#. extracted from sfx2 msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://bugs.libreoffice.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=LibreOffice&bug_status=UNCONFIRMED&component=UI\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2019-04-08 14:23+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2019-04-08 13:23+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Michael Wolf <milupo@sorbzilla.de>\n" "Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n" "Language: hsb\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "X-Accelerator-Marker: ~\n" "X-Generator: Pootle 2.8\n" "X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1554729793.000000\n" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:25 msgctxt "STR_TEMPLATE_FILTER" msgid "Templates" msgstr "Předłohi" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:26 msgctxt "STR_SAVEDOC" msgid "~Save" msgstr "~Składować" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:27 msgctxt "STR_SAVEASDOC" msgid "Save ~As..." msgstr "Składować j~ako..." #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:28 msgctxt "STR_SAVEACOPY" msgid "Save a Copy..." msgstr "Kopiju składować..." #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:29 msgctxt "STR_CLOSEDOC" msgid "~Close" msgstr "~Začinić" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:30 msgctxt "STR_OPEN" msgid "Open" msgstr "Wočinić" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:31 msgctxt "STR_EDIT_TEMPLATE" msgid "Edit" msgstr "Wobdźěłać" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:32 msgctxt "STR_DEFAULT_TEMPLATE" msgid "Set As Default" msgstr "Jako standard nastajić" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:33 msgctxt "STR_RESET_DEFAULT" msgid "Reset Default" msgstr "Standard wobnowić" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:34 msgctxt "STR_DELETE" msgid "Delete" msgstr "Zhašeć" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:35 msgctxt "STR_RENAME" msgid "Rename" msgstr "Přemjenować" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:36 msgctxt "STR_CATEGORY_RENAME" msgid "Rename Category" msgstr "Kategoriju přemjenować" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:37 msgctxt "STR_RENAME_TEMPLATE" msgid "Enter New Name: " msgstr "Nowe mjeno zapodać: " #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:38 msgctxt "STR_TEMPLATE_TOOLTIP" msgid "" "Title: $1\n" "Category: $2" msgstr "" "Titul: $1\n" "Kategorija: $2" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:39 msgctxt "STR_TEMPLATE_SELECTION" msgid "Select a Template" msgstr "Wubjerće předłohu" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:40 msgctxt "STR_AUTOMATICVERSION" msgid "Automatically saved version" msgstr "Awtomatisce składowana wersija" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:41 msgctxt "STR_EXPORTBUTTON" msgid "Export" msgstr "Eksportować" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:42 msgctxt "STR_LABEL_FILEFORMAT" msgid "File format:" msgstr "Datajwoy format:" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:43 msgctxt "STR_HIDDENINFO_CONTAINS" msgid "" "This document contains:\n" "\n" msgstr "" "Tutón dokument wobsahuje:\n" "\n" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:44 msgctxt "STR_HIDDENINFO_RECORDCHANGES" msgid "Recorded changes" msgstr "Natočene změny" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:45 msgctxt "STR_HIDDENINFO_NOTES" msgid "Notes" msgstr "Noticy" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:46 msgctxt "STR_HIDDENINFO_DOCVERSIONS" msgid "Document versions" msgstr "Dokumentowe wersije" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:47 msgctxt "STR_HIDDENINFO_CONTINUE_SAVING" msgid "Do you want to continue saving the document?" msgstr "Chceće w składowanju dokumenta pokročować?" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:48 msgctxt "STR_HIDDENINFO_CONTINUE_PRINTING" msgid "Do you want to continue printing the document?" msgstr "Chceće w ćišćenju dokumenta pokročować?" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:49 msgctxt "STR_HIDDENINFO_CONTINUE_SIGNING" msgid "Do you want to continue signing the document?" msgstr "Chceće w signowanju dokumenta pokročować?" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:50 msgctxt "STR_HIDDENINFO_CONTINUE_CREATEPDF" msgid "Do you want to continue creating a PDF file?" msgstr "Chceće we wutworjenju PDF-dataje pokročować?" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:51 msgctxt "STR_NEW_FILENAME_SAVE" msgid "If you do not want to overwrite the original document, you should save your work under a new filename." msgstr "Jeli nochceće originalny dokument přepisać, wy měł swoje dźěło pod nowym datajowym mjenom składować." #. Used in the title of a shared document. #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:53 msgctxt "STR_SHARED" msgid " (shared)" msgstr " (dźěleny)" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:54 msgctxt "STR_XMLSEC_ODF12_EXPECTED" msgid "The document format version is set to ODF 1.1 (OpenOffice.org 2.x) in Tools-Options-Load/Save-General. Signing documents requires ODF 1.2 (OpenOffice.org 3.x)." msgstr "Wersija dokumentoweho formata je pod Nastroje - Nastajenja... - Začitać/Składować - Powšitkowny na ODF 1.1 (OpenOffice.org 2.x) nastajena. Signowanje dokumentow sej ODF 1.2 (OpenOffice.org 3.x) wužaduje." #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:55 msgctxt "STR_XMLSEC_QUERY_SAVESIGNEDBEFORESIGN" msgid "" "The document has to be saved before it can be signed. Saving the document removes all present signatures.\n" "Do you want to save the document?" msgstr "" "Dokument dyrbi so składować, prjedy hač da so signować. Při składowanju dokumenta so wšě tuchwilne signatury wotstronja.\n" "Chceće dokument składować?" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:56 msgctxt "STR_QRYTEMPL_MESSAGE" msgid "The template '$(ARG1)' on which this document is based, has been modified. Do you want to update style based formatting according to the modified template?" msgstr "Předłoha '$(ARG1)', na kotrejž tutón dokument bazuje, je so změniła. Chceće formatowanja po změnjenej předłoze aktualizować?" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:57 msgctxt "STR_QRYTEMPL_UPDATE_BTN" msgid "~Update Styles" msgstr "~Předłohi aktualizować" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:58 msgctxt "STR_QRYTEMPL_KEEP_BTN" msgid "~Keep Old Styles" msgstr "Stare předłohi ~wostajić" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:59 msgctxt "STR_ACTION_REFRESH" msgid "Refresh" msgstr "Wobnowić" #. leave ending space #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:61 msgctxt "STR_ACTION_DEFAULT" msgid "Reset Default Template " msgstr "Standardnu předłohu wobnowić " #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:62 msgctxt "STR_CATEGORY_NEW" msgid "New Category" msgstr "Nowa kategorija" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:63 msgctxt "STR_CATEGORY_DELETE" msgid "Delete Category" msgstr "Kategoriju zhašeć" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:64 msgctxt "STR_CATEGORY_SELECT" msgid "Select Category" msgstr "Kategoriju wubrać" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:65 msgctxt "STR_MSG_EXPORT_SUCCESS" msgid "$1 templates successfully exported." msgstr "$1 předłohow je so wuspěšnje eksportowało." #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:66 msgctxt "STR_MSG_QUERY_COPY" msgid "$1 could not be moved to the category \"$2\". Do you want to copy the template instead?" msgstr "$1 njeda so do kategorije \"$2\" přesunyć. Chceće předłohu město toho kopěrować?" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:67 msgctxt "STR_CREATE_ERROR" msgid "Cannot create category: $1" msgstr "Kategorija njeda so wutworić: $1" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:68 msgctxt "STR_ERROR_SAVEAS" msgid "Cannot save template: $1" msgstr "Předłoha njeda so składować: $1" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:69 msgctxt "STR_INPUT_NEW" msgid "Enter category name:" msgstr "Mjeno kategorije zapodać:" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:70 msgctxt "STR_MSG_ERROR_LOCAL_MOVE" msgid "" "Error moving the following templates to $1.\n" "$2" msgstr "" "Zmylk při přesunjenju slědowacych předłohow do $1.\n" "$2" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:71 msgctxt "STR_MSG_ERROR_EXPORT" msgid "" "Error exporting the following templates:\n" "$1" msgstr "" "Zmylk při eksportowanju slědowacych předłohow:\n" "$1" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:72 msgctxt "STR_MSG_ERROR_IMPORT" msgid "" "Error importing the following templates to $1:\n" "$2" msgstr "" "Zmylk při importowanju slědowacych předłohow do $1:\n" "$2" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:73 msgctxt "STR_MSG_ERROR_DELETE_TEMPLATE" msgid "" "The following templates cannot be deleted:\n" "$1" msgstr "" "Slědowace předłohi njedadźa so zhašeć:\n" "$1" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:74 msgctxt "STR_MSG_ERROR_DELETE_FOLDER" msgid "" "The following folders cannot be deleted:\n" "$1" msgstr "" "Slědowace rjadowaki njedadźa so zhašeć:\n" "$1" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:75 msgctxt "STR_QMSG_SEL_FOLDER_DELETE" msgid "Do you want to delete the selected folders?" msgstr "Chceće wubrane rjadowaki zhašeć?" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:76 msgctxt "STR_QMSG_TEMPLATE_OVERWRITE" msgid "A template named $1 already exist in $2. Do you want to overwrite it?" msgstr "Předłoha z mjenom $1 hižo w $2 eksistuje. Chceće ju přepisać?" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:77 msgctxt "STR_QMSG_SEL_TEMPLATE_DELETE" msgid "Do you want to delete the selected templates?" msgstr "Chceće wubrane předłohi zhašeć?" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:78 msgctxt "STR_QMSG_ERROR_OPENING_FILE" msgid "An error occurred during opening the file. This may be caused by incorrect file contents.\n" msgstr "Při wočinjenju dataje je zmylk wustupił. To je so snano přez njekorektny datajowy wobsah zawinowało.\n" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:79 msgctxt "STR_QMSG_ERROR_OPENING_FILE_DETAILS" msgid "The error details are:\n" msgstr "Zmylkowe podrobnosće su:\n" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:80 msgctxt "STR_QMSG_ERROR_OPENING_FILE_CONTINUE" msgid "" "\n" "Proceeding with import may cause data loss or corruption, and application may become unstable or crash.\n" "\n" "Do you want to ignore the error and attempt to continue loading the file?" msgstr "" "\n" "Přez pokročowanje z importowanjom móža so daty zhubić abo poškodźić a nałoženje móhło njestabilne być abo spadnyć.\n" "\n" "Chceće zmylk ignorować a z čitanjom dataje pokročować?" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:82 msgctxt "STR_HELP_WINDOW_TITLE" msgid "%PRODUCTNAME Help" msgstr "Pomoc %PRODUCTNAME" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:83 msgctxt "STR_HELP_BUTTON_INDEX_ON" msgid "Show Navigation Pane" msgstr "Nawigaciski wobłuk pokazać" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:84 msgctxt "STR_HELP_BUTTON_INDEX_OFF" msgid "Hide Navigation Pane" msgstr "Nawigaciski wobłuk schować" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:85 msgctxt "STR_HELP_BUTTON_START" msgid "First Page" msgstr "Prěnja strona" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:86 msgctxt "STR_HELP_BUTTON_PREV" msgid "Previous Page" msgstr "Předchadna strona" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:87 msgctxt "STR_HELP_BUTTON_NEXT" msgid "Next Page" msgstr "Přichodna strona" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:88 msgctxt "STR_HELP_BUTTON_PRINT" msgid "Print..." msgstr "Ćišćeć..." #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:89 msgctxt "STR_HELP_BUTTON_ADDBOOKMARK" msgid "Add to Bookmarks..." msgstr "Zapołožkam přidać..." #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:90 msgctxt "STR_HELP_BUTTON_SEARCHDIALOG" msgid "Find on this Page..." msgstr "Na tutej stronje pytać..." #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:91 msgctxt "STR_HELP_BUTTON_SOURCEVIEW" msgid "HTML Source" msgstr "Žórłowy tekst HTML" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:92 msgctxt "STR_HELP_MENU_TEXT_SELECTION_MODE" msgid "Select Text" msgstr "Tekst wubrać" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:93 msgctxt "STR_HELP_MENU_TEXT_COPY" msgid "~Copy" msgstr "~Kopěrować" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:94 msgctxt "STR_INFO_NOSEARCHRESULTS" msgid "No topics found." msgstr "Žane temy njejsu so namakali." #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:95 msgctxt "STR_INFO_NOSEARCHTEXTFOUND" msgid "The text you entered was not found." msgstr "Zapodaty tekst njeje so namakał." #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:96 msgctxt "RID_HELP_ONSTARTUP_TEXT" msgid "~Display %PRODUCTNAME %MODULENAME Help at Startup" msgstr "~Pomoc %PRODUCTNAME %MODULENAME při startowanju pokazać" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:98 msgctxt "STR_NONAME" msgid "Untitled" msgstr "Bjez mjena" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:99 msgctxt "STR_STANDARD_SHORTCUT" msgid "Standard" msgstr "Standard" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:100 msgctxt "STR_BYTES" msgid "Bytes" msgstr "Bajty" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:101 msgctxt "STR_KB" msgid "KB" msgstr "KB" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:102 msgctxt "STR_MB" msgid "MB" msgstr "MB" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:103 msgctxt "STR_GB" msgid "GB" msgstr "G" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:104 msgctxt "STR_QUERY_LASTVERSION" msgid "Cancel all changes?" msgstr "Wšě změny přetorhnyć?" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:105 msgctxt "STR_NO_WEBBROWSER_FOUND" msgid "" "Opening \"$(ARG1)\" failed with error code $(ARG2) and message: \"$(ARG3)\"\n" "Maybe no web browser could be found on your system. In that case, please check your Desktop Preferences or install a web browser (for example, Firefox) in the default location requested during the browser installation." msgstr "" "Wočinjenje \"$(ARG1)\" je so ze zmylkowym kodom $(ARG2) a slědowacej zdźělenku nimokuliło: \"$(ARG3)\"\n" "Snano njeda so žadyn webwobhladowak na wašim systemje namakać. Přepruwujće w tym padźe swoje desktopowe nastajenja abo instalujće webwobhladowak (na přikład Firefox) na standardnym městnje, kotrež sej instalacija wobhladowaka žada." #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:106 msgctxt "STR_NO_ABS_URI_REF" msgid "\"$(ARG1)\" is not an absolute URL that can be passed to an external application to open it." msgstr "\"$(ARG1)\" absolutny URL njeje, kotryž da so eksternemu nałoženju přepodać, zo by so wočinił." #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:107 msgctxt "STR_GID_INTERN" msgid "Internal" msgstr "Interny" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:108 msgctxt "STR_GID_APPLICATION" msgid "Application" msgstr "Nałoženje" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:109 msgctxt "STR_GID_VIEW" msgid "View" msgstr "Napohlad" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:110 msgctxt "STR_GID_DOCUMENT" msgid "Documents" msgstr "Dokumenty" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:111 msgctxt "STR_GID_EDIT" msgid "Edit" msgstr "Wobdźěłać" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:112 msgctxt "STR_GID_MACRO" msgid "BASIC" msgstr "BASIC" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:113 msgctxt "STR_GID_OPTIONS" msgid "Options" msgstr "Nastajenja" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:114 msgctxt "STR_GID_MATH" msgid "Math" msgstr "Math" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:115 msgctxt "STR_GID_NAVIGATOR" msgid "Navigate" msgstr "Nawigować" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:116 msgctxt "STR_GID_INSERT" msgid "Insert" msgstr "Zasadźić" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:117 msgctxt "STR_GID_FORMAT" msgid "Format" msgstr "Format" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:118 msgctxt "STR_GID_TEMPLATE" msgid "Templates" msgstr "Předłohi" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:119 msgctxt "STR_GID_TEXT" msgid "Text" msgstr "Tekst" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:120 msgctxt "STR_GID_FRAME" msgid "Frame" msgstr "Wobłuk" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:121 msgctxt "STR_GID_GRAPHIC" msgid "Image" msgstr "Wobraz" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:122 msgctxt "STR_GID_TABLE" msgid "Table" msgstr "Tabela" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:123 msgctxt "STR_GID_ENUMERATION" msgid "Numbering" msgstr "Čisłowanje" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:124 msgctxt "STR_GID_DATA" msgid "Data" msgstr "Daty" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:125 msgctxt "STR_GID_SPECIAL" msgid "Special Functions" msgstr "Specialne funkcije" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:126 msgctxt "STR_GID_IMAGE" msgid "Image" msgstr "Wobraz" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:127 msgctxt "STR_GID_CHART" msgid "Chart" msgstr "Diagram" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:128 msgctxt "STR_GID_EXPLORER" msgid "Explorer" msgstr "Explorer" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:129 msgctxt "STR_GID_CONNECTOR" msgid "Connector" msgstr "Zwjazowak" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:130 msgctxt "STR_GID_MODIFY" msgid "Modify" msgstr "Změnić" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:131 msgctxt "STR_GID_DRAWING" msgid "Drawing" msgstr "Rysowanka" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:132 msgctxt "STR_GID_CONTROLS" msgid "Controls" msgstr "Wodźenske elementy" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:133 msgctxt "STR_QUITAPP" msgid "E~xit %PRODUCTNAME" msgstr "%PRODUCTNAME ~skónčić" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:134 msgctxt "RID_STR_HELP" msgid "Help" msgstr "Pomoc" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:135 msgctxt "RID_STR_HLPFILENOTEXIST" msgid "The help file for this topic is not installed." msgstr "Strona pomocy za tutu temu njeje so instalowała." #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:136 msgctxt "STR_QUICKSTART_EXIT" msgid "Exit Quickstarter" msgstr "Spěšny startowak skónčić" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:137 msgctxt "STR_QUICKSTART_TIP" msgid "%PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION Quickstarter" msgstr "Spěšny startowak %PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:138 msgctxt "STR_QUICKSTART_FILEOPEN" msgid "Open Document..." msgstr "Dokument wočinić..." #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:139 msgctxt "STR_QUICKSTART_FROMTEMPLATE" msgid "From Template..." msgstr "Z předłohi..." #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:140 msgctxt "STR_QUICKSTART_PRELAUNCH" msgid "Load %PRODUCTNAME During System Start-Up" msgstr "%PRODUCTNAME w běhu systemoweho starta začitać" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:141 msgctxt "STR_QUICKSTART_LNKNAME" msgid "%PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION" msgstr "%PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:142 msgctxt "STR_QUICKSTART_FILE" msgid "File" msgstr "Dataja" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:143 msgctxt "STR_QUICKSTART_STARTCENTER" msgid "Startcenter" msgstr "Startowy centrum" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:144 msgctxt "STR_QUICKSTART_RECENTDOC" msgid "Recent Documents" msgstr "Najnowše dokumenty" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:145 msgctxt "STR_QUERY_UPDATE_LINKS" msgid "" "This document contains one or more links to external data.\n" "\n" "Would you like to change the document, and update all links\n" "to get the most recent data?" msgstr "" "Tutón dokument jedyn wotkaz abo wjace wotkazow na eksterne daty wobsahuje.\n" "\n" "Chceće dokument změnić a wšě wotkazy aktualizować, zo byšće\n" "najnowše daty dóstał?" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:146 msgctxt "STR_DDE_ERROR" msgid "DDE link to %1 for %2 area %3 are not available." msgstr "DDE-wotkaz na %1 za %2 wobłuk %3 k dispoziciji njeje." #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:147 msgctxt "STR_SECURITY_WARNING_NO_HYPERLINKS" msgid "" "For security reasons, the hyperlink cannot be executed.\n" "The stated address will not be opened." msgstr "" "Z přičinow wěstoty njeda so hypertekstowy wotkaz wuwjesć.\n" "Podata adresa so njewočini." #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:148 msgctxt "RID_SECURITY_WARNING_TITLE" msgid "Security Warning" msgstr "Wěstotne warnowanje" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:149 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_XMLSEC_QUERY_LOSINGSIGNATURE" msgid "" "Saving will remove all existing signatures.\n" "Do you want to continue saving the document?" msgstr "" "Składowanje wšě eksistowace signatury wotstroni.\n" "Chceće w składowanju dokumenta pokročować?" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:150 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_XMLSEC_QUERY_SAVEBEFORESIGN" msgid "" "The document has to be saved before it can be signed.\n" "Do you want to save the document?" msgstr "" "Dokument dyrbi so składować, prjedy hač da so signować.\n" "Chceće dokument składować?" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:151 msgctxt "STR_QUERY_CANCELCHECKOUT" msgid "" "This will discard all changes on the server since check-out.\n" "Do you want to proceed?" msgstr "" "To wšě změny přewjedźene wot wotzjewjenja wot serwera zaćisnje.\n" "Chceće pokročować?" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:152 msgctxt "STR_INFO_WRONGDOCFORMAT" msgid "This document must be saved in OpenDocument file format before it can be digitally signed." msgstr "Dokument dyrbi so w datajowym formaće OpenDocument składować, prjedy hač da so digitalnje signować." #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:153 msgctxt "RID_XMLSEC_DOCUMENTSIGNED" msgid " (Signed)" msgstr " (Signowane)" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:154 msgctxt "STR_EMBEDDED_TITLE" msgid " (Embedded document)" msgstr " (Zasadźeny dokument)" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:155 msgctxt "STR_STANDARD" msgid "Standard" msgstr "Standard" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:156 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_FILELINK" msgid "Document" msgstr "Dokument" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:157 msgctxt "STR_NONE" msgid "- None -" msgstr "- Žadyn -" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:158 msgctxt "saveastemplatedlg|categorylist" msgid "None" msgstr "Žana" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:159 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRAFIKLINK" msgid "Image" msgstr "Wobraz" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:160 msgctxt "STR_SFX_FILTERNAME_ALL" msgid "All files" msgstr "Wšě dataje" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:161 msgctxt "STR_SFX_FILTERNAME_PDF" msgid "PDF files" msgstr "PDF-dataje" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:162 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_EDITGRFLINK" msgid "Link Image" msgstr "Wobraz zwjazać" #. i66948 used in project scripting #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:164 msgctxt "STR_ERRUNOEVENTBINDUNG" msgid "" "An appropriate component method %1\n" "could not be found.\n" "\n" "Check spelling of method name." msgstr "" "Přihódna komponentowa metoda %1\n" "njeda so namakać.\n" "\n" "Přepruwujće pisanje mjena metody." #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:165 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRFILTER_OPENERROR" msgid "Image file cannot be opened" msgstr "Wobrazowa dataja njeda so wočinić" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:166 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRFILTER_IOERROR" msgid "Image file cannot be read" msgstr "Wobrazowa dataja njeda so čitać" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:167 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRFILTER_FORMATERROR" msgid "Unknown image format" msgstr "Njeznaty wobrazowy format" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:168 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRFILTER_VERSIONERROR" msgid "This version of the image file is not supported" msgstr "Tuta wersija wobrazoweje dataje so njepodpěruje" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:169 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRFILTER_FILTERERROR" msgid "Image filter not found" msgstr "Wobrazowy filter njeje so namakał" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:170 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_END_REDLINING_WARNING" msgid "" "This action will exit the change recording mode.\n" "Any information about changes will be lost.\n" "\n" "Exit change recording mode?\n" "\n" msgstr "" "Tuta akcija natočenje změnow skónči.\n" "Informacije wo změnach so zhubja.\n" "\n" "Chceće natočenje skónčić?\n" "\n" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:171 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_INCORRECT_PASSWORD" msgid "Incorrect password" msgstr "Wopačne hesło" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:172 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GPG_ENCRYPT_FAILURE" msgid "OpenPGP key not trusted, damaged, or encryption failure. Please try again." msgstr "OpenPGP-kluč njeje dowěry hódny, wobškodźeny abo zaklučowanje njeje so poradźiło. Prošu spytajće hišće raz." #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:174 msgctxt "STR_PASSWD_MIN_LEN" msgid "(Minimum $(MINLEN) characters)" msgstr "(Znajmjeńša $(MINLEN) znamješkow)" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:175 msgctxt "STR_PASSWD_MIN_LEN1" msgid "(Minimum 1 character)" msgstr "(Znajmjeńša 1 znamješko)" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:176 msgctxt "STR_PASSWD_EMPTY" msgid "(The password can be empty)" msgstr "(Hesło móže prózdne być)" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:177 msgctxt "STR_MODULENOTINSTALLED" msgid "The action could not be executed. The %PRODUCTNAME program module needed for this action is currently not installed." msgstr "Tuta akcija njeda so wuwjesć. Za tutu akciju trěbny modul programa %PRODUCTNAME tuchwilu instalowany njeje." #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:179 msgctxt "STR_FILTER_NOT_INSTALLED" msgid "" "The selected filter $(FILTER) has not been installed.\n" "Would you like to do this now?" msgstr "" "Wubrany filter $(FILTER) njeje so instalował.\n" "Chceće to nětko činić?" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:180 msgctxt "STR_FILTER_CONSULT_SERVICE" msgid "" "The selected filter $(FILTER) is not included in your edition.\n" "You can find information about orders on our homepage." msgstr "" "Wubrany filter $(FILTER) njeje we wašim wudaću wobsahowany.\n" "Informacije wo skazankach namakaće na našej startowej stronje." #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:182 msgctxt "STR_WELCOME_LINE1" msgid "Welcome to %PRODUCTNAME." msgstr "Witajće k %PRODUCTNAME." #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:183 msgctxt "STR_WELCOME_LINE2" msgid "Drop a document here or pick an app from the left side to create one." msgstr "Wotkladźće tu dokument abo wubjerće nałoženje na lěwym boku, zo byšće dokument wutworił." #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:185 msgctxt "STR_SFX_FILEDLG_ACTUALVERSION" msgid "Current version" msgstr "Aktualna wersija" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:186 msgctxt "STR_SFX_EXPLORERFILE_EXPORT" msgid "Export" msgstr "Eksportować" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:187 msgctxt "STR_SFX_EXPLORERFILE_INSERT" msgid "Insert" msgstr "Zasadźić" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:188 msgctxt "STR_SFX_EXPLORERFILE_BUTTONINSERT" msgid "~Insert" msgstr "~Zasadźić" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:189 msgctxt "STR_SFX_IMPORT_ALL" msgid "<All formats>" msgstr "<Wšě formaty>" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:190 msgctxt "STR_PB_SAVEACOPY" msgid "Save a Copy" msgstr "Kopiju składować" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:191 msgctxt "STR_PB_COMPAREDOC" msgid "Compare to" msgstr "Přirunać z" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:192 msgctxt "STR_PB_MERGEDOC" msgid "Merge with" msgstr "Zjednoćić z" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:194 msgctxt "STR_SFX_NEWOFFICEDOC" msgid "%PRODUCTNAME document" msgstr "Dokument %PRODUCTNAME" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:195 msgctxt "SFX_ST_DURATION_FORMAT" msgid " Y: %1 M: %2 D: %3 H: %4 M: %5 S: %6" msgstr " L: %1 M: %2 D: %3 H: %4 M: %5 S: %6" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:196 msgctxt "STR_SFX_REMOVE_PROPERTY" msgid "Remove Property" msgstr "Kajkosć wotstronić" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:197 msgctxt "STR_SFX_QUERY_WRONG_TYPE" msgid "" "The value entered does not match the specified type.\n" "The value will be stored as text." msgstr "" "Zapodata hódnota podatemu typej njewotpowěduje.\n" "Hódnota budźe so jako tekst składować." #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:199 msgctxt "STR_QUERY_OVERWRITE" msgid "Style already exists. Overwrite?" msgstr "Předłoha hižo eksistuje. Přepisać?" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:201 msgctxt "STR_RESET" msgid "~Reset" msgstr "Wob~nowić" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:202 msgctxt "STR_TABPAGE_INVALIDNAME" msgid "This name is already in use." msgstr "Tute mjeno so hižo wužiwa." #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:203 msgctxt "STR_TABPAGE_INVALIDSTYLE" msgid "This Style does not exist." msgstr "Tuta předłoha njeeksistuje." #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:204 msgctxt "STR_TABPAGE_INVALIDPARENT" msgid "" "This Style cannot be used as a base Style,\n" "because it would result in a recursive reference." msgstr "" "Tuta předłoha njeda so jako bazowa předłoha wužiwać,\n" "dokelž rekursija by nastała." #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:205 msgctxt "STR_POOL_STYLE_NAME" msgid "" "Name already exists as a default Style.\n" "Please choose another name." msgstr "" "Mjeno hižo jako standardna předłoha eksistuje.\n" "Prošu wubjerće druhe mjeno." #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:206 msgctxt "STR_DELETE_STYLE_USED" msgid "" "One or more of the selected styles is in use in this document.\n" "If you delete these styles, text will revert to the parent style.\n" "Do you still wish to delete these styles?\n" msgstr "" "Jedna abo wjace z wubranych předłohow so w tutym dokumenće wužiwa.\n" "Jeli tute předłohi zhašeće, so tekstej nadrjadowana předłoha připokaza.\n" "Chceće tute předłohi zhašeć?\n" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:207 msgctxt "STR_DELETE_STYLE" msgid "Styles in use: " msgstr "Wužite předłohi: " #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:208 msgctxt "STR_SID_NAVIGATOR" msgid "Navigator" msgstr "Nawigator" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:209 msgctxt "STR_ERROR_WRONG_CONFIRM" msgid "Faulty password confirmation" msgstr "Zmylne wobkrućenje hesła" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:210 msgctxt "STR_PDF_EXPORT_SEND" msgid "Send" msgstr "Pósłać" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:211 msgctxt "STR_FONT_TABPAGE" msgid "Font" msgstr "Pismo" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:212 msgctxt "STR_PREVIEW_CHECKBOX" msgid "Show previews" msgstr "Přehlady pokazać" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:214 msgctxt "STR_VIEWVERSIONCOMMENT" msgid "View Version Comment" msgstr "Wersijowy komentar pokazać" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:215 msgctxt "STR_NO_NAME_SET" msgid "(no name set)" msgstr "(žane mjeno nastajene)" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:217 msgctxt "STR_STYLE_ELEMTLIST" msgid "Style List" msgstr "Lisćina předłohow" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:218 msgctxt "STR_STYLE_FILTER_HIERARCHICAL" msgid "Hierarchical" msgstr "Hierarchisce" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:219 msgctxt "STR_STYLE_FILL_FORMAT_MODE" msgid "Fill Format Mode" msgstr "Krjepjawkowy modus" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:220 msgctxt "STR_STYLE_NEW_STYLE_FROM_SELECTION" msgid "New Style from Selection" msgstr "Nowa předłoha z wuběra" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:221 msgctxt "STR_STYLE_NEW_STYLE_ACTION" msgid "Styles actions" msgstr "Stilowe akcije" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:222 msgctxt "STR_STYLE_UPDATE_STYLE" msgid "Update Style" msgstr "Předłohu aktualizować" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:224 msgctxt "STR_MACRO_LOSS" msgid "Do you really want to cancel the recording? Any steps recorded up to this point will be lost." msgstr "Chceće natočenje woprawdźe přetorhnyć? Wšě kroki natočene do toho so zhubja." #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:225 msgctxt "STR_CANCEL_RECORDING" msgid "Cancel Recording" msgstr "Natočenje přetorhnyć" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:227 msgctxt "RID_CNT_STR_WAITING" msgid "The templates are being initialized for first-time usage." msgstr "Předłohi so runje za prěnje wužiwanje inicializuja." #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:229 msgctxt "STR_NODEFPRINTER" msgid "" "No default printer found.\n" "Please choose a printer and try again." msgstr "" "Standardny ćišćak njeje so namakał.\n" "Prošu wubjerće ćišćak a spytajće hišće raz." #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:230 msgctxt "STR_NOSTARTPRINTER" msgid "" "Could not start printer.\n" "Please check your printer configuration." msgstr "" "Ćišćak njeda so startować.\n" "Prošu přepruwujće konfiguraciju swojeho ćišćaka." #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:231 msgctxt "STR_ERROR_PRINTER_BUSY" msgid "Printer busy" msgstr "Ćišćak hižo dźěła" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:232 msgctxt "STR_READONLY" msgid " (read-only)" msgstr " (jenož za čitanje)" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:233 msgctxt "STR_PRINT_NEWORI" msgid "" "The page size and orientation have been modified.\n" "Would you like to save the new settings in the\n" "active document?" msgstr "" "Wulkosć a wusměrjenje strony stej so změniłoj.\n" "Chceće nowe nastajenja w aktiwnym\n" "dokumenće składować?" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:234 msgctxt "STR_PRINT_NEWSIZE" msgid "" "The page size has been modified.\n" "Should the new settings be saved\n" "in the active document?" msgstr "" "Wulkosć strony je so změniła.\n" "Chceće nowe nastajenja w aktiwnym\n" "dokumenće składować?" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:235 msgctxt "STR_PRINT_NEWORISIZE" msgid "" "The page size and orientation have been modified.\n" "Would you like to save the new settings in the\n" "active document?" msgstr "" "Wulkosć a wusměrjenje strony stej so změniłoj.\n" "Chceće nowe nastajenja w aktiwnym dokumenće\n" "składować?" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:236 msgctxt "STR_CANT_CLOSE" msgid "" "The document cannot be closed because a\n" " print job is being carried out." msgstr "" "Dokument njeda so začinić, dokelž\n" "ćišćerski nadawk so runje přewjedźe." #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:237 msgctxt "STR_ERROR_SEND_MAIL" msgid "" "An error occurred in sending the message. Possible errors could be a missing user account or a defective setup.\n" "Please check the %PRODUCTNAME settings or your email program settings." msgstr "" "Zmylk při rozposyłanju powěsće. Móžnej zmylkaj stej falowace wužiwarske konto abo zmylne nastajenje.\n" "Prošu přepruwujće nastajenja %PRODUCTNAME abo nastajenja wašeho e-mejloweho programa." #. Error codes look like "MAPI_E_FAILURE" or "1234" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:239 msgctxt "STR_ERROR_SEND_MAIL_CODE" msgid "" "An error occurred in sending the message. Possible errors could be a missing user account or a defective setup.\n" "\n" "Error code is $1" msgstr "" "Při słanju powěsće je zmylk wustupił. Falowace wužiwarske konto abo zmylne zarjadowanje móhłoj móžnej zmylkaj być.\n" "\n" "Zmylkowy kod je $1" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:240 msgctxt "STR_ERROR_SEND_MAIL_HEADER" msgid "Error sending mail" msgstr "Zmylk při słanju mejlki" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:241 msgctxt "STR_QUERY_OPENASTEMPLATE" msgid "This document cannot be edited, possibly due to missing access rights. Do you want to edit a copy of the document?" msgstr "Tutón dokument njeda so wobdźěłać, snano falowacych prawow dla. Chceće kopiju dokumenta wobdźěłować?" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:242 msgctxt "STR_QUERY_OPENASTEMPLATE_ALLOW_IGNORE" msgid "" "This document cannot be edited, because it is locked in another session. Do you want to edit a copy of the document?\n" "\n" "You can also try to ignore the lock and open the file for editing." msgstr "" "Tutón dokument njeda so wobdźěłać, dokelž je zawrjeny w druhim posedźenju. Chceće kopiju dokumenta wobdźěłać?\n" "\n" "Móžeće tež zawrjenje ignorować a dataju za wobdźěłowanje wočinić." #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:243 msgctxt "STR_QUERY_OPENASTEMPLATE_OPENCOPY_BTN" msgid "Open ~Copy" msgstr "~Kopiju wočinić" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:244 msgctxt "STR_QUERY_OPENASTEMPLATE_OPEN_BTN" msgid "~Open" msgstr "W~očinić" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:245 msgctxt "STR_REPAIREDDOCUMENT" msgid " (repaired document)" msgstr " (porjedźeny dokument)" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:246 msgctxt "STR_NONCHECKEDOUT_DOCUMENT" msgid "This document is not checked out on the server." msgstr "Tutón dokument njeje so wot serwera wotzjewił." #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:247 msgctxt "STR_GET_INVOLVED_TEXT" msgid "Help us make %PRODUCTNAME even better!" msgstr "Pomhajće nam, %PRODUCTNAME polěpšić!" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:248 msgctxt "STR_GET_INVOLVED_BUTTON" msgid "Get involved" msgstr "Čińće sobu" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:249 msgctxt "STR_GET_DONATE_TEXT" msgid "Your donations support our worldwide community." msgstr "Waše dary naše swětodaloke zhromadźenstwo podpěruja." #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:250 msgctxt "STR_GET_DONATE_BUTTON" msgid "Donate" msgstr "Darić" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:251 msgctxt "STR_READONLY_DOCUMENT" msgid "This document is open in read-only mode." msgstr "Tutón dokument je jenož za čitanje wočinjeny." #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:252 msgctxt "STR_READONLY_PDF" msgid "This PDF is open in read-only mode to allow signing the existing file." msgstr "Tutón PDF je jenož za čitanje wočinjeny, zo by so signowanje eksistowaceje dataje zmóžniło." #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:253 msgctxt "STR_CLASSIFIED_DOCUMENT" msgid "The classification label of this document is %1." msgstr "Popis klasifikacije tutoho dokumenta je %1." #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:254 msgctxt "STR_TARGET_DOC_NOT_CLASSIFIED" msgid "This document must be classified before the clipboard can be pasted." msgstr "Tutón dokument dyrbi so klasifikować, prjedy hač wobsah z mjezyskłada da so zasadźić." #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:255 msgctxt "STR_DOC_CLASSIFICATION_TOO_LOW" msgid "This document has a lower classification level than the clipboard." msgstr "Tutón dokument ma nišu klasifikacisku runinu hač wobsah mjezyskłada." #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:256 msgctxt "STR_CLASSIFIED_INTELLECTUAL_PROPERTY" msgid "Level" msgstr "Runina" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:257 msgctxt "STR_CLASSIFIED_NATIONAL_SECURITY" msgid "National Security:" msgstr "Narodna wěstota:" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:258 msgctxt "STR_CLASSIFIED_EXPORT_CONTROL" msgid "Export Control:" msgstr "Eksportowa kontrola:" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:259 msgctxt "STR_CHECKOUT" msgid "Check Out" msgstr "Wupruwowanje" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:260 msgctxt "STR_READONLY_EDIT" msgid "Edit Document" msgstr "Dokument wobdźěłać" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:261 msgctxt "STR_READONLY_SIGN" msgid "Sign Document" msgstr "Dokument signować" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:262 msgctxt "STR_SIGNATURE_BROKEN" msgid "This document has an invalid signature." msgstr "Tutón dokument ma njepłaćiwu signaturu." #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:263 msgctxt "STR_SIGNATURE_INVALID" msgid "The signature was valid, but the document has been modified" msgstr "Signatura bě płaćiwa, ale dokument je so změnił" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:264 msgctxt "STR_SIGNATURE_NOTVALIDATED" msgid "The signature is OK, but the certificate could not be validated." msgstr "Signatura je w porjadku, ale certifikat njeda so přepruwować." #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:265 msgctxt "STR_SIGNATURE_PARTIAL_OK" msgid "The signature is OK, but the document is only partially signed." msgstr "Signatura je w porjadku, ale dokument je jenož zdźěla signowany." #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:266 msgctxt "STR_SIGNATURE_NOTVALIDATED_PARTIAL_OK" msgid "The certificate could not be validated and the document is only partially signed." msgstr "Certifikat njeda so wobkrućić a dokument je jenož zdźěla signowany." #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:267 msgctxt "STR_SIGNATURE_OK" msgid "This document is digitally signed and the signature is valid." msgstr "Dokument je digitalnje signowany a signatura je płaćiwa." #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:268 msgctxt "STR_SIGNATURE_SHOW" msgid "Show Signatures" msgstr "Signatury pokazać" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:270 msgctxt "STR_CLOSE_PANE" msgid "Close Pane" msgstr "Wokno začinić" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:271 msgctxt "STR_SFX_DOCK" msgid "Dock" msgstr "Přidokować" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:272 msgctxt "STR_SFX_UNDOCK" msgid "Undock" msgstr "Wotdokować" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:274 msgctxt "SFX_STR_SIDEBAR_MORE_OPTIONS" msgid "More Options" msgstr "Dalše nastajenja" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:275 msgctxt "SFX_STR_SIDEBAR_CLOSE_DECK" msgid "Close Sidebar Deck" msgstr "Bóčnicu začinić" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:276 msgctxt "SFX_STR_SIDEBAR_SETTINGS" msgid "Sidebar Settings" msgstr "Nastajenja bóčnicy" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:277 msgctxt "SFX_STR_SIDEBAR_CUSTOMIZATION" msgid "Customization" msgstr "Přiměrjenje" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:278 msgctxt "SFX_STR_SIDEBAR_RESTORE" msgid "Restore Default" msgstr "Standard wobnowić" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:279 msgctxt "SFX_STR_SIDEBAR_HIDE_SIDEBAR" msgid "Close Sidebar" msgstr "Bóčnicu začinić" #. Translators: default Impress template names #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:282 msgctxt "STR_TEMPLATE_NAME1" msgid "Alizarin" msgstr "Alizarin" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:283 msgctxt "STR_TEMPLATE_NAME2" msgid "Beehive" msgstr "Kołć" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:284 msgctxt "STR_TEMPLATE_NAME3" msgid "Blue Curve" msgstr "Modra křiwka" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:285 msgctxt "STR_TEMPLATE_NAME4" msgid "Blueprint Plans" msgstr "Módropawsowe plany" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:286 msgctxt "STR_TEMPLATE_NAME5" msgid "Bright Blue" msgstr "Swětłomódra" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:287 msgctxt "STR_TEMPLATE_NAME6" msgid "Classy Red" msgstr "Elegantna čerwjeń" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:288 msgctxt "STR_TEMPLATE_NAME7" msgid "DNA" msgstr "DNA" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:289 msgctxt "STR_TEMPLATE_NAME8" msgid "Focus" msgstr "Fokus" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:290 msgctxt "STR_TEMPLATE_NAME9" msgid "Forestbird" msgstr "Lěsny ptačk" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:291 msgctxt "STR_TEMPLATE_NAME10" msgid "Impress" msgstr "Impress" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:292 msgctxt "STR_TEMPLATE_NAME11" msgid "Inspiration" msgstr "Inspiracija" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:293 msgctxt "STR_TEMPLATE_NAME12" msgid "Lights" msgstr "Swětła" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:294 msgctxt "STR_TEMPLATE_NAME13" msgid "Lush Green" msgstr "Bujna zelena" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:295 msgctxt "STR_TEMPLATE_NAME14" msgid "Metropolis" msgstr "Metropolis" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:296 msgctxt "STR_TEMPLATE_NAME15" msgid "Midnightblue" msgstr "Połnócna módrina" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:297 msgctxt "STR_TEMPLATE_NAME16" msgid "Nature Illustration" msgstr "Přirodna ilustracija" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:298 msgctxt "STR_TEMPLATE_NAME17" msgid "Pencil" msgstr "Pisak" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:299 msgctxt "STR_TEMPLATE_NAME18" msgid "Piano" msgstr "Klawěr" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:300 msgctxt "STR_TEMPLATE_NAME19" msgid "Portfolio" msgstr "Aktowka" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:301 msgctxt "STR_TEMPLATE_NAME20" msgid "Progress" msgstr "Postup" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:302 msgctxt "STR_TEMPLATE_NAME21" msgid "Sunset" msgstr "Chowanje słónca" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:303 msgctxt "STR_TEMPLATE_NAME22" msgid "Vintage" msgstr "Tradicionelny" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:304 msgctxt "STR_TEMPLATE_NAME23" msgid "Vivid" msgstr "Žiwy" #. Translators: default Writer template names #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:306 msgctxt "STR_TEMPLATE_NAME24" msgid "CV" msgstr "Žiwjenjoběh" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:307 msgctxt "STR_TEMPLATE_NAME25" msgid "Resume" msgstr "Tabelariski žiwjenjoběh" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:308 msgctxt "STR_TEMPLATE_NAME26" msgid "Default" msgstr "Standard" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:309 msgctxt "STR_TEMPLATE_NAME27" msgid "Modern" msgstr "Moderny" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:310 msgctxt "STR_TEMPLATE_NAME28" msgid "Modern business letter sans-serif" msgstr "Moderny wobchodny list bjez serifow" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:311 msgctxt "STR_TEMPLATE_NAME29" msgid "Modern business letter serif" msgstr "Moderny wobchodny list ze serifami" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:312 msgctxt "STR_TEMPLATE_NAME30" msgid "Businesscard with logo" msgstr "Wizitka z logom" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:314 msgctxt "STR_CLEAR_CHAR" msgid "Remove" msgstr "Wotstronić" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:315 msgctxt "STR_CLEAR_ALL_CHAR" msgid "Clear All" msgstr "Wšě zhašeć" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:317 msgctxt "STR_PASSWORD_LEN" msgid "Password length" msgstr "Dołhosć hesła" #: include/sfx2/strings.hrc:318 msgctxt "STR_PASSWORD_WARNING" msgid "The password you have entered causes interoperability issues. Please enter a password that is shorter than 52 bytes, or longer than 55 bytes." msgstr "Hesło, kotrež sće zapodał, problemy za zhromadne dźěło zawinuje. Prošu zapodajće hesło, kotrež je krótše hač 52 bajtow abo dlěše hač 55 bajtow." #: sfx2/inc/dinfdlg.hrc:27 msgctxt "SFX_CB_PROPERTY_STRINGARRAY" msgid "Checked by" msgstr "Skontrolowany wot" #: sfx2/inc/dinfdlg.hrc:28 msgctxt "SFX_CB_PROPERTY_STRINGARRAY" msgid "Client" msgstr "Klient" #: sfx2/inc/dinfdlg.hrc:29 msgctxt "SFX_CB_PROPERTY_STRINGARRAY" msgid "Date completed" msgstr "Datum dokónčenja" #: sfx2/inc/dinfdlg.hrc:30 msgctxt "SFX_CB_PROPERTY_STRINGARRAY" msgid "Department" msgstr "Wotrjad" #: sfx2/inc/dinfdlg.hrc:31 msgctxt "SFX_CB_PROPERTY_STRINGARRAY" msgid "Destinations" msgstr "Cile" #: sfx2/inc/dinfdlg.hrc:32 msgctxt "SFX_CB_PROPERTY_STRINGARRAY" msgid "Disposition" msgstr "Struktura" #: sfx2/inc/dinfdlg.hrc:33 msgctxt "SFX_CB_PROPERTY_STRINGARRAY" msgid "Division" msgstr "Wobchodne polo" #: sfx2/inc/dinfdlg.hrc:34 msgctxt "SFX_CB_PROPERTY_STRINGARRAY" msgid "Document number" msgstr "Dokumentowe čisło" #: sfx2/inc/dinfdlg.hrc:35 msgctxt "SFX_CB_PROPERTY_STRINGARRAY" msgid "Editor" msgstr "Wudawaćel" #: sfx2/inc/dinfdlg.hrc:36 msgctxt "SFX_CB_PROPERTY_STRINGARRAY" msgid "Email" msgstr "E-mejl" #: sfx2/inc/dinfdlg.hrc:37 msgctxt "SFX_CB_PROPERTY_STRINGARRAY" msgid "Forward to" msgstr "Dale posrědkować" #: sfx2/inc/dinfdlg.hrc:38 msgctxt "SFX_CB_PROPERTY_STRINGARRAY" msgid "Group" msgstr "Skupina" #: sfx2/inc/dinfdlg.hrc:39 msgctxt "SFX_CB_PROPERTY_STRINGARRAY" msgid "Info" msgstr "Info" #: sfx2/inc/dinfdlg.hrc:40 msgctxt "SFX_CB_PROPERTY_STRINGARRAY" msgid "Language" msgstr "Rěč" #: sfx2/inc/dinfdlg.hrc:41 msgctxt "SFX_CB_PROPERTY_STRINGARRAY" msgid "Mailstop" msgstr "Žane zdźělenki" #: sfx2/inc/dinfdlg.hrc:42 msgctxt "SFX_CB_PROPERTY_STRINGARRAY" msgid "Matter" msgstr "Naležnosc" #: sfx2/inc/dinfdlg.hrc:43 msgctxt "SFX_CB_PROPERTY_STRINGARRAY" msgid "Office" msgstr "Běrow" #: sfx2/inc/dinfdlg.hrc:44 msgctxt "SFX_CB_PROPERTY_STRINGARRAY" msgid "Owner" msgstr "Swójstwownik" #: sfx2/inc/dinfdlg.hrc:45 msgctxt "SFX_CB_PROPERTY_STRINGARRAY" msgid "Project" msgstr "Projekt" #: sfx2/inc/dinfdlg.hrc:46 msgctxt "SFX_CB_PROPERTY_STRINGARRAY" msgid "Publisher" msgstr "Wudawaćel" #: sfx2/inc/dinfdlg.hrc:47 msgctxt "SFX_CB_PROPERTY_STRINGARRAY" msgid "Purpose" msgstr "Zaměr" #: sfx2/inc/dinfdlg.hrc:48 msgctxt "SFX_CB_PROPERTY_STRINGARRAY" msgid "Received from" msgstr "Dóstany wot" #: sfx2/inc/dinfdlg.hrc:49 msgctxt "SFX_CB_PROPERTY_STRINGARRAY" msgid "Recorded by" msgstr "Natočeny wot" #: sfx2/inc/dinfdlg.hrc:50 msgctxt "SFX_CB_PROPERTY_STRINGARRAY" msgid "Recorded date" msgstr "Datum natočenja" #: sfx2/inc/dinfdlg.hrc:51 msgctxt "SFX_CB_PROPERTY_STRINGARRAY" msgid "Reference" msgstr "Referenca" #: sfx2/inc/dinfdlg.hrc:52 msgctxt "SFX_CB_PROPERTY_STRINGARRAY" msgid "Source" msgstr "Žórło" #: sfx2/inc/dinfdlg.hrc:53 msgctxt "SFX_CB_PROPERTY_STRINGARRAY" msgid "Status" msgstr "Status" #: sfx2/inc/dinfdlg.hrc:54 msgctxt "SFX_CB_PROPERTY_STRINGARRAY" msgid "Telephone number" msgstr "Telefonowe čisło" #: sfx2/inc/dinfdlg.hrc:55 msgctxt "SFX_CB_PROPERTY_STRINGARRAY" msgid "Typist" msgstr "Zapřijimar" #: sfx2/inc/dinfdlg.hrc:56 msgctxt "SFX_CB_PROPERTY_STRINGARRAY" msgid "URL" msgstr "URL" #: sfx2/inc/dinfdlg.hrc:69 msgctxt "SFX_CB_PROPERTY_STRINGARRAY" msgid "Text" msgstr "Tekst" #: sfx2/inc/dinfdlg.hrc:70 msgctxt "SFX_CB_PROPERTY_STRINGARRAY" msgid "DateTime" msgstr "DatumČas" #: sfx2/inc/dinfdlg.hrc:71 msgctxt "SFX_CB_PROPERTY_STRINGARRAY" msgid "Date" msgstr "Datum" #: sfx2/inc/dinfdlg.hrc:72 msgctxt "SFX_CB_PROPERTY_STRINGARRAY" msgid "Duration" msgstr "Traće" #: sfx2/inc/dinfdlg.hrc:73 msgctxt "SFX_CB_PROPERTY_STRINGARRAY" msgid "Number" msgstr "Ličba" #: sfx2/inc/dinfdlg.hrc:74 msgctxt "SFX_CB_PROPERTY_STRINGARRAY" msgid "Yes or no" msgstr "Haj abo ně" #: sfx2/inc/doctempl.hrc:27 msgctxt "TEMPLATE_LONG_NAMES_ARY" msgid "My Templates" msgstr "Moje předłohi" #: sfx2/inc/doctempl.hrc:28 msgctxt "TEMPLATE_LONG_NAMES_ARY" msgid "Business Correspondence" msgstr "Wobchodniska korespondenca" #: sfx2/inc/doctempl.hrc:29 msgctxt "TEMPLATE_LONG_NAMES_ARY" msgid "Other Business Documents" msgstr "Druhe wobchodniske dokumenty" #: sfx2/inc/doctempl.hrc:30 msgctxt "TEMPLATE_LONG_NAMES_ARY" msgid "Personal Correspondence and Documents" msgstr "Wosobinske korespondenca a dokomenty" #: sfx2/inc/doctempl.hrc:31 msgctxt "TEMPLATE_LONG_NAMES_ARY" msgid "Forms and Contracts" msgstr "Formulary a zrěčenja" #: sfx2/inc/doctempl.hrc:32 msgctxt "TEMPLATE_LONG_NAMES_ARY" msgid "Finances" msgstr "Financy" #: sfx2/inc/doctempl.hrc:33 msgctxt "TEMPLATE_LONG_NAMES_ARY" msgid "Education" msgstr "Kubłanje" #: sfx2/inc/doctempl.hrc:34 msgctxt "TEMPLATE_LONG_NAMES_ARY" msgid "Presentation Backgrounds" msgstr "Prezentaciske pozadki" #: sfx2/inc/doctempl.hrc:35 msgctxt "TEMPLATE_LONG_NAMES_ARY" msgid "Presentations" msgstr "Prezentacije" #: sfx2/inc/doctempl.hrc:36 msgctxt "TEMPLATE_LONG_NAMES_ARY" msgid "Miscellaneous" msgstr "Wšelake" #: sfx2/inc/doctempl.hrc:37 msgctxt "TEMPLATE_LONG_NAMES_ARY" msgid "Labels" msgstr "Popisy" #: sfx2/inc/doctempl.hrc:38 msgctxt "TEMPLATE_LONG_NAMES_ARY" msgid "Styles" msgstr "Předłohi" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/alienwarndialog.ui:7 msgctxt "alienwarndialog|AlienWarnDialog" msgid "Confirm File Format" msgstr "Datajowy format wobkrućić" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/alienwarndialog.ui:13 msgctxt "alienwarndialog|AlienWarnDialog" msgid "This document may contain formatting or content that cannot be saved in the currently selected file format “%FORMATNAME”." msgstr "Tutón dokument móže formatowanja abo wobsah wobsahować, kotrež njedadźa so w tuchwilu wubranym datajowym formaće „%FORMATNAME“ składować." #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/alienwarndialog.ui:14 msgctxt "alienwarndialog|AlienWarnDialog" msgid "Use the default ODF file format to be sure that the document is saved correctly." msgstr "Wužiwajće datajowy format ODF, zo byšće zawěsćił, zo so dokument korektnje składuje." #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/alienwarndialog.ui:25 msgctxt "alienwarndialog|cancel" msgid "Use %DEFAULTEXTENSION _Format" msgstr "_Format %DEFAULTEXTENSION wužiwać" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/alienwarndialog.ui:40 msgctxt "alienwarndialog|save" msgid "_Use %FORMATNAME Format" msgstr "Format %FORMATNAME w_užiwać" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/alienwarndialog.ui:65 msgctxt "alienwarndialog|ask" msgid "_Ask when not saving in ODF or default format" msgstr "_Prašeć so, hdyž so w ODF- abo standardnym formaće njeskładuje" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/bookmarkdialog.ui:8 msgctxt "bookmarkdialog|BookmarkDialog" msgid "Add to Bookmarks" msgstr "Zapołožkam přidać" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/bookmarkdialog.ui:80 msgctxt "bookmarkdialog|alttitle" msgid "Rename Bookmark" msgstr "Zapołožku přemjenować" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/bookmarkdialog.ui:99 msgctxt "bookmarkdialog|label2" msgid "Bookmark:" msgstr "Zapołožka:" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/bookmarkmenu.ui:12 msgctxt "bookmarkmenu|display" msgid "Display" msgstr "Pokazać" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/bookmarkmenu.ui:26 msgctxt "bookmarkmenu|rename" msgid "Rename..." msgstr "Přemjenować..." #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/bookmarkmenu.ui:34 msgctxt "bookmarkmenu|delete" msgid "Delete" msgstr "Zhašeć" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/charmapcontrol.ui:27 msgctxt "charmapcontrol|label1" msgid "Favorites" msgstr "Fawority" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/charmapcontrol.ui:248 msgctxt "charmapcontrol|label2" msgid "Recent" msgstr "Najnowše" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/charmapcontrol.ui:468 msgctxt "charmapcontrol|specialchardlg" msgid "More Characters…" msgstr "Dalše znamješka…" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/charviewmenu.ui:12 msgctxt "charviewmenu|clearchar" msgid "Remove" msgstr "Wotstronić" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/charviewmenu.ui:20 msgctxt "charviewmenu|clearallchar" msgid "Clear All" msgstr "Wšě zhašeć" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/checkin.ui:8 msgctxt "checkin|CheckinDialog" msgid "Check-In" msgstr "Přizjewić" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/checkin.ui:89 msgctxt "checkin|MajorVersion" msgid "New major version" msgstr "Nowa hłowna wersija" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/checkin.ui:106 msgctxt "checkin|label2" msgid "Version comment:" msgstr "Wersijowy komentar:" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/cmisinfopage.ui:54 msgctxt "cmisinfopage|name" msgid "Name" msgstr "Mjeno" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/cmisinfopage.ui:66 msgctxt "cmisinfopage|type" msgid "Type" msgstr "Typ" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/cmisinfopage.ui:78 msgctxt "cmisinfopage|value" msgid "Value" msgstr "Hódnota" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/cmisline.ui:46 msgctxt "cmisline|type" msgid "Type" msgstr "Typ" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/cmisline.ui:61 msgctxt "cmisline|yes" msgid "Yes" msgstr "Haj" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/cmisline.ui:80 msgctxt "cmisline|no" msgid "No" msgstr "Ně" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/custominfopage.ui:14 msgctxt "custominfopage|add" msgid "Add _Property" msgstr "_Kajkosć přidać" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/custominfopage.ui:49 msgctxt "custominfopage|name" msgid "Name" msgstr "Mjeno" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/custominfopage.ui:61 msgctxt "custominfopage|type" msgid "Type" msgstr "Typ" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/custominfopage.ui:73 msgctxt "custominfopage|value" msgid "Value" msgstr "Hódnota" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/descriptioninfopage.ui:17 msgctxt "descriptioninfopage|label27" msgid "_Title:" msgstr "_Titul:" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/descriptioninfopage.ui:31 msgctxt "descriptioninfopage|label28" msgid "_Subject:" msgstr "T_ema:" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/descriptioninfopage.ui:45 msgctxt "descriptioninfopage|label29" msgid "_Keywords:" msgstr "_Klučowe słowa:" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/descriptioninfopage.ui:60 msgctxt "descriptioninfopage|label30" msgid "_Comments:" msgstr "Ko_mentary:" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/documentfontspage.ui:30 msgctxt "documentfontspage|embedFonts" msgid "_Embed fonts in the document" msgstr "_Pisma do dokumenta zasadźić" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/documentfontspage.ui:46 msgctxt "documentfontspage|embedUsedFonts" msgid "_Only embed fonts that are used in documents" msgstr "_Jenož pisma zasadźić, kotrež so w dokumentach wužiwaja" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/documentfontspage.ui:68 msgctxt "documentfontspage|fontEmbeddingLabel" msgid "Font embedding" msgstr "Pismowe zasadźenje" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/documentfontspage.ui:99 msgctxt "documentfontspage|embedLatinScriptFonts" msgid "_Latin fonts" msgstr "Łać_onske pisma" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/documentfontspage.ui:115 msgctxt "documentfontspage|embedAsianScriptFonts" msgid "_Asian fonts" msgstr "_Aziske pisma" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/documentfontspage.ui:131 msgctxt "documentfontspage|embedComplexScriptFonts" msgid "_Complex fonts" msgstr "_Kompleksne pisma" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/documentfontspage.ui:153 msgctxt "documentfontspage|fontScriptFrameLabel" msgid "Font scripts to embed" msgstr "Pisma, kotrež maja so zasadźić" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/documentinfopage.ui:18 msgctxt "documentinfopage|label13" msgid "_Created:" msgstr "W_utworjeny:" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/documentinfopage.ui:32 msgctxt "documentinfopage|label14" msgid "_Modified:" msgstr "_Změnjeny:" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/documentinfopage.ui:46 msgctxt "documentinfopage|label15" msgid "_Digitally signed:" msgstr "_Digitalnje signowany:" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/documentinfopage.ui:60 msgctxt "documentinfopage|label16" msgid "Last pri_nted:" msgstr "Pos_ledni raz wućišćeny:" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/documentinfopage.ui:74 msgctxt "documentinfopage|label17" msgid "Total _editing time:" msgstr "_Cyłkowny wobdźěłowanski čas:" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/documentinfopage.ui:88 msgctxt "documentinfopage|label18" msgid "Re_vision number:" msgstr "We_rsijowe čisło:" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/documentinfopage.ui:131 msgctxt "documentinfopage|showsigned" msgid "Multiply signed document" msgstr "Wjacekróć signowany dokument" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/documentinfopage.ui:183 msgctxt "documentinfopage|userdatacb" msgid "_Apply user data" msgstr "Wužiwarske _daty nałožić" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/documentinfopage.ui:199 msgctxt "documentinfopage|thumbnailsavecb" msgid "Save preview image with this document" msgstr "Miniaturku z tutym dokumentom składować" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/documentinfopage.ui:215 msgctxt "documentinfopage|reset" msgid "Reset Properties" msgstr "Kajkosće wobnowić" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/documentinfopage.ui:228 msgctxt "documentinfopage|signature" msgid "Di_gital Signatures..." msgstr "Digitalne signatury..." #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/documentinfopage.ui:246 msgctxt "documentinfopage|label11" msgid "_Size:" msgstr "_Wulkosć:" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/documentinfopage.ui:260 msgctxt "documentinfopage|showsize" msgid "unknown" msgstr "njeznaty" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/documentinfopage.ui:274 msgctxt "documentinfopage|label8" msgid "_Location:" msgstr "_Městno:" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/documentinfopage.ui:304 msgctxt "documentinfopage|label7" msgid "_Type:" msgstr "_Typ:" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/documentinfopage.ui:328 msgctxt "documentinfopage|changepass" msgid "Change _Password" msgstr "_Hesło změnić" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/documentinfopage.ui:345 msgctxt "documentinfopage|templateft" msgid "Template:" msgstr "Předłoha:" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/documentpropertiesdialog.ui:8 msgctxt "documentpropertiesdialog|DocumentPropertiesDialog" msgid "Properties of “%1”" msgstr "Kajkosće „%1“" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/documentpropertiesdialog.ui:105 msgctxt "documentpropertiesdialog|general" msgid "General " msgstr "Powšitkowny " #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/documentpropertiesdialog.ui:127 msgctxt "documentpropertiesdialog|description" msgid "Description" msgstr "Wopisanje" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/documentpropertiesdialog.ui:150 msgctxt "documentpropertiesdialog|customprops" msgid "Custom Properties" msgstr "Swójske kajkosće" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/documentpropertiesdialog.ui:173 msgctxt "documentpropertiesdialog|cmisprops" msgid "CMIS Properties" msgstr "CMIS-kajkosće" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/documentpropertiesdialog.ui:196 msgctxt "documentpropertiesdialog|security" msgid "Security" msgstr "Wěstota" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/editdocumentdialog.ui:7 msgctxt "editdocumentdialog|EditDocumentDialog" msgid "Confirm editing of document" msgstr "Wobdźěłowanje dokumenta wobkrućić" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/editdocumentdialog.ui:13 msgctxt "editdocumentdialog|EditDocumentDialog" msgid "Are you sure you want to edit the document?" msgstr "Chceće dokument woprawdźe wobdźěłować?" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/editdocumentdialog.ui:14 msgctxt "editdocumentdialog|EditDocumentDialog" msgid "The original file can be signed without editing the document. Existing signatures on the document will be lost in case of saving an edited version." msgstr "Originalna dataja da so signować bjez toho, zo by so dokument wobdźěłował. Eksistowace signatury w dokumenće so zhubja, hdyž so wobdźěłana wersija składuje." #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/editdocumentdialog.ui:25 msgctxt "editdocumentdialog|edit" msgid "Edit Document" msgstr "Dokument wobdźěłać" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/editdocumentdialog.ui:42 msgctxt "editdocumentdialog|cancel" msgid "Cancel" msgstr "Přetorhnyć" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/editdurationdialog.ui:43 msgctxt "editdurationdialog|EditDurationDialog" msgid "Edit Duration" msgstr "Traće wobdźěłać" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/editdurationdialog.ui:135 msgctxt "editdurationdialog|negative" msgid "_Negative" msgstr "_Negatiwny" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/editdurationdialog.ui:153 msgctxt "editdurationdialog|label1" msgid "_Years:" msgstr "_Lěta:" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/editdurationdialog.ui:167 msgctxt "editdurationdialog|label" msgid "_Months:" msgstr "_Měsacy:" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/editdurationdialog.ui:181 msgctxt "editdurationdialog|label3" msgid "_Days:" msgstr "_Dny:" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/editdurationdialog.ui:195 msgctxt "editdurationdialog|label4" msgid "H_ours:" msgstr "_Hodźiny:" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/editdurationdialog.ui:209 msgctxt "editdurationdialog|label5" msgid "Min_utes:" msgstr "Mj_eńšiny:" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/editdurationdialog.ui:223 msgctxt "editdurationdialog|label6" msgid "_Seconds:" msgstr "_Sekundy:" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/editdurationdialog.ui:237 msgctxt "editdurationdialog|label7" msgid "Millise_conds:" msgstr "M_ilisekundy:" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/editdurationdialog.ui:339 msgctxt "editdurationdialog|label2" msgid "Duration" msgstr "Traće" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/errorfindemaildialog.ui:7 msgctxt "errorfindemaildialog|ErrorFindEmailDialog" msgid "No email configuration" msgstr "Žana e-mejlowa konfiguracija" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/errorfindemaildialog.ui:14 msgctxt "errorfindemaildialog|ErrorFindEmailDialog" msgid "%PRODUCTNAME was unable to find a working email configuration." msgstr "%PRODUCTNAME njemóžeše fungowacu e-mejlowu konfiguraciju namakać." #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/errorfindemaildialog.ui:15 msgctxt "errorfindemaildialog|ErrorFindEmailDialog" msgid "Please save this document locally instead and attach it from within your email client." msgstr "Prošu składujće tutón dokument lokalnje město toho a přidajće jón wašemu e-mejlowemu programej jako přiwěšk." #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/floatingrecord.ui:9 msgctxt "floatingrecord|FloatingRecord" msgid "Record Macro" msgstr "Makro natočić" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/helpbookmarkpage.ui:22 msgctxt "helpbookmarkpage|display" msgid "_Display" msgstr "_Pokazać" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/helpbookmarkpage.ui:41 msgctxt "helpbookmarkpage|label1" msgid "_Bookmarks" msgstr "_Zapołožki" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/helpcontrol.ui:51 msgctxt "helpcontrol|contents" msgid "Contents" msgstr "Wobsah" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/helpcontrol.ui:73 msgctxt "helpcontrol|index" msgid "Index" msgstr "Indeks" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/helpcontrol.ui:96 msgctxt "helpcontrol|find" msgid "Find" msgstr "Pytać" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/helpcontrol.ui:119 msgctxt "helpcontrol|bookmarks" msgid "Bookmarks" msgstr "Zapołožki" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/helpindexpage.ui:22 msgctxt "helpindexpage|display" msgid "_Display" msgstr "_Pokazać" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/helpindexpage.ui:41 msgctxt "helpindexpage|label1" msgid "_Search term" msgstr "Pytanski w_uraz" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/helpmanual.ui:7 msgctxt "helpmanual|onlinehelpmanual" msgid "%PRODUCTNAME Help Not Installed" msgstr "Pomoc %PRODUCTNAME instalowana njeje" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/helpmanual.ui:12 msgctxt "helpmanual|onlinehelpmanual" msgid "The %PRODUCTNAME built-in help for current UI language ($UILOCALE) is not installed on your computer." msgstr "Zatwarjena pomoc %PRODUCTNAME za aktualnu rěč wužiwarskeho powjercha ($UILOCALE) na wašim ličaku instalowana njeje." #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/helpmanual.ui:13 msgctxt "helpmanual|onlinehelpmanual" msgid "You may either install it from our website or your system’s repositories, or read an online version." msgstr "Móžeće ju pak z našeho websydła pak z archiwow swojeho systema instalować abo wersiju online čitać." #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/helpmanual.ui:23 msgctxt "helpmanual|website" msgid "Read Help Online" msgstr "Pomoc online čitać" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/helpmanual.ui:60 msgctxt "helpmanual|hidedialog" msgid "Do not show this dialog again" msgstr "Tutón dialog hižo njepokazać" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/helpsearchpage.ui:22 msgctxt "helpsearchpage|display" msgid "_Display" msgstr "_Pokazać" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/helpsearchpage.ui:41 msgctxt "helpsearchpage|label1" msgid "_Search term" msgstr "Pytanski w_uraz" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/helpsearchpage.ui:116 msgctxt "helpsearchpage|completewords" msgid "_Complete words only" msgstr "_Jenož cyłe słowa" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/helpsearchpage.ui:133 msgctxt "helpsearchpage|headings" msgid "Find in _headings only" msgstr "Jenož w na_dpismach pytać" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/inputdialog.ui:86 msgctxt "inputdialog|label" msgid "Height:" msgstr "Wysokosć:" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/licensedialog.ui:8 msgctxt "licensedialog|LicenseDialog" msgid "Licensing and Legal information" msgstr "Licencne a prawniske informacije" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/licensedialog.ui:25 msgctxt "licensedialog|show" msgid "_Show License" msgstr "_Licencu pokazać" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/licensedialog.ui:68 msgctxt "licensedialog|label" msgid "" "%PRODUCTNAME is made available subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. A copy of the MPL can be obtained at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.\n" "\n" "Third Party Code Additional copyright notices and license terms applicable to portions of the Software are set forth in the LICENSE.html file; choose Show License to see exact details in English.\n" "\n" "All trademarks and registered trademarks mentioned herein are the property of their respective owners.\n" "\n" "Copyright © 2000–2019 LibreOffice contributors. All rights reserved.\n" "\n" "This product was created by %OOOVENDOR, based on OpenOffice.org, which is Copyright 2000, 2011 Oracle and/or its affiliates. %OOOVENDOR acknowledges all community members, please see http://www.libreoffice.org/ for more details." msgstr "" "%PRODUCTNAME wuměnjenjam licency Mozilla Public License wersija 2.0 podleži. Kopiju licency MPL namakaće na http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.\n" "\n" "Přidatne noticy awtorstwa za kod třećich poskićowarjow a licencne wuměnjenja, kotrež su na dźěle softwary nałožujomne, su w dataji LICENSE.html rozłožene; wubjerće Licencu pokazać, zo byšće dokładne podrobnosće jendźelsce čitał.\n" "\n" "Wšě wikowanske znamjenja a zregistrowane wikowanske znamjenja, kotrež su tu naspomnjene, su swójstwo jich datych swójstwownikow.\n" "\n" "Copyright © 2000-2019 sobuskutkowarjo LibreOffice. Wšě prawa wuměnjene.\n" "\n" "Tutón produkt je so wot %OOOVENDOR wutworił, na zakładźe OpenOffice.org, kotryž copyrightej 2000, 2011 Oracle a/abo jeho wotnožkam podleži. %OOOVENDOR připóznawa wšěch čłonow zhromadźenstwa, hlejće prošu http://hsb.libreoffice.org/about-us/credits/ za dalše podrobnosće." #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/linkeditdialog.ui:8 msgctxt "linkeditdialog|title" msgid "Modify DDE Link" msgstr "DDE-wotkaz změnić" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/linkeditdialog.ui:107 msgctxt "linkeditdialog|label2" msgid "_Application:" msgstr "_Nałoženje:" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/linkeditdialog.ui:121 msgctxt "linkeditdialog|label3" msgid "_File:" msgstr "_Dataja:" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/linkeditdialog.ui:135 msgctxt "linkeditdialog|label4" msgid "_Category:" msgstr "_Kategorija:" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/linkeditdialog.ui:185 msgctxt "linkeditdialog|label1" msgid "Modify Link" msgstr "Zwisk změnić" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/loadtemplatedialog.ui:24 msgctxt "loadtemplatedialog|LoadTemplateDialog" msgid "New" msgstr "Nowy" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/loadtemplatedialog.ui:39 msgctxt "loadtemplatedialog|fromfile" msgid "From File..." msgstr "Z dataje..." #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/loadtemplatedialog.ui:168 msgctxt "loadtemplatedialog|label1" msgid "Categories" msgstr "Kategorije" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/loadtemplatedialog.ui:235 msgctxt "loadtemplatedialog|label2" msgid "Templates" msgstr "Předłohi" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/loadtemplatedialog.ui:256 msgctxt "loadtemplatedialog|text" msgid "Te_xt" msgstr "Tek_st" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/loadtemplatedialog.ui:271 msgctxt "loadtemplatedialog|frame" msgid "_Frame" msgstr "_Wobłuk" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/loadtemplatedialog.ui:286 msgctxt "loadtemplatedialog|pages" msgid "_Pages" msgstr "_Strony" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/loadtemplatedialog.ui:301 msgctxt "loadtemplatedialog|numbering" msgid "N_umbering" msgstr "Č_isłowanje" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/loadtemplatedialog.ui:316 msgctxt "loadtemplatedialog|overwrite" msgid "_Overwrite" msgstr "_Přepisać" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/loadtemplatedialog.ui:343 msgctxt "loadtemplatedialog|alttitle" msgid "Load Styles" msgstr "Předłohi začitać" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/loadtemplatedialog.ui:379 msgctxt "loadtemplatedialog|label3" msgid "Pre_view" msgstr "Pře_hlad" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/managestylepage.ui:37 msgctxt "managestylepage|nameft" msgid "_Name:" msgstr "_Mjeno:" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/managestylepage.ui:51 msgctxt "managestylepage|nextstyleft" msgid "Ne_xt style:" msgstr "Při_chodna předłoha:" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/managestylepage.ui:65 msgctxt "managestylepage|linkedwithft" msgid "Inherit from:" msgstr "Přewzać z:" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/managestylepage.ui:79 msgctxt "managestylepage|categoryft" msgid "_Category:" msgstr "_Kategorija:" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/managestylepage.ui:103 msgctxt "managestylepage|editstyle" msgid "Edit Style" msgstr "Předłohu wobdźěłać" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/managestylepage.ui:127 msgctxt "managestylepage|editlinkstyle" msgid "Edit Style" msgstr "Předłohu wobdźěłać" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/managestylepage.ui:151 msgctxt "managestylepage|autoupdate" msgid "_AutoUpdate" msgstr "_Awtomatisce aktualizować" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/managestylepage.ui:198 msgctxt "managestylepage|label1" msgid "Style" msgstr "Formatowa předłoha" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/managestylepage.ui:239 msgctxt "managestylepage|label2" msgid "Contains" msgstr "Wobsahuje" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/newstyle.ui:16 msgctxt "newstyle|CreateStyleDialog" msgid "Create Style" msgstr "Předłohu wutworić" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/newstyle.ui:159 msgctxt "newstyle|stylename-atkobject" msgid "Style Name" msgstr "Mjeno předłohi" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/newstyle.ui:176 msgctxt "newstyle|label1" msgid "Style Name" msgstr "Mjeno předłohi" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/notebookbar.ui:73 msgctxt "notebookbar|label9" msgid "File" msgstr "Dataja" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/optprintpage.ui:43 msgctxt "optprintpage|printer" msgid "_Printer" msgstr "Ć_išćak" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/optprintpage.ui:60 msgctxt "optprintpage|file" msgid "Print to _file" msgstr "_Do dataje ćišćeć" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/optprintpage.ui:79 msgctxt "optprintpage|label4" msgid "Settings for:" msgstr "Nastajenja za:" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/optprintpage.ui:107 msgctxt "optprintpage|reducetrans" msgid "_Reduce transparency" msgstr "_Transparencu redukować" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/optprintpage.ui:122 msgctxt "optprintpage|reducegrad" msgid "Reduce _gradient" msgstr "Ba_rbny přeběh redukować" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/optprintpage.ui:137 msgctxt "optprintpage|converttogray" msgid "Con_vert colors to grayscale" msgstr "Barby do wot_sćinow šěrje konwertować" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/optprintpage.ui:162 msgctxt "optprintpage|reducetransauto" msgid "Auto_matically" msgstr "Awto_matisce" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/optprintpage.ui:179 msgctxt "optprintpage|reducetransnone" msgid "_No transparency" msgstr "_Bjez transparency" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/optprintpage.ui:218 msgctxt "optprintpage|reducegradstripes" msgid "Gradient _stripes:" msgstr "_Linije barbneho přeběha:" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/optprintpage.ui:252 msgctxt "optprintpage|reducegradcolor" msgid "Intermediate _color" msgstr "Mjezy_barba" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/optprintpage.ui:286 msgctxt "optprintpage|reducebitmapoptimal" msgid "_High print quality" msgstr "_Wysoka ćišćerska kwalita" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/optprintpage.ui:303 msgctxt "optprintpage|reducebitmapnormal" msgid "N_ormal print quality" msgstr "_Normalna ćišćerska kwalita" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/optprintpage.ui:324 msgctxt "optprintpage|reducebitmapresol" msgid "Reso_lution:" msgstr "_Rozeznaće:" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/optprintpage.ui:343 msgctxt "optprintpage|reducebitmapdpi" msgid "72 DPI" msgstr "72 DPI" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/optprintpage.ui:344 msgctxt "optprintpage|reducebitmapdpi" msgid "96 DPI" msgstr "96 DPI" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/optprintpage.ui:345 msgctxt "optprintpage|reducebitmapdpi" msgid "150 DPI (Fax)" msgstr "150 DPI (Faks)" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/optprintpage.ui:346 msgctxt "optprintpage|reducebitmapdpi" msgid "200 DPI (default)" msgstr "200 DPI (standard)" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/optprintpage.ui:347 msgctxt "optprintpage|reducebitmapdpi" msgid "300 DPI" msgstr "300 DPI" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/optprintpage.ui:348 msgctxt "optprintpage|reducebitmapdpi" msgid "600 DPI" msgstr "600 DPI" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/optprintpage.ui:364 msgctxt "optprintpage|reducebitmaptrans" msgid "Include transparent objects" msgstr "Transparentne objekty zapřijeć" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/optprintpage.ui:388 msgctxt "optprintpage|reducebitmap" msgid "Reduce _bitmaps" msgstr "_Bitmapy redukować" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/optprintpage.ui:403 msgctxt "optprintpage|pdf" msgid "_PDF as standard print job format" msgstr "_PDF jako standardny ćišćerski format" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/optprintpage.ui:433 msgctxt "optprintpage|label1" msgid "Reduce Print Data" msgstr "Ćišćerske daty redukować" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/optprintpage.ui:466 msgctxt "optprintpage|papersize" msgid "P_aper size" msgstr "Wu_lkosć papjery" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/optprintpage.ui:481 msgctxt "optprintpage|paperorient" msgid "Pap_er orientation" msgstr "Wu_směrjenje papjery" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/optprintpage.ui:497 msgctxt "optprintpage|trans" msgid "_Transparency" msgstr "_Transparenca" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/optprintpage.ui:518 msgctxt "optprintpage|label2" msgid "Printer Warnings" msgstr "Warnowanja ćišćaka" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/password.ui:8 msgctxt "password|PasswordDialog" msgid "Enter Password" msgstr "Hesło zapodać" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/password.ui:104 msgctxt "password|userft" msgid "User:" msgstr "Wužiwar:" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/password.ui:118 msgctxt "password|pass1ft" msgid "Password:" msgstr "Hesło:" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/password.ui:132 msgctxt "password|confirm1ft" msgid "Confirm:" msgstr "Wobkrućić:" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/password.ui:164 msgctxt "password|pass1ed-atkobject" msgid "Password" msgstr "Hesło" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/password.ui:195 msgctxt "password|label1" msgid "Password" msgstr "Hesło" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/password.ui:230 msgctxt "password|pass2ft" msgid "Password:" msgstr "Hesło:" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/password.ui:244 msgctxt "password|confirm2ft" msgid "Confirm:" msgstr "Wobkrućić:" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/password.ui:290 msgctxt "password|label2" msgid "Second Password" msgstr "Druhe hesło" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/printeroptionsdialog.ui:8 msgctxt "printeroptionsdialog|PrinterOptionsDialog" msgid "Printer Options" msgstr "Nastajenja ćišćaka" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/querysavedialog.ui:7 msgctxt "querysavedialog|QuerySaveDialog" msgid "Save Document?" msgstr "Dokument składować?" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/querysavedialog.ui:13 msgctxt "querysavedialog|QuerySaveDialog" msgid "Save changes to document “$(DOC)” before closing?" msgstr "Změny dokumenta „$(DOC)“ před začinjenjom składować?" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/querysavedialog.ui:14 msgctxt "querysavedialog|QuerySaveDialog" msgid "Your changes will be lost if you don’t save them." msgstr "Waše změny so zhubja, jeli je njeskładujeće." #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/querysavedialog.ui:25 msgctxt "querysavedialog|discard" msgid "_Don’t Save" msgstr "_Njeskładować" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/safemodequerydialog.ui:7 msgctxt "safemodequerydialog|SafeModeQueryDialog" msgid "Enter Safe Mode" msgstr "Wěsty modus startować" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/safemodequerydialog.ui:12 msgctxt "safemodequerydialog|label" msgid "Are you sure you want to restart %PRODUCTNAME and enter safe mode?" msgstr "Chceće %PRODUCTNAME woprawdźe we wěstym modusu startować?" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/safemodequerydialog.ui:41 msgctxt "safemodequerydialog|restart" msgid "_Restart" msgstr "_Znowa startować" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/saveastemplatedlg.ui:14 msgctxt "saveastemplatedlg|SaveAsTemplateDialog" msgid "Save As Template" msgstr "Jako předłohu składować" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/saveastemplatedlg.ui:101 msgctxt "saveastemplatedlg|create_label" msgid "Template _Name" msgstr "_Mjeno předłohi" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/saveastemplatedlg.ui:146 msgctxt "saveastemplatedlg|select_label" msgid "Template _Category" msgstr "_Kategorija předłohi" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/saveastemplatedlg.ui:209 msgctxt "saveastemplatedlg|defaultcb" msgid "_Set as default template" msgstr "_Jako standardnu předłohu nastajić" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/searchdialog.ui:8 msgctxt "searchdialog|SearchDialog" msgid "Find on this Page" msgstr "Na tutej stronje pytać" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/searchdialog.ui:26 msgctxt "searchdialog|search" msgid "_Find" msgstr "_Pytać" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/searchdialog.ui:98 msgctxt "searchdialog|label1" msgid "_Search for:" msgstr "Py_tać za:" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/searchdialog.ui:123 msgctxt "searchdialog|matchcase" msgid "Ma_tch case" msgstr "Na wu_lkopisanje dźiwać" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/searchdialog.ui:138 msgctxt "searchdialog|wholewords" msgid "Whole wor_ds only" msgstr "Jenož _cyłe słowa" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/searchdialog.ui:153 msgctxt "searchdialog|backwards" msgid "Bac_kwards" msgstr "W_róćo" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/searchdialog.ui:168 msgctxt "searchdialog|wrap" msgid "Wrap _around" msgstr "Zaso wotprědka započeć" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/securityinfopage.ui:31 msgctxt "securityinfopage|readonly" msgid "_Open file read-only" msgstr "_Dataju jenož za čitanje wočinić" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/securityinfopage.ui:50 msgctxt "securityinfopage|recordchanges" msgid "Record _changes" msgstr "Z_měny natočić" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/securityinfopage.ui:73 msgctxt "securityinfopage|protect" msgid "Protect..." msgstr "Škitać..." #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/securityinfopage.ui:87 msgctxt "securityinfopage|unprotect" msgid "_Unprotect..." msgstr "Škit z_běhnyć..." #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/securityinfopage.ui:119 msgctxt "securityinfopage|label47" msgid "File Sharing Options" msgstr "Nastajenja za dźělenje dataje" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/startcenter.ui:18 msgctxt "startcenter|clear_all" msgid "Clear Recent Documents" msgstr "Historiju dokumentow wuprózdnić" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/startcenter.ui:39 msgctxt "startcenter|filter_writer" msgid "Writer Templates" msgstr "Předłohi Writer" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/startcenter.ui:46 msgctxt "startcenter|filter_calc" msgid "Calc Templates" msgstr "Předłohi Calc" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/startcenter.ui:53 msgctxt "startcenter|filter_impress" msgid "Impress Templates" msgstr "Předłohi Impress" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/startcenter.ui:60 msgctxt "startcenter|filter_draw" msgid "Draw Templates" msgstr "Předłohi Draw" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/startcenter.ui:73 msgctxt "startcenter|manage" msgid "Manage Templates" msgstr "Předłohi rjadować" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/startcenter.ui:146 msgctxt "startcenter|open_all" msgid "_Open File" msgstr "Dataju w_očinić" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/startcenter.ui:166 msgctxt "startcenter|open_remote" msgid "Remote File_s" msgstr "Z_dalene dataje" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/startcenter.ui:198 msgctxt "startcenter|open_recent" msgid "_Recent Files" msgstr "_Najnowše dataje" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/startcenter.ui:217 msgctxt "startcenter|templates_all" msgid "T_emplates" msgstr "Př_edłohi" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/startcenter.ui:253 msgctxt "startcenter|create_label" msgid "Create:" msgstr "Wutworić:" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/startcenter.ui:264 msgctxt "startcenter|writer_all" msgid "_Writer Document" msgstr "_Tekstowy dokument Writer" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/startcenter.ui:284 msgctxt "startcenter|calc_all" msgid "_Calc Spreadsheet" msgstr "Tabelowy dokument _Calc" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/startcenter.ui:304 msgctxt "startcenter|impress_all" msgid "_Impress Presentation" msgstr "Prezentacija _Impress" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/startcenter.ui:324 msgctxt "startcenter|draw_all" msgid "_Draw Drawing" msgstr "_Rysowanka Draw" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/startcenter.ui:344 msgctxt "startcenter|math_all" msgid "_Math Formula" msgstr "Formla _Math" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/startcenter.ui:364 msgctxt "startcenter|database_all" msgid "_Base Database" msgstr "_Datowa banka Base" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/startcenter.ui:397 msgctxt "startcenter|althelplabel" msgid "He_lp" msgstr "Po_moc" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/startcenter.ui:454 msgctxt "startcenter|extensions" msgid "E_xtensions" msgstr "_Rozšěrjenja" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/startcenter.ui:482 msgctxt "startcenter|label1" msgid "Application" msgstr "Nałoženje" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/startcenter.ui:500 msgctxt "startcenter|all_recent_label" msgid "Recent Files List" msgstr "Lisćina najnowšich datajow" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/startcenter.ui:513 msgctxt "startcenter|local_view_label" msgid "Templates List" msgstr "Lisćina předłohow" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/stylecontextmenu.ui:12 msgctxt "stylecontextmenu|new" msgid "New..." msgstr "Nowy..." #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/stylecontextmenu.ui:20 msgctxt "stylecontextmenu|edit" msgid "Modify..." msgstr "Změnić..." #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/stylecontextmenu.ui:28 msgctxt "stylecontextmenu|hide" msgid "Hide" msgstr "Schować" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/stylecontextmenu.ui:36 msgctxt "stylecontextmenu|show" msgid "Show" msgstr "Pokazać" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/stylecontextmenu.ui:44 msgctxt "stylecontextmenu|delete" msgid "Delete..." msgstr "Zhašeć..." #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/templatecategorydlg.ui:16 msgctxt "templatecategorydlg|TemplatesCategoryDialog" msgid "Select Category" msgstr "Kategoriju wubrać" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/templatecategorydlg.ui:104 msgctxt "templatecategorydlg|select_label" msgid "Select from Existing Category" msgstr "Z eksistowaceje kategorije wubrać" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/templatecategorydlg.ui:174 msgctxt "templatecategorydlg|create_label" msgid "or Create a New Category" msgstr "abo nowu kategoriju wutworić" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/templatedlg.ui:45 msgctxt "colsmenu|insert" msgid "Reset Default Template" msgstr "Standardnu předłohu wobnowić" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/templatedlg.ui:61 msgctxt "templatedlg|TemplateDialog" msgid "Templates" msgstr "Předłohi" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/templatedlg.ui:147 msgctxt "templatedlg|search_filter|tooltip_text" msgid "Search" msgstr "Pytać" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/templatedlg.ui:149 msgctxt "templatedlg|search_filter" msgid "Search..." msgstr "Pytać..." #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/templatedlg.ui:171 msgctxt "templatedlg|filter_application|tooltip_text" msgid "Filter by Application" msgstr "Po nałoženju filtrować" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/templatedlg.ui:174 msgctxt "templatedlg|applist" msgid "All Applications" msgstr "Wšě nałoženja" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/templatedlg.ui:175 msgctxt "templatedlg|applist" msgid "Documents" msgstr "Dokumenty" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/templatedlg.ui:176 msgctxt "templatedlg|applist" msgid "Spreadsheets" msgstr "Tabelowe dokumenty" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/templatedlg.ui:177 msgctxt "templatedlg|applist" msgid "Presentations" msgstr "Prezentacije" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/templatedlg.ui:178 msgctxt "templatedlg|applist" msgid "Drawings" msgstr "Rysowanki" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/templatedlg.ui:192 msgctxt "templatedlg|filter_folder|tooltip_text" msgid "Filter by Category" msgstr "Po kategoriji filtrować" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/templatedlg.ui:194 msgctxt "templatedlg|folderlist" msgid "All Categories" msgstr "Wšě kategorije" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/templatedlg.ui:215 msgctxt "templatedlg|label1" msgid "Filter" msgstr "Filter" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/templatedlg.ui:327 msgctxt "templatedlg|thumbnailviewlabel" msgid "Template List" msgstr "Lisćina předłohow" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/templatedlg.ui:351 msgctxt "templatedlg|action_menu|tooltip_text" msgid "Settings" msgstr "Nastajenja" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/templatedlg.ui:368 msgctxt "templatedlg|online_link|tooltip_text" msgid "Browse online templates" msgstr "Předłohi online přepytować" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/templatedlg.ui:381 msgctxt "templatedlg|hidedialogcb" msgid "Show this dialog at startup" msgstr "Tutón dialog při startowanju pokazać" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/templatedlg.ui:409 msgctxt "templatedlg|move_btn" msgid "Move" msgstr "Přesunyć" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/templatedlg.ui:413 msgctxt "templatedlg|move_btn|tooltip_text" msgid "Move Templates" msgstr "Předłohi přesunyć" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/templatedlg.ui:426 msgctxt "templatedlg|export_btn" msgid "Export" msgstr "Eksportować" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/templatedlg.ui:430 msgctxt "templatedlg|export_btn|tooltip_text" msgid "Export Templates" msgstr "Předłohi eksportować" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/templatedlg.ui:443 msgctxt "templatedlg|import_btn" msgid "Import" msgstr "Importować" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/templatedlg.ui:447 msgctxt "templatedlg|import_btn|tooltip_text" msgid "Import Templates" msgstr "Předłohi importować" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/versioncommentdialog.ui:8 msgctxt "versioncommentdialog|VersionCommentDialog" msgid "Insert Version Comment" msgstr "Wersijowy komentar zasadźić" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/versioncommentdialog.ui:103 msgctxt "versioncommentdialog|timestamp" msgid "Date and time: " msgstr "Datum a čas: " #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/versioncommentdialog.ui:115 msgctxt "versioncommentdialog|author" msgid "Saved by: " msgstr "Składowany wot: " #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/versionscmis.ui:51 msgctxt "versionscmis|compare" msgid "_Compare" msgstr "Při_runać" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/versionscmis.ui:65 msgctxt "versionscmis|show" msgid "_Show..." msgstr "_Pokazać..." #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/versionscmis.ui:183 msgctxt "versionscmis|datetime" msgid "Date and time" msgstr "Datum a čas" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/versionscmis.ui:196 msgctxt "versionscmis|savedby" msgid "Saved by" msgstr "Składowany wot" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/versionscmis.ui:209 msgctxt "versionscmis|comments" msgid "Comments" msgstr "Komentary" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/versionscmis.ui:234 msgctxt "versionscmis|label2" msgid "Existing Versions" msgstr "Eksistowace wersije" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/versionsofdialog.ui:36 msgctxt "versionsofdialog|cmis" msgid "CMIS" msgstr "CMIS" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/versionsofdialog.ui:64 msgctxt "versionsofdialog|compare" msgid "_Compare" msgstr "Při_runać" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/versionsofdialog.ui:78 msgctxt "versionsofdialog|show" msgid "_Show..." msgstr "_Pokazać..." #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/versionsofdialog.ui:170 msgctxt "versionsofdialog|save" msgid "Save _New Version" msgstr "_Nowu wersiju składować" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/versionsofdialog.ui:183 msgctxt "versionsofdialog|always" msgid "_Always save a new version on closing" msgstr "Při _začinjenju přeco nowu wersiju składować" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/versionsofdialog.ui:204 msgctxt "versionsofdialog|label1" msgid "New Versions" msgstr "Nowe wersije" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/versionsofdialog.ui:264 msgctxt "versionsofdialog|datetime" msgid "Date and time" msgstr "Datum a čas" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/versionsofdialog.ui:277 msgctxt "versionsofdialog|savedby" msgid "Saved by" msgstr "Składowany wot" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/versionsofdialog.ui:290 msgctxt "versionsofdialog|comments" msgid "Comments" msgstr "Komentary" #: sfx2/uiconfig/ui/versionsofdialog.ui:315 msgctxt "versionsofdialog|label2" msgid "Existing Versions" msgstr "Eksistowace wersije"