#. extracted from uui/source.oo
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://qa.openoffice.org/issues/enter_bug.cgi?comment=&component=l10n&form_name=enter_issue&short_desc=Localization+issue+in+file%3A+uui%2Fsource.oo&subcomponent=ui\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-07-04 16:39+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-04-11 23:34+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Andras <timar74@gmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
"Language: sq\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
"X-Generator: Translate Toolkit 1.9.0\n"
"X-Accelerator-Marker: ~\n"

#: newerverwarn.src#RID_DLG_NEWER_VERSION_WARNING.FT_INFO.fixedtext.text
msgid ""
"This document was created by a newer version of %PRODUCTNAME. It may contain features not supported by your current version.\n"
"Click 'Update Now...' to run online update and get the latest version of %PRODUCTNAME."
msgstr ""

#: newerverwarn.src#RID_DLG_NEWER_VERSION_WARNING.PB_UPDATE.pushbutton.text
msgid "~Update Now..."
msgstr "Regjistrohuni tash"

#: newerverwarn.src#RID_DLG_NEWER_VERSION_WARNING.PB_LATER.cancelbutton.text
msgid "~Later"
msgstr ""

#: newerverwarn.src#RID_DLG_NEWER_VERSION_WARNING.modaldialog.text
msgid "%PRODUCTNAME Update Available"
msgstr "E gatshme për përdorim"

#: openlocked.src#STR_OPENLOCKED_TITLE.string.text
msgctxt "openlocked.src#STR_OPENLOCKED_TITLE.string.text"
msgid "Document in Use"
msgstr "Datazat në përdorim"

#: openlocked.src#STR_OPENLOCKED_MSG.string.text
msgid ""
"Document file '$(ARG1)' is locked for editing by:\n"
"Open document read-only or open a copy of the document for editing.\n"
msgstr ""

#: openlocked.src#STR_OPENLOCKED_OPENREADONLY_BTN.string.text
msgctxt "openlocked.src#STR_OPENLOCKED_OPENREADONLY_BTN.string.text"
msgid "Open ~Read-Only"
msgstr "I editueshëm në dokument vetëm të lexueshëm "

#: openlocked.src#STR_OPENLOCKED_OPENCOPY_BTN.string.text
msgid "Open ~Copy"
msgstr "Kopjo tek ..."

#: openlocked.src#STR_UNKNOWNUSER.string.text
msgid "Unknown User"
msgstr "Definuar nga shfrytëzuesi"

#: nameclashdlg.src#DLG_SIMPLE_NAME_CLASH.BTN_OVERWRITE.pushbutton.text
#, fuzzy
msgid "Replace"
msgstr ""
"#-#-#-#-#  misc.po (PACKAGE VERSION)  #-#-#-#-#\n"
"#-#-#-#-#  src.po (PACKAGE VERSION)  #-#-#-#-#\n"
"#-#-#-#-#  app.po (PACKAGE VERSION)  #-#-#-#-#\n"
"#-#-#-#-#  basicide.po (PACKAGE VERSION)  #-#-#-#-#\n"
"#-#-#-#-#  propctrlr.po (PACKAGE VERSION)  #-#-#-#-#\n"
"#-#-#-#-#  items.po (PACKAGE VERSION)  #-#-#-#-#\n"

#: nameclashdlg.src#DLG_SIMPLE_NAME_CLASH.BTN_RENAME.pushbutton.text
msgid "Rename"
msgstr "Riemëro"

#: nameclashdlg.src#DLG_SIMPLE_NAME_CLASH.modaldialog.text
#, fuzzy
msgid "File Exists"
msgstr "Ekziston"

#: trylater.src#STR_TRYLATER_TITLE.string.text
msgctxt "trylater.src#STR_TRYLATER_TITLE.string.text"
msgid "Document in Use"
msgstr "Datazat në përdorim"

#: trylater.src#STR_TRYLATER_MSG.string.text
msgid ""
"Document file '$(ARG1)' is locked for editing by:\n"
"Try again later to save document or save a copy of that document.\n"
msgstr ""

#: trylater.src#STR_TRYLATER_RETRYSAVING_BTN.string.text
msgctxt "trylater.src#STR_TRYLATER_RETRYSAVING_BTN.string.text"
msgid "~Retry Saving"
msgstr "Duke ruajtur dokumentin ..."

#: trylater.src#STR_TRYLATER_SAVEAS_BTN.string.text
msgid "~Save As..."
msgstr "Ruaje si"

#: masterpassworddlg.src#DLG_UUI_MASTERPASSWORD.FT_MASTERPASSWORD.fixedtext.text
#, fuzzy
msgid "Enter password"
msgstr "Shkruaj fjalëkalimin"

#: masterpassworddlg.src#DLG_UUI_MASTERPASSWORD.modaldialog.text
msgid "Enter Master Password"
msgstr "Shkruaj parollwn pwr 'XX'"

#: ids.src#RID_KEEP_PASSWORD.string.text
msgid "~Remember password until end of session"
msgstr ""

#: ids.src#RID_SAVE_PASSWORD.string.text
msgctxt "ids.src#RID_SAVE_PASSWORD.string.text"
msgid "~Remember password"
msgstr "Fjalëkalim i pavlefshëm"

msgid "Invalid Document Signature"
msgstr "Nënshkrimi i dokumentit ka format të pavlefshëm."

msgid "Non-Encrypted Streams"
msgstr ""

msgid "The operation executed on $(ARG1) was aborted."
msgstr ""

msgid "Access to $(ARG1) was denied."
msgstr "Është bërë një tentim i palejuar për t'ju qasur fajllit"

msgid "$(ARG1) already exists."
msgstr "Shtegu %1 tanimë ekziston."

msgid "Target already exists."
msgstr "Shtegu %1 tanimë ekziston."

msgid ""
"You are about to save/export a password protected basic library containing module(s) \n"
"which are too large to store in binary format. If you wish users that don't have access to the library password to be able to run macros in those module(s) you must split those modules into a number of smaller modules. Do you wish to continue to save/export this library?"
msgstr ""

msgid "The data from $(ARG1) has an incorrect checksum."
msgstr ""

msgid "The object $(ARG1) cannot be created in directory $(ARG2)."
msgstr ""

msgid "Data of $(ARG1) could not be read."
msgstr "E dhëna nuk mund të lexohet nga fajlli"

msgid "The seek operation on $(ARG1) could not be performed."
msgstr ""

msgid "The tell operation on $(ARG1) could not be performed."
msgstr ""

msgid "Data for $(ARG1) could not be written."
msgstr "E dhëna nuk mund të lexohet nga fajlli"

msgid "Action impossible: $(ARG1) is the current directory."
msgstr ""

msgid "$(ARG1) is not ready."
msgstr "Pajisja (drive) nuk është gati"

msgid "Action impossible: $(ARG1) and $(ARG2) are different devices (drives)."
msgstr ""

msgid "General input/output error while accessing $(ARG1)."
msgstr ""

msgid "An attempt was made to access $(ARG1) in an invalid way."
msgstr ""

msgid "$(ARG1) contains invalid characters."
msgstr "emri i fajllit përmban karaktere të pavlefshme"

msgid "The device (drive) $(ARG1) is invalid."
msgstr ""

msgid "The data from $(ARG1) has an invalid length."
msgstr ""

msgid "The operation on $(ARG1) was started with an invalid parameter."
msgstr ""

msgid "The operation cannot be performed because $(ARG1) contains wildcards."
msgstr ""

msgid "Error during shared access to $(ARG1)."
msgstr "Gabim nga ndarja e çasjes në fajlllin $(FILE)."

msgid "$(ARG1) contains misplaced characters."
msgstr "emri i fajllit përmban karaktere të pavlefshme"

msgid "The name $(ARG1) contains too many characters."
msgstr ""

msgid "$(ARG1) does not exist."
msgstr "$(ARG1) nuk ekziston."

msgid "The path $(ARG1) does not exist."
msgstr "Shtegu deri në fajll nuk ekziston"

msgid "The operation on $(ARG1) is not supported on this operating system."
msgstr ""

msgid "$(ARG1) is not a directory."
msgstr "Objekti nuk është folder"

msgid "$(ARG1) is not a file."
msgstr "Fajlli nuk është fajll konfigurues."

msgid "There is no space left on device $(ARG1)."
msgstr ""

msgid "The operation on $(ARG1) cannot be performed because too many files are already open."
msgstr ""

msgid "The operation on $(ARG1) cannot be performed because there is no more memory available."
msgstr ""

msgid "The operation on $(ARG1) cannot continue because more data is pending."
msgstr ""

msgid "$(ARG1) cannot be copied into itself."
msgstr "Objekti nuk mund të kopjohet në vetveten"

msgid "Unknown input/output error while accessing $(ARG1)."
msgstr ""

msgid "$(ARG1) is write protected."
msgstr "Funksioni nuk është i mundshëm: i pashkrueshëm."

msgid "$(ARG1) is not in the correct format."
msgstr ""

msgid "The version of $(ARG1) is not correct."
msgstr "Ky verzion i fajlilt grafik nuk mbështetet"

msgid "Drive $(ARG1) does not exist."
msgstr "Nuk ekziston një libër i adresave"

msgid "Folder $(ARG1) does not exist."
msgstr "Nuk ekziston një libër i adresave"

msgid "The installed Java version is not supported."
msgstr "Ky verzion i fajlilt grafik nuk mbështetet"

msgid "The installed Java version $(ARG1) is not supported."
msgstr "Ky verzion i fajlilt grafik nuk mbështetet"

msgid "The installed Java version is not supported, at least version $(ARG1) is required."
msgstr ""

msgid "The installed Java version $(ARG1) is not supported, at least version $(ARG2) is required."
msgstr ""

msgid "The data associated with the partnership is corrupted."
msgstr ""

msgid "The data associated with the partnership $(ARG1) is corrupted."
msgstr ""

msgid "Volume $(ARG1) is not ready."
msgstr "Pajisja (drive) nuk është gati"

msgid "$(ARG1) is not ready; please insert a storage medium."
msgstr ""

msgid "Volume $(ARG1) is not ready; please insert a storage medium."
msgstr ""

msgid "Please insert disk $(ARG1)."
msgstr "Të lutem fut më parë ${DISK_LABEL} ('${DISK_NAME}')."

msgid "The object cannot be created in directory $(ARG1)."
msgstr ""

msgid "%PRODUCTNAME cannot keep files from being overwritten when this transmission protocol is used. Do you want to continue anyway?"
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"The file '$(ARG1)' is corrupt and therefore cannot be opened. %PRODUCTNAME can try to repair the file.\n"
"The corruption could be the result of document manipulation or of structural document damage due to data transmission.\n"
"We recommend that you do not trust the content of the repaired document.\n"
"Execution of macros is disabled for this document.\n"
"Should %PRODUCTNAME repair the file?\n"
msgstr ""

msgid "The file '$(ARG1)' could not be repaired and therefore cannot be opened."
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"Configuration data in '$(ARG1)' is corrupted. Without this data some functions may not operate correctly.\n"
"Do you want to continue startup of %PRODUCTNAME without the corrupted configuration data?"
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"The personal configuration file '$(ARG1)' is corrupted and must be deleted to continue. Some of your personal settings may be lost.\n"
"Do you want to continue startup of %PRODUCTNAME without the corrupted configuration data?"
msgstr ""

msgid "The configuration data source '$(ARG1)' is unavailable. Without this data some functions may not operate correctly."
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"The configuration data source '$(ARG1)' is unavailable. Without this data some functions may not operate correctly.\n"
"Do you want to continue startup of %PRODUCTNAME without the missing configuration data?"
msgstr ""

msgid "The form contains invalid data. Do you still want to continue?"
msgstr ""

msgid "The file $(ARG1) is locked by another user. Currently, another write access to this file cannot be granted."
msgstr ""

msgid "The file $(ARG1) is locked by yourself. Currently, another write access to this file cannot be granted."
msgstr ""

msgid "The file $(ARG1) is currently not locked by yourself."
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"The previously obtained lock for file $(ARG1) has expired.\n"
"This can happen due to problems on the server managing the file lock. It cannot be guaranteed that write operations on this file will not overwrite changes done by other users!"
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"Unable to verify the identity of $(ARG1) site.\n"
"Before accepting this certificate, you should examine this site's certificate carefully. Are you willing to accept this certificate for the purpose of identifying the Web site $(ARG1)?"
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"$(ARG1) is a site that uses a security certificate to encrypt data during transmission, but its certificate expired on $(ARG2).\n"
"You should check to make sure that your computer's time is correct."
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"You have attempted to establish a connection with $(ARG1). However, the security certificate presented belongs to $(ARG2). It is possible, though unlikely, that someone may be trying to intercept your communication with this web site.\n"
"If you suspect the certificate shown does not belong to $(ARG1), please cancel the connection and notify the site administrator.\n"
"Would you like to continue anyway?"
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"The certificate could not be validated. You should examine this site's certificate carefully.\n"
"If you suspect the certificate shown, please cancel the connection and notify the site administrator."
msgstr ""

msgid "Security Warning: Domain Name Mismatch"
msgstr ""

msgid "Security Warning: Server Certificate Expired"
msgstr ""

msgid "Security Warning: Server Certificate Invalid"
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"Component cannot be loaded, possibly broken or incomplete installation.\n"
"Full error message:\n"
" $(ARG1)."
msgstr ""

#: logindlg.src#DLG_UUI_LOGIN.FT_LOGIN_ERROR.fixedtext.text
msgid "Message from server:"
msgstr "Mesazh nga serveri"

#: logindlg.src#DLG_UUI_LOGIN.FT_INFO_LOGIN_REQUEST.fixedtext.text
msgid ""
"Enter user name and password for: \n"
msgstr ""

#: logindlg.src#DLG_UUI_LOGIN.STR_LOGIN_REALM.string.text
msgid ""
"Enter user name and password for: \n"
"\"%2\" on %1"
msgstr ""

#: logindlg.src#DLG_UUI_LOGIN.FT_LOGIN_PATH.fixedtext.text
msgid "~Path"
msgstr "Shtegu"

#: logindlg.src#DLG_UUI_LOGIN.FT_LOGIN_USERNAME.fixedtext.text
msgid "~User name"
msgstr "Emri i Shfrytëzuesit"

#: logindlg.src#DLG_UUI_LOGIN.FT_LOGIN_PASSWORD.fixedtext.text
msgid "Pass~word"
msgstr "Fjalëkalimi"

#: logindlg.src#DLG_UUI_LOGIN.FT_LOGIN_ACCOUNT.fixedtext.text
msgid "A~ccount"
msgstr "Llogaria"

#: logindlg.src#DLG_UUI_LOGIN.CB_LOGIN_SAVEPASSWORD.checkbox.text
msgctxt "logindlg.src#DLG_UUI_LOGIN.CB_LOGIN_SAVEPASSWORD.checkbox.text"
msgid "~Remember password"
msgstr "Fjalëkalim i pavlefshëm"

#: logindlg.src#DLG_UUI_LOGIN.CB_LOGIN_USESYSCREDS.checkbox.text
msgid "~Use system credentials"
msgstr ""

#: logindlg.src#DLG_UUI_LOGIN.modaldialog.text
msgid "Authentication Required"
msgstr ""

#: alreadyopen.src#STR_ALREADYOPEN_MSG.string.text
msgid ""
"Document file '$(ARG1)' is locked for editing by yourself on a different system since $(ARG2)\n"
"Open document read-only, or ignore own file locking and open the document for editing.\n"
msgstr ""

#: alreadyopen.src#STR_ALREADYOPEN_READONLY_BTN.string.text
msgctxt "alreadyopen.src#STR_ALREADYOPEN_READONLY_BTN.string.text"
msgid "Open ~Read-Only"
msgstr "I editueshëm në dokument vetëm të lexueshëm "

#: alreadyopen.src#STR_ALREADYOPEN_OPEN_BTN.string.text
msgid "~Open"
msgstr "Hape"

#: alreadyopen.src#STR_ALREADYOPEN_SAVE_MSG.string.text
msgid ""
"Document file '$(ARG1)' is locked for editing by yourself on a different system since $(ARG2)\n"
"Close document on other system and retry saving or ignore own file locking and save current document.\n"
msgstr ""

#: alreadyopen.src#STR_ALREADYOPEN_RETRY_SAVE_BTN.string.text
msgctxt "alreadyopen.src#STR_ALREADYOPEN_RETRY_SAVE_BTN.string.text"
msgid "~Retry Saving"
msgstr "Duke ruajtur dokumentin ..."

#: alreadyopen.src#STR_ALREADYOPEN_SAVE_BTN.string.text
msgid "~Save"
msgstr "Ruaje"

#: secmacrowarnings.src#RID_XMLSECDLG_MACROWARN.FI_DESCR1A.fixedtext.text
msgid "The document contains document macros signed by:"
msgstr "Ky dokument përmban makro të dokumentit nënshkruar nga:"

#: secmacrowarnings.src#RID_XMLSECDLG_MACROWARN.FI_DESCR1B.fixedtext.text
msgid "The document contains document macros."
msgstr "Ky dokument përmban makro të dokumentit."

#: secmacrowarnings.src#RID_XMLSECDLG_MACROWARN.PB_VIEWSIGNS.pushbutton.text
msgid "View Signatures..."
msgstr "Shiko nënshkrimet..."

#: secmacrowarnings.src#RID_XMLSECDLG_MACROWARN.FI_DESCR2.fixedtext.text
msgid "Macros may contain viruses. Disabling macros for a document is always safe. If you disable macros you may lose functionality provided by the document macros."
msgstr "Makrot mund të përmbajnë viruse. Deaktivizimi i makrove është gjithnjë i sigurtë. Nëse ju deaktivizoni makrot ju mund të humbasni funksionalitetin e ofruar nga makrot e dokumentit."

#: secmacrowarnings.src#RID_XMLSECDLG_MACROWARN.CB_ALWAYSTRUST.checkbox.text
msgid "Always trust macros from this source"
msgstr "Gjithnjë i besoni makrove nga ky burim"

#: secmacrowarnings.src#RID_XMLSECDLG_MACROWARN.PB_ENABLE.okbutton.text
msgid "~Enable Macros"
msgstr "Aktivizo Makrot"

#: secmacrowarnings.src#RID_XMLSECDLG_MACROWARN.PB_DISABLE.cancelbutton.text
msgid "~Disable Macros"
msgstr "Deaktivizo Makrot"

#: secmacrowarnings.src#RID_XMLSECDLG_MACROWARN.modaldialog.text
msgid "%PRODUCTNAME - Security Warning"
msgstr "%PRODUCTNAME - Vërejtje e sigurisë"

#: masterpasscrtdlg.src#DLG_UUI_MASTERPASSWORD_CRT.FT_INFOTEXT.fixedtext.text
msgid "Passwords for web connections are protected by a master password. You will be asked to enter it once per session, if %PRODUCTNAME retrieves a password from the protected password list."
msgstr ""

#: masterpasscrtdlg.src#DLG_UUI_MASTERPASSWORD_CRT.FT_MASTERPASSWORD_CRT.fixedtext.text
msgid "~Enter password"
msgstr "Shkruaj fjalëkalimin"

#: masterpasscrtdlg.src#DLG_UUI_MASTERPASSWORD_CRT.FT_MASTERPASSWORD_REPEAT.fixedtext.text
msgid "~Reenter password"
msgstr "Fjalëkalim i pavlefshëm"

#: masterpasscrtdlg.src#DLG_UUI_MASTERPASSWORD_CRT.FT_CAUTIONTEXT.fixedtext.text
msgid "Caution: If you forget the master password, you will be unable to access any of the information protected by it. Passwords are case-sensitive."
msgstr ""

#: masterpasscrtdlg.src#DLG_UUI_MASTERPASSWORD_CRT.modaldialog.text
msgid "Set Master Password"
msgstr "Fjalëkalimi nuk është caktuar."

#: fltdlg.src#DLG_FILTER_SELECT.modaldialog.text
msgid "Filter Selection"
msgstr "Zgjedhja e databazës"

#: passworderrs.src#STR_ERROR_PASSWORD_TO_OPEN_WRONG.string.text
msgid "The password is incorrect. The file cannot be opened."
msgstr "Fjalëkalimi është jokorrekt. Dokumenti nuk mund të hapet."

#: passworderrs.src#STR_ERROR_PASSWORD_TO_MODIFY_WRONG.string.text
msgid "The password is incorrect. The file cannot be modified."
msgstr "Fjalëkalimi është jokorrekt. Dokumenti nuk mund të hapet."

#: passworderrs.src#STR_ERROR_MASTERPASSWORD_WRONG.string.text
#, fuzzy
msgid "The master password is incorrect."
msgstr "Fjalëkalimi nuk është caktuar."

#: passworderrs.src#STR_ERROR_SIMPLE_PASSWORD_WRONG.string.text
#, fuzzy
msgid "The password is incorrect."
msgstr "Fjalëkalimi nuk është caktuar."

#: passworderrs.src#STR_ERROR_PASSWORDS_NOT_IDENTICAL.string.text
msgid "The password confirmation does not match."
msgstr "HelpID nuk përshtatet me UniqueID: "

#: passworddlg.src#DLG_UUI_PASSWORD.STR_ENTER_PASSWORD_TO_OPEN.string.text
msgid "Enter password to open file: \n"
msgstr "File checksum nuk arriti të hapej"

#: passworddlg.src#DLG_UUI_PASSWORD.STR_ENTER_PASSWORD_TO_MODIFY.string.text
msgid "Enter password to modify file: \n"
msgstr "File checksum nuk arriti të hapej"

#: passworddlg.src#DLG_UUI_PASSWORD.STR_ENTER_SIMPLE_PASSWORD.string.text
#, fuzzy
msgid "Enter password: "
msgstr "Shkruaj fjalëkalimin"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Confirm password: "
msgstr "Konfirmo fjalëkalimin"

#: passworddlg.src#DLG_UUI_PASSWORD.STR_TITLE_CREATE_PASSWORD.string.text
msgid "Set Password"
msgstr ""

#: passworddlg.src#DLG_UUI_PASSWORD.STR_TITLE_ENTER_PASSWORD.string.text
msgid "Enter Password"
msgstr "Shkruaj fjalëkalimin"

#: passworddlg.src#DLG_UUI_PASSWORD.STR_PASSWORD_MISMATCH.string.text
msgid "The confirmation password did not match the password. Set the password again by entering the same password in both boxes."
msgstr ""

#: sslwarndlg.src#DLG_UUI_SSLWARN.FT_LABEL_1.fixedtext.text
msgctxt "sslwarndlg.src#DLG_UUI_SSLWARN.FT_LABEL_1.fixedtext.text"
msgid "No Text"
msgstr "Vizato tekstin "

#: sslwarndlg.src#DLG_UUI_SSLWARN.PB_VIEW__CERTIFICATE.pushbutton.text
msgid "View Certificate"
msgstr "Pamja e shënimeve"

#: sslwarndlg.src#DLG_UUI_SSLWARN.PB_CANCEL.cancelbutton.text
msgid "Cancel Connection"
msgstr "Gjendja e lidhjes"

#: sslwarndlg.src#DLG_UUI_SSLWARN.PB_OK.pushbutton.text
msgid "Continue"
msgstr "Vazhdo"

#: sslwarndlg.src#DLG_UUI_SSLWARN.modaldialog.text
msgid "Security Warning: "
msgstr "Paralajmërim i sigurisë"

#: unknownauthdlg.src#DLG_UUI_UNKNOWNAUTH.PB_VIEW__CERTIFICATE.pushbutton.text
msgid "Examine Certificate..."
msgstr ""

#: unknownauthdlg.src#DLG_UUI_UNKNOWNAUTH.PB_HELP.helpbutton.text
msgid "Help"
msgstr "Ndihma"

#: unknownauthdlg.src#DLG_UUI_UNKNOWNAUTH.PB_OK.pushbutton.text
msgid "OK"
msgstr "OK"

#: unknownauthdlg.src#DLG_UUI_UNKNOWNAUTH.RB_ACCEPT_1.radiobutton.text
msgid "Accept this certificate temporarily for this session"
msgstr ""

#: unknownauthdlg.src#DLG_UUI_UNKNOWNAUTH.RB_DONTACCEPT_2.radiobutton.text
msgid "Do not accept this certificate and do not connect to this Web site"
msgstr ""

#: unknownauthdlg.src#DLG_UUI_UNKNOWNAUTH.FT_LABEL_1.fixedtext.text
msgctxt "unknownauthdlg.src#DLG_UUI_UNKNOWNAUTH.FT_LABEL_1.fixedtext.text"
msgid "No Text"
msgstr "Vizato tekstin "

#: unknownauthdlg.src#DLG_UUI_UNKNOWNAUTH.modaldialog.text
msgid "Website Certified by an Unknown Authority"
msgstr ""

#: filechanged.src#STR_FILECHANGED_TITLE.string.text
msgid "Document Has Been Changed by Others"
msgstr ""

#: filechanged.src#STR_FILECHANGED_MSG.string.text
msgid ""
"The file has been changed since it was opened for editing in %PRODUCTNAME. Saving your version of the document will overwrite changes made by others.\n"
"Do you want to save anyway?\n"
msgstr ""

#: filechanged.src#STR_FILECHANGED_SAVEANYWAY_BTN.string.text
msgid "~Save Anyway"
msgstr "Ruaje dokumentin"

#: lockfailed.src#STR_LOCKFAILED_MSG.string.text
msgid "The file could not be locked for exclusive access by %PRODUCTNAME, due to missing permission to create a lock file on that file location."
msgstr ""