#. extracted from basctl/inc
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://bugs.libreoffice.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=LibreOffice&bug_status=UNCONFIRMED&component=UI\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-05-17 13:16+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-02-01 09:32+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Sveinn í Felli <sv1@fellsnet.is>\n"
"Language-Team: Icelandic <https://translations.documentfoundation.org/projects/libo_ui-master/basctlmessages/is/>\n"
"Language: is\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
"X-Accelerator-Marker: ~\n"
"X-Generator: LibreOffice\n"
"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1558702575.000000\n"

#. fniWp
#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:25
msgid "<All>"
msgstr "<Allt>"

#. S2GR5
#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:26
msgid "< No Module >"
msgstr "< Engin eining >"

#. XoGeT
#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:27
msgid "Incorrect Password"
msgstr "Rangt lykilorð"

#. LGqtN
#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:28
msgid "The file does not contain any BASIC libraries"
msgstr "Skráin inniheldur engin BASIC aðgerðarsöfn"

#. 3UEnC
#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:29
msgid "Invalid Name"
msgstr "Ógilt nafn"

#. tYTFm
#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:30
msgid "A library name can have up to 30 characters."
msgstr "Nafn aðgerðarsafns getur innihaldið 30 stafi."

#. hGBUF
#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:31
msgid "Macros from other documents are not accessible."
msgstr "Fjölvar úr öðrum skjölum eru ekki aðgengilegir."

#. nqQPr
#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:32
msgid "This library is read-only."
msgstr "Þetta safn er ritvarið."

#. 8DoDR
#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:33
msgid "'XX' cannot be replaced."
msgstr "Ekki er hægt að skipta út 'XX'."

#. ZrC8a
#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:34
msgid "'XX' cannot be added."
msgstr "Ekki var hægt að bæta við 'XX'."

#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:35
msgid "'XX' was not added."
msgstr "'XX' var ekki bætt inn."

#. BEk6F
#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:36
msgid "Enter password for 'XX'"
msgstr "Sláðu inn lykilorð fyrir 'XX'"

#. kQpnq
#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:37
msgid "Name already exists"
msgstr "Nafn er þegar til"

#. JWDCy
#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:38
msgctxt "RID_STR_SIGNED"
msgid "(Signed)"
msgstr "(Undirritað)"

#. 6ubXB
#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:39
msgid "Object with same name already exists"
msgstr "Hlutur með sama nafni er þegar til"

#. Gnb5H
#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:40
msgid ""
"For security reasons, you cannot run this macro.\n"
"For more information, check the security settings."
msgstr ""
"Vegna öryggisráðstafana getur þú ekki keyrt þennan fjölva.\n"
"Frekari upplýsingar má finna í öryggisstillingum."

#. FGWLw
#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:41
msgid "Search key not found"
msgstr "Leitarlykill fannst ekki"

#. ZJgvX
#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:42
msgid "Search to last module complete. Continue at first module?"
msgstr "Leit til síðustu einingu lokið. Hefja leit á fyrstu einingu?"

#. 4yDcC
#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:43
msgid "Search key replaced XX times"
msgstr "Leitarlykli skipt út XX sinnum"

#. 85z2z
#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:44
msgid "The file could not be read"
msgstr "Ekki var hægt að lesa skrána"

#. VSAAi
#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:45
msgid "The file could not be saved"
msgstr "Ekki var hægt að vista skrána"

#. qgd4b
#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:46
msgid "The name of the default library cannot be changed."
msgstr "Nafni sjálfgefins aðgerðarsafns er ekki hægt að breyta."

#. EobDV
#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:47
msgid "Generating source"
msgstr "Útbý frumkóða"

#. Re6Gc
#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:48
msgid "File name:"
msgstr "Skráarnafn:"

#. zYyVi
#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:49
msgid "Import Libraries"
msgstr "Flytja inn aðgerðarsöfn"

#. tasV7
#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:50
msgid "Do you want to delete the macro XX?"
msgstr "Viltu eyða fjölvanum XX?"

#. Nw7mk
#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:51
msgid "Do you want to delete the XX dialog?"
msgstr "Viltu eyða XX valglugganum?"

#. 3Vw9F
#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:52
msgid "Do you want to delete the XX library?"
msgstr "Viltu eyða XX aðgerðarsafninu?"

#. x2D9Y
#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:53
msgid "Do you want to delete the reference to the XX library?"
msgstr "Viltu eyða vísuninni í XX aðgerðarsafnið?"

#. oUGKc
#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:54
msgid "Do you want to delete the XX module?"
msgstr "Viltu eyða XX einingunni?"

#. Ctsr7
#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:55
msgctxt "RID_STR_BASIC"
msgid "BASIC"
msgstr "BASIC"

#. WMcJq
#. Abbreviation for 'line'
#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:57
msgctxt "RID_STR_LINE"
msgid "Ln"
msgstr "Ln"

#. pKEQb
#. Abbreviation for 'column'
#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:59
msgctxt "RID_STR_COLUMN"
msgid "Col"
msgstr "Dál"

#. 86aZY
#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:60
msgid "The window cannot be closed while BASIC is running."
msgstr "Ekki er hægt að loka glugganum meðan BASIC keyrir."

#. CUG7C
#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:61
msgid "The default library cannot be replaced."
msgstr "Ekki er hægt að skipta út sjálfgefnu aðgerðasafni."

#. eWwfN
#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:62
msgid "Reference to 'XX' not possible."
msgstr "Vísun í 'XX' er ekki möguleg."

#. A7sSq
#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:63
msgid "Watch"
msgstr "Fylgjast með"

#. 84TYn
#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:64
msgid "Call Stack"
msgstr "Rakning"

#. DBfyu
#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:65
msgid "Dialog"
msgstr "Valgluggi"

#. hUHfi
#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:66
msgctxt "RID_STR_NEWLIB"
msgid "New Library"
msgstr "Nýtt aðgerðarsafn"

#. kisd2
#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:67
msgctxt "RID_STR_NEWMOD"
msgid "New Module"
msgstr "Ný eining"

#. YeULe
#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:68
msgctxt "RID_STR_NEWDLG"
msgid "New Dialog"
msgstr "Nýr gluggi"

#. jYa97
#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:69
msgctxt "RID_STR_ALL"
msgid "All"
msgstr "Allir"

#. yF2LY
#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:70
msgctxt "RID_STR_PAGE"
msgid "Page"
msgstr "Síða"

#. DHuFN
#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:71
msgid ""
"You will have to restart the program after this edit.\n"
msgstr ""
"Þú verður að endurræsa forritið eftir þessa breytingu.\n"
"Halda áfram?"

#. 4qWED
#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:72
msgid "Do you want to replace the text in all active modules?"
msgstr "Viltu skipta út texta í öllum virkum einingum?"

#. FFBmA
#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:73
msgid "Watch:"
msgstr "Fylgjast með:"

#. ndtng
#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:74
msgctxt "RID_STR_STACK"
msgid "Calls: "
msgstr "Köll: "

#. wwfg3
#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:75
msgid "My Macros"
msgstr "Mínir fjölvar"

#. XenwN
#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:76
msgid "My Dialogs"
msgstr "Mínar valmyndir"

#. Mwj7u
#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:77
msgid "My Macros & Dialogs"
msgstr "Mínir fjölvar & gluggar"

#. ej2KL
#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:78
msgid "Application Macros"
msgstr "Fjölvar forrits"

#. YcXKS
#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:79
msgid "Application Dialogs"
msgstr "Samskiptagluggar forrits"

#. GFbe5
#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:80
msgid "Application Macros & Dialogs"
msgstr "Fjölvar og samskiptagluggar forrits"

#. BAMA5
#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:81
msgid "Remove Watch"
msgstr "Fjarlægja vöktun"

#. oUqF6
#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:82
msgid "Do you want to overwrite the XX macro?"
msgstr "Viltu yfirskrifa fjölvann XX?"

#. Tho9k
#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:83
msgid "<Not localized>"
msgstr "<Ekki staðfært>"

#. xQyRD
#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:84
msgid "[Default Language]"
msgstr "[Sjálfgefið tungumál]"

#. PqDTe
#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:85
msgid "Document Objects"
msgstr "Hlutir skjals"

#. N3DE8
#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:86
msgid "Forms"
msgstr "Innfyllingarform"

#. 4dGqP
#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:87
msgid "Modules"
msgstr "Einingar"

#. u87jq
#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:88
msgid "Class Modules"
msgstr "Klasaeiningar"

#. 8gC8E
#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:89
msgid "Rename"
msgstr "Endurnefna"

#. FCqSS
#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:90
msgid "Replace"
msgstr "Skipta út"

#. 5EucM
#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:91
msgid "Dialog Import - Name already used"
msgstr "Innflutningur valglugga - Heiti er þegar í notkun"

#. yG2bx
#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:92
msgid ""
"The library already contains a dialog with the name:\n"
"Rename dialog to keep current dialog or replace existing dialog.\n"
" "
msgstr ""
"Aðgerðasafnið inniheldur nú þegar valglugga með heitinu:\n"
"Endurnefndu valgluggann til að halda þeim sem þegar er til staðar eða þú skiptir honum út.\n"
" "

#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:93
msgid "Add"
msgstr "Bæta við"

#. inETw
#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:94
msgid "Omit"
msgstr "Sleppa"

#. 227xE
#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:95
msgid "Dialog Import - Language Mismatch"
msgstr "Innflutningur valglugga - Mismunur tungumála"

#. zcJw8
#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:96
msgid ""
"The dialog to be imported supports other languages than the target library.\n"
"Add these languages to the library to keep additional language resources provided by the dialog or omit them to stay with the current library languages.\n"
"Note: For languages not supported by the dialog the resources of the dialog's default language will be used.\n"
" "
msgstr ""
"Glugginn sem á að flytja inn styður önnur tungumál heldur en safnið sem á að flytja inn í.\n"
"Bættu þessum tungumálum við safnið til að viðhalda þessum auka tungumálum sem glugginn býður upp á eða slepptu þeim til að vera með núverandi tungumál sem safnið er með.\n"
"Athugið: Fyrir þau tungumál sem eru ekki studd af glugganum verða í staðinn notuð gögn fyrir sjálfgefið tungumál gluggans.\n"
" "

#. FcvDu
#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:97
msgid "Pages:"
msgstr "Síður:"

#. 4AR5D
#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:98
msgid "All ~Pages"
msgstr "A~llar síður"

#. xfLXi
#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:99
msgid "Pa~ges:"
msgstr "Síð~ur:"

#. dALHq
#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:100
msgctxt "RID_STR_CHOOSE"
msgid "Choose"
msgstr "Veldu"

#. edPrX
#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:101
msgctxt "RID_STR_RUN"
msgid "Run"
msgstr "Keyra"

#. DJbpA
#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:102
msgctxt "RID_STR_RECORD"
msgid "~Save"
msgstr "~Vista"

#. 7Gzqz
#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:103
msgid "Object Catalog"
msgstr "Opna atriðasafn"

#. NtqMk
#. Property Browser Headline ----------------------------------------------------------------
#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:105
msgid "Properties: "
msgstr "Eiginleikar: "

#. FnkAZ
#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:106
msgid "No Control marked"
msgstr "Enginn hlutur merktur"

#. aeAPC
#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:107
msgid "Multiselection"
msgstr "Fjölval"

#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:108
msgctxt "RID_STR_DEF_LANG"
msgid "[Default Language]"
msgstr "[Sjálfgefið tungumál]"

#. uf3Kt
#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:109
msgid "<Press 'Add' to create language resources>"
msgstr "<Ýttu á 'Bæta við' til að búa til tungumálagögn>"

#. jnJoF
#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:110
msgid "Export library as extension"
msgstr "Flytja út aðgerðasafn sem viðbót"

#. SnKF3
#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:111
msgid "Export as BASIC library"
msgstr "Flytja út sem BASIC aðgerðasafn"

#. G6SqW
#: basctl/inc/strings.hrc:112
msgid "Extension"
msgstr "Viðbót"

#. wH3TZ
msgctxt "stock"
msgid "_Add"
msgstr "Bæt_a við"

#. S9dsC
msgctxt "stock"
msgid "_Apply"
msgstr "Virkj_a"

#. TMo6G
msgctxt "stock"
msgid "_Cancel"
msgstr "_Hætta við"

#. MRCkv
msgctxt "stock"
msgid "_Close"
msgstr "_Loka"

#. nvx5t
msgctxt "stock"
msgid "_Delete"
msgstr "E_yða"

#. YspCj
msgctxt "stock"
msgid "_Edit"
msgstr "Br_eyta"

#. imQxr
msgctxt "stock"
msgid "_Help"
msgstr "_Hjálp"

#. RbjyB
msgctxt "stock"
msgid "_New"
msgstr "_Nýtt"

#. dx2yy
msgctxt "stock"
msgid "_No"
msgstr "_Nei"

#. M9DsL
msgctxt "stock"
msgid "_OK"
msgstr "Í _lagi"

#. VtJS9
msgctxt "stock"
msgid "_Remove"
msgstr "Fja_rlægja"

#. C69Fy
msgctxt "stock"
msgid "_Reset"
msgstr "F_rumstilla"

#. mgpxh
msgctxt "stock"
msgid "_Yes"
msgstr "_Já"

#. PuxWj
#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/basicmacrodialog.ui:26
msgctxt "basicmacrodialog|BasicMacroDialog"
msgid "BASIC Macros"
msgstr "BASIC-fjölvar"

#. tFg7s
#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/basicmacrodialog.ui:43
msgctxt "basicmacrodialog|run"
msgid "Run"
msgstr "Keyra"

#. gokwe
#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/basicmacrodialog.ui:52
msgctxt "basicmacrodialog|extended_tip|ok"
msgid "Runs or saves the current macro."
msgstr "Keyrir eða vistar fyrirliggjandi fjölva."

#. 6SWBt
#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/basicmacrodialog.ui:156
msgctxt "basicmacrodialog|extended_tip|macros"
msgid "Lists the macros that are contained in the module selected in the Macro from list."
msgstr ""

#. 5TRqv
#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/basicmacrodialog.ui:167
msgctxt "basicmacrodialog|existingmacrosft"
msgid "Existing Macros In:"
msgstr "Fjölvar sem þegar eru til í:"

#. 8Bfcg
#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/basicmacrodialog.ui:230
msgctxt "basicmacrodialog|extended_tip|libraries"
msgid "Lists the libraries and the modules where you can open or save your macros. To save a macro with a particular document, open the document, and then open this dialog."
msgstr ""

#. Mfysc
#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/basicmacrodialog.ui:246
msgctxt "basicmacrodialog|macrofromft"
msgid "Macro From"
msgstr "Fjölvi frá"

#. Qth4v
#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/basicmacrodialog.ui:262
msgctxt "basicmacrodialog|macrotoft"
msgid "Save Macro In"
msgstr "Vista fjölva í"

#. AjFTi
#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/basicmacrodialog.ui:299
msgctxt "basicmacrodialog|extended_tip|macronameedit"
msgid "Displays the name of the selected macro. To create or to change the name of a macro, enter a name here."
msgstr ""

#. BpDb6
#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/basicmacrodialog.ui:308
msgctxt "basicmacrodialog|libraryft1"
msgid "Macro Name"
msgstr "Fjölvaheiti"

#. izDZr
#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/basicmacrodialog.ui:330
msgctxt "basicmacrodialog|assign"
msgid "Assign..."
msgstr "Úthluta..."

#. qEaMG
#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/basicmacrodialog.ui:337
msgctxt "basicmacrodialog|extended_tip|assign"
msgid "Opens the Customize dialog, where you can assign the selected macro to a menu command, a toolbar, or an event."
msgstr ""

#. dxu7W
#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/basicmacrodialog.ui:349
msgctxt "basicmacrodialog|edit"
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "Breyta"

#. zrPXg
#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/basicmacrodialog.ui:356
msgctxt "basicmacrodialog|extended_tip|edit"
msgid "Starts the Basic editor and opens the selected macro or dialog for editing."
msgstr ""

#. 9Uhec
#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/basicmacrodialog.ui:368
msgctxt "basicmacrodialog|delete"
msgid "_Delete"
msgstr "E_yða"

#. Mxvv8
#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/basicmacrodialog.ui:375
msgctxt "basicmacrodialog|extended_tip|delete"
msgid "Creates a new macro, creates a new module or deletes the selected macro or selected module."
msgstr ""

#. XkqFC
#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/basicmacrodialog.ui:387
msgctxt "basicmacrodialog|new"
msgid "_New"
msgstr "_Nýtt"

#. GN5Ft
#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/basicmacrodialog.ui:394
msgctxt "basicmacrodialog|extended_tip|new"
msgid "Creates a new library."
msgstr "Býr til nýtt aðgerðasafn."

#. Gh52t
#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/basicmacrodialog.ui:406
msgctxt "basicmacrodialog|organize"
msgid "Organizer..."
msgstr "Skipulag..."

#. 3L2hk
#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/basicmacrodialog.ui:413
msgctxt "basicmacrodialog|extended_tip|organize"
msgid "Opens the Macro Organizer dialog, where you can add, edit, or delete existing macro modules, dialogs, and libraries."
msgstr ""

#. wAJj2
#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/basicmacrodialog.ui:425
msgctxt "basicmacrodialog|newlibrary"
msgid "New Library"
msgstr "Nýtt aðgerðasafn"

#. E5rdD
#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/basicmacrodialog.ui:432
msgctxt "basicmacrodialog|extended_tip|newlibrary"
msgid "Saves the recorded macro in a new library."
msgstr ""

#. 2xdsE
#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/basicmacrodialog.ui:444
msgctxt "basicmacrodialog|newmodule"
msgid "New Module"
msgstr "Ný eining"

#. BrAwG
#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/basicmacrodialog.ui:451
msgctxt "basicmacrodialog|extended_tip|newmodule"
msgid "Saves the recorded macro in a new module."
msgstr ""

#. gMDg9
#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/basicmacrodialog.ui:499
msgctxt "basicmacrodialog|extended_tip|BasicMacroDialog"
msgid "Opens a dialog to organize macros."
msgstr ""

#. MDBgX
#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/breakpointmenus.ui:12
msgctxt "breakpointmenus|manage"
msgid "Manage Breakpoints..."
msgstr "Sýsla með rofstaði..."

#. 2ZNKn
#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/breakpointmenus.ui:15
msgctxt "breakpointmenus|extended_tip|manage"
msgid "Specifies the options for breakpoints."
msgstr ""

#. faXzj
#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/breakpointmenus.ui:28
msgctxt "breakpointmenus|active"
msgid "_Active"
msgstr "V_irkur"

#. GD2Yz
#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/breakpointmenus.ui:32
msgctxt "breakpointmenus|extended_tip|active"
msgid "Activates or deactivates the current breakpoint."
msgstr ""

#. FhiYE
#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/breakpointmenus.ui:47
msgctxt "breakpointmenus|properties"
msgid "_Properties..."
msgstr "Ei_ginleikar..."

#. GEknG
#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/breakpointmenus.ui:51
msgctxt "breakpointmenus|extended_tip|properties"
msgid "Specifies the options for breakpoints."
msgstr ""

#. G55tN
#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/defaultlanguage.ui:30
msgctxt "defaultlanguage|DefaultLanguageDialog"
msgid "Set Default User Interface Language"
msgstr "Breyta sjálfgefnu viðmótstungumáli"

#. xYz56
#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/defaultlanguage.ui:119
msgctxt "defaultlanguage|defaultlabel"
msgid "Default language:"
msgstr "Sjálfgefið tungumál:"

#. C9ruF
#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/defaultlanguage.ui:226
msgctxt "defaultlanguage|checkedlabel"
msgid "Available languages:"
msgstr "Tiltæk tungumál:"

#. fBZNF
#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/defaultlanguage.ui:264
msgctxt "defaultlanguage|defined"
msgid "Select a language to define the default user interface language. All currently present strings will be assigned to the resources created for the selected language."
msgstr "Veldu tungumál fyrir sjálfgefið viðmóts tungumál. Allir núverandi strengir verða settir í þau gögn sem búin eru til fyrir valið tungumál."

#. pk7Wj
#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/defaultlanguage.ui:279
msgctxt "defaultlanguage|added"
msgid "Select languages to be added. Resources for these languages will be created in the library. Strings of the current default user interface language will be copied to these new resources by default."
msgstr "Veldu tungumál til að bæta við. Gögn fyrir þessi tungumál verða búin til í safninu. Strengir fyrir núverandi viðmóts tungumál verða afritaðir yfir í þessi nýju gögn."

#. QWxzi
#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/defaultlanguage.ui:294
msgctxt "defaultlanguage|alttitle"
msgid "Add User Interface Languages"
msgstr "Bæta við viðmótstungumálum"

#. GCNcE
#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/deletelangdialog.ui:7
msgctxt "deletelangdialog|DeleteLangDialog"
msgid "Delete Language Resources"
msgstr "Eyða gögnum tungumáls"

#. Upj8a
#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/deletelangdialog.ui:14
msgctxt "deletelangdialog|DeleteLangDialog"
msgid "Do you want to delete the resources of the selected language(s)?"
msgstr "Ertu viss um að þú viljir eyða gögnunum fyrir völdu tungumálin?"

#. CThUw
#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/deletelangdialog.ui:15
msgctxt "deletelangdialog|DeleteLangDialog"
msgid "You are about to delete the resources for the selected language(s). All user interface strings for this language(s) will be deleted."
msgstr "Þú ert að fara að eyða gögnum fyrir valin tungumál. Öllum notandastrengjum fyrir þessi tungumál mun verða eytt."

#. gErRZ
#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/dialogpage.ui:41
msgctxt "dialogpage|label1"
msgid "Dialog:"
msgstr "Samskiptagluggi:"

#. ECCc3
#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/dialogpage.ui:95
msgctxt "dialogpage|extended_tip|library"
msgid "Deletes the selected element or elements after confirmation."
msgstr ""

#. XAJ3E
#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/dialogpage.ui:128
msgctxt "dialogpage|extended_tip|edit"
msgid "Opens the Basic editor so that you can modify the selected library."
msgstr ""

#. n9VLU
#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/dialogpage.ui:140
msgctxt "dialogpage|newmodule"
msgid "_New..."
msgstr "_Nýtt..."

#. hfkr2
#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/dialogpage.ui:147
msgctxt "dialogpage|extended_tip|newmodule"
msgid "Opens the editor and creates a new module."
msgstr ""

#. kBzSW
#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/dialogpage.ui:160
msgctxt "dialogpage|newdialog"
msgid "_New..."
msgstr "_Nýtt..."

#. JR2oJ
#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/dialogpage.ui:182
msgctxt "dialogpage|extended_tip|delete"
msgid "Deletes the selected element or elements without requiring confirmation."
msgstr "Eyðir völdu atriði eða atriðum án þess að krefjast staðfestingar."

#. k64f4
#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/dialogpage.ui:195
msgctxt "dialogpage|password"
msgid "_Password..."
msgstr "_Lykilorð:"

#. FeCu5
#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/dialogpage.ui:202
msgctxt "dialogpage|extended_tip|password"
msgid "Assigns or edits the password for the selected library."
msgstr ""

#. sHS7f
#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/dialogpage.ui:214
msgctxt "dialogpage|import"
msgid "_Import..."
msgstr "Flytja _inn..."

#. JAYC9
#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/dialogpage.ui:221
msgctxt "dialogpage|extended_tip|import"
msgid "Locate the Basic library that you want to add to the current list, and then click Open."
msgstr ""

#. ubE5G
#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/dialogpage.ui:233
msgctxt "dialogpage|export"
msgid "_Export..."
msgstr "_Flytja út..."

#. weDhB
#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/dialogpage.ui:259
msgctxt "dialogpage|extended_tip|DialogPage"
msgid "Lists the existing modules or dialogs."
msgstr ""

#. EGyCn
#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/dockingwatch.ui:113
msgctxt "dockingwatch|RID_STR_WATCHVARIABLE"
msgid "Variable"
msgstr "Breyta"

#. QUHSf
#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/dockingwatch.ui:125
msgctxt "dockingwatch|RID_STR_WATCHVALUE"
msgid "Value"
msgstr "Gildi"

#. ik3CG
#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/dockingwatch.ui:139
msgctxt "dockingwatch|RID_STR_WATCHTYPE"
msgid "Type"
msgstr "Tegund"

#. worE9
#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/exportdialog.ui:8
msgctxt "exportdialog|ExportDialog"
msgid "Export Basic library"
msgstr "Flytja út BASIC aðgerðasafn"

#. hvm9y
#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/exportdialog.ui:90
msgctxt "exportdialog|extension"
msgid "Export as _extension"
msgstr "Flytja út sem _viðbót"

#. pK9mG
#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/exportdialog.ui:105
msgctxt "exportdialog|basic"
msgid "Export as BASIC library"
msgstr "Flytja út sem BASIC aðgerðasafn"

#. foHKi
#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/gotolinedialog.ui:8
msgctxt "gotolinedialog|GotoLineDialog"
msgid "Go to Line"
msgstr "Fara á línu"

#. GbpSc
#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/gotolinedialog.ui:88
msgctxt "gotolinedialog|area"
msgid "_Line number:"
msgstr "_Línunúmer:"

#. C6VgC
#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/importlibdialog.ui:22
msgctxt "importlibdialog|ImportLibDialog"
msgid "Import Libraries"
msgstr "Flytja inn aðgerðarsöfn"

#. C8ny7
#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/importlibdialog.ui:114
msgctxt "importlibdialog|ref"
msgid "Insert as reference (read-only)"
msgstr "Setja inn sem tilvísun (skrifvarið)"

#. iHJcm
#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/importlibdialog.ui:122
msgctxt "importlibdialog|extended_tip|ref"
msgid "Adds the selected library as a read-only file. The library is reloaded each time you start the office suite."
msgstr ""

#. B9N7w
#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/importlibdialog.ui:133
msgctxt "importlibdialog|replace"
msgid "Replace existing libraries"
msgstr "Skipta út aðgerðasöfnum sem þegar eru til"

#. AyUpF
#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/importlibdialog.ui:141
msgctxt "importlibdialog|extended_tip|replace"
msgid "Replaces a library that has the same name with the current library."
msgstr ""

#. GGb7Q
#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/importlibdialog.ui:156
msgctxt "importlibdialog|label1"
msgid "Options"
msgstr "Valkostir"

#. 7ZFMZ
#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/importlibdialog.ui:263
msgctxt "importlibdialog|extended_tip|ImportLibDialog"
msgid "Enter a name or the path to the library that you want to append. You can also select a library from the list."
msgstr ""

#. XdZ7e
#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/libpage.ui:44
msgctxt "libpage|label1"
msgid "L_ocation:"
msgstr "St_aðsetning"

#. JAxWt
#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/libpage.ui:61
msgctxt "libpage|extended_tip|location"
msgid "Select the application or the document containing the macro libraries that you want to organize."
msgstr ""

#. C4mjh
#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/libpage.ui:89
msgctxt "libpage|lingudictsft"
msgid "_Library:"
msgstr "Að_gerðasafn:"

#. T2NUa
#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/libpage.ui:153
msgctxt "libpage|extended_tip|library"
msgid "Deletes the selected element or elements after confirmation."
msgstr ""

#. EjFxw
#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/libpage.ui:186
msgctxt "libpage|extended_tip|edit"
msgid "Opens the Basic editor so that you can modify the selected library."
msgstr ""

#. AjENj
#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/libpage.ui:198
msgctxt "libpage|password"
msgid "_Password..."
msgstr "_Lykilorð..."

#. m79WV
#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/libpage.ui:205
msgctxt "libpage|extended_tip|password"
msgid "Assigns or edits the password for the selected library."
msgstr ""

#. bzX6x
#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/libpage.ui:217
msgctxt "libpage|new"
msgid "_New..."
msgstr "_Nýtt..."

#. Af6Jv
#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/libpage.ui:224
msgctxt "libpage|extended_tip|new"
msgid "Creates a new library."
msgstr "Býr til nýtt aðgerðasafn."

#. EBVPe
#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/libpage.ui:237
msgctxt "libpage|import"
msgid "_Import..."
msgstr "Flytja _inn..."

#. hSWdE
#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/libpage.ui:244
msgctxt "libpage|extended_tip|import"
msgid "Locate the Basic library that you want to add to the current list, and then click Open."
msgstr ""

#. GhHRH
#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/libpage.ui:257
msgctxt "libpage|export"
msgid "_Export..."
msgstr "_Flytja út..."

#. hMRJK
#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/libpage.ui:279
msgctxt "libpage|extended_tip|delete"
msgid "Deletes the selected element or elements without requiring confirmation."
msgstr "Eyðir völdu atriði eða atriðum án þess að krefjast staðfestingar."

#. dfZKj
#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/libpage.ui:305
msgctxt "libpage|extended_tip|LibPage"
msgid "Select the application or the document containing the macro libraries that you want to organize."
msgstr ""

#. zrJTt
#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/managebreakpoints.ui:16
msgctxt "managebreakpoints|ManageBreakpointsDialog"
msgid "Manage Breakpoints"
msgstr "Sýsla með rofstaði"

#. TvBmF
#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/managebreakpoints.ui:40
msgctxt "managebreakpoints|extended_tip|new"
msgid "Creates a breakpoint on the line number specified."
msgstr ""

#. CCDEi
#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/managebreakpoints.ui:60
msgctxt "managebreakpoints|extended_tip|delete"
msgid "Deletes the selected breakpoint."
msgstr "Eyðir völdum rofstað."

#. PcuyN
#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/managebreakpoints.ui:143
msgctxt "managebreakpoints|active"
msgid "Active"
msgstr "Virkt"

#. fqCCT
#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/managebreakpoints.ui:151
msgctxt "managebreakpoints|extended_tip|active"
msgid "Activates or deactivates the current breakpoint."
msgstr ""

#. MUMSv
#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/managebreakpoints.ui:216
msgctxt "managebreakpoints|extended_tip|entries"
msgid "Enter the line number for a new breakpoint, then click New."
msgstr ""

#. RVBS5
#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/managebreakpoints.ui:245
msgctxt "managebreakpoints|extended_tip|pass"
msgid "Specify the number of loops to perform before the breakpoint takes effect."
msgstr ""

#. VDCwR
#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/managebreakpoints.ui:258
msgctxt "managebreakpoints|label2"
msgid "Pass count:"
msgstr "Fjöldi yfirferða:"

#. 5dExG
#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/managebreakpoints.ui:279
msgctxt "managebreakpoints|label1"
msgid "Breakpoints"
msgstr "Rofstaðir"

#. FGsQQ
#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/managebreakpoints.ui:306
msgctxt "managebreakpoints|extended_tip|ManageBreakpointsDialog"
msgid "Specifies the options for breakpoints."
msgstr ""

#. M2Sx2
#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/managelanguages.ui:16
msgctxt "managelanguages|ManageLanguagesDialog"
msgid "Manage User Interface Languages [$1]"
msgstr "Sýsla með tungumál viðmóts [$1]"

#. h23XK
#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/managelanguages.ui:81
msgctxt "managelanguages|label1"
msgid "Present languages:"
msgstr "Núverandi tungumál:"

#. eDZBN
#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/managelanguages.ui:95
msgctxt "managelanguages|label2"
msgid "The default language is used if no localization for a user interface locale is present. Furthermore all strings from the default language are copied to resources of newly added languages."
msgstr "Sjálfgefið tungumál er notað ef engin þýðing er til fyrir viðmótstungumál. Einnig eru allir strengir afritaðir frá sjálfgefna tungumálinu yfir í gögn allra tungumála sem var nýlega bætt við."

#. WE7kt
#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/managelanguages.ui:125
msgctxt "managelanguages|add"
msgid "Add..."
msgstr "Bæta við..."

#. MqU2f
#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/managelanguages.ui:153
msgctxt "managelanguages|default"
msgid "Default"
msgstr "Sjálfgefið"

#. aMjkJ
#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/modulepage.ui:41
msgctxt "modulepage|label1"
msgid "M_odule:"
msgstr "_Eining:"

#. fpUvr
#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/modulepage.ui:95
msgctxt "modulepage|extended_tip|library"
msgid "Lists the existing macro libraries for the current application and any open documents."
msgstr ""

#. C4ns2
#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/modulepage.ui:128
msgctxt "modulepage|extended_tip|edit"
msgid "Opens the Basic editor so that you can modify the selected library."
msgstr ""

#. KjBGM
#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/modulepage.ui:140
msgctxt "modulepage|newmodule"
msgid "_New..."
msgstr "_Nýtt..."

#. SGQMi
#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/modulepage.ui:147
msgctxt "modulepage|extended_tip|newmodule"
msgid "Opens the editor and creates a new module."
msgstr ""

#. RakoP
#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/modulepage.ui:160
msgctxt "modulepage|newdialog"
msgid "_New..."
msgstr "_Nýtt..."

#. AvaAy
#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/modulepage.ui:167
msgctxt "modulepage|extended_tip|newdialog"
msgid "Lets you manage the macro libraries."
msgstr ""

#. LeigB
#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/modulepage.ui:187
msgctxt "modulepage|extended_tip|delete"
msgid "Creates a new macro, or deletes the selected macro."
msgstr ""

#. 5FC8g
#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/modulepage.ui:200
msgctxt "modulepage|password"
msgid "_Password..."
msgstr "_Lykilorð..."

#. apZrB
#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/modulepage.ui:207
msgctxt "modulepage|extended_tip|password"
msgid "Assigns or edits the password for the selected library."
msgstr ""

#. EgCDE
#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/modulepage.ui:219
msgctxt "modulepage|import"
msgid "_Import..."
msgstr "Flytja _inn..."

#. PEoED
#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/modulepage.ui:226
msgctxt "modulepage|extended_tip|import"
msgid "Locate the Basic library that you want to add to the current list, and then click Open."
msgstr ""

#. GAYBh
#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/modulepage.ui:238
msgctxt "modulepage|export"
msgid "_Export..."
msgstr "_Flytja út..."

#. 9Z2WP
#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/modulepage.ui:264
msgctxt "modulepage|extended_tip|ModulePage"
msgid "Lists the existing modules or dialogs."
msgstr ""

#. rCNTN
#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/newlibdialog.ui:32
msgctxt "newlibdialog|extended_tip|ok"
msgid "Runs or saves the current macro."
msgstr "Keyrir eða vistar fyrirliggjandi fjölva."

#. Skwd5
#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/newlibdialog.ui:92
msgctxt "newlibdialog|area"
msgid "_Name:"
msgstr "_Heiti:"

#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/newlibdialog.ui:133
msgctxt "newlibdialog|extended_tip|NewLibDialog"
msgid "Enter a name for the new library or module."
msgstr "Settu inn heiti á nýja aðgerðasafnið eða eininguna."

#. uVgXz
#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/organizedialog.ui:8
msgctxt "organizedialog|OrganizeDialog"
msgid "Basic Macro Organizer"
msgstr "Skipulagning grunnfjölva"

#. 7cVSj
#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/organizedialog.ui:111
msgctxt "organizedialog|modules"
msgid "Modules"
msgstr "Forritseiningar"

#. fXFQr
#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/organizedialog.ui:158
msgctxt "organizedialog|dialogs"
msgid "Dialogs"
msgstr "Samskiptagluggar"

#. f7Wxa
#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/organizedialog.ui:206
msgctxt "organizedialog|libraries"
msgid "Libraries"
msgstr "Aðgerðasöfn"

#. gsjtC
#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/sortmenu.ui:12
msgctxt "sortmenu|macrosort"
msgid "_Sorting"
msgstr "_Röðun"

#. GCbAJ
#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/sortmenu.ui:22
msgctxt "sortmenu|alphabetically"
msgid "_Alphabetically"
msgstr "Í stafrófsröð"

#. PBmML
#: basctl/uiconfig/basicide/ui/sortmenu.ui:32
msgctxt "sortmenu|properorder"
msgid "_Proper order"
msgstr "_Eðlileg röðun"