#. extracted from sfx2
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://bugs.libreoffice.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=LibreOffice&bug_status=UNCONFIRMED&component=UI\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-11-14 14:36+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-08-19 12:58+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Michael Bauer <fios@akerbeltz.org>\n"
"Language-Team: Gaelic <https://translations.documentfoundation.org/projects/libo_ui-master/sfx2messages/gd/>\n"
"Language: gd\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
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"X-Accelerator-Marker: ~\n"
"X-Generator: LibreOffice\n"
"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1566380428.000000\n"

#. bHbFE
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:25
msgid "Templates"
msgstr "Teamplaidean"

#. FfusE
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:26
msgctxt "STR_SAVEDOC"
msgid "~Save"
msgstr "~Sàbhail"

#. CQKYg
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:27
msgid "Save ~As..."
msgstr "Sàbh~ail mar..."

#. BdP9V
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:28
msgid "Save a Copy..."
msgstr "Sàbhail lethbhreac dheth..."

#. vFaub
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:29
msgctxt "STR_CLOSEDOC"
msgid "~Close"
msgstr "~Dùin"

#. 4jsUR
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:30
msgctxt "STR_OPEN"
msgid "~Open"
msgstr ""

#. ACduP
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:31
msgid "~Edit"
msgstr ""

#. aKW5U
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:32
msgid "Set as De~fault"
msgstr ""

#. Bwnha
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:33
msgid "Reset De~fault"
msgstr ""

#. oRvm4
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:34
msgid "~Delete"
msgstr ""

#. UyfFH
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:35
msgctxt "STR_SFX_RENAME"
msgid "~Rename"
msgstr ""

#. Gnhk4
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:36
msgid "~Move"
msgstr ""

#. tWE8a
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:37
msgid "E~xport"
msgstr ""

#. aEN5D
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:38
msgid "Ren~ame Category"
msgstr ""

#. Ys9z4
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:39
msgid "Enter new template name:"
msgstr ""

#. TVTsi
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:40
msgid ""
"Title: $1\n"
"Category: $2"
msgstr ""
"Tiotal: $1\n"
"Roinn-seòrsa: $2"

#. W2X7Y
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:41
msgid "Select a Template"
msgstr "Tagh teamplaid"

#. ihUZ6
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:42
msgid "Automatically saved version"
msgstr "Tionndadh a chaidh a shàbhaladh gu fèin-obrachail"

#. EfF2v
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:43
msgid "Export"
msgstr "Às-phortaich"

#. q7FND
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:44
msgid "File format:"
msgstr "Fòrmat faidhle:"

#. N7LVW
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:45
msgid ""
"This document contains:\n"
msgstr ""
"Tha na leanas am broinn na sgrìobhainne:\n"

#. 8tujE
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:46
msgid "Recorded changes"
msgstr "Atharraichean a chaidh a chlàradh"

#. LUUtP
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:47
msgid "Notes"
msgstr "Nòtaichean"

#. tDmMa
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:48
msgid "Document versions"
msgstr "Tionndaidhean na sgrìobhainne"

#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:49
msgid "Do you want to continue saving the document?"
msgstr "A bheil thu airson leantainn air adhart le sàbhaladh na sgrìobhainne?"

#. BzbMB
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:50
msgid "Do you want to continue printing the document?"
msgstr "A bheil thu airson leantainn air adhart le clò-bhualadh na sgrìobhainne?"

#. ExQK6
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:51
msgid "Do you want to continue signing the document?"
msgstr "A bheil thu airson leantainn air adhart le soidhneadh na sgrìobhainne?"

#. TepyB
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:52
msgid "Do you want to continue creating a PDF file?"
msgstr "A bheil thu airson leantainn air adhart le cruthachadh de dh'fhaidhle PDF?"

#. CbFjm
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:53
msgid "If you do not want to overwrite the original document, you should save your work under a new filename."
msgstr "Mur eil thu airson sgrìobhadh thairis air an sgrìobhainn thùsail, bu chòir dhut d' obair a shàbhaladh fo ainm ùr."

#. 7stwX
#. Used in the title of a shared document.
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:55
msgctxt "STR_SHARED"
msgid " (shared)"
msgstr " (air a cho-roinneadh)"

#. W5PzH
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:56
msgid "The document format version is set to ODF 1.1 (OpenOffice.org 2.x) in Tools-Options-Load/Save-General. Signing documents requires ODF 1.2 (OpenOffice.org 3.x)."
msgstr "'S e ODF 1.1 (OpenOffice.org 2.x) an fòrmat làithreach aig an sgrìobhainn a-rèir Innealan-Roghainnean-Luchdaich/Sàbhail-Coitcheann. Tha feum air ODF 1.2 (OpenOffice.org 3.x) mus urrainn dhut soidhneadh a chur ris."

#. tqPCH
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:57
msgid ""
"The document has to be saved before it can be signed. Saving the document removes all present signatures.\n"
"Do you want to save the document?"
msgstr ""
"Feumaidh tu an sgrìobhainn a shàbhaladh mus gabh a shoidhneadh. Ma shàbhaileas tu e, thèid gach soidhneadh a tha ann an-dràsta a thoirt air falbh.\n"
"A bheil thu airson an sgrìobhainn a shàbhaladh?"

#. iFaMb
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:58
msgid "The template '$(ARG1)' on which this document is based, has been modified. Do you want to update the styles of the current document, using the modified template?"
msgstr ""

#. ABmvY
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:59
msgid "~Update Styles"
msgstr "Ù~raich na stoidhlean"

#. W4thg
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:60
msgid "~Keep Old Styles"
msgstr "~Glèidh na seann-stoidhlean"

#. X6MGZ
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:61
msgid "~New Category"
msgstr ""

#. VNfyE
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:62
msgid "~Delete Category"
msgstr ""

#. YdoDu
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:63
msgid "$1 templates successfully exported."
msgstr "Chaidh $1 teamplaid(ean) às-phortadh."

#. g6iDa
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:64
msgid "$1 could not be moved to the category \"$2\". Do you want to copy the template instead?"
msgstr "Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn $1 a ghluasad dhan roinn-seòrsa “$2”. A bheil thu airson lethbhreac dhen teamplaid a dhèanamh an àite sin?"

#. 9bJN3
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:65
msgid "Cannot create category: $1"
msgstr "Chan urrainn dhuinn an roinn-seòrsa $1 a chruthachadh"

#. YR7aW
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:66
msgid "Cannot save template: $1"
msgstr "Chan urrainn dhuinn an teamplaid $1 a shàbhaladh"

#. iE9UD
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:67
msgctxt "STR_INPUT_NEW"
msgid "Enter new category name:"
msgstr ""

#. yxN3P
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:68
msgid ""
"Error moving the following templates to $1.\n"
msgstr ""
"Thachair mearachd nuair a dh'fheuch sinn ris na teamplaidean a leanas a ghluasad dha $1.\n"

#. Sh34g
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:69
msgid ""
"Error exporting the following templates:\n"
msgstr ""
"Thachair mearachd nuair a dh'fheuch sinn ris na teamplaidean a leanas às-phortadh:\n"

#. NFsZu
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:70
msgid ""
"Error importing the following templates to $1:\n"
msgstr ""
"Thachair mearachd nuair a dh'fheuch sinn ris na teamplaidean a leanas ion-phortadh gu $1:\n"

#. g5zLe
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:71
msgid ""
"The following templates cannot be deleted:\n"
msgstr ""
"Cha ghabh na teamplaidean a leanas a sguabadh às:\n"

#. 89xV6
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:72
msgid ""
"The following folders cannot be deleted:\n"
msgstr ""
"Cha ghabh na pasgain a leanas a sguabadh às:\n"

#. buPTz
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:73
msgid "There is another template with the name $1 in $2."
msgstr ""

#. JiTrQ
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:74
msgid "Do you want to delete the selected category?"
msgstr ""

#. C9pLF
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:75
msgid "A template named $1 already exists in $2. Do you want to overwrite it?"
msgstr ""

#. 6MoGu
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:76
msgid "Do you want to delete the selected templates?"
msgstr "A bheil thu airson na teamplaidean a thagh thu a sguabadh às?"

#. WR2LD
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:77
msgid "An error occurred during opening the file. This may be caused by incorrect file contents.\n"
msgstr "Thachair mearachd rè fosgladh an fhaidhle. Dh’fhaoidte gu bheil susbaint mhì-dhligheach san fhaidhle.\n"

#. AsUee
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:78
msgid "The error details are:\n"
msgstr "Seo mion-fhiosrachadh mun mhearachd:\n"

#. D2XDV
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:79
msgid ""
"Proceeding with import may cause data loss or corruption, and application may become unstable or crash.\n"
"Do you want to ignore the error and attempt to continue loading the file?"
msgstr ""
"Ma leanas tu air adhart leis an ion-phortadh, dh’fhaoidte gun dèid dàta air chall no air a choirbeadh agus dh’fhaoidte gum fàs an aplacaid cugallach no gun tuislich e.\n"
"A bheil thu airson a’ mhearachd a leigeil seachad is cumail a’ dol a dhèanamh oidhirp air am faidhle a luchdadh?"

#. g63UH
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:81
msgid "%PRODUCTNAME Help"
msgstr "Cobhair le %PRODUCTNAME"

#. Veb3m
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:82
msgid "Show Navigation Pane"
msgstr "Seall leòsan na seòladaireachd"

#. 3LGpr
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:83
msgid "Hide Navigation Pane"
msgstr "Falaich leòsan na seòladaireachd"

#. g8Vns
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:84
msgid "First Page"
msgstr "A’ chiad duilleag"

#. YMoQp
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:85
msgid "Previous Page"
msgstr "An duilleag roimhe"

#. mGB7r
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:86
msgid "Next Page"
msgstr "An ath-dhuilleag"

#. dys7x
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:87
msgid "Print..."
msgstr "Clò-bhuail..."

#. bmCzY
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:88
msgid "Add to Bookmarks..."
msgstr "Cuir ris na comharran-leabhair..."

#. SGFus
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:89
msgid "Find on this Page..."
msgstr "Lorg san duilleag seo..."

#. qvTDZ
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:90
msgid "HTML Source"
msgstr "Tùs HTML"

#. pHyBm
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:91
msgid "Select Text"
msgstr "Tagh an teacsa"

#. 5FCCv
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:92
msgid "~Copy"
msgstr "Dèan lethbhrea~c"

#. TQd3C
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:93
msgid "No topics found."
msgstr "Cha deach cuspair a lorg."

#. 9D6Ze
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:94
msgid "The text you entered was not found."
msgstr "Cha deach an teacsa a lorg a chuir thu ann."

#. qLPDs
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:95
msgid "~Display %PRODUCTNAME %MODULENAME Help at Startup"
msgstr "Seall co~bhair %PRODUCTNAME %MODULENAME aig an toiseach"

#. TEgzB
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:97
msgctxt "STR_NONAME"
msgid "Untitled"
msgstr "Gun tiotal"

#. fs5SN
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:98
msgid "Standard"
msgstr "Stannardach"

#. 6sRBN
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:99
msgctxt "STR_BYTES"
msgid "Bytes"
msgstr "Baidht"

#. Z3kKr
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:100
msgctxt "STR_KB"
msgid "kB"
msgstr ""

#. VrFxn
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:101
msgctxt "STR_MB"
msgid "MB"
msgstr "MB"

#. 9rBAW
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:102
msgctxt "STR_GB"
msgid "GB"
msgstr "GB"

#. DqwaN
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:103
msgid "Cancel all changes?"
msgstr "A bheil thu airson sgur de gach atharrachadh?"

#. cCrDG
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:104
msgid ""
"Opening \"$(ARG1)\" failed with error code $(ARG2) and message: \"$(ARG3)\"\n"
"Maybe no web browser could be found on your system. In that case, please check your Desktop Preferences or install a web browser (for example, Firefox) in the default location requested during the browser installation."
msgstr ""
"Dh’fhàillig fosgladh “$(ARG1)” leis a’ mhearachd $(ARG2) agus an teachdaireachd: “$(ARG3)”\n"
"Dh’fhaoidte nach deach brabhsair-lìn a lorg air an t-siostam agad. Thoir sùil air roghainnean an desktop agad no stàlaich brabhsair-lìn (mar Firefox) san ionad bhunaiteach a mholar rè an stàlaidh."

#. QEABe
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:105
msgid ""
"It might be dangerous to open \"$(ARG1)\".\n"
"Do you really want to open it?"
msgstr ""

#. ADqLM
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:106
msgctxt "STR_NO_ABS_URI_REF"
msgid "\"$(ARG1)\" cannot be passed to an external application to open it (e.g., it might not be an absolute URL, or might denote no existing file)."
msgstr ""

#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:107
msgctxt "STR_GID_INTERN"
msgid "Internal"
msgstr "Inntearnail"

#. 4g9hU
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:108
msgid "Application"
msgstr "Aplacaid"

#. rBzxu
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:109
msgctxt "STR_GID_VIEW"
msgid "View"
msgstr "Sealladh"

#. NQnym
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:110
msgid "Documents"
msgstr "Sgrìobhainnean"

#. DbzDd
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:111
msgctxt "STR_GID_EDIT"
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "Deasaich"

#. HqK5g
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:112
msgctxt "STR_GID_MACRO"
msgid "BASIC"
msgstr "BASIC"

#. 3QkTL
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:113
msgid "Options"
msgstr "Roghainnean"

#. GFEQ3
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:114
msgctxt "STR_GID_MATH"
msgid "Math"
msgstr "Matamataig"

#. rFALW
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:115
msgid "Navigate"
msgstr "Seòl"

#. w7dmG
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:116
msgctxt "STR_GID_INSERT"
msgid "Insert"
msgstr "Cuir a-steach"

#. fokQp
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:117
msgctxt "STR_GID_FORMAT"
msgid "Format"
msgstr "Fòrmat"

#. fLTV6
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:118
msgid "Templates"
msgstr "Teamplaidean"

#. JAdCZ
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:119
msgctxt "STR_GID_TEXT"
msgid "Text"
msgstr "Teacsa"

#. PSfaP
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:120
msgctxt "STR_GID_FRAME"
msgid "Frame"
msgstr "Frèama"

#. 5V4iR
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:121
msgid "Image"
msgstr "Dealbh"

#. DzBoB
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:122
msgctxt "STR_GID_TABLE"
msgid "Table"
msgstr "Clàr"

#. Cmsi4
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:123
msgid "Numbering"
msgstr "Àireamhachadh"

#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:124
msgctxt "STR_GID_DATA"
msgid "Data"
msgstr "Dàta"

#. CV9Pq
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:125
msgid "Special Functions"
msgstr "Foincseanan sònraichte"

#. 5CfQs
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:126
msgctxt "STR_GID_IMAGE"
msgid "Image"
msgstr "Dealbh"

#. 5wvK9
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:127
msgctxt "STR_GID_CHART"
msgid "Chart"
msgstr "Cairt"

#. pNE8F
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:128
msgid "Explorer"
msgstr "Taisgealaiche"

#. yBawD
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:129
msgid "Connector"
msgstr "Ceangladair"

#. 3rGea
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:130
msgctxt "STR_GID_MODIFY"
msgid "Modify"
msgstr "Atharraich"

#. WcwGs
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:131
msgid "Drawing"
msgstr "Tarraing"

#. Ajo4w
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:132
msgid "Controls"
msgstr "Uidheaman-smachd"

#. L5coQ
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:133
msgctxt "STR_QUITAPP"
msgid "E~xit %PRODUCTNAME"
msgstr "~Fàg %PRODUCTNAME"

#. k2PBJ
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:134
msgctxt "RID_STR_HELP"
msgid "Help"
msgstr "Cobhair"

#. roDzu
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:135
msgid "The help file for this topic is not installed."
msgstr "Cha deach faidhle cobharach a stàladh airson a' chuspair seo."

#. zjPS7
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:136
msgid "Exit Quickstarter"
msgstr "Fàg an grad-thòisiche"

#. ecxqC
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:137
msgstr "Grad-thòisiche %PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION"

#. G9Gqk
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:138
msgid "Open Document..."
msgstr "Fosgail sgrìobhainn..."

#. wecTF
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:139
msgid "From Template..."
msgstr "O theamplaid..."

#. FzJCj
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:140
msgid "Load %PRODUCTNAME During System Start-Up"
msgstr "Luchdaich %PRODUCTNAME nuair a thòisicheas an siostam"

#. hMejq
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:141

#. CBB6Z
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:142
msgid "File"
msgstr "Faidhle"

#. c6wAB
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:143
msgid "Startcenter"
msgstr "An t-ionad tòiseachaidh"

#. Uhn54
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:144
msgid "Recent Documents"
msgstr "Sgrìobhainnean o chionn ghoirid"

#. DirQf
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:145
msgid ""
"The document %{filename} contains one or more links to external data.\n"
"Would you like to change the document, and update all links\n"
"to get the most recent data?"
msgstr ""

#. zJGEM
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:146
msgctxt "STR_DDE_ERROR"
msgid "DDE link to %1 for %2 area %3 are not available."
msgstr "Chan eil an ceangal DDE gu %1 airson %2 raoin %3 ri làimh."

#. zECGD
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:147
msgid ""
"For security reasons, the hyperlink cannot be executed.\n"
"The stated address will not be opened."
msgstr ""
"Cha ghabh an ceangal-lìn a chleachdadh air sgàth adhbhar tèarainteachd.\n"
"Cha dèid an seòladh fhosgladh."

#. vcMzA
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:148
msgid "Security Warning"
msgstr "Rabhadh tèarainteachd"

#. vVCon
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:149
msgid ""
"Saving will remove all existing signatures.\n"
"Do you want to continue saving the document?"
msgstr ""
"Ma shàbhaileas tu a-nis, thèid gach soidhneach a thoirt air falbh.\n"
"A bheil thu airson leantainn air adhart le sàbhaladh na sgrìobhainne?"

#. cGnF9
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:150
msgid ""
"The document has to be saved before it can be signed.\n"
"Do you want to save the document?"
msgstr ""
"Feumaidh tu an sgrìobhainn a shàbhaladh mus gabh a shoidhneadh.\n"
"A bheil thu airson an sgrìobhainn a shàbhaladh?"

#. zNVEd
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:151
msgid ""
"This will discard all changes on the server since check-out.\n"
"Do you want to proceed?"
msgstr ""
"Thèid gach atharrachadh a rinneadh air an fhrithealaiche a thilgeil air falbh a-mach on uair a chaidh a sheacadh a-mach.\n"
"A bheil thu airson leantainn air adhart?"

#. jufLD
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:152
msgid "This document must be saved in OpenDocument file format before it can be digitally signed."
msgstr "Feumaidh tu an sgrìobhainn seo a shàbhaladh san fhòrmat OpenDocument mus gabh soidhneadh digiteach a chur ris."

#. ori9u
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:153
msgid " (Signed)"
msgstr " (Air a shoidhneadh)"

#. kgWZS
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:154
msgid " (Embedded document)"
msgstr " (Sgrìobhainn leabaichte)"

#. 3nT9T
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:155
msgctxt "STR_STANDARD"
msgid "Standard"
msgstr "Stannardach"

#. FjCuJ
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:156
msgid "Document"
msgstr "Sgrìobhainn"

#. BfMd3
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:157
msgctxt "STR_NONE"
msgid "- None -"
msgstr "- Chan eil gin -"

#. XBXvE
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:158
msgctxt "saveastemplatedlg|categorylist"
msgid "None"
msgstr "Chan eil gin"

#. 5kUsi
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:159
msgid "Image"
msgstr ""

#. dUK2G
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:160
msgid "All files"
msgstr "A h-uile faidhle"

#. E39E2
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:161
msgid "PDF files"
msgstr "Faidhlichean PDF"

#. gCHbP
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:162
msgid "Link Image"
msgstr "Ceangail an dealbh"

#. u9H7a
#. i66948 used in project scripting
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:164
msgid ""
"An appropriate component method %1\n"
"could not be found.\n"
"Check spelling of method name."
msgstr ""
"Cha deach dòigh co-phàirt fhreagarrach\n"
"%1 a lorg.\n"
"Dèan cinnteach gu bheil an litreachadh ceart."

#. 2FLYB
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:165
msgid "Image file cannot be opened"
msgstr "Cha ghabh faidhle an deilbh fhosgladh"

#. 6eLsb
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:166
msgid "Image file cannot be read"
msgstr "Cha ghabh faidhle an deilbh a leughadh"

#. HGRsV
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:167
msgid "Unknown image format"
msgstr "Fòrmat deilbh neo-aithnichte"

#. YJhGK
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:168
msgid "This version of the image file is not supported"
msgstr "Chan eil taic ris an tionndadh seo de dh'fhaidhle an deilbh"

#. Sn8KQ
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:169
msgid "Image filter not found"
msgstr "Cha deach criathrag nan dealbhan a lorg"

#. huEFV
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:170
msgid "This is not a text document"
msgstr ""

#. ejBgZ
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:171
msgid ""
"This action will exit the change recording mode.\n"
"No information about changes will be recorded from now on.\n"
"Exit change recording mode?\n"
msgstr ""

#. E2CcY
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:172
msgid "Incorrect password"
msgstr "Facal-faire ceàrr"

#. 7Ezso
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:173
msgid "OpenPGP key not trusted, damaged, or encryption failure. Please try again."
msgstr "Chan eil earbsa san iuchair OpenPGP, chaidh a dhochann no dh’fhàillig a chrioptachadh. Feuch ris a-rithist."

#. DQCUm
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:175
msgid "(Minimum $(MINLEN) characters)"
msgstr "($(MINLEN) caractar(an) air a' char as lugha)"

#. ZKZnh
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:176
msgid "(Minimum 1 character)"
msgstr "(Aon charactar air a' char as lugha)"

#. B3WoF
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:177
msgid "(The password can be empty)"
msgstr "(Faodaidh am facal-faire a bhith bàn)"

#. iBD9D
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:178
msgid "The action could not be executed. The %PRODUCTNAME program module needed for this action is currently not installed."
msgstr "Cha deach an gnìomh a thoirt gu buil. Tha feum air mòideal prògram %PRODUCTNAME agus chan eil e air a stàladh aig an àm seo."

#. TXAV5
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:180
msgid ""
"The selected filter $(FILTER) has not been installed.\n"
"Would you like to do this now?"
msgstr ""
"Cha deach a' chriathrag $(FILTER) a thagh thu a stàladh.\n"
"A bheil thu airson a stàladh a-nis?"

#. gQhYY
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:181
msgid ""
"The selected filter $(FILTER) is not included in your edition.\n"
"You can find information about orders on our homepage."
msgstr ""
"Chan eil a' chriathrag $(FILTER) a thagh thu 'na phàirt dhen tionndadh seo.\n"
"Gheibh thu fiosrachadh air mar a chuireas tu òrdugh air an duilleag againn."

#. Y9yeS
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:183
msgid "Welcome to %PRODUCTNAME."
msgstr "Fàilte gu %PRODUCTNAME."

#. DVEkR
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:184
msgid "Drop a document here or open an app to create one."
msgstr ""

#. oTVdA
#. Translators: Target types in Auto-redaction dialog
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:187
msgid "Text"
msgstr ""

#. eG5qc
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:188
msgid "Regular expression"
msgstr ""

#. TaDCG
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:189
msgid "Predefined"
msgstr ""

#. bDjwW
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:190
msgid "Unknown"
msgstr ""

#. YgzCk
#. Translators: Values for the Case Sensitive and the Whole Words columns in Auto-redaction dialog
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:193
msgid "Yes"
msgstr ""

#. oZNaM
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:194
msgid "No"
msgstr ""

#. FM3Gf
#. Translators: Misc strings of the Auto Redaction dialog
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:197
msgid "Target"
msgstr ""

#. m2i7V
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:198
msgid "Load Targets"
msgstr ""

#. HgrwX
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:199
msgid "Save Targets"
msgstr ""

#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:200
msgid "All fields are required"
msgstr ""

#. rQS6M
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:201
msgid "There is already a target with this name"
msgstr ""

#. s248s
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:202
msgid "You have selected multiple targets, but only one target can be edited at once."
msgstr ""

#. BTayC
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:203
msgid "Are you sure you would like to delete $(TARGETSCOUNT) targets at once?"
msgstr ""

#. qFqDC
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:204
msgid "Target Set (*.json)"
msgstr ""

#. EGCo6
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:205
msgid "Edit Target"
msgstr ""

#. ACY9D
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:206
msgid "An error occurred while adding new target. Please report this incident."
msgstr ""

#. 6Jog7
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:207
msgid "Draw module is needed for redaction. Please make sure you have %PRODUCTNAME Draw installed and working correctly."
msgstr ""

#. FQ9kN
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:209
msgid "Current version"
msgstr "An tionndadh làithreach"

#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:210
msgid "Export"
msgstr "Às-phortaich"

#. 2DBBC
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:211
msgid "Insert"
msgstr "Cuir a-steach"

#. VBKtt
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:212
msgid "~Insert"
msgstr "Cu~ir a-steach"

#. DcLFD
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:213
msgid "<All images>"
msgstr "<A h-uile dealbh>"

#. tPDwc
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:214
msgid "Save a Copy"
msgstr "Sàbhail lethbhreac dheth"

#. CrEzt
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:215
msgid "Compare to Original Document"
msgstr ""

#. 4qMCh
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:216
msgid "Merge with"
msgstr "Co-aonaich le"

#. cDMBG
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:218
msgid "%PRODUCTNAME document"
msgstr "Sgrìobhainn %PRODUCTNAME"

#. 43QYo
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:219
msgid " Y: %1 M: %2 D: %3 H: %4 M: %5 S: %6"
msgstr " B: %1 M: %2 L: %3 U: %4 M: %5 D: %6"

#. jQX7C
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:220
msgid ""
"The value entered does not match the specified type.\n"
"The value will be stored as text."
msgstr ""
"Chan eil na chuir thu a-steach a' freagairt ris an t-seòrsa\n"
"a bu chòir a bhith ann. Thèid an luach a stòradh mar theacsa."

#. cinmA
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:222
msgid "Style already exists. Overwrite?"
msgstr "Tha an stoidhle seo ann mu thràth. A bheil thu airson sgrìobhadh thairis air?"

#. f627N
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:224
msgctxt "STR_RESET"
msgid "~Reset"
msgstr "~Ath-shuidhich"

#. EXGDb
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:225
msgid "This name is already in use."
msgstr "Tha an t-ainm seo 'ga chleachdadh mu thràth."

#. N5aeR
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:226
msgid "This Style does not exist."
msgstr "Chan eil an stoidhle seo ann."

#. CYQwN
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:227
msgid ""
"This Style cannot be used as a base Style,\n"
"because it would result in a recursive reference."
msgstr ""
"Chan urrainn dhut an stoidhle seo a chleachdadh mar stoidhle\n"
"bhunaiteach oir dh'adhbharaicheadh e reifreans ath-chùrsach."

#. ECPSd
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:228
msgid ""
"Name already exists as a default Style.\n"
"Please choose another name."
msgstr ""
"Tha an t-ainm seo air stoidhle bhunaiteach\n"
"mu thràth. Saoil an tagh thu ainm eile?"

#. NWDmA
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:229
msgid ""
"One or more of the selected styles is in use in this document.\n"
"If you will delete it, text or objects using these styles will revert to the parent style.\n"
"Do you still wish to delete these styles?\n"
msgstr ""

#. kuD77
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:230
msgid "Styles in use: "
msgstr "Stoidhlean a tha 'gan cleachdadh: "

#. 4JhEW
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:231
msgid "Navigator"
msgstr "Seòladair"

#. Acahp
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:232
msgid "Faulty password confirmation"
msgstr "Dearbhadh lochdach an fhacail-fhaire"

#. 6uv4b
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:233
msgid "Send"
msgstr "Cuir"

#. 9HHQw
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:234
msgid "Font"
msgstr "Cruth-clò"

#. 7baC6
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:236
msgid "View Version Comment"
msgstr "Cuir a-steach beachd mun tionndadh"

#. LGiF8
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:237
msgctxt "STR_NO_NAME_SET"
msgid "(no name set)"
msgstr "(cha deach ainm a shuidheachadh)"

#. rZ4Ao
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:239
msgid "Hierarchical"
msgstr "Rangach"

#. 4VXDe
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:241
msgctxt "STR_MACRO_LOSS"
msgid "Do you really want to cancel the recording? Any steps recorded up to this point will be lost."
msgstr "A bheil thu cinnteach gu bheil thu airson sgur dhen chlàradh? Thèid ceum sam bith a chlàraich thu gu ruige seo air chall."

#. 9MnrK
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:242
msgid "Cancel Recording"
msgstr "Sguir dhen chlàradh"

#. m9FCm
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:244
msgid "The templates are being initialized for first-time usage."
msgstr "Tha na teamplaidean 'gan ullachadh gus an cleachdadh a' chiad turas."

#. F3ym2
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:246
msgid ""
"No default printer found.\n"
"Please choose a printer and try again."
msgstr ""
"Cha deach clò-bhualadair bunaiteach a lorg.\n"
"Tagh clò-bhualadair is feuch ris a-rithist."

#. a3NTu
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:247
msgid ""
"Could not start printer.\n"
"Please check your printer configuration."
msgstr ""
"Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn an clò-bhualadair a thòiseachadh.\n"
"Cuir sùil air rèiteachadh a’ chlò-bhualadair agad."

#. acKHX
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:248
msgid "Printer busy"
msgstr "Tha an clò-bhualadair trang"

#. hDEUj
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:249
msgctxt "STR_READONLY"
msgid " (read-only)"
msgstr " (ri leughadh a-mhàin)"

#. uL87C
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:250
msgid ""
"The page size and orientation have been modified.\n"
"Would you like to save the new settings in the\n"
"active document?"
msgstr ""
"Chaidh meud is comhair na duilleige atharrachadh.\n"
"A bheil thu airson na roghainnean ùra a\n"
"shàbhaladh san sgrìobhainn bheò?"

#. cxuAH
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:251
msgid ""
"The page size has been modified.\n"
"Should the new settings be saved\n"
"in the active document?"
msgstr ""
"Chaidh meud na duilleige atharrachadh.\n"
"A bheil thu airson na roghainnean ùra\n"
"a shàbhaladh san sgrìobhainn bheò?"

#. 4QJxB
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:252
msgid ""
"The page size and orientation have been modified.\n"
"Would you like to save the new settings in the\n"
"active document?"
msgstr ""
"Chaidh meud is comhair na duilleige atharrachadh.\n"
"A bheil thu airson na roghainnean ùra a\n"
"shàbhaladh san sgrìobhainn bheò?"

#. RXbfs
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:253
msgctxt "STR_CANT_CLOSE"
msgid ""
"The document cannot be closed because a\n"
" print job is being carried out."
msgstr ""
"Cha ghabh an sgrìobhainn a dhùnadh a chionn\n"
"'s gu bheil obair clò-bhualaidh 'ga dhèanamh."

#. YGyQP
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:254
msgid ""
"An error occurred in sending the message. Possible errors could be a missing user account or a defective setup.\n"
"Please check the %PRODUCTNAME settings or your email program settings."
msgstr ""
"Thachair mearachd rè cur na teachdaireachd. Saoil a bheil cunntas cleachdaiche a dhìth no a bheil an rèiteachadh lochdach?\n"
"Thoir sùil air roghainnean %PRODUCTNAME no roghainnean a’ phrògraim phuist-d agad."

#. 3nzi6
#. Error codes look like "MAPI_E_FAILURE" or "1234"
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:256
msgid ""
"An error occurred in sending the message. Possible errors could be a missing user account or a defective setup.\n"
"Error code is $1"
msgstr ""
"Thachair mearachd nuair a bha sinn a’ cur na teachdaireachd. Dh’fhaoidte gu bheil cunntas cleachdaiche a dhìth no gu bheil an suidheachadh mearachdach.\n"
"’S e $1 còd na mearachd"

#. ZWTDr
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:257
msgid "Error sending mail"
msgstr "Mearachd a’ cur a’ phuist"

#. QVS2D
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:258
msgid "This document cannot be edited, possibly due to missing access rights. Do you want to edit a copy of the document?"
msgstr "Cha ghabh an sgrìobhainn seo a dheasachadh, ma dh'fhaoidte air sgàth cead inntrigidh a tha a dhìth. A bheil thu airson lethbhreac dhen sgrìobhainn a dheasachadh 'na àite?"

#. ZdGNX
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:259
msgid ""
"This document cannot be edited, because it is locked in another session.%LOCKINFO\n"
"Do you want to edit a copy of the document?"
msgstr ""

#. n3sMB
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:260
msgid "You can also try to ignore the lock and open the file for editing."
msgstr ""

#. yaKxR
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:261
msgid "Open ~Copy"
msgstr "Fosgail ~lethbhreac dheth"

#. UYkFP
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:262
msgid "~Open"
msgstr "F~osgail"

#. GcSXH
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:263
msgid " (repaired document)"
msgstr " (sgrìobhainn air a chàradh)"

#. HPqkX
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:264
msgid "This document is not checked out on the server."
msgstr "Cha deach an sgrìobhainn a sheacadh a-mach air an fhrithealaiche."

#. uPc29
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:265
msgid "Help us make %PRODUCTNAME even better!"
msgstr "Cuidich leinn a’ dèanamh %PRODUCTNAME fiù nas fhearr!"

#. PboiP
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:266
msgid "Get involved"
msgstr "Gabh pàirt"

#. GuLGH
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:267
msgid "Your donations support our worldwide community."
msgstr "Tha do thabhartasan a’ cumail taic ris a’ choimhearsnachd eadar-nàiseanta agad."

#. KzgoD
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:268
msgid "Donate"
msgstr "Thoir tabhartas"

#. G8bbK
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:269
msgctxt "STR_WHATSNEW"
msgid "You are running version %PRODUCTVERSION of %PRODUCTNAME for the first time. Do you want to learn what's new?"
msgstr "Seo a’ chiad turas a ruith thu %PRODUCTVERSION de %PRODUCTNAME. A bheil thu airson fiosrachadh na tha ùr?"

#. J5UkB
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:270
msgid "Release Notes"
msgstr "Nòtaichean sgaoilidh"

#. c7NPT
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:271
msgid "This document is open in read-only mode."
msgstr "Chaidh an sgrìobhainn fhosgladh sa mhodh leughaidh a-mhàin."

#. KyyFk
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:272
msgid "This PDF is open in read-only mode to allow signing the existing file."
msgstr "Chaidh am PDF seo fhosgladh sa mhodh ri leughadh a-mhàin ach an gabh am faidhle làithreach a shoidhneadh."

#. MENvD
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:273
msgid "The classification label of this document is %1."
msgstr "’S e %1 seòrsa na sgrìobhainne seo."

#. 3B3ij
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:274
msgid "This document must be classified before the clipboard can be pasted."
msgstr "Feumaidh tu seòrsa a shònrachadh dhan sgrìobhainn seo mus urrainn dhut na tha air an stòr-bhòrd a chur ann."

#. BYcYH
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:275
msgid "This document has a lower classification level than the clipboard."
msgstr "Tha ìre seòrsa na sgrìobhainne nas ìsle na an stòr-bhòrd."

#. EJPzh
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:276
msgid "Level"
msgstr "Leibheil"

#. itVew
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:277
msgid "National Security:"
msgstr "Tèarainteachd nàiseanta:"

#. ZBXbG
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:278
msgid "Export Control:"
msgstr "Smachd air às-phortadh:"

#. QAnvx
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:279
msgctxt "STR_CHECKOUT"
msgid "Check Out"
msgstr "Seac a-mach"

#. PwPNw
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:280
msgid "Edit Document"
msgstr "Deasaich an sgrìobhainn"

#. FCeC5
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:281
msgid "Sign Document"
msgstr "Soidhnich an sgrìobhainn"

#. MEfTq
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:282
msgid "Finish Signing"
msgstr ""

#. pkWmU
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:283
msgid "This document has an invalid signature."
msgstr "Tha soidhneadh mì-dhligheach aig an sgrìobhainn seo."

#. Vd3CU
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:284
msgid "The signature was valid, but the document has been modified"
msgstr "Tha an soidhneadh dligheach ach chaidh an sgrìobhainn atharrachadh."

#. 2HNfx
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:285
msgid "At least one signature has problems: the certificate could not be validated."
msgstr ""

#. tjCmr
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:286
msgid "At least one signature has problems: the document is only partially signed."
msgstr ""

#. mU6ot
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:287
msgid "The certificate could not be validated and the document is only partially signed."
msgstr "Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn an teisteanas a dhearbhadh agus cha deach an sgrìobhainn ach a leth-shoidhneadh."

#. FKDbE
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:288
msgid "This document is digitally signed and the signature is valid."
msgstr "Tha soidhneadh digiteach aig an sgrìobhainn agus tha an soidhneadh dligheach."

#. rMGka
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:289
msgid "Show Signatures"
msgstr "Seall na soidhnidhean"

#. fkzJb
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:290
msgid "Show Toolbar"
msgstr ""

#. 68ZqS
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:291
msgid "Hide Toolbar"
msgstr ""

#. BzVAA
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:292
msgid "Learn more"
msgstr ""

#. BSyb4
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:293
msgid "The master password is stored in an outdated format, you should refresh it"
msgstr ""

#. ysChU
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:294
msgid "Refresh Password"
msgstr ""

#. kej8D
#. Translators: default Impress template names
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:297
msgid "Grey Elegant"
msgstr ""

#. FkuLG
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:298
msgid "Beehive"
msgstr "Sgeap"

#. uwaPH
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:299
msgid "Blue Curve"
msgstr "Lùb ghorm"

#. hHRDz
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:300
msgid "Blueprint Plans"
msgstr "Lethbhreac-gorm"

#. MAnPU
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:301
msgid "Candy"
msgstr ""

#. jEiAn
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:302
msgid "Yellow Idea"
msgstr ""

#. QDNuB
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:303
msgid "DNA"
msgstr "DNA"

#. XBrCi
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:304
msgid "Focus"
msgstr "Fòcas"

#. GADdA
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:305
msgid "Forestbird"
msgstr "Eun na coille"

#. TT8G5
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:306
msgid "Freshes"
msgstr ""

#. C5N9D
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:307
msgid "Inspiration"
msgstr "Brosnachadh"

#. fCKG9
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:308
msgid "Lights"
msgstr "Solais"

#. pcLWs
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:309
msgid "Growing Liberty"
msgstr ""

#. xo2gC
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:310
msgid "Metropolis"
msgstr "Baile mòr"

#. FFDBk
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:311
msgid "Midnightblue"
msgstr "Gorm meadhan na h-oidhche"

#. yiCzk
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:312
msgid "Nature Illustration"
msgstr "Sealladh nàdair"

#. cCZzC
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:313
msgid "Pencil"
msgstr "Peansail"

#. Ji4Cw
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:314
msgid "Piano"
msgstr "Piàna"

#. mrbiq
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:315
msgid "Portfolio"
msgstr "Portfolio"

#. ysBGy
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:316
msgid "Progress"
msgstr "Adhartas"

#. gtPt9
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:317
msgid "Sunset"
msgstr "Laighe na grèine"

#. 73Y2e
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:318
msgid "Vintage"
msgstr "Na làithean a dh’aom"

#. MSY8y
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:319
msgid "Vivid"
msgstr "Beòthail"

#. QDZBz
#. Translators: default Writer template names
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:321
msgid "CV"
msgstr "CV"

#. Koe3V
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:322
msgid "Resume"
msgstr "Résumé"

#. hCpfD
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:323
msgid "Default"
msgstr "Bunaiteach"

#. d7Hyk
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:324
msgid "Modern"
msgstr "Ùr-nòsach"

#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:325
msgid "Modern business letter sans-serif"
msgstr "Litir gnìomhachais ùr-nòsach sans-serif"

#. 95GeB
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:326
msgid "Modern business letter serif"
msgstr "Litir gnìomhachais ùr-nòsach le serifs"

#. XdU49
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:327
msgid "Businesscard with logo"
msgstr "Cairt-ghnìomhachais le suaicheantas"

#. UAmSj
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:328
msgid "Simple"
msgstr ""

#. W7NVH
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:329
msgid "BPMN"
msgstr ""

#. PUBoR
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:330
msgid "Simplified Chinese Normal"
msgstr ""

#. ZaGGB
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:332
msgctxt "STR_CLEAR_CHAR"
msgid "Remove"
msgstr "Thoir air falbh"

#. JReRY
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:333
msgid "Clear All"
msgstr "Falamhaich na h-uile"

#. yC8Gs
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:335
msgid "Password length"
msgstr "Faid an fhacail-fhaire"

#. FKFmJ
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:336
msgid "The password you have entered causes interoperability issues. Please enter a password that is shorter than 52 bytes, or longer than 55 bytes."
msgstr "Tha am facal-faire a chuir thu a-steach ag adhbharachadh duilgheadasan eadar-obrachadh. Cuir a-steach fear a tha nas giorra na 52 bytes no fear a tha nas fhaide na 55 bytes."

#. jBQFN
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:338
msgid "%{key}-click to open hyperlink: %{link}"
msgstr ""

#. jC3AK
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:339
msgid "Click to open hyperlink: %{link}"
msgstr ""

#. eFJMp
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:341
msgid "(used by: %STYLELIST)"
msgstr ""

#. 6UgqW
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:343
msgctxt "STR_DOCUMENT"
msgid "Document"
msgstr ""

#. XDGTb
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:344
msgid "Spreadsheet"
msgstr ""

#. 3UZXB
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:345
msgid "Presentation"
msgstr ""

#. noN5s
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:346
msgctxt "STR_DRAWING"
msgid "Drawing"
msgstr ""

#. QpuFo
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:347
msgctxt "STR_RECENT"
msgid "Recently used"
msgstr ""

#. EcAjb
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:348
msgctxt "STR_NORECENT"
msgid "No recent characters"
msgstr ""

#. tfjbD
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:350
msgid "Reset All De~fault Templates"
msgstr ""

#. GWuDE
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:351
msgid "Reset De~fault Text Document"
msgstr ""

#. j5eV8
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:352
msgid "Reset De~fault Spreadsheet"
msgstr ""

#. mWp3t
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:353
msgid "Reset De~fault Presentation"
msgstr ""

#. wfExB
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:354
msgid "Reset De~fault Drawing"
msgstr ""

#. BFaGA
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:355
msgid "~Import"
msgstr ""

#. 8Cwfk
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:356
msgid "E~xtensions"
msgstr ""

#. idGvM
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:357
msgid "Rename"
msgstr ""

#. EyjE3
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:358
msgid "Rename Category"
msgstr ""

#. T79Eb
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:359
msgid "New Category"
msgstr ""

#. fCRA7
#: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:361
msgid "UNO Object Inspector"
msgstr ""

#. wH3TZ
msgctxt "stock"
msgid "_Add"
msgstr "_Cuir ris"

#. S9dsC
msgctxt "stock"
msgid "_Apply"
msgstr "C_uir an sàs"

#. TMo6G
msgctxt "stock"
msgid "_Cancel"
msgstr "_Sguir dheth"

#. MRCkv
msgctxt "stock"
msgid "_Close"
msgstr "_Dùin"

#. nvx5t
msgctxt "stock"
msgid "_Delete"
msgstr "Sgua_b às"

#. YspCj
msgctxt "stock"
msgid "_Edit"
msgstr "_Deasaich"

#. imQxr
msgctxt "stock"
msgid "_Help"
msgstr "Cobhai_r"

#. RbjyB
msgctxt "stock"
msgid "_New"
msgstr "Ù_r"

#. dx2yy
msgctxt "stock"
msgid "_No"
msgstr "Chan _eil"

#. M9DsL
msgctxt "stock"
msgid "_OK"
msgstr "Ceart _ma-thà"

#. VtJS9
msgctxt "stock"
msgid "_Remove"
msgstr "_Thoir air falbh"

#. C69Fy
msgctxt "stock"
msgid "_Reset"
msgstr "At_h-shuidhich"

#. mgpxh
msgctxt "stock"
msgid "_Yes"
msgstr "_Tha"

#. F5rSU
#: sfx2/inc/dinfdlg.hrc:29
msgid "Checked by"
msgstr "Air a sgrùdadh le"

#: sfx2/inc/dinfdlg.hrc:30
msgid "Client"
msgstr "Cliant"

#. nSrT3
#: sfx2/inc/dinfdlg.hrc:31
msgid "Date completed"
msgstr "An latha a chaidh a choileanadh"

#. HEaEC
#: sfx2/inc/dinfdlg.hrc:32
msgid "Department"
msgstr "Roinn"

#. TxAux
#: sfx2/inc/dinfdlg.hrc:33
msgid "Destinations"
msgstr "Cinn-uidhe"

#. f3nqh
#: sfx2/inc/dinfdlg.hrc:34
msgid "Disposition"
msgstr "Structar"

#. uznMD
#: sfx2/inc/dinfdlg.hrc:35
msgid "Division"
msgstr "Roinn-obrach"

#. 6DuFF
#: sfx2/inc/dinfdlg.hrc:36
msgid "Document number"
msgstr "Àireamh na sgrìobhainne"

#. XXKuP
#: sfx2/inc/dinfdlg.hrc:37
msgid "Editor"
msgstr "Deasaiche"

#. hRRmF
#: sfx2/inc/dinfdlg.hrc:38
msgid "Email"
msgstr "Post-d"

#. xNvDx
#: sfx2/inc/dinfdlg.hrc:39
msgid "Forward to"
msgstr "Sìn air adhart gu"

#. xwv85
#: sfx2/inc/dinfdlg.hrc:40
msgid "Group"
msgstr "Buidheann"

#. u59Qp
#: sfx2/inc/dinfdlg.hrc:41
msgid "Info"
msgstr "Fiosrachadh"

#. Ltq9H
#: sfx2/inc/dinfdlg.hrc:42
msgid "Language"
msgstr "Cànan"

#. bv3HC
#: sfx2/inc/dinfdlg.hrc:43
msgid "Mailstop"
msgstr "Casg air teachdaireachdan"

#. AFGi2
#: sfx2/inc/dinfdlg.hrc:44
msgid "Matter"
msgstr "Cuspair"

#. wGAD6
#: sfx2/inc/dinfdlg.hrc:45
msgid "Office"
msgstr "Oifis"

#. ZqphY
#: sfx2/inc/dinfdlg.hrc:46
msgid "Owner"
msgstr "Seilbheadair"

#. mK8Th
#: sfx2/inc/dinfdlg.hrc:47
msgid "Project"
msgstr "Pròiseact"

#. zFeHt
#: sfx2/inc/dinfdlg.hrc:48
msgid "Publisher"
msgstr "Foillsichear"

#. pF2eJ
#: sfx2/inc/dinfdlg.hrc:49
msgid "Purpose"
msgstr "Tì"

#: sfx2/inc/dinfdlg.hrc:50
msgid "Received from"
msgstr "Air fhaighinn o"

#. dvGyQ
#: sfx2/inc/dinfdlg.hrc:51
msgid "Recorded by"
msgstr "Air a chlàradh le"

#. GjVXD
#: sfx2/inc/dinfdlg.hrc:52
msgid "Recorded date"
msgstr "Ceann-là a’ chlàraidh"

#. o5oXa
#: sfx2/inc/dinfdlg.hrc:53
msgid "Reference"
msgstr "Reifreans"

#. ex26g
#: sfx2/inc/dinfdlg.hrc:54
msgid "Source"
msgstr "Tùs"

#. 4HSZB
#: sfx2/inc/dinfdlg.hrc:55
msgid "Status"
msgstr "Staid"

#. U3RdC
#: sfx2/inc/dinfdlg.hrc:56
msgid "Telephone number"
msgstr "Àireamh fòn"

#. Geeuu
#: sfx2/inc/dinfdlg.hrc:57
msgid "Typist"
msgstr "Clò-sgrìobhaiche"

#. xxHtR
#: sfx2/inc/dinfdlg.hrc:58
msgid "URL"
msgstr "URL"

#. CxTQY
#: sfx2/inc/dinfdlg.hrc:73
msgid "Text"
msgstr "Teacsa"

#. MMGFi
#: sfx2/inc/dinfdlg.hrc:74
msgid "DateTime"
msgstr "Ceann-là ⁊ àm"

#. GvJMH
#: sfx2/inc/dinfdlg.hrc:75
msgid "Date"
msgstr "Ceann-là"

#. GyrbX
#: sfx2/inc/dinfdlg.hrc:76
msgid "Duration"
msgstr "Faid"

#. CxZ4Z
#: sfx2/inc/dinfdlg.hrc:77
msgid "Number"
msgstr "Àireamh"

#. CDgvL
#: sfx2/inc/dinfdlg.hrc:78
msgid "Yes or no"
msgstr "Tha no chan eil"

#. WzBG6
#. accessibility descriptions that use %PRODUCTNAME, we set these explicitly because querying a11y descs
#. in order to change %PRODUCTNAME at runtime is expensive, so limit doing that as much as possible.
#: sfx2/inc/dinfdlg.hrc:83
msgctxt "documentinfopage|extended_tip|userdatacb"
msgid "Saves the user's full name with the file. You can edit the name by choosing Tools - Options - %PRODUCTNAME - User Data."
msgstr ""

#. AxhLy
#: sfx2/inc/doctempl.hrc:29
msgid "My Templates"
msgstr "Na teamplaidean agam"

#. 5aNp8
#: sfx2/inc/doctempl.hrc:30
msgid "Styles"
msgstr "Stoidhlean"

#. t5QK9
#: sfx2/inc/doctempl.hrc:31
msgid "Business Correspondence"
msgstr "Post gnothaich"

#. Y79e8
#: sfx2/inc/doctempl.hrc:32
msgid "Other Business Documents"
msgstr "Sgrìobhainnean gnothaich eile"

#. 2RCC9
#: sfx2/inc/doctempl.hrc:33
msgid "Personal Correspondence and Documents"
msgstr "Post is sgrìobhainnean pearsanta"

#. tSQLA
#: sfx2/inc/doctempl.hrc:34
msgid "Presentations"
msgstr "Taisbeanaidhean"

#. Fi5fa
#: sfx2/inc/doctempl.hrc:35
msgid "Drawings"
msgstr ""

#. uw5RC
#: sfx2/inc/doctempl.hrc:36
msgid "Localization"
msgstr ""

#. Wg9Je
#: sfx2/source/devtools/DevToolsStrings.hrc:15
msgid "Text Portion %1"
msgstr ""

#. 5ZXbE
#: sfx2/source/devtools/DevToolsStrings.hrc:16
msgid "Paragraph %1"
msgstr ""

#. DJi4i
#: sfx2/source/devtools/DevToolsStrings.hrc:17
msgctxt "STR_SHAPE"
msgid "Shape %1"
msgstr ""

#. Ucjjh
#: sfx2/source/devtools/DevToolsStrings.hrc:18
msgctxt "STR_PAGE"
msgid "Page %1"
msgstr ""

#. j9DL6
#: sfx2/source/devtools/DevToolsStrings.hrc:19
msgctxt "STR_SLIDE"
msgid "Slide %1"
msgstr ""

#. YQqL8
#: sfx2/source/devtools/DevToolsStrings.hrc:20
msgid "Master Slide %1"
msgstr ""

#. CEfNy
#: sfx2/source/devtools/DevToolsStrings.hrc:21
msgctxt "STR_SHEET"
msgid "Sheet %1"
msgstr ""

#. BaABx
#: sfx2/source/devtools/DevToolsStrings.hrc:23
msgid "Shapes"
msgstr ""

#. n4VWE
#: sfx2/source/devtools/DevToolsStrings.hrc:24
msgid "Charts"
msgstr ""

#. 5GWcX
#: sfx2/source/devtools/DevToolsStrings.hrc:25
msgid "Pivot Tables"
msgstr ""

#: sfx2/source/devtools/DevToolsStrings.hrc:26
msgid "Document"
msgstr ""

#. 4dNGV
#: sfx2/source/devtools/DevToolsStrings.hrc:27
msgid "Sheets"
msgstr ""

#. RLwRi
#: sfx2/source/devtools/DevToolsStrings.hrc:28
msgid "Styles"
msgstr ""

#. P4RF4
#: sfx2/source/devtools/DevToolsStrings.hrc:29
msgid "Slides"
msgstr ""

#. 4bJSH
#: sfx2/source/devtools/DevToolsStrings.hrc:30
msgid "Master Slides"
msgstr ""

#. LRq2A
#: sfx2/source/devtools/DevToolsStrings.hrc:31
msgid "Pages"
msgstr ""

#. 946kV
#: sfx2/source/devtools/DevToolsStrings.hrc:32
msgid "Paragraphs"
msgstr ""

#. JG2qz
#: sfx2/source/devtools/DevToolsStrings.hrc:33
msgid "Tables"
msgstr ""

#. HzFoW
#: sfx2/source/devtools/DevToolsStrings.hrc:34
msgid "Frames"
msgstr ""

#. ekGEm
#: sfx2/source/devtools/DevToolsStrings.hrc:35
msgid "Graphic Objects"
msgstr ""

#. cVWmY
#: sfx2/source/devtools/DevToolsStrings.hrc:36
msgid "Embedded Objects"
msgstr ""

#. xfnkV
#: sfx2/source/devtools/DevToolsStrings.hrc:38
msgid "True"
msgstr ""

#. 2WxdA
#: sfx2/source/devtools/DevToolsStrings.hrc:39
msgid "False"
msgstr ""

#. RBC8w
#: sfx2/source/devtools/DevToolsStrings.hrc:40
msgid "Null"
msgstr ""

#. As494
#: sfx2/source/devtools/DevToolsStrings.hrc:41
msgid "Unknown"
msgstr ""

#. gAY69
#: sfx2/source/devtools/DevToolsStrings.hrc:43
msgid "object"
msgstr ""

#. HFgBW
#: sfx2/source/devtools/DevToolsStrings.hrc:44
msgid "struct"
msgstr ""

#. 7DCri
#: sfx2/source/devtools/DevToolsStrings.hrc:45
msgid "enum"
msgstr ""

#. aEuJR
#: sfx2/source/devtools/DevToolsStrings.hrc:46
msgid "sequence"
msgstr ""

#. xXMdD
#: sfx2/source/devtools/DevToolsStrings.hrc:48
msgid "name container"
msgstr ""

#. QLZbz
#: sfx2/source/devtools/DevToolsStrings.hrc:49
msgid "index container"
msgstr ""

#. LLsJf
#: sfx2/source/devtools/DevToolsStrings.hrc:50
msgid "enumeration"
msgstr ""

#. aNuA9
#: sfx2/source/devtools/DevToolsStrings.hrc:52
msgid "[in]"
msgstr ""

#. W3AEx
#: sfx2/source/devtools/DevToolsStrings.hrc:53
msgid "[out]"
msgstr ""

#. ENF6w
#: sfx2/source/devtools/DevToolsStrings.hrc:54
msgid "[in&out]"
msgstr ""

#. rw6AB
#: sfx2/source/devtools/DevToolsStrings.hrc:56
msgid "attribute"
msgstr ""

#. BwCGg
#: sfx2/source/devtools/DevToolsStrings.hrc:57
msgid "get"
msgstr ""

#. MissY
#: sfx2/source/devtools/DevToolsStrings.hrc:58
msgid "set"
msgstr ""

#. Nhmiv
#: sfx2/source/devtools/DevToolsStrings.hrc:59
msgid "may be void"
msgstr ""

#. zECkD
#: sfx2/source/devtools/DevToolsStrings.hrc:60
msgid "read-only"
msgstr ""

#. BtQDx
#: sfx2/source/devtools/DevToolsStrings.hrc:61
msgid "write-only"
msgstr ""

#. dBQEu
#: sfx2/source/devtools/DevToolsStrings.hrc:62
msgid "removeable"
msgstr ""

#. jRo8t
#: sfx2/source/devtools/DevToolsStrings.hrc:63
msgid "bound"
msgstr ""

#. rBqTG
#: sfx2/source/devtools/DevToolsStrings.hrc:64
msgid "constrained"
msgstr ""

#. XLnBt
#: sfx2/source/devtools/DevToolsStrings.hrc:65
msgid "transient"
msgstr ""

#. BK7Zk
#: sfx2/source/devtools/DevToolsStrings.hrc:66
msgid "may be ambiguous"
msgstr ""

#. BDEqD
#: sfx2/source/devtools/DevToolsStrings.hrc:67
msgid "may be default"
msgstr ""

#. TGQhd
#: sfx2/source/devtools/DevToolsStrings.hrc:69
msgid "<Sequence [%1]>"
msgstr ""

#. KZ5M4
#: sfx2/source/devtools/DevToolsStrings.hrc:70
msgid "<Object@%1>"
msgstr ""

#. xKaJy
#: sfx2/source/devtools/DevToolsStrings.hrc:71
msgid "<Struct>"
msgstr ""

#. AxfFu
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/addtargetdialog.ui:8
msgctxt "addtargetdialog|AddTargetDialog"
msgid "Add Target"
msgstr ""

#. JC8Vd
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/addtargetdialog.ui:89
msgctxt "addtargetdialog|label_name"
msgid "Name:"
msgstr ""

#. LXpbz
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/addtargetdialog.ui:120
msgctxt "addtargetdialog|label_type"
msgid "Type:"
msgstr ""

#. Sy2A7
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/addtargetdialog.ui:135
msgctxt "addtargetdialog|label_content"
msgid "Content:"
msgstr ""

#. e5sY6
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/addtargetdialog.ui:169
msgctxt "addtargetdialog|type"
msgid "Text"
msgstr ""

#. dGQqg
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/addtargetdialog.ui:170
msgctxt "addtargetdialog|type"
msgid "Regular expression"
msgstr ""

#. wgzA4
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/addtargetdialog.ui:171
msgctxt "addtargetdialog|type"
msgid "Predefined"
msgstr ""

#. nGjTR
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/addtargetdialog.ui:186
msgctxt "addtargetdialog|label_content_predef"
msgid "Content:"
msgstr ""

#. 7uQgC
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/addtargetdialog.ui:204
msgctxt "addtargetdialog|content_predef"
msgid "Credit card numbers"
msgstr ""

#. jze4C
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/addtargetdialog.ui:205
msgctxt "addtargetdialog|content_predef"
msgid "Email addresses"
msgstr ""

#. wDQAu
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/addtargetdialog.ui:206
msgctxt "addtargetdialog|content_predef"
msgid "IP addresses"
msgstr ""

#. CpoEL
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/addtargetdialog.ui:207
msgctxt "addtargetdialog|content_predef"
msgid "Dates (Numerical)"
msgstr ""

#. 3Nz2x
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/addtargetdialog.ui:208
msgctxt "addtargetdialog|content_predef"
msgid "National Insurance Number (UK)"
msgstr ""

#. jSAay
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/addtargetdialog.ui:209
msgctxt "addtargetdialog|content_predef"
msgid "Social Security Number (US)"
msgstr ""

#. kdZJN
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/addtargetdialog.ui:234
msgctxt "addtargetdialog|checkboxCaseSensitive"
msgid "Match case"
msgstr ""

#. G2u3B
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/addtargetdialog.ui:249
msgctxt "addtargetdialog|checkboxWholeWords"
msgid "Whole words only"
msgstr ""

#. JV66c
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/alienwarndialog.ui:7
msgctxt "alienwarndialog|AlienWarnDialog"
msgid "Confirm File Format"
msgstr "Dearbhaich fòrmat an fhaidhle"

#. kia7u
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/alienwarndialog.ui:13
msgctxt "alienwarndialog|AlienWarnDialog"
msgid "This document may contain formatting or content that cannot be saved in the currently selected file format “%FORMATNAME”."
msgstr "Dh'fhaoidte gu bheil fòrmatadh no susbaint san sgrìobhainn seo nach gabh a shàbhaladh san fhòrmat a thagh thu, \"%FORMATNAME\"."

#. 3YA5c
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/alienwarndialog.ui:14
msgctxt "alienwarndialog|AlienWarnDialog"
msgid "Use the default ODF file format to be sure that the document is saved correctly."
msgstr "Cleachd am fòrmat ODE bunaiteach gus dèanamh cinnteach gun dèid an sgrìobhainn a shàbhaladh mar bu chòir."

#. ocqdy
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/alienwarndialog.ui:25
msgctxt "alienwarndialog|cancel"
msgid "Use %DEFAULTEXTENSION _Format"
msgstr "Cleachd am _fòrmat %DEFAULTEXTENSION"

#. Fzgtz
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/alienwarndialog.ui:40
msgctxt "alienwarndialog|save"
msgid "_Use %FORMATNAME Format"
msgstr "Cleachd am fòr_mat %FORMATNAME"

#. Fgi6S
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/alienwarndialog.ui:65
msgctxt "alienwarndialog|ask"
msgid "_Ask when not saving in ODF or default format"
msgstr "_Faighnich dhìom mur eil mi gu bhith sàbhaladh san fhòrmat ODF"

#. GVVQ6
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/autoredactdialog.ui:24
msgctxt "autoredactdialog|AutoRedactDialog"
msgid "Automatic Redaction"
msgstr ""

#. QCidi
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/autoredactdialog.ui:122
msgctxt "autoredactdialog|target"
msgid "Target Name"
msgstr ""

#. szYkX
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/autoredactdialog.ui:135
msgctxt "autoredactdialog|description"
msgid "Type"
msgstr ""

#. udcn4
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/autoredactdialog.ui:148
msgctxt "autoredactdialog|target"
msgid "Content"
msgstr ""

#. BBuAc
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/autoredactdialog.ui:161
msgctxt "autoredactdialog|target"
msgid "Match case"
msgstr ""

#. obHtC
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/autoredactdialog.ui:174
msgctxt "autoredactdialog|target"
msgid "Whole words"
msgstr ""

#. 4MVdG
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/autoredactdialog.ui:202
msgctxt "menuassignpage|contentslabel"
msgid "_Redaction Targets"
msgstr ""

#. E4GWo
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/autoredactdialog.ui:222
msgctxt "autoredactdialog|btnLoadTargets"
msgid "Load Targets"
msgstr ""

#. tpbYA
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/autoredactdialog.ui:235
msgctxt "autoredactdialog|btnSaveTargets"
msgid "Save Targets"
msgstr ""

#. TQg85
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/autoredactdialog.ui:261
msgctxt "autoredactdialog|add"
msgid "Add Target"
msgstr ""

#. 4TvHR
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/autoredactdialog.ui:274
msgctxt "autoredactdialog|edit"
msgid "Edit Target"
msgstr ""

#. knEqb
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/autoredactdialog.ui:287
msgctxt "autoredactdialog|delete"
msgid "Delete Target"
msgstr ""

#. iLkdK
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/bookmarkdialog.ui:8
msgctxt "bookmarkdialog|BookmarkDialog"
msgid "Add to Bookmarks"
msgstr "Cuir ris na comharran-leabhair"

#. U6BGv
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/bookmarkdialog.ui:83
msgctxt "bookmarkdialog|alttitle"
msgid "Rename Bookmark"
msgstr "Thoir ainm ùr air a’ chomharra-leabhair"

#. Fq2rD
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/bookmarkdialog.ui:102
msgctxt "bookmarkdialog|label2"
msgid "Bookmark:"
msgstr "Comharra-leabhair:"

#. 3A3VL
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/bookmarkmenu.ui:12
msgctxt "bookmarkmenu|display"
msgid "Display"
msgstr "Seall"

#. VDDCt
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/bookmarkmenu.ui:26
msgctxt "bookmarkmenu|rename"
msgid "Rename..."
msgstr "Cuir ainm ùr air..."

#. fCQ9n
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/bookmarkmenu.ui:34
msgctxt "bookmarkmenu|delete"
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Sguab às"

#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/charmapcontrol.ui:20
msgctxt "charmapcontrol|label1"
msgid "Favorites"
msgstr "Annsachdan"

#. HAe2e
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/charmapcontrol.ui:261
msgctxt "charmapcontrol|label2"
msgid "Recent"
msgstr "Air a chleachdadh o chionn goirid"

#. BQwCQ
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/charmapcontrol.ui:500
msgctxt "charmapcontrol|specialchardlg"
msgid "More Characters…"
msgstr "Barrachd charactaran..."

#. i2ZhQ
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/charviewmenu.ui:12
msgctxt "charviewmenu|clearchar"
msgid "Remove"
msgstr "Thoir air falbh"

#. bKHTP
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/charviewmenu.ui:20
msgctxt "charviewmenu|clearallchar"
msgid "Clear All"
msgstr "Falamhaich na h-uile"

#. Y8jYN
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/checkin.ui:8
msgctxt "checkin|CheckinDialog"
msgid "Check-In"
msgstr "Seac a-steach"

#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/checkin.ui:90
msgctxt "checkin|MajorVersion"
msgid "New major version"
msgstr "Tionndadh mòr ùr"

#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/checkin.ui:106
msgctxt "checkin|label2"
msgid "Version comment:"
msgstr "Beachd mun tionndadh:"

#. CEnTA
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/cmisline.ui:44
msgctxt "cmisline|type"
msgid "Type"
msgstr "Seòrsa"

#. g2yBR
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/cmisline.ui:59
msgctxt "cmisline|yes"
msgid "Yes"
msgstr "Tha"

#. BWGuL
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/cmisline.ui:73
msgctxt "cmisline|no"
msgid "No"
msgstr "Chan eil"

#. kDKBB
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/commandpopup.ui:35
msgctxt "commandpopup|entry"
msgid "Search command"
msgstr ""

#. w2G7M
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/custominfopage.ui:15
msgctxt "custominfopage|add"
msgid "Add _Property"
msgstr "Cuir r_oghainn ris"

#. 85KDm
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/custominfopage.ui:23
msgctxt "custominfopage|extended_tip|add"
msgid "Click to add a new row to the Properties list."
msgstr ""

#. aB3bA
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/custominfopage.ui:42
msgctxt "custominfopage|name"
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Ainm"

#. Ja2JC
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/custominfopage.ui:55
msgctxt "custominfopage|type"
msgid "Type"
msgstr "Seòrsa"

#. WxjS6
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/custominfopage.ui:68
msgctxt "custominfopage|value"
msgid "Value"
msgstr "Luach"

#. kSFdB
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/custominfopage.ui:116
msgctxt "custominfopage|extended_tip|properties"
msgid "Enter your custom contents. You can change the name, type, and contents of each row. You can add or remove rows. The items will be exported as metadata to other file formats."
msgstr ""

#. au5jH
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/custominfopage.ui:138
msgctxt "custominfopage|extended_tip|CustomInfoPage"
msgid "Allows you to assign custom information fields to your document."
msgstr ""

#. VHwZA
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/deck.ui:101 sfx2/uiconfig/ui/deck.ui:106
msgid "Close Sidebar Deck"
msgstr ""

#. pxEPn
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/descriptioninfopage.ui:18
msgctxt "descriptioninfopage|label27"
msgid "_Title:"
msgstr "_Tiotal:"

#. HqzQo
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/descriptioninfopage.ui:32
msgctxt "descriptioninfopage|label28"
msgid "_Subject:"
msgstr "C_uspair:"

#. gEGPn
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/descriptioninfopage.ui:46
msgctxt "descriptioninfopage|label29"
msgid "_Keywords:"
msgstr "_Faclan-luirg:"

#. Nayo4
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/descriptioninfopage.ui:61
msgctxt "descriptioninfopage|label30"
msgid "_Comments:"
msgstr "_Beachdan:"

#. qw238
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/descriptioninfopage.ui:79
msgctxt "descriptioninfopage|extended_tip|title"
msgid "Enter a title for the document."
msgstr ""

#. rvZHi
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/descriptioninfopage.ui:96
msgctxt "descriptioninfopage|extended_tip|subject"
msgid "Enter a subject for the document. You can use a subject to group documents with similar contents."
msgstr ""

#. FoxGh
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/descriptioninfopage.ui:113
msgctxt "descriptioninfopage|extended_tip|keywords"
msgid "Enter the words that you want to use to index the content of your document. Keywords must be separated by commas. A keyword can contain white space characters or semicolons."
msgstr ""

#. bo2q7
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/descriptioninfopage.ui:137
msgctxt "descriptioninfopage|extended_tip|comments"
msgid "Enter comments to help identify the document."
msgstr ""

#. sGW3Z
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/descriptioninfopage.ui:150
msgctxt "descriptioninfopage|extended_tip|DescriptionInfoPage"
msgid "Contains descriptive information about the document."
msgstr ""

#. tC2rt
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/developmenttool.ui:116
msgctxt "developmenttool|dom_current_selection_toggle-tooltip"
msgid "Current Selection In Document"
msgstr ""

#. Po2S3
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/developmenttool.ui:117
msgctxt "developmenttool|dom_current_selection_toggle"
msgid "Current Selection"
msgstr ""

#. eB6NR
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/developmenttool.ui:128
msgctxt "developmenttool|dom_refresh_button-tooltip"
msgid "Refresh Document Model Tree View"
msgstr ""

#. FD2yt
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/developmenttool.ui:129
msgctxt "developmenttool|dom_refresh_button"
msgid "Refresh"
msgstr ""

#. qVgcX
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/developmenttool.ui:175
msgctxt "developmenttool|object"
msgid "Object"
msgstr ""

#. x6GLB
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/developmenttool.ui:223
msgctxt "developmenttool|tooltip-back"
msgid "Back"
msgstr ""

#. SinPk
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/developmenttool.ui:224
msgctxt "developmenttool|back"
msgid "Back"
msgstr ""

#. 4CBb3
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/developmenttool.ui:236
msgctxt "developmenttool|tooltip-inspect"
msgid "Inspect"
msgstr ""

#. vCciB
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/developmenttool.ui:237
msgctxt "developmenttool|inspect"
msgid "Inspect"
msgstr ""

#. nFMXe
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/developmenttool.ui:249
msgctxt "developmenttool|tooltip-refresh"
msgid "Refresh"
msgstr ""

#. CFuvW
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/developmenttool.ui:250
msgctxt "developmenttool|refresh"
msgid "Refresh"
msgstr ""

#. 6gFmn
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/developmenttool.ui:273
msgctxt "developmenttool|classname"
msgid "Class name:"
msgstr ""

#. a9j7f
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/developmenttool.ui:338
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/developmenttool.ui:387
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/developmenttool.ui:445
msgctxt "developmenttool|name"
msgid "Name"
msgstr ""

#. VFqAa
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/developmenttool.ui:358
msgctxt "developmenttool|interfaces"
msgid "Interfaces"
msgstr ""

#. iCdWe
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/developmenttool.ui:410
msgctxt "developmenttool|services"
msgid "Services"
msgstr ""

#. H7pYE
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/developmenttool.ui:460
msgctxt "developmenttool|value"
msgid "Value"
msgstr ""

#. Jjkqh
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/developmenttool.ui:474
msgctxt "developmenttool|type"
msgid "Type"
msgstr ""

#. zpXuY
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/developmenttool.ui:488
msgctxt "developmenttool|info"
msgid "Info"
msgstr ""

#. AUktw
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/developmenttool.ui:539
msgctxt "developmenttool|properties"
msgid "Properties"
msgstr ""

#. wGJtn
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/developmenttool.ui:569
msgctxt "developmenttool|method"
msgid "Method"
msgstr ""

#. EnGfg
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/developmenttool.ui:584
msgctxt "developmenttool|returntype"
msgid "Return Type"
msgstr ""

#. AKnSa
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/developmenttool.ui:598
msgctxt "developmenttool|parameters"
msgid "Parameters"
msgstr ""

#. tmttq
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/developmenttool.ui:612
msgctxt "developmenttool|implementation_class"
msgid "Implementation Class"
msgstr ""

#. Q2CBK
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/developmenttool.ui:634
msgctxt "developmenttool|methods"
msgid "Methods"
msgstr ""

#. 68CBk
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/devtoolsmenu.ui:12
msgctxt "devtoolsmenu|inspect"
msgid "Inspect"
msgstr ""

#. zjFgn
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/documentfontspage.ui:28
msgctxt "documentfontspage|embedFonts"
msgid "_Embed fonts in the document"
msgstr "L_eabaich na cruthan-clò san sgrìobhainn"

#. FzuRv
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/documentfontspage.ui:36
msgctxt "documentfontspage|extended_tip|embedFonts"
msgid "Mark this box to embed document fonts into the document file, for portability between different computer systems."
msgstr ""

#. 6rfon
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/documentfontspage.ui:48
msgctxt "documentfontspage|embedUsedFonts"
msgid "_Only embed fonts that are used in documents"
msgstr "Na leabaich ach cruthan-clò a tha ’gan cleachdadh ann an sgrì_obhainnean"

#. V8E5f
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/documentfontspage.ui:67
msgctxt "documentfontspage|fontEmbeddingLabel"
msgid "Font Embedding"
msgstr ""

#. Gip6V
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/documentfontspage.ui:95
msgctxt "documentfontspage|embedLatinScriptFonts"
msgid "_Latin fonts"
msgstr "Cruthan-clò _Laideann"

#. nFM92
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/documentfontspage.ui:110
msgctxt "documentfontspage|embedAsianScriptFonts"
msgid "_Asian fonts"
msgstr "Cruth_an-clò Àiseanach"

#. nSg9b
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/documentfontspage.ui:125
msgctxt "documentfontspage|embedComplexScriptFonts"
msgid "_Complex fonts"
msgstr "_Cruthan-clò iom-fhillte"

#. EFytK
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/documentfontspage.ui:144
msgctxt "documentfontspage|fontScriptFrameLabel"
msgid "Font scripts to embed"
msgstr "Sgriobtaichean chrutha-clò a tha ri leabachadh"

#. izc2Y
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/documentfontspage.ui:158
msgctxt "documentfontspage|extended_tip|DocumentFontsPage"
msgid "Embed document fonts in the current file."
msgstr ""

#. CCxGn
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/documentinfopage.ui:19
msgctxt "documentinfopage|label13"
msgid "_Created:"
msgstr "Air a _chruthachadh:"

#. EZKmF
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/documentinfopage.ui:33
msgctxt "documentinfopage|label14"
msgid "_Modified:"
msgstr "Air a_tharrachadh:"

#. 4GLKx
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/documentinfopage.ui:47
msgctxt "documentinfopage|label15"
msgid "_Digitally signed:"
msgstr "Soidhneadh _digiteach:"

#. gJwUC
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/documentinfopage.ui:61
msgctxt "documentinfopage|label16"
msgid "Last pri_nted:"
msgstr "Clò-bhualadh _mu dheireadh:"

#. drz3P
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/documentinfopage.ui:75
msgctxt "documentinfopage|label17"
msgid "Total _editing time:"
msgstr "Ùine d_easachaidh gu lèir:"

#. MEzSr
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/documentinfopage.ui:89
msgctxt "documentinfopage|label18"
msgid "Re_vision number:"
msgstr "Àiream_h an ath-sgrùdaidh:"

#. BgTqU
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/documentinfopage.ui:131
msgctxt "documentinfopage|showsigned"
msgid "Multiply signed document"
msgstr "Sgrìobhainn le iomadh soidhneadh digiteach"

#. sGFJQ
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/documentinfopage.ui:183
msgctxt "documentinfopage|userdatacb"
msgid "_Apply user data"
msgstr "Cuir _an sàs dàta a' chleachdaiche"

#. JFxmP
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/documentinfopage.ui:197
msgctxt "documentinfopage|reset"
msgid "Reset Properties"
msgstr "Ath-shuidhich na roghainnean"

#. HrN2U
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/documentinfopage.ui:204
msgctxt "documentinfopage|extended_tip|reset"
msgid "Resets the editing time to zero, the creation date to the current date and time, and the version number to 1. The modification and printing dates are also deleted."
msgstr ""

#. qeWvU
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/documentinfopage.ui:215
msgctxt "documentinfopage|signature"
msgid "Di_gital Signatures..."
msgstr "Soidhneachaidhean di_giteach..."

#. rEEgJ
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/documentinfopage.ui:234
msgctxt "documentinfopage|label11"
msgid "_Size:"
msgstr "Me_ud:"

#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/documentinfopage.ui:247
msgctxt "documentinfopage|showsize"
msgid "unknown"
msgstr "neo-aithnichte"

#. EgtLE
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/documentinfopage.ui:262
msgctxt "documentinfopage|label8"
msgid "_Location:"
msgstr "Ài_te:"

#. 9xhwo
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/documentinfopage.ui:276
msgctxt "documentinfopage|label7"
msgid "_Type:"
msgstr "S_eòrsa:"

#. ZLmAo
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/documentinfopage.ui:299
msgctxt "documentinfopage|changepass"
msgid "Change _Password"
msgstr "Atharraich am _facal-faire"

#. oqAZE
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/documentinfopage.ui:317
msgctxt "documentinfopage|templateft"
msgid "Template:"
msgstr "Teamplaid:"

#. 5pXPV
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/documentinfopage.ui:366
msgctxt "documentinfopage|extended_tip|nameed"
msgid "Displays the file name."
msgstr ""

#. LCDUj
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/documentinfopage.ui:397
msgctxt "documentinfopage|thumbnailsavecb"
msgid "Save preview image with this document"
msgstr "Sàbhail dealbh ro-sheallaidh an cois na sgrìobhainne seo"

#. 6bF5w
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/documentinfopage.ui:416
msgctxt "documentinfopage|image-preferred-dpi-checkbutton"
msgid "Preferred resolution for images:"
msgstr ""

#. pukYD
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/documentinfopage.ui:466
msgctxt "documentinfopage|image-preferred-ppi-unit"
msgid "ppi"
msgstr ""

#. VWjRu
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/documentinfopage.ui:500
msgctxt "documentinfopage|extended_tip|DocumentInfoPage"
msgid "Contains basic information about the current file."
msgstr ""

#. scgsx
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/documentpropertiesdialog.ui:8
msgctxt "documentpropertiesdialog|DocumentPropertiesDialog"
msgid "Properties of “%1”"
msgstr "Roghainnean “%1”"

#. iTECQ
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/documentpropertiesdialog.ui:135
msgctxt "documentpropertiesdialog|general"
msgid "General "
msgstr "Coitcheann "

#. Vggig
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/documentpropertiesdialog.ui:182
msgctxt "documentpropertiesdialog|description"
msgid "Description"
msgstr "Tuairisgeul"

#. HTaxP
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/documentpropertiesdialog.ui:230
msgctxt "documentpropertiesdialog|customprops"
msgid "Custom Properties"
msgstr "Roghainnean gnàthaichte"

#. DccDw
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/documentpropertiesdialog.ui:278
msgctxt "documentpropertiesdialog|cmisprops"
msgid "CMIS Properties"
msgstr "Roghainnean CMIS"

#. q9i7y
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/documentpropertiesdialog.ui:326
msgctxt "documentpropertiesdialog|security"
msgid "Security"
msgstr "Tèarainteachd"

#. 42uNG
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/editdocumentdialog.ui:7
msgctxt "editdocumentdialog|EditDocumentDialog"
msgid "Confirm editing of document"
msgstr "Dearbh deasachadh na sgrìobhainn"

#. bdEZG
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/editdocumentdialog.ui:13
msgctxt "editdocumentdialog|EditDocumentDialog"
msgid "Are you sure you want to edit the document?"
msgstr "A bheil thu cinnteach gu bheil thu airson an sgrìobhainn a dheasachadh?"

#. AMrnx
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/editdocumentdialog.ui:14
msgctxt "editdocumentdialog|EditDocumentDialog"
msgid "The original file can be signed without editing the document. Existing signatures on the document will be lost in case of saving an edited version."
msgstr "Gabhaidh am faidhle tùsail a shoidhneadh gun a bhith a’ deasachadh na sgrìobhainne. Thèid soidhneadh sam bith a tha ris an-dràsta air chall ma shàbhaileas tu tionndadh dhen sgrìobhainn a chaidh a dheasachadh."

#. wRps5
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/editdocumentdialog.ui:25
msgctxt "editdocumentdialog|edit"
msgid "Edit Document"
msgstr "Deasaich an sgrìobhainn"

#. oWdm6
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/editdocumentdialog.ui:42
msgctxt "editdocumentdialog|cancel"
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Sguir dheth"

#. hrgcD
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/editdurationdialog.ui:43
msgctxt "editdurationdialog|EditDurationDialog"
msgid "Edit Duration"
msgstr "Deasaich an ùine"

#. 66AnB
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/editdurationdialog.ui:132
msgctxt "editdurationdialog|negative"
msgid "_Negative"
msgstr "Àichei_l"

#. LeAmz
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/editdurationdialog.ui:149
msgctxt "editdurationdialog|label1"
msgid "_Years:"
msgstr "_Bliadhnaichean:"

#. kFDdM
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/editdurationdialog.ui:163
msgctxt "editdurationdialog|label"
msgid "_Months:"
msgstr "_Mìosan:"

#. CHLhB
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/editdurationdialog.ui:177
msgctxt "editdurationdialog|label3"
msgid "_Days:"
msgstr "_Làithean:"

#. 2w5Dd
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/editdurationdialog.ui:191
msgctxt "editdurationdialog|label4"
msgid "H_ours:"
msgstr "_Uairean a thìde:"

#. TtWAW
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/editdurationdialog.ui:205
msgctxt "editdurationdialog|label5"
msgid "Min_utes:"
msgstr "Mionaidea_n:"

#. TieWF
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/editdurationdialog.ui:219
msgctxt "editdurationdialog|label6"
msgid "_Seconds:"
msgstr "_Diogan:"

#. GxEZZ
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/editdurationdialog.ui:233
msgctxt "editdurationdialog|label7"
msgid "Millise_conds:"
msgstr "Mi_lle-dhiogan:"

#. FLFW8
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/editdurationdialog.ui:340
msgctxt "editdurationdialog|label2"
msgid "Duration"
msgstr "Faid"

#. 9cAb5
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/errorfindemaildialog.ui:7
msgctxt "errorfindemaildialog|ErrorFindEmailDialog"
msgid "No email configuration"
msgstr "Chan eil rèiteachadh puist-d ann"

#. cFct7
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/errorfindemaildialog.ui:14
msgctxt "errorfindemaildialog|ErrorFindEmailDialog"
msgid "%PRODUCTNAME was unable to find a working email configuration."
msgstr "Cha b’ urrainn dha %PRODUCTNAME rèiteachadh puist-d a lorg a tha ag obair."

#. xQi7X
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/errorfindemaildialog.ui:15
msgctxt "errorfindemaildialog|ErrorFindEmailDialog"
msgid "Please save this document locally instead and attach it from within your email client."
msgstr "Sàbhail an sgrìobhainn seo gu h-ionadail an àite sin agus ceangail e ris sa chliant phuist-d agad."

#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/floatingrecord.ui:7
msgctxt "floatingrecord|FloatingRecord"
msgid "Record Macro"
msgstr "Clàraich macro"

#. Fa63R
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/helpbookmarkpage.ui:32
msgctxt "helpbookmarkpage|label1"
msgid "_Bookmarks"
msgstr "Co_mharran-leabhair"

#. kZqGE
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/helpbookmarkpage.ui:83
msgctxt "helpbookmarkpage|display"
msgid "_Display"
msgstr "_Taisbeanadh"

#. S7ppr
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/helpcontrol.ui:77
msgctxt "helpcontrol|contents"
msgid "Contents"
msgstr "Susbaint"

#. vxPLh
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/helpcontrol.ui:126
msgctxt "helpcontrol|index"
msgid "Index"
msgstr "Clàr-amais"

#. HdGQi
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/helpcontrol.ui:176
msgctxt "helpcontrol|find"
msgid "Find"
msgstr "Lorg"

#. 7fapN
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/helpcontrol.ui:226
msgctxt "helpcontrol|bookmarks"
msgid "Bookmarks"
msgstr "Comharran-leabhair"

#. UQL8A
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/helpindexpage.ui:30
msgctxt "helpindexpage|display"
msgid "_Display"
msgstr "Tais_beanadh"

#. 4MkAM
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/helpindexpage.ui:116
msgctxt "helpindexpage|label1"
msgid "_Search Term"
msgstr ""

#. wKLbH
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/helpmanual.ui:7
msgctxt "helpmanual|onlinehelpmanual"
msgid "%PRODUCTNAME Help Not Installed"
msgstr "Cha deach cobhair %PRODUCTNAME a stàladh"

#. JBdnz
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/helpmanual.ui:12
msgctxt "helpmanual|onlinehelpmanual"
msgid "The %PRODUCTNAME built-in help for current UI language ($UILOCALE) is not installed on your computer."
msgstr "Cha deach cobhair am broinn %PRODUCTNAME ’nad chànan (($UILOCALE)) a stàladh air a’ choimpiutair agad."

#. DxMPr
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/helpmanual.ui:13
msgctxt "helpmanual|onlinehelpmanual"
msgid "You may either install it from our website or your system’s repositories, or read an online version."
msgstr "’S urrainn dhut a stàladh on làrach-lìn againn no tasg-lannan an t-siostaim agad no tionndadh air loidhne dheth a leughadh."

#. AaeBL
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/helpmanual.ui:23
msgctxt "helpmanual|website"
msgid "Read Help Online"
msgstr "Leugh a’ chobhair air loidhne"

#. B2Wzh
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/helpmanual.ui:60
msgctxt "helpmanual|hidedialog"
msgid "Do not show this dialog again"
msgstr "Na seall an còmhradh seo a-rithist"

#. 8FjCk
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/helpsearchpage.ui:30
msgctxt "helpsearchpage|display"
msgid "_Display"
msgstr "Tais_beanadh"

#. JDsn3
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/helpsearchpage.ui:46
msgctxt "helpsearchpage|label1"
msgid "_Search term"
msgstr "_Facal-luirg"

#. VRVyq
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/helpsearchpage.ui:122
msgctxt "helpsearchpage|find"
msgid "_Find"
msgstr ""

#. ZiE8A
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/helpsearchpage.ui:141
msgctxt "helpsearchpage|completewords"
msgid "_Complete words only"
msgstr "Faclan _slàna a-mhàin"

#. vzqdb
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/helpsearchpage.ui:155
msgctxt "helpsearchpage|headings"
msgid "Find in _headings only"
msgstr "Lorg sna ceann-sgrìob_haidhean a-mhàin"

#. JDZho
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/helpwindow.ui:69
msgctxt "helpwindow|backward|tooltip_text"
msgid "Previous Page"
msgstr ""

#. Gv3uP
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/helpwindow.ui:80
msgctxt "helpwindow|forward|tooltip_text"
msgid "Next Page"
msgstr ""

#. uaBtK
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/helpwindow.ui:91
msgctxt "helpwindow|start|tooltip_text"
msgid "First Page"
msgstr ""

#. TizVY
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/helpwindow.ui:112
msgctxt "helpwindow|print|tooltip_text"
msgid "Print"
msgstr ""

#. 7wgqt
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/helpwindow.ui:123
msgctxt "helpwindow|bookmarks|tooltip_text"
msgid "Add to Bookmarks"
msgstr ""

#. qPF9A
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/helpwindow.ui:134
msgctxt "helpwindow|searchdialog|tooltip_text"
msgid "Find on this Page"
msgstr ""

#. VnXxR
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/infobar.ui:65
msgctxt "infobar|close|tooltip_text"
msgid "Close Infobar"
msgstr ""

#. DpXCY
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/inputdialog.ui:87
msgctxt "inputdialog|label"
msgid "Height:"
msgstr "Àirde:"

#. HwHjx
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/licensedialog.ui:8
msgctxt "licensedialog|LicenseDialog"
msgid "Licensing and Legal information"
msgstr "An ceadachas agus fiosrachadh laghail"

#. yLwba
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/licensedialog.ui:25
msgctxt "licensedialog|show"
msgid "_Show License"
msgstr "_Seall an ceadachas"

#. 3unZa
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/licensedialog.ui:68
msgctxt "licensedialog|label"
msgid ""
"%PRODUCTNAME is made available subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. A copy of the MPL can be obtained at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.\n"
"Third Party Code Additional copyright notices and license terms applicable to portions of the Software are set forth in the LICENSE.html file; choose Show License to see exact details in English.\n"
"All trademarks and registered trademarks mentioned herein are the property of their respective owners.\n"
"Copyright © 2000–2022 LibreOffice contributors. All rights reserved.\n"
"This product was created by %OOOVENDOR, based on OpenOffice.org, which is Copyright 2000, 2011 Oracle and/or its affiliates. %OOOVENDOR acknowledges all community members, please see http://www.libreoffice.org/ for more details."
msgstr ""

#. QuVoN
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/linefragment.ui:57
msgctxt "linefragment|STR_SFX_REMOVE_PROPERTY"
msgid "Remove Property"
msgstr "Thoir air falbh an roghainn"

#. 8gPai
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/linefragment.ui:149
msgctxt "linefragment|SFX_ST_EDIT"
msgid "..."
msgstr "…"

#. x4Fjd
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/linefragment.ui:185
msgctxt "linefragment|yes"
msgid "Yes"
msgstr "Tha"

#. mJFyB
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/linefragment.ui:200
msgctxt "linefragment|no"
msgid "No"
msgstr "Chan eil"

#. muk9B
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/linkeditdialog.ui:8
msgctxt "linkeditdialog|title"
msgid "Modify DDE Link"
msgstr "Atharraich an ceandal DDE"

#. CZn3G
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/linkeditdialog.ui:102
msgctxt "linkeditdialog|label2"
msgid "_Application:"
msgstr "_Aplacaid:"

#. GZsEX
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/linkeditdialog.ui:116
msgctxt "linkeditdialog|label3"
msgid "_File:"
msgstr "_Faidhle:"

#. 6Fx6h
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/linkeditdialog.ui:130
msgctxt "linkeditdialog|label4"
msgid "_Category:"
msgstr "_Roinn-seòrsa:"

#. AzB2M
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/linkeditdialog.ui:148
msgctxt "linkeditdialog|extended_tip|app"
msgid "Lists the application that last saved the source file. The office suite applications have the server name soffice."
msgstr ""

#. cj9do
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/linkeditdialog.ui:166
msgctxt "linkeditdialog|extended_tip|file"
msgid "Path to the source file. Relative paths must be expressed by full URI, for example, with file://."
msgstr ""

#. cMPNq
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/linkeditdialog.ui:184
msgctxt "linkeditdialog|extended_tip|category"
msgid "Lists the section or object that the link refers to in the source file. If you want, you can enter a new section or object here."
msgstr ""

#. hiapi
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/linkeditdialog.ui:199
msgctxt "linkeditdialog|label1"
msgid "Modify Link"
msgstr "Atharraich an ceangal"

#. ba2Tn
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/loadtemplatedialog.ui:24
msgctxt "loadtemplatedialog|LoadTemplateDialog"
msgid "New"
msgstr "Ùr"

#. MkW3E
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/loadtemplatedialog.ui:40
msgctxt "loadtemplatedialog|fromfile"
msgid "From File..."
msgstr "O fhaidhle..."

#. jSrBT
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/loadtemplatedialog.ui:45
msgctxt "loadtemplatedialog|fromfile|tooltip_text"
msgid "Copy styles from selected external document to current document."
msgstr ""

#. GE236
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/loadtemplatedialog.ui:48
msgctxt "loadtemplatedialog|extended_tip|fromfile"
msgid "Locate the file containing the styles that you want to load, and then click Open."
msgstr ""

#. YCguC
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/loadtemplatedialog.ui:165
msgctxt "loadtemplatedialog|extended_tip|categories"
msgid "Lists the available template categories. Click a category to view its contents in the Templates list."
msgstr ""

#. PZS7L
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/loadtemplatedialog.ui:176
msgctxt "loadtemplatedialog|label1"
msgid "Categories"
msgstr "Roinnean-seòrsa"

#. hkGaT
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/loadtemplatedialog.ui:230
msgctxt "loadtemplatedialog|extended_tip|templates"
msgid "Lists the available templates for the selected category."
msgstr ""

#. hryGV
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/loadtemplatedialog.ui:241
msgctxt "loadtemplatedialog|label2"
msgid "Templates"
msgstr "Teamplaidean"

#. LAAM3
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/loadtemplatedialog.ui:245
msgctxt "loadtemplatedialog|label2|tooltip_text"
msgid "Templates in the selected category"
msgstr ""

#. rFENe
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/loadtemplatedialog.ui:264
msgctxt "loadtemplatedialog|text"
msgid "_Paragraph and Character"
msgstr ""

#. jCAuA
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/loadtemplatedialog.ui:269
msgctxt "loadtemplatedialog|text|tooltip_text"
msgid "Copy paragraph and character styles to current document."
msgstr ""

#. VLWfZ
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/loadtemplatedialog.ui:273
msgctxt "loadtemplatedialog|extended_tip|text"
msgid "Loads the paragraph and the character styles from the selected document into the current document."
msgstr ""

#. d2q55
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/loadtemplatedialog.ui:284
msgctxt "loadtemplatedialog|frame"
msgid "_Frame"
msgstr "_Frèam"

#. HSCZj
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/loadtemplatedialog.ui:289
msgctxt "loadtemplatedialog|frame|tooltip_text"
msgid "Copy frame styles to current document."
msgstr ""

#. 4ZF6u
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/loadtemplatedialog.ui:293
msgctxt "loadtemplatedialog|extended_tip|frame"
msgid "Loads the frame styles from the selected document into the current document."
msgstr ""

#. vFZLz
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/loadtemplatedialog.ui:304
msgctxt "loadtemplatedialog|pages"
msgid "Pa_ge"
msgstr ""

#. hdRo6
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/loadtemplatedialog.ui:309
msgctxt "loadtemplatedialog|pages|tooltip_text"
msgid "Copy page styles to current document."
msgstr ""

#. o2C8c
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/loadtemplatedialog.ui:313
msgctxt "loadtemplatedialog|extended_tip|pages"
msgid "Loads the page styles from the selected document into the current document."
msgstr ""

#. 2xgCH
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/loadtemplatedialog.ui:324
msgctxt "loadtemplatedialog|numbering"
msgid "_List"
msgstr ""

#. VZxbf
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/loadtemplatedialog.ui:329
msgctxt "loadtemplatedialog|numbering|tooltip_text"
msgid "Copy list styles to current document."
msgstr ""

#. PAsEB
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/loadtemplatedialog.ui:333
msgctxt "loadtemplatedialog|extended_tip|numbering"
msgid "Loads the list styles from the selected document into the current document."
msgstr ""

#. VWzsG
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/loadtemplatedialog.ui:344
msgctxt "loadtemplatedialog|overwrite"
msgid "_Overwrite"
msgstr "_Tar-sgrìobh"

#. cr86W
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/loadtemplatedialog.ui:350
msgctxt "loadtemplatedialog|overwrite|tooltip_text"
msgid "Overwrite styles with same name"
msgstr ""

#. A9ogA
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/loadtemplatedialog.ui:353
msgctxt "loadtemplatedialog|extended_tip|overwrite"
msgid "Replaces styles in the current document that have the same name as the styles you are loading."
msgstr ""

#. 7ru2R
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/loadtemplatedialog.ui:376
msgctxt "loadtemplatedialog|alttitle"
msgid "Load Styles from Template"
msgstr ""

#. X5Pi5
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/loadtemplatedialog.ui:413
msgctxt "loadtemplatedialog|label3"
msgid "Pre_view"
msgstr "_Ro-shealladh"

#. hR7cK
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/loadtemplatedialog.ui:419
msgctxt "loadtemplatedialog|extended_tip|expander"
msgid "Shows or hides a preview of a selected template."
msgstr ""

#. CRcca
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/loadtemplatedialog.ui:449
msgctxt "loadtemplatedialog|extended_tip|LoadTemplateDialog"
msgid "Imports formatting styles from another document or template into the current document."
msgstr ""

#. EAhup
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/managestylepage.ui:33
msgctxt "managestylepage|nameft"
msgid "_Name:"
msgstr "Ai_nm:"

#. VroAG
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/managestylepage.ui:47
msgctxt "managestylepage|nextstyleft"
msgid "Ne_xt style:"
msgstr "An ath-_stoidhle:"

#. mJYgm
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/managestylepage.ui:61
msgctxt "managestylepage|linkedwithft"
msgid "Inherit from:"
msgstr "Oighreachd o:"

#. 9pGL9
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/managestylepage.ui:75
msgctxt "managestylepage|categoryft"
msgid "_Category:"
msgstr "_Roinn-seòrsa:"

#. MMhJQ
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/managestylepage.ui:99
msgctxt "managestylepage|editstyle"
msgid "Edit Style"
msgstr "Deasaich an stoidhle"

#. 7XGEs
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/managestylepage.ui:123
msgctxt "managestylepage|editlinkstyle"
msgid "Edit Style"
msgstr "Deasaich an stoidhle"

#. cKjrA
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/managestylepage.ui:147
msgctxt "managestylepage|autoupdate"
msgid "_AutoUpdate"
msgstr "_Fèin-ùrachadh"

#. oTXJz
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/managestylepage.ui:192
msgctxt "managestylepage|label1"
msgid "Style"
msgstr "Stoidhle"

#. NXG9o
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/managestylepage.ui:230
msgctxt "managestylepage|label2"
msgid "Contains"
msgstr "Tha na leanas 'na bhroinn"

#. WJunC
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/newstyle.ui:16
msgctxt "newstyle|CreateStyleDialog"
msgid "New Style from Selection"
msgstr ""

#. 2XkTt
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/newstyle.ui:140
msgctxt "newstyle|styles-atkobject"
msgid "Custom styles for selected category"
msgstr ""

#. UEGSg
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/newstyle.ui:160
msgctxt "newstyle|stylename-atkobject"
msgid "Style name"
msgstr ""

#. bjN3T
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/newstyle.ui:175
msgctxt "newstyle|categorylabel"
msgid "Custom styles for current document"
msgstr ""

#. 6mnDS
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/newstyle.ui:191
msgctxt "newstyle|label1"
msgid "Enter new style name:"
msgstr ""

#. R6zJz
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/notebookbar.ui:74
msgctxt "notebookbar|label9"
msgid "File"
msgstr "Faidhle"

#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/optprintpage.ui:35
msgctxt "optprintpage|printer"
msgid "_Printer"
msgstr "Clò-bhuala_dair"

#. PUG9y
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/optprintpage.ui:44
msgctxt "extended_tip|printer"
msgid "Specifies whether the print settings apply to direct printing or to printing to a file."
msgstr ""

#. Eyv8g
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/optprintpage.ui:55
msgctxt "optprintpage|file"
msgid "Print to _file"
msgstr "clò-bhualadh gu _faidhle"

#. TMHvE
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/optprintpage.ui:64
msgctxt "extended_tip|file"
msgid "Specifies whether the print settings apply to direct printing or to printing to a file."
msgstr ""

#. C8jvp
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/optprintpage.ui:79
msgctxt "optprintpage|label4"
msgid "Settings for"
msgstr ""

#. 2T5Af
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/optprintpage.ui:109
msgctxt "optprintpage|papersize"
msgid "P_aper size"
msgstr "Meud _a' phàipeir"

#. yj4DA
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/optprintpage.ui:117
msgctxt "extended_tip|papersize"
msgid "Mark this check box if a certain paper size is needed for printing the current document."
msgstr ""

#. stDFq
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/optprintpage.ui:128
msgctxt "optprintpage|paperorient"
msgid "Pap_er orientation"
msgstr "Comhair a' phàip_eir"

#. FdFNk
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/optprintpage.ui:136
msgctxt "extended_tip|paperorient"
msgid "Mark this check box if you need a certain paper orientation for printing the current document."
msgstr ""

#. L6rtF
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/optprintpage.ui:147
msgctxt "optprintpage|trans"
msgid "_Transparency"
msgstr "_Trìd-shoilleireachd"

#. F6nF9
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/optprintpage.ui:155
msgctxt "extended_tip|trans"
msgid "Mark this check box if you always want to be warned if transparent objects are contained in the document."
msgstr ""

#. C5jZN
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/optprintpage.ui:170
msgctxt "optprintpage|label2"
msgid "Warnings"
msgstr ""

#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/optprintpage.ui:198
msgctxt "optprintpage|reducegrad"
msgid "Reduce _gradient"
msgstr "Lughdaich an _caisead"

#. GC8dk
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/optprintpage.ui:206
msgctxt "extended_tip|reducegrad"
msgid "If this field is marked, gradients are printed with reduced quality."
msgstr ""

#. skDME
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/optprintpage.ui:230
msgctxt "optprintpage|reducegradstripes"
msgid "Gradient _stripes:"
msgstr "_Srianan a' chaiseid:"

#. k8zh7
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/optprintpage.ui:239
msgctxt "extended_tip|reducegradstripes"
msgid "Specifies the maximum number of gradient stripes for printing."
msgstr ""

#. 5HCxT
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/optprintpage.ui:257
msgctxt "extended_tip|reducegradstep"
msgid "Specifies the maximum number of gradient stripes for printing."
msgstr ""

#. W8LE7
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/optprintpage.ui:274
msgctxt "optprintpage|reducegradcolor"
msgid "Intermediate _color"
msgstr "Dath eadar-mheadhana_ch"

#. TUbxx
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/optprintpage.ui:283
msgctxt "extended_tip|reducegradcolor"
msgid "Specifies that gradients are only printed in a single intermediate color."
msgstr ""

#. myMLR
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/optprintpage.ui:304
msgctxt "optprintpage|label1"
msgid "Reduce Gradient"
msgstr ""

#. abbre
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/optprintpage.ui:312
msgctxt "extended_tip|frame2"
msgid "Defines which warnings appear before printing begins."
msgstr ""

#. ySmQe
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/optprintpage.ui:337
msgctxt "optprintpage|reducebitmap"
msgid "Reduce _bitmaps"
msgstr "Lughdaich na _bitmaps"

#. nNjfk
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/optprintpage.ui:345
msgctxt "extended_tip|reducebitmap"
msgid "Specifies that bitmaps are printed with reduced quality. The resolution can only be reduced and not increased."
msgstr ""

#. qF2KM
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/optprintpage.ui:363
msgctxt "optprintpage|reducebitmapnormal"
msgid "N_ormal print quality"
msgstr "Clò-bh_ualadh de chàileachd àbhaisteach"

#. i5T3j
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/optprintpage.ui:372
msgctxt "extended_tip|reducebitmapnormal"
msgid "High print quality corresponds to a resolution of 300dpi. Normal print quality corresponds to a resolution of 200dpi. "
msgstr ""

#. EZGK5
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/optprintpage.ui:389
msgctxt "optprintpage|reducebitmapresol"
msgid "Reso_lution:"
msgstr "Dù_mhlachd-bhreacaidh:"

#. q3aJL
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/optprintpage.ui:398
msgctxt "extended_tip|reducebitmapresol"
msgid "Specifies the maximum print quality in dpi. The resolution can only be reduced and not increased."
msgstr ""

#. 6ALtE
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/optprintpage.ui:412
msgctxt "optprintpage|reducebitmapdpi"
msgid "72 DPI"
msgstr "72 DPI"

#. FgpJ3
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/optprintpage.ui:413
msgctxt "optprintpage|reducebitmapdpi"
msgid "96 DPI"
msgstr "96 DPI"

#. d7BqR
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/optprintpage.ui:414
msgctxt "optprintpage|reducebitmapdpi"
msgid "150 DPI (Fax)"
msgstr "150 DPI (Facs)"

#. 46imh
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/optprintpage.ui:415
msgctxt "optprintpage|reducebitmapdpi"
msgid "200 DPI (default)"
msgstr "200 DPI (bun-roghainn)"

#. AsLSp
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/optprintpage.ui:416
msgctxt "optprintpage|reducebitmapdpi"
msgid "300 DPI"
msgstr "300 DPI"

#. qZJg5
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/optprintpage.ui:417
msgctxt "optprintpage|reducebitmapdpi"
msgid "600 DPI"
msgstr "600 DPI"

#. 8KFUc
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/optprintpage.ui:421
msgctxt "extended_tip|reducebitmapdpi"
msgid "Specifies the maximum print quality in dpi. The resolution can only be reduced and not increased."
msgstr ""

#. YXTXc
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/optprintpage.ui:438
msgctxt "optprintpage|reducebitmapoptimal"
msgid "_High print quality"
msgstr "Clò-b_hualadh de chàileachd àrd"

#. BdCpv
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/optprintpage.ui:447
msgctxt "extended_tip|reducebitmapoptimal"
msgid "High print quality corresponds to a resolution of 300dpi. Normal print quality corresponds to a resolution of 200dpi. "
msgstr ""

#. YxX2s
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/optprintpage.ui:468
msgctxt "optprintpage|label1"
msgid "Reduce Bitmaps"
msgstr ""

#. 5qQBR
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/optprintpage.ui:496
msgctxt "optprintpage|reducetrans"
msgid "_Reduce transparency"
msgstr "Lughdaich an t_rìd-shoilleireachd"

#. yDstT
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/optprintpage.ui:504
msgctxt "extended_tip|reducetrans"
msgid "If you mark this field the transparent objects will be printed like normal, non-transparent objects, depending on your selection in the following two option buttons."
msgstr ""

#. B4C76
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/optprintpage.ui:522
msgctxt "optprintpage|reducetransauto"
msgid "Auto_matically"
msgstr "Gu _fèin-obrachail"

#. ehRjn
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/optprintpage.ui:531
msgctxt "extended_tip|reducetransauto"
msgid "Specifies that the transparency is only printed if the transparent area covers less than a quarter of the entire page."
msgstr ""

#. K7P4C
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/optprintpage.ui:542
msgctxt "optprintpage|reducetransnone"
msgid "_No transparency"
msgstr "Gu_n trìd-shoilleireachd"

#. ZuLVY
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/optprintpage.ui:551
msgctxt "extended_tip|reducetransnone"
msgid "With this option transparency is never printed."
msgstr ""

#. B5Cpd
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/optprintpage.ui:572
msgctxt "optprintpage|label1"
msgid "Reduce Transparency"
msgstr ""

#. GAFzh
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/optprintpage.ui:600
msgctxt "optprintpage|pdf"
msgid "_PDF as standard print job format"
msgstr "_PDF mar fhòrmat bunaiteach a' chlò-bhualaidh"

#. wm7C7
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/optprintpage.ui:614
msgctxt "optprintpage|converttogray"
msgid "Con_vert colors to grayscale"
msgstr "Iom_paich dathan 'nan liath-sgèile"

#. UNSqH
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/optprintpage.ui:622
msgctxt "extended_tip|converttogray"
msgid "Specifies that all colors are printed only as grayscale."
msgstr ""

#. CrFLq
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/optprintpage.ui:633
msgctxt "optprintpage|reducebitmaptrans"
msgid "Include transparent objects"
msgstr "Gabh a-steach nithean trìd-shoilleir"

#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/optprintpage.ui:641
msgctxt "extended_tip|reducebitmaptrans"
msgid "If this field is marked, the reduction in print quality for bitmaps also applies to the transparent areas of objects."
msgstr ""

#. bWPko
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/optprintpage.ui:656
msgctxt "optprintpage|label4"
msgid "Defaults"
msgstr ""

#. mMKbc
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/optprintpage.ui:678
msgctxt "extended_tip|OptPrintPage"
msgid "Specifies the print setting options."
msgstr ""

#. NEo7g
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/panel.ui:73 sfx2/uiconfig/ui/panel.ui:78
msgid "More Options"
msgstr ""

#. QrtGb
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/password.ui:8
msgctxt "password|PasswordDialog"
msgid "Enter Password"
msgstr "Cuir a-steach facal-faire"

#. gATKy
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/password.ui:102
msgctxt "password|userft"
msgid "User:"
msgstr "Cleachdaiche:"

#. FRqiZ
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/password.ui:116
msgctxt "password|pass1ft"
msgid "Password:"
msgstr "Facal-faire:"

#. HE8mc
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/password.ui:130
msgctxt "password|confirm1ft"
msgid "Confirm:"
msgstr "Dearbh:"

#. EFJRk
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/password.ui:164
msgctxt "password|pass1ed-atkobject"
msgid "Password"
msgstr "Facal-faire"

#. yVorz
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/password.ui:165
msgctxt "password|extended_tip|pass1ed"
msgid "Type a password. A password is case sensitive."
msgstr ""

#. kEcVk
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/password.ui:185
msgctxt "password|extended_tip|confirm1ed"
msgid "Re-enter the password."
msgstr ""

#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/password.ui:200
msgctxt "password|label1"
msgid "Password"
msgstr "Facal-faire"

#. zDBUt
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/password.ui:232
msgctxt "password|pass2ft"
msgid "Password:"
msgstr "Facal-faire:"

#. 8RcEw
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/password.ui:246
msgctxt "password|confirm2ft"
msgid "Confirm:"
msgstr "Dearbh:"

#. EkHiq
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/password.ui:267
msgctxt "password|extended_tip|pass2ed"
msgid "Type a password. A password is case sensitive."
msgstr ""

#. c4nGS
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/password.ui:287
msgctxt "password|extended_tip|confirm2ed"
msgid "Re-enter the password."
msgstr ""

#. mCxpj
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/password.ui:302
msgctxt "password|label2"
msgid "Second Password"
msgstr "Dàrna facal-faire"

#. JZhHV
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/password.ui:338
msgctxt "password|onlyascii"
msgid "Only Basic Latin characters can be entered"
msgstr ""

#. AFsUP
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/printeroptionsdialog.ui:8
msgctxt "printeroptionsdialog|PrinterOptionsDialog"
msgid "Printer Options"
msgstr "Roghainnean a' chlò-bhualadair"

#. oAzTR
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/querysavedialog.ui:7
msgctxt "querysavedialog|QuerySaveDialog"
msgid "Save Document?"
msgstr "A bheil thu airson an sgrìobhainn a shàbhaladh?"

#. wFiA8
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/querysavedialog.ui:13
msgctxt "querysavedialog|QuerySaveDialog"
msgid "Save changes to document “$(DOC)” before closing?"
msgstr "A bheil thu airson na dh'atharraich thu ann an \"$(DOC)\" a shàbhaladh mus dùin sinn?"

#. 7mtVz
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/querysavedialog.ui:14
msgctxt "querysavedialog|QuerySaveDialog"
msgid "Your changes will be lost if you don’t save them."
msgstr "Thèid na h-atharraichean agad air chall mura sàbhail thu iad."

#. sQCdE
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/querysavedialog.ui:25
msgctxt "querysavedialog|discard"
msgid "Do_n’t Save"
msgstr ""

#. dzVqL
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/querysavedialog.ui:56
msgctxt "querysavedialog|save"
msgid "_Save"
msgstr ""

#. 6WbvE
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/safemodequerydialog.ui:7
msgctxt "safemodequerydialog|SafeModeQueryDialog"
msgid "Enter Safe Mode"
msgstr "Tòisich air a’ mhodh sàbhailte"

#. esgus
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/safemodequerydialog.ui:12
msgctxt "safemodequerydialog|label"
msgid "Are you sure you want to restart %PRODUCTNAME and enter safe mode?"
msgstr "A bheil thu cinnteach gu bheil thu airson %PRODUCTNAME ath-thòiseachadh sa mhodh sàbhailte?"

#. DpN8R
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/safemodequerydialog.ui:40
msgctxt "safemodequerydialog|restart"
msgid "_Restart"
msgstr "A_th-thòisich"

#. ejCo9
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/saveastemplatedlg.ui:14
msgctxt "saveastemplatedlg|SaveAsTemplateDialog"
msgid "Save As Template"
msgstr "Sàbhail mar theamplaid"

#. Gjb3A
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/saveastemplatedlg.ui:102
msgctxt "saveastemplatedlg|create_label"
msgid "Enter Template _Name:"
msgstr ""

#. NyFdH
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/saveastemplatedlg.ui:103
msgctxt "saveastemplatedlg|create_label"
msgid "Enter a name for the template."
msgstr ""

#. Xo6BH
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/saveastemplatedlg.ui:126
msgctxt "saveastemplatedlg|extended_tip|name_entry"
msgid "Enter a name for the template."
msgstr ""

#. GLDum
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/saveastemplatedlg.ui:154
msgctxt "saveastemplatedlg|select_label"
msgid "Select Template _Category:"
msgstr ""

#. 4ANkg
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/saveastemplatedlg.ui:155
msgctxt "saveastemplatedlg|select_label"
msgid "Save template in selected category."
msgstr ""

#. JBPKb
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/saveastemplatedlg.ui:203
msgctxt "saveastemplatedlg|extended_tip|categorylb"
msgid "Select a category in which to save the new template."
msgstr ""

#. wpZGc
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/saveastemplatedlg.ui:223
msgctxt "saveastemplatedlg|defaultcb"
msgid "_Set as default template"
msgstr "_Suidhich mar an teamplaid bhunaiteach"

#. syB4y
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/saveastemplatedlg.ui:231
msgctxt "saveastemplatedlg|extended_tip|defaultcb"
msgid "The new template will be used as the default template."
msgstr ""

#. gH8PB
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/saveastemplatedlg.ui:259
msgctxt "saveastemplatedlg|extended_tip|SaveAsTemplateDialog"
msgid "Saves the current document as a template."
msgstr ""

#. 9tSnA
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/searchdialog.ui:8
msgctxt "searchdialog|SearchDialog"
msgid "Find on this Page"
msgstr "Lorg san duilleag seo"

#. LAKYg
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/searchdialog.ui:26
msgctxt "searchdialog|search"
msgid "_Find"
msgstr "_Lorg"

#. G5Qc9
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/searchdialog.ui:99
msgctxt "searchdialog|label1"
msgid "_Search for:"
msgstr "_Lorg:"

#. TY5bL
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/searchdialog.ui:125
msgctxt "searchdialog|matchcase"
msgid "Ma_tch case"
msgstr "Aire do litrichean _mòra/beaga"

#. B2ksn
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/searchdialog.ui:139
msgctxt "searchdialog|wholewords"
msgid "Whole wor_ds only"
msgstr "Faclan _slàna a-mhàin"

#. ycWSx
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/searchdialog.ui:153
msgctxt "searchdialog|backwards"
msgid "Bac_kwards"
msgstr "_An comhair a chùil"

#. C7fSt
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/searchdialog.ui:167
msgctxt "searchdialog|wrap"
msgid "Wrap _around"
msgstr "_Paisg timcheall"

#. onEmh
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/securityinfopage.ui:22
msgctxt "securityinfopage|readonly"
msgid "_Open file read-only"
msgstr "F_osgail tionndadh leughaidh"

#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/securityinfopage.ui:31
msgctxt "securityinfopage|extended_tip|readonly"
msgid "Select to allow this document to be opened in read-only mode only."
msgstr ""

#. GvCw9
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/securityinfopage.ui:42
msgctxt "securityinfopage|recordchanges"
msgid "Record _changes"
msgstr "Clà_raich na h-atharrachaidhean"

#. pNhop
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/securityinfopage.ui:50
msgctxt "securityinfopage|extended_tip|recordchanges"
msgid "Select to enable recording changes. This is the same as Edit - Track Changes - Record."
msgstr ""

#. Nv8rA
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/securityinfopage.ui:66
msgctxt "securityinfopage|protect"
msgid "Protect..."
msgstr "Dìon..."

#. 6T6ZP
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/securityinfopage.ui:72
msgctxt "securityinfopage|extended_tip|protect"
msgid "Protects the change recording state with a password. If change recording is protected for the current document, the button is named Unprotect. Click Unprotect and type the correct password to disable the protection."
msgstr ""

#. jgWP4
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/securityinfopage.ui:84
msgctxt "securityinfopage|unprotect"
msgid "_Unprotect..."
msgstr "_Neo-dhìon..."

#. UEdGx
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/securityinfopage.ui:91
msgctxt "securityinfopage|extended_tip|unprotect"
msgid "Protects the change recording state with a password. If change recording is protected for the current document, the button is named Unprotect. Click Unprotect and type the correct password to disable the protection."
msgstr ""

#. JNezG
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/securityinfopage.ui:113
msgctxt "securityinfopage|label47"
msgid "File Sharing Options"
msgstr "Roghainnean co-roinneadh nam faidhle"

#. VXrJ5
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/securityinfopage.ui:121
msgctxt "securityinfopage|extended_tip|SecurityInfoPage"
msgid "Sets password options for the current document."
msgstr ""

#. EDC9x
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/startcenter.ui:17
msgctxt "startcenter|clear_all"
msgid "Clear Recent Documents"
msgstr "Falamhaich na sgrìobhainnean o chionn goirid"

#. zmWnH
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/startcenter.ui:24
msgctxt "startcenter|clear_unavailable"
msgid "Clear Unavailable Files"
msgstr ""

#. isnw8
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/startcenter.ui:119
msgctxt "startcenter|open_all"
msgid "_Open File"
msgstr "F_osgail faidhle"

#. 6zjop
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/startcenter.ui:140
msgctxt "startcenter|open_remote"
msgid "Remote File_s"
msgstr "_Faidhlichean cèin"

#. ZUnZ9
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/startcenter.ui:173
msgctxt "startcenter|open_recent"
msgid "_Recent Documents"
msgstr ""

#. BnkvG
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/startcenter.ui:193
msgctxt "startcenter|templates_all"
msgid "T_emplates"
msgstr "T_eamplaidean"

#. JEkqY
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/startcenter.ui:230
msgctxt "startcenter|create_label"
msgid "Create:"
msgstr "Cruthaich:"

#. SY4iY
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/startcenter.ui:241
msgctxt "startcenter|writer_all"
msgid "_Writer Document"
msgstr "Sgrìobhainn _Writer"

#. Bvz5c
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/startcenter.ui:261
msgctxt "startcenter|calc_all"
msgid "_Calc Spreadsheet"
msgstr "Clia_th-dhuilleag Calc"

#. RxGP6
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/startcenter.ui:281
msgctxt "startcenter|impress_all"
msgid "_Impress Presentation"
msgstr "Tais_beanadh Impress"

#. 7fE2M
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/startcenter.ui:301
msgctxt "startcenter|draw_all"
msgid "_Draw Drawing"
msgstr "Tarraing _Draw"

#. 7wn8r
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/startcenter.ui:321
msgctxt "startcenter|math_all"
msgid "_Math Formula"
msgstr "Foir_mle Math"

#. nnwDC
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/startcenter.ui:341
msgctxt "startcenter|database_all"
msgid "_Base Database"
msgstr "Stòr-dàta _Base"

#. ZEDmn
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/startcenter.ui:363
msgctxt "startcenter|althelplabel"
msgid "He_lp"
msgstr "C_obhair"

#. oqVes
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/startcenter.ui:433
msgctxt "startcenter|extensions"
msgid "E_xtensions"
msgstr "Leudachai_n"

#. rDw4E
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/startcenter.ui:458
msgctxt "startcenter|label1"
msgid "Application"
msgstr "Aplacaid"

#. UiDMp
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/startcenter.ui:478
msgctxt "startcenter|all_recent_label"
msgid "Recent Files List"
msgstr "Liosta nam faidhlichean o chionn goirid"

#. kho2B
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/startcenter.ui:491
msgctxt "startcenter|local_view_label"
msgid "Templates List"
msgstr "Liosta nan teamplaidean"

#. FcFBB
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/startcenter.ui:516
msgctxt "startcenter|filter_label"
msgid "Filter:"
msgstr ""

#. xYGf6
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/startcenter.ui:533
msgctxt "startcenter|filter_none"
msgid "All Applications"
msgstr ""

#. fAxHB
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/startcenter.ui:534
msgctxt "startcenter|filter_writer"
msgid "Text Documents"
msgstr ""

#. zdYmN
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/startcenter.ui:535
msgctxt "startcenter|filter_calc"
msgid "Spreadsheets"
msgstr ""

#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/startcenter.ui:536
msgctxt "startcenter|filter_impress"
msgid "Presentations"
msgstr ""

#. 67F9T
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/startcenter.ui:537
msgctxt "startcenter|filter_draw"
msgid "Drawings"
msgstr ""

#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/startcenter.ui:554
msgctxt "startcenter|mbActions|tool_tip"
msgid "Actions"
msgstr ""

#. UHrAZ
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/stylecontextmenu.ui:12
msgctxt "stylecontextmenu|new"
msgid "New..."
msgstr "Ùr..."

#. hnLax
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/stylecontextmenu.ui:20
msgctxt "stylecontextmenu|edit"
msgid "Modify..."
msgstr "Atharraich..."

#. TPTqm
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/stylecontextmenu.ui:28
msgctxt "stylecontextmenu|hide"
msgid "Hide"
msgstr "Falaich"

#. mrCMd
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/stylecontextmenu.ui:36
msgctxt "stylecontextmenu|show"
msgid "Show"
msgstr "Seall"

#. 7bAyD
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/stylecontextmenu.ui:44
msgctxt "stylecontextmenu|delete"
msgid "Delete..."
msgstr "Sguab às..."

#. N4BGe
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/tabbarcontents.ui:24
msgctxt "tabbar|locktaskpanel"
msgid "Dock"
msgstr ""

#. GNBR3
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/tabbarcontents.ui:33
msgctxt "tabbar|unlocktaskpanel"
msgid "Undock"
msgstr ""

#. jXux4
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/tabbarcontents.ui:42
msgctxt "tabbar|hidesidebar"
msgid "Close Sidebar"
msgstr ""

#. hEmHk
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/tabbarcontents.ui:50
msgctxt "tabbar|customization"
msgid "Customization"
msgstr ""

#. 9Hfx6
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/tabbarcontents.ui:66
msgctxt "tabbar|restoredefault"
msgid "Restore Default"
msgstr ""

#. DBWZf
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/tabbarcontents.ui:98
msgctxt "tabbar|menubutton|tool_tip"
msgid "Sidebar Settings"
msgstr ""

#. XBaqU
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/templatecategorydlg.ui:16
msgctxt "templatecategorydlg|TemplatesCategoryDialog"
msgid "Select Category"
msgstr "Tagh roinn-seòrsa"

#. HXfot
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/templatecategorydlg.ui:108
msgctxt "templatecategorydlg|select_label"
msgid "Select from Existing Category"
msgstr "Tagh roinn-seòrsa a tha ann mu thràth"

#. 7eShP
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/templatecategorydlg.ui:178
msgctxt "templatecategorydlg|create_label"
msgid "or Create a New Category"
msgstr "no cruthaich roinn-seòrsa ùr"

#. eUWTy
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/templatedlg.ui:44
msgctxt "templatedlg|TemplateDialog"
msgid "Templates"
msgstr "Teamplaidean"

#. rhuYP
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/templatedlg.ui:76
msgctxt "templatedlg|hidedialogcb"
msgid "Show this dialog at startup"
msgstr "Seall an còmhradh seo aig tòiseachadh a’ phrògraim"

#. 32zsB
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/templatedlg.ui:143
msgctxt "templatedlg|search_filter|tooltip_text"
msgid "Search"
msgstr "Lorg"

#. sGZMC
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/templatedlg.ui:147
msgctxt "templatedlg|search_filter"
msgid "Search..."
msgstr "Lorg..."

#. DF5YC
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/templatedlg.ui:166
msgctxt "templatedlg|action_menu|label"
msgid "_Manage"
msgstr ""

#. LUs2m
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/templatedlg.ui:180
msgctxt "templatedlg|extended_tip|action_menu"
msgid "Provides commands to create, rename and delete categories, reset default templates, and refresh the template manager."
msgstr ""

#. fXVNY
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/templatedlg.ui:207
msgctxt "templatedlg|filter_application|tooltip_text"
msgid "Filter by Application"
msgstr "Criathraich a-rèir aplacaid"

#. tqVhJ
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/templatedlg.ui:209
msgctxt "templatedlg|applist"
msgid "All Applications"
msgstr "Na h-uile aplacaid"

#. pD6pU
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/templatedlg.ui:210
msgctxt "templatedlg|applist"
msgid "Text Documents"
msgstr ""

#. eECt7
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/templatedlg.ui:211
msgctxt "templatedlg|applist"
msgid "Spreadsheets"
msgstr "Cliath-dhuilleagan"

#. ajLbV
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/templatedlg.ui:212
msgctxt "templatedlg|applist"
msgid "Presentations"
msgstr "Taisbeanaidhean"

#. LfUzB
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/templatedlg.ui:213
msgctxt "templatedlg|applist"
msgid "Drawings"
msgstr "Tarraingean"

#. t7zE7
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/templatedlg.ui:227
msgctxt "templatedlg|filter_folder|tooltip_text"
msgid "Filter by Category"
msgstr "Criathraich a-rèir roinn-seòrsa"

#. 93CGw
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/templatedlg.ui:229
msgctxt "templatedlg|folderlist"
msgid "All Categories"
msgstr "Na h-uile roinn-seòrsa"

#. NF9wE
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/templatedlg.ui:250
msgctxt "templatedlg|label1"
msgid "Filter"
msgstr "Criathrag"

#. ewTL3
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/templatedlg.ui:356
msgctxt "templatedlg|treeviewcolumn1"
msgid "Name"
msgstr ""

#. 7EJRA
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/templatedlg.ui:373
msgctxt "templatedlg|treeviewcolumn2"
msgid "Category"
msgstr ""

#. AC27i
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/templatedlg.ui:388
msgctxt "templatedlg|treeviewcolumn3"
msgid "Application"
msgstr ""

#. eSaBw
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/templatedlg.ui:403
msgctxt "templatedlg|treeviewcolumn4"
msgid "Modified"
msgstr ""

#. pNzYA
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/templatedlg.ui:418
msgctxt "templatedlg|treeviewcolumn5"
msgid "Size"
msgstr ""

#. j39jM
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/templatedlg.ui:444
msgctxt "templatedlg|thumbnailviewlabel"
msgid "Template List"
msgstr "Liosta nan teamplaidean"

#. yEhgP
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/templatedlg.ui:463
msgctxt "templatedlg|thumbnail_view_btn|tooltip_text"
msgid "Thumbnail View"
msgstr ""

#. j76ke
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/templatedlg.ui:480
msgctxt "templatedlg|list_view_btn|tooltip_text"
msgid "List View"
msgstr ""

#. pm89q
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/templatepanel.ui:127
msgctxt "templatepanel|STR_STYLE_FILL_FORMAT_MODE"
msgid "Fill Format Mode"
msgstr ""

#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/templatepanel.ui:139
msgctxt "templatepanel|STR_STYLE_NEW_STYLE_FROM_SELECTION"
msgid "New Style from Selection"
msgstr ""

#. tAdD9
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/templatepanel.ui:151
msgctxt "templatepanel|STR_STYLE_NEW_STYLE_ACTION"
msgid "Styles actions"
msgstr ""

#. Xk5tD
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/templatepanel.ui:163
msgctxt "templatepanel|STR_STYLE_UPDATE_STYLE"
msgid "Update Style"
msgstr ""

#. irBvi
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/templatepanel.ui:220 sfx2/uiconfig/ui/templatepanel.ui:266
msgctxt "templatepanel|STR_STYLE_ELEMTLIST"
msgid "Style List"
msgstr ""

#. FHud7
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/templatepanel.ui:280
msgctxt "commontemplate|STR_PREVIEW_CHECKBOX"
msgid "Show previews"
msgstr ""

#. p9AWW
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/versioncommentdialog.ui:8
msgctxt "versioncommentdialog|VersionCommentDialog"
msgid "Insert Version Comment"
msgstr "Cuir a-steach beachd mun tionndadh"

#. CPwta
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/versioncommentdialog.ui:103
msgctxt "versioncommentdialog|timestamp"
msgid "Date and time: "
msgstr "Ceann-là agus àm: "

#. 2mDfC
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/versioncommentdialog.ui:115
msgctxt "versioncommentdialog|author"
msgid "Saved by: "
msgstr "Air a shàbhaladh le: "

#. T5AY5
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/versioncommentdialog.ui:164
msgctxt "versioncommentdialog|extended_tip|VersionCommentDialog"
msgid "Enter a comment here when you are saving a new version. If you clicked Show to open this dialog, you cannot edit the comment."
msgstr ""

#. oBSSb
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/versionscmis.ui:50
msgctxt "versionscmis|compare"
msgid "_Compare"
msgstr "Dèan c_oimeas"

#. WyDoB
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/versionscmis.ui:64
msgctxt "versionscmis|show"
msgid "_Show..."
msgstr "Sea_ll..."

#. A8Eqt
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/versionscmis.ui:92
msgctxt "versionscmis|open"
msgid "_Open"
msgstr ""

#. gRBJa
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/versionscmis.ui:177
msgctxt "versionscmis|datetime"
msgid "Date and time"
msgstr "Ceann-là agus àm"

#. 3VLw3
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/versionscmis.ui:190
msgctxt "versionscmis|savedby"
msgid "Saved by"
msgstr "Air a shàbhaladh le"

#. FzBeT
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/versionscmis.ui:203
msgctxt "versionscmis|comments"
msgid "Comments"
msgstr "Beachdan"

#. c2cVg
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/versionscmis.ui:226
msgctxt "versionscmis|label2"
msgid "Existing Versions"
msgstr "Tionndaidhean a tha ann"

#. A4BT2
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/versionsofdialog.ui:33
msgctxt "versionsofdialog|cmis"
msgid "CMIS"
msgstr "CMIS"

#. EqmYX
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/versionsofdialog.ui:53
msgctxt "versionsofdialog|extended_tip|delete"
msgid "Deletes the selected version."
msgstr ""

#. erGHD
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/versionsofdialog.ui:65
msgctxt "versionsofdialog|compare"
msgid "_Compare"
msgstr "Dèan _coimeas"

#. TKEzJ
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/versionsofdialog.ui:72
msgctxt "versionsofdialog|extended_tip|compare"
msgid "Compare the changes that were made in each version."
msgstr ""

#. UkbhC
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/versionsofdialog.ui:84
msgctxt "versionsofdialog|show"
msgid "_Show..."
msgstr "Sea_ll..."

#. 4SD7F
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/versionsofdialog.ui:91
msgctxt "versionsofdialog|extended_tip|show"
msgid "Displays the entire comment for the selected version."
msgstr ""

#. E8yNH
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/versionsofdialog.ui:119
msgctxt "versionsofdialog|open"
msgid "_Open"
msgstr ""

#. ASJac
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/versionsofdialog.ui:126
msgctxt "versionsofdialog|extended_tip|open"
msgid "Opens the selected version in a read-only window."
msgstr ""

#. qKnKv
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/versionsofdialog.ui:184
msgctxt "versionsofdialog|save"
msgid "Save _New Version"
msgstr "Sàbhail tio_nndadh ùr dheth"

#. gTR6x
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/versionsofdialog.ui:191
msgctxt "versionsofdialog|extended_tip|save"
msgid "Saves the current state of the document as a new version. If you want, you can also enter comments in the Insert Version Comment dialog before you save the new version."
msgstr ""

#. aCeEr
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/versionsofdialog.ui:202
msgctxt "versionsofdialog|always"
msgid "_Always save a new version on closing"
msgstr "Sàbh_ail tionndadh uair sam bith a thèid a dhùnadh"

#. JxFDN
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/versionsofdialog.ui:210
msgctxt "versionsofdialog|extended_tip|always"
msgid "If you have made changes to your document then a new version is automatically saved when you close the document."
msgstr ""

#. vuHjH
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/versionsofdialog.ui:225
msgctxt "versionsofdialog|label1"
msgid "New Versions"
msgstr "Tionndaidhean ùra"

#. nDGNv
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/versionsofdialog.ui:278
msgctxt "versionsofdialog|datetime"
msgid "Date and time"
msgstr "Ceann-là agus àm"

#. MBoBZ
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/versionsofdialog.ui:291
msgctxt "versionsofdialog|savedby"
msgid "Saved by"
msgstr "Air a shàbhaladh le"

#. kqEcm
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/versionsofdialog.ui:304
msgctxt "versionsofdialog|comments"
msgid "Comments"
msgstr "Beachdan"

#. GLD85
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/versionsofdialog.ui:315
msgctxt "versionsofdialog|extended_tip|versions"
msgid "Lists the existing versions of the current document, the date and the time they were created, the author and the associated comments."
msgstr ""

#. EbijK
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/versionsofdialog.ui:332
msgctxt "versionsofdialog|label2"
msgid "Existing Versions"
msgstr "Tionndaidhean a tha ann"

#. 5BdCA
#: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/versionsofdialog.ui:367
msgctxt "versionsofdialog|extended_tip|VersionsOfDialog"
msgid "Saves and organizes multiple versions of the current document in the same file. You can also open, delete and compare previous versions."
msgstr ""