sobre del núm. 7¾ (Monarch)" #: svx/source/dialog/page.hrc:55 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_PAPERSIZE_STD" msgid "#9 Envelope" msgstr "Sobre del núm. 9" #: svx/source/dialog/page.hrc:56 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_PAPERSIZE_STD" msgid "#10 Envelope" msgstr "Sobre del núm. 10" #: svx/source/dialog/page.hrc:57 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_PAPERSIZE_STD" msgid "#11 Envelope" msgstr "Sobre del núm. 11" #: svx/source/dialog/page.hrc:58 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_PAPERSIZE_STD" msgid "#12 Envelope" msgstr "Sobre del núm. 12" #: svx/source/dialog/page.hrc:59 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_PAPERSIZE_STD" msgid "Japanese Postcard" msgstr "Targeta postal japonesa" #: svx/source/dialog/page.hrc:64 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_PAPERSIZE_DRAW" msgid "A6" msgstr "A6" #: svx/source/dialog/page.hrc:65 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_PAPERSIZE_DRAW" msgid "A5" msgstr "A5" #: svx/source/dialog/page.hrc:66 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_PAPERSIZE_DRAW" msgid "A4" msgstr "A4" #: svx/source/dialog/page.hrc:67 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_PAPERSIZE_DRAW" msgid "A3" msgstr "A3" #: svx/source/dialog/page.hrc:68 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_PAPERSIZE_DRAW" msgid "A2" msgstr "A2" #: svx/source/dialog/page.hrc:69 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_PAPERSIZE_DRAW" msgid "A1" msgstr "A1" #: svx/source/dialog/page.hrc:70 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_PAPERSIZE_DRAW" msgid "A0" msgstr "A0" #: svx/source/dialog/page.hrc:71 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_PAPERSIZE_DRAW" msgid "B6 (ISO)" msgstr "B6 (ISO)" #: svx/source/dialog/page.hrc:72 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_PAPERSIZE_DRAW" msgid "B5 (ISO)" msgstr "B5 (ISO)" #: svx/source/dialog/page.hrc:73 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_PAPERSIZE_DRAW" msgid "B4 (ISO)" msgstr "B4 (ISO)" #: svx/source/dialog/page.hrc:74 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_PAPERSIZE_DRAW" msgid "Letter" msgstr "Carta" #: svx/source/dialog/page.hrc:75 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_PAPERSIZE_DRAW" msgid "Legal" msgstr "Legal" #: svx/source/dialog/page.hrc:76 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_PAPERSIZE_DRAW" msgid "Long Bond" msgstr "Long Bond" #: svx/source/dialog/page.hrc:77 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_PAPERSIZE_DRAW" msgid "Tabloid" msgstr "Tabloide" #: svx/source/dialog/page.hrc:78 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_PAPERSIZE_DRAW" msgid "B6 (JIS)" msgstr "B6 (JIS)" #: svx/source/dialog/page.hrc:79 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_PAPERSIZE_DRAW" msgid "B5 (JIS)" msgstr "B5 (JIS)" #: svx/source/dialog/page.hrc:80 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_PAPERSIZE_DRAW" msgid "B4 (JIS)" msgstr "B4 (JIS)" #: svx/source/dialog/page.hrc:81 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_PAPERSIZE_DRAW" msgid "16 Kai" msgstr "16 kai" #: svx/source/dialog/page.hrc:82 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_PAPERSIZE_DRAW" msgid "32 Kai" msgstr "32 kai" #: svx/source/dialog/page.hrc:83 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_PAPERSIZE_DRAW" msgid "Big 32 Kai" msgstr "32 kai gran" #: svx/source/dialog/page.hrc:84 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_PAPERSIZE_DRAW" msgid "User" msgstr "Usuari" #: svx/source/dialog/page.hrc:85 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_PAPERSIZE_DRAW" msgid "DL Envelope" msgstr "Sobre DL" #: svx/source/dialog/page.hrc:86 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_PAPERSIZE_DRAW" msgid "C6 Envelope" msgstr "Sobre C6" #: svx/source/dialog/page.hrc:87 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_PAPERSIZE_DRAW" msgid "C6/5 Envelope" msgstr "Sobre C6/5" #: svx/source/dialog/page.hrc:88 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_PAPERSIZE_DRAW" msgid "C5 Envelope" msgstr "Sobre C5" #: svx/source/dialog/page.hrc:89 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_PAPERSIZE_DRAW" msgid "C4 Envelope" msgstr "Sobre C4" #: svx/source/dialog/page.hrc:90 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_PAPERSIZE_DRAW" msgid "Dia Slide" msgstr "Diapositiva Dia" #: svx/source/dialog/page.hrc:91 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_PAPERSIZE_DRAW" msgid "Screen 4:3" msgstr "Pantalla 4:3" #: svx/source/dialog/page.hrc:92 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_PAPERSIZE_DRAW" msgid "Screen 16:9" msgstr "Pantalla 16:9" #: svx/source/dialog/page.hrc:93 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_PAPERSIZE_DRAW" msgid "Screen 16:10" msgstr "Pantalla 16:10" #: svx/source/dialog/page.hrc:94 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_PAPERSIZE_DRAW" msgid "Japanese Postcard" msgstr "Targeta postal japonesa" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/acceptrejectchangesdialog.ui:8 msgctxt "acceptrejectchangesdialog|AcceptRejectChangesDialog" msgid "Manage Changes" msgstr "Gestiona els canvis" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/acceptrejectchangesdialog.ui:21 msgctxt "acceptrejectchangesdialog|accept" msgid "_Accept" msgstr "_Accepta" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/acceptrejectchangesdialog.ui:35 msgctxt "acceptrejectchangesdialog|reject" msgid "_Reject" msgstr "_Rebutja" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/acceptrejectchangesdialog.ui:49 msgctxt "acceptrejectchangesdialog|acceptall" msgid "A_ccept All" msgstr "A_ccepta-ho tot" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/acceptrejectchangesdialog.ui:63 msgctxt "acceptrejectchangesdialog|rejectall" msgid "R_eject All" msgstr "R_ebutja-ho tot" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/acceptrejectchangesdialog.ui:134 msgctxt "acceptrejectchangesdialog|calcedit" msgid "Edit Comment..." msgstr "Edita el comentari..." #: svx/uiconfig/ui/acceptrejectchangesdialog.ui:141 msgctxt "acceptrejectchangesdialog|calcsort" msgid "Sorting" msgstr "Ordenació" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/acceptrejectchangesdialog.ui:151 msgctxt "acceptrejectchangesdialog|calcaction" msgid "Action" msgstr "Acció" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/acceptrejectchangesdialog.ui:159 msgctxt "acceptrejectchangesdialog|calcposition" msgid "Position" msgstr "Posició" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/acceptrejectchangesdialog.ui:167 msgctxt "acceptrejectchangesdialog|calcauthor" msgid "Author" msgstr "Autor" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/acceptrejectchangesdialog.ui:175 msgctxt "acceptrejectchangesdialog|calcdate" msgid "Date" msgstr "Data" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/acceptrejectchangesdialog.ui:183 msgctxt "acceptrejectchangesdialog|calcdesc" msgid "Description" msgstr "Descripció" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/acceptrejectchangesdialog.ui:199 msgctxt "acceptrejectchangesdialog|writeredit" msgid "Edit Comment..." msgstr "Edita el comentari..." #: svx/uiconfig/ui/acceptrejectchangesdialog.ui:206 msgctxt "acceptrejectchangesdialog|writersort" msgid "Sort By" msgstr "Ordena per" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/acceptrejectchangesdialog.ui:216 msgctxt "acceptrejectchangesdialog|writeraction" msgid "Action" msgstr "Acció" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/acceptrejectchangesdialog.ui:224 msgctxt "acceptrejectchangesdialog|writerauthor" msgid "Author" msgstr "Autor" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/acceptrejectchangesdialog.ui:232 msgctxt "acceptrejectchangesdialog|writerdate" msgid "Date" msgstr "Data" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/acceptrejectchangesdialog.ui:240 msgctxt "acceptrejectchangesdialog|writerdesc" msgid "Comment" msgstr "Comentari" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/acceptrejectchangesdialog.ui:248 msgctxt "acceptrejectchangesdialog|writerposition" msgid "Document Position" msgstr "Posició en el document" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/addconditiondialog.ui:8 msgctxt "addconditiondialog|AddConditionDialog" msgid "Add Condition" msgstr "Afegeix una condició" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/addconditiondialog.ui:28 msgctxt "addconditiondialog|label1" msgid "_Condition:" msgstr "_Condició:" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/addconditiondialog.ui:69 msgctxt "addconditiondialog|label2" msgid "_Result:" msgstr "_Resultat:" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/addconditiondialog.ui:94 msgctxt "addconditiondialog|edit" msgid "_Edit Namespaces..." msgstr "_Edita els espais de noms..." #: svx/uiconfig/ui/adddataitemdialog.ui:51 msgctxt "adddataitemdialog|nameft" msgid "_Name:" msgstr "_Nom:" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/adddataitemdialog.ui:65 msgctxt "adddataitemdialog|valueft" msgid "_Default value:" msgstr "Valor per _defecte:" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/adddataitemdialog.ui:76 msgctxt "adddataitemdialog|browse" msgid "_Add..." msgstr "_Afegeix..." #: svx/uiconfig/ui/adddataitemdialog.ui:108 msgctxt "adddataitemdialog|label1" msgid "Item" msgstr "Element" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/adddataitemdialog.ui:146 msgctxt "adddataitemdialog|datatypeft" msgid "_Data type:" msgstr "Tipus de _dada:" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/adddataitemdialog.ui:169 msgctxt "adddataitemdialog|required" msgid "_Required" msgstr "_Necessari" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/adddataitemdialog.ui:184 msgctxt "adddataitemdialog|requiredcond" msgid "Condition" msgstr "Condició" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/adddataitemdialog.ui:198 msgctxt "adddataitemdialog|relevant" msgid "R_elevant" msgstr "R_ellevant" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/adddataitemdialog.ui:213 msgctxt "adddataitemdialog|relevantcond" msgid "Condition" msgstr "Condició" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/adddataitemdialog.ui:227 msgctxt "adddataitemdialog|constraint" msgid "_Constraint" msgstr "_Restricció" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/adddataitemdialog.ui:242 msgctxt "adddataitemdialog|readonly" msgid "Read-_only" msgstr "Només _lectura" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/adddataitemdialog.ui:257 msgctxt "adddataitemdialog|calculate" msgid "Calc_ulate" msgstr "Calc_ula" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/adddataitemdialog.ui:272 msgctxt "adddataitemdialog|constraintcond" msgid "Condition" msgstr "Condició" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/adddataitemdialog.ui:286 msgctxt "adddataitemdialog|readonlycond" msgid "Condition" msgstr "Condició" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/adddataitemdialog.ui:300 msgctxt "adddataitemdialog|calculatecond" msgid "Condition" msgstr "Condició" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/adddataitemdialog.ui:320 msgctxt "adddataitemdialog|label4" msgid "Settings" msgstr "Paràmetres" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/addinstancedialog.ui:8 msgctxt "addinstancedialog|AddInstanceDialog" msgid "Add Instance" msgstr "Afegeix una instància" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/addinstancedialog.ui:102 msgctxt "addinstancedialog|label2" msgid "_Name:" msgstr "_Nom:" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/addinstancedialog.ui:116 msgctxt "addinstancedialog|alttitle" msgid "Edit Instance" msgstr "Edita la instància" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/addinstancedialog.ui:128 msgctxt "addinstancedialog|urlft" msgid "_URL:" msgstr "_URL:" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/addinstancedialog.ui:157 msgctxt "addinstancedialog|browse" msgid "_Browse..." msgstr "_Navega..." #: svx/uiconfig/ui/addinstancedialog.ui:170 msgctxt "addinstancedialog|link" msgid "_Link instance" msgstr "_Enllaça la instància" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/addmodeldialog.ui:8 msgctxt "addmodeldialog|AddModelDialog" msgid "Add Model" msgstr "Afegeix un model" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/addmodeldialog.ui:87 msgctxt "addmodeldialog|modify" msgid "Model data updates change document's modification status" msgstr "Les actualitzacions de les dades del model canvien l'estat de modificació del document." #: svx/uiconfig/ui/addmodeldialog.ui:117 msgctxt "addmodeldialog|label2" msgid "_Name:" msgstr "_Nom:" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/addmodeldialog.ui:131 msgctxt "addmodeldialog|alttitle" msgid "Edit Model" msgstr "Edita el model" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/addnamespacedialog.ui:8 msgctxt "addnamespacedialog|AddNamespaceDialog" msgid "Add Namespace" msgstr "Afegeix un espai de nom" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/addnamespacedialog.ui:89 msgctxt "addnamespacedialog|label1" msgid "_Prefix:" msgstr "_Prefix:" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/addnamespacedialog.ui:129 msgctxt "addnamespacedialog|label2" msgid "_URL:" msgstr "_URL:" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/addnamespacedialog.ui:143 msgctxt "addnamespacedialog|alttitle" msgid "Edit Namespace" msgstr "Edita l'espai de noms" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/addsubmissiondialog.ui:8 msgctxt "addsubmissiondialog|AddSubmissionDialog" msgid "Add Submission" msgstr "Afegeix una tramesa" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/addsubmissiondialog.ui:97 msgctxt "addsubmissiondialog|label2" msgid "_Name:" msgstr "_Nom:" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/addsubmissiondialog.ui:111 msgctxt "addsubmissiondialog|urlft" msgid "Binding e_xpression:" msgstr "E_xpressió vinculant:" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/addsubmissiondialog.ui:122 msgctxt "addsubmissiondialog|browse" msgid "_Add..." msgstr "_Afegeix..." #: svx/uiconfig/ui/addsubmissiondialog.ui:139 msgctxt "addsubmissiondialog|label3" msgid "_Action:" msgstr "_Acció:" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/addsubmissiondialog.ui:166 msgctxt "addsubmissiondialog|label4" msgid "_Method:" msgstr "_Mètode:" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/addsubmissiondialog.ui:204 msgctxt "addsubmissiondialog|label5" msgid "_Binding:" msgstr "_Vinculacions:" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/addsubmissiondialog.ui:218 msgctxt "addsubmissiondialog|label6" msgid "_Replace:" msgstr "_Reemplaça:" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/asianphoneticguidedialog.ui:9 msgctxt "asianphoneticguidedialog|AsianPhoneticGuideDialog" msgid "Asian Phonetic Guide" msgstr "Guia fonètica asiàtica" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/asianphoneticguidedialog.ui:89 msgctxt "asianphoneticguidedialog|basetextft" msgid "Base text" msgstr "Text base" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/asianphoneticguidedialog.ui:101 msgctxt "asianphoneticguidedialog|rubytextft" msgid "Ruby text" msgstr "Text ruby" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/asianphoneticguidedialog.ui:141 msgctxt "asianphoneticguidedialog|Left2ED-atkobject" msgid "Base text" msgstr "Text base" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/asianphoneticguidedialog.ui:177 msgctxt "asianphoneticguidedialog|Right2ED-atkobject" msgid "Ruby text" msgstr "Text Ruby" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/asianphoneticguidedialog.ui:192 msgctxt "asianphoneticguidedialog|Left3ED-atkobject" msgid "Base text" msgstr "Text base" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/asianphoneticguidedialog.ui:207 msgctxt "asianphoneticguidedialog|Right3ED-atkobject" msgid "Ruby text" msgstr "Text Ruby" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/asianphoneticguidedialog.ui:222 msgctxt "asianphoneticguidedialog|Right4ED-atkobject" msgid "Ruby text" msgstr "Text Ruby" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/asianphoneticguidedialog.ui:237 msgctxt "asianphoneticguidedialog|Left4ED-atkobject" msgid "Base text" msgstr "Text base" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/asianphoneticguidedialog.ui:268 msgctxt "asianphoneticguidedialog|label4" msgid "Alignment:" msgstr "Alineació:" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/asianphoneticguidedialog.ui:282 msgctxt "asianphoneticguidedialog|label5" msgid "Position:" msgstr "Posició:" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/asianphoneticguidedialog.ui:296 msgctxt "asianphoneticguidedialog|styleft" msgid "Character style for ruby text:" msgstr "Estil de caràcter per al text ruby:" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/asianphoneticguidedialog.ui:319 msgctxt "asianphoneticguidedialog|styles" msgid "Styles" msgstr "Estils" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/asianphoneticguidedialog.ui:335 msgctxt "asianphoneticguidedialog|adjustlb" msgid "Left" msgstr "Esquerra" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/asianphoneticguidedialog.ui:336 msgctxt "asianphoneticguidedialog|adjustlb" msgid "Center" msgstr "Centre" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/asianphoneticguidedialog.ui:337 msgctxt "asianphoneticguidedialog|adjustlb" msgid "Right" msgstr "Dreta" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/asianphoneticguidedialog.ui:338 msgctxt "asianphoneticguidedialog|adjustlb" msgid "0 1 0" msgstr "0 1 0" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/asianphoneticguidedialog.ui:339 msgctxt "asianphoneticguidedialog|adjustlb" msgid "1 2 1" msgstr "1 2 1" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/asianphoneticguidedialog.ui:352 msgctxt "asianphoneticguidedialog|positionlb" msgid "Top" msgstr "Superior" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/asianphoneticguidedialog.ui:353 msgctxt "asianphoneticguidedialog|positionlb" msgid "Bottom" msgstr "Inferior" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/asianphoneticguidedialog.ui:354 msgctxt "asianphoneticguidedialog|positionlb" msgid "Right" msgstr "Dreta" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/asianphoneticguidedialog.ui:377 msgctxt "asianphoneticguidedialog|label1" msgid "Preview:" msgstr "Previsualització:" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/cellmenu.ui:12 msgctxt "cellmenu|copy" msgid "_Copy" msgstr "_Copia" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/charsetmenu.ui:12 msgctxt "charviewmenu|STR_CLEAR_CHAR" msgid "Insert into document" msgstr "Insereix al document" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/charsetmenu.ui:20 msgctxt "charviewmenu|STR_CLEAR_ALL_CHAR" msgid "Add to favorites" msgstr "Afegeix als preferits" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/charsetmenu.ui:28 msgctxt "charviewmenu|STR_CLEAR_ALL_CHAR" msgid "Remove from favorites" msgstr "Suprimeix dels preferits" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/charsetmenu.ui:36 msgctxt "charviewmenu|STR_CLEAR_ALL_CHAR" msgid "Copy to clipboard" msgstr "Copia al porta-retalls" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/chineseconversiondialog.ui:8 msgctxt "chineseconversiondialog|ChineseConversionDialog" msgid "Chinese Conversion" msgstr "Conversió del xinès" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/chineseconversiondialog.ui:103 msgctxt "chineseconversiondialog|tosimplified" msgid "_Traditional Chinese to simplified Chinese" msgstr "_De xinès tradicional a xinès simplificat" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/chineseconversiondialog.ui:120 msgctxt "chineseconversiondialog|totraditional" msgid "_Simplified Chinese to traditional Chinese" msgstr "_De xinès simplificat a xinès tradicional" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/chineseconversiondialog.ui:142 msgctxt "chineseconversiondialog|label1" msgid "Conversion Direction" msgstr "Direcció de la conversió" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/chineseconversiondialog.ui:179 msgctxt "chineseconversiondialog|commonterms" msgid "Translate _common terms" msgstr "Tradueix els termes _comuns" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/chineseconversiondialog.ui:195 msgctxt "chineseconversiondialog|editterms" msgid "_Edit Terms..." msgstr "_Edita els termes..." #: svx/uiconfig/ui/chineseconversiondialog.ui:214 msgctxt "chineseconversiondialog|label2" msgid "Common Terms" msgstr "Termes comuns" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/chinesedictionary.ui:9 msgctxt "chinesedictionary|ChineseDictionaryDialog" msgid "Edit Dictionary" msgstr "Edita el diccionari" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/chinesedictionary.ui:87 msgctxt "chinesedictionary|tradtosimple" msgid "_Traditional Chinese to simplified Chinese" msgstr "_De xinès tradicional a xinès simplificat" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/chinesedictionary.ui:104 msgctxt "chinesedictionary|simpletotrad" msgid "_Simplified Chinese to traditional Chinese" msgstr "_De xinès simplificat a xinès tradicional" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/chinesedictionary.ui:120 msgctxt "chinesedictionary|reverse" msgid "Reverse mapping" msgstr "Inverteix l'assignació" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/chinesedictionary.ui:152 msgctxt "chinesedictionary|termft" msgid "Term" msgstr "Terme" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/chinesedictionary.ui:176 msgctxt "chinesedictionary|mappingft" msgid "Mapping" msgstr "Assignació" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/chinesedictionary.ui:200 msgctxt "chinesedictionary|propertyft" msgid "Property" msgstr "Propietat" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/chinesedictionary.ui:213 msgctxt "chinesedictionary|property" msgid "Other" msgstr "Altre" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/chinesedictionary.ui:214 msgctxt "chinesedictionary|property" msgid "Foreign" msgstr "Estranger" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/chinesedictionary.ui:215 msgctxt "chinesedictionary|property" msgid "First name" msgstr "Nom" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/chinesedictionary.ui:216 msgctxt "chinesedictionary|property" msgid "Last name" msgstr "Cognoms" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/chinesedictionary.ui:217 msgctxt "chinesedictionary|property" msgid "Title" msgstr "Títol" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/chinesedictionary.ui:218 msgctxt "chinesedictionary|property" msgid "Status" msgstr "Estat" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/chinesedictionary.ui:219 msgctxt "chinesedictionary|property" msgid "Place name" msgstr "Nom del lloc" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/chinesedictionary.ui:220 msgctxt "chinesedictionary|property" msgid "Business" msgstr "Negoci" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/chinesedictionary.ui:221 msgctxt "chinesedictionary|property" msgid "Adjective" msgstr "Adjectiu" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/chinesedictionary.ui:222 msgctxt "chinesedictionary|property" msgid "Idiom" msgstr "Frase feta" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/chinesedictionary.ui:223 msgctxt "chinesedictionary|property" msgid "Abbreviation" msgstr "Abreviatura" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/chinesedictionary.ui:224 msgctxt "chinesedictionary|property" msgid "Numerical" msgstr "Numèric" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/chinesedictionary.ui:225 msgctxt "chinesedictionary|property" msgid "Noun" msgstr "Substantiu" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/chinesedictionary.ui:226 msgctxt "chinesedictionary|property" msgid "Verb" msgstr "Verb" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/chinesedictionary.ui:227 msgctxt "chinesedictionary|property" msgid "Brand name" msgstr "Nom de marca" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/chinesedictionary.ui:258 msgctxt "chinesedictionary|modify" msgid "_Modify" msgstr "_Modifica" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/classificationdialog.ui:9 msgctxt "classificationdialog|dialogname" msgid "Classification" msgstr "Classificació" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/classificationdialog.ui:89 msgctxt "classificationdialog|label-Classification" msgid "Classification:" msgstr "Classificació:" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/classificationdialog.ui:101 msgctxt "classificationdialog|label-InternationalClassification" msgid "International:" msgstr "Internacional:" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/classificationdialog.ui:134 msgctxt "classificationdialog|label-Marking" msgid "Marking:" msgstr "Marcatge:" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/classificationdialog.ui:158 msgctxt "classificationdialog|label-Classification" msgid "Recently Used:" msgstr "Usats recentment:" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/classificationdialog.ui:199 msgctxt "classificationdialog|label-Content" msgid "Content" msgstr "Contingut" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/classificationdialog.ui:222 msgctxt "classificationdialog|boldButton" msgid "Bold" msgstr "Negreta" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/classificationdialog.ui:240 msgctxt "classificationdialog|signButton" msgid "Sign Paragraph" msgstr "Signa el paràgraf" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/classificationdialog.ui:289 msgctxt "classificationdialog|label-PartNumber" msgid "Part Number:" msgstr "Número de part:" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/classificationdialog.ui:311 msgctxt "classificationdialog|intellectualPropertyPartAddButton" msgid "Add" msgstr "Afegeix" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/classificationdialog.ui:327 msgctxt "classificationdialog|label-PartNumber" msgid "License:" msgstr "Llicència:" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/classificationdialog.ui:376 msgctxt "classificationdialog|label-IntellectualProperty" msgid "Intellectual Property" msgstr "Propietat intel·lectual" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/colorwindow.ui:57 msgctxt "colorwindow|none_color_button" msgid "None" msgstr "Cap" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/colorwindow.ui:144 msgctxt "colorwindow|label1" msgid "Recent" msgstr "Recents" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/colorwindow.ui:181 msgctxt "colorwindow|color_picker_button" msgid "Custom Color…" msgstr "Color personalitzat..." #: svx/uiconfig/ui/colsmenu.ui:12 msgctxt "colsmenu|insert" msgid "Insert _Column" msgstr "Insereix una _columna" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/colsmenu.ui:22 msgctxt "colsmenu|TextField" msgid "Text Box" msgstr "Quadre de text" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/colsmenu.ui:30 msgctxt "colsmenu|CheckBox" msgid "Check Box" msgstr "Casella de selecció" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/colsmenu.ui:38 msgctxt "colsmenu|ComboBox" msgid "Combo Box" msgstr "Quadre combinat" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/colsmenu.ui:46 msgctxt "colsmenu|ListBox" msgid "List Box" msgstr "Quadre de llista" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/colsmenu.ui:54 msgctxt "colsmenu|DateField" msgid "Date Field" msgstr "Camp de data" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/colsmenu.ui:62 msgctxt "colsmenu|TimeField" msgid "Time Field" msgstr "Camp d'hora" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/colsmenu.ui:69 msgctxt "colsmenu|NumericField" msgid "Numeric Field" msgstr "Camp numèric" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/colsmenu.ui:76 msgctxt "colsmenu|CurrencyField" msgid "Currency Field" msgstr "Camp de moneda" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/colsmenu.ui:84 msgctxt "colsmenu|PatternField" msgid "Pattern Field" msgstr "Camp emmascarat" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/colsmenu.ui:92 msgctxt "colsmenu|FormattedField" msgid "Formatted Field" msgstr "Camp formatat" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/colsmenu.ui:100 msgctxt "colsmenu|dateandtimefield" msgid "Date and Time Field" msgstr "Camp de data i d'hora" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/colsmenu.ui:113 msgctxt "colsmenu|change" msgid "_Replace with" msgstr "_Reemplaça _per" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/colsmenu.ui:123 msgctxt "colsmenu|TextField1" msgid "Text Box" msgstr "Quadre de text" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/colsmenu.ui:131 msgctxt "colsmenu|CheckBox1" msgid "Check Box" msgstr "Casella de selecció" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/colsmenu.ui:139 msgctxt "colsmenu|ComboBox1" msgid "Combo Box" msgstr "Quadre combinat" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/colsmenu.ui:147 msgctxt "colsmenu|ListBox1" msgid "List Box" msgstr "Quadre de llista" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/colsmenu.ui:155 msgctxt "colsmenu|DateField1" msgid "Date Field" msgstr "Camp de data" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/colsmenu.ui:163 msgctxt "colsmenu|TimeField1" msgid "Time Field" msgstr "Camp d'hora" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/colsmenu.ui:171 msgctxt "colsmenu|NumericField1" msgid "Numeric Field" msgstr "Camp numèric" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/colsmenu.ui:179 msgctxt "colsmenu|CurrencyField1" msgid "Currency Field" msgstr "Camp de moneda" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/colsmenu.ui:187 msgctxt "colsmenu|PatternField1" msgid "Pattern Field" msgstr "Camp emmascarat" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/colsmenu.ui:195 msgctxt "colsmenu|FormattedField1" msgid "Formatted Field" msgstr "Camp formatat" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/colsmenu.ui:203 msgctxt "colsmenu|dateandtimefield1" msgid "Date and Time Field" msgstr "Camp de data i d'hora" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/colsmenu.ui:216 msgctxt "colsmenu|delete" msgid "Delete column" msgstr "Suprimeix la columna" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/colsmenu.ui:224 msgctxt "colsmenu|hide" msgid "_Hide Column" msgstr "_Amaga la columna" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/colsmenu.ui:232 msgctxt "colsmenu|show" msgid "_Show Columns" msgstr "_Mostra les columnes" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/colsmenu.ui:242 msgctxt "colsmenu|more" msgid "_More..." msgstr "_Més..." #: svx/uiconfig/ui/colsmenu.ui:255 msgctxt "colsmenu|all" msgid "_All" msgstr "_Tot" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/colsmenu.ui:266 msgctxt "colsmenu|column" msgid "Column..." msgstr "Columna..." #: svx/uiconfig/ui/compressgraphicdialog.ui:36 msgctxt "compressgraphicdialog|CompressGraphicDialog" msgid "Compress Image" msgstr "Comprimeix la imatge" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/compressgraphicdialog.ui:132 msgctxt "compressgraphicdialog|radio-jpeg" msgid "JPEG Quality" msgstr "Qualitat JPEG" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/compressgraphicdialog.ui:136 msgctxt "compressgraphicdialog|radio-jpeg|tooltip_text" msgid "Lossy compression" msgstr "Compressió amb pèrdua" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/compressgraphicdialog.ui:149 msgctxt "compressgraphicdialog|radio-lossless" msgid "PNG Compression" msgstr "Compressió PNG" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/compressgraphicdialog.ui:153 msgctxt "compressgraphicdialog|radio-lossless|tooltip_text" msgid "Lossless compression" msgstr "Compressió sense pèrdua" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/compressgraphicdialog.ui:269 msgctxt "compressgraphicdialog|label2" msgid "Compression" msgstr "Compressió" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/compressgraphicdialog.ui:302 msgctxt "compressgraphicdialog|checkbox-reduce-resolution" msgid "Reduce image resolution" msgstr "Redueix la resolució de la imatge" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/compressgraphicdialog.ui:320 msgctxt "compressgraphicdialog|label3" msgid "Width:" msgstr "Amplada:" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/compressgraphicdialog.ui:335 msgctxt "compressgraphicdialog|label4" msgid "Height:" msgstr "Alçada:" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/compressgraphicdialog.ui:350 msgctxt "compressgraphicdialog|label5" msgid "Resolution:" msgstr "Resolució:" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/compressgraphicdialog.ui:365 msgctxt "compressgraphicdialog|label12" msgid "Interpolation:" msgstr "Interpolació:" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/compressgraphicdialog.ui:437 msgctxt "compressgraphicdialog|interpolation-method-store" msgid "None" msgstr "Cap" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/compressgraphicdialog.ui:438 msgctxt "compressgraphicdialog|interpolation-method-store" msgid "Bilinear" msgstr "Bilineal" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/compressgraphicdialog.ui:439 msgctxt "compressgraphicdialog|interpolation-method-store" msgid "Bicubic" msgstr "Bicúbica" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/compressgraphicdialog.ui:440 msgctxt "compressgraphicdialog|interpolation-method-store" msgid "Lanczos" msgstr "Lanczos" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/compressgraphicdialog.ui:452 msgctxt "compressgraphicdialog|label13" msgid "px" msgstr "px" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/compressgraphicdialog.ui:464 msgctxt "compressgraphicdialog|label14" msgid "px" msgstr "px" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/compressgraphicdialog.ui:476 msgctxt "compressgraphicdialog|label16" msgid "DPI" msgstr "PPP" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/compressgraphicdialog.ui:495 msgctxt "compressgraphicdialog|label22" msgid "Resolution" msgstr "Resolució" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/compressgraphicdialog.ui:530 msgctxt "compressgraphicdialog|label7" msgid "Actual dimensions:" msgstr "Dimensions reals:" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/compressgraphicdialog.ui:556 msgctxt "compressgraphicdialog|label8" msgid "Apparent dimensions:" msgstr "Dimensions aparents:" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/compressgraphicdialog.ui:568 msgctxt "compressgraphicdialog|label9" msgid "Image size:" msgstr "Mida de la imatge:" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/compressgraphicdialog.ui:619 msgctxt "compressgraphicdialog|label15" msgid "Type:" msgstr "Tipus:" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/compressgraphicdialog.ui:643 msgctxt "compressgraphicdialog|calculate" msgid "Calculate New Size:" msgstr "Calcula la mida nova:" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/compressgraphicdialog.ui:662 msgctxt "compressgraphicdialog|label1" msgid "Image Information" msgstr "Informació de la imatge" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/convertmenu.ui:13 msgctxt "convertmenu|ConvertToEdit" msgid "_Text Box" msgstr "Quadre de _text" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/convertmenu.ui:22 msgctxt "convertmenu|ConvertToButton" msgid "_Button" msgstr "_Botó" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/convertmenu.ui:31 msgctxt "convertmenu|ConvertToFixed" msgid "La_bel field" msgstr "Camp d'_etiqueta" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/convertmenu.ui:40 msgctxt "convertmenu|ConvertToGroup" msgid "G_roup Box" msgstr "Quadre de _grup" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/convertmenu.ui:49 msgctxt "convertmenu|ConvertToList" msgid "L_ist Box" msgstr "Quadre de _llista" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/convertmenu.ui:58 msgctxt "convertmenu|ConvertToCheckBox" msgid "_Check Box" msgstr "Casella de _verificació" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/convertmenu.ui:67 msgctxt "convertmenu|ConvertToRadio" msgid "_Radio Button" msgstr "Botó d'_opció" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/convertmenu.ui:76 msgctxt "convertmenu|ConvertToCombo" msgid "Combo Bo_x" msgstr "Quadre _combinat" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/convertmenu.ui:85 msgctxt "convertmenu|ConvertToImageBtn" msgid "I_mage Button" msgstr "Botó d'_imatge" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/convertmenu.ui:94 msgctxt "convertmenu|ConvertToFileControl" msgid "_File Selection" msgstr "Selecció de _fitxers" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/convertmenu.ui:103 msgctxt "convertmenu|ConvertToDate" msgid "_Date Field" msgstr "Camp de _data" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/convertmenu.ui:112 msgctxt "convertmenu|ConvertToTime" msgid "Tim_e Field" msgstr "Camp d'_hora" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/convertmenu.ui:120 msgctxt "convertmenu|ConvertToNumeric" msgid "_Numerical Field" msgstr "Camp _numèric" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/convertmenu.ui:128 msgctxt "convertmenu|ConvertToCurrency" msgid "C_urrency Field" msgstr "Camp m_onetari" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/convertmenu.ui:137 msgctxt "convertmenu|ConvertToPattern" msgid "_Pattern Field" msgstr "Camp _emmascarat" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/convertmenu.ui:146 msgctxt "convertmenu|ConvertToImageControl" msgid "Ima_ge Control" msgstr "Control d'_imatge" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/convertmenu.ui:155 msgctxt "convertmenu|ConvertToFormatted" msgid "Fo_rmatted Field" msgstr "Camp fo_rmatat" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/convertmenu.ui:164 msgctxt "convertmenu|ConvertToScrollBar" msgid "Scroll bar" msgstr "Barra de desplaçament" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/convertmenu.ui:173 msgctxt "convertmenu|ConvertToSpinButton" msgid "Spin Button" msgstr "Botó de selecció de valor" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/convertmenu.ui:182 msgctxt "convertmenu|ConvertToNavigationBar" msgid "Navigation Bar" msgstr "Barra de navegació" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/crashreportdlg.ui:8 msgctxt "crashreportdlg|CrashReportDialog" msgid "Crash Report" msgstr "Informe d'errada" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/crashreportdlg.ui:22 msgctxt "crashreportdlg|btn_send" msgid "_Send Crash Report" msgstr "_Envia l'informe d'errada" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/crashreportdlg.ui:37 msgctxt "crashreportdlg|btn_cancel" msgid "_Don’t Send" msgstr "_No enviïs" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/crashreportdlg.ui:51 msgctxt "crashreportdlg|btn_close" msgid "Close" msgstr "Tanca" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/crashreportdlg.ui:72 msgctxt "crashreportdlg|ed_pre" msgid "" "Unfortunately it seems that %PRODUCTNAME crashed when it was last run.\n" "\n" "You can help us to fix this issue by sending an anonymous crash report to the %PRODUCTNAME crash reporting server." msgstr "" "Sembla que el %PRODUCTNAME es va tancar incorrectament l'última vegada que es va executar.\n" "\n" "Podeu ajudar-nos a corregir aquest problema enviant-nos un informe d'errors anònim al servidor d'informes d'errors del %PRODUCTNAME." #: svx/uiconfig/ui/crashreportdlg.ui:88 msgctxt "crashreportdlg|ed_post" msgid "" "The crash report was successfully uploaded.\n" "You can soon find the report at:\n" "crashreport.libreoffice.org/stats/crash_details/%CRASHID" msgstr "" "L'informe d'errors s'ha pujat correctament.\n" "Podreu trobar-lo aviat a:\n" "crashreport.libreoffice.org/stats/crash_details/%CRASHID" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/crashreportdlg.ui:103 msgctxt "crashreportdlg|ed_bugreport" msgid "" "Please check the report and if no bug report is connected to the crash report yet, open a new bug report at bugs.documentfoundation.org.\n" "Add detailed instructions on how to reproduce the crash and the shown crash ID into the crash report field.\n" "Thank you for your help in improving %PRODUCTNAME." msgstr "" "Reviseu l'informe i, si encara no hi ha cap tiquet d'error connectat a l'informe d'error, obriu un tiquet d'error nou a bugs.documentfoundation.org.\n" "Afegiu instruccions detallades sobre com reproduir el problema i l'ID d'error al camp d'informe d'error.\n" "Gràcies per ajudar-nos a millorar el %PRODUCTNAME." #: svx/uiconfig/ui/crashreportdlg.ui:116 msgctxt "crashreportdlg|check_safemode" msgid "Restart %PRODUCTNAME to enter safe mode" msgstr "Reinicieu el %PRODUCTNAME per a entrar en mode segur" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/datanavigator.ui:37 msgctxt "datanavigator|modelsbutton" msgid "_Models" msgstr "_Models" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/datanavigator.ui:77 msgctxt "datanavigator|instance" msgid "Instance" msgstr "Instància" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/datanavigator.ui:99 msgctxt "datanavigator|submissions" msgid "Submissions" msgstr "Trameses" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/datanavigator.ui:122 msgctxt "datanavigator|bindings" msgid "Bindings" msgstr "Vinculacions" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/datanavigator.ui:138 msgctxt "datanavigator|instances" msgid "_Instances" msgstr "_Instàncies" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/datanavigator.ui:166 msgctxt "datanavigator|instancesadd" msgid "_Add..." msgstr "_Afegeix..." #: svx/uiconfig/ui/datanavigator.ui:173 msgctxt "datanavigator|instancesedit" msgid "_Edit..." msgstr "_Edita..." #: svx/uiconfig/ui/datanavigator.ui:180 msgctxt "datanavigator|instancesremove" msgid "_Remove..." msgstr "_Suprimeix..." #: svx/uiconfig/ui/datanavigator.ui:193 msgctxt "datanavigator|instancesdetails" msgid "_Show Details" msgstr "_Mostra els detalls..." #: svx/uiconfig/ui/datanavigator.ui:205 msgctxt "datanavigator|modelsadd" msgid "_Add..." msgstr "_Afegeix..." #: svx/uiconfig/ui/datanavigator.ui:213 msgctxt "datanavigator|modelsedit" msgid "_Edit..." msgstr "_Edita..." #: svx/uiconfig/ui/datanavigator.ui:221 msgctxt "datanavigator|modelsremove" msgid "_Remove" msgstr "_Suprimeix" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:48 msgctxt "defaultshapespanel|label1" msgid "Lines & Arrows" msgstr "Línies i fletxes" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:85 msgctxt "defaultshapespanel|label2" msgid "Curve" msgstr "Corba" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:122 msgctxt "defaultshapespanel|label3" msgid "Connectors" msgstr "Connectors" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:159 msgctxt "defaultshapespanel|label4" msgid "Basic Shapes" msgstr "Formes bàsiques" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:196 msgctxt "defaultshapespanel|label5" msgid "Symbols" msgstr "Símbols" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:233 msgctxt "defaultshapespanel|label6" msgid "Block Arrows" msgstr "Fletxes de bloc" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:270 msgctxt "defaultshapespanel|label7" msgid "Flowchart" msgstr "Diagrama de flux" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:307 msgctxt "defaultshapespanel|label8" msgid "Callouts" msgstr "Llegendes" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:344 msgctxt "defaultshapespanel|label9" msgid "Stars" msgstr "Estrelles" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:381 msgctxt "defaultshapespanel|label10" msgid "3D Objects" msgstr "Objectes 3D" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/deletefooterdialog.ui:7 msgctxt "deletefooterdialog|DeleteFooterDialog" msgid "Delete footer?" msgstr "Voleu suprimir el peu de pàgina?" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/deletefooterdialog.ui:14 msgctxt "deletefooterdialog|DeleteFooterDialog" msgid "Are you sure you want to delete the footer?" msgstr "Esteu segur de voler suprimir el peu de pàgina?" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/deletefooterdialog.ui:15 msgctxt "deletefooterdialog|DeleteFooterDialog" msgid "All contents of the footer will be deleted and can not be restored." msgstr "Se suprimirà tot el contingut del peu de pàgina i no podrà recuperar-se." #: svx/uiconfig/ui/deleteheaderdialog.ui:7 msgctxt "deleteheaderdialog|DeleteHeaderDialog" msgid "Delete header?" msgstr "Voleu suprimir la capçalera?" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/deleteheaderdialog.ui:14 msgctxt "deleteheaderdialog|DeleteHeaderDialog" msgid "Are you sure you want to delete the header?" msgstr "Esteu segur de voler suprimir la capçalera?" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/deleteheaderdialog.ui:15 msgctxt "deleteheaderdialog|DeleteHeaderDialog" msgid "All contents of the header will be deleted and can not be restored." msgstr "Se suprimirà tot el contingut de la capçalera i no podrà recuperar-se." #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:263 msgctxt "docking3deffects|Docking3DEffects" msgid "3D Effects" msgstr "Efectes 3D" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:293 msgctxt "docking3deffects|diagonalft" msgid "R_ounded edges" msgstr "Vores a_rrodonides" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:307 msgctxt "docking3deffects|scaleddepthft" msgid "_Scaled depth" msgstr "Profunditat re_dimensionada" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:321 msgctxt "docking3deffects|angleft" msgid "_Rotation angle" msgstr "_Angle de gir" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:335 msgctxt "docking3deffects|depthft" msgid "_Depth" msgstr "_Profunditat" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:401 msgctxt "docking3deffects|label1" msgid "Geometry" msgstr "Geometria" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:443 msgctxt "docking3deffects|label6" msgid "_Horizontal" msgstr "_Horitzontal" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:482 msgctxt "docking3deffects|label7" msgid "_Vertical" msgstr "_Vertical" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:517 msgctxt "docking3deffects|label10" msgid "Segments" msgstr "Segments" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:569 msgctxt "docking3deffects|objspecific|tooltip_text" msgid "Object-Specific" msgstr "Específic de l'objecte" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:583 msgctxt "docking3deffects|flat|tooltip_text" msgid "Flat" msgstr "Pla" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:597 msgctxt "docking3deffects|spherical|tooltip_text" msgid "Spherical" msgstr "Esfèric" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:611 msgctxt "docking3deffects|invertnormals|tooltip_text" msgid "Invert Normals" msgstr "Inverteix normals" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:625 msgctxt "docking3deffects|doublesidedillum|tooltip_text" msgid "Double-Sided Illumination" msgstr "Il·luminació en dues bandes" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:639 msgctxt "docking3deffects|doublesided|tooltip_text" msgid "Double-Sided" msgstr "Dues cares" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:665 msgctxt "docking3deffects|label11" msgid "Normals" msgstr "Normals" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:697 msgctxt "docking3deffects|to3d|tooltip_text" msgid "Convert to 3D" msgstr "Converteix en 3D" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:710 msgctxt "docking3deffects|tolathe|tooltip_text" msgid "Convert to Rotation Object" msgstr "Converteix en cos de revolució" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:723 msgctxt "docking3deffects|perspective|tooltip_text" msgid "Perspective On/Off" msgstr "Activa/desactiva la perspectiva" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:762 msgctxt "docking3deffects|preview-atkobject" msgid "3D Preview" msgstr "Previsualització en 3D" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:782 msgctxt "docking3deffects|lightpreview-atkobject" msgid "Color Light Preview" msgstr "Previsualització de la llum de color" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:828 msgctxt "docking3deffects|label8" msgid "_Mode" msgstr "_Mode" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:842 msgctxt "docking3deffects|mode" msgid "Flat" msgstr "Pla" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:843 msgctxt "docking3deffects|mode" msgid "Phong" msgstr "Phong" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:844 msgctxt "docking3deffects|mode" msgid "Gouraud" msgstr "Gouraud" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:860 msgctxt "docking3deffects|label12" msgid "Shading" msgstr "Ombrejat" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:897 msgctxt "docking3deffects|slantft" msgid "S_urface angle" msgstr "Angle de s_uperfície" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:923 msgctxt "docking3deffects|shadow|tooltip_text" msgid "3D Shadowing On/Off" msgstr "Activa/desactiva l'ombra 3D" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:939 msgctxt "docking3deffects|label13" msgid "Shadow" msgstr "Ombra" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:1001 msgctxt "docking3deffects|label15" msgid "_Focal length" msgstr "_Longitud focal" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:1015 msgctxt "docking3deffects|label14" msgid "_Distance" msgstr "_Distància" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:1032 msgctxt "docking3deffects|label16" msgid "Camera" msgstr "Càmera" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:1067 msgctxt "docking3deffects|label17" msgid "_Light source" msgstr "_Font de llum" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:1081 msgctxt "docking3deffects|colorbutton1|tooltip_text" msgid "Colors Dialog" msgstr "Quadre de diàleg de colors" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:1107 msgctxt "docking3deffects|colorbutton2|tooltip_text" msgid "Colors Dialog" msgstr "Quadre de diàleg de colors" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:1121 msgctxt "docking3deffects|label18" msgid "_Ambient light" msgstr "_Llum ambiental" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:1141 msgctxt "docking3deffects|light1|tooltip_text" msgid "Light Source 1" msgstr "Font de llum 1" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:1154 msgctxt "docking3deffects|light2|tooltip_text" msgid "Light Source 2" msgstr "Font de llum 2" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:1167 msgctxt "docking3deffects|light3|tooltip_text" msgid "Light Source 3" msgstr "Font de llum 3" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:1180 msgctxt "docking3deffects|light4|tooltip_text" msgid "Light Source 4" msgstr "Font de llum 4" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:1193 msgctxt "docking3deffects|light5|tooltip_text" msgid "Light Source 5" msgstr "Font de llum 5" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:1206 msgctxt "docking3deffects|light6|tooltip_text" msgid "Light Source 6" msgstr "Font de llum 6" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:1219 msgctxt "docking3deffects|light7|tooltip_text" msgid "Light Source 7" msgstr "Font de llum 7" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:1232 msgctxt "docking3deffects|light8|tooltip_text" msgid "Light Source 8" msgstr "Font de llum 8" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:1369 msgctxt "docking3deffects|label19" msgid "Illumination" msgstr "Il·luminació" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:1404 msgctxt "docking3deffects|label20" msgid "_Type" msgstr "_Tipus" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:1417 msgctxt "docking3deffects|label22" msgid "_Mode" msgstr "_Mode" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:1430 msgctxt "docking3deffects|label23" msgid "_Projection X" msgstr "_Projecció X" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:1443 msgctxt "docking3deffects|label24" msgid "P_rojection Y" msgstr "P_rojecció Y" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:1456 msgctxt "docking3deffects|label25" msgid "_Filtering" msgstr "_Filtratge" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:1469 msgctxt "docking3deffects|textype|tooltip_text" msgid "Black & White" msgstr "Blanc i negre" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:1483 msgctxt "docking3deffects|texcolor|tooltip_text" msgid "Color" msgstr "Color" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:1497 msgctxt "docking3deffects|texreplace|tooltip_text" msgid "Only Texture" msgstr "Només textura" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:1511 msgctxt "docking3deffects|texmodulate|tooltip_text" msgid "Texture and Shading" msgstr "Textura i ombres" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:1525 msgctxt "docking3deffects|texobjx|tooltip_text" msgid "Object-Specific" msgstr "Específic de l'objecte" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:1539 msgctxt "docking3deffects|texparallelx|tooltip_text" msgid "Parallel" msgstr "Paral·lel" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:1553 msgctxt "docking3deffects|texcirclex|tooltip_text" msgid "Circular" msgstr "Circular" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:1568 msgctxt "docking3deffects|texobjy|tooltip_text" msgid "Object-Specific" msgstr "Específic de l'objecte" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:1582 msgctxt "docking3deffects|texparallely|tooltip_text" msgid "Parallel" msgstr "Paral·lel" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:1596 msgctxt "docking3deffects|texcircley|tooltip_text" msgid "Circular" msgstr "Circular" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:1610 msgctxt "docking3deffects|texfilter|tooltip_text" msgid "Filtering On/Off" msgstr "Activa/desactiva el filtratge" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:1624 msgctxt "docking3deffects|texblend|tooltip_text" msgid "Texture, Shadow and Color" msgstr "Textura, ombra i color" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:1651 msgctxt "docking3deffects|label21" msgid "Textures" msgstr "Textures" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:1686 msgctxt "docking3deffects|label26" msgid "_Favorites" msgstr "_Preferits" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:1699 msgctxt "docking3deffects|label27" msgid "_Object color" msgstr "_Color de l'objecte" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:1713 msgctxt "docking3deffects|label29" msgid "_Illumination color" msgstr "_Color d'il·luminació" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:1751 msgctxt "docking3deffects|favorites" msgid "User-defined" msgstr "Definir per l'usuari" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:1752 msgctxt "docking3deffects|favorites" msgid "Metal" msgstr "Metall" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:1753 msgctxt "docking3deffects|favorites" msgid "Gold" msgstr "Daurat" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:1754 msgctxt "docking3deffects|favorites" msgid "Chrome" msgstr "Crom" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:1755 msgctxt "docking3deffects|favorites" msgid "Plastic" msgstr "Plàstic" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:1756 msgctxt "docking3deffects|favorites" msgid "Wood" msgstr "Fusta" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:1770 msgctxt "docking3deffects|colorbutton3|tooltip_text" msgid "Colors Dialog" msgstr "Quadre de diàleg de colors" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:1783 msgctxt "docking3deffects|colorbutton4|tooltip_text" msgid "Colors Dialog" msgstr "Quadre de diàleg de colors" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:1799 msgctxt "docking3deffects|label28" msgid "Material" msgstr "Material" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:1834 msgctxt "docking3deffects|label30" msgid "_Color" msgstr "_Color" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:1848 msgctxt "docking3deffects|label31" msgid "I_ntensity" msgstr "I_ntensitat" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:1874 msgctxt "docking3deffects|colorbutton5|tooltip_text" msgid "Colors Dialog" msgstr "Quadre de diàleg de colors" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:1902 msgctxt "docking3deffects|label32" msgid "Specular" msgstr "Especular" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:1924 msgctxt "docking3deffects|assign|tooltip_text" msgid "Assign" msgstr "Assigna" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:1937 msgctxt "docking3deffects|update|tooltip_text" msgid "Update" msgstr "Actualitza" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:1952 msgctxt "docking3deffects|material|tooltip_text" msgid "Material" msgstr "Material" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:1965 msgctxt "docking3deffects|texture|tooltip_text" msgid "Textures" msgstr "Textures" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:1978 msgctxt "docking3deffects|light|tooltip_text" msgid "Illumination" msgstr "Il·luminació" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:1991 msgctxt "docking3deffects|representation|tooltip_text" msgid "Shading" msgstr "Ombrejat" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:2004 msgctxt "docking3deffects|geometry|tooltip_text" msgid "Geometry" msgstr "Geometria" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/dockingcolorreplace.ui:17 msgctxt "dockingcolorreplace|DockingColorReplace" msgid "Color Replacer" msgstr "Reemplaçament de color" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/dockingcolorreplace.ui:51 msgctxt "dockingcolorreplace|label2" msgid "Source color" msgstr "Color d'origen" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/dockingcolorreplace.ui:64 msgctxt "dockingcolorreplace|label3" msgid "Tolerance" msgstr "Tolerància" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/dockingcolorreplace.ui:76 msgctxt "dockingcolorreplace|label4" msgid "Replace with..." msgstr "Reemplaça per..." #. This string is used by the eyedropper dialog to denote a color in an image that will be replaced by another color. #: svx/uiconfig/ui/dockingcolorreplace.ui:94 msgctxt "dockingcolorreplace|cbx2-atkobject" msgid "Source Color 2" msgstr "Color original 2" #. This string is used by the eyedropper dialog to denote a color in an image that will be replaced by another color. #: svx/uiconfig/ui/dockingcolorreplace.ui:113 msgctxt "dockingcolorreplace|cbx3-atkobject" msgid "Source Color 3" msgstr "Color original 3" #. This string is used by the eyedropper dialog to denote a color in an image that will be replaced by another color. #: svx/uiconfig/ui/dockingcolorreplace.ui:132 msgctxt "dockingcolorreplace|cbx4-atkobject" msgid "Source Color 4" msgstr "Color original 4" #. This string is used by the eyedropper dialog to denote a color in an image that will be replaced by another color. #: svx/uiconfig/ui/dockingcolorreplace.ui:151 msgctxt "dockingcolorreplace|cbx1-atkobject" msgid "Source Color 1" msgstr "Color original 1" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/dockingcolorreplace.ui:162 msgctxt "dockingcolorreplace|cbx5" msgid "Tr_ansparency" msgstr "Tr_ansparència" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/dockingcolorreplace.ui:184 msgctxt "dockingcolorreplace|tol1-atkobject" msgid "Tolerance 1" msgstr "Tolerància 1" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/dockingcolorreplace.ui:202 msgctxt "dockingcolorreplace|tol2-atkobject" msgid "Tolerance 2" msgstr "Tolerància 2" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/dockingcolorreplace.ui:220 msgctxt "dockingcolorreplace|tol3-atkobject" msgid "Tolerance 3" msgstr "Tolerància 3" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/dockingcolorreplace.ui:238 msgctxt "dockingcolorreplace|tol4-atkobject" msgid "Tolerance 4" msgstr "Tolerància 4" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/dockingcolorreplace.ui:254 msgctxt "dockingcolorreplace|color1-atkobject" msgid "Replace with 1" msgstr "Substitueix amb 1" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/dockingcolorreplace.ui:270 msgctxt "dockingcolorreplace|color2-atkobject" msgid "Replace with 2" msgstr "Substitueix amb 2" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/dockingcolorreplace.ui:286 msgctxt "dockingcolorreplace|color3-atkobject" msgid "Replace with 3" msgstr "Substitueix amb 3" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/dockingcolorreplace.ui:302 msgctxt "dockingcolorreplace|color4-atkobject" msgid "Replace with 4" msgstr "Substitueix amb 4" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/dockingcolorreplace.ui:341 msgctxt "dockingcolorreplace|label1" msgid "Colors" msgstr "Colors" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/dockingcolorreplace.ui:361 msgctxt "dockingcolorreplace|replace" msgid "_Replace" msgstr "_Reemplaça" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/dockingcolorreplace.ui:392 msgctxt "dockingcolorreplace|pipette" msgid "Pipette" msgstr "Pipeta" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/dockingfontwork.ui:17 msgctxt "dockingfontwork|DockingFontwork" msgid "Fontwork" msgstr "Fontwork" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/dockingfontwork.ui:32 msgctxt "dockingfontwork|off|tooltip_text" msgid "Off" msgstr "Desactivat" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/dockingfontwork.ui:55 msgctxt "dockingfontwork|rotate|tooltip_text" msgid "Rotate" msgstr "Gira" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/dockingfontwork.ui:68 msgctxt "dockingfontwork|upright|tooltip_text" msgid "Upright" msgstr "Vertical" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/dockingfontwork.ui:82 msgctxt "dockingfontwork|hori|tooltip_text" msgid "Slant Horizontal" msgstr "Inclinació horitzontal" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/dockingfontwork.ui:96 msgctxt "dockingfontwork|vert|tooltip_text" msgid "Slant Vertical" msgstr "Inclinació vertical" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/dockingfontwork.ui:120 msgctxt "dockingfontwork|orientation|tooltip_text" msgid "Orientation" msgstr "Orientació" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/dockingfontwork.ui:143 msgctxt "dockingfontwork|left|tooltip_text" msgid "Align Left" msgstr "Alinea a l'esquerra" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/dockingfontwork.ui:156 msgctxt "dockingfontwork|center|tooltip_text" msgid "Center" msgstr "Centre" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/dockingfontwork.ui:170 msgctxt "dockingfontwork|right|tooltip_text" msgid "Align Right" msgstr "Alinea a la dreta" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/dockingfontwork.ui:184 msgctxt "dockingfontwork|autosize|tooltip_text" msgid "AutoSize Text" msgstr "Text de mida automàtica" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/dockingfontwork.ui:222 msgctxt "dockingfontwork|distance|tooltip_text" msgid "Distance" msgstr "Distància" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/dockingfontwork.ui:259 msgctxt "dockingfontwork|indent|tooltip_text" msgid "Indent" msgstr "Sagnat" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/dockingfontwork.ui:283 msgctxt "dockingfontwork|contour|tooltip_text" msgid "Contour" msgstr "Contorn" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/dockingfontwork.ui:296 msgctxt "dockingfontwork|textcontour|tooltip_text" msgid "Text Contour" msgstr "Vora del text" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/dockingfontwork.ui:319 msgctxt "dockingfontwork|noshadow|tooltip_text" msgid "No Shadow" msgstr "Sense ombra" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/dockingfontwork.ui:332 msgctxt "dockingfontwork|vertical|tooltip_text" msgid "Vertical" msgstr "Vertical" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/dockingfontwork.ui:346 msgctxt "dockingfontwork|slant|tooltip_text" msgid "Slant" msgstr "Inclina" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/dockingfontwork.ui:384 msgctxt "dockingfontwork|distancex|tooltip_text" msgid "Distance X" msgstr "Distància X" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/dockingfontwork.ui:422 msgctxt "dockingfontwork|distancey|tooltip_text" msgid "Distance Y" msgstr "Distància Y" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/dockingfontwork.ui:442 msgctxt "dockingfontwork|color|tooltip_text" msgid "Shadow Color" msgstr "Color de l'ombra" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docrecoverybrokendialog.ui:16 msgctxt "docrecoverybrokendialog|DocRecoveryBrokenDialog" msgid "%PRODUCTNAME Document Recovery" msgstr "Recuperació de documents del %PRODUCTNAME" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docrecoverybrokendialog.ui:35 msgctxt "docrecoverybrokendialog|save" msgid "_Save" msgstr "De_sa" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docrecoverybrokendialog.ui:85 msgctxt "docrecoverybrokendialog|label1" msgid "" "The automatic recovery process was interrupted.\n" "\n" "The documents listed below will be saved in the folder noted below if you click 'Save'. Click 'Cancel' to close the wizard without saving the documents." msgstr "" "El procés automàtic de recuperació s'ha interromput.\n" "\n" "Els documents llistats a sota es desaran en la carpeta indicada si feu clic a «Desa». Feu clic a «Cancel·la» per tancar l'auxiliar sense desar els documents." #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docrecoverybrokendialog.ui:103 msgctxt "docrecoverybrokendialog|label3" msgid "Documents:" msgstr "Documents:" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docrecoverybrokendialog.ui:159 msgctxt "docrecoverybrokendialog|label4" msgid "_Save to:" msgstr "De_sa-ho a:" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docrecoverybrokendialog.ui:190 msgctxt "docrecoverybrokendialog|change" msgid "Chan_ge..." msgstr "Can_via..." #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docrecoveryprogressdialog.ui:8 msgctxt "docrecoveryprogressdialog|DocRecoveryProgressDialog" msgid "Documents Are Being Saved" msgstr "S'estan desant els documents" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docrecoveryprogressdialog.ui:42 msgctxt "docrecoveryprogressdialog|label2" msgid "Progress of saving:" msgstr "Progrés en desar:" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docrecoveryrecoverdialog.ui:9 msgctxt "docrecoveryrecoverdialog|DocRecoveryRecoverDialog" msgid "%PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION Document Recovery" msgstr "Recuperació de documents del %PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docrecoveryrecoverdialog.ui:22 msgctxt "docrecoveryrecoverdialog|cancel" msgid "_Discard" msgstr "_Descarta" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docrecoveryrecoverdialog.ui:37 msgctxt "docrecoveryrecoverdialog|next" msgid "_Start" msgstr "_Inicia" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docrecoveryrecoverdialog.ui:77 msgctxt "docrecoveryrecoverdialog|desc" msgid "%PRODUCTNAME will attempt to recover the state of the files you were working on before it crashed. Click 'Start' to begin the process, or click 'Discard' to cancel the recovery." msgstr "El %PRODUCTNAME intentarà recuperar l'estat dels fitxers en què treballàveu abans de la fallada. Feu clic a «Inicia» per començar el procés, o feu clic a «Descarta» per cancel·lar-ne la recuperació." #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docrecoveryrecoverdialog.ui:98 msgctxt "docrecoveryrecoverdialog|label2" msgid "Status of recovered documents:" msgstr "Estat dels documents recuperats:" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docrecoveryrecoverdialog.ui:135 msgctxt "docrecoveryrecoverdialog|nameft" msgid "Document Name" msgstr "Nom del document" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docrecoveryrecoverdialog.ui:147 msgctxt "docrecoveryrecoverdialog|statusft" msgid "Status" msgstr "Estat" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docrecoverysavedialog.ui:8 msgctxt "docrecoverysavedialog|DocRecoverySaveDialog" msgid "%PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION Document Recovery" msgstr "Recuperació de documents del %PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docrecoverysavedialog.ui:59 msgctxt "docrecoverysavedialog|label1" msgid "Due to an unexpected error, %PRODUCTNAME crashed. All the files you were working on will now be saved. The next time %PRODUCTNAME is launched, your files will be recovered automatically." msgstr "A causa d'un error inesperat, el %PRODUCTNAME ha fallat. Tots els fitxers amb què estàveu treballant es desaran ara. La propera vegada que inicieu el %PRODUCTNAME, els fitxers es recuperaran automàticament." #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docrecoverysavedialog.ui:80 msgctxt "docrecoverysavedialog|label2" msgid "The following files will be recovered:" msgstr "Es recuperaran els fitxers següents:" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/extrustiondepthdialog.ui:13 msgctxt "extrustiondepthdialog|ExtrustionDepthDialog" msgid "Extrusion Depth" msgstr "Profunditat d'extrusió" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/extrustiondepthdialog.ui:122 msgctxt "extrustiondepthdialog|label1" msgid "_Value" msgstr "_Valor" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/extrustiondepthdialog.ui:139 msgctxt "extrustiondepthdialog|label2" msgid "Depth" msgstr "Profunditat" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/filtermenu.ui:12 msgctxt "filtermenu|delete" msgid "_Delete" msgstr "_Suprimeix" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/filtermenu.ui:20 msgctxt "filtermenu|edit" msgid "_Edit" msgstr "_Edita" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/filtermenu.ui:28 msgctxt "filtermenu|isnull" msgid "_Is Null" msgstr "És _nul" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/filtermenu.ui:36 msgctxt "filtermenu|isnotnull" msgid "I_s not Null" msgstr "No és n_ul" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/findreplacedialog.ui:8 msgctxt "findreplacedialog|FindReplaceDialog" msgid "Find & Replace" msgstr "Cerca i reemplaça" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/findreplacedialog.ui:135 msgctxt "findreplacedialog|label4" msgid "_Find:" msgstr "_Cerca:" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/findreplacedialog.ui:186 msgctxt "findreplacedialog|matchcase" msgid "Ma_tch case" msgstr "Di_ferencia maj./min." #: svx/uiconfig/ui/findreplacedialog.ui:202 msgctxt "findreplacedialog|searchformatted" msgid "For_matted display" msgstr "Visualització for_matada" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/findreplacedialog.ui:222 msgctxt "findreplacedialog|wholewords" msgid "Whole wor_ds only" msgstr "Només _paraules completes" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/findreplacedialog.ui:240 msgctxt "findreplacedialog|entirecells" msgid "_Entire cells" msgstr "Cel·l_es completes" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/findreplacedialog.ui:258 msgctxt "findreplacedialog|allsheets" msgid "All _sheets" msgstr "Tots els _fulls" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/findreplacedialog.ui:285 msgctxt "findreplacedialog|label1" msgid "_Search For" msgstr "_Cerca" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/findreplacedialog.ui:369 msgctxt "findreplacedialog|label5" msgid "Re_place:" msgstr "Reem_plaça:" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/findreplacedialog.ui:402 msgctxt "findreplacedialog|label2" msgid "Re_place With" msgstr "Reemplaça _per" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/findreplacedialog.ui:428 msgctxt "findreplacedialog|searchall" msgid "Find _All" msgstr "Cerca-ho _tot" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/findreplacedialog.ui:442 msgctxt "findreplacedialog|backsearch" msgid "Find Pre_vious" msgstr "Cerca l'_anterior" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/findreplacedialog.ui:456 msgctxt "findreplacedialog|search" msgid "Find Ne_xt" msgstr "Cerca el _següent" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/findreplacedialog.ui:472 msgctxt "findreplacedialog|replace" msgid "_Replace" msgstr "_Reemplaça" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/findreplacedialog.ui:486 msgctxt "findreplacedialog|replaceall" msgid "Replace A_ll" msgstr "Reemplaça-ho t_ot" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/findreplacedialog.ui:637 msgctxt "findreplacedialog|selection" msgid "C_urrent selection only" msgstr "Només e_n la selecció" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/findreplacedialog.ui:652 msgctxt "findreplacedialog|regexp" msgid "Re_gular expressions" msgstr "_Expressions regulars" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/findreplacedialog.ui:674 msgctxt "findreplacedialog|attributes" msgid "Attribut_es..." msgstr "_Atributs..." #: svx/uiconfig/ui/findreplacedialog.ui:688 msgctxt "findreplacedialog|format" msgid "For_mat..." msgstr "_Format..." #: svx/uiconfig/ui/findreplacedialog.ui:702 msgctxt "findreplacedialog|noformat" msgid "_No Format" msgstr "_Sense format" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/findreplacedialog.ui:723 msgctxt "findreplacedialog|layout" msgid "Search for st_yles" msgstr "Cerca es_tils" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/findreplacedialog.ui:738 msgctxt "findreplacedialog|includediacritics" msgid "Diac_ritic-sensitive" msgstr "Distingeix els _diacrítics" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/findreplacedialog.ui:753 msgctxt "findreplacedialog|includekashida" msgid "_Kashida-sensitive" msgstr "Distingeix la _kashida" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/findreplacedialog.ui:768 msgctxt "findreplacedialog|matchcharwidth" msgid "Match character _width" msgstr "Concorda amb l'_amplada del caràcter" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/findreplacedialog.ui:788 msgctxt "findreplacedialog|similarity" msgid "S_imilarity search" msgstr "Cerca per s_imilitud" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/findreplacedialog.ui:804 msgctxt "findreplacedialog|similaritybtn" msgid "Similarities..." msgstr "Similituds..." #: svx/uiconfig/ui/findreplacedialog.ui:831 msgctxt "findreplacedialog|soundslike" msgid "Sounds like (_Japanese)" msgstr "Fonètica similar (_japonès)" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/findreplacedialog.ui:847 msgctxt "findreplacedialog|soundslikebtn" msgid "Sounds..." msgstr "Sons..." #: svx/uiconfig/ui/findreplacedialog.ui:873 msgctxt "findreplacedialog|wildcard" msgid "Wil_dcards" msgstr "Como_dins" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/findreplacedialog.ui:889 msgctxt "findreplacedialog|notes" msgid "_Comments" msgstr "_Comentaris" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/findreplacedialog.ui:911 msgctxt "findreplacedialog|replace_backwards" msgid "Replace _backwards" msgstr "Substitueix cap _enrere." #: svx/uiconfig/ui/findreplacedialog.ui:947 msgctxt "findreplacedialog|searchinlabel" msgid "Search i_n:" msgstr "_Cerca a:" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/findreplacedialog.ui:962 msgctxt "findreplacedialog|calcsearchin" msgid "Formulas" msgstr "Fórmules" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/findreplacedialog.ui:963 msgctxt "findreplacedialog|calcsearchin" msgid "Values" msgstr "Valors" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/findreplacedialog.ui:964 msgctxt "findreplacedialog|calcsearchin" msgid "Notes" msgstr "Notes" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/findreplacedialog.ui:989 msgctxt "findreplacedialog|searchdir" msgid "Direction:" msgstr "Direcció:" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/findreplacedialog.ui:1006 msgctxt "findreplacedialog|rows" msgid "Ro_ws" msgstr "Fi_les" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/findreplacedialog.ui:1026 msgctxt "findreplacedialog|cols" msgid "Colum_ns" msgstr "Colum_nes" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/findreplacedialog.ui:1072 msgctxt "findreplacedialog|label3" msgid "Other _options" msgstr "Altres _opcions" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/floatingareastyle.ui:43 msgctxt "floatingareastyle|label1" msgid "_Angle:" msgstr "_Angle:" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/floatingareastyle.ui:62 msgctxt "floatingareastyle|angle|tooltip_text" msgid "Specify the angle of rotation for the gradient shading style." msgstr "Indica l'angle de gir de l'estil d'ombra de degradat." #: svx/uiconfig/ui/floatingareastyle.ui:82 msgctxt "floatingareastyle|left|tooltip_text" msgid "Rotate counterclockwise by 45 degrees." msgstr "Gira 45 graus en sentit antihorari." #: svx/uiconfig/ui/floatingareastyle.ui:104 msgctxt "floatingareastyle|right|tooltip_text" msgid "Rotate clockwise by 45 degrees." msgstr "Gira 45 graus en sentit horari." #: svx/uiconfig/ui/floatingareastyle.ui:147 msgctxt "floatingareastyle|label4" msgid "_Start value:" msgstr "Valor _inicial:" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/floatingareastyle.ui:161 msgctxt "floatingareastyle|label5" msgid "_End value:" msgstr "Valor _final:" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/floatingareastyle.ui:174 msgctxt "floatingareastyle|start|tooltip_text" msgid "Enter a transparency value for the beginning point of the gradient, where 0% is fully opaque and 100% is fully transparent." msgstr "Introduïu un valor de transparència per al punt inicial del degradat, en què 0% és totalment opac i 100% és totalment transparent" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/floatingareastyle.ui:186 msgctxt "floatingareastyle|end|tooltip_text" msgid "Enter a transparency value for the endpoint of the gradient, where 0% is fully opaque and 100% is fully transparent." msgstr "Introduïu un valor de transparència per al punt final del degradat, en què 0% és totalment opac i 100% és totalment transparent" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/floatingareastyle.ui:210 msgctxt "floatingareastyle|label6" msgid "_Border:" msgstr "_Vora:" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/floatingareastyle.ui:223 msgctxt "floatingareastyle|border|tooltip_text" msgid "Specify the border value of gradient transparency." msgstr "Indica el valor de la vora de la transparència del degradat." #: svx/uiconfig/ui/floatingareastyle.ui:248 msgctxt "floatingareastyle|label2" msgid "Center _X:" msgstr "Centre _X:" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/floatingareastyle.ui:262 msgctxt "floatingareastyle|label3" msgid "Center _Y:" msgstr "Centre _Y:" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/floatingareastyle.ui:275 msgctxt "floatingareastyle|centerx|tooltip_text" msgid "Specify the horizontal offset percentage from the center for the gradient shading style. 50% is the horizontal center." msgstr "Indiqueu el percentatge de desplaçament horitzontal des del centre per a l'estil d'ombreig del degradat. 50% és el centre horitzontal." #: svx/uiconfig/ui/floatingareastyle.ui:287 msgctxt "floatingareastyle|centery|tooltip_text" msgid "Specify the vertical offset percentage from the center for the gradient shading style. 50% is the vertical center." msgstr "Indiqueu el percentatge de desplaçament vertical des del centre per a l'estil d'ombreig del degradat. 50% és el centre vertical." #: svx/uiconfig/ui/floatingcontour.ui:17 msgctxt "floatingcontour|FloatingContour" msgid "Contour Editor" msgstr "Editor de la vora" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/floatingcontour.ui:45 msgctxt "floatingcontour|TBI_APPLY" msgid "Apply" msgstr "Aplica" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/floatingcontour.ui:69 msgctxt "floatingcontour|TBI_WORKPLACE" msgid "Workspace" msgstr "Àrea de treball" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/floatingcontour.ui:93 msgctxt "floatingcontour|TBI_SELECT" msgid "Select" msgstr "Selecciona" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/floatingcontour.ui:107 msgctxt "floatingcontour|TBI_RECT" msgid "Rectangle" msgstr "Rectangle" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/floatingcontour.ui:121 msgctxt "floatingcontour|TBI_CIRCLE" msgid "Ellipse" msgstr "El·lipse" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/floatingcontour.ui:135 msgctxt "floatingcontour|TBI_POLY" msgid "Polygon" msgstr "Polígon" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/floatingcontour.ui:159 msgctxt "floatingcontour|TBI_POLYEDIT" msgid "Edit Points" msgstr "Edita els punts" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/floatingcontour.ui:173 msgctxt "floatingcontour|TBI_POLYMOVE" msgid "Move Points" msgstr "Mou els punts" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/floatingcontour.ui:187 msgctxt "floatingcontour|TBI_POLYINSERT" msgid "Insert Points" msgstr "Insereix punts" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/floatingcontour.ui:201 msgctxt "floatingcontour|TBI_POLYDELETE" msgid "Delete Points" msgstr "Suprimeix els punts" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/floatingcontour.ui:224 msgctxt "floatingcontour|TBI_AUTOCONTOUR" msgid "AutoContour" msgstr "Vora automàtica" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/floatingcontour.ui:249 msgctxt "floatingcontour|TBI_UNDO" msgid "Undo " msgstr "Desfés " #: svx/uiconfig/ui/floatingcontour.ui:263 msgctxt "floatingcontour|TBI_REDO" msgid "Redo" msgstr "Refés" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/floatingcontour.ui:277 msgctxt "floatingcontour|TBI_PIPETTE" msgid "Pipette" msgstr "Pipeta" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/floatingcontour.ui:297 msgctxt "floatingcontour|spinbutton|tooltip_text" msgid "Color Tolerance" msgstr "Tolerància del color" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/floatinglineproperty.ui:53 msgctxt "floatinglineproperty|label1" msgid "Custom Line Width:" msgstr "Amplada de línia personalitzada:" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/fontworkgallerydialog.ui:8 msgctxt "fontworkgallerydialog|FontworkGalleryDialog" msgid "Fontwork Gallery" msgstr "Galeria Fontwork" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/fontworkgallerydialog.ui:90 msgctxt "fontworkgallerydialog|label1" msgid "Select a Fontwork style:" msgstr "Seleccioneu un estil del Fontwork:" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/fontworkspacingdialog.ui:14 msgctxt "fontworkspacingdialog|FontworkSpacingDialog" msgid "Fontwork Character Spacing" msgstr "Espaiat entre caràcters del Fontwork" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/fontworkspacingdialog.ui:83 msgctxt "fontworkspacingdialog|label2" msgid "_Value:" msgstr "_Valor:" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/formdatamenu.ui:12 msgctxt "formdatamenu|additem" msgid "Add Item" msgstr "Afegeix un element" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/formdatamenu.ui:20 msgctxt "formdatamenu|addelement" msgid "Add Element" msgstr "Afegeix un element" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/formdatamenu.ui:28 msgctxt "formdatamenu|addattribute" msgid "Add Attribute" msgstr "Afegeix un atribut" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/formdatamenu.ui:36 msgctxt "formdatamenu|edit" msgid "Edit" msgstr "Edita" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/formdatamenu.ui:50 msgctxt "formdatamenu|delete" msgid "Delete" msgstr "Suprimeix" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/formlinkwarndialog.ui:12 msgctxt "formlinkwarndialog|FormLinkWarnDialog" msgid "This instance is linked with the form." msgstr "Aquesta instància està relacionada amb el formulari." #: svx/uiconfig/ui/formlinkwarndialog.ui:13 msgctxt "formlinkwarndialog|FormLinkWarnDialog" msgid "" "The changes you make to this instance will be lost when the form is reloaded.\n" "\n" "How do you want to proceed?" msgstr "" "Els canvis de la instància es perdran quan actualitzeu el formulari.\n" "\n" "Què voleu fer?" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/formlinkwarndialog.ui:26 msgctxt "formlinkwarndialog|ok" msgid "_Edit" msgstr "_Edita" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/formnavimenu.ui:12 msgctxt "formnavimenu|new" msgid "_New" msgstr "_Nou" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/formnavimenu.ui:22 msgctxt "formnavimenu|form" msgid "Form" msgstr "Formulari" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/formnavimenu.ui:30 msgctxt "formnavimenu|hidden" msgid "Hidden Control" msgstr "Control amagat" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/formnavimenu.ui:42 msgctxt "formnavimenu|change" msgid "Replace with" msgstr "Reemplaça amb" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/formnavimenu.ui:50 msgctxt "formnavimenu|cut" msgid "Cu_t" msgstr "Re_talla" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/formnavimenu.ui:58 msgctxt "formnavimenu|copy" msgid "_Copy" msgstr "_Copia" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/formnavimenu.ui:66 msgctxt "formnavimenu|paste" msgid "_Paste" msgstr "_Enganxa" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/formnavimenu.ui:74 msgctxt "formnavimenu|delete" msgid "_Delete" msgstr "_Suprimeix" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/formnavimenu.ui:82 msgctxt "formnavimenu|taborder" msgid "Tab Order..." msgstr "Ordre de les tabulacions..." #: svx/uiconfig/ui/formnavimenu.ui:90 msgctxt "formnavimenu|rename" msgid "_Rename" msgstr "_Canvia el nom" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/formnavimenu.ui:98 msgctxt "formnavimenu|props" msgid "Propert_ies" msgstr "_Propietats" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/formnavimenu.ui:106 msgctxt "formnavimenu|designmode" msgid "Open in Design Mode" msgstr "Obre en mode de disseny" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/formnavimenu.ui:114 msgctxt "formnavimenu|controlfocus" msgid "Automatic Control Focus" msgstr "Enfocament automàtic del control" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/functionmenu.ui:12 msgctxt "functionmenu|avg" msgid "Average" msgstr "Mitjana" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/functionmenu.ui:20 msgctxt "functionmenu|counta" msgid "CountA" msgstr "ComptaA" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/functionmenu.ui:27 msgctxt "functionmenu|count" msgid "Count" msgstr "Compta" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/functionmenu.ui:34 msgctxt "functionmenu|max" msgid "Maximum" msgstr "Màxim" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/functionmenu.ui:41 msgctxt "functionmenu|min" msgid "Minimum" msgstr "Mínim" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/functionmenu.ui:48 msgctxt "functionmenu|sum" msgid "Sum" msgstr "Suma" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/functionmenu.ui:55 msgctxt "functionmenu|selection" msgid "Selection count" msgstr "Recompte de la selecció" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/functionmenu.ui:62 msgctxt "functionmenu|none" msgid "None" msgstr "Cap" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/gallerymenu1.ui:12 msgctxt "gallerymenu1|update" msgid "Update" msgstr "Actualitza" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/gallerymenu1.ui:26 msgctxt "gallerymenu1|delete" msgid "_Delete" msgstr "_Suprimeix" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/gallerymenu1.ui:33 msgctxt "gallerymenu1|rename" msgid "_Rename" msgstr "_Canvia el nom" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/gallerymenu1.ui:46 msgctxt "gallerymenu1|assign" msgid "Assign _ID" msgstr "Assigna un _identificador" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/gallerymenu1.ui:59 msgctxt "gallerymenu1|properties" msgid "Propert_ies..." msgstr "_Propietats..." #: svx/uiconfig/ui/gallerymenu2.ui:12 msgctxt "gallerymenu2|add" msgid "_Insert" msgstr "_Insereix" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/gallerymenu2.ui:20 msgctxt "gallerymenu2|background" msgid "Insert as Bac_kground" msgstr "Insereix com a &fons" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/gallerymenu2.ui:34 msgctxt "gallerymenu2|preview" msgid "_Preview" msgstr "_Previsualitza" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/gallerymenu2.ui:48 msgctxt "gallerymenu2|title" msgid "_Title" msgstr "_Títol" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/gallerymenu2.ui:61 msgctxt "gallerymenu2|delete" msgid "_Delete" msgstr "_Suprimeix" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/gallerymenu2.ui:74 msgctxt "gallerymenu2|copy" msgid "_Copy" msgstr "_Copia" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/gallerymenu2.ui:82 msgctxt "gallerymenu2|paste" msgid "_Paste" msgstr "_Enganxa" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/headfootformatpage.ui:68 msgctxt "headfootformatpage|checkHeaderOn" msgid "Hea_der on" msgstr "Activa la _capçalera" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/headfootformatpage.ui:85 msgctxt "headfootformatpage|checkFooterOn" msgid "_Footer on" msgstr "_Activa el peu de pàgina" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/headfootformatpage.ui:123 msgctxt "headfootformatpage|checkSameLR" msgid "Same _content on left and right pages" msgstr "El mateix _contingut a les pàgines dreta i esquerra" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/headfootformatpage.ui:140 msgctxt "headfootformatpage|checkSameFP" msgid "Same content on first page" msgstr "Mateix contingut a la primera pàgina" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/headfootformatpage.ui:160 msgctxt "headfootformatpage|labelLeftMarg" msgid "_Left margin:" msgstr "Marge _esquerre:" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/headfootformatpage.ui:189 msgctxt "headfootformatpage|labelRightMarg" msgid "R_ight margin:" msgstr "Marge _dret" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/headfootformatpage.ui:218 msgctxt "headfootformatpage|labelSpacing" msgid "_Spacing:" msgstr "E_spaiat:" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/headfootformatpage.ui:244 msgctxt "headfootformatpage|checkDynSpacing" msgid "Use d_ynamic spacing" msgstr "Utilitza l'espaiat d_inàmic" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/headfootformatpage.ui:263 msgctxt "headfootformatpage|labelHeight" msgid "_Height:" msgstr "_Alçada:" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/headfootformatpage.ui:290 msgctxt "headfootformatpage|checkAutofit" msgid "_AutoFit height" msgstr "_Ajusta automàticament l'alçada" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/headfootformatpage.ui:313 msgctxt "headfootformatpage|buttonMore" msgid "More..." msgstr "Més..." #: svx/uiconfig/ui/headfootformatpage.ui:326 msgctxt "headfootformatpage|buttonEdit" msgid "_Edit..." msgstr "_Edita..." #: svx/uiconfig/ui/headfootformatpage.ui:368 msgctxt "headfootformatpage|labelHeaderFormat" msgid "Header" msgstr "Capçalera" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/headfootformatpage.ui:384 msgctxt "headfootformatpage|labelFooterFormat" msgid "Footer" msgstr "Peu" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/imapdialog.ui:11 msgctxt "imapdialog|ImapDialog" msgid "ImageMap Editor" msgstr "Editor del mapa d'imatge" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/imapdialog.ui:31 msgctxt "imapdialog|TBI_APPLY" msgid "Apply" msgstr "Aplica" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/imapdialog.ui:45 msgctxt "imapdialog|TBI_OPEN" msgid "Open..." msgstr "Obre..." #: svx/uiconfig/ui/imapdialog.ui:59 msgctxt "imapdialog|TBI_SAVEAS" msgid "Save..." msgstr "Desa..." #: svx/uiconfig/ui/imapdialog.ui:73 msgctxt "imapdialog|TBI_CLOSE" msgid "Close" msgstr "Tanca" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/imapdialog.ui:86 msgctxt "imapdialog|TBI_SELECT" msgid "Select" msgstr "Seleccioneu" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/imapdialog.ui:100 msgctxt "imapdialog|TBI_RECT" msgid "Rectangle" msgstr "Rectangle" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/imapdialog.ui:114 msgctxt "imapdialog|TBI_CIRCLE" msgid "Ellipse" msgstr "El·lipse" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/imapdialog.ui:128 msgctxt "imapdialog|TBI_POLY" msgid "Polygon" msgstr "Polígon" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/imapdialog.ui:142 msgctxt "imapdialog|TBI_FREEPOLY" msgid "Freeform Polygon" msgstr "Polígon de forma lliure" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/imapdialog.ui:156 msgctxt "imapdialog|TBI_POLYEDIT" msgid "Edit Points" msgstr "Edita els punts" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/imapdialog.ui:170 msgctxt "imapdialog|TBI_POLYMOVE" msgid "Move Points" msgstr "Mou els punts" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/imapdialog.ui:184 msgctxt "imapdialog|TBI_POLYINSERT" msgid "Insert Points" msgstr "Insereix punts" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/imapdialog.ui:198 msgctxt "imapdialog|TBI_POLYDELETE" msgid "Delete Points" msgstr "Suprimeix els punts" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/imapdialog.ui:212 msgctxt "imapdialog|TBI_UNDO" msgid "Undo " msgstr "Desfés " #: svx/uiconfig/ui/imapdialog.ui:226 msgctxt "imapdialog|TBI_REDO" msgid "Redo" msgstr "Refés" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/imapdialog.ui:240 msgctxt "imapdialog|TBI_ACTIVE" msgid "Active" msgstr "Actiu" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/imapdialog.ui:254 msgctxt "imapdialog|TBI_MACRO" msgid "Macro..." msgstr "Macro..." #: svx/uiconfig/ui/imapdialog.ui:268 msgctxt "imapdialog|TBI_PROPERTY" msgid "Properties..." msgstr "Propietats..." #: svx/uiconfig/ui/imapdialog.ui:294 msgctxt "imapdialog|urlft" msgid "Address:" msgstr "Adreça:" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/imapdialog.ui:329 msgctxt "imapdialog|targetft" msgid "Frame:" msgstr "Marc:" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/imapdialog.ui:384 msgctxt "imapdialog|textft" msgid "Text:" msgstr "Text:" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/imapmenu.ui:12 msgctxt "imapmenu|url" msgid "Description..." msgstr "Descripció..." #: svx/uiconfig/ui/imapmenu.ui:20 msgctxt "imapmenu|macro" msgid "_Macro..." msgstr "_Macro..." #: svx/uiconfig/ui/imapmenu.ui:28 msgctxt "imapmenu|active" msgid "Active" msgstr "Activa" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/imapmenu.ui:42 msgctxt "imapmenu|arrange" msgid "_Arrange" msgstr "_Organitza" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/imapmenu.ui:52 msgctxt "imapmenu|front" msgid "Bring to Front" msgstr "Porta al davant" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/imapmenu.ui:60 msgctxt "imapmenu|forward" msgid "Bring _Forward" msgstr "Envia cap _endavant" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/imapmenu.ui:68 msgctxt "imapmenu|backward" msgid "Send Back_ward" msgstr "Envia cap en_rere" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/imapmenu.ui:76 msgctxt "imapmenu|back" msgid "_Send to Back" msgstr "Envia al _fons" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/imapmenu.ui:94 msgctxt "imapmenu|selectall" msgid "Select _All" msgstr "_Selecciona-ho tot" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/imapmenu.ui:102 msgctxt "imapmenu|delete" msgid "_Delete" msgstr "_Suprimeix" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/linkwarndialog.ui:7 msgctxt "linkwarndialog|LinkWarnDialog" msgid "Confirm Linked Graphic" msgstr "Confirma la imatge enllaçada" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/linkwarndialog.ui:13 msgctxt "linkwarndialog|LinkWarnDialog" msgid "The file %FILENAME will not be stored along with your document, but only referenced as a link." msgstr "El fitxer %FILENAME no es desarà amb el document, només se'n farà referència amb un enllaç." #: svx/uiconfig/ui/linkwarndialog.ui:14 msgctxt "linkwarndialog|LinkWarnDialog" msgid "This is dangerous if you move and/or rename the files. Do you want to embed the graphic instead?" msgstr "Això és perillós si moveu o canvieu el nom dels fitxers. Potser preferiu incrustar la imatge?" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/linkwarndialog.ui:25 msgctxt "linkwarndialog|ok" msgid "_Keep Link" msgstr "_Manté l'enllaç" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/linkwarndialog.ui:41 msgctxt "linkwarndialog|cancel" msgid "_Embed Graphic" msgstr "_Incrusta la imatge" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/linkwarndialog.ui:66 msgctxt "linkwarndialog|ask" msgid "_Ask when linking a graphic" msgstr "Pregunta en enll_açar una imatge" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/mediaplayback.ui:22 msgctxt "mediaplayback|label1" msgid "Playback:" msgstr "Reproducció:" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/mediaplayback.ui:36 msgctxt "mediaplayback|label2" msgid "Seek:" msgstr "Cerca:" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/mediaplayback.ui:50 msgctxt "mediaplayback|label3" msgid "Volume:" msgstr "Volum:" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/mediaplayback.ui:79 msgctxt "mediaplayback|zoombox|tooltip_text" msgid "View" msgstr "Visualitza" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/namespacedialog.ui:9 msgctxt "namespacedialog|NamespaceDialog" msgid "Namespaces for Forms" msgstr "Espais de noms per als formularis" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/namespacedialog.ui:106 msgctxt "namespacedialog|add" msgid "_Add..." msgstr "_Afegeix..." #: svx/uiconfig/ui/namespacedialog.ui:120 msgctxt "namespacedialog|edit" msgid "_Edit..." msgstr "_Edita..." #: svx/uiconfig/ui/namespacedialog.ui:168 msgctxt "namespacedialog|prefix" msgid "Prefix" msgstr "Prefix" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/namespacedialog.ui:179 msgctxt "namespacedialog|url" msgid "URL" msgstr "URL" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/namespacedialog.ui:221 msgctxt "namespacedialog|label1" msgid "Namespaces" msgstr "Espais de nom" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/oldcolorwindow.ui:59 msgctxt "oldcolorwindow|none_color_button" msgid "None" msgstr "Cap" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/oldcolorwindow.ui:128 msgctxt "oldcolorwindow|label1" msgid "Recent" msgstr "Recents" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/oldcolorwindow.ui:162 msgctxt "oldcolorwindow|color_picker_button" msgid "Custom Color…" msgstr "Color personalitzat..." #: svx/uiconfig/ui/optgridpage.ui:75 msgctxt "optgridpage|usegridsnap" msgid "_Snap to grid" msgstr "A_justa a la graella" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/optgridpage.ui:90 msgctxt "optgridpage|gridvisible" msgid "_Visible grid" msgstr "Graella _visible" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/optgridpage.ui:111 msgctxt "optgridpage|label1" msgid "Grid" msgstr "Graella" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/optgridpage.ui:182 msgctxt "optgridpage|flddrawx" msgid "H_orizontal:" msgstr "H_oritzontal:" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/optgridpage.ui:196 msgctxt "optgridpage|flddrawy" msgid "_Vertical:" msgstr "_Vertical:" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/optgridpage.ui:208 msgctxt "optgridpage|synchronize" msgid "Synchronize a_xes" msgstr "Sincronitza els ei_xos" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/optgridpage.ui:231 msgctxt "optgridpage|label2" msgid "Resolution" msgstr "Resolució" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/optgridpage.ui:288 msgctxt "optgridpage|label4" msgid "space(s)" msgstr "espai(s)" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/optgridpage.ui:323 msgctxt "optgridpage|label5" msgid "space(s)" msgstr "espai(s)" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/optgridpage.ui:341 msgctxt "optgridpage|divisionx" msgid "Horizont_al:" msgstr "Horitzont_al:" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/optgridpage.ui:355 msgctxt "optgridpage|divisiony" msgid "V_ertical:" msgstr "V_ertical:" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/optgridpage.ui:373 msgctxt "optgridpage|label3" msgid "Subdivision" msgstr "Subdivisió" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/optgridpage.ui:418 msgctxt "optgridpage|snaphelplines" msgid "To snap lines" msgstr "A les línies de captura" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/optgridpage.ui:433 msgctxt "optgridpage|snapborder" msgid "To the _page margins" msgstr "Als marges de _pàgina" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/optgridpage.ui:448 msgctxt "optgridpage|snapframe" msgid "To object _frame" msgstr "Al _marc de l'objecte" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/optgridpage.ui:463 msgctxt "optgridpage|snappoints" msgid "To obje_ct points" msgstr "Als punts de l'obje_cte" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/optgridpage.ui:497 msgctxt "optgridpage|label7" msgid "_Snap range:" msgstr "I_nterval del desplaçament:" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/optgridpage.ui:521 msgctxt "optgridpage|label6" msgid "Snap" msgstr "Ajusta" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/optgridpage.ui:555 msgctxt "optgridpage|ortho" msgid "_When creating or moving objects" msgstr "_En crear o moure objectes" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/optgridpage.ui:570 msgctxt "optgridpage|bigortho" msgid "_Extend edges" msgstr "_Amplia les vores" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/optgridpage.ui:606 msgctxt "optgridpage|rotate" msgid "When ro_tating:" msgstr "En gi_rar:" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/optgridpage.ui:639 msgctxt "optgridpage|label9" msgid "Point reducti_on:" msgstr "Redu_cció de punts:" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/optgridpage.ui:663 msgctxt "optgridpage|label8" msgid "Constrain Objects" msgstr "Restringeix els objectes" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/paralinespacingcontrol.ui:66 msgctxt "paralinespacingcontrol|spacing_1" msgid "Spacing: 1" msgstr "Espaiat: 1" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/paralinespacingcontrol.ui:84 msgctxt "paralinespacingcontrol|spacing_115" msgid "Spacing: 1.15" msgstr "Espaiat: 1,15" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/paralinespacingcontrol.ui:102 msgctxt "paralinespacingcontrol|spacing_15" msgid "Spacing: 1.5" msgstr "Espaiat: 1,5" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/paralinespacingcontrol.ui:120 msgctxt "paralinespacingcontrol|spacing_2" msgid "Spacing: 2" msgstr "Espaiat: 2" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/paralinespacingcontrol.ui:163 msgctxt "paralinespacingcontrol|label3" msgid "Line Spacing:" msgstr "Interlineat:" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/paralinespacingcontrol.ui:182 msgctxt "paralinespacingcontrol|line_dist" msgid "Single" msgstr "Simple" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/paralinespacingcontrol.ui:183 msgctxt "paralinespacingcontrol|line_dist" msgid "1.15 Lines" msgstr "1,15 línies" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/paralinespacingcontrol.ui:184 msgctxt "paralinespacingcontrol|line_dist" msgid "1.5 Lines" msgstr "1,5 línies" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/paralinespacingcontrol.ui:185 msgctxt "paralinespacingcontrol|line_dist" msgid "Double" msgstr "Doble" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/paralinespacingcontrol.ui:186 msgctxt "paralinespacingcontrol|line_dist" msgid "Proportional" msgstr "Proporcional" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/paralinespacingcontrol.ui:187 msgctxt "paralinespacingcontrol|line_dist" msgid "At least" msgstr "Com a mínim" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/paralinespacingcontrol.ui:188 msgctxt "paralinespacingcontrol|line_dist" msgid "Leading" msgstr "Al principi" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/paralinespacingcontrol.ui:189 msgctxt "paralinespacingcontrol|line_dist" msgid "Fixed" msgstr "Fixat" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/paralinespacingcontrol.ui:204 msgctxt "paralinespacingcontrol|value_label" msgid "Value:" msgstr "Valor:" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/paralinespacingcontrol.ui:265 msgctxt "paralinespacingcontrol|label2" msgid "Custom Value" msgstr "Valor personalitzat" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/paralrspacing.ui:37 msgctxt "paralrspacing|beforetextindent|tooltip_text" msgid "Before Text Indent" msgstr "Abans del sagnat de text" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/paralrspacing.ui:76 msgctxt "paralrspacing|aftertextindent|tooltip_text" msgid "After Text Indent" msgstr "Després del sagnat de text" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/paralrspacing.ui:113 msgctxt "paralrspacing|firstlineindent|tooltip_text" msgid "First Line Indent" msgstr "Sagnat de la primera línia" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/paraulspacing.ui:45 msgctxt "paraulspacing|aboveparaspacing|tooltip_text" msgid "Above Paragraph Spacing" msgstr "Espaiat abans del paràgraf" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/paraulspacing.ui:85 msgctxt "paraulspacing|belowparaspacing|tooltip_text" msgid "Below Paragraph Spacing" msgstr "Espaiat després del paràgraf" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/passwd.ui:8 msgctxt "passwd|PasswordDialog" msgid "Change Password" msgstr "Canvia la contrasenya" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/passwd.ui:106 msgctxt "passwd|oldpassL" msgid "_Password:" msgstr "_Contrasenya:" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/passwd.ui:140 msgctxt "passwd|oldpass" msgid "Old Password" msgstr "Contrasenya anterior" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/passwd.ui:206 msgctxt "passwd|label4" msgid "Pa_ssword:" msgstr "Contra_senya:" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/passwd.ui:220 msgctxt "passwd|label5" msgid "Confi_rm:" msgstr "Confir_meu:" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/passwd.ui:238 msgctxt "passwd|label2" msgid "New Password" msgstr "Contrasenya nova" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/presetmenu.ui:12 msgctxt "presetmenu|rename" msgid "Rename" msgstr "Canvia el nom" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/presetmenu.ui:20 msgctxt "presetmenu|delete" msgid "Delete" msgstr "Suprimeix" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/profileexporteddialog.ui:8 msgctxt "profileexporteddialog|ProfileExportedDialog" msgid "Profile exported" msgstr "Perfil exportat" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/profileexporteddialog.ui:46 msgctxt "profileexporteddialog|openfolder" msgid "Open Containing _Folder" msgstr "Obre la _carpeta contenidora" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/profileexporteddialog.ui:70 msgctxt "profileexporteddialog|label" msgid "Your user profile has been exported as “libreoffice-profile.zip”." msgstr "El vostre perfil d'usuari s'ha exportat com a «libreoffice-profile.zip»." #: svx/uiconfig/ui/querydeletecontourdialog.ui:7 msgctxt "querydeletecontourdialog|QueryDeleteContourDialog" msgid "Delete the contour?" msgstr "Voleu suprimir la vora?" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/querydeletecontourdialog.ui:14 msgctxt "querydeletecontourdialog|QueryDeleteContourDialog" msgid "" "Setting a new workspace will\n" "cause the contour to be deleted." msgstr "" "Si establiu una àrea de treball\n" "se suprimirà el contorn." #: svx/uiconfig/ui/querydeletecontourdialog.ui:16 msgctxt "querydeletecontourdialog|QueryDeleteContourDialog" msgid "Are you sure you want to continue?" msgstr "Esteu segur que voleu continuar?" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/querydeleteobjectdialog.ui:7 msgctxt "querydeleteobjectdialog|QueryDeleteObjectDialog" msgid "Delete this object?" msgstr "Voleu suprimir aquest objecte?" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/querydeleteobjectdialog.ui:14 msgctxt "querydeleteobjectdialog|QueryDeleteObjectDialog" msgid "Do you really want to delete this object?" msgstr "Esteu segur de voler suprimir aquest objecte?" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/querydeletethemedialog.ui:7 msgctxt "querydeletethemedialog|QueryDeleteThemeDialog" msgid "Delete this theme?" msgstr "Voleu suprimir aquest tema?" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/querydeletethemedialog.ui:14 msgctxt "querydeletethemedialog|QueryDeleteThemeDialog" msgid "Do you really want to delete this theme?" msgstr "Esteu segur de voler suprimir aquest tema?" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/querymodifyimagemapchangesdialog.ui:7 msgctxt "querymodifyimagemapchangesdialog|QueryModifyImageMapChangesDialog" msgid "Save ImageMap changes?" msgstr "Voleu desar els canvis del mapa d'imatge?" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/querymodifyimagemapchangesdialog.ui:14 msgctxt "querymodifyimagemapchangesdialog|QueryModifyImageMapChangesDialog" msgid "The ImageMap has been modified." msgstr "S'ha modificat el mapa d'imatge." #: svx/uiconfig/ui/querymodifyimagemapchangesdialog.ui:15 msgctxt "querymodifyimagemapchangesdialog|QueryModifyImageMapChangesDialog" msgid "Do you want to save the changes?" msgstr "Voleu desar els canvis?" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/querynewcontourdialog.ui:7 msgctxt "querynewcontourdialog|QueryNewContourDialog" msgid "Create a new contour?" msgstr "Voleu crear una vora nova?" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/querynewcontourdialog.ui:14 msgctxt "querynewcontourdialog|QueryNewContourDialog" msgid "Do you want to create a new contour?" msgstr "Voleu crear una vora nova?" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/querysavecontchangesdialog.ui:7 msgctxt "querysavecontchangesdialog|QuerySaveContourChangesDialog" msgid "Save contour changes?" msgstr "Voleu desar els canvis de la vora?" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/querysavecontchangesdialog.ui:14 msgctxt "querysavecontchangesdialog|QuerySaveContourChangesDialog" msgid "The contour has been modified." msgstr "S'ha modificat la vora." #: svx/uiconfig/ui/querysavecontchangesdialog.ui:15 msgctxt "querysavecontchangesdialog|QuerySaveContourChangesDialog" msgid "Do you want to save the changes?" msgstr "Voleu desar els canvis?" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/querysaveimagemapchangesdialog.ui:7 msgctxt "querysaveimagemapchangesdialog|QuerySaveImageMapChangesDialog" msgid "Save ImageMap changes?" msgstr "Voleu desar els canvis del mapa d'imatge?" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/querysaveimagemapchangesdialog.ui:14 msgctxt "querysaveimagemapchangesdialog|QuerySaveImageMapChangesDialog" msgid "The ImageMap has been modified." msgstr "S'ha modificat el mapa d'imatge." #: svx/uiconfig/ui/querysaveimagemapchangesdialog.ui:15 msgctxt "querysaveimagemapchangesdialog|QuerySaveImageMapChangesDialog" msgid "Do you want to save the changes?" msgstr "Voleu desar els canvis?" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/queryunlinkgraphicsdialog.ui:7 msgctxt "queryunlinkgraphicsdialog|QueryUnlinkGraphicsDialog" msgid "Unlink the graphics?" msgstr "Voleu desenllaçar les imatges?" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/queryunlinkgraphicsdialog.ui:14 msgctxt "queryunlinkgraphicsdialog|QueryUnlinkGraphicsDialog" msgid "This graphic object is linked to the document." msgstr "Aquest objecte gràfic està enllaçat al document." #: svx/uiconfig/ui/queryunlinkgraphicsdialog.ui:15 msgctxt "queryunlinkgraphicsdialog|QueryUnlinkGraphicsDialog" msgid "Do you want to unlink the graphics in order to edit it?" msgstr "Voleu desenllaçar les imatges per a editar-les?" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/redlinecontrol.ui:25 msgctxt "redlinecontrol|view" msgid "List" msgstr "Llista" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/redlinecontrol.ui:47 msgctxt "redlinecontrol|filter" msgid "Filter" msgstr "Filtre" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/redlinefilterpage.ui:31 msgctxt "redlinefilterpage|date" msgid "_Date:" msgstr "_Data:" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/redlinefilterpage.ui:46 msgctxt "redlinefilterpage|author" msgid "_Author:" msgstr "_Autor:" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/redlinefilterpage.ui:61 msgctxt "redlinefilterpage|comment" msgid "C_omment:" msgstr "C_omentari:" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/redlinefilterpage.ui:86 msgctxt "redlinefilterpage|commentedit-atkobject" msgid "Comment" msgstr "Comentari" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/redlinefilterpage.ui:97 msgctxt "redlinefilterpage|range" msgid "_Range:" msgstr "Inte_rval:" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/redlinefilterpage.ui:122 msgctxt "redlinefilterpage|actionlist-atkobject" msgid "Action" msgstr "Acció" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/redlinefilterpage.ui:133 msgctxt "redlinefilterpage|action" msgid "A_ction:" msgstr "_Acció:" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/redlinefilterpage.ui:158 msgctxt "redlinefilterpage|authorlist-atkobject" msgid "Author" msgstr "Autor" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/redlinefilterpage.ui:184 msgctxt "redlinefilterpage|rangeedit-atkobject" msgid "Range" msgstr "Interval" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/redlinefilterpage.ui:202 msgctxt "redlinefilterpage|dotdotdot|tooltip_text" msgid "Set reference" msgstr "Defineix la referència" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/redlinefilterpage.ui:230 msgctxt "redlinefilterpage|datecond" msgid "earlier than" msgstr "abans de" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/redlinefilterpage.ui:231 msgctxt "redlinefilterpage|datecond" msgid "since" msgstr "des de" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/redlinefilterpage.ui:232 msgctxt "redlinefilterpage|datecond" msgid "equal to" msgstr "igual a" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/redlinefilterpage.ui:233 msgctxt "redlinefilterpage|datecond" msgid "not equal to" msgstr "no igual a" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/redlinefilterpage.ui:234 msgctxt "redlinefilterpage|datecond" msgid "between" msgstr "entre" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/redlinefilterpage.ui:235 msgctxt "redlinefilterpage|datecond" msgid "since saving" msgstr "des que es va desar" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/redlinefilterpage.ui:242 msgctxt "redlinefilterpage|datecond-atkobject" msgid "Date Condition" msgstr "Condició de data" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/redlinefilterpage.ui:264 msgctxt "redlinefilterpage|and" msgid "a_nd" msgstr "_i" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/redlinefilterpage.ui:284 msgctxt "redlinefilterpage|startdate-atkobject" msgid "Start Date" msgstr "Data inicial" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/redlinefilterpage.ui:302 msgctxt "redlinefilterpage|starttime-atkobject" msgid "Start Time" msgstr "Hora inicial" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/redlinefilterpage.ui:318 msgctxt "redlinefilterpage|startclock|tooltip_text" msgid "Set current time and date" msgstr "Estableix l'hora i data actuals" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/redlinefilterpage.ui:336 msgctxt "redlinefilterpage|enddate-atkobject" msgid "End Date" msgstr "Data final" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/redlinefilterpage.ui:354 msgctxt "redlinefilterpage|endtime-atkobject" msgid "End Time" msgstr "Hora final" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/redlinefilterpage.ui:370 msgctxt "redlinefilterpage|endclock|tooltip_text" msgid "Set current time and date" msgstr "Estableix l'hora i data actuals" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/redlineviewpage.ui:21 msgctxt "redlineviewpage|action" msgid "Action" msgstr "Acció" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/redlineviewpage.ui:33 msgctxt "redlineviewpage|position" msgid "Position" msgstr "Posició" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/redlineviewpage.ui:45 msgctxt "redlineviewpage|author" msgid "Author" msgstr "Autor" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/redlineviewpage.ui:57 msgctxt "redlineviewpage|date" msgid "Date" msgstr "Data" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/redlineviewpage.ui:69 msgctxt "redlineviewpage|comment" msgid "Comment" msgstr "Comentaris" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/redlineviewpage.ui:92 msgctxt "redlineviewpage|changes-atkobject" msgid "Changes" msgstr "Canvis" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/rowsmenu.ui:12 msgctxt "rowsmenu|delete" msgid "Delete Rows" msgstr "Suprimir les files" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/rowsmenu.ui:19 msgctxt "rowsmenu|save" msgid "Save Record" msgstr "Desa el registre" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/rowsmenu.ui:26 msgctxt "rowsmenu|undo" msgid "Undo: Data entry" msgstr "Desfés: entrada de dades" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/rulermenu.ui:12 msgctxt "rulermenu|mm" msgid "Millimeter" msgstr "Mil·límetre" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/rulermenu.ui:20 msgctxt "rulermenu|cm" msgid "Centimeter" msgstr "Centímetre" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/rulermenu.ui:28 msgctxt "rulermenu|m" msgid "Meter" msgstr "Metre" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/rulermenu.ui:36 msgctxt "rulermenu|km" msgid "Kilometer" msgstr "Quilòmetre" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/rulermenu.ui:44 msgctxt "rulermenu|in" msgid "Inch" msgstr "Polzada" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/rulermenu.ui:52 msgctxt "rulermenu|ft" msgid "Foot" msgstr "Peu" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/rulermenu.ui:60 msgctxt "rulermenu|mile" msgid "Miles" msgstr "Milles" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/rulermenu.ui:68 msgctxt "rulermenu|pt" msgid "Point" msgstr "Punt" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/rulermenu.ui:76 msgctxt "rulermenu|pc" msgid "Pica" msgstr "Pica" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/rulermenu.ui:84 msgctxt "rulermenu|ch" msgid "Char" msgstr "Caràcter" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/rulermenu.ui:92 msgctxt "rulermenu|line" msgid "Line" msgstr "Línia" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/safemodedialog.ui:8 msgctxt "safemodedialog|SafeModeDialog" msgid "Safe Mode" msgstr "Mode segur" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/safemodedialog.ui:37 msgctxt "safemodedialog|btn_continue" msgid "_Continue in Safe Mode" msgstr "_Continua en mode segur" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/safemodedialog.ui:52 msgctxt "safemodedialog|btn_restart" msgid "_Restart in Normal Mode" msgstr "_Reinicia en mode normal" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/safemodedialog.ui:66 msgctxt "safemodedialog|btn_apply" msgid "_Apply Changes and Restart" msgstr "_Aplica els canvis i reinicia" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/safemodedialog.ui:90 msgctxt "safemodedialog|label1" msgid "" "%PRODUCTNAME is now running in safe mode which temporarily disables your user configuration and extensions.\n" "\n" "You can make one or more of the following changes to your user profile to return %PRODUCTNAME to a working state.\n" "\n" "The proposed changes get more radical from top down so it is recommended to try them successively one after another." msgstr "" "El %PRODUCTNAME ara s'està executant en mode segur, que desactiva temporalment la vostra configuració i extensions personalitzades.\n" "\n" "Podeu fer un o més d'un dels canvis proposats en el vostre perfil d'usuari per a restablir el %PRODUCTNAME en un estat funcional.\n" "\n" "Els canvis proposats s'han ordenat de d'alt a baix segons el seu grau de radicalitat, per això us recomanem que els proveu segons la successió indicada." #: svx/uiconfig/ui/safemodedialog.ui:112 msgctxt "safemodedialog|radio_restore" msgid "Restore from backup" msgstr "Recupera des de la còpia de seguretat" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/safemodedialog.ui:136 msgctxt "safemodedialog|check_profilesafe_config" msgid "Restore user configuration to the last known working state" msgstr "Recupera la configuració de l'usuari a l'últim estat funcional conegut" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/safemodedialog.ui:151 msgctxt "safemodedialog|check_profilesafe_extensions" msgid "Restore state of installed user extensions to the last known working state" msgstr "Recupera l'estat de les extensions d'usuari a l'últim estat funcional conegut" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/safemodedialog.ui:173 msgctxt "safemodedialog|radio_configure" msgid "Configure" msgstr "Configura" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/safemodedialog.ui:197 msgctxt "safemodedialog|check_disable_all_extensions" msgid "Disable all user extensions" msgstr "Inhabilita totes les extensions d'usuari" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/safemodedialog.ui:212 msgctxt "safemodedialog|check_disable_hw_acceleration" msgid "Disable hardware acceleration (OpenGL, OpenCL)" msgstr "Inhabilita l'acceleració de maquinari (OpenGL, OpenCL)" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/safemodedialog.ui:234 msgctxt "safemodedialog|radio_extensions" msgid "Extensions" msgstr "Extensions" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/safemodedialog.ui:257 msgctxt "safemodedialog|check_deinstall_user_extensions" msgid "Uninstall all user extensions" msgstr "Desinstal·la totes les extensions d'usuari" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/safemodedialog.ui:272 msgctxt "safemodedialog|check_reset_shared_extensions" msgid "Reset state of shared extensions" msgstr "Reinicialitza l'estat de les extensions compartides" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/safemodedialog.ui:287 msgctxt "safemodedialog|check_reset_bundled_extensions" msgid "Reset state of bundled extensions" msgstr "Reinicialitza l'estat de les extensions incorporades" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/safemodedialog.ui:309 msgctxt "safemodedialog|radio_reset" msgid "Reset to factory settings" msgstr "Reinicia als paràmetres de fàbrica" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/safemodedialog.ui:332 msgctxt "safemodedialog|check_reset_customizations" msgid "Reset settings and user interface modifications" msgstr "Reinicia la configuració i les modificacions en la interfície d'usuari" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/safemodedialog.ui:347 msgctxt "safemodedialog|check_reset_whole_userprofile" msgid "Reset entire user profile" msgstr "Reinicia el perfil d'usuari completament" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/safemodedialog.ui:389 msgctxt "safemodedialog|label3" msgid "If you experience problems that are not resolved by using safe mode, visit the following link to get help or report a bug." msgstr "Si teniu problemes que no es resolen usant el mode segur, visiteu l'enllaç següent per a obtenir ajuda o informar d'un error." #: svx/uiconfig/ui/safemodedialog.ui:400 msgctxt "safemodedialog|linkbutton_bugs" msgid "Get Help" msgstr "Obteniu ajuda" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/safemodedialog.ui:416 msgctxt "safemodedialog|label4" msgid "You can also include relevant parts of your user profile in the bugreport (be aware it might contain personal data)." msgstr "També podeu incloure parts rellevants del vostre perfil d'usuari en l'informe d'error (tingueu present que pot contenir dades personals)." #: svx/uiconfig/ui/safemodedialog.ui:432 msgctxt "safemodedialog|btn_create_zip" msgid "Archive User Profile" msgstr "Arxiva el perfil de l'usuari" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/safemodedialog.ui:445 msgctxt "safemodedialog|linkbutton_profile" msgid "Show User Profile" msgstr "Mostra el perfil d'usuari" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/safemodedialog.ui:471 msgctxt "safemodedialog|label2" msgid "Advanced" msgstr "Avançat" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/savemodifieddialog.ui:12 msgctxt "savemodifieddialog|SaveModifiedDialog" msgid "Do you want to save your changes?" msgstr "Voleu desar els canvis?" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/savemodifieddialog.ui:13 msgctxt "savemodifieddialog|SaveModifiedDialog" msgid "The content of the current form has been modified." msgstr "S'ha modificat el contingut del formulari actual." #: svx/uiconfig/ui/selectionmenu.ui:12 msgctxt "selectionmenu|standard" msgid "Standard selection" msgstr "Selecció estàndard" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/selectionmenu.ui:20 msgctxt "selectionmenu|extending" msgid "Extending selection" msgstr "La selecció s'amplia" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/selectionmenu.ui:28 msgctxt "selectionmenu|adding" msgid "Adding selection" msgstr "La selecció s'afegeix" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/selectionmenu.ui:36 msgctxt "selectionmenu|block" msgid "Block selection" msgstr "Selecció en bloc" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebararea.ui:40 msgctxt "sidebararea|filllabel|tooltip_text" msgid "Fill:" msgstr "Emplenament:" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebararea.ui:42 msgctxt "sidebararea|filllabel" msgid "_Fill:" msgstr "_Emplenament:" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebararea.ui:66 msgctxt "sidebararea|color|tooltip_text" msgid "Select the color to apply." msgstr "Seleccioneu el color que voleu aplicar." #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebararea.ui:86 msgctxt "sidebararea|fillattr|tooltip_text" msgid "Select the effect to apply." msgstr "Seleccioneu l'efecte que voleu aplicar." #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebararea.ui:92 msgctxt "sidebararea|fillattr-atkobject" msgid "Hatching/Bitmap" msgstr "Ombreig o mapa de bits" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebararea.ui:106 msgctxt "sidebararea|fillgrad1|tooltip_text" msgid "Fill gradient from." msgstr "Degradat d'emplenament des de." #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebararea.ui:127 msgctxt "sidebararea|fillstyle|tooltip_text" msgid "Select the fill type to apply." msgstr "Seleccioneu el tipus d'emplenament que voleu aplicar." #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebararea.ui:135 msgctxt "sidebararea|fillstyle-atkobject" msgid "Fill Type" msgstr "Tipus d'emplenament" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebararea.ui:150 msgctxt "sidebararea|fillgrad2|tooltip_text" msgid "Fill gradient to." msgstr "Degradat d'emplenament fins a." #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebararea.ui:167 msgctxt "sidebararea|gradientstyle|tooltip_text" msgid "Select the gradient style." msgstr "Seleccioneu l'estil de degradat." #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebararea.ui:169 msgctxt "sidebararea|gradientstyle" msgid "Linear" msgstr "Lineal" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebararea.ui:170 msgctxt "sidebararea|gradientstyle" msgid "Axial" msgstr "Axial" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebararea.ui:171 msgctxt "sidebararea|gradientstyle" msgid "Radial" msgstr "Radial" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebararea.ui:172 msgctxt "sidebararea|gradientstyle" msgid "Ellipsoid" msgstr "El·lipsoide" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebararea.ui:173 msgctxt "sidebararea|gradientstyle" msgid "Quadratic" msgstr "Quadràtic" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebararea.ui:174 msgctxt "sidebararea|gradientstyle" msgid "Square" msgstr "Quadrat" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebararea.ui:178 msgctxt "sidebararea|gradientstyle-atkobject" msgid "Gradient Type" msgstr "Tipus de degradat" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebararea.ui:190 msgctxt "sidebararea|bmpimport" msgid "_Import" msgstr "_Importa" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebararea.ui:212 msgctxt "sidebararea|gradangle|tooltip_text" msgid "Select the gradient angle." msgstr "Seleccioneu l'angle del degradat." #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebararea.ui:216 msgctxt "sidebararea|gradangle-atkobject" msgid "Gradient angle" msgstr "Angle de degradat" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebararea.ui:232 msgctxt "sidebararea|transparencylabel|tooltip_text" msgid "Transparency" msgstr "Transparència" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebararea.ui:234 msgctxt "sidebararea|transparencylabel" msgid "_Transparency:" msgstr "_Transparència:" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebararea.ui:249 msgctxt "sidebararea|transtype|tooltip_text" msgid "Select the type of transparency to apply." msgstr "Seleccioneu el tipus de transparència a aplicar." #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebararea.ui:251 msgctxt "sidebararea|transtype" msgid "None" msgstr "Cap" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebararea.ui:252 msgctxt "sidebararea|transtype" msgid "Solid" msgstr "Sòlid" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebararea.ui:253 msgctxt "sidebararea|transtype" msgid "Linear" msgstr "Lineal" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebararea.ui:254 msgctxt "sidebararea|transtype" msgid "Axial" msgstr "Axial" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebararea.ui:255 msgctxt "sidebararea|transtype" msgid "Radial" msgstr "Radial" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebararea.ui:256 msgctxt "sidebararea|transtype" msgid "Ellipsoid" msgstr "El·lipsoide" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebararea.ui:257 msgctxt "sidebararea|transtype" msgid "Quadratic" msgstr "Quadràtic" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebararea.ui:258 msgctxt "sidebararea|transtype" msgid "Square" msgstr "Quadrat" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebararea.ui:262 msgctxt "sidebararea|transtype-atkobject" msgid "Transparency Type" msgstr "Tipus de transparència" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebararea.ui:283 msgctxt "sidebararea|gradient|tooltip_text" msgid "Specify the variation of gradient transparency." msgstr "Indiqueu la variació de la transparència del degradat." #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebararea.ui:320 msgctxt "sidebararea|transparencyslider|tooltip_text" msgid "Specify 0% for fully opaque through 100% for fully transparent." msgstr "Indiqueu des de 0%, opacitat total, fins al 100%, transparència total." #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebararea.ui:337 msgctxt "sidebararea|settransparency|tooltip_text" msgid "Specify 0% for fully opaque through 100% for fully transparent." msgstr "Indiqueu des del 0% (opacitat total) fins al 100% (transparència total)." #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebararea.ui:345 msgctxt "sidebararea|settransparency-atkobject" msgid "Transparency" msgstr "Transparència" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebargraphic.ui:46 msgctxt "sidebargraphic|brightnesslabel" msgid "_Brightness:" msgstr "_Brillantor:" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebargraphic.ui:61 msgctxt "sidebargraphic|setbrightness|tooltip_text" msgid "Specify the luminance of the graphic." msgstr "Indiqueu la luminància de la imatge." #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebargraphic.ui:69 msgctxt "sidebargraphic|setbrightness-atkobject" msgid "Brightness" msgstr "Brillantor" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebargraphic.ui:82 msgctxt "sidebargraphic|contrastlabel" msgid "_Contrast:" msgstr "_Contrast:" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebargraphic.ui:97 msgctxt "sidebargraphic|setcontrast|tooltip_text" msgid "Specify the degree of difference between the lightest and darkest parts of the graphic." msgstr "Indiqueu el grau de diferència entre la part més clara i la més fosca de la imatge." #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebargraphic.ui:105 msgctxt "sidebargraphic|setcontrast-atkobject" msgid "Contrast" msgstr "Contrast" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebargraphic.ui:118 msgctxt "sidebargraphic|colorlmodelabel" msgid "Color _mode:" msgstr "_Mode de color:" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebargraphic.ui:137 msgctxt "sidebargraphic|setcolormode-atkobject" msgid "Color mode" msgstr "Mode de color" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebargraphic.ui:150 msgctxt "sidebargraphic|transparencylabel" msgid "_Transparency:" msgstr "_Transparència:" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebargraphic.ui:165 msgctxt "sidebargraphic|settransparency|tooltip_text" msgid "Specify the percentage of transparency; 0% is fully opaque and 100% is fully transparent." msgstr "Indiqueu el percentatge de transparència, 0% és màxima opacitat i 100% és transparència total." #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebargraphic.ui:173 msgctxt "sidebargraphic|settransparency-atkobject" msgid "Transparency" msgstr "Transparència" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebargraphic.ui:206 msgctxt "sidebargraphic|setred|tooltip_text" msgid "Red" msgstr "Vermell" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebargraphic.ui:211 msgctxt "sidebargraphic|setred-atkobject" msgid "Red" msgstr "Vermell" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebargraphic.ui:251 msgctxt "sidebargraphic|setgreen|tooltip_text" msgid "Green" msgstr "Verd" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebargraphic.ui:256 msgctxt "sidebargraphic|setgreen-atkobject" msgid "Green" msgstr "Verd" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebargraphic.ui:297 msgctxt "sidebargraphic|setblue|tooltip_text" msgid "Blue" msgstr "Blau" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebargraphic.ui:302 msgctxt "sidebargraphic|setblue-atkobject" msgid "Blue" msgstr "Blau" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebargraphic.ui:342 msgctxt "sidebargraphic|setgamma|tooltip_text" msgid "Specify the gamma value that affects the brightness of the midtone values." msgstr "Indiqueu el valor gamma que afecta la brillantor dels valors del tons mitjos." #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebargraphic.ui:351 msgctxt "sidebargraphic|setgamma-atkobject" msgid "Gamma value" msgstr "Valor de gamma" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarline.ui:40 msgctxt "sidebarline|beginarrowstyle|tooltip_text" msgid "Select the style of the beginning arrowhead." msgstr "Seleccioneu l'estil de l'inici de la fletxa." #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarline.ui:44 msgctxt "sidebarline|beginarrowstyle-atkobject" msgid "Beginning Style" msgstr "Estil inicial" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarline.ui:60 msgctxt "sidebarline|linestyle|tooltip_text" msgid "Select the style of the line." msgstr "Seleccioneu l'estil de la línia." #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarline.ui:64 msgctxt "sidebarline|linestyle-atkobject" msgid "Style" msgstr "Estil" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarline.ui:80 msgctxt "sidebarline|endarrowstyle|tooltip_text" msgid "Select the style of the ending arrowhead." msgstr "Seleccioneu l'estil del final de la fletxa." #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarline.ui:85 msgctxt "sidebarline|endarrowstyle-atkobject" msgid "Ending Style" msgstr "Estil final" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarline.ui:113 msgctxt "sidebarline|widthlabel" msgid "_Width:" msgstr "_Amplada:" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarline.ui:130 msgctxt "sidebarline|width|tooltip_text" msgid "Select the width of the line." msgstr "Seleccioneu l'amplada de la línia." #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarline.ui:159 msgctxt "sidebarline|colorlabel" msgid "_Color:" msgstr "_Color:" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarline.ui:175 msgctxt "sidebarline|color|tooltip_text" msgid "Select the color of the line." msgstr "Indiqueu el color de la línia." #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarline.ui:182 msgctxt "sidebarline|setcolor|tooltip_text" msgid "Select the color of the line." msgstr "Indiqueu el color de la línia." #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarline.ui:204 msgctxt "sidebarline|translabel" msgid "_Transparency:" msgstr "_Transparència:" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarline.ui:220 msgctxt "sidebarline|linetransparency|tooltip_text" msgid "Specify the transparency of the line." msgstr "Indiqueu la transparència de la línia." #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarline.ui:229 msgctxt "sidebarline|linetransparency-atkobject" msgid "Transparency" msgstr "Transparència" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarline.ui:261 msgctxt "sidebarline|cornerlabel" msgid "_Corner style:" msgstr "Estil de _cantonada:" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarline.ui:278 msgctxt "sidebarline|edgestyle|tooltip_text" msgid "Select the style of the edge connections." msgstr "Seleccioneu l'estil de les connexions de les vores." #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarline.ui:280 msgctxt "sidebarline|edgestyle" msgid "Rounded" msgstr "Arrodonit" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarline.ui:281 msgctxt "sidebarline|edgestyle" msgid "- none -" msgstr "- cap -" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarline.ui:282 msgctxt "sidebarline|edgestyle" msgid "Mitered" msgstr "Biaix" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarline.ui:283 msgctxt "sidebarline|edgestyle" msgid "Beveled" msgstr "Bisellat" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarline.ui:287 msgctxt "sidebarline|edgestyle-atkobject" msgid "Corner Style" msgstr "Estil de cantonada" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarline.ui:302 msgctxt "sidebarline|caplabel" msgid "Ca_p style:" msgstr "Estil d'e_xtrem:" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarline.ui:319 msgctxt "sidebarline|linecapstyle|tooltip_text" msgid "Select the style of the line caps." msgstr "Seleccioneu l'estil del extrems de la línia." #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarline.ui:321 msgctxt "sidebarline|linecapstyle" msgid "Flat" msgstr "Pla" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarline.ui:322 msgctxt "sidebarline|linecapstyle" msgid "Round" msgstr "Arrodonit" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarline.ui:323 msgctxt "sidebarline|linecapstyle" msgid "Square" msgstr "Quadrat" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarline.ui:327 msgctxt "sidebarline|linecapstyle-atkobject" msgid "Cap Style" msgstr "Estil d'extrem" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarparagraph.ui:26 msgctxt "sidebarparagraph|numberbullet|tooltip_text" msgid "Bullets and Numbering" msgstr "Pics i numeració" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarparagraph.ui:71 msgctxt "sidebarparagraph|horizontalalignment|tooltip_text" msgid "Horizontal Alignment" msgstr "Alineació horitzontal" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarparagraph.ui:172 msgctxt "sidebarparagraph|verticalalignment|tooltip_text" msgid "Vertical Alignment" msgstr "Alineació vertical" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarparagraph.ui:238 msgctxt "sidebarparagraph|spacinglabel" msgid "_Spacing:" msgstr "E_spaiat:" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarparagraph.ui:254 msgctxt "sidebarparagraph|paraspacing|tooltip_text" msgid "Spacing" msgstr "Espaiat" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarparagraph.ui:313 msgctxt "sidebarparagraph|aboveparaspacing|tooltip_text" msgid "Above Paragraph Spacing" msgstr "Espaiat abans del paràgraf" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarparagraph.ui:319 msgctxt "sidebarparagraph|aboveparaspacing-atkobject" msgid "Above Paragraph Spacing" msgstr "Espaiat abans del paràgraf" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarparagraph.ui:362 msgctxt "sidebarparagraph|belowparaspacing|tooltip_text" msgid "Below Paragraph Spacing" msgstr "Espaiat després del paràgraf" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarparagraph.ui:368 msgctxt "sidebarparagraph|belowparaspacing-atkobject" msgid "Below Paragraph Spacing" msgstr "Espaiat després del paràgraf" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarparagraph.ui:397 msgctxt "sidebarparagraph|setlinespacing|tooltip_text" msgid "Line Spacing" msgstr "Interlineat" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarparagraph.ui:430 msgctxt "sidebarparagraph|indentlabel" msgid "_Indent:" msgstr "_Sagnat:" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarparagraph.ui:446 msgctxt "sidebarparagraph|indent|tooltip_text" msgid "Indent" msgstr "Sagnat" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarparagraph.ui:453 msgctxt "sidebarparagraph|increaseindent|tooltip_text" msgid "Increase Indent" msgstr "Augmenta el sagnat" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarparagraph.ui:467 msgctxt "sidebarparagraph|decreaseindent|tooltip_text" msgid "Decrease Indent" msgstr "Redueix el sagnat" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarparagraph.ui:481 msgctxt "sidebarparagraph|hangingindent|tooltip_text" msgid "Switch to Hanging Indent" msgstr "Canvia al sagnat negatiu" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarparagraph.ui:522 msgctxt "sidebarparagraph|beforetextindent|tooltip_text" msgid "Before Text Indent" msgstr "Sagnat abans del text" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarparagraph.ui:528 msgctxt "sidebarparagraph|beforetextindent-atkobject" msgid "Before Text Indent" msgstr "Sagnat abans del text" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarparagraph.ui:570 msgctxt "sidebarparagraph|aftertextindent|tooltip_text" msgid "After Text Indent" msgstr "Sagnat després del text" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarparagraph.ui:576 msgctxt "sidebarparagraph|aftertextindent-atkobject" msgid "After Text Indent" msgstr "Sagnat després del text" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarparagraph.ui:618 msgctxt "sidebarparagraph|firstlineindent|tooltip_text" msgid "First Line Indent" msgstr "Sagnat de la primera línia" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarparagraph.ui:624 msgctxt "sidebarparagraph|firstlineindent-atkobject" msgid "First Line Indent" msgstr "Sagnat de la primera línia" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarparagraph.ui:656 msgctxt "sidebarparagraph|backgroundcolor|tooltip_text" msgid "Paragraph Background Color" msgstr "Color de fons del paràgraf" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarpossize.ui:42 msgctxt "sidebarpossize|horizontallabel" msgid "Position _X:" msgstr "Posició _X:" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarpossize.ui:57 msgctxt "sidebarpossize|horizontalpos|tooltip_text" msgid "Enter the value for the horizontal position." msgstr "Introduïu el valor per a la posició horitzontal." #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarpossize.ui:63 msgctxt "sidebarpossize|horizontalpos-atkobject" msgid "Horizontal" msgstr "Horitzontal" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarpossize.ui:80 msgctxt "sidebarpossize|verticallabel" msgid "Position _Y:" msgstr "Posició _Y:" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarpossize.ui:95 msgctxt "sidebarpossize|verticalpos|tooltip_text" msgid "Enter the value for the vertical position." msgstr "Introduïu el valor per a la posició vertical." #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarpossize.ui:101 msgctxt "sidebarpossize|verticalpos-atkobject" msgid "Vertical" msgstr "Vertical" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarpossize.ui:118 msgctxt "sidebarpossize|widthlabel" msgid "_Width:" msgstr "_Amplada:" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarpossize.ui:134 msgctxt "sidebarpossize|selectwidth|tooltip_text" msgid "Enter a width for the selected object." msgstr "Introduïu una amplada per a l'objecte seleccionat." #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarpossize.ui:140 msgctxt "sidebarpossize|selectwidth-atkobject" msgid "Width" msgstr "Amplada" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarpossize.ui:157 msgctxt "sidebarpossize|heightlabel" msgid "H_eight:" msgstr "A_lçada:" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarpossize.ui:173 msgctxt "sidebarpossize|selectheight|tooltip_text" msgid "Enter a height for the selected object." msgstr "Introduïu una alçada per a l'objecte seleccionat." #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarpossize.ui:179 msgctxt "sidebarpossize|selectheight-atkobject" msgid "Height" msgstr "Alçada" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarpossize.ui:199 msgctxt "sidebarpossize|ratio" msgid "_Keep ratio" msgstr "C_onserva la relació" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarpossize.ui:204 msgctxt "sidebarpossize|ratio|tooltip_text" msgid "Maintain proportions when you resize the selected object." msgstr "Conserva les proporcions en redimensionar l'objecte seleccionat." #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarpossize.ui:220 msgctxt "sidebarpossize|rotationlabel" msgid "_Rotation:" msgstr "_Rotació:" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarpossize.ui:246 msgctxt "sidebarpossize|orientationcontrol-atkobject" msgid "Rotation" msgstr "Gir" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarpossize.ui:268 msgctxt "sidebarpossize|rotation|tooltip_text" msgid "Select the angle for rotation." msgstr "Seleccioneu l'angle de la rotació." #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarpossize.ui:289 msgctxt "sidebarpossize|fliplabel" msgid "_Flip:" msgstr "_Inverteix:" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarpossize.ui:312 msgctxt "sidebarpossize|flipvertical|tooltip_text" msgid "Flip the selected object vertically." msgstr "Volteja l'objecte seleccionat verticalment." #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarpossize.ui:326 msgctxt "sidebarpossize|fliphorizontal|tooltip_text" msgid "Flip the selected object horizontally." msgstr "Volteja l'objecte seleccionat horitzontalment." #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarshadow.ui:34 msgctxt "sidebarshadow|SHOW_SHADOW" msgid "Enable" msgstr "Activa" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarshadow.ui:59 msgctxt "sidebarshadow|angle" msgid "Angle" msgstr "Angle" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarshadow.ui:70 msgctxt "sidebarshadow|distance" msgid "Distance" msgstr "Distància" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarshadow.ui:117 msgctxt "sidebarshadow|transparency_label" msgid "Transparency:" msgstr "Transparència:" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarshadow.ui:180 msgctxt "sidebarshadow|color" msgid "Color:" msgstr "Color:" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/stylemenu.ui:12 msgctxt "stylemenu|update" msgid "Update to Match Selection" msgstr "Actualitza per a coincidir amb la selecció" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/stylemenu.ui:20 msgctxt "stylemenu|edit" msgid "Edit Style..." msgstr "Edita l'estil..." #: svx/uiconfig/ui/textcharacterspacingcontrol.ui:73 msgctxt "textcharacterspacingcontrol|very_tight" msgid "Very Tight" msgstr "Molt condensat" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/textcharacterspacingcontrol.ui:89 msgctxt "textcharacterspacingcontrol|tight" msgid "Tight" msgstr "Condensat" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/textcharacterspacingcontrol.ui:105 msgctxt "textcharacterspacingcontrol|normal" msgid "Normal" msgstr "Normal" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/textcharacterspacingcontrol.ui:121 msgctxt "textcharacterspacingcontrol|loose" msgid "Loose" msgstr "Expandit" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/textcharacterspacingcontrol.ui:137 msgctxt "textcharacterspacingcontrol|very_loose" msgid "Very Loose" msgstr "Molt expandit" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/textcharacterspacingcontrol.ui:153 msgctxt "textcharacterspacingcontrol|last_custom" msgid "Last Custom Value" msgstr "Últim valor personalitzat" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/textcharacterspacingcontrol.ui:189 msgctxt "textcharacterspacingcontrol|kerning" msgid "0,0" msgstr "0,0" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/textcharacterspacingcontrol.ui:200 msgctxt "textcharacterspacingcontrol|label2" msgid "Custom Value" msgstr "Valor personalitzat" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/textcontrolchardialog.ui:8 msgctxt "textcontrolchardialog|TextControlCharacterPropertiesDialog" msgid "Character" msgstr "Caràcter" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/textcontrolchardialog.ui:135 msgctxt "textcontrolchardialog|font" msgid "Font" msgstr "Tipus de lletra" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/textcontrolchardialog.ui:181 msgctxt "textcontrolchardialog|fonteffects" msgid "Font Effects" msgstr "Efectes de lletra" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/textcontrolchardialog.ui:228 msgctxt "textcontrolchardialog|position" msgid "Position" msgstr "Posició" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/textcontrolparadialog.ui:8 msgctxt "textcontrolparadialog|TextControlParagraphPropertiesDialog" msgid "Paragraph" msgstr "Paràgraf" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/textcontrolparadialog.ui:135 msgctxt "textcontrolparadialog|labelTP_PARA_STD" msgid "Indents & Spacing" msgstr "Sagnats i espaiat" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/textcontrolparadialog.ui:181 msgctxt "textcontrolparadialog|labelTP_PARA_ALIGN" msgid "Alignment" msgstr "Alineació" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/textcontrolparadialog.ui:229 msgctxt "textcontrolparadialog|labelTP_PARA_ASIAN" msgid "Asian Typography" msgstr "Tipografia asiàtica" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/textcontrolparadialog.ui:276 msgctxt "textcontrolparadialog|labelTP_TABULATOR" msgid "Tabs" msgstr "Tabuladors" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/textunderlinecontrol.ui:26 msgctxt "textunderlinecontrol|none" msgid "(Without)" msgstr "(Sense)" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/textunderlinecontrol.ui:44 msgctxt "textunderlinecontrol|single|tooltip_text" msgid "Single" msgstr "Simple" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/textunderlinecontrol.ui:61 msgctxt "textunderlinecontrol|double|tooltip_text" msgid "Double" msgstr "Doble" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/textunderlinecontrol.ui:78 msgctxt "textunderlinecontrol|bold|tooltip_text" msgid "Bold" msgstr "Negreta" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/textunderlinecontrol.ui:95 msgctxt "textunderlinecontrol|dot|tooltip_text" msgid "Dotted" msgstr "Línia de punts" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/textunderlinecontrol.ui:112 msgctxt "textunderlinecontrol|dotbold|tooltip_text" msgid "Dotted (Bold)" msgstr "Puntejat (negreta)" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/textunderlinecontrol.ui:129 msgctxt "textunderlinecontrol|dash|tooltip_text" msgid "Dash" msgstr "Traç" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/textunderlinecontrol.ui:146 msgctxt "textunderlinecontrol|dashlong|tooltip_text" msgid "Long Dash" msgstr "Traç llarg" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/textunderlinecontrol.ui:163 msgctxt "textunderlinecontrol|dashdot|tooltip_text" msgid "Dot Dash" msgstr "Punt traç" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/textunderlinecontrol.ui:180 msgctxt "textunderlinecontrol|dashdotdot|tooltip_text" msgid "Dot Dot Dash" msgstr "Punt punt traç" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/textunderlinecontrol.ui:197 msgctxt "textunderlinecontrol|wave|tooltip_text" msgid "Wave" msgstr "Ona" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/textunderlinecontrol.ui:211 msgctxt "textunderlinecontrol|moreoptions" msgid "_More Options..." msgstr "_Més opcions..." #: svx/uiconfig/ui/xformspage.ui:25 msgctxt "xformspage|TBI_ITEM_ADD" msgid "Add Item" msgstr "Afegeix un element" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/xformspage.ui:38 msgctxt "xformspage|TBI_ITEM_ADD_ELEMENT" msgid "Add Element" msgstr "Afegeix un element" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/xformspage.ui:51 msgctxt "xformspage|TBI_ITEM_ADD_ATTRIBUTE" msgid "Add Attribute" msgstr "Afegeix un atribut" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/xformspage.ui:64 msgctxt "xformspage|TBI_ITEM_EDIT" msgid "Edit" msgstr "Edita" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/xformspage.ui:77 msgctxt "xformspage|TBI_ITEM_REMOVE" msgid "Delete" msgstr "Suprimeix" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/xmlsecstatmenu.ui:12 msgctxt "xmlsecstatmenu|signatures" msgid "Digital Signatures..." msgstr "Signatures digitals..." #: svx/uiconfig/ui/zoommenu.ui:12 msgctxt "zoommenu|page" msgid "Entire Page" msgstr "Tota la pàgina" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/zoommenu.ui:20 msgctxt "zoommenu|width" msgid "Page Width" msgstr "Amplada de la pàgina" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/zoommenu.ui:28 msgctxt "zoommenu|optimal" msgid "Optimal View" msgstr "Visualització òptima" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/zoommenu.ui:36 msgctxt "zoommenu|50" msgid "50%" msgstr "50%" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/zoommenu.ui:44 msgctxt "zoommenu|75" msgid "75%" msgstr "75%" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/zoommenu.ui:52 msgctxt "zoommenu|100" msgid "100%" msgstr "100%" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/zoommenu.ui:60 msgctxt "zoommenu|150" msgid "150%" msgstr "150%" #: svx/uiconfig/ui/zoommenu.ui:68 msgctxt "zoommenu|200" msgid "200%" msgstr "200%"