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"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://bugs.libreoffice.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=LibreOffice&bug_status=UNCONFIRMED&component=UI\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2016-05-07 21:35+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2016-12-10 16:27+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: milupo <milupo@sorbzilla.de>\n"
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#: documents.ulf
msgctxt ""
msgid "OpenOffice.org 1.0 Text Document"
msgstr "Tekstowy dokument OpenOffice.org 1.0"

#: documents.ulf
msgctxt ""
msgid "OpenOffice.org 1.0 Text Document Template"
msgstr "Pśedłoga tekstowego dokumenta OpenOffice.org 1.0"

#: documents.ulf
msgctxt ""
msgid "OpenOffice.org 1.0 Master Document"
msgstr "Globalny dokument OpenOffice.org 1.0"

#: documents.ulf
msgctxt ""
msgid "OpenOffice.org 1.0 Formula"
msgstr "Formula OpenOffice.org 1.0"

#: documents.ulf
msgctxt ""
msgid "OpenOffice.org 1.0 Presentation"
msgstr "Prezentacija OpenOffice.org 1.0"

#: documents.ulf
msgctxt ""
msgid "OpenOffice.org 1.0 Presentation Template"
msgstr "Pśedłoga prezentacije OpenOffice.org 1.0"

#: documents.ulf
msgctxt ""
msgid "OpenOffice.org 1.0 Drawing"
msgstr "Kreslanka OpenOffice.org 1.0"

#: documents.ulf
msgctxt ""
msgid "OpenOffice.org 1.0 Drawing Template"
msgstr "Pśedłoga kreslanki OpenOffice.org 1.0"

#: documents.ulf
msgctxt ""
msgid "OpenOffice.org 1.0 Spreadsheet"
msgstr "Tabelowy dokument OpenOffice.org 1.0"

#: documents.ulf
msgctxt ""
msgid "OpenOffice.org 1.0 Spreadsheet Template"
msgstr "Pśedłoga tabelowego dokumenta OpenOffice.org 1.0"

#: documents.ulf
msgctxt ""
msgid "OpenDocument Text"
msgstr "OpenDocument tekst"

#: documents.ulf
msgctxt ""
msgid "OpenDocument Text (Flat XML)"
msgstr "OpenDocument tekst (płony XML)"

#: documents.ulf
msgctxt ""
msgid "OpenDocument Text Template"
msgstr "OpenDocument pśedłoga tekstowego dokumenta"

#: documents.ulf
msgctxt ""
msgid "OpenDocument Master Document"
msgstr "OpenDocument globalny dokument"

#: documents.ulf
msgctxt ""
msgid "OpenDocument Master Document Template"
msgstr "OpenDocument pśedłoga globalnego dokumenta"

#: documents.ulf
msgctxt ""
msgid "OpenDocument Formula"
msgstr "OpenDocument formula"

#: documents.ulf
msgctxt ""
msgid "OpenDocument Presentation"
msgstr "OpenDocument prezentacija"

#: documents.ulf
msgctxt ""
msgid "OpenDocument Presentation (Flat XML)"
msgstr "OpenDocument prezentacija (płony XML)"

#: documents.ulf
msgctxt ""
msgid "OpenDocument Presentation Template"
msgstr "OpenDocument pśedłoga prezentacije"

#: documents.ulf
msgctxt ""
msgid "OpenDocument Drawing"
msgstr "OpenDocument kreslanka"

#: documents.ulf
msgctxt ""
msgid "OpenDocument Drawing (Flat XML)"
msgstr "OpenDocument kreslanka (płony XML)"

#: documents.ulf
msgctxt ""
msgid "OpenDocument Drawing Template"
msgstr "OpenDocument pśedłoga kreslanki"

#: documents.ulf
msgctxt ""
msgid "OpenDocument Spreadsheet"
msgstr "OpenDocument tabelowy dokument"

#: documents.ulf
msgctxt ""
msgid "OpenDocument Spreadsheet (Flat XML)"
msgstr "OpenDocument tabelowy dokument (płony XML)"

#: documents.ulf
msgctxt ""
msgid "OpenDocument Spreadsheet Template"
msgstr "OpenDocument pśedłoga tabelowego dokumenta"

#: documents.ulf
msgctxt ""
msgid "OpenDocument Database"
msgstr "OpenDocument datowa banka"

#: documents.ulf
msgctxt ""
msgid "HTML Document Template"
msgstr "Pśedłoga HTML-dokumenta"

#: documents.ulf
msgctxt ""
msgid "%PRODUCTNAME Extension"
msgstr "Kóńcowka %PRODUCTNAME"

#: documents.ulf
msgctxt ""
msgid "Microsoft Excel Worksheet"
msgstr "Źěłowe łopjeno Microsoft Excel"

#: documents.ulf
msgctxt ""
msgid "Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation"
msgstr "Prezentacija Microsoft Powerpoint"

#: documents.ulf
msgctxt ""
msgid "Microsoft Word Document"
msgstr "Dokument Microsoft Word"

#: documents.ulf
msgctxt ""
msgid "Microsoft Word Document"
msgstr "Dokument Microsoft Word"

#: documents.ulf
msgctxt ""
msgid "Microsoft Excel Worksheet"
msgstr "Źěłowe łopjeno Microsoft Excel"

#: documents.ulf
msgctxt ""
msgid "Microsoft Excel Worksheet Template"
msgstr "Pśedłoga źěłowego łopjena Microsoft Excel"

#: documents.ulf
msgctxt ""
msgid "Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation"
msgstr "Prezentacija Microsoft Powerpoint"

#: documents.ulf
msgctxt ""
msgid "Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation Template"
msgstr "Pśedłoga prezentacije Microsoft Powerpoint"

#: documents.ulf
msgctxt ""
msgid "Microsoft Word Document"
msgstr "Dokument Microsoft Word"

#: documents.ulf
msgctxt ""
msgid "Microsoft Word Document Template"
msgstr "Pśedłoga dokumenta Microsoft Word"

#: documents.ulf
msgctxt ""
msgid "Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation"
msgstr "Prezentacija Microsoft Powerpoint"

#: documents.ulf
msgctxt ""
msgid "Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation Template"
msgstr "Pśedłoga prezentacije Microsoft Powerpoint"

#: documents.ulf
msgctxt ""
msgid "Microsoft Excel Worksheet"
msgstr "Źěłowe łopjeno Microsoft Excel"

#: documents.ulf
msgctxt ""
msgid "Microsoft Excel Worksheet Template"
msgstr "Pśedłoga źěłowego łopjena Microsoft Excel"

#: documents.ulf
msgctxt ""
msgid "Microsoft Word Document"
msgstr "Dokument Microsoft Word"

#: documents.ulf
msgctxt ""
msgid "Microsoft Word Document Template"
msgstr "Pśedłoga dokumenta Microsoft Word"

#: documents.ulf
msgctxt ""
msgid "Microsoft Excel Worksheet"
msgstr "Źěłowe łopjeno Microsoft Excel"

#: launcher_comment.ulf
msgctxt ""
msgid "Create and edit text and images in letters, reports, documents and Web pages by using Writer."
msgstr "Napórajśo a wobźěłujśo tekst a wobraze w listach, rozpšawach a na webbokach z pomocu Writer."

#: launcher_comment.ulf
msgctxt ""
msgid "Create and edit presentations for slideshows, meeting and Web pages by using Impress."
msgstr "Napórajśo a wobźěłujśo prezentacije za pśednoski, za zmakanja a webboki z pomocu Impress."

#: launcher_comment.ulf
msgctxt ""
msgid "Create and edit drawings, flow charts, and logos by using Draw."
msgstr "Napórajśo a wobźěłujśo kreslanki, diagramy datowych běgow a loga z pomocu Draw."

#: launcher_comment.ulf
msgctxt ""
msgid "Perform calculations, analyze information and manage lists in spreadsheets by using Calc."
msgstr "Pśewjeźćo woblicenja, analyzěrujśo informacije a zastojśo lisćiny w tabelowych dokumentach z pomocu Calc."

#: launcher_comment.ulf
msgctxt ""
msgid "Create and edit scientific formulas and equations by using Math."
msgstr "Napórajśo a wobźěłujśo formule a rownice z pomocu Math."

#: launcher_comment.ulf
msgctxt ""
msgid "Manage databases, create queries and reports to track and manage your information by using Base."
msgstr "Zastojśo datowe banki, napórajśo wótpšašanja a rozpšawy z pomocu Base."

#: launcher_comment.ulf
msgctxt ""
msgid "The office productivity suite compatible to the open and standardized ODF document format. Supported by The Document Foundation."
msgstr "Produktiwna běrowowa software jo kompatibelna z wótwórjonym a standardizěrowanym formatom OpenDocument (ODF). Pódpěra se wót załožby The Document Foundation."

#: launcher_genericname.ulf
msgctxt ""
msgid "Word Processor"
msgstr "Tekstowe wobźěłanje"

#: launcher_genericname.ulf
msgctxt ""
msgid "Presentation"
msgstr "Prezentacija"

#: launcher_genericname.ulf
msgctxt ""
msgid "Spreadsheet"
msgstr "Tabelowy dokument"

#: launcher_genericname.ulf
msgctxt ""
msgid "Database Development"
msgstr "Wuwiśe datoweje banki"

#: launcher_genericname.ulf
msgctxt ""
msgid "Formula Editor"
msgstr "Formulowy editor"

#: launcher_genericname.ulf
msgctxt ""
msgid "Drawing Program"
msgstr "Kresleński program"

#: launcher_genericname.ulf
msgctxt ""
msgid "Office"
msgstr "Office"

#: launcher_genericname.ulf
msgctxt ""
msgid "XSLT based filters"
msgstr "Filtry na zakłaźe XSLT"

#: launcher_unityquicklist.ulf
msgctxt ""
msgid "New Document"
msgstr "Nowy dokument"

#: launcher_unityquicklist.ulf
msgctxt ""
msgid "New Presentation"
msgstr "Nowa prezentacija"

#: launcher_unityquicklist.ulf
msgctxt ""
msgid "New Spreadsheet"
msgstr "Nowy tabelowy dokument"

#: launcher_unityquicklist.ulf
msgctxt ""
msgid "New Database"
msgstr "Nowa datowa banka"

#: launcher_unityquicklist.ulf
msgctxt ""
msgid "New Formula"
msgstr "Nowa formula"

#: launcher_unityquicklist.ulf
msgctxt ""
msgid "New Drawing"
msgstr "Nowa kreslanka"