#. extracted from starmath/source msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://bugs.libreoffice.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=LibreOffice&bug_status=UNCONFIRMED&component=UI\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2014-05-02 00:05+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2014-02-21 22:01+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Stanislav \n" "Language-Team: LANGUAGE \n" "Language: cs\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n==1) ? 0 : (n>=2 && n<=4) ? 1 : 2;\n" "X-Generator: LibreOffice\n" "X-Accelerator-Marker: ~\n" "X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1393020095.0\n" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_PLUSX_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "+ Sign" msgstr "Znaménko +" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_MINUSX_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "- Sign" msgstr "Znaménko -" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_PLUSMINUSX_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "+- Sign" msgstr "Znaménko +-" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_MINUSPLUSX_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "-+ Sign" msgstr "Znaménko -+" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_NEGX_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Boolean NOT" msgstr "Booleovské NOT" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_XPLUSY_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Addition +" msgstr "Sčítání +" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_XMINUSY_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Subtraction -" msgstr "Odčítání -" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_XCDOTY_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Multiplication (Dot)" msgstr "Násobení (tečka)" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_XTIMESY_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Multiplication (x)" msgstr "Násobení (x)" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_XSYMTIMESY_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Multiplication (*)" msgstr "Násobení (*)" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_XSYMDIVIDEY_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Division (Slash)" msgstr "Dělení (lomítko)" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_XDIVY_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Division (÷)" msgstr "Dělení (÷)" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_XOVERY_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Division (Fraction)" msgstr "Dělení (zlomek)" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_XANDY_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Boolean AND" msgstr "Booleovské AND" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_XORY_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Boolean OR" msgstr "Booleovské OR" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_XEQY_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Is Equal" msgstr "Je rovno" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_XNEQY_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Is Not Equal" msgstr "Není rovno" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_XLTY_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Is Less Than" msgstr "Je menší než" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_XGTY_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Is Greater Than" msgstr "Je větší než" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_XLEY_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Is Less Than Or Equal To" msgstr "Je menší nebo rovno" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_XGEY_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Is Greater Than Or Equal To" msgstr "Je větší nebo rovno" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_XLESLANTY_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Is Less Than Or Equal To" msgstr "Je menší nebo rovno" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_XGESLANTY_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Is Greater Than Or Equal To" msgstr "Je větší nebo rovno" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_XLLY_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Is Much Less Than" msgstr "Je mnohem menší než" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_XGGY_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Is Much Greater Than" msgstr "Je mnohem větší než" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_XEQUIVY_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Is Congruent To" msgstr "Je shodno s" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_XAPPROXY_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Is Approximately Equal" msgstr "Je přibližně rovno" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_XSIMY_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Is Similar To" msgstr "Je podobné" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_XSIMEQY_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Is Similar Or Equal" msgstr "Je podobné nebo rovno" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_XPROPY_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Is Proportional To" msgstr "Je úměrné k" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_XORTHOY_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Is Orthogonal To" msgstr "Je ortogonální k" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_XPARALLELY_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Is Parallel To" msgstr "Je rovnoběžné k" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_XTOWARDY_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Toward" msgstr "Směrem" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_XINY_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Is In" msgstr "Je obsaženo" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_XNOTINY_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Is Not In" msgstr "Není obsaženo" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_XOWNSY_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Owns" msgstr "Obsahuje" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_XUNIONY_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Union" msgstr "Sjednocení" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_XINTERSECTIONY_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Intersection" msgstr "Průnik" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_XSETMINUSY_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Difference" msgstr "Rozdíl" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_XSLASHY_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Quotient Set" msgstr "Množina dělitelnosti" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_XSUBSETY_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Subset" msgstr "Podmnožina" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_XSUBSETEQY_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Subset Or Equal To" msgstr "Podmnožina nebo rovno" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_XSUPSETY_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Superset" msgstr "Nadmnožina" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_XSUPSETEQY_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Superset Or Equal To" msgstr "Nadmnožina nebo rovno" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_XNSUBSETY_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Not Subset" msgstr "Není podmnožinou" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_XNSUBSETEQY_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Not Subset Or Equal" msgstr "Není podmnožinou nebo rovno" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_XNSUPSETY_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Not Superset" msgstr "Není nadmnožinou" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_XNSUPSETEQY_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Not Superset Or Equal" msgstr "Není nadmnožinou nebo rovno" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_ABSX_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Absolute Value" msgstr "Absolutní hodnota" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_FACTX_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Factorial" msgstr "Faktoriál" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_SQRTX_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Square Root" msgstr "Druhá odmocnina" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_NROOTXY_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "N-th Root" msgstr "n-tá odmocnina" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_EX_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Exponential Function" msgstr "Exponenciální funkce" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_EXPX_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Exponential Function" msgstr "Exponenciální funkce" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_LNX_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Natural Logarithm" msgstr "Přirozený logaritmus" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_LOGX_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Logarithm" msgstr "Logaritmus" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_SINX_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Sine" msgstr "Sinus" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_COSX_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Cosine" msgstr "Kosinus" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_TANX_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Tangent" msgstr "Tangens" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_COTX_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Cotangent" msgstr "Kotangens" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_ARCSINX_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Arcsine" msgstr "Arkussinus" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_ARCCOSX_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Arccosine" msgstr "Arkuskosinus" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_ARCTANX_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Arctangent" msgstr "Arkustangens" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_ARCCOTX_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Arccotangent" msgstr "Arkuskotangens" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_SINHX_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Hyperbolic Sine" msgstr "Hyperbolický sinus" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_COSHX_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Hyperbolic Cosine" msgstr "Hyperbolický kosinus" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_TANHX_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Hyperbolic Tangent" msgstr "Hyperbolický tangens" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_COTHX_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Hyperbolic Cotangent" msgstr "Hyperbolický kotangens" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_ARSINHX_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Area Hyperbolic Sine" msgstr "Argument hyperbolického sinu" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_ARCOSHX_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Area Hyperbolic Cosine" msgstr "Argument hyperbolického kosinu" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_ARTANHX_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Area Hyperbolic Tangent" msgstr "Argument hyperbolického tangens" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_ARCOTHX_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Area Hyperbolic Cotangent" msgstr "Argument hyperbolického kotangens" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_SUMX_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Sum" msgstr "Suma" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_SUM_FROMX_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Sum Subscript Bottom" msgstr "Suma s indexem dole" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_SUM_TOX_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Sum Superscript Top" msgstr "Suma s indexem nahoře" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_SUM_FROMTOX_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Sum Sup/Sub script" msgstr "Suma s indexem nahoře a dole" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_PRODX_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Product" msgstr "Součin (produkt)" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_PROD_FROMX_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Product Subscript Bottom" msgstr "Součin s indexem dole" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_PROD_TOX_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Product Superscript Top" msgstr "Součin s indexem nahoře" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_PROD_FROMTOX_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Product Sup/Sub script" msgstr "Součin s indexem nahoře a dole" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_COPRODX_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Coproduct" msgstr "Koprodukt" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_COPROD_FROMX_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Coproduct Subscript Bottom" msgstr "Koprodukt s indexem dole" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_COPROD_TOX_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Coproduct Superscript Top" msgstr "Koprodukt s indexem nahoře" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_COPROD_FROMTOX_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Coproduct Sup/Sub script" msgstr "Koprodukt s indexem nahoře a dole" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_LIMX_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Limes" msgstr "Limity" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_LIM_FROMX_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Limes Subscript Bottom" msgstr "Limita s indexem dole" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_LIM_TOX_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Limes Superscript Top" msgstr "Limita s indexem nahoře" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_LIM_FROMTOX_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Limes Sup/Sub script" msgstr "Limita s indexem nahoře a dole" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_EXISTS_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "There Exists" msgstr "Existuje" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_NOTEXISTS_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "There Not Exists" msgstr "Neexistuje" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_FORALL_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "For all" msgstr "Pro všechny" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_INTX_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Integral" msgstr "Integrál" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_INT_FROMX_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Integral Subscript Bottom" msgstr "Integrál s indexem dole" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_INT_TOX_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Integral Superscript Top" msgstr "Integrál s indexem nahoře" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_INT_FROMTOX_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Integral Sup/Sub script" msgstr "Integrál s indexem nahoře a dole" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_IINTX_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Double Integral" msgstr "Dvojný integrál" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_IINT_FROMX_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Double Integral Subscript Bottom" msgstr "Dvojný integrál s indexem dole" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_IINT_TOX_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Double Integral Superscript Top" msgstr "Dvojný integrál s indexem nahoře" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_IINT_FROMTOX_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Double Integral Sup/Sub script" msgstr "Dvojný integrál s indexem nahoře a dole" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_IIINTX_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Triple Integral" msgstr "Trojný integrál" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_IIINT_FROMX_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Triple Integral Subscript Bottom" msgstr "Trojný integrál s indexem dole" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_IIINT_TOX_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Triple Integral Superscript Top" msgstr "Trojný integrál s indexem nahoře" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_IIINT_FROMTOX_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Triple Integral Sup/Sub script" msgstr "Trojný integrál s indexem nahoře a dole" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_LINTX_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Curve Integral" msgstr "Křivkový integrál" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_LINT_FROMX_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Curve Integral Subscript Bottom" msgstr "Křivkový integrál s indexem dole" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_LINT_TOX_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Curve Integral Superscript Top" msgstr "Křivkový integrál s indexem nahoře" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_LINT_FROMTOX_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Curve Integral Sup/Sub script" msgstr "Křivkový integrál s indexem nahoře a dole" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_LLINTX_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Double Curve Integral" msgstr "Plošný integrál" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_LLINT_FROMX_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Double Curve Integral Subscript Bottom" msgstr "Plošný integrál s indexem dole" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_LLINT_TOX_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Double Curve Integral Superscript Top" msgstr "Plošný integrál s indexem nahoře" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_LLINT_FROMTOX_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Double Curve Integral Sup/Sub script" msgstr "Plošný integrál s indexem nahoře a dole" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_LLLINTX_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Triple Curve Integral" msgstr "Objemový integrál" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_LLLINT_FROMX_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Triple Curve Integral Subscript Bottom" msgstr "Objemový integrál s indexem dole" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_LLLINT_TOX_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Triple Curve Integral Superscript Top" msgstr "Objemový integrál s indexem nahoře" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_LLLINT_FROMTOX_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Triple Curve Integral Sup/Sub script" msgstr "Objemový integrál s indexem nahoře a dole" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_ACUTEX_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Acute Accent" msgstr "Čárka" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_BARX_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Line Above" msgstr "S pruhem" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_BREVEX_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Breve" msgstr "Oblouček" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_CHECKX_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Reverse Circumflex" msgstr "Háček" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_CIRCLEX_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Circle" msgstr "Kroužek" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_DOTX_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Dot" msgstr "Tečka" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_DDOTX_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Double Dot" msgstr "Dvojitá tečka" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_DDDOTX_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Triple Dot" msgstr "Trojtečka" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_GRAVEX_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Grave Accent" msgstr "Obrácená čárka" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_HATX_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Circumflex" msgstr "Stříška" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_TILDEX_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Tilde" msgstr "Tilda" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_VECX_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Vector Arrow" msgstr "Vektorová šipka" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_UNDERLINEX_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Line Below" msgstr "Čára pod" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_OVERLINEX_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Line Over" msgstr "Čára nad" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_OVERSTRIKEX_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Line Through" msgstr "Čára přes" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_PHANTOMX_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Transparent" msgstr "Průhledné" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_BOLDX_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Bold Font" msgstr "Tučné písmo" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_ITALX_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Italic Font" msgstr "Kurzíva" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_SIZEXY_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Resize" msgstr "Změnit velikost" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_FONTXY_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Change Font" msgstr "Změnit písmo" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_COLORX_BLACK_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Color Black" msgstr "Černá barva" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_COLORX_BLUE_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Color Blue" msgstr "Modrá barva" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_COLORX_GREEN_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Color Green" msgstr "Zelená barva" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_COLORX_RED_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Color Red" msgstr "Červená barva" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_COLORX_CYAN_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Color Cyan" msgstr "Azurová barva" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_COLORX_MAGENTA_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Color Magenta" msgstr "Purpurová barva" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_COLORX_YELLOW_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Color Yellow" msgstr "Žlutá barva" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_LRGROUPX_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Group Brackets" msgstr "Skupinové závorky" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_LRPARENTX_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Round Brackets" msgstr "Kulaté závorky" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_LRBRACKETX_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Square Brackets" msgstr "Hranaté závorky" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_LRDBRACKETX_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Double Square Brackets" msgstr "Dvojité hranaté závorky" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_LRBRACEX_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Braces" msgstr "Složené závorky" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_LRANGLEX_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Angle Brackets" msgstr "Špičaté závorky" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_LRCEILX_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Upper Ceil" msgstr "Horní celá část" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_LRFLOORX_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Floor" msgstr "Dolní celá část" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_LRLINEX_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Single Lines" msgstr "Jednoduché čáry" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_LRDLINEX_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Double Lines" msgstr "Dvojité čáry" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_LMRANGLEXY_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Operator Brackets" msgstr "Závorky operátoru" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_SLRPARENTX_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Round Brackets (Scalable)" msgstr "Kulaté závorky (zvětšující se)" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_SLRBRACKETX_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Square Brackets (Scalable)" msgstr "Hranaté závorky (zvětšující se)" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_SLRDBRACKETX_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Double Square Brackets (Scalable)" msgstr "Dvojité hranaté závorky (zvětšující se)" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_SLRBRACEX_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Braces (Scalable)" msgstr "Složené závorky (zvětšující se)" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_SLRANGLEX_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Angle Brackets (Scalable)" msgstr "Špičaté závorky (zvětšující se)" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_SLRCEILX_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Ceiling (Scalable)" msgstr "Horní celá část (zvětšující se)" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_SLRFLOORX_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Floor (Scalable)" msgstr "Dolní celá část (zvětšující se)" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_SLRLINEX_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Single Lines (Scalable)" msgstr "Jednoduché čáry (zvětšující se)" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_SLRDLINEX_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Double Lines (Scalable)" msgstr "Dvojité čáry (zvětšující se)" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_SLMRANGLEXY_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Operator Brackets (Scalable)" msgstr "Závorky operátoru (zvětšující se)" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_XOVERBRACEY_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Braces Top (Scalable)" msgstr "Složená závorka nahoře (zvětšující se)" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_XUNDERBRACEY_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Braces Bottom (Scalable)" msgstr "Složená závorka dole (zvětšující se)" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_RSUBX_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Subscript Right" msgstr "Dolní index vpravo" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_RSUPX_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Power" msgstr "Exponent" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_LSUBX_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Subscript Left" msgstr "Dolní index vlevo" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_LSUPX_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Superscript Left" msgstr "Horní index vlevo" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_CSUBX_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Subscript Bottom" msgstr "Dolní index uprostřed" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_CSUPX_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Superscript Top" msgstr "Horní index nahoře" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_SBLANK_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Small Gap" msgstr "Malá mezera" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_BLANK_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Blank" msgstr "Mezera" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_NEWLINE_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "New Line" msgstr "Nový řádek" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_BINOMXY_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Vertical Stack (2 Elements)" msgstr "Vertikální zásobník (2 prvky)" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_STACK_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Vertical Stack" msgstr "Vertikální zásobník" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_MATRIX_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Matrix Stack" msgstr "Maticový zásobník" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_ALIGNLX_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Align Left" msgstr "Zarovnat vlevo" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_ALIGNCX_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Align Center" msgstr "Zarovnat na střed" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_ALIGNRX_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Align Right" msgstr "Zarovnat vpravo" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_ALEPH_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Aleph" msgstr "Aleph" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_EMPTYSET_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Empty Set" msgstr "Prázdná množina" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_RE_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Real Part" msgstr "Reálná část" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_IM_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Imaginary Part" msgstr "Imaginární část" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_INFINITY_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Infinity" msgstr "Nekonečno" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_PARTIAL_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Partial" msgstr "Parciální" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_NABLA_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Nabla" msgstr "Nabla" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_WP_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Weierstrass p" msgstr "Weierstrassovo p" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_DOTSAXIS_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Dots In Middle" msgstr "Tečky uprostřed" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_DOTSUP_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Dots To Top" msgstr "Tečky nahoru" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_DOTSDOWN_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Dots To Bottom" msgstr "Tečky dolů" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_DOTSLOW_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Dots At Bottom" msgstr "Tečky dole" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_DOTSVERT_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Dots Vertically" msgstr "Tečky svisle" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_XCIRCY_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Concatenate" msgstr "Spojit" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_XWIDESLASHY_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Division (wideslash)" msgstr "Dělení (široké lomítko)" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_XWIDEBSLASHY_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Division (counter wideslash)" msgstr "Dělení (široké zpětné lomítko)" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_XDIVIDESY_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Divides" msgstr "Dělitelné" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_XNDIVIDESY_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Does Not Divide" msgstr "Nedělitelné" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_DLARROW_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Double Arrow Left" msgstr "Dvojitá šipka vlevo" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_DLRARROW_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Double Arrow Left And Right" msgstr "Dvojitá šipka vlevo a vpravo" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_DRARROW_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Double Arrow Right" msgstr "Dvojitá šipka vpravo" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_SETN_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Natural Numbers Set" msgstr "Množina přirozených čísel" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_SETZ_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Integers Set" msgstr "Množina celých čísel" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_SETQ_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Set of Rational Numbers" msgstr "Množina racionálních čísel" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_SETR_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Real Numbers Set" msgstr "Množina reálných čísel" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_SETC_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Complex Numbers Set" msgstr "Množina komplexních čísel" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_WIDEHATX_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Large Circumflex" msgstr "Velká stříška" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_WIDETILDEX_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Large Tilde" msgstr "Velká tilda" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_WIDEVECX_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Large Vector Arrow" msgstr "S velkou vektorovou šipkou" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_HBAR_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "h Bar" msgstr "h s pruhem" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_LAMBDABAR_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Lambda Bar" msgstr "Lambda s pruhem" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_LEFTARROW_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Left Arrow" msgstr "Levá šipka" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_RIGHTARROW_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Right Arrow" msgstr "Šipka doprava" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_UPARROW_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Up Arrow" msgstr "Šipka nahoru" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_DOWNARROW_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Down Arrow" msgstr "Šipka dolů" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_NOSPACE_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "No space" msgstr "Bez mezery" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_XPRECEDESY_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Precedes" msgstr "Předchází" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_XPRECEDESEQUALY_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Precedes or equal to" msgstr "Předchází nebo se rovná" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_XPRECEDESEQUIVY_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Precedes or equivalent to" msgstr "Předchází nebo odpovídá" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_XSUCCEEDSY_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Succeeds" msgstr "Následuje" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_XSUCCEEDSEQUALY_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Succeeds or equal to" msgstr "Následuje nebo se rovná" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_XSUCCEEDSEQUIVY_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Succeeds or equivalent to" msgstr "Následuje nebo odpovídá" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_XNOTPRECEDESY_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Not precedes" msgstr "Nepředchází" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_XNOTSUCCEEDSY_HELP\n" "string.text" msgid "Not succeeds" msgstr "Nenásleduje" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_CATEGORY_UNARY_BINARY_OPERATORS\n" "string.text" msgid "Unary/Binary Operators" msgstr "Unární/binární operátory" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_CATEGORY_RELATIONS\n" "string.text" msgid "Relations" msgstr "Relace" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_CATEGORY_SET_OPERATIONS\n" "string.text" msgid "Set Operations" msgstr "Množinové operace" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_CATEGORY_FUNCTIONS\n" "string.text" msgid "Functions" msgstr "Funkce" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_CATEGORY_OPERATORS\n" "string.text" msgid "Operators" msgstr "Operátory" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_CATEGORY_ATTRIBUTES\n" "string.text" msgid "Attributes" msgstr "Atributy" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_CATEGORY_BRACKETS\n" "string.text" msgid "Brackets" msgstr "Závorky" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_CATEGORY_FORMATS\n" "string.text" msgid "Formats" msgstr "Formáty" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_CATEGORY_OTHERS\n" "string.text" msgid "Others" msgstr "Jiné" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_CATEGORY_EXAMPLES\n" "string.text" msgid "Examples" msgstr "Příklady" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_COMMANDMENU\n" "RID_UNBINOPS_MENU\n" "menuitem.text" msgid "~Unary/Binary Operators" msgstr "Unární/binární operátory" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_COMMANDMENU\n" "RID_RELATIONS_MENU\n" "menuitem.text" msgid "~Relations" msgstr "Relace" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_COMMANDMENU\n" "RID_SETOPERATIONS_MENU\n" "menuitem.text" msgid "~Set Operations" msgstr "Množinové operace" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_COMMANDMENU.RID_FUNCTIONS_MENU\n" "RID_FUNCTIONSOTHER1_MENU\n" "menuitem.text" msgid "More" msgstr "Více" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_COMMANDMENU\n" "RID_FUNCTIONS_MENU\n" "menuitem.text" msgid "~Functions" msgstr "Funkce" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_COMMANDMENU\n" "RID_OPERATORS_MENU\n" "menuitem.text" msgid "O~perators" msgstr "Operátory" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_COMMANDMENU\n" "RID_ATTRIBUTES_MENU\n" "menuitem.text" msgid "~Attributes" msgstr "Atributy" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_COMMANDMENU\n" "RID_BRACKETS_MENU\n" "menuitem.text" msgid "~Brackets" msgstr "Závorky" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_COMMANDMENU.RID_FORMAT_MENU\n" "RID_NEWLINE\n" "menuitem.text" msgid "New Line" msgstr "Nový řádek" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_COMMANDMENU.RID_FORMAT_MENU\n" "RID_SBLANK\n" "menuitem.text" msgid "Small Gap" msgstr "Malá mezera" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_COMMANDMENU.RID_FORMAT_MENU\n" "RID_BLANK\n" "menuitem.text" msgid "Gap" msgstr "Mezera" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_COMMANDMENU.RID_FORMAT_MENU\n" "RID_NOSPACE\n" "menuitem.text" msgid "nospace {...}" msgstr "výpustka {...}" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_COMMANDMENU\n" "RID_FORMAT_MENU\n" "menuitem.text" msgid "For~mats" msgstr "Formáty" #: commands.src msgctxt "" "commands.src\n" "RID_COMMANDMENU\n" "RID_MISC_MENU\n" "menuitem.text" msgid "~Others" msgstr "Ostatní" #: smres.src msgctxt "" "smres.src\n" "RID_NOMATHTYPEFACEWARNING\n" "warningbox.text" msgid "" "The 'StarMath' font has not been installed.\n" "Without this font %PRODUCTNAME Math cannot function correctly.\n" "Please install this font and restart %PRODUCTNAME Math." msgstr "" "Písmo 'StarMath' nebylo nainstalováno.\n" "Bez tohoto písma %PRODUCTNAME Math nedokáže správně fungovat.\n" "Nainstalujte toto písmo a %PRODUCTNAME Math restartujte." #: smres.src msgctxt "" "smres.src\n" "RID_FONTREGULAR\n" "string.text" msgid "Standard" msgstr "Standardní" #: smres.src msgctxt "" "smres.src\n" "RID_FONTITALIC\n" "string.text" msgid "Italic" msgstr "Kurzíva" #: smres.src msgctxt "" "smres.src\n" "RID_FONTBOLD\n" "string.text" msgid "Bold" msgstr "Tučné" #: smres.src msgctxt "" "smres.src\n" "RID_VIEWMENU\n" "SID_ZOOM_50_PERCENT\n" "menuitem.text" msgid "~View 50%" msgstr "~Měřítko 50 %" #: smres.src msgctxt "" "smres.src\n" "RID_VIEWMENU\n" "SID_ZOOM_100_PERCENT\n" "menuitem.text" msgid "View ~100%" msgstr "Měřítko ~100 %" #: smres.src msgctxt "" "smres.src\n" "RID_VIEWMENU\n" "SID_ZOOM_200_PERCENT\n" "menuitem.text" msgid "View ~200%" msgstr "Měřítko ~200 %" #: smres.src msgctxt "" "smres.src\n" "RID_VIEWMENU\n" "SID_ZOOMIN\n" "menuitem.text" msgid "~Zoom In" msgstr "~Zvětšit" #: smres.src msgctxt "" "smres.src\n" "RID_VIEWMENU\n" "SID_ZOOMOUT\n" "menuitem.text" msgid "Zoom ~Out" msgstr "Z~menšit" #: smres.src msgctxt "" "smres.src\n" "RID_VIEWMENU\n" "SID_ZOOM_OPTIMAL\n" "menuitem.text" msgid "~Display All" msgstr "Zobrazit ~vše" #: smres.src msgctxt "" "smres.src\n" "RID_VIEWMENU\n" "SID_DRAW\n" "menuitem.text" msgid "U~pdate" msgstr "~Aktualizovat" #: smres.src msgctxt "" "smres.src\n" "CMDBOXWINDOW_TEXT\n" "#define.text" msgid "Commands" msgstr "Příkazy" #: smres.src msgctxt "" "smres.src\n" "RID_ELEMENTSDOCKINGWINDOW\n" "dockingwindow.text" msgid "Elements Dock" msgstr "Ukotvené prvky" #: smres.src msgctxt "" "smres.src\n" "STR_BLACK\n" "string.text" msgid "black" msgstr "černá" #: smres.src msgctxt "" "smres.src\n" "STR_BLUE\n" "string.text" msgid "blue" msgstr "modrá" #: smres.src msgctxt "" "smres.src\n" "STR_GREEN\n" "string.text" msgid "green" msgstr "zelená" #: smres.src msgctxt "" "smres.src\n" "STR_RED\n" "string.text" msgid "red" msgstr "červená" #: smres.src msgctxt "" "smres.src\n" "STR_CYAN\n" "string.text" msgid "cyan" msgstr "azurová" #: smres.src msgctxt "" "smres.src\n" "STR_MAGENTA\n" "string.text" msgid "magenta" msgstr "purpurová" #: smres.src msgctxt "" "smres.src\n" "STR_YELLOW\n" "string.text" msgid "yellow" msgstr "žlutá" #: smres.src msgctxt "" "smres.src\n" "STR_HIDE\n" "string.text" msgid "hide" msgstr "skryté" #: smres.src msgctxt "" "smres.src\n" "STR_SIZE\n" "string.text" msgid "size" msgstr "velikost" #: smres.src msgctxt "" "smres.src\n" "STR_FONT\n" "string.text" msgid "font" msgstr "písmo" #: smres.src msgctxt "" "smres.src\n" "STR_ALIGN_LEFT\n" "string.text" msgid "left" msgstr "vlevo" #: smres.src msgctxt "" "smres.src\n" "STR_ALIGN_CENTER\n" "string.text" msgid "center" msgstr "na střed" #: smres.src msgctxt "" "smres.src\n" "STR_ALIGN_RIGHT\n" "string.text" msgid "right" msgstr "vpravo" #: smres.src msgctxt "" "smres.src\n" "RID_DOCUMENTSTR\n" "string.text" msgid "Formula" msgstr "Vzorec" #: smres.src msgctxt "" "smres.src\n" "STR_STATSTR_READING\n" "string.text" msgid "Loading document..." msgstr "Načítání dokumentu..." #: smres.src msgctxt "" "smres.src\n" "STR_STATSTR_WRITING\n" "string.text" msgid "Saving document..." msgstr "Ukládání dokumentu..." #: smres.src msgctxt "" "smres.src\n" "STR_MATH_DOCUMENT_FULLTYPE_CURRENT\n" "string.text" msgid "%PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION Formula" msgstr "Vzorec %PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION" #: smres.src msgctxt "" "smres.src\n" "RID_SYMBOLFILESSTR\n" "string.text" msgid "Symbol files (*.sms)" msgstr "Soubory se symboly (*.sms)" #: smres.src msgctxt "" "smres.src\n" "RID_ALLFILESSTR\n" "string.text" msgid "All files" msgstr "Všechny soubory" #: smres.src msgctxt "" "smres.src\n" "RID_ERR_IDENT\n" "string.text" msgid "ERROR : " msgstr "CHYBA : " #: smres.src msgctxt "" "smres.src\n" "RID_ERR_UNKNOWN\n" "string.text" msgid "Unknown error occurred" msgstr "Neznámá chyba" #: smres.src msgctxt "" "smres.src\n" "RID_ERR_UNEXPECTEDCHARACTER\n" "string.text" msgid "Unexpected character" msgstr "Neočekávaný znak" #: smres.src msgctxt "" "smres.src\n" "RID_ERR_OVERFLOW\n" "string.text" msgid "Formula entry too complex" msgstr "Vzorec je příliš složitý" #: smres.src msgctxt "" "smres.src\n" "RID_ERR_LGROUPEXPECTED\n" "string.text" msgid "'{' expected" msgstr "Očekávána '{'" #: smres.src msgctxt "" "smres.src\n" "RID_ERR_RGROUPEXPECTED\n" "string.text" msgid "'}' expected" msgstr "Očekávána '}'" #: smres.src msgctxt "" "smres.src\n" "RID_ERR_LBRACEEXPECTED\n" "string.text" msgid "'(' expected" msgstr "Očekávána '('" #: smres.src msgctxt "" "smres.src\n" "RID_ERR_RBRACEEXPECTED\n" "string.text" msgid "')' expected" msgstr "Očekávána ')'" #: smres.src msgctxt "" "smres.src\n" "RID_ERR_FUNCEXPECTED\n" "string.text" msgid "Function expected" msgstr "Očekávána funkce" #: smres.src msgctxt "" "smres.src\n" "RID_ERR_UNOPEREXPECTED\n" "string.text" msgid "Unary operator expected" msgstr "Unární operátor očekáván" #: smres.src msgctxt "" "smres.src\n" "RID_ERR_BINOPEREXPECTED\n" "string.text" msgid "Binary operator expected" msgstr "Očekáván binární operátor" #: smres.src msgctxt "" "smres.src\n" "RID_ERR_SYMBOLEXPECTED\n" "string.text" msgid "Symbol expected" msgstr "Očekáván symbol" #: smres.src msgctxt "" "smres.src\n" "RID_ERR_IDENTEXPECTED\n" "string.text" msgid "Identifier expected" msgstr "Očekáván identifikátor" #: smres.src msgctxt "" "smres.src\n" "RID_ERR_POUNDEXPECTED\n" "string.text" msgid "'#' expected" msgstr "Očekáván '#'" #: smres.src msgctxt "" "smres.src\n" "RID_ERR_COLOREXPECTED\n" "string.text" msgid "Color required" msgstr "Je vyžadována barva" #: smres.src msgctxt "" "smres.src\n" "RID_ERR_LPARENTEXPECTED\n" "string.text" msgid "Left limit expected" msgstr "Očekáván limit zleva" #: smres.src msgctxt "" "smres.src\n" "RID_ERR_RPARENTEXPECTED\n" "string.text" msgid "Right limit expected" msgstr "Překročen limit vpravo" #: smres.src msgctxt "" "smres.src\n" "RID_ERR_RIGHTEXPECTED\n" "string.text" msgid "'RIGHT' expected" msgstr "Očekáváno 'RIGHT'" #: smres.src msgctxt "" "smres.src\n" "RID_MATH_TOOLBOX\n" "string.text" msgid "Main Toolbar" msgstr "Hlavní lišta" #: smres.src msgctxt "" "smres.src\n" "RID_PRINTUIOPTIONS\n" "1\n" "itemlist.text" msgid "%PRODUCTNAME %s" msgstr "%PRODUCTNAME %s" #: smres.src msgctxt "" "smres.src\n" "RID_PRINTUIOPTIONS\n" "2\n" "itemlist.text" msgid "Contents" msgstr "Obsah" #: smres.src msgctxt "" "smres.src\n" "RID_PRINTUIOPTIONS\n" "3\n" "itemlist.text" msgid "~Title" msgstr "Název" #: smres.src msgctxt "" "smres.src\n" "RID_PRINTUIOPTIONS\n" "4\n" "itemlist.text" msgid "~Formula text" msgstr "Text vzorce" #: smres.src msgctxt "" "smres.src\n" "RID_PRINTUIOPTIONS\n" "5\n" "itemlist.text" msgid "B~orders" msgstr "Okraje" #: smres.src msgctxt "" "smres.src\n" "RID_PRINTUIOPTIONS\n" "6\n" "itemlist.text" msgid "Size" msgstr "Velikost" #: smres.src msgctxt "" "smres.src\n" "RID_PRINTUIOPTIONS\n" "7\n" "itemlist.text" msgid "O~riginal size" msgstr "Původní velikost" #: smres.src msgctxt "" "smres.src\n" "RID_PRINTUIOPTIONS\n" "8\n" "itemlist.text" msgid "Fit to ~page" msgstr "Přizpůsobit velikosti stránky" #: smres.src msgctxt "" "smres.src\n" "RID_PRINTUIOPTIONS\n" "9\n" "itemlist.text" msgid "~Scaling" msgstr "Měřítko" #: symbol.src msgctxt "" "symbol.src\n" "RID_UI_SYMBOLSET_NAMES\n" "1\n" "itemlist.text" msgid "Greek" msgstr "Řecky" #: symbol.src msgctxt "" "symbol.src\n" "RID_UI_SYMBOLSET_NAMES\n" "2\n" "itemlist.text" msgid "Special" msgstr "Speciální" #: symbol.src msgctxt "" "symbol.src\n" "RID_UI_SYMBOL_NAMES\n" "1\n" "itemlist.text" msgid "alpha" msgstr "alpha" #: symbol.src msgctxt "" "symbol.src\n" "RID_UI_SYMBOL_NAMES\n" "2\n" "itemlist.text" msgid "ALPHA" msgstr "ALPHA" #: symbol.src msgctxt "" "symbol.src\n" "RID_UI_SYMBOL_NAMES\n" "3\n" "itemlist.text" msgid "beta" msgstr "beta" #: symbol.src msgctxt "" "symbol.src\n" "RID_UI_SYMBOL_NAMES\n" "4\n" "itemlist.text" msgid "BETA" msgstr "BETA" #: symbol.src msgctxt "" "symbol.src\n" "RID_UI_SYMBOL_NAMES\n" "5\n" "itemlist.text" msgid "gamma" msgstr "gama" #: symbol.src msgctxt "" "symbol.src\n" "RID_UI_SYMBOL_NAMES\n" "6\n" "itemlist.text" msgid "GAMMA" msgstr "GAMMA" #: symbol.src msgctxt "" "symbol.src\n" "RID_UI_SYMBOL_NAMES\n" "7\n" "itemlist.text" msgid "delta" msgstr "delta" #: symbol.src msgctxt "" "symbol.src\n" "RID_UI_SYMBOL_NAMES\n" "8\n" "itemlist.text" msgid "DELTA" msgstr "DELTA" #: symbol.src msgctxt "" "symbol.src\n" "RID_UI_SYMBOL_NAMES\n" "9\n" "itemlist.text" msgid "epsilon" msgstr "epsilon" #: symbol.src msgctxt "" "symbol.src\n" "RID_UI_SYMBOL_NAMES\n" "10\n" "itemlist.text" msgid "EPSILON" msgstr "EPSILON" #: symbol.src msgctxt "" "symbol.src\n" "RID_UI_SYMBOL_NAMES\n" "11\n" "itemlist.text" msgid "zeta" msgstr "zeta" #: symbol.src msgctxt "" "symbol.src\n" "RID_UI_SYMBOL_NAMES\n" "12\n" "itemlist.text" msgid "ZETA" msgstr "ZETA" #: symbol.src msgctxt "" "symbol.src\n" "RID_UI_SYMBOL_NAMES\n" "13\n" "itemlist.text" msgid "eta" msgstr "eta" #: symbol.src msgctxt "" "symbol.src\n" "RID_UI_SYMBOL_NAMES\n" "14\n" "itemlist.text" msgid "ETA" msgstr "ETA" #: symbol.src msgctxt "" "symbol.src\n" "RID_UI_SYMBOL_NAMES\n" "15\n" "itemlist.text" msgid "theta" msgstr "theta" #: symbol.src msgctxt "" "symbol.src\n" "RID_UI_SYMBOL_NAMES\n" "16\n" "itemlist.text" msgid "THETA" msgstr "THETA" #: symbol.src msgctxt "" "symbol.src\n" "RID_UI_SYMBOL_NAMES\n" "17\n" "itemlist.text" msgid "iota" msgstr "iota" #: symbol.src msgctxt "" "symbol.src\n" "RID_UI_SYMBOL_NAMES\n" "18\n" "itemlist.text" msgid "IOTA" msgstr "IOTA" #: symbol.src msgctxt "" "symbol.src\n" "RID_UI_SYMBOL_NAMES\n" "19\n" "itemlist.text" msgid "kappa" msgstr "kappa" #: symbol.src msgctxt "" "symbol.src\n" "RID_UI_SYMBOL_NAMES\n" "20\n" "itemlist.text" msgid "KAPPA" msgstr "KAPPA" #: symbol.src msgctxt "" "symbol.src\n" "RID_UI_SYMBOL_NAMES\n" "21\n" "itemlist.text" msgid "lambda" msgstr "lambda" #: symbol.src msgctxt "" "symbol.src\n" "RID_UI_SYMBOL_NAMES\n" "22\n" "itemlist.text" msgid "LAMBDA" msgstr "LAMBDA" #: symbol.src msgctxt "" "symbol.src\n" "RID_UI_SYMBOL_NAMES\n" "23\n" "itemlist.text" msgid "mu" msgstr "mu" #: symbol.src msgctxt "" "symbol.src\n" "RID_UI_SYMBOL_NAMES\n" "24\n" "itemlist.text" msgid "MU" msgstr "MU" #: symbol.src msgctxt "" "symbol.src\n" "RID_UI_SYMBOL_NAMES\n" "25\n" "itemlist.text" msgid "nu" msgstr "nu" #: symbol.src msgctxt "" "symbol.src\n" "RID_UI_SYMBOL_NAMES\n" "26\n" "itemlist.text" msgid "NU" msgstr "NU" #: symbol.src msgctxt "" "symbol.src\n" "RID_UI_SYMBOL_NAMES\n" "27\n" "itemlist.text" msgid "xi" msgstr "xi" #: symbol.src msgctxt "" "symbol.src\n" "RID_UI_SYMBOL_NAMES\n" "28\n" "itemlist.text" msgid "XI" msgstr "XI" #: symbol.src msgctxt "" "symbol.src\n" "RID_UI_SYMBOL_NAMES\n" "29\n" "itemlist.text" msgid "omicron" msgstr "omicron" #: symbol.src msgctxt "" "symbol.src\n" "RID_UI_SYMBOL_NAMES\n" "30\n" "itemlist.text" msgid "OMICRON" msgstr "OMICRON" #: symbol.src msgctxt "" "symbol.src\n" "RID_UI_SYMBOL_NAMES\n" "31\n" "itemlist.text" msgid "pi" msgstr "pi" #: symbol.src msgctxt "" "symbol.src\n" "RID_UI_SYMBOL_NAMES\n" "32\n" "itemlist.text" msgid "PI" msgstr "PI" #: symbol.src msgctxt "" "symbol.src\n" "RID_UI_SYMBOL_NAMES\n" "33\n" "itemlist.text" msgid "rho" msgstr "rho" #: symbol.src msgctxt "" "symbol.src\n" "RID_UI_SYMBOL_NAMES\n" "34\n" "itemlist.text" msgid "RHO" msgstr "RHO" #: symbol.src msgctxt "" "symbol.src\n" "RID_UI_SYMBOL_NAMES\n" "35\n" "itemlist.text" msgid "sigma" msgstr "sigma" #: symbol.src msgctxt "" "symbol.src\n" "RID_UI_SYMBOL_NAMES\n" "36\n" "itemlist.text" msgid "SIGMA" msgstr "SIGMA" #: symbol.src msgctxt "" "symbol.src\n" "RID_UI_SYMBOL_NAMES\n" "37\n" "itemlist.text" msgid "tau" msgstr "tau" #: symbol.src msgctxt "" "symbol.src\n" "RID_UI_SYMBOL_NAMES\n" "38\n" "itemlist.text" msgid "TAU" msgstr "TAU" #: symbol.src msgctxt "" "symbol.src\n" "RID_UI_SYMBOL_NAMES\n" "39\n" "itemlist.text" msgid "upsilon" msgstr "upsilon" #: symbol.src msgctxt "" "symbol.src\n" "RID_UI_SYMBOL_NAMES\n" "40\n" "itemlist.text" msgid "UPSILON" msgstr "UPSILON" #: symbol.src msgctxt "" "symbol.src\n" "RID_UI_SYMBOL_NAMES\n" "41\n" "itemlist.text" msgid "phi" msgstr "phi" #: symbol.src msgctxt "" "symbol.src\n" "RID_UI_SYMBOL_NAMES\n" "42\n" "itemlist.text" msgid "PHI" msgstr "PHI" #: symbol.src msgctxt "" "symbol.src\n" "RID_UI_SYMBOL_NAMES\n" "43\n" "itemlist.text" msgid "chi" msgstr "chi" #: symbol.src msgctxt "" "symbol.src\n" "RID_UI_SYMBOL_NAMES\n" "44\n" "itemlist.text" msgid "CHI" msgstr "CHI" #: symbol.src msgctxt "" "symbol.src\n" "RID_UI_SYMBOL_NAMES\n" "45\n" "itemlist.text" msgid "psi" msgstr "psi" #: symbol.src msgctxt "" "symbol.src\n" "RID_UI_SYMBOL_NAMES\n" "46\n" "itemlist.text" msgid "PSI" msgstr "PSI" #: symbol.src msgctxt "" "symbol.src\n" "RID_UI_SYMBOL_NAMES\n" "47\n" "itemlist.text" msgid "omega" msgstr "omega" #: symbol.src msgctxt "" "symbol.src\n" "RID_UI_SYMBOL_NAMES\n" "48\n" "itemlist.text" msgid "OMEGA" msgstr "OMEGA" #: symbol.src msgctxt "" "symbol.src\n" "RID_UI_SYMBOL_NAMES\n" "49\n" "itemlist.text" msgid "varepsilon" msgstr "varepsilon" #: symbol.src msgctxt "" "symbol.src\n" "RID_UI_SYMBOL_NAMES\n" "50\n" "itemlist.text" msgid "vartheta" msgstr "vartheta" #: symbol.src msgctxt "" "symbol.src\n" "RID_UI_SYMBOL_NAMES\n" "51\n" "itemlist.text" msgid "varpi" msgstr "varpi" #: symbol.src msgctxt "" "symbol.src\n" "RID_UI_SYMBOL_NAMES\n" "52\n" "itemlist.text" msgid "varrho" msgstr "varrho" #: symbol.src msgctxt "" "symbol.src\n" "RID_UI_SYMBOL_NAMES\n" "53\n" "itemlist.text" msgid "varsigma" msgstr "varsigma" #: symbol.src msgctxt "" "symbol.src\n" "RID_UI_SYMBOL_NAMES\n" "54\n" "itemlist.text" msgid "varphi" msgstr "varphi" #: symbol.src msgctxt "" "symbol.src\n" "RID_UI_SYMBOL_NAMES\n" "55\n" "itemlist.text" msgid "element" msgstr "element" #: symbol.src msgctxt "" "symbol.src\n" "RID_UI_SYMBOL_NAMES\n" "56\n" "itemlist.text" msgid "noelement" msgstr "noelement" #: symbol.src msgctxt "" "symbol.src\n" "RID_UI_SYMBOL_NAMES\n" "57\n" "itemlist.text" msgid "strictlylessthan" msgstr "strictlylessthan" #: symbol.src msgctxt "" "symbol.src\n" "RID_UI_SYMBOL_NAMES\n" "58\n" "itemlist.text" msgid "strictlygreaterthan" msgstr "strictlygreaterthan" #: symbol.src msgctxt "" "symbol.src\n" "RID_UI_SYMBOL_NAMES\n" "59\n" "itemlist.text" msgid "notequal" msgstr "notequal" #: symbol.src msgctxt "" "symbol.src\n" "RID_UI_SYMBOL_NAMES\n" "60\n" "itemlist.text" msgid "identical" msgstr "identical" #: symbol.src msgctxt "" "symbol.src\n" "RID_UI_SYMBOL_NAMES\n" "61\n" "itemlist.text" msgid "tendto" msgstr "tendto" #: symbol.src msgctxt "" "symbol.src\n" "RID_UI_SYMBOL_NAMES\n" "62\n" "itemlist.text" msgid "infinite" msgstr "nekonečno" #: symbol.src msgctxt "" "symbol.src\n" "RID_UI_SYMBOL_NAMES\n" "63\n" "itemlist.text" msgid "angle" msgstr "angle" #: symbol.src msgctxt "" "symbol.src\n" "RID_UI_SYMBOL_NAMES\n" "64\n" "itemlist.text" msgid "perthousand" msgstr "perthousand" #: symbol.src msgctxt "" "symbol.src\n" "RID_UI_SYMBOL_NAMES\n" "65\n" "itemlist.text" msgid "and" msgstr "and" #: symbol.src msgctxt "" "symbol.src\n" "RID_UI_SYMBOL_NAMES\n" "66\n" "itemlist.text" msgid "or" msgstr "or" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CATALOG\n" "RID_UNBINOPS_CAT\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Unary/Binary Operators" msgstr "Unární/binární operátory" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CATALOG\n" "RID_RELATIONS_CAT\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Relations" msgstr "Relace" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CATALOG\n" "RID_SETOPERATIONS_CAT\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Set Operations" msgstr "Množinové operace" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CATALOG\n" "RID_FUNCTIONS_CAT\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Functions" msgstr "Funkce" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CATALOG\n" "RID_OPERATORS_CAT\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Operators" msgstr "Operátory" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CATALOG\n" "RID_ATTRIBUTES_CAT\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Attributes" msgstr "Atributy" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CATALOG\n" "RID_MISC_CAT\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Others" msgstr "Jiné" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CATALOG\n" "RID_BRACKETS_CAT\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Brackets" msgstr "Závorky" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CATALOG\n" "RID_FORMAT_CAT\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Formats" msgstr "Formáty" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_A\n" "RID_PLUSX\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "+ Sign" msgstr "Znaménko +" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_A\n" "RID_MINUSX\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "- Sign" msgstr "Znaménko -" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_A\n" "RID_PLUSMINUSX\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "+- Sign" msgstr "Znaménko +-" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_A\n" "RID_MINUSPLUSX\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "-+ Sign" msgstr "Znaménko -+" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_A\n" "RID_NEGX\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Boolean NOT" msgstr "Booleovské NOT" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_A\n" "RID_XPLUSY\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Addition +" msgstr "Sčítání +" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_A\n" "RID_XCDOTY\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Multiplication (Dot )" msgstr "Násobení (tečka )" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_A\n" "RID_XTIMESY\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Multiplication (x)" msgstr "Násobení (x)" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_A\n" "RID_XSYMTIMESY\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Multiplication (*)" msgstr "Násobení (*)" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_A\n" "RID_XANDY\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Boolean AND" msgstr "Booleovské AND" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_A\n" "RID_XMINUSY\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Subtraction -" msgstr "Odčítání -" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_A\n" "RID_XOVERY\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Division (Fraction)" msgstr "Dělení (zlomek)" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_A\n" "RID_XDIVY\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Division (÷)" msgstr "Dělení (÷)" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_A\n" "RID_XSYMDIVIDEY\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Division (Slash)" msgstr "Dělení (lomítko)" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_A\n" "RID_XORY\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Boolean OR" msgstr "Booleovské OR" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_A\n" "RID_XCIRCY\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Concatenate" msgstr "Spojit" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_B\n" "RID_XEQY\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Is Equal" msgstr "Je rovno" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_B\n" "RID_XNEQY\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Is Not Equal" msgstr "Není rovno" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_B\n" "RID_XAPPROXY\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Is Approximately Equal" msgstr "Je přibližně rovno" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_B\n" "RID_XDIVIDESY\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Divides" msgstr "Dělitelné" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_B\n" "RID_XNDIVIDESY\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Does Not Divide" msgstr "Nedělitelné" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_B\n" "RID_XLTY\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Is Less Than" msgstr "Menší než" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_B\n" "RID_XGTY\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Is Greater Than" msgstr "Je větší než" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_B\n" "RID_XSIMEQY\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Is Similar Or Equal" msgstr "Je podobné nebo rovno" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_B\n" "RID_XPARALLELY\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Is Parallel To" msgstr "Je rovnoběžné k" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_B\n" "RID_XORTHOY\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Is Orthogonal To" msgstr "Je ortogonální k" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_B\n" "RID_XLESLANTY\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Is Less Than Or Equal To" msgstr "Je menší nebo rovno" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_B\n" "RID_XGESLANTY\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Is Greater Than Or Equal To" msgstr "Je větší nebo rovno" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_B\n" "RID_XSIMY\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Is Similar To" msgstr "Je podobné" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_B\n" "RID_XEQUIVY\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Is Congruent To" msgstr "Je shodno s" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_B\n" "RID_XLEY\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Is Less Than Or Equal To" msgstr "Je menší nebo rovno" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_B\n" "RID_XGEY\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Is Greater Than Or Equal To" msgstr "Je větší nebo rovno" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_B\n" "RID_XPROPY\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Is Proportional To" msgstr "Je úměrné k" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_B\n" "RID_XTOWARDY\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Toward" msgstr "Směrem" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_B\n" "RID_DLARROW\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Double Arrow Left" msgstr "Dvojitá šipka vlevo" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_B\n" "RID_DLRARROW\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Double Arrow Left And Right" msgstr "Dvojitá šipka vlevo a vpravo" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_B\n" "RID_DRARROW\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Double Arrow Right" msgstr "Dvojitá šipka vpravo" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_B\n" "RID_XPRECEDESY\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Precedes" msgstr "Předchází" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_B\n" "RID_XNOTPRECEDESY\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Not precedes" msgstr "Nepředchází" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_B\n" "RID_XSUCCEEDSY\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Succeeds" msgstr "Následuje" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_B\n" "RID_XNOTSUCCEEDSY\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Not succeeds" msgstr "Nenásleduje" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_B\n" "RID_XPRECEDESEQUALY\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Precedes or equal to" msgstr "Předchází nebo se rovná" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_B\n" "RID_XSUCCEEDSEQUALY\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Succeeds or equal to" msgstr "Následuje nebo se rovná" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_B\n" "RID_XPRECEDESEQUIVY\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Precedes or equivalent to" msgstr "Předchází nebo odpovídá" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_B\n" "RID_XSUCCEEDSEQUIVY\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Succeeds or equivalent to" msgstr "Následuje nebo odpovídá" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_C\n" "RID_XINY\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Is In" msgstr "Je obsaženo" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_C\n" "RID_XNOTINY\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Is Not In" msgstr "Není obsaženo" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_C\n" "RID_XOWNSY\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Owns" msgstr "Obsahuje" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_C\n" "RID_EMPTYSET\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Empty Set" msgstr "Prázdná množina" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_C\n" "RID_XINTERSECTIONY\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Intersection" msgstr "Průnik" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_C\n" "RID_XUNIONY\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Union" msgstr "Sjednocení" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_C\n" "RID_XSETMINUSY\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Difference" msgstr "Rozdíl" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_C\n" "RID_XSLASHY\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Quotient Set" msgstr "Množina dělitelnosti" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_C\n" "RID_ALEPH\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Aleph" msgstr "Aleph" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_C\n" "RID_XSUBSETY\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Subset" msgstr "Podmnožina" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_C\n" "RID_XSUBSETEQY\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Subset Or Equal To" msgstr "Podmnožina nebo rovno" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_C\n" "RID_XSUPSETY\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Superset" msgstr "Nadmnožina" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_C\n" "RID_XSUPSETEQY\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Superset Or Equal To" msgstr "Nadmnožina nebo rovno" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_C\n" "RID_XNSUBSETY\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Not Subset" msgstr "Není podmnožinou" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_C\n" "RID_XNSUBSETEQY\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Not Subset Or Equal" msgstr "Není podmnožinou nebo rovno" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_C\n" "RID_XNSUPSETY\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Not Superset" msgstr "Není nadmnožinou" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_C\n" "RID_XNSUPSETEQY\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Not Superset Or Equal" msgstr "Není nadmnožinou nebo rovno" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_C\n" "RID_SETN\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Natural Numbers Set" msgstr "Množina přirozených čísel" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_C\n" "RID_SETZ\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Integers Set" msgstr "Množina celých čísel" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_C\n" "RID_SETQ\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Set of Rational Numbers" msgstr "Množina racionálních čísel" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_C\n" "RID_SETR\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Real Numbers Set" msgstr "Množina reálných čísel" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_C\n" "RID_SETC\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Complex Numbers Set" msgstr "Množina komplexních čísel" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_D\n" "RID_EX\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Exponential Function" msgstr "Exponenciální funkce" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_D\n" "RID_LNX\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Natural Logarithm" msgstr "Přirozený logaritmus" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_D\n" "RID_EXPX\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Exponential Function" msgstr "Exponenciální funkce" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_D\n" "RID_LOGX\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Logarithm" msgstr "Logaritmus" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_D\n" "RID_RSUPX\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Power" msgstr "Exponent" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_D\n" "RID_SINX\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Sine" msgstr "Sinus" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_D\n" "RID_COSX\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Cosine" msgstr "Kosinus" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_D\n" "RID_TANX\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Tangent" msgstr "Tangens" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_D\n" "RID_COTX\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Cotangent" msgstr "Kotangens" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_D\n" "RID_SQRTX\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Square Root" msgstr "Druhá odmocnina" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_D\n" "RID_ARCSINX\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Arcsine" msgstr "Arkussinus" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_D\n" "RID_ARCCOSX\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Arccosine" msgstr "Arkuskosinus" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_D\n" "RID_ARCTANX\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Arctangent" msgstr "Arkustangens" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_D\n" "RID_ARCCOTX\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Arccotangent" msgstr "Arkuskotangens" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_D\n" "RID_NROOTXY\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "N-th Root" msgstr "n-tá odmocnina" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_D\n" "RID_SINHX\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Hyperbolic Sine" msgstr "Hyperbolický sinus" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_D\n" "RID_COSHX\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Hyperbolic Cosine" msgstr "Hyperbolický kosinus" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_D\n" "RID_TANHX\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Hyperbolic Tangent" msgstr "Hyperbolický tangens" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_D\n" "RID_COTHX\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Hyperbolic Cotangent" msgstr "Hyperbolický kotangens" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_D\n" "RID_ABSX\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Absolute Value" msgstr "Absolutní hodnota" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_D\n" "RID_ARSINHX\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Area Hyperbolic Sine" msgstr "Argument hyperbolického sinu" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_D\n" "RID_ARCOSHX\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Area Hyperbolic Cosine" msgstr "Argument hyperbolického kosinu" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_D\n" "RID_ARTANHX\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Area Hyperbolic Tangent" msgstr "Argument hyperbolického tangens" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_D\n" "RID_ARCOTHX\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Area Hyperbolic Cotangent" msgstr "Argument hyperbolického kotangens" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_D\n" "RID_FACTX\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Factorial" msgstr "Faktoriál" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_E\n" "RID_LIMX\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Limes" msgstr "Limity" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_E\n" "RID_SUMX\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Sum" msgstr "Suma" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_E\n" "RID_PRODX\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Product" msgstr "Součin (produkt)" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_E\n" "RID_COPRODX\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Coproduct" msgstr "Koprodukt" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_E\n" "RID_FROMXTOY\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Upper And Lower Limit" msgstr "Horní a dolní meze" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_E\n" "RID_INTX\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Integral" msgstr "Integrál" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_E\n" "RID_IINTX\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Double Integral" msgstr "Dvojný integrál" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_E\n" "RID_IIINTX\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Triple Integral" msgstr "Trojný integrál" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_E\n" "RID_FROMX\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Lower Limit" msgstr "Dolní mez" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_E\n" "RID_LINTX\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Curve Integral" msgstr "Křivkový integrál" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_E\n" "RID_LLINTX\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Double Curve Integral" msgstr "Plošný integrál" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_E\n" "RID_LLLINTX\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Triple Curve Integral" msgstr "Objemový integrál" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_E\n" "RID_TOX\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Upper Limit" msgstr "Horní mez" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_F\n" "RID_ACUTEX\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Acute Accent" msgstr "Čárka" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_F\n" "RID_GRAVEX\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Grave Accent" msgstr "Obrácená čárka" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_F\n" "RID_CHECKX\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Reverse Circumflex" msgstr "Háček" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_F\n" "RID_BREVEX\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Breve" msgstr "Oblouček" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_F\n" "RID_CIRCLEX\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Circle" msgstr "Kroužek" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_F\n" "RID_VECX\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Vector Arrow" msgstr "Vektorová šipka" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_F\n" "RID_TILDEX\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Tilde" msgstr "Tilda" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_F\n" "RID_HATX\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Circumflex" msgstr "Stříška" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_F\n" "RID_BARX\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Line Above" msgstr "S pruhem" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_F\n" "RID_DOTX\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Dot" msgstr "Tečka" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_F\n" "RID_WIDEVECX\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Large Vector Arrow" msgstr "S velkou vektorovou šipkou" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_F\n" "RID_WIDETILDEX\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Large Tilde" msgstr "Velká tilda" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_F\n" "RID_WIDEHATX\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Large Circumflex" msgstr "Velká stříška" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_F\n" "RID_DDOTX\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Double Dot" msgstr "Dvojitá tečka" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_F\n" "RID_OVERLINEX\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Line Over" msgstr "Čára nad" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_F\n" "RID_UNDERLINEX\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Line Below" msgstr "Čára pod" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_F\n" "RID_OVERSTRIKEX\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Line Through" msgstr "Čára přes" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_F\n" "RID_DDDOTX\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Triple Dot" msgstr "Trojtečka" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_F\n" "RID_PHANTOMX\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Transparent" msgstr "Průhledné" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_F\n" "RID_BOLDX\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Bold Font" msgstr "Tučné písmo" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_F\n" "RID_ITALX\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Italic Font" msgstr "Kurzíva" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_F\n" "RID_SIZEXY\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Resize" msgstr "Změnit velikost" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_F\n" "RID_FONTXY\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Change Font" msgstr "Změnit písmo" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_G\n" "RID_LRPARENTX\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Round Brackets" msgstr "Kulaté závorky" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_G\n" "RID_LRBRACKETX\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Square Brackets" msgstr "Hranaté závorky" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_G\n" "RID_LRDBRACKETX\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Double Square Brackets" msgstr "Dvojité hranaté závorky" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_G\n" "RID_LRLINEX\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Single Lines" msgstr "Jednoduché čáry" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_G\n" "RID_LRDLINEX\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Double Lines" msgstr "Dvojité čáry" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_G\n" "RID_LRBRACEX\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Braces" msgstr "Složené závorky" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_G\n" "RID_LRANGLEX\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Angle Brackets" msgstr "Špičaté závorky" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_G\n" "RID_LMRANGLEXY\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Operator Brackets" msgstr "Závorky operátoru" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_G\n" "RID_LRGROUPX\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Group Brackets" msgstr "Skupinové závorky" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_G\n" "RID_SLRPARENTX\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Round Brackets (Scalable)" msgstr "Kulaté závorky (zvětšující se)" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_G\n" "RID_SLRBRACKETX\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Square Brackets (Scalable)" msgstr "Hranaté závorky (zvětšující se)" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_G\n" "RID_SLRDBRACKETX\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Double Square Brackets (Scalable)" msgstr "Dvojité hranaté závorky (zvětšující se)" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_G\n" "RID_SLRLINEX\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Single Lines (Scalable)" msgstr "Jednoduché čáry (zvětšující se)" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_G\n" "RID_SLRDLINEX\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Double Lines (Scalable)" msgstr "Dvojité čáry (zvětšující se)" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_G\n" "RID_SLRBRACEX\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Braces (Scalable)" msgstr "Složené závorky (zvětšující se)" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_G\n" "RID_SLRANGLEX\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Angle Brackets (Scalable)" msgstr "Špičaté závorky (zvětšující se)" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_G\n" "RID_SLMRANGLEXY\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Operator Brackets (Scalable)" msgstr "Závorky operátoru (zvětšující se)" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_G\n" "RID_XOVERBRACEY\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Braces Top (Scalable)" msgstr "Složená závorka nahoře (zvětšující se)" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_G\n" "RID_XUNDERBRACEY\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Braces Bottom (Scalable)" msgstr "Složená závorka dole (zvětšující se)" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_H\n" "RID_LSUPX\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Superscript Left" msgstr "Horní index vlevo" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_H\n" "RID_CSUPX\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Superscript Top" msgstr "Horní index nahoře" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_H\n" "RID_RSUPX\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Superscript Right" msgstr "Horní index vpravo" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_H\n" "RID_BINOMXY\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Vertical Stack (2 Elements)" msgstr "Vertikální zásobník (2 prvky)" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_H\n" "RID_NEWLINE\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "New Line" msgstr "Nový řádek" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_H\n" "RID_LSUBX\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Subscript Left" msgstr "Dolní index vlevo" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_H\n" "RID_CSUBX\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Subscript Bottom" msgstr "Dolní index uprostřed" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_H\n" "RID_RSUBX\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Subscript Right" msgstr "Dolní index vpravo" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_H\n" "RID_STACK\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Vertical Stack" msgstr "Vertikální zásobník" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_H\n" "RID_SBLANK\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Small Gap" msgstr "Malá mezera" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_H\n" "RID_ALIGNLX\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Align Left" msgstr "Zarovnat vlevo" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_H\n" "RID_ALIGNCX\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Align Center" msgstr "Zarovnat na střed" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_H\n" "RID_ALIGNRX\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Align Right" msgstr "Zarovnat vpravo" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_H\n" "RID_MATRIX\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Matrix Stack" msgstr "Maticový zásobník" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_H\n" "RID_BLANK\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Gap" msgstr "Mezera" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_I\n" "RID_INFINITY\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "infinite" msgstr "Nekonečno" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_I\n" "RID_PARTIAL\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Partial" msgstr "Parciální" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_I\n" "RID_EXISTS\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "There Exists" msgstr "Existuje" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_I\n" "RID_NOTEXISTS\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "There Not Exists" msgstr "Neexistuje" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_I\n" "RID_FORALL\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "For All" msgstr "Pro všechny" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_I\n" "RID_HBAR\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "h Bar" msgstr "h s pruhem" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_I\n" "RID_LAMBDABAR\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Lambda Bar" msgstr "Lambda s pruhem" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_I\n" "RID_RE\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Real Part" msgstr "Reálná část" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_I\n" "RID_IM\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Imaginary Part" msgstr "Imaginární část" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_I\n" "RID_WP\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Weierstrass p" msgstr "Weierstrassovo p" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_I\n" "RID_LEFTARROW\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Left Arrow" msgstr "Levá šipka" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_I\n" "RID_RIGHTARROW\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Right Arrow" msgstr "Šipka doprava" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_I\n" "RID_UPARROW\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Up Arrow" msgstr "Šipka nahoru" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_I\n" "RID_DOWNARROW\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Down Arrow" msgstr "Šipka dolů" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_I\n" "RID_NABLA\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Nabla" msgstr "Nabla" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_I\n" "RID_DOTSLOW\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Dots At Bottom" msgstr "Tečky dole" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_I\n" "RID_DOTSAXIS\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Dots In Middle" msgstr "Tečky uprostřed" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_I\n" "RID_DOTSVERT\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Dots Vertically" msgstr "Tečky svisle" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_I\n" "RID_DOTSUP\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Dots To Top" msgstr "Tečky nahoru" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW.TOOLBOX_CAT_I\n" "RID_DOTSDOWN\n" "toolboxitem.text" msgid "Dots to Bottom" msgstr "Tečky dolů" #: toolbox.src msgctxt "" "toolbox.src\n" "RID_TOOLBOXWINDOW\n" "floatingwindow.text" msgid "Elements" msgstr "Prvky"