#. extracted from uui/source msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://bugs.libreoffice.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=LibreOffice&bug_status=UNCONFIRMED&component=UI\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2015-11-10 19:33+0100\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2016-08-28 12:27+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Federigo Canpanjoło \n" "Language-Team: LANGUAGE \n" "Language: vec\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" "X-Accelerator-Marker: ~\n" "X-Generator: Pootle 2.7\n" "X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1472387276.000000\n" #: alreadyopen.src msgctxt "" "alreadyopen.src\n" "STR_ALREADYOPEN_TITLE\n" "string.text" msgid "Document in Use" msgstr "Documento in dòparo" #: alreadyopen.src msgctxt "" "alreadyopen.src\n" "STR_ALREADYOPEN_MSG\n" "string.text" msgid "" "Document file '$(ARG1)' is locked for editing by yourself on a different system since $(ARG2)\n" "\n" "Open document read-only, or ignore own file locking and open the document for editing.\n" "\n" msgstr "" "El documento '$(ARG1)' el ze blocà par ła modìfega so n'altro sistema da'l $(ARG2)\n" "\n" "Verzi el documento in soła łetura, o verzi el fiłe par ła modìfega injorando el bloco.\n" "\n" #: alreadyopen.src msgctxt "" "alreadyopen.src\n" "STR_ALREADYOPEN_READONLY_BTN\n" "string.text" msgid "Open ~Read-Only" msgstr "Verzi in soła łetu~ra" #: alreadyopen.src msgctxt "" "alreadyopen.src\n" "STR_ALREADYOPEN_OPEN_BTN\n" "string.text" msgid "~Open" msgstr "~Verzi" #: alreadyopen.src msgctxt "" "alreadyopen.src\n" "STR_ALREADYOPEN_SAVE_MSG\n" "string.text" msgid "" "Document file '$(ARG1)' is locked for editing by yourself on a different system since $(ARG2)\n" "\n" "Close document on other system and retry saving or ignore own file locking and save current document.\n" "\n" msgstr "" "El documento '$(ARG1)' el ze blocà par la modìfega so n'altro sistema da'l $(ARG2)\n" "\n" "Sara su el documento so chealtro sistema e prova da novo a salvare, o salva el documento corente injorando el bloco.\n" "\n" #: alreadyopen.src msgctxt "" "alreadyopen.src\n" "STR_ALREADYOPEN_RETRY_SAVE_BTN\n" "string.text" msgid "~Retry Saving" msgstr "P~rova da novo a salvar" #: alreadyopen.src msgctxt "" "alreadyopen.src\n" "STR_ALREADYOPEN_SAVE_BTN\n" "string.text" msgid "~Save" msgstr "~Salva" #: filechanged.src msgctxt "" "filechanged.src\n" "STR_FILECHANGED_TITLE\n" "string.text" msgid "Document Has Been Changed by Others" msgstr "El documento el ze sta canbià da altri" #: filechanged.src msgctxt "" "filechanged.src\n" "STR_FILECHANGED_MSG\n" "string.text" msgid "" "The file has been changed since it was opened for editing in %PRODUCTNAME. Saving your version of the document will overwrite changes made by others.\n" "\n" "Do you want to save anyway?\n" "\n" msgstr "" "El file el ze sta modifegà da cuando che'l ze sta verto par ła modìfega co %PRODUCTNAME. Salvar 'sta version de'l documento sorascrivarà łe modìfeghe fate da altri.\n" "\n" "Vuto salvare isteso?\n" "\n" #: filechanged.src msgctxt "" "filechanged.src\n" "STR_FILECHANGED_SAVEANYWAY_BTN\n" "string.text" msgid "~Save Anyway" msgstr "~Salva isteso" #: ids.src msgctxt "" "ids.src\n" "RID_KEEP_PASSWORD\n" "string.text" msgid "~Remember password until end of session" msgstr "Memo~riza ła password fin a ła fine de ła sesion" #: ids.src msgctxt "" "ids.src\n" "RID_SAVE_PASSWORD\n" "string.text" msgid "~Remember password" msgstr "Memoriza pa~ssword" #: ids.src msgctxt "" "ids.src\n" "STR_WARNING_BROKENSIGNATURE_TITLE\n" "string.text" msgid "Invalid Document Signature" msgstr "Firma de'l documento mìa vàłida" #: ids.src msgctxt "" "ids.src\n" "STR_WARNING_INCOMPLETE_ENCRYPTION_TITLE\n" "string.text" msgid "Non-Encrypted Streams" msgstr "Flusi mìa sifrài" #: ids.src msgctxt "" "ids.src\n" "RID_UUI_ERRHDL\n" "(ERRCODE_UUI_IO_ABORT & ERRCODE_RES_MASK)\n" "string.text" msgid "The operation executed on $(ARG1) was aborted." msgstr "L'operasion ezeguìa so $(ARG1) ła ze stà intarota." #: ids.src msgctxt "" "ids.src\n" "RID_UUI_ERRHDL\n" "(ERRCODE_UUI_IO_ACCESSDENIED & ERRCODE_RES_MASK)\n" "string.text" msgid "Access to $(ARG1) was denied." msgstr "Aceso a $(ARG1) refiutà." #: ids.src msgctxt "" "ids.src\n" "RID_UUI_ERRHDL\n" "(ERRCODE_UUI_IO_ALREADYEXISTS & ERRCODE_RES_MASK)\n" "string.text" msgid "$(ARG1) already exists." msgstr "$(ARG1) eziste zà." #: ids.src msgctxt "" "ids.src\n" "RID_UUI_ERRHDL\n" "(ERRCODE_UUI_IO_TARGETALREADYEXISTS & ERRCODE_RES_MASK)\n" "string.text" msgid "Target already exists." msgstr "Ła destinasion ła eziste zà." #: ids.src msgctxt "" "ids.src\n" "RID_UUI_ERRHDL\n" "(ERRCODE_UUI_IO_MODULESIZEEXCEEDED & ERRCODE_RES_MASK)\n" "string.text" msgid "" "You are about to save/export a password protected basic library containing module(s) \n" "$(ARG1)\n" "which are too large to store in binary format. If you wish users that don't have access to the library password to be able to run macros in those module(s) you must split those modules into a number of smaller modules. Do you wish to continue to save/export this library?" msgstr "" "A te si drio salvar/esportar na łibrarìa de baze protezesta da password che contien mòdułi \n" "$(ARG1)\n" "masa grandi par èsar memorizài inte'l formà binario. Se A te vol che i utenti che no i ga ła password de ła łibrarìa i posa far ndar łe macro inte 'sti mòdułi, A te ghe da divìdar i mòdułi inte mòdułi pì cełi. Vutu ndar vanti a salvar/esportar 'sta łibrarìa?" #: ids.src msgctxt "" "ids.src\n" "RID_UUI_ERRHDL\n" "(ERRCODE_UUI_IO_BADCRC & ERRCODE_RES_MASK)\n" "string.text" msgid "The data from $(ARG1) has an incorrect checksum." msgstr "Ła sóma de controło de i dati de $(ARG1) no ła ze mìa coreta." #: ids.src msgctxt "" "ids.src\n" "RID_UUI_ERRHDL\n" "(ERRCODE_UUI_IO_CANTCREATE & ERRCODE_RES_MASK)\n" "string.text" msgid "The object $(ARG1) cannot be created in directory $(ARG2)." msgstr "Inposìbiłe crear l'ojeto $(ARG1) inte ła carteła $(ARG2)." #: ids.src msgctxt "" "ids.src\n" "RID_UUI_ERRHDL\n" "(ERRCODE_UUI_IO_CANTREAD & ERRCODE_RES_MASK)\n" "string.text" msgid "Data of $(ARG1) could not be read." msgstr "Inposìbiłe łézare i dati de $(ARG1)." #: ids.src msgctxt "" "ids.src\n" "RID_UUI_ERRHDL\n" "(ERRCODE_UUI_IO_CANTSEEK & ERRCODE_RES_MASK)\n" "string.text" msgid "The seek operation on $(ARG1) could not be performed." msgstr "Inposìbiłe ezeguir l'operasion 'seek' so $(ARG1)." #: ids.src msgctxt "" "ids.src\n" "RID_UUI_ERRHDL\n" "(ERRCODE_UUI_IO_CANTTELL & ERRCODE_RES_MASK)\n" "string.text" msgid "The tell operation on $(ARG1) could not be performed." msgstr "Inposìbiłe ezeguir l'operasion 'tell' so $(ARG1)." #: ids.src msgctxt "" "ids.src\n" "RID_UUI_ERRHDL\n" "(ERRCODE_UUI_IO_CANTWRITE & ERRCODE_RES_MASK)\n" "string.text" msgid "Data for $(ARG1) could not be written." msgstr "Inposìbiłe scrìvar i dati par $(ARG1)." #: ids.src msgctxt "" "ids.src\n" "RID_UUI_ERRHDL\n" "(ERRCODE_UUI_IO_CURRENTDIR & ERRCODE_RES_MASK)\n" "string.text" msgid "Action impossible: $(ARG1) is the current directory." msgstr "Asion mìa posìbiłe: $(ARG1) ła ze 'sta carteła stesa." #: ids.src msgctxt "" "ids.src\n" "RID_UUI_ERRHDL\n" "(ERRCODE_UUI_IO_NOTREADY & ERRCODE_RES_MASK)\n" "string.text" msgid "$(ARG1) is not ready." msgstr "$(ARG1) no'l ze mìa pronto." #: ids.src msgctxt "" "ids.src\n" "RID_UUI_ERRHDL\n" "(ERRCODE_UUI_IO_NOTSAMEDEVICE & ERRCODE_RES_MASK)\n" "string.text" msgid "Action impossible: $(ARG1) and $(ARG2) are different devices (drives)." msgstr "Asion mìa posìbiłe: $(ARG1) e $(ARG2) i ze dispozitivi diversi (unidà)." #: ids.src msgctxt "" "ids.src\n" "RID_UUI_ERRHDL\n" "(ERRCODE_UUI_IO_GENERAL & ERRCODE_RES_MASK)\n" "string.text" msgid "General input/output error while accessing $(ARG1)." msgstr "Fin che se acedéa a $(ARG1) se ga verifegà un eror zenarałe de input/output." #: ids.src msgctxt "" "ids.src\n" "RID_UUI_ERRHDL\n" "(ERRCODE_UUI_IO_INVALIDACCESS & ERRCODE_RES_MASK)\n" "string.text" msgid "An attempt was made to access $(ARG1) in an invalid way." msgstr "Ze stà riłevà un tentativo de acédare a $(ARG1) in modo mìa vàłido." #: ids.src msgctxt "" "ids.src\n" "RID_UUI_ERRHDL\n" "(ERRCODE_UUI_IO_INVALIDCHAR & ERRCODE_RES_MASK)\n" "string.text" msgid "$(ARG1) contains invalid characters." msgstr "$(ARG1) contien caràtari mìa vàłidi." #: ids.src msgctxt "" "ids.src\n" "RID_UUI_ERRHDL\n" "(ERRCODE_UUI_IO_INVALIDDEVICE & ERRCODE_RES_MASK)\n" "string.text" msgid "The device (drive) $(ARG1) is invalid." msgstr "El dispozitivo (drive) $(ARG1) no'l ze mìa vàłido." #: ids.src msgctxt "" "ids.src\n" "RID_UUI_ERRHDL\n" "(ERRCODE_UUI_IO_INVALIDLENGTH & ERRCODE_RES_MASK)\n" "string.text" msgid "The data from $(ARG1) has an invalid length." msgstr "Ła łunghesa de i dati de $(ARG1) no ła ze mìa vàłida." #: ids.src msgctxt "" "ids.src\n" "RID_UUI_ERRHDL\n" "(ERRCODE_UUI_IO_INVALIDPARAMETER & ERRCODE_RES_MASK)\n" "string.text" msgid "The operation on $(ARG1) was started with an invalid parameter." msgstr "El paràmetro par aviar l'operasion so $(ARG1) no'l ze mìa vàłido." #: ids.src msgctxt "" "ids.src\n" "RID_UUI_ERRHDL\n" "(ERRCODE_UUI_IO_ISWILDCARD & ERRCODE_RES_MASK)\n" "string.text" msgid "The operation cannot be performed because $(ARG1) contains wildcards." msgstr "L'operasion no ła połe èsar mesa in pràtega parché $(ARG1) contien caràtari mati." #: ids.src msgctxt "" "ids.src\n" "RID_UUI_ERRHDL\n" "(ERRCODE_UUI_IO_LOCKVIOLATION & ERRCODE_RES_MASK)\n" "string.text" msgid "Error during shared access to $(ARG1)." msgstr "Eror durando l'aceso condividesto a $(ARG1)." #: ids.src msgctxt "" "ids.src\n" "RID_UUI_ERRHDL\n" "(ERRCODE_UUI_IO_MISPLACEDCHAR & ERRCODE_RES_MASK)\n" "string.text" msgid "$(ARG1) contains misplaced characters." msgstr "$(ARG1) contien caràtari in pozision zbajà." #: ids.src msgctxt "" "ids.src\n" "RID_UUI_ERRHDL\n" "(ERRCODE_UUI_IO_NAMETOOLONG & ERRCODE_RES_MASK)\n" "string.text" msgid "The name $(ARG1) contains too many characters." msgstr "El nome $(ARG1) el ze masa łongo." #: ids.src msgctxt "" "ids.src\n" "RID_UUI_ERRHDL\n" "(ERRCODE_UUI_IO_NOTEXISTS & ERRCODE_RES_MASK)\n" "string.text" msgid "$(ARG1) does not exist." msgstr "$(ARG1) no eziste mìa." #: ids.src msgctxt "" "ids.src\n" "RID_UUI_ERRHDL\n" "(ERRCODE_UUI_IO_NOTEXISTSPATH & ERRCODE_RES_MASK)\n" "string.text" msgid "The path $(ARG1) does not exist." msgstr "El parcorso $(ARG1) no eziste mìa." #: ids.src msgctxt "" "ids.src\n" "RID_UUI_ERRHDL\n" "(ERRCODE_UUI_IO_NOTSUPPORTED & ERRCODE_RES_MASK)\n" "string.text" msgid "The operation on $(ARG1) is not supported on this operating system." msgstr "L'operasion so $(ARG1) no ła ze mìa suportà da el sistema oparativo." #: ids.src msgctxt "" "ids.src\n" "RID_UUI_ERRHDL\n" "(ERRCODE_UUI_IO_NOTADIRECTORY & ERRCODE_RES_MASK)\n" "string.text" msgid "$(ARG1) is not a directory." msgstr "$(ARG1) no ze mìa na carteła." #: ids.src msgctxt "" "ids.src\n" "RID_UUI_ERRHDL\n" "(ERRCODE_UUI_IO_NOTAFILE & ERRCODE_RES_MASK)\n" "string.text" msgid "$(ARG1) is not a file." msgstr "$(ARG1) no ze mìa un file." #: ids.src msgctxt "" "ids.src\n" "RID_UUI_ERRHDL\n" "(ERRCODE_UUI_IO_OUTOFSPACE & ERRCODE_RES_MASK)\n" "string.text" msgid "There is no space left on device $(ARG1)." msgstr "No ghe ze pì spasio inte'l dispozitivo $(ARG1)." #: ids.src msgctxt "" "ids.src\n" "RID_UUI_ERRHDL\n" "(ERRCODE_UUI_IO_TOOMANYOPENFILES & ERRCODE_RES_MASK)\n" "string.text" msgid "The operation on $(ARG1) cannot be performed because too many files are already open." msgstr "L'operasion so $(ARG1) no ła połe esar mesa in pràtega parché ghe ze masa file verti." #: ids.src msgctxt "" "ids.src\n" "RID_UUI_ERRHDL\n" "(ERRCODE_UUI_IO_OUTOFMEMORY & ERRCODE_RES_MASK)\n" "string.text" msgid "The operation on $(ARG1) cannot be performed because there is no more memory available." msgstr "Inposìbiłe ezeguir l'operasion so $(ARG1) parché ła memoria desponìbiłe no ła ze mìa sufisiente." #: ids.src msgctxt "" "ids.src\n" "RID_UUI_ERRHDL\n" "(ERRCODE_UUI_IO_PENDING & ERRCODE_RES_MASK)\n" "string.text" msgid "The operation on $(ARG1) cannot continue because more data is pending." msgstr "Inposìbiłe continuar co l'operasion so $(ARG1) parché manca racuanti dati." #: ids.src msgctxt "" "ids.src\n" "RID_UUI_ERRHDL\n" "(ERRCODE_UUI_IO_RECURSIVE & ERRCODE_RES_MASK)\n" "string.text" msgid "$(ARG1) cannot be copied into itself." msgstr "$(ARG1) no'l pol èsar copià sora de se steso." #: ids.src msgctxt "" "ids.src\n" "RID_UUI_ERRHDL\n" "(ERRCODE_UUI_IO_UNKNOWN & ERRCODE_RES_MASK)\n" "string.text" msgid "Unknown input/output error while accessing $(ARG1)." msgstr "Acedendo a $(ARG1) A se ga verifegà un eror zenarałe de input/output." #: ids.src msgctxt "" "ids.src\n" "RID_UUI_ERRHDL\n" "(ERRCODE_UUI_IO_WRITEPROTECTED & ERRCODE_RES_MASK)\n" "string.text" msgid "$(ARG1) is write protected." msgstr "$(ARG1) el ze proteto da scritura." #: ids.src msgctxt "" "ids.src\n" "RID_UUI_ERRHDL\n" "(ERRCODE_UUI_IO_WRONGFORMAT & ERRCODE_RES_MASK)\n" "string.text" msgid "$(ARG1) is not in the correct format." msgstr "$(ARG1) no'l ze mìa inte'l formato coreto." #: ids.src msgctxt "" "ids.src\n" "RID_UUI_ERRHDL\n" "(ERRCODE_UUI_IO_WRONGVERSION & ERRCODE_RES_MASK)\n" "string.text" msgid "The version of $(ARG1) is not correct." msgstr "Ła version de $(ARG1) no ła ze mìa coreta." #: ids.src msgctxt "" "ids.src\n" "RID_UUI_ERRHDL\n" "(ERRCODE_UUI_IO_NOTEXISTS_VOLUME & ERRCODE_RES_MASK)\n" "string.text" msgid "Drive $(ARG1) does not exist." msgstr "El dispozitivo $(ARG1) no l'eziste mìa." #: ids.src msgctxt "" "ids.src\n" "RID_UUI_ERRHDL\n" "(ERRCODE_UUI_IO_NOTEXISTS_FOLDER & ERRCODE_RES_MASK)\n" "string.text" msgid "Folder $(ARG1) does not exist." msgstr "Ła carteła $(ARG1) no ła eziste mìa." #: ids.src msgctxt "" "ids.src\n" "RID_UUI_ERRHDL\n" "(ERRCODE_UUI_WRONGJAVA & ERRCODE_RES_MASK)\n" "string.text" msgid "The installed Java version is not supported." msgstr "Ła version instałà de Java no ła ze mìa suportà." #: ids.src msgctxt "" "ids.src\n" "RID_UUI_ERRHDL\n" "(ERRCODE_UUI_WRONGJAVA_VERSION & ERRCODE_RES_MASK)\n" "string.text" msgid "The installed Java version $(ARG1) is not supported." msgstr "Ła version instałà de Java $(ARG1) no ła ze mìa suportà." #: ids.src msgctxt "" "ids.src\n" "RID_UUI_ERRHDL\n" "(ERRCODE_UUI_WRONGJAVA_MIN & ERRCODE_RES_MASK)\n" "string.text" msgid "The installed Java version is not supported, at least version $(ARG1) is required." msgstr "Ła version instałà de Java no ła ze mìa suportà. Ghe ze de bezonjo de ła version $(ARG1) o sucesiva." #: ids.src msgctxt "" "ids.src\n" "RID_UUI_ERRHDL\n" "(ERRCODE_UUI_WRONGJAVA_VERSION_MIN & ERRCODE_RES_MASK)\n" "string.text" msgid "The installed Java version $(ARG1) is not supported, at least version $(ARG2) is required." msgstr "Ła version instałà de Java $(ARG1) no ła ze suportà, ghe vołe almanco ła version $(ARG2)." #: ids.src msgctxt "" "ids.src\n" "RID_UUI_ERRHDL\n" "(ERRCODE_UUI_BADPARTNERSHIP & ERRCODE_RES_MASK)\n" "string.text" msgid "The data associated with the partnership is corrupted." msgstr "I dati rełativi a ła partnership i ze sasinà." #: ids.src msgctxt "" "ids.src\n" "RID_UUI_ERRHDL\n" "(ERRCODE_UUI_BADPARTNERSHIP_NAME & ERRCODE_RES_MASK)\n" "string.text" msgid "The data associated with the partnership $(ARG1) is corrupted." msgstr "I dati rełativi a ła partnership $(ARG1) i ze sasinà." #: ids.src msgctxt "" "ids.src\n" "RID_UUI_ERRHDL\n" "(ERRCODE_UUI_IO_NOTREADY_VOLUME & ERRCODE_RES_MASK)\n" "string.text" msgid "Volume $(ARG1) is not ready." msgstr "El vołume $(ARG1) no'l ze mìa pronto." #: ids.src msgctxt "" "ids.src\n" "RID_UUI_ERRHDL\n" "(ERRCODE_UUI_IO_NOTREADY_REMOVABLE & ERRCODE_RES_MASK)\n" "string.text" msgid "$(ARG1) is not ready; please insert a storage medium." msgstr "$(ARG1) no'l ze mìa pronto; taca rento un suporto dati." #: ids.src msgctxt "" "ids.src\n" "RID_UUI_ERRHDL\n" "(ERRCODE_UUI_IO_NOTREADY_VOLUME_REMOVABLE & ERRCODE_RES_MASK)\n" "string.text" msgid "Volume $(ARG1) is not ready; please insert a storage medium." msgstr "El vołume $(ARG1) no'l ze mìa pronto; taca rento un suporto dati." #: ids.src msgctxt "" "ids.src\n" "RID_UUI_ERRHDL\n" "(ERRCODE_UUI_WRONGMEDIUM & ERRCODE_RES_MASK)\n" "string.text" msgid "Please insert disk $(ARG1)." msgstr "Inserisi el disco $(ARG1)." #: ids.src msgctxt "" "ids.src\n" "RID_UUI_ERRHDL\n" "(ERRCODE_UUI_IO_CANTCREATE_NONAME & ERRCODE_RES_MASK)\n" "string.text" msgid "The object cannot be created in directory $(ARG1)." msgstr "Inposìbiłe crear l'ojeto inte ła carteła $(ARG1)." #: ids.src msgctxt "" "ids.src\n" "RID_UUI_ERRHDL\n" "(ERRCODE_UUI_IO_UNSUPPORTEDOVERWRITE & ERRCODE_RES_MASK)\n" "string.text" msgid "%PRODUCTNAME cannot keep files from being overwritten when this transmission protocol is used. Do you want to continue anyway?" msgstr "Se el protocoło de trasmision vien doparà %PRODUCTNAME no'l połe garantir che i file no venja sorascriti. Vuto ndar vanti isteso?" #: ids.src msgctxt "" "ids.src\n" "RID_UUI_ERRHDL\n" "(ERRCODE_UUI_IO_BROKENPACKAGE & ERRCODE_RES_MASK)\n" "string.text" msgid "" "The file '$(ARG1)' is corrupt and therefore cannot be opened. %PRODUCTNAME can try to repair the file.\n" "\n" "The corruption could be the result of document manipulation or of structural document damage due to data transmission.\n" "\n" "We recommend that you do not trust the content of the repaired document.\n" "Execution of macros is disabled for this document.\n" "\n" "Should %PRODUCTNAME repair the file?\n" msgstr "" "Inposìbiłe vèrzar el file '$(ARG1)' parché el ze danejà. %PRODUCTNAME el pol provar a sistemar el file.\n" "\n" "El dano el podarìa èsar el rezultà de na manipołasion o de un dano struturałe de'l documento dovùa a na trasmision de dati.\n" "\n" "A ze consijà de no fidarse de'l contenjùo de'l file sistemà.\n" "L'ezecusion de łe macro ła ze dizabiłitada par 'sto documento.\n" "\n" "Vuto che %PRODUCTNAME el sisteme el file?\n" #: ids.src msgctxt "" "ids.src\n" "RID_UUI_ERRHDL\n" "(ERRCODE_UUI_IO_BROKENPACKAGE_CANTREPAIR & ERRCODE_RES_MASK)\n" "string.text" msgid "The file '$(ARG1)' could not be repaired and therefore cannot be opened." msgstr "Inposìbiłe justar el fiłe '$(ARG1)' e donca no se pol verzarlo." #: ids.src msgctxt "" "ids.src\n" "RID_UUI_ERRHDL\n" "(ERRCODE_UUI_CONFIGURATION_BROKENDATA_NOREMOVE & ERRCODE_RES_MASK)\n" "string.text" msgid "" "Configuration data in '$(ARG1)' is corrupted. Without this data some functions may not operate correctly.\n" "Do you want to continue startup of %PRODUCTNAME without the corrupted configuration data?" msgstr "" "I dati de configurasion in '$(ARG1)' i ze danejà. Sensa 'sti dati ze posìbiłe che calche funsion no ła łavora mìa par ben.\n" "Vuto ndar vanti co l'ezecusion de %PRODUCTNAME sensa i dati de configurasion danejà?" #: ids.src msgctxt "" "ids.src\n" "RID_UUI_ERRHDL\n" "(ERRCODE_UUI_CONFIGURATION_BROKENDATA_WITHREMOVE & ERRCODE_RES_MASK)\n" "string.text" msgid "" "The personal configuration file '$(ARG1)' is corrupted and must be deleted to continue. Some of your personal settings may be lost.\n" "Do you want to continue startup of %PRODUCTNAME without the corrupted configuration data?" msgstr "" "El file de configurasion parsonałe '$(ARG1)' el ze danejà e bezonja ełiminarlo par poder ndar vanti. Ze posìbiłe che calche inpostasion parsonałe ła sipia ndà persa.\n" "Vuto ndar vanti co l'ezecusion de %PRODUCTNAME sensa i dati de configurasion danejà?" #: ids.src msgctxt "" "ids.src\n" "RID_UUI_ERRHDL\n" "(ERRCODE_UUI_CONFIGURATION_BACKENDMISSING & ERRCODE_RES_MASK)\n" "string.text" msgid "The configuration data source '$(ARG1)' is unavailable. Without this data some functions may not operate correctly." msgstr "Ła sorjente de i dati de configurasion '$(ARG1)' no ła ze disponìbiłe. Sensa 'sti dati ze posìbiłe che calche funsion no ła łavora mìa par ben." #: ids.src msgctxt "" "ids.src\n" "RID_UUI_ERRHDL\n" "(ERRCODE_UUI_CONFIGURATION_BACKENDMISSING_WITHRECOVER & ERRCODE_RES_MASK)\n" "string.text" msgid "" "The configuration data source '$(ARG1)' is unavailable. Without this data some functions may not operate correctly.\n" "Do you want to continue startup of %PRODUCTNAME without the missing configuration data?" msgstr "" "Ła sorjente de i dati de configurasion '$(ARG1)' no ła ze disponìbiłe. Sensa 'sti dati ze posìbiłe che calche funsion no ła łavora mìa par ben.\n" "Vuto ndar vanti co l'ezecusion de %PRODUCTNAME sensa i dati de configurasion che manca?" #: ids.src msgctxt "" "ids.src\n" "RID_UUI_ERRHDL\n" "(ERRCODE_UUI_INVALID_XFORMS_SUBMISSION_DATA & ERRCODE_RES_MASK)\n" "string.text" msgid "The form contains invalid data. Do you still want to continue?" msgstr "El formułario el contien dati mìa vàłidi. Vuto ndar vanti?" #: ids.src msgctxt "" "ids.src\n" "RID_UUI_ERRHDL\n" "(ERRCODE_UUI_LOCKING_LOCKED & ERRCODE_RES_MASK)\n" "string.text" msgid "The file $(ARG1) is locked by another user. Currently, another write access to this file cannot be granted." msgstr "El file $(ARG1) el ze blocà da n'altro utente. In 'sto momento no pol mìa èsar garantìo n'altro aceso in scritura a'l file." #: ids.src msgctxt "" "ids.src\n" "RID_UUI_ERRHDL\n" "(ERRCODE_UUI_LOCKING_LOCKED_SELF & ERRCODE_RES_MASK)\n" "string.text" msgid "The file $(ARG1) is locked by yourself. Currently, another write access to this file cannot be granted." msgstr "El file $(ARG1) el ze blocà da ti. In 'sto momento no pol mìa èsar garantìo n'altro aceso in scritura a'l file." #: ids.src msgctxt "" "ids.src\n" "RID_UUI_ERRHDL\n" "(ERRCODE_UUI_LOCKING_NOT_LOCKED & ERRCODE_RES_MASK)\n" "string.text" msgid "The file $(ARG1) is currently not locked by yourself." msgstr "El file $(ARG1) in 'sto momento no'l ze mìa blocà da ti." #: ids.src msgctxt "" "ids.src\n" "RID_UUI_ERRHDL\n" "(ERRCODE_UUI_LOCKING_LOCK_EXPIRED & ERRCODE_RES_MASK)\n" "string.text" msgid "" "The previously obtained lock for file $(ARG1) has expired.\n" "This can happen due to problems on the server managing the file lock. It cannot be guaranteed that write operations on this file will not overwrite changes done by other users!" msgstr "" "El bloco otenjùo prima par el file $(ARG1) el ze scadù.\n" "Cuesto pol esar dovudo a problemi de'l server inte ła jestion de'l bloco. No ze mìa garantìo che łe operasion de scritura so'l file no łe sorascriva łe modìfeghe fate da altri utenti!" #: ids.src msgctxt "" "ids.src\n" "RID_UUI_ERRHDL\n" "(ERRCODE_UUI_UNKNOWNAUTH_UNTRUSTED)\n" "string.text" msgid "" "Unable to verify the identity of $(ARG1) site.\n" "\n" "Before accepting this certificate, you should examine this site's certificate carefully. Are you willing to accept this certificate for the purpose of identifying the Web site $(ARG1)?" msgstr "" "Inposìbiłe verifegar l'identità de'l sito $(ARG1).\n" "\n" "Prima de asetar 'sto sertifegado, te ghe da ezaminar co atension 'sto sertifegado de'l sito. Gheto intension de asetar 'sto sertifegado identifegativo de'l sito web $(ARG1)?" #: ids.src msgctxt "" "ids.src\n" "RID_UUI_ERRHDL\n" "(ERRCODE_UUI_SSLWARN_EXPIRED_1)\n" "string.text" msgid "" "$(ARG1) is a site that uses a security certificate to encrypt data during transmission, but its certificate expired on $(ARG2).\n" "\n" "You should check to make sure that your computer's time is correct." msgstr "" "$(ARG1) el ze un sito che dòpara un sertifegado de securesa par codifegar i dati durando ła trasmision de'l file, ma el sertifegado el ze scadù in $(ARG2).\n" "\n" "Te dovarisi verifegar che l'ora inte'l to computer ła sia justa." #: ids.src msgctxt "" "ids.src\n" "RID_UUI_ERRHDL\n" "(ERRCODE_UUI_SSLWARN_DOMAINMISMATCH_1)\n" "string.text" msgid "" "You have attempted to establish a connection with $(ARG1). However, the security certificate presented belongs to $(ARG2). It is possible, though unlikely, that someone may be trying to intercept your communication with this web site.\n" "\n" "If you suspect the certificate shown does not belong to $(ARG1), please cancel the connection and notify the site administrator.\n" "\n" "Would you like to continue anyway?" msgstr "" "Te ghe tentà de cołegarte a $(ARG1). El sertifegato de sicuresa parò el ze de $(ARG2). Ze posibiłe, anca se ze difisie, che calchedun sia drio provar de intersetar ła to comunicasion co el sito web.\n" "\n" "Se te credi che el sertifegato mostrà no el sia de $(ARG1), ferma el cołegamento e aviza l'aministrador de el sito.\n" "\n" "Vuto ndar vanti isteso?" #: ids.src msgctxt "" "ids.src\n" "RID_UUI_ERRHDL\n" "(ERRCODE_UUI_SSLWARN_INVALID_1)\n" "string.text" msgid "" "The certificate could not be validated. You should examine this site's certificate carefully.\n" "\n" "If you suspect the certificate shown, please cancel the connection and notify the site administrator." msgstr "" "El sertifegado el podarìa non venjer convałidà. Ezàmina co atension el sertifegado de'l sito.\n" "\n" "Se te ghe dubi so ła vałidità de'l sertifegado mostrà, anuła ła conesion e notìfega l'aministrador de'l sito." #: ids.src msgctxt "" "ids.src\n" "RID_UUI_ERRHDL\n" "(TITLE_UUI_SSLWARN_DOMAINMISMATCH)\n" "string.text" msgid "Security Warning: Domain Name Mismatch" msgstr "Avizo de securesa: nome de'l dominio mìa corespondente" #: ids.src msgctxt "" "ids.src\n" "RID_UUI_ERRHDL\n" "(TITLE_UUI_SSLWARN_EXPIRED)\n" "string.text" msgid "Security Warning: Server Certificate Expired" msgstr "Avizo de securesa: sertifegado de'l server scadùo" #: ids.src msgctxt "" "ids.src\n" "RID_UUI_ERRHDL\n" "(TITLE_UUI_SSLWARN_INVALID)\n" "string.text" msgid "Security Warning: Server Certificate Invalid" msgstr "Avizo de securesa: sertifegado de'l server mìa vàłido" #: ids.src msgctxt "" "ids.src\n" "RID_UUI_ERRHDL\n" "(ERRCODE_UUI_CANNOT_ACTIVATE_FACTORY & ERRCODE_RES_MASK)\n" "string.text" msgid "" "Component cannot be loaded, possibly broken or incomplete installation.\n" "Full error message:\n" "\n" " $(ARG1)." msgstr "" "Inposìbiłe cargar el conponente, l'instałasion ła ze probabilmente inconpleta o danejà.\n" "Mesajo de eror intiero:\n" "\n" "$(ARG1)." #: lockfailed.src msgctxt "" "lockfailed.src\n" "STR_LOCKFAILED_TITLE\n" "string.text" msgid "Document Could Not Be Locked" msgstr "Inposìbiłe blocar el documento" #: lockfailed.src msgctxt "" "lockfailed.src\n" "STR_LOCKFAILED_MSG\n" "string.text" msgid "The file could not be locked for exclusive access by %PRODUCTNAME, due to missing permission to create a lock file on that file location." msgstr "%PRODUCTNAME no ze mìa reusìo a otenjer un aceso escluzivo a'l file. No te ghe mìa i parmesi par ła creasion de un file de bloco inte'l parcorso de'l file." #: lockfailed.src msgctxt "" "lockfailed.src\n" "STR_LOCKFAILED_DONTSHOWAGAIN\n" "string.text" msgid "~Do not show this message again" msgstr "~No sta mìa pì mostrar 'sto mesajo." #: nameclashdlg.src msgctxt "" "nameclashdlg.src\n" "STR_RENAME_OR_REPLACE\n" "string.text" msgid "" "A file with the name \"%NAME\" already exists in the location \"%FOLDER\".\n" "Choose Replace to overwrite the existing file or provide a new name." msgstr "" "Eziste za un file de nome \"%NAME\" inte ła pozision \"%FOLDER\".\n" "Sełesiona Sostituisi par sorascrivar el file ezistente opur inserisi un novo nome." #: nameclashdlg.src msgctxt "" "nameclashdlg.src\n" "STR_NAME_CLASH_RENAME_ONLY\n" "string.text" msgid "" "A file with the name \"%NAME\" already exists in the location \"%FOLDER\".\n" "Please enter a new name." msgstr "" "Eziste za un file de nome \"%NAME\" inte ła pozision \"%FOLDER\".\n" "Inserisi un novo nome." #: nameclashdlg.src msgctxt "" "nameclashdlg.src\n" "STR_SAME_NAME_USED\n" "string.text" msgid "Please provide a different file name!" msgstr "Inserisi un nome diverso par el file!" #: openlocked.src msgctxt "" "openlocked.src\n" "STR_OPENLOCKED_TITLE\n" "string.text" msgid "Document in Use" msgstr "Documento za in dòparo" #: openlocked.src msgctxt "" "openlocked.src\n" "STR_OPENLOCKED_MSG\n" "string.text" msgid "" "Document file '$(ARG1)' is locked for editing by:\n" "\n" "$(ARG2)\n" "\n" "Open document read-only or open a copy of the document for editing.\n" "\n" msgstr "" "El file '$(ARG1)' no'l ze modifegàbiłe parché blocà da:\n" "\n" "$(ARG2)\n" "\n" "Verzi el documento in soła łetura opur modìfega na copia.\n" "\n" #: openlocked.src msgctxt "" "openlocked.src\n" "STR_OPENLOCKED_OPENREADONLY_BTN\n" "string.text" msgid "Open ~Read-Only" msgstr "Verzi in soła łetu~ra" #: openlocked.src msgctxt "" "openlocked.src\n" "STR_OPENLOCKED_OPENCOPY_BTN\n" "string.text" msgid "Open ~Copy" msgstr "Verzi ~copia" #: openlocked.src msgctxt "" "openlocked.src\n" "STR_UNKNOWNUSER\n" "string.text" msgid "Unknown User" msgstr "Utente mìa conosudo" #: passworddlg.src msgctxt "" "passworddlg.src\n" "STR_ENTER_PASSWORD_TO_OPEN\n" "string.text" msgid "Enter password to open file: \n" msgstr "Taca rento ła password par vèrzar el file: \n" #: passworddlg.src msgctxt "" "passworddlg.src\n" "STR_ENTER_PASSWORD_TO_MODIFY\n" "string.text" msgid "Enter password to modify file: \n" msgstr "Inserisi ła password par modifegar el file: \n" #: passworddlg.src msgctxt "" "passworddlg.src\n" "STR_ENTER_SIMPLE_PASSWORD\n" "string.text" msgid "Enter password: " msgstr "Inserisi ła password:" #: passworddlg.src msgctxt "" "passworddlg.src\n" "STR_CONFIRM_SIMPLE_PASSWORD\n" "string.text" msgid "Confirm password: " msgstr "Conferma ła password:" #: passworddlg.src msgctxt "" "passworddlg.src\n" "STR_TITLE_CREATE_PASSWORD\n" "string.text" msgid "Set Password" msgstr "Inposta ła password" #: passworddlg.src msgctxt "" "passworddlg.src\n" "STR_TITLE_ENTER_PASSWORD\n" "string.text" msgid "Enter Password" msgstr "Inserisi ła password" #: passworddlg.src msgctxt "" "passworddlg.src\n" "STR_PASSWORD_MISMATCH\n" "string.text" msgid "The confirmation password did not match the password. Set the password again by entering the same password in both boxes." msgstr "Ła password de conferma no ła coresponde mìga. Inpostała da novo in modo che ghe sìa ła stesa password in tute do łe cazełe." #: passworderrs.src msgctxt "" "passworderrs.src\n" "STR_ERROR_PASSWORD_TO_OPEN_WRONG\n" "string.text" msgid "The password is incorrect. The file cannot be opened." msgstr "Ła password no ła ze mìa justa. Inposìbiłe vèrzar el documento." #: passworderrs.src msgctxt "" "passworderrs.src\n" "STR_ERROR_PASSWORD_TO_MODIFY_WRONG\n" "string.text" msgid "The password is incorrect. The file cannot be modified." msgstr "Ła password no ła ze mìa coreta. Inposìbiłe modifegar el documento." #: passworderrs.src msgctxt "" "passworderrs.src\n" "STR_ERROR_MASTERPASSWORD_WRONG\n" "string.text" msgid "The master password is incorrect." msgstr "Ła password prinsipałe no ła ze mìa coreta." #: passworderrs.src msgctxt "" "passworderrs.src\n" "STR_ERROR_SIMPLE_PASSWORD_WRONG\n" "string.text" msgid "The password is incorrect." msgstr "Ła password no ła ze mìa coreta." #: passworderrs.src msgctxt "" "passworderrs.src\n" "STR_ERROR_PASSWORDS_NOT_IDENTICAL\n" "string.text" msgid "The password confirmation does not match." msgstr "Ła password de conferma no ła coresponde mìa." #: trylater.src msgctxt "" "trylater.src\n" "STR_TRYLATER_TITLE\n" "string.text" msgid "Document in Use" msgstr "Documento za in dòparo" #: trylater.src msgctxt "" "trylater.src\n" "STR_TRYLATER_MSG\n" "string.text" msgid "" "Document file '$(ARG1)' is locked for editing by:\n" "\n" "$(ARG2)\n" "\n" "Try again later to save document or save a copy of that document.\n" "\n" msgstr "" "El documento '$(ARG1)' el ze blocà par ła modìfega da:\n" "\n" "$(ARG2)\n" "\n" "Prova a salvare pì tardi opur salva na copia de'l documento.\n" "\n" #: trylater.src msgctxt "" "trylater.src\n" "STR_TRYLATER_RETRYSAVING_BTN\n" "string.text" msgid "~Retry Saving" msgstr "P~rova da novo a salvar" #: trylater.src msgctxt "" "trylater.src\n" "STR_TRYLATER_SAVEAS_BTN\n" "string.text" msgid "~Save As..." msgstr "~Salva co nome..."